Henry VIII: June 1512

Pages 567-583

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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June 1512

1 June. 1222. JOUSTS.
Wardrobe stuff for jousts held 1 June 4 Hen. VIII. See Vol. II. p. 1498.
1 June.
Sanuto, XIV., 299.
1223. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 8 June 1512.]
From "that" Friar Angelo, Rome, 31 May to 1 June.—The Pope wants Swiss to go first to Ferrara at which they are displeased. The Florentines have renewed their league with the French, although not against the Church. A courier from England who passed through Venice says that the King was in Hampton, hastening the passage of 20,000 combatants, in 50 ships.
1 June.—At Naples are arrived 3,000 Spaniards, and the Great Captain daily expected. The King of England offers the Pope a great many men besides those given to Spain. The King of France has exalted a son (fn. 1) of the sister of the King who was killed by the last King of England, and will make him King of England. Yesterday, saw a letter from the secretary of the King of England to the Turano (fn. 2) that if God does not take up arms for the French they cannot escape ruin.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 172.
2 June.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 73. (No. 201.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 159.
1224. [3283.] JULIUS II. to LEWIS XII.
It is not his fault he has been so long without sending a letter to France. As an important occasion presents itself, announces his intention of undertaking an expedition against the Turks. Sends him a copy of the letter from Ragusa. As all other princes have professed their willingness to join, he, the eldest son of the Church, ought not to be the only one to offer an obstacle. He knows well what were the Pope's intentions on the defeat of the Venetians; and if all had listened to his paternal admonition, there would not have been for the last four years such effusion of blood in Italy. Has heard since that the son of Iniquity, Selimchat (Selimschat in § 2), younger son of the Great Turk, has just been created Emperor in the lifetime of his father, and has already declared war against Italy and Rhodes. He will be forced on by his janissaries, through whose influence he has been created Emperor in spite of his father. Ravenna has witnessed horrible cruelties perpetrated by French soldiers worse even than the Turks. Begs Lewis will give as much heed to the Pope, as he gives to Bernardinus Carvel, Frederick de Sancto Severino, and their accomplices, who would make him countenance their pernicious schism. They have treated Ravenna worse than Turks—a most ancient city, always held in great veneration by Popes and Emperors. They have broken their word, and St. Severin gave up the city to plunder, boasting he would serve others in the same way. Details the horrors of the siege. A treaty was made some months ago, leaving room for other Christian princes, that on the recovery of Bologna, Ferrara, and other places belonging to the Holy See, the Crusade should commence. The subject is to be discussed at the Council of the Lateran, of which the second session has already been held. Rome, 2 June (fn. 3) 1512, 9 pont.
Lat., pp. 5.
Adv. MS., 369. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 5.
3 June.
Exch. Accts. 417 (6), f. 4. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver bearer, for Reynold Sandis, "one of our henxmen," a demi-gown of tawny medley, &c. Greenwich, 3 June 4 Hen. VIII.
4 June.
Galba B. III., 27. B.M.
1226. [4165.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Have not disclosed their mission to the Emperor, who rode on the 29th to Our Lady of Hawes, to give the French audience, as stated in their last, and return in two days to Brussels. The two days have been prolonged to six. They were asked by him and others whether the ships had yet been despatched from Hampton, and answered that the ships were ready before the writers left England, only tarrying for wind. Now, finding they were still remaining there the 22nd ult., know not what to answer. A letter has been sent to the commander of Spain resident in the imperial court, that only 8,000 men mustered at Hampton, whereas according to their instructions they had informed the Emperor and my Lady of 10,000, which is the number promised for Guienne in the late treaty between England and Aragon. Brussels, 4 June.
Mutilated, pp. 2. From a letter book.
Add. MS.
32,091, f. 83
2. Modern copy of the above.
Pp. 2.
6 June.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 17. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for making a "glawdekyn of yellow satin," &c. Greenwich, 6 June 4 Hen. VIII.
6 June.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 265.
Receiving her letters of the 26th ult. concerning the five merchants robbed by the English, showed the matter to the King, who thanked her on behalf of his merchants and said his men would commit no hostility unless the English invaded France through Flanders. * * * Continual preparations are made against England. * * * The President of Paris, De Prat, shall be chancellor of France. Angouleme will shortly leave for Guienne on account of the fear of the English which is there. Blois, 6 June.
7 June.
Galba B. III., 28. B.M.
1229. [4182.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII. (fn. 4) ]
* * * "to the Consiliable he made none answer. To the third he said that [he] was content, at the request of my Lady, specially for the love that he hath to your grace, to make a new league and confederacion between h[is] Majesty, your grace, and the Prince of Castile, leaving place for the Pope's holiness and for the King of Aragon." For greater expedition he referred them to my Lady, whom they are to see this evening. In the end of his answer to this last article, the Emperor said he had sent a letter to England telling the King that he had detained for his service 2,000 Almains which Robert de la Marche had prepared for the French King; on which Sir Robert Wingfield said he had already written and the ambassadors brought the King's answer, which Sir Thomas Boleyn thereupon declared, viz., and that the King was content to entertain these troops for three months in lieu of the aid he had promised for this summer to the Prince of Castile against the Duke of Geldres, on receiving a bond of the Emperor for repayment. "The Emperor and my Lady went eftsoons apart, and with them my Lord Berges, and anon my said Lady returned unto us giving right good hearty thanks to your grace for your kind offer, praying us to write unto your grace that the wages of the said 2,000 Almains might be advanced by your highness the space of one month more." The Emperor is very poor, which my Lady knows well. She asked therefore whether they had brought with them the wages of these Almains, begging it might be sent speedily to Antwerp. Till the money comes they can expect nothing but the usual delays. The Emperor told them that in eight days he would declare himself against the French for aiding Geldres. My lady says that to condescend to a fourth month for the said Almains will encourage the Emperor the sooner to make actual war. Thos. Spinelly will write of the news from Italy. Brussels, 7 June.
Mutilated, pp. 2. From a letter book.
7 June.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 76. (No. 204.) B.M.
1230. [3240.] R. CARD. OF ST. GEORGE to JAMES IV.
Highly commends his letter written to the Pope in the cause of Geo. Dundas, Patrick his (James's) secretary, and James Cortesius. As the case has been decided in favour of the last, recommends that he shall have peaceable possession (fn. 5). Rome, 7 June 1512. Signature (copied) Devotissimus Servitor R. Ep'us Cardinalis.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 56. 2. Another copy with imitation of the signature "R. Ep's Ostien' Carlis. S. Giorgii Camer'."
Pp. 2.
8 June.
Navy Records Soc., x., 19.
Blois, 8 June, 1512.—Letters of marque and reprisal issued to Nic. de la Chesnaye and others of Rouen to recover value of goods spoiled by Matthew Cradot, Englishman.
French. From a MS. in Bib. Nat., Paris.
8 June.
Ven. Transcr.,
176, p. 118. R.O.
Greatly pleased with the news from England. Are writing, as he suggests, to the Cardinal of York and to the other Cardinals, and enclose the letters, for him to deliver with appropriate words.
Italian. Modern extract. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 173.
9 June.
Sanuto, XIV., 524.
1233. VENICE.
[Note of letters brought by the Papal nuncio, Petro Griffo, 29 July 1512.]
From Andrea Badoer, England, 9 June.—That 8,000 men sailed for Calais on the 3rd with a fair wind. There are great preparations for the King's crossing thither with 100,000 at the end of the month. Dom. Peter Griffo who had been residing there for the Pope was returning to Rome.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II. No. 182.
Le Glay,
Analectes Hist., p. 185.
"Lettre du roi Henri VIII. à Marguerite par laquelle il lui recommande Pierre Gryphus, qui s'en retournait par la Flandre à Rome, après être demeuré trois ans en Angleterre, comme receveur des droits appartenant à la cour de Rome. 1512."
Addit. MS.,
15, 386.
A long history, by Peter Griphus, Papal collector, of Peters Pence and other dues collected in England from the origin of the office of collector in the time of Pope Leo IV., about A.D. 856; to which is appended (p. 157) a catalogue of the legates and collectors of England, including himself. He arrived in England on 1 Feb. 1509, but, owing to impediments placed in his way, he was not allowed to exercise his office until 1 Feb. 1510, when he received permission in the public assembly which they call Parliament (p. 244). Lists follow (p. 247) of all the benefices liable to Peters Pence or pension, census or annates, with amounts due. Finally (p. 353) come a number of formulae, or copies of acquittances, bulls and other instruments, including (p. 390) the records of his delivery of his credentials to the Abp. of Canterbury at Lambeth 6 April 1509, and (p. 402) at Lambeth on 4 May 1509, the delivery, before the Abp., by Polidore Vergil, late sub-collector, of a book of the collectorate (described as the register of Walter Medgate) to Griphus, and also (p. 406) the latter's delegation, by authority of two briefs dated 8 Dec. 1511 and 19 Feb. 1512, of his office, which he has held for three years, to _ (name of delegate and date of document omitted).
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 428. Headed: "Ex libro Petri Griphi Pisani collectoris ac nuncii Julii Papæ II. in regno Angliæ."
10 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 1.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Tebbs, serjeant of the Vestry, stuff to repair vestments. Greenwich, 10 June 4 Hen. VIII.
10 June.
Navy Records
Soc., x., 20.
Rouen, 10 June.—Twenty ships have appeared before Fescamp, going to Fontarabia to the King of Spain. The King of England goes to Calais with 20,000 men and has lent 60,000 angelots to Maximilian, who will meet him at St. Omer.
ii. La Tremouille to the Same.
The English purpose three invasions, at Fontarabia, Calais and here; but their ships and victuals are not ready. Has offered to serve as an admiral if the King make a fleet.
French. Extracts from Bibl. Nat. MSS.
Ib. iii. Order by Philip de Montauban for establishment of posts between Dinan and Brest to carry news of the English. Dinan, 10 June.
French. Quoted from Morice, Mem. de Bretagne, iii. 903.
13 June. 1238. THE HOUSEHOLD.
Steward and marshal. See GRANTS IN JUNE, No. 10.
14 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
2, f. 117.
1239. [3243.] WILLIAM KNIGHT to WOLSEY.
After leaving the Isle of Wight, on the 3 June, followed Sir Edw. Howard to sea, to the coast of the Trade. Some of the company were separated from the Marquis 30 or 40 miles, in consequence of the ungoodly manners of the seamen, robbing the King's victuals when the soldiers were sea-sick. Reached Bermeo, on the coast of Spain, on the 7th, where they had all things needful. Wrote a letter of thanks to the King of Aragon. Reached La Passage in Visacadia, between Biscay and Guienne, where they were in great danger from the mariners crowding into the narrow haven. Here saw a great ship loaded with artillery and powder. The same day the Bp. of Siguença presented my Lord with a letter from the King. Took the field on the 9th, near Reinteria, within three miles of Navarre. The victuals have not been as they expected; the rain continual, to the annoyance of the soldiers, "which lie nightly under the bushes." Sends a letter from the King of Aragon. D'Alva is expected. A French ambassador is with the King of Navarre, persuading him to lean to France. His enmity will be dangerous; for if he slack victuals, they will need victualling constantly from England. The citizens of Bayonne, and Mons. Dunesse their captain, have quarrelled. Many of the citizens have fled into Navarre. Mons. de Urtobia and another of them are "sworn English," and many others are thought to favour England. Our Captain is resolved to move to Fontarabia to support them. The rain is very troublesome. Could not write, as he intended, to my lords of Winchester and Durham. "From our pavilions beside Reinteria, in the country of Ipusqua," 14 June.
Hol., pp. 3. Addressed: "To the Right Honorable Mr. Jamys (sic) Wolcye, [alm]oniere to the [King's] most noble grace." Endorsed by Wolsey: "Mr. Knygttes letter."
14 June.
Lettres de
Louis XIII., iii.,
* * * The English have captured the city of Brest but not the fortress, for which the French much fear. * * * Blois, 14 June.
19 June.
Galba B. III.,
Wrote last on the 16th, from Antwerp, mentioning that Thos. Spinelly had come to town, and delivered him the King's letters, dated the 10th, and that the Emperor had left the town the same day, but would return at night;—"which he did n[ot, but] gave audience to the French ambassadors tweyne lieges out of [the town]; and there was also the Prince and his three sisters, [the sight] of whom (as I deem) was neither much pleasant or comforta[ble to] the said ambassadors; for, blessed be God, they be all right fair and [tall], and go right up upon there joints and limbs." Yesterday the Emperor sent him word to be at Skelle, two leagues from Antwerp, at 6 at night; at 8 o'clock a gentleman was sent, who took him to a river between Brabant and Flanders, where he found a boat, and was carried by water to the castle of Ripylmonde, and there, in presence of Thos. Spinelly, mentioned the King's desire to know the Emperor's pleasure touching the gentlemen of those parts who had offered to serve the King. The Emperor declined to answer till he had consulted his daughter. He then asked when my cousin Boleyn departed. I told him on the 14th at 3 a.m., and arrived at Calais the next day at 9 a.m., which was a great exploit; and that I and Mr. Vice-Chancellor had written to further his Majesty's wishes, at which he was pleased. He told me he had given answer to the French ambassadors the day before, which "liked them but little," and gave Le Gyche leave to depart, who said his master had sent for him to serve against the English. The doctor Napolytan had no command to depart, or he would gladly have given him licence also. He said he had no news from Italy, except through France; but, as it was needful for me to depart, "he made the shorter work," and desired me to go to Brussels, where I should have an abstract of the news from my Lady. Met with a great storm on his return. Next day found that my Lady had given to the Vice-Chancellor the abstract of news (enclosed). The Vice-Chancellor does not write because Bluemantle [went] yesterday with his letters to Calais, for lack of posts, and Thos. Spinelly had to pay 5 philips for a messenger. Brussels, 19 June.
Mutilated, pp. 3. From a letter book.
Add. MS.,
32,091, f. 83.
2. Modern copy of the above.
Pp. 8.
19 June.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et
de Marg.,
II., 12.
Sends copy of news from France that the English have landed in Brittany and taken a town called Frett by which he thinks is meant Prest. Replumonde, 19 June 1512.
20 June.
Navy Records
Soc., X., 23.
1243. FRANCE.
Commission by Louis XII. for military preparations against the English, who have already invaded the realm in two places, trying to enter Guienne, and are preparing yet another descent, on Picardy. Blois, 15 June 1512.
ii. Similar commission for victualling the navy. Blois, 20 June 1512.
French. Extracts from Bibl. Nat. MSS.
21 June.
Transcr., Ser. I.,
No. 31, f. 256.
1244. JULIUS II. to JOHN M'GYLLAYGHE, Clk., of Dromore.
Dispenses with his defect of birth, enables him to receive benefices from the bp., provost, dean, &c., of Dromore, giving commission "episcopo Cavallicensi et dilectis filiis Gelasio Magnassa, Dromorensis, ac Simoni Ocaylte, Conventrensis ecclesiarum, canonicis'," to put him in possession. Rome, 11 kal. Julii 1512, anno 9.
Latin. Modern copy, pp. 6.
22 June.
Galba B. III.,
1245. [3258.] [YOUNG and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote last on the 19th, stating what answer the Emperor had made to Sir Robert Wingfield touching the King's letter of the 10th. He has not yet come to Brussels. Lagishe, the French ambassador, is still here, and had an audience yeterday with my Lady, requesting to stay 5 or 6 days and learn his master's pleasure touching the Emperor's writing. of which they inclose copy. She declined, but they don't know the certainty. Thomas Spinelly tells them that till Sir Thos. Boleyn return, the Emperor will give no answer touching the captains who have offered to serve the King. Sends the news since their last. Spinelly has written what my Lady told him of her answer to the French ambassador. Brussels, 22 June.
Mutilated, pp. 2. From a letter book.
Add. MS.,
32,091, f. 87.
2. Modern copy of the above.
Pp. 3.
22 June.
Sanuto, XIV.,
1246. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 26 June 1512.]
From the Ambassador at Rome 21 and 22 June.—The Pope has returned from Ostia and, hearing that the French are fortified in Pavia, has ordered his men to join the Venetians. 22 June.—News that the Venetians have crossed the Ticino and the French abandoned Pavia with loss of their artillery. Sends copy of letters from the King of England to the English cardinal, read in Consistory. (See No. 1214.)
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 176.
24 June.
Lansd. MS.,
1, f. 136.
Costs of certain dinners for "the lords and other" of the King's Council at Westminster from Tuesday, 11 Nov. to 24 June [1511–12], giving minutely, day by day, the quantity and price of everything down to the salt and herbs, followed by the cook's wages of 2s. 4d. a day and the cost of coals and boat hire, with, occasionally, the washing of napery and hire of a kitchen. The days were 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 24, 28 and 29 Nov., 1 and 3 Dec., 20, 21, 29 and 30 Jan., and 22, 23, and 24 June. Total, 25l. 5d. Signed: T. Surr[ey], Ri. Wynton, T. Duresme, G. Somerset, Harry Marny, T. Englefild, Thomas Wulcy.
Pp. 9.
25 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 11.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Colman, yeoman of the Chapel, London russet for a gown, &c. Greenwich, 25 June 4 Hen. VIII.
26 June.
Ib., f. 16. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Pole, yeoman of "our bows," and Wm. Dalbourne, groom of the same, Wm. Heywod, yeoman of "our Leashe," and John Colynson, groom of the same; motley coats, &c. Greenwich, 26 June 4 Hen. VIII.
26 June.
Sanuto, XIV., 450.
1250. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 2 July, 1512.]
From Rome, 25 and 26 June.—On the 25th Zuan Badoer arrived, on his way to Spain. Great rejoicing at the news from Genoa. Venice will have all her lands again. The King of England's letter to the Emperor has been printed. (fn. 6) The Duke of Ferrara is expected in Rome, coming from the Marchioness of Mantua and Duchess of Urbino.
27 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 12.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Hugh Foster, yeoman of the Buckhounds, motley, &c. Greenwich, 27 June 4 Hen. VIII.
27 June.
Galba B. III., 31.
1252. [3271.] [YOUNG and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote last on the 22nd, stating that the French ambassador had been with my Lady. He left on the 2[3rd], and the doctor Napolitane rode to the Emperor, "but they parted, so that the said D[octor] cowde himself no great thank for his coming." The Emperor told him that if they did not go when they could, they should not go when they would. The 2[4th] of this month the Emperor came to Brussels, and sent for them, "and we found him ready to ride, and [my] Lady, his daughter, with my Lord Prince and his sisters w[ere] without the palace gate, where a great fire was made in [the] honour of St. John. and the Emperor had the collar of St. G[eorge] about his neck." The Master of the Rolls told him the rumour of his going to the Princes of the Empire, and begged him to commission my Lady to finish the negotiations, as Boleyn would soon come from England. He said he was more likely to go to Gueldres, but would wait two or three days, and promised to let them know his resolution about the captains and the commission next day. He then rode two leagues to his bed past 8 o'clock. Were then summoned to the great hall where they had a conversation with my Lady, whom they find a perfect friend. "In that while the Prince and his sisters and the young folk danced, and betwixt 9 and 10 they made an end, and then we departed." On the 25th received a letter from the Emperor, excusing himself for not keeping his word, as he was obliged to go to Gueldres. Send copies of letters.
After they had written these letters on the 26th, deferred despatching them on account of the coming of Sir Tho. Boleyn, about 2 p.m. The same day he had an interview with my Lady, delivered Henry's letters and declared his mind touching the advancement of mo[ney for] 2,000 Almains against the Geldres for four months, upon obligation, which she approved. But as to the article concerning the advancement of 100,000 [ducats] to be given to the Emperor for actual war against France as declared by Boleyn, she answered that the Pope and Aragon not only granted 100,000 each but had paid a great part of it or else the Swiss had not gone through his country or the 6,000 Almains left the French army. She asked them to put the matter in writing and she would help to "frame" it. Brussels, 27 June.
Mutilated, pp. 3. From a letter book.
Add. MS.,
32,091, f. 88.
2. Modern copy of the above.
Pp. 7.
27 June.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de
Max. et
de Marg.,
II., 14.
Learns by her letter the return of the ambassador (fn. 7) of England and his desire to speak with the Emperor before the latter goes further away. She shall tell him that the Emperor is glad of his coming and waits for him here, so that he should make haste. Turnhout, 27 June 1512.
28 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 54.
Receipt by Sir Sampson Norton, 28 June 4 Hen. VIII., of saltpetre from John Cavalcanty. Signed by Norton and John Walcar.
P. 1.
28 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 9.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Th. Knyvet, knight for the Body and master of the Horse, or George Lovekyn, clerk of the Stable; horse harness, some of which is "for the nag that William Tyler gave your Grace." Greenwich, 28 June 4 Hen. VIII.
28 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 13.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Th. Carmynowe, gentleman usher of the Chamber, canvas for the "covering of our buckhounds" and lines, collars and chains. Greenwich, 28 June 4 Hen. VIII.
28 June.
Egerton MS.,
544, f. 108.
1257. FRANCE.
On 28 June 1512, the King of France caused answer to be made to the Queen of Spain's people, viz. her master of the Wardrobe and her esquire (escuder): touching the succession of M. de Nemos, brother of the said Queen. (fn. 8) This answer (detailed) was made by M. de Paris, M. de Bussage and the Treasurer Robert[et].
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 2. Headed: La respuesta que dieron a Felipon de parte del Rey de Francia, sacada de Franzes en Castellano.
Add. MS.,
28,572. f. 110.
2. Charge given by the Queen of France to Felipon. Seeing that the Pope has recovered his own and Ferdinand's suspicion of her husband with regard to Naples is dispelled by his action after Ravenna, 'you and I' have an opportunity of moving peace. He shall tell Ferdinand she is sorry that illness prevented her seeing the Comendador Cabanylleis when he left, and that she complains of Ferdinand's inciting Milan and Britanny to revolt.
French. Modern copy, pp. 2. Headed in Spanish.
29 June.
Galba B. III.,
1258. [3276.] [YOUNG, BOLEYN and WINGFIELD to HENRY VIII.]
Wrote last on the 27th. On that day were sent for to Court, and heard evensong; afterwards saw the Prince shoot at the butts. He "handled his bow right well favourdly." Yesterday the 2[8th] my Lady recommended that Sir Tho. Boleyn should go to the Emperor; and when the articles came from England we might commune with such Commissioners as he should appoint. Sir Tho. Boleyn will be with him to-morrow. Await here the coming from England of the articles and the form of obligation for the 32,000 fl. of gold to be lent for the wars of Geldres. Think it advisable the sum should be sent in crowns to Calais, and not by way of exchange as suggested in Henry's last letters, of the 23rd. Think it should be sent at once, as "men of war be so taken up on every side that they wax so lordly that almost no man can have them [but at] their own laws." It will be necessary for them to have the treaty between the King and the Emperor, on which the King consents to give him 100,000 crowns, reserving places for the Pope and the King of Aragon, or else articles binding the Emperor to make such a confederation with the Pope and Aragon by a certain day. Spinelly writes the news. Brussels, 29 June.
Mutilated, pp. 2. From a letter book.
Add. MS.,
32,091, f. 91.
2. Modern copy of the commencement of the above letter.
Pp. 2.
30 June.
Exch. Accts.,
417 (6), f. 8.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay Th. Foster, King's "broderar," for embroidering two "pendante trappers of russet satin" and other horse harness (described). Greenwich, 30 June 4 Hen. VIII.
Harl. MS.,
309, ff. 37–41.
B.M. Navy Records
Soc., x., 33.
1260. THE NAVY.
"A rate of victual," &c., for a navy of 17 ships and army of 3,000 men upon the sea for 3 months. Items tabulated.
ii. The Regent's charges, 3 months, 1,099l. 10s.
iii. Over charges and excesses for Mr. Howard, viz., 3 months' wages of 27 men "by appointing of the brief abstracts by Mr. Almoner drawn, out of the musters" and over the 3,000 first appointed, for the 3 months to be ended 8 July, now "almost past," &c.; including wages to Sir John Carewe, captain of the Regent, and of Stephen Bull, appointed by the King's Council's writing to Mr. Daunce.
Paper roll of 3 leaves written on one side only.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 55.
"Mr. Heyron forasmuch as Mr. Weste hath continued in Scotland by the space of 10 weeks, the King's pleasure is that ye should deliver unto him the 10l. which ye, at my writing now at his last going to Scotland ward, restrained; with the which sum of 10l. the said Mr. Weste is agreed and well contented, to take in full recompense for all the time of his abode in Scotland. Your loving fellow, THOMAS WULCY."
Hol., p. 1.
T.R. Misc.
Book, 254,
p. 293.
"Complaints made to the wardens of Scotland for robbing and spoiling of English merchants' goods."
Complaint of Rob. Harding, Th. Hache of London, ... Bradell and George Lordesman: that Robyn Barton on 20 May last, on Norfolk coast, took "a ship of ours" called the Barbaray of Brekilsey with 34 barrels of salmon and 3,500 white fish to the value, ship and goods, of 184l. Th. Turnbull and Walter Shaller of London: that Robyn Barton and John Forman, household servant to the King of Scots, on 20 May last, on Norfolk coast, took the Gregory of Brekilsey with 50 barrels of salmon and 2,500 white fish, 225l. 16s. 8d. Rob. Ford and partners of Brekilsey: that Robyn Barton, on 20 May last, on Norfolk coast, took the George of Brekilsey with 5,500 white fish, 202l. Wm. White, sheriff of York, and James Wilford, alderman of London: that David Falconer took two ships "of ours," on the coast of Yaremouthe, about Michaelmas last, laden with tin, wool, hides, &c., to great value, which ship purposed to go to Temmysmouthe and pass thence with the great fleet to Flanders. Thomas ..., John Sage, Dominic Peryn, Philip le Pere, Denis March. ..., ... Drossell, merchants of the Isle of Garnesey: that ... Gardyner of Leith, Robert Barton, John Pilmore and their fellows to the number of 80 persons, when "we" were sailing towards Dartmouth, took our balinger, the Mary of Roken, with 150 fardels of linen cloth worth 1,400l., and 100l. in money. Maurice Dee and Davy Welsheman: that Robyn Barton took their ship laden with linen cloth to great value. Robert Pagot, merchant-tailor of London: that John Barton, Robin Barton and their company took the ship "called the Bertillamew in the Stremys wherein was 300 ducats and crosadieux, 200 riolles of Portingale money, with other merchandise."
The above seven bills were given in by Lord Dacre and Dr. West at Edinburgh.
Further complaints, viz., of Philip Dacre of Hertley: that Walter Carr, John Balliot and Andrew Grey, of Lethe, had a great boat "of ours" laden "with killing, lyng, skates and turbottes," taken by Delamote the Frenchman and bought by the said Scots. Walter Un ..., [Ro]bert Norice, William Makcownell, Henry Jamisson, William Power, J ... yn, Henry Perclesse, Piers Winstaneley, Donald Makkilholl, Hugh ... [and] William Leche, Englishmen: that John Chalmer, alderman of th[e town o]f Ayre, George Nesbit and Thomas Nele, bailiffs of the same, had a "ballangar of 34 ton called ... of Chestre, loden with salmon salt, salt salmon, hides taken [upon] the coast of Ireland," by Guillaume Agnetez, captain, and Robert Pain, master, of the Bon Aventure of Dieppe, and brought to Ayre, where the goods were sold and the men ransomed for 13s. 4d. apiece; and they "keep the master of the said ship still whiles the ransoms be paid." Hugh Eliot, of Bristol, Henry Rice and their fellows: that their balinger, the Patrik, of Bristol, with 8 barrels of salmon, 7 tons of salt, 3 broad cloths, 7 hogsheads of beer, 6 barrels of ale, 4 hogsheads of biscuit, gold and silver coin and other things was brought to Ayr by the said Frenchmen, who there made "open portsale" of them. The prior and convent of Tynemouthe and their tenants: that their ship, the Mary Oswyn, was taken by Hob Barton and Wm. More, of Lethe, and 200 other Scots, while fishing of the coast of Shotland, in June last; and brought to Lethe where the Scots sold the ship and goods, worth over 500 mks., and still keep Th. Endergill and Th. Clerk for the ransom of themselves and 22 shipmen. Thomas [Endergill] of Sunderland: that Barton, More and Laurence Anders[on] took the ship, &c., as above. Richard Dean, of Hertilpole, and James Grey, of Blakney Haven, like complaints of capture and ransom by the said Scots. John Snawe, of Newcastle: that Walter Carr and John Balliot, of Leith, bought his ship, the Mary Buttokes, which had been taken by John Delamote. John Blunt, the wife of Ralph Biker and Henry Wodrufe of Newcastle: that Carr and Balliot also bought their ships laden with coals, which had been taken by Delamote. Walter Cr ... and Thomas Harwod of Scarborough: that James Wallace and the lord [Sincler] had their ship called the Mar ..., with 2,000 fish and tackle to the value of 100l., bought by the said lord Sincler in June [last]. Richard Baynes of Scarborough: that Dogge Banney (sic), falconer to the King of Scots, Torrent of Burghe, Magnus Boitte, Richard Lask, William Brounhill, Sir John Fresell, vicar of Walys, John Dawson and Thomas Sincler of Brossey, in June last, took a ship with 3,500 fish, &c., worth 80l. William Getter of Leystoft, the men of Yarmouth, John Jacob of Birtilsey, Ralph Simon of London: several complaints that Carr and Balliot bought their ships which had been taken by Delamote. Agnes Be ... t of Newcastle: that Walter Carr, John Balliot, Richard R ... [and An]drew Grey of Leith had her ship called Godd... and stuff to the value of 40[l.] 4s. James Conye of [W]hitby: that Pate Wemys of Dis ..., Scotsman, had his ship and tackle worth 60l. Signed: Thomas Dacre.
Large paper, slightly mutilated, pp. 6. Endd.
Adv. MS., 399. 1263. JAMES IV. to [GRAND MASTER OF RHODES]. (fn. 9)
Wrote last on the 31 March, asking for his favor in the affair of the commandry of Torfichen and the houses of Lison and Maricult, lately reannexed to it. Wishes not even a Scotch subject to be appointed preceptor who would recognise the English prior as a superior on the pretext that Scotland is comprehended under the English tongue, and by which the payments on vacancies should go to the Treasurer in England. Deserves better of the Order, having appointed one of his councillors preceptor of Torfichen. Geo. Dundas, whose suit with Paniter has been tried at Rome, was appointed by consent of the English, as is shown by the letters of provision. This is an insult to Scotland. Thanks him for promising his assistance, in his letter "ex burgo novo" (Bourg Neuf in Blois ?) of 19 April. The appointment of a suitable prior will greatly benefit the Order.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
R. MS.,
13 B II., 77.
(No. 206.)
1264. [3277.] SECRETARY PANITER [of Scotland] to the GRAND MASTER OF RHODES (fn. 10).
Has received his letters, dated Blois, 20 April, stating that he was expecting the Prior of England. The Prior is reported to have entered the dominions of the King of France on the 6 June, in the vanguard under the Duke of Srosberry, which he ought not to have done. Has not sought the Scotch preceptory of Rhodes, through greed. Thanks to the King he is well provided for, but his jeering adversary has compelled litigation. If Paniter is made one of the knights (servitor), hopes he shall satisfy the Society. Will give the requisite bonds on the merchants of Florence, and revive the decayed endowments of the Order in Scotland.
Lat., copy. p. 1.
Adv. MS., 400. 2. Another copy.
Add. MS.,
21, 382, f. 47.
Relates what he has seen himself, and learned from a relative with the Chancellor, of the state of the King [of France]. Has been to See the assembly both at Blois, and in Normandy, where the naval force was getting ready, and seen nothing which can do her much harm. Has done his best for her, remembering that he has been long supported in her territories, and that she gave him money at Antwerp for giving her warning of a man of De Piennez—as also at Cambray at the meetings (aux appointements). Requested the officers of Hedine to allow him to go to her at Malincs; but they detained him, doubting whether he had formerly spoken to her and the governor of Bresse and her treasurer Don Diegue. The King has beyond the Mountains 1,380 men of arms and 14,000 foot, under Lieutenants De Trevou, Jean Jacques, and De la Trymouille; and here, for his army against England, 800 men of arms only, with the gentlemen and pensioners of his household and archers of his guard, which is a very great band. He has 10,000 or 12,000 Swiss now at Rains, for whose pay Graville, Admiral of France, has lent him 80,000 livres; 1,400 lanzknechts at St. Espert (?) de Ruee, who will be at Montreuil in two days; 3,000 Picards, and 3,000 Normans. He has recalled De la Marche from beyond the Mountains with his 4,000 lanzknechts. He has made and brought from Paris and Bloys great pieces of artillery, and there are 12 pieces made at Rouen since Easter, among the largest ever seen, which he is likewise bringing hither. He has also prepared 1,200 hacquebuttes to break the English ranks. His naval force is small and ill-manned. If he can beat the English he will attack Hainault and Flanders and Artois. The embassies he has sent to her are only a blind. The writer saw at Blois a Norman priest of the territory of the Duke of Alençon, who has come several times from England. The King has paid him to reside in the English court as a spy. He has brought letters to those of the family of Suffolk, and gained over one of the King of England's secretaries. Saw the priest at Blois and can recognise him. Has seen a gunner named Denis le Charon, now in the house of Mons. de Piennez at Montreul, who has engaged to blow up with Greek fire the English magazines and destroy all the mills in the county of Guisnes. They are carrying all the victuals to the camp at Boulogne. 400 men will be at Montreuil in two days, where De Piennez means to remain. The King is at Paris, "bien mal disposé il n'a que la langue et ung petit de coeur." Is ready to go either to France or England at Madame's bidding, but if to England she must send him, as he knows nothing of England or Calais, and if to France she should send him to one of her frontier captains.
Hol. Fr., pp. 4.
1266. GRANTS IN JUNE, 1512.
1. Priory of Kyrkeby. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 3 July 3 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 14). Westm., 1 June 4 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 47, No. 11.
2. Keepers of the changes within the city of London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 21 Nov. 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 18, No. 3), confirming:—
Ch. 20 Feb. 1 Edw. IV., conf. with additions:—
Pat. 10 Feb. 1 Ric. II. (p. 3, m. 28), confirming:—
Pat. 4 March 5 Edw. III., cf.:
Pat. 1 March 2 Edw. II.
Westm., 1 June 4 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 47, No. 12.
3. William Dyngeley. To have the pension in the monastery of Shrewsbury, which the newly elected abbot is bound to give to a clerk of the King's nomination, until the abbot promote him to a competent benefice. Westm., 30 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 2 June. P.S. [3232.]
4. Robert Raulyns alias Couper of Coventry, chapman or draper, alias of London, chapman, alias of Boston, clothier, alias of Lene, draper. General pardon. Greenwich, 30 May 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 3 June. P.S. Pat 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26. [3234.]
5. John Sharp. To be gauger of the port of Bristol, from the death of Hugh Denys, as held by John Spynel. Del. Westm., 4 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [3235.]
6. Wm. Lelegrave. Request to the Chancellor, by Sir R. Dymmok, treasurer of the Rearward, for protection according to the Statute, for William Lelegrave, whom he has retained to be one of his clerks during the wars, and whose name he has recorded before the lords of the Council. 4 June. S.B. (signed: R. Dymmok). [3236.]
7. Gabriel Fuller. Request to the Chancellor, by James Dorrell, captain, one of the King's spears, for the release of his countryman Gabriel Fuller, barber-surgeon, prisoner in the "countrey" of Bredstrete, who has received the prest of 40s. to serve in the King's voyage over the sea, under the said James, and therefore "ought not to stande under a Rest by Reason of an Act to the contrary." London, 4 June. S.B. (signed and sealed by Dorrell). [3237.]
8. Sir Richard Gildeford, Councillor. Warrant to ... to pay 10l. to Gildeford, who, being appointed to levy ... men, has been commanded by the King to enter The Regent. Greenwich, 5 June. S.B. (mutilated). [3238.]
9. Sir Henry Guldeford and Margaret his wife. Grant, by charter, in tail male, of the manor of Hampton, alias Hampton in Arderne, Warw., forfeited by attainder of Sir Simon Mountforth, late of Colshull, Warw., temp. Hen. VII., and of the manor of Byker, Linc., late belonging to William Viscount Beaumont Lord Bardolf, in the King's hands by forfeiture of Francis late Lord Lovell. Greenwich, 31 May 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 6 June. P.S. Charter Roll 200, No. 9 (witnesses not named). [3239.]
10. Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., Councillor. To be steward and marshal of the Household, during the absence of George earl of Shrewsbury in foreign parts. Del. Westm., 13 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3242.]
11. Prioress of Chestehunt. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 20 Jan. 5 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Pat. 8 Feb. 9 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 8), confirming:—
A. Pat. 4 Feb. 1 Ric. II., conf.:
a. Pat. 25 Oct. 41 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 18 May 25 Edw. III. confirming:—
Pat. 1 March 18 Edw. II., exemplifying:—
Ch. 11 Aug. 24 Hen. III.
c. Ch. 3 July 32 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 27 Nov. 5 Ric. II., cf.:
Pat. 13 Jan. 25 Edw. III.
Westm., 15 June [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 47, No. 2.
11a. Reversals of outlawry:—
London: Edw. Coke, of Doncaster, Yorks., innholder; sued for debt by Roger Corke, of London, grocer.
Soms.: Rob. Kene, of Bedmester; sued for debt by Robt. Bouryng, Westm., 16 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 1. [3939.]
12. Thomas Taillour, yeoman of the Crown, and John Gifford, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Grant, in survivorship, with 4d. a day, of the office of bailiff of the lordship of Wollerhampton, Staff., of which Lord Morley died seized in tail male; he dying without such issue, the said lordship ought to have descended to Francis late Viscount Lovell, who forfeited his right and title on his attainder. Greenwich, 4 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [3244.]
13. Nicholas Yoo, groom of the Chamber. To be searcher in the port of Great Jernemouthe, during pleasure, with moiety of forfeitures. Greenwich, 2 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [3245.]
14. Christopher Brigham, merchant. Exemption from serving on juries, &c.; and privilege of wearing his hat in the presence of the King and his heirs. Greenwich, 3 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [3246.]
15. Martin de Pyn of Bayonne, merchant. Denization. Greenwich, 7 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [3247.]
16. Peter Hylling. Wardship and marriage of Edward, kinsman and heir of Henry Thorne. Greenwich, 14 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 June. P.S. [3249.]
17. Forage for the Household. Commission to William Jekyll, yeoman purveyor of oats to the Household, to provide oats, horse-bread, litter, grass, &c., until 12 Dec. next. Westm., 20 June.
ii. The like, severally, to William Horetop, Geo. Colbrand, and Hen. Brian, other yeoman purveyors. Same date. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [3250.]
18. Thomas Beke. Livery of lands as kinsman and heir of Thomas Beke and Elizabeth his wife, he being son of Marmaduke, son of the said Thomas and Elizabeth. Del. Westm., 20 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18. [3251.]
19. William Tylar, groom of the Privy Chamber, and John Baynbrige. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of keeper and collector of the forest of Teisdale, vice Richard Baynbrige, deceased; with the farms and offices there lately held by Edward and Guy Baynbrige. Greenwich, 13 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 June. P.S. (in English). [3252.]
20. Richard Pynson, the King's printer. Annuity of 40s., for life, from Michaelmas last. Del. Westm., 20 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3253.]
21. James Gartside, yeoman of the Guard. To have the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, vice John Darbye, deceased. Greenwich, 30 May 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [3254.]
22. Elizabeth Throgmerton, abbess, and the convent of Denny. Licence to appropriate the churches of Eltesle, Camb., Ely dioc., and Bydenham, Beds, Linc. dioc., provided that they endow vicars and set apart a sum of money for poor parishioners. Greenwich, 14 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [3255.]
23. Nicholas Hide. Annuity of 20l., for life, out of the issues of the lordship of Cristechurch, Hants. Greenwich, 20 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [3256.]
24. Francis de Bardi, merchant of Florence. Licence to export 10,000 kerseys, paying such customs as strangers pay, at the end of four years from date of shipment. Del. ..., 21 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced). [3257.]
25. Leonard Friscobald, merchant of Florence. Licence to export 600 sacks of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich, through and beyond the Straits of Marrok, paying, for all customs and dues, 5 mks. a sack at the end of six years from the date of shipment. Greenwich, 8 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. [3259.]
26. John Dolman, yeoman for the Queen's mouth in the Cellar. To be, during pleasure, one of the customers in the port of Plymouth, as held by Thomas Elyot or Thomas Thickepeny. Greenwich, 2 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [3260.]
27. John Dolman, yeoman for the mouth in the Queen's cellar. To be, during pleasure, one of the customers of Plymouth and Fowaye, Cornwall, which office is now occupied by John Hartford, in the name of one customer, although previously held by two; with the same fees as Thomas Elyott and Thomas Thyckepeny had. Del. Westm., 22 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English).
ii. Office copy (attached to this) of § 26 from the Patent Roll, but without the corrections which appear there. [3261.]
28. College of Cotherstok, Ntht. (Robert Bernarde, provost). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 25 Nov. 6 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 17) confirming:—
Pat. 4 Dec. 2 Hen. V., conf. with additions:—
Pat. 21 Oct. 4 Hen. IV., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 24 June 12 Edw. III.
Westm., 22 June [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 47, No. 3.
29. Nicholas Love, chief gunner of the ship called the Lyon. To be a gunner in the Tower of London, with 12d. a day, from Mich. last for life. Del. Westm., 23 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [3262.]
30. George Ardeson, native of Italy. Denization. Greenwich, 10 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16 (dated 3 June). [3233, 3263.]
31. John Malteby, clk. Presentation to the church of Wasshynburgh, Linc. dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 21 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26. [3264.]
32. John Sharp and George Ardeson. Grant, by advice of the Council, of the keeping of the exchange for foreign parts, in England and in Calais, for the term of 30 years, at 30l. 6s. 8d. rent. Greenwich, 13 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 June. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16. Vacated on surrender, 7 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII. [3265.]
33. John Carre, esquire for the Body. Grant in tail, in reversion, of the manor of Whynborough, Norfolk, with the advowson of the church, which belonged to William viscount Beaumont Lord Bardolf, and at his death came into the hands of Henry VII. by attainder (11 Hen. VII.) of Francis lord Lovell; but were afterwards by patent 6 Sept. 1 Hen. VIII. granted to John earl of Oxford and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of the said William, for term of her life, as her dower. Del. Westm., 23 June. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [3266.]
34. Justices of Assize.
Northern Circuit.—Association of Rob. Henryson and Th. Strey, with Wm. Fairfax and John Erneley. Westm., 24 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d. [3267.]
35. Robert Lee, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Grant, in fee, of the manor of Querndon, Bucks, with appurtenances, and of all possessions in the said county, granted, for a term of years, to the said Robert and to Richard Lee and Joan his wife, by patent 7 Dec. 15 Hen. VII.; to be held in socage by a rent of 50l. Del. Westm., 25 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [3268.]
36. Justices of Assize.
Oxford Circuit.—Association of Rob. Brudenell, junr., and Th. Waldram, with Rob. Brudenell, senr., and Will. Grevyll. Westm., 26 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18d. [3270.]
37. Priory of Haverford. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 16 June 20 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Pat. 10 June 20 Hen. VII., exemplifying:—
Pat. 12 Nov. 18 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 8).
Pat. 20 Feb., 18 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 30).
Pat. 8 July 5 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 33).
Westm., 26 June [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 48, No. 9.
38. Guild of Tanners, Barnstaple. Inspeximus and innotescimus of a deed of Margaret countess of Richmond lady of Barnstaple, dated 14 Feb. 7 Hen. VII., incorporating the Guild of Tanners and Shoemakers founded in Barnstaple church; and licensing John Mount, John Baron, Th. Filleigh, John Colyford, Rob. Hony, Geoffrey Davy alias Dalby, and John Rise, masters of the trade, to be a body corporate. Westm., 28 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8. [3272.]
39. Master Morgan ap Rece. Presentation to the church of St. Mary, Wynvoo, dioc. Llandaff, void by resignation of John Broke. Del. Westm., 28 June 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3273.]
40. John Campucci, merchant of Lucca. Licence to ship (no mention of export) 400 sacks of wool in the ports of London, Southampton or Sandwich, paying for all customs and dues 5 mks. per sack at the end of six years after shipment. Greenwich, 20 June 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. French Roll 4 Hen. VIII. m. 2. [3274.]
41. Gaol Delivery.
Oxford Circuit.—Commission to Rob. Brudenell. sen., Wm. Grevill, and Rob. Brudenell, jun. Westm., 28 June.
Worcester Castle and Stafford.—Rob. Brudenell, senr., Wm. Grevill, Rob. Brudenell, junr., and Th. Waldram. Same date.
Home Circuit.—Commission to John Butteler, John More, and John Muscote. Westm., 28 June.
Northern Circuit.—Commission to Wm. Fairfax, John Erneley, Rob. Henryson, and Th. Stray. Westm., 28 June.
Norfolk Circuit.—Commission to Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, and Wm. Mordaunt. Westm., 28 June. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18d. [3275.]


  • 1. Richard De la Pole's mother was a sister of Richard III.
  • 2. The bishop of Durham was secretary; and Sanuto's words, "quale scrive al Turano," perhaps involve some confusion of the writer with his correspondent and should read "qual e vescovo de Duram."
  • 3. Printed "July" in Ep. Reg.
  • 4. First leaf lost.
  • 5. Of Torphichen.
  • 6. See No. 1215.
  • 7. Sir Thomas Boleyn.
  • 8. Gaston de Foix, duke of Nemours, brother of Queen Germaine, had been killed in the battle of Ravenna, 11 April 1512.
  • 9. These three papers, 1263–5, by oversight, are here placed a year too early. They should be taken at the end of June, 1513.
  • 10. See note opposite.