Journal, November 1709: Journal Book N

Pages 83-98

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 2, February 1709 - March 1715. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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Journal, November 1709

November 1. Present:—Lord Dartmouth, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.



Col. Lloyd and Col. Long.

Colonel Lloyd and Colonel Long attending [fo. 246], as they had been desired, and being asked if they knew the names of any of the proprietors of land between the north-east of Rio Grande and the south-east of Point Morante, they said that the widow of Mr. Woodcock, now married to one Ryley at Jamaica, has a great quantity of land in those limits; that the widow Wall, now in this kingdom, has between 2 and 3,000 acres for her life, the reversion whereof is in her husband's brother, who is in Ireland, and who, they doubted not, would part with the said lands on reasonable terms.

Colonel Long added that he had 500 acres on Plantain Garden River, near Point Morant, which he would willingly surrender for the use of the said Palatines; that he has also 1,500 acres near Old Harbour on the south side of Jamaica, which he would likewise surrender, if it was thought fit to settle any of the Palatines there; and both these gentlemen proposed that some of the Palatines might be settled near Port Morante.



Earl of Carbury willing to surrender his lands.

Letter to the Lord High Treasurer.

Mr. Pulteney having acquainted the Board that the Earl of Carbury had been with him [fo. 239], and that his Lordship had told him that he was ready to surrender to her Majesty in fee, such lands as he has lying between Rio Grande and Point St. Antonio, in the parish of St. George's, in Jamaica, for the settlement of the Palatines, being by estimation about 1,000 acres, upon condition that the said 1,000 acres, as likewise the rest of his lands, consisting of about 8,000 acres, and lying in the said island, in the parish of St. Mary's [fo. 257], may be discharged from all arrears of quit rent to the time that such surrender shall be made; whereupon a letter to the Lord High Treasurer was drawn up and signed, acquainting his lordship with the said proposal of the Lord Carbury, and desiring that, if her Majesty shall approve thereof, his lordship will enable this Board to acquaint the Lord Carbury therewith so soon as conveniently may be, in order to the dispatch of their report to her Majesty for the settlement of the said Palatines in that island.

Leeward Islands.

Mr. Tryon, Col. Blakiston &c.

Col. Hamilton's petition to be Lieutenant General.

Certificates in his behalf.

Mr. Tryon, Colonel Blakiston, Colonel Jory, and several other gentlemen attending [fo. 220, 258], the Order of Council of the 16th of September last, referring to the Board the petition of Colonel Hamilton, Lieutenant Governor of Nevis, praying for a commission to be Lieutenant General of all the Leeward Islands (mentioned in the minutes of the 29th of September last), was again read; and Mr. Tryon presented to their lordships three certificates, one from several planters and merchants, trading to those islands, the second from Major General Holt, and the third from Colonel Blakiston, all in favour of the said Hamilton, which were read; whereupon ordered that the draught of a representation be prepared for laying the same before her Majesty.


Letter to the Governor.

New Jersey.

Letter to the President.

Letters to the Governor of Maryland and to the President of the Council of New Jersey [fo. 244] for the time being, agreed at the last meeting, were signed.


Representation upon an Act appointing agents.

The draught of a representation upon an Act past in Barbadoes the 16th of May, 1709 [fo. 235, 258], entituled An Act appointing agents to transact the publick affairs of this island, proposing a repeal thereof, (fn. 1) as directed the 21st instant, was agreed and order'd to be transcribed.

New Jersey.

Memorial from Mr. Dockwra.

Others papers.

Mr. Dockwra attending, presented to their lordships a memorial, together with several papers relating to the state and condition of the publick affairs of New Jersey; the said memorial was read.


Act about Court of Grand Sessions &c.

Sent to Mr. Attorney General.

Their lordships then taking into consideration an Act past in Barbadoes the 11th of May, 1708 [fo. 233, 262], entituled An Act for holding a Court of Grand Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, General Goal Delivery, and General Sessions of the Peace in this island (mention'd in the minutes of the 19th of the last month), gave directions for sending the said Act to Mr. Attorney General, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.

November 2. Present:—Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Mr. D'Oyley about guardianship of his brother's children.

To put his proposal in writing.

Mr. D'Oyley attending [fo. 194], Mr. Solicitor General's report upon his petition, relating to the guardianship of his nephews that are in Virginia, was communicated to him, and another petition from Mr. D'Oyly to the Board was read, to which he added in discourse that since Mr. Solicitor was of opinion that he could not be guardian to his said nephews, he only desired that directions may be sent to the Commander-in-Chief in Virginia, to summon the eldest of the said children, who is about seventeen or eighteen years old, before him and the Council; and that he be acquainted by them that he shall have liberty to come over to this kingdom if he think fit; as for the youngest child, Mr. D'Oyley desired that the said Commander-in-Chief and Council may have directions to send him over, no person there having a right to the guardianship of him, he having no lands of inheritance by descent from his ancestors, and Mr. D'Oyley did not desire himself to have anything to do with the guardianship of the said child; but that, if it be thought fitting, he may be put under such guardian as the Lord Chancellor shall direct; whereupon he was directed to put his proposal in writing.


Mr. Compere about Palatines &c.

Mr. Compere attending [fo. 242], he acquainted their lordships that he had considered of the proposal made to him the 25th of the last month, and was willing to resign to her Majesty one hundred acres of his lands, which lye near Plantain Garden River, about 25 mile from Lynch Island.

November 3. Present:—Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Representation on an Act.

The draught of a representation upon an Act past at Jamaica in April, 1709 [fo. 245, 258], entituled An Act for the further quieting of possessions and preventing vexatious suits at law, as directed the 27th of the last month, proposing a repeal thereof, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

Letter from Mr. Lowndes.

Lord Carbury's lands.


Letter to the Earl of Carbury.


A letter from Mr. Lowndes, of the 2nd instant [fo. 251], in answer to one writ to the Lord Treasurer the 1st ditto, touching the Lord Carbury's being willing to surrender to her Majesty all his lands lying near Port St. Antonio in Jamaica, for settling some of the poor Palatines in that island, was read. Whereupon a letter was writ to the Lord Carbury [fo. 256], acquainting his lordship that the Lord High Treasurer is inclinable on her Majesty's behalf to approve of his proposal for the surrender of his lands in Jamaica for the settlement of the said Palatines, and desiring that his Lordship will please to signify to the Board, in such manner that the same may be transmitted to the Governor of that island, that he does consent the said lands may be cleared by her Majesty for the use aforesaid &c.; and their lordships gave directions [fo. 256] for preparing the draught of a representation for laying the whole matter before her Majesty.

November 7. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Letter from Mr. Blathwayt about quit rents &c.

A letter from Mr. Blathwayt, of the 3rd instant [fo. 241], in answer to two letters writ him the 27th of the last month, and 2nd instant, relating to patenting of lands and quit rents in Jamaica, was read.


Lord Carbury willing to surrender his lands.

Draught of a letter of Attorny for that purpose.

Mr. Pulteney acquainted their lordships that the Earl of Carbury had been with him [fo. 255], upon the letter writ his lordship the 3rd instant, and had acquainted him that he was ready and willing to sign any instrument the Board should think necessary for the surrendering of his lands near Point St. Antonio; whereupon [fo. 259] the draught of a letter of attorney was drawn up impowering the Council of Jamaica or any one or more of them to make a surrender of the said lands to her Majesty accordingly, and ordered to be communicated to his lordship for his approbation.

Representation for settling poor Palatines.

Then their lordships took into consideration [fo. 255, vide infra] the draught of a representation for settling 1,000 Palatines at Jamaica, and made a progress therein.

November 8. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.




Their lordships proceeded further in the consideration of the draught of a representation for settling 1,000 poor Palatines at Jamaica, mentioned in yesterday's minutes, and went through the same, and ordered it to be transcribed.

Plantations General.


Letter from Mr. Burchet.

Trade at Curacoa.

Mr. Holt summon'd.

A letter from Mr. Burchet, of the 4th instant, inclosing some papers relating to the trade at Curacoa [fo. 270], was read; whereupon ordered that Mr. Holt mentioned in the said papers have notice to attend the Board on Tuesday morning next.


Letter from Mr. Lownds.

Mr. Blathwayt's report.

Quit rents on Lord Carbury's lands.

A letter from Mr. Lowndes of this day's date [fo. 251, 386], inclosing a report from Mr. Blathwayt, touching the quit rent issuing out of the Earl of Carbury's lands in Jamaica, was read.

November 9. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.

Rhode Island.

Mrs. Wharton.

Papers from Mr. Cranston.

Mrs. Wharton, widow to Mr. Wharton, agent for Rhode Island, attending, presented to their lordships several letters and papers from Mr. Cranston, Governor of that Colony, dated the 5th of December, 1708, which are duplicates of letters from the said Governor, received the 23rd of May last.


Representation on an Act about possessions.

A representation, upon an Act past in Jamaica in April, 1709 [fo. 254, 282], entituled An Act for the further quieting of possessions, and preventing vexatious suits at law, proposing a repeal thereof, agreed the 3rd instant, was signed.


Prohibition of woollen manufactures in Austria. Letter to Mr. Secretary Boyle.

Their lordships being informed that the prohibition of our woollen manufactures in the Emperor's hereditary dominions was taken off, gave directions [fo. 260] for preparing the draught of a letter to Mr. Secretary Boyle to desire to know what has been done therein.



Act about agents.

A representation upon an Act past in Barbadoes the 16th of May, 1709 [fo. 252, 281], entituled An Act appointing agents to transact the publick affairs of this island, proposing her Majesty's disallowance thereof, agreed the first instant, was signed.




A representation for settling 1,000 Palatines at Jamaica [fo. 256], agreed at the last meeting, was signed.

Leeward Islands.

Representation on Col. Hamilton's petition to be Lieutenant General.

A representation upon the petition of Colonel Walter Hamilton, Lieutenant Governor of Nevis [fo. 251], praying for a commission to be Lieutenant General of the Leeward Islands, mentioned in the minutes of the first instant, was signed.


Letter from Mr. Whyte.

Leather at Bruges.

Letter to the Earl of Sunderland.

A letter from Mr. David Whyte, of the 6th of November, 1709, n.s. [fo. 67, 260], relating to the sale of leather at Bruges, was read; whereupon ordered that the draught of a letter be prepared to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing a copy of the said letter.



Earl of Carbury.

Surrender of his lands.

The secretary acquainted their lordships that he had been to wait on the Earl of Carbury [fo. 256, vide infra], and had shown his Lordship the draught of a letter of attorney mentioned in the minutes of the 7th instant, for impowering the Council of Jamaica to surrender to her Majesty his Lordship's lands, lying near Port St. Antonio; whereupon his Lordship said that he did not like of surrendring there, but chose rather to have it done here by a deed in form.

November 10. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.



Earl of Carbury.

Letter of Attorney to surrender lands.

Mr. Pulteney acquainting the Board that the Lord Carbury had been with him [vide supra, fo. 265], and told him that he was now willing to sign such a letter of attorney as the secretary by their lordships’ order had shewd him, impowering the Council of Jamaica to surrender to her Majesty his lands lying near Port St. Antonio, their lordships gave directions for transcribing the said letter of attorny, as also a duplicate thereof on stamp paper.

New Jersey.

New York.

Her Majesty's letters displacing Col.

Ingoldesby and about passing lands at New York, sent to Capt.


The secretary acquainting their lordships that he had received from the Earl of Sunderland's office two letters from her Majesty, one to Colonel Ingoldesby, revoking his commission of Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey, the other to the President of the Council of New York, forbidding the passing of lands in that province, till the arrival of Colonel Hunter there, together with copies of the said letters, the said copies were read; and directions given [fo. 238] for transmitting the originals to Captain Gookin, to be by him forwarded to New Jersey and New York accordingly.


Leather at Bruges.

Letter to the Earl of Sunderland.

A letter to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing the copy of a letter from Mr. Whyte, of the 6th of November, 1709, n.s. [fo. 259], concerning the sale of leather at Bruges, as directed yesterday, was signed.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Boyle about prohibition of woollen manufactures in Austria &c.

A letter to Mr. Secretary Boyle [fo. 258], desiring to know what has been done touching the taking off the prohibition of our woollen manufactures in the Emperor's hereditary dominions, as directed yesterday, was also signed.


Order on representation upon Mr. Newnam's petition.

Copy of an Order of Council, of the 16th of June, 1709 [M. fo. 247], upon a representation of the 15th of July foregoing, relating to the petition of Mr. Newnam, praying to be discharged out of prison in Bermuda, approving the said representation, was read.


Order on representation.

Bently's complaint against Downs.

Copy of a second Order of Council, of the 8th of August, 1709 [fo. 173], upon a representation of the 2nd ditto, touching the complaints of Mr. Bently against Mr. Downs in Barbadoes, approving the said representation, was read.


Order on a letter to the Earl of Sunderland.

Colony of Switzers.

Copy of a third Order of Council, of the 22nd August, 1709 [fo. 168], upon a letter from this Board to the Earl of Sunderland of the 25th of July last, touching the settling of a colony of Switzers in Virginia &c., approving thereof, was read.


Order on representation.

Advantage of the Dutch over the English in the Baltick.

Copy of a fourth Order of Councill, of the 5th September [fo. 210] upon a representation of the 2nd ditto, relating to the advantage the Dutch have over the English in the Baltic &c., approving the same, and directing the Earl of Sunderland to signify what is necessary to her Majesty's Minister at the Court of Denmark thereupon, was read.


Mr. Attorney General's report on an Act.

Mr. Attorney General's report upon An Act past at Barbadoes the 11th of May, 1708 [fo. 252, vide infra] for holding a Court of Grand Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery and General Sessions of the Peace, transmitted to him the 2nd instant, was read, and directions given for preparing the draught of a representation, proposing a confirmation of the said Act.


Letter from Mr. Baber.

Memorial upon an Act about fees.

A letter from Mr. Baber, dated at the Bath the 29th of October last [fo. 232, 340], inclosing a memorial relating to An Act past in Jamaica for regulating fees, was read; and their lordships agreed to stay till Mr. Baber should return to town before they proceeded any further therein.

November 11. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Representation on an Act.

A representation, upon an Act past in Barbadoes the 11th of May, 1708 [vide supra, fo. 281], for holding a Court of Grand Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery and General Sessions of the Peace, as directed the last meeting, was signed.



Reasons for a Commissioner of Trade in Germany.

Mr. Monckton communicated to the Board a paper delivered to him this morning, containing reasons for naming an acting Commissioner of Trade in Germany, which was read.


Letter from the Governor.

A letter from Brigadier Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica, dated the 25th of May, 1709, was read, and the papers therein referr'd to were laid before the Board, and are as follows, vizt.:
Papers therein referr'd to.
Account of ordnance stores &c. in her Majesty's magazine in Jamaica, and of such as have been issued out for the service of the island.
Minutes of Council in Assembly in Jamaica from the 4th of January, 1708/9 to the 20th of April, 1709.
Minutes of the Council in Jamaica from the 19th of April, 1708, to the 19th of April, 1709.
Minutes of Assembly in Jamaica from the 4th of January, 1708/9, to the 20th of April, 1709.
Thirteen Acts past at a General Assembly in Jamaica in January and April, 1709 [fo. 266].

Capt. Gardner summon'd.


Whereupon ordered that Captain Gardner have notice to attend [fo. 272] the Board on Monday morning next, in relation to what Brigadier Handasyd writes in paragraph D of his said letter, touching recruits &c.

Second letter from the Governor.

Act about Ivy's estate.

A second letter from Brigadier Handasyd, of the 26th of May, 1709 [fo. 279], relating to an [Act] past in Jamaica for sale of part of the estate of Mr. Ivy, deceased, desiring the same may be confirmed, was read.

Third letter from the Governor and Papers therein referr'd to.

A third letter from Brigadier Handasyd, of the 14th June, 1709, was read, and the papers referr'd to therein were laid before the Board, and are as follows, vizt.:
List of the escheats found for the Queen at the Grand Court in Jamaica, with the value of them [fo. 377].
Affidavit of Arthur Nowlan relating to twenty pounds of amber grease, half whereof has been seized by the naval officer in Jamaica.

Mony for private intelligence.

Letter to Mr. Attorny General.

Amber grease.

Whereupon their lordships agreed to enquire of Captain Gardner [fo. 273] (when he shall come to the Board as above directed) what he has done in relation to the money mention'd in paragraph G of the said letter, expended for private intelligence; as likewise that paragraph K of the same letter [fo. 279], touching some amber grease seized by the naval officer in Jamaica, be sent to Mr. Attorny General for his opinion thereupon.

Fourth letter from the Governor.

A fourth letter from Brigadier Handasyd, of the 18th of July, 1709, was read; and directions given [fo. 282] for preparing answers to the said letters.

New York.

Letter from Mr. Pringle.

Earl of Sunderland's to the President about Palatines.

Sent Capt. Gookin.

A letter from Mr. Pringle [fo. 266], inclosing a letter from the Earl of Sunderland to the President of the Councill of New York, about making provision for the Palatines that are to be sent thither, desiring the said letter may be sent by the first opportunity, was read; whereupon ordered that the same be transmitted to Mr. Gookin, Deputy Governor of Pensylvania.

November 14. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.



Earl of Carbury's letter of attorney.

Surrender of lands.

The secretary acquainted their lordships [fo. 259] that he had waited on the Lord Carbery with the letter of attorney and duplicate thereof, impowering the Council of Jamaica to surrender his lands to her Majesty lying near Port St. Antonio for the settlement of the Palatines, and that his lordship had executed the same.

New York.


Letter from Mr. Delafay.

Earl of Sunderland's letter to the President.

A letter from Mr. Delafay, of the 11th instant, to the secretary [fo. 265, 291], inclosing duplicates of the Earl of Sunderland's letter to the President of the Council of New York, about making provision for the reception of the Palatines that are to be sent thither, together with a copy of the said letter, was read.



Act about estate of Geo. Ivy.

Their lordships took into consideration the Acts past in Jamaica in April, 1709 [fo. 263, 394], transmitted with Brigadier Handasyd's letter of the 25th of May following (which was read the 11th instant) and went through the said Acts. Whereupon ordered that in the next letter from their lordships to Brigadier Handasyd, he be acquainted that they cannot propose to her Majesty a confirmation of one of the said Acts, entituled An Act to enable trustees to make sale of certain lands part of the estate of George Ivy &c., by reason there is not a saving clause for the Queen; but that if the Assembly will pass a new law with such a saving clause, and if there be no other objections to it, their lordships will lay the same before her Majesty, for her royal approbation.

Representation on Acts.

Mr. Baber summon'd.

Then their lordships gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation upon the rest of the said laws. And further ordered [fo. 263] that Mr. Baber, secretary of Jamaica, have notice to attend the Board on Wednesday morning next, in relation to the Act about fees, and that he bring with him in writing what he may have further to offer against the said Act.

New York.

Memorial from Mr. Perry &c. against Mr. Wenham, one of the Council.

A memorial from Mr. Micajah Perry, Mr. Byfeild and Mr. Marshal, complaining that Mr. Thomas Wenham, one of the Council of New York, is indebted to them in a considerable sum, and that they cannot get him to account for the same, by reason of his being of the said Councill, and therefore praying that he may be removed from being a member thereof, was read; whereupon their lordships agreed to take the said memorial into consideration at a convenient opportunity.

November 15. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.

Leeward Islands.

Letter from Col.


A letter from Colonel Park, Governor of the Leeward Islands, of the 4th of May, 1709, was read, and the papers therein referr'd to were laid before the Board, and as follows, vizt.:
Papers therein referr'd to.
Affidavits of the officers of the regiment in the Leeward Islands, relating to the complaints against Colonel Park, justifying him from the same, sworn in Council the 12th November, 1708. Duplicate.
Address from the Lieutenant Governor and Council of St. Christopher's to her Majesty, in favour of Colonel Park. Copy.
Address from the Council and Assembly of Montserrat to her Majesty, justifying Colonel Park from the complaints against him.
Address from the freeholders, merchants, planters, traders and inhabitants of Antigua to her Majesty, in favour of Colonel Park.
An account of stores and ammunition in the island of Antego, taken the 10th of February, 1708/9.
Number of inhabitants in Martinico, with their slaves &c., not including the soldiers. Given in the 1st of January, 1708/9.
Minutes of Council of Antigua from the 19th March, 1708/9, to the 28th of April following.
An Act for raising a levy, as well by way of poll-tax on negroes and other slaves belonging to the plantations and inhabitants of the country part of this island; and also on the freeholders, householders, and traders of the several towns of the same.
An additional clause to the Act entituled An Act for the more easy repairing the highways. Both dated the 13th April, 1709.

Second letter from Col. Parke.

A second letter from Colonel Park, of the 16th of the same month, touching the complaints against him, was read.

Third letter from him with Addresses.

A third letter from Colonel Park, of the 23rd of the same month, transmitting the following addresses, was read, &c.
Address from the Council and Assembly of Montserrat to her Majesty, in favour of Colonel Parke.
Address from the merchants, planters and inhabitants of Antegoa to her Majesty, in favour of Colonel Parke.

Plantations General.


Peter Holt.

Trade of Curacoa and St. Thomas.

Memorial in writing.

Bills of exchange returned.

Peter Holt, master of the St. Michael briganteen, mentioned in the papers referr'd to in Mr. Burchet's letter, read the 8th instant [fo. 257, 313], attending, as he had been directed, and being asked several questions in relation to the trade of Curacoa and St. Thomas; he said that those islands are furnish'd with rum, sugar, cotton, indigo, provisions &c. from her Majesty's plantations, particularly the Leeward Islands, and with provisions chiefly from Carolina, Pennsylvania and New York, which is a great detriment to our trade in those parts; for if Curacoa and St. Thomas were not furnish'd with provisions, the French privateers who have them at those islands could not be fitted out, nor could the French trade to the Spanish coast for want of the said provisions, and of the goods which they take in our ships; that those two islands furnish most of our plantations with European goods, which they have from the French privateers. Then being desired to put what he knew of this matter into writing, he promised to do it at the first opportunity, and to add an account of several irregularities committed in the said plantations. Then the second bills of exchange, mentioned in his letter, referr'd to in that from Mr. Burchet aforesaid, vizt. one dated in Carolina the 27th of May, 1708, for 70 pieces of eight, the other dated at Boston in New England, the sixth of July, 1708, for 88 pieces of eight, five ryals and two stivers, were delivered to him.

November 16. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.

Leeward Islands.

Letter from Col.


A letter from Colonel Parke, Governor of the Leeward Islands, of the 24th May, 1709, was read, and the papers therein referr'd to, were laid before the Board, and are as follows, vizt.:
Papers therein referrd to.
Account of what great gunns and stores are in Mountserrat, 1st December, 1709.
Account of what great gunns and stores are in St. Christopher's, taken 6th December, 1709.
Account of the loss of her Majesty's ship, the Adventure, taken by a French man-of-war.

Second letter from him.

A second letter from Colonel Parke, of the same date, inclosing three Acts past at Nevis in March and April, 1709, was read.

Third letter from him.

A third letter from Colonel Parke, of the same date, was read.

Fourth letter from him.

A fourth letter from Colonel Parke, of the same date, was also read, and their lordships resolved to proceed with the remainder of Colonel Park's letters to-morrow morning.


Sir William Hodges.

Sir John Cook's report on his petition.

Sir William Hodges attending [fo. 196], the report of Sir John Cook, her Majesty's Advocate General, upon Sir William's petition, relating to some demands he has on the Portuguese, was read; and Sir William being withdrawn, their lordships agreed to take the said report and the papers concerning the same, into consideration on Fryday morning next.


Capt. Gardner.


Mony for private intelligence.

Captain Gardner attending [fo. 264], paragraph D of Brigadier Handasyd's letter of the 25th of May last, mentioned in the minutes of the 11th instant, relating to recruits, was read; and he being asked several questions thereupon, he said that 150 recruits had been raised for the regiment in Jamaica, which was 30 more than was wanted, that he had already sent 60 of the said recruits thither, that 60 more were shipt on board the packet now supposed to be sailed, and that care would be taken to send the rest by the next packet. The paragraph G of Brigadier Handasyd's letter of the 14th of June last, mentioned in the aforesaid minutes, relating to mony expended for private intelligence [fo. 264], was also read; whereupon Captain Gardner said that he had no particular account what the sume was that had been laid out on that service, nor had he any directions to make application for an allowance of that money here, but that he would write to Brigadier Handasyd for a particular account of that matter, and then lay it before her Majesty.


Sir John Bennet and Mr. Jones.

Hearing appointed.

Sir John Bennet and Mr. Jones attending [fo. 97, 311], in relation to the appointing a day for the further hearing of the complaints, as well those against the Governor of Bermuda, as against Mr. Jones, they proposed to their lordships, Wednesday, the 14th of December, for the going on with the said hearing, which their lordships agreed should be on that day accordingly.

November 17. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.

Leeward Islands.

Letter from Col.


A letter from Colonel Parke, Governor of the Leeward Islands, of the 20th of June, 1709, was read, and the papers therein referr'd to were laid before the Board, and are as follows, vizt.:
Papers of publick proceedings.
Proceedings of the Court of Chancery in Antego, from 12th September, 1707, to the 23rd of September, 1708.
Minutes of Council of Antego from the 27th of July, 1708, to the 23rd of April, 1709.

Extract about deputy secretary sent Sir C. Hedges.

Whereupon ordered [fo. 282] that paragraphs C and D of the said letter, relating to the deputy secretary of those islands, be sent to Sir Charles Hedges.

Letter from Col. Parke.

A second letter from Colonel Parkes, dated the 26th of the same month, was read.

Letter from the Lieut. Governor.

A letter from Mr. Yeamans, Lieutenant Governor of Antego, of the 27th of the same month, touching some complaints he is apprehensive are forming against him, was read; whereupon ordered that an answer be prepar'd to the said letter.


Copy of an order about Mr. Mackaskall.

Col. Steward summon'd.

Order of Council of the 22nd of August, 1709 [fo. 280], referring to the Board the petition of Mr. Mackaskell, Deputy Clerk of the Crown in Barbadoes, complaining of Mr. Crow's disobeying her Majesty's Order in Council of the 27th of February, 1708/9, &c., was read, as also a copy of the said Order, whereupon order'd that Colonel Steward, Clerk of the Crown, have notice to attend the Board on Wednesday morning next.


Portugal. Draught of a representation on the merchants’ complaints.

Merchants summon'd.

The draught of a representation upon the memorial of the Portugal merchants to the Earl of Galway [fo. 191, 277], complaining of the grievances and hardships they labour under there, was read; whereupon ordered that the merchants have notice to attend the Board on Monday morning next.

November 18. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney.


Sir William Hodges's demand from the Portuguese.

Draught of representation.

Their lordships took into consideration the reference from the Earl of Sunderland upon the petition of Sir William Hodges [fo. 195, 282], touching the demand he has on the Portuguese, together with all the papers in this office relating thereof, which were read, and directions were given for preparing the draught of a representation for laying the same before her Majesty.



Acts about ports and towns.

Report from Commissioners of the Customes.

Papers relating thereto.

Letter to Messrs.

Perry and Hyde.

Mr. Perry and Mr. Hyde attending, in relation to two Acts past in Virginia and Maryland, for establishing ports and towns there [fo. 76, 283], the report from the Commissioners of the Customs, of the 28th of July, 1709, to the Lord High Treasurer, upon the said Acts, brought this day from the Treasury, was read; and Mr. Perry desiring their lordships would be pleased to dispatch their report to her Majesty as soon as possible, their lordships promised to do the same accordingly; then these gentlemen being withdrawn, and the secretary laying before the Board all the papers in this office relating to that matter, and particularly an Order of Council of the 29th of March, 1704/5 [Virg. C., fo. 70], referring to the then Commissioners of Trade, a presentment from the Commissioners of the Customes to the Lord Treasurer [ibid. 72], a memorial from the merchants to the Commissioners of the Customes [ibid. 74], and the Lord Treasurer's report thereon to her Majesty together with the representation of this Board [ibid. 71] in pursuance of the foregoing reference. Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 5th of April, 1705 [ibid. 104], upon the said representation [ibid. 109], and that part of Colonel Nott's instructions, relating to building of towns &c. [ibid. 181], the same were all read; whereupon ordered that the secretary do write to Mr. Perry and Mr. Hyde, to know whether they have any account of what has been done in Virginia and Maryland, towards the building of towns &c.

November 21. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.

New York.

Mr. Solicitor General's report on two Acts.

Col. Hunter and Mr. Champante summon'd.

Mr. Solicitor General's report of the 14th instant, upon two Acts past at New York the 6th and 30th of October, 1708 [fo. 247, 278], about irregularities and extortions, and for the easier partition of lands &c., transmitted in the secretary's letter of the 31st of the last month, was read; whereupon ordered that Colonel Hunter and Mr. Champante have notice to attend the Board on Wednesday morning next.


Portugal merchants.

Representation on their complaints.

The Portugal merchants attending, as directed [fo. 275, 278], the draught of a representation upon the complaints of the merchants in Portugal was communicated to them, which they declared did fully answer their desire, and return'd their thanks to the Board for their favourable report in this matter. These gentlemen being withdrawn, ordered that the said representation be transcribed.

November 23. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney.

New York.

Col. Hunter &c.


Draught of representation thereon.

Colonel Hunter and Mr. Champante attending, as they had been directed [fo. 277], their lordships acquainted them with the purport of two Acts past at New York, one the 24th of May, 1709, for regulating and establishing of fees [fo. 319], the other in 1708 to relieve the colony from divers irregularities and extortions, by a clause in which last Act, no fees are to be taken but what shall be settled by a law to be passed there; and after some discourse thereupon, their lordships gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation upon the said two Acts.


Representation on Portugal merchants’ complaints.

Letter to the Earl of Sunderland.

A representation upon the complaint of the merchants in Portugal [fo. 277], relating to the grievances they labour under there, agreed at the last meeting, together with a letter to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing the same, were signed.


Solicitor General's report on the Act about Ivy's estate.

Draught of representation thereon.

Mr. Solicitor General's report of the 22nd instant, upon an Act past in Jamaica in April, 1709 [fo. 264, 325], relating to the sale of part of the estate of George Ivy, deceased, &c., was read; and directions given for preparing the draught of a representation proposing to her Majesty a confirmation of the said Act.

Attorney General's report about amber grease seiz'd.

Mr. Attorny General's report of this day's date, relating to some amber grease seized in Jamaica [fo. 265], was read; whereupon ordered that a copy of the said report be sent to Brigadier Handasyd for his information.

Letter from Brigadier Handasyd.

Intercepted letters about damages by British ships in the South Seas.

Copies sent the Earl of Sunderland.

Vexatious proceedings at law.

Mr. Jones summon'd.

A letter from Brigadier Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica, of the 8th of September last, together with the abstract of two intercepted letters, relating to the damages some British ships have done the Spaniards in the South Seas, were read. Whereupon ordered that paragraph C of the said letter relating to the ships of war, and copies of the said abstracts, be sent to the Earl of Sunderland [fo. 281], and that paragraph B of the same letter relating to the merchants’ complaint touching vexatious proceedings of law in Jamaica, concerning lands and negroes, be communicated to Mr. Jones, one of the complainants, and that the said Jones have notice to attend the Board to that end accordingly.


Col. Stewart and others.

Petition of Mr. Macaskell.


Certificate from Mr. Skene.

Affidavits of Mackaskell and Cook.

Colonel Steward, with several Barbadoes gentlemen, attending [fo. 275, 301], the Order of Council of the 22nd of August last, referring the petition of Mr. Macaskell complaining of Mr. Crow's disobeying her Majesty's Order &c. (mentioned in the minutes of the 17th instant), was read, and these gentlemen being asked what proof they had that her Majesty's said Order in Council of the 27th of February last (also mentioned in the aforesaid minutes) had been delivered to Mr. Crow, as set forth in the petition, they said that there were several letters from the said Mackascall and Major Pilgrim, one of the Council there, giving an account of that matter; whereupon they were directed to lay the extracts of such letters before the Board, which they promised to do accordingly. They then presented to their lordships a certificate from Mr. Skene, dated the 31st of August last, setting forth that the above-mentioned Order of the 27th February has not been yet read or published at any sitting of the Council; as also two affidavits of the said Mackaskall and Giles Cook, which being read, the said affidavits were found to relate to the said Mackaskall's first petition of complaint, and not to that which is now before their lordships.

November 24. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Letter to the Earl of Sunderland.

Extracts of Spanish letters &c.

Ships of war.

Want of seamen.

A letter to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing a copy of the extracts of Spanish letters transmitted by Brigadier Handasyd [fo. 279], about the damages done by British ships in the South Seas, and an extract of what he writes, touching the number of ships of war left at Jamaica, and the want of seamen, as directed yesterday, was signed.


Order of Council repealing an Act.

Order of Council of the 18th instant, upon are presentation of the 9th ditto [fo. 258], proposing the repeal of an Act pass'd in Barbadoes, appointing agents to transact the publick affairs of this island, approving the same, was read; whereupon ordered that in the next letter to Mr. Crow, the said order be sent to him, together with the reason for the repeal of the said Act.

Order confirming an Act.

Order of Council of the 18th instant [fo. 262], upon a representation of the 11th ditto, proposing the confirmation of an Act pass'd in Barbadoes, for holding a Court of Grand Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, General Goal Delivery and General Sessions of the Peace, &c., approving the said representation, was read; whereupon ordered that the same be likewise sent to Mr. Crow.


Order repealing an Act.

Order of Council of the 18th of November [fo. 258], upon a representation of the 9th ditto, proposing the repeal of an Act past in Jamaica for the further quieting of possessions and preventing vexatious suits at law, approving the said representation, was read; whereupon order'd that the same be transmitted to Brigadier Handasyd.

Leeward Islands.

Sir Charles Hedges about deputy secretary of Antigua.

Sir Charles Hedges acquainted the Board, in relation to the letter writ him the 18th instant [fo. 274], touching the complaint of Colonel Park against the deputy secretary of Antego, that he would write to the said deputy, and admonish him to be more carefull for the future.


Letter to the Governor.

The draught of a letter to Brigadier Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica [fo. 265], in answer to several from him, as directed the 11th instant, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.


Representation on Sir William Hodges's petition against the Portugueze.

The draught of a representation on the petition of Sir William Hodges [fo. 275, 283], relating to the demand he has on the Portuguese, as directed the 18th instant, was agreed, and ordered to be transcribed.


Bahama Islands.

Mr. Graves and Col.


Memorial about damages sustain'd (sic) by the French.

Mr. Graves and Colonel Rhet attending, Colonel Rhet presented to their lordships a memorial, containing extracts of several letters he has received from Carolina, dated in February and April, 1709 [fo. 216], giving an account of the number of ships taken by the French in the Bahama Islands, as also of the cruelties committed by them on the inhabitants there, was read.

November 25. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton.


Representation on Sir William Hodges's petition.

A representation upon the petition of Sir William Hodges [fo. 282], touching the debt due to him from the Crown of Portugal, agreed at the last meeting, together with a letter to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing the same, were signed.



Col. Blakiston.

Capt. Hyde &c.

Ports and towns.

Acts relating thereto.

Colonel Blakiston and Captain Hyde attending, with one John Bradford, lately arrived from Maryland [fo. 276, 285], and being ask'd several questions in relation to the progress made in that colony towards the building of towns, the said Bradford answered that there were several places laid out for towns, particularly ten in Patuxent, though there had yet been but few houses built, that three-quarters of those built were warehouses for lodging of tobacco, and that he beleived the whole expence in that matter did not amount to 1,500l. And they added that by the several letters and informations from Virginia, they understood that nothing at all had been done there towards the building of towns. These gentlemen being withdrawn, their lordships took into consideration the following laws, vizt., one past in Virginia in 1706 [fo. 276], entituled An Act establishing ports and towns. Three Acts past in Maryland, vizt.:
An Act for the advancement of trade and erecting ports and towns in the province of Maryland, past in April, 1706.
A supplementary Act to the Act for advancement of trade, and erecting ports and towns, past in April, 1707.
An additional Act to the supplementary Act for advancement of trade and erecting ports and towns in this province, and for the sale of some publick lands and building, in the town of St. Mary's in St. Mary's County, past in December, 1708.

Draught of representation.

Whereupon directions were given for preparing the draught of a representation proposing a repeal of the said laws.


Memorial of merchants.

Act about bills of exchange.

Draught of a representation.

Their lordships again took into consideration the memorial of the Maryland merchants upon an Act past in that province in December, 1708 [fo. 230, 286], entituled An Act ascertaining what damages shall be allowed upon protested bills of exchange (mentioned in the minutes of the 17th of October last), and gave directions for preparing a representation, proposing the repeal of the said Act.


Letter to the Governor.

A letter to Brigadier Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica [fo. 282, 311], agreed at the last meeting, was signed.

November 28. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton, Sir Charles Turner.

Leeward Islands.

Letter to the Governor.

The draught of a letter to Colonel Park, Governor of the Leeward Islands [fo. 289], was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.


Virginia etc.

Draught of representation on laws about ports and towns.

The draught of a representation upon the laws past in Virginia and Maryland [fo. 283, 291], relating to ports and towns, as directed at the last meeting, proposing a repeal of the said laws, was agreed and order'd to be transcribed.

Leeward Islands.

Mr. Perry about Col. Park's being shot.

Mr. Micajah Perry attending, acquainted their lordships that he had received a letter from one of his correspondents in the Leeward Islands, giving an account that Colonel Park was shot by a negro, and his left arm was broke, but that they had hopes of his recovery.


Draught of a representation on an Act about bills of exchange.

The draught of a representation upon an Act past in Maryland the 11th of December, 1708 [fo. 285, 289], entituled An Act ascertaining what damages shall be allowed upon protested bills of exchange, proposing her Majesty's disallowance thereof, as directed at the last meeting, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.


Letters from Mr. Crow.

A letter from Mr. Crow, Governor of Barbadoes, of the 20th of June, 1709, was read.

Papers of publick proceedings.

A second letter from Mr. Crow, dated the 9th of August, 1709, acknowledging the receipt of her Majesty's Order relating to the provost marshal of that island, and promising to obey the same &c., was read.

A third letter from Mr. Crow, dated the 2nd of September, 1709, was read, and the papers therein referr'd to, were laid before the Board, and are as follows, vizt.:
Mr. Crow's speech to the Assembly of Barbadoes, the 16th of August, 1709.
Copy of Captain Bushel's bond to Mr. Crow, obliging himself to touch at Antego &c.
List of causes undetermined in the Chancery in Barbadoes, to the 25th of August, 1709.
A list of causes determined in the several Courts of Common Pleas in Barbadoes, from August, 1708, to August, 1709.
A list of baptisms and burials in Barbadoes, from the 24th of August, 1708, to the 1st of August, 1709.
A list of negroes imported from Guinea, from the 24th of June, 1708, to the 1st of August, 1709.
List of the inhabitants in Martinico, with the number of their slaves, horses, cattle, &c.
Account of prizes and seizures in Barbadoes, since August, 1708.
Account of the stores of war in the magazeen in Barbadoes, from the first of January, 1708/9, to the 1st of July, 1709.
Naval officers’ list of ships, from the 25th of March, 1709, to the 24th of June following.
Minutes of Councill in Assembly of Barbadoes, from the 6th of January to the 29th of March, 1709.
Minutes of Councill in Assembly, from the 6th of April to the 18th of June, 1709.
Minutes of the Assembly of Barbadoes, from the 22nd of March, 1708, to the 24th of August, 1709.
Copy of an Act for adjourning the Grand Sessions, past the 4th of June, 1709.
Two Acts past in Barbadoes the 24th of June, 1709.

Answers to be prepared to Mr. Crow's letters.

Whereupon directions were given for preparing answers to the said letters.

Paper about well governing Barbadoes.

The secretary having received a paper containing some considerations relating to the good government of Barbadoes, laid the same before the Board.

New York.

Representation on Acts.

The draught of a representation upon several Acts past in New York in September and October, 1708 [fo. 246, 289], and in May and June, 1709, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

November 29. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton, Sir Charles Turner.

Leeward Islands.

Letter to Col. Park.

A letter to Colonel Park, Governor of the Leeward Islands [fo. 285], agreed at the last meeting, was signed.


Letter from Mr.

Secretary Boyle.

Petition for a pass for the ship St. Francis.

A letter from Mr. Secretary Boyle of the 23rd instant [fo. 299], referring to the Board a petition of Anthony Merry and other the owners of the ship St. Francis Xaveria, of Palm, praying her Majesty's passport for the said ship to go from hence to the Canaries, and from thence to Curacoa &c., was read, whereupon their lordships agreed to take the same into consideration at a convenient opportunity.

New York.

Representation on Acts.

A representation upon several Acts past in New York in 1708 and 1709 [fo. 288, 318], agreed at the last meeting, was signed.


Representation on an Act.

A representation upon the Act past in Maryland [fo. 286, 331], for ascertaining what damages shall be allow'd upon protested bills of exchange, agreed at the last meeting, was also signed.



Answer to queries.

Answer of the separate traders to Africa to several queries sent them in the secretary's letter of the 21st of the last month, [fo. 234, 313] together with the following papers, were read.
Number of ships.
10 per cent.
Number of ships sent from the ports of Great Britain, by the separate traders and Company to Africa, from Michaelmas, 1708, to Michaelmas, 1709, with the 10 per cent paid.
Account of the number of negroes imported into the Plantations by the separate traders and Company, between Michaelmas, 1708, and July, 1709.

November 30. Present:—Earl of Stamford, Lord Dartmouth, Mr. Pulteney, Mr. Monckton, Sir Charles Turner.

New York.

Letter from the Earl of Sunderland.

Proposal from Col. Hunter.


A letter from the Earl of Sunderland, of yesterday's date [fo. 266], referring to this Board a proposal from Colonel Hunter, relating to the settlement of some Palatines at New York, was read; whereupon their lordships agreed to take the same into consideration from day to day till they should have dispatched their representation upon this matter to her Majesty.

Col. Hunter with memorial about the Palatines.

Colonel Hunter attending, presented to their lordships a memorial touching the settlement of 3,000 Palatines at New York [fo. 292], which was read; whereupon Colonel Hunter added that the intention of his proposal was that the said Palatines should work for her Majesty or the publick till by their labour they had reimbursed the charge expended for their settlement and maintenance. Then Colonel Hunter being withdrawn, their lordships agreed to take the said memorial into consideration to-morrow morning.

New Jersey.


Memorial against six of the Council.

Mr. Richier and several other of the proprietors of New Jersey attending, presented to the Board a memorial [fo. 317], proposing that six of the present members of the Council there may be left out of the instructions to be given to Colonel Hunter for the government of that province, which was read; whereupon their lordships agreed to take the same into consideration at a convenient opportunity.




Acts about ports &c.

A representation upon the laws past in Virginia and Maryland [fo. 285], relating to the building of ports and towns there, agreed the 28th instant, was signed.


  • 1. The last four words are in italics in the MS.