Henry VIII: December 1512, 1-15

Pages 687-697

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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December 1512

4 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 108. R.O.
1495. [3762.] PAYMENTS FOR THE WAR.
Sir William Sandes' account (beginning lost), viz.:—
i. [Payments by the King's] generall warrant:—
For "costs of messengers," 66s. 8d. For "conduct homeward" 579l. 10s. 7d. To John Sharp, groom of the Chamber, for Malvesey for "victualling of the King's army [o]ut of Byskey into Eng[land, by] a warrant" dated 10 ... 4 Hen. VIII., 303l. To Sharon, cap[tain of a] carrick, for the hire of the said ship from Spain to England, by w[arra]nt dated 8 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., 15l. 16s. 11d. "Money prested to John Stile" for necessaries for the army, by warrant, 1,214l. 10s. 2d. Total, 3,150l. 16s. 3¼d.
ii. "Payments by bill, as well assigned with the hand of the lieutenant general as of other of the council in the parts of Guyon":—
To Almains, viz. 2 standard bearers at 18d. a day, 6 gentlemen at 12d. and 8 soldiers at 6d. "received into wages for a month over and above the number of Almains abovesaid," 18l. 4s. To Sir Henry Willoughby, master of the Ordnance, for conveyance of the same, 32l. 8s. 3d. To Gracia de Sa ... servant of the King of Navarre, 40s. To "one Alcade," by way of reward, 66s. 8d. Rewards to Almayns and others, 117l. For the expenses of Richmond herald riding to the King of Aragon, and of Wm. Fitz-William "riding into Spain to 'seiche' again soldiers that were departed from the army, 18l. 6s." To Wm. Skevington, 11 Oct. 4 Hen. VIII., for costs of messengers to England with letters to the King, 12l. To Richmond herald, 15 Sept. 4 Hen. VIII., "for cost of six posts and painting of banners," 13l. 14s. 3d. To Wm. Skevyngton, for the expences of "Sir Guyot Heule at Bilbo, for providing of ships" for the army, 25l. 8s. To Lord Broke, for 200 shovels and 140 staves for the same delivered to the master of the Ordnance. 9l. 15s. To Wm Kyngeston, "by way of prest," 28 Sept. 4 Hen. VIII., for 27 soldiers "appointed to attend upon him into England," 18l. 19s. Total, 271l. 15d.
iii. "Payment of money, as well by the commandment of the lieutenant and council, as by the discretion of the said treasurer":—
To John Rouley, for "attending to the said army, to guide them and shew them the language at 6d. a day, 4l. 4s." For 15 yoke of oxen bought in Spain to convey ordnance, and for their keep in Biskey, they being delivered at the departure of the army to John Stile to be sold, 56l. 8s. 6d. To six spies sent to Guyon, for expences and as rewards, 66s. 8d. To "the Orgosell," (fn. 1) by command of "Lord Haward and the council, by way of reward, without warrant, 53s. 8d." "For the keeping of 8 chariot horses that conveyed the treasure from place to place, 26l. 15s." To Sir Wm. Sandes, sent to the King of Aragon, 25l. 14s. 4d. For conveyance of the treasure into Guyon from Hampton, and from Rendre to Founteraby, "and for ostetage and houseroom thereof, 34l. 17s. 8d." "For paper, ink, wax, and other necessaries occupied and expended in the office of the treasury during the said voyage, 40s." To Sir Henry Willoughby, master of the Ordnance, "by way of prest for provision of ordnance," 169l. 11s. 8½d. "To Edward Atclif at Southampton, upon his departing out of England, by way of prest, 26l. 13s. 4d." Total, 352l. 4s. 6½d.
iv. "Money respited for lack of muster books according to the instructions":—
Sir Wm. Sandes requires allowance for wages of captains and others from 1 June to 18 Oct. 4 Hen. VIII., 32,373l. 7s. 4d.; and for money paid by him, by command of the lord lieutenant, for the wages of the army, "the captains excepted," for the sixth month ending 16 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII., 5,965l. 3s. 4d. Total, 38,338l. 10s. 8d.
v. "Petitions of allowance for money paid by the said treasurer at the commandment of the captain and council, and by the discretion of the said treasurer":—
Sir Wm. Sandes "requireth allowance for the tondage and freight of 51 ships, with wages of masters, pilots, mariners, grooms, pages, and rewards for their rosin and tallow that conveyed the said army out of the parts of Biscay into England, attending of the said army by the space of a month, a half-month, and 12 days," from 18 Sept., as appears by a warrant signed by the lieutenant and council, "which is thought no lawful discharge," and a list of the ships' names, signed by the Bp. of Sequensa and John Stile, 3,753l. 9s. 1d. Sir William also requires allowance for wine-seck, "for victualling the army homeward, 595l," and also 45l. To Martin de Vera and Nicholas Lussura for Malvesey. 67l. 10s. For 441 empty pipes for fresh water, 29l. 8s. 3d. For wages of six mariners retained in the Trinity of Founteraby, "for the more sure conveyance homeward of the said treasure, over and above the company appointed to the said ship by the Bp. of Sequensa and John Stile," for two months from 18 Sept.; and "for the mending of the said ship, hurt and broke by the stroke of another ship," 9l. 4s. "For the conveyance homeward by land of the said treasure from Founte Raby to Rendre, and so to the ships, and out of the ships at the landing at Hampton, and so forth to London, by the King's commandment, 18l. 11s. 1d." Total, 764l. 13s. 9d.
"Sum of the totals, costs, charges, expences, and payments concerning the treasurer of war's account, as well allowed as in respite and petition, &c., 46,630l. 15s. 6¾d."
"And remaineth clearly, 34,394l. 11s. 3¼d."; of which 33,500l. was delivered to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, by warrant dated 28 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII., and by indenture between Heron and Sir Wm. Sandes. "And yet remaineth in the said Sir Wm. Sandes' hands, 894l. 11s. 3¼d."
Large paper, formerly a roll, pp. 5. Faded and mutilated at commencement.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 95. R.O.
2. End of another roll of the same account, showing (1) two payments totalling 3,774l. 2sd. of which all other particulars are lost, and (2) amounts advanced without warrant (no musters were taken) save only of the lieutenant and certain captains for wages, for the shipping of the army homewards and for victualling, in all 42,856l. 13s. 6d.; leaving in the "said Treasurer's" hands 34,394l. 11s. 3¼d. whereof he delivered 33,500l. to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, by indenture, 28 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII.
Memorandum at the end that "the King is to be answered by the victualler of the said army" in certain matters.
Latin. One large paper leaf with mutilated fragment of another.
Exch. Accts.,
56 (5). R.O.
3. Parcels of money paid for wages and "other necessaries" by Sir William Sandes, "treasurer of the King's wars anno 4to Regis H. viijvi."
Wages of soldiers being the monthly totals from 1 June to 19 Oct. 4 Hen. VIII. and a final entry for Almain soldiers 5 Nov. Payment of ships of Flanders and Spain conveying the army from Southampton to Passage in Biskey and ships of Spain bringing it back to England. Expenses about the treasure, viz.:—Carriage from Goddyshouse at Southampton to the quay and hoisting into the ships; 9 June, at Passage, seeking "spyners" in the creeks to carry the treasure to Rendre by water; 10 June, carriage by water to Rendre; 11 June, carriage into the town; 22 June, house rent while there and cartage thence to Fount Raby, including "mending of the way between the said towns"; 23 June, hoisting into Thomas Badcokkes house in Fount Raby; house room there till 29 Aug. when it was removed to Peter Savanz house; 14 Oct. cartage by land from Fount Rabye to Rendre and thence by water to Passage; landing at Southampton and cartage to London, including 20d. to the constables of Herfordbryg for watching the treasure one night and a like 20d. to the constables of Stanys. Payments about the ordnance, at divers dates, to Sir Henry Willughby, master of the King's ordnance, and to William Skevyngton for the casting of a culverin, and other payments, including mule hire, 9 Sept., "at my coming from the King of Arogon unto Fount Rabye," and 26l. 13s. 4d. delivered to Edw. Hatclif, clerk controller, "in prest, at Southampton, at our departing out of England." Delivery of money to John Style:—At Rendre, 16 June, towards 2,000 gunstones, 42l. 10s.; at Fount Rabye. 2 July, "money that he borrowed of the King of Arogon, 580l. 7s. 2d.; for oxen, 4 Aug., 49l. 2s.; 12 Aug. at Fount Rabye, 100l.; 31 Aug. for William Kyngeston's costs into England, 45l.; 20 Oct., at Passayge, 100l. Delivery of money by order of the captain:—23 July to a pursuivant, costs into England, to a servant of the King of Navern and to a spy; 5 Aug., to Richmond herald, to ride to the King of Arogon; 18 Sept., Wm. Fitzwilliam, "to fetch again certain soldiers that were departed out of the army"; 15 Sept., to Richmond herald; and some undated payments to Lord Howard, Wm. Skevyngton, and Lord Broke and others. Payments for wine and for empty pipes in which to ship water. Conduct money from Southampton showing under the names of captains or lieutenants the numbers and destination of their men, the distance in miles and the rate of allowance. Paid to Sir Wm. Sandes for his own expenses from 20 Nov. to 4 Dec., and cost of servants, paper and ink.
Pp. 26.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
7, f. 43. R.O.
1496. [4632.] ORDNANCE.
Specification of certain ordnance (headed "The boke of Merland reconyng" or "Marlondes Boke") viz. bows, arrows, strings, barrels of powder, bills and hakbusshes, delivered, on 24 May, to captains, at Southampton, by Nich. Marlond, and not brought in again, viz., to:—Lord Howard, Lord Willoughby, Sir Will. Sandes, Edw. Nevell, John Melton, Sir Gyot [de Heulle], Mr. Hatclyff, controller, George Sybsey and Sir Mores Barcley, upon their own warrants.
ii. Names of the captains who have brought again some, but not all, of the ordnance (specified) they received, viz.:—Lord Brooke, Lord Anth. Gray, Sir Mores Barcley, Sir Gryffith ap Ryce, Sir Thos. Cornewall, Thos. Twyford, Will. Gryffyth, squire, Jas. Strangwyshe and Thos. Thurland.
iii. Names of the captains who received ordnance, of whom some "hath brought in part and some none for the said Nicholas knolage to us to have delivered to no captains but as is beforenamed, and he received warrants of many more," as follows:—Sir John Audeley and Edward Doon, Will. Skevyngton, Edw. Chamberlayn, Mr. Fithwilliam and Mr. Kyngston, Edmund Wynkefeld and George Fastall, Everard Dyggby, John Dabscourt, Nich. Purley, Humph. Floyd, John Wallop, Lord Ferrys, Lord John Grey, Edmund Haward, Will. Gorge, Edw. Bray, and Will. Rowse, and Sir Hen. Willoughby, master of the Ordnance. (The whole of this last list is scored out.)
iv. (On the outer cover.) "Item to remember all scryes and losses of all maner of artelerre goten and conwayd by Spanyardes and ouder for deffett off clos howsing and of lois in chiffting for chepe to chepe at Fonteraby." The scryes were four, viz., when Sir Henry Willoughby, the Lord Captain, the Lord Howard and the Lord Broke "went into Gyon." And there were two frays between Spaniards and Englishmen at Fonteraby, my Lord Marquis being present, and another fray made by Sir William Sandes, treasurer's, company and the inhabitants of Fonteraby.
Pp. 10. Endd.: Bills, books, indentures, that must needs be showed for the account of Sir Herry Wylowby, master of the Ordnance.
4 Dec.
Close Roll 4 Hen. VIII., m. 12.
1497. THE WAR.
Indenture, 4 Dec 4 Hen. VIII., with Richard Fermer, Wm. Browne, the younger, and George Medley, "merchants of the Staple at Calais," to provide in the countries of the Archduke of Astrie, or elsewhere beyond sea, 10,000 barrels of wheat flour, and, upon six weeks' warning, deliver it at ports where the King's army shall take shipping. (Cancelled by the King's mandate.)
5 Dec.
Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 64.
The English ambassadors yesterday declared certain points and articles touching the excuse of the return of their King's army and his desire to conclude this league; pressing her to let them know soon the Emperor's final resolution. At her request they have put it all in the writing sent herewith. * * * Malines, 5 Dec. 1512.
Postscript.—"Monseigneur, pour ce que actendons la venue de Messire Robert Vingfeld, je vous veulx bien avertir que ilz ont changé propos de son renvoi, par quoy ne se faut plus arrester."
6 Dec.
Calig. B. VI., 21. B.M.
1499. [3569.] JAMES IV. to HENRY VIII.
Perceives by his letters dated Westm., 12 Nov., and by the relation of Unicorn, that Henry declines granting safe-conduct to the Bishop of Murray "fra zoure presens towartis the King of France," to treat a peace universal in Christendom and a crusade against the Infidels, without the consent of the Pope, and desires to know of the coming of the commissioners to the Borders. Sends him by Ilay herald the Pope's breviate which he had received, with his letters, by which he will see that the Pope assented to this negotiation and commands him to continue it. Hopes therefore that Henry will not only grant the safe-conduct but help the ambassadors. Begs a safe-conduct for Andrew bishop of Murray, James earl of Arran, Lord Hamilton, Archibald earl of Angus, Lord Douglas. Resides near the Borders and is always ready to appoint his commissioners to meet Henry's when they come down "howbeit the divers meeting of commissioners and little redress" is rather occasion of evil than good rule. Even now a ship has been taken, laden with salmon, belonging to Aberdeen. If Henry will send a safe-conduct to the Scotch commissioners, John Lord Drummond, Robert Lauder of the Bass, Johnie Ramsay of Trarinzeane, William Scott of Balvery, knts., and Master James Henrison, clerk of justry, they shall meet the English commissioners. Pray speed our herald Ilay, "for we hald ye Papis messinger herapoun." "Under our signet at oure palace of Edinburgh," 6 Dec. Signed.
Broadsheet, p. 1. Add.
7 Dec.
Galba B. III., 20. B.M.
Complains that a ship of Francis de Haeze of Ostend, of which Clais Dimyck is master, laden with herrings, has been taken by a barque of Calais. Malines, 7 Dec. 1512. Signed.
French, mutilated, pp. 2.
8 Dec.
Navy Records Soc. X., 70.
Warrant by Louis XII. for payments in connection with the sending of La Mothe, Peguineau and Piéfort to Scotland for secret affairs, with a present of 100 puncheons of wine, 800 iron cannonballs and 15 thousand weight of powder. Blois, 8 Dec. 1512.
French, From a Bibl. Nat. MS.
8 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 97. R.O.
Thanks him for having sent his auditor "to perfect the accounts of all your reeves in these parts, who hath determined the same right well." Thinks them satisfactory. Has paid Laurence Hollingworth what was owing him by this year's accounts, and has a quittance from the Auditor. "And the sums that rest in your books set upon such persons as may appear, wherein there is little help except Larder; and that is sure money, if it be proved due." Will wait on Darcy as soon as his business will permit. Is glad to hear of his good health after his painful and costly journey. Desires credence for the auditor and Laurence. London, 8 Dec.
Postscript.—Laurence has received 8s. for the wood sale at Talworth. Has written to Denham for the wood sale in Devonshire.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
10 Dec.
Deeds A., 13,568. R.O.
1503. [3576.] SIR HENRY WIAT.
Deed indented by which Sir Henry Wiat grants to Wm. Gascoigne and Wm. Marshall, for the use of Elizabeth countess of Kent, from whom he has received much kindness, an annuity of 6l. from his manor of Dame-Elynsbury, during the life of her husband, Richard earl of Kent. The grantees may distrain if the annuity be six weeks in arrear. 10 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed.
10 Dec.
Calig. B. III., 27. B.M.
1504. [3577.] DACRE to HENRY VIII.
Received his letters on 22 Nov., with a copy of those sent to the King of Scots by Unicorn. The King wishes Dacre to learn as soon as possible the mind of James as to the meeting of the wardens, and commissioners whom he will appoint. Has therefore sent a servant to the King of Scots for redress of injuries in Lidesdale. Encloses the correspondence. The secretary writes that Islay herald is going to England for a safe-conduct for the commissioners. Recommends as commissioner Sir Robt. Drury, an experienced man. The meeting to be at Coldstream, Cornell, or Fourd, the first week of Lent. De la Motte anchored at Leith last St. Andrew's even in a great storm, "and came through the deep; which they trusted no man of England knew but David Falconer." They shot two guns and then eight and greatly alarmed the town of Edinburgh, which rang the common bell three hours together, and every man got into harness. The ship was driven up to Blackness, where the King's great ship and the Margaret lie. The King went into his great ship, and there came De la Mote to him and took presence. He has brought the King 30 tuns of wine, 8 lasts of gunpowder, 200 gunstones of iron, 8 serpentines of brass for the field, 3 yards long and more, "which will shoot a stone as much as a swan egg." He brought the Queen 8 stick of cloth of gold, and certain plate to the King. The Scots will assuredly help the French. The old league with France is confirmed and the French King has now sent his seal; the King of Scots sent his in double, one of which, sent by way of Flanders, is supposed to have fallen into the hands of the English. Has been officer upon the East and Middle Marches this twelvemonth, and kept monthly meetings; and likewise upon the West Marches. Meanwhile has put the Borders in good order. Had proposed, about Candlemas last, that the fortresses of the East and Middle Marches should be repaired, sending books of the same. Has received no answer. The thing seems urgent, and the great men should be caused to see to their own places while the lesser should be helped, with 100l. for lime; for the frontiers on the Scots' side are well fortified. A French ship brought lately into Leith a Spaniard laden with "pepper undight and rumpneyes." The Council determined that such of the prisoners as were set on land should be delivered and such as remained in the ship "taken as a prize," while the goods were equally divided between the King, the Lords and the merchants. The Bp. of Catnes and Abbot of Kelso, late Treasurer of Scotland, the Earl of Adthyll, and Sir William Scott, were with him this day at Coldstream, who said that De la Mote brought two brass guns besides the beforementioned serpentines. Hears that Unicorn, lately in England, will cross to France, with a gentleman (fn. 2) who came with De la Mote. "Sir, the Queens grace your sister hath departed with child; it had cristendome and is diseased (deceased)." She is sorry for any grudge between you and her husband. Fourde castle, 10 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 5. Addressed.
11 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 74. R.O.
1505. [3579.] RENTAL OF STEWTON.
"Stwton.—Rentale ibidem factum et renovatum xjo die Decembris anno regni Regis Henrici Octavi quarto, virtute litteræ commissionis dicti domini Regis directæ Johanni Mounson supervisori ac receptori ibidem et Waltero Pateshale auditori, et sacramento tenencium. Tenants: Prioress of Legborn, Will. Burght, Thos. Day, Ric. Day, the Guild of Skydbroke church, John Thomson, Tho. Browne, John Hochynson, John Swan, Simon Morell, John Harreson, Hen. Smyth, Will. Whytehede, Thos. Wright and John Burnett.
Pp. 2.
12 Dec.
Ib., 229, f. 98. R.O.
Account of Sebastianus de Jariequy for his ship of 200 tons for one half month from 1 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII. Signed by Richard Clotton; and countersigned, successively, by Ed. Hattcliff and Thomas Wulcy.
ii. Clotton's receipt for the amount, 18l. 18s., as paid by John Daunce, 12 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII., is subscribed.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 99.
2. The like for Peregrinus Dengone and Petrus de la Bourda, their ships respectively, 110 and 200 tons.
P. 1.
Commission to Knight and Stile. See GRANTS IN DECEMBER, No. 25.
13 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 100. R.O.
Receipt, 13 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII., by Sir Sampson Norton of saltpetre from Hugh Clopton.
P. 1.
13 Dec.
Vesp. C. I., 60. B.M.
1509. [3584.] JOHN STILE to [HENRY VIII.]. (In cipher.)
Wythe the pardon of yowr grace I wylbe breyf yn thys present for as muche as that of late, by my swndry letters byfore thys sent by yowr herawlte Wyndsore, as by other two persons pasyng in swndry schypys, I certefyeyd unto yowr hyzgnys the nuys in thys partes acwrrant sythe the departeyng of yowr royal armey from thys partys; how that the late Kyng of Navar, wyth Monsyr de la Palysa, and a grete power of France, entered yn to the ream of Navar on the fyvetyn or syxtyn day of October, of the whyche yowr armey had knowlyche byfore theyre depareyng from hens; and the sayd Kyng of Navar, wyth the sayd Frenschmen, a bydeyng styl yn the fyld, two legys from the cety of Pamplona, and the Duke of Alva, wythe the number of fyve or syx thowsand of yowr good faders armey, were wyth yn the cety of Pamplona, kepeyng the cety for fere of treson wyth yn the same. For, and hyt plese yowr grace, the marschal of Navar hathe wrouzghte dobylly wyth the Kyng yowr good fader, entendyng for to have made al Navar for to have rebellyd ayenyst yowr sayd good fader; and on the other syde the Dolfyn of France, and Monsyr de Longavyl, and Monsyr de Burbone, and Monsyr Delabryt (fn. 3), and the Qwyn of Navar, cam wyth a grete power of Frenschemen and Almaynys yn to the partys of Gyayne to the cetys of Dax and Bayon and to Awstarys.
Wythe the afore sayd sysmatykys cam yowr rebel Rychard Delapole, callyng hym self amongys theym Duke of Southfolke, as that y was yn formeyd by the Bysschop of Samora of thys cwntray, the whyche was prysoner yn France by the mean of the Kyng and Qwyn of Navarra, and was in the kepeyng of Monsyr de Longavylla, cappytan generral of the Frensche armey; the whych Bysschop, and hyt plese yowr grace, was delyverd for hys ranson by the conmandment of the Dolfyn. And the sayd Bysschopys sayeyng to me hathe byn that, as he hard saye, that yowr sayd rebel was mayde a capytan of the Almaynys that went yn to Navar, where many of the Almaynys now of late be sclayne. And hyt plese yowr grace for to understand that, sythe the departeyng of yowr armey from thys partys, the Frenschmen have vexyd and trobylled thys cuntray by the ways and partyys of Gyayne and Navar to the uttermost of thayre powers; by the way of Navar wyth the power of threty thowsand men and above.
The Dolfyn and the other lordys by foresayd beyng at Awstarys, two legys from Bayon and fowre legys from Fowntraby, wythe a grete number of pepyl, sent Mosyr de Burbone wythe sevyn or ayzghte thowsand Frenschmen and Almaynys yn to Spayne, whyche enteryd in to the provynce of Lypwsca at the passage of Byhobya, a lege from Fownteraby, on the thretyn day of November, where the sayd Frenschemen taryed wythe yn the sayd provyncya in a maner wyth oute contradyxcyon unto the nynetyn or twenty day of the same, doyng grete damage to that provyncya, and robbyd and bwrnyd the townys of Santa Marya, Uron, Urance, and Oyarson, and Murgya, and Ernane, and the Rentary and al the cuntray there abowte from Ernane to the partys of Ghyayn, excepte Fowntraby, the Passage, and San Sebastyans, and thay assawlteyd San Sebastyans. At the whych tyme Syr Ghyot wyth sertayn Almaynys were yn the sayd towne, where, and hyt plese yowr grace, the cwrregedor of the provynce and thay of the towne had the said Syr Ghyot yn grete susspecyus and deleyd not kyndly wyth hym. Where the defawlte was, and hyt plese yowr grace, y cannot yn forme yowr hyzgnys. Byfore that, the Kyng yowr good fader had apoynteyd the sayd Syr Ghyot for to be cappytan of oon thowsand men; and now, as y do understand, that he hath lycencyd the sayd Sir Ghyot for to retwrne unto yowr grace, the whych schortely schal departe from hens wythe the favor of the Kyng yowr good fader, the whyche Syr Ghyot ys wel intreteyd here yn the Kyng yowr good faders corte.
The Kyng of Navar wythe a certayn of the Frenschemen and Almaynys on the sevyn and twenty day of November asawlteyd the cety of Pamplona, and castyd downe a grete pece of the wallys, thynkeyng for to have enteryd yn to the cety, where there were sclayn, as hyt ys sayde, syx hwnderd Almaynys and Frenschmen, and many were takyn prysoners, and the resydwe repayryd to the hole host, the whych thwrst not remove for fere of the Duke of Najara, that then the Kyng yowr good fader had made hys capytan generral yn Navar ayenyst the Frenschemen. The whych Dwke de Najara at that tyme had fowrtyn or fyvetyn thowsand men lyeyng on a hyl syde yn syzghte of the sayd Frenschemen; and dayly and owrely there repayryd muche pepyl of al the partys of thys land to the Duke of Najara by the conmandment of the Kyng yowr good fader. The Frenschemen and Almaynys seyng the grete nwmber of pepyl that dayly repayryd from thys partys to the sayd Duke de Najara, and also on the secwnd day of thys monythe the whether began for to change yn to frost and snawe, and thay beyng bare of clotheyng; for the whych thay be gan for to retraye theym self homeward. The whyche were foloyd by certayn men adventwrers, Spaynardys and Navars of the Kyng yowr good faders armey, the whyche kyllyd and toke many of the Frenschemen, and of that party Gascons, Byernesys, and Almaynys. And yn a strayte bytwyxt two mowntaynys thay dysstresyd the Almaynys and certayn Frenschemen and toke from theym thretyn pecys of artelary, the whyche was al the artelary that the Frenschemen had browzghte from Bayon yn to Navar; the whych thretyn pecys of artelary the Kyng yowr good fader hathe conmandyd for to be had to Pamplona, and there for [to] remayne for memory that the Frenschemen had browzghte the same, to thentente therewyth for to have gotten that cety.
And hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng of Navar yn thys aforesayd maner returnyd ynto Byerne or Ghyayn wyth grete dyshonore, los of men and artelary. And the sayd late Kyng, nor fewe or none of hys affynyte, had not esscapeyd wythe oute danger of dethe, or els to have byn taken, had yowr good faders armey byn fwrnysschyd wythe vytualys; yn defaute whereof thay taryeyd for to make provysyon for syx days for to have foloyd the Frenschemen; yn the whych tyme the Frenschmen fled. And also, and hyt plese yowr grace, as that the Kyng yowr good fader and some of hys counsayle have sayd to me yowr servant, thys day, that there schal never be thyng wel ne parfytely don, whereas there be two capytans generralys yn oon joyntely yn oon enterpryse, as that hyt hathe nowe byn of exsperyence provyd by the Duke of Alva and the Duke of Najara, beyng in thys warrys of Navar, whych were of contrary openyons in the foloyng of the Frenschmen; for had the sayd Dukys byn of oon openyon, fewe or non of the Frenschemen had esscapeyd. The Kyng yowr good fader hathe sayde to me that at the tyme that the late Kyng of Navar asawlteyd the cety of Pamplona, that there were not two thowsand of yowr sayd faders armey wythyn the sayd cety, for hys pepyl of hys armey were devydeyd yn to swndry garysons of that realme for the swerty of the same; and nowe by thys day the Kyng yowr good fader hath al the fortaresys of Navar yn hys handys, the whych hys mayjesty had not byfore. For hys hyzgnys trustyd the marschal of Navar wythe fyve fortaresys the whyche marschal had wrozghte al thys trobyl and now ys fled into France, and al hys fryndys and certen Frenschmen that were yn a fortares yn Navar have put them self yn the Kyng yowr good faders grace; so that now, and hyt plese yowr grace, hyt ys thowzgte that no danger may come to yowr enterpryse of Ghyayn by the ream of Navar, but rather grete suerty and furtherans.
And hyt plese yowr grace for to understand that on the tenthe day of thys present y recevyd two of yowr royal letters of the date both of the fowryth day of October derectyd unto my Lord Markes and to the cownsayl of yowr royal armey, and another of yowr royal letters derectyd unto me of the date of the fyve and twenty day of September, by the whych y have persayveyd the plesure of yowr hyzghnys as tucheyng the carrake, the whych passyd wyth yowr armey yn to yowr realme of Yngland. And hyt plese yowr grace, as on the sevynth and ayzghte day of thys monythe, the bothe fletys of Spayne, as wel the schypys of war as thoys that passed from hens yowr armey returnyd from yowr realme of Yngland to the cost and partys of Spayne; syth the whych tyme I have byn wyth the Kyng yowr good fader, whoys majesty hathe sayde to me that by the sayd hys armey that he hathe receveyd letters from yowr grace, howbe that yowr sayd letters, as hys majesty hathe sayd, were wretyn by fore the returneyng of yowr royal armey from hens.
And hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr good fader hathe sayde to me more then ons, and also y have byn present when that yowr sayd good fader hathe reporteyd to the Popys nuncyo and other that yowr hyzgnys had kepeyd hys armey by the ze yn yowr realme of Yngland twoo monythys and half more then nedeyd wyth owte doynge of any thynge. And by that as yet, and hyt plese yowr grace, that y can hyre and persayve, by the Kyng yowr sayd fader and hys cownsayl, that thay desyre not gretely yowr hyzgnys schwld send any armey of yowr subjectys here after hether yn to thys partys wyth a cappytan generral, but that al schuld be put under hys hyzgns and hys cappytan generral, other els that yowr grace wyth yowr subjetys schuld best make war to France by the partys of the Normandy, and hys majesty for to make war wythe the Spaynardys by thys partys of Ghyayn; and sayeyng as aforesayd that he never hath seyn good actys of war don where as that two capytans generallys be yn oon party.
And hyt plese yowr grace y demandyd of the Kyng yowr good fader yef yn case that hys majesty wold conmand me for to wryte ani thyng of hys purpose and mynd entendyd for to be don thys next somer comeyng; whereunto the answer of hys hyzghnys was that he had sent hys letters to yowr hyzghnys by the Conmendador Mussyka and other, for the whyche that he wyl not nor cannot wryte any farther in that mater wnto that he schal have answer from yowr hyzgnys, otherwyse then that, by the helpe of Almyzghty God, yowr hyzghnys so beyng pleseyd, that he wyl folow the sayd enterpryse.
And yowr grace schal understand that yowr sayd good fader entendythe for to departe from hens, and for to kepe hys Crystysmes yn Burgus, and there or yn Valadalyd sone after the fest of Crystysmes for to have a cownsel wyth the statys of thys land.
And hyt plese yowr grace, as tucheyng suche thyngys as that were lefte wythe me here yn thys partys belongeyng to yowr hysghnys at the departeyng of yowr armey, as hether unto y have not sold any thyng thereof; the kepeyng of the whyche thyngys dayly grawythe to grete cost and charge, and the moylys and oxen were to evyl entreteyd, beyng yn the power of Syr Harry Wyllobyys servantys, that thay were lytel better then lost when that thay were redelyverd to me. And as that y schal do hyre or understand from tyme to tyme y schal certefye the same to yowr hyzghnys wyth al delygence to me possybyl by the grace of the Holy Gost, who perserve yowr royalyst asstate longe for the endure. And in the most humyl wyse besecheyng yowr hyzghnys that y may have the knowlyche of yowr most gracyust plesure how that y may order myself most to the plesure and servyse of yowr grace. Wretyn yn the cety of Logronya and corte of Castyl on the thretyn day of December by the most humyl servant of yowr grace, JOHN STYLE.
As y understand, and hyt plese yowr grace, that Syr Ghyot hath apoynteyd wyth the Kyng yowr good fader for to brynge hether thys next somer two thowsand Almaynys.
(stile's monogram.)
15 Dec. 1510. PROCLAMATION.
Victualling of the Fleet. See GRANTS IN DECEMBER, No. 30.


  • 1. The alguazil ?
  • 2. Martin Pegumeau.
  • 3. D'Albret.