Index: M-Z

Pages 450-464

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 6, January 1729 - December 1734. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.

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Macarty, Robert, appointed Governor of Newfoundland, 347.

Maccartney, Isaac, 147.

MacMurphey, John, of New Hampshire, 156.

MacNeny, Mr., 413.

Madera Islands, (Atlantic), 61, 202.

Madrid, (Spain), Court of, 111–2, 114, 238, 351.

-, Treaty of, 146.

Maine, (North America), province of, 74, 82, 239, 423.

Malaga, (Spain), 37, 117, 131–2, 134.

Mallorca, Balearic Islands, 112, 146.

Malta (Mediterranean), 88.

Manley, Mr., letter from, 182.

Margarita, Island, (West Indies), 355.

Marsden, Thomas, 60, 166.

Marsingall, Thomas, depositions of, 117, 147.

Martin, Matthew, of Nevis, 147, 311.

-, Mr., of Russia Company, attends Board, 390.

Martinique, (West Indies), danger from French at, 235–6, 253–4, 382, 384.

Marwood, Capt., Commander of Lyme, attends Board, 141.

-, -, attendance requested, 140.

-, -, letter from, 212.

Maryland, Governor. See Baltimore.

-, Lieut. Governor. See Calvert, Ogle.

-, -, instructions to, 314.

-, Secretary. See Jennings.

-, Acts in, 64, 67, 217, 219, 222, 241, 269.

-, Assembly of, 273.

-, boundaries, 272, 370, 411, 413–4, 429–31.

-, charter of, 429–431.

-, grants of land in, 241, 272, 409, 430.

-, Irish emigrants, 67, 269.

-, state of, 320, 342.

-, tobacco in, 67.

Mascarene, Captain Paul, recommended to be Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts, 291.

Massachusetts (New England), Governor. See Belcher, Burnet.

-, -, instructions to, 72, 315, 356.

-, Lieut. Governor. See Dummer, Tailor.

-, Secretary. See Willard.

-, agents. See Belcher, Wilks.

-, Acts in, 7, 35, 52, 184–5, 195, 209–10, 212, 220, 222, 224–5, 232, 244–5, 248, 255, 257, 263, 277, 289, 293, 312–3, 315, 334, 346, 356, 360–1, 371, 396.

-, Council of, 70, 178, 235, 356.

-, -, minutes of, 7, 35, 52, 209–10, 220, 334, 356.

-, Assembly, constitution of, 255, 356.

-, -, votes of, 61–2, 159, 172, 178, 209, 211, 216, 235, 239, 241, 248, 293, 319, 356.

-, -, quarrel with Governor, 6–9, 12–14, 16–20, 35, 47, 63, 65–7, 69–72, 83, 115, 122, 222– 4, 235.

-, House of Representatives, Journal of, 209–10, 224, 244, 273, 355–6.

-, accounts of, 7, 90, 97, 101–2, 210, 244, 289, 334, 355.

-, boundaries of, 97, 156–7, 160– 1, 239, 343–4, 371, 375–6.

-, charter of, 161, 173, 298.

-, courts in, 244, 270, 282, 288.

-, credit, bills of, in, 221.

-, clergy, grievances of, 34, 263.

-, extortion in, 293–4.

-, fast proclaimed in, 422.

-, fortifications of, 182, 355.

-, French trade with, 172, 183.

-, Governor's mandate extended, 242.

-, -, salary for, 224–5, 326, 329, 346, 365, 397, 408–9.

-, Indians in, 289, 327, 339.

-, merchants of, 336.

-, newspapers, 422.

-, rioting in, 211.

-, seal for, 341.

-, settlement of, 74, 133, 160–1, 182.

-, shipping in, 195, 305.

-, sugar trade, 194.

-, woods in, 155, 157, 173, 210.

Mathew (or Matthews), General William, acting Commander-inChief of Leeward Islands, memorial of, 3–4.

-, -, attends Board, 260.

-, -, attendance requested, 216, 219.

-, -, letters from, 20, 73–4, 151–2, 217, 220, 256, 260, 352–3, 379–80, 383, 398–9.

-, -, letters to, 153, 156, 411– 2.

-, -, appointed Governor of Leeward Islands, 338–40, 346, 349.

-, -, instructions for, 348–9, 361, 367, 396.

-, -, salary for, 384, 398, 416– 7.

-, -, reception of, 390.

-, -, his son appointed to St. Kitts Council, 339.

Matthews, Mr., solicitor, attends Board, 251, 266–8.

-, -, petition of, 263.

Maxwell, Thomas, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 95–6, 121.

Maycock, Mr., deceased, of Barbadoes Council, 150, 156.

Mayle, Mr., memorial of, 22–4.

McMahon, Mr., of Barbadoes, report of, 154.

McPhedris, Archibald, of New Hampshire Council, 240–1.

Media, (Asia), 395.

Mengenut, Mr., 116.

Mercier, M. Le, minister of French Church at Boston, 142.

Merrimack River, New England, 82.

Merry, Anthony, 166.

-, Richard, 166.

-, -, attends Board, 333, 338.

Messina, (Sicily), 37, 79, 86, 359.

Meure, Mr., memorial of, 3–4.

-, -, attends Board 189.

-, -, attendance requested, 187.

Mexico plate, 67.

-, Bay of, 254.

Micklethwait, Lord, attends Board, 295, 331.

-, -, petition of, 48–50, 63, 229, 294, 297.

Middleton, Solomon, 173.

-, Mr., President of South Carolina, complaint against, 15.

-, -, letters from, 51, 53.

Mills, James, 166.

Milward, Mr., of Jamaica, evidence of, 420–1.

Minshall, Mrs. Jane, losses of, 180.

Miscellanies, Accounts, 1, 19, 50, 63, 83–4, 103–4, 126–7, 150, 170–1, 187–8, 215, 236–7, 262– 3, 304, 327, 338, 348, 357, 381, 399, 412, 431.

-, Board of Trade Commissioners. See Ashe, Bladen, Bridgeman, Brudenell, Cary, Croft, Doc– minique, Frankland, Pelham, and Westmoreland.

-, clerks, misconduct of, 311.

-, -, fees for, 137, 201, 203–5, 232, 288.

-, Council of Committee, adjournment of, 68, 176.

-, index to be compiled, 128.

-, oath as to losses sustained from Spaniards, 116.

-, office, repairs to, 119, 145, 159.

-, -, disorders outside, 330.

-, postman's arrears, 8, 63, 82.

-, Secretary. See Popple.

-, Solicitor to Board, appointment of, 137, 139.

-, new Commission, 117–8.

Miserol, Mary, alias Davenport, widow of John Miserol, of New York, 376, 378, 381–4.

Missing, Thomas, memorial from, 53, 99.

-, -, losses of, 148.

-, -, attendance requested, 124.

Mississippi river, North America, French trade along, 320.

Mitchell, Mr., attendance requested, 65.

Mocatta, Moses, attends Board, 132.

-, -, losses of, 147.

Mohawk, (Iroquois), Indians, Sachems of, 406.

Monmouth, Duke of, his rebellion alluded to, 267.

Montagu, Duke of, 93–4.

-, Mr., agent for Bahamas, attends Board, 251.

Montgomerie, George, of North Carolina, 192, 200, 404.

-, Col. John, Governor of New York, New Jersey, 80, 190.

-, -, letters from, 36, 38–9, 50, 73, 81, 110, 190, 192, 205, 208–9, 211, 213–4, 296.

-, -, letters to, 51, 111, 193, 209, 214, 219–20.

-, -, decease of, reported, 261.

Montserrat, (Leeward Islands), Acts in, 54, 58, 151, 383, 399, 416–7.

-, Council, minutes of, 20, 151, 399.

-, Assembly, minutes of, 151, 399.

-, Courts in, 58.

-, defence of, 151.

-, fees in, 399.

-, map of, 399.

-, negroes in, 151.

-, shipping at, 80.

Moor, John, 166.

Moore, John, Collector of Customs in Pennsylvania, petition of, 125.

-, Mr., Consul at Zante, 131.

-, Mr., deceased, of Jamaica Council, 363, 365, 397.

More, Colonel, of Virginia, 307.

Morice, Humphrey, merchant, 202.

-, -, attends Board, 42–4, 90, 100–1, 107–8, 111.

-, -, attendance requested, 99, 109, 205.

-, -, letters from, 206, 215, 245–6, 265.

-, -, letter to, 233.

Morris, Colonel of Antigua, letter from, 291.

-, John, recommended for Antigua Council, 259, 291, 315.

-, Lewis, chief Jost New York preside New Je Council.

-, -, letters from, 407.

-, Lewis, jun., of New York Council, suspension of, 77–8, 80–3, 86, 122, 348.

-, -, letters from, 81, 363–4.

Moseley, Mr., of North Carolina, 404.

Mun, Theobald, of St. Kitts, trial of, 389–90.

Murray, Mr., counsel for Pennsylvania, attends Board, 429.

Muscovy. See Russia.

Muskerry, Lord, appointed Governor of Newfoundland, 339.

-, -, instructions to, 387.

-, -, attends Board, 385.

Musketo Indians, (Central America), 120, 206, 276.


Nanfan, Captain, attends Board, 253– 4.

Naples, (Italy), 37, 186.

Needham, Joseph, 280.

-, Mr., 35, 241.

Netherlands, Austrian, 297, 413; and see Flanders.

Nettleton, Mr., of Russia Company, attends Board, 300, 379.

Neufchatel, (Switzerland), 129, 131, 247.

Nevis, Leeward Islands, 20.

-, agent. See Butler.

-, Acts in, 9, 15–6, 19, 42–6, 49, 152, 383–4, 417.

-, Assembly, 275.

-, -, minutes of, 9, 152, 398.

-, Council, 275, 323, 346, 379.

-, -, minutes of, 9, 152.

-, -, members. See Bridgewater, Richardson.

-, export duties in, 19, 152.

-, former French invasion, sufferers from, 311.

-, ordnance stores in, 394.

-, sugar trade, 275.

-, vessels cleared in, 221, 353.

Newcastle, Northumberland, 117.

-, New Hampshire, William and Mary fort at, 211.

Newcastle, Duke of, letters to and from, passim throughout volume.

New England, Governor. See Belcher,

-, -, instructions to, 76–9, 89, 154.

-, Advocate General. See Auchmuty.

-, Acts in, 194, 277.

-, Boundaries of, 68, 239, 371, 375–6.

-, cloths in, 190.

-, Courts in, 240, 260.

-, credit, bills of, in, 247, 356.

-, hemp and flax in, 240.

-, Indians in, 194, 359.

-, Newfoundland, illegal trade with, 385.

-, settlement of, 76, 82–3, 140–1, 182, 195, 233–4, 237, 291, 296–8.

-, ship building in, 158, 412, 423.

-, -, seized in, 177.

-, soldiers for, 36, 47.

-, station ship in, 416.

-, trade with Africa, 202.

-, trade with French and Dutch colonies, 246, 254, 257, 259, 289.

-, woods in, 30, 57, 78, 125–6, 157–8, 171–3, 419, 421–2, 424.

-, -, penalties for informer, 118, 125, 127.

-, See also under Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island.

Newfoundland, Governors. See Clinton, Falkingham, Macarty, Muskerry and Osburn.

-, -, appointment of, 191, 193, 317.

-, -, instructions for 292–7, 339.

-, -, complaints against, 79, 124.

-, Acts in, 33.

-, convoy at, 27–30, 62, 80, 104, 111–2, 185, 194, 284; and see Vere, Beauclerk.

-, disorders at, 284–6, 289–90.

-, duties in, 117.

-, fishery at, 27–8, 32–3, 62, 105, 135, 174, 189, 275, 284–6, 374, 385, 387.

-, French at, 374, 385, 387.

-, garrison at, 163, 174, 385.

-, magistrates in, 75, 80, 104–6, 163, 174, 281, 284–6, 289.

-, men of war for, 185.

-, oil, 46, 51.

-, ordnance at, 105, 385.

-, prison in, 163, 174.

-, state of, 170.

-, whales, 322.

New Hampshire, Governor. See Belcher, Burnet.

-, -, commission of, 82, 154.

-, Lieut. Governor. See Dunbar, Wentworth.

-, -, appointment of, 178.

-, agent. See Newman.

-, Acts in, 35, 210–1, 224, 239, 273, 391, 426, 430.

-, Assembly, 211, 237, 319, 375, 391.

-, -, minutes of, 35.

-, Council, 211, 240–2, 283, 285– 6, 288–90, 293, 315, 319, 350, 356, 367, 391–3, 422–3, 426.

-, -, minutes of, 35–6, 210.

-, -, members. See Atkinson, Dennit, Frost, Gamblin, Hunkins, Huske, McPhedris, Peirce, Penhallow, Reynolds, Sherburn, Smith, Trot, Waldron, Walton, Wentworth, Westbrook, Wiberd.

-, boundaries of, 97, 156–7, 239, 342–4, 371, 375–6.

-, finances of, 211, 239.

-, merchants of, 336.

-, officers, fees for, in, 211.

-, seal for, 238, 341.

-, stores of war, 35, 210.

-, vessels cleared in, 35, 238.

-, woods, destruction of, 1, 3–4, 157, 162, 169.

New Harbour, near Pemaquid, (Maine), 182.

New Jersey, Governor. See Cosby, Montgomerie.

-, -, instructions to, 97, 287– 8, 293–4, 316.

-, agent. See Partridge.

-, Acts in, 13, 38–9, 47, 184, 212– 5, 218, 221, 247, 283–4, 286, 314–5, 427–8, 430.

-, Council, 335, 347.

-, -, minutes of, 50, 214.

-, -, members. See Hug, Provost.

-, Assembly, 50, 213, 314, 407.

-, -, minutes of, 214.

-, divisions of province, 39, 47.

-, cloths in, 190.

-, finances of, 247.

-, seal for, 209, 211, 228, 257–8, 306, 314.

Newman, Mr., agent for New Hampshire, letter from, 97.

Newport, Mr., attends Board, 253–4.

New Providence, Bahamas, 27.

New York, Governor. See Cosby, Montgomerie.

-, -, instructions to, 97.

-, -, complaints against, 406– 7.

-, agents. See Drummond, Leheup.

-, Surveyor. See Colden.

-, Attorney General. See Bradley.

-, Acts in, 36, 64, 67–8, 73, 122, 190, 192–3, 198, 200, 203, 234, 262, 277–8, 288, 376, 378, 381– 4, 393–5, 406, 408–9, 429.

-, Assembly, 190, 271, 287, 296, 383, 406.

-, -, minutes of, 36, 81, 262.

-, Council, 77, 80–3, 86, 141, 191, 335, 347.

-, -, minutes of, 36, 81, 262, 405.

-, -, members. See Barberie, Courtland, Horsmanden, Lancey, Lane, Morris, Provost, Walters.

-, complaints against Attorney General, 141–2, 145, 164, 168.

-, Chief Justice, See Morris; removal of, 406–8.

-, cloths in, 190.

-, Courts in, 110, 274, 363–4, 407.

-, exports and imports, 63.

-, French encroachments, 271, 289–90.

-, Indians, trade with, 73, 122, 190–3, 209, 271, 406.

-, Journal of, 407.

-, officers in, 348.

-, population of, 262.

-, seals for, 96, 118, 341.

-, settlements in, 187–8, 191–2, 203, 205–6, 208, 227, 234, 336– 40, 344, 367.

-, stores of war, 262.

-, sugar plantations, trade with, 259, 262.

-, vessels cleared in, 36, 110, 262, 406.

Nisbett, Mr., of Antigua, 390.

Nock, John, 60.

Nodin, Mr., agent for Bermuda, attends Board, 163, 251–3.

-, -, attendance requested, 162.

-, -, petition of, 195–6, 250, 256.

Norridgework, (New England), 298.

Norris, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 77–8, 80–1, 247, 287, 300, 303, 306–7, 384.

-, -, attendance requested, 298, 324, 332.

-, -, letter from, 256.

North, Edward, of South Carolina, 325.

-, Mr., solicitor, attends Board, 225, 230–1, 402–3, 419–21, 423–5.

-, -, letter from, 224.

Northern Neck, (Virginia), 411.

Northey, Sir Edward, 251, 267, 424.

Norway, trade with, 184.

Norwich, (England), 280.

Nova Scotia and Accadie, Governor. See Phillips.

-, Lieut. Governor. See Armstrong, L.

-, -, instructions to, 97, 228.

-, Council of, 321.

-, -, minutes of, 359, 410.

-, boundaries of, 141, 161.

-, constitution of, 27.

-, fisheries of, 292, 336–7, 387; and see Canso.

-, French inhabitants in, 116–8, 141–2, 169, 248, 295, 312, 321, 342, 346–8, 351, 359, 410.

-, Indians in, 359, 411.

-, naval stores, 399, 410.

-, quit rents, 355, 358, 360, 377, 380–1, 397, 410, 412–3; and see Campbell, Antigua.

-, rivers, draught of, 410.

-, seal for, 47, 96, 118.

-, seizures in, 116.

-, settlement of, by Irish and Palatines, 14, 16, 24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 69, 71–2, 74, 76–7, 80, 86–7, 95–8, 104, 119, 125–6, 129, 133, 135–7, 150, 161, 169, 176–8, 191, 194, 237, 311–3, 320, 339, 341–2, 373; and see Coram, Dunbar, Hart, Hintz.

-, state of, 410.

-, troops sent to, 158, 162.

-, vessels cleared in, 168, 348.


Ochs, Mr., attends Board, 189, 232, 272, 419.

-, -, petition of, 188, 234, 241, 246, 306, 318–9.

Ogilvie, Lieut., letter from, 221.

Ogle, George, of Dublin, 219.

-, Sir Challoner, of Jamaica, 363, 420.

-, Samuel, appointed Lieut. Governor of Maryland, 217, 219, 222.

-, -, instructions for, 241, 314.

Oglethorpe, Mr., founder of Georgia, attends Board, 165, 167–9, 175, 259, 405, 425–6.

-, -, attendance requested, 403, 424.

-, -, petition of, 170.

Old Road, St. Kitts, 24, 46, 87.

Oliver, Robert, of Antigua, 222, 289, 315.

Oporto, (Portugal), 60.

Osburn, Osborn, Capt., Governor of Newfoundland, 80, 112.

-, -, attends Board, 109, 114, 174.

-, -, attendance requested, 285.

-, -, complaints against, 79, 124.

-, -, letters from, 75, 104–6, 117, 163, 284–5.

Ostend, (Belgium), 37, 186.

Oswego Fort, (New York), 192, 205, 209, 278.

Oucounacou, Cherokee Indian, 142.

Owen, Mr., admitted to North Carolina Council, 414.

Oxenford, Mr., Assistant Inspector General, attends Board, 264, 281.

-, -, letters from, 110–1, 133–4, 200, 276, 417.

-, -, letters to, 6–8, 25, 73, 107, 150, 263, 408.


Page, Colonel Man, of Virginia Council, decease of, 198, 227.

Paice, Joseph, attends Board, 112, 132.

Palatines. See Hintz, Nova Scotia, Carolina, South.

Palmer, Thomas, 148.

Paris, France, 93.

Paris, Mr., agent for Pennsylvania, attends Board, 158–9, 214, 259, 339, 343, 371–2, 375–6, 383–4, 393, 400, 413–4, 427–31.

-, -, attendance requested, 381, 409.

-, -, letters from, 167, 200, 348, 382.

-, -, letter to, 213.

-, -, petition of, 338–40.

Parish, Mr., solicitor, attends Board, 184.

Parke, Colonel, deceased, ex-Governor of Antigua, 386.

-, Thomas Dunbar, of Antigua, petition of, 386–7.

Parker, Henry, of Bristol, 128, 147.

-, Mr., Consul at Corunna, 37, 112, 131.

Parminter, Mr., letters from, 181, 238.

Parsons, Mr., Director of African Company, attends Board, 201– 3.

Partridge, Mr., agent for New Jersey, Rhode Island, attends Board, 38, 184, 213, 259, 285–6, 392–3, 413–4, 426, 428.

-, -, attendance requested, 182, 212, 283, 423, 427.

-, -, letters from, 242, 256–7, 283.

-, -, memorial of, 13, 38, 212, 221, 259–60, 283.

Paul, Mr., Consul at Zante, 38.

Paul, Dr., Advocate General and Surrogate of Admiralty Judge, attestations before, 129.

Pawpaw, (Dahomey), West Africa, Emperor of, 198–203, 215–17.

Paxton, Mr., Solicitor to Treasury, 14, 359, 412.

-, -, attends Board, 16–18, 160–1, 195–0, 366, 369–70.

Payne, Abraham, of St. Kitts, proposed for Council, 366–7, 382–3, 385– 6.

-, -, affidavit of, 390.

-, Abraham, uncle to above, 382.

-, Charles, Sir, father to above, 382.

Paynter, David, 148.

Paz, Solomon and Elias de, losses of, 180.

Peachy, John, 148.

Peake, Mr., letter from, 221.

Pearse, Mr., Commissioner of Navy, attends Board, 25–6.

Peers, Henry, Speaker of Barbadoes Assembly, 48.

-, -, recommended for Council, 360–1, 397.

Peirce, Mr., attends Board, 77–8, 80–1.

-, Joshua, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 315.

Pelham, Thomas, Commissioner of Trade, 1, et passim.

-, -, reappointed, 118.

-, -, instructions to, 12.

Pemaquid, (Maine), alias Fredericks Fort, 157, 172, 177, 182, 212–3, 239, 298, 356.

Penhallow, James, 35–6.

-, John, 35–6.

-, Samuel, of New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 422.

Penn, William, founder of Pennsylvania, 272, 367, 430.

-, John, Richard and Thomas, his sons, 353, 413, 429–31.

Pennsylvania, Governor. See Gordon.

-, -, complaints against, 134, 138–9, 141, 196, 294–5, 303.

-, agent. See Paris.

-, Acts in, 55, 108, 125, 139, 159, 167, 183–4, 213–5, 235, 408.

-, boundaries of, 180, 197, 272, 353, 409, 411, 413–4, 429–31.

-, Courts in, 108, 125, 138, 159, 295.

-, cloths in, 190.

-, French trade with, 320.

-, Indians in, 271.

-, Palatines in, 57.

Penobscot, (Maine), 80, 86, 115, 141.

Penrice, Sir Henry, Judge of Admiralty Court, 130, 132, 238.

Percival, Lord, petition of, 167, 170, 227.

Pero or Pera plantation, Jamaica, 34, 213.

Perry, Mr., Alderman Micajah, attends Board, 228–9.

-, -, letter to, 233.

Persia, silk trade with, 351, 395.

Peter, King of the Musketoes, of Central America, 120.

Petersburgh, (Russia), Court of, 337, 377, 389.

Phenney, Capt. George, ex-Governor of Bahamas, attends Board, 207–8, 252.

-, -, letters from, 27–8, 52–3, 110.

-, -, petition of, 204, 207–9, 235, 255–6.

-, -, appointed Surveyor General of Customs, 251, 357–8.

-, -, appointed to Plantation Councils, 256, 316.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 10, 22–4, 108, 147.

Philip V., King of Spain, his claims to America, 329–30.

Phillips, Col. Richard, Governor of Nova Scotia, instructions to, 86–7, 89, 96, 102–3, 117, 121, 133, 158, 162, 176–7, 194, 228.

-, -, attends Board, 299–300, 321, 337, 348–9.

-, -, attendance requested, 311–2, 347.

-, -, letters from, 116, 141–2, 168, 172, 248, 274, 313, 346, 399, 410.

-, -, letters to, 104, 118, 336, 342, 411.

-, -, grants of land by, 320, 359.

-, -, order by, 342.

-, -, petition of, 169.

Phippen, Mr., of Bristol, 128, 147.

Phipps, Colonel, of St. Kitts Council, 382.

-, -, letters from, 21, 25, 151.

Pickenden, Mr., 177.

Piedmont, (Italy), British merchants in, 331, 333.

Pigott, Mr., 414.

Pilgrim House, Barbadoes, 236.

-, Mr., of Barbadoes Council, decease of, 371.

Pintado, D. Manuel Lopez, General of the galleons, letter from, 218.

Pitt, Captain, Governor of Bermuda, letters from, 41–2, 52–3, 132–3, 135–6, 162–3, 189, 250, 317, 332, 373.

-, -, letters to, 49, 60, 319.

-, -, petition of, 195.

Pitts, John, of Boston, 132, 147.

Placentia, Newfoundland, 27, 47, 79, 174, 285, 385.

-, Fort Frederick at, 105.

Plantations General, circular letters to Governors, 53, 78, 212, 249, 280, 291, 316, 321–2, 349, 352, 354, 368, 393, 415.

-, Acts of plantation required, from printer, 324.

-, Admiralty charges in, 108–9, 113, 115–6.

-, cloths, woollen, linen and cotton, 190.

-, currency paper in, 98.

-, debt recovery, merchants' petition, 229, 233, 245–6, 248, 265–6, 268, 270.

-, ecclesiastical jurisdication in, 92, 100, 121.

-, entails, cutting off in, 170.

-, fisheries in, 82–3, 86, 92, 121.

-, laws, manufactures and trade, 271–3, 275, 277–8, 280, 286, 300–1, 327–9, 346, 366.

-, map of plantations, 366, 416.

-, naval stores in, 6–8, 102, 386, 405.

-, negroes, importations of, 68.

-, pirates, commission to try, 4.

-, potashes, manufacture of, 55.

-, seaman's wages, 76–7, 83, 121.

-, state of islands, 360, 365.

-, sugar trade, 177, 200, 270, 273– 4, 276, 287.

-, woods, waste in, 13–5, 24, 138, 159.

-, wool, illicit, 211–2; and see under Trade.

-, see also under separate Colonies, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbadoes, Bermuda, Carolina, North and South, Connecticut, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Massachusetts, Maryland, Montserrat, Nevis, New England, Newfoundland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, St. Christophers, Virginia, etc.

Plymouth, Montserrat, 54.

-, New England, Council of, 74.

Plysham, Nicholas, of Jamaica, 148.

Poole, (Dorset), 32–4, 51, 281, 321, 323, 385.

Popple, Alfred, Secretary to Board, 106, 120, 212, 266.

-, -, petition of, 201, 203– 5, 232.

-, -, complaints against, 377– 8, 414–5.

-, Henry, agent for Col. Cope, attends Board, 214.

-, -, map of, 360, 416.

Port Antonio, Jamaica, 11, 75–7, 122, 153, 388, 420–1.

Port Beaufort, (North Carolina), 347.

Port Royal, Jamaica, 11.

-, South Carolina, 54, 349.

Porten, James, attends Board, 128.

-, -, losses of, 147.

Porter, Edmund, judge of Admiralty in North Carolina, letters from, 75, 113, 301, 303.

-, -, suspension of, 302.

-, -, dispute with Governor, 414–5.

-, Capt. James, 166.

Portland parish, Jamaica, 12, 28, 76, 420.

Port Morant, Jamaica, 349.

Porto Rico, West Indies, 13, 252.

-, piracies by Governor of, 154– 5.

Portsmouth, (England), 141.

-, (New Hampshire), 423, 426.

Portugal, 186.

Potomack, South Virginia, 61.

Potter, John, Naval Officer at Jamaica, 164.

-, Mr., 166.

Poyntz, Mr., letter from, 97.

Prance, Jacob, master of Neptune, 134.

Preston, (Lancashire), 60–1.

Price, Mr., agent for Barbadoes Assembly, attends Board, 11, 33, 48, 50–2.

-, -, attendance requested, 31.

-, Mr., of New York, 383–4.

Pringle, Mr., Consul at San Lucar and Seville, letters from, 37, 131.

Prout, Timothy, 166.

Providence, New Bahama Isles, 207–8, 259, 353.

Provost, William, Councillor for New York, 335.

-, -, appointed to New Jersey Council, 347.

Pugsley, William, 166.

Pulteney, Daniel, letters from, 93, 123.

-, -, letter to, 120.

Purry, Colonel, attends Board, 126, 129, 131.

-, -, attendance requested, 124.

-, -, grant to, 367.

-, -, memorial of, 103, 134, 247, 249–50, 292–3, 298, 301, 316, 345–6, 396–8, 401, 403, 405–9.

-, Mr., jun., his son, attends Board, 396–8, 409.

Purrysburgh, (South Carolina), 397– 8, 401–3, 406–7, 409–10, 428.

Pusey, Colonel, of Jamaica Council, 4.


Quarrell, William, 149.

Quebec, Canada, Governor of, 359.

Quebequil, (Nova Scotia), 342.

Quill, Archibald, 147.

Quiros, Comte de, 359.


Ramsden, William, of Barbadoes, 32.

Randall, Mr., Virginia merchant, attends Board, 181, 198.

Randolph, Isham, clerk of Virginia Council, letters from 5, 269–70.

-, -, attends Board, 8.

-, Richard, of Virginia, 266.

-, Thomas, 266.

-, -, William, son of, 266.

-, Captain, of Virginia, 266.

Raphe, Mr., 113.

Rappahannock River, (Virginia), 61.

Raynham, Massachusetts, 244.

Reeves, Mr., of Barbadoes Assembly, 48, 56.

Renne, Captain, 286.

Revel, Walter, 174.

Reynolds, Anthony, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 240– 1.

Rhode Island, New England, Acts in, 245, 290, 302, 312–4.

-, Assembly of, 259–60.

-, bills of credit in, 245.

-, charter of, 54, 290.

-, cloths in, 190.

-, Government of, 271.

Rialp, Marquis de, 340–1, 358–9.

Rice, Mr., Secretary of North Carolina, letters from, 338, 404–5.

Richardson, John, of Nevis Council, deceased, 323, 346.

-, John, merchant, losses of, 147.

Richier, Mr., attends Board, 129.

Rider, Mr., Counsel for Lord Londonderry, attends Board, 42–5.

Ridley, Mr., John, deposition of, 94.

Rigby, Mr., attends Board, 111.

Rindge, John, petition of, 342–4, 371–2.

Roberts, Adam, 147.

Robinson, Mr., H.M. Minister at Vienna, letter from, 340, 358– 9.

-, -, letter to, 341.

Rogers, Woodes, Governor of Bahamas, 5, 12, 251, 282.

-, -, instructions for, 21, 28–9, 47.

-, -, attends Board, 27–8.

-, -, letters from, 110, 208, 274, 353.

-, -, letters to, 111, 215.

-, -, complaints against, 204, 207–8, 235.

-, Mr., 221.

Rolles, Mr., H.M. engraver, 101.

Rollings, John, attends Board, 134.

-, -, losses of, 147.

Rondeau, Mr., letters from, 299, 337, 377, 388–90, 392, 394.

Rosebury, Earl of, 147.

Rotterdam, (Holland), 133, 135, 424–5.

Rouen, France, 62–3.

Rousin, Jean Baptist, 132.

Royal African Company. See under Africa.

Royal Exchange Insurance Company, London, losses of, 238.

Russell, Mr., Consul in Barbary, 37, 77.

-, attends Board, 78–9.

Russia, trade with, 299–301, 337, 350–1, 354, 357–8, 377, 379, 382, 388–90, 392–6.

-, Company, Governor of. See Holden.

-, -, Directors of, attend Board, 337, 351.

Rutgers, Anthony, of New York, petition of, 191–2, 200–1, 203, 205, 208, 234.

Rutherford, Mr., of South Carolina, petition of, 409, 414.

Ryswick, Treaty of, 161.


Saco, River, (Maine), 173.

Sagadahoc river, Nova Scotia, 161, 210.

St. Alouzie Island, (?), 97, 160.

St. Ann's Castle, Barbadoes, 94.

St. Antonio, Biscay, 13.

St. Antonio Parish, Jamaica, 420.

St. Catherine's Parish, Jamaica, 411.

St. Christophers, Leeward Islands, agents. See Beake, Coope.

-, Acts in, 9, 16, 19–20, 24–6, 41– 6, 49, 62, 67–8, 121, 159, 187, 189, 250–1, 263, 266–7, 269– 70, 354, 360, 365, 381–4, 398.

-, Assembly, 153, 352.

-, -, minutes of, 9, 152.

-, Council of, 21, 25, 153, 220, 339, 344–5, 361, 366–7, 382, 385–6.

-, -, minutes of, 9, 151–3, 217, 221, 399.

-, -, members of. See Burryan, Estridge, Mathew, Payne, Phipps, Soulegre and Smith, W.

-, Courts in, 179.

-, finances of, 353.

-, French citizens in, 267.

-, -, sugar trade with, 257, 259, 274.

-, Irish in, 267.

-, judges in, 390.

-, officers in, 87, 209, 216–7, 399.

-, planters in, 45.

-, stores of war for, 258–60, 315.

-, vessels cleared in, 353.

S. Croix River, (New Brunswick), 27, 30, 74, 76, 80, 86, 160–2, 233, 291, 296–99.

St. Domingo, (West Indies), 99, 101.

St. Elizabeth's Parish, Jamaica, 421.

St. George's Parish, Jamaica, 420.

St. George's Basseterre Parish, (St. Kitts), 187.

St. James Market, London, 376.

St. Jean river, (Nova Scotia), 321.

St. John, Mr., of South Carolina, letters from, 322, 344.

-, -, charge against, 325, 345.

St. Johns, Newfoundland, 47, 105, 174, 285.

St. Johns River, New England, 359.

St. Julien, Mr., attendance requested, 102.

St. Laurence Gulf, Canada, 210, 254.

-, river, French trade along, 320.

St. Loe, Captain, 376.

St. Paul's Parish, Nevis, 152.

St. Thomas in the Vale Parish, (Jamaica), 159, 167–8, 227.

St. Vincent's, (Leeward Islands), claims to, 79–80, 82–3, 93–4, 98, 102–3, 112, 126, 139–40, 236–7.

-, evacuation of, 148, 162.

Salem, Massachusetts, 7, 17, 65.

-, New Jersey, 39.

Salter, Mr., of Barbadoes Council, decease of, reported, (sic), 162.

-, -, proposed for Council, 345, 367.

San Lucar, (Spain), 37, 131.

Sandford, Mr., attendance requested, 182.

Sandwell, Joseph, 173.

Santa Cruz, (West Indies), claims to, 13, 49–50, 52, 92, 98–9, 101–3, 112, 114, 158, 160, 411–2.

-, proposed sale of, 347–8.

Santa Lucia, West Indies, claims to, 98, 102–3, 112–3, 118–20, 123, 125, 128, 130, 135, 237.

-, evacuation of, 148, 158, 160–2, 351.

-, French proceedings at, 78, 80, 82–3, 94, 154.

-, settlement of, 93–5.

-, ships built at, 229, 233, 236.

-, -, seized at, 236.

Sara alias Ned, of Jamaica, 388.

Sardinia, King of, enactments against British trade, 186, 339.

-, trade with, 323–4, 331, 333, 338.

Saunders, Benjamin, of Bahama Council, 28.

-, Sir George, Commissioner of Navy, attends Board, 25–6.

Savanah river, South Carolina, 169, 259.

Sayer, Dr., counsel for Massachusetts Assembly, attends Board, 16– 18.

-, -, letter to, 162.

-, -, opinion of, 169.

Scalilasken, Ketagusta, Cherokee Indian, attends Board, 142.

-, -, address of, 145–6.

Scayagusta Oukah, Cherokee Indian, 142, 145.

Score, Richard, attends Board, 134.

-, -, losses of, 147.

Scotland, 78, 257.

Scrope, Mr., Secretary to Lords of Treasury and M.P. for Bristol, attends Board, 228–9, 249, 375.

-, -, letters from, 63, 73, 139, 219, 270, 281, 322, 354, 377, 396, 416–8, 421–2.

-, -, letters to, 41, 49, 80, 87, 98–9, 260, 282, 297, 322, 324, 381, 422–3, 428.

Seneca Indians, Iroquois (New York), 209.

Seville, (Spain), 37, 131, 196, 317, 329– 30.

-, treaty of, 105–6, 127, 130, 135, 180.

Sharpe, John, solicitor and agent for Mr. Worseley, Jamaica, etc., attends Board, 11, 16–18, 25, 33, 41–5, 48, 50–2, 65–6, 158–9, 178–9, 184, 192, 200–1, 207, 214, 216–7, 223, 228–9, 251, 257, 259, 266–8, 272, 285–6, 295, 343, 360, 365, 370–6, 378, 392, 400, 406–7, 413, 418–21, 425, 429–31.

-, -, attendance requested, 216, 424.

-, -, letters from, 9, 167, 183, 213, 360, 371.

Sharpe, Dr. Richard, 332.

-, Mr., Clerk of Council, letter from, 177.

Shelton, Mr., Secretary to Lords Proprietors of Carolina and Bahamas, attends Board, 72, 119, 140, 197, 282–3, 303, 372, 402, 405.

-, -, attendance requested, 69, 71.

-, -, letters from, 148, 235.

-, -, memorial of, 300, 303, 417–9.

Sherburn, Mr. Joseph, proposed for Lieut. Governor of New Hampshire, 178.

-, -, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 350, 367.

Ships named:

Adventure, 134.

Ann, 132.

Anne, sloop, 320.

Arthur, 207.

Betty, 180.

Cato, 238.

Cocoa Tree, 129.

Crown, 117, 147.

Dolphin, 94.

Dragon, 116.

Edith, 129.

Endeavour, 320.

Farro, 147.

Grape, 60–1.

Hanover, 146, 167, 175–6.

Hester, 148.

Hope, 119, 147.

John, of Dublin, 238.

Lyme, 140.

Neptune, 134.

Parthenope, 180.

Penelope, 114, 147.

Phenney, 207.

Pink Pheasant, 46.

Princess Snow, 13.

Prophet Samuel, 238.

Queen of Sheba, 60–1.

Rebecca, 317.

Sarah and Mary, 114, 147.

Satisfaction, 146.

Sheerness, 336.

Squirrel, 284.

Susannah, 114, 147.

Susannah and Mary, 129.

Swallow, 238.

Trial, 114, 147.

Westbury Galley, 128.

Willford Galley, 128.

William Augustus, 116.

Willing Mind, 238.

Winchelsea, 336.

Shirley, Mr., 422.

Shirriff, Mr., of Nova Scotia, 320.

Shoals, Isle of, New England, 82.

Shute, Col., ex-Governor of New England, 66.

Sicily, Viceroy of, 359.

-, trade with, 79, 81–2, 323, 331, 338–342, 347, 349, 373–4.

Six Nations, (or Iroquois), Indians, conference with, 375. See also Mohawk, Seneca.

Skene, Mr., ex-Secretary of Barbadoes, 258.

Skinner, Mr., Consul at Leghorn, letters from, 2, 186.

-, Nicholas, 148.

Slade, Mr., 422.

Slater, Mr., memorial of, 248.

-, -, attends Board, 249.

Smith, Joseph, of New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 307.

-, Michael, President of Nevis Council, and Commander-inChief of Leeward Islands, letters from, 334, 351–2, 389–390.

-, Samuel, 173.

-, Wavel, Secretary of Leeward Islands, letter from, 20.

-, -, complaints against, 152– 3, 209, 216–7, 344–5, 361.

-, -, seals left with, 256.

-, Mr., Chief Justice of North Carolina, memorial of, 364.

-, -, attends Board, 304–5.

-, Captain, letter from, 31.

-, attends Board, 375.

-, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 264, 280.

Snelgrove, Capt., attends Board, 201– 3.

Snelling, William, losses of, 180.

Soper, Capt. Samuel, of Jamaica, 148.

Soulegre, Mr., of St. Kitts Council, attends Board, 107, 382–3.

-, -, letter from, 21.

-, -, letters to, 16, 103, 366–7.

Sound, the, (Denmark), 31, 118, 221, 345.

South River, New York, 200.

South Sea Company, 305–10, 401, 403, 418–9, 423–5.

Spain, King of. See Philip V.

-, losses received from, 10, 13, 34, 46, 52–3, 60–1, 88–9, 96, 105–9, 111–2, 114, 116–7, 119, 126–32, 134–6, 147–9, 163, 165–7, 173, 175–6, 180–1, 196, 238, 317, 320.

-, menace to Bahamas, 252.

-, negro trade with Jamaica, 308–10.

-, reported intrigue with Jamaica rebel negroes, 149, 206.

-, logwood in Campeachy, q.v.

Spatchers, William, senr., of Bahama Council, 28.

Spelman, Mr., of Russia Company, attends Board, 337, 390.

Spence, Mr., Secretary of Royal African Company, letters from, 215, 354.

Spencer, Thomas, senr., of Bahama Council, 28.

Splaine, Edward, 166.

Spooner, Mr., Solicitor General of Leeward Islands, 389–90, 411.

Spotswood, Colonel, ex-Governor of Virginia, petition of, 15, 149, 281–2.

Spotsylvania County, (Virginia), 57–8.

Sprogel, Lodwick Christian, of Philadelphia, 147.

Stanhope, Colonel, letter to, 238.

Stanyan, Mr., clerk of Council, letters from, 31, 176.

States General, (Netherlands), treaty with, 350.

Stauber, Jacob, attends Board, 189, 191, 197, 232, 234.

-, -, petition of, 180, 188, 256, 265, 419.

Stead, Mr., 280.

Stert, Arthur, appointed Commissary to Spain, 106.

-, -, attends Board, 108, 111.

-, -, attendance requested, 107.

Stibbs, Mr., 221.

Stocker, Mr., agent for Robert Armstrong, memorial of, 332.

Stockholm, (Sweden), 37, 225, 233, 264, 297, 332, 381, 384.

Stork, Mr., merchant attends Board, 192–3.

-, -, letter from, 209.

Storke, John, 166.

-, Samuel, 166.

Stout, Mr., of Jamaica Council, 347, 349, 368.

Strange, Mr., counsel for Maryland, attends Board, 413, 429–31.

Strickland, Sir William, Secretary at War, letters to, 162, 194, 321.

Surinam, South America, 183, 353.

Swanton, Lieut. Thomas, of Jamaica, 363, 388.

-, Captain, 402.

Sweden, trade with, 184, 225, 233–4, 243, 246–7, 256, 260–1, 263–4, 280–2, 286–8, 297–8, 300, 303, 305–7, 310, 313, 331–3, 335, 381, 384.

Swiss, colonization of, 226, 232; and see Purry, Stauber.

-, arrival from Continent, 424– 6, 428.

Swymmer, Mr., deceased, of Jamaica Council, 120, 123, 159.

Symmond, Mr., attends Board, 405–7.


Tailor, Colonel William, Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts, decease reported, 291.

Talcot, Mr., Governor of Connecticut, letters from, 189, 193, 320.

-, -, letter to, 193.

Tassetsa, (South Carolina), 142.

Taunton, Massachusetts, 244.

Taverner, Capt., letters from, 105–6, 374, 385, 387.

Tayloe, John, proposed for Virginia Council, 269, 316.

Tello, John, of Jamaica, 149.

Teneriffe, Canary Islands, 112, 131.

Tertre, Pere du, 135.

Tessiere, Dr., agent for Barbadoes, attends Board, 400–1.

Tethtowe, Cherokee Indian, 142.

Thomas, George, of Antigua, 4, 148.

-, -, attends Board, 189.

Thompson, Richard, senior, of Bahama Council, 28.

-, -, junior, of Bahama Council, 28.

Thornton, Mr., of Russia Company, attends Board, 390.

Thorpe, Mr., of South Carolina, petition of, 341, 350, 352.

-, -, attends Board, 342–3.

Tigh, Mr., Consul at Elsinore, letters from, 31, 37, 118, 221, 345, 352.

Tin, Captain, attends Board for Massachusetts Assembly, 65–6.

Tinker, Mr., attends Board, 99–100, 201–3.

-, -, attendance requested, 200.

-, -, letter from, 123.

Tiverton, (co. Devon), 77, 113, 123, 127.

Tobacco Bay, Bermuda, 252.

Tobago Island, West Indies, 158, 160, 236–7.

-, proposed sale of, 233–4.

Tom, Captain, Mr. Lambe'sinterpreter, attends Board, 199–203.

Tomlinson, Captain, agent for New Hampshire Assembly, attends Board, 285–6, 343, 391–3, 423, 426.

Toppan, Christopher, petition of, 74.

Toriano, Mr., attends Board, 85, 88.

-, -, attendance requested, 83.

Tour, M. la, grant to, 248.

Towers, Mr., attends Board, 165, 259.

Town Harbour, Bermuda, 252.

Townshend, Lord, letters from, 31, 34, 76, 79, 81, 99.

-, -, letters to, 79, 102.


exports and imports, inspection of leidgers required, 150.

Consuls, letters from, 37–8, 127–8, 186.

-, letters to, 54, 186, 189.

consulage, 323–4.

herrings, 239, 242, 256–9, 323–6, 330, 410–1, 428–9.

iron, 225.

leather, 427.

logwood, 330–2, 337–8.

merchants' losses in West Indies, 12.

naval stores, 15.

pit coal, 398–400, 413, 416.

rice, 116.

sugar, 163, 176; and see under Plantations General.

illicit wool, 77–9, 85, 113, 123–4, 127, 156–7, 234, 237, 241, 243, 258, 260, 264, 283.

See also under Africa, East Indies, France, Holland, Norway, Spain, Russia, and separate Colonies.

Trahee, Patrick, 166.

Traun, Comte de, 359.

Travers, Samuel, attends Board, 311.

Treby, Mr., M.P. for Dartmouth, attends Board, 275.

Tregonning, Richard, chamber keeper to Board, decease of, 335.

Tripoli, (North Africa), 37, 186.

Trot, Mr., deceased, of New Hampshire Council, 367.

Trott, Nicholas, Chief Justice of South Carolina, letter from, 279.

Trueman, Mr., of Jamaica, memorial of, 10.

-, -, attendance requested, 182.

Tryon, William, attends Board, 184, 230–1.

-, -, attendance requested, 182, 222.

Tucker, Capt., Daniel, deceased, of Bermuda Council, 98, 100, 121.

-, Mr., Consul at Alicante, letters from, 131.

Tuder, Mr., Clerk to Committee of House of Commons, 340.

Tuffnell, Samuel, commissary to treat with Austria, 297.

Tuncke, Mr., of Barbadoes, 154.

Tunis, (North Africa), 186.

Tupper, Capt. John, of Swallow, 173, 238.

Turin, Piedmont, trade with, 186, 243, 323, 331.

Turner, Mr., attends Board, 82, 95.

-, Captain, 166.

Turtle Bay Farm, New York, 383.

Tynes, Timothy, trial for piracy, 189, 250.

Tyrconnel, Lord, attends Board, 167.


Unnaconoy, Cherokee Indian, 142.

Utrecht, Treaty of, 12, 161, 374, 385, 387.


Van Dam, Mr. Rip, President of New York Council, 406–7.

-, -, letters from, 261–2, 271, 274, 290, 296, 334.

-, -, letter to, 297.

Vatt, Mr., agent for Mr. Purry, attends Board, 126, 292–3.

-, -, petition of, 293, 298.

Vaughan, Mr., agent for Mr. St. John, 344.

Venice, (Italy), 37.

-, H.M. Resident at, 109, 146, 167, 175–6.

Vere parish, (Jamaica), 364.

Vere, Beauclerk, Lord Commodore of Newfoundland Convoy, 79–80.

-, -, instructions to, 27–30, 47, 112.

-, -, attends Board, 28, 106–7, 109, 114, 285.

-, -, attendance requested, 205.

-, -, letters from, 28, 62, 174.

Vernon, Matthew, 148.

-, Mr., Clerk of Privy Council, letters from, 68, 130, 132, 222–3.

-, Mr., proposed for Antigua Council, 339.

Versailles, France, 168.

Vienna, (Austria), 340–1, 358–9.

Vincent, Daniel, attends Board, 88, 129.

-, -, petition of, 89, 147.

Virginia, Governor. See Gooch.

-, -, instructions to, 97, 357– 8, 368.

-, agent. See Leheup.

-, Acts in, 8–10, 15, 19, 33–5, 47, 62, 150, 161, 165, 168, 175–6, 180–2, 197–8, 216–7, 221, 223, 231, 234–5, 247, 266, 268, 316– 318, 328–9, 348–9, 354, 368, 371.

-, Council, 41–2, 48, 268–9, 316, 328, 340.

-, -, minutes of, 39, 60, 149, 153–5, 164, 197, 328.

-, -, members. See Beverley, Bray, Carter, Corbin, Harrison, Lee, Lightfoot, Page, Tayloe.

-, Assembly, 165.

-, -, minutes of, 149, 157–8, 328.

-, boundaries, 40–1, 65, 180, 197, 272, 358, 368, 411.

-, customs frauds in, 340.

-, imports and exports, 61.

-, Indians, treaty with, 149, 277, 281–2.

-, Lords Proprietors in, 318–9.

-, merchants of, 216, 268, 270.

-, officers in, 197.

-, pirates, 41.

-, quit-rents, 31, 57–8, 60.

-, seal for, 59, 64, 71, 341.

-, silver mine in, 307, 310, 313, 411, 416.

-, settlement of, 15, 180, 188–9, 191, 197, 226, 230, 232, 234, 241, 246, 256, 265, 283, 306, 318–9.

-, sugar, 255, 270.

-, tobacco, 5, 39, 61, 68, 161, 164, 168, 175–6, 180–2, 197–8, 234, 316, 389.

-, vessels cleared in, 328.

Voguel, Mr. and Mrs., of Antigua, 184.


Wager, Sir Charles, lessee of Bahama Islands, attends Board, 279– 80.

-, -, letter to, 292.

Wakefield, (Yorkshire), merchants of, 331.

Wakely, Joseph, of Bristol, 128, 147.

Waldegrave, Lord, 158, 160.

Waldoe, Samuel, of New England, attends Board, 95, 126, 173.

-, -, petition of, 125, 133, 195, 233–4, 291, 296–7, 299, 341.

Waldron, Richard, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 315.

Wall, Tobias, memorial of, 13, 147.

-, -, attends Board, 114.

Walpole, Horace, sen., Auditor of Plantations, 101.

-, -, attends Board, as Commissioner, pro tem, 98–9.

-, -, letters from, 274, 322, 325, 424.

-, -, letters to, 150, 154, 156, 234, 240, 325.

Walters, Mr., of New York Council, 335.

Walton, Captain William, losses of, 180.

-, Colonel, Commander of Fort William and Mary in New Hampshire, 237, 239, 350.

Wanton, William, sen. and jun., losses of, 180.

Ward, Thomas, 166.

-, Timothy, 166.

-, Mr., 414.

Warner, Sir Thomas, 118.

-, Colonel, letter from, 118.

Warwick County, Virginia, 266.

Waterhouse, Captain, commander of H.M.S. Winchelsea, 111, 185.

-, -, letter from, 336.

-, -, attends Board, 188.

Watkins, Samuel, of Bahama Council, 28.

-, Dr., of Virginia, 307.

Wearg, Sir Clement, late Solicitor General, 66.

Webb, Daniel, 280.

Webster, Anthony, 148.

-, William, Secretary of Barbadoes, 11, 229.

Weeks, Mr., of Barbadoes, 235.

Weller, Captain, letter from, 185.

Wells, Captain, letter from, 212.

Wenmoth, Thomas, 166.

Wentworth, Benning, proposed for New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 315, 356.

-, -, Governor's objections to, 391–2.

-, John, of New Hampshire Council, 241.

-, Mr., 280.

-, Colonel, Lieut. Governor of New Hampshire, letters from, 35–6, 68, 210.

-, -, letters to, 36.

-, -, decease of, 178.

West, Richard, ex councillor at law, reports of, 9–10, 38, 383.

-, William, petition of, 74.

Westbrook, Colonel Thomas, of New Hampshire Council, 240–1, 293.

-, -, letter from, 237.

-, -, letter to, 237.

Westminster, 219.

Westmorland, Earl of, Commissioner of Trade, 13, et passim.

-, -, re-appointment of, 118.

-, -, letters from, 299, 376, 386.

-, -, instructions to, 104, 107, 287, 289.

-, -, observations to Board, 205.

Weston, (Massachusetts), 263.

Whidah, (West Africa), 202.

Whitaker, Mr., Deputy Surveyor of lands in South Carolina, 341, 350.

-, -, attends Board, 343–4.

-, -, letters from, 325.

Whitchurch, Mr., of Bristol, 128, 147.

White, John, recommended for Bahama Council, 27–8.

-, Mr., of Poole, 385.

Whitehaven, (Cumberland), merchants of, 79.

Whitworth, Mr., Secretary of Barbadoes, 229, 294–5, 297.

-, -, attends Board, 295, 400.

Wiberd, Mr., deceased, of New Hampshire Council, 367.

Wich, Mr. (later) Sir Cyril, H.M. Envoy at Hamburgh, letters from, 31, 37, 186, 239, 256, 323, 410–1.

Wildman, Thomas, 192.

Wilkinson, Arthur, owner of Anne, losses of, 320.

Wilks, Mr., merchant and agent for New England, 83, 343–4.

-, -, attends Board, 7, 69–72, 162, 165, 177, 184, 243, 250, 255, 257, 259, 371–2, 375, 392– 3.

-, -, attendance requested, 65, 69, 182.

-, -, letters from, 242, 376.

Willard, Mr., Secretary of Massachusetts, letters from, 7, 52, 209– 210, 220, 334, 356.

William and Mary Fort, New Hampshire, 35, 239.

Williams, John, losses of, 166, 180.

-, Roger, of Antigua, 158, 183–4, 203–4.

-, Thomas, 173.

-, Captain, of Jamaica, 216, 362, 427.

-, Mr., of Barbadoes Council, 397.

Williamson, Colonel, letters from, 98, 126.

-, -, letter to, 119.

-, -, attends Board, 125.

Wills, Mr., counsel for Jamaica, attends Board, 307–10.

Wilson, Mr., attends Board, 201–3.

Winstanley, Frances, 60.

Winthrop, John, of Connecticut, attends Board, 165.

-, -, attendance requested, 164.

-, -, memorial of, 112–3, 138.

Withers, Mr., attends Board, 253–4.

Wood, William, merchant, attends Board, 79–80, 184, 223, 231– 2, 248–9, 265, 306–10, 366, 369–70, 406–7, 418–421.

-, -, attendance requested, 78, 219, 247, 305.

-, -, letters from, 78, 305, 364, 407, 424.

-, -, letters to, 55, 94.

Woodrop, Alexander, of Philadelphia, 10.

Worcester County, Massachusetts, 244.

Wordsworth, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 300, 384.

Worseley, Henry, Governor of Barbadoes, 245.

-, -, instructions to, 191, 195, 281.

-, -, complaints against, 11, 33, 51–2.

-, -, attends Board, 249, 295.

-, -, letters from, 31, 40, 42, 48, 56–7, 94–5, 150, 153–6, 199, 219, 229, 233, 235–7, 279.

-, -, letters to, 34, 54–7, 107, 236 243.

-, -, salary for, 230–1, 341.

-, -, his objections overruled to constitution of Council, 150, 156, 164.

-, -, petition of, 291, 295–6, 299–301.

Wragg, Mr., attends Board, 55, 91, 103, 201–3, 257, 369, 405–7.

-, -, attendance requested, 53, 102, 182.

-, -, letters from, 403, 407.

Wright, Mr., Chief Justice of South Carolina, letter from, 245.

-, -, petition of, 389, 391.

Wroth, Ensign, Robert, 116–7.

Wyatt, Richard, 280.

Wyeth, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 91.

Wyre, Peter, of Massachusetts, 155, 157.


Yeamans, Mr., Agent for Antigua, 220, 261.

-, -, attends Board, 42–5, 90, 107, 184, 232, 253–4, 260, 335–6, 342, 350, 364, 382, 385.

-, -, attendance requested, 4, 31, 89, 178, 250.

-, -, letters from, 31, 33, 51, 60, 119, 136, 163, 246, 274.

-, -, letters to, 51, 89.

-, -, memorial of, 200, 205–6, 208, 212, 222–3, 361–2, 365, 386, 393.

York, Sir Philip, Attorney General, 66.

York Court, Maine, 211, 423.

-, County, Nova Scotia, 239.

-, river, Virginia, 61.

Young, Mr., of South Carolina Council, attends Board, 369–70, 373–4, 391, 405–7.

-, -, letter from, 389.


Zante, (Ionian Islands), 38, 131.