Journal, January 1729: Journal Book F.F

Pages 1-6

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 6, January 1729 - December 1734. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.

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Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Commissioners for promoting the trade of this Kingdom, and for inspecting and improving his plantations in America and elsewhere, from the second of January, 1728–29, to the thirty-first of December, 1729.



Journal, January 1729

January 2nd. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.


Order of the Committee of Council. Raising Hemp.

An Order of the Committee of Council, dated the 11th of the last month, directing the Board to consider whether any and what encouragement may be given for raising hemp in Ireland, was read; and their Lordships resolved to consider further thereof on Wednesday next.

New Hampshire.

Sir Jacob Ackworth to be reminded for his opinion upon a Bill.

Destruction of the woods.

Ordered that Sir Jacob Ackworth be reminded of the letter wrote to him the 10th of the last month, for his opinion concerning the draught of a bill for preventing a destruction of the woods, therewith sent him.


Incidental charges.

The Secretary then laid before the Board the accounts of petty expences and incidental charges of this office, from Michaelmas, 1728, to Christmas last, amounting to £248 10s. 2d., viz:

£ s. d.
Account of petty expences, from Michaelmas to Christmas following 125 18 6
The stationer's account for the same time 67 7 6
The postman's account for the same time 27 18 11
Account of wood and coals 27 5 3
£248 10 2

Letter to the Treasury.

And a letter to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring payment thereof, as likewise of one quarter's salary due to the Secretary and under officers for the same time, was signed.

January 3. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary. Sir Thomas Frankland.



Mr. Bearer's scheme, expense, civil government.

Mr. Beaver attending, presented to the Board a scheme for raising a fund at Gibraltar, for defraying the expence of a civil government there: and the same being read, their Lordships resolved to consider further thereof on Tuesday next.



Letters from Mr. Skinner, with papers.

The three following letters from Mr. Skinner, consul at Leghorn, were read; and the papers, therein respectively referred to, were laid before the Board, viz:

A letter from him, dated the 8th of May, 1728.
Tariff or book of rates for Leghorn.

A letter from him, dated the 13th of May, 1728.

A letter from him, dated the 29th of May, 1728.

Extracts from the Custom House books at Leghorn of the quantity of merchandize brought to that port in 92 British vessels from Great Britain and other British Dominions in the year 1725.

Copy of the register in the Custom House books at Leghorn of duties on goods not mentioned in the tariff of 1675, or paying what is therein quoted.



Letters from Mr. Compton.

A letter from Mr. Compton, consul general at Lisbon, dated the 15th of June, N.S., 1728, promising an account of the duties payable on British goods imported into Portugal, was read.

A letter from him, dated the 2nd of July, 1728, transmitting the account mentioned in his letter of the 15th of June, was likewise read.

Answers to be sent to Mr. Skinner and Mr. Compton.

Whereupon ordered that draughts of answers be prepared to Mr. Skinner's and Mr. Compton's said letters.



Letters to Mr. Carkesse.


Ordered that a letter be wrote to Mr. Carkesse, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Customs, to desire he will move the said Commissioners for copies of the Custom House leidgers since the year 1723.

January 7. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.



Merchants attend about charge civil government.

Sir William Chapman, Sir John Lambert, Mr. Jackson, and some other merchants, attending, as they had been desired, presented to the Board a scheme for raising a fund at Gibraltar, for defraying the charge of a civil government there, which was read; as likewise some remarks upon the draught of a charter prepared for that place, sent to them the 31st of the last month. And their Lordships resolved to consider further thereof on Thursday morning next.

January 8. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.



Charter sent to Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General.

Their Lordships taking again into consideration the remarks upon the draught of the Gibraltar charter, mentioned in yesterday's Minutes, ordered that a letter be wrote to Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor General, to desire they will appoint some day to attend the Board, in order to consider further thereof.



raising hemp.

Their Lordships likewise taking into consideration the Order of the Committee of Council, in relation to the raising hemp in Ireland, read the 2nd instant, gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation thereupon.

January 9. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.


Representation, raising hemp, signed, Vid. Ireland entry.

The representation, ordered yesterday to be prepared, upon the Order of the Committee of Council directing the Board to consider whether it may be proper to give any, and what, encouragement for raising hemp in Ireland, was agreed and signed.

New Hampshire.

Letter from Sir Jacob Ackworth.

Bill, preservation of the woods.

A letter from Sir Jacob Ackworth, of the 4th instant, in answer to one writ him the 11th of December past, upon part of the Bill prepared for the better and more effectual preservation of His Majesty's woods in America, was read.

Plantations General.

Letter from Dunbar.


A letter from Mr. Dunbar, Surveyor General of the Woods in America, dated the 7th instant, inclosing the copy of a letter, which he had received from one of his deputies, dated at Boston, the 27th of November last, in relation to His Majesty's woods in America, was read;

New Hampshire.

Representation, waste in the woods, considered.

And their Lordships, taking again into consideration the draught of a representation, ordered to be prepared the 28th of November last, upon an Order of the Committee of Council, dated the 5th of the same month, in relation to the waste committed in His Majesty's woods in New Hampshire, they made a progress therein.

January 10. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir Thomas Frankland.

Leeward Islands.

Memorial from Mr. Meure.

Certificate for General Matthew's salary.

A memorial from Mr. Meure, desiring in behalf of General Matthews, who commanded in chief at the Leeward Islands during the absence of Colonel Hart, a certificate of the time that Colonel Hart left the Leeward Islands and of the time that the Earl of Londonderry, the present Governor, arrived there, as also an authentic copy of the instructions to Colonel Hart, declaring that one half of the Governor's salary shall during his absence be paid to the Commander in Chief, was read.

Colonel Hart summoned.

Whereupon ordered that Colonel Hart be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with him on Tuesday morning next.



Mr. Jordan's scheme.

Fund, read government.

Mr. Jordan attending, presented to the Board a scheme for raising a fund, for defraying the charge of a civil government at Gibraltar, which was read.

January 14. Present:—Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir Thomas Frankland.

Leeward Islands.

Colonel Hart attends.

Memorial from Mr. Meure.


Colonel Hart desires one.

One to each ordered.

Colonel Hart, attending, as he had been desired, as also Mr. Meure, their Lordships took again into consideration the memorial from Mr. Meure, in behalf of General Matthews, who commanded in chief at the Leeward Islands during the absence of Colonel Hart, a certificate of the time that Colonel Hart left the Leeward Islands and of the time that the Earl of Londonderry, the present Governor, arrived there, mentioned in the last Minutes; and Colonel Hart desiring their Lordships would let them have the like certificate with that desired by Mr. Meure, ordered that one be given to each.


Mr. Fane to hasten report.


Ordered that Mr. Fane be desired to hasten his report upon the Jamaica laws, now under his consideration.



Civil government.

Their Lordships then took into consideration the several papers, relating to the establishment of a civil government at Gibraltar, mentioned in several Minutes since the 9th of the last month, and made a progress there.

January 15. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir T. Frankland.

New Hampshire.

Representation, waste in woods, agreed and signed.

The representation upon an Order in Council, relating to the destruction of the woods in New Hampshire, mentioned in the Minutes of the 26th of November last, was agreed and signed.



Letter to Mr. Compton agreed and to be sent.

A letter to Mr. Compton, Consul General at Lisbon, directed to be prepared the 3rd instant, was agreed and ordered to be sent.


Mr. Yeamans desires the Act.

Lord Londonderry's settlement may be considered.

Representation to confirm it ordered.

The Secretary then acquainted the Board, that Mr. Yeamans, agent of Antigua, desired their Lordships would please to consider the Act, passed at Antigua the 21st of September, 1728, mentioned in the Minutes of the 17th of December last, for making a settlement on the Earl of Londonderry, Governor of the Leeward Islands, during his government and personal residence there, etc. And their Lordships, taking the said Act into consideration, as also Mr. Fane's report thereon, ordered that the Secretary do prepare a representation for confirming the said Act, and lay it before the Board this day month to be signed, if no objections should in the meantime be laid before the Board.

The following copies of Orders in Council, were read.

Plantations General.

Commissions, trying pirates.

Order in Council, dated the 23rd of November, 1728, relating to the renewal of commissions for trying pirates in His Majesty's Plantations in America, and making the necessary alterations therein.


Alex. Forbes, a councillor.

Order in Council, dated the 4th of December, 1728, approving a representation of this Board proposing Alexander Forbes, Esq., to be of the Council of Jamaica, in the room of Mr. Pusey.


Bill, duty on wines, disapproved.

Order in Council, dated the 23rd of November, 1728, approving a representation from this Board, against the draught of a Bill proposed by the Assembly of Barbadoes, for laying an imposition or duty on wines and other strong liquors imported, etc.


Act, George Thomas, confirmed.

Order in Council, dated the 23rd of November, 1728, approving a representation of this Board for confirming an Act, passed at Antigua, 1719, for the better securing and confirming the title of George Thomas to certain lands and negroes, etc.

Act, Foreign attachments, repealed.

Order in Council, dated the 23rd of November, 1728, approving a representation of this Board, proposing the repeal of an Act passed at Antigua in 1723 for constituting a court to hold Pleas of Foreign Attachments, according to the custom of the city of London.

New York.

James de Lancey made a councillor.

Order in Council, dated the 23rd of November, 1728, approving a representation from this Board proposing James de Lancey, Esq., to be of the Council of New York, in the room of Mr. Barberie, deceased.

South Carolina.

Complaints about the Attorney General.

Order in Council, dated the 4th of December, 1728, referring to a Committee of Council, a letter from this Board to the Duke of Newcastle, with complaints from the Attorney General of South Carolina against the President of the Council and Commander in Chief there.


Purchase of the Bahamas.

Order in Council, dated the 4th of December, 1728, referring to a Committee of Council part of a representation from this Board, relating to the purchase of the Bahamas Islands from the proprietors.

Commission, Captain Rogers, approved.

Order in Council, dated the 4th of December, 1728, approving the draught of a commission prepared by this Board for Woodes Rogers, Esq., to be Governor of the Bahama Islands.

January 16. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir Thomas Frankland.



Civil Government.

Draught of a report ordered.

Their Lordships, taking again into consideration the several papers, relating to the establishment of a civil government at Gibraltar, mentioned in the Minutes of the 14th instant, gave directions for preparing the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee thereupon.

January 17. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.


Letter from Mr. Randolph about a clause in an Act of Parliament.

Tobacco stripped from the leaf.

A letter from Mr. Randolph, clerk of the Council of Virginia, dated this day, acquainting the Board, that he was sent from thence to solicit the repeal of a clause in a late Act of Parliament, prohibiting the importation of tobacco stripped from the leaf, and desiring, for the reasons mentioned in his said letter, the Board's countenance and assistance in his application to Parliament for this purpose, was read; and their Lordships taking his said letter into consideration, Mr. Randolph was called in and acquainted that, if his proposals were found to be of advantage to the tobacco trade and no diminution to the revenue, the Board would give him all the assistance in their power.



Civil government.

The draught of a report, ordered yesterday to be prepared, being laid before the Board, their Lordships made a progress in the consideration thereof.

Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Ash, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir T. Frankland.

Plantations General.

Letters from Mr. Dunbar.

Destruction of the woods.

Mr. Dunbar summoned.

The Secretary laid before the Board two letters, which he had received from Mr. Dunbar, Surveyor General of the Woods in America, inclosing several papers, in relation to the destruction committed in the King's woods in those parts, and proposing some methods for preventing the same for the future; which being read, ordered that Mr. Dunbar be acquainted with the Board's desire of speaking with him thereupon on Tuesday morning next.

January 28. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir Thomas Frankland.

He attends.

Representation ordered.

Mr. Dunbar, Surveyor General of the Woods in America, attending, as he had been desired, their Lordships took into consideration his two letters, read at the last meeting; and after some discourse with him, gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation thereupon.



Representation, civil government, considered.

The draught of a representation, ordered to be prepared the 16th instant, in relation to the establishing a civil government at Gibraltar, being laid before the Board, their Lordships made a progress in the consideration thereof.

January 29. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir Thomas Frankland.


Their Lordships took again into consideration the draught of a representation, in relation to the establishing a civil government at Gibraltar, mentioned in yesterday's Minutes, as also some heads of instructions for the Governor of that town, and for a surveyor to be appointed there; the same were agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Oxenford.

Pitch, tar, etc., imported.

Ordered that a letter be wrote to Mr. Oxenford, for an account of the quantity of pitch, tar, rozin and turpentine imported from the Plantations for six years passed.

January 31. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary, Sir Thomas Frankland.



Representation, civil government, signed.

The representation, relating to the establishing a civil government at Gibraltar at the last meeting, was signed.


Letter from the Duke of Newcastle.

Undutiful behaviour of the Assembly.

A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, of the 29th instant, signifying His Majesty's commands that the Board should consider the letters and papers, which they had received from Mr. Burnet, Governor of the Massachusets Bay, relating to the undutiful behaviour of the House of Representatives, in not settling a salary on the Governor according to His Majesty's instructions, was read; and their Lordships resolved to take into consideration all the letters and papers received from Mr. Burnet since his being appointed Governor of the Massachusets Bay, on Tuesday morning next.