Henry VIII: December 1514, 26-30

Pages 1485-1503

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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December 1514

27 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 319. R.O.
3578. THE GUARD.
Bill of Sir Henry Guldeford for wages of 24 yeomen of the Guard and for conveyance of the rich coats of the Guard from Calais to Paris and back, 20 days at 4s. a day; total, 16l. Signed.
Subscribed with receipt by Richard Grey, clk., on Guldeford's behalf, from Sir John Daunce, 27 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
27 Dec.
Ven. Transcr., 176, p. 159. R.O.
3579. VENICE.
27 Dec. 1514.—Motion passed in the Senate for the election of an ambassador to France and England in lieu of Francisco Donado, who is ill. Note that Sebastian Giustiniano was elected and accepted.
Italian. Modern transcript, p. 1. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 541, 534 (where Sanuto's note of the motion is wrongly placed under 17 Dec.), 544–5.
28 Dec.
Calig. D. VI., 146. B.M. Ellis, 2 S. I., 260. Lett. de Rois, (Documents Inédits) II., 549.
3580. [5717.] LOUIS XII. to HENRY VIII.
Has received by the bearer, an English officer of arms, Henry's letters of the 9th inst. signifying the pleasure he had had from hearing of him through the Duke of Suffolk. His satisfaction with the Queen his wife was such that Henry might be sure of his treating her to her own and his satisfaction. Expresses his great regard for Suffolk. With respect to the secret matters of which Suffolk had spoken to him, and to which he had made answer which Suffolk has declared, by his (Louis's) ambassadors (fn. 1) Henry will have learnt more; and he desires to know Henry's resolution soon. Hopes that the alliance and friendship between them shall be rather increased than diminished. Paris, 28 Dec. Signed and sealed.
French, pp. 2. Mutilated.
31 Dec.
Epist. 545.
3581. [5718.] PETER MARTYR to LUD. FURTADO.
The Queen of England has given birth to a premature child,—through grief, as it is said, for the misunderstanding between her father and her husband. He had reproached her with her father's ill faith, "et conquestus suos in eam expectorabat." * * * Julian the Pope's brother has married the sister of the Duke of Savoy. In answer to the French, the Swiss have said they will defend Duke Maximilian with all their power. The King has gone to Medina. His asthma has turned into dropsy. Medina del Campo, prid. kl. Jan. 1514.
1. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Dorset.—Westm., 1 Dec.
Northamptonshire.—Westm., 1 Dec. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [5658.]
2. Thomas Hill, of London, alias of Bristol, mercer. Protection for one year. Greenwich, 24 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 1 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [5660.]
3. Henry Keymes. To be, for life, bailiff of the manor or lordship of Portbury, Somers., and of the herbage and pannage of the "le hyer parke et nether parke" therein, with the custody of the mansion, of three gardens called "le grete and lytyll conynger," and of the fishery in the Severn, called the "lordes tyde." Westm., 2 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. (Vacated on surrender by the said Henry, 24 May 17 Hen. VIII., in favor of Sir Edw. Gorge.) [5667.]
4. Thos. Repton alias Rypton, haberdasher of London. Protection, for one year: going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngefeld, Deputy of Calais. Del. Knoll, 2 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5668.]
5. John Blamyer, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Abbotley, Heref. dioc., vice Wm. Colyer, clk., deceased. Westm., 2 Dec. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [5669.]
6. Sir John Daunce, for his attendance about the King's affairs (negocia). Annuity of 100l., during pleasure, payable out of the Hanaper and the earldom of Richmond; also a reward of 50l., for his attendance from Easter last to the present date. Del. Westm., 3 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [5674.]
7. John Lemyng, of Depyng Gate, Norht., and William Danson, of Market Depyng in Holland, Linc., yeoman. Pardon. Del. Knoll, 11 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [5682.]
8. Oliver Holand, yeoman-usher of the chamber with the Queen Consort. To be, for life, one of the keepers or walkers of the forest of Wabridge, Hunts, with 2d. a day, vice John Gylmyn, deceased; and keeper of Bardon Park, Leic., with 2d. a day and the herbage and pannage. Greenwich, 27 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. Del Knoll, 12 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). [5683.]
9. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Berks.—Knoll, 12 Dec. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [5684.]
10. John son and heir of Christopher Broune. Livery of lands. Also livery for Oliver Hyde of the manors of Oldbury alias Aldbury, Parva Ricote, Tackeley and Shipton-on-Charwell, and the hundred of Northyate, Oxon, lately held by the said Oliver alone, or jointly with others now deceased, to the use of the said Christopher. To take effect from 1 Nov. last. Greenwich, 5 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 12 Dec. P.S. (much injured). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [5685.]
11. To John Yong, keeper of the Rolls, Books and Records in Chancery. To cancel eight recognizances, four of 200 and four of 300 marks, made 11 Feb. 18 Hen. VII.:—1. By Sir Robert Throgmerton of Warwickshire; 2. Christopher Throgmerton; 3. Alexander Culpeper of Kent; 4. Thomas Catesby; 5. Henry Frowyk; 6. Sir Edward Ponynges; 7. Sir John Arondell; 8. John Carewe, late of Umberley, Devon. Greenwich, 13 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5688.]
12. Sir Edward Belknappe, knight for the Body, for his attendance about the King's affairs (negocia). Annuity of 100l., during pleasure, payable out of the Hanaper and the earldom of Richmond. Also a reward of 50l. for attendance since Easter last. Greenwich, 6 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 13 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5689.]
13. John Hendry, of London, "attending upon our court with haberdash wares." Licence to import 500 dozen caps, and 100 dozen hats from foreign parts. Greenwich, 8 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 13 Dec. P.S. (in English). French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5690.]
14. Commission of Sewers.
Linc.—T. abp. of York, Thos. Dokwray prior of St. John's, Wm. lord Willoughby, Sir John Fyneus, Rob. Brudenell, the Abbots of Croyland, Thorney, Bradney, Revesby, and Swyneshede, the prior of Spaldyng, Sir John Huse, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir Wm. Tirwhitt, Sir Thos. Newporte, Sir Edw. Burgh, Sir Rob. Dymmok, Sir Philip Tylney, Sir John Skipwith, Thos. Burgh, Geo. Fitzwilliam, John Fulnetby, Nich. Upton, Rob. Husee, John Litelbury, Andrew Billesby, Thos. Totboth, Wm. Askewe, Wm. Hansard, Geoff. Paynell, John Hennege, John Robynson, Wm. Goderike, Thos. Holand and John Te[mpest], for the district from Dodyngton Pygott to Tydd Goot, by the sea coast. Knoll, 14 Dec. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32d. [5691.]
15. Feodaries. Appointment of Sir Richard Tempest as feodary of all lands of the Crown held in chief or otherwise in co. York, with authority to deliver all heirs being minors to Sir Thomas Lovell, treasurer of the Household, keeper or master of such heirs, and, after inquisition by escheators or other commissioners, to take lands into the King's hand; and appointment as general receiver of such lands.
Similar appointments of Edmund Larder in Devon; Thomas Thornehell in Somerset and Dorset; William Bisley in Gloucestershire and the marches of Wales; and Christopher Clapeham in Cumberland and Westmoreland. Del. Knoll, 14 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Thomas Lovell). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5692.]
16. William Pawne. To be master of the ordnance of Berwike, for life, vice John Papedee; with 12d. a day from Easter 3 Hen. VIII., from which time he has occupied the room. Greenwich, 3 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 14 Dec. P.S. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [5693.]
17. Serfs. Manumission of Henry Knyght, of Stoke Clymmyslonde, Cornwall, tailor, and John Erle of the same parish, husbandman, the King's natives of the manor of Stoke Clymmyslonde. Greenwich, 10 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 14 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31. [5694.]
18. William Pounde, of Southwykke, Hants, esquire. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Greenwich, 9 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 15 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5695.]
19. Valery de Poianis, M.D., late of London, alias of Milan. Licence to practise medicine in London and the realm of England. Knoll, 16 Dec. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. Rymer XIII. 471. [5699.]
20. Ralph Pexsall and Edith his wife. Livery (the said Edith being sister and heir of Anne late wife of George Warham, and daughter and heir of William son of John Brocas), of the manor of Parva Weldon, called "Hunters Maner," Northt., and the purparty of the said Anne of the manor and other premises in Weldon; of the office of bailiff or keeper of the King's buckhounds, and the profits thereof; and of all possessions held to the use of the said Anne and Edith and their heirs. Del. Westm., 16 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: T. Nevyle). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1. m. 21. [5700.]
21. Roger Dele, of London, draper. Licence to import caps and hats. Del. Knoll, 17 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5701.]
22. Elizabeth Catesby. Annuity of 40 marks, for life, from Easter last, in consideration of her services to the King's sister, Mary queen of the French. Del. Otford, 19 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5703.]
23. Henry lord Daubney. Livery of lands as son and heir of Giles lord Daubney, deceased. Greenwich (?), 2 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 19 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21. [5704.]
24. Christ. Gybson, one of the King's gunners. To be one of the King's gunners, with 12d. a day for life. Otford, 20 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5707.]
25. Roger Barker, master, and John Cannon, John Wakefeld and William Gatte, wardens, of the Mystery of St. Julian "le Herbeger" of Innholders, London. Licence to found a guild to the honor of St. Julian in the said city, with one master and three wardens, to be elected annually. Del. Otford, 21 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (containing a cancelled clause for mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 10l.). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [5708.]
26. John Yong, clk., Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Edward Nevyll and Sir William Compton. Next presentation to a canonry and prebend in St. Stephen's, Westminster, or St. George's, Windsor. Greenwich, 20 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 21 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21. [5709.]
27. Sir Thomas Wyndham, knight for the Body, of Felbrigge, Norf., alias of Danbery. Pardon and release as vice-admiral and lieutenant of Thomas earl of Surrey, lord admiral. Greenwich, 20 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 21 Dec. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [5710.]
28. John Gostwik, John Uvedale and Stephen Hudson, of London, girdler. Licence for five years to import hats and caps of all colors from Milan, France and Flanders. Del. Westm., 22 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 13. [5711.]
29. Thomas Compton, groom of the Chamber. Grant of the stone walls and stones called the castle or tower of Old Sarum, Wilts, with liberty to knock down and carry away the said walls. Del. Knoll, 26 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (with preliminary petition which states the castle is standing beside New Sarum in a desolate and barren place and can never be made inhabitable). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [5715.]
30. John Mountenay, of Prytwell, Essex, gentleman. Protection, for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Rich. Wingfeld, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 7 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 27 Dec. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5716.]
31. Sir William Trevanyon, knight for the Body. Grant, for life, to him and his assigns of an annual rent of 50 marks (granted to Nicholas Crowmer, deceased, by patent of Henry VII.) out of certain lands of Sir Henry Bodringan in co. Cornwall, which lands were granted to Sir Richard Egecombe, deceased, and his heirs male, and have now descended to Sir Piers Egecombe, his son and heir. Greenwich, 21 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 31 Dec. P.S. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23. [5719.]
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
9, f. 277. R.O.
Have received his letter, by the hand of his servant Thomas, accusing them of defrauding his lordship of such goods as were in the keeping of the abbot's predecessor. Denies the accusation. Has examined his brethren in the strictest way, and finds that none of them had part in putting away the said goods. The abbot, on the day of his decease, disclosed to the writer nothing more than four nobles, received from William Bermyngham of Luske, Ormond's receiver, for which they are accountable. Begs he will write to "the worshipful lord Dean" of the college of St. Patrick's, Dublin, to withdraw the suit, which is very chargeable to the writer's house. St. Mary Abbay by Dulyng, 13 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed.
[* The date of the above letter is probably 1497, when Orum became abbot, and cannot be later than 1500, when, on 9 Dec., he died Vide Archdall's Monasticon.]
Ib., f. 273.
3584. [5783.] WOLSEY to my LORD _.
Thanks him for his loving handling of all his causes there, and will be glad to advance his interests from time to time, as he doubts not "your counsellors' letters" will report. They have diligently pursued your great matter of Whytby. He will perceive by the King's letters what order is taken therein; and his counsellors can inform him what Wolsey has done in this matter. "And, my lord, very glad I am that ye handle yourself so wisely and substantially in the King's causes committed to you; wherewith his grace is not only singularly pleased, but also ye have given me courage and boldness to pursue it to his Highness to commit other great things to you, which shall greatly redound to the increase of your honour in time to come; whereof no man shall be gladder than I, trusting that ye will be of semblable and no less good will towards me at all times."
Draft in Wolsey's hand, p. 1.
Titus B. VI.,
118. B.M.
3585. [5730.] THE QUEEN OF BOSNIA (?) to THE KING (HENRY VIII. ?).
Requesting his aid to ransom her husband the Duke of Barbania (?) from the Turks. The Emperor, Pope and King of France having contributed 50,000 ducats, there remain but 4,000 to be paid.
Lat., p. 1. Not signed.
Note.—"Regina Bosnæ ducissa Barbaniæ."
Otho C. IX., 3.
3586. [5729.] THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.
"Instructiones ex parte venerandi patris guardiani I[erosolymæ] fratri Johanni de Sancto Martino procuratori Terræ S[anctæ ad] potentissimum et serenissimum dominum, dominum Henricum [viij] Anglorum regem et reginalem majestatem ejus consortem." 1. He shall represent to the King that since his coronation his renown has been spread above all his predecessors for his numerous victories; that inevitable ruin will fall upon the Holy places unless he adopts methods for their security, for which no one is so fit, from his excellence both of body and mind ("tam proceritate corporis quam etiam virtute animi"). 2. That the Christian King of Georgia ("rex Courgiorum") living in the Eastern Mountains, between the Turk and Hysmail Sophi, has not scrupled, by the aid of Abunazar Campso el Gauri, to cast down the altar of the Latin Christians on Mount Calvary, for the repair of which they have paid the Sultan more than 1,000 ducats. 3. They have had to bribe the emir of Jerusalem, the caliphs of Gaza, R. ..., and other officers of the Saracens, with robes of velvet, silk and scarlet, &c., to secure the pilgrims visiting the Sepulchre. 4. They are at great annual expense for the maintenance of the churches of St. Mary, Bethlehem, of the Holy Sepulchre, of the Holy Chamber of Sion, of St. Mary's in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, with 40 lamps continually burning in the Holy Places, each costing 7 ducats per annum for the support of 40 brethren, to the sum of 3,500l. ducats per annum. 5. Their previous benefactors, the King of Naples, the Duke of Milan, Philip and Charles of Burgundy, each of whom gave 1,000 ducats annually, are dead, and they have no support except 1,000 ducats assigned upon Sicily by the late Queen of Spain. The merchants who used to maintain them can no longer visit Egypt or Syria for spices, because the way has been intercepted by Emmanuel king of Portugal. 9. Hope the King, in consideration of the above, will nominate some proctor in his realm for their maintenance against that great day of account which the Lord shall hold near His tomb in the valley of Jehoshaphat.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 3.
Otho C. IX., 57.
3587. [5728.] THE MONKS OF MOUNT SINAI to HENRY VIII. (fn. 2)
Expressing their great poverty, which had compelled them to pledge their sacred vessels and furniture for food; and thanking him for having sent them, by means of their messenger, Anthony, a Syrian, 266[l?].
Signed on behalf of the Convent by Clement the Abbot.
"ετυπωθησαν ταυτα εν τω...του αγιου ορους σινα εν ε[τει]..."
Greek, mutilated, p. 1. The distinctive part of the address is illegible
R. MS. 13 B. II.,
f. 82 (No. 223). B.M. Epp. Reg. Sc., I., 183.
3588. JAMES V. to LEO X.
Among the vacant prelacies which he has repeatedly commended to the Pope as to be conferred on his nominees is the abbey of Aberbrothock, for Master Gavin Douglas, who is steward of the monastery and cannot be ousted from it without great force. Again urges the Pope to confer it upon Douglas.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II.,
84 (No. 229). B.M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I., 193.
Requests ratification his appointment of Walter Ramsay, his chaplain, to the hospital of St. Laurence, Haddington. This house had been given to the Austin Friars, but he now wishes it to be restored to its previous state. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy.
Adv. MS. 419. 2. Another copy.
Understands by her letters that she has been solicited by the Focars for letters of reprisal against the Scots, on the pretext that justice has been denied them in Scotland. Finds that a suit was commenced some years ago by a solicitor on their behalf, who dropped it for want of instructions.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 153. B.M. 3591. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to [BERNARD DE MESA]. (fn. 3)
You must, upon opportunity, as of yourself, insinuate to the King of England, my son, that although the King of France may for the present keep what he has promised until he sees whether he can recover Milan, it is of the nature of Frenchmen that they will not let Tournay be lost without doing their utmost to recover it. The said (sic) marriage of the King's sister with the King of France will be no obstacle; for the French will no more regard that relationship than the King of Scots did. Tell him likewise how necessary and advantageous is the amity of the Emperor and King of Aragon; for as long as France knows that the Emperor, England and Aragon are leagued together he will keep promise with him; and, from what you learnt when in France, the said (sic) peace and marriage is disliked and would never have been made but to avoid destruction. This must be so spoken as not to seem intended to make discord between the Kings, for my only wish is to keep the King of England from leaving the Emperor and me. You shall say also that it is notorious what efforts France made to treat with Ferdinand separately, who always declined to treat without the Emperor and England and would not even disturb this agreement between England and France when he knew it was being made. You shall say also that, to gain merit before God and glory above all princes, what the King should seek more than life is the general peace of Christians and war against the Infidels, to which the King of France's attempts to recover Milan are the only impediment, and therefore he should move the King of France to leave Milan and Italy in peace. The Turk is now so prosperous and powerful, with his victory against the Sophi, that it is thought he will prepare for war on Christians in the coming summer.
You shall tell the King that having learnt that the King of France asks a small number of Englishmen for the enterprise of Milan, I beg him to consider whether it is fitting that the King of France should have in his army Englishmen in an inferior position, because of their small number, to the men of other nations, and whether it is safe in view of the ancient and natural enmity between French and English. He should also look well whether it suits him that the King of France should so prosper in Italy as to become lord of the world and make the enterprise of Guienne impossible. When I sent by Comendador Muxica my determination and desired the King my son to send me 6,000 Almains for that enterprise, and he would not send them, the danger of the states which the Emperor and I hold in Italy compelled me to make the said (sic) truce, but the principal cause was my dangerous illness, as I explained beforehand to the English ambassadors (fn. 4) then in my Court. The second cause was that, the King sending even less aid than he did the first time, it would have been impossible for me to make the enterprise. The truce was made with the knowledge of the Doctor and John Stil, the King's ambassadors, and included the King of England.
If the King my son complain of the second truce as arranged with France without his knowledge you shall say that I was not the inventor or mover of that truce which the Emperor, owing to the peril of his states and mine in Italy, first commissioned to be made by him, England and me, jointly, undertaking that England would ratify it. Otherwise I should not have spoken of it; but it was very necessary.
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 9. Headed: El Rey. Avisos.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 192. 3592. MARGARET OF SAVOY.
"1514, Moroton.—Marguérite, soupçonnée par le roi d'Angleterre de savoir les négociations de la trève avec la France, s'excuse de travailler aux affaires de l'Empereur en Angleterre. (Minute.)"
Apparently No. 3061.
"Réponse de l'Empereur à l'ambassadeur du roi d'Angleterre, au sujet du mariage de Charles, prince de Castille, avec Marie, princesse d'Angleterre. (Cop. pap.)
"Cet acte doit être de 1514, après (fn. 5) le mariage de la princesse Marie d'Angleterre avec Louis XII."
Harl. MS. 2252, f. 36. B.M. 3594. JOHN AT NOKE.
Petition of John at Noke, minister of the King's chapel, for a presentation to the parsonage of B. and that Dr. Lupton, clerk of the Hanaper, may deliver the patent without fee.
Contemporary copy, p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 30, f. 320. R.O. 3595. CALAIS.
Petition of Will. Yong, fitz Roger, the eldest, to Henry VIII., stating that since the King's accession he had been deprived of his office of clerk-surveyor and treasurer, scribe and keeper of records of Calais, to which offices he had been appointed by Henry VII. after being deputy clerk and controller there for 26 years. Has been a prisoner in his own house, kept from all his fees, notwithstanding he had served the King and his progenitors 43 years. Begs that, in accordance with a petition lately presented, the King will order that the four books of the treasurer's last accounts at Calais be submitted to the petitioner. Undertakes to show how the King will thereby receive 10,000 marks of ready money. States the items of which the King had been defrauded.
P. 1. Add.: To the King our Sovereign Lord.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. v., p. 461. 3596. PRIORY OF CHRISTCHURCH, CANTERBURY.
"1514. Copies of all the charters relating to the wine which the convent (Christchurch, Canterbury) possessed in 1514, certified by Nicholas Lytlington, official of the archdeacon of Canterbury."
Petitions to the King of France about this matter now that peace is restored.
S P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 260. R.O. 3597. [5726.] ANTHONY CAVALARY.
Memorandum that Anthony Cavalary has licence to ship 6,000 broad cloths at 14d. a cloth, to obtain which he has paid a friend of his 1,200l., more than six months ago; and showing the disadvantage to the King's revenue of his bargain as compared with that of Englishmen.
P. 1. Headed: A declaration for my lord Archbishop of York.
Ib., f. 261. R.O. 2. Mem. in the same hand that Cavalary has a patent for exporting 1,000 sacks of wool, at 5 marks per sack, to be replaced at the end of 6 years by saltpetre at 6d. a pound. Has paid for the licence 800l., and is willing to resign it on a reasonable recompence. If the wars begin in Naples he will have to pay 6d. a pound for the saltpetre.
P. 1. Headed like § 1.
Exch. Warrants for Issues. R.O. 3598. CLOTH MAKING.
"These names hereunder written are the names of all the persons and clothiers that did make their pieces of 'carsey otherwyes called clothes' underwritten and selled them in November last past the year of our Lord God mdxiiij," viz.:—
John Grenewod, Ric. Stancliff, and 13 others of Hallyfax, John Bower and 10 others of Bradfurth, Wm. Wright (residence not given) and Th. Taylior of Keghley. Each name followed by a number of pieces, either white or blue, and a sum of money noted in the margin (at uniform rate of 2l. for each piece).
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 150. R.O. 3599. [814.] EXPORTATION OF COIN. (fn. 6)
Draft bill to forbid the extending to exchanges between merchants the acts of 3 Hen. VII., 25 Edw. III., &c. "which were ordained and made to th' intent for to probibit and let the unlawful change and rechange of the King's subjects to Rome, Bonanye, Pareys and other places beyond the sea, of and for the finding and maintenance of students."
Pp. 3. Large paper.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 262. R.O. 3600. [5727.] ENGROSSING OF FARMS.
Bill for an act of Parliament that no person shall keep in his hands more farms than one, and shall dwell thereupon; in consequence of the scarcity of victuals, occasioned by the occupation of farms by merchants adventurers, clothmakers, goldsmiths, butchers, tanners and other artificers, more than they can employ in tilth (some holding from 10 to 16 farms), and the decay of housekeeping. For when every man was contented with one farm there was plenty of everything, as every acre of land ploughed bore the straw and chaff besides the corn, able "with help of the shackke, to keep great beasts," "as the land would keep layed in leyes"; and by the winnowing of the corn there were kept at every barn door pigs and poultry, to the "comfort of your people" in every shire. Now, in a town of 20 or 30 dwellings the houses are decayed, the people gone, the churches in ruins and in many parishes nothing more than a neatherd or a shepherd or a warner is to be seen.
Large paper, pp. 2.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 264. R.O. 2. Draft of a proclamation stating that by report of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of the Shires, complaint is made of the continued scarcity of grain by conversion of arable into pasture and engrossing of farms. By these means tenements fall to decay, poultry and victual are diminished, "and an infinite number of the King's subjects, for lack of occupation, had fallen and daily do fall into idleness and consequently into theft and robberies; and finally, by the rigor of the laws of this realm, many of them have been put to the execution of death." Order is hereby made that all such lands shall revert to tillage as were in tillage in the year 1 Hen. VII.
Large paper, pp. 2.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 321. R.O. 3601. KENT.
Draft pardon to A.B., knt. (fn. 7), sheriff of Kent, and his sureties.
Lat., pp. 2.
(MS. missing.) R.O. 3602. [5725.] LONDON CURATES.
Complaints of the inhabitants of London against the exactions of the curates there, viz.: two pence demanded for the two tapers at mass; exorbitant fees for marriages, burials, month's minds, for burial in the choir, for churchings, for friends prayed for in the bederoll, for howsel at Easter, for devotions on divers days, for brotherhoods kept in the church and for leases of church lands.
Pp. 2. Mutilated.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 12, f. 22. R.O. 2. Draft bill for Act of Parliament. See Vol. II, No. 1315.
Tanner MS. 210. 3603. BISHOPRIC OF NORWICH.
"Liber visitationis ordinariæ monasteriorum ac prioratuum religiosorum per Ric. Nicke [Nykke] episc. Norwicensem, exercitæ anno 1514."
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 12. R.O. 3604. [4545.] WARE and DEEPING.
Pedigree of Henry VIII. and Margaret countess of Salisbury to show how the manors of Ware and Depinge have descended from John lord Wake (who obtained them, in tail, by grant of Edw. I.) to "our sovereign lord King Henry the viij.," who after the death of his grandame the Countess of Richmond "was seised" of Ware for five years and more. Accompanied with notes of the following, viz.: (1) Act of 3 Hen. VII. confirming to Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby, his mother, the lands he had granted her by pat. 22 March 2 Hen. VII. (not printed). (2) Letters patent "bearing date in ao 5o" Hen. VIII. granting to Margaret countess of Salisbury lands of Richard earl of Salisbury, her grandfather. (fn. 8) (3) Reversal of the attainder of Edward earl of Warwick in favour of Margaret countess of Salisbury (St. 5 Hen. VIII. c. 12).
Large paper, p. 1. Endd.: A petigrewe concernyng the title, etc.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 322. R.O. 3605. WOLSEY ?
Speech addressed by an orator, to an audience whom he addresses as viri prudentissimi, in favour of his and their fellow (comes hic noster) of whom he speaks in terms of the most fulsome praise as a bishop (praesul, p. 8) engaged in the public administration (p. 1), who early attained fame for his knowledge of law (p. 3), whose skill in council is attested by appeasing a rebellion of the people of York without any bloodshed (p. 3) and who is applauded as leader of the Senate, occasion of good order, anchor of the Londoners, glory of lawyers, &c. (p. 5), "qui florentem reddidit Angliam, qui seditionum motus composuit, qui sanctissimo sub principe munere fungitur, hic quem de jure disserentem et gravissimas controvertias componentem admiratur tota plebs." Finally the speaker breaks into verse, concluding:—
"O nos felices tali sub praesule, felix
Atque patrocinio gens studiosa tuo,
Pasce gregem pastor Christum disperge per orbem
Pastorem studeas ipse referre tuum."
Latin, pp. 8. Endd.: Ad laudem heri nostri; and again, but in a later hand: Ad laudem Cardinalis Ebor. oratio scholarium Oxon.
The payments of the Treasurer of the Chamber from April 1509 to December 1518 are described at the end of Vol. II. (pp. 1441–80), together with a concurrent set of entries of recognizances for the payment of loans (Ib. pp. 1481–90).
Exch. Accts., 60 (29). R.O. 3607. ORDNANCE.
List of the King's guns (with their weights), stakes, gunstones and other ordnance delivered to the keeping of Sir Richard Cholmeley, lieutenant of the Tower, and Humphrey Walker, gunfounder, respectively. Among the guns are two demi-culverins "named by the King his menyons."
Fragment of a paper roll containing one leaf and a small portion of another.
T.R. Misc. Books, 1, f. 23. R.O. 3608. [4878, 5720.] DAUNCE'S ACCOUNTS.
"Here ensueth the receipts of all such sums of money, obligations and specialities as John Daunce, our servant, to our use and behoof, hath received, from the 1st of July, the 3rd year of our reign, forward; as of all manner payments by the said John Daunce, by virtue of our warrants, commandment, or otherwise paid from the said first day of July forward, like as in two books thereupon made (one of them signed with our hand, and to the said John Daunce for his discharge in the premises delivered; the other written and subscribed with the hand of the said John Daunce in our own custody, for our more perfect remembrance in that behalf remaining), more at large is expressed and declared, as hereafter ensueth."
A.D. 1511.
A.D. 1512.
A.D. 1514.
i. Received of John Heron, treasurer of the King's chamber, by virtue of a warrant under the King's signet, dated Windsor Castle, 25 Sept. the 3rd year of our reign, 1,000l.; by warrant under sign manual, dated Richemounte, 25 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII., 1,000l.; by warrant, dated Greenwich, 24 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., 1,000l.; by warrant, dated Westm., 2 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII., 2,000l. Received of Thomas Balle and John Charles 200l. for the freight of the King's ship The Mary and John on her voyage from London to Estland and back, 10 Feb. Received of John Heron, treasurer, by warrant dated Greenwich, 22 April 4 Hen. VIII., 2,000l.; and by warrant dated Greenwich, 25 July 4 Hen. VIII., 2,000l. Received of Will. Roche, and other, upon an obligation 2 March, 100l.; and of the same, 15 March 5 (fn. 9) Hen. VIII., 100l. Each entry signed by the King.
f. 25.
ii. [5720.] Payments made by John Daunce, by the King's command, as follow:—
A.D. 1511. 9 July 3 Hen. VIII.:
To Robt. Dobbys of London, haberdasher, for 24 bolts of olrons for ship sails at 10s. a bolt.
11 July:
To various persons for harness, delivered to Sir Francis Cheyny, viz., 99 backs and breasts for footmen, 33l.; 140 stondards of mayle, 6l. 3s. 4d.; 93 salletts, 13l. 17s. 8d.; 10 apurnes of mayle, 30s.; 4 pairs of gussetts, 12s.; 96 pairs of splynts, 14l. 8s. To John Blewbery, for a mill wheel with stondard, 2 beams, and brasys (braces) belonging thereto, and two small wheels to drive the glasys, 40s.; for two elm planks for lanterns for the same mill, 5s.; for wages of John Mylwryght for 12 days, at 8d. a day; wages of two men with him for 12 days, at 6d. a day; 13lbs. of tin at 5d. lb.; 28lbs. of white soap for tempering the said mill at 2d. lb.; 500 gauntlet nails, 8d.; 100 and a half of iron, 4s. 8d.; three rivetting hammers, 2s.; a pair of pynsors, 2s. 8d.; four crest files, 4s.; two great files, 5s.; 100 and a half of steel for vambraces and gauntlets, 60s.
13 July:
To Thomas Norton, upon a bill subscribed by Edward Guldeforde, for carriage of stuff in the King's journey to Nottingham, 20l. To John Baptista de Consaloveris, merchant of Milan, for a turquoise ring, 10l.
22 July:
To John Blewbery, for wages of armorers of Milan, 6l. 13s. 4d.; for two hogsheads of wine for the said armorers, 53s. 4d.; for carriage of the same wine to Greenwich, 8d.; for reward of the said armorers, 4l.; for the glasyers of the same mill and one spindle to the same glasyers, 4l.; for a grindstone and the beam to the same mill, 20s.; for carriage of the mill and glasyers to Greenwich, 2s.
29 July:
To Robt. Brygandyne, clerk of the King's ships, for the conveyance of two new ships, The Mary Rose and The Peter Granade, from Portsmouth to the Thames, 120l.
25 Aug.:
To John Bowier, Southwark, butcher, by Richard Okeham, for 18 oxen, at 27s. 6d. an ox, for victualling the ships The Mary and John and The Anne of Foy, sent eastward in April last.
28 Aug.:
To Albert Hays, Esterlinge, for 997 "orys" (oars) delivered by indenture to Richard Okeham, price of every 100, six score to the 100, 5l.
6 Sept.:
To John Carpenter, of Deptford, for the carriage of the above oars by water from London to Deptford Strond, to the storehouse there, for repairing the said house and for 2 hanging locks for the same, 36s. 6d.
9 Sept.:
To Robt. Brygandyne for the expences of the two new ships, The Mary Rose and The Peter Granade, now in Thames, 30l.
18 Sept.:
To John Blewbery for the new forge at Greenwich, made for the armorers of Brussels, sc.: a vice, 13s. 4d.; a great bekehorne, 60s.; a small bekehorne, 16s.; a pair of bellows, 30s.; a pype stake, 3s. 4d.; a crest stake, 4s.; a vysure stake, 4s.; a hanging pype stake, 4s. 4d.; a stake for the head pieces, 5s.; two curaces stakes, 10s.; 4 pair of sherys (shears), 40s.; 3 plating hammers, 8s.; 3 hammers for the head pieces, 5s.; a crest hammer for the head piece, 20d.; 2 hammers, 2s. 8d.; 2 greve hammers, 3s. 4d.; one meeke hammer, 16d.; 2 pleyne hammers, 2s.; 2 platynge hammers, 2s.; 2 chesels with an helve, 8d.; a crest hammer for the curace, 12d.; 2 rivetting hammers, 16d.; a boos hammer, 12d.; 11 fylys (files), 11s.; a pair of pynsors, 18d.; 2 pairs of tongs, 16d.; a harth stake, 6d.; 2 chesels and 6 ponchons, 2s.; a water trough, 18d.; a tempering barrel, 12d.; 1 anvil, 20s.; 6 stocks to set in the tolys, 10s.; 16 dobles at 16d. a doble, 21s. 4d.; 18 quarters of colys (coals), 6s. 9d.
19 Sept.:
To John Blewbery for a hide of leather to cover new harness conveyed to the King at Nottingham, 3s.; a rest to the same harness, 2s.; leathers, buckles, charnells, and nails for the same, 8s.; a lock for the hamper in which the harness was kept, 4d.; the hire of a horse to clean the harness in the mill, 2s.; for stuff and lining to the head piece of the harness, 12d.; for hiring two horses for Copyn and Peter, the armorers, to convey the harness to Nottingham, 13s. 4d.; costs of themselves and horses for 16 days, 20s.; hire of a cart for conveyance of the said stuff from London to Nottingham, 16s. 8d.; 12 vices, 4s.; a mill man's wages for 3 months, at 20d. a week. To John Blewbery for provision to be made by him in Antwerp in the parts of Brabant for stuff to make harness, 36l.; his costs in Antwerp, 40s.; the fee of Copyn Watte and Peter Fever, armorers, for half a year ending the feast of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, 10l.
20 Sept.:
To Robt. Brygandyne for the charges of The Mary Rose and The Peter Garnade, lying in Thames, 50l.
24 Sept.:
To Richard Palshidde, one of the King's customers at Southampton, for 24 cotes (coats) of white and green for 24 soldiers, employed for the safe conduct of The Mary Rose from Portsmouth to "the Temmys of London," and six similar coats of white and green for the master, 4 for the quartermasters and boatswain, at 6s. 10d. a coat; the wages of the said 24 soldiers for a month and a half, at 5s. a man per month; the reward of the said Rich. Palshidde for his attendance on the ship, 40s., and John Clerke, master of the said ship, 20s.
To Robt. Brygandyne for the wages and victualling of the masters, mariners and soldiers, unto the 26 Sept. 3 Hen. VIII., in The Mary Rose and The Peter Granade, during their conveyance from Portsmouth to the Thames, 8l. 2s. 2d. Also to the said Robt. Brygandyne for 35 coats of white and green for the abovementioned master and 34 of his company, at 6s. 8d. a coat. To Roger Rothewell, purser of the King's ship The Mary and John, for 5 months' wages of the master and company, ending the last day of September next, and remaining due for the voyage to Esteland, at 22l. 15s. 4d. a month; for the wages of Hugh Serjeant, lodysman of the said ship for the whole voyage, 8l. To William Bokker, purser of The Ann of London, otherwise called The Ann of Foye, for 3 months and a half wages of the master and company, ending the last day of September next and remaining due for the voyage to Esteland, at 21l. 6s. a month; for the wages of John Haryson, lodysman, for the whole voyage, 8l. To John Browne, of London, painter, the balance of his bill for painting the streamers, banners, flags, and staves belonging to the King's ship The Mary and John, 16l. 14s. 8d.
Sum total of the payments made by John Daunce, by the King's command, "before the time of his receipts," 743l. 16s. 10d. Signed by the King.
f. 29. iii. [Further payments:—]
1 Oct.:
To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, towards new stocking and repairing divers pieces of ordnance in the King's ships now in the Thames, viz., The Mary and John, The Anne of London, The Mary Rose and The Peter Granade, 20l. To the same, for 8 loads of elm for stocking the said ordnance, at 4s. the load.
4 Oct.:
By warrant dormond to Robt. Brygandyne towards the making, rigging and apparelling of two new barks, 50l. By warrant dormond to John Brygandyne, overseer and ruler of the two ships, The Regent and Sovereign, for men's wages and victuals, and safe moorings with cables, 40l.
14 Oct.:
By warrant dormond to Robt. Brygandyne towards the making, rigging and apparelling of two new barks for the King's use, 100l.
18 Oct.:
To Thomas Sperte, master, and David Boner, purser of The Mary Rose, for decking and rigging the same, 66l. 13s. 4d.
20 Oct.:
To Willm. Bulker, purser of The Anne of London, otherwise The Ann of Foy, for the charges of the said ship from 30 Sept. 3 Hen. VIII. to 20 Oct. next, 49s. 1d.
25 Oct.:
By warrant dormond to John Brygandyne, overseer and ruler of The Regent and Sovereign, for men's wages and victuals, and safe moorings with cables, 40l.
12 Nov.:
To Robert Radclyff Lord Fitzwater, "for so much money by us to him lent upon four obligations," 300l.
14 Nov.:
By warrant dormond to Robt. Brygandyne towards the making, rigging and apparelling of two new barks for the King's use, 150l.
16 Nov.:
To Thomas Spert, master, and David Boner, purser of The Mary Rose, for decking and rigging The Peter Pounde Granade, also for victualling her, and mariners' wages retained for her voyage to be made into Zeland, 66l. 13s. 4d.
26 Nov.:
To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, upon a book of parcels, signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for mending guns, making iron work and carpenters', sawyers' and labourers' wages for stocking guns for the King's ships, The Mary and John, The Anne of London, The Mary Rose and The Peter Pounde Garnade, 37l. 2s. 6d. To Richard Nele, factor of Richard Gresham, and Will. Coplande of London, merchants, for money lent to Will. Bulker, purser of The Anne of London, for the use of that ship, lately being in the parts of Spruse, 33l.
28 Nov.:
To Robt. Gedge, clerk of the Mercery, for writing the "chartre partie" of The Peter Pounde Garnade for her voyage into Zeland, 20s. To Bryan Appulton, beadle of the Mercery, "for warning of the poynters" by way of reward, 6s. 8d.
2 Dec.:
To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, by way of prest, towards making two new guns of 10 inches compass for the King's use, 20l. To David Boner, purser of The Peter Pounde Garnade, towards the charges for her voyage to Zeland, 13l. 6s. 8d.
To Leonard Fryscobald, merchant of Florence, for money to be delivered, by exchange after the rate of sterling money, to John Isesham in Zeland, to purchase cables and ropes for the King's ships, 133l. 6s. 8d. To William Gurr, London, brygandine maker, for harness for The Peter Pounde Garnade, viz. 100 breasts and backs, at 6s. 8d. the piece; 100 pairs of splints, at 3s. a pair; 100 saletts at 3s. the piece; 100 gorjettes at 12d. the piece; 68l. 6s. 8d.
9 Dec.:
To Robt. Brygandyne for setting up masts and other tackling for The Sovereign and conveying her to the Thames, 80l.
11 Dec:
To John Bayly, purser of The Lyon, by way of prest towards her expences, from 9 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., 13l. 6s. 8d.
17 Dec.:
To Willm. Botrye, of London, mercer, upon a bill signed by Sir Edward Howard for tukes, bokerams, Brussels cloth and chamletes, to make streamers and banners for The Mary Rose and The Peter Pounde Garnade, 50l. 19s. 2d. To John Browne, of London, painter, upon a book of parcels signed by Sir Edward Howard, for painting and staining banners and streamers for the same, 142l. 4s. 6d.
18 Dec.:
To Thomas Sperte, master of The Mary Rose, upon his account made before Sir Edw. Howard, 24 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII., for charges connected with the said ship, 29s. 1¾d. To the said Thomas Sperte in full contentation and payment of all charges for The Peter Pounde Garnade, due upon his account made before Sir Edw. Howard. 10 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., 71l. 9s. 11½d.
To Willm Bulker, purser of The Anne of London, in full payment of all her charges due upon his account made before Sir Edw. Howard, 1 Dec. 3 Hen VIII., 20l. 4s. 3¼d.
To Roger Rothewell, purser of The Mary and John, in full payment of all her charges due upon his account made before Sir Edw. Howard, 1 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., 56l. 1s. 5½d.
20 Dec.:
To T. Sperte, master of The Mary Rose, for the said ship, from 24 Nov. 20l.
To John Woddelesse, loadsman of The Peter Poundegarnade, of 350 ton portage, for conducting her "through the Black Deeps in her voyage towards Zeland," 116s. 8d.
26 Dec.:
To John Crochet, King's armorer, and Willm. Heyward, King's joiner, for spear heads, burrys and other such stuff used in the joustes and runnings, from St. Michael the Archangel, 2 Hen. VIII. to St. John Baptist next ensuing, 59l. 6s. 4d.
31 Dec.:
To Roger Rothwell, purser of The Mary and John, for his charges from 30 Nov., 10l.
To W. Bulker, purser of The Anne of London, do.
To John Bayly, purser of The Lyon, for charges from 9 Dec., 53l. 6s. 8d.
A.D. 1512. 8 Jan.:
To Thomas Sperte, from 23 Nov., 20l.
9 Jan.:
To Robt. Dobbys, citizen and haberdasher of London, for 51 olrons for the use of the ships, at 10s. the olron; for carriage of the same, 8d.
13 Jan.:
To Willm. Hylton, tailor, for 100 white and green cloth jackets made for the mariners of The Peter Pounde Garnard, against her voyage into Zeland, 40l. 12s. 11d.
14 Jan.:
To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, towards making 2 new guns of 10 inches compass, 20l.
To Mr. Domynyk Cyny, clerke, towards making 25 pairs of barbys for horses for the King, 10l.
15 Jan.:
To W. Bulker, from 30 Nov., 20l.; and Roger Rothwell, 10l.
23 Jan.
To Rob. Brygandyne, for the two new barks, 200l.
25 Jan.:
To the same, for masts and tackling for The Sovereign, and her conveyance into the Thames, 80l.
To John Brygandyne for men's wages and victuals, and for mooring, 80l.
To John Frende, purser of The Dragon, towards charges of the said ship from _ of January 3 Hen. VIII., 10l.
28 Jan.:
To Thomas Sperte, master of The Mary Rose, by John Lawden, purser of the same, towards her charges from the 23 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII., 13l. 6s. 8d. To David Appowhell, purser of The Barbara, towards her expences from 24 Jan. 3 Hen. VIII., 10l.
(Here, as appears at the end of the next section, a reckoning of total payments is lost by mutilation.)
f. 34b iv. [Further payments:—]
7 Feb.:
To John Lawden, purser of The Mary Rose, upon a bill signed by Sir Edward Howard, for ordnance, 48l. 3s. 4d.
12 Feb.:
To Edward Guldeford, for Philip and Peter, the King's armourers, 10l.
15 Feb.:
To Mr. Domynyk Cyny, clk., in "prest, by indenture, at seven several days," towards making barbs for horses, 190l. To John Bayly, purser of The Lyon, towards ship's charges from 9 Dec., 33l. 6s. 8d. To Cornelys Johnson, gunmaker, upon a book signed by Sir Edward Howard, for making "two new guns of iron of 10 inches," &c., 111l. 6s. 2½d. To Roger Rothewell, purser of the Mary and John, towards ship's charges from 30 Nov., 20l. To David Appowell, purser of the Barbara, towards ship's charges from 23 Jan., 10l. To Rob. Brygandyne, clerk of the King's ships, by Ric. Clement, servant of John Bryandyne, towards rigging The Sovereign and conveying her into Temmys, 40l. To John Frende, purser of The Dragon, towards her charges from 22 Jan., 10l.
22 Feb.:
To Wm. Bulker, purser of The Anne of London, towards her charges from 30 Nov., 13l. 6s. 8d. To John Marten, merchant of Garnesey, by his servant Thomas Padarte, for 60 olrons for the King's ships, at 10s., and 6d. for carriage, 30l. 0s. 6d.
26 Feb.:
To David Appowell, purser, towards charges of The Barbara from 23 Jan., 10l.
4 March:
To Wm. Pestar, purser, towards charges of The Mary George from 30 Nov., 10l.
6 March:
To Roger Rothewell, purser, towards charges of The Mary and John from 30 Nov., 10l. To John Browne, of London, painter, on bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, "for painting of divers of our ships," 31l. 16s. 8d.
10 March:
To Wm. Bulker, purser, towards charges of The Anne of London from 30 Nov., 17l. To David Appowell, purser, towards charges of The Barbara from 23 Jan., 20l.
13 March:
To Sir Edward Howard which he paid to John Power, yeoman of the Crown, for a gun bought by the King, 10l. To Th. Spert, master of The Mary Rose by John Lawden, purser of the same, towards her charges from 23 Nov., 40l.
15 March:
To John Brygandyne, "overseer and ruler" of The Regent and The Sovereign, by his servant Richard Clement, for men's wages and victuals and for "sure mooring with cables," 300l. To John Frend, purser, towards charges of The Dragon from 22 Jan., 20l.
18 March:
To John Bayly, purser, towards charges of The Lyon from 9 Dec., 20l.
21 March:
To Roger Rothewell, for The Mary John, 10l.; and Davy Appowell, for The Barbara, 20l.
24 March:
To Leonard Fryscobald, money delivered to John Isham by two bills of exchange in Flanders, to provide cables and stuff for ships, 146l. 13s. 4d.
27 March
To Wm. Bulker, purser, for The Anne of London, 20l.; and Wm. Pester, purser, for The Mary George, 10l.
30 March:
To Robert Brygandyne, clerk of the King's ships, towards rigging "two new barks for our use," 400l.
1 April:
To Th. Spert, for The Mary Rose, 40l.; John Bayly, for The Lyon, 26l. 13s. 4d.; David Appowell, for The Barbara, 10l.
4 April:
To Wm. Bulker, for The Anne of London, 13l. 6s. 8d. To Wm. Gurr, "our brygandyne maker," upon a bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard and Edw. Guldeford for dressing harness belonging to The Mary John and The Anne of London, 29l. 19s. 4d.
5 April:
To Th. Spert, for The Mary Rose, 24l. 18s. 11d. To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, upon a book signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for making guns, gunstocks, bands, chambers and other iron work for the ships, 77l. 0s. 3d. To John Browne, of London, painter, upon a bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for stuff delivered to the ships and for painting the ships, 47l 9s
7 April:
To Davy Boner, perser of The Peter Poundegarnet, towards her charges from 9 Dec., 20l.; and Roger Rothewell, for the The Mary and John, 20l.
9 April:
To Th. Spert, for the The Mary Rose, 82l. 2s. 6d.; and John Frend, for The Dragon, 14l. 0s. 12d. To John Blewbery, in prest towards making harness, 6l. 2s. 6d. To David Appowell, for The Barbara, 23l. 11s. 2d.; Th. Spert. for The Mary Rose, 73s. 4d.; Wm. Bulker, for The Anne of London, 30l.; Wm. Pester, for The Mary George, 28l. 6s. 7d.; Roger Rothewell, for The Mary and John, 27l. 3s. 11d.
15 April:
To John Bayly, for The Lyon, 53l. 10s. 5d.
17 April:
To John Bayly, purser of The Lyon, upon a bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, to provide stuff for the said ship "in this her voyage of war," 9l. 2s. 8d. To Wm. Heyward, joiner, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for standards delivered to the ships, 4l. To John Lawden, purser of The Mary Rose, for necessaries "in this her voyage of war," 20l. To Leonard Fryscobald, money heretofore delivered to John Isham by bill of exchange, in Flanders, for cables, 25l. 5s. 4d. To Roger Rothewell for The Mary and John in her voyage of war, 60s. 5d.
18 April:
To Wm. Pester, for The Mary George in this voyage of war, 20l.
20 April:
To David Boner, for charges of The Peter Poundegarnade due 15 April anno tercio, 112l. 2s. 4½d.; and for her charges from 15 to 19 April, 15l. 9s. 2d.; and for necessaries in this voyage of war, 20l.
22 April [4 Hen. VIII.]:
To Wm. Breton, of London, merchant, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard for ordnance, 26l.
26 April anno quarto:
To Wm. Botrye, of London, mercer, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for stuff bought by John Browne, painter, 27l. 7s. 11d.
27 April:
To George Herward, of London, merchant tailor, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for ordnance, 69l. 15s.
28 April:
To Humphrey Walker, of London, gunfounder, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for gunshot and other things for the ships, 10l. 13s. 9d. To Cornelius Johnson, gunmaker, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for gun-chambers and ironwork delivered to the ships, 38l. 6s. 2d.
29 April:
To Wm. Gurr, "our armourer," for harness (specified) delivered to Sir Edw. Howard and to the master of The Lyon and for hiring a barge and 18 men, going down to Gravys Ende with the said harness and abiding there 4 days, 124l. 15s.
1 May:
To Rob. Brygandyne, clerk of the ships, in prest towards making, rigging and apparelling of two new rowbarges, 300l.
2 May:
To John Blewbery, in prest towards making harness, 10l. To John Brygandyne overseer and ruler of The Regent and The Sovereign, in prest, 5 and 19 May, for men's wages and victuals in the said ships and their "sure mooring with cables," 400l.
2 June:
To John Bayly, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for The Lyon's charges in this voyage of war, 10l.
5 June:
To John Blewbery, towards making harness, 20l
11 June:
To Wm. Bulker, for The Anne of London, and David Appowell, for The Barbara, each 10l. for necessaries in this voyage of war.
25 June.
To Rob. Brygandyne, clerk of the ships, in prest towards making and rigging "two new barks," 400l.
1 July:
To John Brygandyne, for The Regent and The Sovereign, 66l. 13s. 4d.
8 July:
To John Ochoea, purser of John de Anda, Spaniard, for 7 guns, five of them delivered to Sir Edward Howard, "admiral of the sea," 40l. To John Byllesdon of London, grocer, for 4 masts, 27l.
9 July:
To Roger Rothewell, for The Mary and John in this her voyage of war, 10l. To Robert Brygandyne, clerk of the ships, by Edw. Guldeford, towards making two new barks, 100l. To Wm. Mortymer and Th. Forster of London, broderers, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for "roses and crosses" for the masters and mariners of the King's ships Mary John and Anne of London, 6l. 6s. 4d. To Roger Whyte of Ratclyff, smith, Roger Halle of London, grocer, George Howard of London, merchant tailor, and Chr. Rawson of London, mercer, several sums for iron and sea coal, 13l. 13s. 4d. To James Back of Ratclyff, upon bill signed by Sir Edward Howard, for ironwork, 22l. 16s. 3½d. To John Clerke, master of The Sovereign, upon bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for stuff bought of Roger Halle to the use of The Mary Rose, 12l. 14s. 2d. To John Browne, painter, for banners and streamers delivered to Richard Okeham for The Regent, 71l.; and to Wm. Botry, mercer, for stuff to make them, 24l. 8s. 4d.
24 July:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny in prest towards "making streamers and banners for our ships," 40l.
Total payments since 7 Feb., 4,310l. 22d.
f. 42b. v. [Further payments:—]
31 July:
To Rob. Brygandyne, for the two new barks, 300l.
3 Aug.:
To Wm. Bulker, towards necessaries for The Anne of London in her voyage of war, 100s.
14 Aug.:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny, towards making streamers and banners for ships, 40l.
20 Sept.:
To Rob. Brygandyne, for the two new barks, 140l.
28 Sept.:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny, clk., towards making more barbs for horses, 40l.
17 Oct.:
To Sigismond Foyte, by John Pounde, "one of our heralds," for certain instruments, 12l. 13s. 4d.
9 Nov.:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny, clk., "in reward, for the use of Vincent of Naples and Alexe of Myllen, our painters," 6l. 13s. 4d.
17 Nov.:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny, clk., towards making streamers and banners for the ships, 20l.
22 Nov.:
To John Danda, merchant of Spain, by James Ramme, clerk of Fernando Daza, upon the rest of his bill for two great bombards and five other bombards brought from Spain in George Herward's ship, 26l.
1 Dec.:
To Mr. Domynyke Cyny, clk., towards making streamers, banners, flags and "getons" for the ships, 40l.; and also various sums for like purpose and the making of barbs (or bards) for horses on 9 Nov. (sic), 21 Dec., 17 and 25 Jan., 5 Feb., 17 Feb., 13 March and 15 March.
A.D. 1513. 14 Feb.:
To John Lawden, late purser of The Mary Rose, in full payment of necessaries in her last voyage of war, as shown by a book signed by Sir Edw. Howard, 13l. 7s. 8½d.
15 March:
To John Blewbery upon his bill dated 2 Jan. ao 4to, for wages of armourers and others at Greenwich and coal and other necessaries for working harness, 32l. 8s. 4d. To Th. Spert, upon a bill signed by Sir Edw. Howard, for "lodemanshippe of the Dans voyage of The Mary John," 100s.; and for himself and servant when sent into Zeland by land, 4l.; and for "lodemanshippe of The Mary Rose into the Temmys," 60s. To John Frende, purser of The Dragon, upon bill signed by Sir Edward Howard, for her charges, 66s. 9d. To Sir Henry Guldeford, on warrant dormant, for "our disguising on Twelve night last," viz., to Wm. Botry for silks, cloth of gold and other stuff, 134l. 7s. 4d., to Robert Amadas for stuff of silver and fine gold, 118l. 5s. 6d., and to Richard Gybson for the "goldewyre drawer," 72l. 3s. 11d., the "throwester" 103s. 7d., Mrs Philippe, silkwoman, 6l. 2s. 2d., the broderer 15l. 6s. 8d., the waxchandler 24s. 2d., another silkwoman 41s., the tailor 105s. 5d., the master of the revels' diets 7l. 13s. 4d. and the "paient" (paint) 36l. 13s. 8d. To Davy Appowhell, purser of The Barbara, 23s. 6½d., and David Boner, purser of The Peter Pomegranade, 9l. 8s. 8¾d., upon books signed by Sir Edw. Howard.
A.D. 1514. 17 March 5 Hen. VIII.:
To the King at Greenwich, to the hands of Sir Wm. Compton, 645l. 3s. 4d. (entry signed Wyll'm Compton).
f. 46. vi. "Obligations and Specialities."
[Being memoranda of bonds to pay money to the King's use with marginal notes concerning payments or else the delivery of the bonds to John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber.]
A.D. 1511.
A.D. 1512.
The dates and parties are:—25 Sept. 3 Hen. VIII.—Th. Balle and John Charles, of London, merchants, by charter party for freight in the King's ship Mary and John for her voyage to Esteland and back to London, 200l. (paid 10 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. "ut patet in primo folio receptionum hujus libri"), Ric. Gressham and Wm. Copeland of London, merchant, by charter party for freight in the King's ship Anne of Foye in voyages to Esteland and to the River of Jerounde before Burdeux. 12 Nov.—Robert Radclyff lord Fitzwater; by himself and jointly with Sir Edw. Darelle and Edm. Bray of Eyton, Beds, four bonds payable 1 Dec. 1512, 1513, 1514 and 1515. 16 Nov.—Wm. Asteley, John Fawteles, John Aleyn and other merchant adventurers, by charter party for freight in The Peter Poundegarnade to Barowe and back to London. 2 Feb.—Wm. Roche, draper, Chr. Grantham, fishmonger, and John Heron, mercer, of London, nine several bonds for payments A.D. 1513 to 1520. John Cavalcant, Ant. Cavalary, Ant. Bonevixi and fellowship, Wm. Botry, mercer, and John Baxter, pewterer; and also Ant. Cavalary, Jerome Fryscobalde and fellowship, Leonard Fryscobald and "Nicolas quondam Paule Bonevixi and Antony Bonevixi and their fellowship; two several bonds to pay in saltpetre at 6d. a lb. for 6,000 and 3,055 quintals of alum.
A.D. 1514. vii. List of the above obligations delivered by Daunce to Heron, 31 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII., for the King's use. (Each entry signed by Heron.)
Pp. 57. Many of the pages signed by the King.
Otho E. IX., 52. B.M. 2. Abstract of the above book.
In a later hand, pp. 4.


  • 1. See Vol. II. No. 1, which should be taken with No. 3477 of this volume. Pierre de la Guiche was chief ambassador.
  • 2. This letter is probably to be assigned to the year 1520. See Vol. III., No. 944.
  • 3. See No. 3570.
  • 4. Dr. Knight and John Stile.
  • 5. So says Le Glay.
  • 6. Probably the bill so much discussed in the Parliament of 6 Hen. VIII. See Lords' Journals under the 16, 20, 33, 39, 44–5, 54–5, 57 and 60th days of that Parliament.
  • 7. Sir John Norton. See No. 3499 (5).
  • 8. No. 2422 (11).
  • 9. Only this last receipt and the last payment are of the year 1514, the book as a continuous record ending with 15 March 1513.