Index: O

Pages 333-340

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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Oakham (Okam), Rutl., 438 (2 m. 13):—g. 1316 (3).

Oakhampton (Okenton, Okehampton), Devon, g. 190 (1), 357 (2), 709 (64), 749 (30), 784 (4), 1083 (2).

Oakley (Ocley), Beds, vicar of, p. 1529.

Oakley (Okeley, Okley), Hants, 1803 (2 m. 2).

Oakley (Ockeley), Salop, g. 54 (18).

Oakley (Okley), Suff., g. 784 (22).

Oakley (Okley), Park, Glouc. [near Berkeley], g. 3499 (67).

Oare (Woore), Wilts, 436.

Obell, Obeel or Ovyll, Derick, 438 (3 m. 7), 2539.

Oberton, Aubert. See Barton, Robert.

O'Boyle (Obugill), Bernard, p. 1530.

Obrakan. See Ibrickan.

O'Brien (Ibrien), Donald, clk., p. 1523.
-, - (Ibrien, Ibryn), Matthew, canon, p. 1525 bis.
-, - (Obryin, Obreyn), Theodoric or Thady, clk., p. 1525 bis.

Obrye, Thomas, French prisoner, p. 928.

Obsaken, James, of the Steelyard, 2832 v., vi.

Observant Friars (Cordeliers of the Observance), 1 (p. 2), 58, 115, 2599, 2715.
-, -, Provincial of, 1, 740. See also Langley.

Obugill. See O'Boyle.

O'Cahan (Okahan, Okhann), Cornelius, bp. of Raphoe, 2630:—p. 1529.

O'Callaghan (Okeallakayn), Donatus, canon of Cork, p. 1528.

Ocaylte, Simon, canon Conventrensis ecclesiae, 1244.

Occold (Okolt), Suff. 438 (4 m. 14).

Occurrin, James, clk., p. 1525.

Ochoea, John, purser, p. 1502.

Ochonant, John, clk., p. 1532.

Ockam, Ric., 1004.

Ockeford. See Okeford.

Ockeley, Salop. See Oakley.

Ockendon, North-(Northwokendon), Essex, 438 (2 m. 18).

Ockley (Okeley, Ocley, Okkeley), Surr., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (2 m. 4).

Ockley (Ocley, Okley), George, 438 (2 m. 33).
-, - (Okeley, Ocley, Hokeley), Rob. and Th., 438 (2 m. 30).
-, -, Wm., 20 (p. 16), 312, 438 (2 m. 20), 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 604 (48).

Ocle. See Hockley.

Ocley. See Oakley.

Ocluda, Eugenius, archdeacon of Killala, p. 1523.

O'Connor (Oconchubayr), Charles, p. 1523.

Octavian. See Olarius.

Ocyztmaclan. See Derryvullan.

Odayn, Dermot, priest, p. 1523.

Odcombe, Dors., g. 94 (35).

Oddingley (Odyngley), Worc., 438 (1 m. 18:—g. 94 (35).

Odeham, Rob., 1493 iv.

Odell (Wodell), Magna et Parva, 438 (2 m. 21).

Odell or Odall, Mrs., 82 (pp. 38, 41).
-, - (Wodhull), Anne, g. 784 (48).
-, - (Wodhull, Wodell, Wodyll), Nic., s. and h. of Fulk, p. 1541:—g. 784 (48), 3499 (12).
-, - (Woddell), Th., 438 (2 m. 21).

Odenhauser, Caspar alias Jasper Demayne, 2600:—pp. 1508, 1515. See also Denn...

Odesboke. See Oldstoke.

Odesdon. See Waddesdon.

Odet, Ant., g. 1365 (15).

Odiham (Odeham Odyam), Hants, 1803 (12 mm. 2, 3):—g. 94 (35), 1602 (3), 2684 (70, 76), 3408 (41).

Odingsellis (Odyngfellys), Edward, 438 (3 m. 12):—p. 1546.

Odnawyn. See O'Donovan.

O'Donnell (Adonell), Sir Hugh, App. 26.

O'Donovan (Odnawyn), Cornelius, clk., p. 1523.
-, - (Idonanayn), Donald, dean of Ross, p. 1524.

O'Dowd (Idyad), Cornelius, clk., p. 1523.
-, - (Iduda), Fergullus, clk., p. 1523.

O'Duffy (Odubcanaid), Cornelius, priest, p. 1525.

O'Dugan (Oduigan), Ric., monk, p. 1522.
-, - (Oduygyn), Rory and Wm., p. 1530.

Odyngley. See Oddingley.

O'Fallon (Offalleyn), Teague, canon of Elphin, p. 1529.

O'Farrell (Ifragayl), John, clk., p. 1523.

Offa, King of the Mercians, charter of, g. 546 (9).

Offchurch (Offechurch), Warw., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 14).

Offichin, Cornelius, archd. of Leighlin, p. 1526.

Offington, Suss., 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (1 m. 3).

Offlangelle, John, canon, p. 1523.

Offlayff, Th., prior of Rathkeale, p. 1526.

Offley (Offeley), Herts, 438 (4 m. 14).

Offwoode (Ofwood), John, 2832 ii., 3377.

O'Flaferthyn, Otho, dean of Annaghdown, p. 1524.

Ofwood. See Offwoode.

O'Gallagher (Ogallehabain), Donald, clk., p. 1525.
-, - (Agallombaic), Edmund, clk., p. 1525.

Ogan. See Hogan.

Ogard (Hogard), Andrew, g. 833 (58 i.).
-, - (Hogard, Ogerd), Sir Henry, 438 (2 m. 27):—p. 1541.

Ogbourn St. Andrew, or Little Ogbourn (Okebourne), Wilts, g. 546 (30).

Ogbourn (Okborn, Okebourne) St. George, or Great Ogbourn, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 23).
-, -, priory and manor, g. 546 (30), 3107 (19).

Ogbourn (Okebourne), Little, Wilts, g. 3107 (19).

Oghan. See Hogan.

Ogilvy, (Oglebe, Hogby), James, Scottish ambessador in France, 153, 1380, 1566, 1645, 2461.

Oglander, Th., 438 (4 m. 21):—g. 587 (15).

Ogle, Cuthbert, priest, 2913 (p. 1261).
-, -, Eleanor, widow of Ewin lord Ogle, 438 (3 m. 27).
-, -, Gawen, 1342 (p. 624).
-, -, Owen, 1493 iii.
-, -, Sir Ralph lord († in 1512), 205, 963, 1121.
-, -, Robert lord, knighted after Flodden, 2239, 2245 (4 ii.), 2443, 3464:—App. 26:—g. 3408 (33).

Oglebe. See Ogilby.

Ogmore castle and lordship, co. Glamorgan, 438 (3 m. 25).

Ogwell, East (Estogwyll), Devon, 438 (2 m. 11).

Ohogayn (Ibogayn), John, dean of Killaloe, p. 1524.

Oil maker, 438 (2 m. 15).

Oistermouthe. See Oystermouth.

Okahan. See O'Cahan.

Okam. See Oakham.

Okborn. See Ogbourn.

Okeallakayn. See O'Callaghan.

Okebourne. See Ogbourn.

Okeford Fitzpayn (Ockeford Fyppyn), Dors., 1803 (2 m. 5).

Okeham, Ric., p. 1496 bis, 1502.

Okehampton. See Oakhampton.

Okeley. See Ockley.

O'Kelly (Okellay), John, prior of Athlone, p. 1529.
-, - (Okaillyd, Okillyd), Maurice, bp. of Kilfenora, pp. 1531–2.

Okenden, Wm., g. 833 (58 ii.).

Okenton. See Oakhampton.

Oker, Humphrey, 1493 iv.

Okernain, John, p. 1529.

Okhann. See O'Cahan.

Oking. See Woking.

Okkeley. See Ockley.

Okley. See Oakley; also Ockley.

Okolt. See Occold.

Okys, John, g. 2684 (14).

Olachnay, Cornelius, clk., of Ossory diocese, p. 1523.
-, -, Nicholas, p. 1523.
-, - (Olachy), Thomas, p. 1523.

Olachnayn (Ilachnanre), Cornelius, clk., of Killaloe diocese, p. 1523.

Olarius, Octavian, Papal nuncio to Scotland, 1271, 1499, 1615–22, 1624, 1645, 1773.
-, -, -, James IV's credence to, 1624.

Oldbury. See Albury.

Oldcastle (Oldecastell), co. Monmouth, 438 (1 m. 18):—g. 604 (18).

Olderadnor. See Radnor.

Oldesmore. See Alder Moor.

Oldestoke. See Stoke Charity.

Oldfeld or Oldefeld, James, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 6).
-, -, Wm., 438 (3 m. 12).

Oldham (Oldom), Hugh, bp. of Exeter, 205, 308, 341, 438 (1 m. 9), 963, 1046, 1446, 1642, 1661 (3), 2019, 2109, 2929, 3464:—pp. 1531, 1534–5:—g. 357 (10), 833 (5), 2137 (2), 3049 (20). 3226 (7), 3324 (24, 42).
-, -, -, commission by, 2109.

Oldhall or Oldehalle, Sir Wm., 3223:—g. 709 (14).

Old Palace, p. 1513.

Oldryng, Rob., 438 (3 m. 6).
-, - (Olderyng), Simon, 438 (3 m. 6).

Oldstoke (Odesboke), Wilts, rector of, p. 1524.

Olediur, Donatus, abbot of Abbeyleix, p. 1526.

Olfi, Thomaso dai, a Florentine in Turkey, 739.

Oliphant, John lord, 2461.

Oliver, Bede, King's carpenter, 1818, 2542 (3), 3506, 3539:—p. 1504:—g. 2535 (21).
-, -, Henry, 438 (3 m. 2).

Olkeham. See Holkham.

Ollerton (Allerton), Notts., g. 1083 (46).

Olmo (Ulmo), near Vicenza, 2352.

Olney, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 19).

Olthorp, Ntht. See Althorpe.

Olveston or Wolston, Th., abbot of Malmesbury († 2 Jan. 1510), 205, 438 (2 m. 14), 963, 3464:—g. 257 (47), 381 (11), 546 (64), 969 (5 iv.).
-, -, Thomas, third-prior of Malmesbury, g. 546 (64).

Olyff, John, 438 (3 m. 20).

Olynbusse, in Holland, 2809.

Omeachyr, Donald, prior of Monaincha, p. 1530.

Omera, Thadeus, prior of Killone, p. 1523.

Omochan (Imathimo), David or Daniel, clk., p. 1523.

O'Mullaly, Thomas, bp. of Cloyne, abp. of Tuam (1514), q.v.

Omulryayy, Wm., clk., p. 1524.

Omurhuly or Imerhuly (Imurli), Donald, clk., p. 1524.
-, -, John, p. 1523.
-, -, Rinaldus, p. 1523.

Onehouse (Onhows), Suff., g. 414 (30).

O'Neill (Onel), Ernest, prior of Bangor, p. 1522.

Onelipp. See Wanlip.

Onershe. See Wonersh.

Ongar (Onger), Essex, g. 2422 (9).

Ongar (Onger), High-, Essex, tenements in (named), g. 289 (16).

Onhows. See Onehouse.

Onlep. See Wanlip.

Onley (Oneley, Onlie), John, 438 (1 m. 19):—p. 1545.

Onn or Oune (Owenhill), Staff. [in Church Eaton], g. 709 (22).

Onslow (Onyslow, Ouneslowe), George, 2628:—g. 709 (63).

Oppy, Nich., g. 1123 (6), 1221 (16).

Opsam or Opsham. See Topsham.

Oram, Th., g. 190 (17).

Oran, in Africa, 162 (p. 87).

Oranmore (Gnomor), co. Galway, p. 1524.

Orcherton (Orcharton, Orcheton), Devon, 438 (3 m. 25).

Ord (Hoorde, Urde), Robert, 438 (3 m. 25).

Ordelyngbere. See Irthlingborough; also Orlingbury.

Ordern, Rob., g. 2055 (131).

Ordnance, the, 20 (p. 14), 209, 311. See also Guns.
-, -, in Darcy's expedition, 1004.
-, -, "book of prests," 1903.
-, -, estimates, lists and payments, 1420, 1427, 1435, 1496, 1529–30, 1589, 1725–6, 1800, 2308, 2321, 2346, 2542, 2668, 2680, 2685, 2687, 2738, 2812, 2831, 2853, 3002, 3137, 3222, 3251, 3377, 3432, 3506, 3539, 3555, 3607. See also Daunce, Sir J. (payments).

Ordstone (Orreston), Berks, 2537.

Orduña (Hordona), in Spain, g. 885 (6), 1044 (3).

Ore (Owre), Kent, g. 3049 (17).

O'Reilly (Oreylle), Thadeus, bp. of Dromore, q.v.

Orell (Orwell, Orwill), Sir Lewis, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (55), 2575 ii., 2856:—p. 1538:—g. 2055 (76).

Orenge, John, g. 632 (70).

Oreton, Rob., 1493.

Orford, Suff., 1803 (2 m. 4):—g. 132 (6).
-, -, confirmation of charters, g. 519 (40).
-, -, Augustinian Friars, g. 132 (6).
-, -, castle, g. 132 (6).

Organ maker, 438 (2 m. 30).

Orgrave, Wm., 438 (4 m. 26).

Ork, near Tournay, 2391 (p. 1060).

Orkney, Edward Stewart, bp. of, 2461.

Orleans, 1082, 1635.
-, -, letter dated at, 1909, 1911 ii.
-, -, truce dated at, 2725, 2758.

Orleans, Charles duke of († 1465), father of Louis XII., 2957, 3100, 3130n.:—g. 3226 (21).

Orleigh (Orlee), Devon, 438 (1 m. 4).

Orleton, Heref., g. 519 (64), 3107 (48).

Orlingbury (Ordelyngbere, Orlibere), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 5); see also Irthlingborough.

Orme, Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39).

Ormesby, Linc. See Ormsby.

Ormesby, Norf., 438 (4 mm. 5, 18), 2327:—g. 804 (49).

Ormesby (Urmesby) in Cleveland, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 4).

Ormeston, Eliz., widow of Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 29).
-, -, Guy, spear of Calais, 2049.
-, -, Mr., 20 (p. 16).

Ormond, Sir Thomas Butler, earl of, lord Rochford, Queen's chamberlain, 20 (p. 14), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 205, 438 (2 m. 13), 721, 963, 1661 (3), 3464.
-, -, -, letter to, 3583.
-, -, -, petition to, App. 16.

Ormond, Elizabeth, daughter of John, g. 857 (21).
-, -, John, g. 857 (21).

Ormsby (Ormesby), Linc., g. 651 (35).

Ormsby (Ormesby), or North or Nun Ormsby, Linc., priory, 438, (2 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 15).
-, -, -, prior. See Brounflete, W.

Ormsby, South- (Southornesby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13):—g. 2535 (25).

Ormskirk (Ormeskirke), Lanc., 438 (1 mm. 3, 17), 438 (3 m. 13).

Ormuz[beside Goa], in India, 1974 (p. 895).

Orreston. See Ordstone.

Orsini (Ursini, Ursyns), the Roman family, 1204, 1277 (p. 586), 1301 (p. 597), 1677 (p. 770), 3051.
-, -, three barons of the, 9.

Orston (Horston), Notts., g. 751 (3), 833 (55).

Orthez, in Guienne, 1375 n.
-, - (Ortyse), bp. of [i.e. of Dax ?], 1326 (p. 616).

Orti, Gabriel de, Ferdinand's chaplain, Spanish envoy to France, 1919, 1933, 2177 (?), 2242, 2475, 3093, 3145.
-, -, -, letter to, 1919.

Ortyse. See Orthez.

Orton (Urton), Cumb., 1803 (1 m. 6).

Orum, John, abbot of St. Mary's, Dublin (1497–1500), letter from, 3583.

Orval[Jean d'Albret], Sieur d', his secretary, 1689 (p. 774).

Orvy, John, p. 1512.

Orweel, Lewis. See Orell.

Orwell, Camb., g. 632 (37), 682 (4), 1602 (19).

Orwell, Lewis. See Orell.
-, -, Eliz., d. and h. of John, mayor of Calais, 438 (3 m. 9).

Orz. See Oulx.

Osbaldeston, John, p. 1542.

Osbaston, John, g. 2484 (9).

Osborne (Osbourne), Eliz., of Whitfield, g. 2861 (3).
-, - (Osburne), John, 1803 (1 m. 6).
-, - (Osbern), Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5):—g. 3226 (27).
-, -, Ric., 438 (3 m. 10).
-, -, Th., 438 (3 m. 10).
-, - (Osbarne, Osburne), Th., vicar of Dorking, 438 (3 m. 10).

Oseley. See Ouseley.

Oseney, Oxon, abbey of, p. 1526:—g. 519 (11), 784 (49), 1365 (4), 3499 (50).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 519 (45).
-, -, -, William abbot of, g. 3499 (50).

Osleston (Oslaston), Derb. [in Sutton on the Hill], g. 3499 (23).

Osmerdike or Oxmardike (Owsemoredike), Yorks [in Faxfleet], 438 (1 m. 9).

Osmond, Benedicta, widow of John, 438 (3 m. 18).

Osmondthorpe, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 33).

Osmotherley (Osmonderley), Lanc., [in Ulverston], 438 (3 m. 6).

Osmundeston, Norf. See Scole.

Osmundeston, Suff., g. 519 (42).

Osopio (Osopo), in Friuli, 2784.

Ospitaletto (Hospedaleto, Ospedaleto), near Feltre, 319, 328, 334.
-, -, letter dated at, 323.

Ospring, Kent, 438 (2 m. 10).

Ossington, Notts, preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6).

Ossory diocese, p. 1523.
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 1530.

Ostend, in Flanders, 1500, 2404, 2694.

Osterlowe. See Oysterlow.

Ostia (Hostia), in Italy, 242, 842, 1020, 1246, 2373.

Ostia, cardinal of. See Riario, R.

Ostin, Will'm [Guillaume d'Estouteville card. of Ostia, 1461–83], 633.

Ostler, 438 (4 m. 18).

Ostryke. See Austria.

Ostrynghanger or Ostynghanger. See Westonhanger.

O'Sullivan (Isullibayn), Florentius, clk., p. 1524.

Osulweston. See Owston.

Oswald Kirk, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 13).

Oterbury, John, 20 (p. 16).

Oternden. See Otterden.

Otery. See Ottery.

Otford, Kent, grants dated at, 1360:—g. 132 (79–82, 84–5, 87–114, 116–22), 158 (2–8, 10–15, 17–25, 27–31, 33–6, 38–41, 43, 52–65, 67–71, 73, 76, 78–85, 87–9, 91), 190 (passim), 414 (33), 447 (12), 546 (71), 563 (16–8, 20, 23), 587 (15, 16, 18, 19), 604 (1, 2), 651 (5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 30), 682 (8, 13), 731 (17, 21–2), 804 (10, 30–1, 33), 857 (4), 1003 (20), 1221 (58), 1266 (4), 1316 (32), 1365 (16, 24–5), 1415 (27–9), 1732 (51), 1948 (71, 81), 2222 (15), 2535 (19), 2772 (25, 62–4), 2861 (2–6, 6–9, 34, 36–7), 2863 (1), 3049 (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10–13, 17), 3107 (42–3, 45, 47–8, 50, 53), 3226 (17, 19, 20, 22–3, 25–9), 3324 (2–5, 7–9, 11, 23, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45), 3408 (1, 4, 6, 10, 31), 3582 (22–6).
-, -, letters, &c. dated at, 161, 1803 (2 m. 5), 3330, 3332–3, 3335.

Otheney (Othendy), Edw., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383).

Othevikerage, Th., 438 (3 m. 26).

Otley (Otteley), Suff., g. 1804 (9), 2684 (12).

Otley Pole. See Poole near Otley.

Otteley, Th., grocer, g. 651 (31).
-, -, Th., alias Jackson, prior of Bolton in Craven, 438 (2 m. 13).
-, - (Otley), Wm., g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23), 2484 (9).

Otterburne, Ric., g. 2137 (7).

Otterbury (Oterbury), John, messenger, 20 (p. 15).

Otterden (Oternden), Kent, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 20).

Otteringden (Oteryngden), Kent, 438 (1 m. 21).

Ottery (Auterey), Devon, g. 1123 (22).

Ottery Mohun (Monysotery, Monesoterey), Devon, 438 (1 m. 3).

Ottery St. Mary (Seynt Awtry), Devon, 438 (1 mm. 11, 19), 438 (2 mm. 5, 22 ? "Abtre"), 438 (3 mm. 7, 14), 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 1083 (2).
-, -, College, 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 257 (93).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 485 (50).
-, -, -, customary tenants (named), g. 257 (93).
-, -, -, warden of. See Cornish, T.

Oudenarde (Audenarde), in Flanders, letters dated at, 2149, 2158.

Ouden Bosch (Audyn Busse), in Holland, 2009.

Ouderwick (Owderwyk), in Flanders, 1934 (2).

Oughan. See Hogan.

Oughtred. See Ughtred.

Oulson, Rob., 2537.

Oulx (Orz, Ors), in Piedmont [wrongly identified as Cahors], 2198.
-, -, letter dated at, 2095.

Oundle (Oundell), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 14).

Ouneslowe. See Onslowe.

Ourssin, Charles, 2370.

Ouse, the Yorkshire river, g. 1123 (37).

Ouseley (Oseley), Edw., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40).

Ouston (Ulston), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5).

Ovedale. See Uvedale.

Over (St. Mary Otter), Camb., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 19).

Over (Overa) Magna, Derb., 438 (3 m. 5).

Overbaraforth. See Barrowford.

Overbrotts. See Broats.

Overey, Th., g. 132 (16).

Overingham. See under Calais.

Overstone (Oveston, Oweston), Ntht., g. 158 (23), 257 (32), 804 (11), 857 (8).

Overton, Yorks, g. 804 (24).

Overton, Cold-. See Cold Overton.

Overton, Bart., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13).
-, -, Guthlac, 2349:—g. 414 (13), 2684 (95), 2772 (12), 2964 (16, 52), 3324 (24).
-, -, John, p. 1549.

Oveston. See Overstone.

Ovingdean (Ovyngden), Suss., rector of, g. 3226 (10).

Ovingham (Owyngham), Nthld., 438 (3 m. 2).

Ovston. See Owston.

Ovyll. See Obell.

Owden (Owedyn, Oweden), Rob., 438 (1 m. 12).

Owderwyk. See Ouderwick.

Oweden. See Owden.

Oweghtred or Owghtred. See Ughtred.

Owen lordship. See Cynllaith and Owen.

Owen, Anne, wife of Sir David, 1803 (2 m. 1).
-, - (Owyn), Sir David, the King's carver, 20 (pp. 12, 20–1), 37, 82 (p. 38 bis), 438 (2 m. 7), 559, 1176 (2), 1640, 1803 (2 m. 1), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 2765, 3348 (3):—p. 1545:-g. 257 (12, 62), 1083 (39), 1221 (6), 1948 (16).
-, -, -, letter to, 1640.
-, -, -, signature of, 1176 (2):—g. 257 (62).
-, -, -, son of, 2765.
-, -, David, bp. of St. Asaph († Feb. 1513), 205, 438 (3 m. 18), 963.
-, -, Sir Henry, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (16):—App. 26 bis.
-, - (Oweyn), Henry, 438 (2 m. 7).
-, -, John, g. 2137 (27). See also Hogan.
-, -, Mary, wife of Sir David, 438 (2 m. 7).
-, -, Ric., auditor, g. 414 (56), 2535 (11, 12).

Owenhill. See Onn.

Owersby (Owrysby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 3408 (21).

Oweston, Ntht. See Overstone.

Owestroppe. See Owsthorpe.

Owettred. See Ughtred.

Owf, Rob., 438 (2 m. 27).

Owgan. See Hogan.

Owghtred. See Ughtred.

Owmby (Ownaby), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4).

Ownaby. See Owmby.

Ownham (Holdenham), Berks, g. 94 (35).

Owre. See Ore.

Owrysby. See Owersby.

Owsemoredike. See Osmerdike.

Owsthorpe (Owestroppe), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6).

Owston (Osulweston), Leic., 438 (2 m. 13).

Owston (Ovston), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3).

Owthorne, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 26).

Owthryd. See Ughtred.

Owtrede. See Ughtred.

Owyngham. See Ovingham.

Oxburgh, John, 2333.

Oxenbridge (Oxynbruge),—, 1661 (p. 752).
-, - (Oxybrigge), Dorothy, d. and h. of Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 19).
-, - (Oxenbrigge), Edward, p. 1545.
-, - (Oxenbrygge), Goddard or Sir Goddard, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 81:—p. 1545:—g. 1083 (39), 1494 (9).
-, -, -, knighted, 81.
-, - (Oxonbrygge, Oxonbregge), Dr. John, rector of Shitlington, canon of Windsor, &c., 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43), 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 54 (37), 2617 (40).

Oxenford. See Oxford.

Oxenford, John. See Rigby.

Oxenherd, Oxman or Oxenman, Nic., 438 (2 m. 5).

Oxenhoath (Oxnoth), Kent, 438 (3 m. 32).

Oxenhope, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13).

Oxenton (Oxmendon, Oxmenton, Oxenden), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 22).

OXFORD (Oxonford), 438 (1 mm. 13, 25), 438 (3 mm. 2, 6, 21), 438 (4 mm. 3, 27), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 2):—p. 1518:—g. 833 (11), 1524 (17), 2772 (21).
-, -, letter dated at, 1139.
-, -, commission of the peace, p. 1542.
-, -, confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (85).
-, -, fee farm of, g. 94 (35).
-, -, mayor of, 438 (1 m. 6).
-, -, pardon to the burgesses, 1803 (1 m. 1).
-, Black Friars (Friars Preachers), annuity to, g. 132 (20).
-, Cordwainers or corvesers of, confirmation for, g. 414 (65).
-, Friars Minors, annuity to, g. 132 (22).
-, Marshalsea of, 438 (2 m. 20).
-, North Gate, g. 94 (35).
-, St. Frideswide's priory, 438 (4 m. 12):—g. 587 (14).
-, -, election of a prior, g. 1662 (51), 1804 (5), 1948 (22), 2055 (35).
-, -, prior. See Chedill, W.; Burton, J.
-, St. John's Hospital, g. 414 (66).
-, White Friars, letter dated at, 200.

Oxford University, 438 (2 mm. 5, 25, 27), 438 (3 mm. 2, 20, 26, 30, 33), 438 (4 mm. 1, 2, 10), 559, 1803 (1 m. 3 bis), 3063, 3195:—g. 449 (1), 587 (14), 2055 (35).
-, -, letter from, 3290.
-, -, chancellor of, 438 (3 m. 16).
-, -, commissary of, 438 (1 m. 20).
-, -, confirmation of charters, g. 604 (19).
-, All Souls College, 438 (3 m. 10).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 414 (38).
-, -, warden. See Broke, W.
-, Brasen Nose College, foundation, g. 1044 (12).
-, Hinksey Hall, g. 3107 (41).
-, Lincoln College, 438 (3 m. 27).
-, -, rector. See Drax, T.
-, Magdalen College, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 22, 25), 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 2684 (69).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 414 (66).
-, -, president. See Claymond, J.; also Mayhew, Ric.
-, Merton College, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 11).
-, -, warden. See Rawlins, R.
-, New College of St. Mary Winchester, 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 14).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 414 (35).
-, -, warden. See Porter, W.
-, Oriel College, confirmation for, g. 632 (76).
-, -, provost. See Wilford, E.
-, Pembroke Hall alias Valence Marie College, 438 (2 m. 28).
-, Queen's Hall, 438 (2 m. 19).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 682 (28).
-, -, provost. See Ridge, E.
-, St. Mary's College. See New College.
-, University College, 438 (2 m. 22).

Oxford, archd. of, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 7).

Oxford, Elizabeth Veer countess of, mother of John earl of Oxford († 1513), g. 2484 (1), 2964 (80).
-, -, Elizabeth countess of, wife of John earl of Oxford († 1513) and late the wife of William viscount Beaumont († 1507), 82 (p. 41), 2590, 2763:—g. 289 (13), 1003 (1), 1266 (33), 2863 (10).
-, -, Anne countess of, wife of Earl John († 1526) and daughter of Agnes duchess of Norfolk, 2656 (4), 3348 (3):—g. 2964 (80).
-, -, (Oxinford) John Vere, earl of, Admiral of England, K.G., Great Chamberlain of England, constable of the Tower († 10 March 1513), 20 (p. 13), 37, 81, 82 (1, 2), 312, 342, 380, 406, 438 (3 mm. 1, 17), 438 (4 mm. 7, 29), 442, 963, 1176 (3), 1397, 1453 ii., v., 1626, 1661 (3), 1671–2, 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 m. 5), 1905:—pp. 1534 bis, 1536, 1538 ter, 1541–2, 1544:—g. 54 (11, 13, 14, 56), 94 (35 p. 50, 96), 158 (14), 289 (13), 414 (31), 604 (48), 784 (16), 833 (5, 14), 969 (4), 1003 (1), 1266 (33), 1365 (11), 1415 (3), 1602 (38), 1732 (41), 1804 (13), 2422 (9), 2484 (1), 2863 (10, 12), 2964 (80), 3324 (6).
-, -, -, letter from, 1626.
-, -, -, funeral of, 1671.
-, -, -, petition to, 1672.
-, -, -, inventory of his goods, 1905.
-, -, -, receipts as constable of the Tower, 312.
-, -, -, signature of ("Oxynford"), g. 11 (12), 54 (50), 94 (44).
-, -, John Vere, earl of (1513), son of George Vere, 1905:—g. 2055 (123), 2422 (9), 2484 (1), 2964 (80).
-, -, -, his marriage, g. 2964 (80).

Oxford Circuit (this name is not used in the original, which simply names the counties, viz.: Oxford, Berks, Worcester, Stafford, Salop, Hereford, Gloucester, and the town of Gloucester), g. 54 (48), 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47), 709 (34), 1083 (10), 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (8), 2684 (9), 3049 (23).

Oxfordshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 13), 1409 (2), 2054 (4):—g. 11 (10), 132 (26), 190 (28), 381 (74), 632 (26), 709 (13), 784 (38), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (23), 1494 (9, 55), 1662 (18), 1732 (24), 1804 (2, 31 ii.), 2055 (26, 95 ii., 100), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (79), 2964 (13), 3408 (18), 3499 (12).
-, -, commission of the peace, p. 1542.
-, -, Suffolk's lands in, g. 94 (51).

Oxhull. See Exhall.

Oxman. See Oxenherd.

Oxmardike. See Osmerdike.

Oxnead (Oxne, Oxened), Norf., 438 (1 m. 3).

Oxnoth. See Oxenhoath.

Oxone. See Hoxne.

Oxshulff. See Exhall.

Oyarzun (Oyarson), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699).

Oye. See under Calais.

Oylley, Henry and Robert de, charters of, g. 519 (45).

Oyly, Oxon. See Bampton.

Oysterlow (Osterlowe, Cisterlowe) commote, co. Carn. [now Derllys], 438 (2 m. 25):—g. 54 (29).

Oystermouth (Oistermouthe), co. Glamorgan, g. 3049 (20).