Pages 326-330
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 7, January 1735 - December 1741. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.
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Journal, April 1740
Tuesday, April 1. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Plummer.
Read a letter to the Secretary from Mr. Burchet, Secretary to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated the 31st March, signifying that Captain Medley of the Romney is designed Commander in Chief of the ships that go this year to Newfoundland, and, desiring that Heads of Enquiry may be prepared and sent to the Board of Admiralty, in order to be transmitted to Captain Medley. Whereupon ordered that the Secretary acquaint Mr. Burchet, by letter, that the same person being appointed Commander in Chief this year as was last, the Board has no addition to make to the Heads of Enquiry already given him.
The letter to Mr. Byng, Governor of Barbados, mentioned in the preceding minutes, having been transcribed, was signed.
Read a letter to the Secretary from Mr. Carkesse, Secretary to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs, dated March 29th, 1740, transmitting a copy of the Custom House Leidger of Imports and Exports, for the year 1733.
Mr. Noden, Agent for Bermudas, attending, together with Mr. Dinwiddie, they moved the Board that in case Turk's Island should be included in the Commission, now ordered to be prepared for Mr. Tinker, the new Governor of the Bahamas, a restriction may be inserted, to hinder the Governor's laying a duty upon those of his Majesty's subjects, who should come thither to rake salt.
Wednesday, April 2. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Mr. Plummer.
A representation to his Majesty with the draught of a Commission for John Tinker, Esq., appointed Governor of the Bahama Islands, being prepared, according to the Order in the Minutes of the 18th of the last month, was laid before the Board, and the said Representation was signed, together with a letter for inclosing the same to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle.
Read a letter to the Board from Capt. Medley, dated on Board
the Romneyat Spithead, the 30th of March, 1740, transmitting
the last year's scheme of the fishery, and the state and condition
of Newfoundland; with the following papers viz:—
An answer to his instructions for the year 1739.
Account of powder and other stores expended at Placentia,
from the 2nd of July, 1738, to the 31st of July, 1739.
A general remain of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, under
the care and charge of William Sanderson, storekeeper, to
the Office of his Majesty's Ordnance at Placentia.
Scheme of the fishery for the year, 1739.
Ordered that the Secretary write to Mr. Fane to acquaint him that the Board desires to speak with him on Tuesday, the 15th instant, upon the subject of a supplement to an Act of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, entituled An Act prescribing the Forms of Declarations of Fidelity etc., and that Mr. Paris, agent for the said Province, be desired to attend at the same time.
Saturday, April 12. Present:—Lord Monson, Mr. Plummer.
Plantations General.
Read a letter from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, transmitting an Address of the House of Commons to the king of the 10th instant, that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to give directions that there may be laid before them copies of the instructions to the several Governors of the British Plantations in America, whereby they are directed to observe and put in execution an Act of the 6th year of the reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, entituled An Act for ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coins in America, and also relating to their not giving their assent to any Acts of Assembly for the striking and issuing any paper Bills of Credit in lieu of money, and likewise relating to the passing any Bill, or Bills, whereby the trade or navigation of this kingdom may be any ways affected.
Ordered that copies of the said instructions be prepared, in order to be laid before the House.
Tuesday, April 15. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Mr. Plummer.
Read a letter to the Secretary from Mr. Burchet, Secretary to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated April 4th, 1740; signifying that Captain Medley is directed to send answers to the Heads of Enquiry, relating to the fishery of Newfoundland for this year.
South Carolina.
Read a letter from William Bull, Esq., President of the Council and Commander in Chief of the Province of South Carolina, transmitting an account of the Paper Bills of Credit, and also an account of what rates all gold and silver coins are accounted, received, taken or paid in that Province, in pursuance of two addresses to his Majesty from the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and in answer to a letter from the Board, dated 5th of July last; mentioning likewise the death of Mr. Thomas Waring, of the Council there, and recommending Charles Pinkney, Esq., Speaker of the Assembly, to supply the said vacancy.
Mr. Fane, his Majesty's Counsel at Law attending, together with Mr. Paris, agent for the Province of Pennsylvania, as desired by the minutes of the 2nd inst., the Board had some discourse with them upon the subject therein, mentioned, and having taken into consideration the draught of a report upon six Acts, passed in that Province in May, 1739, (ordered to be prepared by the minutes of the 27th of last month), after some alteration made therein, ordered the same to be transcribed.
Plantations General.
South Carolina.
Copies of the instructions to the several Governors of the British Plantations in America having been prepared, as directed by the minutes of the 12th inst., Mr. Plummer was desired to lay the same before the House of Commons, as likewise a copy of the account of the paper Bills of Credit and of the rates of gold and silver coins in South Carolina, transmitted to the Board by William Bull, Esq., as mentioned above.
The petition of James Wimble, praying that the Board would represent to his Majesty in favour of his case, (mentioned in the minutes of the 26th of last month), having been laid before the Board, the Secretary was ordered to inform him that, they having already made a representation to his Majesty on that subject, they could do no more in it, till the matters be again referred to them.
Wednesday, April 16. Present:—Lord Monson, Mr. Plummer.
The representation upon the 6 Acts, passed in Pennsylvania, mentioned in yesterday's minutes, was agreed to, and signed.
North Carolina.
The Secretary laid before the Board several publick papers,
lately received from North Carolina, transmitted by Governor
Johnston, as promised in his letter (dated April 10th, 1739, and
read the 5th of July following), viz:—
Minutes of Council, from June 28th, 1738, to March 6th,
Eleven Acts of Assembly, passed in 1738.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon.
South Carolina.
A copy of the account of the paper Bills of Credit, and of the rates of gold and silver coins in South Carolina, mentioned in the minutes of yesterday, having been prepared and laid before the Board, the Lord Monson was desired to present the same to the House of Lords.
Friday, April 18. Present:—Lord Monson, Mr. Brudenell, Mr. Plummer.
Leeward Islands.
Read a letter from General Mathew, Governor of the Leeward
Islands, dated November 16th, 1739, transmitting:—
Four Acts, passed at St. Christophers in August, 1739.
Minutes of the Assembly of Montserrat in June and July,
Abstracts of the Births, Marriages and Burials, from October,
1738, to October, 1739, in the Parishes of St. Thomas and
Trinity in St. Christophers.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion
Read another letter from the same, dated December, 1739,
Minutes of Assembly at Nevis, from the 6th of October,
1738, to September 3rd, 1739.
Two Acts, passed at St. Christophers, the 9th of December,
An Act for continuing John Yeamans, Esq., agent for Antigua,
passed December, 18th, 1739.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon.
South Carolina.
Ordered that the draught of a representation be prepared, recommending Colonel Joseph Blake to be of the Council in South Carolina, in the room of Mr. Thomas Waring, deceased, as mentioned in the letter of Mr. Bull, read the 15th instant.
Tuesday, April 22. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Sir A. Croft, Mr. Plummer.
South Carolina.
A representation to his Majesty, recommending Colonel Joseph Blake to be of the Council in South Carolina, in the room of Thomas Waring, Esq., deceased, (as mentioned in Mr. Bull's letter in the minutes of the 15th inst.), having been prepared, was agreed to, and signed.
Tuesday, April 29. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Sir A. Croft, Mr. Plummer.
Massachusetts Bay.
New Hampshire.
Read an Order of Council, dated April 19th inst., directing the Board to prepare an instruction to the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire for settling the bounds of those Provinces, pursuant to a Report of the Committee of Council. Ordered that the draught of an instruction be accordingly prepared.
Plantations General.
Virgin Islands.
Mr. Dinwiddie attending, and being called in, laid before the
Board the following papers, viz:—
The British right to the islands of St. Vincent's, Santa Lucia
and Dominica asserted.
An account of the British Virgin Islands.
Computation of the value and trade of the British Empire
in America, as also an account of the number of fighting
men in each Colony or Plantation.
Ordered that the said papers lye by, to be considered by the Board the first opportunity.
New York.
Read the petition of Lauchlin Campbell, in behalf of himself and several Protestant families, praying for a tract of 200,000 acres of land, and other encouragement for making a settlement on the frontiers of New York. Ordered that the said petition lye by till further application from the said Lauchlin Campbell.
Nova Scotia.
Read 2 letters from Mr. John Adams, President of the Council of Nova Scotia, the one dated December 8th, 1739, signifying that, upon the late sudden death of Lieut.-Governor Armstrong, the administration of the Government of that Province was devolved upon him, as eldest Councellor, and enclosing a copy of the minute of Council the 7th of December; giving likewise an account of his having frequently represented to Governor Philips the state of Canço. The other dated December 10th, relating to the present state of the Province and the defenceless condition of the fort at Annapolis. Ordered that the Secretary write a letter to Governor Philips desiring his attendance at this Board on Thursday next, (Thursday, May 1), in order to have some discourse with him on the subject of the said letters.
Wednesday, April 30. Present:—Lord Monson, Colonel Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Sir Archer Croft, Mr. Plummer.
New York.
Mr. Lauchlin Campbell, mentioned in the minutes of yesterday, attending, the Board had some discourse with him, and finding the petition to be defective in several particulars, they returned it him back in order to be amended.
Colonel Bladen having informed the Board that Thomas Butler, Esq., has desired leave to resign his seat in the Council of Nevis, the draught of a representation, recommending Richard Cox, Esq., to supply the vacancy, was ordered to be prepared.