Journal, July 1756: Volume 63

Pages 246-256

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 10, January 1754 - December 1758. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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Journal, July 1756

Thursday, July 1. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Jenyns, Mr. Rigby.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty, proposing that John Fairchild, Esquire, may be removed from the office of Chief Judge of the Common Pleas for the precinct of St. Michael in the Island of Barbados, having been prepared pursuant to the preceding day's minutes, was agreed to, transcribed and signed; and a letter to Mr. Fox, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, inclosing the same, and desiring him to lay it before his Majesty for his directions thereupon, was also signed.

Plantations General.

The draughts of letters to the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, and the Governors of North and South Carolina, acquainting them with Mr. Atkin's appointment to be agent for Indian affairs for the Southern district of America, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 29th ultimo, were signed.



Read a letter from Mr. Wood, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Customs, dated 26th June, 1756, to the Secretary of this Board, acquainting him with the opinion of the said Commissioners upon those parts of the project of a Treaty of Commerce with the King of Prussia which relate to their office.

Read a letter from Mr. Poirier, Secretary to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, dated the 30th of June, 1756, to the Secretary to this Board, containing the sentiments of the Committee upon the 15th article of the project of the Treaty of Commerce with the King of Prussia.

Read a letter from Mr. James, Secretary to the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies, dated the 30th of June, 1756, inclosing a copy of the minutes of the said Court containing their sentiments upon the 15th article of the project of the Treaty of Commerce with the King of Prussia.

Their lordships took the said papers, and also the project of the Treaty into their consideration, and ordered the draught of a letter thereupon to the Earl of Holdernesse, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, to be prepared.

Tuesday, July 6. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Hamilton.



The draught of a letter to the Earl of Holdernesse, one of his Majesty's Secretaries of State, upon the project of a Treaty of Commerce with the King of Prussia, having been prepared pursuant to the preceding minutes, was agreed to, and ordered to be transcribed.


The Secretary laid before the Board an account of the incidental charges of this office from the 5th of April to the 5th of July, 1756, amounting to four hundred and fourteen pounds, one shilling, and a letter to the Lords of the Treasury desiring payment thereof and of the salaries due to the Secretaries and under officers in the service of this Board for the same time, was signed.


Read a memorial of Mr. Martyn, agent for the affairs of the colony of Georgia, desiring their lordships' orders for the payment of the salaries and services upon the estimate for that colony for the years 1755 and 1756.

Ordered, that the agent for the province of Georgia do pay (out of the grant of Parliament for defraying the charges of the civil establishment of Georgia to Midsummer, 1755,) to the several officers undermentioned their several salaries at the following rates per annum from the dates of their warrants or appointments here specified, to the 24th of June, 1755:—

£ s. d.
The Governor from August 12th, 1754 600 0 0
The Secretary from August 12th, 1754 100 0 0
Clerk of the Assembly for the year 1755 20 0 0
Surveyor of Lands from December 20th, 1754 100 0 0
Register and Receiver of quit rents from December 20th, 1754 50 0 0
Attorney General from August 12th, 1754 100 0 0
Provost Marshall from August 12th, 1754 100 0 0
Allowance to a Minister for the year 1755 70 0 0
Two schoolmasters, one at Augusta and one at Savannah, £23 each 46 0 0
Pilot with a boat and hands at Tybee River 50 0 0
Incidental expences for the year 1755 421 10 0
Bounty upon the produce and culture of silk 1000 0 0


Ordered, that the agent for the province of Georgia do pay (out of the grant of Parliament for defraying the charges of the civil establishment of Georgia from Midsummer, 1755, to Midsummer, 1756,) to the several officers undermentioned, their several salaries at the following rates per annum:—

£ s. d.
The Governor 1000 0 0
The Secretary 100 0 0
Clerk of the Assembly 20 0 0
Surveyor of land 150 0 0
Register and Receiver of quit rents 100 0 0
Attorney General 150 0 0
Provost Marshall 100 0 0
Allowance to a Minister at Savannah 70 0 0
Two schoolmasters, one at Savannah, and the other at Augusta, at £23 per annum each 46 0 0
Pilot with a boat and hands at Tybee 50 0 0
Incidental expences 421 10 0
Bounty upon the produce and culture of silk 1000 0 0

Nova Scotia.

Read a petition of Samuel Waldo of Boston in New England, praying that the Board would recommend to his Majesty to make him a grant of all the lands in the province of Nova Scotia lying between the rivers Penobscot and St. John's, bounded on the north by St. Lawrence river, and on the south by the Ocean.

Their lordships upon consideration of the said petition and of the great inconveniences and mischiefs, which have so frequently arisen from the making grants of exorbitant quantities of lands in America, did not think it adviseable to comply with the prayer of the said petition.

New Jersey.

Read a letter from Jonathan Belcher, Esquire, Governor of New Jersey, to the Board, dated April 27th, 1756, acquainting the Board with the present state of that colony, and inclosing:—
An Act for raising 250 able bodied freemen as Volunteers, to protect and defend the frontiers of this colony, etc.
Minutes of Council and Council in Assembly in February and March, 1756.
Votes and proceedings of the Assembly from March 9th to 16th, 1756.
List of vessels entred and cleared at Burlington between Michaelmas, 1755, and Lady Day, 1756.
Lists of vessels entred and cleared at Perth Amboy from July 5th, 1755, to January 5th, 1756, by John Barbarie, Esquire, Collector for the said port.
Lists of vessels entred and cleared at the said port for the same time, by John Deare, Esquire, Naval officer.


Read the following letters from Mr. Willard, Secretary to the province of the Massachusets Bay:—
Letter from Mr. Secretary Willard to Mr. Hill, dated March 19th, 1756, acquainting him that he had sent the minutes of the Council and Assembly for the years 1754 and 1755 by the Hornet sloop of war.
Letter from Mr. Willard to Mr. Hill, dated April 9th, 1756, acquainting him that the Hornet sloop being ordered upon another service, he should send the minutes of Council and Assembly by some other safe conveyance.


Read the following letter and paper from the Governor and company of the colony of Connecticut, viz.:—
Letter from the Governor and company of Connecticut to the Board, dated March 30th, 1756, in answer to Mr. Pownall's letter of September 19th, 1755, requiring an account of the quantity of cannon, small arms, ammunition, etc.
Letter from Mr. Fitch, Governor of Connecticut, to the Board, dated April 15th, 1756, giving an account of the number of levies to be furnished by that colony for the expedition against Crown Point.
Answer to the heads of enquiry from the Board by the Governor and company of Connecticut.


Read the following papers received from Horatio Sharpe, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland:—
Letter from Horatio Sharpe, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, to the Board, dated February 8th, 1756, in answer to Mr. Pownall's letter of September 19th, 1755, requiring an account of the forts, fortifications, ordnance, etc.
Letter from Horatio Sharpe, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, to Mr. Pownall, dated February 8th, 1756, inclosing:—
Answer to queries from the Board by Horatio Sharpe, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland.


Read a letter from Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, to the Board, dated 25th April, 1756, requesting that his brother, Lewis Morris, Esquire, may be restored to his seat in the Council of New York upon the vacancy which has happened by the death of Mr. Alexander.

Wednesday, July 7. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Hamilton.


The draught of instructions for the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, relating to their observance of the laws of trade, having been prepared in the usual form pursuant to the minutes of the 24th of June, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed; and a representation to his Majesty thereupon was signed.


Read a memorial of Mr. Kellet, one of the Council and Provost Marshal of Georgia, relating to the present state of that colony, and the conduct of the Governor and his Secretary, Mr. Little.

Mr. Kellet attending without was called in, and their lordships had some discourse with him upon the subject matter of the said memorial, and then he withdrew.

Ordered, that Mr. Kellet's memorial be taken into further consideration to-morrow morning.


Read an Order of his Majesty in Council, dated this day, approving a representation of this Board, proposing Philip Ludwell Lee, Esquire, to be of the Council of Virginia in the room of Mr. Beverley, and directing a warrant to be prepared.

A warrant, having been prepared in the usual form, was approved, and a representation to his Majesty thereupon was signed.

Thursday, July 8. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Hamilton.


Read the following letters and papers received from Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, viz.:—
Letter from Charles Knowles to the Secretary, dated April 7th, 1756, acknowledging the receipt of his letters of the 19th September and 4th November last.
Letter from Charles Knowles, Esquire, Governor of Jamaica, to the Board, dated April 7th, 1756, acknowledging the receipt of their lordship's letter of 6th November last.
Letter from Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, dated May 8th, 1756, acquainting the Board that he had received his Majesty's leave to resign his government, and should embark for England as soon as Mr. Moore's Commission arrived.
Quarterly lists of shipping entred and cleared in Jamaica between the 25th of September, 1755, and March 25th, 1756.

Leeward Islands.

Read the following letters received from Mr. Thomas, Governor of the Leeward Islands, viz.:—
Letter from George Thomas, Esquire, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to the Secretary, dated March 13th, 1756, acknowledging the receipt of his letter of 4th November last.
Letter from George Thomas, Esquire, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to the Board, dated March 25th, 1756, acquainting their lordships with the Warwick man of war's being taken by the French.
Letter from George Thomas, Esquire, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to the Board, dated April 21st, 1756, giving an account of the present and expected Naval force of the French in the West Indies.

A letter to Mr. Fox, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, inclosing a copy of the last mentioned letter, was signed; and the Secretary was ordered to transmit a copy of it to the Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the information of that Board.

Plantations General.

Read a letter from Mr. Shelvocke, Secretary to the Post Master General, dated July 7th, 1756, in answer to one from Mr. Pownall, with the extract of a letter from the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia to this Board, complaining of inconveniences from the want of a more regular establishment of the Post Office in America.

Read a letter from Mr. Clevland, Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to Mr. Pownall, dated 7th July, 1756, inclosing:—
Copy of his Majesty's Commission to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for granting Letters of Marque and Reprizal, 4th June, 1756.
Copy of his Majesty's Commission to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for condemnation of prizes, 4th June, 1756.

Ordered, that the draught of a representation to his Majesty be prepared, proposing that additional instructions may be given to the several governors in America, relating to the colours to be worn by private ships of war, and the granting of Letters of Marque and Reprizal.

New York.

Read a letter from Sir Charles Hardy, Governor of New York, to the Board, dated at Fort George, May 10th, 1756, giving an account of Sir William Johnson's proceedings, and the state of Indian affairs, and inclosing:—
Copy of the report made to Sir William Johnson by the deputation from the Onondagas to the Delaware Indians, April 21st, 1756.
Copy of the report made to Sir William Johnson by the Mohawk delegates, who were sent to the River Indians; Fort Johnson, April 22nd, 1756.



The draught of a letter to the Earl of Holdernesse, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, upon the project of a Treaty of Commerce with the King of Prussia, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 6th instant, was signed.

Nova Scotia.

The draught of a letter to Charles Lawrence, Esquire, Governor of Nova Scotia, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 29th of June, was signed.


Their lordships took into further consideration Mr. Kellet's memorial relating to the present state of affairs in the colony of Georgia, and Mr. Kellet attending without was called in, and their lordships had further discourse with him upon the subject matter thereof; and then he withdrew.

Tuesday, July 13. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Hamilton.


Read a letter from Mr. Fox, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, dated the 9th July, 1756, signifying his Majesty's commands, that this Board should send orders to the Governor of Barbados to remove Mr. Fairchild from his office of Chief Judge of the Court of Common Pleas established for the precinct of St. Michael in the Island of Barbados.

A letter to Mr. Pinfold, signifying his Majesty's commands herein, was accordingly prepared, agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Nova Scotia.

The Secretary laid before the Board a memorial prepared by Mr. Parker, in behalf of Mr. Kilby, agent for the settlement of Nova Scotia, to be presented to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, praying that nine thousand, six hundred and twenty seven pounds, sixteen shillings and one penny may be issued to him to discharge bills drawn upon the said agent by Governor Lawrence for his Majesty's especial service; and the said memorial having been approved of, Mr. Parker was ordered to present it to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for their Lordships' directions thereupon.

Plantations General.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty, proposing that additional instructions may be given to the governors of the several colonies in America with respect to the granting Letters of Marque and Reprizal, and to the colours to be worn by private ships of war, having been prepared pursuant to the preceding minutes, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.


Read a letter from Mr. Reynolds, Governor of Georgia, dated the 12th of May, 1756, proposing the opening a filature for the reeling of silk at Ebenezer in Georgia.

Their lordships took into further consideration the state of Georgia; and after some time spent therein, ordered the Secretary to prepare a state of such facts both with regard to the general situation of the province and the Governor's conduct, as appeared from the Governor's letters, the minutes of Council and Assembly, and other papers transmitted to and laid before the Board.

Ordered, that the Secretary do write to Mr. Lloyd, a merchant trading to Georgia, and desire his attendance at the Board tomorrow morning at 12 o'clock.



Read the following papers received from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, viz.:—
Copy of a letter from Mr. Charles Bell to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, dated Cape Coast Castle, February 17th, 1756, with minutes of Council at Cape Coast Castle of December 1st, 1755.
Copy of a letter from Tobias Lisle and Council at James Fort, Gambia, of April 5th, 1756, to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa.
Copies of letters from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa to their officers on the Gold Coast and Gambia; and from the officers on the Gold Coast, and at Gambia to the Committee.
List of the new Committee men of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, elected July 3rd, 1756.

North Carolina.

Read a letter from Arthur Dobbs, Esquire, Governor of North Carolina, to the Board, dated March 15th, 1756, relating to the present state of defence of that province, and inclosing:—
List of the Militia and taxable persons in the several counties of North Carolina for 1755; together with an account of the quantity of powder and lead in the hands of the collectors for the several ports of North Carolina.


Read the following letters and papers received from Mr. Popple, Governor of the Bermuda Islands, viz.:—
Letter from William Popple, Esquire, Governor of Bermuda, to the Board, dated May 5th, 1756, giving an account of his transactions with the Council and Assembly since his arrival.
Letter from William Popple, Esquire, Governor of Bermuda, to the Board, dated May 5th, 1756, relative to the King's lands and the disposal of the revenue.
Letter from William Popple, Esquire, Governor of Bermuda, dated May 5th, 1756, upon the plan of an Act for raising the value of the King's lands, etc.
Letter from William Popple, Esquire, dated May 5th, 1756, inclosing several papers:—
Schedule of the King's lands; names of the tenants, etc., in Bermuda.
Provost Marshall's account of the receipts, disbursements and arrears of rent, due from the King's tenants in Bermuda.
Plan of an Act for raising the value of certain lands commonly called public lands or King's lands belonging to the Crown, etc.
Return of the number of inhabitants in Bermuda.
State of the pay of the Lieutenant and Matrosses at the Castle and Fort Paget.
List of such cannon, small arms, ammunition and other military stores as are adjudged necessary for the defence of Bermuda.
Address of the Governor, Council and Assembly of Bermuda to his Majesty, praying a supply of ordnance and military stores.
Minutes of the Council from February 27th, 1755, to March 13th, 1756.
Minutes of Council in Assembly from May 5th, 1755, to March 13th, 1756.
Minutes of Assembly from January 12th to March 13th, 1756.
Two Acts passed the 13th of March, 1756.

Ordered, that the said Acts transmitted by Mr. Popple be sent to Sir Mathew Lamb for his opinion thereupon in point of law.

Ordered, that the Secretary do transmit to the Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury copies of those letters from Mr. Popple and of the papers transmitted with them, which relate to the King's lands in Bermuda for their Lordships' directions thereupon.

Plantations General.

Ordered, that the draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the state of defence of such part of the colonies in America, from which returns have been made since the date of the Board's representation of the 11th of May last, be prepared.

Wednesday, July 14. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Hamilton.


Their lordships took into further consideration the state of affairs in his Majesty's colony of Georgia; and Mr. Lloyd, a merchant trading thereto, attending as desired, was called in, and their lordships had some discourse with him upon this subject, and he produced to their lordships some letters from his correspondents relating to the uneasiness, which the principal people of the colony are under from the present situation of affairs there, and their resolution of quitting the colony; at the same time Mr. Lloyd acquainted their lordships, that he had received orders from his correspondents there to send over goods to the amount of two thousand pounds; but that the affairs of the colony appeared to him to be in such disorder, that he did not think it adviseable to comply therewith; and then he withdrew.

Thursday, July 15. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Hamilton.


The Secretary laid before the Board a state of facts relative to the state of the colony of Georgia, and the Governor's conduct, collected from the Governor's letters, the Journals of Council and Assembly, and the private letters and papers communicated to the Board by Mr. Martyn, the agent, and others; and after some time spent in the consideration of this affair, their lordships ordered the draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the present state of the colony to be prepared.

Leeward Islands.


Read a memorial of Sir William Codrington, Baronet, dated July 14th, 1756, relative to a message he has lately received from Mr. Thomas, Governor of the Leeward Islands, that, unless he pays to the said Governor three thousand pounds before next Christmas for a renewal of the term of a grant of the Island of Barbuda made in 1705 to Christopher Codrington, Esquire, he will grant a reversionary lease of the said Island to one of his sons.

Ordered, that the Secretary do write to Sir William Codrington, to desire his attendance at the Board on Tuesday next, and that he will come prepared to make good the allegations of his memorial.

South Carolina.

Read a letter from James Glen, Esquire, Governor of South Carolina, to the Board, dated the 14th of April, 1756, inclosing:—
Copy of the address of the Assembly to his Majesty, expressing their sense of Mr. Glen's services, and submitting them to his Royal consideration.
South Carolina Gazette from July 24th to July 31st, 1755.
Governor Glen's meeting and conferences with the Cherokee nation of Indians.
Historical relation of facts delivered by Ludowick Grant, Indian trader, to his Excellency, the Governor of South Carolina.
A conversation between his Excellency, the Governor of South Carolina, and Chuconunta, a headman of the Cherokees.
Extract of a letter from Mr. Reynolds, Governor of Georgia, to Mr. Glen, Governor of South Carolina.

New York.

Read a letter from Sir William Johnson to the Board, dated at Fort Johnson, March 8th, 1756, inclosing:—
Copy of the proceedings and conferences held by Sir William Johnson with the Six Nations and their allies in December, 1755, and February, 1756.
Copy of a letter from an officer at Fort William to Sir William Johnson, dated March 6th, 1756, acquainting him with the distrest state of the garrison of Oswego.
Copy of a letter from John Vanseice, Interpreter, to Sir William Johnson, dated at Onondaga, 6th March, 1756, giving an account of the distress of the garrison of Oswego, and the hostilities committed by the Oswegatchie Indians.

Tuesday, July 20. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Hamilton.

Leeward Islands.


Their lordships took into consideration the memorial of Sir William Codrington, mentioned in the minutes of Thursday last, and Sir William Codrington attending, as had been desired, was called in, and having produced two several grants from the Crown in order to shew his title to the Island of Barbuda, and Colonel Crump, lately arrived from Antigua, who attended at the request of the memorialist, having acquainted their lordships with the substance of what passed between him and Governor Thomas with respect to the matter complained of by Sir William Codrington, they withdrew, and the draught of a letter to Governor Thomas containing their lordships' sentiments upon this transaction was ordered to be prepared.

New Hampshire.

New York.

North Carolina.


Ordered, that the draughts of letters to the governors of New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina and Bermuda, in answer to those which had been received from them since the Board's last letters, be prepared.

Plantations General.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the state of defence of such of the colonies in America from which returns have been made since the date of the Board's representation of the 11th of May last, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 13th instant, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.

Nova Scotia.

The Secretary laid before the Board a memorial prepared by Mr. Parker, in behalf of Mr. Kilby, agent for Nova Scotia, to be presented to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, praying that the sum of £7338 19s. 8d. may be issued to him to defray sundry expences which have arisen on account of the service of that colony, and the said memorial having been approved Mr. Parker was ordered to present it to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for their Lordships' directions thereupon.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the present state of the colony of Georgia and the conduct of the Governor in the administration of government, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 15th instant, was agreed to.

Thursday, July 29. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Stone, Mr. Oswald, Mr. Hamilton.

New Hampshire.

New York.

North Carolina.

Leeward Islands.


The draughts of letters to the governors of New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Leeward Islands, and Bermuda, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 20th instant, were approved of, transcribed and signed.

New York.

Read a letter from Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian affairs, to the Board, dated at Fort Johnson, the 28th of May, 1756, giving an account of the present state of matters in his said Department, and inclosing:—
His conferences with the Indians in March, April and May, 1756.

Ordered, that a copy of the abovementioned letter and of the paper transmitted with it be prepared to be laid before his Majesty, and the draught of a letter to Mr. Fox, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, inclosing the said copies having been prepared, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the present state of Georgia and the conduct of his Majesty's Governor there, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 20th instant, was signed, as was also a letter to Mr. Fox, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, inclosing the same.