Pages 240-247
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 4, November 1718 - December 1722. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.
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Journal, January 1721
January 3. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Letter from Mr. Woolley.
East Indies.
Ditto from Mr. Lynn.
List of officers for trying pirates.
Letter to Mr. Burchett.
A letter from Mr. Woolley, Secretary to the East India Company, and another from Mr. Lynn, Secretary to the Royal African Company, both dated the 30th of the last month, inclosing lists of the several officers in the said companies' service in the East Indies and the coast of Africa, who constitute the respective councils for their affairs there, were read; whereupon ordered that copies of the said lists be sent to Mr. Burchett for the information of the Lords of the Admiralty.
Letter from Mr. Samuel and Joseph Travers.
A letter from Mr. Samuel and Joseph Travers, of 26th August, 1720, with copies of the accounts of their losses by the ships Royal George, Duke of York and Enterprize, taken by the French on the coast of Africa, which had been returned to them the 6th of September, 1720, at their desire, for some amendments, was read.
Letter to Mr. Burnet.
A letter to Mr. Burnet, Consul-General at Lisbon, relating to the factory there, was signed.
New England.
Letter to Mr. Attorney General.
Negative voice, etc.
A letter from the secretary to the Attorney General, with the extract of one from Colonel Shute, Governor of New England, and of the charter granted by the late King William and Queen Mary to the province of the Massachusets Bay, relating to the negative voice reserved to the Governor in the making of laws, elections, &c., was agreed and ordered to be sent.
January 6. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Wool papers.
Their Lordships taking again into consideration the several
papers and proposals, (pursuant to the letter from Mr. Secretary
Craggs, of the 20th of May, 1720), with the copy of an address from
the House of Commons, about preventing the running of wool from
Great Britain and Ireland, (mentioned in the Minutes of 25th May,
1720), the following papers were read:
Letter from the Mayor and Company of the Merchants of the
Staple of England, in relation to the preventing the exportation of wool.
Memorial from Mr. James Gordon, about preventing the
running of wool.
Proposal from John Lethbridge to His Majesty, relating to a
duty on wool, and preventing the clandestine exportation
of it to France, &c.
and their Lordships made a progress in the consideration of the
draught of a representation thereupon;
Letter from Mr. Delafaye.
As also, of another representation upon a letter from Mr. Delafaye, of 24th June, 1720, inclosing, by order of their Excellencies the late Lords Justices, an address of the House of Peers, with his Majesty's answer, relating to the wearing of painted and stained calicoes, and the difficulties which the East India Company lye under in their trade, (mentioned in the Minutes of 29th of June, 1720).
January 9. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Ashe.
Representation about calicoes.
Their Lordships took again into consideration the draught of a representation in relation to the wearing of painted and stained calicoes, (mentioned in yesterday's Minutes), and made a progress therein.
January 10. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Two reports, about wool, and calicoes.
Their Lordships took again into consideration the draughts of two reports, (both mentioned in the Minutes of the 6th inst.), one relating to the exportation of wool from Great Britain and Ireland, and the other in relation to the wearing of painted and stained calicoes, and made a progress therein.
January 11. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Orders of Council.
The following copies of Orders of Council, were read, viz.:
New York.
Order of Council.
Money Bill.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 19th May, 1720, approving a Money bill passed at New York, in December, 1719.
New York.
New Jersey.
Order of Council.
Burnet's Commission.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 19th May, 1720, approving Mr. Burnet's commissions to be Governor of New York and New Jersey.
Order of Council.
Burnet's Commission.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 11th June, 1720, approving the draught of instructions for Mr. Burnet.
Order of Council.
Freeman's Act.
Copy of an Order of Council, of the 19th May, 1720, confirming an Antegoa Act to enable Arthur Freeman and his wife to sell some lands there.
Nova Scotia.
Order of Council.
Sir Alfred Cairnes, grant of land.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 18th June, 1720, referring the reports of this Board about Sir Alexander Cairnes's grant of lands on the coast of Nova Scotia, to the Treasury and the Admiralty.
Order of Council.
Peter Beverly, councillor.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 28th June, 1720, appointing Peter Beverly, Esq., to be of the Council of Virginia.
Order of Council.
Proprietor's instructions.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 28th June, 1720, approving the instructions for the Proprietor of Maryland.
Order of Council.
Scire facias.
Copy of an Order of Council, for bringing a Scire facias against the charter for the Bahama Islands, dated the 2nd of August, 1720.
Order of Council.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 11th August, 1720, for establishing a Court of Judicature at Gibraltar.
Plantations General.
Order of Council.
Governors' instructions.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 12th of July, 1720, referring the report of the Board of Trade, about annulling the 54th Articele in all the governors' instructions, to the Commissioners of the Admiralty.
Order of Council.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 20th September, 1720, approving an instruction to the governors of all the plantations, about their passing Money-bills.
Order of Council.
Governor's commission and instructions.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 13th September, 1720, referring the commission and instructions for the Governor of Carolina, to the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Order of Council.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 20th September, 1720, for preparing a commission to try pirates in South Carolina.
Order of Council.
Nicholson's commission, etc.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 20th September, 1720, approving General Nicholson's commission and instructions for the government of South Carolina.
Ditto about seals.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 20th September, 1720, about seals for Carolina.
Minutes of Council.
Nicholson sworn.
Copy of a Minute of Council, when General Nicholson was sworn Governor of South Carolina, dated the 27th September, 1720.
Order of Council.
Scire facias.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 27th September, 1720, for bringing a Scire facias to resume the Carolina charter.
Ditto about pirates.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 15th November, 1720, for passing a commission to try pirates in South Carolina, with the names of Commissioners, &c.
Order of Council.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 15th November, 1720, for repealing An Act passed in Barbadoes, about commuting the stores &c. there, into money.
Order of Council.
John Robinson, councillor.
Copy of an Order of Council, of 14th of December, 1720, appointing Mr. John Robinson to be of the Council in Virginia.
January 13. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
St. Christophers.
Nova Scotia.
Plantations General.
Order of Council.
South Sea Company's petition.
Order of Council, of 3rd inst., upon the petition of the South Sea Company, praying for the French part of St. Christophers, Nova Scotia, &c., was read; whereupon ordered that the Directors of the said company be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with some of them on Thursday morning next, upon their said petition.
January 17. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Plantations General.
Report, state plantations.
Their Lordships took again into consideration the draught of a report upon the general state of the plantations, mentioned in the Minutes of the 13th of last month;
As also the draught of another report, relating to the exportation of wool from Great Britain and Ireland, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 10th inst.), and made a progress therein.
Letter from Lord Sutherland, pretensions, three lower counties.
A letter from the Earl of Sutherland, desiring to be heard in relation to his pretensions to the three lower counties in Pennsylvania, before the Board report upon the South Sea Company's petition, was read; whereupon, ordered that his Lordship be desired to lay before the Board in writing, the state of his Lordship's pretensions to the said three lower counties, as soon as possible.
January 18. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
St. Christophers.
Nova Scotia.
Plantations General.
Letter from Mr. Wescomb, about South Sea Company Directors attending.
A letter from Mr. Wescomb, Secretary to the South Sea Company, dated the 17th inst., signifying that the Directors of the said company could not attend the Board on the day appointed, was read.
New York.
Letter from Mr. Burnet.
A letter from Mr. Burnet, Governor of New York, dated the 26th
of November, 1720, was read; and the papers, therein referred to,
laid before the Board, viz.:
Mr. Livingston's petition to Mr. Burnet;
Minutes of Assembly, from 13th October, to 19th November,
An Act to lay a duty of two pounds on every hundred pounds
value prime cost, of all European goods imported into this
colony. Passed November 19th, 1720.
Letters from Colonel Schuyler.
Letter from Colonel Schuyler, President of the Council of New
York, dated 21st November, 1719, was read;
Petition of several inhabitants of the province of New York to
Colonel Schuyler, relating to their lands on the borders of
New Jersey.
Minutes of Council of New York, from the 30th of October to
the 16th of November, 1719.
Letter from Colonel Schuyler, dated the 27th of April, 1720.
Extract of a letter from Colonel Schuyler to Brigadier Hunter, dated the 31st of October, 1719.
Letter from Colonel Schuyler, dated the 9th of June, 1720,
relating to encroachments of the French on the five nations of
Minutes of Council, from the 17th November, 1719. to the 9th
of June, 1720.
Four Naval officers' lists, from 29th September, 1719, to the
25th March, 1720.
Letter from Colonel Schuyler, dated the 13th of July, 1720, relating to the incroachments of the French, and inclosing a journal of an interpreter sent with some Sachems of the Sennikee Indians, to get a trading house, which the French erected at an Indian Pass, demolished.
Letter from Colonel Schuyler, dated the 11th of August, 1720.
New Jersey.
New York.
Letters from Colonel Morris.
Letter from Colonel Morris, President of the Council of New Jersey, dated the 8th of November, 1719, acknowledging the receipt of the Board's letter of 7th and secretary's letter of 26th August. 1719.
Letter from Colonel Morris, dated the 21st of November, 1719.
Copy of a petition of several inhabitants of New York, to the
Council there, relating to the surveying the partition line
between that province and New Jersey.
Copy of a petition of Allan Jarrat, Surveyor of New York, to
the Council there, relating to the fixing the partition line
between that province and New Jersey, with the Committee's
report thereon.
Memorial of the Proprietors of New Jersey to Colonel Morris,
relating to the survey of the boundaries between that province and New York.
Proclamation about the neglect of the assessors of some counties.
Minutes of Council from the 8th of August, 1719, to 17th of
November following.
January 19. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Letter from Mr. Walpole.
A letter from Mr. Horace Walpole to the Board, dated the 2nd inst.; against An Act passed in Barbadoes, in August, 1719,entituled, A supplemental Act to An Act to oblige the casual receivers of Barbadoes to pay the summe of £100 towards defraying the charge of the Grand Sessions to be held there twice a year, was read; whereupon ordered that the secretary do desire Mr. West to hasten his report upon the Barbadoes Acts now with him, particularly upon the abovesaid Act, mentioned in Mr. Walpole's said letter.
January 20. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Report about wool.
Their Lordships took again into consideration the draught of a report in relation to the preventing the exportation of wool from Great Britain and Ireland, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 5th instant), and made a progress therein.
January 21. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Ashe.
The draught of a report in relation to the exportation of wool from Great Britain and Ireland, (mentioned in yesterday's Minutes), was agreed, and ordered to be transcribed.
January 23. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Order of Council.
Captain Webbe's petition.
An Order of Council, dated the 14th of December last, referring to the petition of Capt. Webbe and others, praying to be established a company by charter for carrying on a trade to Terra Australis, was read.
Report about wool.
Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.
The representation in relation to the preventing the exportation of wool from Great Britain and Ireland, agreed at the last meeting, was signed; as also a letter for inclosing the same to Mr. Secretary Craggs.
Their Lordships also signed the like representation, to be laid before both Houses of Parliament.
January 24. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Nova Scotia.
New England.
Marquiss de Wignacourt.
Bring in writing.
The Marquiss de Wignacourt attending, their Lordships had some discourse with him, in relation to his petition, presented to the Board sometime since, for a tract of land between Nova Scotia and New England, and desired he would put into writing what he had to offer in relation to that matter, which he promised to do accordingly.
January 25. Present:— Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Their Lordships took again into consideration, the draught of a representation, relating to the wearing painted and stained calicoes, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 10th inst.), and made a progress therein.
Letter to Mr. Lowndes, and East India Company.
Ordered that Mr. Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury, and the directors of the East India Company, be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with them to-morrow morning at eleven of the clock.
January 26. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Mr. Lowndes.
East India Company.
Mr. Lowndes coming to the Board, as he had been desired, their Lordships had some discourse with him in relation to the deficiencies in the fund of the East India Company, which they desire may be reimbursed, and the like deficiencies prevented for the future; which Mr. Lowndes said was very just and reasonable to allow them.
Directors, Mr. Harrison, Sir Matthew Decker, Mr. Dawson.
Mr. Harrison, late Governor of Fort St. George, Sir Matthew Decker, Mr. Dawson, and several other Directors of the East India Company likewise attending, in relation to their memorial, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 20th of September last), concerning the difficulties their trade lies under; their Lordships, after some discourse with them thereupon, told them, that they would desire some further opportunity of talking with them, when they received the answer of the Commissioners of the Customs to several matters contained in the East India Company's said memorial.
Letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs.
Commission etc. for Lord Irwin.
A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs, dated this day, directing the Board to prepare the draughts of a commission and instructions for the Lord Viscount Irwin, appointed Governor of Barbadoes, was read, whereupon ordered that the draught be prepared accordingly.
New England.
Mr. Usher, Treasurer.
Mr. Usher, late Treasurer of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusets Bay and Plymouth, attending in relation to his petition, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 19th of November, 1719), for the money due to him from the said colonies, their Lordships, upon reconsidering his said petition, directed him to lay before the Board what proofs he had to make out the allegations thereof, which he promised to do accordingly.
January 27. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Draught of a commission for Lord Irwin.
Their Lordships, pursuant to Mr. Craggs' letter, (mentioned in yesterday's Minutes), ordered the draught of a commission for the Lord Viscount Irwin, appointed Governor of Barbadoes, to be transcribed.
Their Lordships then took again into consideration the draught of a representation, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 25th inst.), in relation to the wearing of painted and stained calicoes, and made a progress therein.
January 28. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs.
A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs, of 21st of November, 1720, inclosing the copy of an address and representation from the Council and Assembly of Nevis, upon a memorial from the French Minister, relating to a convention with the inhabitants of that island, was read, and ordered that the papers relating to that matter be looked out, and laid before the Board.
Memorial from Mr. Ingram.
A memorial from Mr. Ingram and Mr. Ashurst, dated the 26th inst., relating to the exportation of wool, was read.
New York.
Letter from Mr. Burnet.
A letter from Mr. Burnet, Governor of New York, dated the 14th
December, 1720, inclosing several acts, &c., was read, and the
papers, therein referred to, laid before the Board, viz.:
List of fifteen acts, passed the 19th of November, 1720.
Naval officer's list of vessels trading inwards, from 25th of
March, 1720. to the 29th of September, following.
Naval officer's list of ships trading outwards, from 25th of
March, 1720, to 29th of September, following.
Minutes of Council, from 17th June, 1720, to 28th November,
Letter to Mr. West.
whereupon ordered that the Act appointing the value of Lyon Dollars, be sent to Mr. West, for his opinion thereupon, in point of law.
Letter from Mr. Percy.
Letter from Mr. Percy, dated the 13th of October, 1720, relating
to the Newfoundland fishery, was read, and the papers, therein
referred to, laid before the Board, viz.:
Mr. Percy's answers to the heads of inquiry.
Scheme of the fishery at Newfoundland for 1720.
Five bonds given by the masters of the Nassau, Adventure,
Katharine and Prudence sloops, and the Susanna brigantine;
whereupon ordered that the above said papers, relating to the fishery,
be compared with those of last year.
January 30. Present:— Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Letter from Mr. Carkesse.
East India Company's answer.
A letter from Mr. Carkesse, Secretary to the Commissioners of the customs, of the 28th inst., with their answer to several articles in the East India Company's memorial, in relation to their trade, was read; whereupon their Lordships taking again into consideration the draught of a report, (mentioned in the Minutes of the 27th inst.), relating to the wearing of painted, dyed and stained calicoes, made a progress therein.
January 31. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe.
Mr. Harrison, etc.
East India Company's answer.
Mr. Harrison, late Governor of Fort St. George, Mr. Dawson, and several other directors of the East India Company, attending, the answer of the Commissioners of the Customs to several articles contained in the said East India Company's memorial, in relation to their trade, and mentioned in yesterday's Minutes, was again read; and after some discourse with them thereupon, the draught of a representation, (mentioned also in yesterday's Minutes), in relation to the prohibiting the wearing painted, stained and dyed calicoes, &c., was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Lord Irwin, Governor of Barbadoes.
New instruction.
The Lord Viscount Irwin, appointed Governor of Barbadoes, attending, in relation to his commission and instructions for that government, his Lordships desired that there might be an instruction to licence him to remove to the Continent, if his health should so require; whereupon ordered that an instruction for the purpose, be prepared accordingly.