Pages 197-205
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 12, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 200
Writ, 6 February, 42 Edward III. | |
SALOP. | Inq. taken at Lydham, 18 February, 42 Edward III. (Ten jurors.) |
Lydham. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 29 January last. John de Cherleton, knight, lord of Powys, his kinsman, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (1.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 28. (3.) | |
222. | JOHN CORY. |
Writ of certiorari super causa capcionis, 1 October, 42 Edward III. | |
LONDON. | Inq. (indented) taken before the mayor, Monday the feast of St. Denis, 42 Edward III. |
The said John died on Sunday before Ascension day, 42 Edward III, seised of:—
Parish of St. Dunstan in the East. A tenement with 2 shops adjoining in Menchenlane. Immediately after his death Thomas Hessay, formerly a king’s serjeant-at-arms, and others of the king’s ministers whose names are unknown, came and seized the premises into the king’s hand, by what title the jurors know not. Since John’s death the premises have stood empty and unlet, except one shop which is let. The premises are held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London. William de Hilland, son of Hugh de Hilland brother of the deceased, aged 24 years and more, is the deceased’s heir. |
Writ of diem clausit extremum, 1 November, 42 Edward III. | |
LONDON. | Inq. taken before the mayor, 6 November, 42 Edward III. |
To the same effect as above, the heir’s name being given as William de Hynelond. | |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (2.) | |
223. | WILLIAM SON OF JOHN CUNDY of Sandwich. |
Writ, 25 November, 42 Edward III. | |
KENT. | Inq. (indented) taken at Rochester, 28 November, 42 Edward III. |
Canterbury. The said William received from the king 30l. yearly to him and his heirs of the farm of the city of Canterbury by the hands of the bailiffs and citizens, to wit, 10l. at Easter and 20l. at Michaelmas, as appears by the king’s letters patent.
He died on 5 September last. Idonia, Margaret, Margery and Constance, his sisters, all aged 24 years and more, and Thomas Watyndenne, son of Alice another sister, aged 4 years at Christmas last, are his heirs. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (3.) | |
Writ, 4 May, 42 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Great Massingham, Friday after SS. Peter and Paul, 42 Edward III. |
Sisterne. The manor, held for her life of the duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Rychemund, by homage and fealty and service of 10s. for ward of the castle, and of the heir of the lord de Bardolf, a minor in the king’s wardship, by homage and fealty and 3 1/2d. for ‘waytefe.’
Neuton. The manor, [held for her life] of William de Morle by service of half a knight’s fee and 22 1/2d. for ‘waytefe.’ She died on Saturday the feast of the Annunciation, 42 Edward III. John son of John de Burghaissh, aged 21 years, is her heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (4.) | |
Writ after the death of the said John, whose father held by knight’s service of the heir of Edward de Monte Acuto, a minor in the king’s wardship, and who has died while a minor in the king’s wardship. Henle, 30 July, 42 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Harliston, Thursday after the Assumption, 42 Edward III. |
William Groos, son and heir of Hugh Groos, held:—
Redenhall. A messuage, 57a. land, 1 1/2a. wood, 1 1/2a. pasture, and 10s. 9d. [rent], held of Ethered’, sister and heir of Edward son and heir of Edward de Monte Acuto, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service and service of 20s. and 1lb. of pepper; and 26a. land and 1/2a. meadow, held of Sir Walter de Mauny by service of collecting his whole rent of his hundred of Ersham, suit to the said hundred (court) every three weeks, and a hen yearly at Christmas, in socage. Ryveshale. A moiety of a messuage, of 100a. land, of 2a. meadow, and of 1a. wood, held of the heir of Laurence de Hastyngges, late earl of Pembroke, in the king’s wardship, by knight service. The said William died about the feast of St. Margaret last. Thomas his brother, aged 8 years on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary last, is his heir. |
SUFFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Bolisdale, Monday before Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. |
The said William Groos held:—
Hepworth. A moiety of the manor, held of the abbot of St. Edmund by service of a fourth part of a quarter of a knight’s fee. It came into the king’s hands by the death of Hugh and by reason of the minority of William, his son and heir, because Hugh held it of the abbot by knight’s service, and died about the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 35 Edward III, when the barony of the said abbot was in the king’s hands by voidance and the death of brother William, the last abbot. Date of death and heir as above. |
HERTFORD. | Inq. (indented) taken at Storteford, Wednesday the eve of Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. |
The said William Groos held:—
Pelham Forneus and Thiderisham. The manors, held of the bishop of London by service of 1 1/2 knights’ fees and 13s. 8d. yearly for ward of the bishop’s castle of Storteford. Stokenpelham. 105a. arable and 5a. 1r. meadow, held of the lady de Bedeford by service of 1lb. of cummin and 13s. 4d. yearly. Brendepelham, Little Hormed and Aldebery. 16a. land and 15a. pasture, held of Thomas Grey, John de Patemere, Roger Houtot and the prior of Bygg[i]ng by service of 3s. 11d. Thiderisham manor is worth 37s. 6d. a year and not more because it is charged time out of mind with 4l. yearly to a chaplain celebrating in a chapel of the church of Pelham Forneus for the souls of the ancestors of the lords of the manor. No lands &c. came into the king’s hands by Hugh’s death because he held nothing of the king in chief in the county, or in any other county to the jurors’ knowledge; but the bishop of London and the other lords of the fee have been in possession of the manors &c. since Hugh’s death by reason of the minority of William, his son and heir. Date of death and heir as above. |
ESSEX. | Inq. (indented) taken at Little Bentleye, Monday after St. Denis, 42 Edward III. |
The said William Groos held:—
Little Bentleye. The manor, held of the bishop of London by homage and service of 4s. yearly for ward of Storteford castle. Great Bromeleye. 10a. land and 10a. wood called ‘Hendebodys,’ held of the heir of John Cook by service of a clove. Tendringge. The manor called ‘Newehall,’ held of the heir of Thomas de Stodeye by service of a third part of a knight’s fee and a pair of gilt spurs price 6d.; 60a. land called ‘Atte Hill,’ held of the prior of St. Botolph by service of 15s. yearly; and 20a. land called ‘Wyldes,’ held of John de Sutton, knight, by homage and service of 20d. yearly. Wykes. The manor of Hamstalle, held of the said John de Sutton by homage and service of 1lb. of cummin for rent yearly. He held all the above in fee tail. Reveshall in Mersey. A moiety of the manor, held in demesne as of fee of Lionel de Bradenham by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee. Date of death and heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (5.) | |
Writ, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
SOMERSET. | Inq. (indented) taken at Yevele, 14 August, 42 Edward III. |
Berewyk. The manor (extent given) with the borough of Stouford, and other lands &c. in Odecumbe, Mulverton and Litle Mersshton as parcel of the manor, held in dower of the countess of Kent, as of her manor of Cammel Regis, by knight’s service, to wit, one knight’s fee. The extent includes a park.
She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 25 July, 42 Edward III. John de Hastynges, of full age, to wit, 21 years, son and heir of the said Laurence, is [her] next heir. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
ESSEX. | Inq. (indented) taken at Esthanyngfeld, 26 November, 42 Edward III. |
Esthanyngfeld. The manor with tenements in Westhanyngfeld belonging thereto (extent given), held for life, by way of dower after the death of Laurence her late husband, of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Pembroke, service not known. The extent includes a park with deer.
She died on the feast of St. James the Apostle last. John de Hastyngges, earl of Pembroke, aged 21 years on the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last, is heir of Laurence and Agnes. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
CAMBRIDGE. | Inq. taken at Cambridge, Thursday after St. Bartholomew, 42 Edward III. |
Little Shelford. The manor (extent given), held in dower for life, of the inheritance of John son and heir of the said Laurence, tenure not known.
She died on 25 July last. The aforesaid John son of Laurence is next heir to the manor. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
LEICESTER, and WARWICK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Hynkeleye (undated). |
Burbach, co. Leicester. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church and the advowson of the church of Leyre which is parcel of the manor, held for life by demise of William de Hastynges, knight, and Richard de Felde.
Barwell, co. Leicester. The manor (extent given), similarly held by demise of the same. The extent includes a horse-mill. The reversion of the above manors belongs to John de Hastynges, son and heir of the earl; and they are held of the prior of Coventre in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee. Chelmescote, co. Warwick. 4 virgates of land, held in service by way of dower. They are held of the earl of Warwick in chief, service not known. She held no other lands &c. in the counties. Date of death and heir as first above. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
BERKS. | Inq. made at Nieubury, 13 August, 42 Edward III. |
Benham. The manor, held for life by way of dower of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Spene. A third part of the manor, similarly held. The reversion belongs to the lord of the (other) two-thirds and his heirs. Date of death as above. John, son of the said Laurence and Agnes, aged 21 years and more, is her heir to the manor of Benham. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
HEREFORD AND THE MARCH OF WALES ADJACENT. | Inq. taken at Hereford, 19 August, 42 Edward III. |
She held the following in dower by endowment of her late husband, of the inheritance of John de Hastynges, his son and heir, of the king in chief by service of a barony, to wit:—
Bergeveny. The castle and town (extent given). The extent includes a market every Tuesday, two fairs yearly on the feasts of the Invention and Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a custom called ‘tolcestre’ of ale, 10l. rents of burgages, 4 watermills let at farm for 13l. yearly, a fulling-mill let at farm for 20s. yearly, and perquisites of the hundred of the town worth 100s. yearly. Engliston. The manor (extent given). The extent includes a forest called ‘Moylvannan’ and a park, both with deer, and a fishery in the river Usk. Michaelston (Villa Michaelis). The manor (extent given, including a fulling-mill let at farm for 13s. 4d. yearly). Capel (Capella). The manor so called (extent given). Kreygryau. The hamlet so called (extent given). Lancadok Lyncoyt. The manor so called (extent given, including a park with deer). Penros. The manor (extent given, including a fulling-mill). Ebothvaur and Ebothvaughan. The hamlets (extent given). Blorreys. The hamlet (extent given, including a fulling-mill and a coal mine). Pelshenny. The hamlet (extent given). Culcudyn. The hamlet (extent given, including a fulling-mill). Mamheylad Morgan. The hamlet (extent given). Clytha. The hamlet (extent given). In the lordship of Bergeveny there is a great court held every three weeks, with an office called ‘le Budeleria,’ worth 60l. yearly. The said Agnes held no other lands &c. in the county and march aforesaid. Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 20 years on 1 September last. |
Writ, Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
SUFFOLK. | Inq. taken at Henhowe, Friday after St. Laurence, 42 Edward III. |
Lydgate. The manor, held of the abbot of St. Edmund by knight’s service.
Badmundisfeld. The manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Moungomori, in free socage, by service of 7 1/2d. She held both the above in dower for life, as above. She died on Tuesday the feast of St. James last. Heir as above. |
Writ, 28 July, 42 Edward III. | |
KENT. | Inq. (indented) taken at Sutton Valens, 7 August, 42 Edward III. |
(Fifteen jurors.)
Sutton Valens. The manor (extent given), held in dower for life after the death of Laurence de Hastynges, her late husband, of the king in chief by service of two knights’ fees. The extent includes an enclosed park with deer, a borough worth in markets and tolls 74s. 8d. yearly, customs called ‘gavelherthe,’ ‘benerth,’ ‘bedrep,’ ‘average,’ ‘mouyngsylver,’ ‘gavelrep’ and ‘maltsylver,’ rents of 3 waggons, 3 pairs of wheels for the plough, and . . ploughshares, and a fair on the feast of St. Edmund the King. Date of death and heir as above. Est Sutton. The manor (extent given), similarly held in dower of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. The extent includes a rent of 11 ploughshares, 26s. 8d. farm of a mill at Kymer, co. Sussex, and customs called ‘gavelherth,’ ‘average,’ ‘benherth,’ ‘levesylver,’ ‘wodegavel,’ ‘bedrep’ and ‘mouyngsylver.’ Date of death and heir as above. Nettilstede and Est Pecham. 12a. arable, similarly held in dower of William Pympe by service of rendering 2s. yearly to him and 4s. yearly to Richard Elbon, Richard Randekyn and Robert Randekyn. Demechurch. A messuage and 60a. land, similarly held in dower of the master of the hospital of Dover by service of rendering 2s. 3d. yearly to him and . .s., 1/2lb. pepper, 4 hens and suit of court to the lady de Paslegh; and rents of 10s. 8d., 2 hens and a cock, similarly held in dower. Est Pecham. 88a. land, similarly held in dower of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, by service of rendering 11s. yearly. Preston next Wyngham. 30a. land, similarly held in dower of the manor of Preston, service not known. Whether she held any lands at her death in Wotryngbury or West Pecham the jurors know not. So far as they know she held no other lands &c. Heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (6.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 27. (12.) (Berks, Suffolk, Hereford and Somerset.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 144. (4.) (Essex.) | |
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 15 February, 42 Edward III. | |
CUMBERLAND. | Inq. taken at Carlisle, Saturday in the third week of Lent, 42 Edward III. |
Ingilwod. A plot of land called ‘Rawbankes,’ which is a purpresture of the forest of Ingilwod, held of the king in chief by fealty and service of rendering 12s. 3d. yearly at the Exchequer of Carlisle.
He held no other lands &c. in the county or elsewhere in the escheator’s bailiwick. He died on 10 October, 23 Edward III. John his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Elizabeth late his wife was in possession of the plot from his death until 28 October, 32 Edward III, when the king committed the custody thereof to Richard de Beaulieu until the lawful age of the heir, and he is still in possession. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (7.) | |
Writ, 30 May, 42 Edward III. | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Inq. (indented) taken at Bekenesfeld, Saturday after St. Barnabas, 42 Edward III. |
Burnham. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service. There is paid therefrom to the castle of Wyndesovere 75s. yearly, to wit, 8s. 4d. every 40 days, and to the king for hidage of the manor 13s. 4d. The extent includes a grange, lands and rents in Eton, from which 8s. 6d. is paid to the king by reason of the tenement formerly belonging to Oliver Burdeus, and 6s. called hidage by the hands of the sheriff.
He died on the feast of St. Augustine, 42 Edward III. John his son, aged 5 years and more, is his heir. |
Writ, 30 May, 42 Edward III. | |
ESSEX. | Inq. (indented) taken at Illeforde, Friday after SS. Peter and Paul, 42 Edward III. |
Wanstede. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, by grant of John Tymberlac, rector of the church of Bekenesfeld, John, rector of the church of Wansted, and Thomas Aylmer to the said John and Margaret and the heirs of John. The manor with the advowson is held of the bishop of London by service of a sparrowhawk or 2s., of the abbot of Waltham by service of 10s. yearly, of the abbess of Berkyngg by service of 10s. yearly, of the prior of Holy Trinity, London, by service of 13s. 4d. yearly, and of the prior of Clerkenewell by service of 13s. 4d. yearly.
He died on Friday after St. Dunstan the Bishop last. John his son, aged 6 years at Christmas last, is his heir. |
ESSEX. | Inq. (indented) taken at Halstede, Friday after SS. Peter and Paul, 42 Edward III. |
Hosedenes and Cakestones. The manors, in the towns of Mapiltrested Magna and Hengham Castle, held jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by gift of John Oliver of Toppesfeld. The manor of Kakestones is held of John Plays, knight, by knight’s service, and the manor of Hosedenes of the earl of Oxford by knight’s service.
Great Mapelsted, Hengham Castle, Hengham Sibile and Halsted. A messuage, 120a. land, 5a. meadow and 5a. wood, held jointly, as above, by gift of John Oliver of Toppesfeld and John le Roo of Shaldford. The premises are held of the earl of Oxford, the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England and John Fitz Rauf by service of 18s. yearly. Date of death and heir as last above. |
(Writ missing.) | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Assignment of dower to Margaret late the wife of the said John. |
Burnham. Place-names mentioned:—Le Menelondes, Le Estefeeld, Yeldyngmede, Goren, Wynmylneforlong, Ladyacres, Twelweacres, Le Westfeeld, Pondeforlong, Rowemereforlong, Le Breche, the way leading from the highway to the town of Lente, the highway from Burnham to Dorney, Fyschpol, Le Fyveacres, Rynnyforlong, Schepforlong, Stiwardesmore, Abbessecowleswe, Le Milnebrok, Le Grove, Boltesfere, Hyppemere, Ladycroft, Mulsham, Droppyngwelle.
Buildings &c. mentioned:—Le Malthous and a ‘baye’ called ‘couple’ at the south end thereof, Le Foryerd, Le Ballifeschaumbre, Le Hynehous, Le Barlyberne, Le Wheteberne, Le Shepecote. Eton. Place-names mentioned:—Le Werche, Le Whetehull, Brademede, Chalfheybrok, Chalfheygrove, Le Dene, Wythebed, Dorneyehawe, Le Huyde, Le Newelond, the park of Chipenham, Westeshawe near the rector of Eton’s land, Westemede, Le Middelforlong, Wardeforthe, Le Chircheweye, Le Berewe, Le Waterslade, Schorthulle, Lynecroft, Le Suthemede, Ynnyngmede, Le Warde, Le Milnecroft, Le Loke. Burnham and Eton. Tenants named:—Nicholas Cartere, Richard Burton of Dorneye, William Stratton, knight, Geoffrey Chaplain of Eton. Another copy of the above assignment. |
C. Edw. III. File 200. (8.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 27. (13.) (Buckingham.) |