Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 6

Pages 50-58

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 6

71. John de Corteney alias de Curtenay.
Writ, 11 May, 2 Edw. I.
[Buckingham.] Extent (undated).
Hildesdon. A capital messuage, lands, wood and rent (extent given) were given to Isabel sometime his wife in free marriage, and so held of the earl of Oxford.
Hugh, his son, aged 24, is his next heir.
Buckingham. Extent (undated).
Wavendon. A messuage, lands, wood and rent (extent given), similarly held of the said earl.
Heir as above.
Devon. Extent and Inq. Tuesday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Popelsford. The borough (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of his manor of Aylesbear.
Heir as above, aged 23 at the feast of the Annunciation in the same year.
Berks. Extent, Sunday after the Holy Trinity, 2 Edw. I.
Sutton. The manor (extent given), including a pasture called Herdegrave and a member called Hauekerig', held of the king in chief as freely as the king held it, and by his charter.
Heir as above, aged 24 and more.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Thursday after St. Augustine the Apostle, 2 Edw. I.
Okumpton. The borough (extent given) held of the king in chief as pertaining to his barony of Okimton.
Heir as above under Popelsford.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Thursday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Okumpton. The manor (extent given), including a place called the castle of Okumpton which is nothing but an old motte (mota), held of the king in chief as head of his barony, doing service of two knights, together with his own service, or four esquires in time of disturbance, at his own cost for forty days, and beyond at the king's cost.
The advowson of the church is held to the use of the priory of Cowyk and ninety-two knights' fees, names unknown, pertain to this barony.
Heir as above.
Devon. Extent and Inq. Thursday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Exeter. Mills and free tenancies outside the city (extent given) held of the king in chief as members of the aforesaid barony.
(Unspecified.) 30 acres held by John Floyer, rendering a pot (ollum) of wine whenever the said John de Curtenay or any of his heirs would dine or feast (gentaculare vel comedere) in the Isle of Exeter; and a messuage held by Richard Mandevile rendering 40d. at Michaelmas and Easter.
Cowyk. The priory, held of the barony of Okumpton in frankalmoin.
St. Mary of the Marsh. The priory, similarly held, rendering nothing.
Alfington. The manor held by John de Nevile of the same barony, rendering nothing; but the advowson of the church pertains to the barony, and out of the said mills &c. the lord renders 1 mark to the priory of Cowyk, 1 mark to the wife of Nicholas Treydevrs (?), ½ mark to Henry de Campo Arnulphi and Thomas de Craundon, ½ mark to the chapel of St. Mary Steps (de Gradibus), and 5s. to the chapel of the castle of Exeter yearly.
Heir as above.
Devon. Extent and Inq. Saturday the feast of St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Musebiri. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) with the advowson of the church, including Broclond held by Thomas de Pyn, with the wardship of the heir, held of the king in chief as member of his barony of Okumpton.
Esse. The manor (extent given) pertaining to the manor of Mosebiri, and rendering 10s. yearly to the lord of that manor.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Friday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Chulmelegh. The borough (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of the aforesaid barony.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Saturday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Chulmelegh. The manor (extent given), including a hall, chamber, grange &c. at Neweham within the manor, held of the king in chief as member of the aforesaid barony, with the advowson of the church, where there are six prebends, one worth 60s., and the five others worth 2 marks each.
Duwelton. Twenty-eight tenants in villenage, a water-mill and pasture.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Friday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. 1.
Sampford. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), held of the king in chief as member of the aforesaid barony, with the advowson of the church. The villeins used to be taxed at the will of the lord. 5 marks from fourteen tenants in this manor which the said John gave to Robert le Peytevyn for life, are taken into the king's hand.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Monday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Culiford. The borough (extent given) held of the king in chief as member pertaining to the manor of Culiton.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Tuesday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Wympel. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of his barony of Okumpton. The villeins used to be taxed at the will of the lord. The advowson of the church pertains to the priory of Cowyk.
Heir as above.
Devon. Extent and Inq. Tuesday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Aylesbere. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of the aforesaid barony. The advowson of the church pertains to the priory of Polslo.
Heir as above.
Devon. Extent and Inq. Monday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Culiton. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight.
The advowson of the church is held to the use of the dean and chapter of Exeter.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Wednesday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Ken. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) with the advowson of the church held of the king in chief as member of his barony of Okumpton. The villeins used to be taxed at the will of the lord. And the said John gave 100s. rent in this manor to Sir John Wyger until he or his heirs should have been paid 100 marks, and they are taken into the king's hand.
Heir as above.
Somerset. Inq. and extent, Saturday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Heminton. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of his barony of Hockamton, including a pasture called Hayuode, a tax of villeins called 'Lardarium,' ½ knight's fee held by Hugh de Wydewrthy, Nicholas de Sancto Victore and Roger de Boell by knight's service, and the advowson of the church, worth 18 marks according to the synodal taxation.
Heir as above, aged 25.
Somerset. Inq. and extent, Monday after St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Cruk. The manor (extent given), including services of villeins in Minsterton, Craft and Wolmereston, and the mill of Bery, held of the king in chief, service unknown because William de Vernoun, earl of the Isle (del Ylle), gave the manor to Robert de Curtenay, father of the said John, in free marriage with Mary his daughter.
Cokere Maundevyle. 2 fees, held by John de Maundevyl by knight's service.
Axhulle and Sevenaunton. 7 fees held by Maud de Moleton.
Clopton, held for ½ fee by Robert de Pavely.
And from the said three tenants pertain to the lord homage, wardship, relief and scutage.
Heir as above.
Somerset. Inq. and extent, Wednesday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edw. I.
Wotton. A third part of the manor (extent given), held jointly by the said John and Isabel his wife of Philip Basset and his heirs, of the gift of the said Philip, rendering 6d. yearly for scutage. And 1/10 knight's fee is held by Adam de Bagedrip, who gives nothing but wardship and relief.
Heir as above.
Dorset. Inq. Friday the eve of St. Augustine, 2 Edw. I.
Iwern Curtenay. The manor (full extent given), including lands in Littlecumb, Bunebyri, and Sutcumb in the east field, on Wytedich, in Langelond, Bremelfurlang, and Dunfurlang in the west field, and in Estmed below the court, Littlebrokesmed and Ferndon, held of the king in chief by barony as member of his barony of Hocumton.
Heir as above, aged 25 from the feast of the Annunciation last.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of the abbot &c. of Forde, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand certain land in Haregrave sometime given to them in frankalmoin, 20 June, 2 Edw. I.
Devon. Inq. Friday before St. Margaret, 2 Edw. I.
Haregrave. Hawis de Curtenay gave to the said abbey the whole land of Hargrave in frankalmoin for maintaining three poor persons in the infirmary of the said house, and Robert de Curtenay her son and heir confirmed the gift. John de Curtenay was never seised thereof; but the said abbot &c. have been in seisin time out of mind, and delivered the land to two tenants at will, who rendered 40s. yearly to the abbey, and no service to the said John, unless for favour and not of debt.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of the abbot &c. of Torre that the escheator had taken into the king's hand certain lands &c. in Deulton, which the said John granted them in exchange for the prebend of Asseclyste until the said prebend should be vacant, 30 June, 2 Edw. I.
Devon. Inq. Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 2 Edw. I.
Duwelton. The said abbot &c. were in seisin of the whole land of Duwelton, excepting the advowson of the church, for ten years and more before the death of the said John, by indenture made between them, until the said John or his heir should cause the said abbot &c. to have the prebend of Aysseclist for ever, and the said John was not in seisin thereof when he died. The said land is member of the barony of Okumpton.
Note that it is member of the barony of Okumpton and newly alienated to religious men without warrant.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Geoffrey le Frere and Alice his wife that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Engleborne, which they held of the abbot of Buffestre for the life of the said Alice, 11 July, 2 Edw. I.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Friday the feast of St. Matthew, 2 Edw. I.
Engeleburne. The manor is held as member of the barony of Okumpton, but John de Curtenay was not seised thereof in his demesne as of fee on the day when he died, for [Henry ?] de Puntestok and Alice his wife held it ten years before the death of the said John of the abbot and convent of Bufestria, who held it of John de Reygny, whose father, Thomas enfeoffed them thereof, and afterwards Geoffrey le Frere espoused the said Alice who held the manor for a year before the death of John de Curtenay.
C. Edw. I. File 6. (1.)
72. Roger de Wykes.
Writ of extent and partition into three parts, 12 May, 2 Edw. I.
Sussex. Inq. (undated.)
Wykes. The manor, held of the heir of Roger de Toni (alias de Tony, de Touny, now in the king's wardship) by service of 1 knight's fee.
Godehaude, his sister, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
[Sussex.] Extent and partition, Wednesday after St. John the Baptist, 2 Edw. I.
Wykes. Partition of the manor into three parts (full extents given with names of fields and tenants).
C. Edw. I. File 6. (2.)
73. Herbert de Markeshale.
Writ, 8 Oct. 2 Edw. I.
[Essex.] Inq. Wednesday after Epiphany, 3 Edw. I. (defective.)
Markeshale. The town or manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief of the honour of Hagele by service of 1 knight's fee, and doing 10s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Dover.
... town. 60a. arable held of the abbot of Westminster, rendering 16s. yearly, and 2a. meadow; and the said Herbert gave all these lands to Alan, his son and heir, half ... (before) his death, so that on the day he died he was seised of no tenement.
, aged 23, is his heir.
C. Edw. I. File 6. (3.)
74. Nicholas de Haveresham.
Writ (missing).
Wilts. Inq. and extent, Saturday after St. Gregory, 2 Edward I.
Compton. The manor (full extent given with names of tenants), including a manse with 6a. land held by Walter Pram, by finding every night a light in the mortuary in the church of St. Michael for ever, and a light with four lamps at each mass, held of Sir John de Grimstede in chief for ½ knight's fee rendering 15s. yearly, and to Sir Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 20s. yearly.
Le Marays, a member of the manor of Compton. 1 carucate land, rent &c. (extent given), held of Sir Edmund, earl of Cornwall, as abovesaid.
Joan his daughter, aged 33 weeks, is his next heir, and is in the keeping of Joan her mother.
Foreign rents pertaining to the manor of Compton, viz.—
Puttone. 1 virgate land held by Ralph Viring of Richard Cusyn, rendering yearly to the said Sir Nicholas and his heirs 8s. 2d.; and 1 virgate, excepting 2a., similarly held by Robert Eode of Puton, rendering 9s. 6d.
Brutford. 1 hide land held by Sir William de Sancto Omero and Walter Causepye of Sir John de Grimestede, rendering 26s. yearly to the lord of Comptune and his heirs.
[Grimestede.] A manse with 8a. land and two small pieces of meadow, held by Richard de Bryan, parson of Grimestede, rendering 8s. yearly; a messuage held by Agnes le Carpentire in Grimestede, rendering 12d.; and Christina Sturefiss holds in the same manner and by the same service.
Wynterburne Daniel. Certain rents (extent given with names of tenants) were mortgaged to Sir Nicholas de Haveresham, father of the last Nicholas, until Geoffrey Daniel or his heirs should render to him or his heirs or assigns 50 marks; also Richard de la Sale used to render 15s. yearly for a tenement unknown, and he dwells in Hamptesire.
Endorsed with a summary of this and the following extents, viz.—
Wilts. Compton manor. Sum 30l. 2s. 4¾d.
Bredford. 26s. rent.
Putton. 17s. 8d. rent.
Grimested. 10s. rent.
Southampton. Westakeley. 15s. rent.
Leicester. Claybrok. Sum 19l. 7s. 2d.
Buckingham. Haveresham manor. Sum 59l. 8s. 5½d.
Total 112l. 6s. 8¼d., and so the lady ought to be dowered of 37l. 8s. 10¾d.
Leicester. Inq. Monday after Palm Sunday, 2 Edw. I.
Claybroc. The manor (extent given), tenure unspecified.
His daughter, who is not aged 1, is his next heir.
Buckingham. Extent, Thursday before Palm Sunday, 2 Edw. I.
Haversham. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Maud, his daughter, aged ½ year, is his next heir.
(See No. 243.)
C. Edw. I. File 6. (4.)
75. Gilbert de Gaunt.
Writ, 26 Jan. 2 Edw. I.
York. Extent and Inq. Wednesday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Hundemanby. The township was sometime held by the said Gilbert of the king in chief and in barony, but he gave it to Gilbert his son and heir in marriage with Lora de Balyolo, and dowered her thereof, and put them in full seisin long before his death.
Helag' in Swaldale. The manor (extent given) held of Sir John de Britannia, earl of Richemund, by service of a pair of gilt spurs, including a meadow in a place called Fytun and Skaleflat, pasture in the forest, and tenements in Ruckcroft and Arkelgarth.
Free tenants, viz.—
Fremyngton, held by Hugh son of Henry by service of ¼ knight's fee, and he renders a brachet yearly.
Rythe. 1 carucate land and an assart held by William ultra Swalle by knight's service; 1½ bovate held by Robert le Rescour (?) by the same service rendering 10d. (?) yearly; 1½ bovate held by John de Rythe by the same service rendering 6d.; 1 bovate held by John Ode rendering 4s.; 1 bovate held by William de Dalton by knight's service rendering 1lb. cummin; and 3 acres held by John Skalre (?) rendering 2d.
Gernton. The township held by the prior of Bredelington, whereof the church is dowered in frankalmoin.
A certain pasture (?) called Menhaker, held by the abbot of Ryevall rendering 66s. 8d. yearly.
Gilbert de Gaunt is his next heir, and of full age.
[Lincoln.] Inq. The morrow of the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Hekington. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by barony, by going with the king in his army for three weeks at his own charges.
Gilbert his son, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
[Lincoln.] Inq. The morrow of the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Foukingham. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by knight's service as part of his barony.
Heir as above.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Sunday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Hedenham. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by knight's service, and it pertains to the barony of Fulkyngham.
Heir as above.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Monday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Skendelby. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, and it is of the barony of Folkingham.
Heir as above, aged 25.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Tuesday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Barton. The manor (extent given), including the ferry of Humbre with the market, held of the king in chief, and pertaining to the aforesaid barony.
Heir as above, aged 25.
C. Edw. I. File 6. (5.)
76. Henry de Tracy.
Writ, 21 Aug. 2 Edw. 1.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Monday before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 2 Edw. 1.
Uppehesse. A hall, grange, chapel, lands &c. (extent given) held of the king in chief as member of the barony of Barnastap[le].
Grenesnylche. A free tenant rendering 4s.; and 50a. arable held by the lord, of Sir Walter son of Payn of the fee of Wyr' by knight's service.
Kelmeton. 33a. arable, 2a. meadow and 16s. rent from villeins, held of Walter de Merton of the fee of the countess of Devon by service of 1/5 knight's fee.
Maud, daughter of his daughter, whom Geoffrey de Caunvile lately took to wife, aged 31 at Christmas in the said year, is his next heir.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Tuesday before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 2 Edw. I.
Barnastaple. The borough (extent given), including a place called the castle, around which a wall is almost built, and there is a motte (mota) in which are a hall, chamber, kitchen and other houses almost built, a market and fair, a priory founded on the lord's demesne, with its custody when vacant, and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief as head of the barony of Barnastaple by service of two knights or four esquires at his own cost for forty days when the king shall have need.
Heir as above.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Sunday before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 2 Edw. I.
Bovy. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) held of the king in chief as member pertaining to the barony of Barnastaple.
The advowson of the church is held to the use of the fraternity of Bridgewater (Bruges Walteri).
Heir as above.
[Devon.] Inq. and extent, ... Virgin Mary, 2 Edw. I. (defective.)
Fremyngton. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) held of ... of the barony of Barnastaple.
The advowson of the church pertains to the abbey of Hertilond to their own uses.
Taustoke. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as member of the said barony.
The advowson of the church pertains to the priory of Barnastaple.
Nymet Tracy. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief as member of the said barony.
Hallesworth. The manor (extent given with names of tenants) with the advowson of the church, held of Sir Payn de Chaworth in chief for 1d.
Toriton. A fifth part (extent given with names of tenants), worth ..., held of Ricard Tr[emale]t in chief as a fifth of Toriton.
The advowson of the church pertains to the joint lords.
Nymet St. George. A fifth part of the manor (extent given), held of Sir Richard Tremalet as a fifth of a member of Toriton.
Lewe. A fifth part of the manor (extent given), held of John de Umfrevile in chief as a fifth of a member of Toriton.
Hele. Land &c. (extent given with names of tenants) worth 24s., held of William de Cluyngny in chief, service unspecified.
Ilfredecumb. The borough (extent given) held of Henry de Chambernun in chief, rendering 8 marks yearly.
Wynkelegh. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), tenure unspecified.
He had a daughter Eva, married to Guy de Bryane, from whom was born Maud, whom Geoffrey de Caunvile lately married, who is his next heir and 31 at Christmas last.
C. Edw. I. File 6. (6.)
77. Ralph de Lodintone.
Writ, 8 Feb. 2 Edw. I.
Warwick. Inq. Friday after St. James, 2 Edw. I.
Drayton. 4½ virgates land held of William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, by service of 1/8 knight's fee to the earl, and rendering 20s. yearly to the king; for the tenement was the right of one Joan who married Roger de Hayes a Norman, and they enfeoffed Thomas de Lodington, grandfather of the said Ralph, of the same, to be held of the chief lords by the services pertaining thereto, and to render 20s. yearly to the said Roger and Joan and their heirs: afterwards because the said Roger was a Norman and adhered to the fealty of the king of France, the king seized the said rent into his own hand.
Lodington. ¼ knight's fee, held of the said earl; and ¼ knight's fee, held of Thomas de Kaumvile.
His four daughters, Agnes and Petronilla of full age, and Maud and Joan under age, are his heirs.
Warwick. Extent, Friday after the Epiphany, 2 Edw. I.
Ludinton. A capital messuage, lands &c. (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Drayton. 4½ virgates land (extent given), held of the king in chief.
Wylmedecot. A capital messuage, with the whole demesne and a water mill, held by Walter his brother for life by 1d. rent; and rents &c. (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Assignment of dower to Margaret late the wife of the said Ralph, of a third of the lands &c. in Wilmondecote, Ludinton and Drayton.
Warwick. Names of villeins and free tenants holding lands of which the said Margaret seeks dower, viz.—in Willemondecot, Ludynton and Doddewell.
C. Edw. I. File 6. (7.)