Index: M

Pages 292-322

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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Mabankes, Surr., g. 709(32).

Mablethorpe (Malberthorp, Mapilthorp), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13):—g. 632 (39), 969 (31), 2484 (25).

Mabley, John, chaplain, 2480 (25).

Mabson, Rob., p. 1512.

McBrek, Andrew, almoner of James IV., 107.
-, -, Archibald, canon, 178.

MacCarmacan. See MacCormac.

Macclesfield (Maxfeld, Maksefeld, Makesfeld), Chesh., 438 (4 mm. 7, 20), 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 731 (3), 750 (3).

Macclesfield (Maxfild) Forest, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 11).

Macclesfield (Maxfeld, Makkesfeld, Makelesfeld), Ralph, abbot of Kenilworth, 438 (2 m. 20).

MacCormac (MacCarmacan), Menelaus, bp. of Raphoe, 2630:—p. 1529.

Macdonallynd, Maurice, clk., p. 1532.

Macdovill, Æneas, canon, p. 1524.

MacEgan (Mageocagayn), Constantine priest, p. 1524.
-, - (Machaygayn), Cornelius, p. 1524.

MacGennis (Magnassa), Arthur, clk., p. 1527.
-, - (Magnassa), Gelasius, abbot of Inch, pp. 1526–7.
-, -, -, canon of Dromore, 1244.

M'Gyllaghe, John, clk., brief to, 1244.

Machado, Roger, Richmond [i.e., Richmond Clarencieux] king at Arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 172:—g. 158 (44), 218 (14).

Machell, Dr., 2576.
-, - (Mauchell), John, 438 (4 m. 8).
-, -, Th., vicar of Torpenhow, 438 (4 m. 8).

Machelyn. See Mechlin.

Machimaii, Dermicius, dean of Limerick, p. 1522.

Machyn. See Matching.

McIan (Mackan, Mackeyn) [of Ardnamurchan], Scottish chieftain, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2973.

Mackney (Makkeney, Makney, Macney), Berks, 438 (2 m. 14).

McLean (MacCleen, Makclayn) [of Dowart], Scottish chieftain, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313, 2973.

Macloneigh (Macluoynheho), co. Cork, p. 1525.

Maclyn. See Mechlin.

Macnamara (Macnaman), Conay, treasurer of Killaloe, p. 1526.
-, - (Macriamara), Donatus, clk., p. 1530.
-, -, Laurence, canon of Killaloe, p. 1530.

Mâconnais (Masconnois), the, in France, 2646, 2705.

Macosquin priory (St. Mary de Claro Fonte), co. Londonderry, p. 1522.

Macrathagairt, John, canon of Derry, p. 1530.

Macray. See Magrath.

Macriamara. See Macnamara.

Macworth. See Makworth.

Madder, Margaret, wife of John, 438 (2 m. 7).

Maddington (Maydenton), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 5).

Maddok, Madok, or Maddokes, Wm., of Henry VII.'s chamber, 20 (p. 14), 2606:—g. 257 (56).

Madeley, Humphrey, 1174.
-, -, Th., g. 132 (85).

Madison, Edward, ship owner, 1940, 2211.
-, -, John, 20 (p. 13):—g. 857 (4).

MADRID (Madryle), 329 (p. 151), 345 (p. 160), 408, 2486 (2), 2769.
-, -, letters dated at, 2459, 2554, 2588, 2743, 2762, 2823, 2887.

Madringham. See Metheringham.

Madryn. See Meilltyrn.

Maelenydd (Myleneyth, Milleneth, Melenneth) lordship, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 26):—g. 1316 (16), 2684 (103–5).
-, -, woods (named), g. 3049 (7).

Maestricht (Mastrik), 2068, 2123.

Mafeld. See Mayfield.

Magagnosco, priory of St. Laurence of, in Glasgow diocese, p. 1521. Haddington ?

Magdeburg, bp. of, 2755. See Brandenburg, Albert of.

Mageocagayn. See MacEgan.

Magfinalud, in Ireland, in Tuam diocese, p. 1523.

Maghfeld. See Mayfield.

Maghlyn. See Mechlin.

Magius. See Meghen.

Magliana (Manliana, Majana), the Pope's villa near Rome, 2921.
-, -, letters dated at, 2916–20.

Magnassa. See MacGennis.

Magnesia, in Asia Minor, 1604.

Magni, Petrus, 2752.

Magnus, Henry, 874 (2), 3313 (6).
-, - (Magum), Thomas, King's chaplain, archdeacon of East Riding, 438 (4 m. 7), 1450, 2651, 3480:—g. 3107 (38).

"Magorneys' lands," g. 833 (70).

Magotson, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43).

Magrath (Macray), Thady, priest, p. 1524.

Maguire, Nicholas, bp. of Leighlin († 1512), p. 1528.
-, - (Maguydir), Roger, clk., p. 1523.

Magum. See Magnus.

Magunce. See Mentz.

Maheneot. See Menheniot.

Mahommedans (Makhométans), 724, 1974.
-, -, sects of, 766.

Maiden Bradley (Mayden Bradlegh), Wilts and Soms., 438 (3 m. 28).
-, -, priory, 438 (3 m. 17).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 632 (49).
-, -, -, prior. See Jennings. R.

Maidencote. Berks [in East Garston], g. 833 (70).

Maidford, Ntht., p. 1548.

Maidstone (Maydeston), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 6, 19), 438 (4 m. 23), 1453 x.:—g. 289 (43), 1732 (8), 2055 (120).
-, -, grants dated at, 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 731 (25–6).
-, -, College, 438 (2 m. 22):—g. 2684 (81).
-, -, -, master. See Grocyn, W.
-, -, Guild of Corpus Christi, confirmation of charters, g. 709 (49).

Maidwell (Maydewell), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 7).

Maine, in France, g. 1221 (7).

Maingoval (Myngoval), Anthony de Lannoy Sieur de, great esquire of Flanders, 3400.

Mainwaring (Manwaryng), Charles, g. 2484 (24).
-, -, George, g. 1494 (9).
-, - (Mannaryng), Joan, 438 (1 m. 25).
-, - (Manwaryng), John or Sir John, of Eghtfeld, knighted at Lille or Tournay, 2053 (1, 2, 3), 2301, 2392, 2480 (45):—App. 26:—p. 1543.
-, -, John, 2392.
-, -, Peter, g. 94 (105).
-, - (Mayngwaryng), Randolph, 438 (3 m. 5), 2392.
-, - (Manerynge), Roger, 438 (1 m. 19):—g. 731 (23).

Maior, John, 438 (1 m. 25).
-, -, Nic., the King's saddler, 20 (p. 19), 3343.

Maison, Oswald, a Scot, 817.

Majana. See Magliana.

Major, Th., 1451.

Majorca, bp. of. See Rojas, A. de.

Majorete (Mayorete), in Spain, deeds dated at, 2492, 2725.

Makarrig, Eugenius, clk., p. 1525.

Makclayn. See McLean.

Makcownell, Wm., 1262 (p. 578).

Makelesfeld. See Macclesfield.

Makelyn. See Mechlin.

Makerelsbury. See Maskelsbury.

Makesey. See Maxey.

Makesoun, James, servant of James IV., 301, 2616.

Makkeney. See Mackney.

Makkesfeld. See Macelesfield.

Makkilholl, Donald, 1262 (p. 578).

Maksefeld. See Macclesfield.

Makworth (Macworth), George, 438 (3 m. 18):—g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23).

Makyll. See Mechlin.

Malabayla, M., declines the office of steward to the French Queen, 3364.

Malacca, captured by the Portuguese, 1974.

Malaga, bp. of. See Haro.

Maland, Nic., g. 2137 (7).

Malary. See Malory.

Malaspina, Barnabas marquis, 2352.

Malberthorp. See Mablethorpe.

Malde, John, rector of Sproatley, p. 1521.

Maldon, Beds. See Maulden.

Maldon, Essex, 438 (2 m. 9).

Malefantes lands, co. Glamorgan, g. 54 (87), 158 (55), 519 (51).

Malenous or Losenmarle, near Terouenne, 2391 (p. 1060), 2392.

Malerbe, Joan, d. and h. of Wm., 1803 (2 m. 6).

Malery. See Malory.

Malet, Baldwin, p. 1543:—g. 804 (52),
-, -, James, B.D., canon of Windsor, g. 2772 (15), 3408 (27).
-, -, Robert, founder of Eye priory, charter of, g. 546 (35).

Maleudry, beside Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 6).

Maleverer (Malyverer), Joan, g. 1221 (16).
-, - (Malevery, Maliverer, Malleverey, Mauliverer, Malyvere), Ric. or Sir Ric., esquire for the Body, knighted after Flodden, 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 12), 837, 1363, 2246 (4 ii.), 2740:—g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3).
-, -, -, receipt by, 837.
-, - (Malevoray), Sir Wm., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.).

Maleverer, Comte de. See Maulevrier.

Malham (Malhom), in Craven, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5).

Malham,—, of the Chancery, g. 11 (10).
-, - (Malghom), John, 1803 (2 m. 3).

Maliant, M. de, of Savoy, 1972.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malison or Malisson, John, a Scot, 539:—pp. 1521, 1524.

Maliverer or Malivery. See Maleverer.

Malketon. See Malton.

Mallerstang, Westmld., g. 833 (41).

Malley, Robert de, g. 784 (24).

Malling (Mawlyng, Mellyng) or West Malling, Kent, 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 4):—g. 1836 (27).
-, -, nunnery, 438 (3 m. 21).
-, -, -, abbess. See Hull, E.

Malling, South. See South Malling.

Malmesbury (Mawmesbury), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 mm. 15, 28), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 4).
-, -, abbey, 438 (2 m. 14):—g. 94 (35), 749 (43), 1462 (30), 3408 (40).
-, -, -, abbot. See Olveston, T.; Frampton, R.
-, -, -, election of an abbot, g. 381 (8, 11), 546 (64), 833 (52), 969 (5).
-, -, fee farm of, g. 94 (35).

Malmesbury hundred, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 8).

Malmesbury (Mawmsbyrry), Wm., 2415.

Malmesey (Mawlmesey), Peter. See Malvesey.

Malmeshill. See Mansel.

Malmyshillacy. See Mansel Lacy.

Malory (Melory, Malary, Malere, &c.), Ant., 438 (3 m. 7):—p. 1538.
-, - (Malery), Sir John, 2480 (27).
-, - (Malery, Malary), Nic., 438 (3 m. 32):—p. 1546.

Malpas, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 12).

Malpas manor, co. Monmouth, g. 604 (18).

Malshanger (Malishangre), Hants, grant dated at, g. 563 (11).

Malta, bp. of [suffragan of Palermo]. See Saulis.

Maltby [with Raithby], Linc., 438 (4 m. 25).

Maltbye, John, rector of Hemswell, g. 1732 (7), 1804 (43).
-, -, John, rector of North Lew, g. 731 (22), 2055 (84).
-, - (Malteby), John, rector of Washingbrough, g. 1266 (31).

Maltmen, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 15).

Malton (Malketon), Camb., 438 (3 m. 29).

Malton or Old Malton, Yorks, g. 3499 (78).
-, -, priory, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 15).
-, -, -, prior. See Shopstone, R.

Malton, Rob., rector of Burgh, g. 138 (34).
-, -, Wm., 315.

Maltravers (Matravers), Thomas lord. See Arundel, T. earl of.
-, - (Matravers, Mautravers), William Fitzalan (or Arundel), lord, 20 (p. 14), 37, 707, 2053 (6 ii.):—pp. 1536–7, 1543, 1545–6:—g. 447 (25–6), 709 (60), 1083 (39), 3049 (11).
-, -, -, Anne [Percy] his wife, 82 (p. 41):—g. 709 (60), 3049 (11).

Malvenda, Peter de, Spanish merchant, g. 885 (6), 1044 (3).

Malvern, Great-, Worc., priory, 438 (2 m. 20).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 1316 (23).
-, -, -, Thomas prior of, 438 (2 m. 20), 1493 iv.

Malvern, Little, Worc., priory, 1803 (2 m. 1).
-, -, -, prior. See Colman, Th.

Malvern Chace, Worc., g. 1524 (47).

Malvern, John alias Pope, sub-prior of Cirencester, 438 (3 m. 13).
-, -, Wm., abbot of Gloucester (1514), g. 2964 (22, 34), 3226 (25).
-, -, -, letter from, 3010.
-, -, -, letter to, 3290.

Malvesey or Malmeseye (Mawlmesey), Peter, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 475, 640, 877n., 1015, 1290, 2622, 3554:—p. 1517.

Malyard, Ant., g. 731 (8), 2617 (7).

Malyn, John, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross (1514), g. 2964 (26).
-, -, Ric., g. 1123 (17).

Malyson. See Malison.

Malyvere. See Maleverer.

Mammelukes, 2875. Stradiots ?

Man (Mane), Alice, g. 3107 (43).
-, -, Brian, 438 (1 m. 15).
-, - (Manne), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (1 mm. 15, 18), 707:—p. 1534.
-, -, John, prior of St. John's Hospital, Canterbury, signature of, 480.
-, -, Roger, p. 1549.
-, -, Th., 438 (1 m. 15).

Manachen, Alex. (Alexandro Manzino), ship captain, 2304 (3, 4), 2305 iii.

Manaton, Devon, g. 1083 (2).

Manby (Manbee), John, 438 (2 m. 20).

Mancefeld. See Mansfield.

Mancell. See Mauncell.

Manchester, Lanc., 438 (1 mm. 11, 18), 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (3 m. 8), 2651:—g. 2861 (31).
-, -, college, keeper of, 438 (3 m. 14).

Mandeville's (Monviles, Moundevyles) manor, Suff., [in Sternfield,] g. 1316 (20), 2055 (95 i., iii.).

Maners. See Manners.

Maneryng. See Mainwaring.

Manfeld, Rob. (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 2330 (2).
-, - Th., g. 2330 (2).

Manfrone (Manfredus), Julio, a captain of Venetians, 2352 (2).

Manfroy, Earl, a French nobleman, 3348.

Mangall, Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 19).

Mangotsfield (Mauguarsfeld), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 8).

Maningham, Isabel widow of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 15).

Mankoyll, Nicolas, captain of mercenaries, 2835.

Manliana. See Magliana.

Mannaryng. See Mainwaring.

Manneng, Wm., 2938 ii.

Manners or Maners, Anne, wife of Sir George, 438 (2 m. 15).
-, -, Sir George, knight for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 131, 438 (2 m. 15), 442:—p. 1545:—g. 257 (49), 289 (32), 1221 (6), 1494 (45). See also Roos, Lord.
-, -, -, becomes Lord Roos (21 Nov. 1512), g. 1494 (45).
-, -, Henry, son of Thomas lord Roos, 3348 (3), 3357.
-, -, Sir Richard, 37.
-, -, Robert, 438 (2 m. 15).
-, -, Th., g. 1602 (9).

Manningham, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25).

Mannington (Manyngton), Norf., 438 (3 m. 16).

Mansel Lacy (Maunsill Lacy, Monsehill Lacy, Malmyshillacy, Malmeshill, Maunsell), Heref., 438 (2 mm. 6, 26):—g. 519 (64), 2772 (20), 3107 (48), 3324 (5), 3499 (6).

Mansfeldt (Mansfelde), Count, 2790.

Mansfield (Maunsfeld in Shirwode), Notts, 438 (4 m. 13):—g. 751 (3).

Mansfield Manor (Mauncefed, Mancefeld Maner), Notts, g. 833 (55), 2684 (1).

Mansfield Woodhouse (Maunsfeld, Mauncefeld Wodhouse), Notts, 438 (1 m. 22):—g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1).

Mansilla (Manselya), in Spain, 329 (pp. 148, 153), 345.
-, -, letters dated at, 253, 260.

Mantell or Mauntell, Margaret widow of John, 438 (3 m. 16).
-, -, Walter s. and h. of John, g. 709 (63), 1462 (37).

Mantholme, Yorks [beside Beverley], g. 132 (115), 289 (5).

Manton, Rutl., 438 (1 m. 14).

Mantua, 113, 483, 1301 (pp. 595, 597–8), 1345, 1354, 1374, 2020, 2154, 3537.
-, -, letters dated at, 1102, 1178, 1220, 1277 (pp. 587–8), 2732, 2757, 3267, 3281, 3459.
-, -, Diet at, 222, 266, 669, 681, 708.

Mantua, cardinal of, 1277 (p. 587).
-, -, Isabel marchioness of, sister of the duke of Ferrara, 1250, 3169.
-, -, FRANCIS (Gonzaga) III., MARQUIS OF, gonfalonier of the Church, 9, 83, 147, 154, 162 (p. 85), 373, 408, 417, 570, 598, 689, 1178, 1277 (p. 587), 1301 (p. 597), 1617–8, 1773, 1953, 2908, 3024, 3034, 3040:—p. 1516.
-, -, -, letters from, 1178, 2732, 2757, 3267, 3281, 3459.
-, -, -, letters to, 598, 689, 941, 1079, 1617–8, 1773, 3024, 3034, 3040, 3078, 3169.
-, -, -, made prisoner by the Venetians (Aug. 1509, released July 1510), 147, 154, 162 (p. 85), 530, 598.
-, -, Frederic prince of, son of the marquis, 2732.
-, -, -, letters to, 1619–20.

Manuel (Emmanuel), Don Juan, 1683, 2003, 2083, 2421, 2502, 2571, 2633, 2697, 2815, 2859, 2908, 3524.

Manumission, g. 3582 (17).

Manuzio, Aldo (Aldus Manutius), the printer, 1552.

Manwaryng, See Mainwaring.

Manzino, A. See Manachen.

Maonesi, the, of Scio, 1513.

Maperley, John, g. 2684 (27).

Mapilthorpe. See Mablethorpe.

Mappleton (Mapilton), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 10).

Maquelu,—, a French captain at Terouenne, 1961.

Mar (Mariæ), earl of, 2313. See also Marche.

Maramcherch. See Marham.

Marano (Marrane), in Friuli, 2572, 2945, 3109.

Maraton or Maroton (Marraton, Marreton, Moraton, Mareton, Marton, Baraton, Moreton, Maroton, Marauton), Louis, the Emperor's secretary, 769, 884 (Maître Loys), 906, 919, 1293, 1309, 1311 i., ii., 1322, 1335, 1344, 1350, 1353, 1362, 1364, 1383, 1389, 1437, 1469–70, 1554–5, 1779, 1895, 1993, 2039–40, 2068, 2106, 2123, 2182, 2208–9, 2230, 2285, 2339, 2408, 2474, 2528, 2563–4, 2571, 2633, 2694, 2736, 2748, 2790, 2797, 2889, 2915, 2925, 2941, 2963, 2976, 2985, 2994, 3027, 3052, 3061, 3079, 3103, 3109, 3192.
-, -, -, letter from, 1555, 2039–40.
-, -, -, letter to, 1554.
-, -, -, instruction for, 3061.
-, -, -, a servant of, 769.

Marazion (Marshasowe, Marhajowe), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10).

Marba, See Morbage.

Marbury (Merbury), Blanche, the Queen's servant, 3448.
-, -, John, clk., g. 1662 (23).
-, - (Merbury), John, rector of Alvescott, g. 2422 (6).
-, - (Merberye, Merbury), Rob., 20 (p. 13), 438 (3 m. 8):—g. 414 (21), 1662 (23), 3049 (41).

Marbyll, Ric., 438 (2 m. 8).

Marc. See under Calais, Marke.

Marcello,—, a Venetian merchant, 601.

March, Earldom of. 808:—g. 190 (6), 709 (14), 749 (23), 784 (8, 34), 1948 (31), 2484 (30), 2684 (36), 2772 (20), 3324 (37), 3408 (28), 3499 (6).
-, -, -, auditor of, g. 132 (72), 381 (90).
-, -, -, receiver of, 438 (4 m. 23):—g. 132 (52).
-, -, -, surveyor of, g. 1123 (19).

March, Anne countess of, and of Ulster, grandmother of Edward IV., 520:—g. 749 (23).

March, Edmund [Mortimer] earl of (1360–81), deeds of, g. 381 (99), 804 (4).

March, Dennis, 1262.

Marcham, Berks, vicar of All Saints, p. 1531.

Marcham, Wm., g. 924 (27).

Marchaund (Merchaund), Th., 438 (2 m. 31).

Marche, Heref. See Marcle.

Marche, in Luxemburg, 1813.

Marche [in Scotland], Comte de la, 951, 3481; i.e., Earl of Mar.

Marche (Le March), herald of the Duke of Albany, 3481, 3540.

Marchell. See Marshall.

Marchenston, James, a Scot, p. 1521.

Marchienne, in Hainault, letter dated at, 2266.

Marck, count of, 1162.

Marcle (Marhyll, Marcull, Markehill, Myrhill, Marche) or Much Marcle, Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 2, 20), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 94 (35).

Marden (Mawrreden, Mawarden), Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 94 (35).

Marden (Merden) hundred, Kent. See Middleton and Marden.

Mardewall, near Shrewsbury, g. 924 (21).

Mardyke, Linc., g. 1123 (37).

Mardyng or Mordyng, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6).

Mareham (Maryng) on the Hill, Linc., 438 (2 m. 10).

Mareld. See Meryll.

Mareny. See Marigny.

Maresia. See Mattersey.

Marevault, Jehan, 3349 (p. 1412).

Marfleet (Mareflete), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 8, 18), 438 (3 m. 12).

Marfleet (Mayrflete), John, 438 (1 m. 8).

Margam (Margan, Morgan) abbey, in Wales, 438 (2 m. 27).
-, -, David abbot of, g. 1836 (18).

Margaret countess of Richmond, q.v.

MARGARET OF AUSTRIA, GOVERNESS OF THE NETHERLANDS ("Madame"), daughter of the Emperor Maximilian and widow of Philibert duke of Savoy and John son of Ferdinand of Aragon, 24, 83, 154, 162 (pp. 85–6), 253, 261, 319–20, 325, 355, 365, 383, 390, 401–2, 413, 455, 476, 478, 508, 568, 592, 670, 706, 793, (p. 427), 825, 854, 1032 (5), 1101, 1127 (p. 539), 1182–3, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1276, 1279, 1288–9, 1293, 1301, 1306–9, 1311 (pp. 601–2), 1322, 1333–4, 1338, 1343–4, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1440, 1447–8, 1452, 1456, 1468–9, 1481, 1492, 1529, 1554, 1566, 1576, 1591 (2), 1594, 1630, 1660, 1670, 1683, 1694, 1697, 1721–4, 1750, 1764, 1768, 1792, 1824, 1831, 1841, 1860, 1892, 1895, 1937, 1960, 1962–3, 1967, 1993, 2003, 2014, 2016, 2022, 2031, 2038, 2063, 2068–9, 2074, 2079, 2082–3, 2093, 2106, 2113, 2115, 2120, 2123–4, 2131, 2147, 2160, 2198, 2203, 2220, 2225, 2230, 2242 (2), 2254–5, 2271, 2276, 2285, 2291, 2294 (2), 2296, 2328, 2341, 2355, 2366, 2368, 2372, 2375, 2378, 2380, 2383, 2391 (pp. 1060–1), 2392 (p. 1063), 2445–6, 2462, 2496, 2525, 2562, 2583, 2586, 2588, 2609, 2633, 2643, 2656, 2665, 2678, 2681 ii., 2694, 2697, 2711, 2736, 2740, 2767, 2777, 2779, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2809, 2811–12, 2815, 2841, 2859, 2867–8, 2889, 2894, 2908, 2915, 2924–5, 2940, 2945, 2947, 2985, 2995, 3014, 3018, 3046, 3051–2, 3061, 3082, 3093, 3113, 3116, 3141, 3153, 3163, 3174, 3208–10, 3235, 3237, 3245–7, 3257, 3264, 3283, 3285, 3299, 3329, 3331 (p. 1404), 3345, 3362, 3371, 3378–9, 3380, 3416, 3418, 3423, 3445, 3493, 3519–20, 3543, 3546, 3572, 3592:—g. 1524 (39), 2055 (132), 2484 (10).
-, -, -, letters from, 446, 517, 667, 681, 741, 819, 832, 856, 884, 906, 919, 1197, 1278, 1280, 1311 iv., 1336, 1339, 1364, 1387, 1400, 1437, 1455, 1470, 1487, 1498, 1500, 1516, 1609, 1693, 1700, 1763, 1797, 1830, 1833, 1896, 1957–8, 1966, 1979, 2047, 2140, 2149, 2158, 2174–5, 2180, 2189, 2262, 2339, 2367, 2369, 2408, 2472–4, 2502, 2521, 2532–3, 2564, 2608, 2634, 2646, 2670, 2682, 2705, 2748, 2756, 2768–9, 2774, 2849, 2905, 2963, 2976, 2994, 3027, 3047, 3079, 3103, 3573:—App. 3.
-, -, -, letters to, 4, 13, 49, 84, 130, 143, 196, 200, 222, 266, 276, 333, 363, 366–7, 377, 445, 458, 484, 507, 515, 527, 545, 562, 565, 576, 590, 594, 620–1, 627–8, 635, 645–6, 649–50, 669, 673, 718, 724, 769, 809, 818, 823, 840, 850, 858–60, 866, 868, 871, 898, 902, 942, 966, 983, 989, 991–2, 999, 1000, 1009, 1055, 1064, 1075, 1087, 1090, 1095, 1113, 1131, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1163, 1196, 1203, 1210, 1228, 1234, 1240, 1242, 1253, 1265, 1351, 1381, 1383, 1388, 1491, 1520, 1569, 1588, 1607, 1612, 1631–2, 1636, 1639, 1676, 1679–80, 1713, 1777, 1779, 1822, 1826, 1856, 1867, 1877, 1897, 1925, 1929, 1977, 1988, 1996, 2021, 2038 (2), 2061, 2070, 2076, 2091, 2103, 2110, 2125, 2128–9, 2138, 2141, 2166, 2168, 2170–1, 2173 ii., 2182, 2184, 2194–5, 2201–2, 2208–10, 2213–5, 2235, 2362, 2370, 2466, 2488, 2528, 2563, 2571, 2649, 2654–5, 2661, 2700, 2704, 2719, 2737, 2749, 2775, 2794, 2856, 2858, 2877, 2943, 2972, 2992, 3041, 3056, 3070, 3074–5, 3086, 3192, 3217, 3258–9, 3268, 3271, 3388, 3590:—App. 7, 10–12.
-, -, -, signature of, 1750 (2), 1923.
-, -, -, declaration by, 2421.
-, -, -, justification by, 2841.
-, -, -, a Castilian valet de chambre, 1437, 1455.
-, -, -, her lady mistress, 2633, 2905. Courrauden ?
-, -, -, her officers, 2255, 2375.
-, -, -, proclamation by, 1923.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Charles Brandon, 2573, 2610, 2632, 2654, 2670 (?), 2700–1, 2736, 2940–1, 3102, 3104, 3257 (?).
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Louis XII., 2596, 2654, 2745, 3009, 3210 (p. 1361).
-, -, -, proposed marriage with the Duke of Milan, 3405.
-, -, -, her secretary. See Marnix, J. de.
-, -, -, her steward, 2383.
-, -, -, her treasurer, Don Diego. See Flores.

MARGARET QUEEN OF SCOTS, wife of James IV., eldest sister of Henry VIII. (marries Archibald earl of Angus, 1514), 518, 880, 974, 1106, 1109, 1296, 1300, 1301 (p. 596), 1342, 1504 (pp. 692–3), 1563, 1694, 1735, 1767, 1775 (p. 810), 1776, 1922, 2122, 2157, 2248, 2278, 2323, 2394, 2423, 2440, 2445, 2516, 2568, 2573, 2595–6, 2793, 2973, 3003, 3095, 3173, 3216, 3227, 3282, 3390, 3481, 3540:—pp. 1516, 1529:—g. 2535 (28), 2862 (8), 3324 (39), 3499 (59).
-, -, -, letters from, 518, 1109, 1563, 1767, 2248, 2613–5, 2662, 3121–3, 3468, 3590.
-, -, -, letters to, 3532:—p. 1532.
-, -, -, birth (and death) of a son (in December 1512), 1504 (p. 693).
-, -, -, her legacy [left by her brother Arthur], 1342, 1735, 1767, 1776, 2122.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Emperor Maximilian, 2573, 3051.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Louis XII., 2793, 2859, 2955, 3009, 3028, 3043, 3210.

Margate (Margett Rood, Mergat), Kent, 1672, 1942, 2305 (p. 1035).

Marghera (Margera), in Italy, Venetians defeated at, 2493.

Margysson. See Marquise.

Marham Church (Maramcherch), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 30).

Marhyll. See Marcle.

Maricult. See Maryculter.

Marigny (Maryney, Mareny), Jean de Sains, sieur de, bailli of Senlis, 3240, 3266, 3323, 3328, 3331 (p. 1404).
-, -, -, letter from, 3328.

Marignye. See Marnix.

Mariners, 438 (1 mm. 6 bis, 9), 438 (2 mm. 18, 30), 438 (3mm. 4 bis, 33), 438 (4 mm. 2, 14), 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 784 (46), 1804 (46) 2964 (1, 2, 35).

Marinis, Brankinus de, merchant of Genoa, g. 357 (19).
-, -, Laurence de, merchant of Genoa, g. 2055 (87), 2137 (20).

Marischal (Merschell), Wm., Keith earl, 2461.
-, - (Marshall), Master of, slain at Flodden, 2313n.

Mariswell,—, ship captain, 1661 (4).

Markby, Linc., priory, 438 (4 m. 24).
-, -, -, prior. See Alford, H.

Marke, John, 438 (4 m. 6).
-, -, Wm., 438 (4 mm. 6, 9).
-, -, Wm., chaplain, g. 2772 (7).

Markehill. See Marcle.

Markenfield (Markynfeld, Martynfelde), Ninian or Sir Ninian, of Markenfield, 438 (2 m. 18), 2246 (4 ii.):—g. 1494 (16).
-, - (Markynfeld), Sir Th., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 18).

Markes, Lord. See Dorset, marquis of.

Markfield (Markefeld), Leic., g. 1123 (58).

Markham, Notts, 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 10).

Markham, Great-, Notts, 438 (1 m. 17).

Markham, West-, Notts, g. 1083 (46).

Markham, Sir John, 438 (1 m. 22).
-, -, John or Sir John, knighted at Tournay, 438 (1 m. 22), 2301, 2480 (52):—p. 1539:—g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.).

Marklond, Peter, 438 (3 m. 6).

Markyndell. See Martindale.

Markynfeld. See Markenfield.

Marland (Merland, Marlond), Nic., 1496, 1869 vii., 2414.
-, -, -, his book, 1496.
-, - (Merleynd), Nic., ship captain, 1176 (1, 4), 1189.

Marlborough (Marleburgh, Merleberg), Wilts, 436, 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 94 (35), 924 (29).
-, -, priory, 438 (3 m. 15).
-, -, St. Peter's, rector of, 438 (1 m. 7).

Marlege (Marlegge, Marleche, Marlache), Rob., 438 (1 m. 12).

Marler (Merler, Merlay, Marley), Emerus, 1803 (1 m. 5).
-, -, John, prior of St. John Baptist's hospital in Wells, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 7).
-, - (Merler, Morler), Ric., grocer, 438 (2 m. 25).
-, -, Th., 1493 ii.:—g. 132 (32), 632 (35).
-, - (Merlar), Wm., pp. 1509–10, 1514.

Marleton, Rob., serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42).

Marliano (Marlyon), Louis de, physician, 1309, 1344, 1895, 2797:—App. 5.
-, -, Michael de, 1277 (p. 587).

Marlond. See Morland.

Marlowe, Great-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 25 bis):—g. 54 (70).

Marly, Th., rector of Berwick St. John's, p. 1521.

Marlyn, Arnold, 3148.

Marmyon, Th., 1493 ii.

Marnell. See Marnhull.

Marnesse, Lord. See Berners.

Marnay near Besançon, letter dated at, 3163.

Marney (Merney, Mernye), Sir Henry, knight for the Body, captain of the Guard and Vice-Chamberlain (12 May 1509), chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, &c., 20 (p. 13), 25, 37, 118, 146, 153, 157, 168, 205 (p. 106), 391–2, 442, 1004, 1176, 1414, 1446, 1474, 1549, 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 m. 2), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2391, 2480 (3), 2838, 2929, 3501:—pp. 1519, 1534, 1536, 1540:—App. 8:—g. 54 (9, 26), 94 (96), 158 (24, 90), 190 (25), 257 (80), 731 (27–8), 784 (16, 56), 1083 (24), 1170 (7), 1804 (31), 2055 (50, 74), 2863 (12), 3107 (46), 3324 (6, 24).
-, -, -, signature of, 118, 146, 168, 265, 555, 596, 602, 716, 845, 1247:—g. 132 (65), 158 (90), 190 (25, 34–5), 218 (33), 257 (12), 289 (35), 448 (4), 519 (5), 604 (18, 26, 44), 632 (35), 651 (7), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (15), 804 (49), 1003 (15, 17), 1123 (45), 1221 (6), 1732 (2), 2055 (100).
-, -, -, chosen K. G., 442.
-, -, -, made captain of the Guard, g. 54 (9).
-, - (Marny), John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, son of Sir Henry, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 19), 2053, 2301:—p. 1536 bis:—g. 54 (25), 632 (26), 1462 (14), 2863 (12).

Marnhull (Menell, Marnell), Dors., 438 (4 m. 7), 1803 (1 m. 1).

Marnix (Marynex), Jean de, secretary of Margaret of Savoy, 162 (pp. 85–6), 253, 724n., 741, 1288, 1309, 1322, 1338, 1344, 1353, 1370, 1378, 1492, 1594, 1824, 1958, 2083 (2), 2123, 2141, 2195, 2255 (? "Marignye"), 2370, 2633–4, 3113, 3153–4, 3519, 3573:—App. 7.
-, -, -, instructions from Ferdinand, 254 iv.
-, -, -, letter to, 3154.

Marny, Jean, French prisoner, 2172.

Marok. See Morocco.

Maroye or Maroys, Grimont, 3349, 3383.

Marple (Marpole, Marpull), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 25).

Marpool (Merpole), Devon [in Withecombe Raleigh ?]. 438 (3 m. 19).

Marquesyn. Janyn. 20 (p. 19).

Marquis, the lord. See Dorset.

Marquise (Margysson), in Picardy, 2392.

Marrane. See Marano.

Marres (Marrys), Wm., 438 (1 m. 11).

Marret, Wm., g. 2964 (14).

Marrex, Andrew, 484.

Marriage gifts, 648, 1023, 3163, 3419.

Marriott (Maryot), Wm., 438 (3 m. 31).

Marrok. See Morocco.

Marros. See Melrose.

Marryffe, Ric., 20 (p. 17).

Marryng, See Marshfield.

Mars. See Marsh.

Marsakavyr, in Africa, 162 (p. 87).

Marsden (Mersden), Richard, alias Hobson, prior of Nostell, 438 (4 m. 5).

Marseilles [Claude de Seyssel], bp. of, French ambassador to Leo X., 538, 2104, 2144 ("C. de Ahis"). 2264, 2373 ii., 2399 (2), 2577, 2595, 2602, 2926, 3081, 3206, 3236.
-, -, -, letter from, 2104 ii.

Marsh (Mershe), Devon [in Newton St. Cyres], g. 414 (29).

Marsh (Mersshe) by Yeovil, Soms., 438 (4 m. 7).

Marsh, East- (Estmarche) and West, Bucks, g. 632 (72).

Marsh (Merese, Meres, à Mers), John. p. 1539:—g. 969 (52).
-, - (Mars, Masse), Margaret d. and h. of Wm., g. 3408 (35).
-, - (Mershe, Meshe), Wm., 438 (3 m. 21).

Marshal, Earl, 438 (1 m. 26), 579, See Surrey, Earl of.

Marshall, Master. See Marischal.

Marshall (Marchell, Marchall, Marysall, Mershall), Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 2), 2938 ii.
-, - (Marchell), James, 707 (p. 383).
-, - (Mershall), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12).
-, - (Mershell), Ric., 438 (3 m. 30).
-, -, Rob., 1493 iii.:—p. 1520.
-, - (Marchall), Stephen, 1803 (1 m. 5).
-, - Wm., 1503:—p. 1533:—g. 1662 (1), 2222 (16 Beds).
-, -, Wm., pewterer, 438 (2 m. 8).

Marshasowe. See Marazion.

Marsham, Norf., 438 (1 m. 5).

Marsham, John, 438 (3 m. 28).

Marsh Chapel (Mersse), Linc., rector of, p. 1525.

Marshe, in Scotland. See Merse.

Marshfield (Mayrryng, Marryng), co. Monmouth, 438 (3 m. 24).

Marshland (Merssheland), Yorks, g. 1123 (37).

Marshwood, Dors., g. 94 (35).

Marshwood (Mershewode), Hants, 438 (3 m. 3).

Marsley (Merseley) park [in Allington, co. Denbigh], g. 218 (29).

Marson (Merson), Edward, 438 (3 m. 30).

Marston, Bucks, g. 632 (72).

Marston (Merston), Linc., g. 1494 (12).

Marston (Merston), Staff., 438 (2 m. 29).

Marston (Merston), co. City of York, 438 (2 m. 15).

Marston Maisey (Merston Morsey), Wilts, g. 94 (35).

Marston Parva, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 30).

Marston St. Lawrence (Lawrence Marston), Ntht., g. 1083 (41).

Marston (Marzen, Marson), Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 17).
-, - (Merston), Ric., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39).
-, - (Merston), Wm., 420, 438 (1 m. 21).

Marstrand (Merstrand), in Norway (now in Sweden), 285.

Marsworth (Masworth, Masseworth, Maxworth), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 32), 2054 (6).

Marsyngham. See Massingham.

Marten, Westmld. See Marton.

Marten. See Martin.

Martensthorp. See Marunsthorp.

Martes or Martis, Menaud de, 438 (4 m. 23).

Martin (Marten), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11).

Martin (Merten), the King's fool, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 43).

Martin, Ant., g. 1003 (22).
-, -, Elizabeth, 1046.
-, -, Godfrey, g. 54 (62).
-, - (Marton, Marten, Martoun), Henry, 438 (1 m. 3).
-, -, Henry, LL.B., rector of New Radnor, g. 414 (73).
-, - (Marten, Marton, Merton), John, 438 (2 mm. 25, 28):—g. 132 (61).
-, - (Marten), John, of Guernsey, p. 1500.
-, -, John, archd. of Salop (1494–1504), 438 (3 m. 21).
-, -, John, archd. of Teviotdale. pp. 1522, 1525.
-, - (Marten, Marton), John, prior of Elsham, 438 (2 m. 10).
-, - (Marton), Lionel, 438 (1 m. 3).
-, -, Piers, attainted, g. 632 (45).
-, - (Marten), Ric., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 21).
-, - (Marton), Rob., rector of Pilham, p. 1528.
-, - (Marteyn), Roger, 438 (3 m. 32).
-, - (Marten), Th., 707 (p. 383), 853.
-, -, Th., barber-surgeon, g. 1123 (32).
-, -, Th., canon of Salisbury, p. 1526.
-, - (Merton), Th., rector of Crick, 438 (4 m. 17).
-, -, Th., D.D., rector of Fugglestone. 438 (3 m. 28).
-, -, Sir Wm., alderman, 438 (1 m. 16).
-, - (Marton), Wm., abbot of Bardney, 205, 438 (1 m. 14), 963, 3464:—g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14).

Martindale (Markyndell), Westmld. [in Barton], 438 (3 m. 18).

Martindale (Martendale), Rob., g. 1948 (19).

Martinez (Mertynes), Francis, a Spaniard, 1420.

Martir, Th., 2054 (2).

Martley, Worc., 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 2).

Martock (Martok, Mertoke), Soms., g. 1125 (5), 1524 (11).

Marton (Merton), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 21).

Marton or Martyn, Essex. See Moreton.

Marton (Marten), Westmld., g. 519 (30), 3324 (9).

Marton (Merton), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 31).

Marton in the Forest, Yorks, priory, g. 2137 (7).

Marton, Loys. See Maraton.

Marton (English surname). See Martin.

Martynere, Nic., French prisoner, 2673.

Martyr, Peter [d'Anghiera], letters from, 1458, 1902, 2072, 2127, 2267, 2299, 2379, 2398, 2456, 2595, 2697, 2707, 2982, 3089, 3334, 3435, 3451, 3482, 3581.

Maruffo, Raphael, merchant of Genoa, g. 1948 (83).

Marunsthorpe (Martensthorp, Mastorpe, Masthorp), Rutl., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 33):—g. 54 (41).

Marwell, Hants, g. 257 (34).

Marwent, Wm., g. 546 (40).

Marwood (Merwode), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 833 (58 iv.).
-, -, Wm., serjeant at law, g. 3049 (20).

Marwood Hag forest and park, Barnard Castle, g. 132 (111–12).

Marworth. See Mereworth.

Mary, Lady, youngest daughter of Henry VII., "Princess of Castile," "French Queen," letters from, 1777, 3147, 3187, 3224, 3355–6, 3370, 3375, 3434, 3441, 3447.
-, -, -, letters to, 2515, 2895, 3155, 3202, 3230, 3233.
-, -, -, marriage with Louis XII., 2596, 2791, 2957–8, 3004, 3009, 3035, 3037, 3039, 3043, 3053, 3059, 3089, 3097, 3106, 3131–2, 3134, 3138–9, 3145–6, 3153, 3160, 3165, 3173–4, 3178, 3191–2, 3197–8, 3201–2, 3206, 3208–10, 3220, 3224–5, 3232, 3240, 3243 ii., 3244, 3246–7, 3252, 3254, 3256, 3259, 3264, 3266, 3269–70, 3282, 3286, 3292, 3294–5, 3298–9, 3306, 3308, 3323, 3328, 3331, 3334, 3342, 3348, 3352–6, 3361–2, 3364, 3369, 3376, 3378, 3381, 3387, 3393, 3398, 3411, 3416–7, 3424, 3430, 3435, 3449, 3461, 3469, 3472, 3482, 3518, 3531, 3544, 3580, 3591, 3593:—p. 1505.
-, -, - - commissions, g. 3226 (6), 3324 (33).
-, -, -, -, coronation, 3424.
-, -, -, -, her dower, 2957–8, 3178.
-, -, -, -, espousals, 3146, 3151, 3171, 3180, 3187, 3198, 3269 (5), 3294 (2, 3), 3298, 3344, 3348.
-, -, -, -, her horses, 3360.
-, -, -, -, her jewels, 3331, 3360–1.
-, -, -, -, her jointure, 3344.
-, -, -, -, her plate, 3326 (2), 3360.
-, -, -, -, her reception in Paris, 3417, 3424 (p. 1442), 3478.
-, -, -, -, her trousseau, 3262, 3272, 3326, 3343:—p. 1517.
-, -, -, -, her escort and household, 3294, 3306, 3309, 3318 vii., 3320–1, 3325, 3348 (3), 3355–7, 3364, 3366, 3376, 3513:—pp. 1504, 1520.
-, -, -, as the French Queen:—
-, almoner. See Denton, Dr. J.
-, chamberlain. See Berners, Lord.
-, master of Horse. See Blount, R.
-, treasurer. See Bensted, Sir E.
-, -, -, intended marriage with Charles, Prince of Castile, 1 (p. 2), 6 (pp. 4, 5), 23–4, 30–1, 38–9, 49, 65, 84, 98, 130, 162 (p. 85), 276, 325 (2), 377, 507, 527, 592, 793 (p. 428), 1050, 1557, 1559, 1866, 2038 ii., 2083, 2164, 2198, 2250, 2254, 2355, 2366, 2370, 2374, 2378, 2421, 2445, 2464, 2496, 2573, 2609–10, 2633, 2656, 2682, 2704, 2744, 2756, 2768, 2779, 2797, 2811, 2841, 2849, 2867–8, 2877, 2894, 2924, 2941 (p. 1272), 2945, 2963, 2972, 2982, 3003, 3009, 3018 (p. 1302), 3024, 3041, 3043, 3089, 3095, 3101, 3104, 3109, 3139, 3174, 3210, 3220, 3240, 3243 ii., 3245, 3257, 3263, 3268, 3271, 3282, 3298–9, 3339, 3482, 3593:—App. 5, 10:—g. 2222 (13).
-, -, -, -, declaration touching, 2366, 2374.
-, -, -, -, description of the espousals, 6 (p. 5).
-, -, -, -, sends a ring to Charles, 130.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Emperor Maximilian, 2164, 2250.
-, -, -, jewellery for, 2656 (5).
-, -, -, proposed household for, 2656 (4).
-, -, -, servants of, 20 (p. 17), 2656 (6):—g. 190 (1), 519 (15), 1462 (29), 1662 (41), 3324 (8, 12, 14, 18, 36, 39), 3499 (20, 59), 3582 (22).
-, -, -, other references, 20 (pp. 11, 16–7), 82, 162, 202, 224 (2), 237, 471, 474, 594, 629, 639, 678, 724, 796, 806, 877n., 976, 1027, 1086, 1115, 1125, 1165, 1286, 1446, 1700, 2131, 2465, 2487, 2654, 2692, 2704, 3018, 3041, 3101, 3109, 3268.

Mary, sister of Prince Charles, to marry the son of the King of Hungary, 724, 1351, 2291, 2521, 2748, 2849, 2867n.

Maryculter (Maricult), in Scotland, 1263.

Mary Knowl (Knoll), Salop [near Ludlow], g. 1948 (26).

Marynex. See Marnix.

Maryng, Linc. See Mareham.

Maryng, Walter, g. 969 (38).

Maryot. See Marriott.

Marzen, Lady. See Mârston.

Masagrosa. See Massagrosa.

Masconnois. See Mâconnais.

Mashbury (Meshebury), Essex, 438 (3 m. 19).

Mashon. See Messian.

Maskelsbury (Mascallesbury, Makerelsbury), Essex, g. 289 (17).

Masking. See Revels.

Mason, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 4).
-, - (Masoyn, Mayson), John, 109, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 26).
-, -, John, rector of St. John, in Cornwall, g. 632 (48).
-, -, Ric., g. 3226 (7).
-, -, Wm., 438 (2 m. 29), 579, 875, 2439.
-, -, Wm., LL.D., rector of West Deeping, 438 (1 m. 18).

Masons, 438 (2 mm. 5, 22), 438 (4 mm. 11, 27).

Massagrosa (Masagrosa), Mauro de, merchant of Lucca, g. 2964 (82), 3107 (5).

Masse, Margaret. See Mars.

Masses, saying of, 1, 20 (3–5), 105, 633.

Masseworth. See Marsworth.

Massey, Eliz., g. 833 (25).

Massingberd,—, App. 22.

Massingham (Marsyngham) Magna, Norf., 2671:—g. 357 (31).
-, -, priory or hospital of, g. 357 (31).

Massingham Parva, Norf., 438 (1 m. 2 bis), 438 (3 mm. 5, 11).

Massu, Alex., sackbut, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42).

Massue, Guillaume de, French prisoner, p. 928.

Massy, Henry, 2049.
-, -, Ralph, p. 1542.
-, -, Th., 2537:—g. 2137 (23).
-, -, Wm., 2049.

Mastaing, François de, grand bailli of Ghent, 2082.

Master, Peter, purser, 2305 iii.

Master of the Rolls. See Young, J.

Masthorp or Mastorpe. See Marunsthorpe.

Maston, Th., 20 (p. 15).

Mastrik. See Maestricht.

Masts and spars, 1116–7.

Masworth. See Marsworth.

Matching (Machyn), Essex, g. 289 (16).

Mathan. See Matrei.

Matharn, Wm., prb. of Neasdon [in St. Paul's], 595.

Mathern, Monm., 438 (2 m. 14).

Mathewe, Alex., 438 (4 m. 1).
-, -, Chr., g. 1836 (18).
-, -, David, 438 (4 m. 21).
-, -, Henry, prior of Ellerton, g. 519 (39).
-, -, Hugh, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39).
-, -, Jane, 438 (1 m. 25).
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 10):—p. 1505:—g. 1123 (58).
-, -, John, alderman, 438 (2 m. 22).
-, -, Margaret, widow, 438 (2 m. 22).
-, - (Matheu), Rob., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 22):—p. 1541:—g. 257 (49), 2484 (9), 3499 (12).
-, -, Th., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 5).
-, -, Th., gentleman harbinger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 2058.
-, -, Wm., 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 1836 (18).
-, -, Sir Wm., App. 26.

Mathews (Mathows, Mathowys), John, 438 (4 m. 27):—g. 3049 (14).

Mathieson (Mathesone), Andrew, 1543.
-, - (Matheson), George, 1270.
-, - (Matisoun, Mathesoun), John, 1269, 1542.
-, - (Matesoun), Nich., 586.

Mathon (Mathom), Worc., rectory appropriated, g. 1221 (40).

Matisoun. See Mathieson.

Matlock (Matloke), Derb., rector of, 438 (2 m. 5).

Matoke. See Mattok.

Matras, Rob., 1313.

Matravers. See Maltravers.

Matrei (Mathan), near Innspruck, letter dated at, 818.

Matston, Th., p. 1537.

Mattersey (Maresia), Notts, priory, 438 (3 m. 15).

Matthew,—, 2268.
-, -, Edward, g. 2772 (64).

Mattishall, Norf., g. 289 (13).

Mattok (Matoke), Nic., 438 (3 m. 11), 2738.

Matyrdale, Kath., g. 1494 (21 A.).

Mauchell. See Machell.

Maud, Empress, wife of the Emperor Henry V., daughter of Henry I. and mother of Henry II., g. 54 (12), 414 (75), 519 (45).

Maudelyn (Maudelen, Mawedeleyn), John, 438 (1 m. 3).

Mauesyn Rydware. See Ridware.

Maughen (Mawhen), Th., 438 (2 m. 16).

Maugiron, M., 470.

Mauguarsfeld. See Mangotsfield.

Maulden (Maldon), Beds, 438 (2 m. 30).

Maulevrier (Maleverer), Comte de. See Bresze, L. de.

Mauliverer. See Maleverer.

Maumeshan, Monsha or Maunesyn, Chr. de, French prisoner, 2172 bis:—p. 928.

Mauncefed. See Mansfield.

Mauncell (Mauncyll), John, 438 (1 m. 7), 1493 ii.:—g. 3226 (27).
-, - (Mancell), Rice, shop captain, 1727, 2304 (5):—g. 3049 (20).

Maunesyn. See Maumeshan.

Maunger (Manger), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 2).
-, -, Rob., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40).

Maunsell or Maunsill, Heref. See Mansel Lacy.

Maunsfeld or Maunsfyld. See Mansfield.

Mauntell. See Mantell.

Maurice, a messenger of Erasmus, 1200, 2223.

Maurice. See Morice.

Maurienne (Murryen) [Louis de Gorrevod], bp. of, 1182, 1293.

Mautravers. See Maltravers.

Maverell, George, g. 2484 (17).

Mawarden. See Marden.

Mawdeleyns, Herts, 438 (2 m. 31).

Mawdesley, Gilbert, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42):—g. 804 (39).

Mawdyt, Humphrey, 2968 (5).

Mawedeleyn. See Maudelyn.

Mawgan (St. Maugan, St. Mangany), in Pyder, Cornw., g. 1524 (35).
-, -, rector of, 438 (4 m. 12).

Mawhen. See Maughen.

Mawlmesey. See Malmeseye.

Mawlyng. See Malling.

Mawmesbury. See Malmesbury.

Mawncye, John, p. 1515.

Mawreden or Mawrreden. See Marden.

Maxe, Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41).

Maxey (Makesey, Maxhey), Ntht., g. 132 (59), 158 (22), 257 (32), 833 (25), 969 (67), 2055 (43), 3226 (7).

Maxfeld or Maxfild, Chesh. See Macclesfield.

Maxfelde, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 5).

Maximilian, Duke. See Sforza.

MAXIMILIAN, KING OF THE ROMANS, commonly styled EMPEROR, 5, 6 (p. 6), 9 (p. 7), 24, 30–1, 49, 83–4, 90, 113, 130, 135, 140, 147, 154, 162 (pp. 83–4), 165, 167, 169, 189, 192, 196, 220, 240, 253, 260–1, 264, 266–7, 274, 319–20, 323, 325, 328–30, 333–6, 345, 354–5, 365, 382–3, 385, 387, 389–90, 393, 395, 398, 401–2, 408, 412–3, 417, 421, 430, 432, 455, 463, 470, 476, 483, 493, 508, 522, 525, 529, 536, 554, 557, 565, 570, 579, 601, 636, 645, 681, 695, 702, 705, 708, 739, 741, 753, 756, 759, 773, 776–7, 779–80, 785, 788, 793, 809, 812 ii., 813, 816, 818, 829, 838, 850–1, 858, 860, 867, 871, 880, 889, 892, 895–6, 906, 917, 933, 942, 965, 977, 983, 1000–1, 1007, 1013, 1020, 1039, 1051, 1101–2, 1104, 1119, 1126–7, 1138, 1146–7, 1157, 1178, 1183, 1196, 1204, 1213–4, 1229, 1237, 1241, 1245, 1250, 1252, 1258, 1268, 1276, 1277 passim, 1279, 1288–9, 1291, 1293, 1301 passim, 1303–4, 1306–9, 1311–12, 1321–2, 1326 (p. 615), 1334–5, 1338, 1344–5, 1350, 1352–3, 1357, 1362, 1364, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1386, 1389, 1394, 1404, 1417, 1421, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1434, 1436, 1439–40, 1447–9, 1456, 1461, 1468–9, 1476, 1481, 1488–9, 1492, 1519, 1521, 1534, 1554–5, 1557–8, 1566, 1568, 1574, 1586 ii., 1591 (2), 1594, 1615, 1628, 1637, 1641, 1647 (pp. 742–3), 1658–9, 1665 (pp. 763–6), 1670, 1676, 1677 (p. 770), 1697, 1699, 1721–4, 1736–9, 1743, 1749–51, 1764, 1769, 1781, 1790–2, 1794, 1813, 1824, 1837, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1868, 1877, 1884–5, 1887–8, 1892, 1895–6, 1899, 1909, 1916–7, 1922, 1933–4, 1937, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1993, 1999 (3), 2002–3, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2022, 2028, 2038, 2040–1, 2056, 2063, 2067–8, 2069, 2073–4, 2077, 2079, 2082–3, 2086, 2101, 2106, 2113–5, 2122–4, 2128, 2132, 2139, 2144, 2147, 2154, 2158–60, 2164, 2166, 2168–9, 2170–1, 2173, 2177–8, 2180, 2182–4, 2189, 2195, 2200–5, 2208–10, 2212, 2214, 2225, 2227, 2229–30, 2233, 2237, 2242 (1, 2), 2245, 2250–1, 2254 i., iii., 2255, 2258–9, 2262–5, 2267, 2271–3, 2276, 2278, 2281, 2285, 2287, 2289–90, 2292, 2294 (2), 2299, 2307, 2311, 2328–9, 2341, 2345, 2355, 2360, 2362, 2366, 2368, 2372–3, 2377–8, 2380, 2389, 2391 (pp. 1059–62), 2392 (p. 1063), 2393, 2397, 2411, 2421, 2445–6, 2448, 2452, 2456, 2462, 2466, 2475, 2483, 2486, 2493, 2495–6, 2502, 2516, 2519, 2523–5, 2532, 2554, 2565–8, 2572–3, 2577, 2582–5, 2588, 2592, 2597, 2600–2, 2609, 2611, 2613–15, 2632–3, 2645, 2650, 2654, 2656, 2665–6, 2672, 2673 (2), 2678, 2682, 2689–90, 2694–7, 2705, 2707, 2710, 2724–5, 2736, 2743–5, 2749, 2752–3, 2755, 2770, 2773, 2777, 2784, 2790, 2797, 2800, 2812, 2815, 2823, 2852, 2855, 2857–60, 2864, 2867–8, 2876–8, 2889, 2894, 2908, 2915, 2921, 2924–5, 2928, 2940–1, 2945, 2969, 2982, 2985, 2992, 3008–9, 3014, 3041, 3051–2, 3061, 3070, 3080, 3086, 3089, 3093, 3106, 3109–10, 3126, 3141, 3145, 3150, 3153, 3160, 3163, 3172–3, 3192, 3206, 3210, 3214, 3218, 3235, 3237, 3245, 3248, 3253, 3257, 3264, 3268, 3270 ii., 3271, 3274, 3282, 3298–9, 3315, 3327, 3331, 3339–40, 3345, 3362, 3380, 3392, 3400, 3405, 3407, 3457, 3462, 3519, 3525, 3527, 3541, 3556, 3585, 3591–3:—App. 3, 6, 10:—g. 1524 (39), 2684 (34, 88).
-, -, -, letters from, 49, 130, 196, 222, 276, 366, 377, 445, 458, 507, 515, 527, 545, 557, 562, 564, 576, 590, 621, 627–8, 646, 650, 669, 724, 769, 783, 866, 899, 943, 966, 991, 1095, 1203, 1242, 1253, 1351, 1381, 1383, 1388, 1438, 1491, 1520, 1569, 1588, 1607, 1612, 1631–2, 1636, 1639, 1679–80, 1779, 1822, 1826, 1856, 1867, 1897, 1925, 1977, 1996, 2021, 2070, 2076, 2091, 2103, 2129, 2194, 2370, 2526, 2528, 2563, 2571, 2794, 2895:—App. 7.
-, -, -, letters to, 14, 446, 517, 547, 667, 690, 819, 831–2, 856, 884, 919, 1186, 1215, 1278, 1280, 1339, 1400, 1426, 1437, 1452, 1455, 1470, 1487, 1498, 1516, 1609, 1718, 1831, 1833, 2174–5, 2300, 2339, 2367, 2369, 2408, 2472–4, 2521, 2533, 2564, 2614, 2646, 2676, 2701, 2705, 2748, 2756, 2768–9, 2849, 2963, 2976, 2994, 3018, 3027, 3047, 3079, 3103.
-, -, -, ambassadors to, 1000, 2445.
-, Danish, 2755, 2790.
-, English, 325 (p. 147), 430, 450, 476, 527, 1000. See Wingfield, Sir Robert.
-, - (Young, Boleyn and Sir Rob. Wingfield—for letters from them, see under their names), 1196, 1203, 1214, 1278, 1280, 1309, 1311, 1334, 1383, 1400, 1437, 1469, 1498, 1516, 1520, 1554.
-, French, 432, 773, 1000, 1226, 1241:—App. 11. See La Guiche.
-, Hungarian, 568, 3080, 3172.
-, Lorraine, 2577.
-, Milanese. See Castelle Novate.
-, Navarrese, 1000.
-, Papal legate, 2048, 2493, 2517, 2523 ii.
-, Papal nuncio, 1000, 1101, 2292, 2448 (p. 1082). See Grimaldi. A. de; Campeggio, L.; a nephew of Julius II., 780; Areniti, C.
-, Polish, 3080.
-, Russian, 3080.
-, Spanish (of Aragon), 329, 432, 515, 517, 568, 590, 777 (p. 415), 780, 818, 895, 1000, 1101, 1226. See also Haro and Urea.
-, Spanish envoy, 1636.
-, Venetian, 2448 (p. 1083), 2572, 2577, 2690.
-, -, -, his chamberer, p. 1516.
-, -, -, his chancellor, 773, 1000, 3248.
-, -, -, commission by, 1721 iii.
-, -, -, coronation (intended) at Rome, 515, 646, 783, 793.
-, -, -, his confirmation of the Treaty of Lille, 2446.
-, -, -, his councillors, 476, 773, 785, 1000, 1301 (p. 597), 1555, 1884, 2010, 2597, 2601, 2915, 2945, 3103, 3150.
-, -, -, groom of his chamber (two), 2106.
-, -, -, death of his Empress [31 Dec. 1510], 669.
-, -, -, -, to marry again, 724, 866.
-, -, -, German account of his meeting with Henry VIII., 2173.
-, -, -, his harbinger or maître d'hotel captured by the Gueldrois, 1288, 1321.
-, -, -, his master of Horse, 2945:—p. 1274.
-, -, -, his master of the Posts. See Taxis, B. de.
-, -, -, his nephew (i.e. grandsons). See Charles and Ferdinand.
-, -, -, offers Henry the Roman crown and vicariat of the Empire 2925, 2992.
-, -, -, payments to, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2070, 2145, 2196, 2220, 2232, 2272, 2285, 2334, 2748–9, 2815, 2894, 2976, 2985, 2992, 3014, 3027, 3109:—p. 1516:—g. 2055 (132).
-, -, -, presents Henry VIII. with a cross-bow, 1388, 1452.
-, -, -, receives money from France, 3110.
-, -, -, treaties with England, 148, 196, 592, 1486.
-, -, -, treaties with Ferdinand of Aragon, 274, 325, 329 (pp. 148–50, 152), 345, 385, 1486.
-, -, -, treaty with France (17 Nov. 1510), 614, 674.
-, -, -, treaties with Julius II., 1486 i., ii., 1519 (p. 703), 1522, 1575, 1628, 1665 (p. 764), 1737, 1741, 1854, 1999 (3).
-, -, -, treaty with the Swiss, 695, 1051.
-, -, -, vice-chancellor, 2010.

Maxson, Th., 20 (p. 13):—g. 94 (75), 132 (63).

Maxstoke, Warw., priory of, 438 (2 m. 7).
-, -, -, Wm. prior of, 438 (2 m. 7).

Maxwell, John lord, slain at Flodden. 1983, 2246 (4), 2313:—g. 448 (1).
-, -, Robert lord (1513), son of the preceding, 1983, 2461, 2973.

Maxworth. See Marsworth.

May, Walter, prior of St. Denis by Southampton, g. 218 (47), 2222 (16 Southampton).
-, -, Wm., g. 1365 (17).

Maya, in Navarre, 1320, 1327.

Maydenton. See Maddington.

Maye, Walter, g. 1221 (41).

Mayence. See Mentz.

Mayewe. See Mayhew.

Mayfield, grants dated at, g. 563 (2, 3).

Mayfield (Maghfeld, Mafeld), Ric., 438 (2 m. 13).

Mayhew (Mayewe), Ric., bp. of Hereford, almoner to Henry VII., late president of Magdalen College, Oxford, 20 (p. 16), 205, 438 (3 m. 16), 963, 1176 (3), 3464:—pp. 1537–8, 1542, 1546:—g. 546 (29).
-, -, Ric., his pedigree, g. 1462 (27).
-, - (Mayve, Mayoe, Mayhve), Th., 438 (4 m. 14).

Maymond or Meymond, Wm., p. 1513.

Maynard. Agnes, wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 18).
-, -, John, 1493 ii.:—g. 11 (10).
-, -, John, painter, 307.
-, -, Th., 361, 438 (2 m. 18), 1663:—g. 1948 (43).
-, - (Maynerd), Vincent, 438 (1 m. 17).

Mayncell, Th., of Shropshire, 438 (2 m. 32).

Mayne, preceptory of St. John, 591.

Mayne, Eliz. and Th., g. 632 (18).

Maynell. See Meynell.

Mayo, Simon, 853.
-, -, Wm., 82 (p. 39).

Mayorete. See Majorete.

Mayow (Mayre), Th., minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42).

Mayre, Lambert, p. 1520.
-, -, Ric., yeoman of the Ewery, marriage gift to, 1023.
-, -, Th. See Mayow.

Mayreld. See Meryll.

Mayrflete. See Marfleet.

Mayrryng. See Marshfield.

Mayson. See Mason.

Measures, sizing of, 78.

Meath, bp. of. See Rockeby, Wm.; Inge, Hugh (1512).
-, -, diocese of, p. 1524.

Meatham. See Metham.

Meaulevrier, Comte de. See Bresze, L. de.

Meautis (Mewtes, Mewtys, Meawtis), John, sewer or esquire for the Body, French secretary, clerk of the Council in the Star Chamber, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42), 84, 2042, 3502:—p. 1541:—g. 11 (12), 218 (44), 257 (13, 37, 93), 682 (2), 731 (27–8), 1462 (26), 3107 (22), 3324 (41).
-, -, -, signature, 1452, 2042, 2699, 2728:—g. 257 (37).

Meaux abbey, Yorks, John abbot of, g. 158 (91).

Meaux, John (temp. Edw. III.), g. 1836 (11).

Meavy (Mewy), Devon, g. 784 (47).

Mecca (Motica), 1190.

Mechlin (Malines, Makyll, Machelyn, Malyns, Meghlen, Makelyn, Maclyn, Meklyn, Maghlyn), in Flanders, 83 (p. 45), 324, 592, 724n., 785, 1183, 1265, 1353, 1424, 1448, 1463 VI., 1492, 1529, 1566, 1768, 2113, 2147, 2220, 2337, 2404 bis, 2478 (2), 2670, 2673, 2736, 2797, 2809, 2812, 2831, 2867, 2877, 2963, 2972, 3041, 3109, 3338, 3432, 3457, 3473:—pp. 1510, 1513, 1515.
-, -, letters dated at, 681, 706, 1101, 1357, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1487, 1498, 1500, 1551, 1554, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1599, 1630, 1670, 1676, 1683, 1693, 1697, 1699, 1700, 1721, 1743, 1745, 1749–50, 1763, 2515, 2521, 2532, 2672, 2694, 2705, 2756, 2776–7, 2779, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2849, 2867–8, 2894, 2905, 2908, 2924, 2940, 3235, 3245.
-, -, Council of, 1721.

Mechyfuychy, co. Carm., 438 (1 m. 14). Medd-y-Bythych ?

Meddelham. See Middleham.

Mede (Meede), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6).

Medeburne, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17).

Medel. See Middle.

Medeley. See Medley.

Medgate, Walter. See Mitford.

Medhurst. See Midhurst.

Medici (Medicis), the Florentine family, 1738, 2069.
-, -, John de, cardinal de (elected Pope 9 March 1513), 965, 1301 (p. 595), 1677. For later references see Leo X.
-, -, Julian de, brother of Leo X., 1301 (p. 595), 1781, 2016, 2038, 2242, 2292, 2343, 2639–40, 2644, 2659, 2794, 2838, 2887, 2928 (p. 1266), 3009, 3021, 3051, 3338 (?), 3547, 3581.
-, -, -, letters from, 2343, 3395.
-, -, Julius de, Cardinal (23 Sept. 1513), "protector" of England, 2320, 2639–42, 2644, 2653, 2658–9, 2890, 3021, 3197, 3203, 3496.
-, -, -, letters from, 2320, 2642, 2653, 2890, 3076, 3301, 3322.
-, -, Lorenzo de, letter to, 2816.
-, -, Raphael de, merchant of Florence, 2253.

Medicus, Mr., a Spanish surgeon, 2575 ii.

Medilborght. See Middelburg.

Medilton, Hants. See Milton.

Medina del Campo, in Spain, 329 (p. 151), 1326 (p. 617), 1689 (pp. 772, 775), 1736, 1854.
-, -, letters dated at, 1650, 1665, 1667, 1751, 3093, 3581.

Mediterranean Sea, 1005.

Medley. See Methley.

Medley (Meddeley), Benedict, g. 1221 (20).
-, - (Metheley, Medelay), Chr., 1118:—g. 1494 (18), 1948 (94), 2222 (12).
-, -, -, letter from, 1118.
-, - (Medeley), George, of the Staple, 1497, 2833:—pp. 1507–8:—g. 2684 (31), 2772 (41).
-, -, Margaret widow of William, 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 1221 (20).
-, - (Medeley), Wm., 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 1221 (20).

Medmenham, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 29):—g. 2137 (5).
-, -, abbey, 438 (2 m. 30).
-, -, -, abbot. See Kingsley, H.
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 1462 (24).

Medope. See Middop.

Medryngham. See Metheringham.

Medula, Dr. François, a Neapolitan, ambassador from Louis XII. to Flanders and the Emperor, 1241, 1252, 1309, 1311 (p. 602), 1339, 1351.

Medway, the river, g. 2964 (10).

Medyelton. See Middleton.

Medylscogh. See Middlescough.

Meede. See Mede.

Meelton. See Middleton; also Melton.

Meeriell. See Merell.

Meesden (Meseden), Herts, 1626.

Meese, Wm., g. 3226 (7).

Meghen (Magius), Peter, the "one eyed," 890, 958.

Meghlen. See Mechlin.

Megson, Th., g. 1602 (9).

Megynall. See Migenall.

Meifod (Myvot, Meyvot), in St. Asaph's dioc., g. 2422 (15).
-, -, rector presented, g. 381 (9).

Meilltyrn (Madryn), co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19).
-, -, Th. ap John [of], 438 (1 m. 19).

Mejorada convent, in Spain, 1999 (3).

Mekarrygh, Dermot, clk., p. 1523.

Mekenes, James, a Scot, 2438.

Meklyn. See Mechlin.

Mel, Wm. de, rector of Ham Preston, p. 1521.

Melan. See Milan.

Melaton. See Milton.

Melbourne (Meldeburn), Camb., 438 (3 m. 17), 1803 (2 m. 2).

Melbourne (Milbourne), Derb., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8).

Melbourne,—, g. 2222 (16 London).

Melbury Sampford (M. Samford), Dors., 438 (4 m. 11).

Melchbourne (Melcheburne), Beds, 438 (2 m. 27).
-, -, preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15).

Melchet (Milchet, Melchuyt) forest or wood, Wilts [in Alderbury], 438 (3 m. 30):—g. 381 (75), 447 (25), 651 (4).

Melcombe Regis, Dors., confirmation of charters, g. 1494 (20).

Melcombe Turges, Dors., g. 2964 (72).

Melcote. See Milcote.

Meldreth (Meldrede, Melreght, Milreth), Camb., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 17, 19).

Meleman, Henry, of the Steelyard, 2832 v., vi.

Melengose. See Millingoos.

Melenneth or Melennnyth. See Maelenydd.

Meles (Ameles), John, 438 (3 m. 20).

Meleton. See Milton.

Melete. See Millet.

Melford, Long- (Longmelford), Suff., 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 9, 32), 438 (4 mm. 14, 25).

Melford, John, abbot of Bury St. Edmonds (April 1513), g. 1836 (6), 2222 (16 Suff.), 3049 (27).

Melksham (Mikkesham, Milkesham), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 15):—g. 94 (35).

Meller. See Miller.

Mellers, Agnes, widow, g. 1494 (46).

Melling. See Malling.

Mellis (Melles), Suff., rector presented, g. 833 (49).

Mellis, John, 438 (4 m. 18).

Mellours. See Miller.

Mells (Myllys), Soms., 438 (3 m. 31).

Mellum, Hue de, of the Order of the Toison d'Or, 1793.

Mellun, Mellan or Melyn, Gabriel de, French prisoner, 2172:—p. 928.

Mellyn (Millyn), Erkinwald, friar, 438 (4 m. 13).

Mellyngton or Melynton. See Millington.

Melory. See Malory.

Melrose (Marros, Dymilios) abbey, in Scotland, 300, 638, 656:—p. 1521.
-, -, abbot of, 638, 1538.

Melsonby (Melsambe), Yorks, g. 731 (16).

Meltham (Meltam), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6).

Meltham, Rob., g. 749 (28).

Melton, Norf., 438 (2 m. 9).
-, -, rector of, 438 (1 m. 11).

Melton Mowbray (M. Mounbray), Leic., 438 (2 m. 26), 438 (4 mm. 1, 13).

Melton, Anthony, abbot of Hayles, 438 (3 m. 20).
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 1003 (11).
-, -, John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 12), 698, 1057, 1176 (1, 4), 1493 ii., 1496, 1593, 2480 (30):—p. 1513:—App. 9.
-, -, -, signature, 698.
-, -, Margaret, 438 (3 m. 11).
-, - (Meelton), Wm., 438 (3 m. 19).

Melun, prothonotary of, bp. elect of Arras, 1344.

Melun, Seigneur de, 445–6.

Melyn, G. de. See Mellun.

Membrilla (Membrelia), Comendador de. See Fuensalida.

Memland (Memynglond, Mamlona, Memlond), Devon, 438 (1 m. 12).

Memmingen, in Germany, 1352.

Memynglond. See Memland.

Mena, Lope de, 2132.

Menart, Joan, widow of Wm. M., a Breton, g. 158 (21).

Mendham, Suff., 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 16), 1803 (1 m. 4).
-, -, Herst priory, 438 (4 m. 10).
-, -, -, prior. See Bullok, T.

Mendham, John, canon of Butley, g. 132 (76).

Mendip (Myndip) Forest, Soms., g. 94 (35).

Mendlesham, Suff., g. 1524 (6).

Mendoza, Luis Hurtado (Furtado) de, son of the count of Tendilla, letters to, 1902, 2072, 2127, 2267, 2299, 2379, 2398, 2456, 2595, 2697, 2707, 2982, 3089, 3334, 3435, 3451, 3482, 3581.

Menefrede. See St. Minver.

Menell. See Marnhull.

Menfeld, Rob., 20 (p. 17).

Menge, Frederic de, g. 1365 (18).

Menheniot (Menhynet, Maheneot), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 604 (32).

Menteith, Sir Wm., of Kers, 2461.

Mentz (Mayence), in Germany, 1481.

Mentz (Magunce, Mayence), [Uriell of Gemmingen], archbp. elector of, 2010, 2448.
-, -, abp. of, 2755. See Brandenburg, Albert of.

Menzies (Menzeys), David, 2407.
-, - (Menzes), Gilbert, provost of Aberdeen, 2461.

Meppershall (Mepsale), Beds, 438 (3 m. 18).

Mepsale. See Meppershall.

Merable (Merrabull, &c.), Th., 438 (3 m. 20).

Merberye or Merbury. See Marbury.

Mercellus. See La More, M. de.

Mercer, Richard, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5).
-, -, Th., 1905.

Mercerot. See Cantepye, J. de.

Mercers and merchants, passim.

Merchant Adventurers, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 mm. 11, 12), 438 (4 mm. 10, 25, 27), 1463 vii., 1803 (2 m. 2), 1891 (2), 1982 (3):—p. 1503.
-, -, governor of. See clifford, J.
-, -, dispute with Staplers, 1032.

Merchaund. See Marchaund.

Merchemstoun, James, 108, 662, 664.

Merchens, Barth., 484.

Mercheston or Merchinston, James, clk., a Scot, pp. 1522, 1524.

Mercurio or Mercurius. See Bua.

Merden, Ric., prior of St. Oswalds, Nostell, g. 709 (11).

Mere (Mire), Wilts, 438 (1 mm. 13, 22), 438 (4 m. 17,? "Myre"):—g. 54 (26).

Mere (Mire), John or Robert, abbot of Sherborne, 308, 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 4).

Meredith, Owen, g. 969 (45).
-, -, Philip, g. 2535 (26).

Merell, Edward, clk., g. 218 (59), 381 (108).
-, - (Meryell), Harry, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41).
-, - (Meeriell), Henry, student at Oxford, g. 449 (1).
-, - (Meryll, Mareld, Mayreld), Richard, 438 (3 m. 18).

Merevale (Miravale), Warw., abbey, 1803 (2 m. 6).
-, -, -, John abbot of, 1803 (2 m. 6).
-, -, grant dated at, g. 924 (28).

Mereworth (Merworth, Marworth), Kent, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 26), 2179 (? "lord of Purgaynis").

Mergat. See Margate.

Meriden, Warw., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 24).

Meriell. See Merell.

Merigge, Soms., g. 257 (16).

Mering [in Girton], Notts, 438 (2 m. 4):—g. 1083 (46).

Mering, Th., pp. 1542, 1547:—g. 2222 (16 Yorks).
-, -, Sir Wm., marshal of Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 101–2), 438 (2 m. 4), 1493:—p. 1542:—g. 257 (12), 447 (31), 449 (19), 751 (2), 969 (48), 1083 (46), 1948 (94), 2222 (6, 16 Notts), 3499 (12).
-, -, Wm., of Meryng (temp. Edw. IV.), g. 1083 (46).

Merioneth (Meryonneth), in Wales, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 20):—g. 784 (45).

Merke. See under Calais.

Merland. See Morland.

Merlant (Merlans), Janin de, servant of d'Aymeries, 2995.

Merlar. See Marler.

Merleberg. See Marlborough.

Merler or Merlay. See Marler.

Merleynd. See Marland.

Merney. See Marney.

Merpole. See Marpool.

Merrabull. See Merable.

Merriot (Meriot), Soms., 438 (2 m. 4).

Mers. See Marsh.

Merschell. See Marischal.

Merse (Marshe), the, on the Scottish Border, 2390.

Merseley. See Marsley.

Mersh. See Marsh.

Merson. See Marson.

Mersse, Linc. See Marsh Chapel.

Merstham, Surr., 1803 (1 m. 1).

Merston. See Marston.

Merstrand. See Marstrand.

Merthall, Guise van, French prisoner, p. 928.

Merther (St. Marther), Cornw., g. 969 (18).

Merthwayt, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 22).

Merthyr (Merthyn) Mawr, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 25).

Mertoke. See Martock.

Merton, Chesh. See Marton.

Merton, Devon, 438 (2 m. 4).

Merton, Surr., priory, 438 (4 m. 14).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 2861 (1).
-, -, -, William prior of, 438 (4 m. 14):—g. 2222 (16 Surr.).

Merton, Wilts. See Marton.

Merton (surname). See Martin.

Mertynes. See Martinez.

Mervault, Jehan, Seigneur Dupont, 3383.

Mervyn (Merven), Hugh, 438 (1 m. 8).
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 969 (38).

Merwode. See Marwood.

Mery, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 3505.

Merycoke, John, 20 (p. 13).

Merydew, Ric., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40).

Meryell. See Merell.

Meryke, James, g. 2484 (30).
-, -, Owen, 2480 (63).

Meryll. See Merell.

Meryman, Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39).

Merzen, John. a Dutch ship master, 2694.

Mesa, Bernard de, bp. of Trinopoli, a Black friar, Spanish ambassador in France, 3035 (? "friar"), 3051, 3093, 3106, 3145, 3165, 3174; ambassador to England, 3570:—p. 1517.
-, -, -, letters to, 3093, 3591.

Meseden. See Meesden.

Meshe. See Marsh.

Meshebury. See Mashbury.

Mesnart, Martin, French notary, 3269 (3, 5, 7).

Mesopotamia, 766.

Messen (Myssyn. Mysyn, Messyn), Rob., 438 (4 m. 10).

Messenger, Allan, a Scot, g. 2684 (77).
-, -, Ayngell, p. 1548.
-, -, Ric., p. 1549.

Messian or Mashon, Th., 438 (2 m. 7).

Messing (Messynges), Essex, 438 (2 m. 21).

Messingham, Linc., 438 (2 m. 31).

Messingham, John, prior of St. Thomas by Stafford, 438 (2 m. 21).

Messynden. See Missenden.

Mestre and the Mestrino, in Italy, 2434.

Mestylden, Rob., surgeon, p. 1520.

Metcalf, Gilbert, g. 1602 (20).
-, - (Metchalfe), James, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 7):—g. 833 (41), 3499 (41).
-, -, John, clk., notary, 1355.
-, -, John and Roger, auditors, 1418:—g. 485 (58), 1804 (6).

Metelim. See Mytelene.

Meterson, John, g. 2964 (35).

Metford. See Mitford.

Metglay. See Methley.

Metham, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 11).

Metham (Metam, Methom, Meatham), Th. or Sir Th., 81, 438 (1 m. 11), 1363:—p. 1547:—g. 132 (32), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3).

Metheley (surname). See Medley.

Metheringham (Madringham, Medryngham), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11).

Methley (Metglay, Medley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 mm. 8, 9).

Methwold,—, 2413.
-, - (Metheolde), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13).

Mettingham (Metyngham), Suff., college of, 438 (1 m. 9).
-, -, -, master. See Weybred, R.

Metz, in Lorraine, 1813.

Metz, Hans, captain of Germans, 2657.

Meulx, Sir Wm., g. 833 (58 ii.).

Meuse (Mosa), the river, 2014.

Meute, Martin, captain of Germans, 2657.

Meuwenek. See Muwynyk.

Meux (Melsa, Mewes, Mewx) abbey. Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20).
-, -, abbot of, 2910:—g. 2222 (16 Hull).

Meux (Mewys), Th., 438 (2 m. 13).
-, - (Mewys, Mewis), Sir Wm., 438 (2 m. 13), 1661 (3).

Meverell, Nic., 438 (4 m. 15).

Mewekinghall. See Mucking Hall.

Mewes abbey. See Meux.

Mewese. See Muse.

Mewis. See Meux.

Mewtys. See Meautis.

Mewy. See Meavy.

Meycote, Rob., g. 2862 (7).

Meydecroft, Beds, g. 2330 (4).

Meymond. See Maymond.

Meynell (Maynell), Ric., g. 485 (43).

Meynours. See Mynours.

Meyvot. See Meifod.

Micault, Jean, receiver general of the Low Countries, 813.

Michael, Rob. See Michell.

Michaelmarsh (Mychelmarshe), Hants, 438 (4 m. 23).

Michaelstow (Mighelstowe), Cornw., rector presented, g. 2684 (38).

Micham. See Mitcham.

Michel, Jean, French prisoner, 2172.

Michel Badmyngton. See Badminton.

Michelham (Mechilham) priory, near Hailsham, Suss., 438 (3 m. 10).
-, -, prior. See West, J.

Michell (Mycholl),—, ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4).
-, - (Mighell), James, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39).
-, - (Michille), John, 438 (3 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 5 bis):—g. 11 (10), 1083 (39).
-, -, Rob., master mason of Berwick, g. 563 (11).
-, -, Robert, prior of St. Mary Overey, 438 (4 m. 25).
-, - (Michael), Rob., rector of Warbleton, p. 1525.
-, - (Mychell, Michill), Roger, 438 (1 m. 21).
-, -, Th., 438 (3 mm. 27, 34), 559:—g. 11 (10).
-, -, Th., S.T.P., vicar of Staverton, p. 1530.

Michelley. See Muchelney.

Michellis Bourgh. See St. Michael.

Michellwillyam, John, 1803 (2 m. 4).

Michelond. See Muchland.

Michmuich, Gerald, clk., p. 1525.

Micklethwaite, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23).

Micklewood (Mikelwode) chace, in Berkeley lordship, Glouc., g. 381 (84), 447 (27).

Micklow (Myklow, Mockelowe, Mikkelowe, Muklowe, Myclowe Mikelow), John, clerk-controller of the Household, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 12), 2540, 2833, 3144, 3348 (3), 3513 (3):—pp. 1505, 1507–8:—g. 804 (50), 2617 (31), 2772 (23, 41).
-, - (Mucklow), Wm., letter to, 2102.

Middelburg (Medilborght, Middylborowe, Myedyborowgh), in Zealand, 1693, 1797, 1923, 2009, 2478 (2), 2809.
-, -, letters dated at, 1694, 1891 (2), 2818.
-, -, letters to the senate, 661–2.
-, -, Scots at, 661–3.
-, -, prebend of, 2818.

Middelton Abbey. See Milton Abbas.

Middelton Erneys. See Milton Ernest.

Middelway, near Calais, 2483.

Midderst. See Midhurst.

Middes, W., prior of Beauvale, q.v.

Middle (Middill), Salop, 438 (2 m. 31).

Middlecot (Middelcote), Th., 438 (2 m. 5).

Middleham, in Germany. See Mindelheim.

Middleham (Meddelham, Middelham, Midlam), Yorks, 1149, 1418, 1803 (2 m. 3):—g. 94 (55, 68), 158 (54), 563 (10), 1462 (29), 1602 (20), 1804 (6).

Middlehope (Mydilhope), Salop, 2537.

Middlemore (Middelmore, Myddelmore), John, g. 11 (10), 289 (35).
-, - (Midilmore, Medelmore), Th., 438 (4 m. 11).
-, -, -, letter from, 1891 (2).

Middlescough (Medylscogh), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 7).

Middlesex, 205 (p. 106), 1409 (2), 1794, 2392:—g. 132 (10, 26), 381 (74), 833 (11), 1123 (23), 1170 (2), 1462 (38), 1662 (36), 1804 (28), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (17), 2617 (17), 2684 (79), 3408 (18).
-, -, commission of the peace, pp. 1540–1.

Middlesex, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 20).

Middleton, Dham., 438 (4 m. 22).

Middleton, Dors. See Milton Abbas.

Middleton (Middelton), Hants, g. 885 (13).

Middleton (Mittelton), Heref., 1803 (2 m. 6).

Middleton (Mydylton), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 12).

Middleton (Middelton), Norf., 438 (1 m. 25).

Middleton (Myddelton), Ntht., g. 1316 (15), 2617 (19).

Middleton (the "three Middiltons"), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5).

Middleton (Middelton), Suff., 438 (4 m. 18).

Middleton (Medelton) [Suss. ?], g. 3107 (35).

Middleton (Middilton), Warw., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 14).

Middleton (Medilton), Yorks, g. 1732 (1).

Middleton Cheney (M. Cheyneduyt), Ntht., rector of, 722.

Middleton George, Dham., 438 (2 m. 18).

Middleton Hall, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19).

Middleton in Lonsdale, Westmld., 438 (3 m. 32).

Middleton, Middle-, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19).

Middleton by Sittingbourne. See Milton.

Middleton Stoney (Midlyngton), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 30).

Middleton and Marden (Merden), hundred, &c., of, Kent, g. 54 (25, 72), 289 (10), 519 (23), 1083 (7), 1123 (9), 3499 (5).

Middleton (Myddylton), Agnes widow of Robert, 438 (4 m. 15).
-, - (Middelton), Anne d. and h. of Thomas, g. 2330 (5).
-, -, Chris., commissary of the Admiralty, g. 969 (4).
-, -, Edward, g. 969 (17).
-, - (Midelton, Middilton), Geoffrey, 309, 438 (3 m. 32).
-, -, Isabella widow of Nicholas, 438 (3 m. 15).
-, - (Middelton), Joan, 438 (3 m. 3).
-, - (Medilton, Meelton, &c.), 438 (3 mm. 6, 12):—g. 969 (38).
-, - (Midilton), John, spear of Calais, 2049.
-, - (Middelton), Sir John, g. 2684 (86).
-, -, Peter, g. 2535 (16).
-, -, Ric., chaplain, g. 94 (80).
-, -, Sir Robert, 438 (3 m. 10).
-, - (Middilton, Medyelton, Mideltowne), Th., 309, 438 (3 mm. 6, 10), 2443:—p. 1512:—g. 709 (22), 2684 (64).
-, - (Middelton), Sir Wm., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.).
-, - (Middilton), Wm., prior of Beauvale, 438 (2 m. 7).
-, -, -, letter from, 492.

Middop (Medope), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 25).

Midhurst, Suss. (Midderst, "Soms.," Midhirst, Medhurst), 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 3), 1803 (2 m. 1).

Midlam. See Middleham.

Midland Circuit (name not used in original, which simply names the counties, viz.: Northampton, Warwick, Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Lincoln, Rutland, the cities of Coventry and Lincoln, and town of Nottingham, or else the gaols), g. 94 (50), 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47), 833 (2), 1083 (20–1), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 2055 (8), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4), 3107 (55).

Midlyngton. See Middleton Stoney.

Midsomer Norton, Soms., 438 (4 m. 21).

Midwinter, Wm., 438 (3 m. 16).

Miens. See Amiens.

Migenall (Megynall, Mychenall), Wm., ship captain, 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2305, 2686, 2842, 2938:—p. 1518.

Mighell. See Michell.

Mighelstowe. See Michaelstow.

Mihelton, Nic., 2049.

Mikelow. See Micklow.

Mikelwode. See Micklewood.

Mikkesham. See Melksham.

Miklow. See Micklow.

Milan (Melan, Milleyn), city, 9 (p. 7), 140, 162 (p. 85), 432, 536, 570, 675 ii., 753, 759, 777 (p. 415), 816, 983, 1007, 1071 (p. 518), 1127 (p. 539), 1220, 1277, 1301 (pp. 595–7), 1312, 1697, 1699, 1988, 1993, 2006 (p. 908), 2022, 2029, 2038, 2107, 2198, 2864, 2891, 2965, 2970, 2975, 3014 ii., 3245, 3462:—g. 3107 (27), 3582 (19).
-, -, letters dated at, 111, 138, 732–3, 1277 (p. 587), 1368, 1568, 2183, 2352, 2452, 2464, 2619, 2758, 3537.
-, -, abbey of St. Ambrose, 2619, 3022, 3069.
-, -, ambassadors of the Emperor and Spain expected, 733.
-, -, cardinals at. See Cardinals, schismatic.
-, -, castle, 1301 (p. 598), 1312, 1345, 1358, 1568, 1637, 1647, 1697, 1917, 1988, 2020, 2056, 2309, 2452, 2462, 2532, 3014 ii., 3043.
-, -, -, French castellan, 1277 (p. 586).
-, -, cathedral, 1312, 1344.
-, -, Cistercians of, 2975.

Milan, archbishopric, 1277 (pp. 585–6).

Milan, Duchy of, 167, 278, 319, 522, 529, 568, 572, 783, 867, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1147, 1257 (2), 1277 (pp. 587–8), 1301 passim, 1309, 1321–2, 1344 (p. 625), 1352, 1417, 1447, 1469, 1519 (p. 703), 1559, 1575, 1647, 1665 (p. 764), 1867, 1884, 1892, 1899, 1917, 1952–3, 1996, 2016, 2038, 2079, 2086, 2122, 2154, 2157, 2242 (2), 2267, 2271, 2462, 2475, 2486, 2495, 2523, 2554, 2577, 2583, 2665, 2670, 2710, 2744–5, 2762 (2), 2770, 2791, 2797, 2860, 2869, 2887, 2928, 2957, 3039, 3051, 3081, 3105–6, 3110, 3117, 3145, 3150, 3235, 3237, 3245, 3256, 3298, 3369, 3405, 3407, 3424 (p. 1442), 3477, 3519, 3531, 3533, 3556, 3591:—g. 2055 (91).
-, -, Great Master. See Chaumont; also Foix.
-, -, -, excommunicated, 613.
-, -, Parliament of, president, 1204.

Milan, duke of. See Sforza, Ludovico.

Milan, Isabel duchess of, widow of John Galeazzo Sforza, and her daughter, Bona, afterwards Queen of Poland, 2292.

Milan (Myllen), Alexe of, painter, p. 1502.

Milanese armourers, p. 1496.
-, - harness, 2843.
-, - merchant, p. 1496.

Milaton, Cecilia, prioress of Polslow, 438 (3 m. 12).

Milborne Port (Milbone Port), Soms., 438 (4 mm. 6, 7, 24):—g. 2330 (4).

Milborne Week (Wyke), Soms., 438 (4 m. 6).

Milborne, Henry, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 30).
-, -, John, 438 (4 m. 25), 2467.

Milbourne. See Melbourne.

Milburn (Milbourn), Westmld., 438 (4 m. 7).

Milchet. See Melchet.

Milcote (Melcote), Warw. [in Weston upon Avon], 822, 1803 (1 m. 4):—g. 449 (15).

Mildenhall (Mildenhale), Suff., 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 546 (17).

Mildenhall, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17).

Mile End, by Colchester, 438 (3 m. 18).

Mileto, Benedict de, p. 1524.

Miliis, Aloysius de, 1071 (p. 517).

Milkesham. See Melksham.

Mill (Mull, Mille), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 34):—p. 1543.
-, -, Ralph, 438 (2 m. 29).
-, -, Wm., an idiot, g. 414 (33).

Millbrook (Milbroke), Hants, g. 833 (69).

Milleneth. See Maelynydd.

Miller, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 30).
-, - (Milner), John, King's embroiderer, 1785.
-, -, Nic., 438 (4 m. 27).
-, -, Ric., 1803 (2 m. 3).
-, - (Meller, Myllar, Mylner, Mellour, Mellours, Meller), Th., 438 (1 m. 21 bis), 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 9).
-, - (Meller), Wm., 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 3).

Millers, 438 (2 mm. 12, 21, 23, 32), 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 mm. 18, 28), 1803 (mm. 2, 6):—g. 3499 (3).

Millery, Eliz., widow of Wm., 438 (4 m. 3).

Milles, John, 438 (4 m. 27):—g. 11 (10), 289 (35).
-, - (Myllys), Rob., 2305 ii.:—g. 1836 (27).

Millet (Mellett), John, clerk of the Signet, teller of the Exchequer, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42), 1409, 1450 (p. 661), 2028, 2220, 2832, 2853, 3085, 3137 (6, 9, 14, 15):—pp. 1511, 1519:—g. 546 (27), 1662 (6), 2055 (132), 3226 (22).
-, -, -, his accounts, 2220, 3085.

Millett, Roland, French prisoner, p. 928.

Milleyn. See Milan.

Millfield (Milfeld, Mylnfelde), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 29), 2239, 2246 (4).

Millhend. See under London.

Millichope (Millenchop), Salop, g. 2684 (1).

Millingoos (Melengose), Cornw., g. 1415 (26).

Millington (Mellyngton, Melynton), Ric., 438 (4 m. 16).

Millison, Wm., will of, 489.

Mill man, g. 546 (56).

Millom (Millume), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 26), 2386.

Millwright (Mylwryght), John, p. 1496.

Millyn. See Mellyn.

Milnbeck, Westmld., g. 1732 (1).

Milner. See Miller.

Milnes, Ralph, 438 (3 m. 30).

Milnthorpe next Wakefield, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 5).

Milreth. See Meldreth.

Milstead, Kent, rector presented, g. 1602 (25).

Milte, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39).

Milton, Camb., 438 (2 m. 14).

Milton (Medilton), Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6).

Milton, Ntht., g. 1221 (14a).

Milton, Oxon, prebend in Lincoln cathedral, 438 (4 m. 21).

Milton (co. Soms. ?), 1803 (1 m. 6).

Milton, Yorks, g. 132 (70).

Milton Abbas (Middelton), Dors., abbey of, p. 1529:—g. 1494 (31).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 546 (10).
-, -, -, Wm. abbot of, g. 1494 (31).
-, -, vicar of St. Nicholas, p. 1528.

Milton Abbatis, Devon, 438 (4 m. 23).

Milton Clevedon (M. Clovedon), Soms., 438 (2 m. 19).

Milton Damerell, Devon, g. 1083 (2).

Milton Ernest (Middelton Erneys), Beds, 438 (3 m. 17).

Milton Falconbridge, Soms. [in Martock], g. 587 (19), 751 (5).

Milton by Gravesend (Meleton, Melaton), Kent, 438 (1 m. 22).
-, -, hospital of St. Mary, 438 (3 m. 20).
-, - rector of, p. 1524.

Milton by Sittingbourne (Myddelton), Kent, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 16, 28).

Milton, Rob., g. 2055 (14).

Milverton, Dors., g. 94 (35).

Milverton, Soms., 438 (3 m. 23).

Min, stone of, in Italy, 1277 (p. 587).

Mincio, the Italian river, 53, 1489.

Mindelheim (Mydelhan, Middleham), in Germany, letters dated at, 366, 1822, 1826.

Minehead (Mynhede), Soms., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 4), 1982 (4).

Mineres, Maître Jean de, of Rouen, 2083 (2).

Miners (mynters), 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 6).

Minskip, Edw., g. 11 (10).

Minster nunnery, in Sheppey, 438 (1 m. 22).
-, -, prioress. See Rivers, A.

Minster Lovell (Mynsterlowel), Oxon, g. 94 (49), 682 (8), 1044 (10).
-, -, St. Cecilia's chapel, g. 485 (8).

Minsterworth, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 14).

Minstrels, 438 (3 m. 21).

Mint, the, accounts, 185, 876, 1408, 2316, 3316:—g. 158 (1).
-, -, indenture for working, 139.
-, -, campsor and assayer, comptroller and clerk-keeper, g. 54 (59).
-, -, graver of dies, g. 381 (41).
-, -, keeper of the Change, g. 546 (74), 1804 (16). See Stafford, W.
-, -, master of the Mint, 438 (1 m. 1):—g. 132 (53), 1083 (24). See Mountjoy, Lord.
-, -, usher of the Exchange, g. 257 (72).
-, -, warden of the Mint. See Stafford, W.

Mintlyn (Myntelyng), Norf., 438 (3 m. 6).

Miranda, count de, 6 (p. 5).

Mirandola (Mirandula), in Italy, 773, 1277 (p. 587), 2154.
-, -, letter dated at, 680.
-, -, Count John Francis of, brother of Lodovico, 1277 (p. 587).
-, -, countess of [Francesca Trivulcio, widow of Count Lodovico], and her son, 1277 (p. 587).

Mirandola, Ludovico della, the duke of Ferrara's captain, slain, 280.

Miravale. See Merevale.

Mire. See Mere.

Mirfyn, Th., 2467, 2668:—p. 1509:—g. 2222 (16 London).

Mirmound (or Well) priory, Camb., near Upwell, Norf., 438 (3 m. 15).

Miros. See Myross.

Miserden (Mussardere, Musader), Glouc., g. 94 (35), 1365 (17).

Misery, John, chaplain, g. 2684 (50).

Missenden, Great-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 19).
-, -, abbey, 438 (3 m. 21).
-, -, -, abbot. See Smith, W.
-, -, Pottersrewe, 438 (3 m. 30).

Missenden, James, 438 (3 m. 12).
-, - (Messynden, Misseldyn), Th., p. 1540:—g. 969 (54), 3408 (6).

Misterton, Leic., 438 (3 m. 1).

Misterton, Notts, 438 (2 m. 26).

Misterton, Soms., g. 1083 (2).

Mistilbrok, Wm., g. 1804 (6).

Mitcham (Mycheam, Mycheham, Micham), Surr., 438 (1 m. 25). 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 11), 1803 (1 m. 1).

Mitcheldean (Magna Dene), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 24).

Mitcheldever (Micheldever), Hants, 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (1 m. 3).

Mitford, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2683 (5).

Mitford, Chr., p. 1541.
-, - (Metford, Mitfurth), Rob., 438 (2 m. 28).
-, -, Th., g. 1804 (46).
-, - (Medford), Walter, dean of Wells (1413–1423), his register as Papal collector, 1235. See Notes and Errata.

Milton. See Myton.

Mittelton. See Middleton.

Mitton, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 18).

Mitton, John, 1803 (2 m. 4):—p. 1543:—g. 1494 (9).
-, -, Th., p. 1543.

Moccas, Heref., 1803 (2 m. 5).

Mocenigo, Alvise, a Venetian, intended ambassador to France (1514), 278n., 328, 334–5, 3234, 3367.

Mochebilling. See Billing.

Mochelney. See Muchelney.

Moche Waryng. See Wakering.

Mochnant (Moghenaunt), in Chirkland, bailiff of, and of the three trayans of Nanheudwy (Nantheody), g. 924 (15).

Mockelowe. See Micklow.

Mocoron, 2383.

Modbury, Devon, 438 (3 m. 34).

Modena (Moodon, Modona, Modon), in Italy, 613, 753, 773, 780, 1277 (p. 586), 1432, 1469, 1699, 2292, 2329, 3556:—p. 1524.
-, -, Emperor's governor of. See Fruste, Veit.

Modena, Raynaldus de, priest, accused of poisoning Card. Bainbridge, 3203–4, 3206, 3211–3, 3220, 3236, 3261 ii., 3265, 3302–3.
-, -, -, confesson of, 3213.

Modenden (Motynden) Kent, [in Headcorn], Trinitarian Friars, minister of, 438 (2 m. 11). See Sutton, R.

Modrusa, Count, 3003.

Moffat, John, Scottish merchant, 1466.

Moffett, Michael, purser, 3148, 3513.

Moghenaunt. See Mochnant.

Mogher, Perys. See Porzmoguer.

Mogynton. See Muggington.

Mohun, John, 438 (4 m. 6).

Moigne, Beatrice d. and h. of Henry, 438 (4 m. 7).
-, - (Moin), John, rector of Combe in Teignhead, p. 1525.
-, - (Moine), Robert, clk., 438 (3 m. 1).
-, -, Th., 438 (4 m. 7).

Moile. See Moyle.

Moin. See Moigne.

Mokkynges in Tottenham, Midd., g. 2055 (130).

Molardus, Captain, in French service, 1071 (p. 517).

Molder, Wm., priest, of the Chapel Royal, 707.

Molembaix (Molenbeys), Sieur de, 2665, 2673 (2).

Moleneux. See Molyneux.

Molens, lord of, 438 (3 m. 1).

Molens (Mulleyns, Molence), Th., 438 (2 m. 14).

Molesworth (Mullesworth), Hunts, 438 (2 m. 31).

Moleyns. See Molyneux.

Molin, Hier. da, Venetian merchant, 434, 455.

Molines, English troops land at, 2750.

Molla, Agostin da, captain of Venetian galleys, letter from, 17.

Molland Champiaux, Devon, 438 (3 m. 15).

Mollart, M., 470.

Molle, John, 1803 (1 m. 6).

Mollesdale, Th., p. 1549.

Molsham. See Moulsham.

Molyne, John de, 3343.

Molyneux, Agnes, widow of Hugh, 438 (4 m. 6).
-, - (Molyyns), Henry, 438 (4 m. 6).
-, -, Joan, 438 (2 m. 9).
-, - (Moleneux), Rob., 438 (1 m. 15).
-, - (Moleyns), Th., 438 (4 m. 6).
-, -, Wm., 438 (2 m. 9), 1493.
-, -, Sir Wm., 2239.
-, -, -, letter to, 2463.

Momford, Francis, g. 3107 (24).

Mompesson (Munpesson, Mowmperson), John, pp. 1546, 1548:—g. 1494 (55).

Monaincha, co. Tipperary [near Roscrea], priory of St. Cross de Insula Viventium, p. 1530.

Monakdam, in Holland, 2809.

Monare or Mounare, Edm., 438 (1 m. 21).

Monasse or Moneasse. See Monyash.

Monasteranenagh, co. Limerick, abbey of St. Mary de Magio, James abbot of, p. 1528.

Monasterium dymilios. See Melrose.

Monastir, in Barbary, 610.

Monçaon (Montissonum), in Spain, deed dated at, 501, 556.

Moncelyse. See Monselice.

Monckton Farlegh. See Farley.

Mondeslee. See Mundesley.

Mondoñedo, bp. of. See Muros.

Mondy, Wm., 436.

Mone, John, 438 (2 m. 6).
-, -, Roger, g. 833 (70).

Monesoterey. See Ottery Mohun.

Money, unlicensed export of, 193.
-, -, Act against exporting, 341.

Money, Henry, 361.

Monfalcone (Mountfalkon), in Friuli, 2572.

Monfferon, John Paul de, in the Pope's service, 773.

Monfroni, Paul, made prisoner at Brescia, 1071 (p. 518).

Mongombrey. See Montgomery.

Monimusk priory, in Scotland, p. 1527.
-, -, prior. See Akynherd, J.

Monjoy, Lord. See Mountjoy.

Monk or Monke, Ant., s. and h. of Humphrey, g. 682 (34).
-, -, Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 4).
-, -, John, 20 (p. 17), 438 (3 m. 19):—g. 969 (70).

Monkastre. See Muncaster.

Monkbretton, priory, prior. See Tickhill, T.

Monks Kirby, Warw., 438 (2 m. 25).

Monk Soham, Suff., rector of St. Peter's, 1803 (2 m. 4).

Monkton (Monketon), Soms., 438 (4 m. 17).

Monkton Moor (More Mounkton), Yorks, rector presented, g. 833 (42).

Monmouth, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 21).
-, -, priory, 438 (1 m. 24).
-, -, -, prior. See Fowler, T.

Monmouth Land (Munmouth), Heref., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 25).

Monmouth, John, rector of Llanfihangell, g. 485 (60).

Monon. See Monyn.

Monoux, George, alderman, 1439, 2467:—g. 2222 (16 London).
-, -, -, letter from, 3351.

Mons. in Hainault, 3258.

Mons. Henry de, g. 381 (91).

Monsehyll Lacy. See Mansel.

Monselice (Moncelyse), in Italy, 3245.

Monsem Joan (i.e. Mons. St. John). See Docwra, Sir T.

Monsha. See Maumeshan.

Monsieur. See Charles, Prince.

Monsieur (Monsor), Louis. See Cleves, L. de.

Monslawe, Wm., g. 1170 (17).

Monson, Sir John, 144.
-, - (Mounson), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16), 1505:—p. 1540:—g. 132 (26), 749 (6), 2222 (12, 16 Linc.), 2535 (25).

Monsor. See Monsieur.

Monstrell. See Montreuil.

Montacute (Montegu), Soms., priory of, 438 (4 m. 17), 3315:—g. 1524 (4).
-, - - confirmation for, g. 604 (37).
-, -, -, election of prior, g. 3107 (28).
-, -, -, prior of. See Chard, T.; Water, J.

Montagnana (Monteignyane), in Italy, 2106, 2264, 3274.

Montague (Mountaguy, Mountagew), John Nevill marquis of (A.D. 1470–1), 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 31).
-, -, -, Elizabeth his wife, 438 (3 m. 7).

Montague, Lord, 3357. See Pole, Henry.

Montague (Mountagu, Mountegu), Th., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 5).

Montaigle, Lord. See Stanley, Sir E.

Montauban, Philip de, 406.
-, -, -, order by, 1237 iii.

Montauros, in France. See Montreuil.

Montaya or Montoya, Katerina, 20 (pp. 11, 15).

Mont Cenis, pass of, in the Alps, 983.

Montclare (Mount Clere), Hugues de, French prisoner, 2172, 2227:—p. 928.

Montclere, Claude, French prisoner, p. 928.

Monte[S. Savini], Ant. Maria de, Cardinal St. Vitalis (10 March 1511), bp. of Sipontin, auditor of the Apostolic Chamber, 714, 1621 ii., 1677, 2029, 2276.

Monte Chiaro, in Italy, 1043, 1071.

Monteney. See Mountney.

Monterey (Montarey), count of, of Spain, 162 (p. 85).

Montero, James, envoy from the schismatic cardinals, 625, 732–3.

Montferatt, Boniface de, French prisoner, p. 928.

Montferrand, in Auvergne, letters to the lieutenant, 1938, 1959.

Montferrat (Montferrare), marquis and marquisate of, 1277, 1301 (pp. 594–5), 1647, 1988, 2074, 3544.

Montford,—, ship captain, 1661 (3).

Montgomerie, Hugh, earl of Eglintoun, q.v.
-, - (Montgumery), John master of, 2461.

Montgomery (Moungumbrey), in Wales, 438 (3 m. 23).
-, -, stewardship, &c., g. 54 (22), 519 (51).

Montgomery (Mountegomery), Anne and Dorothy, ds. and hs. of Sir John, g. 3049 (19, 36).
-, - (Mongombrey), Benet, 20 (p. 19).
-, - (Mountgomery), Ellen daughter of Sir John, g. 2964 (42), 3049 (19, 36).
-, - (Mountgomery), Robert, 193 (p. 100).
-, - (Mongomere, Mongomery), Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 19):—g. 54 (14).

Montigny, in France, 3344.

Montils les Tours (Mountilz), in France, g. 257 (13).

Montissonum. See Monçaon.

Montjoye herald or King of arms, of France, 304 ("Montroye"), 3051, 3308, 3342, 3400.

Montlheri, in France, 1925.

Montmorency (Monmorancy), William de, premier baron of France, 3269 (7), 3348, 3424.

Mont Orgueil (Mountorgill, Gurrey) Castle, in Jersey, 199, 396, 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 190 (41).

Mont Orgueil (Mount Orgiel, Mountorgell), pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 707, 2052.

Montpellier, in France, 3344.
-, -, letter to Perottus, senator of, 305.

Montreuil (Monstrell, Mottrell, Motrell), in Picardy, 1265, 2089, 2169, 2208, 2229 (? "Montauros"), 2415 (3), 2888, 3240, 3252.
-, -, letter dated at, 3342.

Montreuil (Monstroell), lord of, 1932.

Montrose, in Scotland, hospital of St. Mary, 600, 1063, 1756.

Montrose, earl of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313.

Montroye King of arms, 304. See Montjoye.

Monviles. See Mandeville's.

Monyash (Moneasshe, Monasse), Derb., 438 (4 m. 9).

Monyn (Mouen, Monon), John, p. 1539.

Monyngton, Th., p. 1538:—g. 969 (23).

Monysotery. See Ottery Mohun.

Moodon. See Modena.

Moole Hall, Essex, g. 289 (12).

Moor or Moore. See More.

Moor (Le More), Salop, [near Ludlow], g. 1948 (26).

Moor (More), Old-, Nthld., 438 (4 m. 12).

Moorhouse (Murhus), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 22).

Moor Park or La More, Herts, g. 1804 (3).
-, -, grants dated at, g. 158 (90), 190 (5, 10).

Moors (Morys). See under Barbary; also Syria.

Moota. See Mota.

Moptyde,—, carpenter, 2305 ii.

Morales, Treasurer, in Spain, his niece, 473.

Moraton. See Maraton.

Moravia, 724.

Moray (Murray), archd. of, pp. 1526, 1529. See Paniter, P.; Nudry, T.
-, -, bp. of. See Forman, A.
-, -, bpric. and diocese, 654:—pp. 1522, 1526, 1528–9.
-, -, canon of, p. 1527.
-, -, chancellor and dean of. See Forman, R.
-, -, subdean of, p. 1522.

Moray, James Stewart earl of, natural son of James IV., 212n.

Moray. See also Murray.

Morbage or Marba, Bertrand de, 2995 (p. 1294).

Morbecque (Morbeck), M. de, bailli of Cassel, 1322.

Morchard Episcopi, Devon, 438 (4 m. 17).

Morcot, Rob., and Wm., 438 (3 m. 6).

Mordaunt, Sir John, 1803 (2 m. 1).
-, -, John, 1803 (1 m. 6):—p. 1533:—g. 218 (24), 257 (49), 2222 (16 Beds), 2484 (17), 3324 (2).
-, -, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 1):—p. 1536.
-, -, Wm. or Sir Wm., justice of gaol delivery, g. 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 17, 47), 709 (34), 804 (41), 833 (40), 969 (38), 1083 (13, 20), 1266 (41), 1316 (28), 1602 (10, 41), 1662 (28), 2137 (3, 11), 2222 (16 Essex), 2684 (62), 3049 (35), 3107 (34).

Mordon. See Morton.

Mordyng. See Mardyng.

More, Herts. See Moor Park.

More, Nthld. See Moor.

More, Oxon. See Northmoor.

More (Mour), Salop [in Stoke Millborough], 438 (4 mm. 12, 27).

More, Agnes, widow, 438 (2 m. 16).
-, -, Alice, wife of Wm., g. 969 (4).
-, -, Christina, g. 1044 (24).
-, -, Christopher, g. 1316 (4).
-, -, Joan, g. 1044 (24).
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2392 (p. 1063), 2480 (40–1).
-, -, John, carrier, 936, 949.
-, -, John, harness maker, pp. 1512–13.
-, -, John, justice of Assizes, 2787:—pp. 1535–6, 1538 bis, 1540, 1544–5:—g. 132 (26, 48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (41, 47), 709 (34), 731 (27–8), 833 (2), 969 (45), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1662 (1), 1948 (10), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2222 (16 Herts), 2484 (27), 2684 (8, 9, 41), 3049 (26).
-, -, Randolph, 2392 (p. 1063).
-, -, Richard, canon of Exeter, 438 (4 m. 15).
-, - (Moore, Moor), Ric., vicar of Eatington, 1803 (2 m. 4).
-, -, Rob., pp. 1536, 1543.
-, -, Roger, clerk of the Larder, 2404.
-, - (Moore), Th., 438 (2 m. 16), 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 132 (26), 833 (58 ii.), 969 (3), 2684 (8).
-, - (Moore), Thomas, afterwards Sir Thomas, 736, 771, 790, 865, 891, 917, 926, 936, 949, 958, 961, 1082, 2133:—p. 1537:—g. 587 (15).
-, -, -, letters to, 790, 2133.
-, -, -, his brother, 961.
-, -, -, his wife, 771.
-, -, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4):—p. 1549.
-, -, Wm., of Leith, 1262 (p. 578).

Moreby, John, prior of Guisborough, 438 (2 m. 17).

More Critchell (Morekyrchell), Dors., 438 (1 m. 13).

More End (Moreinde), Ntht. [in Potters Pury], 438 (3 m. 30):—g. 357 (3, 15, 45).

Moreend, Worc., 1803 (1 m. 4).

Moreff or Moryff, Maud, widow of John, 438 (1 m. 14).
-, -, Peter, 438 (1 m. 14).

Moreholme, Westmld., g. 1732 (1).

Morehouse (Morehows), Rob., p. 1534:—g. 289 (31).

Morell, Oliver, g. 1221 (19).
-, -, (Morall), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13).
-, -, Simon, 1505, 2536.

More Mounkton. See Monkton.

Mores. See Morice.

Moresby, Anne, daughter of Sir Christopher, 438 (2 m. 11).
-, -, Eliz., widow of Sir Christopher, 438 (3 m. 19).
-, - (Morysby), Rob., 438 (2 m. 16).

Moresson, Th., p. 1520.

Moret, in France, 3344.

Moreton, Chesh., 438 (3 m. 22).

Moreton (Morton), Devon, g. 1662 (25), 2684 (75).

Moreton (Mourton, Morton), Dors., 438 (2 m. 7).

Moreton (Marton, Martyn), Essex, g. 289 (16).

Moreton, Glouc., 2537.

Moreton. See also Morton.

Moreton, Loys. See Maraton.

Morewic, Hugh and Sibyl de (temp. Hen. III. ?), g. 632 (82).

Morewode, John, g. 1948 (60).

Morgan, Mr., servant of the countess of Richmond, 20 (p. 13).
-, -, Anne, 438 (3 m. 11).
-, - (Morgan, Morgayne), Gregory, p. 1546:—g. 132 (15), 784 (17), 1316 (12), 2222 (12).
-, -, Guyllym, g. 969 (23).
-, -, John, 2656 (6), 2657:—g. 1804 (53).
-, -, John, rector of Llantwit by Neath, g. 2222 (2).
-, - (Morgayne), Rob., 438 (3 m. 11).
-, -, Th., 82 (p. 41), 2480 (12), 2742.
-, -, Wm., 20 (p. 14), 1176 (1, 4), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414:—g. 54 (35), 519 (43), 1804 (42).
-, -, -, his brother, 1176 (1, 24).
-, -, -, signature of, 2130 (3).
-, - (Morgon), Wm., LL.D., master of St. John's Hospital, Bedford, 438 (3 m. 13).
-, -, Sir Wm., 2742:—p. 1516:—App. 26:—g. 2964 (12).

Morgan abbey. See Margam.

Morgannock. See Glamorgan.

Moricaude, 2141.

Morice (Moris), Andrew, letter from, 1864.
-, - (Morres), Chr., mastergunner, pp. 1514, 1519:—g. 2535 (7), 3226 (23).
-, - (Morez, Mores), James, 1446, 3313 (6):—g. 94 (29), 158 (3), 289 (20), 651 (2).
-, - (Moris), Jankyn, g. 54 (43).
-, - (Maurice, Moris, Moryis, Morres), John, 438 (4 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2480 (39), 2810:—g. 2772 (55).
-, - (Moriss), Peter, g. 2617 (35).
-, - (Mores, Morys, Morres, Morrys), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 11), 1032 (2), 2193.
-, - (Morys), Wm., alias Wm. Poole, searcher, 438 (1 m. 22).

Moricheb', Hugh de, charter of, g. 485 (25).

Morispikes, 1189. See also Ordnance.

Morlaix (Morleux), in Brittanny, g. 1462 (28).
-, -, seneschal of (killed at Brest), 1385.

Morland (Merland, Marlond), Nic., 2057, 2510:—p. 1513.

Morler. See Marler.

Morley, Derb., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 27).

Morley, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 16).

Morley, Norf., 438 (4 m. 18).

Morley, Henry Lovell lord († 1489), g. 709 (14), 1266 (12), 1948 (31), 3324 (32).

Morley, William Lovell, lord († 1476), g. 257 (53), 1221 (23).

Morley, James Morley lord, attainted under Henry VII., g. 969 (11). Audeley ?

Morley, Mr., of Lewes, 559.
-, -, Alice lady, wife of Sir Edward Howard [d. and h. of Henry Lovell lord Morley († 1489) and late the wife of Sir Wm. Parker († 1509)], 309, 1748:—g. 257 (53), 2055 (96).
-, -, Joan, 438 (1 m. 20).
-, -, John, 2404, 2575 ii.:—p. 1506:—g. 2772 (27).
-, -, Nic., 438 (1 m. 20).
-, -, Ric., g. 11 (10), 3107 (33).
-, -, Rob., 438 (1 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 2):—p. 1545:—g. 2684 (111).
-, -, Th., 1493 ii.

"Morley's lands," g. 381 (74), 709 (14).

Mornings Mill (Moryngesmyll), Suss., [by Lower Willingdon], g. 132 (51).

Morocco (Marroke, Maroke, Morrok), Straits of (or of Seville), 1005, 1812:—g. 94 (34), 132 (91), 289 (34), 357 (1, 8, 13, 19), 546 (24), 563 (13), 604 (2, 12), 651 (30), 682 (5), 709 (16), 969 (22), 1172 (2), 1221 (38), 1266 (25), 1365 (18), 1462 (7, 20), 1662 (13), 2055 (33, 126), 2684 (28), 2861 (21), 2964 (5, 82), 3049 (1), 3107 (4).

Morone (Moron), Hieronymo, Milanese ambassador at Rome, 3547.

Morosini or Morexini, Ferigo, Venetian consul in London, 267, 287, 434, 601.
-, -, -, letter from, 264.
-, -, Justinian, 9.
-, -, Pandolfo, letter to, 264.

Morovelli, Benedict, 2668:—pp. 1509–10.

Morpeth, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 22), 2460, 2913:—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5).

Morres. See Morice.

Morreton. See Maraton.

Morrok. See Morocco.

Mors, Wm., rector of Croscombe, p. 1521.

Morston. See Murston.

Mortaigne (Morteyn), in Hainault, 2391 (p. 1060).
-, -, letter dated at, 3474.
-, -, captain of, 2266.
-, -, lord of, 3113. See Ligne, A. de.

Mortain, count of (afterwards King John, q.v.), charters of, g. 485 (27), 546 (56), 1494 (8).

Morthen (Mortham), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18).

Mortimer (Mortymere), Edw., g. 587 (14).
-, -, (de Mortuo Mari), Henry, g. 94 (35).
-, -, Hugh (temp. Edw. I.), charter of, g. 804 (4).
-, -, John, lands of, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31).
-, -, John, messenger, 20 (p. 16), 1329, 1450 (p. 661).
-, -, Roger (temp. Hen. III.), charter of, g. 804 (4).
-, - (Mortimar), Walter, rector of Logiebride, pp. 1522, 1529.
-, - (Mortemer), Wm., embroiderer, 2562, 3343:—p. 1502.

Mortimer Stratfield. See Stratfield.

Mortlake, Surr., grants dated at, g. 218 (3), 2137 (28, 30), 2222 (1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11), 2330 (2, 6), 2422 (7, 11, 15–17, 19), 2484 (1, 5–7, 18, 19, 23–5).
-, -, letter dated at, 2405.

Morton, Devon. See Moreton.

Morton, Dors. See Moreton.

Morton, Salop, g. 381 (46).

Morton (Moreton), Warw., g. 158 (36).

Morton (Mourton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9).

Morton Bagot (Moreton), Warw., g. 709 (41, 43).

Morton Birt. See Birt's Morton.

Morton (Moreton) Corbet, Salop, 438 (4 m. 1).

Morton Valence (Moreton Valance), Glouc., 2537.

Morton, Robert Morton earl of, slain at Flodden, 2313.
-, - (Mortoun), James Douglas earl of, 2461, 2973.

Morton, Agnes, 438 (3 m. 19).
-, -, Geoffrey, 1493.
-, - (Moreton), John, 20 (pp. 12, 13), 82 (p. 41), 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 22):—pp. 1536, 1541:—g. 449 (3).
-, - (Murton), John, Cardinal († 1500), 438 (3 mm. 2, 15, 25).
-, -, Nic., clk., p. 1529.
-, - (Murton, Moreton), Rob., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 19):—g. 969 (23, 41), 1170 (18), 1365 (7), 2422 (19), 2684 (99), 3107 (51).
-, - (Mortune), Robert and Peter, sons of David, a Scot resident in Denmark, 302.
-, -, Sir Robert, King's spear, g. 698, 1453 ii., v., 1661, 2480 (26, 29), 2738:—App. 9, 26 ("Norton"):—g. 1494 (9).
-, -, -, signature, 698.
-, - (Moreton), Roland, pp. 1538, 1546.
-, - (Moreton, Murton), Th., 20 (p. 14), 2656 (6), 3135:—p. 1545:—g. 2684 (99).
-, - (Moreton, Mouretone, Mordon), Th., clk., 438 (3 m. 18):—g. 651 (16).
-, - (Moreton), Th., rector of Lanteglos, g. 857 (1).

Mortray (Mortuary) or Murtree, Soms. [in Brickland Dinham], g. 546 (56).

Mortuarye. See Mortray.

Morval, Cornw., g. 833 (58 iii.).

Morvilliers, Sieur de. See Lannoy, R. de.

Morwell, Th., clk., g. 485 (8).

Morwinstow (St. Morwen), Cornw., vicar of, p. 1524.

Moryell. See Muriell.

Moryngesmyll. See Morning's Mill.

Morys, the. See Moors.

Morysby. See Moresby.

Mosa. See Meuse.

Mosgrave. See Musgrave.

Mossesyde, in Scotland, p. 1260.

Moss Wood (Mossewode), Chesh., 438 (2 m. 9).

"Most Christian," title, 2926.

Mota (Mote, Moota), Dr. P. de, of the Emperor's Council, 522 (p. 312), 1353, 1399, 1400, 1884 (p. 858), 2408, 2601, 3405.
-, -, -, letters from, 565:—App. 10, 11.

Mote, Kent, g. 2964 (54).

Mote (Le Mote), Kent, [in Maidstone], 438 (3 m. 11).

Motica. See Mecca.

Motlowe, Wm., g. 546 (40), 604 (49).

Moton, Th., g. 1316 (47).

Motre de Flotre, 2383.

Motrell. See Montreuil.

Mottesfont, Wilts, priory, 438 (3 m. 16).
-, -, -, prior. See Dene, J.

Motton, Peter, g. 2137 (23).
-, -, Rob., 438 (3 m. 7).

Moubach, in Germany, 1162.

Mouen. See Monyn.

Moughton. See Moulton.

Moulgrave. See Mulgrave.

Moulsham (Mulsham, Molsham), Essex, in Chelmsford parish, 438 (3 m. 17):—g. 1836 (8).

Moulton (Moughton, Mowton), Norf., 438 (4 m. 10).

Moulton (Multon), Ntht., g. 289 (46), 1494 (48).

Moulton in South Holland (Multon in Southeland), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13).

Moulton (Mowlton, Multon), Robert, abbot of Thorney (1513), 3464:—g. 1662 (30), 1732 (34, 37), 1836 (21), 3582 (14).

Mounare. See Monare.

Moundeford. See Mountford.

Moundevyles. See Mandeville's.

Mounford. See Mountford.

Mounfret. See Munfrete.

Moungumbrey. See Montgomery.

Moungyne and his wife, in Margaret of Savoy's court, 2375.

Mounson. See Monson.

Mount, John, g. 1266 (38).

Mountagu. See Montague.

Mountains, the. See Alps.

Mount Clere. See Montclare.

Mountegu. See Montague.

Mounteney (Mountenay), John, g. 3582 (30).
-, -, Richard, 438 (2 m. 30).
-, - (Monteney), Rob., 438 (1 m. 22).
-, - (Mownteney), Rob., ship captain, 2686, 2842, 2938.
-, -, Wm., 438 (4 m. 22).

Mountford (Moundeford, Mounford), Francis, 438 (2 m. 21):—p. 1541:—g. 381 (43), 2484 (20).
-, -, John, 3135.
-, -, Rose (temp. Edw. IV.), 1803 (2 m. 3).
-, - (Mounford), Sir Simon, attainted, g. 632 (7), 709 (14), 1266 (9), 1948 (31), 2137 (18).

Mountfort, Wm., g. 563 (17), 731 (13, 36).

Mountgaleries, engines so called, ("mowntes"), 1818, 1992:—p. 1504.

Mountgomery. See Montgomery.

Mountgrace, Yorks, priory, 438 (1 m. 15).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 381 (70).
-, -, - John prior of, 438 (1 m. 15).

Mountilz. See Montils.

Mountjoy priory [in Haveringland parish], Norf., demise of the house, by the prior, 136.

Mountjoy (Monjoy, Monyay), William Blount lord, master of the Mint, Lieutenant of Hammes Castle, chamberlain to Queen Katharine, 20 (p. 13), 51, 81, 128, 139, 185, 193 (pp. 100, 103), 205, 226, 652, 736, 745, 770–1, 791, 876, 890–1, 905, 920, 926, 933, 936, 948–9, 958, 963–4, 967, 968 (?), 973, 1046, 1546, 1552, 1689, 1849, 1985 (2), 2224, 2226, 2316, 2326, 2519, 2610, 2781 ii., 2834, 2838, 3045, 3062–3, 3222, 3268, 3464:—pp. 1535, 1537–8, 1543, 1549:—g. 132 (53), 158 (1), 257 (4, 5, 27, 80), 632 (16), 1221 (29), 1524 (38), 1948 (69, 70), 2055 (75), 2617 (22), 3049 (19).
-, -, -, letters from, 51, 1849.
-, -, -, letters to, 770, 2224, 3214.
-, -, -, his indenture as master of the Mint, 139:—g. 158 (1).
-, -, -, signature of, 2121.
-, -, -, his wife. See Vanegas, Agnes de.

Mountnessing (Mounteneisyng), Essex, 438 (3 m. 18).

Mount's Bay (Mountisbay), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10).

Mount St. John, Yorks, g. 1948 (11).
-, -, preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15).

Mount Sinai, letter from Clement, the abbot, and the convent, 3587.

Mour. See More.

Mouretone or Mourton. See Morton.

Mourton, Dors. See Moreton.

Mouy or Moy (Nyon), Sieur de, 2173 (3), 2227.

Mowbray (Mubray), Roger de, composition with, g. 381 (83).

Mowceherst, Hugh, g. 1836 (27).

Mowde, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 7).

Mowde or Mowhaunt, Constantine, 438 (4 m. 7).

Mower (Mowar), Ric., 438 (3 m. 23).
-, -, Rob., g. 1083 (46).

Mowhaunt (Mouhaunt). See Mowde.

Mowlton. See Moulton.

Mowmperson. See Mompesson.

Mownteney. See Mounteney.

Mowton. See Moulton.

Moxica. See Muxica.

Moy, Sieur de. See Mouy.

Moyarta (Disstermeyaltta Loyd), co. Clare, p. 1523.

Moyle (Moile), John, 438 (2 m. 14):—p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iii).

Mubray. See Mowbray.

Muchelney (Mochelney, Michelley), Soms., abbey, g. 519 (46).
-, -, -, abbot. See Broke, T.

Muchland (Michelond in Fournes), Lanc. [in Aldingham]. 438 (3 m. 28).

Mucking (Mukyng), Essex, 438 (2 m. 5).

Mucking Hall (Mewekinghall), Essex, 438 (2 m. 6).

Mucklow. See Micklow.

Mud or Mudde, John and Thomas, 438 (2 mm. 6, 7).

Mugge, John and Wm., 438 (3 m. 23).

Muggington (Mogynton), Derb., 438 (2 m. 30).

Muiden, in Holland, certificate by officials, 2274.

Muklow. See Micklow.

Mukyng. See Mucking.

Mulcastre. See Muncaster.

Mulgrave (Moulgrave), Yorks. 438 (4 m. 26).

Mullesworth. See Molesworth.

Mulleyns. See Molens.

Mulsham. See Moulsham.

Mulsho (Mulsoo, Mulsole). John, 438 (4 m. 6).
-, -(Mulshoo), Margaret, the Queen's servant. 3448.

Multon. See Moulton.

Mulwe (in Denmark ?), 1545.

Mulys, lord of, 438 (3 m. 1). See Molens.

Mumby, Linc., 438 (3 m. 14).

Muncaster (Monkastre. Mulcastre), Cumb., 438 (4 mm. 21, 23, 27):—g. 132 (34), 485 (42).

Muncaster (Mulcastre), Wm. de, sheriff of Cumberland, g. 485 (25).

Munchensi (de Monte Caniso), Dionisia (temp. Edw. I.), g. 92 (35).

Munde. See Gmund.

Mundesley (Munnysley, Mondeslee), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 30, 33).

Mundham, North, Suss., g. 969 (38).

Mundy, John, goldsmith, 438 (1 m. 20), 1446.

Munfrete (Mounfret), Philip alias Peryn, vicar of Sturminster Newton, 438 (4 m. 14).

Munich, in Bavaria, 1352.

Munjoy, Th., ship owner, 1414.

Munpesson. See Mompesson.

Murgetrode, Rob., his will, 496.

Murgya, near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699).

Murhus. See Moorhouse.

Muriell (Moryell, Murell), Edward, 438 (3 m. 12).
-, -, John, rector of Wortham (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10).

Muros, Diego de, bp. of Mondoñedo, 6 (p. 6).

Murray, in Scotland. See Moray.

Murray,—. See Carrik.
-, -, Sir Wm., of Tullibardine, 2461.

Murryen, bp. of. See Maurienne.

Murston (Morston), Kent, g. 3107 (23).
-, -, rector of, p. 1525.

Murtholme, in Scotland, p. 1260.

Murton. See Morton.

Murtree. See Mortray.

Musader. See Miserden.

Musbury, Devon, g. 1083 (2).

Muschamp (Muschyans), George, g. 1494 (60).
-, -, Margaret, widow of John, 438 (3 m. 2).

Muscote. See Musket.

Muse or Mewese. Isabel, widow of Adrian, 438 (3 m. 30).

Musgrave, Westmld., rector of, 438 (4 m. 7):—p. 1530.

Musgrave, Alice, g. 833 (53).
-, -, Cuthb., g. 132 (50).
-, -(Mosgrave), Edward or Sir Edward, knighted after Flodden, 438 (2 m. 15), 2246 (4 ii.):—pp. 1529, 1546:—g. 132 (50), 632 (26), 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 969 (23), 1365 (3), 2484 (9).
-, -, Sir John, knight for the Body, 255:—p. 1535:—g. 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3), 2684 (86).
-, -, Leonard, g. 924 (11).
-, -, Rob., g. 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3).
-, -, -, letter from, 2096.
-, -, Th., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 2480 (10):—g. 833 (53), 2684 (86), 3324 (19).

Muskett, Alice, wife of John, 438 (2 m. 12).
-, -(Muscote. Muskyn, Muskettes, Muscotys), John, justice of Assizes, 438 (2 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 6):—p. 1541:—g. 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47, 60), 709 (34, 61), 804 (20), 833 (2), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1494 (4).
-, -(Muscote), Wm., s. and h. of John, 2623.

Muskham, South-, Notts, 438 (1 m. 11).

Musoen, count of, dies in Italy, 1301.

Mussardere. See Miserden.

Mussels, a "dragging" of, g. 94 (35).

Mussyka. See Muxica.

Musterden, Th., 438 (2 m. 15).

Musters, 264, 332–3, 705, 1016, 1134, 1217, 1360, 1820:—g. 190 (34), 257 (62), 731 (44), 1170 (7), 1221 (6, 60), 1316 (8, 40–1), 1662 (27), 1732 (46), 1804 (28–31), 1948 (73), 2861 (33).

Muston, Eliz., daughter of Wm., 438 (4 m. 29).

Musurus, Marcus, 1552.

Mutford, and Mutford hundred, Suff., g. 94 (56), 682 (33).

Muwynyk (Meuwenek, &c.), Wm., clk., 438 (4 m. 23).

Muxica (Mussyka, Musschyka, Musshica, Moxica), Martin de, comendador, Ferdinand's paymaster, envoy to England (1512), 1458, 1460–1, 1484, 1509 (p. 696), 1511 (p. 699), 1575 (p. 722), 1650, 1656, 1659, 1665, 1737, 1933, 1999 (3), 2002–3, 2006, 3591.
-, -, -, letter from, 1484.
-, -, -, instructions for, 1461, 1933.

Muyth. See Mythe.

Mycheam or Mycheham. See Mitcham.

Mychenall. See Migenall.

Myddelton, Kent. See Milton.

Myddelscop or Mydystopp, Hans, 2834, 3222.

Mydelhan. See Mindelheim.

Mydystopp. See Myddelscop.

Myedyborowgh. See Middelburg.

Myghell Kyngton. See Kington.

Mykelfeld, W., App. 22.

Myklaw. See Micklow.

Mykylhatfeld. See Hatfield.

Mylard, Ric., p. 1549.

Mylaton, John. g. 784 (47).

Myle, Henry, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16):—g. 1494 (9).

Myleneyth. See Maelenyd.

Mylett, John, receiver general to Abp. Warham, p. 1518.

Myllydenhithe, Berks, 438 (3 m. 25).

Myllyng, Th. See Hilling.

Myllys. See Mells.

Mylnfelde. See Millfield.

Mynchull, Peter, g. 2137 (23).

Mynchyn Bukland. See Buckland.

Myndip. See Mendip.

Myners. See Mynours.

Myngoval. See Maingoval.

Mynott, Ric., g. 2772 (57).

Mynours (Meynours), Reynold, M.P. for Hereford, 3068.
-, -(Myners), Ric., 2392 (p. 1063).
-, -(Meynour), Roger, gentleman usher, serjeant of the Cellar, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 39):—g. 257 (45), 449 (14), 1221 (26), 1948 (94), 2484 (9).
-, -, Th., page. of the Chamber, 82 (p. 43).

Myre, 438 (4 m. 17). Mere, Wilts ?

Myrhill. See Marcle.

Myross (Miros), co. Cork, p. 1523 bis.

Myssyn. See Messen.

Mytelene (Metelim), in Greece, 463 ii.

Mythe (Muyth), Glouc., g. 857 (2).

Myton (Miton), Yorks, g. 1804 (32), 2772 (56).

Myvot. See Meiford.