Index: J

Pages 244-249

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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Jackson, Jakson or Jacson,—, 1355.
-, -, George, 438 (2 m. 10).
-, -, James, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40).
-, - (Jekson), John, 438 (2 m. 30), 707:—g. 519 (10), 546 (41), 784 (35), 2055 (34).
-, - (Jaksone, Jakesone), John, vicar of Kippen, apostolic notary, 539:—p. 1521.
-, -, Nic., serjeant at arms, 707:—p. 1516:—g. 94 (62), 132 (124), 158 (58), 1948 (78, 97).
-, -, Ric., 438 (2 m. 31).
-, - (Jakeson), Rob., 438 (2 m. 31), 1803 (1 m. 4).
-, -, Th., 707:—g. 257 (17), 682 (13).
-, -, Th. alias Otteley, q.v.
-, -, Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6).

Jacob, John, 1262 (p. 578).
-, -, Wm., 438 (4 m. 23).

Jacobstow or Stow St. James (Seynt Jamys Stewe), Devon, 438 (4 m. 13).

Jacomo, Laurence, 1301 (p. 598).

Jacopson, Adrian, 1598, 2510.

Jacques, Jean. See Trivulci.

Jakes, Eliz., 438 (1 m. 7).
-, -, Rob., sherman, g. 11 (10).
-, - (Jakys), Th., 438 (1 m. 7), 2404:—pp. 1539–40:—g. 132 (26), 969 (17), 2222 (16 Midd.).
-, - (Jaques), Wm., g. 1524 (42).

Jakett,—, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42).

Jakson. See Jackson.

JAMES III., King of Scotland (1460–1488), 13, 504, 828, 1136, 1348.

JAMES IV., KING OF SCOTLAND, letters from, 12–14, 69, 92–3, 103, 105–7, 129, 188, 233, 281–2, 292–305, 356, 374–6, 422, 484, 502–4, 547–8, 583–5, 593, 598–600, 654–61, 664–6, 684–91, 694, 697, 701–2, 773A., 782, 810, 828, 834–6, 974, 1008–10, 1017–18, 1030–1, 1039, 1041, 1058, 1061–3, 1070, 1076–9, 1084, 1089, 1100, 1108, 1110–12, 1116–7, 1135–7, 1151–4, 1211, 1263–4, 1269–70, 1294–1300, 1324–5, 1330–1, 1340, 1346–9, 1433, 1466, 1478–9, 1499, 1523, 1535–45, 1560–2, 1581–2, 1615–7, 1620–2, 1625, 1706–8, 1718–20, 1729–31, 1756–7, 1773, 1776, 1922, 2084–5, 2122:—App. 20.
-, -, letters to, 117, 171, 179, 212, 247, 275, 279, 285, 338, 372, 389, 411, 462, 668, 760, 783, 943, 1014, 1158, 1271, 1314, 2036, 2161, 2239:—p. 1528.
-, -, provides ordnance in Flanders, 83, 325, 355.
-, -, birth of a son (20 Oct. 1509), 212n.
-, -, his desire to visit the Holy Sepulchre, 292.
-, -, wishes to serve as captain general of Venice, 434, 450, 455.
-, -, desires a "confessional," 1062, 1100.
-, -, writes for books on alchemy, 664.
-, -, defiance of Henry VIII., 2157.
-, -, his dead body, 2246.
-, -, almoner of. See McBrek, A.
-, -, chaplain. See Strachan, G.; Wood, Henry.
-, -, charter of, 29.
-, -, children of, 2287 ii.
-, -, commissions of, 114.
-, -, his confessor, 92.
-, -, other references, 124, 161, 208, 252–3, 255, 264 (2), 268 (2), 306, 325, 346, 355, 493, 518, 617, 645, 649, 675 ii., 748, 788, 880, 1016, 1056, 1147 (p. 544), 1183, 1212, 1214, 1262, 1268, 1287, 1301 (p. 596), 1302, 1315, 1323, 1329, 1342, 1380, 1391, 1504, 1566 (p. 719), 1584–5, 1591, 1645, 1647, 1659, 1682, 1690, 1735–6, 1767, 1769, 1775, 1787, 1960, 1983, 2014, 2029, 2031, 2083, 2087, 2096, 2107, 2116, 2143, 2156, 2164, 2166, 2169, 2192, 2204, 2233, 2241, 2246, 2261, 2268, 2270–1, 2273, 2276, 2278–9, 2282–3, 2286–8, 2299, 2300, 2313, 2332, 2335, 2355, 2391 (pp. 1059–61), 2396, 2398, 2436, 2445, 2452, 2457, 2461, 2464, 2468–9, 2546, 2578 (3), 2592, 2651, 2707, 2913, 2929 (2), 3119, 3121, 3349, 3591:—pp. 1528–9:—g. 158 (90), 969 (2), 1170 (14–5), 1602 (27), 1662 (32), 2684 (1).

JAMES V., Prince of Scotland (born 10 April, 1512), King of Scotland (Sept. 1513), 1153–5, 1271, 1775 (p. 810), 2287 ii., 2323, 2391 (p. 1061), 2410, 2428, 2461, 2568, 2595, 3009, 3151, 3173, 3282, 3468, 3540:–p. 1530.
-, -, letters from, 2420, 2548–53, 2578–9, 2613–4, 2616, 3119–23, 3188–9, 3390–1, 3588–9.
-, -, letters to, 3470:--p. 1531.
-, -, his younger brother, 3468, 3540.

James (Jamys), John, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 31), 1493 ii.:—g. 1494 (57).
-, -, Th., 20 (p. 15):mdash;g. 1732 (9).
-, -, Wm., 438 (3 m. 12).

Jameson, Th., 438 (4 m. 27).

Jamesoun, Elizabeth, 655.

Jamisson, Henry, 1262 (p. 578).

Jane, Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 13). Guildford?

Jane, Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13).

Janizaries, the Turkish force, 1190.

Jankyn, Philip, rector of Tredunnock, g. 2684 (36).

Janly. See Genlis.

Jantone, Ernanus de, clk., p. 1523.

Janyns. See Jennings.

Jaques. See Jakes.

Jarard. See Gerard.

Jarden, Sir Alex., 3540.

Jarford (Jerford), Eliz. and James, 438 (3 m. 32).

Jarieguy, Sebastianus de, 1506.

Jarnegan. See Jerningham.

Jarnyngham. See Jerningham.

Jartier (i.e. Garter). See Wriothesley.

Jasmund (Gesmond), in the Baltic, 1731.

Jasper (Jesper), Stephen, the king's tailor, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 43), 877n:—g. 54 (68), 218 (21), 969 (61).

Java, in East Indies, 1974.

Jay, John, g. 485 (40).

Jazia (Giaza), in Syria, 191, 1002.

Jean or Jeane. See Genoa.

Jeanne of France, first queen of Louis XII., 3206n.

Jedburgh (Jedworth), in Scotland, 13n, 2443.
-, -, abbey of, 1433.
-, -, -, abbot. See Alleyne, Henry; Lynne, J.

Jefferson (Jeferason, Geffreyson), Henry, 438 (3 m. 25).

Jefford. See Gifford.

Jeffrey or Geffrey (Gefferey), James, p. 1514.
-, -, John, 438 (4 m. 10).
-, -, Margaret d. of Thomas, g. 784 (26).
-, -, Nic., 3529.
-, - (Gefferey), Rob., p. 1514:—g. 3499 (4).
-, - (Gefferey), Th., 1803 (1 mm. 1, 5).
-, -, Wm., 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 18).
-, -, Wm., vicar of East Garston, p. 1528.

Jeffreys (Geffreys), Wm., 485 (40).

Jeffron (Joffron, Gefferon), George, 438 (3 m. 14).
-, - (Geffourne, Geffron), John, serjeant at arms, 707, 1004:—g. 1948 (14, 51,67).

Jekson. See Jackson.

Jekyll (Gigyll, Gykyll, Gygell, Gykhill. Gekyll, Jekell), Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 2185, 2221 (2), 2540, 3319:—p. 1517:—g. 1266 (17), 1804 (22 ii.).
-, -, -, his account for horses, 2054.

Jely, John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40).

Jemys, Joan, 438 (2 m. 5).

Jenenz. See Jennings.

Jenet (Genett), Ralph, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Beds, 20 (pp. 15, 19), 82 (38, 42), 394, 494 (2), 707 (p. 383):—g. 218 (5), 257 (72), 3107 (31).

Jeniweses. See Genoese.

Jenkyn, Hugh, 438 (2 m. 10).
-, -, John, merchant tailor, 3373 (2), 3426.

Jenkyns, Alice, 1803 (2 m. 2).
-, -, William, g. 1948 (26).

Jenkinson, Henry, g. 3226 (26).
-, -, John, g. 1602 (9).
-, -, Rob., 1355.
-, -, Wm., g. 857 (14).

Jenly. See Genlis.

Jenney (Jenny), Chr., g. 804 (49), 2617 (35).
-, - (Genney), Sir Edm., 309, 438 (4 m. 18 bis):—p. 1544:—g. 2617 (35).
-, - Eleanor widow of Sir William, 438 (3 m. 25).
-, - (Geney, Genny), John, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 23).
-, -, John, clk., 438 (3 m. 25).
-, - (Jenny), Th., 438 (2 m. 8).
-, -, Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 18).
-, -, Wm., 438 (4 m. 18).

Jennings or Jenyns (Janyns, Jeynyng), Hugh, 20 (p. 18), 82 (pp. 40–1).
-, - (Janyns, Genyns), John, 20 (pp. 13, 16, 18), 438 (3 m. 28), 1576, 2009, 2491.
-, -, Richard, prior of Maiden Bradley, 438 (3 m. 17).
-, - (Jenyn, Jenen), John, LL.D., rector of Coulsdon, 1803 (2 m. 2).
-, - (Jenyn, Jenyns, Jenenz), Nic., 438 (4 m. 21), 2539:—pp. 1506, 1517, 1548.
-, - (Genyns), Sir Stephen, mayor of London (1508–9), 20 (pp. 20–1), 438 (1 m. 19):—App. 26:—g. 218 (1), 709 (26), 1415 (19), 1804 (25).
-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 438 (1 m. 19).
-, -, Rob., mason, 307 (p. 142).
-, - (Jenyns), Th., serjeant of the Peltry, 2795:—p. 1548:—g. 969 (42).

Jenour, John, justice of assizes, g. 519 (44), 546 (47), 833 (2), 969 (38), 1083 (20–1), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 2055 (8), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4), 3107 (55).
-, -, Rob., 2505.

Jensoun or Jenson, Andrew, of Denmark, 1116–7, 1523, 1581–2.

Jentilman. See Gentilman.

Jenton, Claude, French prisoner, p. 928.

Jenyngham. See Jerningham.

Jenyns. See Jennings.

Jephson (Geffon, Gyffon, Jepson, Gefson), Rob., 438 (1 m. 13).

Jerard. See Gerard.

Jerford. See Jarford.

Jermy, John, 438 (2 m. 8).
-, -, Young, 309.

Jermyn, Th., 1493:—g. 2222 (16 Suff.).
-, - (Germyn), Th., shipmaster, 1661 (4), 2909.

Jernegan. See Jerningham.

Jernemouth. See Yarmouth.

Jerningham,—, to be master of horse to Princess Mary, 2656 (4).
-, - (Jenyngham), Anne, 1115, 3348 (3 ?, "Ferningham"), 3357.
-, - (Jernegan, Gernegan, Gernygan), Edw., 20 (p. 14), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 94 (56, 99), 190 (4), 257 (84), 604 (35), 682 (3, 33), 2055 (50).
-, - (Jarnyngham, Jirnyngham), Mrs. Mary, 20 (pp. 11, 17), 82 (pp. 38 bis, 41), 512:—g. 94 (50), 682 (33).
-, - (Jernegan, Jernyngen, Garnyngam, Gerningham), Richard or Sir Richard, knighted at Tournay, King's spear, 675 ii., 773, 1322, 1440, 1568, 1781, 2301, 2562, 3114:—g. 218 (31), 682 (38), 1123 (35), 1732 (47), 2684 (46–7), 3324 (34).
-, -, -, letters from, 1440, 1568, 1781.

Jerngnesey. See Jersey.

Jerounde. See Garonne.

Jerrard. See Gerard.

Jersey (Jerngnesey, Jornesey, Jernesey), 199, 396, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 13):—g. 190 (41), 2772 (6).
-, -, letter dated, 1829.
-, -, bailiff of, g. 257 (37), 2964 (30). See Lempriere, T.; Cartchet, H.
-, -, captain of, g. 190 (41). See Vaughan, Sir H.
-, -, confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (97).
-, -, St. Helier's priory, prior of, g. 1365 (20). See Brehawte; also Basse.

Jerusalem, 816, 1429, 1735 (p. 792), 1895, 2773, 2844.
-, -, Holy Sepulchre, g. 885 (7).
-, -, -, petition from the warden, 3586.
-, -, Mount Calvary, and other holy places (named), 3586.

Jerusalem, Provost of. See Torphichen.

Jervis (Gerves), John, 2623.
-, - (Gerves), John alias Langton, q.v.
-, - (Jerveys), John, porter of the Tower, g. 485 (57).
-, - (Gerves), John, prior of Ixworth, 438 (4 m. 13).
-, - (Gerves), Nicholas, 361.
-, -, Rob., p. 1540.
-, - (Jerveys), Simon, 438 (3 m. 24).

Jesper. See Jasper.

Jesslyppe. See Islip.

Jethou (Sothowe), island, g. 54 (71).

Jewellery, 145–6, 156, 365, 515, 517, 569, 613, 615, 705.
-, -, unlicensed export of, 193.
-, -, Act against exporting, 341.

Jewish literature burnt, 2855.

Jews, the, 2907, 3083.

Jeyn. See Genoa.

Jeyngng. See Jennings.

Jirnyngham. See Jerningham.

Joachim, Dr. See Egellius.

Jobourn or Joborn, John, prior of Sheen, 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 1123 (11).

Jodocus, the Bookseller, 891, 2424.

Joesshe, Dennis, 20 (p. 19).

Joffron. See Jeffron.

Johannes and Edward Johannes, sackbuts, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42).

Johey. See Joy.

John, King, grants of, g. 381 (22, 42, 58, 73, 79, 81, 85–6, 92), 414 (5, 63, 71), 447 (7, 22, 29, 32), 448 (8), 485 (13, 17, 27–8), 519 (35, 38, 45, 53), 546 (13, 14, 35), 587 (3), 604 (3), 632 (29, 44, 49), 682 (12, 15, 31, 43), 709 (4, 8), 731 (4), 750 (8, 9), 784 (43), 1003 (3), 1083 (33, 44, 47), 1123 (33), 1462 (24), 1494 (50).

John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, grant of, g. 682 (32).

John II., King of Castile (1406–1454), 6 (p. 6).

JOHN, KING OF DENMARK (died 20 Feb. 1513), letters from, 117, 247, 285, 462, 547, 1056, 1140, 1155, 2107, 2578:—g. 2772 (38).
-, -, -, letters to, 301–2, 518, 585, 665, 810, 1008, 1031, 1039, 1112, 1116, 1153, 1211, 1330, 1479, 1523, 1545, 1560–1, 1582, 1584.
-, -, -, letters of marque by, 247 (2).
-, -, -, other references, 179, 365, 666, 1212, 1362, 1564, 1586, 1645 (p. 742), 1659, 1694, 1729.
-, -, -, herald or king of arms. See Norge.

John, Erasmus' servant. See Smith, J.

John of Lorraine, 2458.

John, Petie, 20 (pp. 13, 15, 19), 623.

John the poticary (John de Potycaris) of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41).
-, -, Lord. See Grey.

John, Mr., the king's sage French doctor. See Chaunte, J.
-, -, Mr., the king's surgeon. See Veyrye, J.

John, Sir J., the chaplain of Katharine of Aragon. See Swann, J.

John, Cadwalader, 20 (p. 14).
-, -, David, 438 (3 m. 11), 2606.
-, -, Edw., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707:—g. 804 (1).
-, -, Hankyn and Hynkyn, g. 1123 (17).
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 29):—g. 414 (29).
-, -, Louis, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42).
-, -, Robert, g. 587 (9).

Johns. See Jones.

Johnson, Andrew, smith, 438 (2 m. 12).
-, -, Cornelius, smith and gunmaker, 495, 1463 vi., 1704, 2308, 2785, 2799 (5), 2807, 2832 iii., v., vi., 3137 (16):—pp. 1497–9, 1500–1, 1506–7, 1509, 1511:—g. 632 (67), 2684 (71).
-, -, -, bills of, 1704, 1842:—App. 24.
-, -, Chr., g. 632 (37), 3499 (3).
-, -, Edward, 874 (2).
-, -, Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 27).
-, -, James, 2765.
-, -, John, 438 (3 m. 19), 1493 ii.:—g. 546 (41).
-, -, John, ship master, 1661 (4).
-, -, Ric., 438 (3 m. 22):—g. 447 (21).
-, -, Ric. alias Burgh, abbot of Shapp, 438 (2 mm. 12, 29).
-, -, Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (3 m. 19):—p. 1548.
-, - Robert, alderman, and Eliz. his widow, 438 (4 m. 8).
-, -, Robert, prior of St. Katharine's beside Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 6).
-, -, Robert, ship captain, 2938.
-, -, Th., 3148:—pp. 1513, 1515.
-, - Thomas, alias Kernyngton, abbot of Newsham, 438 (4 m. 2).
-, - (Gianson), Wm., 82 (p. 42), 1099.

Johnstone, John of, g. 448 (1).

Joice (Joyes, Joys), Boyt, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40).

Joiners, 438 (2 m. 11).

Joly, John, g. 804 (15), 2684 (35).

Jones or Johns (Jonnez), Mr., 1176 (3).
-, -, Alice widow of Wm., 438 (3 m. 24).
-, -, Davy, 20 (p. 14):—p. 1520.
-, - (Johnes), Edward, g. 1123 (52, 63), 1170 (13), 1948 (66).
-, -, Eleanor, g. 381 (35).
-, - (John), Eliz., 438 (4 m. 8).
-, - (Jonys), John, 2781 ii.:—g. 1732 (51).
-, -, Matthew, 683.
-, -, Philip, esquire of the Household, 20 (p. 18).
-, - (Jonys), Rob., 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 8), 1493 ii., 1661 (p. 752), 3348 (3):App. 14:—pp. 1508–9:—g. 485 (53), 519 (51), 749 (2), 3324 (25).
-, - (Jonys), Th., 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 27), 2480 (46), 2606:—g. 804 (18), 1123 (60), 1316 (13), 3324 (25).
-, -, Wm., grocer, g. 2617 (38).
-, -, Wm., mercer, 1573, 1664, 1761, 2011 (3).
-, - (Johnes), Wm., rector of Crudwell, g. 682 (44).
-, - (Jonys), Wm., rector of St. Peter's, Marlborough, 438 (1 m. 7).

Jonnett the Bastard, of Luxemburg, 1813.

Jonnez. See Jones.

Jorco. See York.

Jordan, Joan, 2467.

Jordane, John, prior of Bullington, 438 (2 m. 21).

Jornesey. See Jersey.

Joselyn. See Josselyn.

Joseph, Charles, 3523.
-, -, Michael, the Cornish rebel, g. 2422 (7).

Josse, John, rector of Melton, Norf., 438 (1 m. 11).
-, - (Jossellyn), George, ship captain, 2938.
-, -, John, ship captain, 2842 ii., 2938.
-, -, John, g. 132 (26), 833 (30).
-, - (Joselyn), Sir Ralph, alderman, 438 (2 m. 8).
-, -, Ralph, g. 833 (30).

Jourden, Wm., g. 1415 (2).

Jousts or tilting, and tournaments, 98, 112, 156, 339, 400, 467, 477, 671, 698–9, 710–1, 1222, 2347, 2351, 2359, 2389, 2391 (pp. 1061–2), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2435, 2741, 3308, 3400, 3469:–p. 1499:—App. 9, 11. See also Paris.
-, -, challenges, &c., 467, 671, 698.

Jovius, Dr. Paul, letter from, 2950.

Jowell, John, of Norwich, 438 (2 m. 9).

Joy (Johey), Th., 1493.

Joyes. See Joice.

Joyeuse Pensiere (Joyecup Pensere), 671. See Knyvett, Sir T.

Joyner, John, Calais pursuivant, Richmond herald (7 Feb. 1511), 773, 777, 779–80, 785, 879, 1145, 1320, 1326 (p. 613), 1422, 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1880, 2575 ii., 2961, 3348 (3), 3387 (p. 1423), 3543:–. 709 (17).
-, -, -, signature of, 2961.

Joynour, Henry, 438 (2 m. 11).

Juan, Don, Prince of Castile († 1497), son of Ferdinand and Isabella, 329 (p. 149).

JUANA (Johanna), QUEEN OF CASTILE, widow of Philip, sister of Katharine of Aragon, 6 (pp. 5, 6), 40, 64–5, 162 (p. 86–7), 166, 253, 260, 321, 329, 345 (p. 160), 468, 501, 945, 1066, 1204, 1304, 1384, 1519 (p. 703), 1575 (p. 723), 1791, 2242, 2340, 2475, 2710, 2762 (2), 2860, 3041, 3145, 3264:—g. 632 (53), 969 (29), 1083 (11), 1524 (39).
-, -, -, her grandmother Mary, daughter of Ferdinand the Just of Aragon, 6 (p. 6).
-, -, -, powers and commissions by, 21 ii., 24 (4), 26, 64.
-, -, -, treaty with, g. 485 (51).

Juaña, Queen of Naples, sister of Ferdinand of Aragon, 2292.

Jubbes, Th., p. 1543.

Judde, Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39).

Judenbourge, in Styria, 3080.

Juderby. See Innerwick.

Jugill, Otwell, g. 731 (20).

Julianus. See Medicis, Julian de.

Juliers (Golike), Duchy of, 2083:—g. 3049 (13).
-, -, William and John, dukes of, 1162.

Julius I (St. Julius), Pope (A.D. 337–353), 432.

JULIUS II., POPE (1 Nov. 1503 to 20 Feb. 1513), 5, 9, 17, 20 (p. 21), 55, 83, 90, 92–3, 108, 113, 140, 147, 154, 165, 167, 169, 230, 240, 242, 250, 253, 267–8, 278, 280, 282–3, 325 (1, 2), 329 (p. 149), 333, 338, 345, 354, 360, 366–7, 373, 382–4, 398, 401–2, 407–8, 415, 417, 421–5, 430–2, 441, 446, 450, 456, 463, 466, 476, 479, 481, 483, 493, 499, 508, 515, 525, 529, 531, 536, 541, 553, 558, 562, 564, 567–8, 570, 572, 590, 598, 613, 617, 624, 627, 636, 645, 649, 659, 669, 674, 680–1, 690–1, 694, 702, 708, 714, 718, 720, 722, 725, 734, 739, 747–8, 753–6, 758–9, 761, 765, 773, 776–7, 779–80, 783, 793, 812, 815–6, 823, 829, 831–2, 838, 840–5, 858, 866, 869–70, 880, 884, 889, 892, 895–6, 900, 902, 905, 914, 917, 933, 942–3, 958, 965, 982, 995–6, 1000, 1002, 1005–7, 1020, 1029, 1039, 1060, 1064, 1076, 1079, 1095, 1101, 1104, 1106, 1108, 1119, 1127, 1137, 1140–1, 1157–8, 1163, 1169, 1182–3, 1194, 1204, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1214–5, 1223, 1229–30, 1233, 1246, 1252, 1257 (2), 1258, 1268, 1270, 1277 passim, 1279, 1287, 1293, 1297, 1300, 1301, (pp. 594, 596–8), 1302, 1304, 1307, 1312, 1315, 1326 (p. 615), 1344–5, 1347, 1352, 1354, 1361, 1370, 1384, 1386, 1391, 1432, 1427, 1447, 1449, 1461, 1468–9, 1483, 1489 (p. 679), 1491, 1499, 1519, 1523, 1536, 1554, 1555 ("S.D. n"), 1558–9, 1564, 1568, 1575, 1586 ii., 1618–20, 1622, 1624, 1628, 1641–2, 1657–9, 1665 (p. 764), 1667, 1670, 1677, 1682, 1687, 1707, 1718, 1723, 1735, 1738, 1756, 1769, 1775, 1787, 1790, 1854, 1953, 1999 (3), 2002, 2006, 2017–8, 2029, 2122, 2242 (2), 2258, 2276, 2363, 2448, 2469, 2476, 2517, 2568, 2707, 2715, 2724, 2926, 3119, 3158, 3206, 3305, 3338 (?):—pp. 1527, 1531:—App. 6:—g. 132 (10), 158 (13), 587 (7), 632 (3), 750 (4), 969 (29, 40), 1170 (6), 1365 (2, 4), 1524 (25, 39), 1948 (12), 2863 (2).
-, -, -, bulls of, 70, 178, 1037–8, 1040, 1066, 1182, 1305, 1533, 1594, 1655.
-, -, -, -, publication in Liege, 1594.
-, -, -, letters (briefs) from, 55, 100, 124, 173, 207–8, 317, 372, 418, 668, 760, 870 (3, 4), 1014, 1065, 1094, 1096, 1224, 1244, 1271.
-, -, -, letters to, 92, 105, 107, 281, 292–4, 296–9, 375–6, 422, 502, 526, 600, 654, 684–6, 834–6, 974, 1030, 1041, 1062–3, 1100, 1110, 1135–6, 1151, 1188, 1190, 1296, 1346, 1348, 1433, 1521, 1539, 1615, 1625.
-, -, -, army of. See under Italy.
-, -, -, illness and reported death of, 250, 850, 858, 865–7, 880, 917, 1104, 1628, 1647 (p. 743), 1667, 1670, 1676, 1735, 2108.
-, -, -, meditates an expedition in person against the Infidels, 292.
-, -, -, offers and demands sent to Louis XII., 748, 841, 870.
-, -, -, sends Henry VIII. a consecrated golden rose, 413 iii., 417–8, 425–7, 493.
-, -, -, treaties with France, 674.

Jullyn, John, clk., 438 (4 m. 2).

Jungweiler. See Ingweiler.

Jurden, Rob., 2049.

Justice, Agnes widow of Henry, 438 (3 m. 11).
-, -, Ric., groom of the Robes, 82 (p. 41), 2243:—g. 519 (56).
-, -, Wm., 438 (1 mm. 5, 10).

Justices of the peace (Act), 341.

Justinian. See Giustiniano.