Henry VIII: March 1538, 1-5

Pages 143-157

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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March 1538, 1-5

March. 385. White Meat.
Harl. MS.
442, f. 151.
B. M.
Heading of the proclamation for eating white meat in Lent in the same words as that printed in 33 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, p. 1. With note in the copyist's hand that it was published at the beginning of March 29 Henry VIII. as appeareth by the journal in the Guildhall.
386. The Bishop of Tarbes' Instructions.
Français 3044,
f. 70.
Bibl. Nat.
C'est ce que le Roy a dict à l'evesque de Tharbes, le depeschant pour l'envoier en Angleterre.
The King said today to the bp. of Tarbes that the king of England has sent Bryant to declare certain articles in a letter written by the bp. of Winchester to his master, which the King has not communicated to Tarbes, but told him he had answered that the bp. of Winchester, either from want of goodwill or of understanding what the King had said in French, had misrepresented him to the king of England. In order to recall them to the bp. of Winchester's memory, Francis told him, in Bryant's presence, that lately at Montpellier, when the card, of Lorraine and the Grand Master were at Loccatte, the bp. of Winchester came to him twice, and the first time said that having heard that the Cardinal and Grand Master were there for the purpose of a peace, he had come to beg him to consider his friendship with the king of England; and to this he replied that in treating of peace, he would do nothing to the disadvantage of the king of England, nor of the treaties between them, but rather he expected to do better for him than he was obliged: the second time the bp. said that his master asserted that Francis had promised by letter not to treat with the Emperor, without his being third contrahent, and never to agree to a Council without his consent. To this Francis replied first that the bp. of Winchester knows well that in Oct. 1535 the bailly of Troyes returned with an answer in writing to the effect that, as the bailly had no power to treat, the king of England had sent the bp. of Winchester with power to treat about the contribution then in question, that is half the expense of an army to support the quarrel of the king of England [if the Emperor] at the Pope's request made war on him; or the third part, if the King would employ the said army to recover what was unjustly detained from him. This was repeated by Gardiner on his arrival, but it was impossible to bring him to any decision. Francis was therefore obliged to entrust this practice to the bp. of Tarbes, his ambassador in England, who after much labour wrote to him in June 1536 that the king of England, complaining that the Pope in the bull of intimation of the Council, had mentioned the King's consent, had promised to declare against the Emperor and contribute a third to the expense of the war on condition that Francis would agree in writing to the two abovementioned points. Francis was willing to do this, hoping that Henry would immediately declare against the Emperor and contribute.
However, Henry has not only failed in both, but has even refused the aid by sea which he was bound to give by the treaty of London, 22 June 1532. If he had declared himself and contributed, Francis could have done much more against the enemy. Where Winchester would have said that England has given no little aid to the King in respiting payment of the pensions since 1534; the King replied that he was asked for them during the seige of Hesdin, which showed that Henry had no intention of contributing to the war. He is in no way bound by the pretended promise, as Henry refuses to perform the conditions and has left Francis to bear the whole expense of the war for two years. These two points; viz., not to agree to a Council without Henry's consent, and never to make peace with the Emperor without his being third contrahent, would make peace much more difficult. Henry could thus keep Francis in a perpetual state of war without giving him any help."
386. The Bishop of Tarbes' Instructions—cont.
Further, the King said to the bp. of Tarbes that he declared to Bryant that notwithstanding all this, his friendship for Henry is so perfect, that, if he is willing to perform the conditions on which Francis made the promise of which the bp. has spoken, Francis is content that they should be embodied in a treaty, for which he sends a power.
Further, whereas the bp. of Winchester and Bryant have declared that if the King has nothing to prevent him making peace except his consideration for Henry, touching the Council, Henry says that he need not consider him in the matter; Francis accepts this declaration and is glad to know Henry's opinion about this point, which has always seemed to him of importance to the king of England, and now more than ever, knowing the Emperor's desire that a Council should be held to gratify the Pope, at whose request the Emperor has resolved to pass into Italy to place the peace entirely in his hands. For the same reason Francis has agreed to meet the Pope in Piedmont knowing Henry's wish about the Council. Francis has charged Bryant to tell his master that he will never do anything to procure peace contrary to his present or future treaties.
However, he leaves Bryant to consider, whether they ought to agree about the Council or not, as the Emperor has consented to go to Italy in person and remit the negociation of peace to the Pope.
Fr. From a modern copy in R. O., pp. 6.
1 March. 387. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 175.
B. M.
This last day of February arrived at Court the bp. of Tarbes, with commission from the French king to treat and conclude a confirmation of all amities and such things as might be to their mutual commodity, and offered, on the French king's part, to the King the entire "mayning" of the peace, and that in any peace with the Emperor the King should be a principal contrahent, and that in the matter of the Council and in other things the French king would be his assured brother and friend. The King answered that their words were many times so qualified that it appeared hard to him to give any great credit without further proof unto them;" nevertheless, he thanked the French king for his affection, declaring that, in his zeal for an universal peace, he had travailed to obtain the mediation of it, and doubtless the Emperor, who had already shown good inclination therein, would gladly "do the semblable;" as to the "principal contrahent," the Emperor assured him of that in any wise, but he thanked the French king also for it. They replied that the French king's deeds would confirm his friendly overtures, but as for the Emperor they knew that, whatsoever words he uttered, he never meant to join the King as a principal contrahent or give him the "maining" of the peace. Thereto the King made right friendly answer for the Emperor's honour and truth, and the French ambassadors (fn. n1) are retired to London without doing anything. They will offer wonders to stay the King from the Emperor, albeit I hope they shall fail therein; yet his Grace would labour to make some good end between them, for the good of Christendom and better chastening of the common enemy. You may declare the above to the Emperor and his Council to accelerate his answer to the things in overture; and, especially, you must travail, since the French have offered tins, that the Emperor seem not to have less confidence in his Grace than they do; and likewise to induce the Emperor to the writing of the letters affirming his promises touching the principal contrahent and consenting to nothing in the Council prejudicial to this realm; trusting also that, for the stay of his consent to the place of induction and the other things" "mentioned in the letters sent by Rede, the Emperor will use such loving conformity as may perfect the matters now well entered. Now, therefore, Mr. Wiat, is the time for the Emperor to take his time and for you to play your part. I mistrust neither the love of the one nor the honest zeal of the other.
Mr. Wiat, now handle this matter so that the King, who, by your fair words, is assured of friendship there, be not deceived. The Frenchmen so boldly affirm that there is nothing but fraud in the Emperor's words that, unless the King had gathered confidence in the Emperor from your letters and Mr. Dudley's relation, it would make any man suspect his proceedings. They swear that the peace rests in their hands, and therefore if the Emperor should conclude with them before going through with his matters here, "ye (yea), althouge he might have them to take peax with suche condicions as he hymself wold apoyne (fn. n2) unto them and aftre he wold offre as moche or more to the King's Majesty thenne he hath donne or is now desired of him, I thinke certaynly it could not heale that whiche wold nowe be engendred by suche agrement;" but I neither fear his honour in his promise nor his wisdom to be shown in firmly joining himself with this party. If they object to the mediation on the ground of the shortness of the truce, you may declare that the French offer, upon the Emperor's signification, by his ambassador there, to condescend to the same, to extend the truce as long as the King think fit; "wherefore if that point be desired, upon advertisement of the Emperor's mind therein, either it shall be obtained or else the Frenchmen shall start from that which so absolutely they have offered even to the King's own person." Labour, therefore, to make the Emperor write to the French king that he is content to commit the mediation to the King and to offer a longer truce; for the French say they will show the Emperor's crafty dealing, and by this means their own craft, if they speak falsely, as I think surely they do, shall be turned into their own necks." Hampton Court, 1 March. Signed.
All in cipher, pp. 7. Add. Endd.: My lord Privy Seal, 1 March, received 11 March, by my lord of Winchester's servant, at Barsolona.
Ib.f. 178.
Nott's Wyatt,
2. Contemporary decipher of the above.
Pp. 7.
1 March. 388. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 269.
Nott's Wyatt,
By next letters, trusts to send tidings of the increase of his diets; especially if the Emperor agree to do as much as the French king offers. Trusts he has despatched the writer's matter. St. James', le premier du Marche.
Hears the rent of his farm in Hampshire is 8l. 16s. 8d.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: in Spain. Endd.: by my lord of Winchester's servant.
1 March.
Kaulek, 27.
389. Tarbes and Castillon to Francis I.
[London], 1 March:—The King being at Hampton Court making great cheer with the Emperor's ambassadors, the audience with Tarbes, who arrived the Sunday before, was deferred till today.
Tarbes said (words given) that Francis had always acted as a friend to Henry, and it lay with him (Henry) that his deputies were not at the meeting at Leucate with those of Francis and the Emperor, and if he had agreed to the former proposals the said meeting would not have been held without him, nor would Francis have agreed to anything without having" Henry's express consent. Tarbes added that he was sent, in case Henry should complain that in the approaching treaty of peace between Francis and the Emperor he was not called upon to be the third contrahent, to say that if Henry thought it to his advantage to make new treaties and a stricter alliance with France, and so come to be third contrahent, Francis was willing; and for this Tarbes had brought sufficient power for himself and Castillon. If, on the other hand, Henry did not think it his advantage to make new treaties, Francis would content himself with having made his offer like a friend.
These were Tarbes' proposals, word for word with his instructions. Henry took them so badly that he suddenly changed his manner and countenance, saying, "It is all very well. If it is to my advantage! but let him look whether it is to his own. This is very different from saying, My brother, I want your aid. I can better do without him than he without me, yea! without both the Emperor and him. And, of course, he could not treat without me if he does not wish to break the promise he made me by letter signed with his own hand." Tarbes replied that the answer Briant brought showed that the promise presupposed that Henry would fulfil the conditions he had proposed, as could be seen by the letter itself if shown in full, which he did not do. With that he got into a marvellous rage against Tarbes, saying that as ambassador he had done a very bad office between them, and other little things he is accustomed to say when angry. Tarbes replied that he had been misinformed, for if it had been so he would not have been sent again to him.
To try and soothe him Castillon, to show Francis' good offices, declared his letter of the 21st Feb. in (reply to Castillon's of the 13th which contained the language used by Henry upon the news which he said he had from Spain), showing Francis was content to have him mediator and third contrahent provided the Emperor would signify to him (Francis) his consent thereto; which would moreover show which of the three, the Pope, Francis, or Henry, the Emperor was deceiving. Though he found that good, still his anger was unappeased, and he wished to have Francis' words in writing. Tarbes replied he had no charge to deliver anything in writing, but, if Henry would treat, both his wishes and Francis' would be set forth in the negociation. Feared he wished to make profit with the Emperor or his ambassadors of Francis' offers. After much argument and high words on his side it was agreed that the writers should send for further instructions, for he would not negociate further except in writing. Think this is for the reasons above written. In his anger he said that both Francis and the Emperor were anxious to remit the affair of the peace to him, but were each afraid to declare first for fear of losing the Pope, that they were both playing "a qui le fera perdre a son compaignon", and other things which if said in earnest show he is not to be trusted. He said the peace was not so near as Francis thought, nor was it in Francis' power to treat with the Emperor without his being third contrahent, and that he knew not how Francis could ask aid of him seeing that he was the Emperor's friend as well as his. Tarbes thinks he can do little here, and that Henry wishes only to make delay until either the war is renewed or he gets himself made third contrahent without binding himself further to either of the two. Would, if recalled, speak more fully.
Castillon has had no opportunity to speak of the lady Mary, but when occasion suits will not forget.
Last night the lord Privy Seal sent to request them not to send their despatch until tonight, when the King would send a packet for my lord of Winchester to go with theirs: which he has done by a secretary who said to Castillon that the lord Privy Seal prayed him to write that the King wished Francis, since" "he was content that Henry should be mediator and third contrahent, to write so to the Emperor. "A fine proposal!" replied Castillon, who said he would do no such thing, and that, from what Henry had so often told him the Emperor had said to his ambassador, it lay with him to urge the Emperor to write so to Francis.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
1 March.
Kaulek, 29.
390. Tarbes and Castillon to Montmorency.
[London], 1 March:—Cromwell has so set the King against Tarbes that he accused him of seeking to embroil England with France, in order to become cardinal. Castillon has still a little favour left with the King. (fn. n3) His advice is that the French should not leave him at rest and give him leisure to appease affairs here, which are not yet just as he would desire. For if they do not annoy him—that is, make or raise war against him—he will not let them eat their bread in peace, nor forget the arrears of his pension. And if they would give him some trouble they could do him more annoyance this year than in six others. There are so many ways of doing it without hindrance. Speaks not in anger, for he is still a little in favour; but knowing the ill will Henry bears to the [King] (fn. n4) and the kingdom, thinks the sooner the remedy, the better and the easier. Wonders also what the [Pope] (fn. n4) means, for if he liked he alone could arrange it without troubling anyone but the [King] (fn. n4) and the [Scots] (fn. n4) with the stir there would be here. And being put to expense in his kingdom, he would not think of contributing elsewhere. Have tried all means to win him by gentleness; it seems good to do it by roughness. "Et a l'heure vous jugerez des coups comme il a faict ces annees passees." Now is the time for the honour of God and the welfare of the Church, [the King], (fn. n4) and his kingdom; let it not be lost.
Thanks for 1,600 crs. sent by Tarbes.
French extracts.
R. O. 2. Modern transcript of the commencement of the preceding down to the part where the cipher begins. As this contains some details not given in Kaulek's abstract, the following summary may be useful:—
That which I feared at my departure has taken place. Cromwell has so enraged the king of England against me, that after speaking in the terms reported in the letter to the King (Francis), he told me that when here before I had done much to injure the amity between my master and him if it had not been so firm and sincere as it is. Replied that I was astonished that he had so suddenly changed his good opinion of me, and that if I had acted as he said, the King would not have employed me. Nevertheless, I requested him either to write to Francis of the ill turn he says I have done, that he may appoint a more acceptable ambassador, or, if he be willing, to put off the matter till, my mission finished, I was ready to return thither, and then, although I would not contradict a king, yet, if he would name to me those who had given him this false impression of me, I would reply to them as became a gentleman of my condition; but in any case I referred to Francis and to you, who received my letters from here. He replied he did not wish me to come and excuse myself, but if he found he was mistaken he would be glad to renew his old opinion of me; and as for him, my coming would spoil nothing, for in the affairs of Francis he regards only Francis himself and not the dispositions of his ministers; and therewith he returned to his former" cheer and took very well what I, Castillon, said to him, until, desiring to have in writing what we had said, he addressed me, De Tarbes, and I said I had no charge to write anything if it was not in the way of negotiation. He then broke out more than ever, declaring among other things that he knew long ago, when I was ambassador here, my desire to be made cardinal had induced me to make misichief (faire mauvais office) between the King and him. But after all his anger he agreed to wait until he should know Francis' will about this matter, as you will see by the letter we have written to him. Begs Montmorency to counteract any bad impressions of him. Is disliked because he is a witness to several promises which have not taken effect.
1 March. 391. Duke of Suffolk.
Add. Ch.
Indenture 1 March 29 Henry VIII. of an exchange of lands between Charles duke of Suffolk and Richard Caundish of Trymeley, Suff. Signed: Richard Caundysshe.
1 March. 392. W. Earl of Southampton to Cromwell.
R. O. Coming from London, lay a night or two at Mr. Studolf's, who was sick, and who told the Earl that Richard Cokkes alias Hayne, head constable of one of the hundreds of Surrey, in conversation, said the people paid the Fifteenth willingly but feared the payment that was to come, called horn money, on horned beasts, of which he had heard from Nicholas Hapsley, of Pulborough, gentleman. Sent for Cokkes and for Hapsley, who said Ralph Adyshede and Edward Umfray alias Attote, of Pulborough, collectors of the Fifteenth, told him it was a saying in Kent. The sowing of such tales was the cause of the last insurrection. Both Cokkes and Hapsley are as sorry as can be, and the writer sorrows for them: they are reputed very honest men. Adyshede and Umfray dwell not far from Lewes. Desires Cromwell to send for them or else have them examined at Lewes. All the Earl's folks that were with Antony Fenton are merry. Guldford manor, 1 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd. wrongly: primo Febr.
Titus, B.i. 73.
2. "The confession of Nicholas Apseley taken by me, William earl of Southampton, High Admiral of England, the 27th day of February Ao 29o regis Henrici VIII., upon his book oath."
1. That as he was ferretting in his ground, Rauf Addished and Edw. Humfrey alias Attote, collectors of the Fifteenth for the King, demanded the said money of him and he paid it without delay, saying: "Sirs, ye have all the money in my purse, and I trust now to be in quiet for a while." Addeshed answered, "No, not so, we shall pay, pay, pay; for they say in Kent we shall pay horn money," i.e., a certain sum for every horned beast. On going home to his house he found one Ric. Cokk alias Hayne and another man, a tenant of Cokk's, to whom he reported what the collector had told him. His wife said he need not much care, as he had but a few horned beasts to pay for. Cokk said they paid no Fifteenth as yet in Surrey. Apsley's wife said if the farmers paid for every horn of their beasts they would not be able to pay such fines for their farms. Then said Apseley, Thus all we have is the King's and at his pleasure; and as for all that I have, both my body and my goods shall be the King's at his pleasure. Cookk said, Be my trewth, ye say like a true and faithful subject to your prince."
Signed: W. Southampton: Wyllm Fytzwyllm.: Thomas Armerar.
P. 1.
Ib. 74. 3. Another copy of § 2, signed by Southampton only.
Pp. 2."
1 March. "393. Wm. Petre to ———.
Vesp. F. xiii.
158. b.
B. M.
Ryght Worshipfull. We have today received the surrender of Buttley, to which the convent has assented very quietly. It is the best leaded house that I have seen. The lead is worth 1,000l., but there is no other riches but cattle. This messenger is going to my lord of Suffolk for more money, whom I desire you to tell of the surrender. Buttley, 1 March.
Hol., p. 1.
394. Butley Priory.
1 March. R. O. Surrender of the monastery with all its lands in Suff., and also in Norf., Essex, Linc, Midd., London, and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof, 1 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by prior Thomas [Manning] and eight others. [See Eighth Report of Deputy Keeper of Public Records, App. ii 13.] Seal mutilated.
Enrolled [Close Roll 29 Hen. VIII., p. 1, No. 5] with memorandum that the prior, Thos. bp. of Ipswich, and convent acknowledged the deed the same day before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.
2. A list of the household of Butley priory.
R. O. Canons:—John Norwiche, James Denyngton, Robt. Chipnam, Reynold Westerfeld, John Harwiche, Nich. Oxborowe, John Bawdesey, Thos. Ryvers, Thos. Woodebrege, Henry Denyngton, Robt. Yngham, John Colcestre. Chaplains:—Edw. Mar, reader of the lecture, and Wm. Sutton. Wm. Royston, under-steward. Wm. Cookeson, surveyor. Yeomen waiters, &c., 8 names. In the Pantry and Buttery, 3. Barber. Master of the children. Children kept of alms to learning, 7. Kitchen, 3. Slaughterman. Sheep reeves, 2. Clerk in the church. Horsekeepers, 2. Cooper. Keepers of the scalbote, hevyng bote, the ferry and weirs, 5. Smith. Warreners, 2. Bakers and brewers, 3. Maltsters, 2. Porter. Keeper of the gardens and ponds. In laundry and dairy, 6 (women). Husbandry, 12. Carters, 5. Shepherds, 3. Woodmakers, 2. Keeper of the swine. Wrights for making and mending ploughs and carts, 2; for making candles and keeping the fish-house, 2. Beadmen being impotent, 2. Total, 84.
Pp. 4.
R. O. 395. Thomas, Suffragan Bishop of Ipswich, to Cromwell.
Sends six pheasant cocks and three herynsuys and begs his favour for the assurance of my yerly pensyon.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1 March.
R. O.
396. Prior and Convent of St. Andrew's, Northampton, to Henry VIII.
Profess, at great length, their contrition for the enormities of their past living, which has been and is very different from the intention of the King's predecessors, their founders. Considering their inability to live as they ought, they beg the King to accept the free gift of their house and lands, and to extend his charity to them for their livings. To prove that this is their mere and voluntary act they have published it openly before Sir Wm. Aparre, Dr. Ric. Layton, archd. of Buckingham, and Robt. Southwell, attorney for the Augmentations, the King's Commissioners at their monastery. They have moreover made, sealed with their convent seal, and delivered to Southwell, a deed of surrender in due form. Pray God to grant to him and prince Edward long life, and to bless his devout endeavours for confirming and establishing men's consciences. Dated in their Chapter house, 1 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signatures (copied) as in the surrender, No. 404.
Copy in a later hand. Large paper, pp. 5.
2. Another copy (also in a later hand) is in Tanner MS. 343, f. 40."
1 March. 397. Tunstall to Cromwell.
Harl. MS.
283, f. 164.
B. M.
Begs him to be good lord to "my brother and fellow, my lord of Llandatf", now cited to appear before the King's Commissioners in a cause of appeal by one of his own obedientiaries, Will. Griffith, sometime a prior removable of the house of St. Katharine beside Lincoln, who was removed for setting forward the late commotion in Lincolnshire, as well as mis-spending the goods of his house, and has lately by force entered the said priory and expelled another brother lawfully put in his room. My lord of Llandaff does the King good service in these parts and cannot well be spared. York, 1 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1 March. 398. Oudart du Bies to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Le Sieur de Sen Le[uques] (fn. n9) of this country, has requested me to obtain payment for him from one of your officers named Calais, of 10 cr. remaining due of a ransom of prisoners, as appears by the copy of his letter, which I send you. Boulogne, 1 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Mutilated. Add.
1 March. 399. Oudart du Bies to Lord Llsle.
R. O. I have today received two letters from you to which the bearer will make answer for me. I thank you for the handsome present you have made me. I have set at liberty the nephew of Captain Chappron according to your writing. I have instructed the bearer to speak to you about another gentleman, kinsman of the said Chappron, who is likewise detained here, and also of Jehan Sleyghton, of whom you write. Boulogne, 1 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
1 March. 400. Giovanni Battista Ferrar to [Cromwell].
Galba, B. x. 73.
B. M.
Now at the eighth hour the Italian post has arrived. The league between the Pope, Emperor, and the Venetians and Italy against the Turk is settled. They will spend 500,000 cr. a month, and prince Doria is to be general at sea, and the duke of Urbino on land. Place is left for the French king to enter it. The government of Milan is expected to be given to the marquis del Vasto, on the card. Caraciolo's death. The Emperor will pass into Italy in April. The Turk has reviewed his armada and finds he has lost this year 100 galleys. Brussels, 1 March, mdxxxvi[i].
Ital., pp. 2. Headed: Molto magnifico Signor.
2 March. 401. Henry Holbeche, Bishop of Bristol.
See Grants in March, No. 2.
2 March. 402. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
V.ii., No. 214
Describes the visit paid by himself and Don Diego to the King on Wednesday last, 28 (qu. 27th?) Feb., at his manor 12 miles from London (Hampton Court), where apartments were assigned to them, and they had an interview next day. Told the King in answer to his inquiries that they had no news about the peace with France, and he said it would be time lost unlesss he were made arbiter. Were conducted to see the Prince and Madame Isabelle (Elizabeth) three or four miles off; and afterwards to Richmond to see the Princess. Her admirable playing on the lute and spinet. Were informed on their return to town that the King had just" "received an important communication from the French ambassadors, which, next day (1 March), Cromwell said, was to the effect that Francis had proposed to the Emperor the mediation of England, which the latter had refused. Thinks their reception at Hampton Court was only to make the French jealous. London, 11 (fn. n10) March 1538.
French. From a MS. at Vienna.
2 March. 403. John Wellysburne to Cromwell.
R. O. The Chancellor of the Augmentations has viewed the lands belonging to the King's manor of Abingdon to the value of 1,600l. a year and more. It is good land, well wooded, with many substantial tenants. He has used himself so, that the tenants are glad of their new landlord. Advises Cromwell to show the King of his behaviour, that he may be thanked. Sixteen persons or more have died of the sickness here within a month. Asks when he shall come to the King again. Abendon, 2 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal, Endd.
2 March. 404. St. Andrew's, Northampton.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery with all its possessions in Northampton, Corton, Hardyngeston, Kislynbury, Flower, Sywell, Welyngborough, Isham, Pyttesley, Cootys, Holcot, Magna Billynge, Parva Billynge, Wodford, Foxley, Sillesworth, Silleston, Molton, Quyntyn, Brikylsworth, Sulby, Okeley, Hakulton, Stotisbury, Solgrave, Upton, Kyngesthorp, Rytherthorpe, Horton, Lithebarough, Stowe, Yardeley, Hastyngs, Ashby, Marche, Dyngley, Fotheryngay, Brayfeld, Parva Houghton, and Haryngworth, Northt.; Grenburgh, Warw.; Shalford and Sproxton, Leic.; Trikyngham and Newton- in-Kesten, Line.; Exton, Rutl.; Kyngeswanden, Shernbroke and Potton, Beds, Stenekley, Hunts, or elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof. 2 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Francis the prior, John Bett, sub-prior, and 11 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii. 34.] Half seal lost. Endd. by Layton with a memorandum that the recognition was made before him as one of the masters in Chancery.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 7], as acknowledged before Ric. Layton clk., and Robt. Southwell, by virtue of the King's Commission to them.
R. O. 2. A terrar of the demesne lands of the monastery which were in the occupation of the prior renewed at the survey of the King's Commissioners for the dissolution of the said late priory this first day of March, 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by the Commissioners: Robert Southwell—Ric. Layton preste—Thomas Myldemaye.
Pp. 15.
2 March. 405. Sir Wm. Parre, Ric. Layton, Robt. Sowthwell, and Thos. Myldemay to [Cromwell.]
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
of the
Strype's Eccl.
Mem. I.i.403.
Have this day, 2 March, taken a release and deed of feoffment of the monastery of St. Andrew's in Northampton to the King's use. Have also compounded with the whole convent for their pensions except the prior and sub-prior, who desire to abide your order. Enclose their order taken with the rest. Think they should be paid by the particular receiver of suppressed houses in Northamptonshire. Have assigned a vicarage of 7l now vacant, to one of the convent for his pension, and advise that the first fruits be remitted. "The hall chambers scillede with the best part of the edifices is covered with lead". Wish to know if they shall "discover" the same. Will do their best to survey the lands. Find many leases granted out by the old prior, "much unthriftily", —as they will declare at their coming. From Northampton. Signed.
In Layton's hand, p. 1."
405. Sir Wm. Parre, Ric. Layton, Robt. Sowthwell, and Thos. Myldemay to [Cromwell]—cont.
Ib. f. 206.
Supp., ib.
Strype, ib.
2. Order taken 2 March 29 Hen. VIII. by the Commissioners with the religious of the late monastery of St. Andrew's, Northampton, for their pensions, viz.:—For Fras. Leycetour, late prior, and Thos. Bettes, sub-prior, respited till my lord Privy Seal's pleasure be known; for Thos. Smyth, Thos. Gowlestone, Eob. Marten, Jas. Hopkyns, and Ric. Bunbery, 4l. each (ages from 52 to 40); John Rote (36) has the vicarage of St. Giles in Northampton assigned him, yearly value 7l., of the gift of the monastery. John Harolde, Thos. Barbor (32 and 31), 66s. 8d. each; and Will. Warde, Thos. Atbury, and Will. Sowthecote (29, 27, and 31), 63s. 4d. each. Signed as before.
2 March. 406. Edward Earl of Derby to Cromwell.
R. O. Hears that suits have been made to the King for the stewardship of the suppressed monastery of Whalley. Has a grant thereof from the late abbot and convent, as he showed Cromwell last summer at Ampthill, when the King was there. Sends it to his counsel in London to be shown to Cromwell. Asks him to move the King to confirm it. Left his servant Thurstan Tyldisley behind to solicit this and other matters. He reports that Cromwell will be good to him. Lathom, 2 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 March. 407. Robt. Southwell to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
of the
Although the occasions here were not the same as those for the submission of the late monastery of Westacre, we found others sufficient for the submission that we now send "in place of the other that wanted." Hopes Cromwell will approve the consequent alterations in this book. These poor men have confessed the truth and seem rather to seek pardon for their ignorance than praise. Whether Boxley should recognise as much you may judge who showed me the idol that stood there. Here was also in this monastery a piece of St. Andrew's finger, covered with silver, now laid to pledge to one of the town for 40l., which we intend not to redeem at the price without orders. Find, by the old accounts of the monastery, the yearly rents have fallen from 700 marks to 400 marks, not by alienations, but by the receipt of rents in advance by the prior's predecessors, who seem to have delighted in "odoriferous savours", converting money rents into gelofer flowers and roses." Cannot say what the value of the land will be, but the moveables are poor and the lead worth 400l. or 500l. Have practised with the poor men for their pensions and send the book. Desires Cromwell to remember his father's suit for Mallyng. Northampton, 3 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. (at f. 221); Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 March. 408. Anthony Coope to Cromwell.
R. O. I have delivered your letters in my favour to Dr. Leghton for the farm of the benefice of Brynkton, lately given to him by me and my partners, the King's farmers of Sir Will. Spencer's lands, at the contemplation of your letters. He was displeased that I had informed you of his unstable fashion and unkindness towards me, and said he would write to you in answer. To justify myself I have, after his letters, sent to you my servant who went to him to Bury, who can inform you of his "said promise" there made in presence of Mr. Saxey, whom Dr. Leghton himself called to bear record of his full mind, and to whom I have also written to wait on your Lordship. To satisfy your Lordship's favour to Nic. Gifford I have conferred with him at Northampton, and we have agRecd that he shall have the parsonage and tithes of Brynkton, during young Spencer's minority, at the old rent," "reserving the tithe of our own pasture to myself. He was glad of this, for Dr. Leghton would have raised his rent. But when Dr. Leghton heard we were agreed, he said I should have it for 50l. a year where the former rent was but 40l., to make me weary of my said desire. Northampton, 3 March.
Hol, pp. 2. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
3 March. 409. Thomas Legh, LL.D., to Cromwell.
R. O. At St. Oswald's I found the prior very sick, bedridden, and powerless to stir hand or foot. I, and some of the brethren, moved him to resign, as not able for the charge; but, what for the counsel of a woman that kept him and other kinsfolk living by him, he would not thereto condescend. He referred himself to your pleasure and said he would write to you, so I left intending to return homeward the same way. There is a canon there who was with the bp. of St. Davys in Scotland, whom the brethren think meet for that [room]; please favour him for it. I delivered your letter, with your lease to the abbot of Bylond, who said he would be with you the first week in Lent, and had written you. Monastery of Byland, 3 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Thomas Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 March.
R. O.
410. Ossory to [the Irish Commissioners].
The McMurrowes and Kavanaghes, lately assembled against the Englishry, have united and sworn to make invasions and to gebarde an exile. O'Conour with manyfold others of the Irishry knit in likewise together. My son has written to the lord Deputy that in Munster there is likewise great murmur. My advice is that the lord Deputy by policy prevent the joining of the Irishry in that parts, and be at a perfect point with the other marchers lest the war become too general. I have demised Donada to Morice McGrarret, but Ric. Aylemer, of the Lyons, suffers him not to enjoy it. For 200 years the earls of Ormond have enjoyed Donadaa, and I beg you to cause Aylemer to cease his opposition. There is an Act devised against grey merchants, in which I hear you intend to take order; and I think it most necessary. 3 March.
Copy, p. 1. Headed: Copy of the earl of Ossory's letter.
3 March. 411. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
R. O. By your last letters you inform me that you will send for Mademoiselle Basset before Shrovetide or soon after. I fear I may not be at home, as I have occasion to go away at the end of this week for some time, but you may be sure that I do not write from any desire to get quit of her. I do not wonder at your wishing to have her. The miniver you sent is not the kind for which I asked Jehan Semyd. I want it ail white. I send it back by the bearer. Montmorency thanks my Lord and you for the three grey- hounds you sent him. Bours, 3 March.
Mons. d'Azincourt and Montmorency and my daughter send their compliments, also Mademoiselle Basset.
Fr. p. 1. Hol. Add.
3 March. 412. Pierre du Val to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter and am very glad to learn your anxiety that your son and scholar James Basset should make progress in letters and good manners. He has made a good commencement, and I will do my best to encourage him. This Lent, owing to the difficulty he has in eating fish, I have sent him to the sieur Le Gras to be better treated. I go frequently to visit him, that he may not discontinue his studies, and after Easter we" shall bring him back with joy into this college. I thank you for the sprats (de sphrot) you have sent me, which is a new thing here. From the Navarre, 3 March.
Commend me to lord Lisle.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: a Calais.
4 March. 413. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 184.
B. M.
A copy of No. 387, with some slight variations. Westm., 4 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add. Endd. by Wyatt: Double of the same of the first of March, received the 5 of April, by Mons. de Grandvela.
4 March. 414. Ric. Reynold, Mercer of London, to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Pardon me that I have not done my duty to you since your last coming to Calais. Accept a little barrel of tunny, which I send to my brother Ric. Long, spear of Calais, to present. He will receive it from the ship Jesus of Calais, Thos. Bew, master. London, 4 March 29 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
4 March. 415. Thomas Cade to Cromwell.
R. O. Recommends the bearer, who desires Cromwell to further his suit, to Mr. Riche and the other Commissioners, for the farm of certain lands, mills, waters, &c., late of the abbey of Abingdon. The said bearer will always be ready to serve the King with 20 tall men, at Cromwell's command. He is a just man both in word and deed, and daily employs 500 of the King's subjects; if he had carding and spinning he would employ many more. With Cromwell's favour he would set the inhabitants of Abingdon to work, if they will work, so that they would gain more wages in a few years coming than in 20 years past. Weekly need constrains him to send to Abingdon his cart laden with wool to be carded and spun, and likewise he sends to Strodwater. He will give you 20l. to buy a saddle. Burford-on-the-Wold, 4 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
4 March. 416. Richard Pollard to Cromwell.
R. O. One John Davy, late of Sent Cedewlls, in the suburbs of Exeter, before his coming to these parts, was accused of treason before Sir Thos. Denys, and fled the country. Pollard and his brother, Sir Hugh, and Denys, have made search for him. Has just heard that he has fled to Westminster, and is at the house of one Lewys Aprychardes in King Street. The bearer knows him. Exeter, 4 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
4 March. 417, Lord James Butler to the Irish Commissioners.
St. P. ii. 548.
Received yesterday, at Clomell, your letters of 22 Feb. about the proceedings of O'Chonor, and before the receipt thereof I had advertised you further therein. As to the combination of the Kevanaghes, my Lord my father wrote to you yesterday about it. If I hear of no more likelihood of O'Chonor's appointment with you I shall on Wednesday next resort to O'Meagher's country "to devise there to enfeeble his strength." My father and I sent into Connaught to O'Maddyn and other Irish, who are all ready" to aid O'Chonor but dare not, fearing we should invade them. They will now guide me in an invasion of Connaught if the waters of Shannon be abated. My father and I have taken such order that I trust quietness shall follow. My lord Deputy has sent me a letter (copy of it and my answer enclosed). Despatch my servant the bearer soon. Clomell, 4 March. Signed.
P 1. Add (Commissioners all named). Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the above.
4 March.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 16.
418. Mary Queen of Hungary to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his endeavours to preserve the friendship between the Emperor and the King, and begs him to continue. Brussels, 4 March 1538. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
[See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 216, taken from the original draft at Vienna.]
March. 419. The Queen of Hungary to [Chapuys], Imperial Ambassador in England.
Calendar V.
ii. No. 217.
In reply to his letter of the 25th ult., agrees that the English use flattery to deceive them. Cromwell has sent hither a man express and a message by Hauton (Hutton) for leave to the former to take the duchess of Milan's portrait, which she had granted, and the man has returned to England with it. News from Italy and France that the meeting is to take place at Nice. [Brussels], —— March 1538.
French. From a MS. at Vienna.
4 March. 420. John Bekynsaw to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I received a letter from your Ladyship this morning by which I find Mr. James has complained to you that the man in whose chamber he lies doth lodge him with his servant and other boys. As soon as I knew it I went to the rector of the University in whose chamber he lies, and was very round with him. He is a learned and good man, of a great house, and keeps his chamber more like a prince than a scholar. He loves your son and studies more to bring him up in cleanliness and good manners pertaining to a gentleman than in learning, though he does that too very diligently. He has with him two children of great houses, of his age, clean boys and prettily learned, and the boy you send word was his servant is a gentleman's son put to him more for love than to serve him. These three lay in one bed big enough for four great men. The rector showed me both the children and the bed, and satisfied me completely. I beg you will not be moved with every word your son writes to you. It would grieve me as sore as you that he should be misordered. Children often complain when a man does most for their benefit. Pray let Guillaume de Gras and me alone for for the time your son shall be here. Paris, 4 March 1538.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: at Calais.
5 March. 421. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R.O. This night, while at supper, my lord Privy Seal sent for me and delivered me the letter I now send, commanding me on my allegiance to forward it to you or carry it myself. I was therefore compelled to ride to Gravesend, and if I had not found the bearer, Mr. Clyfford, I must have gone to Dover. Mr. Polstede goes into Sussex to dissolve my Lord's house at Lewes, and will be away 14 days. I trust to be despatched before he departs. Gravesend, 5 March.
I forward the letters which I thought to deliver myself. My lord Admiral would know what the redemption shall be of Porchester and Bere.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
5 March. 422. Henry prior of Shene to Cromwell.
R. O. I have caused the lease of Ant. Cootes and the advowson of Godshill to be new sealed with our convent seal. The bearer shall deliver them. Concerning our house, whereof Mr. Wryothesley moved your Lordship, I am glad I may do your Lordship some service. There still remains stuff of Mr. Poole's; his servant John Walker keeps the keys. For the remotion of which stuff your Lordship knoweth best what way to take. Shene, 5 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 March. 423. Henry prior of Shene to Wriothesley.
R. O. I have caused to be new sealed, as well the lease of Anthony Cootes as the advowson of Godshill. I am not only content but very desirous that my Lord should have the house (for which both he and you did write) at his commandment. Shene, 5 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
[5 March.] 424. Thomas Evance to Cromwell.
R. O. Walter Walshe, sheriff of Worcestershire, is at this hour either dead or past recovery. The office would be meet for your nephew Mr. Richard Crumwell, and he might have it for life or for him and his heirs as Savage had it. He (Walshe) has other preferments in those quarters as noted beneath. Shrove Tuesday, 6 p.m.
The bearer who passes by his house, 16 miles from here, will tell you more.
He has the keeping of the parks of Bussheley, Elmley Castell, Shewdley and Wygmore, and the lordship of Grafton Fleforde for life. His heir will be worth taking up because of the lordship of Aburley. If your Lordship will help me to some of these small ware I will pay for it.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: the lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 March 425. Sir Thos. Trenchard to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letters, dated London, 19 Jan., asking him to assist Sir Madewell if he is once in possession of the benefice of Hawkechurch, into which Sir John Purches has unlawfully intruded. Madewell was put in possession by the bp. of Salisbury, and three days after Purches made a re-entry, but, knowing of Cromwell's letters, is contented to suffer Madewell to keep possession until the title is determined by law. Wolveton, 5 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 March. 426. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the King's pleasure and yours signified by your letters touching John Mors and his two fellows, I and Mr. Sulyarde, the morrow after our return from Gloucester, rode to the assizes of Hereford, where Mors and one of his fellows, Howell Thomas William, were put to execution. His other fellow Philip Johns remaineth in ward in the castle of Gloucester, as" "we have nothing to lay to his charge. We be now returned to Shrewsbury, where we intend to spend Lent, and remove after Easter to Cheshire to redress misdemeanours and bring Mr. Sulyarde acquainted in his office there. I have gotten a sore leg that doth trouble me. Desiring your Lordship to remember my suit to his Grace to sign my bill for the appropriation of Hanbury. Shrewsbury, 5 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 March. 427. Sir John Lamplugh to Cromwell.
R. O. According to your commandment, I have made my habitation at the house of Furness for six weeks past. I send you by this bearer a stag and two hinds. Wm. Fytton, who was deputy steward of Furness to my lord of Derby, has a book of the decisions of disputes heretofore in Furness. For the expedition of justice I must have this book and desire you to command him, by your letters, to deliver it to me. From the King's manor of Furness, 5 March, by your Lordship's deputy there. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Sir John Lamplew.
5 March. 428. John Hutton to Lord Lisle.
R. O. By letters from Venice of the 16th ult., it is said that the Signory are setting forth all their powers against the Turk. Andrea Doria is to command a fleet of 200 galleys and 100 ships. The duke of Urbin commands 40,000 foot and 6,000 horse,—the expenses to be shared by the Signory, the Emperor and the bp. of Rome. There has been great masking, jousting, and fighting at the barriers here this Shrovetide; not without banquetings, and some took more hurt with the cups than with the cutting of swords at the barriers. Brussels, 5 March.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.
5 March. 429. Claude Bunel to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I have not ventured to write to you hitherto, and you have no knowledge of me, but as some have written to you after having your son two months in their chamber, I think I have been too long in writing, seeing that it is a year since Mons. le Gras gave me charge both to serve and to educate your son. I have done this with all possible care, and will do my utmost to satisfy you. I believe you have been informed that your son has been suffering in the eyes, but the complaint has been got rid of by a little purgation and he is now quite well. The doctors say it is nothing dangerous, but only a redness, which occasionally goes as it comes; but we took immediate measures to prevent ill consequences. We expect Mons. le Gras daily; on whose coming Master James will take his choice to spend Lent at the college or at the lodging of Mons. le Gras, where we now are. Paris, 5 March.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Calais.


  • n1. In No. 413, this reads so that the said bishop, with Mons. de Castillon, the French king's ambassador here resident, be retired, &c."
  • n2. "The word laye is used in No. 413."
  • n3. Orig. in cipher from here to the end.
  • n4. The names in brackets correspond to special symbols in the ciphered original which being of rare occurrence are of doubtful interpretation. The readings here suggested are different from those of M. Kaulek.
  • n9. Title mutilated, but repeated afterwards. His name appears to have been Robert des Hayes d'Espinay. See Anselme, vii. 475.
  • n10. Dated 2 March in margin of Spanish Calendar.