Henry VIII: March 1511

Pages 390-399

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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March 1511

2 March.
Add. MS. 6,113, f. 208b. B.M.
Warrant to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, to pay Garter King of Arms and his brethren 40l., in "composition and agreement" made with the King's Council, for their rights and duties of the "trappers behynde the saddell" at the jousts at Westminster, 12 and 13 Feb. Greenwich, 2 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Countersigned by Surrey and Shrewsbury.
Copy, p. 1.
Lansd. MS. 285, f. 213b. B.M. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
Add. MS. 6,297, f. 87. B.M. 3. A modern copy of the same.
Pp. 2.
Ashmol. MS. 857, ff. 504–10. 711. THE HERALDS.
" 'A bill of peticion to ye Kinge touching the rights, annuities and largesses appertaineing of auntient custome to the Officers of Armes after the usage of England'; signed 'Per Th. Wall al's Lancaster H.' With a schedule of the same." 504–6.
'Rights due at the tournay.' First the Kinge of Armes.' 506.
'The order [or charge] given to a knight new made.' Great worpp bee this noble order unto you. 506.
'A bill of peticion to the King,' &c. (repeated as above). 507.
'Preparation for the creation of a prince.' First his robes of estate. 507.
'The apparell for the creation of estates from the degree of an earl upwards.' 508.
'To be provided for the creation of an earl.' 508.
'These duties to be paid at the creation of the estates aforesaid.' 508.
'To be provided for the creation of a baron' and `These duties,' &c. 509.
'Rewards to be given out of the chamber of London at every solemn proclamation.' 510."
From Black's Catalogue.
Add. MS. 6,297, f. 29b. B.M. 2. Modern copy of the first half of § 1, ff. 504–6.
Ib., f. 91b. 3. Modern copy of the second half of § 1, ff. 507–9, except the "Rewards," &c.
Pp. 4.
Faustina E. I., 162. B.M. 4. Copy of the first portion of § 1, viz., of the "bill of petition" and the "rights."
Pp. 2. In a hand of James I.'s time.
5 March.
Ven. Transcr. 176, p. 99. R.O.
5 March, 1511.—To ask the English ambassador to forward the enclosed letter to their ambassador, which contains theirs to the King, of congratulation on the birth of his son.
Italian. Modern extract, ½ p. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 96.
8 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 39. R.O.
713. [1533.] ENGLISHMEN at CALAIS.
Copy of a proclamation made, 8 March 2 Hen. VIII., that men and women "mere English" living in the town and marches of Calais may marry with any persons born there and their issue shall be taken as "mere English," and also that men and women born within the town and marches may likewise intermarry and their issue shall be taken as "good English"; but in either case if they or their issue depart thence and dwell out of the King's obeissance they shall be reputed strangers and forfeit all their lands and the "quynte" of their goods, according to the old ordinance.
P. 1.
10 March.
Sanuto, XII., 54.
714. VENICE.
[Note of letters received, 12 March, 1511.]
From Hironimo Lipomano, Ravenna, 10 March.—Nine cardinals made that morning, of whom the bp. of Gurk is in pectore. The eight others are:—the bp. of York, ambassador of England in the Court; the bp. of Sion, Swiss; the auditor of the Chamber, Dom. Antonio de Montibus; Dom. Achiles de Grassis, Bolognese, late legate in Hungary; Dom. Petro de Acoltis, bp. of Ancona; Dom _ (blank) Sauli, prothonotary, Genoese, bp. of Malta; Dom Francesco Arzentino, bp. of Concordia, Datary, "pro Venetiis"; Dom Petruzi son of Pandolfo di Sena.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 98.
12 March. 715. IRELAND.
John Topclyff, chief justice. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 19.
12 March.
Vesp. F. XIII., 78. B.M.
716. [1539.] RYSBANKE.
Order in Council, to Sir Hugh Conway, treasurer of Calais, to deliver to Thomas Deacon 200l. to repair the fortifications of Rysbanke. Greenwich, 12 March 2 Hen. VIII. Signed above by the King; below by Surrey, Shrewsbury, the bp. of Durham, Sir Charles Somerset, Sir Thomas Lovell, and Sir Harry Marny.
P. 1.
13 March.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 17. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for a gown of "violett in grayne furred with martourse," 21 gowns and hoods of russet cloth, 160 ells of linen cloth, and 21 pairs of shoes "for the costs and charges of our maundie." Richmond, 13 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
13 March.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 388.
* * *
* * * The Pope has made nine cardinals of whom Mons. de Gurce was the first; but he has nobly refused to accept until after peace is made and the Pope has reserved him in pectore. The others are the ambassador of England, the bp. of Syon, "Messieurs Aguille de Grassis, Boulonnois, un fils (fn. 1) de Pandolf qui gouverne Seine, et el Datario, et un Venicien (fn. 2), et ancuns autres; et n'ya aucun Espagnol, mais l'on est adverty qu'il en fera brief aucun autre nombre." * * * Bourges, 13 March.
14 March.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 18. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for blue satin, &c. (amounts and prices specified) to be bought from Lewis Harpfeld and others for making a trapper and arming coat with other stuff for the King. Greenwich, 14 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
15 March.
Sanuto, XII., 65.
720. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 17 March 1511.]
From the Ambassador Donato, 15 March.—The Pope sends as legate to the camp the English ambassador, newly elected cardinal; and will make 4,000 foot. The Duke of Albany, in the French camp, has sought audience, but the Pope refused to listen to a Frenchman. Donato advised hearing him because he is a Scot, who has said that he will adjust these matters and France should restore the Venetian territories.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 99.
20 March.
Deeds A., 12.280. R.O.
Trust on behalf of Thomas Ormond, knight, Earl of Ormond. See Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, Vol. V, p. 278.
21 March.
Stowe Ch. 583. B.M.
Papal indulgence to John Goderich, rector of Middilton Cheyneduyt, absolving him from perjury in obtaining that rectory in addition to his chaplaincy of Sponnes Chantry, in Towcester, Ntht., contrary to the terms of the foundation of that chantry. Ravenna, 12 Kal. April 8 Julius II.
Lat. Endd. as exhibited 19 June, 1537.
22 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 24. R.O.
723. HEN. WRIGHT (Servant to Sir Gilbert Talbot) to THOS TAMWORTHE.
I enclose the King's letters missive, copies whereof "I left but late with you. Beseeching you to remember the matter as shortly as ye may." Calais, 22 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: dwelling by Mr. Garter in Redcross Street.
23 March.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max et de Marg., II., 378.
I have heard the charge you gave to Monsieur de Berttesi (fn. 3) and conversed with him touching my marrying again, if so inclined, which however you wished me to favour in such way as not to injure our common son the Archduke Charles (que toute foes vous me volisses favoryser pour ne faere point domage à nostre commun fylz, l'archiduc Charles). I answered him, and had other conversation, which he will relate, as follows:—1, Touching the realm of Naples; 2, how the King of Aragon wanted to chase the King of France and me out of Italy; 3, how the King of Aragon wishes to save the Venetians against the King of Hungary, fearing that if the latter gain Dalmatia he and I will be too near neighbours and may unite to chase the Bastard of Aragon out of Naples; 4, how the King of Aragon tried to thwart (? a mal adressé, consentu toutefoes) the two marriages between our children and the children sole heirs of the realms of Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, Dalmatia, &c.; 5, how the marriage may be made between Renuera second daughter of the King of France and my son Charles; and, afterwards, of the sister, and second daughter, of the King of England with me, otherwise I will not marry at all either for money or beauty; 6, if peace may be made in Italy and Gueldres, how I desire to go this year with the army of the King of Aragon against the Moors or Saracens in Africa, according to that King's request to us and the King of France; 7, how the Turk-emperor wishes to be my great friend, and the losses of the Turks, or Makhométans against the King Soffy and at sea; and, on the other hand, how Peter de Novar and the Spaniards have lost in Africa, by their King's folly, 6,000 combatants, including a duke who was a young cousin of the King.
On all the above he desires her advice; and especially wishes her to obtain against the Bastard of Aragon an investiture of the realm of Naples for the Emperor's children and namely Charles, future King of Castile. 23 March.
25 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 40a. R.O.
725. [5740.] WARHAM to LORD DARCY.
Has sped the commissions which Darcy sent to be sealed. As to the deliverance of Elderkare and his sons from the Flete, as it is the King's pleasure, every reasonable man must be contented. Is sorry for Darcy's departure on such a distant and dangerous journey, but the more painful the more meritorious. How his friends and servants shall be treated in his absence it is hard to say, seeing they have not been well treated in his presence. Unless Darcy procure better and more substantial friends than him he writes of, to see to his affairs in his absence, he may be deceived. Wishes that he and his archers, when sent out of England, were to be with the Pope "to strength him against the enemies of the Church, which be little better than infidels." Doubtless he will take assurance for the payment of his, and his company's, wages. Hopes to speak with him in London at the beginning of next term. Canterbury, 25 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
26 March.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 19. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for gown cloth of black velvet, &c., for. Lord Henry Courteney, the King's servant. Greenwich, 26 March 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Thomas lord Darcy, admiral. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 41.
28 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 25. R.O.
Writ of aid for "bearer" to take up carts for conveyance of "stuff and necessaries" for the retinue of the King's Councillor, Lord Darcy, sent to assist the King of Aragon against the Infidels. Greenwich, 28 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Seal lost.
Small parchment.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 25. R.O. 2. Bill for making a horse-cloth of green velvet and white cotton, with green silk tassels, and another horse-cloth of red and yellow (fn. 4). Total, 43s. 7d. (marked 28s. received "be me Franses Howlson").
ii. A headstall, 2s. 4d., a bit, 14d. and a surcingle, 6d. for John Body.
Slightly mutilated, p. 1. Headed: To M. Lesster, ao s'c'do H. VIIIi.
29 March.
T.R. Dipl. Doct., 735. R.O. Rym. XIII. 295.
Commission to Siffridus de Luttichawe, kt., and Symon de Ryschach, LL.D. and Chancellor of Friesland, to renew and confirm the league with England. Dresden, 4 Kal. April, 1511. Seal lost.
Lat. Parchment.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 40b. R.O. 730. [5741.] EXPEDITION INTO SPAIN.
Instructions to Lord Darcy.
Is to be at Plymouth the day of his indentures, and, after taking musters, to go on board directly and wait for wind. To enter no haven, except in stress of weather, till they come to Ghades (Cadiz), where it is thought they shall find the King of Aragon. If he is not there, Darcy is to advise Ferdinand of his coming, and to tell him that he and his company have arrived to do him service at his pleasure, and request to know his wishes. Is to remain at Ghades, keeping his company all on board ship, till he receives an answer. On arriving in Ferdinand's presence he shall present the King's letters and say, "The King's Highness his good son, which as entirely loveth the said King of Aragon his good father as though he were his own natural son, and no less mindeth, pondereth and desireth the wealth, prosperity, surety and honor of his said good father and his prosperous successes in all his affairs, than he doth the wealth, prosperity, surety and honor of his own royal person, having knowledge, by his orator resident within his realm, that his said father, of his devout mind and catholic purpose, to his great laud and honor in this world and immortal reward in Heaven, now intendeth in his own person to make a noble voyage with a great army against the Moors and Infidels, enemies of Christ's faith; and being desired on his behalf by his said orator, hath sent him with his company and retinue to his Highness, and straitly commanded him to give his attendance upon him."
He shall then beg the King of Aragon to use him as his own subject, and shall state that as the manner of war and ordering of the same in England is not like that against the Moors, he begs the King of Aragon to appoint some expert man of war, by whom he may at all times be ordered.
Signed top and bottom by the King.
Pp. 8.
731. GRANTS IN MARCH, 1511.
1. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Essex.—Knoll, 1 March. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5d. [1522.]
2. Thomas Warde, yeoman harbinger. Grant, during pleasure, of thirteen tenements, with gardens, of the yearly value of 5l., situate on the south side of Holborn, opposite the Bishop of Ely's place, and abutting on the end of Fater Lane; parcel of the lands of Sir Richard Charleton, attainted. Westm., 12 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March. P.S. (in English) Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4. [1523.]
3. Walter Frost, one of the King's sewers. To be, during good conduct, receiver of the lordship of Macclesfelde, in the county palatine of Chester, from Mich. 2 Hen. VIII., as he has been heretofore by grant of Henry VII. and the late Prince Arthur. Del. Knoll, 2 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 12. [1524.]
4. Tynemouth priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 16 June, 2 Edw. III., conf.:
Ch. 23 April, 1 Edw. II., cf.:—
a. Ch. 29 June, 55 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 28 Dec., 1 Ric. I., renewed 13 Nov., 10 Ric. I.
Chs. of Roger Bertram (1) and Roger son of Roger Bertram (2).
b. Ch. 29 June, 55 Hen. III., confirming:—
Chs. (4) of Hen. II.
c. Ch. 22 April, 55 Hen. III., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. 1 March, 5 John.
d. Ch. 12 July, 21 Edw. I.
B. Pat. 19 March, 3 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 12).
Westm., 2 [March ? 2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 36, No. 1.
5. John Curteys, of London, mercer. Protection for one year. Greenwich, 20 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 3 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4. [1525.]
6. Richard Benys, clk. Presentation to the church of Wodborowe, Salisb. dioc., void by removal or deprivation. Greenwich, 27 Feb., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 3 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8.
ii. Intimation by Edmund bp. of Salisbury, of the deprivation of John Halsall, late rector. Remesbury, 20 Feb. 1510, ninth of his translation. [1526.]
7. John Yong, clerk of the Rolls in Chancery. To cancel three several recognizances of 120l. made by Thos. Knesworth, alderman of London, Edmund Denny, Christopher Grantham, fishmonger, and Ralph Tomson, fishmonger, all of London, 4 Feb. 23 Hen. VII.; it having been found, before executors of Henry VII.'s will, that they were unjustly bound. Greenwich, 4 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton, Ric. London, T. Surrey, Jo. Roff, J. Fyneux, Thomas Lovell, Jo. Yong, John Cutte. In the presence of Henry Marny, T. Englefild, John Heron). [1527.]
8. Thomas Belle, yeoman for the King's mouth in the Cellar. Grant, for life, of a tenement in Le Chepe, London, called "The Sterre," in which Anthony Malyard now dwells; another now inhabited by John Adamson, tyler; and two others in St. Lawrence Lane, London, inhabited by John Gare, girdler. and Robert Hartegood, goldbeater; in the King's gift by attainder of Sir Richard Charleton. Richmond, 13 Nov., Hen. VIII., Del. Knoll, 6 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5. [1528.]
9. College of minor canons of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 2 Aug., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 8), conf. with additions:—
Pat. 1 Aug., 18 Ric. II.
Knoll, 6 March [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 41, No. 11.
10. John Whitleg, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Nicholas, Bedehampton, Winchester dioc., void by resignation of Robert Whitleg, clk. Greenwich, 27 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 7 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4. [1529.]
11. Edward Wadham and Thomas Fogge. Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Saxlyngham, Norf., forfeited by Edmund De la Pole Earl of Suffolk; one moiety for the said Edward, the other for the said Thomas, from Mich. 17 Hen. VII. Richmond, 7 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. ... 7 March. P.S. (injured). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1530.]
12. Thomas lord Darcy. See below § 41. [1531.]
13. William Mountfort. Grant, for life, of the free chapel of St. Mary, Holme, in Wynundermere, within the barony of Kendall, York dioc., in the King's gift by death of Margaret countess of Richmond. Del. Knoll, 8 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4. [1532.]
14. Suffolk. Commission to Sir Rob. Druery, Sir Rob. Southwell, Sir Jas. Hobart, John Alen, a baron of the Exchequer, Sir Ric. Wentworth, Th. Lucas, and the sheriff, to inquire into the claim of John Blyaunt to the manor of Cotton, &c., as in com mission of 9 Dec., 2 Hen. VIII. Westm., 8 March. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 3d. [1534.]
15. Burgesses of Briggewater. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 5 Feb., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 12) confirming:—
Ch. 18 June, 8 Edw. IV.
Westm., 8 March, 3 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 45, No. 1.
16. Pierce Bridge. Warrant to the Abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for letters patent to Sir Ric. Baylys, parson of Melsambe, licensing him to collect funds for the reparation of Pierce Bridge, upon the Tees, in the shire of Richmond. Greenwich, 9 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1535.]
17. John Thomas, yeoman of the Guard. Fee of the Crown, being six-pence a day, lately held by John Edwardes, dec. Greenwich, 3 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 10 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1536.]
18. Thomas Sprakeling. Warrant to the Abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for licence to Thomas Sprakeling of the Isle of Tenet, taken by the Moors on the coast of Barbary, near the city of Sophie, and imprisoned in the city of Fayes, to ask alms in all parish churches in the diocese of London, and the shires of Kent and Sussex, to reimburse Ralph Alarde, who had paid his ransom of 14l. Greenwich, 12 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1537.]
19. John Topclyff. To be chief justice of the King's Bench in Ireland from Mich. last. S.B. (countersigned: T. Surrey, Ri. Wynton, C. Somerset, T. Darcy, Thomas Lovell, E. Ponyngs). Del. Knoll, 12 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1538.]
20. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel 12 recognizances, of 40l. each, made 27 Oct., 23 Hen. VII., by Thomas Sunnyff of St. Martin's, London, haberdasher, William Hudson of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, girdler, John Teseby of St. Sepulchre's, tiler, Otewell Jugill of St. Martin's, haberdasher, William Baker, of St. Michael's, in Bassyngshawe, haberdasher, Reynold Wase, of St. Nicholas Acorn, haberdasher, and John Ball, of St. Mary's Matfelon, Middx., brickmaker; it being found before executors of Henry VII.'s will that they were unjustly bound. Greenwich, 12 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton, T. Duresme T. Surrey, C. Somerset, Jo. Roffe, J. Fyneux, R. Rede, John Cutte. In the presence of G. Shrouesbury, Harry Marny. T. Englefild. Sealed). [1540.]
21. Sir William lord Willoughby and Erysby. Grant of the manor and park of Hellowe, Linc., for remainder of the term of ten years for which they were granted to the King by Act of Parliament, 19 Hen. VII. (Rot. Parl., vol. vi, p. 543.) Greenwich, 10 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 14 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1541.]
22. John Maltbye, clk. Presentation to the church of Northleve, Exeter dioc., void by death of John Flaunche, clk. Greenwich, 3 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 14 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1542.]
23. John Foster, yeoman for the King's mouth in the Privy Larder. Annuity of 10l. out of the lordship of Dynbigh, N. Wales, from Mich. 2 Hen. VIII., lately held by Roger Maneryng, dec. Greenwich, 28 Feb., 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 15 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, ms. 6 and 9. [1543.]
24. William Woode, clk. Presentation to Heton church, York dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 12 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 16 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [1544.]
25. William Busby, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Mary within the hundred of Hoo, Rochester dioc., void by resignation of Edmund Hatfyld. Greenwich, 9 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Maidstone, 18 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII, p. 3, m. 8. [1545.]
26. William Waller. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Simon, kinsman and heir of Thomas Sampson, of Sekforde, Suff. Westm., 15 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Maidstone, 18 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3. m. 6. [1546.]
27. Gaol Delivery.
Newgate.—Commission to Th. earl of Surrey, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Hen. Kebyll, mayor of London, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney. Sir Th. Inglefeld, Sir Will. Capell, Sir John Cutte, Sir And. Wyndesore, Sir Hen. Haddon, Ric. Broke, John Neudegate, and John Mewtes. Knoll, 21 March. With mandate to sheriffs of London.
ii. Same, with omission of Sir Hen. Haddon, and addition of Th. Docwra, Sir Hen. Wyott, Sir Ric. Haddon, and John More. Knoll, 21 March. With mandate to sheriff of London.
iii. Same as § ii. Knoll, 21 March. With mandate to sheriff of Middlesex.
Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6d. [1547.]
28. Gaol Delivery.
Surrey.—Commission to Th. earl of Surrey, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir Th. Inglefeld, Sir John Cutte. Sir And. Wyndesore, Sir Hen. Wyott, Sir John Lee, John More, Ric. Broke, John Neudegate, Chas. Brandon, John Mewtes, John Scot, and John Skynner. Knoll, 21 March. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6d. [1548.]
29. Commissions of the Peace. (See Appendix.)
Yorkshire (North Riding ?).—Knoll 22 March. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5d. [1549.]
Yorkshire (East Riding ?).—Knoll, 22 March. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5d. [1550.]
30. Thomas Denys, esquire for the Body. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Humphrey, s. and h. of John Keynes. Greenwich, 16 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 22 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [1551.]
31. William Busshe, yeoman of the Pantry. To be, for life, bailiff of the hundred of Chadlyngton, Oxon. Greenwich, 18 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing. 22 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1552.]
32. John Curteis, mercer, of London. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 19 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 23 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [1553.]
33. Robert Litle, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds, and John Staunton, keeper of the King's standing Wardrobe at Richmond. Grant, in suvivorship, of a tenement called "The Sign of the White Bere," with another adjoining, held by John Tomson, barber, in the parish of St. Laurence, Jewry, London, with gardens, &c., in St. Giles parish without Cripplegate; in the King's hands by attainder of Sir Richard Charleton. Greenwich, 11 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1554.]
34. Ralph Lago. Creation, by advice and assent of the Council, as Blewmantell pursuivant, with 10l. a year from Michaelmas last, since which he has, by the King's special mandate, exercised that office. Greenwich, 17 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1555.]
35. Master John Wetwode, clk. Presentation to the church of Lowe, Exeter dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 18 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [1556.]
36. William Mountforte. Grant, for life, from Mich., 1 Hen. VIII., of the free chapel of St. Mary Holme, in Wynundermere, within the barony or lordship of Kendall, Westmor., with two tenements thereto annexed, and 10 marks a year for a chaplain's stipend, out of the issues of the barony of Kendal, or the lordship of Wynundermere; on surrender of patent 8 March, 2 Hen. VIII., which is invalid. Greenwich, 21 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1557.]
37. Richard Blowse, of Lytlyngton, Camb., yeoman, husbandman or labourer. Pardon of all offences committed before 6 Feb. last. Greenwich, 13 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 25 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1558.]
38. Master Philip ap Howell, clk. Presentation to the church of Narbath, St. David's dioc, void by resignation of John Annes. Greenwich, 20 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 26 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1559.]
39. Master John Harden, clk. Presentation to the church of Yelvertofte, Linc. dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 24 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 26 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1560.]
40. William Warham, Abp. of Canterbury, Legate and Chancellor. Licence to alienate lands of the yearly value of 20l. to Thomas the prior, and the convent of the Cathedral of Canterbury, for support of one or two chaplains to officiate in a chapel built by the Archbishop, under the great wall of the cathedral, near a place called "The Martyrdom of St. Thomas." Del. Canterbury, 27 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1561.]
41. Thomas lord Darcy, Captain of Berwick. To be admiral of the fleet sent against the Moors in aid of Ferdinand of Aragon. Del. 28 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 2 Hen. VIII., m. 8. (dated8 March). Rymer, XIII. 294. [1562.]
42. Sir Richard Woodrof, of Wolley, York. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Greenwich, 15 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 28 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8. [1563.]
43. Master William Bragges, M.A. Presentation to the church of Overingham, in the marches of Calais, void by death. Greenwich, 25 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 28 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [1564.]
44. Robert Willoughby lord Broke, Sir John Arundell, Sir Peter Egecombe, and Sir Richard Carewe. Commission to muster all the men-at-arms, &c. under the command of Thomas lord Darcy, Captain of Berwick, about to proceed against the Moors; and certifiy the King and Council. Del. Canterbury, 29 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4d. Rymer, XIII. 296. [1566.]
45. William Almer, yeoman of the Crown. To be bailiff, during pleasure, of the townships of Burton and Alynton, in the lordship of Bromefylde. Greenwich, 27 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 March. P.S. [1567.]
46. Thomas Goldsmith, of London, grocer, and Thomas his son. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 12 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 29 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1568.]
47. William Newton, of London, baker. Pardon, and order for his release; he being in custody of Richard Bishop of Norwich, as "clericus attinctus." Greenwich, 16 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 29 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1569.]
48. Henry Grigge, of Colchester. The like. Same dates. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1570.]
49. William Stevyns alias Stephans of London, chandler. The like. Same dates. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1571.]
50. Stephen Ussher, of North Elmham, Norf., laborer. The like Same dates. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1572.]
51. Gilbert Alenson, yeoman for the King's mouth in the Kitchen. Annuity of 10 marks, out of the lordship of Denbigh, vice Robert Gravener, dec. Greenwich, 16 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 29 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1573.]
52. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel three recognizances of 1,200 marks, made by Sir William Sandys, 11 March, Sir Richard Carewe, 19 March, and Laurence Bonvice, merchant of Lucca, 20 March, 20 Hen. VII. Greenwich, 30 March, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton., Ric. London., T. Surrey, Jo. Roff., Jo. Fyneux, Thomas Lovell, Jo. Yong, John Cutte. In the presence of Harry Marny, T. Englefild, John Heron). [1574.]
53. Master Geoffrey Warburton, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Mary, Balyngham, alias Bavelingham, dioc. Therouanne, in the province of Canterbury, vice John Rothley, clk., in exchange for the penitentiary of the collegiate church of Southmalling and the church of Stanmer annexed, in the deanery of Southmallyng. Greenwich, 14 March. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 30 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [1575.]
54. Henry West, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Mary, Northgremesby, Linc. dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 24 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 31 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1576.]
55. William Fitz-William. Grant, in tail male, of a messuage and two gardens, called Medersshe in Wonerssh, Surr., a tenement called Northcote, and five other messsuages, one watermill, 254 acres of land, 15 of pasture, 20 of meadow, 70 of heath, 3 of wood, and 6s. rent, in Wonerssh; and a tenement called Upfeldes, with 40 acres of land and 30 acres of wood, in Abyngworth, Surr.:—lately belonging to Edmund Dudley, attainted. Richmond, 28 Dec. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 31 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1577.]
56. Master Christopher Barnes, M.A. Presentation to Bladon church, dioc. Linc., void by resignation of John Harding. Greenwich, 24 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 31 March. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1578.]
57. Henry Cadherne. To be, during pleasure, clerk of the courts of the town of Haverford and lordship of Rouse, vice John Waren. Greenwich, 25 March, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 31 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7. [1579.]


  • 1. Alfonso de Petrucci.
  • 2. The Datary (Francesco Argentino) was the only Venetian.
  • 3. Marnix ? There is a letter printed by Le Glay (I., p. 386) dated Malines, 14 March, to the effect that she has sent by Marnix a writing, to be shown by him to the Emperor alone, in which the Emperor will find "des verites tropt plus que ne voldroie et plusieurs autres chosses, de quoy déjà peult estre en avés bien connoissance," but which her desire to do service emboldens her to send.
  • 4. Perhaps with a view to Darcy's expedition.