Henry VIII: Pardon Roll, Part 1

Pages 203-216

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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Pardon Roll, Part 1

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George Potte or Pot, of Sotherey, Sowthrey, Walington, Norf., Carewike in Ryddesdale, Nthld., Tydde St. Mary's, Linc., y., Westm., 14 May. Th. Woodehous, Wodehouse, Wodesse or Wodehusse, of Kymberley, Northwotton, Kymbriley, Norf., London, k., 6 May. Wm. Sheldon, of Aburdon, Wadharowe, Reley, and Grafton, Worc., g. or y., 21 May. Lady Lucy, one of the daughters of John late Marquis Mountagew, widow and executrix of Thomas Fitzwilliam, k., and of Anthony Broun, of Calais, k., widow, 18 May. Humphrey Hersy, Hersyn or Hercy, senior, of Grove, Grave, Rampton, Notts, sheriff of Notts and Derb., esq., 21 May. John Halle or Hall, of Wyllesborough, Wyndesborough, Kent, butcher, y. or husbandman, 21 May. Master, brethren and sisters of the guild of Holy Trinity, St. Mary, St. John and St. Katharine of Coventry, 21 May, Wm. Sheldon, 21 May (repeated). John Bradford or Bradforth, of Warmefeld, Warmofeld, le Heth, Heth, Bradforde, Bradforth, Yorks., Tylne next Retford. Notts, Greysin, Midd., London, St. Clement's Danes pa., Midd., esq. or g., 7 May. Wm. Batron or Batran, of Baryngton, Wells, Churchehill, Soms., Prestbury, Glouc., g. or y., 8 May. Wm. Sandall or Sendall, prior of St. Mary de Novo Loco in Shirewod, Notts, executor of Ralph Savage, and the convent there, 14 May. John Tatersall, prior, and the convent of Thurgarton, Notts., 8 May. Rob. Drury, k., late esq., Rob. Lestraunge, esq., Ric. Verne, esq., John Hopper and Anne Lee, wife of Rob. Lee, esq., lately called Anne Lucy d. of Edm. Lucy, esq., s. and h. of Wm. Lucy, k., tenants of the manor and advowson of Wildon, Beds, 21 May. Mayor, sheriffs, &c., of Coventry, tenants of the manor of Chilesmore, 21 May. Eliz. Reede, widow and executrix of Barth. Reede, alderman and goldsmith of London., k., late master of the Mint of Henry VII. in the Tower, 21 May. Edw. Halys, Hales or Hale, of London, St. John's Street, Midd., Boveney, Bucks, Rumford, Essex, g., 27 May. Francis Calybut or Calabut, of Castelacre, Norf., and London, g. or lawyer, 14 May. Ric. Lane, of Hogesshawe, Bucks. (farmer and preceptor of the lordship or manor of Hoggeshawe), Ordelyngbere, Orlibere, Irtlyngburgh, Attylburgh, Ntht., London, esq. or g., 3 May. Roger Lassels, Lasselles, or Lassellys, esq., of Sowerby, Brakynbarough, Pykering, Yorks., Tuxforth, Notts, 5 May. John Pygot, Pegot or Pigotte, g., of Norwich (s. and h. apparent of Th. P. of Framyngham Pygot next Norwich, g.), Stradesett, Norf. (understeward of Thomas Marquis Dorset's hundred called Frebrigge Hundred, Norf.), Southwark, Surr., 4 May. Nicholas de Paulo Bonvyse, Bonfise or Bonfitz, merchant of London or Hampton, 12 May. Robert Throkmerton or Throkmarton, k. or esq. of Coghton, Warw., Throkmerton, Worc., London, 2 May. Thomas Foster or Forster, y. or butcher of Thetford, Karbroke and Little Massyngham, Norf., 3 May. Nic. Burghwey or Borowey, fishmonger or chapman, of Coventry, undated. Richard Thymelby, or Thymolby or Thimulby, esq. or g., of Irenham, Belesby and Howton in the More, Linc., Brygeford next Nottingham, and London, 7 May. Wm. Tayllour, of Hull, merchant of the staple of Calais, executor of John Godeknap and Wm. Baylly of Saltfletehaven, Linc., 4 May. John Treman, clk., dean, and the secular canons of the college of St. Mary of the Fields, Norwich, 11 May. John Ulveston, or Hulston or Ulston, esq. or g., of Debenham, Suff., and of Heyngton in Hadenham within the Isle of Ely, steward, &c., of the Isle of Ely, executor of John Grey, late rector of Berkyng, Suff., and Donyngton, Camb., bailiff of Bramford, Suff., 7 May. John Straunge or Lestraunge, g. or esq., of Massyngham Parva, Norf., executor of Roger Lestraunge, k., 11 May. Robert Baker, y. or innholder, of Mildenhale, Suff., bailiff of Erswell manor, servant of Thomas Bedyngfeld, esq., 7 May. Richard Beverley, mercer or merchant, of Louth, Linc., executor of Thos. Sudbury, late vicar of Louth, and of Ric. Fyla, chaplain, 5 May. Margaret widow and executrix of Wm. Harpur of Ruysshale, Staff., 11 May. Wm. Dychard, or Dychaud or Dycherd, brewer, of London, 14 May. Chr. Belyngham or Belyngeham, esq. or g., of Hurst, Berks, late one of the collectors of the Benevolence granted to Henry VII. and verderer of Windsor Forest, 15 May. Peter Grevys or Greves, clk., late clerk of the Closet of Henry VII., one of the King's chaplains, 23 May. Robert Bewyk, draper, of St. Clement's Danes, executor of Ric. Awode, vintner, 12 May. Wm. Paston, Paaston or Pastun, esq. or g., of Oxne, Oxened, Norwich, Castre and Paston, Norf., and Snaylwell, Camb., 6 May. Lady Florence Fulford, of Fulford, Devon, widow and executrix of Humphrey Fulford, k., 5 May. Edmond Carewe or Carue, k., of Monysotery, Otery Mohun, Monesoterey, Devon, 1 May. John Holme, g. or y. of Brereley, Yorks, and Ormeskirke or Hornby, Lanc., 5 May. John Palmer, g., of London, Offechurch and Wasperton, Warw., and Adlyngton, Chesh., 6 May. John Clavyle, g., of Stoweborowe in Purbeck, Whiteclyff, Watercombe, Estynam or Sydlyng Parva, Dors., 7 May. [Richard Wyndeyate, y. or tinner, of Wydecombe, Devon, undated.] (fn. 1) Richard Smyth, merchant tailor and one of the sheriffs of London, 4 May. Richard Grevy or Greve, g., of Bishop's Lynn, Norf., bailiff of the honor of Richmond in cos. Norf. and Suff., late of Hakford next Resam, Norf., late customer and mayor of Lenne, 6 May. Henry Hornby or Hornebe, clk., late of Cambridge, late of Colyweston, Ntht., prb. of Nassyngton in _ (blank) cathedral; late master or keeper of Tateshale college; prb. of Southwell college, alderman of the guilds of St. Mary in Conyngesby and Boston, Linc., rector of St. Mary Otter, Camb., master of St. Peter's college in Cambridge, dean of Shrewsbury college, one of the prebendaries, portioners or rectors of the parish church of St. Mary of Byrton, Dors., chancellor of the Countess of Richmond and Derby and lately her secretary and dean of the chapel, 8 May. Elizabeth Rudde or Rude, of Wynterton, Linc., widow and executrix of John Rudde, merchant of the Staple of Calais, and daughter of Richard Portington, esq., 8 May. Henry Marton, Marten, Martyn or Martoun, g., of Essheton, Skipton, Elslake or Eyrton, in Craven, Yorks, late a yeoman of the Crown to Henry VII., son of Lionel Marton, 8 May. John Maudelyn, Maudelen or Mawedelyn, g., clothmaker of Corscombe or Coscombe, Some., 5 May. Thomas Coke, of Salisbury, mercer or merchant, executor of John Doget., clk., late chancellor of Salisbury cathedral, 10 May. Roger Brayne, clk., bachelor in decrees, canon resident and late subdean of Hereford, vicar of St. Peter's, Hereford, and of Lydenea, Glouc., 8 May. [Peter Vavasour, of Spaldyng, Yorks., &c., 10 May.] (fn. 2) Richard Graunger, Grawnger or Granger, y., of Egmanton or Wellowe, Ntht., and Horseth, Camb., 19 May. Robert Southwell or Sowthwell, g., of Greys Inne or Clerkenwell, Midd., Buxale, Witlesham, Bargham, Suff., 10 May. Anthony Baveryne or Bavaryn, merchant of Venice, dwelling in London, 4 May. Chr. Norton alias Wode, grocer, of London, Northalle and Haryngey, Midd., and Nutherst, Suss., 5 May. Humphrey Bradburn or Bradborne, esq., of Hugh or Hogh, Derb., 16 May. Thomas Folejambe, Folyambe, Folgambe, Foliam, Folgeambe or Folgeham, g. or esq., of Walton by Chesterfield, Derb., 12 May. George Wastnes or Wastenes esq., of Hedon or Heydon, Notts., 14 May. Thomas Henmesley, Hemnesley, Emnesley, Enmesley, Hemmesley, Emmesley, Hennesley, Ennesley or Emesley, y., butcher or innholder, of Monmoth Land, Heref., late of Lincoln, 7 May. Richard Berkley or Barkley, merchant, of Rye, Suss., late yeoman of the Crown, 10 May. Richard Pole, esq., of Cotes, Glouc., late sheriff of Gloucestershire and of Norfolk and Suffolk, tenant of Seperton manor, Glouc., 15 May. Thomas Tyrell s. and h. of James Tyrell, g., late of Gippyng, Suff., 15 May. Benedicta Foleiambe, Folgeam, Foliambe, or Folgen, of Skegby, Notts, late of Sutton, Derb., widow of Henry Foleiambe, of Walton, Derb., 14 May. John, abbot of Bermondsey, 17 May. Thomas Stonore, Stonour or Stoner, esq. or g., of Stonore, Blountes Courte, Oxon, London, and Westminster, Midd., 16 May. John Basset or Bassett, k., of Umberlegh, Womberlegh, Orlegh, Orlee, Devon, and Tehedy, Cornw., 15 May. John Boteler or Butler, esq. or g., of Michel Badmyngton, Glouc., Burcestre, Bucks., Berwyk, Oxon, and Bristol, late customer of Bristol, 16 May. Richard prior of Kyrkeby super Wrethek alias Kyrkeby Vellers, Leic., 14 May. [Robert Wyndeyate, yeoman, husbandman, tinner or tin merchant, of Wydecombe, Devon, 15 May.] (fn. 3) Richard Hornyngtoft, husbandman, of Marsham and of Paston, Norf., 15 May. Wm. Crugge, tin merchant, yeoman, tanner, husbandman or merchant, of Exeter and Exbridge, Devon, 15 May. Thomas Sibill, of Aynysforde, Kent, g., executor of Wm. Clerke, of London, tallow chandler, 15 May. John Dunham, Donham or Dounham, esq., of Kyrlyngton, Notts, and of London, 21 May. Philip Constable or Constabill, esq., of Flamborough, Holme in Spaldingmore or Skelton in Galtres, Yorks., and Glanfordbrige, Linc., 10 May. Hugh Clyderhowe, Clederrowe or Clyderrowe, of Brantyngham and Hull, Yorks., clk., alias late of Barton upon Humber, Linc., and Chikney, Essex, chaplain, late of Patrikburn, Kent, and the town of Calais, chaplain, 10 May. Thomas Pygot, Pycot or Pykott, g., of Whaddon, Bucks., and Elizabeth his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of John Iwardeby, esq., 20 May. Thomas Knyght, k., of Lincoln and North Ingelby, Linc., Bukwith, Yorks, and Gaitford, Notts, merchant of the Staple of Calais, 20 May. Robert Cotton, k., of Landewade, Camb., Wygbarowe, Essex, Colynge, Suff., and London; s. and h. of Thomas Cotton, esq., and Joan Cotton, d. and h. of Nic. Sharp, late of Cogsale, Essex, g., 13 May. Wm. Tracy, esq. or g., of Todyngton, Glouc., s. and h. of Henry T., of Bristol, 20 May. Ralph Harbotell, Harbotylle or Harebotylle, g., of Grantham and Sleaford, Linc., 20 May. Richard Graunger, of Egmanton, Ntht., 19 May (repeated). Wm. Brereton, Brerton, Breretun or Breton, esq. or g., of Brereton or Astbury, Chesh., London and Chester, 22 May. John Shurley, Shirley, esq., chief clerk of the Kitchen or controller of great custom in the port of London, bailiff of Rye, Suss., undated. Wm. Justice, clothyer or merchant, of Redyng, Berks., and Southampton, 12 June. Andrew Busby, Busbe, Bushby or Bussheby, g., y., husbandman, franklin or drover, of Tutbury, Tutbery, Tuttonbury, Tutbori, Staff., 8 June. Wm. Lyndesey, abbot of St. John's beside Colchester, and the convent there, 10 May. Nic. Waryng, of London, salter, merchant or gentleman, collector of tunnage and poundage in the port of London, 10 June. Joan White of Ratcliff, Midd., widow and executrix of John White, of Ratcliff, 20 June. Wm. Wolston, y., of Bawdeswell and Creyke, Norf., 1 June. John Scott, esq., of Stratford Langthorn, Essex, brother of the third rule of the Order of St. Francis and brother of the chapter of the monastery of Stratford Langthorn (s. and h. of Wm. Scott, esq.), tenant of the manor of Stapilford Tany, Essex, late of Peccham, Surr., Berking, Essex, Byrlyng, Kent, Holt in Wales, Theydon Mounte, the town of Garnans, Stanford Ryvers and Waltham Holy Cross, Essex, and Louthe, Linc.; late draper of London, 1 June. Giles Brugges or Brugge, k., of Cokerley or Coverley, Glouc., and Blountesdon, Wilts, s. and h. of Thomas Brugges and of Florence his wife (d. of Thomas, s. of Giles, s. of Alice, d. of Elizabeth, sister and h. of Sir John Chaundos), 29 April. John Lawrens, y., husbandman or tailor, of Snetysham, Snetsham, Norf., 1 June. Wm. Lowthe or Louthe, of London, goldsmith, 12 June. Ralph Lathom, Lathum, Latham or Alathom, of London, goldsmith or gentleman, 13 June. Thomas Newce, Newse or Newyce of London, merchant haberdasher, 10 June. John Risley, k., farmer or keeper of the manor of Eltham, Kent, late knight for the body of Henry VII., 9 June. Jocosa Brome, prioress, and the convent of Wrocheshale alias Wraxhale, Warw., 1 June. Wm. Phillip, of Reynham, Kent, mariner or y., late of London, goldsmith, 1 May. John Togood or Togode, clk., rector of Codgrave, Notts, late of Ekryng or Acren, Notts, 12 July. (His grant is "pro Deo quia pauper.") Robert Avon, or Auvon or Ayvon, of London, brewer or y., 6 May. Thomas Lucas, esq., or g., of Saxdam Parva, Suff., late solicitor of Henry VII., 11 May. Robert Warcop, of Warcophalle, Westmld., and Langholme, Cumb., London, Goldesburgh, Yorks., esq. or g., 8 May. Thomas Rydnale, Redenhale, Rydnall or Redennall, of Bury St. Edmunds, or Haverell, Suff., y. or clothmaker, 15 June. Roger Samuell or Samwell, g., of Cottesford, Oxon, late of Wobourn Deyncourt alias Bisshoppeswobourn, Bucks., London and Westminster, 15 June. Nic. Strelley or Stralley, esq. or g., of Lyndeby, or Lynby, Southcolyngham, Newerk, or Southwell, Notts and London, 8 June. Nic. Dalman or Dolman, husbandman, of Broughton, Hants., Knoyle and Marlborough, Wilts, 16 June. Henry Laueston, Laweston or Lauston, mariner or yeoman, of Maidstone, Kent, 18 June. George Harvey, esq. or g., of Thurley and Relegh, Beds., and the King's household, 19 June. Edmond Richardson or Richardson, y. or husbandman, of Legysbe, Linc., late of Eryham or Erryham, Yorks., farmer of the rectory of Usselby next Kaster, 19 June. John Fyssher, k., of Clyfton, Beds., and London, one of the justices of Common Pleas, 6 June. Richard Kent, mayor of Oxford, mercer, grocer or merchant, 20 June. Thomas Jakes or Jakys, g., of London, the Inner Temple, Fyncheley, Midd., and Whellesboroo, Leic., and Elizabeth his wife, late wife and executrix of Thomas Frowyk, knight, chief justice of Common Pleas, who was executor of John Warde, alderman of London, which Jakes was "nuper clericus Inferni alias dictus Thomas Jakes nuper custos recordorum Domini Regis Henrici Septimi et aliorum ligeorum suorum de Communi Banco infra locum vocatum Hell existentium et residentium," 11 May. Peter Colyn or Colyns, of Churstowe, Devon, merchant or husbandman, 19 June. Elizabeth Shelford, abbess, and the convent of Shaftesbury, 20 June. Wm. Scardevyle and Anne his wife, executrix of Wm. Radmyll, k., of Brodewater, Suss., 12 June. Wm. Froste or Frost, g., of Yavyngdon, Winchester, Wherwell, Yvyngdon and Oldestoke, Hants, 1 June. Geoffrey Byrd, Birde or Beyrd, y. or husbandman, of Shernburn and Hemnale, Norf., 20 June. Henry Fynche, g., of Sandeherst, Plukley and Milton next Sittingbourne, Kent., son of Vincent F., 16 June. John Seyton, g., of Maydewell, Draughton and Scaldewell, Ntht., and London, 16 June. Ralph Shyrley, esq., of Wyston, Wystneston or Wytston, Suss., and Wodynhill in Chesseham parish, Bucks., 20 June. Nic. Wrenne, of Great Wyrlynham and Pakefeld, Suff., and London, gentleman, attorney, or y., 28 June. Wm. Jonys or Jones, rector of St. Peter's, Marlborough, and All Saints, Crudwell, commissary of the bp. of Salisbury, 28 June. Anne Greysley or Gresley, widow and executrix of Thomas Gresley, k., late of Drakelowe, Derb., and Colton, Staff., 10 June. Wm. Tayllyor, Tayllour, Tayller and Tayllar, glover or y., of Bury St. Edmunds, Flamborough and Worcester, 6 June. John Chauncy, Chauncys, Chances or Chancy, g., of Northampton and Lyllyngston Lovell, Oxon, 2 July. Hugh Hoton, Hotton or Hutton, of Medylscogh and of Hutton Jon, Cumb., esq. or g., 20 June. Nic. Frauneys or Fraunceys, of Yelton, Devon, late of Combeflory, Soms., esq. or g., 26 June. John Beynton or Baynton, of Bromham, Fallerston, Falleston, or Falston, Wilts, esq. or g., 26 June. John, the prior, and the convent of Plympton, Devon, 28 June. John Mauncell or Mauncyll, husbandman, of Cardyngton and Chelmyng, Salop, 24 June. John Pert, y. of Tewkesbury, Glouc., and Evesham, Worc., 21 June. Thomas Pakker, of Colern, Chippenham, Kyngeswod and Cannynges, Wilts, y. or grasier, 24 June. John Coke, Cooke or Cook, mercer, alderman of Gloucester, 22 June. Lewis Clyfford of Bobbyng and Sutton Valance, Kent, esq. or g., 5 May. William abp. of Canterbury primate of all England, legate of the Apostolic See and Chancellor, late bp. of London, &c., 1 May. Hugh Mervyn or Merven, of Church Lalford, Warw., g., 9 May. Robert Sheffeld, k., recorder of London, constable of Lincoln castle, of Chylwell, Notts., and Butterwyk, Linc., and Ellen his wife, kinswoman and heir of John Babyngton, k., 6 May. Henry Uvedale, Uffedale, or Ufdale, of Corff Castell, Dors., serjeant of the King's staghounds, late of Berford St. Martin's, Wilts, gentleman usher of Henry VII., customer and comptroller of Poole, and bailiff of Bagshote, Surr., esq. or g., 12 May. Richard Knyghtley, of Falwesley, Fallesley, Fallisley, Ntht., k., 12 May. Thomas Brandon, of Southwark, Surr., and _(blank), Suff., k., of the King's Household, marshal of the Bench, 11 May. Robert Kyrton, abbot, and the convent of Peterborough, 12 May. Chr. Gay or Gaye, of Elmested, Werehorne, and Canterbury, Kent, London and Calais, g., or merchant tailor of London, 9 May. Richard Hatton, clk., of London and Westminster, canon and prb. of the royal free chapel of St. Mary and St. Stephen within Westminster palace, provost of the royal college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas of Cambridge, vicar of East Grenewiche, rector of Hanslap, Bucks., and clerk of the Parliament, 8 May. Robert Bromore, Brymmore or Bromere, prior, and the convent of Butley, 10 May. Walter Champyon, of London, draper, son of Arnold Champyon, 8 May. John Rawlynson or Rawelynson alias Conand, alias Mayrflete, of Mareflete, or Marflet, Yorks., y. or husbandman, 6 May. Wm. Asshebournham, of Asshebournham, Suss., esq. or g., 8 May. Arthur Eyre, Heyr or Heyre, of Padley Derb., and London, esq. or g., son of Robert, 10 May. Wm. Kirkeey, Kirkby, Kirkeby, Kyrby, Kerkby, Kerkeby or Kerby, of Folkeston, Kent, and Westminster, y. or labourer, 7 May. Lewis Apprice or App Ryce, bailiff of Hanslopp, Bucks, yeoman of the Crown, 7 May. Robert Gryce, of Wakefeld, Yorks, g., executor of Thomas Gryce, g., 16 May. Thomas Goodwyn or Goodewyn, prior, and the convent of St. Peter's, Ipswich, 12 May. Thomas Wylkynson or Wylkenson, abbot of Welbeck, 10 May. Richard Harecourt, Hercourt, Harcourt or Harencourt, esq. or g., of Staunton Harecourt, and of Roiallieu, Oxon, Claxton, Norf., Westhrop, Suff., Ewelme, Oxon, Hayles, Glou., and Cornden, Glouc., 12 May. Ralph Shyrley, Shirley, Shurley, Shirle or Shirlowe, k., of Stanton, Stanton Harold, Onelipp and Kenyngton, Leic., Shyrley and Melbourne, Derb., and London, 14 May. Ralph Ellercar, Ellerker., Illerker, Helerker, or Ellerkyre, k., of Rysbe, Mourton and Lound, Yorks., late treasurer of Berwick, 16 May. Richard Darnton or Dernton, husbandman, of Scypby next Beverley, Faxflete, Owsemoredike, Northcave and Southcave, Yorks., 16 May. Robert Plompton or Plumpton, of Plompton and Idell, Yorks., late knight for the body of Henry VII., 21 May. Richard Williamson, of Bardesey, Dunkeswyk, Estkeswyk and Kerkeby Overblawes, Yorks., woolman or y., and Elizabeth. his wife, 8 May. Ralph Claxton, of Halywell beside Brauncepath, Dham., esq. or g., constable of Brauncepath castle, 9 May. Roger Wombewell or Womwell alias Lawnell, of Wombewell or Womwell, Yorks., esq., 19 May. Ralph Scrope or Scrop, of Ryvers and Harlesey, Yorks., and Walton and Newnham, Nthld., esq. or g., s. of Thomas Scrope lord Le Scrope of Masham or of Upsale, 20 May. [[John Lysle, of Thrucleston or Thruxton, Hants, knight, executor of Nicholas Lysle, knight, 21 May.] (fn. 4) John Gower, k., of Stytnam, Stitlum, Stitelom, Yorks., and London, s. and h. of Thomas Gower, knight, and brother and h. of Thomas Gower, esq., 14 May. John Winchelse, prior of Castelacre, 19 May. Richard Weybred, clk., master, and the brethren of Metyngham college, Suff., 12 May. Henry Trotter or Troter, prior, and the convent of Lyghes, Essex, 12 May. Hugh Oldom or Oldham, bp. of Exeter, 21 May. Nic. Cowart, Cowert or Coward, of Southampton, merchant or mariner, late of Pole, Dors., and Hamyll, Hants, in the office of the Butlery under Sir Robert Southwell, and John Ray or Rai, of Romsey, merchant, 21 May. Wm. Dene or Dean alias Peerson, alias Capper, of Lychefeld, Staff., y. or chapman, executor of Thomas Dodde, 22 May. Thomas Bawmford, labourer, y., of Stevenage, Stevenache, Herts., 22 May. Nic. Kyrkeham, esq., of Newton St. Cyres and Exeter, Devon, one of the customers of Exeter and Dartmouth, 18 May. Thomas Purvoche, Purwyche, Purvyche, Purvooche, Purwyeche, Purvoys, Purweche or Purvoiche, g. or y., of Godalming and of Chydyngfold, Surr., 14 July. Thomas Staunton or Stanton, of Staunton or Hawbesworth, Notts, and Quadryngton, Linc., g., 10 July. Thomas Sutton, k., of Averham, Arom, Aram, Arum and Kellom, Notts, late of Clement's Inn, g., 20 May. Robert Roclyff or Roeclyffe, g. or esq., of Kylwyk, Byrn or Huton Crancewyk, Yorks., 4 July. Wm. Howys, prior, and the convent of Wymondley, Herts, 5 July. John Currand, Currant, Corand or Currande, of Eppyng, Heppyng and Wendonlowes, Essex, y., 6 July. John Brokett or Brokkette, esq., of Walyngton, Ammesho, Symondhyde, and Whethamsted, Herts, and Appulton, Yorks., 9 July. Stephen the abbot and the convent of Crokisden, Staff., 24 May. Thomas Kylham, g., of Dosthorp and Peterborough, Ntht., London, Clement's Inn [Midd.] and Sleford, Linc., bailiff of Medmenham and Ellysburgh, Bucks, keeper of the King's great park of Fodrynghey, Ntht., s. and h. and executor of John Kylham, late of Burrowe, Ntht., 6 June. John Garneys, Garnysshe, Garnych, or Garnys, esq. or g., of Kenton, Suff. (s. and h. of Thomas G.), executor of John Yaxley, late serjeant at law, g., 30 May. Robert Plomer or Plummer, of Sandon, Essex, and London, g. or esq., 8 June. Nic. Waryng, of London, salter, merchant or g., late of Southampton, collector of tunnage and poundage in the port of London, 10 June. Barth. Sommerce, of London, haberdasher, a native of Zealand, 10 June. Wm. Justice, of Redyng, Berks., clothier or merchant, late of Southampton, 12 June. Robert Fulwode or Fulwood, esq. or g., of Tonworth, Warw., and London, 6 June. John Ludlowe, of Hyll Deverell, Wilts, esq. or g., s. and h. of John L., late of Southampton, 8 June. Wm. Isaac or Isaak, draper or merchant, late alderman of London, 12 June. Robert Curson, knight or baron, late of London and Ipswich, and captain of Hampnes castle, 8 May. Thomas Wryght, clk., keeper of the college of Sir Nicholas Cantelupe and Joan his consort within the Close of Lincoln, rector of Leek in Holand and of Wycombe, co. Linc., and executor of Wm. Skelton, late treasurer of St. Mary's, Lincoln, 20 June. Thomas Dobson, of Gaynysborowgh, glover or y., late servant to Edward de Borough, knight, 19 June. Henry Wylcokkys, clk., of Banbury and Dorchester, Oxon, commissary of the bp. and official of the archdeacon in co. Oxon, vicar general of the bp. of Lincoln, prb. of Torleton in Salisbury and of Cropern in Lincoln, executor of Thomas Wylcokkys, of Ryppull, Worc., late collector of benevolence and tenth, 10 June. Hugh Kylshawe, Kyrshawe, or Cresshawe, g., of Whethampsted, St. Albans, Great Berkhamsted and Flamsted, Herts, and Agnes his wife, late the wife of Thomas Leventhorp, 23 June. John Tregonnall or Tregonwell, of Exeter, clk., vicar of Menefrede, co. Cornw., vicar choral of Exeter cathedral, executor of Joan Vivian and of John Pole, chaplain, 18 June. John Fell, y., of Aldyngham in Furness, Lanc., of Kyrkeby in Kendal, Westmld., and Ashby de la Souche, Leic., 22 June. Thomas Hasylryg, Hesylryg or Hasilrigge, of Noseley and Chirche Langton, Leic., esq. or g., s. and h. of Wm. Hasylrygge and of Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Staunton, dec., 25 June. Robert Cutler, clk., provost, and the fellows of Rotherham college, Yorks., 25 June. Thomas Metham, Methom or Metam, k., of Metham, Yorks., and London, undated. Wm. Marres or Marrys, of Castere, Ntht., and Byllesthorp, Rutl., y., 8 June. Robert Staunford, abbot, and the convent of Pipwell, 16 June. Wm. Reygny, Reyny, Reyne, Reygne or Rayny, of Engenesford, Eggenefford, Eggisford, Eggynefford, Devon, clk., prb. of Nether Heyn in Culmelegh parish, rector of Plymtre, bachelor in decrees, late of Framton Cotell, Glouc., Longaischton, Soms., Cheriton and Bishop's Waltham, Hants., and Crediton, Kirton, Credihamton and Northtawton, Devon, clk., 20 June. John Sawebrige or Sawebrigge, of Alleston, Allescote, Warw., late of Wyllycote, Glouc. y., 10 June. Robert Cutler or Cutteler alias Sexten, clk., priest of a chantry founded by John Cosyn in the church of St. Peter Mancroft in Norwich, executor of Wm. Byllerne, clk., late of Norwich, and John Josse, late rector of Melton, Norf., 21 May. Robert Cawardyne or Carden, esq., of Mauesyn Rydware, Mavysynrydwere, Mamysynryd Were, Staff., and London, 28 June. Thomas Mountagu, of Myghell Kyngton, Wilts, North Curry, Soms., and Ottery St. Mary, Devon, esq., 4 June. Richard Hanam or Haname, of Horsyngton, Soms., Ludelynche, Dors., franklin, 26 June. Humphrey Gardener or Gardyner, of Worcester, "Hadfile of the Thorne," Yorks., of Welley, Notts, of Rayno, Chesh., and late keeper of Maxfeld Forest, Chesh., of Manchester, Lanc., of Litilport in Isle of Ely and of London y., 28 June. Ralph Hygden or Hygdon, of Muskam, Carleton, Caunton and Southmuskeham, Notts, and Rotherham, Yorks., pewterer or y., 20 June. Margaret Youche, prioress, and the convent of Gracedewe, Leic., 20 June. John Langton, Langtoyn or Langeton, esq., of Langton and Skremby, Linc., and London, 26 June. John Peke or Peek, clk., rector of Warsop, Notts, late of Blithe, Notts, son of Hugh Peke, undated. Ralph Grenehall, Grenehale, Graneall, Granehalch or Graneale, esq., of Teversall, Notts, 28 June. Wm. Ryppys, Ryppes or Reppys, of Norwich, shoemaker or cordwainer, 27 June. Richard Hewet or Huet, of Exeter, merchant, mayor of the staple of Exeter, 27 June. Wm. Lavender, Lavander or Lavendyr, of Ketelston, or Ketylston, Norf., husbandman, 27 June. Richard Hyll, Hull or At Hill, of Southampton, g., clothier or merchant, deputy of Ant. Spinula in the office of ulnage in the town of Southampton, late of London, Havent, Hants, and Hamulidon, Surr., 28 June. Thomas Broke, g., of Pryncyn Ryseborough, Bucks, and Ewelme, Oxon, parker, bailey and woodward of Ewelme, Oxon, clerk of the check of the Guard in the King's Household, late of Swynecom, Oxon, and servant of Edmund de la Pole, gent., 1 June. John Clyfton, abbot, and the convent of Sybton, Suff., 16 June. John Halley, Hallay or Hallee, of Wateryng or Weteryng, Ntht., g., or esq., 5 June. Richard Walden, esq., of Erith, Kent, and London, late bailiff of Swanyscombe, 1 May. Wm. Grey or Gray, of Pedbeworth, Pebworth, Glouc., Wood Bevyngton and Oxhulf, Warw., and Calowhill, Worc., y. or husbandman, one of the sureties of Wm. Bovy, late of Samburne, Warw., 24 May. Wm. Blesby, Blysby or Bleseby, of Blesby, Linc., g., s. and h. of Thomas and kinsman and heir of John Blysby, 24 June. Wm. Scardevyle, g., of Fountyngton, Boseham and Sydelesham, Suss., s. and h. of Peter Scardevyle, 20 June. Chr. Pykeryng, esq., of Killyngton, Westmld., late of Ellerton, Yorks., and London, s. and h. of James Pykering, and kinsman and heir of Margaret Lassell, alias Frank, mother of the said James, 8 June. Wm. Heron or Heyron, grocer, of Sudbury, Suff., London, and Chepyng Wycombe, Bucks., 22 June. Thomas Strangeways, Strangways or Strangeweys, of Wymborne St. Giles, Stynsford, Stryfford and Styfford, Dors., esq., 10 May. Wm. Payn or Payne, of Rowedham, Thetford, and Rowdham, Norf., London, and Stansted and Boxsted, Suff., esq., 2 July. Owen Gryffyth, Gryffeth or Ap Gryffyth, of Irtylyngborough, Ntht., late of Bewmarys, co. Anglesea, and Malpas, Chesh., y., 19 July. Robert Marlege, Marlegge, Marleche, Marlache, Merlege, etc., of Derby, y., or tanner, 16 June. Robert Belwode, of Belton in the Isle of Axam, Linc., and Byleby and Carleton, Yorks., g. or esq., 3 July. Alice Ayssheton, Aston or Asshton, of Bresyngham, Norf., widow of Richard Aysshton, k., of Mydylton, Lanc., widow and one of the executors of Roger Pykkyngton, of Bresyngham, and tenant of the manors of Bery and Pykkyngton, Lanc., and Frytton, Yorks., 2 July. Robert Owedyn, Oweden or Owden, of Somerleton, Suff., Thorp next Haddesco, Norf., gent. or y., 28 June. Andrew Hillersdon, Hyllesdon or Hyllysdon, esq., of Memynglond, Mamlona, Memlond, Devon, and London, 28 June. Wm. Lobbe, of Salisbury, brewer, 4 July. Giles Hyll or Hull, of Taleton, Devon, Sampford Bret and Cosyngton, Soms., and London, g. or esq., s. and h. of Robert Hyll, dec., 27 June. John Ryngewood or Ryngwood, of Estmyll in the parish of Fordyngbrigge, and Shirwyll, Hants., and Whitparisshe, Wilts, g. or esq., s. and h. of Charles, 27 June. John Brent, esq., of Cosyngton, Soms., and London, 27 June. John Copleston, esq., of Bowdon in the parish of Yalumpton or Yalhampton, Devon, 2 July. Wm. Neleson, Nelleson, Nellson or Nelison, merchant, g. or esq., alderman of York, 1 July. John Schaw, Schawe, Scawe, Schaa or Schae, alderman of York or merchant, 1 July. George Kyrke, Attkyrke or Atthekyrke, alderman of York or merchant, 1 July. Robert Cooke or Coke, clk., master or keeper of the house or college of Holy Trinity called Knolles Almeshous in Pountfrett, and the chaplains or brethren there, 6 July. Wm. Spirlyng or Sperling, of Emneth, or of Frebrigge Hundred, Norf., husbandman or y., 10 July. Robert Geffon, Gyffon, Jepson or Gefson, g. or y., of Ripon, Ayton, Poklyngton, Wheldryk and Flaynburgh, Yorks., 4 July. Isabella Wyllyams, of Birfeld, Fynchampsted and Stratfelde Mortymer, Berks, and Playnsfeld, Soms., widow and executrix of John Wylliams, k., 8 July. Robert Hunkes or Hunkys, g., merchant or woolman, of Evesham, Worc., and Radbroke, or Redbroke, Glouc., 8 May. John Byrde, husbandman or farmer, late of Pukshippon in Bechyngstoke parish, Wilts, 7 June. The bailiffs, burgesses and commonalty of Ludlow, Salop, 8 July. John Batman or Bateman, labourer, of Bewdeley, Beaudeley, Bewedeley, Salop and Worc., 5 July. Richard Runyon, Ryneon, or Rynon alias Robert Ruynon or Ryneon, g., of Shepton Malet, Enborough and Wells, Soms., 8 June. Thomas Broke, abbot of Mochelney, 6 July. Wm. Wilton, clk., treasurer and residentiary of Salisbury cathedral, doctor of decrees, late of London and Oxford, 5 July. Peter Stanter or Stantor, g., of Great Hornyngesham, and Kyngeston Deverell, Wilts, s. and h. of Alexander, 8 June. Thomas Blacker, or Blakker, of Shaftesbury, Dors., Mere and Stourton, Wilts, and Morekyrchell, Dors., innholder or y., 7 July. Roger Baynard, g., of Rode Ayssheton, Heytesbury, Lackeham, Wilts, and Farley, Soms., 8 June. Walter Cervyngton, g., of Langford Cernyngton, Wilts, Salisbury and London, 9 July. John Chocke or Chokke, of Shalbourne and Chalfeld, Wilts, esq., late of London, g., s. and h. of Richard Chocke, and Alice his wife, d. and h. of Robert Coventre, esq., 2 July. Alice wife of Philip Courtenay, knight, of Louetorre, Devon, late wife of Thomas Coyle and of Matthew Andrewe and of John Hoker, merchants, 5 July. Thomas Godeman, Goodman or Goodeman, of Tewkesbury, Glouc., g., lately Henry VII.'s surveyor and receiver of Warwick lands, &c., in cos. Warw., Leic., &c., 10 July. Robert Laurence, Laurens or Laurense, of Malmesbury, Wilts, y. or g., notary public, registrar and scribe of the archdeacon of Wiltshire, 11 July. John Louedey or Lovedey, g., of Chedesteyn, Chedestan or Chesteyn, Suff., and Plumsted, Norf., 6 July. Henry Daunse, Dauns, Daunce, Dawnse, Dans or Danse, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., draper or hosier, late of Wederysfeld, Essex, "sengilman," 6 July. Robert Forrour, of Norwich, draper, executor of Ralph Pulvertoft, clk., 6 July. Thomas Chaundeler, prior, and the convent of Horsham St. Faith's, 6 July. Wm. Clopton, of Longmelford, Suff., k. (s. and h. of John C., esq.) and Thomasia his wife, 6 July. John Baker alias Wareyn, of Sudbury, Suff., grocer or y., 6 July. John Curson or Corson, of Croxsall, Croxhale, Croxhall, Derb., London, 8 July. Ric. Synger, prior, and the convent of Wenlock, 1 July. Peter Moreff or Moryff, merchant, burgess and coroner of Dunwich, Suff., executor of Thomas Cole of Nedham Market, merchant, and of Joan late wife of John Cole of Nedham Market, merchant, and of Maud late wife and executrix of John Moreff of Dunwich, 10 July. John Botolffe, husbandman, of Hemmesby and Fylby, Norf., 5 July. John Palmer or Palmere, gent., of Lyngwod, and Great Yarmouth, Norf., and London, one of the customers of Yarmouth, son and executor of Geoffrey Palmer, 4 July. John Norton, abbot, and the convent of Beauchief, 12 July. Simon Senos, Cenos or Cenose, prior, and the convent of Carlisle cathedral, 12 July. Wm. Marton, abbot, and the convent of Bardeney, 12 July. Hugh (or Howell) ap Henry ap Gwellym, g., of Mechyfuychy, in the commote of Iskennen, co. Carm., and Cantleweston in the lordship of Clomorgan, S. Wales, late of Wam Jeryn, co. Carm., and London, 3 July. Thomas Thurlond, Thurland, Thorlond, Thurlund, Tharlond or Thirlond, of Gamston, Gamelston, Gamulston and Nottingham, Notts, and Utterby and Thoresby, Linc., esq. or g., 20 June. Joan Pynchon, of Bumsted Helion, Bumstede Hillyon, Bomstede Hyllyon, Essex, widow of John Pynchon, labourer, 11 May. Edward Redmayn, Redeman, Redman, or Redemayn, of Ysell. Cumb., Harwod, Yorks, London, Levyns, Westmld., and Chedeoke, Dors., esq., brother and heir of William Redmayn, knight, 7 June. Lady Agnes Harwell of Warwick, late of Wotton Wawen, Shotley and Shoterey, Warw., widow and executrix of Wm. Harwell, esq., 15 June. Thomas Wanford, Wandeford or Warneford, of Sevenhampton, Wilts, tenants of Fyers in Shrevenham, Berks, g., 14 May. Wm. Hyll or Hille, of Solyhull, Warw., g., y., grazier or chapman, executor of John Clerk, 15 June. Wm. Smyth, clk., rector of Oxshulff, Warw., and of Yelvertoft, Ntht., 24 May. Anthony Ardes or Ardys, of Sheryngton, Bucks., Manton, Rutl., and London, g., 20 June. William, the abbot, and the convent of St. Agatha beside Richmond, 25 June. John Pulleyn, Pullayn or Pullan, of Kirkebyhalle, Yorks., g., s. and h. of Richard Pulleyn, late of Kyllynghall, one of the administrators of Wm. Roose or Rose, sen., chaplain of Ripley, Yorks., dec., 25 June. Richard Basset or Bascet, of Fletburgh, Kyrtlyngton, Notts, Clement's Inn and London, esq., 18 June. John Whytwell, Whytwhell or, Whitewell, of Felmyngham, and Croftwheyght next Bromeholme, Norf., esq., s. and h. of Richard, 21 June. Peter Harden, Hardyn, or Arden, of Gresley, Notts, Kynderton, Chesh., Bromsgrove, Worc., and London, y., 25 June. Thomas Shilton, Shylton or Shelton, of Yardeley, Worc., carpenter or y., 19 June. Robert Beckys, Bekkys Bekkes or Bex, of Littleport in the Isle of Ely, Camb., and Sotherey, Norf., husbandman or y., 25 June. John Peke or Peek, clk., rector of Warsop, and vicar of Blithe, Notts, s. of Hugh, 30 June. Mayor, &c. of York 4 July. Hen. Boynton, k. of Over Sadbery, Sadbery, Castelleventon, Ingleby, Yorks., Ravenshelm in the bpric. of Durham, one of the executors of Agnes Radcliff, dec., 4 July. John Gilliot or Gillyot, k., alderman of York or merchant, 3 July. Margery Barley or Barlowe, of Stoke, Derb., widow and executrix of Thos. Barley and of Robert Gilbert, and executrix of Margaret Langford, 6 July. John, the prior, and the convent of Mountgrace, 25 June. John Slyngesby, esq., of Screven beside Knaresborough, Stodeley Barlet, Northstodeley, Dent in Lounesdale, Brudeforth and Holy, Yorks., 1 July. John Boteler, Botler or Butler, of Solyhull, Warw., gent., or courtholder, late of Coventry and London, 3 July. Robert Molyneux, Moleneus or Moleneux, g., of Haweton, Notts, late of Staple Inn in Holburn, Midd., and Alkar, Lanc., 6 July. Thomas and Brian Man, of Thorp Underwood and Whixley, Yorks., yeomen, executors of John Man, dec., 6 July. Wm. Smyth, of Belton, Linc., clk., canon of Lincoln, archd. of Lincoln, late of Lincoln and Cambridge, clk., rector of Elford. Camb., and archd. of Northampton, 6 July. Thomas Twysaday, Twysdey or Twysadey, of London, esq., serjeant at arms, page of Edward IV.'s chamber, 7 July. Thos. Horton, of Ifford, and Bradford, Wilts, and London, clothmaker, 5 July. John Agard, g., of Foston and Screpton, Derb., and Rolston, Staff., receiver of the honor of Tutbury, 4 July. Anne Danvers, of Banbery, Oxon, widow of Wm. Danvers, k., 5 July. John Warboys or Wardeboys, abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, 5 July. George Baynbrigge, Baynbrige, Baynbrig or Baynbrug, g., farmer of the manor of Est Tuderley and Lokerley, Hants, or tenant of the manor of Lokerley, Boteler, Hants, and Heyshete, Suss., and Southwark, Surr., 7 Nov. Richard Donn or Doune, of Dersyngham and Bale, Norf., y. or courtholder, 6 Oct. The merchants of the Staple of Calais, 24 Nov. Ric. Martyn, g., skinner or merchant of the Staple, s. and h. of Wm. Martyn, k., late alderman of London, 5 Oct. Adrian Debardys, Debardy or Debardes, or Debardi, prebendary and rector of Thame, co. Oxon, Husbourne Regis alias Husbourne Tarraunt, co. Hants, and Borbage, Wilts, 10 Oct. Wm. Wever, y., of St. Keverayne, Cornw., Bewley, Hants, and Abbotsbury, Dors., 8 Sept. John Rowse or Rouse, alias John Andrewe Rows, of Tregensebys, Cornw., tin merchant, 10 Oct. Robert Crauthorn, Craythorn, Crattorn, Crawthorn or Crathorn, of Boston, Linc., merchant, or merchant of the Staple of Calais, 26 Sept. Thomas Kyrkeby, Kyrkkeby or Kirkby, of Cathorp in Kesteven, Catrope, Linc., husbandman or grazier, 8 Oct. John Turnemull or Turnebull, or Northpeterton, Soms., and Honyton, Devon, y., 16 Oct. Mabel Doket, of Skelmeser, or Skelser, beside Kyrkby in Kendal, widow and administratrix of James Doket, and administratrix of Robert Doket, 22 Oct. David ap John ap Jankyn, of Skenfryth, and Grossemond or Grusmont, in the Marches of Wales, husbandman or g., 5 Oct. Thomas Warrenarr or Warrener, smith, of Durham, late of Whitwell and Kyrkeby in Kendal, Westmld., 20 Oct. Wm. Dyngley or Dyneley, g., of Charleton, Charlton, Evesham, Worc., and Coughton, Warw., 8 Oct. Nic. Shelton or Skelton, of London, mercer, g., merchant, or merchant of the Staple of Calais, 29 Oct. Wm. Tempyll or Temple, g., of Appesley in Ellesburgh parish, Bucks, late of Swarford, Swareforde, Oxon, 20 Oct. Roger Bernyngham, prior, and the convent of the monks of Thetford, 14 Jan. Robert Toneys, of Langford, Oxon, Lincoln, Rammesbury, Wilts, Ledyngton, Rutl., and Bemynster, Dors., clk. or g., 7 July. Bailiffs, burgesses and commonalty of Dunwich, Suff., 17 Nov. John Boreman, clk. or chaplain, of Hodenhull, Warw., Assheby de Lyar or Assheby Lygear, Ntht., late occupier of the lands which were of George Catesby, 10 Nov. John Lyngeyn, Lyngen, Lyngoyn or Lyngam, of Stoke Edyth, and Sutton Frene, Heref., k., 10 Nov. John Vyntener, abbot, and the convent of St. Osithe, 10 June. Roger Bodenham, esq., of Rotheswas (sic), and Duchurche, Heref., 6 July. Hugh Holme, of Ormeskyrk and Lathom, Lanc., and Grateley, Suss., yeoman, 8 July. John Palmere, 4 July (repeated as on m. 14). Owen Perrot, esq., of Harroldston in Wales, s. and h. of Wm. Perrot, knight, 6 July. Vincent Maynard or Maynerd, gent., of Lamarton, Devon, 28 July. Wm. Pereson, keeper or master, and the brethren and sisters of the guild of St. Mary the Virgin in Banbury, Oxon., 10 July. John Halton, of Swynden and Selysden, or Selisdane, in Craven, Yorks., husbandman or y., 13 July. Thomas Crecy or Cressy, of Great Markham, Notts., gent., 26 June. Wm. Graunte or Graunt (late monk of Westminster) prior, and the convent of Hurley, 14 July. Thomas Goderd alias Catfeld, prior of Ingham, 18 July. Nic. Prent, of Buxton, Norf., y., or husbandman, late of Cakrowe. Norf., executor of Robert Northern, late of Buxton, clk., 18 July. Richard Wyndeyate, of Wycomb, Wydecombe, or Scobtorre in Wydecombe pa., Devon, y., husbandman, or tinner, 5 May. Peter Vavasour, Vavasoer, Vavasoir, Vavaser or Vaveser, of Spalding, Yorks, Stokebrige, Bucks, St. Mary at Strond, London, Halton or Hawlton, Linc., Langquathbasset, Derb., and Baddisworth, Yorks., esq., 10 May. Robert Wyndeyate, of Blakedon in Wydecombe, Devon, y., husbandman, "tynnermarchaunt" or tinner, 15 May. John Lysle or Lyle, k., of Thrucleston or Thruxton, Hants, Wotton in I. of Wight, and London, warden of Chute Forest, executor of Nic. Lysle, k., 21 May. Edmund Steward or Styward, of Greenwich and London, draper, and late of Straget, Norf., yeoman, 13 Dec. John Slyngesby, 1 July (repeated as in m. 15). Roland Stokhawll, Stokhall, Stokhole or Stokhale, of Beverley, Yorks., deputy of Ric. Rokeby, bailiff of Beverley, late of Bysshopburton and Cotyngham, 27 Aug. Thomas Gebons, Gybbons, Gebbons or Gibbons, of Hereford, merchant, mercer or grocer, 27 Aug. John Thornburgh, of London, gent., late solicitor of the Staple of Calais, guardian of one of the daughters and heirs of John Newton, esq., 4 Oct. Robert Fellesclyff, Felclyf or Felleclyffe, of Knaresborough and Ripon, Yorks., mercer or merchant. 28 Oct. Anne Crane, of Waldyngfeld Hall, Suff., widow, executrix of Robert Crane, esq., alias Lady Anne Arundell, late wife of Amfridus Arundell, knight, alias Lady Anne Crane, 10 Nov. John Man or Manne, of Ardeslawe, Ardesley, Yorks., sherman, 16 Nov. John Rokynggam or Rokyngham, of Toucetur, and Pawlespury, Ntht., husbandman, 20 Nov. Roger Shoptone or Shotton, prior of Malton in Rydale (alias rector of the parish church of Langtone, York dioc.) and the convent of Malton, 26 Oct. Thomas Tomson, of Wellyngore, Linc., y., or husbandman, 10 Oct. Edward Litilton, of Polscoithe, or Polscoithe Nothera, Cornw., and Sutludbrok, Devon, gent, or franklin, s. and h. of Hugh Litilton and Joan his wife, 16 Aug. Robert Brudenell, Brotnell or Bryknell and Philippa his wife, formerly wife of Thomas Rufford, esq., alias Robert Brudenell, one of the executors of Drue Brudenell, dec., and justice of assizes, 9 Oct. Ralph Catterall. of Mitton, Wryghtington, Wrighton, Gosenor and Catterall, Lanc., esq., 21 Oct. Thomas Thomas, of Southampton, esq. or merchant, late searcher and comptroller of Southampton and esquire for the body of Henry VII., 1 May. John Styward or Steward, of Colton, Kymberley and Norwich, Norf., husbandman, 14 Nov. Humphrey Gascoign, clk., LL.B., master, and the brethren of the hospital of St. John Baptist in Bedford, alias Humphrey Gascoigne, rector of the parish church of St. John in Bedford, 12 Nov. Joan Lynyngton or Lenengton of St. Laurens Clist, Devon, spinster or singlewoman, 1 Oct. John Wyatt or Wyot, master, and the brethren of the college of Tompston, Norf, 24 Nov. John Broke, of Odyngley, Worc., carpenter or husbandman, bailiff of Grafton Fleford, Worc., 3 Dec. Edward Baron or Barone, merchant, of Hull, Grimsby, Linc., and Marflete, Yorks., 38 (sic) Nov. Wm. Honnyng. y., of London, and Alderkirk, Linc., purveyor of sea fish for the Household, son of Roger Honnyng, late of Alderkirk, 20 Nov. John Stancombe, g., of Wynston and Magna Deane, Glouc., and London, 28 Nov. Wm. Stratford, abbot, and the convent of Vale Royal, 3 Sept. John Crocker, mercer or chapman, of Cirencester, Circettur, Circetyr, Glouc., mercer or chapman, 6 Nov. Wm. Mason, clk., LL.D., commissary and official of the archdeaconry of Leicester, president of consistory of the bp. of Lincoln, canon of the New College of St. Mary. Leicester, rector of West Depyng, Linc., executor of John Fyssher, late rector of Loughborough, Leic., and of John Mason, late of Loughborough, 28 Nov. John Smere, Smer, Smyre, Smyer or Smeere, of London, pulter or yeoman, 1 Dec. Walter Roberth, Robarth, Roberd or Robard, of Cranebroke, Kent, esq., 4 June. Edmond Felcon or Felton, esq., of Sudbury, Glemfford, Cavendysh and Boxstade, Suff., and London, 5 Feb. John Clayden, of Manchester, Lanc., g., alias of Shelfanger, Norf., serving man, alias scholar of Cambridge, alias clerk, 5 Feb. Nic. Gilbert, of Comdoye and Oldecastell, in the Marches of Wales, y. or g., 5 Feb. Robert Wodde, Wode, Woode or Wodd, of Alneton or Alton, Derb., yeoman or husbandman, 27 Jan. Wm. Capell, k., late alderman and draper of London and merchant of the Staple of Calais, 1 May. Ric. Edwardes and Ric. Ansty, masters, and the guild of St. Anne of Knoll, 8 Feb. John Prist or Prest, of Therfeld, Herts, smith, 4 May, Thomas Lovell, of Barton Bendissh, Norf., esq., s. and h. of Gregory Lovell, k., late escheator of Norf. and Suff., and farmer of the warren of Cossey, Norf., 7 May. Thomas Redehode, Redehood or Redewood, of London, woolman or woolpacker, merchant of the Staple of Calais, 7 May. Robert Foorthe or Ford, of Hadley, Suff., g. or merchant, s. and h. and executor of William Foorthe, of Hadley, merchant, 8 May. George Asshefeld, of Stowelangtoft, Suff., esq., late of Stanton, Suff., and London, s. and h. of John and kinsman and h. of Robert, father of the said John. 10 May. Thomas Haydok, of Langford, Berks., esq., s. and h. of John Haydok. of Greywell, Hants, and of Eliz. his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Richard Waldern or Walron and Margaret his wife, 10 May. Wm. Case or Casse alias Peryn, of Maidstone, pewterer, 14 May. Roger ap Roger Vaughan of Teleglase alias Roger Vaughan of Talgarth, in the Marches of Wales, gent., 12 May. Wm. Skevyngton or Skeffyngton, esq., of Skevyngton, or Skeuynton, and Groby, Leic., and Assheley, Warw., executor of Thomas Grey late Marquis Dorset, 14 May. Robert, the prior, and the convent of Spalding, 14 May. John Yong, clk., LL.D., Master of the Rolls, custos of the prerogative Court of Canterbury, 24 May. Herbert Roweland or Roland Herbert, merchant tailor of London, 25 May. Ric. Shore, alderman and draper of London, 2 June. Henry Kebell or Keble, alderman of London, merchant of the Staple of Calais, late mayor of Coventry, 2 June. John Gybson or Gibson, merchant of the Staple of Calais, late draper and mercer of London, late apprentice of Wm. Harriot, draper of London, and son of Stephen Gybson, mercer of London, 13 June. Isabella Smyth, of London, widow and executrix of John Smyth, stockfishmonger, who was executor of Roger Smalworth, of London, "plummer," and John Hardhed, of Cambridge, clk., 13 June. Stephen Jenyns or Jennyns, of London, merchant tailor, alderman, merchant of the Staple of Calais, executor of Rose Swanne, widow and executrix of John Swanne, alderman of London; also Margaret his wife, late the wife of Wm. Buk, alias Margaret Kirketon, gentle-woman, 21 May. Thomas Percy, prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, 20 June. John Onley, Oneley, Onlye, Onleie or Onlie, of Pulbergh, Suss., gent., alias John Coten, late of Southstoke and Chichester, Suss., 4 June. Owen ap John ap Med, of Pennant, of the commote of Yenneth or of Crikketh, co. Carnarvon, esq., 20 June. Thomas ap John ap Madoc ap Jevan ap Res alias Thomas ap John Madryn alias Thomas Madryn, of Llannor, Madryn and Bodwelian, co. Carnarvon, g., and Hoell ap Madoc ap Hoell, of Llanormon, co. Carn., g., Gruff ap John ap Robyn, late of Cruthyn, co. Carn., g., Meredith ap Grono ap Tud'. of Tregoydesisild, co. Carn., gent., John ap David ap Hoell ap Gruff, of Tynnlle, co. Carn., g., and Agnes ap John ap Meredith, of Penllegh, co. Carn., widow and executrix of John ap Gruff ap David Vaughan, mainperners of the said Thomas, 19 June. John Preston, clk., master, and the brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. Katharine beside the Tower of London. 2 July. Elizabeth Hide, of Throkyng, Herts, widow and executrix of Leonard Hyde, esq., 26 June. John Walworth, Walleworth, or Wallyworthe, of Thornton in Ripon parish, Yorks., g., alias late of Cambridge, senior, gentleman, 20 June. Godfrey Lawtor or Lawtur, of Wicham Merket, Suff., and Cambridge, draper, 4 July. Ric. Gerey, Gerre, Gery or Gere, of Atton Renolt and Clyff, Salop, esq., 3 July. Roger Maynwaryng, of Nantwich, Chesh., esq., 2 June. Nic. Appliarde, of Brakenasshe and Warrham, Norf., Scherhotton, Yorks., and Bygrave, Herts, esq., 25 May. Ric. Newton, of Whityngton, Lanc., gent., and Alice his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Wm. Burgh, of Burgh, Yorks., esq., 28 June. John Bassett, esq. or g., of Chesehull, and West Barfold, Essex, s. and h. of John Basset and kinsman and h. of John Hynde and of Juliana Wretyll, d. and h. of John Wretyll, 5 July. Ric. Roger or Rogier, alias John Water of Newport in the Isle of Wight, butcher, late of Seynt Awtry, and Sydebury, Devon, y., 1 July. Godfrey Foljambe, Folgeambe, Foljamby or Fulgeam, of Walton, Derb., esq., late of London, s. and h. of Henry, 12 July. Wm. Trewe, alderman, and the keepers or scabins and brethren of the fraternity or guild of the merchants of Holy Trinity of Bishop's Lynn, 12 July. Henry Quynby or Quenby, of Farnham, and Pepyrharowe, Surr., and Shyrborne St. John, Hants, clothmaker, clothier, draper, or merchant, tenant of a third part of the manor of Ertyngdon, executor of John Coldale, S.T.D., vicar of Farnham, commissary of Oxford University and rector of Halton, Oxon, 7 May. Thomas Eyston or Eston, of Esthenred, Berks., g., s. and h. of William, 4 July. Miles Worsley, Worseley or Worsle, g., of Depynggate, and of Colyweston, Ntht., and Bishop's Hatfeld. Herts, and Margaret his wife, lately called Margaret Payton and d. and h. of Wm. Fairfax, esq., 7 May. Wm. Trewe, of Bishop's Lynn, merchant, late mayor and coroner of Lynn, executor of Robert Powdiche, merchant, John Burton, brewer, and Robert Trewe, draper, all of Lynn, and alderman of the fraternity or guild of St. George and of the guild of the merchants of Holy Trinity there, 12 July. John Addyngeham, Haddyngham or Addyngham, abbot, and the convent of Swineshead, 6 July. Joan Coke, of Coventry, "thridmaker," widow and executrix of Richard Coke or Cooke, mercer, 12 July. John Mundy, of London, goldsmith, executor of John Shaa, k., late mayor of London, and of Thomas Bothe, of London, g., 5 July. Robert Poyntz, of Ironacton, Glouc., and the Isle of Wight, k., late knight for the body of Henry VII. and admiral, 2 July. Agnes Wynger, Wynggar, or Winger, of London, widow, executrix of John Wynger, late mayor and grocer of London, 7 July. George Canon or Cannon, of Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, yeoman, 15 Oct. Robert Morley, of Glynde, Suss., and Croydon, Surr., esq., late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, s. and h. of Nic. Morley and Joan his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of John Waleys, esq., 17 Nov. John Rondell, Roundeli, Rundell or Rundall, of Westfryllys, Suss., Croydon, Surr., and Blatchyngton, Suss., 16 Nov. Wm. Favell, of Thresshefeld, Yorks., y., labourer, husbandman or g., 6 Feb. John Halsall or Halsale, of Whitby, Yorks., and Halsall, Lanc., g., 6 Feb. Robert Stourton, clk., vicar of Dunmowe, Essex, 19 April. Roger Grome, clk., of Harlowe, Essex, late vicar of Parva Waldyngfeld, Suff., late of Sheryng, Essex, clk., 19 April. Ric. Pateshale, Patsall or Patyshall, of Cirencester, Glouc., and St. Andrew's parish, Holborn, Midd., g., 27 Feb. Thomas Seynoke, Seynok or Senoke, of Tunbridge, Kent, Worthe, Suss., and London, y., 21 Feb. Robert Fale or Fayll, of Flyxton in Southelmham, or Flyxton next Bungey, Suff., cooper or husbandman, 27 Feb. John Gresham, of Holt Market, Norf., g., 26 Feb. Thomas Meller, Miller, Myllar or Mylner, of Estbarholt, Estbargholt or Estbarfold, Suff., clothier or clothmaker, executor or administrator of Thomas Meller, clothmaker, 28 Feb. Wm. Fuller, Fullour or Fouller, of Castelacre, Norf., yeoman, woolman, wool packer, husbandman or sherman, 24 Feb. Wm. Selwode or Selwoode, of Cherde, Soms., merchant, executor of Stephen Danyell, of Charmouth, and Joan, widow of Richard Dare, of Lyme Regis, Dors., merchants, 10 Feb. John Hampton, burgess of Beaumaris, co. Anglesea, gent., s. and h. of Henry, 12 Feb. Roger Michell, Mychell, Michelle or Michill, of Opsham, Devon, merchant, executor of Alice widow of Stephen Danyell, of Charmouth, merchant, 1 Feb. Roger Chirch or Cherch, of Wells, Soms., clk., residentiary of the church of Wells, alias of Bisshoppysbourn, Kent, clk., and Wm. Aucher, Auchir, Auger or Auchier, late of Reynham and Oteryngden, Kent, g., 20 Feb. John Williams, of Heywourth, Soms. (sic), clerk or chaplain, alias of Amesbury, Soms. (sic), schoolmaster or chaplain, 20 Feb. Wm. Goodwyn, of London, mercer or merchant adventurer, 21 Feb. Joan Raa, of Stanwikes, Cumb., "senglewoman," alias Deue Raa, of Stanwix. "laborer" alias Joan Cresset, of Carlisle, "senglewoman," 8 Feb. Ric. Seill, Sill or Seyll, of Dent Yorks., yeoman, 28 Feb. Edmond Peers or Peerse alias Monare or Mounare, of Chepyng Sodbery, Glouc., clothmaker, weaver or clothier, 8 Feb. Wm. Marston or Merston, of Horton in Ebbisham parish, Surr., esq., 7 Feb. John Davy, Davye or Dave, of Ely and Coveney in the Isle of Ely, Camb., husbandman, 19 Feb. Richard ap Eden ap Hulkyn, of Caerdegok, Beaumaris and Baghyllaith, co. Anglesea, esq., 18 June. Hugh ap Res ap Eden ap Hulkyn, of Caerdegok, gent., 18 June. Lancelot Warwyke, Wyrwyke, Werwyke or Warthyke, of Warwyke, Cumb., and Carlisle, esq., 22 June. Robert Clement, of Mere, Wilts, butcher or grazier, 30 June. Thomas Fuller, mercer of London and merchant of the Staple of Calais, executor of Hugh Broune, mercer and merchant of the Staple, of Thomas Benet of Sheppey, g., of John Prentys, mercer, and of John Bentley, chaplain, 10 July. Roger David ap Howell alias Roger ap Howell of Monckton Farlegh, Wilts, alias Rosere ap Ewan, of Carewent in Netherwent, S. Wales, y., 25 June. John Bodyam or Bodyham, merchant tailor of London, son of John Kent, 20 May. Lewis Clyfford, of Bobbyng and Sutton Valance, Kent, g. or esq., 20 May. John Bysshoppe or Bisshopp, of Hadloo and Tunbridge, Kent, yeoman, franklin or husbandman, 23 May. Richard Bulkeley, of Newport, Salop, London and Drayton, [Salop,] yeoman of the Crown, 5 July. Robert Nevell, Nevyll or Nevyle, of Ragnell, and Burton next Styrton, Notts., and London, esq., 30 June. Robert Hokkes, abbot, and the convent of Woburn, 29 June. Ric. Couper, Cowper or Cooper, and Wm. Luff, Luffe, of Calcot, Rutl., husbandmen, 25 June. Robert Turbervyle, Tobylfyld or Turbulfyld, of Weldhall, Parkbury, the mansion of St. Julian next St. Alban's, and Bygoddys, Herts, Alverton in Dunmowe parish, Suss. (sic), Lambeth, Surr., Anderston alias Wynterborn Fyve Asshe, Dors., and London, esq., s. and h. of Hugh T., of Bere Regis, Dors., 25 June. Wm Burghill or Burghull, of Little Thyngehill and Hereford, g., 27 June. Guy Dawney, esq., of Cowyk, Snayth, Fynyngley, Hek Parva, and Seysey, Yorks., and Joan his wife, 5 July. John Pykstoke, Pykstok or Pycstok, of Budeley and Rudnall, Worc., shoemaker or "cordyner," 18 July. Wm. Blyton, Bliton or Blytone, of Maunsfeld Wodhouse, Netylworth, Caunton, Wynkburn, Kyrton, and Rufford, Notts, esq., 25 June. Brian Palmes, of Naburn, Naborne, Nabburne, Ripley, and Hoton, Yorks., and of York, esq., and Anne his wife, executrix of Thomas Markynfeld, k., and of Wm. Conyers, esq., 7 July. Anne Davell, of York, widow and executrix of Thomas Davell, of Bykerton, Yorks., alias Anne Stokes, of Bykerton, gentlewoman, 30 June. John Hamerton, of Wyggylsworth, Hamerton, Halyfeld, Yorks., esq., 30 June. Wm. Reyson, prior, and the convent of Barnewell, 2 July. Thomas Bromewiche or Bromwich, gent., of the Chancery and of Lambeth, Surr., Castle Frome, Heref., and Levermer Magna, Suff., and Alice his wife, late the wife and executrix of Clement Clerke, and Wm. Bromwich, of Castle Frome, Hereford, Gloucester and London, gent., or of the town of Calais "soweger" (soldier), 10 July. Agnes Revers, prioress, and the convent of Minster in Sheppey, 9 July. Robert Mountney, Mounteney or Monteney alias Robert Brette, of Colley, Shirclyff and Hesteley, Yorks., and London, esq. or g. 18 July. John Markham, of Cottom and Coton, Notts, Haitfeld, Heref. (sic) and London, esq., s. and h. and executor of John Markham, k., 4 July. John Farlyngton, abbot, and the convent of Byland, 12 July. Robert Carpenter, of Hereford, "iremonger" or draper, 6 July. Wm. Baker, of Ipswich, g., notary public, or fishmonger, 7 July. Thomas Barnage or Barnagge, chaplain, master, and the fellows of "Phylippis Chauntery" in Denyngton, Suff., 8 July. John Bagthwate or Bagefeld, vintner of London, keeper of Busshoppis Wode manor in the parish of Stepynghith, Midd., and Eleanor his wife, executrix of John Morton, of Crayford, Kent, and of Richard Bury, of St. Mary Cray, Kent, 27 Sept. Simon Parnell, or Parnellis or Parenelle, of Snave in Romney Marsh, Kent, labourer, y. or husbandman, 9 Oct. Wm. Thomas, of Bagshot, Surr. and Stanes, Midd., innholder or tailor, 9 Oct. Wm. Frosell or Froyzell, of Hereford, Culmyngton and Bromfeld, Salop, Salisbury and London, yeoman, 9 Oct. Wm. Morys alias Poole, of Milton next Gravesend, Kent, yeoman or searcher, 18 Nov. Ric. Yong, of Skarthingwell or Skarthington in Saxton parish, and Dewesby, Yorks., gent., s. and h. of Baldwin, 18 Oct. Margery Braybroke of Abingdon, Reading and London, widow and executrix of James Braybroke, of Abingdon, Berks, bailiff of Sandwich, receiver of Calais and ranger of Graveley forest, and executrix of Thomas Umfrey, 15 Nov. Margaret Vernon, prioress, and the convent of Sopwell, 20 Nov. The parochians or inhabitants of the town of Kemsey, Worc., 1 Oct. Margaret Horne or Hoorne, of Faversham, Kent, widow and executrix of Henry Horne and Edw. Thomson or Thomasson, and widow and administratrix of John Wode, of Whitstable, Kent, who died intestate, 28 Nov. John Gaynesford, esq., of Crowherst, and Southwark, Surr., Byrlyng, Kent, London, and Twynam, Suss., tenant of the manor of Poyle, s. and h. of John, 16 June. Robert Archar or Archer, of Tynmouth and Boysdon, Nthld., yeoman, 15 Nov. Thomas Leche, of Wantage or Wantyng, Berks, and Deverell Langbrigge, Wilts, butcher, 30 Oct. Edmond Clerk, Clark or Clerke alias Dyer, of Agmondesham, Bucks, yeoman or labourer, 20 Nov. Ric. Hyett, of Ruggewey in Stapulton parish, Iron Acton, and Lydney in the Forest of Dene, Glouc., and Wytton in Wardell, Dham., gent., 30 July. Roland Foster or Forster, of Whatlode, Linc., and Whederden, Suff., tailor, 24 Jan. Robert Wodde or Wode, of Hykclyffe, Hilclyff, Hillclyf, Derb., yeoman or husbandman, 27 Jan. Wm. Shepard, Sheppard, Shipard or Shyparde, of Great Brikhill, Bucks, husbandman, 1 Feb. Wm. Gough ap Jevan ap Thomas Duy, of the New Town of Kermerdyn, y., deputy clerk of sessions of cos. Carmarthen and Cardigan, 4 Feb. Wm. Hardys or Herdys, of Tyttessey, Tyttyssey, Tettessey, Surr., yeoman or husbandman, 11 Jan. Richard, the prior, and the convent of Witham in Selwood, 12 Feb. Thomas Gamme or Game, of Evesham, Worc., and Snape, Yorks., y., 20 Jan. Mr. Richard Bromefeld, clk., of Bristol, vicar of the parish church of All Saints in Bristol, alias Mr. Richard Chepman, executor of Thomas Harper, clk., S.T.P., who was executor of Roger Harper, alias Mr. Richard Brofyld, administrator of Richard Estmond, clk., who died intestate, alias Mr. Richard Bromfeld, late fellow of Whytyngton college, London, and chaplain of Merton college, Oxford, 3 Feb. John Horsyndon or Horsynton, of Norton and Coston, Soms., husbandman, farmer of the prior of Bath, 1 March. Wm. Tanfeld, of Gayton, Ntht, and London esq., s. and h. of Robert Tanfeld, g., and kinsman and h. of Robert T., esq., of Gayton, and of his wife Elizabeth, lately called Lady Elizabeth, of London, widow, 12 April. Howell or Hugh ap Howell, of Honyslade, in the parish of St. Martin next Bergevenny, S. Wales, y. or husbandman, 8 April (dated at Knoll). John Gyle, of Thaxstede, Essex, "bladsmyth," 18 April. Thomas Guybon, Gybon or Gebon, of Bishop's Lynn, or Northlenn, Norf., g. or esq., s. and h. of George Guybon of Westlenn, esq., 12 March. Thomas Quadryng, of Hamby in Somerby parish, Grantham, Wrangyll in Holland and Keele in Lyndesey, Linc., esq., executor of Ric. Curtes, of Grantham, 14 May. Miles Salley, bp. of Llandaff and abbot of Eyvesham (sic), keeper of clerks convict in Llandaff dioc., 14 May. The same as abbot of Eyvesham or Egnesham, co. Oxon, and the convent there, 8 May. Eliz. Bertilmewe, of Snape, Suff., spinster, alias wife of Wm. Bertilmewe, late of Iken, Suff., spinster, 2 July. Thomas Lupsett or Lupset, goldsmith, of London, 13 June. Nic. Grafton, skinner, of London, 25 May. Thomas Coterell, of Wigan, Lanc., soldier of Calais, late one of the serjeants "ad clava" (sic) of the mayor of Calais, 1 June. Thomas Hanmer, or Halmer, merchant tailor, of London, 19 June. Nic. Twyford or Twyfard, of Langley, Derb., and London, gent., 19 June. George Brycket, Brecket or Brykket, of Kelton, Sneton and Rosby, in Pykkerynglyth, Yorks, and Harbottell in Ryddesdale, y., horsekeeper or serving man, 16 June. Thomas Fowler, bp. of Lathorensis, prior of Monmouth, and the convent there, 27 June. Clemencia Stoke, abbess, and the convent of St. Mary de Pratis beside Northampton, 27 June. John Reynold or Reignold alias John Walsheman, y., of Irchynfeld in the Marches of Wales, London, Westminster and Hereford Parva, Heref., servant of Chr. Throgmerton, esq., 4 July. Wm. Herd or Heerd, of Norwich and London, yeoman or sherman, jailor or deputy of the castle or gaol of Norwich, 2 July. John Wade, of Wichyngham St. Mary's or Magna Wichyngham, Norf., husbandman. 11 July. Wm. Adams or Aram, late of Magna Dene and Abenhale, Glouc., "smyth holder," miner or husbandman, 7 July. John Tummys or Tommys, of Cleve in Westbury parish, Netherlegh and Framlode, Glouc., husbandman or labourer, 16 July. John Gough or Gowgh alias John ap Howell ap Griffyth, of Anglesey in North Wales. clerk, 16 July. John Lytley or Letley, of Dunchurch, Warw., London, Coventry and Estneston, Ntht., yeoman, husbandman or grazier, 27 July. Richard Ligh or Lygh, alias Bowbanke, of Durham, dweller on the water of Brown, labourer, collier, or "herthman," 2 June. John Hues or Hughes, of London, Southwark and Llantylio in the marches of Wales, g., 7 June. Wm. Duckred or Duikriche, of Bury St. Edmunds and London, vintner or yeoman, 29 May. Henry Baladyn or Baladen, of Bunsall or Bensall, Derb., yeoman, husbandman or labourer, 26 June. John Maior, of Pilton, Devon, Oxford, London. Stone in Kent, Salisbury and Estharneham in Birtford parish, Wilts, y., 5 July. Wm. Pounde, of Drayton and Bere, Hants, esq., s. and h. of John Pounde, k., dec., 4 July. John Colyn, Collyn or Collen, of Horsham, Suss., husbandman. 4 July. Robert Reculver, of Rokehampton and Richmond, Surr., and Estgrenewich, Kent, carpenter, 28 June. Ric. Hyndon, Hynder or Hyndere, of Letton, Latton or Lytton, Wilts, husbandman or yeoman 28 April. John Lovet or Lovette, of Yalmeton and Lynam, Devon, yeoman, weaver or tinner, 6 June. John Sturges, of Cranworth, Shropham, Middelton and Wodrysyng, Norf., and London, g., 8 July. Simon West, burgess of Bedford, tanner, late of Patenham. Beds., husbandman, 28 June. George Skypwith, of St. Albans, gent., s. and h. and executor of Wm. Skypwith, of St. Albans, esq., 12 July. Wm. Whyret or Wheret. of Kyngesnorton, Worc., yeoman or labourer, undated (in margin "tercio die April."). Robert Watterton, or Waterton, of Walton, Dorne and Calthorne, Yorks., and Coryngham, Linc., k., and Meriella his wife, 16 July. Thomas Bagthwayt or Baghtwayte, of Mycheam, Mycheham, Mitcham, Surr., and Canvedon, Essex, clk., 2 Aug. (dated at Knoll). Thomas Bayns or Banes, of Kyllyngton and Kirkby in Londesdale, Westmld., y., late soldier of Calais, 12 Oct. Joan Mannaryng, of Westminster, singlewoman, spinster or housewife, alias Jaane Mathewe, late wife of Thomas Mathewe, of Westminster, barber, alias Joan Barbour, housewife or widow, alias Joan de Paradise, of Westminster, housewife or spinster, 6 Oct. John Clerc, master, and the brethren of the Maisondieu of Dover, 12 Oct. Humphrey Coke, of London, and the pa. of St. Martin in le Feld, Midd., carpenter, master of the King's works in Berwick upon Tweed, keeper of Durham Place and bailiff of "le Duresme rentes" in co. Midd. belonging to the bp. of Durham, master of le Briggehous, London, 12 Nov. Thomas Chaundeler, Chandeler or Chaundler, abbot, or late abbot, of Wymondeham, 2 Nov. Robert Sohom or Some, of Lynne or Bishop's Lynne, Norff., merchant, late customer, 20 May. Thomas Broun, of London, y. or cheesemonger, of Bridgewater, merchant, 24 Nov. John Comwyth, Cumwyth or Comewyth, of Southwark, Surr., yeoman, 27 Nov. John Alwarde or Aylwarde, of Lutton, Ntht., Huntingdon, St. Ives and Lynne, yeoman, 24 Nov. Edward Haldeworth or Haldworthe, late of Halifax, Yorks., merchant, alias of Hartevanbusse in Brabant, yeoman, 11 Dec. Ric. Warre or Ware, of Hestercome, Histercombe, Haystercombe, Soms., and London, k., 14 Feb. John Usthwayt, mayor, and the burgesses and commonalty of Wellys, Soms., 24 Aug. Raulinus Webbe, of Bristol, and Iron Acton, Glouc., cook, 20 March. Wm. Heydon, of Watford, and La Newstrete, Herts, Westminster and St. Giles' in the Fields, Midd., gent., clerk of the Duchy of Lancaster, 28 March. Robert Hyches or Hiches, of Kingswood, Wilts, Wotton under Egge, Wynterborn and Yate, Glouc., tailor or yeoman, 2 May. John Radclyff, or Ratclyff, of Radclyff and Toure or Towre, Lanc., esq., brother and h. and executor of Richard Radclyff, esq., 3 May. Charles Somersette or Somerset, knight, lord Herbert of Gower, Chepstowe and Raglonde, chamberlain of Henry VII., alias Charles Beauford, of Kayo, Surr., k., 7 May. Robert Bysshop and John Dobledey, of Great Yarmouth, merchants, late the King's bailiffs there, 7 May. John Hill, of London, merchant haberdasher, 5 May. Simon Herecourt, Harrecourt or Harencourt, of Staunton, Oxon, Stoke Hamonde, and Fenny Stratford, Bucks, and Asshom, Ntht., esq. or g., 11 May. Humphrey Roos or Rosse, of Laxton, Notts, 12 May. Wm. Perpount, Pierpount or Perpound, of Stookefaston, Leic., London, Holme, Notts, Walley, Derb., k., and Joan his wife, 12 May. Ric. Garthum or Garthom, clk., vicar of Owtthorne in Holderness, Yorks., 23 May. Maurice Berkeley, esq. or g., of Yate, Glouc., London and Westminster, s. and h. of Maurice late lord Berkeley (brother and h. of Wm. late Marquis Berkeley, earl Marshal and Nottingham, viscount Berkeley and lord of Berkeley), warden of the forestries of Kyngeswood and Fullefwoodde, in cos. Glouc. and Soms., 21 May. Thomas Wyndam, Wyndham or Wymondham, of Felbrygge, Norf., Norwich and London, esq. s. and h. of John Wyndam, knight, 19 May. Wm. Gascoign, of Cardyngton, Beds., and London, esq., 23 May. Richard Laurence, of Broxburn, Herts, yeoman, alias citizen and fishmonger of London, undated. Hugh Brett or Brette of Alston, Staff., weaver or husbandman, 21 May. Edmond Haselwode, of Northampton, gent. or esq., clerk of the peace and crown of the King's father in co. Northampton, s. and h. and administrator of the goods late of Thomas Haselwode, esq., "alias dictus Thomas (sic) Hasil[wode] nuper deputat. [supervi]soris d'ni p'ris nostri palacii sui Westm. seu nuper custodis ejusdem palacii necnon p'ris ... custod. prisone dicti patris nostri de Flete alias dictus Thomas Hasilwode armiger alias dictus Thomas Ha[silwode] nuper vic. ejusdem com. Northt. alias dictus Thomas Hasilwode nuper unus justic. dicti patris nostri ad pacem in com. predict. conservand. necnon ad divers, felon tresp. et alia malefacta in eodem com. perpetrat. audiend. et term [inand.] assign, alias dictus Thomas Hasilwode nuper de Whaite (?) in com Northt. armiger alias dictus Edm. [Harcourt], executor testamenti Johannis Chambre clerici, alias dictus Edmundus Herecourt, et Johanna uxor ... filia et heredes (sic) Johannis Byllyndon alias dicta Johanna filia et [heres] Johannis Byllyngton alias dicta Johanna [fil. et] hered. Johannis Belyngdon. et eorum utrique, seu. &c. T. R. apud Westm., 12 Maii." Thomas Drayell, Dayell or Druyll, of Ipswich, merchant or mercer, 21 May. Thomas Petman or Petteman, of Freeston, Suff., husbandman, ... (date illegible). Thomas Ap Rys, yeoman or parker, 25 May (very illegible). Maurice Clyff or Cliff, of ... Glouc., yeoman, 22 May (very illegible). Alice Denys * * * Beynam, esq., * * * co. Glouc., widow (very illegible). Thomas Bugges, late of ..., co Essex, 14 May (very illegible), John Coke of ..., co. Essex, 14 May (very illegible).


  • 1. Vacated quia postea.
  • 2. Vacated quia postea.
  • 3. Vacated quia antea.
  • 4. Vacated quia postea.