Henry VIII: April 1513, 21-25

Pages 815-833

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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April 1513

21 April.
Stowe MS.,
146, f. 55.
1798. THIEVES.
Account, addressed to the Lords of the King's Council, by Adam Penyngton, under-sheriff of Lincolnshire, for bringing up, upon the King's special letters, Robert Hill, George Courteney and Roger Gargrave, felons. Showing the costs of himself, thirteen servants and the three felons, with hire of horses for the latter, at Lincoln, Ankester, Staunforth, Huntingdon, Royston and Ware, and at London on Thursday and Friday night. Also the cost of the escort's breakfast in London on Saturday and return to Lincoln. Total 5l. 10s.
ii. Subscribed by Wolsey with an order to John Daunce to pay the above, as laid out in "bringing up of thieves."
iii. Subscribed as received by Penyngton, 21 April 4 Hen. VIII.
Long paper, p. 1.
21 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 137.
Bill for repairs upon the castle of Caresbroke by Sir Nic. Wadham. "captayne of the yelde of Wyght," in "the said 4th year" of Henry VIII., viz., fourteen items for burning lime, carrying wood, &c. Total 11l. 12s. 10d.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 139.
Note of large sums of money followed by a list, headed "... Aprilis anno 4o H. viij," of large quantities of ordnance, such as marispykes 600, fighting bills 4,000, "courtawttes" 2, "demy courtawttes" 6.
Very mutilated, p. 1.
Ib., 3, f. 189.
1801. [3978.] NAVY.
"Ships prested for the King in the West country by Anthony Carleton and Henry Calays in the month of April, the 4th year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King Henry VIII.," viz., at Poole, Topsham, Dartmouth, Lowe, Lyeme, Coleton, Exeter, Brixham, Torr, Totnesse, Paynton, Cokwood, Dytesham, Salthashe, Fowey Asshe, Glaunte, Chichester. Giving names and tonnage of the ships which are to be, some at Hampton and some at Sandwich, ready on the last day of April; in all 39, tonnage 2,039 tons.
Pp. 3.
Ib., f. 191.
2. Fuller particulars of the above ships, giving names of owners and sums paid to them; in all 306l. 11s. 0d. Also for the commissioners' own costs from 28 March to 30 April, riding to warn ships, countermanding ships by command of Master Almoner and attending the Council at Baynerds Castle, 5l. 1s. 4d.
Pp. 7
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 132.
Three considerations upon which Sir Robert Southwell and Barth. Westby have put in respite a claim of 40l. yearly for four years ended at Mich. 4 Hen. VIII., by William Walweyn, the King's auditor in North Wales and Chester and Flint; with Walweyn's answer showing, by precedent of other auditors, that his claim is just.
Pp. 10. Headed: De anno r.r. nunc Henr. viijvi quarto.
Patent Rolls
Supplementary, 60.
1803. PARDON ROLL, Part 1.
Pardon Roll, 2, 3 and 4 Henry VIII. (Continued from No. 438.)
[In the following abstract the use of italics indicates that the place of residence is given in the present tense (it is, however, generally repeated in the past). Abbreviations are "k." for "miles," "esq." for "armiger," "g." for "gentleman," "y." for "yeoman," "d. and h." for "daughter and heir," etc.]
m. 1.
Pardon, de
anno secundo.)
m. 2.
anno (secundo.) A.D. 1510–11.
m. 3.
anno secundo.)
m. 4.
(Endd: anno secundo.)
m. 5.
(Endd: anno secundo.)
m. 6.
(Endorsement lost.)
2 Hen. VIII.:—Wm. Assheby, of London and Merstham, Surr., g., and Joan his wife, late wife of Thos. Elyngbrigg, 24 April. Robert Sherbourne, bp. of Chichester, 1 May. Oliver Knyght, of Micham, Surr., of Pynnore in Harowe parish, Midd., and Watford, Herts, y. or g., 1 May. Edward Skypwyth or Skypwytt, of Haweburg, Kyrmyngton, and Alysbury, Linc., g. or esq., 28 April. Richard bp. of Norwich, Edward Ponyngis, k., Wm. Hody, k., Chief Baron of Exchequer, and John Roper, g., tenants of a moiety of the manor and advowson of Bokenham, Kent (sic), 24 April. Wm. Holder or Holdar of Henton Charterhouse, Soms., y. or labourer, undated. Ralph Fyssheborn or Fysshebourn, of Durham, Brauncepath, London, Wilton, Yorks, and Langeley, Norf., y. or husbandman, 15 May. Edward Ferrars, esq., and _ (blank) his wife, Robert Throkmerton, esq. or k., Richard Hall, Thomas Whityngton and Thomas Denton, tenants of Hamyldon, manor, Rutl., 5 May. Richard Biggis or Byggys, of Westminster, yeoman of the crown of Henry VII., executor of Edward Byggys, of Daventre, Ntht., innholder, 17 May. James Garold or Carold, of Robeston, Robbeston Wathen or Robbeston Wuthen in Nerberth lordship, South Wales, y., 24 May. John Clere or Cleer, of Colchester, clothmaker or y., 18 May. Ralph Halle or Hall, of Rumsey and Basyngstoke, Hants, glover or clothier, 18 May. Chr. Bailly, Baly, Bale, Baille or Bayly, of Halifax, Yorks., sherman, fuller or walker, 14 May. Gilbert Swanburn or Swanborne, of Lichfield, goldsmith, and Thomas Watson, of Lichfield, draper, pledges of Thomas Gardyner, of Maxfeld, Chesh., y., 5 June. John Preston, of Cryket Thomas, Soms., g., 3 June. John Breton, late of Hadlegh or Hadley, Suff., weaver, clothmaker, y., merchant or merchant adventurer, 11 May. Thomas Reynold or Reynoldes, of Clyff juxta Lewes, and Chichester, Suss., butcher or y., 12 June. Miles Broun, Broune, or Browne, of London, vintner, late of Southampton and Boston, or merchant, of Kyrkbykendall, Westmld., y., 11 June. Thomas Thorpe or Thorp, of Coneborowe and Queneborough, Leic., butcher, or husbandman, 20 June. John Halgh or Hogh, of Shynneshed or Swynnesheved, Linc., and Rebchestre, gent., s. of Robert H., late of co. Lancaster, 20 June. Thomas Neweburgh, Nouburgh or Neuburghe, of London, Marnell and Estlulleworth, Dors., and Barkeley, Soms., gent. or esq., 27 June. John Balle, of Dalbury and Dalburylees, Derb., y., 4 July. Burgesses of Oxford, 20 June. Wm. Blake, of Dunster and Carinton, Soms., butcher, y. or merchant, 14 July. Richard Salter, clk., precentor of Lichfield Cathedral, rector of Newyngton, Oxon, late rector of Stanlake, Linc. dioc., prb. of the first prebend of the collegiate church of Ponsbury, Heref. dioc., 14 July. John Grene, of Leme or the Leme, or Over Leme and Netherleme in Tynedale, Nthld., 21 July. Edward Dode, Dod, or Dodde or Dodd, of Chirden and Rowghside, Nthld., y., 21 July. Wm. Elryngton, Elderton or Eldyrton, of London, and Roderham, Yorks., gent., merchant or y., 10 July. Wm., the abbot, and the convent of Waverley, 24 June. John Everard or Evererd, of West Tidderley or West Thyddeley, Hants, husbandman or y., 9 Aug. Francis alias John Vygell or Vigell, of London, y., 2 Aug. John Tona or Touna, clk., late vicar of Cowen, co. Merioneth, 20 March. Thomas Geffrey, Gefferey or Jeffrey, of Newelond or Neweland, Devon, husbandman or y., 9 July. John Fermer, Fermour or Farmar, of Laneham, Suff., gent. or clothmaker, tenant of the 3rd part of the manor of Bumpsted at the Tower, called Gernons, Essex, 23 May anno r. r. 2. Robert Thornburgh or Thornborowe, of Lincoln's Inn, and Leygh, Wilts, g., and Alice his wife, d. and h. of Simon Litilcote and kinswoman and h. of Thomas Norres (viz. d. of Simon, a. of Joan, sister of the said Thomas), 26 Oct. Wm. Carpenter, of Walthamor Waltham upon the Wold, Leic., and Skreton, Notts, carpenter or y., 7 Nov. Mary Bekyngham, of Stanyswyke, Burton in Shreveham parish, and Westhaggebourne, co. Berks, and Duklyngton, Oxon, widow and executrix of Thomas Bekyngham, late of Westhaggeburne, Berks, esq., 30 Aug. City of Waterford, 14 Sept. John Woderof, Woderove, Wodderofe or Woderofe, clk., of Rokke alias Aka, Worc., and Claiston, Rutl., parson of Roke alias Aka, 7 June. John Skalder or Skaldar, of Sudbury, Suff., grocer or chapman, executor of Wm. Skaldar, late grocer of London and Sudbury, 20 Sept. Chapter of St. Mary of Sutwell, 10 Oct. John Yeo, of Opsam, Topsam, Northam, Braunten and Estdoune, Devon, merchant, 10 Oct. Wm. Warr or Warre, of Croydon, Surr., Childesarhall, Salop, and Depford, Kent, y., 29 April. John Thornton or Thorneton, episcopus Sirynensis, prior, and the convent of St. Martin of the New Work, Dover, 12 Nov. John Moris, Morys or Moryis, of Alkerugge, Clehungre, Duynour, and Burleton, Heref., g., and of Martley, Worc., y., 10 Nov. Richard Beller, Byller, Billar or Bellar, of Cirencester, Glouc., dyer, clothman or clothmaker, 8 Nov. Peter Deryan, Dyryan, Doran, Deran, Deryon or Derean, of Boachym Mill, Cornw., miller or tailor, 10 Nov. John Benette or Benete, of Liddelowe, Luddelow and Beudeley, Salop, weaver or y., 12 Nov. Wm. abp. of Canterbury, Richard bp. of Winchester, Richard bp. of London, Wm. Wentworth, knight, Philip Tylny, knight, Thomas Blenerheyset, esq., John Westbroke and Henry Chauncy, feoffees or tenants of the manor of Bromlegh, Surr., 20 Nov. Agnes Blakwall, of Blakwall, Derb., Bartherton, Chesh., and Colwich, Staff., widow of Richard Blakwall, late of Blakwall, Derb., dec., and Wm. Blakwall, clk., rector of Stevenage, Herts, and of Asshe juxta Dertford, Kent, one of the sons of the said Richard, co-executors, 7 Dec. Roland Hederyngton or Hedryngton, of Loversdale, Squyterby and Stanesflate Cornw., y., 6 Dec. Thomas, the abbot, and the convent of Garadon, 25 Nov. Richard Fosse, Foysse, Foys or Foyse, of Horsham, Suss., y. or draper, 24 Nov. John Pope or Pooppe, of Seford, Suss., y., bailiff of Seford, 26 Nov. Samson Norton of London, Southampton, Hants, and Fulham, Midd., k., master of the Ordnance, late Henry VII.'s steward of Denbigh and master porter of Calais, 12 Dec. Stephen Kepon or Keypon, of Fulston, Fulton or Fowleston, Kent, tailor, beerbrewer or y., 17 Dec. Robert Key, of Wolwych, Kent, Berkyng, Essex, and London, fisherman, mariner or labourer, 25 Jan. George Chaderton or Chaterton, of Bradfeld, Wilts, and Westminster, esq., and Margaret his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Wm. Colyngbourn, esq., 4 Jan. Wm. Webbe, clk., rector of South Colyngham, York dioc., archd. of Salop, 1 Feb. Lewis Pollard, King's serjeant at law, John Copleston, esq., John Fortescu of Brightlegh, esq., John More of Colompton, Wm. Merwode, esq., Ant. Pollard, John Hext, Hugh Pollard, John Ackelane, John Coblegh and Richard Pollard, 1 Feb. Township of Bampton or Baunton, Devon, 1 Feb. Edward Bothe, clk., bachelor of canon law, canon and prb. of St. Mary's College beside Leicester Castle, rector of Attulburgh, Norf., and Wilsford, Linc., late rector of Zarborugh, Linc., and Hathern, Leic., 6 Feb. George Twesell, Twysell, or Twysyll, of Kyngestanley, Glouc., London and Gloucester, g., 5 Feb. Richard Randall, prior, and the convent of Canons Ashby, 5 Feb. Thomas Parker or Parkar, of Bealper, Beaurepeyre or Beaulper, Derb., y., son of Wm. P., 6 Feb. Hugh Attehathe or Atte Hache or At Hache, of Charing, or Charryng, Kent, y., 6 Feb. John Pate, of Ellysworth and Stowe, Camb., and of Gumcestre, Gumestre or Goamonchester, Hunts, husbandman, or y., 10 Feb. Wm. Somerton, of Curtlyngton, Wenkreke, Wentilbery and Takeley, Oxon, y. or g., 5 Feb. Wm. Pilkyngton or Pilkenyngton, of Haddershelfe, Saureby and Elfarnburgh, Yorks., g., 13 Feb. Thomas Smyth, late of Saxthorpe, Norf., butcher or husbandman, 1 Feb. Hugh Barker, clk., rector of Gymmyngham, Norf., of Ryppyng, Linc., Oxford, London, Canterbury, Midhirst, Suss., Fornham, Surr., and Kirtlyngton, Notts, 4 March. John Smyth, of Arkesden, Arksden or Arsden, Essex, y. or labourer, 20 Feb. Richard Stokes, Stokkes or Stoke, of Epworth and Ovston in the Isle of Axholme, and Rednale or Redenall beside Harleston, Norf., clk., 26 Feb. Thomas Wellis or Wellys, of Stoke beside Winchester, tailor, 8 March. Howell (or Hugh) ap Jenkyn ap John, of Llowes and Elvell, in the marches of Wales and Burghill, Heref., y., 5 Feb. Thomas Howard of Howard, k., late of Sheriffhutton, Haveryng att Bour, &c., 4 Jan. John Colet, S.T.D., dean of St. Paul's, s. and h. and executor of Henry Colet, k., mercer and alderman of London, 5 Jan. (Knoll). Nic. Clerk or Clark, of Burfard or Burford, Oxon, and Shrevenam, Berks., "chaundeler," "wexechaundeler" or y., 18 March. Richard Estwode or Estwod, of Camsall, Yorks., y. or husbandman, 13 March. John Lloyd or Floyd alias John Philip ap Gwillam, of Newport in Wales, Fulston and Hunton, Kent, Horsemounsex, Uherste and Offyngton, Suss., Waverley, Surr., and Instoke and Pakyngton Pygott, Warw., g. or y., 4 Jan. Richard Sleddell or Sleddall, of Kyrby and Skelmesser in Kendall, Westmld., clothman, chapman or husbandman, 13 March. Richard Bagot, Bagott, Bagotte or Bagatte, of Bybury, Glouc., 12 Feb. Wm. Lynne of Sutwyk, Ntht., gent., and Nic. Shelton, of London, mercer and alderman, tenants of the manors of Aston Clynton alias Vache, Bucks, and Barton, Camb., 20 July. Richard Halden, of Skegneys, Borough in the Marshe, Ingganylse and Greby, Linc., woolbroker, "wolbregger," "woll brogger," husbandman or y., 20 Feb. John Grene, of Durryngton in Terring parish, Suss., g. or y., 12 Nov. John ap Jevan ap Eign, of Pennarton, co. Merioneth, g. or yeoman, 26 Feb. Jevan (or Evan) Wynne ap Jevan ap Ll'n Says, of Lanpetyr, in the commote of Ardyddowey, co. Merioneth, g., 29 March. John Roby or Rooby, of Michell Dever Basyngstoke, Popham, Est Stratton, Weston, Norramton, Abbots Worthy, Crambourne, Slakesby and Drayton, Hants, husbandman or y., 3 April (Maidstone). Thomas Aldy, Alday or Aldey, of Sandwich, Kent, merchant or alderman, 20 March. Henry Conwey, alias Perkyns, alias Ballard, of London and Bermondsey, g., of Babelake in Coventry, Oxford, Northampton and Knoll, Warw., scholar, alias Henry Conwey, y., 15 April (Canterbury). Gabriel Silvester, clk., S.T.P., late master or custos of Clarehall college in Cambridge, dean of the chapel of Wm. abp. of Canterbury, late rector of Wydynton, Essex, and dean of the chapel of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry VII., 18 April (Canterbury). Barth., George and Ralph Seyntleger, John Gaynesford, of Crowherst, esq., and Wm. Heed, tenants of the manor of Chalvedon, Surr., 10 Nov. Thomas Cornwall or Cornewell, of Haverell, Essex and Suff., y. or g., 5 April. Robert Londe or Lounde, vicar of Gysburn, Gysburgh, or Guyesbourne, Yorks., executor of John Cutteler, clk., late treasurer of Lincoln Cathedral, 30 April. Wm. Lytton, of Knebworth, Herts, esq., and of London, g., s. and h. of Robert L., k. (late under treasurer of England), 6 May. Robert Bawdekyn, Baudekyn or Badkyn, of Emondhilles, Nthld., yeoman, 27 April. John Cheryngton, Charyngton or Chiryngton, alias Hogge, alias Catur, alias Boteler, of Burton beside Corby, Linc., and Denney, Camb., husbandman, 6 May. Robert Jacson alias Whelewright, of Brampton, Derb., wheelwright, 3 May. John Ralynson or Raulynson, of Whytyngton and Beighton, Derb., y. or husbandman, 7 May. John Feke, Fek or Feeke, of Mendeham or Mendham, Suff., husbandman or yeoman, 7 May. Edward Crisacre, Grisaker or Grissacre, of Barmburgh, Yorks., esq., s. and h. of John, 28 April. Edward Grevyle or Grevyll, of London, Melcote upon Aven and Melcote upon Stoure, Warw., and Drayton, Oxon, esq., 2 May. Thomas Pressy, Presse or Pressey, of Lyc Abbatis, or Abbottislye, Royall or Ryall in Ryppull parish, Moreend in Hylcromeve parish and Hylcromebe, Worc., labourer, husbandman or y., 25 April. Henry Slade or Slayde, of Columton, Devon, "toker," merchant, dyer, y. or husbandman, 7 May. Thomas Westefelde, Westfelde, Westyfelde, Westufelde, Westofelde or Westafelde, of Fyllyngham, Glenteworth and Ownaby, Linc., y., 4 May. Richard Paslowe, of Ledys, Yorks., gent., yeoman, sherman or clothier, [4 May]. John Stoke, Stokx, Stokes, Stokys or Stekys, of London, grocer, 14 May. Thomas Watson, of Tadcaster and Wakefield, Yorks., smith or y., 2 May. Thomas Thornton or Thorntone, of Beverley and Shyrborn in Elmete, Yorks, "rypyer" or "panzarman" or "panyarman," 16 June. Richard Bayly or Bailye, of Ratclyf upon Trent, Notts., y., husbandman or labourer, 1 July. Wm. Audyence or Audience, of Eton, Bucks., butcher or y., 10 May. Richard Peynter, Peyntour. Paynter or Payntour, of Dedyngton, Hunts, husbandman or y., 15 Oct. Edmond Dawson, Daweson or Dauson, of Kymolton, Hunts, mercer, 25 Oct. Friar John Toneys, provincial of the Austin Friars in England, alias doctor in theology and prior of Austin Friars, London, alias bachelor in theology and student of Cambridge, alias bachelor and vicar provincial in the convent of Austin Friars, London, 8 May. City of Dublin, 14 Nov. Thomas Shalford, of Cossey or Costesey, Norf., groom, y. or husbandman, or labourer, 12 June. Richard West, of Godmanchester or Gumecestre, Hunts, baker or mercer, 28 Nov. Robert Strynger, prior, and the convent of Trentham, 27 Nov. John Yong, prior, and the convent of the mon. of Repyngdon and church of St. Giles of Calk, 28 Nov. John Porte, of Etwall, Derb., esq., executor of John Fitzherbert, gent, 26 Nov. John Crowton, Crouton or Croweton, of Carnarvon and of Towcestre, Ntht., y. or saddler, 27 Jan. James Strangwyssh, Strangweys, or Strangweyes, of Appilton in the More and Yafford, Yorks., gent., (s. and h. of James S., late of Urmesby, in Cleveland, Yorks.) and Agnes his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Ralph Danby, late of Yafford, Yorks., esq., 6 May. Wm. Barlow, Barlowe, Barloo or Barle, prior of Typtre, canon of Coldenorton, Oxon, or of Blakemore, Essex, or late canon in the priory of Westmsythfeld, London, 25 Jan. Richard Snep or Snepe, of Maidstone, tailor or y., 28 Jan. John Smart or Smarte, late of Staunton Quynten and Staunton Fitzhugh, Wilts, clerk, 5 Feb. John Pepyr, Peper or Pepir, late of Malmesbury, Wilts, tailor or y., 11 Feb. Edward Averey, late of Stanley in Chippenham parish, Wilts, husbandman or yeoman, 10 Feb. Wm. Lylly or Lilly, of Westmalling, Kent, y., 6 Feb., Thomas Shalford (repeated as on m. 4). Wm. Yelverton or Yelvyrton, of Ryslyp, Midd., Hawstede, Suff., and Little and Great Rakkey, Norf., gent., s. and h. of Wm. Y., esq., and kinsman and heir of Margery Yelverton, 5 June. Emerus Marler, Marlay, Marlar, Merler, Merlay, or Marley, late of Butterwike. Linc., Durham and Hull, glazier, 20 June. Martin Boynton, late of Wilton, Yorks., esq., and Anne his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Wm. Burgh, late of Burgh beside Catrik, Yorks., esq., 24 May. Richard Ruddall, Rudhale or Rudhall, of Wodcroft in Etton parish, Ntht., gent., 5 June. John Symson, of Kyrton in Swaldale, "Whawe in Arkeladale in Swawdale," Arkladale in Swaldale and Grynton in Swaldale, Yorks., y. or labourer, 12 June. Thomas Hobson, Nic. Rawson. James Rawson, senior, Richard Rawson, clk., and Nic. Rawson, clk., tenants of the manor of Alveley, 6 March. John Aryscote, Addescote, Addyscote, Adescote or Addyscoote, late of Holdysworthy, Devon, merchant, g. or chapman, 5 July, anno r.r. 2. Stephen Marshall, Marschall or Marchall, late of Wyrkesworth or Workesworthe, Derb., y., 10 July. Thomas Geffrey or Gefferey, of Newelond, Devon, husbandman or yeoman, [10 July]. Town of Shrewsbury, 8 Feb. Wm. Benet, of Cranbroke, Kent, butcher or yeoman, 10 May. James Strangwyssh (repeated as on m. 4). Wm. Say, kt., Henry Marney, kt., Wm. Barley, esq., Robert Spencer, gent., and Edmond Cokayn, gent., tenants of the manors of Shepreth. alias Shepryght. Camb., and Aven, Mylton alias Medilton, Ruple alias Riple. Sople, Mardyng alias Mordyng and Sherle, Hants, 6 Feb. Henry Eden, Iden or Idon, of London, g., solicitor of the Staple of Calais, 12 Feb. Richard abbot of Glastonbury, Henry Heighes, Robert Gilbert, Thomas Frith, John Molle Richard White, Richard Payne, and Thomas Godewyne, tenants of lands formerly of Robert Wotton in Hydon and Milton, alias feoffees of John Elys alias Baker, 10 Feb. Isabel Sharpe, of Coggeshale, Essex, widow, tenant of the manor of Layre de la Hay, and late wife of Wm. Tey, esq., tenant of that manor, and of Edward Sharpe, esq., 11 Feb. Robert Noke, Nokke, Nooke or Nok, of Kersey, Suff., husbandman or y., 6 Feb. Walter Horder or Horeder, of Shaftesbury, Dors., mercer or merchant, 3 Feb. Thomas Rede or Reed, of Vize or Devysez, Wilts, clothman, clothmaker, clothier, "cordener" or merchant, 24 Jan. Wm. Hall or Halle, of Gunthorp, in Lowdam parish, Notts, cartwright or husbandman, 6 Feb. John Anne or An, of Frykley and Hykkylton, Yorks., and London, esq., or g., 29 Jan. Stephen Hatfeld, Haitfeld, Hatefeld, Haitfeild or Hattefeld, of Catfosse, Syglestorn or Siglistorn, Yorks., gent., 28 Jan. George Watson or Wateson, of Pykehall and Spynnethorn, Yorks., Rowley, Staff., and Norbury, Derb., y. or labourer, 20 Jan. Wm. Okeley, of London, barber or gent., late yeoman of the household of John earl of Oxford, 28 Oct. Richard Priour, Pryer, Prior, Prier or Preyor, of Ilford in Berkyng parish, Essex, smith, husbandman or y., 10 Feb. Richard Werkesworth alias Prynse or Prynce, of Wyrkysworthe, Derb., miner, y. or husbandman, 20 Nov. Thomas Pole, of Stratford atte Bowe, Midd., and Westham parish, Essex, y., husbandman, milner, or brewer, 20 Jan. Robert Bott or Bote, of Stratford atte Bowe, y. or husbandman, 20 Jan. Ambrose Barker, Berker, or Barkar, of Lyndon, Weston, Edeweston and Weston beside Normanton, Rutl., husbandman or yeoman, 8 March. Wm. Smert or Smart, or Hagworthyngham, Linc., husbandman, labourer or shepherd, 8 March.
Hic incipit annus quartus (fn. 1) :—
A.D. 1512. Walter Grey, of Norwich, clk. or chaplain, 12 May. John Mordaunt, of Turley, Truley, Turber and Turbey, Beds., esq., s. and h. of John M., knight, 21 May. Richard Close, of London, draper, 20 May. Henry Power, late of Lylyton, Warw., husbandman, labourer or y., undated. Wm. Jakson, of Urton and St. John's parish, Cumb., y. 16 June. Richard Crose or Crosse, of Clypsham, Rutl., carpenter, 23 June. John Stoughton or Stokton, of Byflete, Surr., gent., Henry VII.'s bailiff of that manor, alias of Guldeford and Stoke beside Guldeford, Surr., g., 18 May. Wm. Langrig or Langgrig, late of Blencogo, Cumb., labourer or husbandman, 5 July. Roger Fissher, late of Wychampton, Wychyhampton, Withampton, Gussage, Wimbourn St. Giles and Wymbourn St. Andrew, Dors., husbandman or y., 1 July. Wm. Mede or Meede, of Rugby, Rokeby, Rukby and Coventry, Warw., fuller or sherman, 3 July. Wm. Wodewale, Wodwall or Wodewalle, of Shaftesbury (Shaftonia), Dors., and Dounhede St. Andrew and Swalowclyff, Wilts, y. weaver or clothmaker, 1 July. Morgan Cowdrey or Coudrey, of Langton or Langton Butler, Dors. and London, esq., s. and h. of Wm. C., of Langton, gent., 12 May. Richard Throkmarton, Throkmerton, Throgmarton, Throgmerton or Frogmarton, of Weston under Woode, Bucks., and Balsole or Balsalez, Warw., and Lo[ndon], 3 July. John Bowre, of Lee or Leght, Wilts, and Shipwarden, Glouc., chaplain, 8 July. John Muscot, gent., Thomas Emson, esq., John Wattys, Edmond Hasilwode, Wm. Lane, John Cotes, John [Hasilwode] son of the said Edmond, John Copcote, John Gilberd and Robert Atwell, tenants of the manor of Bryngton Parva, Olthorp and Newbotell, Ntht., 10 [July?]. Richard Gregorie, Gregore or Gregorye, of Abbotteston, Abston and Berdiwike, Glouc., husbandman or labourer, 3 July. John Osborne Osbourne, or Osburne, of Bucton, Bukton or Bitton, Glouc., husbandman, date lost. Matthew Hollyat, Holyat, Holyathe, Hallyat or Hallyathe, of Wynferthyng, Norf., butcher or husbandman, 8 Sept.
Patent Rolls
Supplementary, 61. R.O.
1803 (2). PARDON ROLL, Part 2.
[2 Hen. VIII.]
[A.D. 1510 ?] m. 1. (Without heading or endorsement.)
m. 2. (Endd.: "anno 2do.")
Chr. Throkmerton, Throkmarton. or Throgmerton, of Tyrley, Glouc., and London, esq., 11 May. James Savage, keeper of Beskewode park, Notts, and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of John Strelley, esq., 12 May. Anthony Hansard, of Wetyngam, Suff., esq., 12 May. James Sedelegh, Sydeley or Sedeley, of Bereferys, Devon, y., and late soldier of Calais, 11 May. John Audeley, of Swafham Market, Norf., and Ipswich, Witnesham, Bergham and Little Wenham, Suff., k., and Elizabeth his wife, 11 May. Francis Halle or Hale, of Grantham, Linc., esq., merchant of the Staple of Calais, merchant of London, 12 May. Henry Stannard, of Ipswich, &c., merchant, &c., and Agnes his wife, late wife of Wm. Bolte, senior, of Sudbury, Suff., merchant, and of John Hastynges, late of Ipswich, tallow chandler, and of Richard Haxwarde or Haxwade, late of Ipswich, merchant, 27 May. Thomas Colman, prior, and the convent of Little Malvern, 20 May. Thomas Wulgar or Wulgur, of Chichester and London, draper or merchant, 25 May. Wm. Brown or Browne, clk., bachelor in decrees, late official of the archdeaconry of Surrey and vicar of Reygate, 12 June. Robert Bacon, Bacone, Bakkon or Bakonne, of London, hosier tailor or merchant tailor, 12 June. Edward Jarnegan or Jernegan, of Somerleyton, Suff., esq., gentleman usher of the Chamber, s. and h. of John J., knight, 26 May. Wm. Coke, Cooke or Cowke, clk., LL.D., master of the hospital of Well, Yorks., late of Hemyngham and Wyvenhoo, Essex, and Hecham, Suff., clk., 7 July. John Parys, of Parva Lynton and Sauston, Camb., Hempsted, Essex, and London, esq., 8 July. John Rudd, of Burtrygill, Burtergill, and Warcopp, Westmld., and Barnes in Warmouth parish, Dham., husbandman, 8 July. Robert Robynsoon, Robbynson, Robenson, Robertson or Robynson, of London, barber, sherman, or merchant, 10 June. Wm. Cook, Cooke or Coke, of North Walsham and Barton Turff, Barton next Smalbergh and Norwich, g. or esq., 17 July. David Owen, of Eseborn, Midhirst, Brede and Byxster, Suss., and Westminster, k., knight for the Body, and Anne his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Wm. Blount, knight, 20 July. Wm. Mordaunt, of Hempsted, or Hamptede, Essex, Turvey, Beds, and London, g., executor of John Mordaunt, knight, and of Thomas Huntyngdon, esq., 20 July. Robert Gilbert, clerk, fellow of St. Mary Magdalene's College, Oxford, vicar of Byerton, Bucks, rector of Newton Blosinveyll, co. Bucks., Bredlen, co. Staff., and Wynterbourn, co. Glouc., chancellor of Edward duke of Buckingham, 4 July. Robert Hyll or Hylle, of Odyham, Okeley and Okley, Hants, g., and Christina his wife, d. and h. of Richard Savage, 8 July. John Jenyn or Jenen, clk., LL.D., rector of Cullesdon and Blechynglyethe, Surr., vicar of Quene Camell, Soms., advocate of the court in the church of St. Mary in the Arches, 29 April. John Wayrenter, Flayrenter, Fayrenter or Vairenter, of Sheltenham or Cheltenham, Glouc., butcher, "corser," y. or husbandman, 11 May. John, the prior, and the convent of Braddeley, Leic., 4 Feb. Richard Halgh or Hagh, of Turnedych, Derb., husbandman or y., 15 June. Richard Copar, Coper, Couper, Cooper or Coweper alias Kokko, of Bylston, Ipswich, Hadleygh and Hadley, Suff., weaver, clothmaker, merchant or merchant adventurer, 8 May. John Danyell, of Hitchin, Herts, Warmester, Wilts, Coventry, Bedford and Blecsall, Beds, tailor or y., 9 July. John Coplond or Copland, of London, merchant tailor, 20 Oct. John Hawkesworth, of Heley, Walton beside Wakefield and Studeley beside Rypon, Yorks., y. or g., 8 July. John Assheby or Asshby, of Pulham Mary, Norf., y., 2 July. Alice Jenkyns, alias Compton, alias Surgyon, of Magna Brykhyl, Bucks, widow, 26 June. Wm. Archer, of Oxforth, co. Oxon, and Thirsbe, co. Yorks., y., "horsecoser" or "corser," 11 May.
Hic incipit annus tercius:—
A.D. 1511–12.
m. 3. (Endd.: "anno tercio.")
m. 4. (Headed and endd.: anno tercio.)
Robert Southewode, Sowthewode, Southwod or Suthwood, of Southewode in Tiverton parish, Devon, husbandman or y., 6 Dec. Robert Prous, Prows, Prouce, Prouse, Prousse, Prowce or Prowse, of Chethern, in Tiverton parish, husbandman or y. [6 Dec.]. Robert Holand or Honyland, ofDertmouth, or Clyfton Dertmouth, merchant or draper, late clerk of Henry VII.'s customers of Exeter and Dartmouth, 9 Feb. Henry Marney, kt., Alex. Culpeper, esq., and Robert Morley, esq., tenants of 80 ac. of land, &c., in Magna Byrche, &c., Essex, called "William a Birches," 6 Feb. Wm. ap Res (or Rees) ap Griffith, of co. Anglesea, y., 7 Feb. Isabel Brugge or Brugges, of Coberley, Glouc., widow of Giles Brugge, k., and d. of Thomas Beynam, esq., 27 Jan. Thomas Blount, of Chaddesley Corbet, Worc., g. or esq., late steward of Edward viscount Lisle of Chaddar, Soms., and one of the executors of Edward Blount, k., 10 Feb. Henry Loveday or Lovday, of Payneswyke, Bysley and Strodewatyr, Glouc., husbandman, clothmaker, or "touker," 12 Feb. Town of Dover, 12 Feb. James Dobbeson, Dobeson or Dobson, of York and Sabur, Yorks., dyer or yeoman, 11 Feb. Thomas Percy, of Hovyngham, Semar, Lekynffeld, Wresyll, Scalby, Yaresley, Yorks., Westyngammar, Kent, Stebyng, Essex, London and Petworth, Suss., g., esq. or y., 12 Feb. John Heche, Heiche, Hechis or Hiche of Meldeburne and Chebson, Camb., y. or husbandman, 14 Feb. John Hubbaud, Hubbaude, Hubaud or Hubaude, late of Hilbereworth and Parva Laweford, Warw., and Kyllysby, Ntht., g. or esq., 1 June. John Trevelyan, kt., Philip Tremayle, Roger Bythe More, John Wether and John Elysworthy, feoffees of St. Lawrence chantry in Dunster, 2 May. Humphrey Sanders, Saunders or Sandres, late of Evesham, Worc., g., grocer, merchant or y., 26 May. Thomas Christmas, Cristemasse, Cristmasse or Crystmas, of Colchester, merchant or clothmaker, 12 May. Chr. Ryder or Ridder, of Middilham, Yorks., labourer, 20 Jan. Thomas Derby, dean, and the college of St. Mary of Leicester Castle, 14 May. Wm. Chaundeler, Chandelare or Chandeler, late of Pertenhale, Beds., yeoman or husbandman, 21 May. Thomas Salmon alias Butteler or Botele, of Cowlone or Cowelane, Chesh., and Kyngeswode, Wilts, y., 20 May. Thomas Pennyngton or Penyngton, of Sayles within Coweton Grange, Askreddyng and Colton in Fournesfell, Lanc., yeoman, "kendilman," "clotheer," or "cariar," 8 May. John Malhom or Malghom alias Wederhyrd or Wederell, of Scarborough, Yorks., sherman, fuller or yeoman, 1 May. Nic. Bowyar or Bowyare, of Bedyll or Bedle, Staff., and Raylys, Essex, g. or y., 12 May. John Hubbaud (repeated as above). Wm. Canon, of Norwich, clerk or chaplain, executor of Margaret Lythe, 24 May. Thomas Danyson or Denysun, of Etherwyk in Holderness, husbandman or y., 20 May. Wm. Tey, of Colchester, London and Grays Inn, senior, g., 24 May. Robert Frevyll, of Little Shelford, and Stapuleford, Camb., s. and h. of John F., esq., 26 May. George Watton, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff. alias Sussex (sic), merchant or husbandman, 27 May. Wm. Colles or Collys, and Richard and Wm. Myller, Millere or Miller, of Sulgrave and Thrope Moundevyle, Ntht., husbandmen, 26 May. Wm. ap Powell alias Wm. ap Howell, alias Wm. Powell, of London, and of Odeham and Basyngstoke, Hants, "cordyner," shoemaker or yeoman, 2 May. Geoffrey Wrene, Wrenne or Wren, of London, clk., clerk of the King's closet, rector of Hanselape, Bucks., and Lughborow, Notts, prb. of Cave and of Barnby in York cathedral, and rector of St. Michael's beside Quenehith, London, 20 June. Wm. Dalyson, Dalamson or Dalason, of Laghton, Linc., esq., 28 June. Alan Sutton of Nether Haddon, Overhaddon and Bakewell, Derb. and Kegworth, Leic., Wm. Briddon, Bridden or Bryddon of Nether Haddon, and Bakewell, and Wm. Bagshae, Bagschae, or Bagshaa, of Tiddeswall and Nether Haddon, Derb., y., 28 June. John Boterey, Botterey, Botrye or Botrie, clk., rector of St. Swithins in Worcester, late of Bradwey, Worc., and Preston upon Stoure, Warw., clk., 25 June. Wm. Spens, Spense or Spence, of London, stockfishmonger (s. of Thomas S., stockfishmonger) and Elizabeth Spens, widow and executrix of the said Thomas, 29 June. Thomas Perkyns, chaplain of the chantry of St. Alphege in Solyhull, Warw., 29 June. Richard Foxlowe and Thomas Yelshawe, chaplains, of Tonworth, Warw., tenants of lands in Toneworth and Aspley, formerly of Thomas Colyns, which were granted by Edward IV. to Rose Mountford and which Thomas Garth lately held for life by grant of Edw. IV., 25 Nov. John Rede or Reed, clk., warden of the college of St. Mary near Winchester, late of Kyngysley beside Alton Westbroke, Hants, clk., 1 May. Edmond Everyngham, of Bampton or Brampton, Oxon, g., 7 May. John Mitton, of Weston under Lesyerd, Tamenhorne, Rugley and Bobyngton, Staff., esq., s. and h. of John, 14 May. Thomas Russhe, Rasshe or Rush, serjeant at arms, of Orford, and Perham, Suff., London, Erisby, Hagunthyngham and Hagworthyngham, Linc., esq., g. or y., and Anne his wife, late wife of Thomas Alverd or Alvardde, late of Ipswich, merchant, 12 May. Roger Hergest, of Pencombe and Walterston, Heref., gent., 20 May. Wm. Trye or Trie, of Hardwyke and Radwike, Glouc., and Segre, Wilts, esq., 1 May. Henry Elys alias Mason, of Salisbury, freemason or brewer, 6 May. Richard Vyvian, Vivean, Vevian, Vivian, Vivan or Vyvyan, of Pensaunce, Cornw., merchant, y. or franklin, 26 May. Wm. Serle, Seryll or Serull, of Tregenowe in Alternon parish, Cornw., husbandman, tinner or labourer, 19 May. Wm. Lenne, of Tregony, Cornw., and Henry Cowlyn, Wm. Lathern, Richard Trewyk, John Michellwillyam, Martin Clerk and Oto Norton, of Truru, merchants, 20 May. Roland Gybson or Gybeson, of Beverley, Yorks and Durham, smith, 16 Oct. Roger Bodenham or Bodynham, late of Rotherows, Hereford and Dewechurch, Heref., and of London, junior, g., chaplain or clerk, 20 Oct. Wm. Wynbussh, Wymbussh, Wymbissh, Wymbushe, Wymbyssh, Wynbysshe, Wenbussh or Wymbysshe, of London, mercer, broderer or y., 13 Oct. John Dyson, of Lichfield, and Walsale, Staff., g. or y., yeoman of the crown of Henry VII., 28 June. Richard Smyth, alias Wolshawe or Wolsha, of Worsworth, Derb., Okkeley, Surr., Bramultye, Suss., and London, y., 16 Oct. Edmond Herdman or Herdeman, of Pype beside Stafford, Staff., Langley, Bucks., and London, y., 27 Oct. Richard Yong or Yonge, of London, grocer, 6 Nov. Richard Passhe and John Bykford (successors of John Wellys and John Dalyland), wardens, and the guild of Holy Trinity of New Windsor, Berks, 10 Oct. John Coke or Cooke, clk., parson of St. Peter's, Monks Soham, Suff., 8 Nov. Thomas Blande or Bland, of Skawton, Yorks., husbandman, 10 Nov. Wm. Shereff, Shiryff or Sherriffe, of Rokeby and Hylt Moreton, Warw., chapman or y., 4 Nov. Peter Duffe or Duff, of London, labourer, "waterlagger," y. or "bowgeman," 10 Sept. Wm. Wrothe or Wrothee, of Laukynhorne, or Laukynhornee, Cornw., husbandman or labourer, 10 Nov. Wm. More of More in St. Ive's parish, Cornw., g. or franklin, one of the sureties of John Crendell, undated. John Longe or Lang, of Castelcary and Wellys, Soms., g., 4 Nov. Richard More, Moore or Moor, clk., vicar of Etyngton, Warw., 12 Nov. John Watfilip, Watphilip, Watffylip, Whatphilip or Waphilip, of Tregewen, Cornw., g., of Restawrake and Treryse, Cornw., y., tinner, alias Jeynkyn Treryse, of Treryse, Cornw., tinner, 12 Nov. John Bayly, Baly, Balygh, Baylye or Bayligh, of Sherescote, Staff., and Sutton, Derb., y., 13 Nov.
A.D. 1512–13.
m. 5. (Endd.; anno quarto.)
[4 Hen. VIII.]
m. 6.(Endd.: anno quarto.) John Haster or Arter, late of Calais, serjeant, merchant of the Staple of Calais, merchant of Boston, Linc., weigher of Calais, 26 May (Otford). Master Matthew Laung, clk., archd. of Surrey, rector of Farnham, 8 June. Robert Cowper, of Shelfanger, Norf., clk. or chaplain, 10 June. John Michell or Mychell, of Stamerham beside Southwater in Horsham parish, Suss., y. or g., 10 July. Richard Fisshe or Fissh, of Braybroke, Ntht., Beverley, Yorks., and Hartilpole and Straunton, Dham., tailor or y., 20 June. John Raynold, Reygnold, Reignold or Reynold, of Langport or Lamport, Soms., y. or merchant, customer of Weymouth, 14 July. James Leye, of Ruarden, Glouc., husbandman, 5 July. John Mychell, Michell, Micchell, Michelle or Michille, of Prydy, Soms., husbandman or y., 23 Aug. John Bukrigge, Pukrigge, Pokeriche Powkeryche or Bokerygge, of Bastelden and Hertriche, Berks, 29 July. Thomas Sprakley, Prakley or Sprakley, late of Coldouerton, Leic., husbandman or franklin, 8 Aug. Wm. Twigge or Twygge, late of London, and of Putteneth, Surr., mercer, merchant or g., 1 Aug. Thomas Dawe alias Cornyshe, of Lascarde or Lescarde, Cornw., and of Gloucester, shoemaker or yeoman, 12 Oct. Wm. Totbold; Tutbold, Tutbolde, Tutboll or Tutbode, of Stoke Gommer, Soms., smith, yeoman or labourer, s. of John, 12 Nov. Henry Grey and Alice his wife, late wife of Henry Brennesley, late tenant of lands in Trowell, Notts, held of the King in chief, 5 Oct. Wm. Lawnder or Lavynder, junior, of Pensford in Publowe parish, Soms., clothier or yeoman, 1 Aug. John (or Jenkyn) Sutton, Suton or Sotton, senior, of Haverford West, merchant, 23 Nov. Wm. Potter, of Lyfton, Devon, gent., y., painter, stainer or husbandman, 23 Nov. Thomas Bury or Bery, of Westaker, Loddon and Southtrappys, Norf., y., 20 Nov. John Lambert, late bailiff, Wm. Lambert, butcher, Robert Wodeward, Thomas Lychefeld, gent., and Richard Barker, yeoman, and the other burgesses of Buckingham, 20 Nov. James Scudemore, Sucdmour, Sucdemoure, Scudmoure, Skydmore, Scudenour or Scudmore, of Kenchurche, Moccas and Acornebury, Heref., and London, g. or esq., 29 Nov. Thomas More or Moore, of Sherveld, Shyrfeld or Sherrefeld upon Lodon, Hants, gent., undated. Yeuan (or John) ap David, of Northop, co. Flint, and Holt in Bromfeld, in Wales, g., y. or husbandman, 1 Dec. John Smyth, Smethe, Smith or Smythe, of Bristowe and Blecchyngligh, Surr., y., tailor or husbandman, 8 Jan. Wm. Slyke or Sleke, of Poole, Dors., merchant, 8 Jan. Robert Fryvell, of Little Shelford, g., Thomas Castell of, London, g., Richard Hil, of London, g., Guy Asplond, clk., and Chr. Swalowe, clk., rector of Heyden, 15 Jan. Henry Elberd or Elbert, of Yarmouth, Norf., dyer, fuller or yeoman, 20 Jan. Wm. Clysston or Clyffton, late of St. Neot's, Hunts, and Keteryng, Ntht., tanner or y., 1 Feb. John Garton alias Chambre, of Byllyngesburth or Billingshurst, Suss., g., 25 Jan. Walter (alias Wm.) Whitt or Whight, of Ockeford Fitzpayn or Ockeford Fyppyn, Dors., yeoman, clothier or husbandman, 1 Feb. John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Essex, and John Luffe, tenants of lands called Mascals in Great Badowe, Essex, 12 Feb. Roger Coke or Cooke, of Leicester, weaver, 4 Feb. Michael Water, of the city of Corkys in Ireland, merchant, 28 Feb. Humphrey Walker, of London, "founder," 20 Feb. Thomas Compton or Cumpton, of Westcheyham and Estcheyham, Surr., 14 March. Thomas Knaggys or Knaggis, of Sneton, Whytby, Durhame, and St. Oswald's parish in the town of Duresme, Yorks., (fn. 2) Danbery and Chelmesford, Essex, London, and Hoggeston, Midd., y., 16 Oct. Godfrey Fuljambe, John Samford, Ranulph Samford, Ralph Grenehalgh, Roger Eyre, esq., Richard Revell and John Revell, tenants of lands in Carnwhayte in Normanton parish, Derb., 19 Oct. Wm. Bodham, of Burnham and Lenn, Norf., Skarburgh, Yorks, Tylmouth, Berwick and Colchester, mariner or y., 26 Oct. John Wade, Wad or Waade, of London, pouchmaker, 2 Nov. Ellen ap Mericke, Myryk, or Meryk, of Mittelton, Heref., spinster, 5 May. John Boty, Botty, Botyll or Botyl, of Dysse, Norf. and Palgrave, Suff., wheelwright or husbandman, 6 Nov. John Cok, of Beteley and Sparham, Norf., labourer, barker, husbandman or y., 6 Nov. Henry Thornton or Thorntone, of Playstrete, Soms., yeoman, pardoner or gent., Henry VII.'s keeper of Ilchester gaol, 1 Oct. John Fitzjames, Fitzjamys or Fiesiames, of Redleyche, Redlynche and Butcley, Soms., and the Temple, London, g., s. and h. of John F., senior, esq., 24 May. Thomas Speyght, Speght or Speight, m. of London, merchant tailor, 15 Oct. John Smyth, of Great Sampforde, Essex, carpenter, 17 Nov. ("pro Deo quia pauper"). John, the abbot, and the convent of Miravale, Warw., 18 Nov. Lewis Harpisfeld, Harpesfeld, Harepisfeld, Hairepisfeld, Herepisfeld, Harrepesfeld, Herrepysfeld, Harpesfelde, Heyrepesfeld, or Hairepefeld, of London, mercer or merchant, 22 Oct. Robert Tessh, minister, and the convent of St. Robert beside Knaresburgh, 7 May. John Boteler or Butler, of Coventry, g., town-clerk, one of the executors of Richard Colyns, late of Radford, tanner, and executor of Thomas Bowde, clk., 3 July. Richard Ferrers, Ferres, or Ferreys, of Fyneton, Devon, esq., and of Lincolns Inn, and Stronde, Midd., g., and Joan his wife, d. and h. of Wm. Malerbe, late of Fyneton, gent., 3 Feb. John Iwardby, of Ewell, Surr., k., 1 April. Wm. Eyman or Eyeman, of Edyngthorp, Norf., woolman or yeoman, 5 Feb. Henry Goodewyn, clk., vicar of St. Peter's, Stowemarkett, Suff., 6 Feb. Thomas Trottyswell, alias Terrant, alias Wever, of Terrant Monachorum, Dors., and Bishop's Rammysbury, Wilts, clk., 6 Feb. Richard Baker, of Aldesworth, Allysworth or Alsworth, Notts, g., 26 Nov. Hamlet Ardern, of Tympurley, Chesh., g., or y., 28 Sept.
1. Hugh Willey, groom of the Chamber. Grant, during pleasure, of the "tollerships" of the towns of Prestende, Bilth, and Elvell, in the marches of Wales. Greenwich, 24 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3840.]
2. Sir Charles Brandon, knight for the Body. To be, for life, steward of all possessions in Warw., Glouc., Worc., and Oxford, lately in the occupation of Thomas Higford, by virtue of a feoffment made to him and others by Richard de Beauchamp, late Earl of Warwick, now in the King's hands as parcel of the possessions of the said Earl. Del. Westm., 1 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (counter-signed: Robt. Southwell). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [3841.]
3. Thomas bp. of Durham. Grant, for 70 years, of the manor of La More alias La More and Bacheworth, Herts, Middlesex, and Bucks, with the park and other appurtenances, at an annual rent of 62l. 4d. Del. Westm., 1 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. [3842.]
4. John Leghton and Matilda his wife, Antony Ralegh and Elizabeth his wife, James Clyfford and Anne his wife, Thomas Aston and Bridget his wife, and Agnes Harwell. Livery of lands in right of the said ladies as sisters and heirs of Thomas, son and heir of John Harwell, which Thomas died temp. Hen. VII., then being the King's ward. Del. Westm., 1 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. [3843.]
5. St. Frideswide's, Oxford. Assent to the election of John Burton as prior vice William Chedill, resigned. Green wich, 24 March 4 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 1 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.
ii. Petition of the president and convent for the above. 19 March, 1512. [3844.]
6. John Toley, John Metcalf, and Roger Metcalf. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of auditor for the castles, lordships, and manors of Middelham, Richmond, Barnardes Castle, and Shireffhoton, parcel of the earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury. Also appointment of John Toley as auditor, for life, for the castles, lordships and manors of Wakefeld, Sandehall, Connesburgh, Hatfeld, Thorne, Cotyngham, Penrith, Dancastre, Chestrefeld (parcel of the duchy of York and of the said earldoms), and of the town and castle of Berwick upon Tweed, and of the revenues assigned to Berwick for payment of soldiers there; with the same fees as John Luchyngton, John Clerc, and William Mistilbrok. Greenwich, 29 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm.; 2 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [3845.]
7. Edward Don or Donne, of Horsyngton, Bucks, alias London, esquire, one of the King's spears. Protection, according to the Statute of 3 Hen. VIII., as going on the King's service into foreign parts. Greenwich, 18 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. [3846.]
8. Victualling. Commission to Wm. Chapman and John Wattys to provide cheese and oats in Essex for the army. Westm., 4 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3850.]
9. Sir Richard Wentworth, of Netlisted, Suff. Pardon and release as late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk; also release to his sureties, Sir Philip Bothe of Bergham, Thomas Tyrell of Gippyng, Robert Talmage of Otley, and Thomas Hall of Ipswich, Suff., of their recognizance of 100 marks, made 17 Nov. 1 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 14 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 4 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25. [3851.]
10. Sir Wistan Browne. To be treasurer of Calais, in reversion after Sir Hugh Conwey, knight for the Body, who has held the said office from 15 June 19 Hen. VII., vice Sir John Turbervile. Greenwich, 8 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 April. P.S. French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 5. [3852.]
11. Robert the abbot, and the Convent of St. Mary, Cerne. Grant, by charter, in frankalmoign, of the free chapel or priory or hermitage called "le Hermytage," in Blakamore. Dorset; on surrender of patent 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. granting the same to John Cole, clk. Del. Westm., 4 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Charter Roll 200. No. 10 (witnesses not named). [3853.]
12. Baptista Justinian, quondam Jeronimi, merchant of Syo. To be consul at Syo. Greenwich, 16 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. Rymer, XIII. 353. [3854.]
13. James Worsley, groom of the Wardrobe. To be keeper of the lions, lionesses and leopards in the Tower of London, with 12d. a day and the premises and allowances appointed for them, vice John earl of Oxford, deceased. Greenwich, 22 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 27. Rymer XIII. 352. [3855.]
14. Victualling the Army. Commissions for Ric. Wodeward, Philip Tay, and John Tedd, to supply oxen and sheep for the army until 5 Oct. next. Westm., 5 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3858.]
15. Robert Russell. Request by George lord Roos to the Chancellor for a protection according to the Statute for Robert Russell, going over seas in his retinue to the wars. 5 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: George Roos). [3864.]
16. John Copynger, page of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be, for life, keeper of the change and money in the Tower of London, and of the gold and silver coinage there and elsewhere in England, with the fees attached, as in 51 Edw. III. and 1 Richard II.; in reversion after William Stafford, who holds by patent 25 Sept. 1 Hen. VII. Greenwich, 14 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [3865.]
17. Sir John Penyngton. Pardon and release as sheriff of Cumberland; also release for Sir Richard Cholmeley of Cottingham, Yorks., William Penyngton of Newton, Rowland Kyrkeby of Botyll, and John Carroke of Farlam, Cumb., of their recognizance of 40l. made 20 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 5 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [3866.]
18. Thomas Carmenowe, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the stannaries in the hundreds of Penwith and Kerryer, Cornw., with tribulage in the same from 16 July 1 Hen. VIII., as Richard Stanshawe and Thomas Poynter enjoyed the same. Greenwich, 11 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [3867.]
19. Guild of Fishmongers of London. Pardon and release for Ralph Thomson. Miles Gerrard, Richard Stokwith, Thomas Nicols, and William Whaplode, fishmongers of London, late wardens of the Fishmongers' Guild, for all alienations and entries. Del. Westm., 8 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [3868.]
20. Robert Yeo. Licence to impark 100 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, and 20 acres of wood, in his manor of Heampton Sachefeld, Devon, and to have free warren throughout the manor. Del. Westm., 8 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 33. [3869.]
21. John Sharpe, groom of the Chamber. Exemption from serving on juries, or being made knight, justice of peace, mayor, sheriff, &c. Del. Westm., 8 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [3870.]
22. Purveyors. Commission during six months to John Ricroft, serjeant of the Larder, to provide 20,000 qrs. of malt, 3,000 qrs. of beans, 3,000 qrs. oats, 300 oxen, and 1,000 sheep, for the victualling of Calais, in cos. Norf., Suff., Camb., Herts, Beds, Hunts, Northt., Linc., and Leic., with conveyance. Westm., 9 April.
ii. Several commissions for Wm. Gekyll, Wm. Hortop, Hen. Bryan, and Geo. Colbrond, yeomen purveyors of the Avenary, to provide hay, oats horse-bread, litter, stabling, and carriage for the King's horses for six months. Same date. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16. [3871.]
23. Robert Knollis. Request to the Chancellor, by Richard Tempest, for a protection with cause volumus, according to the Statute, for Robert Knollis, whom he has retained since Christmas last to go with him over sea in the wars. 10 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: your oratour, Richard Tempest, esquier for the Kynges honourable body). [3872.]
24. Priory of Holy Trinity, London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 25 Nov. 18 Hen. VII., cf.
Pat. 1 Nov. 8 Hen. VI., conf.:—
Ch. 30 May 3 Ric. II., conf. with additions:—
Ch. of Hen. I.
Chs. (6) of Stephen.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. of Hen. I.
Ch. 4 April 37 Hen. III.
Ch. 8 Feb. 11 Hen. III.
Pat. 3 Nov. 11 Edw. II.
Pat. 6 June 9 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 26 Nov. 15 Edw. III. (p. 3, m. 4), exemplifying:—
Certificate (by the Exchequer) of the temporalities of the priory.
Westm., 10 April [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 47, No. 17.
25. Sir Stephen Jenyns, alderman of London. Mortmain licence to alienate the manor of Russhok next Chadesley Corbet, Worc., to the Merchant Tailors of the guild of St. John the Baptist, London, for maintenance of the grammar school at Wolverhampton, in pursuance of patent 22 Sept. last. The manor is held of the King as of the barony of Elmeley Castell, and is of the annual value of 14l. Westm., 12 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3879.]
26. Sir Charles Brandon, knight for the Body. To be for life steward of the lordships of Henley in Arderne and Tonworth, Warwick, and master of the hunt in the parks there; vice William Cope, deceased. Greenwich, 10 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 April. P.S. [3880.]
27. Christopher Garneys, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Grant in socage of that moiety of the manor of Saxlyngham, Norf., which Th. Fogge, deceased, lately held, in tail male, by the King's gift; the manor having been forfeited to the King's father by attainder of Sir Edm. De la Pole Earl of Suffolk; also grant of all bondmen of the said manor. S.B. (without note of delivery). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. [3881.]
28. Lord Hastynges. By former letters the King, commanded him to be in readiness with 60 archers and 40 bills, apparelled for the wars and to send for money for their conduct and jackets. Now intending speedily to proceed on his voyage against the French King, considering the convenient time of year, intending also to observe the treaties between himself, the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Aragon, he has appointed the said Lord amongst others to pass over in the "forewarde," under the Earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household. He is to have shipping for 6 horses for himself; 2 for his captain, 1 for his petty-captain; two carriages for himself, with 12 horses; two sumpter horses; and 1 for a chaplain; all to be provided by himself, and meet at Dover or Sandwyche, before 8th of May next. Greenwich, 13 April.
ii. Memorandum that, on 7 May 5 Hen. VIII., George lord Hastynges, one of the captains of the King's wars, appeared in Chancery, showed letters missive as above and sued out writs of entry to the sheriffs of Warw., Rutland, Derby, Notts, Sussex, Leic., and Midd. S.B. (in English). [3887.]
29. Sir Adrian and John Fortescu. Appointment to pass the sea, in the middleward, with 50 archers and 50 bills, and instruction that he shall have shipping for 4 horses for themselves, for petty captain, 6 for carriage, and one sumpter horse and must be with their whole retinue at Dover or Sandwich, by 18 May. Greenwich, 13 April.
ii. Memorandum that, on 10 June 5 Hen. VIII., they produced letters missive as above in Chancery and sued out writs of entry to the sheriff of Cambridge, to be sued 10 June 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3890.]
30. Sir Richard Sacheverell. Like appointment to pass in the vanguard under the Earl of Shrewsbury, with 60 archers and 40 bills. To be at Dover or Sandwich by 8 May. Greenwich, [13 April].
ii. Writs to the sheriff of Leicester, sued 9 May, 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3891.]
31. Sir Henry Marny, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Like appointment. To serve under the King in the middleward, with 25 demi-lances, 200 archers, 200 bills, and 75 marispikes; to join the King at the port the 18 May next. Greenwich, 13 April. S.B. (stamped).
ii. Writs sued on 7 May 5 Hen. VIII. accordingly against Sir John Raynesford, at the suit of Robert Radclyff lord Fitzwater, Sir Edward Ponynges, and divers others, to the use of Sir Henry Marney, in Oxon. and Bucks. [3886.]
32. Alice Darold. Pardon and release to Alice Darolde, executrix of Godfrey (or Geoffrey) Darolde, of Langtofte, Linc., alias of Boston, merchant, collector of customs at Kingston upon Hull, and receiver of the King's lands there and in Miton, co. town of Kingston upon Hull; also release for his sureties, Richard Rawson, archdeacon of Essex, and Sir Richard Cholmeley. Greenwich, 8 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8. [3889.]
33. Victualling. Commission to Thomas Tove to provide all kinds of empty vessel, cut down trees for clapboard, take "cloviers" for the same and provide "clappold hopes and twigges" for making barrels for the victualling of the army. Westm., 13 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17. [3888.]
34. Victualling. Like commission to John Stone. Westm., 14 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 17. [3894.]
35. John de Cavalcanti, a native of Florence. Denization for life. Del. Westm., 14 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3893.]
36. Henry earl of Essex, who is to pass the sea to the war. Warrant for such writs for recoveries or fines of his lands as he may desire, according to Act 3 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 14 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3895.]
37. Thomas Tevell, of Ipswich or Holbroke, Suff. Pardon and release as late escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk, also release to his sureties, Thomas Hall of Ipswich, and Thomas Gaysley of All Hallows, Lombard Street, of their recognizance of 40l. made 30 Nov. 19 Hen. VII., &c., Greenwich. _, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 April. P.S. [3896.]
38. Francis Sbarra, Urbanus Parensis, and Anthony de Citadello, merchants of Lucca. Licence to import 1,000 tons of Toulouse woad. Del. Westm., 15 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 10. [3898.]
39. Richard Longe late of London, alias of Stratford Bow, Midd., mercer. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 14 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3899.]
40. John Colet, D.D., dean of St. Paul's. Licence to found a perpetual chantry for one chaplain in the chapel of St. Mary and St. John, on the south side of a school by him lately founded in the cemetery of the said church; to be called the chantry of St. Mary; also mortmain licence to the guild of Mercers to acquire lands to the annual value of 20l., for support of the chantry. Greenwich, 13 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3900.]
41. Richard Burghill. Farm, for 20 years, of the subsidy and ulnage of cloths exposed for sale in the counties and cities of Worcester and Hereford, at the annual rent of 15l., with moiety of forfeitures of unstamped cloths; on surrender of patent 12 April 1 Hen. VIII., granting the above for seven years to John Vaghan. Greenwich, 15 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [3901.]
42. William Morgan. To be steward of the manors or lordships of Uske, Kaerlyon and Trillek in Wales, constable of Uske castle and coroner of Uske, Caerlyon, and Trillek; also surveyor of Uske, Kaerlyon and Trillek. Greenwich, 22 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17. [3902.]
43. John Maltbye. clk. Presentation to the church of Hemeswell. Linc. dioc., void by death and pertaining to the duchy of Cornwall. Greenwich, 12 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. [3906.]
44. Richard Smyth, yeoman of the Wardrobe, and John Sharpe, the King's servant. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of customer and collector of monies arising from the weighing of wool in the town of Calais, as William Vaughan, deceased, held the same; on surrender of pat. 26 June 1 Hen. VIII., granting the office to Smyth. Greenwich, 12 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [3907.]
45. John Sharpe and Richard Smyth, yeoman of the Robes. Grant, in survivorship, of two corrodies in the monastery of Abyndon; on surrender of the same by Sharpe. Greenwich, 14 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. (in English). [3908.]
46. Thomas Mitford of Rye, Sussex, fisherman, mariner or merchant. Pardon. Greenwich, 20 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 18 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [3909.]
47. Thomas Curll, of London, grocer, merchant of Calais. Exemption from serving on juries, being escheator, coroner, justice, &c. Greenwich, 25 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. [3910.]
48. Sir Richard Cholmeley, knight for the Body. Annuity of 10 marks, during pleasure, from the Annunciation 4 Hen. VIII. out of the issues of the lordship of Kenyngton, Surrey. Greenwich, 12 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3911.]
49. Ralph Verney, of the Household. Pardon and release, as sheriff of Beds and Bucks, of arrears, &c., before 4 Nov. last. Greenwich, 29 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3912.]
50. Richard Rede, yeoman of the Guard. Grant of a corrody in the priory of Coventry. Del. Westm., 18 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [3913.]
51. Sir John Seymour. Protection according to the statute. Westm., 18 April. French, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 6. [3914.]
52. Priory of Barnstaple (John Pilton, prior). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 5 July 4 Hen. IV. (p. 2, m. 12). Westm., 18 April [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 48, No. 1.
53. Robert Garneys and John Morgan, soldiers in Calais. Grant, in survivorship, of the fines of strangers in Calais, called "le bille money," vice Richard Chalner, deceased. Greenwich, 11 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [3917.]
54. Hugh Elyot of Bristol, draper. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 10 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. [3919.]
55. Sir Charles Brandon, knight for the Body. To be receiver, during pleasure, of the castle of Lyon alias Holte, the manors or lordships of Lyon, Bromfelde, and Yale, the castle of Chirke, and of the manors or lordships of Chirke and Chirkeslande, and Kynlleth and Owen in Chirkeslande, marches of Wales. Greenwich, 19 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 April. P.S. [3920.]
56. The same. To be, for life, chief steward for the above with power to appoint under the seal of the exchequer of Lyon or Chirke, the constables, porters, foresters, coroners and all other officers, except the auditor. Greenwich, 19 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [3921.]
57. The same, Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Elizabeth Grey, daughter and heir of John viscount Lisle, the lands including not only those leased by patent 10 Nov. 1 Hen. VIII. (surrendered), to Thomas earl of Surrey, Thomas lord Howard, Sir Edward Howard, and Sir Thomas Boleyn, to the use of Sir Thomas Knyvet and Mercella his wife, late Viscountess Lisle, now dec., at an annual rent of 292l. 5s. 4¼d., but all other possessions of the Viscount, and all which descended to the said Elizabeth on the death of Joan wife of Sir Humphrey Talbot. Greenwich, 19 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32. [3922.]
58. Ambrose Bradman, soldier of Calais. To be collector of customs and tolls through Newenhambrigge, as well of men as of animals, goods, merchandise and all other things passing beneath that bridge; of the customs of 4d. at St. Peter le Stones; and of the profits of the customs of 4d. for each cart of wool or other merchandise passing through or by the Scunage in a place called "Le Lede"; to hold from Candlemas last, paying the Treasurer of Calais 5l. a year Del. Westm., 21 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3923.]
1. The War. (fn. 3)
i. Thos. Frende. Request to the Chancellor, by Thomas Spert, for a protection, according to the Statute, for Th. Frende, whom he has retained to serve in the wars. S.B. (signed: by me Thomas Sppertt, master of the Harry Grace a Deu). [3924.]
ii. The like for John Baston, husbandman, "as one of the number of the King's crew [that] made their abode at Calais." S.B. (signed: yor. humble servant Hugh Conwey, k.). [3925.]
iii. The like by the Earl of Worcester for Roger Salysbury going in the rearward. S.B. (signed: C. Worcestr.). [3926.]
iv. The like for Sir Thomas ap Phelips, about to serve in the war, having done like service in the last voyage, with 100 persons in the rearward. S.B. (signed: C. Worcestr.). [3927.]
v. The like for Stephen Hill. S.B. (signed: By yor. bedeman Edward Belknapp). [3929.]
vi. The like for Miles Hobard, gunner. S.B. (signed: Antony Nele: Edward Belknapp). [3930.]
vii. The like by Sir Thomas Wyndam, "vice-admiral and lieut.-general to the King's army and navy on the sea," for William Beck. S.B. (signed: S.' Thomas Wyndam, k.). [3931.]
viii. The like for Thomas Steynton of London, draper. S.B. (signed: By your humbyll Thomas Tyrell). [3933.]
ix. The like by Charles Brandon Viscount Lisle for Wm. Essex (for writs of covenant or entry in the post). S.B. (signed: Charlys Lysley). [3932.]
x. The like by Sir John Pecche, knight for the Body, for John Rawlyns (for writs of entry). S.B. (signed: S.' John Pecche, knyght). [3934.]
xi. The like by Thomas marquis of Dorset, for William Parre (for discharge of fines, &c.) S.B. (signed: Thomas Dorssett). [3935.]
xii. The like by "Thomas Wolcy, clerk, the King's elemosinar," for Thomas Stuteley (for writ of entry). S.B. (signed: yor humble chapleyn Thomas Wulcy). [3936.]
2. Th. Willynge of Leighton, Hunts, "horscorser," alias husbandman. Fiat for a protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Anthony Ughtred, vice-captain of Berwick. S.B. (signed and scaled by Ughtred. Endorsed: "John Elysse"). [3928.]
3. Isabella Smyth, widow. Custody of a messuage. John Copwood and John Smyth, London, her bail. Imperfect. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [3937.]
4. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Cornwall.—Undated. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5d. [3938.]
23 April.
Add. MS.
18,826, f. 54.
1806. THE LEISH.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for coats, etc., to John Singleton, Ric. Sympson, Ric. Dunnowe and John Williams, children of the Leash. Greenwich, 23 April 5 Hen. VIII.
[23 April.]
Anstis, Order
of the Garter,
I., 275.
In 5 Hen. VIII., after nominations in the usual manner, were elected Lord Burgaveny, Sir Edward Howard and Sir Charles Brandon, but Howard died before being installed (fn. 4)
23 April. 1808. BRITANNY.
News from England of 23 April.
Six days ago one of the captains of the fleet brought a letter from their captain general reporting capture of four French ships and desperate position of Pre?gent and the rest,—inviting the King to come in person to enjoy the glory of victory. He wished to go, but the Council opposed it. The French galleys are separated from the rest, and a place called Crondon has been burnt.
See Milan Calendar, I, No. 635.
23 April.
Ven. Transcr.
176, p. 137.
23 April 1513.—It is true that the truce is made between Spain and France, and contains two essential parts (as in No. 1791). This shows that they want to be free beyond the Alps and make Italy their prey; and also what account they make of the Duke of Milan.
Italian. Modern extract headed: "Secretario Joan Petro Stella apud Dominos Helvetios." See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 235.
24 April. 1810. ABBEY OF BURY ST. EDMUNDS.
Election. See GRANTS IN APRIL 1513 (5 Hen. VIII.), No. 6.
24 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 140.
1811. TITHES.
Receipt by Wm. Patenson, vicar of All Hallows, Barking, next the Tower of London, for 21s. paid by Mr. Daunce as tithes of the house of the late Lady Tatte, on which the King's arms are suspended. Barking, 24 April 5 Hen. VIII.
Lat. p. 1. Endd.: "Ex. per Dalison."
24 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
3, f. 164.
R.O. Navy Records Soc., X., 130.
1812. [3946.] WILLIAM GONSON to WOLSEY.
Received on the 21st a letter from the King, dated the 18th, commanding him, in conjunction with Igyngam, to transport the victuallers to the King's great army in the water of Brest, Gonson taking one of the Spanish ships and Igyngam his own. Had written in answer that Igyngam left Qwynboro 8 days before his own arrival, and that he would go himself in the smallest of the three Spaniards, leaving Ysame and Ric. Barkeley, in the other two, to waft over the Zeland fleet, and keep between Dover and Calais till his return. Reminds Wolsey that his company was sent to sea, for two months only, from the 5th instant. Begs to have notice if they shall be required longer. The King gave a licence to John Bruges, Rich. Page, and himself, "at the buying of the Great Nicholas of us," to ship each 100 sacks of wool past the Straits of Maroke; and Wolsey, to the writer's great advantage, assigned his part. Has now bought Page's part and sends it by John Hopton, desiring that it may be similarly assigned. On the 22nd received an order from the King through Ric. Thurcull, who showed tokens that he supposed trustworthy, to conduct certain hoys from Zeeland to the Thames. Gave the order to Ysame and Barkley. "Syr, here we ly nott very myre (merry), seyng owr tyme spend so fast, and can have no wethur to bryng us forthe off the Teamse." All the victuallers are not yet come down. Twenty men came to day from Sir John Shelton. There being so few men to each ship, put the whole number in, and clothed and harnessed them that lacked—74 men in these four ships—at his own cost. Qwynboro, 24 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: "To the right worshipful and his singular good Master Awnmer to the King's grace." Endd.
24 April.
Vitell. B.
XVIII., 37.
Wrote his last ... from the village of Wavyrs, and came this day to Treves, [the journey] having cost [more than he expected]. Had been informed that his coming [to the] Emperor was known, and provision made in twain [places] "to have distrussed me"; whereof one was in the [way] between Namur and Marche, and that other w[as between] Marche and Bastoyne, in the duchy of Luxemburg, [by men] of one Jonnett the Bastard, which lyeth in a p[lace] that confineth with the land of Lwke. And if I ha[d only] passed eight days sooner I had comen as hare to t ... named Haydarde, which is the conveyor of such en[voys as go] betwixt the French King and the Duke of Gueldres [and was on the] weeye with 60 horses towards Gueldres and the said ... of the company of Mess. Gracien that lieth in Ch ... Also if I had not been advertised betime, but kept [my way to the] city of Metz in Lorraine, as I have used, I had b[een taken by one] of Mess. Robert de la Marschis sons which lieth t ... Flordam in the confines of the land of ... [and] these 8 days passed took 4 Engl[ishmen and carried them to his] father's castle called Esdeyne, and his ... [who] lay in wait for my coming, was taken departing [out] of the town of Bastoyne, by such as had conveyed me [from] Marche thither, and so I was fain to leave that way for the ..." Though the foresaid dangers were passed, he should not think himself in safety until he should "arrive there as the Emperor is, for many times the French crowns fly far." Hoped to have himself so in readiness that by expence of money "they shall fail of their will." Trusts that the King will consider that his purse will not bear such charges, and desires that a sum of money may be sent to Thomas Spynelly for transmission to him by post. Trever, 24 April 1513.
Postscript.—During the journey had heard tidings of a truce between [your] grace and the French King for a year.
Letter book copy, pp. 3. Mutilated.
25 April. 1814. HOLY LEAGUE.
See No. 1750 (5).
25 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
3, f. 166.
Received his letter, and will stop the courier that came out of Spain till he hears further of the King's pleasure. Has delivered the said courier the letter, enclosed with Wolsey's, from the ambassador of Aragon, with the two safe conducts; and has received from him all the letters he brought which are sent herewith. Is very sick and in bed, as his son will show. Calais, 25 April. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: "To the right honourable Mr. Amner with the King's grace."


  • 1. The roll is however that of the second year and all of its membranes are so endorsed except this last which is "annis secundo et tercio et quarto."
  • 2. "Sancti Oswaldi in villa de Duresme in com. Ebor."
  • 3. Although now hled in 4 Hen. VIII., several of these, us iii., iv., and ix., cannot be earlier than 5 Hen. VIII.
  • 4. A footnote states that the others were installed on 7 May 5 Hen. VIII.