Pages 327-329
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 6, January 1729 - December 1734. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.
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In this section
Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Commissioners for promoting the trade of this Kingdom, and for inspecting and improving his plantations in America and elsewhere, from the ninth of January, 1732-33, to the thirty-first of December, 1733.
Journal, January 1733
January 9. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Sir A. Croft.
Richard Fitzwilliams, Esquire, appointed Governor.
A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, dated the 3rd inst., signifying His Majesty's appointment of Richard Fitzwilliam, Esq., to be Governor of the Bahama Islands, and requiring the draughts of a commission and instructions for him, was read, and the said draughts were ordered to be prepared accordingly.
Salary and incidents.
The Secretary then laid before the Board an account of the incidental charges of this office, from Michaelmas, 1732, to Christmas following, amounting to £350 12s. 3d.
Whereupon a letter to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring payment thereof, as also of the salary due to the Secretary and other officers for the same time, was signed.
The Journal of the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, from the 1st to the 3rd of November, 1732, was read, as also
Governor's conference.
Governor Belcher's conference with the Indian chiefs at Falmouth.
January 10. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell, Sir A. Croft.
Plantations General.
Laws, manufactures and trade.
Governors' salary.
The Board taking into consideration the draught of a report to the House of Commons upon their two addresses, inclosed in the Duke of Newcastle's letter of the 7th, read the 8th of June, 1732; the 1st, relating to laws made, manufactures set up, and trade carried on in His Majesty's plantations, which may affect the trade of this kingdom; and the 2nd, requiring copies to be laid before the House of the several instructions, which have been given by Her late Majesty, His late Majesty, and His present Majesty, to the several Governors of his colonies in America, about the taking or not taking any sums of money by way of present from the inhabitants thereof, and when and how the same have been varied, and the said report was agreed.
Letter from the Governor, with papers and Acts.
A letter from Major Gooch, Lieut. Governor of Virginia, dated
the 18th of July, 1732, was read, and the papers, therein referred
to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
Minutes of Council, from the 10th of June, 1731, to the 1st
July, 1732.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 18th of May, 1732,
to the 1st of July following.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 18th of May, 1732, to the
1st of July following.
Nineteen public and 16 private Acts, passed in 1732.
Naval officer's lists of ships entered and cleared in several
ports in Virginia, from Lady Day, 1731, to Lady Day,
Copies of several proclamations issued by the Governors in
1731 and 1732.
Acts sent to Mr. Fane.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.
Letter from the Governor, a Councillor dead.
A letter from Major Gooch, dated the 9th of August, 1732, notifying the death of Colonel Robert Carter, and recommending Colonel Henry Armstead to succeed him in the Council of Virginia, was read.
Another Councillor dead.
A letter from Mr. Leheup to the Secretary, dated the 28th of December, 1732, inclosing the extract of one from Major Gooch, recommending Thomas Lee, Esq., to be of the Council of Virginia, in the room of Mr. Harrison, deceased, was read.
Representation ordered.
Ordered that the draught of a representation be prepared, for recommending Philip Lightfoot and Thomas Lee, Esqs., to be of the Council of Virginia, in the room of Mr. Harrison and Carter, deceased.
January 11. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Two new Councillors.
The representation, ordered yesterday to be prepared, for recommending Philip Lightfoot and Thomas Lee, Esqs., to be of the Council of Virginia, was agreed and signed.
January 16. Present:—Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Brudenell.
North Carolina.
Remonstrance against the Governor.
A memorial and remonstrance of two gentlemen of the Council and the Attorney General of North Carolina, against Captain Burrington, Governor of that province, was read, and the Board agreed to consider further thereof.
January 31. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir A. Croft.
General instructions, approved.
An Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated the 11th of December, 1732, signifying their having no objection to His Majesty's approving the draughts of general instructions for the Lord Viscount Howe, Governor of Barbadoes, and offering to His Majesty an additional instruction for his Lordship to receive an additional salary, was read.
An Order in Council, dated the 14th of December, 1732, approving the draughts of instructions to the Lord Viscount Howe, Governor of Barbadoes, as also of that instruction, impowering his Lordship to receive an additional salary, was read.