Henry VIII: June 1509, 16-30

Pages 36-55

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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June 1509

Sp. Transer. Ser. I., 5, f. 49. R. O. 2. Letters patent to the same effect. Westm., 16 June 1 Hen. VIII. Subscribed: Porter. Per ipsum Regem, et de data predicta auctoritate Parliamenti.
Lat., modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 18.
18 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 36. R. O.
74. [187(2).] NORTHUMBERLAND.
Commission of array. (See GRANTS IN JUNE, No. 63.)
Modern copy, pp. 2.
18 June.
Deeds AA, 395. R. O.
75. [189(2).] THOMAS, LORD DARCY.
His letters patent appointing him Warden of the East Marches. With fragment ƒ the great seal appended. (See GRANTS IN JUNE, No. 65.)
18 June. 76. THOMAS, LORD DARCY.
Warden of Forests beyond Trent, &c. See GRANTS IN JUNE, Nos. 64, 66–69.
18 June. R. O. 77. [196(2).] WILLIAM PAWNE.
Appointment as bailiff of Guisnes. (See GRANTS IN JUNE, No. 72.)
Copy, noticed later under 26 Oct.
18 June.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 35. R. O.
78. [186.] BRASS-SIZING.
Bond, 18 June 1 Hen. VIII., of Humphrey Walker, John Sall, and Edmund Lamberton, of the parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, founders, to Sir John Cutte, under-treasurer, for the sizing, according to the Act of 12 Hen. VII., "on this halff the fest of Seynt Petyr th' Advuncle next," of 26 bushels and 26 gallons of brass which Walker has delivered into the King's Receipt at Westminster.
Draft, corrected, p. 1.
20 June.
S P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 38. R. O.
79. [202(2).] WILLIAM HOGGESON.
Appointment as keeper of Guy of Warwick's sword. (See GRANTS IN JUNE, No. 78.)
Lat., Modern copy, p. 1.
11 and 23 June.
R. O.
Commissions. See GRANTS IN JUNE, 1509, Nos. 43, 87, 88, 89.
A "device for the manner and order of the Coronation" of Henry VIII, "rightful and undoubted inheritor of the crowns of England and of France," by the whole consent of the realm chosen and required to be King, and also of the Princess Katharine daughter of Spain and Aragonne, his wife, Queen of England and of France, to be solemnised at Westminster, on Sunday, 24 June, 1509.
The King has proclaimed that all who claim to do services on Coronation day shall be in the White Hall at Westminster Palace, 20 June next, and has authorised the Earl of Surrey, Treasurer of England, the Earl of Oxford, Sir John Fyneux, Chief Judge, Sir Thomas Englefeld, and others to determine claims. He has ordered 26 honorable persons to repair to the Tower of London on 22 June, to serve him at dinner, where those who are to be made knights shall bear dishes "in token that that they shall never bear none after that day"; and on 23 June, at the Tower, they are to be made Knights of the Bath; "whose names follow in order as they were made," viz., Richard (sic) Radclyff lord Fitzwater, the lord Scroop of Bolton, the lord Fitzhugh, the lord Mountjoye, the lord Dawbeney, the lord Brooke, Sir Henry Clyfford, Sir Maurice Berkeley, Sir Thomas Knyvet, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Sir Thomas Parr, Sir Thomas Boleyne, Sir Richard Wentworth, Sir Henry Owtrede, Sir Francis Cheyny, Sir Henry Wyotte, Sir George Hastynges, Sir Thomas Metham, Sir Thomas Bedyngfeld, Sir John Shelton, Sir Giles Alyngton, Sir John Trevanyon, Sir William Crowmer, Sir John Heydon, Sir Godarde Oxenbrige and Sir Henry Sacheverell.
Details follow at great length of the ceremonies to be performed, the decorations, dresses, &c., for each of the two days, the eve and day of the Coronation.
Pp. 21.
24 June.
Ld. Chamb.,.Cl. II. l, f. 148. R. O.
Coronation of the King:—(f. 148.) Copies of warrants of various dates in May, June, July and August, 1 Hen. VIII., for stuff provided by the Great Wardrobe against the Coronation of the King and Queen, and for their use and that of the Princess of Castile about that time. Folios 170–3 mainly refer to stuff for the nine henchmen (fn. 1) and their master, and the five footmen (none named). Total (f. 174b.) for the King's coronation, 1,749l. 8s. 4d.
Coronation of the Queen (f. 175b.):—Ff. 182b. to 191 contain warrants for stuff for gowns, coats, &c., for particular persons, viz.:—Lady Elizabeth Stafforde, Lady Anne Piercey, Lady Lysle, Dame Elizabeth Bolen, the Earl of Shrewsbury's daughter, "Lady Dona Agnes," Lady Scrope, Mistress Maubell Clyfforde, Lady Savayll, Lady Mary de Grauara, Lady Bryan, Lady Darell, Lady Peche, Kateryn Fortes, Mrs. Denys, Mrs. Botyller, Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Jirnyngham, Mrs. Brevs, Mrs. Stanap, Mrs. Odall; Mary de Salyns; two of the Queen's footmen; three of her chamberers; Dame Margaret Pole; Mrs. Redynge; Anne Luke, the King's nurse; my lord of Ormond and Sir Robert Poyntz; William Bulstrode and Roger Radclyffe; Alonso Desquirvell, and John de Quero; Robt. Hasilrig and Oliver Holand, yeoman ushers with the Queen; Giles Duwes and three of his fellows; Richard Big; Sir Robert Dymmok, champion; Ralph Jenet and four of his fellows of the Wardrobe; James Worsley and John Copynger of the Wardrobe of Robes; John Crochet, the King's armourer; Henry Pole; John Chaunte (or Chauntey) "le sage doctour"; Lady Eliz. Stafford, and seven other ladies and gentlewomen; Mrs. Mary Jernyngham; the Queen's stable; Sir Davy Owen, carver, and Ric. Hastynges, cup-bearer for the King; Alexander Thrognall, chief carver, Edward Jernyngham, chief cup-bearer, and John Varney, chief sewer for the Queen; Sir Thomas Lovell, Treasurer of Household, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, my lord of Oxford, Great Chamberlain of England, the abbot of Westminster, and the Queen's Chancellor and Confessor.
Ff. 191b. and 192 are occupied with wages of skinners and other necessary expenses. Total (f. 192b.) for the Queen's coronation, 1,536l. 16s. 2½d.
At f. 193 begins the list of purchases of scarlet and red cloth from John Bounde, John Saxey and many other merchants, the totals (f. 196) being scarlet 1,641 yds., red cloth 2,040 yds., and the whole cost 1,307l. 11s. 3½d. F. 196b. contains the list of white and green woollen cloth (240 yds. of each) as purchased for 100 persons of the King's Bench and 60 of the Marshalsea "bearing tipped staves at the coronation." Total cost of silks, scarlet, red cloth and necessaries, 4,748l. 6s. 3d.
At f. 198 begins a list showing number of yards (of scarlet and red cloth, as appears by totals of each kind noted page by page) delivered to each of the following, viz.:—
The bp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, the bp. of Winchester, Privy Seal, the bp. of Durham, Secretary, my Lord Treasurer, the Master of the Rolls, the lord Herberd, King's Chamberlain, Sir David Owen, first carver, Ric. Hastynges, first cup-bearer, Sir Wm. Vampage, first sewer, Henry Wyott, Master of the Jewel House, William FitzWilliam, second cup-bearer, Sir Thomas West, second carver, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Master of the Great Wardrobe. The King's Bench:—Sir Wm. Fyneux, Chief Justice, Robert Brudenell and Humphrey Conysby, justices. The "Comyn Place":—Sir Robert Redd, Chief Justice, Sir John Fyssher, John Butteler, and Wm. Greveld, justices. Barons of the Exchequer:—Sir Wm. Hoody, Chief Baron, Barth. Westby, Wm. Bollyng, John Aleyn. The King's serjeants:—Ric. Elyott, Lewis Pollard, John Ernley, King's attorney, Wm. Porter, Clerk of the Crown, Edward Lewkenour, gentleman usher.
The King's Household:—The Earl of Shrewsbury, steward, Sir Thomas Lovell, keeper of the Great Wardrobe of the Household, Sir Edward Ponynges, controller. Counting House: John Shurley, cofferer, Wm. Atlyff, Thomas Byrkes, John Miklowe, clerk controller, John Robyns, clerk of records, Edw. Welden, clerk cofferer, Thomas Darell, yeoman usher. Bakehouse: Ric. Guyll, serjeant, John Bartilmewe, clerk, John Downer, yeoman "for the mouth," Henry Freyne, yeoman furnour, John Skern, purveyor, Henry Perkyn, groom purveyor, Hugh Mathewe, yeoman garnetor. Pantry: Stephen Coope, serjeant, Edw. Addeley, yeoman for the mouth, Griffith Gwyn, groom for the mouth, Ric. Bendon, Wm. Busshe and Robert Rochester, yeomen of the Hall, John Knolles, yeoman "brewer," Ric. Carpenter, John Egleston and Robt. Johnson, grooms of the Hall, Thomas Blythe and Thos. Brampton, pages of the Hall. Cellar: Roger Mynors, serjeant, Thomas Bell, yeoman for the mouth, John Brent, groom for the mouth, Edw. Atwood, yeoman "brewer," Ralph Annesley and Thos. Parker, grooms at the bar, Hen. Hakker and Noel Loveday, pages, Alen Kyng, yeoman purveyor, Maurice Apparrey, yeoman for the bottles. Buttery: Wm. Hogeson and Wm. Bawdy, yeomen, Edw. ApJohn, John Gylmyn and John Saulkyll, grooms, Thomas Annesley and Ric. Parker, pages, Wm. Kerne, yeoman ale taker, Thomas Cooke groom ale taker, Wm. Bowman, groom ale taker. Pitcher House: Thomas Orme and George Vanhorn, yeomen, Wm. Depyng, John Parre and John Man, grooms, John Stanbanke and Thomas Peper, pages. Spicery: Nic. Hill, chief clerk, Nic. Uddelston, second clerk, John Mery, under-clerk, Wm. Herd, yeoman powderbeter. Confectionary: Ric. Babbam, serjeant, Robert Dowker, yeoman, John Wolbaston, groom, Wm. Towres, page. Wafery; Robert Lee, groom. Chaundry: John Ketilby, serjeant, John Symond, and Wm. Rutter, yeomen, Ric. Merston and Wm. Coterell, grooms, Robert Spurnell, page. Ewery: George Brocas, serjeant, Edm. Lovesey and Wm. Wymbysshe, yeomen, Roger Bedyll, yeoman for the Hall, Wm. Davy and John Edwardes, grooms, Thomas Pacheford and Thomas Wyldyng, pages. Laundry: Hugh Deane, yeoman, Robert Bryce, Thomas Morres and Thomas Judde, grooms, John Sutton and John Mylt, pages. Kitchen: Ant. Legh, chief clerk, Edw. Atclyff, 2nd clerk, John Cony, 3rd clerk, Thomas Barowe, master cook, John Case, yeoman for the mouth, Wm. Meryman, Pero and John Hunt, yeomen, Wm. Bolton and George Nelson, grooms, Robert Elys, yeoman for the Hall, Gilbert Alenson, Nic. Lenton, and James Dewam, yeomen, Wm. Beryman, groom of the Hall, Lancelot Clerk and Wm. Mayo, grooms. Larder: John Ricroft, serjeant, Wm. Blaknall, clerk, John Forster, yeoman for the mouth, John Gogh, yeoman usher, John Dale, yeoman of the larder, Richard Appulby, groom usher, Thomas Assheley, Robert Warner and James Michell, grooms, John Grove, page. Boiling House: Roger Elys, yeoman, Wm. Stephyns and Thomas Russell, grooms. Accatry: Brian Roche, serjeant, Gervas Buklond, clerk, Edm. Sherp, yeoman for the mouth, John Stratton, yeoman of the store, Wm. Honnyng, yeoman fisher, John Plome, yeoman butcher, Thomas Randolff and Robert Newman, yeomen, Thomas Raven, groom butcher, Robert Steyneford, groom, Ric. Cudd and Ric. Gybons, herds, James Huddylston, keeper of Creslowe, Wm. Atkynson, pig taker. Poultry: Thomas Ynglysshe, serjeant, Wm. Bonde, clerk, Wm. Burwell, Thos. Strode and Nic. Warde, yeomen purveyors, John Lylle, Thomas Shalford and John Botyll, grooms. Scaldinghouse: Wm. Thomson, yeoman, Ric. Hill, Rog. Kylward, Thos. Hervy, Rob. Lewesham, and John Proctour, grooms. Squyllary: John Sterkey, serjeant, Ric. Anyden, clerk, John Dey, yeoman for the King, John Spokesman, yeoman, John Lovedey, yeoman for the Hall, John Harreson, yeoman, Boyt Joys, James Skelton and Wm. Foly John, grooms. Saucery: Ric. Pyttour, serjeant, Ant. Neele, clerk, John Fulmer and John Congell, yeomen, Ralph Holyn, John Summan, Gilbert Borowe and Wm. Seynt, grooms. The Hall: Chr. Vyncent, John Stephyns, John Lytcote, John Gyttons and Morgan Holand, marshals, Wm. Lathebury, serjeant, Ric. Lee, clerk, Wm. Chace, Ric. Benson, John Hewett and Edw. Ouseley, yeomen, John Kyllyngworthe, John Parker, John Savell, John Henkyn and Robert Bowyngton, grooms, Robert Clerk and John Tirrill, pages. Porters: Thomas Fogg, serjeant, Evan ap Rice, Thomas Greves, John Lynsey, John Passey, Robert Maunger and Robert Thornhey, yeomen, Hugh Jeynyng and John Jely, grooms. Harbingers ("Harbegeours"): Thomas Mathewe, gentleman, Humphrey Wylede, Wm. Treswell, Thomas Ward and Ric. Twety, yeomen. Almonry ("Amnosnery"): Doctor Ednam, great almoner, Sir John Hawkesfeld, under-almoner, John Hether and Thomas Dey, yeomen, Ric Dyves and John Dey, grooms. Mr. Robert Yong, confessor of the Household, William Edwardes, surveyor for the King, Edward Otheney, sewer of the Hall, Wm. Fynall, John Segysmond and John Lloyd, sewers, Thomas Rider, surveyor for the Hall, Thomas Mangall, surveyor. Cart takers: John Ewdale, yeoman, and John Sherp, groom. Servitors of the Hall: Robert Whitlok, Thomas Dederygh, Edm. Sampson, Ric. Stylbarnd, John Gogh, Robert Colle, Robert Dyker, Henry Kyghley, Reynold Hylles, Maurice Kydowen, Simon Symms, Roland Roosse.
The Stable:—Wm. Pawne, avenor, Robert Turk and Ralph Damport, clerks of the Avery, George Lokekyn, clerk of the Stable, Robert Elyott, serjeant of the Carriage, Ric. Cameryngham, serjeant ferrour, John Nevell, yeoman of the Horse, Robert Bartram, surveyor of the Stable, Ric. Annesley, yeoman of the Stirrup, Walter Harper, yeoman of the Male, Wm. Gykyll, Wm. Hortop, Hen. Bryan and George Colbrond, yeomen purveyors, John Grene, yeoman garnettour, John Parrok, Thos. Wylson, Wm. Boldyn, yeomen ferrours, Wm. Style, yeoman saddler, Thomas Brewester, yeoman of the Chariots, John Cokkes and John Colyns, yeomen, Wm. Cobbe, Thos. Butler, Rob. à Legh, James Jakson, Ric. Merydewe, Edw. Smythe, John Rigmeyden, Rob. Gamell, John Ferrett, John Loksmythe, Edw. Ewstace, Thos. Seve, and Thos. Dawson, coursermen, Wm. Wood, Thomas Dale, Henry Webbe, Nic. Perwhite and John Williams, grooms of the hackneys, Ric. Grenewood, yeoman garnetor; John Broke, clerk of the market.
The King's Chapel:—Priests: Dr. Atwater, dean, Ric. Surlond, Roger Norton, John Kyte, John Coole, Wm. Toft, John Annes, John Fouler, gospeller. Gentlemen: Robert Feyrefax, Wm. Newark, John Sudburgh, Wm. Broun, Wm. Cornysshe, Edw. John, John Petwyn, Wm. Crane, John Weyver, John Penne, Robert Penne, Wm. Sturton, John Smythe, Thos. Sexton, John Fyssher, Henry Stevynson. Wm. Dobeney, Henry Prentyce and the serjeant of the Vestry. Epystelers: Robt. Hawkyns, John Buntyng, Nic. Hornclyff, Geoffrey Wryght, groom. Children: Wm. Colman, Wm. Maxe, Wm. Alderson, Hen. Merell, John Williams, Arthur Lovekyn, Nic. Ive, John Graunger, Edw. Coke, Henry Andrewe.
The Queen's Chamber:—The lord of Ormond. chamberlain, Sir Robert Poyntz, vice-chamberlain, Diego Fernando, confessor, Dr. Bekensall, almoner, Alex. Frognall and Edw. Knevett, carvers, Edw. Jernyngham, cup-bearer, Ric. Decons, secretary, George Bekonsall and John Verney, sewers, Roger Ratclyff, Wm. Bulstrode and Edw. Benstede, gentlemen ushers, Ant. Polen and John Moreton, sewers of the chamber, Hamnet Clegge, Thomas Morgon, Thomas Gardygan, Nic. Poyntz, Owen Holand and Edw. Skern, squires attendant, Wm. Pole, serjeant of arms. Yeomen ushers: Robert Hasilrygge and Oliver Holand, yeomen ushers; Ellis Hilton of the Robes, Wm. Hamerton of the Beds, Thomas Woodroff, Oliver Walcotes, John Fysshe, John Kyng, Thos. Burton, George Hamerton, Alonus Spanyard, John Verson, John Glyn, Ant. Lowe, Hugh Jenyns, Francis Phillipp. Grooms of the Chamber: Ric. Justice of the Robes, Henry Roper of the Beds, Wm. Kery, groom porter, Bart. Fryse, Ric. Ryle, Wm. Coke, Ralph Thomson. Pages of the Chamber: Ric. à Woode, page of the Chamber, Wm. Welsshe, John Wryght. Chaplains: Sir Peter Rodrygus, Sir Chr. Plommer; Sir John Swann, clerk of the Closet, Mr. John De Potycario, Griffith Richardes, clerk of the Signet, John de Scutea, the Queen's secretary for the Spanish tongue. Officers for the Queen: (Bakehouse) John Adams, groom for the mouth; (Pantry) Ric. Brampton, gentleman, Nic. Clyff, yeoman; (Cellar) Thos. Annesley, gentleman, John Dolman, yeoman, George Ducworthe, groom, Brian Annesley, yeoman of the bottles; (Buttery) Wm. Fytton, yeoman; (Ewery) John Awrey, gentleman, Ric. Amer, yeoman, George Wrey, groom; (Kitchen) John Case, master cook, Wm. Bryce and James Durham, yeomen, James Dale, groom; (Acatry) Thomas Tylley, yeoman purveyor; (Larder) Thomas Astley, groom; (Almoners) Ric. Hert, yeoman, Wm. Dawtre, groom. Ladies: Ladies Elizabeth and Anne Stafforde and Margaret Pole. Countesses: Of Oxenford, Surrey, Shrewsbury, Essex and Derbie. Baronesses: Ladies Anne Percy, Dona Agnes, Matravers, Burgevenny, Lysle, Elizabeth Boleyn, Lucye, the Earl of Shrewsbury's daughter, Scrope, Ferrers and Dacres of the South. Knights' wives: Lady Verney, Mrs. Mabel Clyfford, Lady Savile, Lady Bryan, Dona Maria de Gavara, Lady Darell, Lady Peche. Gentlewomen: Katerina Fortes, Mrs. Denys, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Jernyngham, Mrs. Brewce, Mrs. Stannop, Mrs. Odell.
The Queen's Stable:—Sir Thomas Tirrell, master of the horses, John Buntayn, avener, Ant. Carleton, clerk of the avery, John Atclyff, clerk of the stable, John Roodes, yeoman purveyor, John Custance, groom, Wm. Dame, yeoman ferrour, Piers Harreson, groom, John Palmer, and Ric. Redehede, saddlers, John Coope, yeoman of the stuff, John Broun, groom, John Bell, yeoman of the litter, Wm. Sugden, groom, John Harman, gentleman of the "chare," Humph. Swetyng, yeoman, John Broun, groom, Wm. Stephynson, page, Ric. Parker, yeoman of the "close chare," John Durraunt, groom, Piers Butler, page, Thomas Hopkyns, yeoman of the "chariot," John Tendryng, groom, Roger Burton, page, John Reynold, yeoman of the "stode." Palfreymen: Roger Curson, Wm. Kendall, Thomas Stubbys, Nic. Frensheman, John Taillour, Thos. Davell, Ric. Broke, Alex. Watmer, Thos. Amptell, Michael Keton, Dennis Irysshe, Hugh Lloid, Robt. Sutton, Thos. Dey, yeoman "granatour," Thos. Peke, groom. Sumptermen: Robert Dale, "pekman," Wm. Johnson for the bottles, John Stephynson and Thos. Balle for the beds, Humph. Salysbury for the robes, Thomas Benet for the closet, Wm. Kempe for the "seller," Thurston Prestlond for the "besage," and Henry Teylour and Peter Foxley, servants with the horses.
[The King's Chamber?:—] (fn. 2) Sewers: Henry Pennago and Hen. Guylford. Gentlemen ushers daily waiters: Robert Knolles, John Whytyng, Ralph Egerton, Chr. Garnysshe. Gentlemen ushers quarter waiters: Henry Uvedall, Thomas Carmynowe, John Gifford, George Kene, Francis Barnard, Hen. Wentworthe, Thomas Ryder. Sewers of the Chamber: Francis Budd, Nic. Hyde, Thomas ap Rice, Walron Coghan. Yeomen ushers daily waiters and yeomen of the wardrobes: Ralph Jenett, Robert Russheton, John Grey, Richard Smythe, Wm. Cheyny. Messengers of the Chamber: John Gysell, Wm. Gentilman, Thos. Halley, Leonard Warcopp. Grooms of the Chamber: Wm. Compton, Wm. Thomas, John Sherp, Wm. Tyler, John Bigge, Walter Badham, Peter Malvesey, Wm. Dawborne, Robert Hert, John Pultney, John Lloid, Nic. Baker, Jenkin Vaghan, Chr. Rochester, Wm. Gower, Robert Litle, John Pate, James Worseley, Wm. Croughton, the King's hosier. Pages of the Chamber: Henry Kemyas, Massy Velyard, Peter Champyon, John Copenger, the Clerk of the Closet, Thomas Wobaston, Thomas Carvannell. Serjeants of arms: Robert Wesshyngton, Edw. Griffithe, Wm. Butler, Lyonel Crowford, Hugh Sterkey, John Roydon, Gilbert Mawdesley, James Conyers, John Hamerton, Maurice Butler, Hugh Chomley, Thomas Russhe, Thomas Twysaday, Robert Marleton, John Herper, Nic. Downes. Squires for the Body: Matthew Baker, Ant. Fetypace, Thomas Apar, Sir John Carewe. Sewers of the Chamber: Ant. Cotton, Master Mewtas, the French secretary, Alex. Staveley, as groomporter. Squires for the Body: Hugh Denys, Ric Weston, John Porth, keeper of books, Joscelyn Percy, Henry Reynold George Assheby, Wm. Salfford, Brian Tuke, John Millet. John Tryes, Ric. Alee. Dr. Chamber and Dr. Lacy, physicians, Henry Frowyk, Henry Cleyton. The Styll Shalmes: John Chamber, marshal, John Furneys, Thomas Spence, Thomas Grenyng, Thomas Mayow, John à Bys, Ric. Waren, Thomas Pegion, Bartram Brewer, minstrel; Wm. Altoftes, the King's surgeon. Officers of arms; Garter, Richmond and Norrey, kings, Somerset, herald. Pursuivants: Rougecrosse, Blewmantell, Caleys, Guynes, Hammes, Risebank, Berwyke, Mounteorgell, Kyldare. Wm. Norres, master of the King's hawks. "Sakbuddes and shalmes of the Prive Chamber": Johannes, William, Alexander, Edward; Georgius Bryghouse; Piers Crosbowmaker. Squyllary: John Baronby, groom, Wm. Rice and Lewes John, pages; John de Napulles, Thomas Whetley, Thomas de Sawsse, Wm. Jones; Piers Barbour; John Veyrye, the King's surgeon. John Smythe, groom of the Wardrobe, John Colynson, groom of the Leash. The King's trumpets: Mr. Peter, marshal of the Trumpets, Jaket, Franke, John de Cecill, Domynyk, Audryan, Christopher, John Broun, John Banke, John Hert, Thomas Wrethe, John Frere, John Scarlett, John Strett, Robert Wrethe. Bountaunce. Mr. Richard Rawson, clerk, Mr. James Denton, clerk. Henry Clyfford, esquire. Thomas Mynowrs, page of the Chamber. Sumptermen: Wm. Kevet, Ph. Franke, Thomas Elsey, Wm. Wilson, John Felton, John Halyday, Thomas Towres, Thomas Turnor, and John Wedir, grooms, Thomas Pygrym and Wm. Sawell, grooms of the chariot, Wm. Magotson and Ric. Kyme, pages, Wm. Rudhale, general attorney to the Queen, Mr. John Oxenbryge and Mr. Robert Fyssher, chaplains, Thomas Lucy, sewer, John Smythe, almoner, Francis Letyre, Peter Falconer, Patrick Falconer, Pety John Falconer, Hugh Falconer, Matthew Falconer. Stephen Jasper. Sir Robert Suthwell, knight, Sir John Cutte, knight, Mr. John Porthe, the King's solicitor, — Bellowse, clerk of the Council, Henry Smythe, controller of the Works, Phyppe, keeper of Merten the King's fool. Servants belonging to the Wardrobe: Laurence Gower, Ric. Ratclyff, Ric. Newton, Wm. Gisnam, Wm. Duffeld, Chr. Wentworth, John Pastrell, Robert Thomson, John Rynge.
Large paper, pp. 115.
lb, f, 211,
2. "The abridgment of the precedent of the coronation" of, &c., Henry VIII., &c., "and of Queen Katharine his wife."
Showing what Wardrobe stuff was required for dress and other purposes (described) on the eve and day (24 June) of the Coronation, the names of the "ladies and gentlewomen which shall ride after the Henchmen and after the `chares' in the Queen's livery of crimson velvet bordered as is appointed" (viz., 21 of the ladies, baronesses, knights' wives and gentlewomen named of the Queen's chamber in § 1), and the "rate and prices of liveries to be given at the Coronation," according to the rank and office of the recipients. With memorandum that this rate was appointed by the Countess of Richmond, Earls of Oxford and Shrewsbury, Lord Herbert and others of the Council, in the chamber of the said Countess.
Large parchment, pp. 6.
Ashmol. MS.
MOXI. f. 199b.
3. [214.] Robes for great officers and others at the coronation of Henry VIII.
Modern extracts, from § 1.
Harl. MS.
6079, f. 21b. B.M.
4. Narrative account of the coronation of "our late King" Henry VIII. on 23 (sic) June, 1509, with special regard to the dresses and ceremonies.
In a later hand, pp. 5.
Add. MS.
6113. f. 72. B.M.
5. "The names of the nobles that did their duty and homage at the Coronation of King H. the VIIIth." The Duke of Buckingham, four earls and 21 barons named.
P. 1.
Rawlinson MS.
Class B, No. 197. f. 31.
6. [Transcripts from MSS. lent to Hearne by Thomas Ward of Longbridge, Warwick, viz.]
(1) "The interrinment of K. Henry VII."
(2) "Th'order of the coronation of K. Henry VIII."
From Catalogue.
26 June.
S.P. Hon. VIII., 1, f. 39. R.O. St. P. VI. 19.
83. [216.] TH. SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Has received the King's letter, stating he was informed of the services Spinelly had rendered to Henry VII., and that he wished to retain them. Will gladly serve the King to the best of his ability. Sends an extract of the news written by the Emperor to Madame eight days ago, though the King may already be informed of it. Will be more alert in future. Yesterday a post from Germany brought letters from the Emperor, dated Trento, 15th, stating that the Cardinal Amboise was with the Emperor three days, having received, in the name of the French King, the investiture of Milan, for which he had paid 100,000 cr. He showed that Louis was very desirous of a meeting with the Emperor for the interests of Christendom. Does not think that it will take place so soon as others do, though the French have great friends about the Emperor. De Goures, the Chancellor of the Tyrol, and the President of Bresse, are most forward in this way. Had warned Madame of it in several conversations. M. de Gheldres daily comports himself to the prejudice of this house and the treaty of Cambray, and is doubtless supported by the French. They offered to allow the Marquis of Mantua to make an attack on Peschiera, which of right belongs to him, and on his doing so took it from him. The place has a fine stone bridge at the entrance of the Lake de Garda, and, lying between the lands of Brescia and Verona, commands an entrance into the Emperor's dominions. Has received a letter from the nephew of the Master of the Posts, dated from Roverette, near Trent, the 17th, stating the Emperor had arrived there on 16th, and was deliberating whether he should confer with Louis or attack Verona. He had already set the posts from Goris to Padua, and thence to the Emperor, as if he were master of the whole country. Number of troops in the pay of the Emperor. The princes of the Empire would give no aid until they saw how affairs turned in Italy; but at the late diet at Worms they granted him 12,000 troops. The Lords Constatin and Silvyo Sabello have been sent to the Emperor by the Pope with 100,000 ducats, and have bid him advance, as he shall not want money. The Venetians are said to have lost all they had on terra firma, both in the kingdom of Naples and Sclavonia; they have enough to keep Venice. Candia has surrendered to the Grand Master of Rhodes; but there is yet no news of Cyprus and Corfu. The King of France keeps his army together, waiting the turn of events. The Swiss are discontented with him because he keeps only 5,000 instead of 11,000 in his pay. The Prince of Halnouct, on his way towards the Emperor, took a prisoner in Spires with letters from the Venetians to Gheldres and different merchants in England, and sent him to the Emperor. Contents of the letters not yet known. The King of Scots is having artillery made here, for field and ship, and buying harness. The negotiators are in the service of the abp. of Glasgow. It is rumoured that they intend to attack England. Lord Crayfort, a Scotchman, is at Antwerp pretending a pilgrimage to Amiens; but he will not start before he understands the state of affairs between his master and England. Spinelly cannot penetrate his intentions. Unless Englishmen resort to Antwerp the Scots will, and make the best of it. Begs he will inform Madame that Spinelly is retained in his service. Advises an envoy to be sent from England to the Emperor to contract an alliance between them, the Pope, and the King of Aragon; to bridle the French. La Haye en Hollande, 26 June, 1509.
Will write in Latin if anything occurs worth sending, as his secretary is going to Malines. Signed.
Fr. pp. 5. Add. Endorsed.
27 June.
Add. MS. 21, 404, f, 10. B.M.
Is writing to the Emperor, whom, in consideration of his love towards the late King his father, he makes the participator of his news. Was charged by Henry VII., on his death bed, among other good counsels, to fulfil the old treaty with Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain by taking their daughter Katharine in marriage; now that he is of full age, would not disobey, especially considering the great alliance between Aragon, the Emperor, and the house of Burgundy by reason of the marriage concluded between the Prince of Spain and the King's sister Mary, and considering also the dispensation obtained from the Pope by Henry VII., the King of Aragon, and the late Queen of Spain. Accordingly the espousals were made between him and Katharine on the 11th inst. On St. John the Baptist's day they were both crowned in Westminster Abbey in presence of all the nobility. The realm is in as good peace as in the late King's time. Begs she will forward his letter to the Emperor, and certify him frequently of news. Westm., 27 June. Signed. Countersigned: Meautis.
Fr., pp. 2. Add: [A], &c., la duchesse douagiere [de] Savoye.
27 June.
Cl. Roll 1 Hen. VIII., m 2d.
Bond by Laurence Bonvixi and others that the said Laurence shall not leave the realm without special licence. Westm., 27 June.
28 June. 86. ABBEY OF WALDEN.
Election. See GRANTS IN JUNE, NOS. 46, 100.
29 June. 87. BUTLEY PRIORY.
Congé d'élire. See GRANTS IN JUNE, NO. 106.
29 June.
Ch. Warrants, II., file 337. R.O.
88. [234.] SCOTLAND.
Henry VIII's confirmation of the treaty made with the Scots 31 Oct., 1502. Westm., 29 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 June. S.B. (defaced). Scotch Roll, 1 Hen VIII, m. 3. Rymer, XIII, 257.
2. Duplicate of the preceding. Del. Westm., 29 June, 1 Hen. VIII S.B. (mutilated and defaced).
S.P. Scotland,
Hen. VIII., 1, f. 1. R.O.
3, 4. Two modern copies.
Respectively pp. 8 and 7.
29 June.
Galba, B. VI. 61b. B.M.
89. [1128.] J. DE BERGHES to [HENRY VIII].
The King will learn the news from his servant, Spinelly, who acquits himself faithfully. Will always be as devoted to Henry as he was to his father, as Spinelly will also explain. Berghes, 29 June. Signature pasted on.
Fr., p. 1. Begins; Sire, je me recommande, &c.
29 June.
Ven. Transor. 176, p. 30. R.O.
29 June, 1509.—To hasten the conclusion of the understanding, they agree with the Pope's suggestions touching the Emperor and Genoa and the inclusion of England, Spain and Hungary.
Ital., modern transcript. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 6.
30 June. 91. PISO to ERASMUS.
* * *
Eras. Ep.
(Edit. Allen) I, No. 216.
The engagement offered you in England I much applaud, but am too dull of wit to advise you. It is a fine thing to be rich but a finer to be free. If fortune offers both at once, grasp with both hands. * * *
Adv. MS. 265.
Ep.R.Sc. I, 100.
Wrote lately for the preservation of the rights of the see of St. Andrew's from all exemptions according to the express reservation made in the promotion of the present abp. of Glasgow, as appears in the letters of the Cardinal of St. Mark. The present abp. has obtained letters from the King to the Pope, that the whole province of Glasgow, with its suffragans, should be released from St. Andrews, without, as he asserts, any ill intention towards that see. Now writes, by his confessor's advice, to ask that the authority of that see be in no way diminished, seeing that St. Andrew is their patron saint, and that the abp. of St. Andrews, who is young, requires support.
Adv. MS. 232. 93. JAMES IV to CARDINAL_
Writes to the Pope for the restoration of the bpric. of Galloway as suffragan to St. Andrew's from which it was separated by Alexander VI., who added it to Glasgow; and that the bpric. of the Isles may be given as suffragan to Glasgow in exchange, with the consent of the King's son, the abp. of St. Andrews.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
94. GRANTS IN JUNE, 1509.
1. Richard Bell, clk. Presentation to the church of Rysyng, Norw. dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 24 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June. P.S. [118.]
2. Richard Appulby. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of Penrith, Cumb., vice William Lancaster, dec. Greenwich, 21 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [119.]
3. Thomas Hert. To be, for life, one of the King's gunners, with wages of 12d. a day. to be paid out of the customs of Plymouth and Fowey. Greenwich, 29 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June. P.S. (in English). [120.]
4. Margery Poole. Nomination to the room of a sister in St. Katherine's Hospital near the Tower of London, void by death of Helen Litley. Addressed to John Preston, clk., the master. Greenwich, 31 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [121.]
5. William Fermour. To be coroner and attorney in the King's Bench, for life. Greenwich, 20 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June. P.S. [122.]
6. John Cokeson. To be, during pleasure, water-bailiff of the town and port of Calais. Greenwich, 29 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [123.]
7. Sir John Rysley, knight for the Royal body. Exemption, for life, from serving on juries, &c. Greenwich, 28 May, 1 Hen, VIII. Del. Creydon. 2 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [124.]
8. Richard Decons and Thomas Bonham. To have, in survivorship, the office of keeper of writs and rolls of the Common Pleas. Greenwich. 22 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [125.]
9. Richard Decons. To be for life porter or keeper of Berkehamstede castle, Herts., and holder of the lands, worth 5 mks. yearly, called Ambrelayns, in the lordship of Berkehamstede. Greenwich, 22 May, 1 Hen. VIII Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [126.]
10. Thomas Burton. To be, during pleasure, porter of Ludlowe castle; for services to Prince Arthur, the King's brother. Greenwich, 22 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon. 2 June, P.S. (in English), Pat. 1 Hen, VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [127.]
11. Richard Decons. To be, for life, keeper of the great park of Fasterne, and of Bradon forest, Wilts. Greenwich, 22 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [128.]
12. Sir Thomas Brandon. To be, for life, warden and chief justice of all the Royal forests, parks, chaces, and warrens, this side Trent. Greenwich, 22 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. [129.]
13. John Deye, yeoman of the Scullery. To be, during pleasure, keeper of Elmeley Lovett park, Worc., vacant by the death of Jeffrey Bruyne. Greenwich, 21 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 2 June. P.S. (in English). [130.]
14. Ralph Egerton, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the manor and lordship of Ridley, Cheshire, with a mill and certain lands lying in Farmdon pertaining to the said manor, &c.; also steward and receiver of the lordship of Tatnall, and all lands lately belonging to Sir William Stanley, in the counties of Chester and Flint, with the nomination of the Bailiff of Nantwiche; lately held by William Smyth. Greenwich, 21 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon. 2 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [131.]
15. John Porte, attorney of the earldom of Chester. To be, during good behaviour, the King's solicitor. Greenwich, 31 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. (in English, marked enrolled). [132.]
16. John Gifford, one of the King's sewers. To be, during pleasure, ranger of "the Seven Hayes," within the forest of Cannok, alias Cank, Staff, vice William Smith. Greenwich, 24 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 2 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 14. [133.]
17. Christopher Rochester, groom of the Chamber, and John Rookes, servant to the dean of the King's chapel. To occupy, during pleasure, the ferry and ferry boat of Datchet, in co. Bucks and Berks. Greenwich, 25 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [134.]
18. Nicholas Downes, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be, for life, one of the King's sergeants-at-arms, vice Thomas Bulkeley, deceased. Greenwich, 1 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [135.]
19. Walter Cunye, yeoman of the Crown. To have for life the fee of the crown, being 6d. a day, lately held by Richard David. Greenwich, 1 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [136.]
20. John Knolles, yeoman of the King's pantry. To have, during pleasure, the tenements in the parish of St. Michael's, Basingshawe, London, granted to Sir Edmund Hampden, deceased, by Henry VII upon the attainder of Sir Richard Charlton, owner of the same. Greenwich, 1 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 June. P.S. (in English). [137.]
21. Walter Hende, of London, fletcher. To be maker and keeper, during pleasure, of the arrows in the Tower of London, vice John Yonge, with fees from the customs of Exeter and Dertmouth. Greenwich, 23 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [138.]
22. William Newark, gentleman of the Chapel in the Household. To be master of the ten boys of the Chapel, during pleasure. Greenwich, 23 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [139.]
23. Sir John Pecche, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, steward of all the lands in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, which belonged to Cecilia Duchess of York, with all fees, as held by Sir Richard Guldeford. S.B. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [140.]
24. William Crane, gentleman of the King's chapel. To be, during pleasure, water-bailiff of the town and port of Dertmouth, vice Richard Page. Greenwich, 3 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June. P.S. (in English). [141.]
25. Richard Newton, of York, merchant. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the water of Fosse, within the liberties of York, vice Richard Borowe. Greenwich, 31 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June. P.S. (in English), Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [142.]
26. Edward ap John, clk. Presentation to the archdeaconry of Carmerden, St. David's dioc., void by death and in the King's gift by the voidance of the see. Greenwich, 28 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 6 June. P.S. [143.]
27. William Compton, groom of the Chamber. To be during pleasure customer of the petty customs of London, with profits as enjoyed by Wm. Trefrye or Wm. Grene. Greenwich, 27 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Lambeth, 6 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [144.]
28. George Kirkeby. To be, during pleasure, ranger of Westbere forest, Hants. Greenwich, 4 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 June. P.S. (in English). [145.]
29. James Morice, servant of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. To be, during pleasure, weigher of wool in the port of Boston, as held by Hugh Warde. Greenwich, 2 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [146.]
30. George Fraunceis. To be, during pleasure, ranger of the King's forest in the Isle of Wight. Greenwich, 28 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [148.]
31. Sir Thomas Brandon, knight for the Body. To be, for life, marshal of the King's Bench. Greenwich, 5 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1, and m. 12. [150.]
32. Ralph Lathum, of London, goldsmith. To be, during pleasure, searcher in the port of London, with a moiety of the forfeitures. Greenwich, 6 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [151.]
33. Sir Edward Ponynges, comptroller of the Household. To be, for life, constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, with power to appoint his lieutenant and all other officers in the castle, Greenwich, 31 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [154.]
34. Misotto di Bardi and John Cavalcanti. Licence to export, during the next five years, 390½ sacks and 6 cloves of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich, through and beyond the Straits of Marrok, paying for all customs (Calais dues except) 5 mks. per sack, half at the end of nine months after shipment and the rest nine months later. Westm., 9 June. French Roll. 1 Hen. VIII. m. 1. [1089.]
35. Katharine [of Aragon], Princess of Wales. Grant of jointure, in full satisfaction of all claims as well by reason of her marriage with the late Prince of Wales as by pretext of that to be celebrated with the King, viz.:—Annual rents of 102l. 15s. 6d. from the fee farm of Bristol, 20l. from the farm of Bedford, 22l. 19s. 3¾d. from the fee farm of Norwich, and from the rent of augmentation of the same, 50 mks. payable by the abbey of St. Albans for vacations, 60l. from the farm of the manor and hundred of Barton Bristol, Glouc., by the heirs of Henry, Duke of Warwick, 40l. from the farm of Ipswich, 40l. payable by the abbey of Bury St. Edmunds for the custody of the abbey and its temporalities, 9l. 16s. 9d. from the surplus of the manor of Lowistoft and hundred of Luddynglond, payable by the heirs male of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, and from other lands specified in the seventh roll of Henry V, to the value of 500l., assigned to the said Michael, 34l. 12s. from the farm of Nottingham with the increments of that town. 30l. from the farm of Derby, 40l. from and for the manor of Heydyngton with the hundred of Bolyngton outside the North Gate of Oxford, payable by William Wilcotis and his heirs, 12l. from the farm of the manor of Pourestok, Dors., payable by John de Wroxall and his heirs, 15l. from the hundred of Calne and water-mill of Calne, Wilts, payable by Sir William la Zouche of Totneys and his heirs, 35l. from the fee farm of Oxford, 46l. from the fee farm of Southampton, 10l. from the farm as well of the two parts as of the third part of the manor of Godyngton, Oxon, payable by Richard Damory and his heirs, 12l. from the farm of the town of Shaftesbury payable by the abbess of Shaftesbury, 12l. from the fee farm of Kynton, and 100s. from the fee farm of the wapentake of Goscote, payable by Nicholas de Segrave and his heirs (by the sheriff of Warw. and Leic.), 116s. from the farm of a moiety of the town of Tamworth and its increments, 12l. 18s. 5½d. from the fee farm of the hundred of Framlond, Leic., payable by Roger Bellers, 108s. 4d. from the farm of the honors of Bononpeverell and Hagnet in cos. Bucks, Ntht. and Leic. and castle and honor of Huntyngdon in cos. Hunts., Camb., Beds, Bucks, and Ntht., which belonged to John Hastyngis late Earl of Pembroke, 70l. from the ancient farm of Cambridge and its increments, 20l. 17s. 6d. from the farm of Shrewsbury and its old and new increments, 12l. from the fee farm of the manor of Forde payable by Nicholas de Audeley, brother and heir of Thomas s. and h. of James de Audeley and his heirs (payable by the sheriff of Salop), 10l. 6s. 8d. from the fee farm of the manor of Roweley, Staff., payable by the abbey of Halesowen, 9l. from the custody of the manors of Kynfare and Storton and forest of Kynfare which Edward Atwode, late yeoman of the King, held at such farm for term of the life (and by the grant) of Henry de Mortuo Mari, payable by Hugh Tyrell, brother and heir of John Tirell and his heirs, 20l. from the fee farm of the town and three hundreds of Malmesbury, payable by the abbey of Malmesbury, and 15l. from the farm of Radwell payable by Hugh de Veer and Dionisia de Monte Caniso his wife.
Also the manor and lordship of Haveryng atte Boure, Essex, with a rent of 5 mks. from the abbess of Berkyng, the m. or 1. of Bradwell, Essex, the castle, 1. or m. of Hadlegh alias Hadley, Essex, a shelpa called Hadlegh Ree and "draggyng" of mussels in Tilberi Hope, Essex; the ms. or lps. of Bandested and Walton alias Wauton, with park and warren and the lands in Charlewode, Surr.; the m. of Langley Marreys, Bucks, the m. of Wyrardesbury, Bucks; the ms. and lps. of Cokeham and Bray, Berks, together with all lands in the parish of Bray within Windsor Forest, the seven hundreds of Cokeham and Bray; the castle, 1. and m., with the hundred, of Odiham, Hants, the m., town and barton of Gillyngham, Dors., the m. and 1. of Cosseham, Wilts.; the castle, 1. or m. of Marleburgh and m. of Berton next Marleburgh, and the borough of Marleburgh, Wilts, with hamlets, &c. (including the hundred of Selkesey alias Selkeley, and the assarts within Savernak Forest which Humphrey late Duke of Gloucester held); the castle, m., park, borough and demesnes of Devyses, the m. and 1, of Roude and the forest of Milkesham, Pevesham and Chippenham, Wilts; the m. of Merston Morsey, Wilts; the m. (with park) of Hampsted Marchall, Berks; the m. of Benhame alias Benham Lovell with certain lands in Holdenham and Westebrok, Berks; the m. of Swalowfeld, Berks; the m. of Wrattyng alias Talworth Wrattyng, Suff.; the m. and forest of Fekenham, Worc.; the lps. or ms. of Pymperne, Gusseche Bowne [and] Tarrant Goundevyle and hundred of Pymperne, Dors.; the forests of Exmore, Rache alias Racheche and Myndip in cos. Devon and Soms.; the borough of Warham, lps. or m. of Knolle, Stuple and Criche, 1. or m. of Wike, 1. or m. of Waymouth, 1. or m. of Portland, 1. or m. of Helwell, hundreds of Roughborowe, Bussheme and Hasellore, 1. or m. of Marshwod, 1. or m. of Odcombe, 1. or m. of Milverton, borough of Milverton; the castlery (castellaria) of Brigewater, with the 1. or m. of Heygrove and borough of Brigewater and the fee farm of that borough; the 1. or m. of Seven-hampton, 1. or m. of Hyworth, 1. or m. of Crikelade, lps. or ms. of Chelworth and Old Wotton, 1. or m. of Tokenham, 1. or m. of Wynterburne, 1. or m. of Compton, 1. or m. of Somerford Caynes, borough of Wotton, park and pasture of Fasterne, Wilts; six tenements in Burghton and Charleton next Tetbury, Glouc.; the 1. or m. of Newbury, 1. or m. of Wokefeld, and 1. or m. of Stratfeld Mortymer, Berks; the fee farm of the town of Andever, and lps. or ms. of Hokemortymer and Worthymortymere, Hants; the 1. or m. of Lichelad, 1. or m. of Bardesley, 1. or m. of Brymmesfeld, 1. or m. of Mussardere, office of bailiff of Bislegh, 1. or m. of Chorleton and Doughton, 1. or m. of Wynston and 1. or m. of Bisleche, Glouc.; the 1. or m. of Mawarden, 1. or m. of Marche, and 1. or m. of Kyngeslane, Heref.; the m. or 1. of Brymmesgrove, 1. or m. of Norton, 1. or m. of Odyngley, 1. or m. of Clifton and fee farm of the town of Wiche, Worc.; the 1. or m. of Barkhamsted and Langley Regis, Herts; the lps. or ms. of Nassyngton and Yarwell, and 1. or m. of Upton, Ntht.; the 1. or m. of Depyng, 1. or m. of Staunford, 1. or m. of Grauntham, and 1. or m. of Kelby, Linc.; the honor, 1., town and borough of Clare in cos. Suff., Essex, Norf., Herts, and Camb.; the 1. or m. of Erbury and 1. or m. of Hunden, Suff.; the 1. or m. of Clarethall, 1. and m. of Bardefeld, borough of Bardefeld, 1. and m. of Thamsted, borough of Thaxsted, and office of feodary in co, Essex; the 1. or m. of Sudbury, office of feodary in co. Suffolk, 1. or m. of Leyham, and 1. or m. of Wodehall, Suff.; office of feodary in co. Norfolk; office of bailiff of Cambridge and Huntingdon; the 1. of Laccheley, Essex; the 1. or m. of Walsyngham Magna, 1. or m. of Walsyngham Parva, and fee farm of the towns of Walsingham Parva, Walsyngham Magna, Grymston, Thurford, Fulmodeston, Wighton, Snoryng Magna [and] Barnay, Norf.; and in the city of Norwich and of the King's water-mill in Walsyngham Parva, payable as well by the priory of Walsyngham as the sheriff; the 1, or m. of Bircham, Norf.; the 1. or m. of Ansty and 1. or m. of Staundon with appurtenances in cos. Herts and Hunts, the 1. or m. of Depford Stronde, and 1. or m. of Southfrith, Kent; 4l. 17s. 5d. yearly, parcel of the fee farm of Chichester and the 1. or m. of Drecton, Suss.; the 1. or m. of Shire, Surr.; the 1. or m. of Erith, 1. or m. of Shilyngeld, and 1. or m. of Tonge, Kent; the 1. or m. of Purbright, Surr.; the 1. or m. of Kyngesdowne and 1. or m. of Swannescombe (except the ward-money of Rochester castle), Kent; the 1. or m. of Waddon and 1. or m. of Cleydon, Bucks; 1. or m. of Fynmere, Oxon; the 1. or m. of Bierton, borough of Wendover and 1. or m. of Wendover Foreign, Bucks; and the 1. or m. of Hechyn, Herts, and all moneys due to the King from the ancient fine and view of frankpledge and from the aid and supersisa of the town of Hechyn; the m. of Brettys in Westhame, Essex; the castle, 1. and m. of Foderynghey, Ntht.; the mansion or castle of Baynard in London called Baynardis Castell; the 1. or m. of Crambourne, lps. or ms. of Crambourne Howell [and] Crambourne Alderholt, borough of Crambourne Wilkisworth, hundred of Crambourne, chace of Crambourne, and office of feodary of Crambourne, Dors.; the 1. or m. of Dichehampton, Wilts; the lps. or ms. of Langham and Dedeham, Essex; and the 1. or m. of Stratford, Suff. Witnesses:—William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor.—Richard bp. of Winchester. Keeper of the Privy Seal.—John Earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain.—Thos. Earl of Surrey, Treasurer of England.—Geo. Earl of Shrewsbury, Steward.—Sir Chas. Somerset, Lord Herbert, Chamberlain—and Sir Thos. Lovell, Treasurer of Household, and others (not named). Westm., 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1 m. 8. [155.]
36. Katharine of Aragen. Warrant to William, abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to affix the Great Seal to certain writings relative to lands &c, intended to be given to Lady Katharine, Princess of Wales, for her dower on her approaching marriage with the King; to be delivered by John Ernley, attorney general, and John Porte, solicitor. Del. Westm., 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [156.]
37. Henry Strete, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Westgate without Exeter, vice Edward Earl of Devon, dec.; and to have, for 21 years, the farm of the watermills, &c., belonging to the said lordship lately held by John Berde. Greenwich, 3 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. ..., 10? .. P.S. (in English). [157.]
38. John Whityng, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be keeper of Claredon park, during pleasure, Greenwich, 20 May, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [158.]
39. John Whiting, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, comptroller of the subsidy in the Custom House, London, as held by John Heron. Greenwich, 8 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 June. P.S. (in English). [159.]
40. John Shurley, cofferer of the Household. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the town and lordship of Rye, as hitherto. Greenwich, 7 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [160.]
41. Katharine of Aragon. Acknowledgment by Henry VIII. of receipt from Gutierre Gomez de Fuen Salida, comendator of La Membrilla, ambassador of Ferdinand King of Aragon, &c., of 50,000 crowns of gold, in part payment of 100,000 crowns for dowry of Katharine Queen of England. S.B. Undated (now filed with 11 June). [162.]
42. Katharine Princess of Wales. Grant of the goods of felons, fines, perquisites, waifs, strays, treasuretrove, &c., within all possessions that have been or shall be granted her by the King. Westm., 11 June. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1. [163.]
43. The Coronation. Commission to Thomas Earl of Surrey, High Treasurer, George Earl of Shrewsbury, Steward of the Household, Sir John Fyneux, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and Sir Th. Inglefield, to hear, in the White Hall within Westminster Palace, petitions of the King's tenants and others claiming to perform special services at the approaching coronation. Del. Westm., 11 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton, C. Somerset, Thomas Lovell.) [164.]
44. John Yonge, LL.D. Confirmation of grant, 22 Jan., 23 Hen. VII., of the office of keeper or master of rolls, books and records of Chancery, with the house of the Converts to dwell in, a tun of Gascon wine annually, &c. Del. Westm., 11 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Will'mus Cantuar., T. Surrey, Oxynford, C. Somerset., Thomas Rowthale.) Pat. 1 Hen. VIII, p. 2, m. 5. [165.]
45. Henry Smyth. To be, during pleasure, clerk and overseer of works within England, vice Thomas Hunt, deceased. Greenwich, 7 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17. [166.]
46. Prior and Convent of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary and St. James, Walden, dioc. London. Congé d'élire on the death of John Sabisford, late abbot. Greenwich, 9 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 June. P.S.
2. Petition for the same, dated 8 June, 1509, presented by Thomas Thaxsted and Wm. Barkwey. [167.]
47. Thomas Beston. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Hanley, and keeper of Blakamore Park vice Erean Brereton. Greenwich, 9 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [170.]
48. Richard Gybson. To be, during pleasure, porter (portator) of the Great Wardrobe in London, and yeoman tailor in the same, as formerly. Greenwich, 6 June. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. 13 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13 (dated 14 June). [171.]
49. For Antony Fetyplace, squire for the Body. To be, during pleasure, steward of Minsterlovell, Cogges "and members of the same" as formerly. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [172.]
50. Gaol Delivery. Northern Circuit.—Commission to Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Will, Fairfax, Robt. Henrison, and Thos. Strey. Westm., 13 June. Western Circuit.—The same to Ric. Eliot, Lewis Pollard, and John Carill. Westm., 13 June. Midland Circuit.—The same to Sir John Fissher, Guy Palmes, and Nic. Hardyng. Westm., 13 June. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [173.]
51. Anthony Fetyplace, squire for the Body. To be, during pleasure, stoward of "Suffolk's landes" in co. Oxford, and master of the hunt in Ewelme Park, as held by Robert Harecourte and William Tyler; also steward of the manors and lordships of Bukland, Hatford, Langley, Astonthorold, and Westcompton, Berks, forfeited by attainder of Edmund, Earl of Suffolk. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 June, P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [174.]
52. John Dawtrey. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the Old Park, in the Isle of Wight. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [175.]
53. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be, during pleasure, treasurer and chamberlain of the town, and customer of the port, of Berwick, as held by Sir Richard Cholmeley. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [176.]
54. Geoffrey Wren, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Hanslop, Linc. dioc., void by death. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 June. P.S. [177.]
55. William Lee. To be, during pleasure, receiver-general of the lordships, castles and manors of Shyrefhoton, Middleham, Richmond, Cotyngham, Sandall, Wakefield, Hattefeld, Connesburgh, Dancastre, Hoton Panell, Bernard Castle, and Chesterfield; of the tallage and farm, and customs and subsidies, of Berwick; of the sum of 280l., for payment of the soldiers of Berwick, levied from the customs of Kingston-upon-Hull, and 235l. from the customs of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; as held by Christopher Clapeham. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [178.]
56. Edward Jernyngham and Mary his wife. Grant for life, in survivorship, of the manors of Leystoft and Mutford, and the hundreds of Lothyngland and Mutford, Suff., forfeited by Edmund de la Pole; paying yearly 7l. to the sheriff of Suffolk and 10l. 10s. to the Exchequer. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [179.]
57. Thomas Parysshe, clk. Grant, for life, of the perpetual chantry of Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary, Sheryvehoton, void by death of Richard Thorneton, clk.; now in the King's gift by attainder of Richard last Earl of Salisbury. Greenwich, 14 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 June. P.S. [180.]
58. Sir John Cutte and Henry Wyat, Councillors. Power, during pleasure, to issue licences (for one year) to any merchants to buy tin within the realm of England and export it from any port of Cornwall and Devon. Greenwich, 10 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 June. P.S. [181.]
59. William Davy. To have, during pleasure, the wafting and conducting of all wools shipped from the port of London to Calais, as he held the office by gift of Henry VII. Greenwich. 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [182.]
60. Anthony Legh, chief clerk of the Kitchen. To be, during pleasure, weigher at the King's common beam in Southampton, vice the son of John Baptist Grymold. Del. Westm., 16 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English. Endorsed: "At Greenwich, the 5th day of June, the first year of the reign of King Henry the VIIIth.—Tuke.")
ii. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to pass the above. Greenwich, 10 June. 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [183.]
61. Robert Nevell, yeoman of the Guard. To have, for life, the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, lately held by David Gough, deceased. Greenwich, 16 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [184.]
62. For Nicholas Jakson, yeoman usher of the Chamber. Fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day for life, lately held by William Page, deceased. Greenwich, 16 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [185.]
63. Northumberland. Commission of array to Thos. Lord Darcy, the King's councillor, and captain of Berwick, Sir Ralph Ellercar, Sir Thos. Ilderton, Edw. Ratclyf, Roger Fenwike, Nich. Riddeley, Will, Langten, Thos. Strangwisshe, and Oduel Heron, for co. Northumb. Greenwich, 11 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June, P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [187.]
64. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be, for life, warden, chief justice, and justice in eyre of forests, parks, chaces, and warrens beyond the Trent. Greenwich, 11 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [188.]
65. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be warden general of the marches of England towards Scotland, viz., in the East March and the King's lordship of Scotland, to defend the town and castle of Berwick in case of siege, and muster the men of Northumberland, &c., as was done by Sir Henry Percy, deceased, late warden. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. (torn). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13d. [189.]
66. Thomas Lord Darcy. To be, during pleasure, captain of the town and castle of Berwick, and have the naming of the marshal, porter, master of ordnance and comptroller there, with the same powers and profits as heretofore enjoyed by him or Sir William Tyler. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [190.]
67. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be steward and surveyor of the manors, lordships and castles of Raby, Branspeth, and other lands in the bpric. of Durham, of the lordships of Buttercamp, Camboys, and Cotyngham, and other lands beyond Trent, in the King's custody by the minority of the Earl of Westmoreland; also to be master of the hunt in all parks and chaces of the same. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [191.]
68. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be, during pleasure, surveyor general of the lordships, castles and manors of Shirifhoton, Middleham, Richemond, Cotyngham, Sandall, Wakefeld, Hatfeld, Connesborough, Dancastre, Hoton Panell, the castle and manor of Bernard, lordship of Chesterfeld, and of all other lands assigned by Parliament for the payment of the garrison of Berwick, in the same manner as Sir Richard Cholmeley. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June, P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [192.]
69. Thomas Lord Darcy, Counciller. To be, for life, steward, receiver, constable and porter of the castle and lordship of Bamborough, Nthld., as held by Sir William Tyler. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del._(place not named), 18 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [193.]
70. William Pole, gentleman usher of the chamber to the Countess of Richmond and Derby. To be, for life, one of the King's serjeants-at-arms, appointed to give daily attendance upon the Queen. Greenwich, 13 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. (in English). [194.]
71. William Poole, late gentleman usher of the chamber to the Countess of Richmond and Derby. To be, for life, serjeant-at-arms with 12d. a day, from 18 June last since which time he has exercised the office. Del. Westm., 18 June (altered from November), 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [195.]
72. William Pawne. To be, for life, high bailiff of the county of Guyanes, in the marches of Picardy, as he held by gift from Henry VII, and as Adam Clerke lately held the same. Greenwich, 13 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. (in English). [196.]
73. Nicholas Waryng. To be, during pleasure, collector of the subsidies of tonnage and poundage in the port of London. Greenwich, 13 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. (in English). [197.]
74. John Dawtrey. To be, during pleasure, collector of the customs and subsidies of wool, leather and woolfells, and of the petty custom and subsidies of tonnage and poundage, in the port of Southampton; and overseer of all officers and merchandise in the said port. Greenwich, 14 June. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [198.]
75. Thomas Maxson, yeoman of the Chamber. To have a fee of 4d. a day, during pleasure. Greenwich, 14 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 June. P.S. (in English). [199.]
76. Richard Newton, of the city of York. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the water of the Fosse in the county of the city of York and in the county of York, alias the fishery of Fossedyke, near York, parcel of the Duchy of York, vice Richard Borowe; on surrender of pat. 4 June last, Greenwich, 15 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. [10 June]. P.S. (mutilated), Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25 (dated 10 June). [200.]
77. Thomas Lord Darcy, Councillor. To be steward and surveyor of all the lands of Sir Ralph Grey, deceased, in Northumberland and the bpric. of Durham, and constable of the castles of Chyllyngham and Werke, during the minority of Thomas Grey, son of the said Ralph. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., ... June. P.S. (partly defaced). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13 (dated 20 June). [201.]
78. William Hoggeson, yeoman of the buttery of William abp. of Canterbury. To be, during pleasure, keeper of Guy of Warwick's sword in Warwick castle, as held by William Lowman. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. p. 2, m. 14 (dated 24 June). [202.]
79. Richard Smyth, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Robes. To have, for life, an annuity of 10 marks out of the profits of the lordship of Caversham. Greenwich, 14 June, 1 Hen, VIII. Del. Westm., 20 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [203.]
80. Thomas Appilby, chaplain. Grant for life of the perpetual chantry of St. Margaret within the castle, called Bernardes Castell, vice Richard Middilton, deceased. Greenwich, 19 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [204.]
81. John Pakyngton. To be, for life, chirographer of the Common Pleas. Greenwich, 17 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28. [205.]
82. Richard Palshide. To be, during pleasure, customer or collector of customs and subsidies in the port of Southampton, vice Thomas Wodsha. Greenwich, 20 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. (in English). [206.]
83. Robert Fayrefax, gentleman of the Chapel. To have, for life, an annuity of 9l. 2s. 6d., part payable out of the farm of Colemere, Hants, by the prior of Suthwyke, and part out of the issues of co. Hants. Greenwich, 20 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [207.]
84. Sir Peter Eggecombe, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, escheator and feodary of the duchy of Cornwall, in cos. Cornwall and Devon. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [208.]
85. Sir Peter Eggecombe, knight for the Body. To be, for life, keeper of the park of Kerybullok, Cornw., with fees from the issues of the duchy of Cornwall. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [209.]
86. Sir Peter Eggecombe. To be, during pleasure, constable of Launceston alias Dunheved castle in Cornwall, with fees from the issues of the duchy of Cornwall. Greenwich, 19 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [210.]
87. Edward Duke of Buckingham. To be Great Constable of England on 23 June only, viz., the day preceding the Coronation. S.B. [211.]
88. Thomas Earl of Surrey. To be Marshal of England on 23 and 24 June, the latter day being appointed for the Coronation. S.B. [212.]
89. Edward Duke of Buckingham. To be Great Steward of England on 24 June, the day of the Coronation from sunrise until sunset. S.B. [213.]
90. William Coope. To be, during pleasure, constable of Porchestre castle and lieutenant of Southbere forest, Hants, as he held the offices by gift of Henry VII. Greenwich, 13 June, 1 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [215.]
91. Elizabeth Denton. To have, for life, an annuity of 50l. Greenwich, 20 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. (in English). [217.]
92. Christopher Rooper. To be, for life, yeoman of the Crown, with 6d. a day. Greenwich, 21 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6. [218.]
93. William Aligh. To be, for life, yeoman of the Crown, with 6d. a day. Greenwich, 21 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6. [219.]
94. Richard Smythe, yeoman of the Wardrobe. To be, for life, customer and collector of dues (denariorum) for weighing wools and woolfells in the town of Calais, vice William Vaughan, deceased. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [220.]
95. John Warnet. To be, during pleasure, one of the customers or collectors of petty customs in the port of London, as he is by gift of Henry VII. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. (in English). [221.]
96. Sir Henry Marney, knight for the Body. Reversion of offices granted to John Earl of Oxford by two patents of 16 May, viz., (1) constable of the castle of Clare, Suff., bailiff of the hundred of Racheford, Essex, steward of the honor of Raylegh, Essex, and keeper of the park there, keeper of Thundersley park, Essex, with 3d. a day out of Thundersley manor, and 4d. a day out of the issues of the manor of Eastwodbury in the hundred of Ralegh; (2) steward of the honor of Clare and manors of Clare, Hunden, and Sudbury, Suff., and of the manors of Thaxted, Great Berdfeld, and Asshyn, Essex, and keeper of the three parks of Hunden; (3) steward of the lordship, constable of the castle, master of the hunt or ranger of the chace of Rysyng, Norf., and steward of Galtres forest. Greenwich, 19 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [222.]
97. Walter Forster. To be, during pleasure, comptroller of the King's works within England. Greenwich, 17 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June. P.S. (In English.) Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [223.]
98. Richard Lloyd. To be, for life, attorney general for the counties of Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Pembroke, in South Wales. Westm., 28 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [225.]
99. Master John Yong, keeper of records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance for 250l., made by Sir Robert Drury, Sir William Waldegrave, Roger Townesend, Giles Alyngton, Edward Jernegan, and Francis Hassilden, to Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir James Hobart, Sir Richard Emson, Edmund Dudley, and Thomas Lucas, 20 Nov., 20 Hen. VII. Westm., 28 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [226.]
100. Walden abbey. Assent to the election of John Thaxstede, monk there, as abbot. Tower of London, 22 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
ii. Petition for the above, dated Walden, 19 June, 1509. [227.]
101. William Dychebourne, yeoman of the Guard. To have, for life, the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day. Tower of London, 23 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. (in English). [228.]
102. Sir Richard Cholmeley. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordship of Ryse, Yorks, as he is by grant of Henry VII. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [229.]
103. Sir Richard Cholmeley. To be, during pleasure, constable of the castle of Sherifehoton, steward of the lordship and master of the game within the park there; and to have the herbage and pannage of the said park at such rent as Sir Thomas Darcy paid for the same. Greenwich, 18 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [230.]
104. Richard Weston. To be, during pleasure, steward of the lordship of Flamsted, Herts vice John Peke, deceased. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [231.]
105. Richard Brabull. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the manor or lordship of Flampstede, Herts, and collector of the rents, vice Peter Maynwaryng. Greenwich, 12 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [232.]
106. Buttley Priory. Congé d'élire to the sub-prior and convent of the Augustinian priory of St. Mary, Buttley, Norw. dioc., void by death of the late prior, Robert Brommer. Westm., 25 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [233.]
107. Scotland. Confirmation of treaty, 29 June. [S.B.] See No. 88.
108. Wistan Browne, squire for the Body. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the manor and park of Donyngton, Berks, bailiff of the lordship there, and minister of the King's almshouse of Donyngton. Westm., 25 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 June. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [237.]
109. Thomas Vaughan. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of Dover, both by land and water, in the same manner as William Broke. Greenwich, 2 June, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 June. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [238.]
110. Richard Chalner of Calais. To have, during pleasure, the fines of strangers within Calais called "the bill money," vice William Nanfan. Del. Westm., 30 June, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27. [239.]


  • 1. A henchman's livery in the year 1511 is given in Report III. of the Hist, MSS. Comm., p. 262.
  • 2. Only a faint marginal line indicates a break in the list at this point.