Index: A-L

Pages 417-432

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 7, January 1735 - December 1741. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Abercromby, Mr., petition of, 45, 194, 199, 238.

-, -, attends Board, 240–1.

-, -, letters from, 241, 243.

Abico, Bahamas, 238.

Ackworth, Sir Jacob, 58.

Adams, John, President of Nova Scotia Council.

-, -, letters from, 217, 254, 330.

Adriatic Sea, ports on, 152, 157, 159–60.

Africa, French in, 146, 206–9.

African, Royal Company, Deputy Governor. See Hayes.

-, -, 146, 181, 205–7, 402–3.

-, -, memorial of, 207, 210.

Alatamaha river. See Altamaha.

Albany, New York, 86, 294, 303, 365.

Albemarle, Earl of, appointed Governor of Virginia, 214–6.

Albemarle County, North Carolina, 226.

Alexander, James, councillor in New York and New Jersey, suspension of, 56, 60–1, 74–5, 111.

Allen, Thomas, of Bahamas, 223.

Allen, Mr., ex-Chief Justice of Carolina, 21.

-, -, attends Board, 68, 80.

-, -, Receiver of Quit rents in North Carolina, 212.

-, H.M. Consul at Naples.

-, -, letters from, 152, 159.

-, -, Secretary to Commissioners of Revenue in Ireland, 208.

Altamaha or Alatamaha River, Carolina, 81, 133–4, 148–9, 192, 197–8, 201.

Amhurst, Mr., of Nova Scotia, 213.

Ampsink, Mr., attends Board, 16–7.

Anderson, Elizabeth, of Dantzig, 349.

Andrews, Mr., of South Carolina, 345.

Angeir, Susanna, of Jamaica, 379.

-, -, Mary and Frances, her daughters, 379.

Angola, West Africa, 207.

Annapolis, Maryland, 347, 397.

-, Royal, Nova Scotia, 169, 269, 270, 330, 359, 396.

Anne Ivanovna, Empress of Russia, 58, 94–5, 317.

-, Queen of England, 15, 23, 106–7, 187.

-, -, Acts of, 110, 339, 343, 353–4.

Antigua, Leeward Islands, 42, 105, 113, 142–3, 194, 246, 329.

Governor. See Matthews.

Lieutenant Governor. See Byam.

Agent. See Yeamans.

Acts in, 2, 4–7, 23, 45, 80, 122, 228, 235, 239, 242, 244–5, 253, 255, 257–8, 272, 286–7, 290–2, 294, 303, 309, 340, 351, 354, 357, 369–70, 375, 401, 406, 408.

Assembly, 165, 171–2, 237, 272, 351.

-, minutes of, 42, 45, 305, 345, 401.

Council, 2, 8, 23, 42, 164, 171–2, 239, 264–8, 272, 275, 277, 350–1, 397, 401–3.

-, minutes of, 45, 47.

-, members. See Byam, Carlisle, Cochran, Coddrington, Duer, Gordon, Gunthorpe, King, Lucas, Mackinen, Martin, Morris, Oliver, Thomas.

accounts in, 48.

agents to attend Board, 368.

defence of, 184.

duties in, 23.

French, piracies by, 236.

negro attainders in, 222–3, 228, 235, 237–9, 244–5, 258, 284–5.

-, rising in, 170.

ordnance stores sent to, 267, 307–9.

subsistance for H.M. forces in, 351.

Antwerp, Flanders, trade with, 208, 246–7, 250–2, 256–8, 260, 262.

Archers, Messrs., Georgia Trustees, attend Board, 181–2.

Armstrong, Lawrence, Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia, letters from, 62, 104, 137, 169–70, 212–3, 269–70.

-, -, letters to, 36, 65–6, 137.

-, -, demise of, reported, 330.

-, Colonel, of Ordinance Office, letter from, 62.

-, Major General attendance requested, 318.

Arthur, Joseph, of Pennsylvania, attends Board, 325.

Ashe, Edward, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, attends Board, 3 et passim.

-, -, reappointed, 204, 382.

-, -, letter from, 189.

Ashley, Mr., Deputy Auditor of Barbadoes, 205.

-, -, Barbadoes Councillor, 156, 164.

-, -, attends Board, 207, 356.

Ashurst, Sir Henry, ex-agent for Connecticut, 110.

Asia, 379.

Astell, Mr., attends Board, 94.

Atkins, Edmund, proposed for South Carolina Council, 227, 284.

Auchinleck, Mr., President of Council and Commander in Chief in Bermuda, letter from, 245.

Austin, Abraham, of Bahamas, 223.

Austrian Netherlands, treaty with, 252, 257–8, 260.

Ayscough, Major, Commander in Chief in Jamaica, letters from, 34, 38–9, 64, 80.

-, -, -, to, 40–1, 61–2, 81.

-, -, seat on Council vacant, 93.


Bachoff, M. de, Danish Envoy at Russian Court, 350.

Bagshaw, Mr., H.M. Consul at Genoa, 112, 116.

-, -, letters from, 93, 106.

-, -, letters to, 98–9.

Bahama Islands, West Indies, 52–3.

Governor. See Fitz Williams, Tinker.

Commander in Chief and President of Council. See Howell.

Chief Justice. See Scot.

Acts in, 49, 295, 297.

Assembly, 49, 224.

Council, 139, 224.

-, minutes of, 48–9, 226, 303, 345, 397.

census of inhabitants, 49.

fever in, 8, 49.

Governor, complaints against, 133, 135, 138–9, 142–3, 151, 214, 218–24, 268, 272, 293, 304.

-, rent for house, 331–2.

-, instructions to, 323, 327–8, 341–2, 353, 406.

-, arrival of, 398.

negroes in, 8.

Proprietors' title, 23.

-, secretary's salary, 289, 291, 293.

settlements in, 20, 32, 39, 99.

ship duties in, 297.

-, wrecks off, 231, 238, 325, 328, 362–3, 367–8.

-, station, required, 345, 347, 394.

shipping, Naval Officer's lists, 345.

soldiers at, 146.

Spaniards, threats from, 49, 126, 402–3.

state of, 273, 303–4.

stores of war in, 37, 61–2, 64–5, 137, 140, 353, 394, 411–3.

trade, illegal, in, 163.

treasure trove in, 164, 167.

Treasurer's accounts, 303, 345, 397.

vessels cleared in, 48–9, 266, 303, 397.

Baird, Peter, New Jersey Councillor, 60.

-, Mr., Secretary of Pennsylvania, letter from, 391.

Baker, Mr., Alderman, New England merchant, attends Board, 273, 356, 360.

-, Samuel, attends Board, 356.

Balaquier, Mr., ex-Secretary of Leeward Isles, 116, 118.

Baltic Sea, British ships in, 366, 394.

Baltimore, Lord, Governor of Maryland, 65, 174.

-, -, attends Board, 180, 185–8.

-, -, letter from 94.

-, -, petition of, 3, 23, 175, 179, 196.

Bance, Mr., attends Board, 16–7.

Banister, Mr., attends Board, 51–2.

-, -, attendance requested, 50.

Barbadoes, West Indies, 70–1, 132, 212, 250–1, 298, 334, 349, 399.

Governors. See Bridgeman, Byng, Howe.

Agent. See Leheup, Sharpe.

Attorney General. See Blenman.

Auditor. See Ashley.

President of Council. See Dottin.

Secretary. See Whitworth.

Acts in, 23, 40, 70, 73–4, 80, 84–5, 101, 131, 141, 150, 154, 164, 178, 184, 236, 259, 266–7, 323, 341, 383–4, 386–7.

Assembly, 114, 259, 341, 375, 379, 383–7, 408.

Council, 23, 83, 101, 156–7, 164, 184, 260, 269, 295, 341, 351, 375, 379.

-, minutes of, 40, 103, 259, 341, 369, 379, 386.

-, members. See Ashley, Byam, Cochran, Colleton, Dottin, Dunbar, Harrison, Hooper, Maycock, Peers, Terrill.

accounts in, 40, 178, 341.

Admiralty instructions, 341–4.

courts in, 386.

duties in, 22, 83–4, 384, 389, 408.

French, menace from, 265, 296, 333, 401.

Governor, appointment of, 200, 216, 280, 282–3, 286–8, 322, 326.

-, instructions to, 289, 296, 299, 351, 384, 388–9, 398, 406, 408.

-, demise reported, 26, 369.

-, salary for, 380, 383, 388, 408.

imports, 40.

liquor and negroes imported, 341.

officers fees, 23, 122.

-, claim for disbursements, 243–5, 282.

ordnance stores for, 23, 323, 325.

paper currency in, 323.

ships seized in, 344–5.

Spain, commerce with, prohibited, 358.

state of, 102.

sugar plantations in, 205, 207, 272–3.

Surveyor, 153–4.

vessels cleared in, 40, 386.

Barbary, North Africa, pirates of, 348.

Barcelona, Spain, 232.

Bardewick, Mr., 94, 96, 101.

Barham, Mr., Jamaica planter, 414.

Barnewell, Mr., 96.

Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 31.

Bascome, Nathaniel, appointed to Bermuda Council, 255.

Basket, Mr., the king's printer, attendance requested, 333.

Bean, Andrew, of Eleuthera, 325.

Belcher, Jeremiah, senr., Governor of New England, instructions for, 231, 336.

-, -, salary for, 24, 59, 71, 142, 163, 180, 183.

-, -, letters from, 18, 22, 57, 59, 61, 89, 130, 177, 205, 211–2, 215, 217, 227, 243, 249, 255, 269, 272, 274, 290, 294, 299–300, 302–3, 310, 320–1, 325, 332, 336, 348, 357–8, 361, 370–1, 386–7, 391–3.

-, -, letters to, 63–4, 77, 80–2, 130–1, 158–9, 167, 251, 339, 375.

-, -, affidavit before, 313.

-, -, complaints against, 50, 64, 206–7, 211, 227, 295–6, 300– 2, 323.

-, -, junior, attends Board, 20, 45–6, 363.

-, -, attendance requested, 18.

-, -, petition of, 58–60.

Bennet, John, of Bahamas, 224.

Benson, Bryan, Russian merchant, attends Board, 294, 350, 395–6.

-, -, letter from, 297.

Beresford, Mr., of South Carolina, 23.

Berlin, Brandenbugh, 194.

Bermuda or Summer Islands, (North Atlantic), 52–3, 128, 212, 241, 295, 298–9, 310, 344, 399.

Governor. See Pitt, Popple.

President of Council. See Auchinleck.

Collector of Customs. See Dinwiddie.

Agent. See Noden.

Acts in, 178, 194, 205, 245, 260–1, 285, 324, 376, 381, 398.

Assembly, 50, 302, 324, 376.

-, minutes of, 228, 245, 255, 324.

Council, 50, 141–2, 185, 255, 285, 302, 376.

-, minutes of, 228, 255, 324.

-, members. See Auchinleck, Bascome, Burrows, Harvey, Riddell, Sherlock, Spofforth, Trimingham.

accounts in, 324.

coinage, 255.

Customs House officers in, 337, 360–1.

entailed estates, 376.

Governor, appointment of, 215–6.

-, instructions to, 388–9, 406, 408.

-, leave of absence for, 195.

independant company for, 307.

inhabitants, petition of, 237, 265–6.

powder duty in, 389, 408.

salt duty in, 326–7.

ships of, 200.

-, tonnage duties, 297, 305–7.

Spaniards, piracies by, 289.

state of defences, 50, 219, 220.

stores of war for, 264, 268, 302, 305–6, 309, 353, 376.

Surveyor of, 136.

trade, clandestine, 163–4.

vessels cleared in, 324.

whale fishery in, 388.

Berriman, William, of St. Kitts, 185.

Bethell, Mr., London merchant, 292.

Beverly, Henry, of Virginia, 281.

Blackwell Hall, London, 412.

Bladen, Colonel Martin, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 1 et passim.

-, -, reappointed, 204, 382.

-, -, recommendation by, 98.

-, -, communications by, 9, 330.

-, -, directions to, 10, 13, 90, 271, 368.

-, -, directions by, 276, 381.

-, -, signature of, 382.

-, -, H.M. Commissioner at Antwerp, 208.

Blair, Mr., President of Virginia Council, letters from, 364, 366.

-, -, letter to, 400.

Blake, Colonel Benjamin, proposed for Jamaica Council, 343, 349.

-, Colonel Joseph, proposed for South Carolina Council, 227, 318, 329, 352.

Bland, Mr., New England merchant, attends Board, 356.

Blenman, Mr., Attorney General of Barbadoes, 40.

Blizard, Mr., speaker of Assembly of Antigua, 237.

Blumfield, Rev. Joseph, rector of St. Anne's, Jamaica, 322, 366.

Bodicoat, Mr., London merchant, 292.

Bonavista (now Bõa Vista), Cape Verde Islands, 254.

Bond, Mr., attends Board, 91.

Bonell, George, 397–8, 405, 409.

-, Robert, 394, 399.

Bonham, Captain, letter from, 209.

Borris, Mr., 394, 409.

Bosanquet, Samuel, attends Board, 346.

Boston, Massachusetts, 50, 80, 105, 270, 290, 298, 302, 320, 323, 336, 339, 361, 371, 380, 385, 401.

-, buildings at, 27, 59–60.

-, land bank at, 57–8, 61, 76, 161, 356–7, 371, 375, 387.

Boteler, Francis, Director of Royal African Company, 403.

Boyd, Mr., 256.

Bradley, George, clerk to Board, 13, 19, 98.

-, -, dismissed for neglect of duty, 390.

-, Richard, Attorney General of New York, letter from, 195.

-, -, proposed for Council, 319.

Braithwaite, John, proposed for South Carolina Council, 103, 128.

-, -, demise of, 348, 407.

Brant, Captain, 43.

Brazils (South America), trade with, 205–7, 209–10.

Bremen, Germany, 66.

Brent, Mr., of Virginia, 281.

Brereton, Mr., attends Board, 360.

Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 3 et passim.

-, -, resignation of, 204.

-, -, appointed Governor of Barbadoes, 200.

-, -, instructions to, 216.

Bristol, co. Gloucester, 410.

-, merchants, petitions of, 6, 25, 30, 32, 34–7, 43, 81, 90–2, 96, 99–100, 102, 120, 126–8, 155, 219–21, 223, 229, 242, 248.

-, anonymous letter from, 409.

Bristow, Mr., attends Board, 7.

Brook, Mr., H.M. Consul at Cadiz, letters from, 278, 283.

Brooks, Captain, 39.

Broughton, Colonel, President of Council and Commander in Chief in South Carolina, letters from, 30, 78–9, 82, 134, 139, 141, 153, 173, 189, 214.

-, -, letters to, 31, 63–4, 149, 151.

-, -, decease of, reported, 227, 284.

-, John, of Drogheda, 394, 400.

Brown, John, manufacturer, 405, 411.

-, Samuel, Indian trader, 197.

-, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 17, 181–2, 189–93, 196–9, 201–2, 276–7, 281.

-, -, late Chief Justice of St. Kitts, attends Board, 112–6, 122.

Brudenell, James, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, attends Board, 2 et passim.

-, -, reappointed, 204, 382.

-, -, recommendation by, 243.

-, -, signature of, 382.

Buccari, Adriatic, 152, 157, 159.

Bucklersbury, London, 404, 409.

Buckley, Mr., 381.

Bull, Colonel William, President of Council and Commander in Chief in South Carolina, letters from, 227, 241–2, 249–50, 253–4, 300, 304, 311–2, 318–9, 328–9, 345–7, 380, 383–4, 395, 402, 410.

-, -, letters to, 287, 400.

Burchett, Mr., Secretary to Lords of Admiralty, letters from, 14, 16, 61, 142, 166, 183, 230, 276, 300, 323, 326–8, 343, 347, 374, 376, 380.

-, -, letters to, 15, 42–3, 53, 71, 107, 137, 164, 183, 185, 326, 345.

Burlington, New Jersey, 372.

Burnett, William, ex-Governor of New England, 57.

Burnwell, Lewis, of Virginia, 224.

Burrington, Captain, ex-Governor of North Carolina, attends Board, 25, 31–2, 67, 69, 88, 92, 97, 136.

-, -, attendance requested, 22, 26, 91.

-, -, letters from, 61–2, 71–3, 85, 95, 136.

-, -, letters to, 72, 135.

-, -, petition of, 103, 120, 155.

Burrish, Mr., Solicitor to Board, resignation of, 137, 189.

-, Captain, of Dover, 380, 412.

Burrows, Samuel, proposed for Bermuda Council, 141, 185.

Busier, Mr., attends Board, 98, 111.

Butler, Thomas, Nevis Councillor, Antigua, letter from, 246.

-, Colonel, agent for Nevis, attends Board, 141–2, 146, 148–9, 158, 266, 307, 368.

Byam, Edward, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 164.

-, Rev. Francis, Antigua Councillor, 277.

-, Samuel, Antigua Councillor, 8, 23.

-, -, decease of, 275, 277, 340, 350, 369–70, 406.

-, Colonel, Lt. Governor of Antigua, letter from, 246.

Byng, Robert, appointed Governor of Barbadoes, 282.

-, -, instructions to, 286, 296, 351.

-, -, attends Board, 287–8, 295.

-, -, arrival at Barbadoes, 322.

-, -, letters from, 323, 325, 333–4, 341, 343–4, 349, 358.

-, -, letters to, 326, 344–5, 386–7.

-, -, demise of, reported, 369.

-, Mr., receiver of Admiralty dues, 65.


Cadiz, Spain, 95, 143, 145, 147, 150, 153–4, 156, 166–7, 278.

Cadjoe, Captain, leader of rebellious negroes in Jamaica, 282, 378.

Caine, Captain, captain of the Humility, 147–8.

Callender, Alexander, of South Carolina, letter from, 403.

-, John, Jamaica Councillor, demise of, 336, 338, 353.

-, Lauchlin, of New York, petition of, 330.

Campeachy, Mexico, logwood at, 57–9.

-, Bay of, 233.

Campion, William, appointed clerk to Board, 13–4, 19.

Canada, Governor of, 319.

Canary Islands, North Atlantic, wine trade, 98, 110, 128–30, 155, 163.

-, trade prohibited, 358.

Canço, Nova Scotia, fishery at, 10, 14, 16, 79, 99, 106–7, 109, 158, 183, 185, 230, 235, 267, 276, 300, 308, 323, 330, 332, 373, 380, 412.

Cantimir, Prince, Russian Ambassador, 109, 116.

Cape Breton, Canada, 99, 169, 267, 300, 373, 412.

Cape Fear, North Carolina, 25, 69, 330, 349.

Cape Verde Islands, West Africa, 254.

Carey, Cary, Robert, of North Carolina, attends Board, 337.

-, Walter, merchant, attends Board, 29, 49–50, 318.

-, -, attendance requested, 37, 46.

Carkesse, Mr., Secretary to Customs, attends Board, 205.

-, -, letters from, 128, 155, 163, 181, 205, 208, 214, 258–9, 261, 282, 326, 343, 359–61, 368, 394.

-, -, letters to, 130, 199, 209, 213, 266, 309, 337, 358.

Carlisle, Francis, Antigua Councillor, decease of, 8, 23,

Carolina, Lord Proprietors of, 133, 190.

Secretary. See Shelton.

timber for Navy in, 195.

Carolina, North, 64, 163, 214, 300, 379, 401.

Governor. See Burrington, Craven, Johnstone.

Agent. See McCulloch.

Acts in, 67, 135, 141, 160, 174, 232, 265, 274, 282, 287, 328, 330, 334–8, 352, 354–5, 377, 399, 407.

Assembly, Journal of, 103, 289, 328, 355.

Council, 61, 63, 78, 103, 264–5, 293, 295–6, 298, 314, 349, 352.

-, minutes of, 328.

-, members. See Forbes, Gould, Innes, Murray, Porter, Scarborough, Wardroper.

agent's attendance requested, 308.

boundaries, 20–2, 25–6, 31–2, 45, 65, 194, 199, 238, 240–1, 264, 279–80.

courts in, 67.

duties in, 136.

gaol in, 72.

Governor, instructions to, 406.

-, complaints against, 155.

inhabitants, petition of, 69.

land grants in, 67, 71, 79, 87–9, 91–2, 120, 280, 284, 287, 352.

-, to Swiss, 85–9, 92, 95, 97, 99–100, 104, 145–6, 168, 174, 204.

-, to other foreign Protestants, 111, 129–30, 134–5, 137, 143–4.

Lord proprietors' seal, claims under, 248.

manufactures in, 61–2.

maps of, 129.

paper currency in, 315, 335, 337, 399.

patents, blank in, 225–7, 235–8, 240, 264–5.

quit rents in, 67, 176, 212, 224, 226–7, 230–1, 235–40, 337, 352, 370.

-, collector. See McCulloch.

Carolina, South, 60–1, 271, 300, 400.

Governor. See Glen, Horsey, Johnson.

President of Council. See Broughton, Bull, Middleton.

Chief Justice. See Wright.

Agent. See Fury, Yonge.

Secretary. See Hammerton, Michie.

Acts in, 6, 23, 25, 30, 32–5, 49, 52–5, 71, 75, 77–80, 86, 101, 161, 167–8, 185, 201, 219, 221, 223, 225, 228, 243, 246–8, 250–1, 255, 273–4, 282, 284, 403–4, 410, 414.

Assembly, 10, 21, 25, 35, 64–5, 193, 199, 219.

Council, 10, 25, 35, 103, 128, 227, 284, 293–5, 298, 318–9, 328–9, 348, 352, 385–6, 391, 395, 407.

-, members. See Atkins, Blake, Braithwaite, Broughton, Cleland, Colleton, Crockat, Hill, Izard, Middleton, Pinckney, Skene, Waring, Whittaker, Wright, Yonge.

agent's attendance requested, 308.

boundaries of, 20–2, 25–6, 31–2, 45, 128, 131–5, 194, 238, 240–1, 264, 279, 280.

Chief Justice, salary for, 18, 21, 52–3.

courts in, 284.

defence of, 67.

French settlements on border, 318.

gaol in, 71–4, 119.

Governor, instructions to, 230–1, 233, 241–2, 248, 258–9, 283–4, 286–8, 291, 293–4, 296, 352, 406.

-, salary for, 339–341.

-, demise of, reported, 30, 258.

Governors of, 52.

imports, and exports, 194.

Indians in, French threats to, 139, 141, 253–4, 345–7, 383–4.

-, trade with, disputed with Georgia, 78, 153, 157–61, 165, 175, 177–9, 181–3, 189–93, 196– 203, 208–11, 228, 242.

-, and see Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek.

land grants in, 24–5, 32, 53, 67–8, 73–5, 81–3, 89–93, 143–4, 146–9, 162, 168–9, 176–7, 210–7, 221–3, 232–4, 236, 240–5, 248, 280, 398, 401–3.

linen and hemp manufactures, 1.

negroes in, 35–6, 38, 226, 311–2.

ordnance required for, 242, 249, 284, 411.

paper currency in, 244, 248, 280, 283, 288, 315–6, 328.

Provost Marshall, demise of, 380.

See Hammerton.

quit rents in, 1, 21, 68–9, 274, 280, 282–3, 370, 397; and see McCulloch.

Register's fees in, 253, 256, 261, 263, 283, 288–9, 291, 294–8.

settlers, complaints against, 247.

Spanish invasion, fear of, 241–2, 312, 380, 383, 402, 410.

state of province, 9–10, 23, 61, 250.

sufferers, relief for, 389–391.

vessels cleared in, 66, 76, 194, 234.

Carpenter, Lord, Georgia Trustee, attends Board, 181–2, 189–93.

Carter, Robert, of Virginia, 281.

Carteret, Lord, Proprietor of Carolina, 68, 80.

Cartwright, John, of South Carolina, petition of, 240–1, 243, 245, 284.

Cary. See Carey.

Caspian Sea, 347, 356.

Castle Harbour, Bermudas, 266, 305.

Castle William, Boston, 31, 59–60.

Caswall, Mr., New England merchant, attends Board, 356.

Cat Island, Bahamas, 20, 32, 39, 83, 99, 225.

Catawba Indians, Virginia, 259.

Cathcart, Lord, expedition of, 348.

Cato, negro, 396.

Cave, David, merchant, attends Board, 337.

Cayley, Mr., H.M. Consul at Cadiz, letter from, 106.

Champigny, M., Governor of Martinique, letter to, 333.

Chapman, Richard, of New Hampshire, petition of, 294, 301, 303.

-, Sir William, attends Board, 7–8, 35, 145–6, 150.

-, -, attendance requested, 5, 153.

-, -, petition of, 9, 67.

-, -, letters from, 66–7, 147, 154, 156, 166.

Charles II, King of England, grants by, 276, 281.

Charles VI, Emperor, treaty with, 252.

Charles, king of two Sicilies, 345.

Charles City County, Virginia, 411.

Charles Town, South Carolina, 30, 189, 192, 196, 234, 380, 390, 397, 403–4, 410, 414.

Charlton, Mr., of Jamaica, 23.

Chave, James, 399.

Chavigny, M., memorials of, 146, 149, 152–3, 208.

Cherokee Indians (South Carolina, Georgia), trade with, 181–2, 189, 228.

-, lands, situation of, 190, 197–8.

-, hostilities committed on, 259.

-, danger apprehended from French, 383.

Chester, England, 305.

Cheston, Captain, 254–5.

Chickasaw Indians (South Carolina), attack on, 139, 141, 345–6.

Child, T., proposal of, 393, 396, 404, 411.

Chitty, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 7, 91, 94–6, 101–2.

-, -, proposal of, 98, 104, 109, 116, 119, 128.

Choctaw Indians, Carolina, messengers from, 253.

Christian VI, King of Denmark, his relations with Hamburg Bank, 16–20.

-, ordinance of, 105, 150–1, 176, 209, 214.

-, payment of Sound dues to, 387.

Church, Mr., Russian merchant, attends Board, 294.

Clacton, near Colchester (co. Essex), 358.

Clarke, George, senr., President of Council and Commander in Chief in New York, letters from, 104–5, 111, 134–6, 148–50, 160, 203, 212, 218, 228, 237, 249–50, 256–7, 264, 267, 287, 290, 294, 305–6, 318–9, 322–3, 345, 347, 358, 365, 389, 396–7, 400, 412.

-, -, letters to, 151–2, 251, 259–60, 290, 305, 344, 400.

-, -, junior, petition of, 234, 237.

-, -, appointed to New York, Council, 285.

-, Sir Simon, appointed to Jamaica Council, 249–250.

-, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 150, 181–2, 189–93, 196–9, 236–7, 292, 312–3.

Clealand, Mary Anne, of Bahamas, 223.

Cleland, John, of South Carolina, letters from, 194, 234.

-, -, proposed for Council, 348, 407.

Clerk, Walter Thomas, St. Kitts Councillor, 243.

Clinton, Hon. George, appointed Governor of New York, 382–3.

-, -, instructions to, 395, 399–400, 407.

-, -, attends Board, 390.

Cochran, Mr., Barbadoes Councillor, deceased, 164.

Cockrane, Catherine, of Bahamas, 223.

Coddrington, Sir William, Antigua Councillor, deceased, 264–5, 351.

Codrington, Colonel, Ex-Governor of Leeward Islands, 113.

Coffee, negro, 396.

Colchester (co. Essex), 358.

Colden, Dr. Cadwalader, Surveyor General of New York, 136.

-, -, New York Councillor, 262.

Cole, Mr., letter from, 195.

Colebrooke, John, of Bahamas, attends Board, 138–9, 142.

-, -, affidavits by, 223–4.

Coleman, William, London merchant, attends Board, 148–9, 260.

Colepepper, Lord, ex-Governor of Virginia, 276.

-, Margaret, Lady, 281.

Colleton, John, proposed for South Carolina Council, 103, 128.

-, -, resignation of, 260, 269, 295, 351.

Comenda Fort, Gold Coast, 254.

Connecticut, New England, 135.

Governor. See Talcot.

Agent. See Wilks.

Acts in, 134, 366.

boundaries of, 31.

charter of, 367.

duties in, 65.

foreign coins, rates of, 366.

Indians, dispute with, 105–11, 116, 168–71, 265–6, 292–3, 297, 305–6, 308–10, 312–4, 321, 324–5, 344, 361–3, and see Mohicans.

paper currency in, 127, 152, 161–3, 315–6, 335, 343, 345, 353, 366, 393.

silk in, 61.

Concanen, Mr., proposed for Jamaica Council, 93.

-, -, suspension of, 343, 349, 360.

Connel, Mr., Counsel, attends Board, 127, 222–4.

Constantinople, Turkey, 346.

Coope, Mr., agent for St. Kitts, 76, 78.

-, -, attends Board, 44, 77, 102–3, 105, 109–10, 112–3, 127, 136, 139–42, 146, 148–9, 166, 170–1, 173, 266, 307.

-, -, attendance requested, 9, 43, 138.

-, -, letters from, 2, 10, 136.

-, -, letter to, 2.

Coopor, John, 403.

-, Thomas, 409.

-, Mr., attends Board, 86, 88.

Cope, Henry, Nova Scotia Councillor, 262.

Copenhagen, Denmark, 94–5, 106, 147, 176, 178, 209, 213.

Coram, Captain, attends Board, 32, 39, 83, 97, 99, 110, 163.

-, -, petition of, 20, 30, 39, 83, 99–100, 104, 163, 172, 176.

Corbet, Mr., of Admiralty, letters from, 106–7, 109, 402.

Cornbury, Lord, Ex-Governor of New York, 110.

Cortland, Philip, Commissioner in Mohican suit, letter from, 265–6.

Cosby, Colonel, Governor of New York and New Jersey, 77, 136.

-, -, salary for, 46.

-, -, letters from, 56, 74–5, 89.

-, -, letters to, 44, 51, 62–3, 79, 85, 90.

-, -, demise reported, 105.

Coteen, John, free negro of Antigua, 239, 244, 258, 285.

Cotterel, Captain, attends Board, 10,

-, -, letter from, 14.

Couraud, Mr., Secretary to Lords Justices, letter from, 348.

-, -, letter to, 399.

Cox, Florentius, of Bahamas, 135, 138, 223–4.

-, Matthew, wool stapler, 405, 411.

-, Richard, proposed for Nevis Council, 330–1, 351.

Crab Island, West Indies, 77.

Craven, Captain, ex-Governor of North Carolina, attends Board, 31–2, 90.

-, -, attendance requested, 25–6.

Crawford, John, attends Board, 194.

Crawley, Mr., 50–1.

Creek Indians (South Carolina), trade with, 181–2, 189, 228.

-, -, location of, 197–8.

Cressop, Mr., of Maryland, 186, 195–6.

Crimble, Mr., attends Board, 111, 174.

-, -, petition of, 129–30, 134, 137, 143–6, 175, 205.

Crockat, James, proposed for South Carolina Council, 227, 284, 385, 395, 407.

Crocket, Mr., attends Board, 360.

Croft, Sir Archer, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, attends Board, 3 et passim.

-, -, reappointed, 204.

-, -, recommendation by, 347.

-, -, resignation of, 382.

-, Captain, of South Carolina, 346.

Cromby, Mr., of South Carolina, 189.

Crookshanks, Mr., attends Board, 95.

Crook, Clement, of St. Kitts, 23.

Crosse, Mr., H.M. Consul at Canary islands, letters from, 110, 128–9.

Crown Point, New York, 319.

Cunningham, Daniel, proposed for St. Kitts Council, 365–6, 406.

-, Henry, Governor of Jamaica, instructions to, 212.

-, -, attends Board, 20, 40, 57, 59.

-, -, attendance requested, 57.

-, -, commission to, 23, 36, 102.

-, -, letter from, 100.

-, -, letters to, 82, 102.

-, -, memorial of, 18, 22.

-, -, demise reported, 103.

-, William, the elder, of Jamaica, 378.

-, -, the younger, his son, 378.

Curaçoa, Dutch West Indies, 199.

Curtis, John, of Jamaica, 214.

Czarina. See Anne.


Da Costa, Mr., petition of, 5.

-, -, attends Board, 7–8.

Dalzeel, General, Colonel of regiment in Leeward Islands, attends Board, 307–8.

Daniel, Nicholas, proposed for Montserrat Council, 362.

Danson, Mr., of South Carolina, 82, 91.

Dantzig, Prussia, agent at. See Gibsone.

-, exactions by Senate of, 348–9, 358–9.

Dartmouth, Devonshire, merchants' petition, 317–20.

Davie, Mr., Secretary to Salt Office, letters from, 179, 189.

Dawkins, Mr., Jamaica planter, 414.

Deane, Mr., of South Carolina, petition of, 79, 82, 90–1, 93.

-, -, H.M. Consul at Ostend, 127, 130, 157–160, 163, 212, 249.

Debert, Mr., factor, 412.

Delaware river, Pennsylvania, 322.

De la Warr, Lord, appointed Governor of New York and New Jersey, 202–4, 213.


King of. See Christian VI.

Envoy at Court of. See Titley.

Danish Envoy. See Sohlenthal.

Envoy, memorials of, 293–5, 300–2, 318–20, 338, 349, 366–7, 378, 387–8, 394–6, 410.

Sound dues, exacted by, 236, 251–2, 337, 348, 357–8, 387–8.

trade with, 94, 105–6, 138, 147, 150–2, 155, 176–9, 208–9, 213–9, 251–2, 273, 294, 297.

West Indies, sale of Islands to, 12– 14.

-, settlements in, 195.

Dennet, Ephraim, of New Hampshire Council, demise reported, 357–9.

Derbyshire, England, 20.

Dickens, Guy, H.M. Secretary at Berlin, letter from, 194.

Dicker, Samuel, proposed for Jamaica Council, 226–7, 322.

Digby, Mr., Georgia Trustee, attends Board, 181–2.

Dinwiddie, Robert, Collector of Customs in Bermuda, attends Board, 305–7, 309, 326–7, 329, 332.

-, -, letters from, 136, 255, 257, 331, 333.

Docminique, Paul, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 2 et passim.

-, -, decease of, 17.

Dominica, Leeward Islands, West Indies, French settlements on, 65, 103, 140, 171–2.

-, evacuation of, 103.

-, British claim to, 329, 333.

Dorsetshire, England, 395.

Dottin, Abel, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 83, 101.

-, James, President of Barbadoes Council, acting Governor of island, letters from, 26, 80, 83, 101–3, 131, 156, 178, 212, 236, 250, 259, 265–7, 296, 323, 368–9, 375, 379, 386–7, 401.

-, -, letters to, 41, 131–2, 251, 399.

-, -, instructions to, 244–5, 282.

Douglas, James George, agent for St. Kitts, attends Board, 368, 413.

Downs, the, 412.

Draper, Mr., of Jamaica, 38.

Drogheda, Ireland, 400.

Drummond, John, commissary at Antwerp, letters from, 250, 252, 257.

Dublin, Ireland, 3, 136, 252.

Duchess County, New York, 207–8.

Dudley, Massachusetts, 27.

Duer, John, Antigua Councillor, resignation of, 275, 351.

Dukes County, Massachusetts, 31.

Dulany, Mr., memorial of, 195–6.

Dummer Fort, Massachusetts, 243.

Dunbar, Colonel David, Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, attends Board, 204, 206, 221–2, 224–5, 245–6, 372, 384–5, 389–90.

-, -, letters from, 63–4, 66, 212, 231, 242, 291, 357.

-, -, letters to, 77, 80, 159.

-, -, petitions of, 50, 64, 131, 158, 207, 227, 233, 239–40, 245– 7, 388.

-, Mr., Surveyor General of Customs, 23.

Dunstable, Massachusetts, 27.

Dunster, William, deputy Governor of Turkey Company, attends Board, 346.


Earle, John, 410.

Eastern Indians in New England, 26, 28.

East India Company, accounts and trade of, 23, 340.

-, -, goods imported, 44, 412–4.

-, -, goods exported, 261, 310, 368, 412–4.

Eastland Company, 394.

Eccleston, Mr., attends Board, 18–9.

Edenton, North Carolina, 379, 399.

Edinburgh, Scotland, 249, 253.

Edlin, Thomas, proposed for Jamaica Council, 226–7, 338, 353.

-, -, resignation of, 395–6, 406.

Edlington, Mr., Surveyor General in Barbadoes, 141, 150–3.

Edney, Captain, of St. Kitts vessel, 250.

Edwards, Mr., secretary to Turkey Commission, attends Board, 204.

-, Mr., of Bucklersbury, 404, 409, 412.

Egmont, Earl of, trustee for Georgia, attends Board, 82, 189–93, 196–9.

Eleuthera, Bahamas, 325.

Elkin, Mr., agent for Hanse Towns, attends Board, 16–19, 252.

Elsinore, Denmark, 236, 273, 337.

Elton, Sir Abraham, attends Board, 155, 360.

Elton, Captain, scheme of, 346–7, 350, 356.

Ely, Colonel, of Jamaica, 34.

Emperor. See Charles.

Enfield, Massachusetts, 33.

Essex County, Massachusetts, 31.

-, -, Virginia, 281.

Exeter, New Hampshire, 24.

Eveleigh, Mr., of South Carolina, 35.

Eyres, Mr., Serjeant, attends Board for Pennsylvania, 185–8.


Fagel, Greffier, 317.

Fairfax, Lord, proprietor of part of Virginia, 65, 97, 177, 218, 232–3, 259.

-, -, attends Board, 229, 237, 239, 270, 276–7, 281.

-, -, petition of, 243, 269, 275, 283, 289, 291–2, 311.

Fall, Mr., attends Board, 240.

Fane, Francis, Councillor at Law to Board, Acts sent to, 6 et passim.

-, -, reports of, 5–7, 9–11, 26, 32, 37, 42–5, 69, 75–6, 80, 84, 87, 96, 139–40, 148–51, 163, 167, 174, 194, 209, 231, 239, 242, 250, 267–8, 272, 279, 283, 289, 298, 311, 316, 344, 369, 381, 411, 413–4.

-, -, attends Board, 36, 52, 78, 86, 153, 263, 328, 334, 354, 390.

-, -, attendance requested, 33, 49, 77, 85, 152, 289.

-, -, letters to, 243, 274, 289, 306, 327, 331.

-, -, objections made by, 24.

Farrand, Benjamin, attends Board, 226.

Fawthorp, Joseph, Russian merchant, attends Board, 350, 355.

Felthusen, Mr., 96, 101.

Fenton, Mr., proposed for Montserrat Council, 135, 183.

Feverall, Robert, 405.

Finch, Mr., H.M. envoy at Stockholm, letters from, 19, 29, 41, 45–6, 63, 106, 178, 277, 347–8.

Fisher, Mr., deposition of, 170.

Fitzwalter, Earl of, appointed Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 17.

-, -, attends Board, 17 et passim.

-, -, recommendation by, 19.

-, -, reports by, 37, 43–4, 94, 103.

-, -, direction to, 168.

-, -, resignation of, 203.

Fitzwilliams, Richard, Governor of Bahama Islands, letters from, 8, 37, 48–9, 65, 126, 137, 140, 163–4, 212, 225, 266, 297, 304, 331.

-, -, letters to, 52–3, 142–3, 297, 303.

-, -, instructions to, 338.

-, -, complaints against, 133, 135, 138–9, 142–3, 214, 218– 25, 228–30, 268, 272, 293.

-, -, leaving islands, 273.

-, -, attends Board, 304, 332.

Fiume, Adriatic, 152, 157, 159.

Five Nations (or Iroquois Indians), i.e. Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga and Seneca, presents for, 253.

Flanders, trade with, 200, 204, 208, 244, 246, 249, 251–3, 257–8, 260–262.

Fleet prison, London, 291.

Fleming, Mr., Lt. Governor of St. Kitts, letter from, 365.

Flemings, exemptions of, 106, 127, 143, 145, 147, 150.

Florida, North America, boundaries of, 128, 131, 133.

Forbes, William, North Carolina Councillor, 63, 78.

-, Mr., provost marshal of Jamaica, 80.

-, -, petition of, 111, 119, 123–6.

Forrester, Mr., Counsel, attends Board, 342.

Fort George, New York, 306.

Fox, Mr., naval officer in South Carolina, 66, 76.


King of. See Louis XV.

African trade, 206–9; and see Gum Coast.

Canada and American mainland, strength in, 99, 267, 300, 318–9, 347, 359.

Indians, trade with, 191, 193, 201, 294, 306, 311.

-, attack on friendly, 139, 141, 253, 256, 303, 312, 383.

Islands, West Indian, sale of, 12– 14.

-, piracies in, 140–2, 146, 148–9, 153–5, 236, 240.

-, strength in, 2–3, 5, 29, 64–5, 70, 103, 105, 140, 171, 260, 265, 296, 369, 401; and see Martinique.

priests, seditious behaviour of, 137, 170.

tobacco for, 289.

trade, cloth, with Turkey, 346.

-, illegal, with, 69, 136, 140, 143–4, 148–9, 163–4, 184, 248, 252, 254, 397.

-, regularisation of, proposed, 180, 183, 194, 199, 209, 216–20.

woollen cloths made in, 395.

Fraser, William, collector of Customs at Salem (West New Jersey), 343.

Frederick William I, king of Prussia, rescript of, 215.

Frederick Fort, Massachusetts, 57, 206, 233, 245.

French African Company, 208, and see Chavigny.

Frith, Samuel, 224.

Froysen, Mr., 90.

Frye, Mr., attends Board, 148–9.

Fuller, Rose, appointed to Jamaica Council, 249–50, 322.

-, -, suspension of, 343, 349.

Fundy, Bay of, (Nova Scotia), 212.

Fury, Mr., agent for Carolina, South, attends Board, 10, 21, 25, 30, 32–5, 49, 52, 71, 153, 158–60, 167–8, 177–9, 181–2, 189–93, 196–9, 201–2, 221, 223, 242, 244, 256, 315–6, 349, 389–91, 412.

-, -, attendance requested, 9, 18, 22, 26, 32, 49, 162, 242, 253, 295.

-, -, letters from, 1, 45, 67, 86, 219.

-, -, petition of, 141, 204.


Gallokin, Count, 101.

Gamblin, Benjamin, New Hampshire Councillor, decease of, 221, 285.

Garbrand, Mr., proposed for Jamaica Council, 93.

-, -, decease of, 226.

Garden, Mr., attends Board, 80.

Garnett, John, St. Kitts Councillor, 243, 284.

Gedney, Thomas, clerk to Board, 13, 19, 98.

-, -, retirement of, 243.

Gee, J., 395.

Gellibrand, Mr., appointed chief clerk, 13.

-, -, announcement by, 304.

Genoa, North Italy, 93–6, 98–9, 103, 106, 110–2, 116, 119–20, 184.

-, H.M. Counsul at. See Bagshaw.

George Town, South Carolina, 234.

Georgia, 10, 153–4, 231–2, 245.

Founder and Trustee. See Oglethorpe.

Secretary. See Martyn.

Acts in, 6–7, 9, 23, 154, 165, 175, 193, 197, 203, 208, 284, 293–4, 298, 308, 316–7.

boundaries of, 128, 133–5.

census of, 58.

charter of, 367.

grants of land in, 81, 148–9.

Indian and rum trade, disputes with South Carolina, 78–9, 82, 131–2, 135, 153, 157–61, 165, 175, 177–9, 181–3, 189–93, 196–203, 208, 210–1, 213, 242, 312.

Spanish invasion apprehended, 173, 189, 241–2.

state of, 376, 380.

stores of war for, 57, 67, 81–2, 107, 147–8.

Geraldino, Thomas, agent of Spain, 131, 135, 252, 255, 258–60, 262.

Germany, steel from, 52.

-, Protestant settlers in Virginia, 8, 10, 23.

-, -, in South Carolina, 248.

-, -, in Pennsylvania, 365.

Gerrish, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 141–2, 207.

-, -, letter from, 209.

Gibsone, Mr., H.M. agent at Dantzig, letters from, 348–9, 358.

Gildart, Mr., attends Board, 360.

Gilman, Nathaniel, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 370.

Gledhill, Captain, commander of Placentia garrison, 165.

Glen, James, appointed Governor of South Carolina, 258.

-, -, instructions to, 259, 283, 291, 352.

-, -, attends Board, 283, 286–8, 293, 295–6, 339–43, 391, 401–2.

-, -, memorial of, 294–6, 339– 44.

-, -, objections made by, 297.

Godfrey, Mr., attends Board, 150–1.

Gold Coast, West Africa, 254.

Golding, John, of Jamaica, 11, 68.

Gooch, Major, Lt. Governor of Virginia, letters from, 54–5, 97, 132–4, 177, 189, 230, 253, 259, 272, 278–9, 289, 303, 322, 331, 343, 356, 364, 408, 413–4.

-, -, letters to, 8, 49, 61–2, 79, 89–90, 133, 218, 251, 259– 60, 344.

-, -, appointment of Commissioners by, 276–7.

Goodwin, John, of Nevis, 260.

Gordon, James, proposed for Antigua Council, 402–3.

-, Major Patrick, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, letters from, 1, 65, 74.

-, -, demise reported, 158.

Gore, Mr., Governor of Hamburg Company, attends Board, 150–1, 209.

Gorge, Sir Ferdinand, 85.

Gothenburg, Sweden, 278.

Gould, Mr., proposed for North Carolina Council, 399.

Grady, Mr., letter from, 3–4.

Granville, Sir Bevil, ex-Governor of Barbadoes, 380.

-, Mr., of Jamaica, letter from, 39.

Graves, Mr., petition of, 158–9.

Gray, J., proposal of, 399.

-, Mr., letters from, 128, 195.

Green, Mr., of South Carolina, 189.

Gregory, Mr., President of Jamaica Council and acting Governor, letters from, 93–4, 103, 128–9, 171–2, 176, 212, 214–5, 227, 234.

-, -, letters to, 105, 130.

-, -, Jamaica planter, 414.

Griffin, Mr., New England merchant, attends Board, 356.

Griffiths, David, 224.

Guastalla, M., Genoese Resident, 94, 103.

-, -, attends Board, 111.

Guerin, Mr., agent for New York, attends Board, 44.

-, -, attendance requested, 32, 34.

-, -, letter from, 136.

Guernsey Island, 405.

Guerrish, Mr., London merchant, 292.

Guinea, West Africa, 402.

Gulston, Joseph, contractor for masts in New England, attends Board, 66, 85, 131.

-, -, attendance requested, 65.

-, -, letter from, 81.

-, -, petition of, 294, 299, 301, 303, 361.

Gum Coast, Africa, 146, 149, 152, 156, 207–8.

Gunthorpe, John, Antigua Councillor, demise of, 402–3.

Gutherie, Colonel John, of Jamaica garrison, 378, 405.


Hague the, Netherlands, 317.

Hales, Mr., Riga merchant, 252.

Halifax, Massachusetts, 33.

Hall, Mr., of South Carolina, letter from, 31.

-, -, Jamaica Councillor, 176.

-, -, decease of, 226.

Halles, Mr., shipowner, 251.

Halley, Dr., letters to, 110, 128.

Hamburg, North Germany, Current Bank at, 16–20.

-, Danish trade, 208–9.

-, herring trade, 239–240.

-, Company. Governor, see Gore.

-, -, Directors attend Board, 150–1.

Hamilton, John, President of Council and Commander in Chief in New Jersey, letters from, 135, 160, 203, 228, 290.

-, -, complaint against, 159.

-, -, New Jersey Councillor, 262.

-, Otho, Nova Scotia Councillor, 262.

-, Mr., of South Carolina, attends Board, 215–6.

-, -, petition of, 210–1, 213–7.

-, -, counsel for Maryland, attends Board, 185–8.

Hammerton, John, Secretary of South Carolina, 304.

-, -, attends Board, 256, 288–9, 291, 296.

-, -, petition of, 65, 67, 247, 253, 261, 263, 283, 294–8.

Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 31.

Hampstead (co. Middlesex), 359.

Hampton, New Hampshire, 50, 145.

Hanover, Germany, 29, 63.

Hanse towns (North Germany), memorial from, 16, 18.

Hare, Timothy, of Nevis, estate of, 260.

Harrington, Lord, letters from, 3 et passim.

-, -, letters to, 13 et passim.

-, -, communication from, 388.

Harris, Captain, 166.

Harrison, Thomas, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 156–7, 184.

-, Mr., New York Councillor, 56, 234, 285.

Hartford, Connecticut, 335, 366, 393.

Harvard, Massachusetts, 27.

Harvey, John, appointed to Bermuda Council, 255.

Hatfield, Massachusetts, 27.

Havanah, Cuba, 139, 410.

Havre, France, 152, 156, 208.

Hawkins, John, merchant, attends Board, 337.

Hayes, Charles, Deputy Governor of Royal African Company, attends Board, 149, 205–6, 403.

Hayman, Mr., Jamaica Councillor, decease of, 100.

Heames, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 254–5, 260.

-, -, attendance requested, 258.

-, -, letters from, 259–260.

Heathcot, Sir William, Georgia Trustee, attends Board, 181–2.

Heathcote, Alderman, attends Board, 148–9.

Herbert, Robert, appointed Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 203.

-, -, reappointed, 382.

-, -, attends Board, 233, et passim.

Heylyn, Henry, merchant, attends Board, 337.

Hill, Richard, proposed for South Carolina Council, 391, 407.

-, Thomas, appointed Secretary to Board on Mr. Popple's retirement, 215, 276, 381, 394.

-, Thomas (another), appointed clerk to Board, 98.

-, -, demise reported, 243.

-, Mr., ex-Chief Justice of Carolina, 21.

Hilton, William, 224.

Hispaniola (now Santo Domingo), West Indies, 172, 324.

Hodges, Mr., Montserrat Councillor, 46, 135.

Hodgson, Mr., of South Carolina, 73, 75.

Hodson, Clement, 224.

Hogg, William, 224.

Holden, Mr., Governor of Russia Company, attends Board, 58, 94, 98, 102, 320.

-, -, attendance requested, 55, 96, 101, 293–4, 317.

-, -, letters from, 4, 101, 104, 109, 300–2, 318–9.

Holland, 164.

treaty with, 244, 252.

imports from, 208, 358.

Dutch vessel, seizure of, 348.

-, on African coast, 206.

-, in West Indies, 2–3, 5, 29, 165–7, 211; and see St. Eustatia.

Holland, Mr., Georgia Trustee, attends Board, 181–2.

Hollings, Mr., counsel for Governor Belcher, 301.

Home, Archibald, proposed for New Jersey Council, 372–3, 408.

Honduras, Central America, 59.

-, Bay of, 233.

Hooper, Reynold, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 341, 351.

-, Robert Lettice, New Jersey Councillor, 61.

- -, demise of, 372–3, 408.

Hopp, M., Envoy of States General, memorial of, 165–7.

Horsemanden, Daniel, Commissioner in Mohican suit, 265–6.

Horsey, Colonel Samuel, appointed Governor of South Carolina, 230–1, 233.

-, -, instructions for, 247–9, 284.

-, -, attends Board, 231, 241–2, 244.

-, -, petition of, 67.

-, -, demise reported, 258.

Houghton, Thomas, 411.

Housatonnock, Massachusetts, 28, 146.

How, James, of Bahamas, 223.

-, Mr., attends Board, 99.

Howe, Lord, Governor of Barbadoes, 286.

-, -, demise reported, 26.

-, -, letters from, 40.

-, Lady, 80, 83–5, 101.

Howell, John, of Bahamas, President of Council and Commander in Chief, letters from, 223, 272–3, 303–5, 345, 347.

-, Mary, of Jamaica, 96–7, 120.

Howlett, Mr., attends Board, 360.

Howson, Henry, merchant, attends Board, 337.

Hubbard, Captain, 393.

Hucks, Mr., Trustee for Georgia, 81.

-, -, attends Board, 7, 79, 82, 181–2.

Hudson, Israel, clerk to Board, 13, 19, 98.

Huey, Mr., of North Carolina, attends Board, 129, 134, 137, 144–5.

-, -, letters from, 130, 143.

-, -, proposals of, 174–5, 205.

Hulet, Mr., attends Board, 35.

Hume, Robert, Speaker of Carolina Assembly, attends Board, 21, 32–5, 52–3.

-, -, attendance requested, 49.

-, Mr., Hamburg merchant, attends Board, 8.

Huntingdonshire, England, 409.

Hutchinson, John, appointed doorkeeper to Board, 14.

-, -, decease of, 347.

-, Thomas, member of Massachusetts Assembly, attends Board, 361, 380–1, 383–4, 386.

-, -, petition of, 388.

Hutchinsons Island (Savannah river), 196–7, 202.

Hyam, Thomas, merchant, attends Board, 337.

Hyde, Edmund, proposed for Jamaica Council, 395.


Indians, conference with, 253, 255; and see Albany.

French aggression on friendly, 139, 141, 256–7, 294, 303, 319, 383.

-, intrigues with neutral, 108, 137.

lands of, 56, 88, 134, 201.

-, usurpation of their lands. See under Mohican.

location of, 190, 197–8.

peace between Indian tribes, 323, 366.

presents to, 62–3, 253, 305–6, 311, 354.

threats to Carolina from, 347.

trade with, 181–2, 189, 228; and see Georgia, Carolina South.

wars between, 259.

-, against, 15, 108.

-, use of, in, 71.

See also Catawbas, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creek, Five Nations, Mothawks, Mohicans, Musquetos, Norridge Walk, Nottoways, Penobscot, Pequods and Six Nations.

Innes, James, North Carolina Councillor, 63, 78.

Ireland, colonists from, in New England, 78, 206.

Flanders trade with, 204, 208, 251, 260.

'harper,' 212.

imports from, 260, 379.

vessel from, 137.

wool running from, 3–4, 9, 270–1, 273, 279, 381–2, 392–5, 397–8, 400, 404–5, 410.

Italy, trade with, 348.

Izard, Ralph, South Carolina Councillor, 103.


Jack, negro, 396.

Jackson, Chaloner, Collector of Customs at New Providence, Bahamas, attends Board, 135, 138–9, 151, 219, 222–4, 238.

-, -, complaint against Governor Fitzwilliams, 133, 138, 141–3, 214, 218–221, 228–30, 268–72, 293.

-, -, petition withdrawn, 304.

-, Cuthbert, of Bahamas, 224.

-, Richard, Italian merchant, attends Board, 159, 254–5, 260, 355.

-, -, attendance requested, 152, 157, 252, 258.

Jamaica, West Indies, 61, 80–2, 105, 241, 288, 306, 341, 400.

Governor. See Cunningham, Trelawney.

President of Council and Commander in Chief. See Ayscough, Gregory.

Deputy Secretary. See Williams.

Agent. See Sharpe.

Acts in, 3, 11, 23, 36, 38, 40, 56, 58, 64, 68–9, 73–4, 80, 90, 96–7, 101, 111, 119–20, 123–6, 128, 169, 218, 229, 250, 264, 283–4, 291, 311, 331, 340, 242–3, 350, 378–9, 381, 403, 405–6, 408–9, 414.

Assembly, 34, 55, 129, 176, 233, 369, 385.

-, minutes of, 38, 250, 264, 311, 350, 385, 409.

Council, 23, 34, 38–9, 55, 67, 93, 100, 120, 128–30, 176, 226–7, 233–4, 249–50, 269, 285, 322, 333, 336, 338, 343, 349, 353, 360, 366, 369, 385, 395–6, 406.

-, minutes of, 38, 215, 250, 264, 311, 350, 385, 409.

-, members. See Ayscough, Blake, Campbell, Clarke, Concanen, Dicker, Edlin, Fuller, Garbrand, Gregory, Hall, Hyde, Lawes, Needham, Pennant, Phelp, Rodin, Steward, Whitehorne.

accounts of, 290–1.

duties in, 91–2, 388–9, 405.

fleet at, cooperage for, 371–3, 405.

Governor, instructions to, 203–5, 388–9, 406, 408.

-, demise of, reported, 103.

Jews in, 88, 90, 92, 96, 283, 291.

logwood trade, 57–9.

negro rebellion, 34, 38–9, 58, 70–1, 126, 282, 311; and see Cadjoe.

-, tax on importation of, 17, 19, 22, 70, 99–100, 102, 120, 126–8, 211–2, 226.

ordnance stores required in, 18, 20, 22, 55, 57, 60, 93–4, 405.

Provost Marshal in, 111, 119, 123–6.

royal mines in, 217, 221–2, 227–8, 285.

settlements in, 36–7, 42–3, 81.

soldiers, enlistment of, 226.

Spaniards, piracies by, 214, 226–7, 233.

state of, 28, 55, 171–3, 305.

storms at, 38.

James, Duke of York, afterwards King James II, 186–8.

-, King of England, grants by, 276, 281.

Jandin, Mr., attends Board, 318.

Jenner, Mr., attends Board, 88–9, 92, 95, 97, 100.

-, -, attendance requested, 99.

-, -, proposal of, 85–9, 104, 168.

Jennings, John, of Bahamas, 223.

-, Mr., memorial of, 195–6.

Jessop, Edward, attends Board, 141–2, 148–9.

-, -, proposed for St. Kitts Council, 265, 285.

John V, King of Portugal, offer to England, 206.

Johnson, Aughquant, a Connecticut Indian, attends Board, 168–9.

-, Benjamin, negro of Antigua, 209, 222–3, 237–8, 284.

-, Billy alias William, negro of Antigua, 209, 222–3, 237–8, 284.

-, John, New Jersey Councillor, 60.

-, -, of Bahamas, 146, 223.

-, Colonel Robert, Governor of South Carolina.

-, -, arrival of, referred to, 52.

-, -, grants of land by, 90.

-, -, instructions to, 242.

-, -, letters from, 1, 20, 60–1.

-, -, demise of, reported, 30–1, 62.

-, Mr., attends Board, 62.

Johnsons Fort, South Carolina, 383.

Johnstone, Gabriel, Governor of North Carolina, letters from, 62, 67, 135, 155, 160, 176, 214, 264–5, 287–9, 328, 330, 337, 354–5, 379, 399.

-, -, letters to, 63–4, 79, 143, 300, 314, 338, 401.

Jones, David, of Jamaica, 169, 184.

Joyce, Mr., London merchant, 292.

Julien, Mr., 404.


Kay, Mr., Collector of Customs in Rhode Island, 66, 76.

Keene, Benjamin, appointed Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 382.

-, -, attends Board, 382 et passim.

-, Mr., letter from, 225–6.

Keith, Sir William, attends Board, 209.

Kenn, Mr., attends Board, 355.

Kennedy, Archibald, New York Councillor, 262.

Kent County, Pennsylvania, 322.

Keowin, John, of Bahamas, 224.

Kilby, Christopher, agent for Massachusetts, attends Board, 316, 318, 349, 356.

-, -, attendance requested, 315, 355.

King, Benjamin, proposed for Antigua Council, 264–5, 351.

Kingston, Jamaica, 125, 169, 184, 226–7, 379.

Kirby, Mr., Speaker of Antigua Assembly, attends Board, 237, 272, 292.

-, Thomas, London merchant, 292.

Knight, Mr., ex-Secretary of Leeward Islands, 116.

-, -, Jamaica planter, 414.

Konigsberg, Prussia, 194, 200, 203–4, 215.


Lamport, Mr., of Jamaica, 39.

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 186.

Lancey, James de, New York Councillor, 262.

Lanham, Richard, clerk to Board, 13, 19.

-, -, demise of, 98.

Lapriere, Mr., attends Board, 86.

Laroche. Mr., Trustee for Georgia, attends Board, 79, 82, 189–93, 201–2.

Lascelles, Mr., late Surveyor of Customs, attends Board, 83–4.

-, -, merchant of London, 292.

Lawford, Samuel, of Bahamas, 138, 223.

Laws, Temple, Jamaica Councillor, 23, 176.

Lee, Captain, Governor of Newfoundland, 14.

-, -, instructions to 14–5, 109.

-, -, letters from, 76, 79, 158, 165, 221.

Leeward Islands, West Indies, 64, 80–2, 132, 195, 206, 209, 228, 267, 303, 336, 343, 400.

Governor. See Matthew or Matthews.

Commander in Chief. See Smith.

Secretary. See Smith.

Acts in, 6, 73–4, 76, 132, 298, 329, 340, 345, 358, 362, 401, 406, 408, 410.

councils in, 41, 273, 322, 354, 385.

coinage in, 262, 322.

Dutch menace to, 2–3.

duties in, 25, 28, 355, 357, 364–5, 367–8, 373–4.

French menace to, 2–3.

-, trade, illegal, with, 136, 140–4, 171–4, 176, 184, 194, 207, 216.

negro revolts in, 170.

piracies in, 170, 250–1.

public papers, box containing, 393.

Secretary, complaints against, 42, 51, 112–23.

settlement of, 331–3, 338; and see Virgin Islands.

Spaniards, threats from, 133, 211.

state of, 1, 4, 22, 34.

stores of war in, 23, 307, 309, 364, 370–1, 374, 377, 406.

sugar trade, 1, 4, 272.

vessels for Governor's use, 43–4.

See also Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis and St. Christophers.

Legge, Mr., Secretary to the Treasury, letter from, 389–391.

Leheup, Mr., agent for Virginia, attends Board, 86–7, 151–2, 239, 270, 316.

-, -, attendance requested, 212, 235, 239, 269.

-, -, letter to, 299.

-, -, letter from, 314–5.

-, -, agent for Barbadoes, 164.

-, -, agent for New York, 194, 200, 207.

Le Mercier, M., French minister, 270.

Levant Company, 369, 377; and see Turkey.

-, -, wool trade with, 379.

Leybourn, Mr., rector of Morcot, 411.

Lightfoot, Philip, of Virginia, 411.

Lindsay, Patrick, letter to, 239.

-, -, attends Board, 240.

Lintzburg (Germany), 348.

Lisbon, Portugal, 158, 260, 283.

Litchfield, Massachusetts, 33.

Little, Mr., of Carolina, his window, 69, 71, 79.

Liverpool, England, merchants of, 35, 81, 90–2, 96, 99–100, 102, 120, 126–8, 229.

Livingston, Philip, of New York, petition of, 84, 86, 88, 134.

-, -, New York Councillor, 262.

-, William, of South Carolina, petition of, 398, 401–3.

Lloyd, Edmund, 395–7, 400.

-, Thomas, 410.

Lock, James, Treasurer of Turkey Company, attends Board, 346.

Locke, John, author, 292.

Logan, Mr., President of Pennsylvania Council, letter from, 157–8.

London, 20, 260–1, 395.

Lord bishop of, 46–7.

Lord Mayor of, 73.

merchants, evidence by, 292.

-, petitions of, 35, 81, 90–2, 96, 99–100, 102, 120, 126–8, 219–21, 223, 225, 229, 238, 242, 248, 317–320, 355; and see Wood.

port of, 310.

ships of, 250.

Londonderry, Lord, Governor of Leeward Islands, 123.

Londonderry, Massachusetts, 78.

Lostau, Monsieur, attends Board for M. Chavigny, 153.

Loubiere, Mr., attends Board, 98, 1112.

Louis [Lewis] XIV, King of France, 283.

-, XV, King of France, edicts of, 135, 146, 148, 154–5, 183, 185.

Louisburg (Cape Breton), 99.

Lowndes, Thomas, grants of land to, 24–5, 30.

-, -, attendance requested, 379.

-, -, letters from, 271, 279, 281–2, 297–8, 314, 359–60, 366, 377, 379, 395, 403, 414.

Lucas, Colonel, Antigua Councillor, attends Board, 272.

Ludwell, Philip, of Virginia, 281.

Luttrell, Mr., letter from, 176.

Lyddell, Mr., ex-Secretary of Leeward Islands, 116–19.

Lyons, Henry, of Antigua, attends Board, 223.

-, -, attendance requested, 222.