Henry VIII: July 1512, 18-31

Pages 592-609

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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July 1512

18 July.
Calig. B. III., 138. B.M. Pinkerton's Scotl., II., 451.
1294. [1176.] JAMES IV. to HENRY VIII.
Begs a safe conduct, for one year, for Will. earl of Eroll, John prior of Saint Andrew's, George abbot of Holyrood, Patrick Paniter, secretary, Gawin Dunbar, archdeacon of St. Andrew's, clerk of the Rolls, Robt. Forman, prothonotary, dean of Glasgow and chancellor of Morey, with 100 persons, Scotsmen, Italians or Frenchmen, in their company, to pass and repass through England. Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
18 July.
S.P. Scotl., Hen. VIII., 1, f. 13. R.O.
1295. [3319.] JAMES IV. to HENRY VIII.
Requesting a safe conduct for Th. Ramsey, burgess of Edinburgh, for a ship of 100 tons burthen, with two agents, for traffic in fish and other merchandize. Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.
18 July.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 69b. (No. 193.) B.M.
1296. [3622.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
Against Geo. Ferne, clerk, of the diocese of Dunkeld, who has instituted a suit in the Apostolic Chamber against John Carvenal, the Queen's chaplain, who had been nominated to the archdeaconry of Dunkeld in conformity with certain privileges granted by the Pope to the King touching the appointment to vacant benefices.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 351. 2. Another copy, dated Edinburgh, 18 July 1512.
P. 1.
18 July.
Calig., B. VI., 65. B.M.
1297. [3320.] JAMES IV. to LORD DACRE.
Thanks him for news in letters, from Kirkoswald, received on the 13th. They are at variance with other tidings written on the 1st from beyond sea. Henry's letter presented by Dacre's servant, Thomas Bevirlaw, mentions the good report of Dr. West, but not the matters contained in James's letter conveyed by Dacre and West. Has in vain demanded redress for injuries by sea and land, and now his merchants are imprisoned and sent up to London, and their goods seized by Englishmen "calling yame the Pape's men." Trusts that Dacre, according to his office, "and last recess maid betwix zou and oure wardane, will make reformacioun trewly and without delay." As to the French King treating Richard De la Pole as King of England, "contrare to the possibilite of oure enteress," on which Dacres had desired to know his mind, James told him and West he thought Henry and he should concur in this case, and cannot believe his brother of France "will tyne ws for ony sic;" but, if Henry pleases, will send the Bp. of Murray to him,—to pass afterwards beyond sea. Has sent request for safe conduct to divers of his Council so that he may choose those whom he thinks "expedient for the time." Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed.
18 July.
Ib., 63b. B.M.
1298. [3321.] JAMES IV. to DACRE.
Complaining that "David Falconar's ship is drownit," himself taken, sent up to London and "schrewitly handillit." At the request of Dacre and Dr. West, Falconer had been restrained from the sea on his coming from Denmark, on suspicion of piracy with Robert Barton, but had lately been sent by James to convoy De la Motte, in Brownhill's ship, to France. Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To our welebelovit cousing Thomas lord Dacre and of Graystok, wardane of ye merchis of Ingland."
18 July.
Ib., 66. B.M.
1299. [3322.] JAMES IV. to HENRY VIII.
Received on the 13th, by Dacre's servant, his letters dated Greenwich, the 6th, mentioning the report made by the dean of Windsor of his and Dacre's kind reception in Scotland, and assuring James that his desire for perpetual peace was reciprocated by Henry. Wrote lately in answer to the charge of the ambassadors; but if Henry will send a safe conduct, the Bp. of Murray will go as ambassador to him and parties beyond sea touching the matter of universal peace. Herewith writes for safe conduct to divers Councillors. Given under our signet at Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed.
Broad sheet, p. 1. Add.
18 July.
Calig. B. VI., 64. B.M.
1300. [3323.] JAMES IV. to HENRY VIII.
Has received his recommendation in favour of "John Carwenale, zowre familiare clerk and chaplane," in service with James's Queen, that he may enjoy the archdeaconry of Dunkeld promised him at the intercession of Henry, but disputed by "ane clerk adversar, cousing to the Bischop of Dunkeld," who summoned him to Rome. Carwenall had lost the suit by neglecting to appear, as Dr. West can explain. Since then the King had given him letters of restitution on his interposing his appeal to the Pope. "The Bischop of Dunkeld is auld, and cummys notht to court, and geve we did to him or his cousing, party adversar in this mater, by resoun and law, it wald be rumorit and allegit the cause of his deid, albeit he decessit of age." Edinburgh, 18 July. Signed.
Broadsheet, p. 1. Add.
19 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 105. R.O.
The bailly's lieutenant, of Amiens, reports that officers of Arras refuse to surrender four or five thieves who attacked three French merchants. If so the people of Arras must be considered enemies. Abbeville, 19 July.
French, copy, p. 1. Endd. by Spinelly: "Copye des lettres que le Sieur de la Greyttuyse a escryptes a le gowerneur d'Arras touchant les Franchoys que furent pryns par Sampson Norton."
19 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 120. R.O.
1301. [3325.] ITALIAN NEWS.
"Ex litteris Busseti ex Castro Novo prope Tordonam die Xa Julii."
The Legate had threatened to put a halter about the neck of John Paul Baionus (Baglioni), governor of the Venetian army.
11 July.
The Count de Musoen died in Turno (Turin ?) 10 July. The same day at night a fire broke out at Adorno, in the camp of the Venetians, and destroyed a third part of the town. The hotel of the governor was burnt. The men of Dandosoli on the 11th came before the Legate, and told him they had sworn fealty, in the name of the Duke of Milan, to Lancelot Baronie; the Legate replied, "tanquam diocesanos recepisse, non tanquam distriduales," (fn. 1) and said he would not separate [them] from the duchy of Milan. The Grisons, after obtaining possession of the Valtellin, have compelled it to pay 7,000 Rh. fl. The Marquis of Montferrat was expected there on the 11th.
Castro Novo, 11 July.
The Legate told Busset that the Swiss cantons had taken into their own hands the marquisate of Rethelin and Castro Novo. Basle and 3 other cantons had wished to recover the whole duchy (fn. 2) by themselves, or with the Lady Margaret. The Swiss are to be invited to make peace with the Duke of Milan. The Legate acts in these matters faithfully for the Emperor, although he was accused to his Majesty of favouring the Venetians. He says Alex. Bentivoglio will not suddenly break his word with him, and he hopes the Pope will grant him a safe conduct, provided he take part (testificetur in causa) against the King of France, whom the Pope wishes to deprive of his kingdom and of his title Christianissimus. It is said Jo. Ja. Trivulcio has been made the King's lieutenant for Picardy, but is now in Dauphinè, commanding the French, who have crossed the Mountains. He is in constant practice with the Swiss, and that is the reason the Legate advises agreement with the Swiss and the Duke of Milan. Busset asserts that the Legate (eum) does not think of capturing towns by aid of the Swiss, as all wish to go home, except the 5,000 who forcibly left Pavia. 4,000 still remained, 6,000 more are expected. Arrangements for payment by the Venetians and the King of Aragon. The Catholic army is to reinstate the Card. and his brother De Medici. This is satisfactory, for their rule over the Florentines seems to be natural: "et quod non est perpetuum, et cum ducatu Mediolani magis convenire, et quod residuum intelligere Gallis quod supererat cum Florentinis hoc modo erit extinctum." The intrigues of the Venetians are for Cremona, Brescia, Crema and other places held by them.
12 July.
On the 11th the Legate met the Marquis of Montferrat, who gave the former 2 white horses, "alterum gradarium (ambler) et alium maculatum Turchum." Constantine Cominatus came to Tortona, and the Legate told Busset that he wanted to have certain goods now in the possession (quœ sunt sub) of the Duke of Savoy. Antonio was the man who [informed] the Emperor that Sion was favourable to the Venetians. The Mantuan ambassador reports that the Venetian secretary at Mantua has letters to the effect, that Gonsalvo Fernandez intended to join the army of the Viceroy with 100 lances and 5,000 foot, with the view of crossing the Mountains straight towards Lyons (?) (Lugnen). The nuncio of the King Catholic, who is in the camp, does not believe it.
Alessandria, 16 July.
The Milanese have requested the Legate to get rid of the general of the Humiliates, "tanquam furiosum." Three Venetian commissaries, on returning from the Legate, were taken by three Swiss, and not allowed to depart without promise of payment of 6,000 ducats within eight days, as a share of the spoil of the Florentines, although the Venetians say that the Swiss were not with them then.
17 July.
The Legate doubts much of the coming of the Spaniards, being afraid of being expelled from Milan, where he intended to be perpetual dictator with a view to squeeze money; and for this purpose he wishes Sforza to be duke. The Legate told Urreas, the Spanish nuncio, to-day that on the coming of the Viceroy beyond Bologna [he ought] to meet him with the Swiss; and Urreas answered that he came at the invitation of the League. (fn. 3) The Legate, at the request of Busset, will send one to the Viceroy to inquire of his grievances, that he may the more prudently hasten what ought to be done lest the League be dissolved on mere suspicion. Busset thinks the cause why the Legate suspects the coming of the Spaniards is lest the state of Milan should descend to the nephews of the Emperor; and, by means of the Swiss, he would employ the lieutenant of the Duke of Milan, and govern everything, excluding the King of Aragon and the Emperor. ("Causa suspicionis legati ob adventum Hispanorum est credere Busseto ne status Mediolani descendat in nepotes Cæsaris et Helvetiorum medio uti perrectore Ducis Mediolani et omnia regere, excluso Rege Arragonum et Cæsare cum posteritate.") In other respects the Legate takes part with the Emperor against the Venetians. Urreas was asked by the Legate to go to the Viceroy with some others, and learn the cause of his coming, and was to leave within two days. The men of Basle have written to the Legate that he ought to keep men in the duchy (tenere gentes in ducatu), and if it were necessary they would send "ad nuncium" 40,000 to be under the Legate, and not under the Bandecgris. The Legate expects 40,000 ducats from Milan to pay the troops. On the 17th Ant. Maria de Pallavicini from Grenoble came to Alessandria. Jas. Triulcio refused to go to Burgundy "etibat ad Regem Baionam aliam versus Burgundiam." The King of France has no fear for Bayonne, but has for Burgundy, on account of the Swiss diet. Although the King of Scots refused to undertake war against England on account of the affinity of the sister, the King of France has written [to him] that the English would do him less harm than he thought, because they would rather devastate the open country than put garrisons into places taken by them. The family of Jo. Jas. Trivulcio has a passport to stay in Luceria. Count Burnorius de Gambara has the same.
19 July.
The Duke of Urbino sent a messenger to the Legate, stating that the Spanish army would not hurt him, but join him. The Legate said the Spanish army would not go to Florence as Urreas said. It consists of 500 lances, 700 light horse, and 5,000 foot. The Legate was delighted at the Emperor's letters, and on hearing what Gurk had written in his credentials. He adheres to his resolution in not separating Cremona, Placentia, and Parma. He rejoices at the expedition of the Duke of Milan, but Busset thinks he pretends to love him more than he does. Count de Turstain has brought from the county of Ferrette 6,000 lanzknechts. If the Emperor's ambassadors are not present at the diet of Zurch, for whom the Legate has drawn up excellent instructions, sc. that the Swiss should take Burgundy, Dauphiné, Provence and Lyons, Busset says it will be from death or sickness, not from any failure on part of the Emperor. The Swiss write to the Legate to appoint a diet to treat with the Pope, the K. Catholic, and the state of Milan. He will not admit the Venetians "in dieta Zen." He is anxious that the imperial ambassadors should bestir themselves in this matter. He would prefer Zurch, but is afraid of the practices of the Venetians and would exclude them altogether "ab illa Zeen." The Legate would be glad to have the diet in Zutz (in loco suitz), but is not resolved. He expects much for the Emperor from it. He is satisfied with Tition remaining with Gurk that he may return better informed. He wonders at the burning (incendio) made in Germany for the sake of the Venetians and is much incensed against them. The Venetians will be led by the Legate to the foot of the Mountains. They had tried to get away, but had not succeeded. The Venetians suspect that in the return they will be plundered. If this should take place the Legate is preparing a justification—1, because they would not pay the soldier's wages in order to promote sedition; 2, their devastations; 3, the diabolical crime of the burning (fn. 4). He has brought over Count Guido Ranghen from the Venetians, and induced him to enter the service of the Duke of Milan; is attempting the same with Vitelli. This withdrawal of their best men will facilitate the destruction of the Venetians. Many Venetian soldiers follow their captains. The cities of the duchy of Milan are alone to make the expedition (expedirent), with the consent of the Swiss, to plunder the Venetians, for whom they have an incredible dislike. The perdition of the army of the Venetians will take place before the feast of St. Bartholomew. 5,000 ducats have been paid by the Milanese, who are to contribute 20,000 more. The Legate demands 40,000. He is too choleric and rash in his passion.
19 July.
Gurk is to use all his wit for arranging the Diet with the Swiss. Octavian Fregoso has been sent from the Duke of Urbino to the Legate, and tells him that the Papal army of 4,000 foot will go to Ferrara. The Legate is entirely Swiss, especially where his own interests are concerned; in other matters he leans to the Emperor, and would be against the Venetians, Aragon, and the Pope, if it served his turn. Pavia has sent 4,000, Aste 10,000, Milan 20,000 ducats, although 40,000 were expected. The Legate is angry with the Pope for refusing to let him extort money from the Genoese. He has written to the Marquis of Mantua, not to ride at the Emperor's request (ne ad instantiam Cœsaris equitaret). The Mantuan ambassador says that the Legate suspects the Emperor. He keeps with him only 8,000 foot; 1,000 Swiss will stay at Milan. The Legate complains of Daniel de Burgo having entered the castle of Cremona by intrigue.
18 July.
Urreas is come to Trent, speaks of the good intentions of the Viceroy, and the commission he has received from Ferdinand to comply with the demands of the Emperor and of Gurk—that an army is coming from Spain of 600 lances, 1,000 horse ("geniterii,") and 9,000 foot, to be at Bologna on the 22 July. The Viceroy desires an interview with Gurk on these matters, which Urreas has strongly pressed. The King Catholic will agree with the Emperor in regard to the duchy of Milan, whether for Charles or Ferdinand or the Duke of Milan; but if the Duke is to be restored it must be by the hands of the Emperor, and with sufficient security that it be not at the pleasure of the Swiss to sell the duke and duchy a second time, and not make that state one of the cantons, as in effect it would be if Sion governed it, whose object it is to neutralise the influence of the Pope, and under the pretence of reforming Italy to expel the Germans and Spaniards after the French.
Gurk and the Emperor's council perceive, by this going of Urreas to the Viceroy, and returning, that the said ("pus" ?) ambassador acts sincerely with the Emperor and Charles. The Emperor should thank him in his letters of credence to Gurk. Gurk was to leave Trent on the 24th for Mantua, and be there on the 28th to fix the day and place of the colloquy which should take place on the banks of the Po. Gurk was persuaded to this step by Urreas, although he was in great doubt, as he had not yet received any definite answer from the Pope, no arrangements had been made with the Swiss, the ratification of Urreas's promises had not come, he had no Venetian money for his troops and even the Venetian peace was not certain. Gurk will do what he can to arrive at some satisfactory arrangement. The Pope is determined to obtain Ferrara; intended to seize the Duke and had set guards at all the gates of Rome, to prevent his leaving the city. The Duke, with Fabricius Colonna and the Orsini, having slain 5 or 6 of those who kept one of the gates, forced his way out, with a large party of noblemen, who carried the Duke "in tuto marium," at the advice of the Spanish ambassador, who is ill satisfied with the Pope, because the Duke had come there upon his (Vich's) promise. All the Duke's baggage was plundered, on his leaving the city, by the soldiers. The Spanish ambassador told the Duke that he should be taken in safety to Ferrara, and be attended by a guard of the Catholic King's soldiers under the Viceroy.
As the news about the ill-disposition of Sion towards the Emperor, the Spaniards, and Gurk, had been variously confirmed; Gurk has sent Titionus secretly to the Cardinal with a commission to bring him back, and as soon as he gets an answer from Titionus he will apply to the Emperor. Gurk has received two posts from Rome, with letters of Carpi and Colla. Carpi's letter reported many discussions held with the Pope, whose mind is elated with success. He tells him, however, that all will go well if Gurk will suddenly proceed to Rome. He says that when Colla would not leave to visit Gurk, as had been first agreed upon, the Pope determined, after Carpi pressed his return to Venice, that he would go to Gurk and open his mind to him. Colla states that the intentions of the Pope are not good, that he has other objects in view, and that Colla could not come without leave of Gurk, and therefore Carpi was despatched. There has been much talk of a peace with the Venetians, between Gurk and Urreas; and on account of letters written by the Spanish ambassador at Venice, urging the peace, it was resolved that the said ambassador should come from Venice to Mantua, bringing with him some agent of the Venetians with the resolution of the Signory, and send it to the Venetian ambassador resident with Gurk. Gurk sees no harm in this; and thinks he may treat with safety, making his bargain as things turn up: ("secundum nova quæ interea venient forum decebit mercari"). Vich begs the Emperor and Gurk not to neglect their present opportunities in the ill-disposition of the Pope and the Swiss, but collect forces and support the Spanish arms. He advocates an entire union between the Emperor and Aragon, as the Spanish troops have come entirely into the Emperor's interest. When Gurk was to have left Trent, Carpi came on the 23rd by post ("per postas"). He had left Rome for Venice, thence for Trent. He brought a special answer to the requests of the Emperor at the return of Colla, indicated the requests of the Pope, and urged Gurk's speedy visit to Rome. The conversation then turned upon the proposal of Urreas, especially the interview with the Viceroy, to which Carpi strongly objected, as tending to excite suspicions in the Pope. Gurk, Urreas, and Carpi are in constant conference. Gurk will send their final resolution to the Emperor.
List of the French soldiers that were in Italy.
La Palisse with 50 lances; Bourbon 50; Rob. De la Marche 50; Duke of Gueldres 5; Boif and Busi 78; Marquis de Pré 50; gentlemen 200; archers of the King, in number 200; Utrecho (Lautrec) 50; Lalegra 50; Almirari 50; Bayaudo 50; Baron de Conti 100; "Ambi curto" 50; (the above are marked as "transiere montes"). De Foys 50, of whom 25 lances [remain ?]; Laurence Jacomo 100, of whom 25; Stram Scutier 100, of whom 25; Mons. Theodore 50, of whom 8; Tarlatino 25, of whom 6; Frontecha 50 in the castle of Milan; Scocesi (Scotch ?) 100 at Brescia; Gambari 50 at Brescia; Chration 100 at Crema; Dures 50 at Creuch (?); Almisedars 50—"solus transivit montes"; Mons. de Dunes 50 at Brescia—company lost; Mons. de Talenen 50 at Brescia lost; Cerner 50, lost with his company at Brescia; Gr. Pallavi[ci]no 50—has remained in Italy. This was the number that ought to be, but they were not always entire, and it cannot be certainly known how many have crossed the Mountains. Those best informed say not more than 600.
Lat., pp. 17.
20 July.
Calig. B. VI., 33. B.M.
Received on the 12th his letters dated Greenwich, 9 July. Has despatched the letters for the King of Scotland. Sends James' answer and letters desiring safe conduct. James is ready to send the Bp. of Murray to Henry and then "to the French King for the delivery of Richard De la Pole, your rebel and traitor," and labour with the Pope and other princes for a universal peace; but, if Henry does not wish this, he may send safe conduct for the others of whom James has written, to come to England. Proposes to call upon the warden of Scotland for restitution of the goods taken by the "pilats" (pirates) De la Mote, Robyn Berton, David Fawconer, and others, as the warden has required of him restitution of Scotch goods taken in a Flemish bottom, and carried to Berwick. Will meet the warden at Cornell, 5 Aug., and would know what to answer. Has also received from James a letter in favour of David Falconer. Thinks it would not be advisable that hasty execution should be done upon him as a pirate. Musters have been going on throughout Scotland. Lord Sinkler is made captain of the new great ship, and Lord Fleming of The Margaret. Will keep a sharp look out, although James and his Council seem inclined to the amity. Carlisle Castle, Tuesday, 20 July, at 5 p.m. Signed.
Large paper, p. 1. Add.: "To the [King's grace], my sovereign lord."
20 July.
Galba B. III., 37. B.M.
1303. [3328.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote on the 15th. Spinelly will communicate all the news they have. Are still daily deferred for lack of the Emperor's commission. No better off than they were eight weeks ago. Brussells, 20 July.
Mutilated, p. 1. From a letter book.
20 July.
Exch. Dipl. Docts., 739. R.O. Rym., XIII., 336.
1304. [3327.] FERDINAND OF ARAGON.
Commission to Lud. Carroz de Vilaragud to treat in the name of Ferdinand and his daughter, the Queen of Castile, with the Pope, the Emperor, England, and the republic of Venice for a league against the French, whose forces, weakened by the slaughter at Ravenna, have been repulsed by the armies of the League, but are preparing to renew the war with which their thirst of lordship has so many years vexed Christendom. Burgos, 20 July 1512.
* * * Described, from a draft at Simancas, in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 66.
21 July.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., 5, f. 150. R.O.
1305. JULIUS II.
Bull excommunicating the Biscayans and Cantabrians whom the French King has seduced from the Faith. Rome, 12 kal. Aug. 1512.
See Spanish Calendar, II, No. 67. Latin. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 13.
22 July.
Galba B. III., 37. B.M.
1306. [3331.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote last on the 20th, on which day they received his letters dated Greenwich, 17th. Saw my Lady this day, and Sir Thomas Boleyn declared the purport of the King's letters, as in the enclosed paper. She expressed her regret at the long delay, excusing it, first, because the Emperor was not ready; secondly, his wish to consult the princes of the Empire; thirdly, the backwardness of his defence of th[is] country. As the Emperor is now at Cologne, and requires to have his memory refreshed, she advises Spinelly to be sent to urge speed; also that Hans Raynar and Jakes Banysyus, the secretaries, should be fee'd for their good will. They intend to wait 3 or 4 days before sending Spinelly. Brussells, 22 July.
Mutilated, pp. 2. From a letter book.
24 July.
Giustinian's Desp., I., 63. Sanuto, XIV., 643.
1307. [3333.] ANDREA BADOER to his BROTHER.
Gives an account of his journey to England in the spring of 1509, a few days before the death of Henry VII. Although 62 years of age, he came in 26 days, after being permanently injured by an accident on Mount St. Gothard on Shrove Tuesday and risking capture on the way by Strasburg to Calais. Was entertained by noblemen he had known in Venice; introduced to Henry VIII. "not ten days after his coronation," whom he persuaded to write to the Pope to absolve the Venetians from ecclesiastical censures. At the instigation of the writer, the King sent Bainbridge as his ambassador to Rome, "who constantly took part with the Venetians against France"; used his efforts in the same behalf with Spain and the Emperor. Had caused the King of France to be written to, that, if he valued the friendship of England, he must desist from molesting the Venetians, "who had proved themselves the bulwark of Christendom by a most immense outlay of blood and treasure." After a fever, went to the court at Greenwich, 24 Nov., and was told by the King he had received letters from the Emperor and my Lady Margaret, who was doing her best to aid the Venetians. Details the troubles connected with his appointment. The senate at home would not credit what he had written about the League. Italy was entirely rescued from the barbarians by the movements of the English King, and but for this Ferdinand would have done nothing.
Begs aid, as he is greatly in debt for want of his remittances. London, 24 July 1512.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 191.
24 July.
Galba B. III., 38 B.M.
1308. [3334.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote last on the 22nd. The Emperor sent a letter to my Lady, which was brought to their lodging by the gov[ernor of] Bresse on the 23rd, about 8 p.m. Enclose a copy, together with the copies of two other letters directed to my Lady, showing the Emperor's intentions. Spinelly writes the news received from Italy. They don't propose now to send him to the Emperor. Brussells, 24 July.
Mutilated, p. 1. From a letter book.
24 July.
Ib., 10. B.M.
Wrote to him last on the 22nd inst. A post arrived from the Emperor yesterday, bringing news to Madame of Savoy touching the charge of Messrs. your [ambassadors] of which Henry will be informed by them. Sends what Louis Moraton has written to the Secretary Marnix. Is persuaded that though the affair is tedious, it will terminate to Henry's satisfaction. The Emperor could not do otherwise, having taken the duchy of Milan from the French, and made preparations against them, in case of the Swiss entering Burgundy, as the report is. Encloses a copy of news sent from Italy to the said lady, by Jaques Bannysii. By what he has heard, the Venetians are not much likely to profit in this revolt of the Italians; for Brescia, Bergamo, and Crema are to be put into the Emperor's hands by consent of the nobles of Milan, so that the Venetians will have spent their money and trouble for nothing. The Duke of Milan had not yet departed; but waits, for better security, to be despatched by the Emperor and the Electors at Couloygne. The Emperor has ordered [L]oys de Marlyon to come to him (quy[ l] ay ... vers luy) to send him to Milan with the Duke. The "docteur Napolytan" is to arrive to-day or to-morrow, [also] the secretary of Andrea de Burgo, who, as Spinelly has already written, in returning from France has raised all the [country] between Bloys and here. Expects news at his coming, which he will transmit. Understands that the return of the Emperor from Couloygne will be at the end of August. Has seen a letter from Bannysii stating that the Emperor has perfect understanding with the Swiss, nor can it be otherwise if they enter Burgundy. Doubts not, therefore, that the French have much to suffer, as reason would. Brussells, 24 July 1512.
French, holograph, mutilated, pp. 2.
26 July.
Sanuto, XIV.,
1310. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 20 Aug. 1512.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 25 and 26 July.—Sends particulars already known about preparations against France.
From the same to Francesco Gradenigo, his son in law, 26 July.—A fleet of 70 ships with 20,000 men is just being sent to France. The earl of Shrewsbury, of an ancient family called Talbot is their captain. Crying babies in France are quieted by telling them the Talbots are coming. News is hourly expected from Galizia.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 18.
27 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
2, f. 130.
Wrote his last on the 24th. Since then a post has come from Germany advertizing Margaret of Savoy of news from Italy. Sends a copy, with an original letter of Simon de Taxis and a Latin extract, and another which the maitre d'hotel of the Duke of Milan had from Cologne. Marraton has written touching his despatch, as by schedule enclosed; and meanwhile Henry's ambassadors have nothing to write. Madame has heard of the going of the Swiss into Burgundy, as appears by an extract of a letter from the maitre d'hotel of the Sieur de Vergy, now with the Emperor. Would be glad to know who shall pay their wages; if the Emperor has made secret provision, so much the better. If appears by news out of Italy, from the Cardinal of Sion, that he was informed of the enterprise. The Emperor has ordered 12 great pieces of artillery to proceed to Cleves, thence to Gueldres. Hears from the President De la Roche that the Duke of Gueldres, by means of Duke George of Saxony, has proposed a truce with the Emperor. They intend to accept it, as they can manage Gueldres better when France is chastised. Spinelly thinks this policy will not succeed. Madame wishes to have news of the army in Guienne, as she is told the imperial army has not kept its appointment. Robert Barton came before La Vere in Zealand and having warned the Scottish merchants there that Henry had a powerful army on the sea, asked for a safe conduct; which was refused and he at once left. Madame of Savoy has sent out orders against him. Sends a copy, with one from the Governor of Arras, which the Sieur de la Greyttuyse had written him, touching the Frenchmen taken by Sir Sampson Norton. "Le docteur Napolytan," a French ambassador, has arrived here with a servant of Andrea de Burgo, and they have gone by way of Liege to the Emperor. Brussels, 27 July 1512.
Hol. French, pp. 3. Addressed.
The words written to me by Maraton are these: "Dicatis Domine quod nullo pacto est dubitandum quin fiat id quod instat cum rege Anglie et quod super eo non recedam bene expeditus; solum id retardat adventus Collæ qui immediate est venturus, vel posta Gurcensis."
Hol., p. 1. Addressed: "Spectabili Domino Thomæ Spinelle, domino et amico honorando."
iii. "EXTRACTUM litterarum ex Blesis datarum die iij. Augusti, ad magistrum postarum ex Italico in Latinum translatum."
News that the Spaniards have already taken Pampeluna. The King has sent the Duke of Bourbon to resist them. Desires to leave.
In Spinelly's hand, p. 1.
iv. MARGARET OF SAVOY to ANDRIEU ANDRIES, rentmaistre de Bewesterscelt.
Commanding him to apprehend Robert Barton and other pirates from Scotland entering the ports of Zealand for pillaging English merchants and others. Brussells, 27 July 1512.
French copy, p. 1. Endorsed by Spinelly.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
2, p. 135.
1312. [3341.] "ULTIMA NOVA EX ITALIA."
Two Swiss had been taken by those of the castle of Milan, who beat nails into them, and otherwise ill-treated them. The Swiss in revenge went to the cathedral, stripped the gold lace from the coffin (capsa) of De Foix, carried the body and fastened it to the top of the bastions under the castle, in the sight of the French; they disinterred all the bodies of the French they could find. A thousand foot who chanced to be sent to Milan are quartered in the houses of those who refuse to pay the appointed tax.
The Duke of Ferrara has gone into the Abruzzi, in order to return thence with Signor Prospero Colunna, who is coming with 200 lancers. Sion will take good care the Swiss make no compact with the French. The Legate has caused the banners taken from the French by the Spaniards to be carried to Alessandria, and given to the Swiss. The Pope has given a banner to every canton. The Legate was so much encouraged by the explanation he received from Gurk that he professed his readiness to comply in all things, and to lay down his life for the Emperor. (fn. 5)
In the hand of Simon de Taxis, partly Italian and partly Lat., p. 1.
30 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 56.
Mandate by Sir Edward Ponynges, constable of Dover Castle, warden and admiral of the Cinque Ports, to John Copuldik, his lieutenant of the said castle, and John Love, his bailiff of Feversham, to attach Wm. Sparowe, Ric. Keere, Rob. Matras and Th. Brix, of Feversham, and bring them before the King and Council at Westminster in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. Dover Castle, 30 July 4 Hen. VIII. Seal lost.
P. 1.
[31] July.
Ib., 2, f. 136.
1314. [3346.] [HENRY VIII. to JAMES IV.]
Received, 27 July inst., his letters dated Edinburgh the 18th, in answer to Henry's, relative to the coming of Scotch ambassadors to England, to treat upon the matters in the commission of Dr. West, one of the late ambassadors in Scotland. After commending the conduct of the ambassadors, James said he believed he had Henry's resolute answer upon the disputed points, but was willing, if Henry wished it, to send ambassadors to treat for universal peace; and he asked a safe conduct for the Bp. of Murray, and suggested that Henry should write to the Bishop, who otherwise would decline the task.
Commends his zeal for the weal of Christendom. Although, as Henry declared in former letters, in accordance with his promise made on entering the Holy League, he cannot agree to such a peace without the consent of all the confederates, James's ambassadors shall be welcome to treat, both upon the secret matters he wishes them to disclose and for a final conclusion of the disputes between them. For this no man can be more acceptable than the Bp. of Murray, Henry's "familiar acquaintance." Sends a safe conduct accordingly. Deferred answering particularly the points in James's letter delivered by "our said ambassador," because he expected James's ambassadors would have arrived by this time. Those points were, 1st, for universal peace; 2nd, Richard de la Pole; 3rd, for the declaration of Hob of Barton and David Faulconer; 4th, an alleged capture of two Scotch vessels, which was untrue; and 5th, redress for attempts at sea. As for the last, Dacre is ordered to make redress, on like justice being done by the Scotch wardens. The suppression of such practices in future must be considered at the coming of the ambassadors. As to Barton and Faulconer, their deeds have shown "what they be." As to De la Pole's reception in France, had informed James of it, not because he cared much about it, but to put James "in remembrance how ye be beholden to favour that prince," who is thus acting against James's interests as well as Henry's. Perceived by James's letter to Dacre that he is at one with him on that point. It would be well if they were so upon all. [Writes to encourage the Bp. of Murray, as James has advised.] (fn. 6)
This sentence added upon the back in Tuke's hand: "And for that cause we write not to the Bp. of Murray to take that journey upon him, as our said brother desired us to do."
Pp. 7, draft with corrections in Fox's hand. Endd. by Wolsey: "Letters to be signed for Scotland."
[31] July.
Calig.B. VI., 44.
1315. [3347.] [HENRY VIII. to DACRE.]
Has received his letter dated at Carlisle Castle, the 20 July, along with letters from "our dearest brother the King of Scots," some containing answers to letters of Henry, others specifying his desire for safe conducts to be granted to divers of his councillors, whom he proposes to send as ambassadors to England and other powers, under a form enclosed in his letters, which was "far discrepant from the accustomable safe conducts which we have been used to grant." The King of Scots commended the demeanour of Dacre and Dr. West when last with him and expressed surprise that points in dispute were not answered. Encloses, for Dacre's information, copies of his answers to the King of Scots. No ambassador could be more welcome to Henry than the Bishop of Murray, "considering that he hath always borne a good zeal and mind towards the entertaining of the perpetual peace, good love, and amity betwixt our said brother and us"; but as to his "further journey to France, either for our rebel Richard De la Pole, or for the universal peace, we think not the same expedient to be done by our assent." As to the countenance given by the French King to the said rebel, Henry advertised him of it, not for the estimation in which he held the said rebel, "or for that we rekyn greatly the favour of the said French King to hym, to our annoyance or displeasure," but only to caution James against favouring Louis, "whose entertaining of our said rebel is as contrarious to his weal and possibility of succession as to ours; so that, every thing well considered, our said brother hath little cause thus to favour the French King and his against us as he doeth." James might send letters to the French King rather than ambassadors, the matter itself being of small importance, though the malice of the French King is [not to be disregarded]. Nevertheless James has shown himself a loving brother in this matter, and Henry has thanked him. As to the Bishop of Murray's proposition for a universal peace, much as the King desired it, he is bound by the terms of the League not to agree to it without the assent of all the other confederates and [a clause struck out, implying that the Pope ought to be the first consulted]. As to safe conducts, Henry is surprised James should ask safe conducts for his (Henry's) enemies, as Frenchmen, under the generality whereof might pass De la Mote, who in passing (i.e. to Scotland) took divers of the King's subjects, and the new clause in the safe conducts seemed to imply mistrust of the King. As to the Scotch ship taken at Berwick, the King desires equal justice to be done. He regrets that during the peace between the two countries, confirmed by alliance and consanguinity, James should favour his notorious enemies, and his subjects associate with them to plunder English merchants. When James's subjects attack Henry's, they call themselves the French King's servants, when taken as pirates, in company of Frenchmen, they are James's subjects, which much perplexes the King; "for to break with our said brother, we never purposed ne intended to do; and to permit our subjects to be robbed without redress we may not suffer."
Then follows this memorandum in Ruthal's hand: (fn. 7) —"I have devised this minute so plainly hitherto to the intent the Lord Dacre may send the same as of himself secretly to the King of Scots. And as touching the clause following, it may be put in a 'scraw' (fn. 8) apart, and to advertise my said lord how he shall order himself in the showing of this said letter."
The clause: And whereas you write that the King of Scots accepts David Faulconer as his "famulier servaunt," and therefore you think well to defer his execution, we will, notwithstanding his manifold piracies, for which he well deserved to die, respite that for a season.
Draft, pp. 8, corrected by Fox and Ruthal.
1316. GRANTS IN JULY, 1512.
1. Sir William Knyvet. Livery of lands as kinsman and one of the heirs of Matilda Willoughby, widow; viz., daughter of John, son of Elizabeth, daughter of Constantina, daughter of Elizabeth, wife of John Clyston, a daughter of Matilda, wife of Ralph Crumwell, mother of the "said" Ralph, father of the said Matilda. Del. Westm., 1 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [3280.]
2. Richard Dawson, clk. Presentation to the church of Fureswey, Linc. dioc., void by resignation of Christopher Harebotell, clk. Greenwich, 22 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 July. P.S. [3281.]
3. Gaol Delivery.
Western Circuit.—Commission to Ric. Eliot, Lewis Pollard, and Th. Eliot. Westm., 1 July.
Midland Circuit.—Commission to Humph. Conyngesby, Guy Palmes, and John Jenour. Westm., 1 July.
Lincoln.—Commission to Humph. Conyngesby, Guy Palmes, John Jenour, and Ric. Heygham. Same date.
Oakham.—Commission to Humph. Conyngesby, Guy Palmes, John Jenour, and Th. Thomlyn. Same date. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18d. [3282.]
4. Sir John Huse, knight for the Body. Grant, in fee, of the barony, or lordships and manors. of Braunston and Blankeney, Linc., and all lands which Francis late viscount Lovell held in Braunston, Blankeney, Hanworth, Nocton, Dunstone, Madringham, Scopey, Thorp, Tymberland, Martyn, Kyrkby Grene, and Walcote, Linc.; at an annual rent of 16l. In exchange for the manors of Dagenham and Cokerellys, and lands in Dagenham, Cokerellys, and Hornechurche, Essex, which Huse granted, by the King's desire, to Christopher More, William Butteler, Henry Adie, and Nicholas West, to the use of Peter Cristmas and his heirs, and in default of issue to the use of the Mystery of Grocers of London, in recompense of the manor of Hanworthe and other lands in Hanworthe and Feltham, Middlesex, recovered against the said Peter Cristmas, temp. Hen. VII., by Richard bp. of Winchester, Charles Somerset, lord Herbert, Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Richard Empson, Edmund Dudley, Henry Wyot, John Erneley, and Thomas Lucas, to the uses aforesaid. Del. Knoll, 2 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (marginal note: "Mittitur in extractis; tamen non irrotulatur"). Charter Roll 200, No. 12 (witnesses not named). [3284.]
5. Peter Pynnard alias Parsons, of Tours. Denization. Del. Westm., 2 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3286.]
6. Justices of Assize.
Midland Circuit.—Association of John Jenour and Th. Thomlyn with Humph. Conyngesby and Guy Palmes. Westm., 2 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d. [3287.]
7. Ric. Appylby. Fiat for his custody of the demesne lands and pastures beside Carlisle lately in tenure of Ric. Baroke, senior, and the close of Ironfelde together with Brangull in the forest of Ingilwode; from Mich. next, for 20 years, at 9l. 14s. 4d. rent and 20d. increase. Del. Westm., 2 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: T. Surrey). With note by Robert Blagge that surety is found in the Exchequer.
8. Retainers. Proclamation (whereas the King, by advice of his Council, lately commanded all lords and nobles to prepare for the war their tenants, "and other inhabited within their offices" and he is informed that many, "by colour of his former and older letters and placards," have retained other persons, "some by bayges and conygsaunces and some otherwise," contrary to the law) commanding that no one shall make retainers contrary to the laws, or prepare any men but tenants or in-habitants as above, and that his last letters shall make void all former letters and placards. Del. Westm., 3 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3288.]
9. Wales. Commission of oyer and terminer to G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Charles Bouth, clk., Sir William Uvedale, Peter Neuton, George Bromley, and Thomas Lynom [and Edward Hattecliffe] (fn. 9) in Wales, in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Gloucester, Worcester, Chester, and Flint, in the marches of Wales; with power to array the lieges, if necessary, for resistance or punishment of malefactors, and to lead them to the King if commanded. Del. Westm., 3 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3289.]
10. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Cornwall.—Westm., 4 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d. [3290.]
11. Hospital of the Savoy. Confirmation of grant, under the seal of the Duchy, 3 April 2 Hen. VIII., to Richard bp. of Winchester, keeper of the privy seal, Richard bp. of London, Thomas bp. of Durham, Edmund bp. of Salisbury, William bp. of Lincoln, John bp. of Rochester, Thomas earl of Arundel, Thomas earl of Surrey, treasurer of England, Charles Somerset lord Herbert, chamberlain, Sir John Fyneux, chief justice of the King's Bench, Sir Robert Rede, chief justice of the Common Pleas, John Yonge, master of the Rolls, Sir Thomas Lovell, treasurer of the Household, and John Cutte, sub-treasurer of England, executors of King Henry VII., of the site of the manor of Savoye, or piece of land called "Le Savoye," parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the parishes of St. Clement's Danes without Temple Bar and St. Mary de Stronde, between the land and mansion of the bp. of Worcester on the east, the land of the bp. of Carlisle on the west, the Thames on the south and the highway from Stronde Crosse to Charyng Crosse on the north. And licence to found therein a perpetual hospital for five secular chaplains, viz., one master and four other chaplains (to pray for the King and Queen, and for the souls of Hen. VII. and Elizabeth his wife, and Prince Arthur the King's brother), in honor of our Lord, the Virgin Mary, and St. John the Baptist, to be called the hospital of King Henry VII. of Savoy: such master and chaplains to be a body corporate, with a common seal, &c., &c. Also mortmain licence to grant to the master and chaplains lands to the annual value of 500 marks. Richmond, 7 Nov. ... Del. Westm., 5 July, 4 Hen. VIII (mutilated. Filed in Nov. 4 Hen. VIII). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. Rymer XIII. 333. [3292.]
12. Gregory Morgayne, Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of William, son of Thomas, son and heir of William Peverell. Westm., 25 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 July 4 Hen. VIII. P.S. [3293.]
13. Thomas Johnes. To be court clerk, during pleasure, of co. Pembroke, and of the town of Tenbye. Greenwich, 27 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 July. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [3294.]
14. Justices of Assize.
Western Circuit.—Association of Th. Elyot and Th. Fitzhugh, with Ric. Elyot and Lewis Pollard. Westm., 6 July.
Home Circuit.—Of John Muscote and John Copcote with John Butler and John More. Same date. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d. [3295.]
15. William Tylour. Lease, for 34 years, of the chapel called St. Thomas the Martyr, Luffeld, with lands (extents given), viz., lands in Luffeld, Sylbeston, Wyttelbury, Towcester, Heyford, and Myddelton; the advowson of the rectory of Bodford, Northt.; lands in Luffeld, Lullingston, and Beauchampton, with alternate presentation to the church of Beauchampton; lands in Thornbrogh, with the advowson of the rectory; lands in Bukyngham, Chakemore, and Lamport; the advowson of St. Nicholas's chapel and lands in Eversshawe; lands in Chaldeston and Westbury; rent in Stonystretford, Bucks; lands in Lullyngston Dancy, Oxon; the site and demesne lands of Luffeld, lately called the priory of Luffeld; with appurtenances in Northt., Bucks, and Oxon. Thomas Rouland, late prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Luffeld, was seized in right of the said monastery of the premises, which were leased, by John abbot of Westminster, to Sir Richard Emson, attainted, for 40 years from Easter 1505. Del. Westm., 7 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [3297.]
16. Edward Ap David. To be, for life, clerk of the courts of the lordships of Radnour and Melennyth in the marches of Wales, as held by Philip Ap Meredith. Greenwich, 1 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3299.]
17. John Kylbek of Normandy. Denization. Greenwich, 30 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 July. P.S. [3300.]
18. Town of Drogheda. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 25 Feb. 5 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 11), confirming:—
Ch. 10 Nov. 2 Hen. V. conf. with additions:—
a. Ch. 9 April 15 Ric. II., conf. with reservations:—
Ch. 12 Feb. 38 Edw. III., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 6 May 5 Edw. III., conf. with reservations and additions:—
Ch. 11 July 10 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 24 June 33 Edw. I., conf.:—
Ch. 20 Sept. 13 Hen. III.
Ch. 12 Sept. 37 Hen. III.
b. Ch. 16 June 17 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 6 May 5 Edw. III., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 7 Feb. 11 Edw. II., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 16 June 31 Hen. III.
c. Ch. 9 April 5 Hen. IV.
d. Ch. 1 Nov. 14 Hen. IV.
e. Pat. 12 Sept. 2 Hen. V., notifying:—
Pat. 8 March 4 Hen. IV.
B. Pat. 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 23).
C. Pat. 19 Feb. 9 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 1).
Ch. 12 July 8 Edw. IV.
Westm., 9 July [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 47, No. 5.
19. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Worcestershire.—Knoll, 10 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [3301.]
20. Richard Fermour. Grant, in tail male, for 20l., of the manors and advowsons of Monviles, Segeford and Ryngeston, in Norfolk and Suffolk, lately belonging to Edmund De la Pole earl of Suffolk. Del. Westm., 10 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16. [3304.]
21. Humphrey Barryngton. Grant, during pleasure, of the fee of 6d. a day, out of the lordship of Burne, Linc., on surrender of the 12d. a day which he received while in the King's guard. Greenwich, 30 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [3305.]
22. George Harpar and Alexander Culpeper and Constance his wife. Fiat for their custody of 40 ac. of land and 36 ac. of wood in Fiffhide, co. Essex, lately held of the King in chief by John Enfeld, dec., who died without heirs; from Mich. last, for 40 years, at 12s. rent and 12d. increase. Del. Westm., 10 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: T. Surrey. With certificate by Robert Blagge that surety is found in the Exchequer).
23. Priory of Malvern. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 1 March 14 Edw. II., conf.:—
Ch. of Hen. I. A.D. 1127, indict. V.
B. Writ 28 July 14 Edw. III.
Westm., 10 July [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 47, No. 9.
24. Robert App Rys, and Joan his wife. Livery of lands, the said Joan being daughter and heir of Elizabeth Drue. Del. Westm., 12 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [3307.]
25. Victuals. Warrant to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer, to pay 50l. to Sir Thomas Knyvet, master of the Horse, for the charges to be incurred by him in the provision of biscuit, beer, and other victuals, and hoys for conveying the same, and revictualling the army on the sea. Greenwich, 12 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3308.]
26. John Blyaunt. Commission to Sir Rob. Druery, Sir Rob. Southwell, Sir James Hobert, John Alen, baron of the Exchequer, Sir Ric. Wentworth, Th. Lucas and the sheriff of Suffolk, to make inquisition on the claim of John Blyaunt to the manor of Cotton called Champaynes, and the manor of Gippewich and Compaynes in Cotton, Suff. Knoll, 12 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8d. [3309.]
27. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Bucks.—Westm., 12 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [3310.]
28. Justices of Assize.
Norfolk Circuit.—Association of Wm. Mordaunt with Sir John Fyneux and Sir Robt. Rede. Westm., 12 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d. [3311.]
29. Sir William Darcy (s. of John, s. of John, s. of Wm., s. of John, s. of Wm., s. of John). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 6 April 9 Edw. II. (granting Rathwer and Kyldalk to John Darcy).
Westm., 12 July [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 48, No. 6.
30. Brian Roche, serjeant of the Acatry of the Kitchen. Appointment to purvey oxen, sheep, calves, pigs, and fish for his office until 13 Jan. next. Del. Knoll 13 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (by John Shirley, cofferer, directed to the Clerk of the Crown).
31. Thos. Pichard. Fiat for his custody of a messuage 58½ ac. of land and 1 ac. of meadow at Lee Ree in Kyngstonforde, Heref., which John Ree, who died in 19 Hen. VI., held in chief; from Mich. next, for 20 years at 13s. 4d. rent and 3s. 4d. increase. Del. Westm., 13 July 4 (?) Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: T. Surrey. With certificate by Robert Blagge that surety is found in the Exchequer).
32. Julian Serrestorye, merchant of Florence. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 1 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 14 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3312.]
33. The Prior and Monks of the Carthusian Monastery of Shene. Grant of an annuity of 12l., instead of two tuns or 4 pipes of red Gascon wine from the port of London or from the wines of the Household, granted to them by charter, 1 April 3 Hen. V., and confirmed by Hen. VII.; they being unable to obtain the wine, as the port and household are overcharged with such grants. Del. Knoll, 16 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11. [3315.]
34. John Dyngley, groom of the Chamber. Grant by charter, in tail, of the tenements alias manors or lordships of Pedington, Avenescort, and Weke, in the hundred and parish of Barkeley, Gloucestershire, forfeited by John Kendale in the time of Hen. VII.; then granted to William Trefry, usher of the Chamber; afterwards in Hen. VII.'s hands on the death of the said Trefry: then granted to John Pate, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds, and the said John Dyngley, by patent 27 Jan. 2 Hen. VIII., which has been surrendered. Del. Knoll, 16 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Charter roll 200, No. 13. [3316.]
35. Anne Brocas and Ralph Pexsall and Edith his wife, daughters and heirs of William Brocas. Licence to enter upon the manor of Weldon, Northt.; and on the office of keeping the King's deer hounds held by the said William, temp. Hen. VII. Del. Knoll, 16 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [3317.]
36. John Ballyvet of Rouen in Normandy. Denization. Del. Knoll, 17 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Thomas Wulcy, T. Englefild). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3318.]
37. Philip Ducarnge, of Normandy, M.D., gentleman usher of the Chamber, alias late of London, draper. Denization. Del. Knoll, 19 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Thomas Wulcy, T. Englefild). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3324.]
38. Robert Reynoldes alias Ap David, of the Counter in London, yeoman. Pardon. Greenwich, 12 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 20 July. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3329.]
39. Edmund Wode or Wood, late of London and Calais, merchant, or merchant of the Staple of Calais. Pardon. Greenwich, 10 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 21 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [3330.]
40. The Earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household, Councillor. Warrant for letters patent in accordance with a recent signed bill commanding him to retain as many able men as he can, for rescue of the town of Calais, if necessary. Greenwich, 22 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3332.]
41. George earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household, Councillor. Commission as chief captain of the army which the King, by advice of his Council, prepares against his ancient enemy the French King, who purposes to invade Guysnes and Hammes and besiege Calais; and order to retain as many men as he can, under the degree of a baron, in the counties of Derby, Stafford and Salop, as well knights and squires for the Body as others, and these shall make to him the certificates which the King lately commanded to be made to himself or the bp. of Durham, and shall receive from him such badges or tokens as he thinks fit. Del. Canterbury, 24 July 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10d. Rymer XIII. 337. [3336.]
42. Thomas Williams alias Weyth, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Llansoy, dioc. Lland., void by death. Greenwich, 12 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 25 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3337.]
43. Simon Synger, clk. Presentation to the church of Shrawley, Worc. dioc., void by resignation of Master Oliver Pole, clk. Greenwich, 23 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 26 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3338.]
44. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Lincolnshire (Lyndesey).—Canterbury, 28 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [3342.]
45. William Flemyng of Stubbyswaldyng, Yorkshire, gentleman. Pardon for killing John Thwattys, in self-defence, 24 March 2 Hen. VIII., according to inquest before John Froluser(sic), coroner. Westm.,28 July. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [3343.]
46. Alexander Kell. Grant of all the King's lands in Tyndale called Grendon until he have obtained from the King an office or annual rent worth 40s. Greenwich, 18 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 30 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [3344.]
47. Richard Cachemayd, groom of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, beadle of the forest of Dean, Glouc., in the same manner as Thomas Moton held it, with fees out of the lordship of St. Brevells and Dean forest. Greenwich, 15 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 30 July. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [3345.]


  • 1. q. districtuales ?
  • 2. of Burgundy ?
  • 3. "Legatus hodie publice dixit Domino Urree nuncio hispano quod veniente Vicerege ultra Bononiam cum Helvetiis occurrere Urrer (altered from Vicer) respondit quod venit de vte lige; et si a liga prohiberetur adventus suus parebit aliter non et aliter occurrens faceret debitum suum."
  • 4. See No. 1352.
  • 5. The Latin here is rather obscure.
  • 6. Cancelled.
  • 7. Struck out with a pen.
  • 8. Scroll.
  • 9. Cancelled.