Henry VIII: January 1538, 11-20

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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January 1538, 11-20

11 Jan. 63. Henry VIII. to Gardiner.
Add. MS.
25,114, f. 278,
B. M.
Has received his letter of the 29th December, concerning his late conference with the French king, and his firmness in insisting on the promise of Francis touching the Council, which he would now qualify with a condition, where there was no condition made. Is to thank Francis for intimating to the King his proceedings with the Emperor, and frankly opening his heart about those things which, by untrue report, gave him suspicions of Henry. Wonders that Francis credited them so easily. As Francis has declared to Gardiner that his promise touching the Council was but conditional, Gardiner is to tell him, that long ago at the first communication of the wars, Francis had proposed an article which seemed somewhat conditional, but as that communication has not taken effect the King thinks he might remember his later promises. When it was asserted in a bull from Rome that he had assented to the bp. of Rome's council, he denied, both to the English ambassadors and by his own, that he either had done so, or ever would, and this he has often repeated to Wallop, Gardiner, and others. Nevertheless, (as this council, not being duly called nor appointed at an indifferent place, shall be, at most, a provincial and not a general council), considering the great advantages which Francis says he may obtain by this treaty, the King would rather that he should agree to it; provided he promise, as the Emperor has done, not to consent to anything prejudicial to England, and that if the bp. of Rome should move anything that might touch England, he should tell him he came not thither to defend his authority, but to promote the public weal of Christendom. Is to tell Francis (as Henry told the French ambassador, after repeating to him the whole contents of Gardiner's letters), that the love he bears to him compels him to be frank, and to wish he would use towards Henry that which Henry has always used towards him, namely, plain and upright dealings, the absence of which has been a great hindrance to his affairs hitherto; for, whenever Francis had any need of England, the desired aid has always been asked, not directly and friendly, with a plain declaration of the object, but as if it were a thing for the advantage of England. If Francis have now any need of friendly aid Henry is willing to give it, if it be not against his honour and interest; but if it appear hereafter that the offers made to him are not so large as he pretended, Francis must not be grieved if he do not obtain his desire. Having been a King almost thirty years, Henry has by this time some experience of the world, and many agents and friends who are watchful of his interests. If Henry should do a friendly turn when it is asked under colour of his own need, he would do himself two great injuries; first, acknowledge that he has a want where he has none, and, second, exhaust his treasure, diminish his force, and perhaps suffer some trouble of mind to relieve one who would use him for his own purposes. He would also lose the thanks that a friendly turn deserves and diminish his own reputation for wisdom. Gardiner may remind him of the discourse he had with Francis and his Council on his demand for the contribution, and that when Henry granted a friendly surceance of our money he took it thankfully and confirmed his promises, although Gardiner distinctly told him at the time that it should neither be taken for loan and contribution, but only a friendly forbearance. Sends letters addressed to Francis in favour of Wm. Honyng, late sergeant of the Accaterye, and other merchants of London, that they may obtain a commission for Mons. Du Byez to determine a certain matter (particulars herewith). Greenwich, 11 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head.
Pp. 6. Add.: Ambassador resident in France. Endd.
11 Jan. 64. Mayor and his Brethren of New Sarum to Cromwell.
R. O. John Goodale, the under-bailiff, for his misbehaviour, which Cromwell will perceive by a book of confessions, has been attached and has found sureties to appear at the next sessions, on Jan. 22. As it is the under-bailiff's duty to make return of the jury, ask Cromwell to command the justices to see that there is an indifferent jury made. Desire credence for the bearer concerning his extortions and bribery. Wish him to be dismissed, otherwise he will bring the city into great ruin by the maintenance and bearing of the Bishop. Ask when they shall make suit to him concerning the usurpations, misuses and wrongs done to them by the Bishop and his officers, about which Cromwell desired the lord Chief Justice to make relation. Sarum, 11 Jan.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Jan. 65. Sir Wm Parre to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer arrived here late tonight with letters from the mayor of Lincoln that he had received letters from Cromwell for finding offices of the attainted lands of Barlingis, Cristede (Kirkstede), and Moigne, but could not proceed without the indictments to know the dates of the attainders. Sends the bearer to Cromwell; for Sergeant Hinde and Mr. Horwod carried them up to London. Repeats his request to Cromwell that the city of Lincoln might have the attainted lands there belonging to the two houses, in recompense of money and plate which he had out of the city for the King's use. Horton, 11 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Jan. 66. John Salysbury to Cromwell.
R. O. The King's commons, tenants and subjects of the lordship of Denbigheland have complained that one of the King's footmen, by putting on of Pers Lloit, a busy fellow, has obtained, by patent, "the King's commons termes and fermes of the said lordship." If so, the people are utterly undone; they have had the said "commons termes and fermes" time out of mind, and ought to have them before another, giving the King as much, for they cannot live in their houses without his lands as their ancestors had them. Asks therefore that the execution of the patent may be restrained or redressed. Denbigh, 11 Jan. Signed.
They have asked Salisbury to write in their behalf, having boon with him in the King's service in Ireland, where 60 or more of them died.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: John Salisbury. . (fn. n1)
11 Jan. 67. Roger Pele, parson of Dalton, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received Cromwell's letter of the 30th Dec. last, for a lease of the parsonage of Dalton to John Bothe, servant to the King's highness. Begs to be excused as he has nothing else for his living, and intends, with Cromwell's pleasure, to be resident thereupon. Sends a small token, 40s. in gold. Desires Cromwell's letters to defend him from further suit for the same, and at Easter he will send Cromwell 4l. as a small reward out of the profits of the parsonage which will then fall due. Forneys, 11 Jan.
Hol., p. 1 Add.. Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd
11 Jan. 68. John Cokeson, water-bayly of Calais, to Cromwell.
R. O. Sir Robt. Wingfield has procured a writ to the mayor for his appearance at Westminster crastino Purificationis for contempt of court in sending his friend John Hussye as his attorney in answer to a subpœna at Wingfield's suit; although both Sir Thos. Palmer and Hussey informed him he had Cromwell's favour in so doing. Wingfield has no matter against him except for executing the King's commands in drowning the Marsh, in which the Council participated.
Asks Cromwell to consider his age, and if he must appear, to postpone it till Easter or the summer, when he will bring Cromwell a nag of his brood. Trusts Cromwell will not fee him undone. Wingfield vaunts he will undo him or spend 1,000l., though he has nothing against him except discovering to the King the danger of draining the Marsh. Calais, 11 Jan.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Jan. 69. Charles V. and Francis I.
Leonard, II. 405. Truce, (fn. n2) until 1 June 1538, between Charles V. and Francis I., made at Cabannes de Fitou, between Narbonne and Perpignan, 11 Jan. 1537, by Covos and Granvelle, as deputies of the Emperor, and the Card. of Lorraine and Montmorency, deputies of Francis.
11 Jan. 70. Covos and Granvelle to Aguilar.
Add. MS. 28,590, f. 61.
B. M.
Wrote on the 31st Dec. and the 4th and 9th inst. of the progress of negociations, and the Emperor's letter herewith will show his conclusion. Yesterday, the 10th inst., they met the card. of Lorraine and Grand Master, and repeated the offer of Milan to the duke of Orleans, on his marrying the king of the Romans' daughter under certain conditions. They replied that their King would not listen to the negociations unless Milan were delivered immediately. Further demands of the French as regards the duke of Savoy, Hédin, and Navarre for the prince de Labrit. Further negociations. Said they were sure that in so good a cause the Pope would take the trouble to come to Nice, and then the Emperor would cross the sea to Villafranca and the French king might go to Antibes. The Pope might then be able to settle matters. French objections to this.
Spanish, pp. 6. Docketed: Al Marques de Aguilar, de Salsas, 11 de Enero 1538—Es la que le escribieron el Comendador Mayor y Mussr de Grandvella. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 176.]
12 Jan. 71. Council in the North to Cromwell.
R. O. Tristram Teshe repairs, as he says, to London to render his accounts the King. He is commanded by warrant to pay, at Our Lady of the Annunciation next, the diets and annuities of the Council and the pensions of certain gentlemen on the Borders, for which he says he has not money enough. Beg that he may he furnished with money. York, 12 Jan. Signed by the bps. of Durham and Llandaff, Ellerker, Fairfax, and Uvedale.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.. The President of the North.
12 Jan. 72. Pontefract and Sandall Castles.
R. O. The view of the castles of Pomfrett and Sandall, made 10 and 12 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., by Sir Henry Savell, Sir Geo. Lawson, and Robt. Chaloner, by advice of John Forman, mason, John Tomson, carpenter, and Thos. Jackson, founder.
Pomfrett castle.—Six chambers of the nether story of the donjon tower have the walls sore rent. Chambers in the second and third stories also want repairs. Nevelle's tower wants four corbels of stone and 4 "gyestes" and two wall plates. Lead is wanted for Nevill's tower, Piper tower, Bakhouse tower, and the King's and Queen's lodging. Chimneys for the kitchen and Blanshe tower. &c. Masonry will cost 100l. New gates will require 7 (?) tons of iron. Statement of the artillery (bows and arrows) and the ordnance, which consists of 5 iron guns and 11 iron chambers for guns, and 50 "gonstones of iron." No brewing vessel nor horsemill. Three wells, that in the donjon tower stopped.
Sandall castle.—Three rifts in the walls of the high tower. The lodgings clean decayed and a turret wanting. A chamber in the new tower wanting. The Barbacan tower, chapel roof, hall floor, and roof bridge without the gates and offices in decay. 50 foder of lead, 100 ton of timber and 200l. in mason work wanted. There are two wells, one stopped, and two iron guns without chambers. Seven tons of iron wanted for two gates.
Pp. 6.
13 Jan. 73. Sir John Alen, Alderman, to Cromwell.
R. O. Was visited with sickness when Cromwell was most at leisure, and since his recovery Cromwell has been too busy to attend to private matters. Asks him to appoint a time to commune about the manor of Reedehouse and other things. 13 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Ld. Privy Seal. Endd.: Sir John Aleyn, alderman.
13 Jan. 74. John Beamount to [Cromwell].
R. O. Informs against Wm. Peyrson, of Kybworth, Leic., elk., who in Kybworth church most devilishly spake these words: "If the King had died seven years agone it had been no hurt." The wretch is in prison. His accusers are sworn before the sheriff, Sir John Villers, me, and another justice of the peace. The lands bought by your lordship, of the earl of Huntingdon, in Oxfordshire, about which you desired advice, are assured by feoffment to the use of the said Earl, and afterwards to Anne lady Huntingdon, with remainder to Francis lord Hastings and the heirs of his body, and remainder over to the right heirs of the said Earl. Thinks a fine and recovery sufficient to make them secure; sends draft, and advises that if he approve of it, he should write to Mr. Port or Mr. Fitzherbert to come by Asheby and take the acknowledgment. Belgrave, 13 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. inaccurately: "My Lord Keeper of the Great Seal." Endd.: 14 Jan.
13 Jan. 75. Simon Heynes to [Cromwell].
R. O. The Bishop, in beginning his visitation, has commanded every canon of this church to preach the word of God sincerely, and set forth the King's title of Supreme Head,—first personally, and afterwards either personally, or by a deputy approved by the dean or the vicar-general, so that the people may have a sermon here every Sunday. At the King's visitation here, Dr. Tregonwell enjoined us, among other things, not to put in execution any statute of this church contrary to the King's laws. I accordingly required my brethren to forbear executing, till your Lordship's pleasure was known, the statute giving dead canons the whole dividend and quotidian distributions for one year, and also the statute exacting 40l. of every man on entering residence. The Bishop has also urged the Chapter to annul those statutes, but all in vain. Begs Cromwell to provide a remedy. Exeter, 13 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.
14 Jan. 76. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O. Hearing it reported that the King was dead, has, together with Mr. Hawte, sheriff, and other justices, examined certain persons to find the first author. Sends the examinations. Thos. Graunte, John Helde, of Nonyngton, and John Huggen, of Estre are accused of spreading the report. Came to knowledge also of another matter spoken by one priest to another about my lord Prince. Has them all in ward. Sends strange news received from Rome, from a servant of the cardinal late bp. of Worcester (Ghinucci), late in Cranmer's service. Forde, 14 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
2. The examinations referred to.
Cott. App.
B. M.
George Bucke, one of the clerks of Wyngham, examined on Twelfth Day, says that Thos. Graunte, of [Addysham], fisherman, reported at Wyngham, on Wednesday [or] Thursday last, in the street before Thos. King's house, in presence of this deponent and of Edmund [Cowper] and King's wife, that the King was departed out of the [world]. King's wife bade him beware what he said, and he replied that he durst be bold to speak it, for he heard it of honest men in this country.
7 Jan.:—Thos. Graunte, of Addysham, Kent, fish [erman], at his first examination denied that he heard anything about the King's death, but afterwards confessed that on the 3rd inst., coming from Dover, he met a man like a merchant on Barham Down, who asked him what tidings of the King's money, and he replied it was paid. The other said he supposed the King was dead. He also confesses saying, on Friday last, to King's wife, beside King's house in Wyngham Street, that he heard a man say that the King was dead ; but he denies that King's wife bade him beware or that he said he heard it of honest men.
Agnes King, wife of Thos. King, of Wyngham, says that Thos. Graunte came to her door to sell fish, and told her he thought they should have their money again, for he had heard the King "should be dead, as God forbid it should." She said, "Take heed what you say, I woll advise you, for if it were so all the realm should repent it." And then he said, "I fear me it is too true, for I heard honest men say so."
Edmund Coper, of Wyngham, examined 7 Jan., gives similar evidence.
Thomas King, of Wingham, says that on New Year's eve, coming from Canterbury, be heard Edmund Coper, of W[yngham], say "that he heard, at the Cheker in Ca[nterbury, that] the King should be dead, standing at a bedseytt (?) [where the] collectors sat."
Edmund Cowper confesses this, and said he heard it of John Helde, of Nonyngton.
John Helde, of Nonyngton, says that on Our Lady day last John Huggyn, of Estre, said to him, in Stace's stable in St. Martin's beside Canterbury, "that the said Helde [should] hear more tidings;" and further, that on Dec. last "Huggyn s[aid to him] in Christchurch and in the Cheker in Canter[bury, Be not] too hasty to pay your money, for the King is d[ead]."
John Huggyn says "he heard it o spoken at Canterbury on New Year's eve last [past] that the King was sick, but he knoweth not of [whom] he heard it; and he confesseth in manner the circumstances showed by the said Helde;" but he denies having spoken the words concerning the King alleged by Helde. He admits there is no displeasure between him and Helde.
Thos. Mone, of Smeth, says that, shortly after the Prince's birth, Sir John Harteley, parish priest of Smeth, and the parish priest of Braborne conversed about it in Mone's house, and the latter said that because the Queen was not crowned there was like to be business in time to come. Sir John Harteley confirms this. Sir John Stockton, curate of Braburne, denies that he had any communication there either of the Queen or of the Prince.
Signed: T. Cantuarien—W. Hawte—Jamys ("John," crossed out) Hales—Wyllam Boys.
Pp. 3. Mutilated.
77. Ireland and Rome. (fn. n3)
R. O. "The news which came from a cardinal of Rome and was sent unto the Christian cardinal and bishop of Civill and inquisitor of the Holy Office of the noble city of Civill."
There came to the Holy Father a canon from Ireland, and his Holiness confirmed to him certain bulls with compassion. He brought his Holiness letters from a powerful gentleman of that country, who has three brethren, with great kindred, and who, by the recent death of his father, enjoys possessions "of the royalty," by which he is bound to be at the King's deputy's commandment. That he has never come to the King nor his deputy, "and writeth that the King's deputy and his father with great power hath procured to take him and to have brought him to the King," which they never succeeded in doing, by reason of his power, nor yet any of his three brethren. They have always prevailed against the King's deputy, and much more now, being in possession of the whole royalty. That neither he nor his brethren will go near the King or his deputy. That no king in England to this day has put governance among them, but they have always lived without order, with great charge of conscience. That now the King has taken on him the whole power of the Pope, with the consent of his bishops, and they make order at their own will, insomuch that the realm of England is in division, the great masters being against each other, the fathers against the sons, and the husbands against their wives, and the commonalty one against another. That "there was a division in England in field in one part," to maintain the constitutions of his Holiness "50,000, and as many mo against them;" which this gentleman perceiving, he has been with a great part of Ireland to know their minds, and also with the bishops and religious houses, and finds them all ready to rise against the king of England at the bidding of the Apostolic See, because they will not be governed after the order of the Church of England against that of the See Apostolic. That he and the rest of Ireland are in dread that the Antichrist of England will come, or send his power, to put such order in the churches of Ireland as he has done in England. That the said gentleman writes for the discharge of his soul, and begs the Holy Father to give him help to uphold the Apostolic See, which if his Holiness will do he will fulfil these promises following, and trusts that the stones, the trees, the fowl in the air, and the fish in the sea will rise to aid him, and much more the people, who are very Christians. That he will, within a year, reimburse his Holiness, if aid come, of all the damage he has sustained from the King and commonalty, "and that to use them as Moors as reason is;" and he desires the Pope to send him certain ships with galleys and pinnaces of Biscay, with some men of Biscay, artillery and powder, and 30,000 men of war, and he and his kindred will join them on landing, and that they will be sufficient for the conquest of Ireland. That after the first year he will be bound to pay his Holiness 100,000 ducats of gold out of the land, and that he will deliver to his Holiness so many Moors of England that their ransom alone shall be sufficient to bear all the costs. That very few of the King's subjects of England will be in quiet till they make peace with his Holiness.
Considering these things, his Holiness has determined shortly to mediate for peace between the Emperor and the French king, after which he means to have a General Council and desire all Christian princes to aid the good Christian people of Ireland. If he fail to obtain their aid, he will request them to allow certain pardons to be received in their realm, and that it be declared all such money shall be used for the conquest of Barbary. If this will not suffice, his Holiness will desire all Christian kings under his Holy See to request all bishops, cardinals, priests, &c. to help with money, and will appeal to the Christian king of France and to the king of Scots for aid, as their kingdoms are near Ireland; and whenever the fleet is assembled to go to Barbary, the greater part will go to Ireland to the aid of the gentleman who has written to his Holiness against the tyrant of England. "God give unto all Christians strength to confound the Antichrist of England and the dog Luther his brother!"
Pp. 5. Endd.
14 Jan. 78. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. I. 574.
Has received his letters and the book lately devised by them and corrected by the King. Will peruse and oversee it with all possible expedition and inform the King of his opinion of his Highness' corrections. As to the King's desire for him to summon his doctors to decide whether the marriage between the late duke of Richmond and my lord of Norfolk's daughter be matrimony or no; without further convocation of doctors, is persuaded that marriages contracted in lawful age per verba de presenti are matrimony before God, and the same case is plainly declared in the King's book of his own cause of matrimony. Will, however, consult with such learned men as are with him, and if that is not sufficient, must either send for others or come to London. Forde, 14 Jan. Signed.
P. 1 Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
14 Jan. 79. John Baker to Cromwell
R. O. I send my servant, Thos. Joyse, of Brokeland, to whom the matter concerning Will. Knelle was, by the said Knelle, as it is supposed, first spoken, and Edw. Godfrey, of Apuldore, by whom it came to more plain declaration. Would have sent them up immediately after sending Knelle if he had come home sooner. Cranebroke, 14 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.

14 Jan.
80. The O'Mores.
R. O.
St. P. II. 541.
Agreement between Peter O'More, chief of his nation, Kedagh and Roderick O'More, and their brethren, 14 Jan., 29 Henry VIII., 1537, before Leonard Grey, deputy, Sentleger, Poulet, and their colleagues and others of the Council, at Dublin.
Spoils taken on eithor side to be restored at the arbitrament of lord James Butler and lord MacGilpatric. The bell tower of Shraidbaily in Lexia to belong to neither party, but to the curate of the church. Peter O'More to have the lordship of the lands which Kedagh, Roderic, and their brothers now hold, as his predecessors captains of Lexia had. O'More to pay yearly to the King 20 mks., except in that year in which the Deputy shall have 120 "Scoticos" quartered for forty days in Lexia. Both parties to renounce all claim to the barony of Reban which Kildare held.
14 Jan. 81. Card. Pole to Camillo Orsino.
Poli Epp.
Answers the points in his letter which he will probably most desire to have answered, i.e., the Pope's mind touching the peace of the Church and war against the Infidels, and especially the succouring the affairs of Hungary. Consulted over the letter with cardinals Contarini and Chieti, and then they all three, in succession, represented the gist of it to the Pope. Describes the Pope's pleasure at hearing it; answering that, although he was striving for the indiction of the Council and the peace between the princes for thin very end, this pious exhortation should make him strive the harder: and the Pope, to reassure Camillo, ordered Pole to write the good news of the unexpected truce between those princes, when the invasion of Italy by the French king seemed imminent, and that though it was called a truce it was rather a peace. As to assisting the Venetians in this holy war, the Pope will spare no expense for them, treating them as his own children. So far the Pope commanded Pole to write. For the rest, the matter of grain shall be seen to.
Had written the above in haste, expecting that the Nuncio and your proctor would return to you at once; but the former (ille) has been delayed by severe illness. Describes the consolation he received from Orsino's letters when he returned, hungering for spiritual food, from his perilous legation beyond the Mountains, and his disappointment at not meeting him at Verona. At that time he was in grief and confusion, the Prince for whose salvation he had put himself in danger having contrived everything to his ruin, and so influenced the princes through whose provinces he must pass that one expelled him from his realm and another refused to admit him. Enlarges upon this. Rome, 14 Jan. 1538.
15 Jan. 82. St. Albans Abbey.
See Grants in January, No. 13.
15 Jan. 83. Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Delivered his letter to-day to my lord Privy Seal, which was very well written and even so accepted. Will make answer at large within two days. Writes only concerning my father Cockson's matter, for whom I have spoken with my lord Privy Seal that he need not appear before Easter. My Lord promised to set such order in it that he should not care for it. Nicholas, my lord Chancellor's late servant, has moved my Lord his master about it, who promised a commission to discharge the first writ. Mr. Wing-field's priest who is his agent here has procured a new writ to be directed into the county of Guisnes, saying that my father Cockson is fled from the town of Calais and desiring that he should be again attached. Till this commission or my lord Privy Seal's letters come he should keep within the town. Fears not but he will be well cleared of this matter. Will write to my Lady by the next. St. Katherine's, 15 Jan.
For the salt of Mr. Villar's legacy he bequeathed to your Lordship 5 marks in money and a salt worth 5 marks or its value.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
15 Jan. 84. Nicolas [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. His servant whom he sends by his brother, the bearer, has a certain cause to reveal to Cromwell. Asks what he is to do in semblable cases, for he supposes there are divers such in his diocese. Ramesbury, 15 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 Jan. 85. Westacre Priory.
R. O. Surrender, to Robert Southwell, of the priory of Westacre and the priory or hospital of Massyngham, Norf.; the manors of Westacre Custhorp, Gyrston, Estwalton, Canons in Fraunsham Parva, Godwyk, Grymston, Islyngton, Marham, Goodescroft, Massyngham Magna, Narford, Rowdeham and Southpykenham, Norf.; the rectories of Westacre, Estwalton, Godwyk, Ilsyngton, Marham, Southlynne, Narford, Narburgh, Bodney, Runhale, Rougham, Rowdham, Thorpland, Sandryngham, Manyngton, Apulton, Brekles Magna and Wygenhale St. Mary, and the chapels of St. Thomas and St. Peter of Westacre, Norf., and all possessions of Westacre and of Massyngham in Westacre, Rougham, Walton, Thorp, Gayton, Marham, Rowdham, Necton, Southlynne, Narford, Narburgh, Southpykenham, Bodney, Wabourne, Asshe, Wyken, Lesyate, Apulton, Brekles Magna, Gryston, Estwalton, Karleton, Yaxham alias Jaxham, Huntedune, Fraunsham Magna, Fraunsham Parva, Godwyk, Grymston, Cougham, Goddescroft, Islyngton, Wygenhale, Kypton, Wesenham, Norwold, Fordeham, Lytcham, Calcott, Shyngham, Pagrave, Southacre, Fullers Newton, Holt Market, Helyngton, Stowbedon, Elyngham, Kerbroke, Bekerton, Toftes, Marten, Thetford, Ikethorp, Brandon, Thurston, Croftone, Berche, Hackeford, Wymondham, Walsham, Massyngham, Lynne, Runhale, city of Norwich, Beeston, Fyncheham, Flytcheham, Gateley, Wyssyngsett, West Reyneham, Setche, Westwynch, Roughton Holm, Tottyngton, Peterson, Creke, Saham, Itryngham, Saxthorp, Rockeland, Wilton, and Bylney or elsewhere in co. Norf.; to be held by Southwell, for one year, with remainder to the King. Westacre, 15 Jan. 29 Henry VIII. Signed by Wm. Wyngfeld, prior of Westacre and 7 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 48]. seal much injured.
Endorsed with mem.: Full seisin was delivered to Southwell in presence of Sir John Spelman, justice, Ric. prior of Walsyngham, Sir Rog. Towneshend, Sir Thos. le Straunge, Chr. Jenney, King's serjeant-at-law, Robt. Hogan, John Spelman, Thos. Wyngfeld, Fras. Southwell, Wm. Brampton, Ric. Banyard, Wm. Wodhows, John Calybut, Geo. Towneshend, Thos. Towneshend, Ric. Austen, Fras. Spelman, Jas. Carr, rector of Brandon Ferry, John Bekham, Hen. Mynnes, and others.
R. O. 2. Deposition of the prior and convent of Westacre, examined before Ric. Layton, LL.D., archd. of Buckingham, Robt. Southwell, attorney of the Augmentations, and Sir Thos. le Straunge, commissioners, that Charles Wyngfeld, 9 Dec., 29 Hen. VIII., declared to them the King's pleasure that they should sell to him and his heirs their monastery with all its possessions; and that thereupon they delivered him a deed of the same, to hold good only if the King's pleasure were such as he declared. Westacre, 14 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wm. Wyngfeld, prior, and 8 others.
Seal injured. Endd.: For the disproving of Wyngfeld's bargain. [See Deputy Keeper's Report, as above.]
R. O. 86. [Robert Southwell, and other Commissioners, to Cromwell].
My Lord, we arrived at the late monastery of West Acre on the 12th inst. Such lands as remained unsold, we assured to the King by a lease of one year to me, Robert Southwell, with reversion to the King and his successors for ever (which we send your Lordship enclosed, together with a voluntary recognition of the offences of the religious, both under the convent seal and openly delivered to us, the King's commissioners), esteeming a feoffment to the King to be of no force because there was no person authorised by his Grace's warrant to receive possession. We have also a fine acknowledged by the prior and convent, before Sir John Spylman, of all the premises to the King; but, as that does not take effect until engrossed, we devised the said lease whereby we might proceed to the survey and keeping of courts. We enclose a release from me, Robert Southwell, of my term. As for the lands sold, before our coming, to gentlemen of the country, whose wives, once in possession (as indeed they were), have just title of dower; for the extinguishment of their interest we have got the convent seals of their bargains into our custody and have fines acknowledged by the buyers and their wives before Sir John Spylman. Spylman and Richard Southwell alone are excepted, of whom we could take none, the one being party and the other absent; Southwell's wife nevertheless is examined for her interest, and so shall be her husband and Sir John Spilman next term.
Pp. 2. Perhaps imperfect, an inner leaf being lost.
15 Jan. 87. Sir Thomas Whartton to Cromwell.
R. O. The country in his charge being in perfect good order, and the officers of Scotland inclined for good rule, he begs licence to come to the King. The country has not been better this 20 years. The outlaws for the death of Roger Fenwick never come within the bounds of his office. All diligence is made for the accomplishment of Cromwell's letters in that same, but they do not come so much into England as they used to do shortly after their flight. Credence for the bearer. Kerlesle, 15 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
16 Jan. 88. John Bekynsaw to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Your son, Mr. James, is in good health. He had a catarrh in his eye, "whereoff began fast apyn and webbe," but when I came on New Year's Day I spied it, and he is now as good as whole. Otherwise, he is very well, but where he is he is very costly. I am therefore arranging with Le Gras to put him where he may better profit and be better cheap. Paris, 16 Jan. 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add: Calais.
17 Jan. 89. Henry VIII. to the Commissioners In Ireland.
R. O.
St. P. ii.
Has seen their letters (with the note of the Acts passed there in Parliament, now dissolved) to the lord Privy Seal. Touching O'Chonour and John of Desmond, things do not seem in as good stay as he could wish. They are to scrutinise closely the inclinations of the King's officers there to see if any is likely to raise trouble after their departure. If they find any such they must report particulars to the King; if not they may return home. These letters to be kept secret. If they return shortly they shall bring the Chief Justice and Master of the Rolls with them to give their opinions touching the weal of that land. If their return is delayed they shall send them. Greenwich, 17 Jan. 29 Henry VIII.
Copy headed: Copy of the King's letter sent to us in February, anno 29 r. H. VIII.
90. Henry VIII. to the Spiritual Lords in Ireland.
R. O.
St. P. ii.
Thanks them for the grant of the 20th, in recompense of the King's great charges for their defence against the Geraldines.
Minute, pp. 2. Headed by Wriothesley: "To the Lords of the Spiritualty in Ireland."
Lamb. MS. 2. Another copy.
611, p. 28. [See Carew Calendar, p. 84, where this is put in the year 1535.]
17 Jan. 91. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Sends by Nicholas Servaunt "the discharge for my father Cockson"—a supersedeas directed to the mayor. The commission, which shall be sent when the term begins, could not be sent because we could find no copy of Wingfield's bill of complaint, which must be annexed thereto. Mr. Wyngfeld's priest had got a writ of attachment, but it is stayed. My lord Privy Seal has promised, for these five days, to send to my lord Chancellor about it, but has had no leisure, as the Council has been sitting at Greenwich. To-night the King came to York Place. When I presented your letter, my lord Privy Seal said he was glad you took his letter so well, and that he had been, and would be, a mediator to the King to advance your living. He is not pleased that you expressed a wish to come away, and would not hear of it. It will be better not to speak of it till part of your purpose be obtained. Cannot learn that the surveyor does or says anything against you and my lady, unless he works secretly with Mr. Wriothesley. Sir John Dudley will not part with Kingston Lisle. Mr. Bonham is not yet come. My Lady says he once offered 900 marks. Does not think he will offer half as much now. Mr. Vyllers left you 5 marks and a sa[lt] worth 5 marks; so Mr. Dauncy paid me 6l. 13s. 4d. My Lady has the account how it was spent. When Mr. Pollerd comes, will accomplish his request for a passport. Mr. Yeow is not yet come. Rolles says he will look to the writ you speak of. As for the acquittance Lisle sent, meant only that he would be glad to hear, in Lisle's letters, of the receipt of things sent. Must not forget the two tuns of wine for the abbot of Westminster, "for if his coat and his hood be sewed together they are not to be trusted." Dr. Crommer says if you will send word under which ribs the pain is, he will [fi]nd a remedy. A strange physician here says that powder of ginger is the best thing you can take for wind under the left ribs. My lord Chancellor will defend your appointment of Nycholas. Your Lordship is much to be praised for preferring your old servants; and, doubtless, at Mr. Pollard's coming home the truth of Broke's accounts shall be sifted. Has not yet delivered my lord Admiral's letter. Would be sorry that Lisle should be too precise in writing unto him, "for he is very sore where he is bent." The corse of the late lady Lisle, your first wife, is already removed. Will send "sprotts" with the first good ones. As for letters to the abbot of Redyng and the prior of Christchurch, St. Albans is not yet suppressed, but it is daily looked for, and when I come out of Hampshire you shall know more. I will set a friend in hand with one of them, but this is to be kept silent. Has not seen Mr. Porter. Goughe has asked for his reward. London, 17 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
17 Jan. 92. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received sundry of your letters lately. The kersey that Jaymes left to be dyed scarlet cannot be done, as there is no grain to be had, and Baptist, the dyer, will not do it for 6s. the yard. I am sorry the spices did not arrive before Christmas. I hope they have reached you ere this. The ship or hoy was at Queenborough within these eight days. Mr. Yowe is not yet come up. When he comes I will speak to him for the negligent holding of your courts. Mr. Rolles says he is little regarded in those parts, and advises you to retain one Mr. Harriss Mrs. Whalley sends you a token, a little book, limned, of parchment or vellum, which is packed with gear that James is sending to Mrs. Frances. I can get no woman for your ladyship. The one that dwelt with lord Dacres is not to my mind. I will not depart westward till I know your final pleasure. I fear the traverse cannot be had, "because it is not damned." There is not an old carpel to be had. You write that the ribbon was dear. "I bought it as I would have done for my life, and I am sure there is none better to be had in London of that price." James had the crown that you wished me to give Floyde, of the Queen's wardrobe, which was sent for him of the Tower, but if your ladyship sent him some remembrance, the traverse might at length be had. As far as I can hear, the surveyor worketh nothing against my Lord and your Ladyship, unless it be secretly with Mr. Wriothesley. I do not require the quittance you send me from my Lord, but only that you and he would mention the receipt of such things as I send. I have no doubt you will both follow my lord Privy Seal's advice about your household. Christmas comes but once a year, "but all the year may not be taken for his utas". Mr. Bonham is not yet come. If he offered 900 marks it was ill refused, for with that money "my Lord might have purchased more than that to him and his heirs." I cannot think he will give the third penny for it. I hope when in Hampshire to take an inventory of all things there, and declare your mind to Bell. Mr. Villers' bequest of which both you and my Lord write, was 5 mks. in money to my Lord, and a salt of the same value, or the money, and I have received the full amount, 6l. 13s. 4d., of Mr. Dauncy. If I had taken the salt I would not have kept it so long. I shall speak to my lord Marquis in Hampshire for Mr. George, and also with the schoolmaster, and, if I see cause, I will deliver my Lady your token. I will procure licence of my lord of Canterbury for Mr. Bassett to be married after once asking. I hope to obtain the frontlets and bonnets for Mrs. Frances with as long day as I can get. I know not yet what John Cosors will do. He said if he were in Flanders he could help you, but that there is none to be had here except retail, and a third penny dearer than in Flanders, and not so good. He has been very sick of an ague and is still, every fourth day. James is come, but has not yet spoken with him. Mrs. Raygnolde has promised to go with him tomorrow and speak with him. Let me know what prices you will have the silks of (almost a third penny would have been saved if it had been bought in Flanders), and what fashion you will have Mr. Bassett's gowns made and Mrs. Frances'. James has brought all the stuff with him, but nothing is discharged because the ship cannot come to the quay. John Gough looks for his reward. London, 17 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
17 Jan. 93. Francis Meryng to Cromwell.
R. O. I did receive from your lordship a letter, with an office enclosed to inquire of the lord Darcy's lands, lately attainted, which I do send by the bearer, Mr. Maunsell. (fn. n4) As lord Hussey, lately attainted, "hath" within my office a lordship called Knepsall, I have, at Mr. Maunsell's advice, drawn an office after the tenor of my lord Darcy's office, which office I do send to your Lordship. Rytforth, 17 January. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 Jan. 94. Sir John Bryggys and Will. Button to Cromwell.
R. O. The parson of Wodborow, the King's Highness being his patron, is accused before us of words spoken against our Sovereign, as you will see by the examination of his neighbours enclosed. We have put him in custody, and taken sureties of his neighbours to be forthcoming. It appears there has been malice between him and his neighbours for six or seven years, and, by their own confession, he was drunk when he spoke the words, as he will be oftentimes. Aulton, 17 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
R. O. 2. Examination of divers persons taken at Aulton, Wilts, 17 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., before Sir John Brygges, sheriff, Geo. Rawley, and Wm. Button.
John Hyscock of Wodborowe, deposes, that on Wednesday before St. Thomas' Day before Christmas, he went with Sir John Stone and Sir Matthew of Aulton to Sir Nic. Staunton, parson of Wodborow, about Stone serving him. Staunton offered him 8 marks a year, and in answer to a complaint about the smallness of the said sum, said "I am so beggared I can give no more. My trees be cut down, and I have been indicted and the King is my patron, and I am his beadman, and if he will not uphold me in my right, I pray God little while may he reign among us." Hyscock thinks he was drunk.
John Myles has heard him say to poor men that he had no money to give them, for the King had robbed him, and that "it was unhappy that the Northern men had not hold their way, for if they had it would have been better for us all." Richard Wattes, of Wywyke, in the parish of Frampton, who was in the North with lord Beauchamp, heard him say the same. Robt. Romeyne, of Hylcott in Newington, Wilts, corroborates Hyscock, and Ric. Blomer, of Wylsford, and Matthew Kellett, of Aulton, depose that the parson was drunk.
Pp. 3. Endd.
17 Jan. 95. Treasonable Words.
R. O. The deposition of John Cowper, of Over, Camb., husbandman, taken 17 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. against John Raven, of the same town.
That on Thursday, 12 July 28 Hen. VIII., Raven said, in the presence of Wm. Marshall alias Glover, that "the King was a fool, and my lord Privy Seal another, and that they were self-willed men, and would have their purpose whether it were right or wrong, and ye shall see some man thrust a dagger in them, &c." Raven confesses the words. Ric. Coke accuses Raven of saying, "The King will wade so far that he will prove himself a fool, and if he hold on as he beginneth, he will undo the realm."
Marshall accuses Raven of saying, "Was not my lord Cardinal a great man, and ruled all the realm, as he would? What became of him? Is he not gone ? Also Sir Thos. More, High Chancellor of England, did not he in like wise rule all the whole realm? What became of him? Is he not gone?" Raven says Marshall spoke these words, but that he added, "And now my lord Privy Seal in like manner ruleth all, and we shall see once the day that he shall have as great a fall as any of them had."
Further, Raven deposes to John Smyth, of Over, and John Docetter, of Over, wishing they could help the Northern men; and that Robt. Hornyngold, constable of Over, on Friday, 18 (sic) Jan. 29 Hen., VIII. advised him to deny his words, lest he should be hanged. Cowper disclosed the matter to Ric. Boyden, Wm. Bolen, and Chr. Burgon, who bade him go to the sheriff.
Pp. 2. Endd.
17 Jan. 96. G. Earl Of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his favour in my lady of Northumberland's matter, and in the matter of Temple Nusom and other of the late lord Darcy's lands, of which he has heard from his chaplain, Sir John Moreton. Desires credence for Moreton. Asks that the said lady may know the King's pleasure. Shefeld Lodge, 17 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 Jan. 97. William Sayntloo to Cromwell.
R. O. The Commissioners have let to him the lands of Davye Nevell and and Jas. Ketyng, lately attainted, and the tithes of Kilmore, of the house of Tynthorne, (fn. n5) suppressed, worth 25 mks. a year, for 20 years. It borders on the Kavenaghes, and he is unable to defend it, now his retinue is called back, and the few that remain have but 8l. a year, Irish, for horsemen and 4l. for foot, and himself 20 mks., and nothing to live on but the seneschalship of Wexford county, 25 mks. a year. Begs help. Wexford, 17 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
17 Jan. 98. Henry Phillips to Christ. Joy.
R. O. Praises his willingness to help his old friends, now he has obtained rewards at Court. Has nothing to write about except his misery. No doubt Joy knows how ill he is spoken of by the people. Complains bitterly of the calumny he is exposed to. Asks him to deliver a letter to the chancellor of the bishop of Exeter (Devonensis). (fn. n6) Louvain, Jan. 17, 1538.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: London. Endd.
17 Jan. 99. Henry Phillips to Thos. Bryerwod.
R. O. Complains of Bryerwod, whom he styles "Mæcenas unice," not answering his letters, but hears from Robt. Leython that he wishes to advise him. Desires to continue his studies. Having travelled over all Europe, learnt the languages, customs, and laws of many nations, it would be a pity to change his life. Has served as a soldier under the Emperor for the sake of bread, but asks to be delivered from the need of so doing. Hopes to be reconciled to his father by Bryerwod. Louvain, 17 Jan. 1538.
Lat., Hol., p. 1. Add.: Rev. Episcopi Devon. Cancellario, Londini, in palatio Rev. Episcopi Devoniensis.
17 Jan. 100. Charles V. to Cobos and Granvelle.
Add. MS.
28,590, t. 64.
Has nothing to say about the negociations till he hears of the prorogation of the truce. The ambassador of England, four or five days ago, presented a letter of credence from the King his master, and showed us at great length that he desired a league with us. He also spoke about his master's marriage; to which we made a general reply putting him off till his next audience. Today he spoke again on the same subject and tried to persuade us that the authority of the Holy See is unjustly acquired and denying the genuineness of the gift of Constantine. We cut him short with bland words, and when he wished to read some allegations in writing, bade him keep them, as they were literary matters, to show you at your coming. He then spoke of the peace negociations with France, saying he heard from the English ambassador in France that the French had published that, though we offered them Milan and a settlement about Savoy and other good things, they refused to assist the celebration of the Council; hinting that this was out of respect for the king of England. We explained to him what had passed as we did to the Nuncio and the ambassadors of Venice.
The ambassador said that to show his King what had passed he would despatch his secretary to the Court of France to the ambassador there resident to send him the letters. And although we said he might defer his despatch until your coming, to write then more fully, yet he has insisted on sending the said secretary to France to give the letters to the said ambassador and return. We said he might do so and carry this letter for you, and you would send a letter with his to our ambassador in England. He accepted this, asking that what you should write about the said practise of France should be in general terms, leaving particulars until your arrival. Although he says he will only write generally, no doubt he will write all that passed, and therefore our ambassador should know all if you have not written it all to him already. Barcelona, Thursday, 17 Jan. 1538.
Spanish, pp. 3. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 177.]
18 Jan. 101. Richard Layton, priest, Robert Sowthwell, and Sir Thomas Lestraunge to [Cromwell].
R. O. Of late so many farms have been let on lease and the possessions of the poor monastery are so encumbered with blind bargains by the folly of the governors, that, without leisure taken to examine them, we cannot revoke or reduce them for the King's benefit. Charles Wyngfeld has a counterfeit bargain by the convent seal, on condition that the King would consent thereto, as deposed by the prior and convent upon oath: which deposition we send, for if his bargain be good our labour might be frustrate there. Mr. Spylman has advised us to keep the corporation of the monastery "onseperat" till the fine levied by them be engrossed on the first day of next term. Accordingly we are keeping the head and body together, much to the King's charge. But so feeble a head with the body never had so diligent physicians attending them, who, if they had had leave to administer their medicines, would have cured them clean. The lands sold amount to 54l. 10s. 11½d. clear yearly value, the money paid in hand therefor to 573l. 3s. 4d.; whereof the prior has received, with 200l. paid by Calybut not a year past, 489l. and the convent 84l. 3s. 4d. Of these sums we can get no more than 160l. which Sir Thomas le Straunge, being a commissioner, received of the prior's brother before our coming down. The prior says his brother has consumed all the residue of what he received, and the canons allege that they have lent or spent all their portion, which is thought "not to be much untrue." They all desire capacities, none being willing to enter again into religion. Such as have surrendered their interests to the King require their money back. Shall we pay them this 160l. as far as it will stretch? If not, direct your letters for us to bring up the 160l.; or else Sir Thomas le Straunge, being a commissioner, will first satisfy himself, wherewith the residue will be scarce pleased. As to the defacing of the church steeple and the lead, we beg to know the King's pleasure. Westacre, 18 Jan. Signed.
18 Jan. 102. Richard Layton, priest, to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis, 3s.
iii. 158.
At my coming to Barnwell priory on Twelfth Even it was bruited in Cambridge that the priory should be suppressed, that I would go thence to Ely and to Bury, and suppress wherever I came, and that the King was determined to suppress all monasteries, and had sent me and Mr. Sothewell into Norfolk for that. To stop this bruit, I went to the abbeys and priories and, calling to me all honest men dwelling near, openly in the chapter houses, charged the abbots and priors that they should not, for any such vain babbling of the people, waste, sell, grant or alienate any of their property I said that babblers, alleging that the King would suppress them all, slandered their natural sovereign, and if they were knaves that so would report, I commanded the abbots and priors to put such in the stocks, and, if gentlemen, to certify your Lordship and the Council of their reports. This digression has hindered us for Westacre; but, if I had not sped it before the dissolution of the same, the abbots and priors would have made foul shifts before we could have finished at Westacre. Your command to me in your gallery in that behalf was more weighty than I then judged. As for Westacre, what falsehood in the prior and convent, what bribery, spoil and ruin contrived by the inhabitants, it were long to write: but their wrenches, wiles and guiles, shall nothing them prevail. Westacre, 18 January.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Dr. Layton.
18 Jan. 103. Edward Higgons to Cromwell.
R. O. Since I received your letters concerning the vicarage of Netherbery, (fn. n7) I wrote to you, by Mr. Polsted, and have since written to him, but have got no answer. I beg you will suffer me five or six days till I get rid of a fever and I will attend your pleasure. 18 January.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 Jan. 104. Charles V. and Francis I.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 66.
B. M.
Relation of the Emperor's declaration to the Legate, card. Jacobacis, who arrived at Barcelona 17 Jan. and had audience with the Emperor next day. Detailing his efforts for peace. In conclusion the Legate allowed that the Emperor justified himself and said he would write to the Legate in France to exhort the King thereto.
Spanish, pp. 4. Docketed Jan. 1538. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 179.]
19 Jan. 105. [Cromwell] to ——.
R. O. Hearing that he is assigned patron and principal ruler of the free school of St. Mary Wyke in the edge of Cornwall by the foundress, lady Perceval, deceased, asks him to give the mastership to John Poynt, a graduate of the University, when left vacant by Mr. Roo. The Rowles, 19 Jan. Not signed.
Headed: Ao D[omi]ni. 1537.
P. 1.
19 Jan. 106. [Sir] Robert Kyrkham to Richard Cromwell.
R. O. Has, according to the lord Privy Seal's commandment, taken and sent up Chr. Browne, the King's servant, who was so conversant with Brywzght (sic.) and Philip Clarke. The lord Privy Seal commanded him to "lay" for Sir John Barnarde, vicar of St. Martin's in Stawnforde; who has fled the country, but if he return, he shall not escape. Begs help that Philip Clarke's life may be saved: Clarke's friends are men of honesty and substance. Warmyngton, 19 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
19 Jan. 107. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O. Cromwell wrote that the King thinks that if the matter of the prior of Neweburgh be handled with dexterity it will appear that the prior has a cankered heart; and also that the King would have all accusations of such cankered malice well "perused." Eftsoons he and his fellows had the prior before them and charged him with bearing in his heart "great rooted malice" against the King, showing that they took the thing for proved, as his adversary had not the wit to invent it, and declaring that, as my lord of Norfolk had given a decree against him for the farm that the gentlewoman sued for, it could not but be unpleasant to him when she praised my lord of Norfolk for justice and the King for sending him. Told him his only hope of mercy was to confess all and hinted that they knew of his setting forward of the late commotions. Tunstall's fellows too "did every man on the grievousest manner advance these matters against him." He, however, stiffly denied speaking the words, and, as touching the late commotion, he said that when at that time the lord Lomley's son came to Newburgh with a great company to have had him go with them he "ran up into a high chamber and cut his hose and laid a clout to his leg taking a staff in his hand as though he could not stand" and when Lomley came up to force him to go he protested he could not. Could get nothing more of him though they examined him two several days. Sent for Brian Boye his accuser, who persisted in his saying. The prior said it was plain malice because he had refused Boye a convent seal of the keeping of St. Saviour's chapel for which Boye had offered him, by two men, 6l. 13s. 4d. Boye denied offering such money to the prior or to the men the prior named; but he promised 20s. or 40s. to another man to move the prior therein. Have sent the prior in ward to Pountfret Castle till they know whether the King will have him tried on these evidences. "And as touching all other persons, of what sort of men soever they be, kin or friend or other, that shall fortune to utter their stomachs against the King's Highness or to be accused of the same, I for my part shall bear them less favour than I would do to Turks; for Turks, albeit they be infidels, yet they be of the same nature men as we be and those that do rebel against their natural prince whom, by God's law and man's law, they ought to defend, be to be reputed as no men but as serpents and wild beasts." Lately one Brian Wodcok, husbandman, reported seditious tidings and lies, to certain persons who have avouched the same, which he stiffly denies (examinations enclosed). Have committed him to gaol till the coming of the justices, by whom they would know the full opinion of the judges what such rumours deserve, and touching the priest in ward at York for the prophecies and the priest at Durham committed to ward by my lord of Norfolk. Tunstall's learned fellows of the Council are writing to the justices of assise to bring down the opinion of the judges as to what such matters weigh, for it is not unlike that more such shall be found. Are going, on the 21st, to Newcastle and will then send 2 of their company to view Bamborough Castle according to Cromwell's late letters. Will "hearken" how the "commeuntes" (?) are kept Loth of that castle and of Pomfret and Preddo. Where Cromwell wrote of words "to be spoken" by servants of Sir Marmaduke Constable "that Rudstone should take heed of himself;" will send the examinations when complete. Where Cromwell desires to know whether the houses of the rebels are prostrate and whether Charleton's house is surely kept for the King by Mr. Carnaby; Carnaby's servant lately brought word that the rebels' houses were prostrate and Edward Charleton's house in his master's keeping, who at their coming to Newcastle would bring forth to justice all offenders since his entry. Will report further from Newcastle. York, 19 Jan.
P.S.—Have completed the examination (enclosed) of the matter of Rudstones. What should touch Sir Marmaduke Constable is the report, of an old man, a beggar, not personally examined, of two of Constable's folk who deny the words. One of the two is "an innocent natural fool whom by no means we could make to grant that ever he said any such words." The chief witness is a woman said to have been Rudstone's nurse. Marvels that complaint should have been made of Sir Marmaduke to the King seeing he never meddled therewith. The farm Rudstone has lost of the dean of York was taken from him two years ago for lack of payment as the dean deposes, whose signed deposition is enclosed. Signed.
Pp. 5. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. York, 14 Jan. 29 Hen VIII.:—Ric. Mallome and John Boys of Kirkby Overcar depose, before my lord President and Council, that coming from Malton market on Saturday last, Brian Wodcok, of Riton, told them he heard that my lord of Westmoreland had promised the King to gather "plough nobles and poll groats" in all his lands for the King; adding that this would make more business, for where one rose before three would rise now. Mallome said, "Where heard you these words?" He answered "If I could not tell where I heard them I were a fool to speak them." Mallome replied "I advise thee to speak no more of these matters," and Wodcok said "Why then, let it rest where it is." Signed: Rycherd Mawllm and a cross.
P. 1. Endd.
19 Jan. 108. John Butler to Cranmer.
R. O. Wrote in September of a priest named Sir Florence, chaplain to the High Marshal of Calais, who showed the soldiers a book to prove purgatory and that it was right to pray for the Pope. The soldiers took the book and presented it to my Lord and Mr. Marshall. Sir Florence fled, but is now returned to Mr. Marshall's service. Suggests as preachers to be sent to Calais for this Lent, Mr. Hoore and Dr. Crome or Dr. Barnes. Asks for a letter from the lord Privy Seal in favour of the apparitor who served a citation on Thos. Screvin, mayor, in a process before Butler, between Thos. Fowler, and the mayor. The mayor committed him to prison and has forbidden him to exercise his handicraft. Intended to have come to England, but his mother is fallen sick. Will not write what rebukes he has had from the papistical sort, they are too sore and opprobrious. God forgive them their ignorance! Was told this Saturday, 19th, by Ric. Bennet, alderman, that an honest man had heard Cranmer complain of him for taking money for letters ad colligendum, and for taking more heed to pastime and unthrifty rule than to his office, and that he would put him out of his room if he could get another commissary. Never gave out such letters whereby any person should be defeated of his right. If his successors take no more money than he has done, they will wear but threadbare garments. Has been commissary all Cranmer's time, to do him service, the poor people pleasure, and to further the word of God, which has caused him to sustain no small displeasure. Will be content for another to have the room and will proceed no further till he knows Cranmer's pleasure. Calais, 19 Jan. 1538.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Archbishop of Canterbury. Endd.
9 Jan. 109. Lord Leonard Grey to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 544.
Christ's Church in Dublin stands in the high place there as St. Paul's does in London. The King's Commissioners find it was originally a secular church metropolitan and have restored it, by the name of dean and canons, as they will write. Begs that bearer, Sir Robt. Castell, late prior, now dean there, may obtain the King's confirmation of this. Maynooth Castle, 19 Jan. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
*** The signature "your Lordship's at commandment, Robert Cowley," is at the bottom of what is taken to be the fly leaf of the above.
19 Jan. 110. Charles V. to the Comendador Mayor and Granvelle.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 68.
B. M.
Acknowledges letters from them and the ambassador at Venice. The Cardinal Legate (Jacobaccio) arrived on Tuesday night and had audience the day before yesterday. Mission of the councillor Cornelio. Details conversation with the Legate. Spoke yesterday in general terms with the ambassadors of Venice about the league. They said the Republic having spoken to the king of England, by their secretary in his Court, telling him of the league intended between the Pope, the Emperor, and them against the Turk, and urging him too to enter it, the King appeared vexed that it had been done without his knowledge and participation. They asked us to aid them to bring him to it. We replied we would willingly do so, as we will; and if peace is not concluded with France, we think that disposing of Milan upon the Infant Don Luis and marrying him with the princess of England, we could make some good settlement with the King to the detriment of the king of France. Thinks well to touch upon this now in order that as events go it may be remembered.
Is grieved at the death of the duchess of Savoy. Has sent Don Enrique to Toledo to break it to the Empress and then carry the Emperor's condolences to Portugal. Barcelona, 19 Jan. 1538.
Spanish, pp. 6. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 178].
20 Jan. 111. Lord Sandys to Cromwell.
R. O. Reminds him of the two causes he moved to him at Nete. Asks him to be good lord to the bearer, a son of Sir Nicholas Wadham and brother to Cromwell's servant Wadham, (fn. n8) and to obtain him letters from the King and write himself to the Lord Chief Justice to bear him his favourable furtherance in a cause of marriage, by which he will be able to do the King and Cromwell good service. Besides this he was near the Queen's grace, whose soul God pardon. Remains at home by the King's licence until he is commanded elsewhere. Wishes to know the King's pleasure. The Vyne, 20 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 Jan. 112. Richard Layton, priest, and Robert Sowthwell to Cromwell.
R. O. Find Mr. Spillman very willing to assist them in serving the King, and his offence, upon confession of the religious, not so heinous as was judged. His greatest offence seems to have been his consenting to receive what was offered by them. He is ready at any time to relinquish his bargain. Westacre, 20 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 Jan. 113. Cuthbert Bishop Of Durham to [Cromwell].
R. O. Prays God to prosper him in the honourable room to which God and the King have called him. Begs his good Lordship, as he did when at London, to help his servant, Henry Dukket, to obtain a farmhold from the King. York, 20 Jan. Signed.
P. 1.
20 Jan. 114. Robert Cowley to the Duke of Norfolk.
Lamb. 602,
f. 67.
While my lord Deputy and the Council were in Munster last summer, "James of Desmond, pretending himself earl of Desmond, would not come in to the lord Deputy, but inveigled him with fair promises and indentures written till the Deputy's victuals were spent." On the Deputy's returning homewards the said James digressed from all his covenants and promises. The King's Commissioners went to Clonmell to commune with him, but he would not come to them or to any walled town, so that they "were fain to meet him in the plain fields in his danger, he having at his heels all his host of horsemen and footmen in harness." Thinks he will not keep any promises, as he is endeavouring to strengthen himself by alliances with Irishmen. Heard from Sir Will. Darcy that he has secret understandings with O'Nele and some of the Brenes with this new O'Downyl. The Deputy's servants are often with the said James, but the Deputy should not trust his accusations against those who serve the King truly. He should be compelled to submit his pretended title to the earldom to the King's laws. Rowland Burke, one of the Burkes of Clanricard, has come from Rome with bulls "upon" the bpric. of Clonefert, in Connaught, which the King has given to Dr. Nangle. provincial of the Friars Augustine in this land, who is in Galway "and dare not issue out for fear of his adversary and his complices." The bearer, Bernardin de Valois, late master of the ordnance here, has served the King diligently. Dublin, 20 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Jan. 115. John Hutton to Cromwell.
R. O. Yesterday came to my hands a letter from Friar Peito, here enclosed. He wrote it in Barrowe; and at my last being there he told me that, if peace were concluded between the Emperor and the French king, and the General Council went forward, he intended to go to Italy. I did not ask him whether it would be to hear news or sent by his superiors, for his nature is to utter "in contenewas" what he would keep secret if questioned directly. He is very earnest against the abuses of religious men, but that the bp. of Rome should not be head of the Church will not stick in his stomach. The suppression of the abbeys he makes light of, but thinks they might be put to better use. Except in these two points he seems consonant to reason. He would gladly be in England "and yet he castith many perils." He wants the chief property of a friar, for he cannot flatter, and gets very hot and hasty in argument; such people can worst keep secrets. Letters from Venice dated the 4th inst., show that the last news from thence of Barba Rossa were fables, for he is in the Archipelago with 100 galleys, and has made such "proud offers" to Candy that the signory of Venice have armed certain galleys for its defence. The Turk has prohibited all exportations to Christendom and intends this summer to do his utmost against the Venetians, who are making great preparations to resist him. There is no news here, but trust of a peace between the Emperor and the French king, as appears by two letters from the French queen to the Regent here, her sister, copies of which I enclose. The bearer, my wife's brother, having his dispatch of your Lordship, shall, immediately after his arrival here, go to Venice to stay with Edmund Harvell. The young man has a good wit and could execute any service for you as well as one of more years. Breuxelles, 20 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Privy Seal.


  • n1. 1539 a letter of his is endorsed Sir John Salisbury."
  • n2. The preliminary negociations are printed by Leonard, at p. 403. Certain propositions were made on the part of the Emperor's deputies, dated Barcelona, 15th Dec. 1537, and an answer was returned by Francis at Montpellier on the 10th January; which, hearing that the Emperor was not satisfied, he modified on the 12th by offering to refer differences to the Pope's arbitration, meanwhile laying down arms for one, two or ten years if necessary. Meanwhile, on the 11th the existing truce was prolonged during May.
  • n3. Probably the paper of news mentioned by Cranmer in the preceding letter.
  • n4. William Maunsell.
  • n5. Tintern Abbey, in Wexford, which was suppressed in 1537.
  • n6. Thomas Brerewood, archdeacon of Barum (see Le Neve, i. 407), to whom the next letter is addressed, appears to have been chancellor of the Bishop, not of the cathedral of Exeter.
  • n7. The writer was prebendary of Netherbury. See Valor Eccl. ii. 76. He also held the prebend of Carlton-cum-Thurlby in Lincoln cathedral, in which he was succeeded by Arthur Low on the 7th February 1537–8.
  • n8. Cromwell's servant was named John Wadham. See Vol. XII., Part ii., App. No. 20