Henry VIII: February 1514, 11-20

Pages 1153-1163

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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February 1514

11 Feb.
Vitell. B. II., 66. B.M.
Has received his letters of Jan. last. Congratulates him on his promotion. Received others to the Pope, to Cardinals Protector, York and Hadrian, for diminution of the annates. The Consistory would not listen to the application, saying that that church was very rich, and had always paid the usual tax. The Pope, whose portion amounts to 1,7[00] ducats, asserts that he has nothing except annates for his support, as he receives nothing from ... (de exo ... ) as his predecessors did, and is much in debt for his coronation and his intolerable daily expenses. He will endeavour to make it up to Wolsey in some other way, being greatly indebted to Wolsey and the Bp. of Winchester, as, by their intercession, his [brother] was admitted into the Order of the Garter, and his nephew obtained protectoria. The Pope will forego the annates for the deanery of St. Stephen. On the 10th of this month the Cardinal of York propounded in the Consistory Wolsey's promotion. Has seen the account for expediting the last bulls drawn up by Laur. Bonvix, much the same as this. The expenses daily increase. Highly commends Andreas Ammonius, who renders great service. Has expedited the bulls, which he will receive with this. The expenses amount to 6,821 ducats, 10 cat. The officials are angry with him for having brought it down so low. Of the 7,000 ducats sent him, 179 remains, for which he will make his cousin, John Campucio, responsible. Will not repeat what he has written to the Bp. of Winchester. Will be glad of a small benefice of 10 marks a year for one of his servants. Rome, 11 Feb. 1514. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add.: Tho. electo Lincolniensi. Mutilated.
12 Feb.
Vitell. B. II., 67*. B.M.
Has been absent for some months, despatched on a mission by the Pope. There is no news abroad. All the talk is of peace. The Emperor and the Venetians have offered terms for that purpose, and referred them to the Pope. There is some difficulty about it; as Cardinal Gurk demands 100,000 ducats yearly from the Venetians, who only promise 50,000. It is proposed that Brescia, Bergamo and Crema be placed in the hands of the Pope for 18 months, till what is right be decided. The Spaniards and Venetians have lately fought at Vicenza. Fabricius del Caretto, brother of Cardinal de Finario, is made grand master of Rhodes. There is a great talk of some monsters and portents in Italy, and that the Kings of France and Aragon have made a truce for 18 months. Rome, 12 Feb. 1514
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
14 Feb.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II. 221. Negoe. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 564.
By his last letter, all in Hans Renner's hand, he desires her advice and that of his Privy Council upon the business of Quintana As those to be consulted are not here and she does not yet well understand the matter, she awaits the coming of the commander Loys Gillabert, but meanwhile will write her own opinion, as follows.
The bargain put forward is so brief (sommaire) as regards you and Monsieur that it seems only a thing feigned to gain time and induce one or two of you three (fn. 1) to defer preparation according to the treaties in hope of an appointment, as last year time was lost because of the truce. On the other hand if he (France) were to offer an appointment favourable to you three it is not certain that, after concluding it, to escape "cette fortune," he would keep his promise; witness recent experience in the treaty of Cambray and the affair of Gueldres and also several former treaties, by which you, better than any other, can judge the faith and loyalty of the French. The other princes have mountains and the sea between them and their enemies, and are richer than this poor House of Burgundy; so that even if he now gave up what belongs to us he might within two or three years, on seeing an opening, take it back, and to take to-day and lose again to-morrow were greater shame than before. They can always find a pretext in the loy salique and other points of this sovereignty which they claim. It is not surprising if the King Catholic is the most easily inclined to this peace and advises it, for he has what he demands. You and England have not. By the treaty he is bound to aid you two, and you him; and if he counsels peace and you wish it, he ought to aid you to defend your countries if things should afterwards fall back to their first state, for anyone can see that now or never is the hour for you and this House, with the aid of your allies, to get the better of your common enemies, so that we may have what belongs to us. If, by his advice, things take another course he ought not to be left without great obligation. In treating, the counties of Auxerrois, Masconnois and Bar sur Saine should be included with the duchy of Burgundy and this sovereignty taken away, at least for a time, (fn. 2) as was done in the time of the late Duke Charles; also the affair of Gueldres should be made secure.
I am sure that hitherto the King of England has never thought of making an appointment; but if he perceive or suspect that we wished to change any conclusion that has been treated with him it will make him think that which he has never thought. The danger is that he can always make a good appointment and, if he wishes to make it alone, a better than we can make for him. In separating him from us it is to be feared that we could not so easily recover him at need. Desires peace as much as any person living; but a peace not good and sure will destroy this House.
French. Headed: Le 14 Février.
15 Feb.
Calig. E. I., 21 [117]. B.M.
2647. [4824.] _ to _.
Had written to him on the ... "jour des Roys" last. Has found three or four good places for the despatch of his merchandise. If the woman by whom he sends this will not serve, he must find some one else. The mourning for the Queen is very great. She is to be buried on Friday at St. Denis. All the nobility of France and Britanny will be there. The Bretons will not receive the Dauphin till the marriage be accomplished between him and the daughter of [the King]. A Scotch ambassador is at the Court. Albany will be sent into Scotland with 10,000 men. The King is sending many troops to Guienne and is raising 400 new men of arms and 18,000 or 20,000 foot. He prepares of ships and victuals half as much again as last year, but is in doubt to whom to entrust it, as his best [captains] are left beyond the Mountains; and he is in great fear of the English. The people are oppressed by the taxes and the pillaging of the soldiers. He has sent 10,000 hogs to Picardy and 5,000 or 6,000 beeves. The King and the Venetians have wrought with the Turk to send a great army "affin de rompre les arm[ees des Espagnols] et Angloys, mais ilz se entendent bien, car le ... consentant pour rompre sesdites guerres de pard[e .] ... peullent." Reminds him of the marriage of which he spoke. 15 Feb.
Thinks he had better go to Guienne. No place so good for traffic as Normandy.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2. Endorsed in the same hand (Spinelly's); Copy of the letter written by the compaignon being in France, whereof the original is herewith. In another hand: T. Spynelly, xxvij Februarii.
16 Feb.
Exch. Accts., 418 (2). R.O.
Indenture made 16 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. between Sir Edward Guldeford, master of the King's armoury, and Sir John Daunce, on the King's part, and Paul van Vrelant, of Bruxelles, harness gilder, on the other part, witnessing that Vrelant undertakes within three months to grave and gild certain harness for the King's body for 40l., the King supplying silver and gold.
Parchment. Seals lost.
16 Feb.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 188.
II "informe Marguerite que plusieurs capitaines allemands qui I'ont servi, se plaignent d'avoir été congédiés soudainement et sans avoir reçu un mois de gages comme ils en avaient le droit. Il prie donc la princesse de faire un accord avec eux et de les satisfaire de maniere qu'ils n'aient plus de reclamations à former." Westm., 16 Feb. 1513.
17 Feb.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 77. B.M.
[Wrote on the ... of] this month "in ... to the King's grace, answering to his ..., and at this time with these your lord[ship shall receive letters to his] grace, answering to his of the 26th of the said [month for certain] points as were not answered by my said letters [to his] grace and you as of such matter as the Emperor [has told me] syth. And I send the said letter to your lord[ship in] a packet by 'the Sylffe' (by itself); that the King and such oth[er as his Grace] shall [think good ?] (fn. 3) may perceive the contents of the same or it be [showed unto] the whole Council." The King will be annoyed at the Emperor's hesitation to declare whether he will come to Calais; but, ever since [he was] at Bruges, the Emperor has avoided making definite arrangements where he should be found. If peace be made with the Venetians thinks he will be there; if the war continue there is no hope of it. Since his coming hither, his subjects have complained much that he was so far from his army in Italy while the season was so far advanced. "Also, my lord, there is an article in my said letter that [the Emperor's] desire is that the King should geve me licence to be [at his] commandment in such things as be concerning ... If it shall like the King's grace to consent I must ... with Fryscohalde or some other banker. *** (Some lines here very mutilated.) trouble the world ... grace giveth every day somewhat ... that such buttyr should klyve on my bree[d] ... to help him that is your own." Loffen [Lauffen] in Baviere, 17 Feb.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Bishop elect of Lincoln. Endd.
18 Feb.
Exch. Accts., 56 (27). R.O.
Declaration before Sir Robert Southwell, appointed, by the King's letters missive, to take the account of Sir Philip Tylney, treasurer of wars under the Duke of Norfolk, lieutenant and captain-general of the North, for "resistance of the malicious purpose and invading of the late King of Scots whom the said Duke overcame and destroyed at the field in Bramston Heth, then being Earl of Surrey," from 21 July 5 Hen. VIII. to 18 Feb. following.
Receipts:—From John Heron, 16 July 5 Hen. VIII., for jackets and conduct money of those retained to attend the Earl northwards, 1,000l. From the abbot of St. Mary's in York and Thomas Magnus, clk., archd. of East Riding, 16 Aug., and by Ric. Wode and Ric. Rypon, monks of St. Mary's, 16 Sept., 15,800l.
Allowance:—Conduct money and wages of men mustered at Lambeth and attending the Earl northward, 21 July to 14 Sept., and coats. Cost of "certeyn post layed aswell betwene Pountfret and Manchestre" as also riding to the County Palatine, to York and elsewhere, 7l. 19s. 10d. Conduct money, at 8d. for 20 miles, of men from sundry parts to Newcastle, and their wages from 1 to 14 Sept. Wages of Chr. Wallys, Rugedragone, and Richard Gurry, messengers, at divers times, 118s. 8d. Wages of Sir William Bulmer and 200 archers on horseback, in garrison and marching upon the Borders of Scotland. To Ralph Brykenhed, by the hands of the bp. of Ely, for conduct to Newcastle of certain soldiers of Cheshire and Lancashire at 3s. 4d. each. To "my lord of Surrey, by the name of Thomas lord Howard, admiral of England," for wages of his retinue coming from the sea and for naval costs. To Sir Edward Stanley, for his retinue out of the County Palatine, Sir George Darcy, for an extra prest, Sir Ralph Evers, deputy of the town and castle of Berwyke, by the hands of George Lauson, for the crew there, and John Brandelyng, mayor of Newcastle, for victuals lost. Costs "as well in 'seryng' leading and soldering of the dead corse of the King of Scots, as also in carrying and conveying of him to York, and so forth to Wyndsore," 12l. 9s. 10d. Rewards to gentlemen keeping holds in Northumberland, and to others for divers considerations. Conduct money homewards from Berwick after the field. To Wm. Blakewall, clerk of the ordnance in the North, for conveying ordnance. Conduct money of the Earl's retinue to their dwelling places from York and also from Windsor after his coming home. Total payments, 16,570l. 1s. 9½d. And the treasurer asks a further allowance of 20l. for Wm. Assheby and his clerks.
A paper roll.
Exch. Accts.,
62 (25). R.O.
2. List of ordnance in the town and castle of Berwick; followed by (1) "Ordnance delivered into Berwyke by my lord of Norfolk," viz., 18 fawcons and five serpentyns of brass, and (2) "Ordnance that my lord of Norfolk gat of the Scots," viz., five demi-curtawts, two coolveryns, four demi-coolveryns and six sakers and serpentyns, all of brass.
Large paper, p. 1.
Egerton MS.
2,603, f. 30. B.M.
3. "Hereafter ensueth such sums of money and parcels of provisions and artillery as by the policy of the Duke of Norfolk were saved on the late journey against the Scots." Sparing the wages and coats of 18,699 men for 14 days; leaving bows and other things (specified) behind at Alnwick, &c. Saved for 14 days wages of the Lord Admiral's retinue. Total, 14,831l. 18s. 8d.
In Norfolk's hand. "Md. The 17 pieces of ordnance that was taken on the field, are well worth 1,700 mks. and the value of the getting of them from Scotland is to the King's grace of much more value."
P. 1.
Exch. Accts.,
61 (27). R.O.
"Money that I, Thomas earl of Surrey, Admiral of England, doth ask allowance of for such charges as I and my company were at fro the time we landed at New Castell into the time we took the sea again, by the space of 16 days."
[Giving, under ships, the names and wages of their captains and the numbers and wages of the soldiers and mariners.]
Ships and captains' names are:—The Mary Rose, Edw. Bray, captain (here were also twelve gunners of Dansk, taken out of a hulk to serve for the journey by land, whose wages, with reward to seven of them who were hurt, amounted to 13l. 6s. 8d.), Grete Barke, Sir Wm. Sydney and Sir Henry Sherborne. Lesse Barke, Sir Stephen Bull, c. Mary George, Sir Ralph Ellercar, c. Mary Kateryn, Walter Lovedaie, c. Spanyerd, Sir Edw. Ichyngham, c. Mary George (sic), Maurice Barkeley, c. Mary John, Th. Carowe, c. Barbara, Edw. Yelverton, c. Row Barge, Th. Danby, c. Sabyan, Wm. Sabyan, c. Julian of Dartmouth, George Witwang, c. Thomas of Hull, Wm. Ellercar, c. Mary of Falmouth, James Kyng, c. Marlyon, wages only of ten men out of her.
Wages of the foresaid captains, being at Hull for four days "afore they landed at Newcastell toward the Scottish field," each taking 4s. a day, 12l.
ii. Costs and charges "that I, John Cragges," laid out at Barwyke for carriage of the King's ordnance "from the Field to the Town," viz.:—Carriage of "16 pieces of guns of brass and two loads of hagbushes and pellets in 18 wains from the Field to Barwyk town, 21s. Prests to 11 German gunners (named) at Newcastle, 41s. Storing the pellets and hagbushes in a house and shipping the ordnance 23s. 4d. Attending at Barwyk and homewards, 40 days, 26s. 8d. Boat hire from Barwyk to the Islands, to go aboard the crayer that carried the ordnance, 5s.
Pp. 5.

S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 93. R.O.
Wrote lately in gratitude to his Majesty. Greater thanks still are due for his letters received to-day, constituting the writer the King's protector for England. Will endeavour to justify Henry's confidence. Has already written what has been done on the repre sentations of the King and my Lord Almoner touching the bishopric of Lincoln, which the Cardinal of York (Bainbridge) has reported at the Pope's desire. Rome, 18 Feb. 1514.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Lett. de Louis
XII., iv., 308.
Doubts not what she desires most is to know the King's mind on the subject of the writer's charge. He is so well disposed, that immediately Bregilles entered, he asked what he could do for her. Bregilles thereupon declared the three points of his charge (1) That Suffolk should on no account visit her; to which the King agreed, though he said such preparations had been made for his departure that all the kingdom would be much surprised; he would, however, send the Deputy of Calais instead. (2) In regard to the merchant: the King had him examined by Suffolk and the Bishop of Lincoln, almoner, in the writer's presence, and he acknowledged having given money on security of a letter, written by another English merchant from Flanders, when the King was there. They propose both merchants shall be imprisoned and punished with death; but Brigelles stated that Margaret did not desire they should be put to death. (3) As to the marriage: they find this the most troublesome question; the King said it was not reasonable to change it; that if Suffolk had done it, he would have been bound; and if the lady had been of age, she would have been at liberty to say what she pleased. (fn. 4) Knowing that the King and Suffolk would make objection to Margaret's demand, the writer said it could do no harm except to anticipate the time (elle luy put porter nul prejudice si non anticiper le temps); with which they were satisfied.
The King had been informed, two or three days before, that the Admiral of France had spoken of a marriage between the French King and Margaret. The King replied, before the whole Council, he was certain of Margaret, and 'he would not believe it if all the world said so'; and he shows this, as do the Queen and Princess, by the honorable manner in which they treat the writer, "tant que j'en suis tout honteux." The Bishop of Lincoln has complained that the secretary (fn. 5) of the King Catholic has passed through France on his way to the Emperor, and repassed the same way. Suffolk has spoken to him of his little daughter (sa petite fille), whom he saved from death, hoping she might not be the cause of augmenting the scandal. He also wished the English gentleman (fn. 6) par dela recalled. The writer replied there was no cause for regret in that, for both one and the other were there before the rumor arose, and that Madame would not diminish her favor to either on that account. Suffolk is anxious to do all he can to remedy the mischief. London, Saturday.
19 Feb.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 188.
"II lui envoie des ambassadeurs, savoir, Messire Richard Wingefielde, chevalier, Guillaume Knyghe, protonotaire du saint siege apostolique, Thomas Spinelli." Westm., 19 Feb. 1513.
Galba B. v., 10.
[Instructions for the ambassadors.]
Are to learn from the Archduchess what personages shall attend upon the Emperor, the Prince of Castile and her upon their coming to Calais,—in order that suitable provision may be made. Last year, when the King was at Calais with his army, not only the corn and hay but the grass on the ground was consumed and destroyed, so that, at the King's returning thither, there was no provision, especially of hay, for the horses; and though oats can be brought out of England, hay cannot be had in any plenty; and though hay may be had in those parts sufficient for those resorting to the solemnization of the marriage, as the King must land there at the same time with his army, much hay will be required, and provision shall be made better if the number of horse coming with the Emperor, Prince and her be known. They shall obtain the number in writing with the names of the great personages; and inquire also whether it be usual in that case to bring the apparel for their lodgings. The King will provide all apparel for the chambers of the Emperor, the Prince, and my Lady, except beds, "which it is thought they will for their better ease bring with them." They are to learn what day the company will be at Calais, how long the marriage will be deferred after their arrival, whether the solemnization is to take place in a private chapel or a parish church, who shall be present, and who is to stay after the marriage, as the King must march straight to the war. As the King wishes the Princess to be dressed in the fashion of those parts, he has provided cloth of every sort as shall be shewn her [the Archduchess] "by the said A.B., praying her to devise for the making thereof after such manner as shall best please her"; all things to be queenly and honorable. The said A.B. shall "take a book with him," to be shown to my Lady, containing a provision for the Princess's apparel, her chamber, her offices, her stables, and take my Lady's advice on the same. He shall also take a book, made by the King, of the names of her ladies, officers and servants. Also A.B., taking with him C.D. and [E.F. and shall] require of my Lady a commission for such provision of hoys as shall be necessary for the King's army. He shall have commission for retaining the Count Palatine, Nassou, Lignye, Isilstayne, _ (blank) nephew to Lord Berghes, Emery and his son, and Penes, to the number of 6,000 horse to serve the King this next year; and shall bargain with them by advice of the Archduchess. And likewise for retaining 6,000 Almain foot and especially to retain the Sovereign of Flanders, to whom he shall take the King's letter. Also he shall take with him G., H. and I. to be commissioners for hiring waggoners and mares.
Draft in the hand of Fox. Pp. 6, mutilated.
Galba B. VIII.,
135. B.M.
2. "These beth certain articles, comprised in our instructions, as yet kept secret because the King's most honorable Council willed Dr. Knight to abide a further declaration to be made by them."
(1) As the King intends the apparel of my Lady Princess to be after the fashion of those parts he has provided cloths of every kind, as the ambassadors will explain to "her" (Lady Margaret), desiring her to choose in what manner they shall be made. The King begs my Lady to let the ambassadors know what else she thinks desirable for my Lady Princess that it may be provided in those parts.
As to this, it was said that the King's pleasure should be sent to his ambassadors, at their being with the Lady Margaret.
(2) The ambassadors shall take a book with them of all the apparel and provision made by the King for my said Lady, both for her person, her chamber, the houses of offices and her stable, desiring her (Lady Margaret) to say if she sees anything wanting.
Knighte says that he received a book containing the apparel of my Lady's chambers and stables and an account of her plate, but not of her own apparel, and that he was expressly commanded to keep the said book secret till the King's pleasure was further known.
(3) The ambassadors shall take with them a book made by the King's command of the names and number of the ladies, officers and servants appointed to attend my Lady Princess in those parts, and ask if she is satisfied with the list, and her intention how long they should continue.
Knighte was told this book should be sent after.
(4) The ambassadors were to take with them the Provost of Valenciennes and _ Prudde, with commissions, one of the King and another of my Lady, to hire waggoners and mares, to the number of _ mares, for the King's great ordnance.
It was said this should be no part of the ambassadors' charge, nevertheless it remaineth in their instructions.
Pp. 2. In Knight's hand.
Vitell. C. XI.,
145. B.M.
3. "Hereafter ensueth such stuff as is nede[ful to] be provided for my lady the Princess of [Castile], and as well for her wardrobe of beds as for her stable, against the solemnisation of her marriage."
Showing what articles are required for furniture of her bedchamber and 2nd, 3rd and 4th chambers, what for the stable, what for the three chambers of the Emperor's lodging, one for the Prince of Castile, two for the Lady Margaret, archduchess of Austriche, and four for the King. "The Emperor to be lodged where the late Deputy dwelt in Calais. The Prince in the Staple House. My lady Margaret Archduchess in the Treasurer's house. The King's Grace in the castle."
Mutilated, pp. 11, with corrections in Gibson's hand.
Ib., 150.*
4. "For the transporting of my lady Mary Princess of Castill."
The King to name some aged person to be her chamberlain; and he to devise for the apparel of her chamber and for officers. Item, some sad person to be treasurer of her chamber; and he to devise plate for her chamber, cupboard and ewery. Item, an almoner and confessor (one person, in margin, ... Edmunde), certain chaplains and a clerk of the closet, the latter to devise furniture for her chapel. Item, a master of her horse (margin ... Jernyngham); and he to provide palfreys, litters, &c.
The Queen to name her lady Mistress (in margin "my lady of Oxford"). Item, to appoint other ladies to attend upon her and devise for apparel of her person. Item, to appoint other ladies and gentlewomen, some to attend, some to serve and some "to continue in her service in Flanders."
P. 1. Margin mutilated and the names of the first two officers thus lost.
Ib., 151.
5. List of jewellery for "my lady the Princess of Castill."
Pp. 3.
Ib., 153.
6. "The number of persons that giveth [their attendance] upon Lady Princess with the number of ... house at the King's charge," viz.: Gentlewomen: Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Knevett. Chamberers: Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Gynes. Chaplains: Sirs Wm. Atkynson, John Parker and Ric. Baldewyn. Carver: John Morgan. Sewer: Ant. Coton. Gentleman usher: Hen. Dylcok. Sewer of Chamber: Th. Moreton. Gentlemen waiters: Wm. Haryott, Hugh Penyngton, Th. Preston. And so on, giving the names of two yeomen ushers, five yeomen of the chamber, a groom porter, a groom of wardrobe, and two [grooms of the] chamber. There are also one minstrel, a lady governess with ten attendants (not named) and Lady Katherine Gray and her woman.
Mr. Chamberlain, with three servants; Mr. Treasurer, three; Mr. Lenakre, two; and Mr. Hone, schoolmaster, two; Clerk of the Kitchen: Sir Ric. Parker. Cellar: John Rokes. And other officers of cellar, pantry, buttery, &c., mostly named; but some left blank, as that of "amnery" to which there is the note "a good tall substancyall man to furnyshe yt rome." In all 101 persons indicated.
Pp. 3.
19 Feb.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 94. R.O.
2657. [4793.] PONYNGES to WOLSEY.
Anthoine de Croy, brother of Chimay, desires to serve the King with 100 men of arms next May. Hans Rytlyng, Hans Metz, Jacob Raynart, Martin Meute, and other captains of the Almains who served the King both in Spain and last summer, also desire to retain service. Rytlyng advises to defer recovery of the stelebref till summer, when if a certain number of them are retained he thinks it may be recovered without great charge. The commons of this town met to-day to elect their officers for this year, at which he and others were present. Four hours were spent in "trying the electors," and to-morrow the officers shall be named. Tournay, 19 Feb.
The day after the date hereof, being Monday, the officers whom they had chosen were sworn in his presence; all ancient men, and probably of good condition. Recommends the provost, who has exerted himself much in the King's behalf since the King's departure, and John Morgan, the bearer, who is going to his country to prepare himself against the King's coming over. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: [To] my Lord of Lyncolne is good lordship.
19 Feb.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, f. 184. R.O.
2658. LEO X. to the [BISHOP OF CHIETI,] Nuncio.
Venerabilis frater, we have received your letters dated London, 25 Jan., announcing your arrival in England and receipt of copies of our letters about the treating of peace. Julius cardinal de Medicis, our cousin, protector of England, will write fully of this. We wish that, as we do, you trust specially in the bp. of Winchester and the elect of Lincoln. Rome, 19 Feb. 1514, anno primo.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: Nuncio in Anglia.
19 Feb.
Ib., f. 185. R.O.
2659. LEO X. to FOX.
Has received his letters of 22 Jan. The honour done to his two sons (secundum carnem filiis) by the King was, as already written, a delight to him. Protests at some length his confidence in Fox. Worcester will write more. Rome, 19 Feb. 1514, anno primo.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 2.
19 Feb.
Ib., f. 187. R.O.
2660. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
As he wrote before that his great labour is for universal peace, wherein the greatest part pertains to Henry king of England, again he writes that knowing Wolsey's wisdom, influence and goodwill he trusts much to him. Knows from the Bp. of Worcester how much he and his family are honoured by Wolsey, although he could not accede to the request of the King and others to remit the tax for Wolsey's promotion to the church of Lincoln. Trusts to show him favour in greater things. Rome, 19 Feb. 1514.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2.
20 Feb.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 567.
Hears from Spinelly that she has consented to allow all letters from Scotland to France, passing through Flanders, to be intercepted. Thanks her for doing so and hopes she will send word of what they contain, by Spinelly. Westminster, 20 Feb. 1513.
R. MS. 13 B. II.
84b (No. 230). B.M.
Received from Dr. Theodoric Resather, one of his councillors, on 20th Feb., his letters dated 24 Nov. and heard his commissions. Thanks him and will remember his honest mind towards her. Resather will tell him how she is situated.
Adv. MS. 431. 2. Another copy.
20 Feb. 2663. MARGARET OF SAVOY.
Instructions for Thomas Gramay, &c. See No. 2781.
20 Feb.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, f. 189. R.O.
2664. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Sends Leonard de Spinellis, Florentine, his relative and household servant, with a sword and cap consecrated on the night of Our Lord's Nativity. Commends the bearer whom he loves the better for Henry's commendation by letter heretofore. Rome, 20 Feb. 1514, anno primo.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1.


  • 1. Emperor, Aragon and England.
  • 2. The reading in the Corresp. is "autrement que pour un temps," while in the Negoc. it is "au meins pour ung temps."
  • 3. Words omitted.
  • 4. "Quant au tiers point, qui est du mariage, c'est celuy lequel ils ont trouvé le plus grief, et le roy pour le premier me dit incontinent que ce point n'estoit raisonable à changer, que si Monsr. de Sufort l'eut fait que luy eut esté lié, et que quand la fille eut esté en aage elle se fut trouvée en liberté de dire ce que bon luy eut semblé." The lady is Elizabeth Grey viscountess Lisle, a child of 10 years, who was already betrothed to Suffolk.
  • 5. Quintana.
  • 6. Sir William Sidney?