Henry VIII: February 1510

Pages 166-180

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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February 1510

3 Feb.
Harl. MS. 6074, f. 54. B.M.
Narrative account of the creation of Lord Henry Stafford as Earl of Wiltshire, 3 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 3.
Harl. MS. 4900, f. 14 (9b). B.M. 2. Modern copy of the above.
P. 1.
Ashmole MS. 1109, p. 138b. 3. "Ceremony of the 'Creation of Edward (sic) Stafford, Earl of Wiltshire.' (3 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII.) From Catalogue.
Election. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 11.
4 Feb.
Sanuto, X., 7.
360. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 1 March, 1510.]
From England (in cipher) from Andrea Badoer, 4 Feb.:—Is caressed by the King, who has given him a dinner and written to the Pope to raise the excommunication. England and Scotland apparently agree. The King will make no league without including Venice.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 39.
5 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 153. R.O.
361. [858.] WALTER NORTON, of Wolkenstede, Surrey.
His will, dated 24 Dec. 1509. Executors:—Margaret, his wife, and Nicholas Gerves. Witnesses:—Wm. Carter, Th. Maynard, John Wodgate, Nich. Gerves
Probate before Henry Money, official commissary of Mr. Edward Lane, doctor of decrees, arehdeacon of Surrey. Letherhed, 5 Feb. 1509.
Large paper, p. 1.
6 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 154. R.O.
362. [861(2).] SIR THOMAS LOVELL.
Appointment as warden of forests. (See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 19.)
Two copies, large paper respectively pp. 2 and p. 1.
10 Feb.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 325.
* * * The King (of France) sends a new embassy into England, viz., the abbot of Can, brother of the general of Normandy, with another good personage. * * Bloys, 10 Feb.
The Legate went into the country to-day and returns on Wednesday, and will leave for Paris within four days.
11 Feb.
Exch, Accts., 417(3), f. 61. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Henry Roper, yeoman of the Queen's beds, for her use:—fustians, &c. (described). Westm., 11 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
14 Feb.
Sanuto, X., 63 and 86.
365. VENICE.
[Notes of letters received 28 March and read 1 April, 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, dated London, 14 Feb.:—Received the Signory's letters and visited the King, who is expecting an ambassador from Spain and another from France in addition to this abbot of Fécamp. News has come that both the King of Denmark and his son are dead; so that kingdom belongs to the King of Hungary. The King thanked the Signory for congratulations on the Queen's pregnancy. He has written to the King of the Romans, persuading him to treat with Venice, a letter which is to be sent by a herald. Asks for money as he has nothing left to pawn and the said herald will cost 120 ducats. (Ib., p. 87.) (fn. 1) Did not think it well to move the request for a loan upon jewels, as a messenger who came from Madame Margaret to borrow upon jewels was refused, the King having already lent money upon the late King Charles's (fn. 2) armour.
†(Ib., p. 87.) The King's letter to the Emperor in the Signory's favour was also read. Apparently it answers one of 30 Jan. from Trent.
†(Ib., p. 89.) Note that there was a passage in Badoer's letter that on his mentioning the creation of a new ambassador the King said that the Signory need not go to that expense, and he had done his office, &c. (non facesse questa spexa e che lui havia fato loficio, &c., ut in literis).
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 52.
14 Feb.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg. I., 236.
* * * The report of the Pope's alliance with the Venetians and Swiss still continues, and moreover that of a practise of the Venetians to win the King of England to that league. * * * Mydelhan, 14 Feb. 1509.
19 Feb.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 329.
* * * The King's preparations against the Venetians. He and the Legate to leave on Monday next, the King going to Lyons. News of the Pope's proposing in Consistory the absolution of the Venetians. Five or six days ago an ambassador from the King of Aragon, going to England, passed this place at six leagues distance. Bloys, 19 Feb.
The Queen will remain here so that the King may travel lightly.
21 Feb.
Close Roll, 1 Hen. VIII., 1d.
Recognisance of Edward Duke of Buckingham and Sir Robert lord Fitzwater of a debt to the King of 1,000l., (fn. 3) at pleasure. Westm., 21 Feb.
Master of the Horse. See GRANTS IN FEBRUARY, No. 76.
23 Feb.
Exch. Accts. 417(3), f. 82. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Th. Knyvett, knight for the Body and Master of the Horse, or George Lovekyn, clerk of the Stable, horse harness (described). Westm., 23 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
23 Feb.
Journals of the House of Lords, I. 3–9.
Record of the daily business of the House of Lords from 21 Jan. 23 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII., when Parliament was dissolved.
The King was present on 21 and 23 Jan. and 23 Feb.; but the daily attendance of members is not noted. John Tayler, clerk of the Parliaments.
24 Feb.
Royal MS. 13 B. II., 47b. (No. 116.) B.M.
372. [908.] JULIUS II. to JAMES IV.
Notifies that he has released the Venetians from interdict, as their Doge, Leonardo Lauredano, has sent him six delegates from the flower of the city to sue for pardon. Rome, 24 Feb. 1510, 7 pont.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
24 Feb.
Sanuto, X., 6.
373. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 1 March, 1510.]
From the ambassadors at Rome, 22 Feb.:—Send a letter of 4 Feb. received from the ambassador [in England]. The English ambassador has told the Pope that his King is in peace with Scotland and will make no league, against either Christians or Infidels, without including Venice. The King wrote a letter to the Pope, praying him to raise the excommunication, which reached Rome two days before the excommunication was raised.
From Rome, 24 Feb.:—The absolution. The imprisonment of the Marquis of Mantua.
From England, 4 Feb. (See No. 360.)
Italian. Two modern transcripts. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 39.
Ib. 9. 2. Summary of a letter, of 24 Feb., from Cavalier Paulo Capello, ambassador at Rome, describing the ceremony of the absolution of the Signory that morning, in St. Peter's. Dated Rome, 24 Feb. 1510.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 40.
25 Feb.
Royal MS. 13 B. II., 48. (No. 118.) B.M.
374. [910.] JAMES IV. to CARD. [of ANCONA].
Writes to the Pope concerning James [Beton], formerly Bp. of Galloway and of the King's Chapel, now Abp. of Glasgow, who, by his influence with the Holy See, obtained, without even writing for it, an exemption for the Chapel Royal from the jurisdiction of the Ordinary, which he now is not ashamed to dispute. Begs the Cardinal's influence to defeat his intention, and refers him to Thos. Nudry, of James's household. Edinburgh, 25 Feb. 1509.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
25 Feb.
Adv. MS. 245.
To the same effect. Edinburgh, 25 Feb. 1509.
Royal MS. 13 B. II., 48. (No. 119.) B.M. 376. [911.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
The Card. Protector (reverendissimus protector) will inform him of particulars upon the information of Thomas Nudry, of James's household, whose cause, of the archdeaconry of Galloway, the King commends to his Holiness' justice.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
28 Feb.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max et de Marg., I., 240.
Credence for Thoison d'Or, king of arms, in answer to her message by him touching the chevalier d'honneur for Lady Mary of England at her coming over. Augsburg, 28 Feb. 1509.
28 Feb. 378. MASKING.
Delivery of Wardrobe stuff for a mask at Westminster, 29 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII.
See Vol. II, p. 1490.
Exch. Accts. 417 (3), f. 67. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for making riding coats, &c. (described). Palace [of Westm.] . . Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 156. R.O. 380. [927.] THOMAS CARDIGAN.
Petition for a privy seal to direct the Exchequer to pay him 50l. 0s. 6d., being the dower of his wife Margaret, late wife of Edw. Trussell, out of the money paid by John, Earl of Oxford, John Veer, cousin of the same Earl, and John Danyell, for the wardship and marriage, granted them by Henry VII., of Eliz., dau. and h. of Edw. son and h. of Sir William Trussell.
Draft, pp. 2.
1. William Edwardes. To be, during pleasure, appruator of the lordships of Uske, Ca[r]leon, and Trellek, and beadle within the lordship and fee of Uske. Hanworth, 29 Aug., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. P.S. [843.]
2. John Williams, yeoman of the Crown. Grant, during pleasure, of two tenements, of the annual value of 4 marks, in Croked Lane, in the parish of St. Margaret's, London, abutting on a tenement belonging to the parish church on the one side, and on a tenement formerly belonging to one Shelton on the other side. Owen Griffin held the said two tenements of the late King. Oking, 28 Aug., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. P.S. [844.]
3. Thomas Assheborne, clk. Grant, for life, of the perpetual chantry (which does not exceed 7 mks. yearly) of Flamstede, Herts., resigned by John Peryson, clk. Westm., 23 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [845.]
4. Thomas Pritchit. To be, during pleasure, ranger of the Isle of Purbeke, which office he had by grant of the King's grandmother. Westm., 27 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. P.S. (in English). [846.]
5. William Underhill. To be, during pleasure, clerk of the Parliament of the "Common House" vice Thomas Hylton. Greenwich, 14 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. P.S. (in English). [847.]
6. The General Pardon. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for pardon to John Baptist Grymbald, though he is comprised in the bill of exception. Westm., 2 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (sealed). [848.]
7. Lanthony priory beside Gloucester (Prior Edmond). Inspeximus and confirmation:—
A. Pat. 14 June, 2 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 3), confirming:—
Pat. of Hen. II.
B. Pat. 18 March, 15 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 5.)
C. Pat. 20 May, 17 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 5.)
D. Pat. 5 Dec., 1 Hen. VII. (p. 2, m. 19).
E. Pat. 28 Feb., 1 Hen. VII. (p. 3, m. 6).
F. Pat. 2 May, 19 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Pat. 10 May, 21 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 4).
Westm., 3 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 29, No. 4.
8. Robert Wetewode, clk., one of the ministers of the Chapel. Grant of the pension which the next elect abbot of the monastery of Maulmesbury is bound yearly to give to a clerk of the King's nomination, until promoted by the abbot to a competent benefice. Westm., 25 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. P.S. [849.]
9. William Tost, clk. Presentation to the church of Meyvot, with chapels annexed, dioc. St. Asaph, void by death of Owen Poole. Westm., 28 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [850.]
10. John Dowsyn. To be, during pleasure, chief smith and surveyor of the craft in Calais, from 6 Oct. last, vice William Underwode. Westm., 2 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [851.]
11. Malmesbury Abbey. Congé d'élire in the room of Thomas Olveston, late abbot, deceased. Westm., 26 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb, P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
ii. Petition for the above, sent by Ric. Camme and John Codryngton, S.T.B., and Simon Romsey, stating that the abbot died on 2 Jan. Malmesbury, 18 Jan. 1509[-10]. [852.]
12. Peter Kitson, clk. Presentation to the church of Way alias Wayhill, dioc. Winc., void by death. Westm., 29 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [853.]
13. George Kirkeby. To be, during pleasure, ranger of the forest of Westebere alias Kingesbere, Hants. Greenwich, 15 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. P.S. [854.]
14. Roger Radclyf, servant to the Queen, for his services to the late Princess, Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, the King's grandmother. To be, for life, bailiff of the town and lordship of Fremyngton, Devon, as he held the office by gift of the said Countess; also to have the house called "the Roiall," in London, which belonged to the Countess, as held by John Flye. Westm., 2 July, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. Vacated on surrender, 1 Feb., 20 Hen. VIII. [855.]
15. Thomas Lord Dacre of Greystok, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Greystok, heir of Ralph late Lord of Greystok, father of the said Robert. Inspeximus and innotescimus of 3 deeds, dated 10 Aug., 2 Hen. VII., and one 2 Aug., 2 Hen. VIII., whereby Rob. Bothe, Ric. Greystok, Wil. Roukeshawe, Alex. Rokeby, and Will. Wellys, clks., granted to John lord of Greystok, son of Ralph lord of Greystok and Weme, all lands recovered from the said Ralph in cos. York, Northumb., Cumb., Westmld., appointing in the first indenture Th. Pole and Robt. Peke, in the second Rog. Fenwyk and Will. Cartyngton, in the third Hen. Hoton and Ric. Hoton, in the fourth Hen. Hoton and Will. Bewley, as their attorneys; to hold to said Lord John in tail male, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Ralph. Westm., 5 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [856.]
16. Sir Everard Feldyng. Licence to enfeoff Anne Etton, wife of John Etton, daughter and heir of Ric. Illingworth, dec., in a fourth of the manor of Boney and 200ac. of land in Notts., in tail, with remainder to Will. Boughton, Chris. Seyntgerman, Hen. Boughton, and Edw. Warner, and their heirs, to the use, first of the heirs of the body of the said Richard, and secondly of his right heirs. Westm., 5 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. [857.]
17. Charles Brandon, esquire for the Body. To be, during pleasure, marshal of the King's Bench, vice Sir Th. Brandon, knight for the Body, dec. Westm., 3 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 27. [859.]
18. Henry, Earl of Wiltshire. To be, during pleasure, steward of the King's manors and lands of Stokyngham, Yalmeton, and Payn Worthy, with the hundred of Colrigge, and of the honor of Wynkelegh, called Gloucester fee, Devon, as held by Sir Thomas Brandon, Richard Halwell, or Roger Holand, dec.; and chief steward and surveyor of the possessions of the duchies of Exeter and Somerset, in cos. Cornw., Devon, and Soms., and master of the hunt in forests, chaces and parks there, which descended to the King on the death of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. Westm. (?) ... Del. Westm., 6 Feb. P.S. (mutilated and defaced). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [860.]
19. Sir Thomas Lovell, treasurer of the Household. To be warden and chief justice of the forests, and justice-in-eyre and master of the hunt of all forests, parks, chaces, and warrens on this side Trent. Westm., 2 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32. [861.]
20. John Ridley, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Mary, Chilton Foliot, dioc. Salisb., resigned by Master Simon Welden. Westm., 25 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Lambeth, 6 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [862.]
21. Edward Baxter. To be, during pleasure, weigher in the port of Newcastle on Tyne and adjacent places. Westm., 6 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [863.]
22. City of Exeter. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 Oct., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf, roll 10, No. 16), confirming:—
A. Pat. 14 July, 16 Hen. [VI] (p. 2, m. 16), confirming:—
Pat. 14 Dec., 2 Hen. [V] (p. 3, m. 12), confirming:—
Pat. 5 Dec., 2 Ric. II. (p. 1, m. 13), confirming:—
Ch. 1 March, 3 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 6 Nov., 44 Hen. III, confirming:—
Ch. of Richard King of Almain, 7 Nov., ao r. sui 3.
Ch. 12 Nov., 14 Edw. II confirming and extending:—
Ch. 4 May, 28 Edw. I. confirming and extending:—
Ch. of Hen. II. Ch. 24 March, 21 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 15 June, 2 John.
B. Pat, 1 July, 3 Edw. IV.
Westm., 6 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 29, No. 2.
23. Robert Westwoode. Grant of the outward custom of 40 mks. on 500 broad cloths to be shipped by him at London within one year from this date. Greenwich, 12 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (sealed). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. [864–5.]
24. Robert Weyghthill, yeoman of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, comptroller of buildings and works, and surveyor of the foresters, parkers, officers and ministers and also of the woods within the manors of Wodstok, Hanebergh, Stonfeld, and Wotton, Oxon., and the park of Woodstok, with 1½d. a day, and a mansion in the manor of Woodestoke, called the Comptroller's lodging, &c. Westm., 29 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28. [866.]
25. Anne Weston, gentlewoman of the Queen. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of John Danvers, s. and h. of John Danvers, sen. Greenwich, 13 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [867.]
26. Staple of Chichester. Acceptance of the election of John Cresweller as mayor, and Rich. Holt and Rich. Webbe as constables of the staple of wools, leather, woolfells and lead at Chichester. Westm., 7 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [868.]
27. Abbey of St. Mary, York. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat, 8 May, 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 16, No. 5) confirming:—
Ch. 16 Nov. 27 Henry VI., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 12 Aug., 2 Hen. V., confirming:—
A. Ch. 27 April, 1 Hen. IV., confirming:—
a. Ch. 26 Sept., 7 Ric. II., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 14 Dec., 4 Edw. III., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 2 July, 1 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 20 March, 1 Edw. II., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 8 Sept., 50 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
b. Ch. 29 Nov., 17 Ric. II.
B. Ch. of Hen. I.
C. Ch. (two) of Hen. II.
D. Pat. 22 Dec., 9 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 6).
Westm., 7 Feb. Confirmation roll 29, No. 3.
28. The General Pardon. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for pardon to William Smyth, though named in the bill of exception. Westm., 8 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (scaled). [869.]
29. Richard Cachemayde, page of the Wardrobe of Beds. Grant, during pleasure, of two tenements in Flete strete, and one in Olde Ba[ile], with a "void ground" in Flete strete called the sign of the Walsshman, lately held by Edward ap Rice. Greenwich, 18 Nov., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [870.]
30. Reginald Pyme. Livery of lands as son and heir of Alexander Pyme, dec. Westm., 26 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [871.]
31. Sir George Lord Hastinges. To be, during pleasure, steward of the manor and lordship of Enderby, Leic. Westm., 31 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. (marked inrolled). [872.]
32. Sir William Sandis, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, keeper of Fremantill park, Hants, vice Sir Thomas Brandon, knight for the Body. Westm., 31 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [873.]
33. Robert Hesant. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the manor and lordship and of the King's lands in Enderby, Leic. Westm., 31 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. [874.]
34. Sir Robert Sowthwell, knight for the Body. Annuity of 100 mks., during pleasure, from the prisage and butlerage of wines while he shall be in the office of chief butler of England, and from the Exchequer after he leaves it. Westm., 24 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. P.S. [875.]
35. Eleanor Johns. Annuity of 20l. Westm., 4 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [876.]
36. Hammett Clegge. Constat and exemplification of the inrolment of patent 5 Feb., 3 Hen. VII., which granted him for life the office of ranger of Shottore, Stowodde, and Barnewode forests, Oxon. Westm., 9 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2. [877.]
37. Peter Newton. To be, during pleasure, bailiff and keeper of the manor of Acton Burnell, Salop, and keeper of the park there, as held by Thomas Lucas and Thomas Rugge. Westm., 6 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [878.]
38. Peter Newton. To be, during pleasure, steward of the lordships or manors of Acton Burnell and Holcot, Salop, as he held the office in the late King's lifetime. Westm., 6 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [879.]
39. Justices of Assize. Eastern Circuit.—Association of Wm. Mordaunt with Sir John Fyneux and Sir Robt. Rede. Home Circuit.—Association of John Muscote and John Copcote with John Botiller and John More. Oxford Circuit.—Association of Reginald Pegge and Ric. Bodon with Robert Brudenell and Wm. Grevill. Midland Circuit.—Association of Nic. Hardyng with Sir John Fyssher and Guy Palmes. Westm., 12 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21d. [881.]
40. John Whitewell, yeoman of the Crown. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the great garden in Windsor Castle. Greenwich, 4 Nov., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. P.S. [882.]
41. John Sharp. To be, during pleasure, engraver of dies for the gold and silver coinage in the Tower of London, the realm of England, and the town of Calais. Richmond, 24 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. P.S. [883.]
42. Spaldyng priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 30 June, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 4, m. 29) confirming:—
[Pat. 25 Oct., 14 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 7), conf.:—
a. Ch. 16 Feb., 4 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. of Stephen.
Ch. of Hen. I.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 1 March, 10 Ric. I.
Ch. 14 Nov., 1 Ric. I. renewed 24 Jan., 10 Ric. I.
Ch. 21 April, 1 John.
Pat. 1 April, 16 John.
Ch. 12 May, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 27 Jan., 20 Hen. III.
Ch. 6 May, 26 Hen. III.
Ch. 14 Nov., 54 Hen. III., of. Ch. 12 May, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 15 Nov., 54 Hen. III., cf. Chs. of Gilbert de Gaunt, etc.
Chs. and donations of Lucy Countess of Chester, etc.
b. Pat. 16 Feb., 4 Edw. III.
c. Pat. 27 Nov., 19 Ric. II.
d. Pat. 16 July, 14 Ric. II., exemplifying:—
Perambulation made in 13 Ric. II.
e. Pat. 6 Nov., 19 Ric. II., exemplifying:—
Certificate of pleas at Lincoln, 9, Edw. I.
Westm., 12 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.], Confirmation roll 31, No. 8.
43. Gaol Delivery. Bishop's Lynn—Commission to Sir Jas. Hobart, Sir Robt. Suthwell, Sir Robt. Lovell, Sir John Audeley, John Gryndill, mayor, Francis Calibut, John Straynge, Francis Mountford, and Walter Hobert. Westm., 13 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10d. [884.]
44. Commissions of the Peace. (See Appendix):—
Berkshire.—Westm., 14 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5d. [885.]
45. Staffordshire.—Westm., 14 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [886.]
46. Thomas Kynaston, of Lee, late sheriff of Salop. Pardon and release; also pardon and release to him and to Sir Robert Corbet of Morton, Salop, and Roger Thornes of Shrewsbury, of their recognizance of 40l., made 30 Oct., 23 Hen. VII. Westm., 8 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [887.]
47. George Fraunces and Roger Radclif, gentlemen ushers of the Queen's chamber. Grant, by way of reward, of five serplers of wool, remaining in Ledon Hall, London, lately belonging to Edmund Dudley, attainted. Westm., 8 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Feb. P.S. (in English). [888.]
48. Thomas Carmynowe. Grant, during pleasure, of the manor or lordship of Bliston, Cornw., with all liberties, &c., as held by Anne late Countess of Warwick, at the annual rent of 23l. 13s. 1¾d. Greenwich, 13 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Jan. P.S. (mutilated and defaced). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34. [889.]
49. Thomas Baldre. To be, during pleasure, weigher in the port of Ipswich. Westm., 14 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [890.]
50. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.) Cornwall.—Westm., 15 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [891.]
51. Edward Sulyard. To be, during pleasure, steward of the manors of Lammersh and Colnewake, Essex, and Bassyngborne, Camb. Westm., 28 Jan., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Feb. P.S. [893.]
52. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.) Worcestershire.—Westm., 16 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [892.]
53. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.) Oxford (town).—Westm., 18 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [894.]
54. Philippa, widow of Francis Harres. Wardship and marriage of William, s. and h. of the said Francis Harres, or, if he die in his minority, the wardship and marriage of Isabella, sister and heir. Westm., ... Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. P.S. [895.]
55. Sir Thomas Brian, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, steward of the manors of Stanford and Westhanney, Berks, and of Aston Clynton, Bukland, Shinglesborough, Agmondesham, Woderowe, and Quarendon, Bucks. Hanworth, 18 Sept. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [896.]
56. Peter de Champaigne, esquire for the Body. Licence to import 100 tuns of Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 19 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 1 Hen. VIII. m. 6. [897.]
57. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix.) Wiltshire.—Westm., 20 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [898.]
58. The de-afforested part of Essex. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 7 Feb., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 15) confirming:—
Pat. 5 Feb. [8] Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 15) exemplifying:—
Ch. 25 March, 5 John.
Westm., 20 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 8.
59. Shene priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 1 Feb., 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 8, No. 4) confirming:—
a. Pat. 19 July, 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6. m. 18) confirming:—
Ch. 1 April, 3 Hen. V. Pat. 20 March, 20 Hen. VI.
b. Pat. 30 June, 6 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 17).
c. Pat. 25 July, 14 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 22).
d. Pat. 4 Aug., 20 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 2).
B. Pat. 10 Feb., 22 Hen. VII. (p. 2. m. 29).
Westm., 20 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 9.
60. Town of Beaudeley. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 30 Oct., 12 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 27).
Ch. 2 June, 22 Hen. VII.
Westm., 20 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 10.
61. Hayling Island, Hants. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 26 June, 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 17, No. 4) confirming:—
Pat. 21 July, 8 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 10).
Westm., 20 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 11.
62. Buckfast abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 8 Feb., 2 Hen. VII (Conf. roll 16, No. 2, enrolled in 3 Hen. VII.) confirming:—
Ch. 28 May, 1 Edw. IV.
B. Pat. 11 Feb., 24 Hen. VII. (p. 3, m. 14), cf.
a. Ch. 24 April, 27 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 25 Nov., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 4), cf.
A. Ch. of Hen. II.
B. Ch. 22 Jan., 4 Edw. III. confirming:—
Ch. 18 Nov., 1 Ric. I.
C. Pat. 12 July, 30 Edw. III. (p. 3, m. 21).
c. Pat. 14 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 5, m. 17) confirming:mdash;
Pat. 10 Dec., 7 Ric. II.
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 25, No. 13.
63. Neustede priory in Shirwod. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 5 Feb., 8 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 23, No. 7), confirming:—
Pat. 10 Nov., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 17), confirming:—
Pat. 5 Feb., 25 Edw. III.
Pat. 1 July, 16 Ric. II.
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 26, No. 3.
64. Tinners of Devon. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 Feb. 3, Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 9), confirming:—
Pat. 27 Nov., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 13), confirming:—
Pat. 12 Nov., 17 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Ch. 6 Aug., 1 Edw. III., cf.
Ch. 14 Aug., 4 Edw. II., cf.
Ch. 10 April, 33 Edw. I.
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 12.
65. Abbey and landholders of Spalding and Pinchbeck. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
[Pat. 5 Dec., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 2).] (fn. 4) confirming:—
Pat. 23 Nov., 1 Edw. IV. cf.
Pat. 3 Dec., 4 Ric. II., cf.
Ch. 14 Nov., 1 Ric. I., renewed 24 Jan., 10 Ric. I.
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 16.
66. Studley priory, Warw. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 7 Jan., 1 Edw. III., confirming with additions:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 26 Dec., 26 Hen. III.
Ch. 8 May, 46 Hen. III., cf.
Ch. of Eve de Cantilupo.
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 6.
67. Coventry Charterhouse. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 21 May, 22 Edw. IV.
B. Pat. 1 July, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 9, No. 6), confirming:—
Pat. 3 Dec., 1 Edw. IV., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 21 May, 22 Ric. II.
Pat. 8 March, 10 Ric. II.
Pat. 14 Dec., 14 Ric. II.
Pat. 19 Nov., 17 Ric. II.
Pat. 21 May, 22 Ric. II.
C. Pat. 5 Dec., 10 Hen. VII.
D. Pat. 10 Feb., 22 Hen. VII.
E. Pat. 20 Nov., 36 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 2).
F. Pat. 26 Oct., 1 Hen. V. (p. 3, m. 2), conf.
Ch. 4 Dec., 2 Hen. IV., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 21 May, 22 Ric. II.
Westm., 20 Feb. Confirmation roll 30, No. 9.
68. Merchants of the Steelyard, London. Inspeximus and conf. of—
Pat. 9 March, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 9, No. 14), confirming:—
a. Pat. 28 July, 14 Edw IV., cf.
Pat. 6 Nov., 1 Ric. II., cf.
Ch. 1 Feb., 31 Edw. I.
Ch. 1 March, 1 Edw. III., cf.
Ch. 7 Dec., 11 Edw. II.
b. Pat. 20 July, 14 Edw. IV., cf.
Treaty at Utrecht, 28 Feb., 1473[-4.]
Westm., 20 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 31, No. 2.
69. Edmund Daundy, of Ipswich, Suff., merchant. Licence to found a perpetual chantry for one chaplain at the altar of St. Thomas, in the south side of the nave of the parish church of St. Laurence the Martyr, Ipswich, to say mass for the good estate of the King and Queen Katharine, the said Edmund Daundy, Thomas Wolsye, Dean of Lincoln, and William Daundy, son of the said Edmund, and for the souls of the King's ancestors, of Anne late wife of the said Edmund, and of Robert Wolsye and Joan his wife, father and mother of the said Thomas Wolsy.—Also mortmain licence for endowment to the annual value of 9l. 6s. 8d. Richmond, 29 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. P.S. (defaced). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27. [899.]
70. Mountgrace priory, Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 12 July, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 9, No. 10) confirming:—
a. Pat. 22 Feb., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 14) confirming and enlarging:—
Ch. 20 March, 22 Ric. II.
b. Pat. 24 Feb., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 4, m. 11).
c. Pat. 23 Nov., 11 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 16).
B. Pat. 10 Feb., 22 Hen. VII. (p. 2, m. 30).
Westm., 21 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 4.
71. Bishop of Chester (Geoffrey). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 1 May, 4 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 5) confirming:—
Ch. 1 Aug., 3 Hen. V., conf.
Ch. 12 Aug., 11 Ric. II., cf.
a. Ch. of Stephen.
b. Ch. 2 June, 43 Hen. III.
c. Ch. 28 May, 18 Edw. I.
d. Ch. 1 June, 18 Edw. I., cf.
Chs. (3) of Hen. II.
Chs. 4 Dec., and 30 Nov., 1 Ric. I.
e. Ch. 15 Sept., 27 Edw. I.
f. Ch. 18 April, 27 Edw. I.
g. Pat. 15 Sept., 27 Edw. I.
h. Ch. 28 Jan., 35 Edw. I.
i. Ch. 15 June, 19 Edw. III. cf.
Ch. 4 Dec., 1 Ric. I.
Ch. 13 April, 14 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 4 Dec., 1 Ric. I. Pat. of H. bp. of Coventry (undated).
B. Ch. 29 April, 26 Hen. VI.
Westm., 21 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 12.
72. Inhabitants of Marke and Oye. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 15 Nov., 2 Hen. VII., confirming:—
a. Pat. 14 Nov., 9 Hen. VI., conf. Pat. 30 June, 1 Hen. V., cf. Pat. 20 Nov., 1 Hen. IV., cf.
Pat. 14 Feb., 35 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 23 Feb., 22 Edw. IV.
Westm., 21 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 26, No. 11.
73. Exeter cathedral. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 26 April, 35 Edw. III., confirming:—
A. Ch. of Hen. I.
B. Ch. of Stephen.
C. Ch. 26 Nov., 28 Hen. III.
D. Ch. 8 May, 55 Hen. III., cf.
Ch. of Atheldred, A.D. 994.
Ch. of Cnhut, A.D. 1019.
Ch. of Edward the Confessor, A.D. 1050.
Ch. 26 March, 1 John.
E. Ch. 3 March, 8 Edw. II., confirming and extending:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
F. Ch. of Stephen.
Westm., 21 Feb., [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 13.
74. Thomas Goodman. To be, during good conduct, surveyor and receiver general of all the possessions called Warwick's, Spencer's, Salisbury's, Berkeley's, and Morley's lands, in cos. Warw., Leic., Worc., Staff., Salop, Heref., Glouc., Wilts., Oxon., Berks., Northt., Rutld., Linc., Beds., Bucks, Camb., Hunt., Norf., Suff., Essex, Herts., Soms., Midd., and Kent; and of all the possessions of John Huggeford, late surviving feoffee of Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, in the said counties; also of the town, lordship and manor of Shafham, with the appurtenances, called Richmond fee, Norf.; and of the lordships and manors of Westhurrok, Essex, and Sturton and Kinfar, Staff.; also to be feodary of the great court of the honor of Gloucester in Bristoll called the Earl's Court, and surveyor and receiver of the manor and hundred of Berton near Bristoll, Glouc., with an annuity of 73l. 6s. 8d. Westm., 17 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [900.]
75. Thomas Goodman. To be, during pleasure, surveyor and receiver of all the possessions called Warwick's, Salisbury's, and Spencer's lands, in cos. Hants, Wilts, Soms., Dors., Devon, and Cornw.; also of the manors and lordships of Cranbourne, Dors., and Dichampton, Wilts, with the woodwardship of Benteley Wod and Melchetwoode, Wilts. Westm., 17 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [901.]
76. Sir Thomas Knyvet, knight for the Body. To be, during pleasure, master of the Horse, vice Sir Thomas Brandon, dec., with profitsasenjoyed by Brandon or Sir John Cheyne. Westm., 8 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. P.S. (in English). [902.]
77. Commissions of the Peace. (See Appendix):—
Dorset.—Westm., 22 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [903.]
Hampshire.—Westm., 22 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [904.]
Huntingdonshire.—Westm., 22 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [905.]
Kent.—Westm., 22 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d. [906.]
78. Gaol Delivery. Bedford (town)—Commission to Sir John Fyssher, Robt. Smyth, mayor, Will. Gascoyn, Walter Luke, and John Poley. Westm., 22 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10d. [907.]
79. Croyland abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 1 Oct., 14 Hen. VI., confirming:—
a. Pat. 1 Nov. 1 Hen. IV. (p. 2, m. 8), confirming:—
Pat. 7 July, 17 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Æthelbald king of the Mercians, A.D. 716.
Ch. of King Ædred, A.D. 908 (sic).
b. Ch. 10 June, 35 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. I.
Chs. (2) of Stephen.
Ch. 16 Sept. [ ] Ric. I.
Ch. 3 April, 2 John.
Ch. 15 March, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 9 Feb., 37 Hen. III.
Ch. 10 July, 39 Hen. III.
Ch. 24 Oct., 41 Hen. III.
Ch. of Baldwin Wake, Alan de Credun and Hervey de Stanhowe.
c. Ch. 15 March, 11 Hen. III.
d. Pat. 24 June, 12 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 22).
B. Pat. 2 July, 18 Hen. VI. (p. 3, m. 14).
C. Pat. 20 May, 38 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 13).
D. Pat. 27 Jan., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 5, m. 23).
E. Pat. 19 Feb., 5 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 26).
Westm., 22 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 26, No. 7.
80. Abbey of Walden. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 11 Feb., 2. Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 11, No. 3), conf. Pat. 30 Nov., 1 Hen. IV. (p. 5, m. 26).
Westm., 22 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 14.
81. Bridlington priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 10 Feb., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 17), confirming:—
Pat. 6 July, 5 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 19), confirming:—
A. Ch. 2 March, 15 Ric. II., confirming and extending:—
a. Ch. 23 Feb., 1 (sic) Edw. II., confirming:—
Chs. (2) of Hen. I.
Ch. of Stephen.
Ch. 6 Dec., 2 John.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Chs. of John de Harpham and R. son of Hernis.
Pat. 16 June, 35 Edw. I.
Ch. of Walter de Ver.
b. Ch. of Stephen.
B. Pat. 2 Dec., 1 Edw. IV.
Westm., 22 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 19.
82. Fodrynghey college. Inspeximus and confirmation, viz.:—
A. Pat. 8 June, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 10, No. 5), confirming (with one reservation):—
Ch. 15 Feb., 1 Edw. IV.
Pat. 11 Aug., 2 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 17).
Pat. 18 March, 5 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 17).
Pat. 24 Nov., 20 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 21).
Pat. 16 March, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 9).
B. Pat. 5 June, 3 Hen. VII.
Westm., 22 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 7.
83. Newburgh priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 1 Sept., 36 Hen. III.
Ch. 20 May, 40 Hen. III., confirming (with additions):—
Composition with Roger de Mubray.
Chs. (two) 27 June, 40 Hen. III.
Pat. 9 Feb., 14 Hen. VII., (p. 1, m. 9), confirming:—
Pat. 4 March, 18 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 19), confirming (with additions):—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Westm., 23 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 31, No. 5.
84. Thomas ap Guilliam, yeoman of the Guard. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the chase of Mikelwode, Glouc., which Thomas Sly and William Smyth, dec., severally held, with 40s. a year out of the profits of the lordship of Berkeley. Greenwich, 20 Nov., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Feb. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p, 2. m. 11. [909.]
85. Mayor and bailiffs of Oxford. Inspeximus and confirmation of:
Pat. 10 Feb., 5 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 22, No. 13), confirming:—
Pat. 12 Jan., 2 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 26), confirming:—
Pat. 15 Nov., 2 Hen. VI. cf.
Ch. 20 Jan., 2 Hen. IV., cf.
Pat. 16 Feb., 1 Ric. II., cf.
Ch. 10 May, 1 Edw. III., conf. and extending.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 14 June, 1 John.
Ch. 20 July, 20 Edw. I. confirming:—
Ch. 6 Feb., 13 Hen. III.
Ch. 20 March, 41 Hen. III.
Westm., 24 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 27, No. 4.
86. Archbishop of Canterbury. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 15 Nov., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 14, No. 14), confirming:—
A. Ch. 15 April, 3 Edw. IV. confirming and extending:—
a. Pat. 11 Dec., 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 16 Oct., 9 Edw. III., confirming and extending:—
Ch. of Hen. I. (Latin and English).
Ch. of Stephen (Latin and English).
Chs. (2) of Hen. II. (Latin and English).
b. Ch. 18 June, 5 Ric. II.
B. Ch. 10 July, 3 Edw. IV., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 4 Dec., 26 Edw. III., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 1 Dec., 1 Ric. I.
Ch. 29 Sept., 1 John.
Ch. 7 June, 2 John.
Westm., 24 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 28, No. 3.
87. City of Cork. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 1 Aug., 15 Hen. VII., confirming and extending:—
Pat. 12 Feb., 5 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 32), confirming:—
Ch. 15 July, 4 Edw. III., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 20 July, 12 Edw. II., confirming and extending:—
Ch. 12 June, 19 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 2 Jan., 26 Hen. III.
Westm., 24 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 7.
88. Thomas Belle, yeoman for the King's mouth in the Cellar. To have the wardship of John, s. and h. of John Cokkes, and his lands in Lewes and elsewhere to the annual value of 10l., he being an idiot. Westm., 19 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. P.S. [912.]
89. John Browghton. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Robert Browghton, s. and h. of John Browghton, and as heir of John Browghton, grandfather of the said Robert, and heir in tail of the said Robert and Katharine his wife, or of the said Robert and Dorothy his wife. Tower of London, 13 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. P.S. (defaced). [913.]
90. John Turnour and John Wrenne. To be, during pleasure, auditors of the earldom of March, in cos. Heref. and Salop, and in Wales, during pleasure, as lately held by Henry Harper and Edward Sharp. Tower of London, 13 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. P.S. [914.]
91. Henry de Mons and John Bescosquet. Licence to import 95 tuns of Gascon wine in a Breton ship called the Magdalene of Plemmarke, before Midsummer next. Westm., 25 Feb. French Roll, 1 Hen. VIII. m. 6. [915.]
92. Waverley abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 17 Feb., 24 Hen. VII., confirming:—
a. Pat. 7 April, 8 Edw. II. (p. 2, m. 21).
b. Pat, 27 Ap., 6 Edw. III. (p. 1, m. 6).
c. Pat. 27 Jan., 11 Edw. II., cf.
Ch. 5 Stephen, A.D. 1140.
Ch. 15 Sept., 1 Ric. I.
Ch. 9 Jan., 7 John.
Ch. 10 Oct., 23 Hen. III.
d. Pat. 12 Jan., 20 Edw. III. (p. 3, m. 6), exemplifying:—
Certificate of pleasbefore John de Reygate and his fellow justices at Guildford, 7 Edw. [I.].
e. Ch. 5 July, 2 Edw. IV., cf. Ch. 30 Nov., 5 Edw. III.
Westm., 25 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 2.
93. Battle abbey (Laurence, abbot). Inspeximus and confirmation, viz.:—
Pat. 3 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 12, No. 8), confirming:—
A. Pat. 20 June, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 15), confirming:—
a. Ch. 23 June, 4 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 11 Feb., 2 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 4 Oct., 6 Edw. II., confirming:—
Chs. (6) of William I. the Conqueror.
Chs. (2) of William II.
Chs. (4) of Hen. I. Ch. 20 May, 54 Hen. III. confirming with additions:—
Ch. 10 July, 37 Hen. III.
b. Pat. 28 Oct., 55 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 15 Feb., 19 Hen. VI.
Westm., 25 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 5.
94. Commissions of the Peace. (See Appendix):—
Huntingdonshire.—Westm., 26 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [916.]
Devon.—Westm., 26 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [917.]
Salop.—Westm., 26 Feb. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d. [918.]
95. Sir Andrew Windesore, keeper of the Great Wardrobe. Warrant to deliver to Oliver Holande "for the use of our nursery, God willing," a traverse of blue sarcenet, a ceil to hang over the chimney of sarcent lined with buckram and fringed with valances, to cause the cradle of estate to be covered with crimson cloth of gold, and the "pomelles" for the King's arms to be amended if need be; with many other provisions for pillows, sheets, bearing panes, headpanes, swadell bands, &c., including beds for Mrs. Nurse and the two rockers, and hangings, &c., for the chamber of the Lady Mistress. Also to deliver to Henry Roper, yeoman of the Queen's beds, a chair covered with crimson tissue cloth of gold, provided with a bowl of copper and gilt, &c. Greenwich, 26 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. S.B.
96. Chapel of St. Mary de Rouncidevall (Laur. Longe, master, Robert Dey and Wm. Goodwyn, keepers). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 7 March, 4 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 20, No. 2), confirming:—
a. Pat. 28 Oct., 14 (sic) Edw. IV. (15 Edw. IV. p. 2, m. 10).
b. Pat. 9 March, 18 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 34).
Westm., 26 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 2.
97. Jersey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 10 Feb., 1 Hen. VII., conf.
Pat. 28 Jan., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 3).
Westm., 26 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 5.
98. Axholme Charterhouse. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 10, No. 12), confirming:—
a. Pat. 3 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 39), confirming and extending:—
Pat. 7 July, 19 Ric. II.
Pat. 26 June, 20 Ric. II.
Ch. 21 May, 22 Ric. II.
Pats, (two) 23 May, 22 Ric. II.
b. Pat. 22 Feb., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 6).
B. Pat. 10 Feb., 22 Hen. VII.
Westm., 26 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 10.
99. Tewkesbury abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 28 Nov., 12 Hen. VII. (p. 2. m. 22), confirming.
a. Ch. 1 July, 28 Edw. I., cf.
Ch. of Hen. I., A.D. 1107.
b. Pat. 5 May, 7 Hen. VI., exemplifying:—
Ch. of Robert son of Hamo and others.
c. Pat. of Henry, duke of Warwick, 6 June, 1446, 24 Hen. VI.
d. Pat. of feoffees of Isabella, countess of Warwick, 28 Nov. 25 Hen. VI.
e. Pat. of Richard, earl of Warwick, and Anne his wife, 20 June, 29 Hen. VI.
f. Pat. 27 Nov., 15 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 1).
g. Chs. (2) of Hen. I.
h. Ch. of Stephen.
i. Pats. (2) of Hen. II.
j. Pat. 11 May, 9 Hen. IV. (p. 2, m. 27), exemplifying:—
Writing of Edmond, earl of March, confirming:—
Ch. of Robert son of Hamo and others.
k. Pat. of Hen. I.
B. Pat. 12 March, 19 Hen. VII. (p. 1, m. 10).
C. Pat. [15 April, 3] (fn. 5) Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 14, No. 4), confirming:—
Pat. 25 July, 7 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 5).
Pat. 27 Nov., 15 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 1).
Westm., 26 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 30, No. 8.
100. Thomas Wood, yeoman of the Crown. Annuity of 10l. out of the customs of Exeter and Dertmouth, during pleasure. Westm., 21 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Feb. P.S. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34. [919.]
101. Robert Bell, yeoman usher of the Chamber. Grant, for life, of a corrody in the monastery of Selby, vice William Amyas, dec. Greenwich, 27 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). [920.]
102. Roger a Dale, yeoman of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the lordships of Wakes Colme and Lam Merche, Essex, void by death of the King's grandame. Greenwich, 1 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., Feb. 27. P.S. (in English). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34. [921.]
103. Burgesses of Ludlowe. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 18 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 12, No. 3), confirming:—
a. Ch. 7 Dec., 1 Edw. IV.
b. Pat. 8 March, 18 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 2).
Westm., 27 Feb., 1 Hen. VIII. Confirmation roll 25, No. 3.
104. Hull Charterhouse. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 20 May, 51 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 8 Nov., 2 Hen. VII., cf.
a. Pat. 7 Dec., 1 Hen. IV, cf.
Pat. 18 April, 5 Ric. II.
Ch. 1 May, 8 Ric. II.
b. Pat. 28 Nov., 1 Hen. V.
C. Pat. 10 Feb., 22 Hen. VII.
Westm., 27 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 11.
105. City of Carlisle. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 11 Feb., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 6), confirming:—
A. Pat. 26 May, 5 Ric. 11. (p. 2, m. 8), confirming:—
a. Ch. 28 June, 21 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 26 Oct., 35 Hen. III.
b. Ch. 7 Feb., 13 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 19 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 15).
Westm., 27 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 29, No. 18.
106. Carlisle priory. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
a. Pat. 30 April, 5 Edw. III., recording:—
Pleas of the forest, 13–14 Edw. I.
b. Pat. 8 Feb., 13 Hen. VII. (m. 33), confirming.
Ch. 23 May, 25 Hen. VI., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 16 July, 15 Hen. III.
Pat. 12 May, 8 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 23).
Pat. 10 May, 17 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 16).
c. Pat. 6 June, 17 Hen. VII., conf. Pat. 20 Feb., 27 Hen. VI.
Pat. 8 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 10).
Westm., 27 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 31, No. 3.
107. Hospital of St. Leonard, York (John Constable, clk., master). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 4 Feb., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 12, No. 5), confirming:—
a. Pat. 30 Oct., 2 Edw. IV. (p. 5, m. 7), confirming:—
(1) Ch. 1 Dec., 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 17 July, 4 Edw. III., confirming with additions:—
Ch. 16 June, 22 Edw. I., confirming:—
Chs. of Henry son of William and others.
Ch. 16 May, 12 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 7 May, 39 Hen. III.
Ch. 16 June, 22 Edw. I.
Ch. 24 June, 12 Edw. III.
(2) Pat. 1 Dec., 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Pat. 18 Sept., 3 Edw. II.
Ch. 5 Feb., 35 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 30 June, 30 Hen. VI.
B. Pat. 15 Nov., 8 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 14), exemplifying:—
Act of Council.
Westm., 27 Feb. [1 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 31, No. 6.
108. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 100l. made by Thomas Cokayn of Assheburn, Germayn Pole of Redburn, Edmund Pylkyngton of Stanton, Derb., and Edward Merell, of Blore, Suff. (sic), clk., dated 14 July, 21 Hen. VII., to Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Richard Emson, Sir John Huse, Edmund Dudley, and Thomas Lucas. Westm., ... February, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. [926.]


  • 1. These passages are detached from what precedes and follow as afterthoughts in Sanuto's account of the reading of letters on 1 April.
  • 2. Could this be King Charles VIII. of France ?
  • 3. By a bond between them, made 11 July 1510 (Close Roll, 2 Hen. VIII. m. 2d.), it appears that the debt was incurred by the Duke on Fitzwater's account.
  • 4. Omitted in "Inspeximus" clause.
  • 5. Omitted in the confirmation clause. This patent also confirmed pat. 18 Feb., 22 Edw. IV., which is here omitted.