Journal, April 1720: Journal Book W

Pages 156-162

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 4, November 1718 - December 1722. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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Journal, April 1720

April 1. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Bladen.



A representation directed yesterday to be prepared upon the petition of Sir Charles Cox, relating to the apprehension of his brother Mr. Cox's being suspended from the Council of Barbadoes by Mr. Lowther, Governor of that Island, was signed.



Letter from Lord Carteret.

Grand Signors' subjects to Constantinople.

Letter to Turkey Company.

A letter from the Lord Carteret, His Majesty's Ambassador in Sweden, dated 8th of December last, in favour of some subjects of the Grand Seignior, who desire a passage in some of the Turkey Companies' Ships bound to Constantinople, was read; and a letter recommending that matter to the said Company drawn up and signed.


Colonel Moody.

Lands at Placentia.

Queries thereupon.

Colonel Moody attending in relation to his petition, mentioned in the Minutes of the 25th of last month, concerning his claim to some lands at Placentia in Newfoundland; their Lordships proposed to him the following queries concerning the title to the said lands, viz.:—
Whether the point of land, on which it is proposed to build a Fort, was not reserved by the French King for some Public use.
Whether that point of land was ever granted to any of the French King's Governors.
Whether the title of the person of whom he, (the said Colonel Moody), bought the said point etc., can be made appear.
What proportion of the purchase money was paid for the said point of land, or what estimate was put upon that point when purchased.
What is the present value of the said point, or any land Colonel Moody or his tenants have been dispossessed of, or what was the value at the time they were dispossessed.

Plantations General.

Whereupon he produced to the Board some grants from the late French King and other deeds, to which he referred for answers to the said questions. And their Lordships examining those grants or deeds, directed Colonel Moody to extract from them a short deduction or state of the right transferred to him from the grants of the said late king, through the persons under whom the said Moody claims, which he promised to do accordingly; and a copy of the said queries were delivered to Colonel Moody in writing.

Memorial from Mr. Cummings.

Plantation Trade.

A memorial from Mr. Archibald Cumming, entituled A short view of sundry regulations for the plantation trade in America, was read, and their Lordships agreed to take the same into further consideration at the next meeting.

April 5. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Captain Ogle.



A letter from Captain Ogle, Commodore of the Newfoundland Convoy, for the year 1719, to the Secretary of this Board, relating to the Fishery there, dated the 24th of October, 1719, was read, and the papers therein referred to were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Six Bonds from Masters of New England vessels with the penalty of £500 sterl. each, if they carry from Newfoundland any Fishermen or Seamen more than they brought with them, dated in August, September and October, 1719, and
Scheme of the Fishery of Newfoundland for the year 1719.

Letter from Mr. Burchet.

Letter from Captain Ogle &c.

A letter from Mr. Burchet, Secretary to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated the 11th of Janaury last, with a letter from the said Captain Ogle to him, of the 14th of October, 1719, and some remarks on the trade of Newfoundland, as also an account of the Fishery there for the year 1719, were read.

Letter from Mr. Burchet.

Captain Percy, Commodore.

Heads of inquiry.


Letter to Mr. Burchet.

A letter from Mr. Burchet of the 4th inst., signifying that the Lords of the Admiralty have appointed Captain Percy Commodore of this year's convoy to Newfoundland, that such instructions and heads of inquiry, as this Board may think necessary, may be prepared for the said Commodore, was read. And the usual heads of inquiry and instructions concerning the Fishery and trade at Newfoundland, with some variations and additions, were agreed and ordered to be transmitted to Mr. Burchet for the directions of the Lords of the Admiralty thereupon.

April 6. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen.

New York.

Captain Evans's petition.

Grant of Land.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Their Lordships taking into further consideration the petition of Captain Evans, mentioned in the Minutes of the 16th of February last, relating to a large tract of land granted him by the Governor of New York, in the reign of the late King William, directions were given for preparing the draught of a letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs thereupon.

Skeffington's petition.

Salmon Fishery.


Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Mr. Joshua Gee, having transmitted to the Board a certificate from the Corporation of Poole, and other papers in favour of Mr. George Skeffington, who by his petition, mentioned in the Minutes of the 25th of February last, prays to be protected in the Salmon Fishery at Newfoundland, and Mr. Gee having further sent to their Lordships a map of the Bays and Rivers where the Wares and conveniences for the said Fishery are erected, which being now laid before the Board, the draught of a letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs upon the said petition was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

April 8. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Skeffington's petition.

Salmon fishery.

A letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs, upon the petition of Mr. George Skeffington, relating to a Salmon Fishery at Newfoundland, as agreed at the last meeting, was signed.

New York.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Captain Evans's petition.

Grant of Land.

The draught of a letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs, upon the petition of Captain Evans, relating to a tract of land granted to him by the Governor of New York in the reign of the late King William, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

April 12. Present:— Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.

New York.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs.

A letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs, as agreed at the last meeting, upon the petition of Captain Evans, relating to a tract of land granted him by the Governor of New York in the reign of the late King William, was signed.




Arthur Freeman.

A representation proposing to His Majesty the confirmation of an Act passed in Antigua the 1st of March, 1717, intituled An Act to enable Arthur Freeman and Dorothy his wife to sell and convey a certain plantation within the said Island to raise portions and make provisions for Henry Symms and Elizabeth Atty, children of the said Dorothy by her former husband George Symms, deceased, was signed.


Letter from Earl Stanhope

Lords' Address.

Weavers' petition.

This Board's representation delivered to the Earl of Westmorland.

A letter from Earl Stanhope, inclosing the copy of an address of the House of Lords to His Majesty for copies of the Weavers' petition, referred to this Board by the late Lords Justices in His Majesty's absence, and of the representation thereupon, and signifying His Majesty's pleasure, that those papers be laid before the House, as desired, was read; whereupon copies of the above said petition and representation being delivered to the Earl of Westmorland, his Lordship was desired to lay them before the House of Lords, which he promised.


Letter from Mr. Lowther.

Bishop of London.

Langton, Gordon.

A letter from Mr. Lowther, Governor of Barbadoes, dated 30th October, 1719, relating to the difference between the Lord Bishop of London and him, concerning Parson Langton, a court and Gordon, was read, and the undermentioned papers, therein referred to, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Copy of a letter from Mr. Gordon to the Bishop of London, dated 5th November, 1716, relating to his Commission to Mr. Gordon, and
Copy of Mr. Lowther's declaration in answer to Mr. Gordon's book intituled The miserable state of Barbadoes and to the preface of his sermon.

Letter from Mr. Lowther.


Another letter from Mr. Lowther, Governor of Barbadoes, dated 21st November, 1719, relating to some complaints against him, was read.

April 13. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Mr. Pulteney.

Arrests, Stocks &c.

A letter from Mr. Pulteney, His Majesty's Commissary in France, dated the 22nd of March, 1720, N.S., relating to arrests about the nobility being concerned in farming lands &c. under the Princes of the Blood.—To the value of Gold.—About gold and silver being only imported into France by their India Company.—And other proceedings of their stocks, was read.

Letter from Mr. Pulteney.

Actions, Stock.

Another letter from Mr. Pulteney, dated 27th of the same month, relating to a Bureau or Office for disposing of actions or stock in the Companies at Paris, and to the taking off the duties off paper in France, was read.


Letter from Mr. Pulteney.

St. Lucia.

A letter from Mr. Pulteney to the Secretary of this Board, (of the same date with the last mentioned), acknowledging the receipt of one from him, with several papers relating to the Island of St. Lucia, was read.

Plantations General.


Letter from Mr. Gordon.

Foreign manufactures, imported, exported.

A letter from Mr. Gordon, dated this day, relating to the produce or manufacture of Foreign Colonies being imported into several British plantations, and thence exported directly to several parts of Europe, was read. And their Lordships agreed to consider thereof.

April 19. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Mr. Delafaye.

Memorial from Mr. Cross.

Trade to Spain.

The letter from Mr. Delafaye, mentioned in the Minutes of 20th November last, inclosing a representation or memorial from Mr. Cross, His Majesty's Consul at Teneriffe, relating to the trade of His Majesty's subjects to Spain, was again read; and their Lordships proceeded in considering the said representation or memorial, which was likewise read.

Letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Colonel Stanhope.

Minister to Madrid.


A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs, dated this day, signifying that Colonel Stanhope being appointed to go His Majesty's Minister and Plenipotentary to the Court of Madrid, it is His Majesty's pleasure that this Board transmit to Mr. Secretary, what they may have to offer in relation to the commerce and trade in those parts, that may be proper to be inserted in Colonel Stanhope's instructions, was read; and their Lordships proceeded to consider the several papers already before them, relating to the trade with Spain.

New York.

New Jersey.

Burnet, Governor.

Commissions and Instructions.

A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs, of this day's date, signifying that His Majesty has been pleased to appoint William Burnet, Esq., Governor of the Province of New York and New Jersey, and desiring this Board to direct draughts of his Commissions and Instructions for those Governments, to be prepared for His Majesty's approbation, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing the draughts of the said Commissions and Instructions accordingly.


Instructions for Colonel Stanhope.

Resolved that their Lordships will, to-morrow morning, proceed further in considering of such other papers as may be necessary for forming instructions for Colonel Stanhope upon his going to Spain.

April 20. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Bladen.

Instructions for Colonel Stanhope.

Their Lordships proceeded in considering several papers necessary for forming instructions for Colonel Stanhope, appointed to go His Majesty's Minister and Plenipotentary to Madrid, and the three letters undermentioned, with the papers enclosed from Mr. Charles Russell, were read, viz.:—

Letter from Mr. Russell.

Spanish trade.

A letter from Mr. Charles Russell, dated at Sevilla, the 18th of November, 1718, containing his observations on the Spanish trade for several years past.

Another letter from him.

Treaty Utrecht.

Trade at Cadiz.

A letter from him, dated at Cadiz, 23rd January, 1719, N.S., with observations upon the Treaty of Utrecht and the state of the trade at Cadiz, and

Alcavalos and Cientos Wheat.

Hansiatic treaty and others.

A letter from the said Mr. Russell, dated at Cadiz, the 19th of February, 1719, with a paper relating to the Alcavalos and Cientos on wheat brought into Spain; as also a printed Treaty in Spanish of priviledges granted to the Hansiaticks and several other Treaties, to which the English Treaties with Spain do refer.

British trade with Spain.

Letter to Mr. Russell.

Their Lordships agreed to proceed again to-morrow morning in the consideration of this subject of the British trade with Spain; in the meantime ordered that a letter be prepared to Mr. Russell to acknowledge the receipt of those from him and to thank him for the information he has given.

April 21. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


British trade with Spain.

Letter from Mr. Russell.

Letters, Lord Bingley's instructions, 1714.

To Mr. Methuen in 1714–15.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Instructions for Colonel Stanhope.

Their Lordships made a further progress in considering several papers relating to the British trade with Spain, and a letter from Mr. Russell, dated at Cadiz in August last, was read, as likewise the entries of the letter from the Board of Trade, dated the 9th of June, 1714, to the then Lord Bolingbroke, in answer to his letters about instructions for the Lord Bingley, appointed Ambassador from Her late Majesty to Spain, and of the draught of instructions to Mr. Methuen, His Majesty's Ambassador to Spain in 1714–15, with the observations of the Board thereupon, transmitted to Mr. Secretary Stanhope the 17th January, 1714–15; and their Lordships gave some directions for preparing the draught of instructions, with relation to trade, for Colonel Stanhope, appointed now to go with His Majesty's Minister into Spain.

April 22. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.



British trade with Spain.

Letters to Spanish Merchants.

Their Lordships made a further progress in considering several papers relating to the commerce of the subjects of this kingdom with the Dominions of Spain, and ordered that letters be writ to Mr. Christopher Haynes, Mr. Thomas Bowles, Mr. Edward Rudge and Sir William Chapman, to desire they would consult with such other gentlemen versed in the said commerce, as they shall think fit, and thereupon let this Board have in writing at eleven of the clock on Thursday morning next, what they may have to offer in regard to any hardships the British merchants have undergone in the Dominions of Spain, with their sentiments of the methods of preventing any disadvantages or inconveniences to the trade of His Majesty's subjects to and from those parts for the future.

April 26. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Colonel Stanhope's instructions.

Their Lordships took into consideration several heads prepared for instructions relating to trade, for Colonel Stanhope, appointed to go His Majesty's Minister and Plenipotentary to the Court of Madrid, and made a progress therein.

April 27. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Mr. Russell.

Two from Mr. Crosse.

A letter from Mr. Russell, Consul at Seville, dated at San Lucar, the 16th of March last, was read; as were likewise two letters from Mr. Crosse, Consul at Teneriffe, dated the 28th December, 1718, and 12th November, 1719.

Colonel Stanhope's instructions.

And their Lordships made a further progress in considering several heads for instructions relating to trade for Colonel Stanhope, appointed to go His Majesty's Minister and Plenipotentary to the Court of Madrid.

April 28. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.

New England.

Nova Scotia.

Letter from Mr. Hales.

Papers, Lands between Nova Scotia and New England for Lords Committee.


A letter from Mr. Hales, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council, dated yesterday, desiring that several papers in this office, which relate to certain lands between Nova Scotia and New England, may be looked out, to be laid before the Lords of the Committee, if their Lordships shall send for the same, was read; and directions given for looking out the said papers, as desired.


Letter from Sir William Chapman.

A letter from Sir William Chapman and Mr. Christopher Haynes, dated this day, signifying that they have had a meeting with the merchants of several factories in Spain, and made a progress in order to lay before their Lordships the matters referred to them, and that they hope to wait on the Board by this day seven-night, was read.

Colonel Stanhope's instructions.

Their Lordships made a further progress in considering several heads for instructions relating to trade for Colonel Stanhope, appointed to go His Majesty's Minister and Plenipotentary to the Court of Madrid.

April 29. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Mr. Carkesse.

Copy of representation in November, 1676.


A letter from Mr. Carkesse, dated yesterday, signifying the desire of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs to have a copy of a Report made by the Lords of the Committee for trade &c. in November, 1676, about farming the duty of 4½ per cent. in Barbadoes, and of any other papers on that subject, was read; and the said report being laid before the Board, directions were given for sending Mr. Carkesse a copy thereof.

Plantations General.

Letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs.

Commons Address.

Waste of Trees for Masts.

Mr. Chetwynd.


A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs, dated this day, signifying His Majesty's pleasure that the papers desired by the address of the House of Commons of the 20th inst., relating to the waste of trees proper for Masts in His Majesty's plantations in America, be laid before the House, was read; and several extracts of letters to the Board on that subject being accordingly prepared, the same were delivered to Mr. Chetwynd, with a list thereof, which he promised to lay before the House accordingly.


Letter to Mr. Buckley.

Collection of Treaties.

Ordered that a letter be writ to Mr. Buckley for copies of the Collection of Treaties, printed by him in 1717.