Journal, May 1743: Volume 51

Pages 63-68

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 8, January 1742 - December 1749. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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Journal, May 1743

Tuesday, May 3. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plumer.

Nova Scotia.

The Board took into consideration the several letters and papers from Major Mascarene, mentioned in the preceding minute, and ordered that the Secretary write to Lieutenant General Phillips, Governor of Nova Scotia, to desire his attendance on Thursday next, or this day sen' night [Thursday, 5th or Tuesday 10th], as shall be most convenient to him.

Wednesday, May 4. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plumer.


The draught of a representation to the Lords Justices, recommending Daniel Mathew, Esquire, to be of the Council of Antigua, in the room of Mr. John Vernon, who has resigned, having been prepared, as ordered by the minutes of Friday last, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Massachusets Bay.

Read a letter from Mr. Shirley, Governor of the Massachusets Bay, to the Board, dated February 26th, 1742–3, being a particular answer to the seventh of the Board's queries lately sent to him, relating to the methods used in the province to prevent illegal trade.

Read likewise a letter to the Board (enclosed in Mr. Shirley's), from Mr. Bolan, Advocate General of that province, of the same date, giving an account of a large illicit trade lately carried on in that province, destructive of the interest of Great Britain in her trade province, destructive of the interest of great Britain in her trade to her own Plantations, and contrary to the main intent of all her laws made to regulate that trade, by importing into that province large quantities of European goods of almost all sorts, from different parts of Europe.


Illicit trade.

Ordered that copies of the said letter be prepared, as likewise an extract of so much of Sir Thomas Robinson's last letter to the Board (dated November 27th, 1742), as relates to illicit trade, and the Board agreed to reconsider the aforesaid letters to-morrow.

Thursday, May 5. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plumer, Mr. Keene.


Read an Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated April 27th, 1743, referring to this Board the petition of John Yeamans, Esquire, to his Majesty, humbly praying, for the reasons therein contained, that he may be restored to his place and rank in the Council of Antigua, which he voluntarily resigned in the year 1731.

Ordered that the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council be prepared thereupon.

Massachusets Bay.

Ordered that the Secretary write to Mr. Auchmuty, to attend the Board on Wednesday morning next [Wednesday, May 11th], in order to have some discourse with him on the subject of the letters from Governor Shirley and Mr. Bolan, Advocate General, mentioned in the minutes of yesterday.

Nova Scotia.

Lieutenant General Phillips, Governor of Nova Scotia, attending (as by the minutes of the 3rd instant), with Captain Bradstreet, an officer in his Regiment, the Board had some discourse with him concerning Major Mascarene's letters, and agreed to take the same again into consideration on Tuesday next, when the Board will receive from him some extracts of letters, which he has wrote at different times to Major Mascarene, upon the subject of the civil government there.

Tuesday, May 10. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Mr. Keene.

Massachusets Bay.

The Secretary acquainted the Board, that Mr. Auchmuty, to whom he had writ, to desire his attendance to-morrow, as ordered by the minutes of the 5th instant, was gone out of town, and would not return till next week.

Nova Scotia.

Captain Bradstreet, mentioned in the minutes of the 5th instant, attending, laid before the Board the extract of a letter from Lieutenant General Phillips to Major Mascarene, President of the Council at Annapolis Royal, dated the 21st of August, 1740, inclosing a list of the Council of Nova Scotia, anno, 1742, which was read.

Ordered that an extract of that part of Major Mascarene's letter to the Board, of the 28th October, 1742, which relates to the dispute between him and Colonel Cosby, be made; and the draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting the same, together with his memorial to his Majesty, be prepared.

Ordered likewise that a copy of Major Mascarene's letter to the Board, relating to the missionaries sent by the Bishop of Quebec, dated December 3rd, 1742, be made, and the draught of another letter to the Duke of Newcastle prepared, for transmitting the same to his Grace, for his information.


Read a letter from Mr. Popple, Governor of Bermuda, to the Board, dated January 14th, 1742–3, transmitting the following publick papers, viz.:—
The Treasurer's Account, from the 4th of November, 1741, to the 4th of January, 1742–3.
Minutes of Council, from the 2nd of November, 1742, to the 7th of January, 1742–3.
Minutes of Council in Assembly and minutes of Assembly, from the 4th to the 7th of January, 1742–3.

Ordered that the draught of a letter be prepared in answer to such letters as have been received from the Governor, since the last from the Board to him.

New York.

Read a letter from Mr. Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of New York, to the Board, dated November 29th, 1742, transmitting the following publick papers, viz.:—
Names of the persons naturalized within the province of New York, since the 27th April, 1741, to the 25th of October, 1742, pursuant to the directions of an Act of Parliament, 13° George 2nd.
Minutes of Council, from the 27th of April, to the 30th of October, 1742.
Minutes of Council and Assembly, from the 20th April, to the 29th of October, 1742.
Printed Journal of the Assembly, from the 27th of March, 1739, to the 29th October, 1742.
Nine Acts of Assembly, passed at New York, in October, 1742.
24 Naval Officer's Lists of ships and vessels entered and cleared, from Ladyday, 1739, to Ladyday, 1742.

Ordered that the several Acts, mentioned in the said letter, be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereon, in point of law.

Ordered likewise that an extract of so much of the said letter, as relates to the securing our settlements, by preserving the union of the Indian nations, and keeping them steady in the British interest, and by making ourselves masters of the Lake of Cadaraqui or Oswego, be made; and a draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting the same, be prepared.


The draught of a Report to the Lords of the Committee of Council, upon Mr. Yeamans's petition, having been prepared, as ordered by the minutes of the 5th instant, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.



Ordered that an extract of a letter from Sir Thomas Robinson, Governor of Barbados, dated November 27th, 1742, relating to illicit trade, as also of one from Mr. Shirley, Governor of the Massachusets Bay, of February 26th, 1742–3; likewise a copy of one from Mr. Bolan, Advocate General of the said province, of the same date, on the same subject, be made, and the draught of a letter to the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting the same, be prepared.

Wednesday, May 11. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Mr. Plumer.


Read a letter from Mr. Charles Dunbar, Surveyor General of his Majesty's Customs at Antigua, dated there the 14th of October, 1742, in answer to one from the Secretary of this Board, transmitting to him in May, 1741, by Order of this Board, a copy of the petition of the Assembly of Antigua against him. In his letter he promises to send (in the spring) the papers necessary for his defence under the seal of the Leeward Islands.

Nova Scotia.

The draughts of two letters to the Duke of Newcastle, one for transmitting an extract of Major Mascarene's letter, relating to the dispute between him and Colonel Cosby, as likewise his memorial to his Majesty; the other for transmitting a copy of Major Mascarene's letter to the Board, relating to French missionaries, ordered by yesterday's minutes, having been prepared and laid before the Board, were agreed to, transcribed and signed.

New York.

The draught of a letter to the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting an extract from the Governor of New York's letter to the Board, ordered by yesterday's minutes, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Massachusets Bay.


The draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting extracts from Sir Thomas Robinson's, and Mr. Shirley's letters, ordered by yesterday's minutes, having been prepared, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Tuesday, May 17. Present:—Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plumer, Mr. Keene.

Read a letter to the Secretary from Mr. Robert Auchmuty, dated Birmingham, May 9th (in answer to that writ him the 6th instant by order of the Board), in which he acquaints the Secretary that he will attend the Board on Thursday next [Thursday, 19th].


Read a letter from Colonel Gooch, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, dated February 14th, 1742–3, giving an account of a skirmish between a party of the Northern Indians (with whom were some white men, supposed French), and the inhabitants of Virginia, seated on the west side of the Great Mountains; transmitting likewise copies of two letters to him on that subject from the Commanding Officer of that frontier, as also,

Minutes of Council, from the 26th October, 1738, to July 26th, 1742.

Ordered that an extract of so much of the Lieutenant Governor's letter, as relates to the aforesaid quarrel, as also copies of the two enclosed letters be made, and the draught of a letter, for transmitting the same to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, be prepared.


The draught of a letter to Mr. Popple, Governor of Bermuda, in answer to such of his as have been received since the Board's last to him, having been prepared, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Wednesday, May 18. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plumer, Mr. Keene.


The draught of a representation to the Lords Justices for confirming an Act, passed in Jamaica, the 19th July, 1738, entituled, An Act to augment the salary of his Excellency, Edward Trelawney, Esquire, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.


The draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for transmitting an extract of Colonel Gooch's letter, etc., ordered by yesterday's minutes, having been prepared, was laid before the Board, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Massachusets Bay.

The Board took into consideration seven Acts, passed at Boston, in June and July, 1739, referred to this Board by an Order of the Committee of Council, dated July 22nd, 1740, and ordered the draught of a report thereon to be prepared.

Took likewise into consideration six Acts, passed at Boston, in December, 1739, and January, 1739–40, referred to this Board by an Order of the Committee of Council, dated August 14th, 1740, and ordered the draught of a report thereupon to be prepared.

Thursday, May 19. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plumer, Mr. Keene.

Massachuests Bay.

Mr. Robert Auchmuty attending, according to his promise by letter, as mentioned in the minutes of Tuesday last, the letters from Mr. Shirley, Governor, and Mr. Bolan, Advocate General, of New England, which had been read the 4th instant, were again read; and the Board, after some discourse had with him on the subject of the illegal trade, complained of in the said letters, and the methods proper for putting an end to it, desired him to reduce his thoughts into writing, which he promised to do, and attend the Board on Tuesday, the 31st instant.

Tuesday, May 31. Present:—Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plumer, Mr. Keene.

South Carolina.

Mr. Hill, one of his Majesty's Council in South Carolina, attending, presented to the Board a letter from Colonel Bull, President of the Council, and Lieutenant Governor there, recommending him as a person well acquainted with the affairs of South Carolina, and able to give their lordships a particular information concerning the same; and the Board appointed Wednesday, the 8th of next month, to have some discourse with him on the state of the said province; in the same letter Colonel Bull mentions his apprehensions of an invasion this spring, and transmits a copy of a letter from Mr. Francis Moore to him upon that subject, written by order of General Oglethorpe.

Ordered that the draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle be prepared, for transmitting an extract of the said letter from Mr. Bull, as likewise a copy of that from Mr. Moore, for his Grace's information, and the same was accordingly prepared, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Massachusets Bay.

Mr. Auchmuty attending, laid before the Board his thoughts, reduced into writing, according to his promise in the preceding, minute, concerning the illegal trade carried on in New England, and the methods proper for preventing it, which was read and the other papers undermentioned, and the Board, after some further discourse had with him, desired he would attend again on Thursday, the 9th of June.

Letter from Robert Auchmuty, Esquire, Judge of the Admiralty in New England, to this Board, dated the 31st of May, 1743, inclosing an abstract of the penalties and forfeitures attending the several breaches of the Acts of Trade, commencing the 12th year of King Charles the Second.

Representation of Robert Auchmuty, Esquire, to the Lords of the Treasury, dated the 30th December, 1742, concerning the illegal trade carried on in New England, and the methods proper for preventing it.

Peirse pro Dom [ino] Rege versus Cummynes, with Mr. Auchmuty's opinion upon the case, 15th January, 1742–3.