Henry VIII: April 1510, 1-15

Pages 198-201

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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April 1510

1 April.
Sanuto, X. 82.
415. VENICE.
Note of the "relation" of an ambassador who has just returned from Rome, circ. 1 April, 1510.—* * * Item, he said that the Pope's collector in England, Peter Grifo, is disliked by the King and must have written ill of the King to the Pope, who therefore does not esteem that King as he ought. * * *
3 April.
Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. on Various Collections, Vol. II., p. 306.
416. HENRY VIII. to SIR GILBERT TALBOT, Deputy of Calais.
Order to proclaim the peace with France. Knoll, 3 April 1 Hen. VIII.
3 April.
Sanuto, X. 114.
417. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 8 April 1510.]
From the ambassador at Rome, 3 April.—Three days ago the Pope gave the Rose to the bp. of York, English ambassador, who was accompanied to his house by the Pope's guard, the ambassadors of France, Venice, Florence and Ferrara. Christopher who is deputed to carry it, leaves on the 8th, going by France. The Pope wishes the Signory to press their negociation with the Emperor, saying that he has given the provostry of Santa Sabina to the bp. of Gurk. The Pope has a quarrel with the Emperor about calling Councils and the Emperor with him for raising the interdict. France. Hungary. Marquis of Mantua. Spanish ambassador.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 54.
Burnet, IV. 7.
418. [976.] JULIUS II. to ABP. WARHAM.
On sending the King a golden rose, anointed with chrism, et odorifero musco aspersam; blessed by the Pope. It is to be presented by the Abp. at mass with the ceremonies enclosed. Rome, 5 April 1 Hen. VIII.
Latin. From Warham's register, ƒ. 26.
6 April. 419. [977.] SHIPPING OF WOOLS TO CALAIS.
See under 24 April. CALAIS.
6 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 10. R.O.
Receipt by Thomas Lord Darcy, 6 April 1 Hen. VIII., from Ric. Lyster, of 4l. for certain wood on the west side of Cokkes lane in Talworth lordship sold to Wm. Merston by indenture dated 2 March last, and 22l. 13s. 4d. of the revenues in Devonshire due to "me" at Michaelmas last which Sir Piers Egecombe, my receiver there, paid to Lyster. Signed.
Small paper, p. 1.
6 April.
Sanuto, X. 194.
421. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 26 April 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 6 April.—Wrote on 30 March of the agreement with France, and will write again fully by the messenger who leaves for Rome within three days. Councillors and King assure him it is to the Signory's advantage. Delivered to the King and Spanish ambassador the briefs for raising the excommunication. The King has written briefs to the Pope and Emperor about peace. Lest the French should see that to the Pope, it is sent in the form of a minute to be read to His Holiness by the ambassador, Bainbridge. The other to the Emperor is somewhat modified. The King has taken the office of "protector" at Rome from the Cardinal of Pavia, who is French, and given it to the Cardinal of St. Peter in Vincula. Needs money.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 59.
6 April.
Adv. MS. 155.
422. JAMES IV. to the POPE (fn. 1).
On his writing for the increased splendor of divine worship in St. Michael's College, Stirling, raised to that dignity from a chapel by Alexander VI, the Pope appointed the bp. of Galloway as dean. To give greater magnificence to the foundation, requests that the dean be called bishop and the subdean (the second on the foundation) be called the dean, "et post pontificem primus antiquum obtineat institutum"; the bp. to be the ordinary and exercise jurisdiction over the members of the foundation in nostros veros et continuos commensales. To improve the bp.'s emoluments, requests also that the Augustinian priory of Inchmahome (Dumblane dioc.) may be annexed to the deanery on the first voidance, the privileges of the place being preserved and a claustral prior appointed under the diocesan, as the Card, of St. Mark's will explain. Edinburgh, 6 April.
Lat., copy p. 1.
8 April.
Roman Transcr., Ser. I., 52B., f. 425. R.O.
Certificate by Raphael [Card. of St. George, Papal chamberlain] of visitation [of the Pope] by Andrew Franciottus, knight of Jerusalem, on behalf of Silvester bp. of Worcester. 8 April 1510.
Latin. Modern extract.
8 April.
Rom. Transcr., Ser. I., 52 n., f. 426. R.O.
Appointment by Raphael [Card. of St. George, Papal chamberlain] of Thomas Ryngold, layman, of Norwich dioc., as one of the Pope's couriers. 8 April 1510, 7 Julius II.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2.
8 April.
Venetian Transcr., 176, p. 82. R.O.
Reply to his letters of 18, 21 and 24 ult. He must thank the Pope and urge that the bp. of Grassis continue his good work in Germany, and that Christopher be despatched to England if not already gone; also he must keep the Abp. of York well disposed. Dated 5 April 1510.
P.S. on receipt of his of 26, 29 and 30 ult.—Desire speedy conclusion of the League; and Christopher's despatch if not yet gone. Thank the Pope for his frank declaration of fatherly love (at the reading of the letter from his ambassador in France, who recommended him, in the League, to leave the nomination of the Signory to the King of England) when His Holiness said that he wished himself to nominate the Signory. Dated 7 April (in margin 8 April) 1510.
Italian. Modern extracts, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 55.
9 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII. 1, f. 164. R.O.
426. [982.] R. CARDINAL of ST. GEORGE to HENRY VIII.
Cannot allow Chr. Fisher (Phischerius), clerk and secretary of the Sacred College, to return to England without a letter. The said Fisher has done good service in the Papal court. Rome, 9 April 1510. Signed: R, Carlis S. Georgii, Camer.
Lat., p. 1. Addressed.
9 April.
Vitell. B. II. f. 8. B.M. Rymer, XIII., 275.
Has been active in the business entrusted him by the King. Has done the best he could in the affair of the Bishop of Worcester. Forbears writing, as Christopher Fischer, who carries the Golden Rose, will bring the news. Rome, 9 April 1510. Signed: P. Carlis Reginus.
Lat., p. 1.
10 April.
Exch. Accts., 417(3), f. 85. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Th. Knyvet, Master of the Horse, or the clerk of the Stable, horse harness (described). Greenwich, 10 April 1 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
12 April. 429. ROBERT WOTTON.
Porter of Calais. See GRANTS IN APRIL, 1510, 1 Hen. VIII., No. 12.
15 April.
Sanuto, X. 412.
430. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 24 May 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 15 April.—Told the King that the Signory remitted to him their agreement with the Emperor, and stood on good terms with Hungary. The King wrote immediately to the Emperor. Awaits the answer of the first herald, but could not send the second, with the modified letters, for want of money. The King will send a doctor as ambassador to the Emperor. The Spanish ambassador favours Venice. Said to Winchester, who is alter rex, 'France is becoming great.' He answered 'The Emperor wants his share.' Told him the Emperor had got Trieste and Gorizia which were his, but Padua and Vicenza were not Imperial towns. Winchester further said 'Venice does not die, but the agreement made will soon die,' 'The King (Lewis ?) is ill,' 'The Signory will recover her state and by waiting we shall do you good,' 'That the King should become great does not make for us.' 'Our King is young; he exerts himself with the King of Spain, etc.' 'Let this year pass.' 'The Signory has a powerful army,' 'The Pope is with us and her.' Sir John Rawson, a knight of Rhodes, who is going to Venice and Rome, will speak with the Cardinal of Rouen on the way and be able to tell something.
From Carmeliano, dated London.—An excellent letter.
[The forsaid knight of Rhodes was introduced and seated beside the Doge, but had nothing new to tell.]
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 64.
15 April.
Roman Transcr., Ser. I., No. 62 (104). R.O.
Certificate that Pope Julius II., at the relation of the Card, of St. Mark, has, this day, to the monastery of Deyr, Aberdeen dioc., void by resignation of Abbot James, appointed John Innes, monk of the said monastery, to be abbot and to allow certain revenues, &c. (specified) to the said James. Rome, 15 April 1510, pont 7.
Latin. Modern transcript from Rome, pp. 3.


  • 1. This letter is probably of the year 1509, just before Henry VIII began to reign in England; and apparently James' letter to the Cardinal of St. Mark's (Gairdner's Letters, Richard III and Henry VIII. Vol. II, p. 278) was written at the same time. But as this letter has escaped observation hitherto it is inserted here.