Journal, March 1754: Volume 61, Part 2

Pages 16-24

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 10, January 1754 - December 1758. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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Journal, March 1754

Friday, March 9. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.

Nova Scotia.

Their lordships pursuant to the minutes of the 26th of February, took into consideration the memorial of Colonels Hopson and Cornwallis, praying payment of a sum of money due to the 42nd Regiment. and Colonels Hopson and Cornwallis attending, were called in and their lordships after some time spent therein agreed further to consider of it at another opportunity.

Tuesday, March 12. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville, Mr Oswald.



Their lordships pursuant to the minutes of the 7th instant, took into further consideration the letter from Mr. Harding, referring Mr. Roberts's petition for a reimbursement of his expences in defending the British forts and settlements upon the Coast of Africa in the year 1750, and having made some progress therein, agreed further to consider of it on Thursday next, and the Secretary was directed to write to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, to desire they would order their Secretary to attend with the journal of the transactions at Dixcove Fort during Mr. Roberts's administration, which Mr. Roberts acquainted their lordships had been delivered to them by him.


Read a letter from Mr. Harding, Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury inclosing:—
The representation of the merchants and others trading to Maryland, setting forth the great inconvenience that has arisen by the appointment of a new collector at Chester and Patapsco.

Ordered that the Secretary do transmit a copy of the merchants' petition to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs, and to desire they would take it into their consideration, and favour their lordships with their opinion upon it.

Plantations General.

The Earl of Halifax communicated to the Board the following memorial transmitted to him by Mr. Dick, a merchant of Rotterdam, viz.:—
Memorial of Monsieur Du Bois, private secretary to the Polish Ambassador at the Hague, in behalf of a great number of protestant Swiss families, praying for a grant of a tract of land in North America.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to Mr. Dick, to acquaint him that their lordships cannot take the said memorial into consideration or proceed upon it without being exactly informed where the tract of land petitioned for lyes, what quantity of acres it contains, on what terms and conditions of cultivation, improvecontains, on what terms and conditions of cultivation, improvement or quit rents the grant is desired, none of which circumstances are set forth in the memorial.

Wednesday, March 13. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.

Nova Scotia.

Their lordships took into further consideration the memorial of Colonels Hopson and Cornwallis, mentioned in the minutes of the 9th instant, and the memorialists attending with Mr. Kilby, agent for the settlement of Nova Scotia, they were called in, and their lordships upon consideration of the several circumstances of the case, agreed that it should be referred to Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Gould; the two last agents of the regiment now under the command of Colonel Hopson, and to Mr. Kilby, to state the precise sum received and paid by the said agents to the private men of that regiment, in order to replace to them the fourpences deducted from their pay for provisions between the 25th of August and 24th of December, 1750, and lay an account thereof before their lordships for their further information.

Thursday, March 14. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.

North Carolina.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the state of the province of North Carolina, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 25th of February, was signed.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon Mr. Dobbs's memorial relative to his salary, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 26th of February, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.

New Jersey.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the application of the Assembly of New Jersey for leave to issue £60,000 in bills of credit, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 28th of February, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.

Nova Scotia.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Chauncy Townsend's memorial, praying payment of £492 0s. 10d. due to him for bread delivered at Nova Scotia in lieu of flour, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 26th of February, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.


Read Mr. Lamb's reports upon the two following Acts passed in Virginia in April, 1752, viz.:—
An Act to confirm and establish an agreement made between John New and Benjamin Harrison, gentlemen, for the settlement of their respective rights to certain lands and for other purposes, therein mentioned.
An Act to vest certain intailed lands, therein mentioned, in Henry Washington, gentleman, in fee simple.

The Secretary having acquainted the Board that the agents for the parties interested in these Acts had desired him to move their lordships to lay them before his Majesty for confirmation, and it appearing that they had passed through all the forms prescribed for the passing of private Acts, the draughts of representations to his Majesty proposing their confirmation were prepared, agreed to, transcribed and signed.


The Secretary having acquainted the Board that the agent for the parties interested in an Act passed in Jamaica, entitled:—
An Act to enable Thomas Hope Elletson, Esquire, to take up a sufficient quantity of water for turning mills for grinding of sugar canes out of Hope River in the parish of St. Andrew, and to convey the same through the lands of divers persons to the plantation of the said Thomas Hope Elletson, called Hope Plantation, in the said parish.
had desired him to move their lordships to lay the said Act before his Majesty for his royal approbation, and it appearing that the said Act has passed through all the forms prescribed for passing of private Acts, the draught of a representation to his Majesty proposing the confirmation of it, was prepared, agreed to, transcribed and signed.


Read Mr. Lamb's report upon eight Acts passed at Antigua between January, 1752, and August, 1753.

Leeward Islands.


Read a petition of John Gray, Esquire, and his wife, praying the Board that they would not take an Act of Antigua into consideration, to confirm and establish certain articles of agreement between the said Grays and Ralph Payne, Esquire, untill answers to letters can be received from the said Mr. Payne.

The Secretary acquainted the Board that Mr. Paris, who was agent for one of the parties interested in the said Act, had desired to have a copy of the said petition; it was ordered that a copy of it should be accordingly delivered to him.

Plantations General.

Their lordships being informed that Mr. Stephens was attending without, and had something to offer relative to his petition concerning the making of pot-ash in America, he was called in and desired leave to propose something to their lordships in addition to the proposals made by Messrs. Hanbury and Tomlinson in his behalf; whereupon their lordships desired that he would reduce his propositions into writing and then he withdrew.



Their lordships pursuant to the minutes of Tuesday, took into further consideration Mr. Roberts's petition for a reimbursement of expences in supporting and maintaining the British forts and settlements upon the Gold Coast of Africa in the year 1750, and Mr. Briscoe from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa attending, was called in and acquainted their lordships that the book of the journal of the transactions at Dixcove desired by their lordships, could not be found, and that from a receipt of Mr. Roberts's for the said book, which he produced, it was supposed to be in Mr. Roberts's possession; Mr. Roberts being called in, alledged that he had redelivered it to the Committee, and offered to produce a copy of it in proof of the allegations of his petition; but their lordships declined entring into proof of this part of his petition, untill further search had been made for the book; their lordships then proceeded to the consideration of that part of Mr. Roberts's petition which states the expenditure of the publick money on the 30th of August, 1750, and he produced in evidence thereof a certificate of the deputy auditor's, that Mr. Lascelles had passed his accounts for the £10,000 issued to him in 1749 for the service of the forts and settlements upon the Coast of Africa, as also the books of his, Mr. Roberts's accounts of the expenditure of that part of the money imprest to him up to the 30th of August, but Mr. Roberts not being able to make out his facts and some difficulties arising, he was ordered to withdraw, and the further consideration of this affair was postponed.

Friday, March 15. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.


Their lordships pursuant to the minutes of the 7th instant, took into consideration the letter and papers from Mr. Knowles therein mentioned relative to the suspension of Mr. Hyde, one of the Council, and Mr. John Sharpe attending, their lordships had some conversation with him thereon, and being withdrawn, their lordships agreed further to consider of this affair at another opportunity.

Tuesday, March 18. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane.

New Jersey.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the application of the province of New Jersey for a paper currency having been transcribed, pursuant to the minutes of the 14th instant, was signed.

Nova Scotia.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Townsend's memorial praying payment of a sum of money due to him for bread delivered in Nova Scotia for the settlers in lieu of flour, having been transcribed, pursuant to the minutes of the 14th instant, was signed.

Plantations General.

Mr. Stephens attending, was called in and presented to the Board a paper containing some further proposals relative to his petition, praying for a reward for the discovery of his method of making pot-ashes in America; it appearing upon reading these proposals that they were different from the proposals made by Messrs. Hanbury and Tomlinson, upon which the consideration of this affair had been before finally closed, and a report to the Lords of the Treasury prepared, their lordships acquainted Mr. Stephens that they could not take his additional proposals into consideration without sending for the merchants, and therefore recommended to him to withdraw them and to present them to the Lords of the Treasury that they might be taken into consideration together with the Board's report.

Wednesday, March 19. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville.



Their lordships took into further consideration the petition of Mr. Roberts, praying for a reimbursement of his expences in supporting and defending the British forts and settlements upon the Coast of Africa in the year 1750, and having examined evidence to prove the hostilities alledged by the petitioner to have been committed by the Dutch, and also made a further examination with respect to the expenditure of the publick moneys vested in his hands, their lordships ordered the draught of a report to the Lords of the Treasury to be prepared.

Thursday, March 20. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville.


The Secretary laid before the Board two Orders of his Majesty's Council of the 28th of February last, and an additional instruction to Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, signed by his Majesty, relative to some Acts passed there in 1751 and 1752, which he had received from the Clerk of his Majesty's Council, and the draught of a letter to Mr. Knowles, inclosing them, having been prepared, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Nova Scotia.

Read the following letters and papers received from Colonel Lawrence, President of his Majesty's Council and Commanderin-Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia, viz.:—
Letter from Colonel Lawrence to the Board, dated at Halifax, December 5th, 1753, giving an account of the state of affairs within that province and inclosing:—
Protest of James Spellen, master of the schooner Phæbe and Polly.
Surveyor's report on a survey of pease delivered from on board the sloop Phæbe and Polly.
Surveyor's report on a survey of flour and bread from on board the schooner Patience from Philadelphia.
Protest of Caleb Turner, master of the schooner Patience, 14th October, 1753.
Colonel Hopson's regimental victualling rolls, between 10th of September and 7th October, 1753.
Colonel Hopson's regimental victualling rolls, between 8th of October and 4th November, 1753.
Abstracts of the estimates of expences from the time of closing Colonel Hopson's accounts to December 31st, 1753.
Letter from Colonel Lawrence to the Board, dated at Halifax, 29th December, 1753, giving an account of an insurrection which has happened at Lunenberg, of the measures he has taken to quell it and the success of those measures, and inclosing:—
Copy of the minutes of Council, dated 18th December, 1753, containing the particulars of the insurrection at Lunenberg.
Letter from Colonel Lawrence to the Board, dated 15th January, 1754, containing a further account of the state of affairs in that province, and inclosing:—
Minutes of Council of Nova Scotia between the 3rd and 28th November, 1753.

Wednesday, March 27. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Oswald.

Nova Scotia.

The Secretary laid before the Board a memorial prepared by the agent for Nova Scotia to be presented to the Lords of the Treasury, praying that £11, 392 6s. 9d. may be issued to him to discharge several warrants directed to and bills of exchange drawn upon him for the service of the province; the said memorial having been read, their lordships approved of it, and ordered Mr. Kilby to present it to the Lords of the Treasury for their Lordships' directions upon it.


The Secretary having acquainted the Board that Mr. Hamersley, agent for Mr. Hyde, one of the Council of Jamaica, suspended by Mr. Knowles, had desired him to move their lordships for a copy of the minute of the Council relative to that transaction, it was ordered that a copy should be made and delivered to him.

New Jersey.

The Secretary having acquainted the Board that Mr. Partridge, agent for the province of New Jersey, had desired him to move their lordships for a copy of their report upon his petition and remonstrance for a paper currency in New Jersey, it was ordered that a copy should be made and delivered to him.


The Secretary having acquainted the Board that Mr. Paris had desired him to move their lordships for copies of the following papers, viz.:—
The charter of laws and orders past under the common Seal, 1618.
A judgment on a quo warranto to dissolve the Virginia Company, 1624.
King Charles the First's instruction to the Governor and Council of Virginia, 1634.
Mr. Ludwell's petition, the House of Burgesses' address and other papers thereto annexed, which were that day referred to the Committee for Trade and Plantations, 28th March, 1689.


It was ordered that copys of the said papers, or such of them as are in this office, be made and delivered to him accordingly.

Plantations General.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Stephens's proposal relative to the making of pot-ashes in America, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 28th of February was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.



The draught of a report to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Roberts's petition for a reimbursement of his expences in supporting and defending the British forts and settlements upon the Coast of Africa in the year 1750, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 19th instant, was agreed to, and ordered to be transcribed.


Read the following letter and papers received from Mr. Dinwiddie, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, viz.:—
Letter from Robert Dinwiddie, Esquire, to the Board, dated November 27th, 1753, relative to Indian affairs and transmitting:—
Mr. William Trent's account of his proceedings with the Six Nations of Indians and their allies, and the distribution of a present amongst them.
A narrative of the proceedings of Mr. William Fairfax with certain chiefs of the Six united Nations of Indians and their allies.

Thursday, March 28. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.

Trade. Africa.

The draught of a report to the Treasury upon Mr. Roberts's petition having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of yesterday, was signed.

Nova Scotia.

Their lordships took into consideration the letters received from Colonel Lawrence, President of the Council of Nova Scotia, mentioned in the minutes of the 20th instant, and ordered the draught of an answer to be prepared.

Ordered that an account of the particular sums estimated for the service of Nova Scotia for the year 1754, stating what articles have been disallowed in the estimate transmitted from that province, and containing their lordships' observations upon each article, be prepared.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to Mr. Brewse, Engineer in the service of Nova Scotia, signifying their lordships' desire that he would repair to that province to direct and superintend the battery proposed to be erected on the eastern shore of the harbour of Halifax.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to the ministers of the German churches in London, to desire they would procure an able minister to be established amongst the Germans in Nova Scotia, and to acquaint them with the provision made for that service.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to Colonel Hopson, to desire he would inform their lordships whether he has any intentions of returning to take upon him the government of his Majesty's province of Nova Scotia.

Friday, March 29. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.

Nova Scotia.

The draught of a letter to Colonel Lawrence having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of yesterday, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.

The draught of an account of the particular sums estimated for the service of Nova Scotia for the year 1754, stating what articles have been disallowed in the estimate transmitted from the province, and containing their lordships' observations upon each article, having been prepared, pursuant to the minutes of yesterday, was agreed to, and ordered to be transcribed, and transmitted to Colonel Lawrence with the Board's letter to him.

Plantations General.

The draught of a report to the Treasury, upon Mr. Stephens's petition relating to pot-ashes, having been transcribed, pursuant to the minutes of the 27th inst., was signed.


The Secretary having acquainted the Board that Mr. Beverly, one of the Council in Virginia now in England, had desired him to request that their lordships would be pleased to move his Majesty, that he may have leave to stay in England for sometime longer on account of his private affairs, and the draught of a letter to Sir Thomas Robinson, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, for that purpose having been prepared, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Nova Scotia.

The draught of a letter to Sir Thomas Robinson, inclosing an extract of one from Colonel Lawrence, Commander-in-Chief of Nova Scotia, relative to the proceedings of the French at the River St. John's in that province, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.

Leeward Islands.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty proposing the confirmation of an Act passed in the Island of Antigua in July, 1753, for providing an additional support for the Governor of the Leeward Islands, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty proposing that Ballard Beckford, Esquire, may be appointed of the Council of Jamaica in the room of Benjamin Hume, Esquire, late Deputy Receiver-General, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.


Read an Order of Council, dated February 26th, 1754, on a report of this Board of the 20th of the said month, upon the memorial of Mr. Popple, Governor of Bermuda, relating to the appointment of the Clerk of the Assembly, and to the taxing the publick bills of the said island, and directing instructions agreeable to the said report to be prepared and laid before them.

The draught of two additional instructions to the Governor of the Bermuda Islands, having been prepared, conformable to the said Order, were agreed to, and ordered to be transcribed, and a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon was signed.


Read an Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated 5th March, 1754, approving a report of this Board on the plan of a Civil Government to be established in Georgia, and directing their lordships to recommend a person to his Majesty to be Governor, and to prepare a Commission and instructions.


Ordered that the draughts of a Commission and instructions for a Governor of the province of Georgia be prepared, and that the Secretary do direct the King's Seal Cutter to prepare and lay before the Board the draught of a Seal for the said province.

Leeward Islands.

The Earl of Halifax having acquainted the Board that complaint had been made to him by Mr. Fleming, LieutenantGeneral of the Leeward Islands, that some of the officers of his Majesty's Customs in those islands had been guilty of very improper and indecent conduct with regard to his Majesty's government, their lordships agreed to take this matter into consideration on Tuesday next, and the Secretary was directed to write to Mr. Fleming to know whether he had any objection to attending their lordships upon that subject.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs for an account of the number and tonnage of ships which have cleared from England from Christmas, 1746, to Christmas, 1753.

Plantations General.

Ordered that the Secretary do write to the Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, to desire he will move their Lordships that directions be given to the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland to transmit annually to this Board a leidger or account of the exports and imports to and from that part of Great Britain.