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Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 10, January 1754 - December 1758. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.
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Journal, January 1754
At a meeting of his Majesty's Commissioners for Trade and Plantations.
Tuesday, January 15. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Lord Dupplin Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
The Secretary laid before the Board an account of the incidental charges of this office from the 10th of October, 1753, to the 5th of January, 1754, amounting to three hundred, eighty seven pounds, ten shillings and sixpence, and a letter to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring payment thereof and of the salaries due to the Secretaries and under officers in the service of this Board for the same time, was signed.
Read the following letters and papers received from Mr.
Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, viz.:—
Letter from Mr. Knowles to the Board, dated the 13th of
September, 1753, in answer to their lordships' letter of the
16th of May last.
Letter from Mr. Knowles to the Board, dated 18th October,
1753, transmitting a list of shipping that have entered
and cleared in that Island between December, 1752, and
September, 1753.
Letter from Mr. Knowles to the Board, dated 20th October,
1753, recommending John Scot and Daniel Monroe,
Esquires, to supply two vacancies in the Council of that
Island occasioned by the death of Mr. Palmer and the
removal of Mr. Hyde.
Letter from Mr. Knowles to the Board, dated 20th September,
1753, inclosing:—
Copy of Mr. Knowles's speech to the Council and
Assembly of Jamaica.
Copy of the Council's address to Mr. Knowles.
Mr. Knowles's answer to the Council's address.
Copy of the Assembly's address to Mr. Knowles.
Copy of Governor Knowles's answer to the Assembly's
Ordered that the draught of an answer to the foregoing letters be prepared.
New York.
Read a letter from James Delancy, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of New York, to the Board, dated 29th November, 1753,
acquainting their lordships with his having received his Majesty's
orders in case of any incroachments being made on his dominions,
with his proceedings thereon, and with the intelligence he has
received relative to the proceedings of the French on the River
Ohio, and inclosing:—
Copy of the resolution of the Assembly of New York on
the subject of the Earl of Holdernesse's letter to the
Commander in Chief of that province, dated 28th August,
Extract of a letter from Lieutenant Holland to LieutenantGovernor Delancy, dated at Oswego, November 8th,
Copy of a letter from the Governor of New Hampshire to
the Governor of New York, dated November 17th, 1749,
inclosing an extract of his Commission describing the
province of New Hampshire.
Representation of the Committee and Commissioners to his
Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, containing observations
on Governor Wentworth's letter to the Board of Trade,
of the 23rd March, 1750–1, proposing a division line
between New York and New Hampshire.
Minutes of Council respecting the difference between New
York and New Hampshire as to the boundaries of the
two governments, dated 3rd April and 5th June, 1750.
Copy of a letter from Governor Wentworth to Governor
Clinton, dated April 25th, 1750.
Copy of a letter from Governor Clinton to Governor
Wentworth, dated June 6th, 1750.
Copy of the letter from Governor Wentworth to his Excellency,
Governor Clinton, dated 22nd June 1750.
Copy of a letter to Governor Wentworth from Governor
Clinton, dated 25th July, 1750.
Copy of a letter to Governor Clinton from Governor
Wentworth, dated 2nd September, 1750.
Copy of the Surveyor-General's letter containing his remarks
on the division line to be settled between New York and
New Hampshire.
Report of the Committee on two petitions complaining
against incroachments of the Massachusets Bay on the
province of New York, dated 28th February, 1753.
Ordered that an extract be made of so much of Mr. Delancy's letter as relates to the orders he has received with respect to any encroachments which may be made upon his Majesty's territories, and also a copy of the resolution of the Assembly thereupon and of Lieutenant Holland's letter to him from Oswego, to be transmitted to the Earl of Holdernesse, and that the draught of a letter to his Lordship therewith be prepared.
Wednesday, January 16. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Oswald.
New York.
The draught of a letter to Lord Holdernesse with the extract of one from the Lieutenant-Governor of New York, and copies of two papers, referred to in it, having been prepared pursuant to the preceding minutes, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
The draught of a representation to his Majesty, proposing John Scot, Esquire, to be of the Council of Jamaica, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
New Hampshire.
The draught of a representation to his Majesty, proposing Joseph Newmarsh, Esquire, to be of the Council of New Hampshire, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
Plantations General.
Read a petition of Thomas Stephens to the Lords of the Treasury relating to pot and pearl ash, referred by their lordships to the consideration of this Board.
New York.
Their lordships agreed to take the said petition into consideration on Tuesday next, and the Secretary was directed to give notice to Mr. Stephens to attend.
Mr. Charles, agent for the province of New York, attending,
was called in and presented to their lordships the following
paper transmitted to him by the Speaker of the Assembly of the
said province, and then withdrew, viz.:—
Representation of the Assembly of New York to the Board
on the subject of the 39th Article of his Majesty's instructions to the late Sir Danvers Osborn.
The said paper having been read their lordships agreed to take it into consideration the first opportunity.
Mr. Milliquet, employed by the late Governor of New York as agent for sending over the presents allowed by his Majesty to the Indians in that province, attending, was called in and presented to their lordships a copy of the invoice of the goods shipped by him on this account, and having informed their lordships that some part of the guns furnished by the Ordnance for this service was not yet shipped, their lordships ordered the Secretary to write to the Board of Ordnance to desire that they may be sent by the first ships which sail for that province.
Thursday, January 17. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Duppling, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Nova Scotia.
Mr. Kilby, agent for the settlement of Nova Scotia, attending, was called in and presented to their lordships the draught of an estimate of the expences of maintaining and supporting the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
Their lordships took the said draught into consideration and made some progress therein.
Ordered that the Secretary do write to Capt. Rous, Commander of his Majesty's sloop the Albany, lately stationed at Nova Scotia, to desire his attendance at the Board to-morrow morning.
Their lordships took into consideration the draught of a letter to Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, prepared pursuant to their lordships' orders, and made some progress therein.
Friday, January 18. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Nova Scotia.
Captain Rous attending, as desired, their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of an estimate of the expence of maintaining and supporting the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
Monday, January 21. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.
Nova Scotia.
Captain Rous attending, their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the draught of an estimate of the expence of maintaining and supporting the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
Tuesday, January 22. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Oswald.
Plantations General.
Their lordships pursuant to the minutes of the 16th instant, took into consideration Mr. Stephens's petition relative to the making pot and pearl ashes in America, and Mr. Stephens attending without, with several merchants and others of the city of London in his behalf, they were called in, and their lordships after having heard what Mr. Stephens had to offer in support of the allegations of his petition, it was proposed by Mr. John Hanbury on the part of Mr. Stephens, that whenever by the discovery and practice of Mr. Stephens' method of making pot-ash it should be imported from America and sold at 25s. per hundred or under, he should for a limited time be allowed a bounty upon every ton so sold within that time.
Mr. Stephens being asked if he approved of this proposal desired time to consider of it, to which their lordships agreed and then the gentlemen withdrew.
Nova Scotia.
Read a memorial of the German ministers in London to the Board of Trade in behalf of the German protestants in Nova Scotia.
Mr. Pittiers, minister of the German church in the Savoy, attending with another minister of one of the German churches in London, they were called in and their lordships having heard what they had to offer, acquainted them that they should consider of what was proposed by the petitioners and give such directions thereupon as should appear to be necessary and for the good of the settlements.
Mr. Brewse, late Engineer in Nova Scotia, attending, was called in and their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the estimate for the support of the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
Ordered that the draught of an estimate for supporting and maintaining the settlement of Georgia for the year 1754 be prepared.
Wednesday, January 23. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Nova Scotia.
Their lordships agreed to the estimate for maintaining and supporting the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
The draught of an estimate for supporting and maintaining the settlement of Georgia for the year 1754 having been prepared pursuant to yesterday's minutes, was laid before the Board and agreed to.
Thursday, January 24. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Their lordships took into consideration a representation to his Majesty upon two Acts of Barbados, signed the 12th of July last, but ordered by the minutes of the 9th of August to lye by for further consideration, and agreed that it should be laid before his Majesty.
New Hampshire.
Read two Orders in Council, dated the 22nd of July last, directing warrants to be prepared for appointing John Scot to be of the Council of Jamaica and Joseph Newmarsh to be of the Council of New Hampshire.
The draughts of warrants having been accordingly prepared were agreed to, and the representations to his Majesty therewith were signed.
New York.
Their lordships took into consideration the letters lately received from Mr. Delancy, Lieutenant-Governor of New York, and ordered the draught of a letter in answer to them to be prepared.
Their lordships took into consideration the letters received from Mr. Pownall, Secretary to the late Governor, and ordered the draught of a letter in answer to them to be prepared.
Ordered that an extract be made of so much of Mr. Knowles's letter of the 13th of September, mentioned in the minutes of the 15th instant, as contains his observations upon the law for disabling the patent officers from sitting in the Council and Assembly, to be laid before his Majesty, and that the draught of a representation to his Majesty thereupon be prepared.
Friday, January 25. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Plantations General.
Their lordships took into further consideration Mr. Stephens's
petition relating to the making pot-ashes in America; and Mr.
Stephens attending with several of the principal soap-boilers of
the cities of London and Westminster, Mr. Townshend, his
Majesty's chymist, and Dr. Morris, chymical lecturer in the
College, and their lordships having heard what they had to offer
with respect to the goodness of the sample of pot-ash brought
over from America by Mr. Stephens, the following proposal
was made to Mr. Stephens by several of the most eminent soapboilers present, viz:—
That they would enter into contract with Mr. Stephens
to take of him one hundred ton of pot-ash per annum for
seven years, at the rate of twenty-five pounds per ton,
on condition of his entring into security of five hundred
pounds for the ascertaining of which it was proposed that a
sample of the best Russia pot-ash should be lodged in the
hands of Mr. Townshend and Dr. Morris, with which Mr.
Stephens's pot-ash should be compared before the delivery.
Mr. Stephens having declined accepting this proposal, the gentlemen withdrew, and their lordships deferred the consideration of Mr. Stephens's petition to another opportunity.
Tuesday, January 29. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Colone Hopson, his Majesty's Governor of Nova Scotia, attending, their lordships took into consideration the state of that province.
Nova Scotia.
The Secretary laid before the Board the following orders of
the House of Commons. viz.:—
Order of the House of Commons for an estimate of the
charges for supporting and maintaining the settlement of
Nova Scotia for the year 1754.
Order of the House of Commons for an account of the money
paid and charges incurred by supporting and maintaining
the settlement of Nova Scotia from the 1st day of January
to the 31st December 1753.
The estimate for supporting the settlement of Nova Scotia for the year 1753, agreed to the 23rd instant, and also the account of the charges incurred in the year 1753. were laid before the Board, and Lord Dupplin was desired to present them to the House of Commons, pursuant to their order.
Read a letter from Mr. West, Secretary to the Treasury, acquainting the Board that it is his Majesty's command that they prepare and lay before the House of Commons and estimate of the expences of the colony of Georgia from the 24th June, 1753, to Midsummer, 1754.
The estimate for this service, agreed to the 23rd instant, was laid before the Board, and Mr. Grenville was desired to present the same to the House of Commons.
Wednesday, January 30. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
Nova Scotia.
Colonel Hopson and Colonel Cornwallis attending, their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the present state of his Majesty's province of Nova Scotia.
Thursday, January 31. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend, Mr. Oswald.
The draught of a letter to Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, mentioned in the minutes of the 17th instant, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon a letter from Mr. Knowles. Governor of Jamaica. containing his reasons for passing the Disqualification Act, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 24th instant, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
Read an order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated the 18th December, 1753, referring to the consideration of this Board the memorial of William Popple, Esquire, Governor of Bermuda, praying his Majesty to give him such instructions as may determine the disputes betwixt him and the Assembly, relative to the appointment of their clerk and taxing publick bills.
Their lordships agreed to take the said order into consideration to-morrow morning and ordered the Secretary to write to Mr. Popple, Governor of Bermuda, and to Mr. Noden, agent for the said Island. to desire their attendance thereupon.
New Jersey.
Read the two following orders of the Lords of the Committee
of Council, viz.:—
New Jersey.
Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated 18th
December, 1753, referring to the consideration of this
Board the petition of the Assembly of New Jersey, praying
his Majesty to give the Governor leave to assent to an
Act for emitting £60,000 in bills of credit.
Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated the
18th December, 1753, referring to the consideration of this
Board the humble remonstrance of Richard Partridge,
agent for the Colony of New Jersey, praying his Majesty
to instruct his Governor to give his assent to an Act for
emitting £60,000 in bills of credit.
Their lordships agreed to take the said orders into consideration on Tuesday next, and ordered the Secretary to write to Mr. Partridge, agent for the province, to desire his attendance thereupon.
North Carolina.
Read an order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated 3rd April, 1753, referring to this Board for their consideration and report, the memorial of Arthur Dobbs, Esquire, Governor of North Carolina, to his Majesty, praying for ordnance and stores for the fort lately erected on Cape Fear River.
Their lordships agreed to take the said order into consideration on Friday, the 8th of February, and ordered the Secretary to write to Mr. Dobbs to desire his attendance thereupon.
Ordered that the draught of a report upon the state of North Carolina, prepared pursuant to their lordships' orders, be taken into consideration on Thursday next, and that the Secretary do write to Mr. Dobbs to desire his attendance.
Read a letter from Mr. Smith, deputy to Mr. Walpole, Auditor
General of the Plantations, to Mr. Pownall, dated the 18th of
April, 1753, relating to the quit rents in North Carolina, and
An abstract of Mr. Allen's account as Receiver General of
quit rents in North Carolina from 1735 to 1748.
Copy of Mr. Walpole's report to the Lords of the Treasury
on Widow Johnston's claim.
Read a memorial of Arthur Dobbs, Esquire, Governor of North Carolina, to the Board, setting forth the insufficiency of the quit rents of that province to pay the salaries of the Governor and other officers, and praying their lordships to represent to his Majesty the necessity of making some other provision for the said salaries.
Their lordships agreed to take the said memorial into consideration on Friday, the 8th of February.
Read a letter from John Tinker, Esquire, Governor of the Bahama Islands, to the Board, dated 9th September, 1753, giving an account of the present state of affairs within his government.
New York.
Read a letter from Mr. Bogdani, Secretary to the Board of Ordnance, dated the 24th instant, relative to the arms that are to be sent to New York as a present to the Indians.
Nova Scotia.
The Secretary laid before the Board the two following papers
received from Mr. Hopson, Governor of Nova Scotia:—
Letter from Mr. Cotterell. Secretary of the colony, to Governor
Hopson, dated 1st October, 1753. relative to the oaths that
have from time to time been tendered to or taken by the
French inhabitants of Nova Scotia.
Minutes of Council from the 28th of July to the 26th October,
Plantations General.
The Secretary laid before the Board the following copies of
Orders in Council viz.:—
Copy of an Order in Council. dated 11th December. 1753,
approving a report of this Board with a warrant directing
the Governor of Jamaica to swear and admit Edward
Manning. Esquire. to be one of the Council in the said
Island in the room of Hampson Nedham, Esquire.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 11th December, 1753,
approving an Act passed in Barbados in 1713, entitled,
An Act relating to the spring or rivulet called the Three
Houses Spring in the parish of St. Philip.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 11th December. 1753,
approving a report of this Board with a warrant directing
the Governor of Barbados to swear and admit Edward
Jordan. Esquire, to be one of the Council in the said Island
in the room of James Carter, Esquire, deceased.
Copy of an Order in Council, dated the 11th December. 1753,
approving a report of this Board with warrants directing
the Governor of the Bahama Islands to swear and admit
Robert Stewart and Nehemiah Duncombe, Esquires, to be
of the Council in the said Islands in the room of Thomas
Barnet and Benjamin Saunders, Esquires, deceased.
Leeward Islands.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 11th December, 1753,
approving a report of this Board together with a warrant
directing the Governor of the Leeward Islands to swear
and admit Rowland Oliver, Esquire, to be one of the
Council in Antigua in the room of Charles Dunbar who
has resigned.
Plantations General.
Copy of an Order of Council dated 11th December, 1753,
approving several additional instructions to the respective
governors in America, relative to the admitting of appeals
in cases of error.
Read a letter from the Duke of Newcastle to the Board, dated
the 4th instant, relative to the disputes subsisting between the
Royal African Company here and the Dutch West India Company,
and inclosing:—
Copy of a letter from Colonel Yorke to the Duke of Newcastle,
dated Hague, November 20th, 1753.
Mémoire touchant les Droits des Hollandois sur les Villages
d'Atchuah et Busha sur la Cote de Guineeé.
Copie d'une lettre de Monsieur le Colonel Yorke a Monsieur
Dedel, dated La Haye, le 28me Novembre, 1753.
Copie d'une letter de Monsieur Dedel à Monsieur le Colonel
Yorke, Amsterdam, le 4 Decembre. 1753.
Extract of a letter from Colonel Yorke to the Duke of
Newcastle, Hague, December 7th, 1753.
Extrait des resolutions de Messieurs les Directeurs de la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales de la Chambre d'Amsterdam,
le 11me Decembre, 1753.
Copie d'une lettre de Monsieur Dedel à Monsieur Yorke,
Amsterdam, le 14 December, 1753.
Extract of a letter from Colonel Yorke to the Duke of
Newcastle, Hague, December 18th, 1753.
Their lordships agreed to take the said letter and papers into consideration on Tuesday, the 12th of February, and the Secretary was directed to write to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa to desire their attendance thereupon.