Pages 395-405
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 3, March 1715 - October 1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.
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Journal, June 1718
June 10. Present:—Earl of Holdernesse, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Colonel Smith.
General Hamilton.
Col. Daniel Smith [fo. 302], Lieut. Governor of Nevis, attending, presented to their Lordships a letter from the Council and Assembly of that island, dated the 12th of March last, in favour of General Hamilton, desiring he may be continued in the government of the Leeward Islands, which letter was read.
New Jersey.
Order of Council.
Petitioners summoned.
An Order of Council of the 16th of March last referring to their Lordships a petition of several inhabitants and traders to New Jersey against an Act passed in that province confirmed by his Majesty [fo. 86, 299], entituled, an Act that the solemn affirmation and declaration of the people called Quakers shall be accepted instead of an oath in the usual from, and for qualifying and inabling the said people to serve as jurors and to execute any office or place of trust or profit within the said province of New Jersey, was this day brought to the Board and read, together with the copy of the said petition thereunto annexed; whereupon ordered that the petitioners have notice to attend the Board on Tuesday morning next, and that the several papers in the Office relating thereto be looked out to be laid before the Board.
Colonel Kane.
Col. Kane, Lieut. Governor of Minorca, attending, together with Mr. de Soulies, in relation to the making salt at that island, and the said de Soulies being asked whether he were content, that Genl. Carpenter and Col. Kane should have a patent if his Majesty should think fit to grant the same for making salt there, as they had proposed, he declared himself satisfied, that they should have such patent, he relying upon their honour for the incouragement which they had promised to give him in the undertaking.
Col. Kane and Mr. De Soulies [fo. 284, 296] being withdrawn, their Lordships gave some directions for preparing the draught of a representation upon the said De Soulies petition and Genl. Carpenter's and Col. Kane's memorials, concerning the making salt at Minorca as aforesaid.
June 11. Present:—Earl of Holdernesse, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Copy sent to Mr. Carkesse.
Upon consideration of the Act passed at Jamaica the 18th of February, 1713/14, entituled, an Act for ascertaining the number of ports of entry in this Island, and obliging officers to keep deputies at such ports, and to prevent all clandestine trade, ordered that a copy thereof be prepared and sent to Mr. Carkesse, and that he be desired to move the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs for their opinion thereupon.
A representation directed yesterday [fo. 295] to be prepared upon the petition of Mr. De Soulies and the memorials of Lieut. General Carpenter and Col. Kane, concerning the making salt at Minorca, was agreed and signed.
Mr. Ingram summoned.
Their Lordships taking into further consideration the memorial of Mr. William Ingram [fo. 207, 303], mentioned in the minutes of the 23rd of April last, relating to the transportation of wool to foreign parts; ordered that the said Mr. Ingram be desired to attend this Board on Wednesday morning next, and to bring with him in writing the best account he can give, of whatever was transacted by the gentlemen mentioned in the said memorial to be appointed by Act of Parliament in the first year of King William and Queen Mary for preventing the transportation of wool.
June 12. Present:—Earl of Holdernesse, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Letter to Mr. Craggs.
A letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs, in answer to that from Mr. Secretary Addison of the 6th of January last, relating to a complaint of the Consul and Factory at Lisbon against Mr. Francis La Roche [fo. 203] for refusing to accept the office of treasurer to the said Factory, was agreed and signed.
Leeward Islands.
Colonel Matthew.
Col. Matthew, Lieut. General of the Leeward Islands, being lately arrived from the said Islands, came to wait on the Board and acquainted their Lordships that he should be ready to attend them to give account of affairs in that Government, whenever their Lordships pleased.
Draught of representation.
Insurance of ships.
Their Lordships then proceeded in considering the draught of a representation upon the three Orders in Council of the 2nd of February last and petitions relating to the insurance of ships, &c. at sea [fo. 269, 300], which are mentioned in the minutes of the 14th of May, and the said draught was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
New Jersey.
Mr. Parris.
Mr. Parris, solicitor for the person whose petition against an Act of New Jersey concerning the solemn affirmation of Quakers [fo. 294, 303] is referred to the Board by the Order in Council, mentioned in the minutes of the 10th inst., attending, and being asked several questions concerning the said Act and petition &c. he owned that tho' the said Act was passed in the year 1713, he knew of no complaints made to this Board against it, till the petition abovementioned.—That he was informed Mr. Thomas Clarke and Mr. Joseph Lowe, two of the petitioners, are inhabitants of New Jersey, and at present returned thither; and as to the said Order being brought no sooner to the Board, he said the matter being left to him, his own indisposition had been the occasion of it.
June 13. Present:—Earl of Holdernesse, Mr. Chetwynd, Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Insurance of ships.
A representation as agreed at the last meeting [fo. 299], upon three Orders in Council, referring to this Board the petitions of several merchants relating to the insurance of ships &c. at sea, was signed.
June 18. Present:—Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen.
Mr. Richard Coope.
Mr. Richard Coope attending, and his power of attorney from Penelope Gardiner (now Penelope Walwin) one of the sufferers by the French invasion of Nevis, as also from Thomas Walwin Junr. her husband, being examined at the Board, the debenture numbered 495 was delivered to the said Richard Coope.
Leeward Islands.
Letter from General Hamilton.
Stoddard's complaint.
A letter from Genl. Hamilton, Govr. of the Leeward Islands, dated the 15th of March last, relating to Mr. Stoddard's complaint [fo. 85, 307] against him for granting to Mr. Millikin a plantation which was possessed by the said Stoddard, was read.
Crabb Island.
Letter to Mr. Craggs.
Another letter from Genl. Hamilton, Govr. of the Leeward Islands of the same date, relating chiefly to the Spaniards invading and seizing Crabb Island [fo. 283, 308] and to the want of naval protection at the Leeward Islands, was read; whereupon a letter to Mr. Secretary Craggs, inclosing to him an extract of the said letter from General Hamilton for his Majesty's pleasure on the foresaid proceedings of the Spaniards, and about ships of war for the Leeward Islands, was agreed and signed.
Letter from the Lieutenant Governor.
Good behaviour of General Hamilton.
A letter from the Lieut. Govr. Council and Assembly of Antigua, dated the 3rd of March last, relating to the good behaviour of Genl. Hamilton [fo. 292] in his government of the Leeward Islands, and desiring he may be continued therein, was read.
Letter from planters, etc., on the same subject.
A letter from several planters, inhabitants, merchants and traders of Antigua, dated the 4th of March last, in favour likewise of Genl. Hamilton, and desiring he may be continued their Governor, was read.
Colonel Matthew.
License of absence.
Col. Matthew, Lieut. General of the Leeward Islands, and Lieut. Governor of St. Christophers, having left at the office a duplicate of his Majesty's licence to him to be absent from the Leeward Islands six months from his leaving the said Islands, dated the 3rd of March, 1715/16, the same was read.
Copy of a letter from the Lords of the Admiralty to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.
Salt.—Isle of May.
Mr. Ingram.
The copy of a letter from the Lords of the Admiralty to Mr. Secretary Stanhope, dated the 22nd of June, 1715 relating to the salt trade at the Isle of May, being communicated to the Board, the same was read.
Transportation of wool.
Mr. William Ingram [fo. 297, 359] attending, according to appointment, but not being ready to lay before their Lordships the account expected from him of the proceedings of the persons appointed in the first year of King William and Queen Mary for preventing the transportation of wool, he was desired to bring the said account as soon as he conveniently could.
Leeward Islands.
Draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury.
Poor inhabitants of Anguilla.
Their Lordships gave some directions for preparing the draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury [fo. 307] upon what Genl. Hamilton writes in his last mentioned letter of the 15th of March on the subject of the poor inhabitants of Anguilla.
New Jersey.
Representation on the Quakers Act.
A representation upon the Order of Council, mentioned in the minutes of the 10th inst. [fo. 299] on a petition, relating to an Act of New Jersey, concerning the solemn affirmation of Quakers there, was agreed, transcribed and signed.
Massachusets Bay.
Mr. West.
Mr. West attending, their Lordships proceeded in considering
the eight undermentioned Acts of the Province of the Massachusets
Bay, which were severally read, and no objection appeared to the
Board against any of them, vizt.:—
An Act in addition to the Act, entituled an Act for the better
observation and keeping of the Lords Day.
An Act for settling grants.
An Act, in addition to the Act, entituled An Act for the punishing criminal offenders.
An Act, in addition to an Act for the orderly consummating
of marriages.
An Act for the more effectual preventing default in the appearance of jurors.
An Act for the making and emitting the sum of one hundred
thousand pounds in bills of credit on this Province in such
manner as in the said Act is hereafter expressed.
All passed in November, 1716.
An Act for the bringing forward all writs, pleas and other
process, which were to have been heard and tried at the
General Sessions of the Peace and Inferiour Court of Common
Pleas respectively, at their sessions on the first Tuesday in
March, 1716, unto the Court of General Sessions of the Peace
and Inferiour Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Plymouth on the third Tuesday of June, 1717.
Passed 10th April, 1717.
An Act for apportioning and assessing a tax of 11,000l. upon
polls and estates.
Passed 17th July, 1717.
June 19. Present:—Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen.
St. Christophers.
Memorial from Colonel Matthew recommending councillors.
A memorial from Col. Matthew, Lieut. General of the Leeward Islands and Lieut. Govr. of St. Christophers, in behalf of Charles Payne, Benjamin Estridge and John Garnet of that island Esqrs. praying they may be recommended to his Majesty to supply three vacancies at present in his Majesty's Council of the said Island of St. Christophers, was read; and Col. Matthew attending, was asked several questions upon that subject, whereupon he said that the three vacancies above mentioned were occasioned by the death of John Panton and Ralph Willet Esqrs., and by the resignation of John Helden Esqr., which last being Collector of the Customs in the said island, did about two years ago send a message to the Council desiring to be excused from his attendance there. That this application was not indeed by direction of Genl. Hamilton the Govr. in Chief, but that the said Col. Matthew assured their Lordships the persons now proposed to be councillors in St. Christophers were not disagreeable to the General.
Copy of an Order in Council.
Stoddard's petition.
The copy of an Order in Council of the 9th of February last, upon a representation of this Board, dated the 24th of January foregoing, relating to the petition of Christopher Stoddard [fo. 301], praying to be reinstated in a plantation in the Island of St. Christophers, of which he was dispossessed by Mr. Millikin, was read.
Leeward Islands.
Letter to the Lords of the Treasury.
Poor inhabitants of Anguilla.
A letter ordered yesterday to be prepared to the Lords of the Treasury [fo. 303], upon what Genl. Hamilton, Govr. of the Leeward Islands, writes in his letter of the 15th of March last, relating to the poor inhabitants of Anguilla, and concerning the late French lands in St. Christophers, was agreed and signed.
June 20. Present:—Sir Charles Cooke, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen.
Leeward Islands.
Letter from Mr. Tickle.
Crabb Island.
A letter from Mr. Tickle, dated this day, acquainting the Secretary for the information of this Board, that Mr. Secretary Craggs has signified His Majesty's pleasure to Mr. Stanhope, His Majesty's Minister at Madrid, that he make a complaint at that Court for the Spaniards seizing Crabb Island [fo. 301], was read.
Order of Council.
Copy of Order sent to Mr. Carkesse.
The Copy of an Order of Council of the 14th upon the representation of this Board, dated the 1st of May, 1718, relating to an Act passed in Carolina [fo. 220], whereby a duty is laid on all British manufactures imported there, was read, whereupon their Lordships gave directions for sending to Mr. Carkesse a copy of the said Order for the information of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs.
Massachusets Bay.
New Hampshire.
Mr. West.
Mr. West attending, their Lordships proceeded in considering
the Acts passed in the Provinces of the Massachusets Bay and New
Hampshire as undermentioned, and the said Acts being severally
read, their Lordships agreed and directed to be noted thereupon,
as expressed under each respective title, vizt.:—
Acts of the Massachusets Bay passed in 1717.
An Act for granting unto His Majesty several rates and duties
of impost and tonnage of shipping.
Expires 29th June, 1718.
An Act, in addition to an explanation of two Acts, referring
to the regulating of fees, &c.
No objection.
An Act for reviving and further continuing of an Act, entituled,
an Act for explanation of and supplement to the Act referring
to the poor, &c. made in the 9th year of the reign of Queen
To lye by.
An Act to inable the Commissioners of Bankrupt Estates to
finish the business of their commissions.
No objection.
An Act, in addition to an Act entituled an Act relating to the
duty and office of a coroner made in the 12th year of King
William the Third.
No objection.
An Act for reviving and further continuing of an Act entituled,
an Act directing how rates and taxes to be granted by the
General Assembly shall be assessed and collected, made and
passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly at their
Sessions upon the 31st of May, 1699, in the 12th year of the
reign of the late King William. No objection.
Expires 30 June, 1722.
Acts of New Hampshire.
An Act granting unto her Majesty certain duties on importation
and exportation, &c.
Passed in 1714, expired in 1715.
An Act granting unto his Majesty certain duties on importation,
&c. Passed in 1715.
An Act for the inspecting and suppressing of disorders in
licensed houses.
Passed in 1715/16, to lye by.
An Act for a constables watch.
Passed in 1715/16. No objection.
sent to Mr. West.
Ordered that the Act passed at Antigua the 1st of March, 1717/18, [fo. 347] entituled an Act to inable Arthur Freeman and Dorothy his wife, to sell and convey a certain plantation within the said island, to raise portions and make provision for Henry Symms and Eliz. Athy, children to the said Dorothy by her former husband George Symms, deceased, be sent to Mr. West for his opinion thereupon.
June 24. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney.
St. Christophers.
Mr. Coope.
Mr. Richard Coope attending, and his powers of attorney from several of the sufferers by the French invasion of St. Christophers being examined at the Board, the nine Debentures numbered 595, 614, 618, 620, 621, 625, 631, 644 and 647 were delivered to the said Mr. Coope.
Their Lordships having under consideration some matters relating to the tobacco trade, directed the Secretary of this Board to write to Mr. Lowndes, desiring him to move the Lords of the Treasury, that a letter may be writ to the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland for accounts of the quantity of tobacco imported into that part of the kingdom for three years last, of the amount of the duties paid thereupon, as also of the drawback on re-export of tobacco in that time.
June 25. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Bladen.
Letters and Papers.
Their Lordships took into consideration and read several letters received some time ago from the Province of the Massachusets Bay, and the several papers therein respectively referred to, were laid before the Board, vizt.:—
Letter from Mr. Tailer.
A letter from Mr. Tailer, Lieut. Govr. of the Massachusets Bay, dated the 30th of December, 1712.
Letter from. the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley, Govr. of New England, dated the 24th August, 1713.
Commissioners' Agreement for settling the Line between the Province of the Massachusets Bay and the Colony of Connecticut in 1713.
Account of the Expence and remains of powder and other stores of War in New Hampshire in 1713.
Account of Ordnance and other stores of War in the several Forts and Magazines in the Province of the Massachusets Bay, the 24th of June, 1713.
Three proclamations published in the province of the Massachusets Bay.
Letter from Mr. Addington.
Letter from Mr. Addington to the Secretary, dated 24th August, 1713, transmitting papers of publick proceedings.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Secretary, dated 25th August, 1713, acknowledging the receipt of the pacquet for proclaiming the Peace.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated in November, 1713, recommending Col. Rednap Engineer for the Governments in North America.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated the 1st of December, 1713.
New Hampshire.
Letter from the Governor.
Ordnance stores.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated the 13th July, 1714, transmitting an Account of Ordnance and Stores in both the Governments of the Massachusets and New Hampshire.
Ordnance stores.
Six accounts of Ordnance, Ammunition and Stores of War of the Massachusets and New Hampshire, ending in June, 1714.
Letter from Mr. Addington.
Minutes of Council etc.
Letter to the Secretary from Mr. Addington dated 16th August, 1714, transmitting minutes of Council and Assembly, with a list of Acts.
Letter from the Governor.
Treaties with Spain, Present state of Castles etc.
Minutes of Council etc.
Present to Indians.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated the 19th August, 1714, relating to his having proclaimed the Treaties of Peace and Commerce between Great Britain and Spain, and inclosing the present State of the Castle, Forts and stores of all sorts, together with the minutes of the Council and Assembly to the 24th June, 1714 and to his present to the Indians &c.
Submission of the Eastern Indians.
The submission and Agreement of the Eastern Indians to and with the Crown of Great Britain, signed at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, 13th July, 1714.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Secretary, dated the 19th August, 1714, with publick papers.
Letter from the Governor.
Bank of Credit.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Secretary, relating to a Bank Credit to be raised in New England, dated October the 3rd, 1714.
Order of the Govr. and Council of 20th August. 1714, forbidding the projectors of a Bank of Credit to print any Scheme relating thereto.
Memorial and representation of Paul Dudley Esqr. Attorney General of New England, to the Govr. and Council, containing his remarks on the project for raising a Bank of Credit there.
Leeward Islands.
Letter to the Governor signed.
A letter to Genl. Hamilton, Govr. of the Leeward Islands, was agreed and signed.
A representation [fo. 361] proposing John Gamble Esqr. to be of the Council of Antigua, was signed.
Suspension Colonel Morris, Mr. Marsh.
Doctor Wickham.
Their Lordships taking again into consideration the several papers transmitted to this Board [fo. 229, 329], relating to the suspension of Col. Morris from the said Council of Antigua, ordered that Mr. Marsh, Solicitor for Doctor Wickham, who appears for the said Col. Morris, be acquainted that the Board have appointed this day sev'night for hearing what they may have to offer concerning the said suspension.
New Hampshire.
Mr. West.
Mr. West attending [fo. 335], their Lordships proceeded in considering the Acts of New Hampshire undermentioned, which were
severally read, being all passed in May, 1714, and their Lordships
agreed and directed upon each Act as expressed under its respective
Title vizt.:—
An Act for the partition of lands and the recovery of Legacies
at the Common Law.
To lye by.
An Act for the relief of Idiots and distracted persons.
Referred to Mr. West.
An Act for preventing men's sons or servants absenting themselves from their parents or Masters service without leave.
To lye by.
An Act to prevent Default of Appearance of Jurors.
No objection.
An Act for making of Lands and Tenements liable to the payment of debts.
To lye by.
An Act to prevent the destroying and murdering of Bastard
To lye by.
An Act to prevent incroachment upon Highways.
To lye by.
An Act against receiving of stolen goods.
To lye by.
An Act providing in case of sickness.
To lye by.
An Act for the regulating of Prisons and to prevent escapes.
To lye by
An Act providing for Posthumus children.
Referred to Mr. West.
New York.
Letter from the Governor.
A letter from Brigadier Hunter, Govr. of New York, dated 3rd of May, 1718, was read, and
Acts and Minutes.
The 14 Acts mentioned in a list, transmitted with the said letter, as also
Minutes of the Council at New York, from the 22nd August, 1717 to the 27th March, 1718, were laid before the Board.
Act to be sent to Mr. West.
Ordered that the Act for paying and discharging several debts due from this Colony to the persons therein named, and for raising and putting into the hands of the Treasury of this Colony several quantities of plate to be applied to the publick and necessary uses of this Colony, and to make Bills of Credit to the value of Forty one thousand five hundred and seventeen ounces and a half of plate for that purpose, together with the papers in this office relating thereto, be sent to Mr. West for his consideration and opinion.
June 26. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Pulteney.
New Hampshire.
Letters and papers.
Their Lordships proceeded in considering several other letters received some time ago from the Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire as undermentioned, which were read and such papers as had been received therewith, were laid before the Board, vizt.:—
Letter from Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley, Govr. of the Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, dated the 18th November, 1714, relating to the proclaiming His Majesty in those parts notwithstanding the loss of the vessel sent from Great Britain with the Orders for that purpose.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Secretary, dated the 29th November, 1714.
Letter from the Council.
Letter from the Council of the Massachusets Bay, dated the 2nd
March, 1714, signifying their having taken upon them the Government of that Province for want of some person commissioned by
His Majesty King George.
Proclamation issued by the Council the 4th February, 1714,
relating to their taking upon them the Government.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Board, dated at Boston, May
2nd, 1715.
Proclamation against Commerce and Trade with the French
of Canada and Cape Breton &c.
Copy of the 5th and 6th Articles of the Treaty of Neutrality
between England and France, 1686.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated at Boston, May the 7th, 1715.
New Hampshire.
Minutes of Council in New Hampshire, the 26th April, 1715.
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Dudley, dated the 27th June, 1715.
Letter from him to the Board of Ordnance, dated at Boston, the 27th June, 1715.
Accounts of Ordnances, Ammunition and other stores of War in His Majesty's several Forts and Castles in New England, as also of their expenditure for one year ending at Midsummer, 1715.
Letter from Col. Dudley to the Secretary, dated at Boston, July 5th, 1715, transmitting papers of the Publick Proceedings in that Province.
New Hampshire.
Letter from the Lieutenant Governor.
Letter from the Lieut. Governor of New Hampshire, dated at
Portsmouth, August the 16th, 1716 (not signed), transmitting minutes
of Council and Assembly, and two Acts passed there.
Minutes of Council and Assembly in New Hampshire, from
New Hampshire, from 28th July, 1715, to the 5th January,
Letter from the Governor.
Letter from Col. Shute, Govr. of New England, dated 23rd July, 1717, transmitting publick papers.
A letter from Brigadier Hunter, Governor of New Jersey &c., dated
the 3rd of May last, was read, and the papers therein referred to
laid before the Board, vizt.:—
New Jersey.
Letter from the Governor.
Brigadier Hunter's speech and message to the Assembly of
New Jersey, April the 19th, 1718.
Address of the Assembly of New Jersey to Brigadier Hunter. Whereupon ordered that the draught of a Representation be prepared for proposing John Hugg Esqr. mentioned in the said letter, to be of the Council of New Jersey for the Western Division, and that the Secretary write to Brigadier Hunter to acquaint him with the state of the said Council.
Letter from the Governor.
A letter from General Hamilton, Govr. of the Leeward Islands,
dated at Antigua, the 10th of April, 1718, was read with the papers
therein referred to, vizt.:—
Copy of the Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua of
the 31st of March, 1718.
Copy of Genl. Hamilton's letter to the Govr. of Porto Rico,
dated April the 5th, 1718.
Copy of his letter to the Govr. of St. Thomas of the same date.
St. Christophers.
Letter from the Governor.
Another letter from Genl. Hamilton dated at St. Christophers
the 6th of May, 1718, was read with the papers therein referred to,
Copy of a letter from Genl. Hamilton to Capt. Hume, Commander of the Scarborough, with letters to the Governors
of St. Thomas and Porto Rico, relating to a Danish settlement on St. John's and to the carrying off several of His
Britannick Majesty's subjects, with their goods &c. from
Crabb Island, dated at Antigua the 5th April, 1718.
Copy of a letter from Capt. Hume to Genl. Hamilton inclosing
copy of one from the said Capt. to the Danish Govr. of
St. Thomas, as also that Governors answer to Genl. Hamilton,
relating to the settlement at St. John's, dated in April, 1718.
Minutes of the Council of Antigua relating to the Danish
settlement at St. John's, dated the 31st of March, 1718.
Letter to be prepared to Mr. Secretary Craggs.
St. John's.
Crabb Island.
Whereupon some directions were given for preparing a letter [fo. 327] to Mr. Secretary Craggs on what Genl. Hamilton writes in his said letters, relating to the proceedings of the Danes at St. John's and of the Spaniards at Crabb Island.
Letter from Mr. Barrington.
A letter from Mr. Barrington to the Secretary [fo. 337], dated the 23rd inst. recommending Mr. Yeamans to be of the Council of Antigua, was read; whereupon the said Mr. Yeamans's name was entered in the list of persons to supply vacancies in the said Council, and directions were given for acquainting Mr. Barrington therewith.
June 27. Present:— Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Pulteney.
Acts considered.
Their Lordships took into consideration the three Acts undermentioned passed in Virginia in 1714, which were severally read,
and directions given for noting upon each Act, as expressed under
the respective title thereof, vizt.:—
An Act to exempt certain German Protestants from the payment of levies for seven years, and for erecting the Parish
of St. George.
No objection.
An Act for the relief of persons, who by reason of the drought
of last summer have made small quantities of Corn and
Tobacco, and who for want of opportunity of Shipping have
great quantities of old Tobacco now by them. And for
punishing persons who shall carry any Hogsheads of Tobacco
not stamped out of this Colony.
But there being a clause foreign to the title, the Govr. to be
writ to thereupon.
An Act to prevent the malicious burning or destroying the
Publick Store Houses of Tobacco agents.
Governor to be writ to.
The Govr. to be writ to concerning the Store Houses mentioned
in this Act.