Pages 19-43
Report On the Records of the City of Exeter. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.
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In this section
4.—LETTERS AND OTHER PAPERS. 606 Documents (Nos. 18–623).
L. 18. Undated, but after 1488.—Petition of John Atwill [bailiff, 1472, 1474; Mayor 1477, 1480, 1485, 1493, 1497] the King [Henry VII]. The upper Part is much damaged, but the petition is rewritten on the dorse, with slight alterations in the wording, from which it can be made out that the messuage in question was "of olde tyme called the Herte."
Humble shewyth and complaynet on to your highnes your poor 'Oratur' John Atwell, citezeyn of your cite of Exet. that where as one Wm. Lywer, late of Topsham.... said cite now late dede was sesid of a messuage with the. . . . demene as of fee and so thereof beyng sesid exchanged with. . . . by long tyme yn to the fest of the Nativite of Sent John the Baptist last passed. . . . Your Oratour was of in your service with the noble Knygth Sr. Richard Eggecomb, comptroller of your honorable household and commissioner send by thauctoritie of your highnes ynto yo'land of Ireland' [i.e. June 23, Aug. 8, 1488], came to John Bonefaunt [Bailiff, 1495, 1507] the most infamouse person withyn your said cite that hath shewed hymself. . . . poynted with paper for forgyng of false and riotous persones with force and armez that is to wete with swerdes and bokeleris, billis, stafis, dagerris and long hangeris and broke and entered into the said messuage and on that riottousely with the said force did adowne your said Oratour his messuage and house to the grounde both tymber and wallis and bare a way the same tymber cofferys gryndyng stonys almeries and oder stuffe there founde to the valew of xx. li. How be hit the said John Bonefant was warned required charged by one Robert Newton [Mayor in 1488, 1504] for that time being maire of your said Cite yn the behalf of your said Oratoure that he sholde not draw downe your said Oratoure his house neyder intermelle hym with all on til the tyme your said Oratoure came home from your service. Nevethelesse that not with stondyng the said John Bonefaunt of Riqueste trustyng your said Oratoure men, to hafe cu' home ageyne kepte and occupied by the said force the said messuage for that tyme neder on to and yette doth and wyll not departe from hit neyder suffereth your said Oratoure to occupy hit as in his Rigth and former possession accordyng to your lawes or lesse then your said Oratoure shold entre uppon hym by force and juparde the breche of your peez the which withoute your comandement he will not attempt. Wherefor please it to your said highnes the premissis tenderly considered to graunte to severall previ sealys on to be directed on the Maire and bayliffys of your said Cite comauandyng tham to se the said forceble entre repaired and your said O. brogth yn suche formerre title and possession as he was on' yn tyme of his departier on to your said service and a noder prevy seale directed on to the said John Bonefaunt to apere before your hignez and the lordys of your most noble counsaile at a certeyn day by your said hignez to be limitted under a certeyn peyne there to aunswere to the premisses and to be corrected accordyng to his demerits and to fynde sufficiaunt surete both to bere your peez agence your said O. and all your trew liege people and of his gode aberyng and over that to comaunde the said J.B. to be putte yn warde so that he shall not departe til that he to all the premisses and oder to be obiected ayenste hym hafe made dew and trew aunswere. And your said Oratour shall pray to god all way for the presevacion of your moste Royall estate.
Property of Religious Houses.
L. 19.—Dated "ffrom London the ijde. . ." [the document being torn at the edge and stained with ink] temp. Edward VI.
After our hartye comendacions where John Haydon and Thomas Gybbes, (fn. 1) gentilman, purchased and bought to them and to their heyres for ever of the late Kyng of famouse memory Henry theight late Kyng of Englande, all the landes, tenements medowes leasues fedyngs pastures and heredytaments. within the Citie of Excester and the suburbes of the same which did latelie belong and apperteyne to the late monasteries of Saynt John and Saynt Nicholas in Exceter in the countie of the Citie of Exceter, Polsloo, Plympton, Pyllton, Fford and Newenham in the county of cornewall. We therefore require you that ymmediatlye upon the . . . the . . . presents by you exactelie perused and . . . do deliver or cause to be delivered to the saide . . . Haydon and Thomas Gybbes or to the torny . . . in their names all suche evydences wrytings . . . escripts and mynuments which do concerne . . . lands and other premisses. And if any, evydencs, escripts, courte rolls, writings and . . . do concerne as well for other lands as for the said . . . by the said John Haydon and Thomas G . . . requyre you to make out a true copye or . . . same evydencs and to delyver the same . . . hande to the said John Haydon and Thomas . . . to the brynger hereof in his or their names. Thus fare ye well. Three signatures.(blotted : Boke . . ., Thomas May [?Moy], Fra. Lindridge. (fn. 2) There is a fragment of a seal and (with document is written on paper with watermark—a hand (with index) and star (with five points). Endorsed: To Anthony Harvy (fn. 3) and John Greynfelde (fn. 4), Esquires, and [blank] Carewe widow and to all suche person and persons as have the kepynge and custody of any evidences of the possession of the late Monasteries, Abbes, Priores and other Possessions within specified and to every of them.
In L. 58 is a receipt dated Dec. 12, 1561, from "Anthoni Harvy" to the City of Exeter for 3l. covering three years for annuity of 20s. p.a.
In L. 84 is a receipt by John Haydon of Ottery St. Mary for 13s. 4d. his fee from the City dated Oct. 24, 1582.
For grant of church lands in Exeter and suburbs to Haydon and Gibbes for 899l. Is. IId. see D. 1449, April 2, 1545; Letters and Papers, xx, i, 298. For their seals and signatures see D. 1452, March 7, 1546.
The Commotion of 1549.
L. 20.—Aug. [s.a. but 1549–50, John Tuckfield being Mayor]. John Lord Russell the King's lieutenant General in the West parties, writes to the Mayor and others:— "Whear for lacke of good orders emongst suche as ought rule the commons as well in thes as in other parts of the realme ther have growen of late such commotions and rebellions as the lyeke have not ben hare of insomuche that the rudest of the people contempninge ther superiours have attaigned so unnaturall libertie that at length their pryde and kinge to use his sworde of justice against them." He commands them "to peruse what men within the precinte of your auctoritie are metest . . . the staie of . . . inconveniences appointing every man to knowe whome he shall folowe &c." "And forasmuch as upon the late trial of your faithfulness (fn. 5) and good courage in the valiaunt maintaingning of this citie to the Kinges Majesties honour and your owne comon welthe (wherein you have deserved singuler praise and highe thankes), your wer nevertheless brought to thuttermost pointe of miserie yf by his highness power you had not ben the rahher relived. Considering the principal faulte thereof to have growen of the lacke of suche aide and assistance as the gentlemen of the Countrey shoulde have given you in tyme or ever the Comons had been hable to straine you as they did." He therefore appoints Sir Peter Carewe, Sir Roger Blewet, Knights, and three esquires, viz. Mr. Pierse Courtney, Mr. Richard Chidleigh and Mr. Anthony Harvye (see L. 19) to assist and advise them in case of need, and he orders the bells of the parish churches to be taken down and the clappers taken away, the bells to be left in charge of some honest men of the parish, [Printed in Cotton, p. 190. The paper has the same watermark as L. 19.]
In L. 21, Exeter, Aug. 16, 1549, John Lord Russell writes to the Mayor, Sir Roger Bluett, Knight, Mr. John Hull, Esquire [M.P. for Exeter in 1547, d. Oct. 29, 1549] and the rest of their brethren: "Being credebly informed that the defence of the Cytie hathe ben vary chargeable," and that some of the citizens "for some synister affeccons they hadd in this Cause" have refused to contribute to the charges, he requests them to call such persons before them and compel them to contribute. [Printed in Cotton, 192. The paper has a man's head for the watermark.]
In L. 23, Oct. 9, 1649, William Drewrie and John Befyld, gentilmen, servents to the right Hon'able Lord Russell, Mayor of Exeter and his brethren a receipt "uppon the request of the said Lord Letenaunt ffor the Kynges necessarie affaires" for "twoo dubble Bassys and iiij. Chambers beyng parcel of the ordynaunces of the said Citie" to be redelivered to the City before the next Easter, with signatures: John Bithell, Wyllm. Drury. Endorsed: "the bell off ye lentt off ij. peces off ordenaunce lentt to my lord resesell." [Printed in Cotton, 193.]
In L. 27, Jan. 20, 1550, John Earl of Bedford writes from Westminster Palace to "the righte worshipfulle and my vearie lovinge frends Mr. John Tukfielde Maior of Excester and his bretherne," informing them that he is going away on the King's business, (fn. 6) and that he has requested his loving friends the two burgesses for Exeter [i.e. Griffin Ameredith and Thomas Prestwood], "who have behaved themselves vearie thankfullie in the service of you all," not to remain at Westminster during his absence but to repair thither on his return, (fn. 7) and this for the more sure furthering of all the city's suits, "which all my faithfull constancie and defending of the late rebelles in those parties from your Citie. J. bedford."
The Prebend of Hayes.
L. 22. April 8, 1550.—Copies of four Deeds relating to the prebend of Hayes.
- (1) The true Copie of An Indenture of bargayne and sale from John Stephens late Prebendarye of hayes unto Robert Kelwaye or Keilwaie ar'.
In D. 1443, Oct. 10, 1543 (called Oct. 5, in D. 1507), John Stephynes, clerk, prebendary of Heighes and Canon of St. Peters, Grants a 21 years lease of the manor and mansion place of Heighes to Anthony Harvey (see L. 19) at a rental of 37l. 7s. 11d.
In D. 1458, Sept. 22, 1548, John Stephyns sells the prebend and manor to Robert Keylwey, Esquire, surveyor of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
- (2) The true copie of the confirmation of the same from the patron E[dward] Duke of Somersett and ordynarye John [Voysey] Bishop of Exeter unto the foresaide Robte. Kelwaye, Nov. 30, 1548 [called Keyleway in D. 1460, Nov. 30, 1548], Signed "E. Somersett" and "John Bishop of Excettr," with framents of their seals, the former being described as "the very and indubitate patron thereof" and the property as "the manor of Heighes with all rights members and appurtenances is Hayes Cowyke and Clyst moyes" [i.e. Cliston Hayes in Broadclyst. Oliver, p. 194].
- (3) The true copie of Robte. Kelwaye Gifte of Hayes Unto the Kinge. April 1, 1550.
- (4) The true copie of the gyfte of Hayes from the King by l'res patents unto Nicholas Wadham, Greenwiche, April 8, 1550, with footnote: Nicholas Wadham did suffre this land to discend unto his only sister [Jane] and heyre whom John Foster of Baddesley in Hampsher marryd. Foster his wief and his sonne ioyned in sale thereof unto John Petre Customer of Exon by fyne and recovery General warrant and recognisance of M and 11. for the quiett enioying of the same and to be dischardged and saved harmeles from all incumbrance vexacion his nephew Willm. Petre gent., present possessor of the same.
In D. 1471, June 8, 1551, Edward VI grants livery of these lands to John Foster and Jane his wife, with great seal.
In D. 1507, Jan. 12, 1557, Anthony Harvey assigns the prebend with the manor of Hayes &c. to John Foster.
In D. 1510, Jan. 15, 1557, John Foster and two others give a bond for 500l. to John Stephyns to perform the covenants of previous indentures.
In D. 1529, Oct. 1, 1563, John Foster and his son Andrew grant the prebend of Hayes &c. to John Petre, esquire. Signed "By me John Foster." "By me Androwe Foster." See also D. 1530, 1531, 1532, 1709, all referring to the same transaction.
In D. 1564, Feb. 4, 1571, John Peter grants it to Nicholas Wadham and others as trustees for his nephew John Peter of Topsham, where it includes land in Hayes, Cowyke Strete, St. Thomas' parish 'prope et ultra pontcm Exonie' [i.e. at the west end of Exe Bridge. See Archæologia, xxviii, 12; Oliver, pp. 194–196].
A Tilt.
L. 24. Westminster Palace, June 2, 1550.—John Earl of Bedford [i.e. John Lord Russell (see L. 21), created Earl of Bedford Jan. 9, 1550] requests the Mayor &c. not to ask more than 20s. or 40s. a year for a "tillte" proposed to be erected on Southernhay "according to the request of the gentlemen inhabiting thereabouts nighe to your citie for honest recreation, pastyme and sporte and the good exercise and other feats at armes, a thing not onely most necessary to be frequented and used, but also many wayes commodious to thole citie." Signed the Maior and his brethern of the citie of Exestor." [Printed in Cotton, p. 193.]
Sir Peter Carew.
L. 25. Mohuns Oterie [i.e. Mohams Ottery], June 4, 1550.— Sir Peter Carew [who had lately been appointed to assist the Mayor, see L. 20] recommends Mr. Sture to the Mayor &c. "to serve them as a continuall counsaillor." Signed "P. Careu." [Printed in Cotton, p. 192.]
For a letter from Sir Peter Carew dated Mohams Oterey Nov. 3, 1563, see L. 68, in which he calls on the Bishop of Exeter to inquire about the conduct of John Parker, of the parish of Lupytte [i.e. Luppitt, near Honiton] for his "naughty and frowarde dealinges towardes his wief".
L. 69 is a letter from W. Bishop of Exeter to the Mayor &c. enclosing L. 68, and desiring them to imprison the said Parker, who has fled to the city. "He hath almoste killed his wiff diverse and sondrie tymes" and "hathe benne at no churche almost these xij monthes and regardethe neither God nor manne."
Exe Island.
L. 26. Westminster, Dec. 7, 1550.—The Lords of the Council declare the King's intention to grant to the city the manor of Exe Island, "which with other commodities extendeth nere the yerly value of 30l., the same as they say havyn theruppon certayne mylles and adionyng to the Townewalles." Words are be inserted conveying the ancient right of cutting timber in Cotley and Pirage Woods for the repair of mills and "wares." "In the ende we pray you that this booke may have and conteyne sufficient consideracions for their servyces done in the seid Rebellion [see L. 20]. to the intent the same may be a memorie to the posteritie of that cetie to cause them retayne the awncient fayth and dutie to ther soveraigne lord." Signed "Your lovyng ffrends, E. Somset, T. Cant. J. Bedford, W. North, C. Clynton, T. Ely, William Pagett, T. Cheyne and others." The paper has the same watermark (i.e. a hand and star) as in L. 24.
For the actual grant, dated Dec. 22, 1550, see Charter No. XXXVI; Oliver, pp. 98, 286.
For timber out of Cotley Wood required by the Chamber for repair of the wear in Exiland, see D. 1690(b), temp. Elizabeth.
William Hurst.
L. 28 [s.a.].—Note of expenses of William Hurst, (fn. 9) apparently for his expenses in obtaining a Charter [? Charter No. XXXIV, Feb. 24, 1549].
For hys days at ye p'lement foe xxxvij days at 2s. the day, 3l. 14s.
To Mr. Roberd Chydeley for hys consell and laboure, 7s. 6d.
Item to Mr. Hrauncke ye Exchequer for coppyng owte of one Chartter, 12s. 6d.
Item payd more to the Clarke and to the s'gant of ye p'lement, 2s.
Item more I vas att London and upewards and downewards 44 days, Jan. 14th till March 1st.
I juge Irede owte of. . . .
The Fishing of the Exe.
L. 29. London, July 10 [s.a.].— Giulio Borgarucei (fn. 10) to Robert Hunte and other his farmers of the water of Exe, ordering them to pay to the Mayor the rent for the fishing of the water of Exe, Which has passed to the city by the grant of Exe Island. See L. 26. [Printed in Cotton, p. 194.]
In D. 1387 is a lease (Oct. 18, 1518) from Harry Swete, sergeant-at-arms, bailiff of the manor of Exilond and Richawde his wife to John Thomas, of Exeter, fyssher, of a moiety of the fishing of the water of Exe at a rental 7l. 10s. and 4 "samons," reserving to "the Courtessey of Devonsher" and their heirs yearly "as many samons as to theym shall be nedefull att all tymes when they shalbe askyd and requyred, paying for every samon ijs. iiijd.," and for Harry Strete and his wife 3 salmons in Lent and as many as they wish, paying 20d. for each.
In D. 1580, May 23, 1575, is a bond given by the farmers of the water of Exon that they shall not fish in the water of Exe with "anye trannell or trammelles, nett or nettes at the mill taylle, brookes, willoes, spearts, kyddels or with anie other nett or ingen whatsoever excepts, from July 22nd to Nov. 1st, and that onlye at the mill tayle with brooke or layer neet for eles and for no other fysshe."
In D. 1647(a), Jan., 158, are instructions for Mr. Gerorge Smyth and Mr. Thomas Spicer to deal for the fishing of Exe to be proured by copy from my Lord (fn. 11) and Lady Countess of Warwick to the use of the Mayor &c., with signature "Jo. Peryam" on each sheet.
In D. 1660, Feb. 16, 1592, is a lease of "the fyshinge for salmons in the ryver or water of Exe (the New Haven excepted), granted by the Chamber to Elizabeth Denys and John Aulsoppe of St. Davod's for 5 years at a yearly rental of 44l." See also D. 1683a (Sept. 20, 1598); D. 1685 (Sept. 20, 1599), where eight salmon are reserved to the farmer of the Haven, Thomas Pope, and eight for the Mayor, with a proviso not to fish with nets or engines in the new work or Haven; D. 1737, (March 31, 1620), where it is called "the piscarie"; D. 1758, (Dec 17, 1639), which refers to the fishing in the manor of Exiland with permission to erect a mill and wear and make a leat near the salmon-house at the end of the Bonhay; D. 1762 (Jan. 7, 1646), with liberty to dry nets and moor boats on the Bonhay.
L. 337. July 19, 1630, Bishop Hall and others write to the Chamber:—
Mr. Mayor and the rest of your worthy Societie.
In obedience to the reference and the a period maie bee sett unto the difference after soe many meetings, charge and trouble, reason guididng our conscience both our affection to present unto you these our opinions before wee make our certificate.
That the Landresses have libertie without molestacion to wassche and blanche their clothes on that parcell of ground in difference as accustomed.
That the inheritance of the parcell of ground in difference (as farr as the olde gate and barres stoode) is as wee conclude by the evidence wee have heard and scene properlie Mr. Livermores.
That in reguard hereof and that the Leate has its first current through his land and maie happilie some tyme bee some hindraunce unto him both by fretting awaie his land and by hindringe his cattle from convenient wateringe it's not thought amisse that the Cittie doe geeve unto Mr. Livermore some reasonable cosnsideration as twoe shillings sixe pence yeerlie both for those yeares past since the settinge upp of this newe weare and soe yearlie for ever.
That the Cittie doe cause a passable waye to be made for Mr. Livermore's cattell unto his grounde adioyninge. This stands in our account as reason if soe, or not soe in yours, a speedie answeare is expected by your ffreindes,—Jos. Exon, John Davie, J. Bamfylde, Jo. Northcot.
In L. 338 is a fragment of a letter on the same subject.
In L. 415, Dec. 3, 1657, is receipt by John Copleston from the Chamber for 12d. for fastening a wear on his land at Upton Pyne. [See L. 106.]
For extent of the water of Exe from the ferry at Checkston to Cowley Bridge, see Misc. Rolls 3 (xvii), 91.
The New Haven or Watercourse.
L. 30. Westminster, Nov. 12, 1551.—[John] Earl of Bedford writes to the Mayor, William Hurst, and seven others that the citizens of Exeter "have disbursed by your own voluntary wills good somes of Money, the like whereof all the Realme cannot compare withe your and the expenses of any one corporation besides yourselves, albeit by reason of the late by reason of the late bruite of forged monyes divers of the worshipfulls of thos parts have withholden from you ther good wills." He is "not a litel gladd to here that your havon goeth so well forward as it dothe," and exhorts all persons to give aid to the work "seeing the contributors shall have in short space so much benefite me think it should greatly encourage and move them to stick at nothing."
In Act Book, II, f. 54, March 28, 1543, the Chamber agree for the performans of the Havyn of Ex and that ffoure members schal be appoynted to take the charge of the settyng ffourthe of the worke.
In Act Book, II, f. 115b, June 6, 1551. That Mr. Mayor and Mr. Blakcaller shall have full powere to concluyd with Mr. Hullond for his estate of his mylls and all the commoditie and profite perteynyng to the same and such conclusion as they shall take with the seid Mr. Hullond shall be performyd by the hole body of the cetie and lykwise to take order with the tenants of the grounde whither the Rever of Exe shall have his course and for the sale of the Okes that do growe uppon the course and all othyr othyngs concernyng the seid water course.
In Act Book, IV, ff. 42, 45, Oct. 27, 1560, William Strode [or Stroode, Archœologia, xxviii, 17] agrees to make a haven to be completed in ten years at a cost not exceeding 1,000l.
In L. 61 Plympton, April 16, 1562, William Strode asks the Chamber for an answer to his offer "to make a reasonabell bargeyn for makyng of the haven," as he perceives that they "have no corage towards the same, for it wylbe to great and costlye a work for so olde a man and pore as I am to make it alone. . . . and seying that I have byn a long talker of the matter . . . and that knowen to many persons, therefore thys now I offer to make it yn X yeres so that I wyll unlade a bote of iiij ton apon your owne lande by the water gate."—by your ffrynd, W. Strode.
In L. 62, April 18, 1562, the Chamber reply that "We do most desire the furtherance of the worke and therefore on our parts we dyd most gladlye condiscend and agree to certeyn articles. betwene us agreed from which if you had varied we wolde have taken the same for a full determination and conclusion," but now if he will stand to his offer and the conditions agreed on they will be content to accept it and desire to know his determination that they may make preparation for the work.
Endorsed: "To the Right Worshipfull Mr. Willm. Stroode of Newnham, Esquier, geve this with speed."
In D. 1528a, Sept. 21, 1563, is an agreement whereby John Trew of Cardiff covenants to make the river Exe navigable from Exmouth to the water-gate for vessels "of a convenyent and reasonable tyght of 8 or 10 tunes." The Mayor &c. are to find 100 loads of timber and all necessary stone at a convenient quarry, Trew paying the carriage to the works. The Mayor &c. are to buy the necessary land and Trew is to have a lease of the Haven for 99 years and an annual rent of 13l. 6s. 8d. and 200l. in money. Signed "By me John Trew." [See Archœologia, xxviii, 17; Oliver, 249.]
For covenants made with Trew, Sept. 21, 1563, and rates for passing the work, see Act Book, IV, ff.. 139, 141. For his receipt for 25l. for 100 loads of timber, see D. 1535, July 20, 1564. Also for 200l., see D. 1536, Aug. 14, 1564. [For his work begun in Feb., 1564, and completed in 1567, see Oliver, 256.]
D. 1534, June 6, 1564, refers to the purchase of an acre of land called Honiton Meads in the parish of Exminster for the digging of the Haven.
In D. 1541, March 20, 1567, about nine acres of land in the parish of Alphington "lately digged, bancked and cast up for a watercourse" are leased to the Mayor &c. at the request of William [Paulet] Marquis of Winchester, Lord Treasurer of England. For land in the parishes of Exminster and St. Thomas without the Westgate, "of late appoynted, dygged, bancked, moyned, trenched, wrought, specially banded and cast up or measured for the new watercourse," which extends from St. Leonard's to a place beneath Bole Poole (or Bolland—D. 1547), called old Exe, see D. 1542, 1544, (March 20, 28, 1567); D. 1549 (June 10, 1567); D. 1562, (Jan. 30, 1571); D. 1557 (Oct. 23, 1568), which mentions "the new wear made by John Trewe." [For a dispute with
Trew see Archœologia, xxviii, 24, with letter dated June 18, 1565, from the Council in London on the subject, see Acts of Privy Council, vii, 222.]
In L. 74, London, May 31, 1566, Geoffrey Tothill, Recorder of Exeter, writes to the Mayor respecting the proceedings in Trew's matter.
In D. 298, June 1, 1566, the Chamber enter into a bond with John Trewe for payment of 200l. to him in two instalments for 100l., of which he gives a receipt in L. 75 (dated Sept. 25, 1566).
In D. 1572, Sept. 11, 1573, "John Trewe of Alphington, gentleman," receives an annuity of 30l. for 30 years, also 229l. (fn. 12) in D. 1577 (Sept. 6, 1574), for all his interest in "the new Haven or Watercourse."
In D. 1578, Sept. 24, 1574, is the final settlement with "John Trewe of Alphington," who "did make the new Haven from Topsham Key to Exeter," with his signature: "by me John Trewe."
In D. 1614, Sept. 20, 1582, the "New Haven House" in the parish of Alphington and all the pasture on the banks of the New Haven lately occupied by John Trewe from a bridge at the end of the old Exe to a "rayle" at the lower end of Collyns Marsh are leased for 20 years to Richard Hussey, carpenter, on condition that he shall do all the carpenter's work and keep the Haven repaired and filled with water.
In D. 1622, Sept. 18, 1583, the "Porte or Haven of the Citye of Exeter" includes Exmouth, Cockwood, Kenton, "Colepole" [? Bole Poole], Powderham, Lymson (i.e. Lympstone), Tyngmouth (i.e. Teignmouth), Dawlish, and all the creeks reputed to be parcel of the said Port, called "the Port of Exeter and Creeks of the same" in D. 1789, May 31, 1692.
In D. 1781, March 21, 1681, Rushmarsh, in the parish of Exminster, forms part of the Haven, also land in the parish of Alphington, D. 1807a (Dec. 16, 1704); also Round Marsh in Exminster, Shilleys in Topsham, Exmouth meadows and Northam meadow, D. 1823 (July 5, 1720); D. 1832 (June 7, 1729).
L. 81. Undated, but 1588. (fn. 13) —Petition of the Mayor &c. addressed to Lord Burghley as follows:—In moste humble wise besecheth your honour, the Mayor, Bayliffs and Commonaltie of the citie of Exceter, That whereas, the matter in varyance dependinge before your Lordshippe in the exchequer Chamber betwene the Towne of Appisham alias Toppisham and the said Cytie of Exeter was on thursdaie laste harde in your Lordeshippes absence and upon the hearinge of the same, the whole matter rested upon the exposicion of the statute of Anno primo of the Quenes majestie that nowe is, which was referred to the L. cheif baron and other the Barons of the said Courte to consider thereof, untill the nexte sittinge in the same Courte. And thereupon the fynall order of the whole cause was referred unto your honour's determynacion fforasmuche as your said Orators have ben at greate costs and charges to bringe their doings to passe, to the value of mmm11. or more which daylie increaseth upon them besides xlv11. a yere which they stande charged to paye to the workemaster of that worke and the lords of the Soyle, and xx11. yerelie for ever to be paid to her Majestie for ther free passage within the same River, which they have contynually had, used, and enioyed, by the space of twelve yeres now laste paste without interrupcion, And for that the accomplishement of your orators sute can be no hinderaunce to her Majesty, but contrarilie will augmente her highenes customes verie muche as is duelie to be proved, And allso for that they have allwayes soughte to come to some reasonable agreamente with the Quenes ffermor of Tappisham, with whome they had ones fullye concluded, but after by secreate meanes were supplanted Your saide Orators doe therefore moste humblie beseche your good L. to stand ther good Lorde concerninge the premisses as farre forthe as your honour maye with equittye and justice. And your said orators and all the inhabytauntes of the saide Cytie shall daylie praye for the preservacion of your honorable estate in healthe and prosperytie longe to contynue and endure.
L. 155 has a memorandum relating to the breaking down of Calabeer Wear and Trew's Wear by blocks of ice in 1608. [See No. XLIV, page 7.]
In Act Book, IV, f. 288, July 3, 1588, the Chamber agree that where there is presentlie to be used one hundred pounds for the repayring of the Haven and the same cannot be paid by the Receyver of the Cytie as the same hath been used that for the ease of the said Receyuer the cytie by there Common Seale shall become bounde unto William Martyn in the sume of Two Hundred poundes with condicion to paye unto hym one Hundred and Tenne poundes at thende of one yere and in consideracion thereof the said William Martyn agreeth to procure one hundred poundes to be bestowed presentlie upon the reparacion of the said Haven and to deliver his Bande for the payement of the said hundred pounds to such person or persons from whom he shall procure the same. And it is agreed that yf the cytie do not paye unto the said William Martyn the said one Hundred and Tenne poundes at the daye then without any daunger he maie put the said Bande in Suyte and take to hymself the advantage thereof. (fn. 14)
In L. 394, Oct. 18, 1647, Jasper Radcliffe notifies that the Haven banks are exceedingly ruined.
In L. 445, dated Combe, Aug. 19, 1696, John Anger (fn. 15) writes to Thomas Wheadon that he has heard that the citizens do intend to have the river between Exeter and Topsham made navigable and offers to undertake the work.
In Act Book, 13, f. 101b, on Jan. 12, 1697, "It is ye opinion of this Chamber that it wilbe for ye citie's advantage to make ye River of Exe navigable for shipps of one hundred Tunn come to ye Key of the said city and for the speedy and better effecting of this worke they have appointed a Committee to receive such offers and proposals as are made by any persons that are willing to undertake the same and to make report thereof to the Chamber."
D. 1797a, Dec. 10, 1698, contains an agreement with William Bayly of Winchester, gentleman, for the making of the Haven and Canal. See Oliver, p. 257, who made many extracts on this subject in his Calendar from Act Book, 13, which he called Book, XI. These extracts refer chiefly to the years 1697–1699, e.g. in f. 124b. (May 31, 1699), it is ordered that "the poor workemen who worked upon the new workes and to whom Mr. Bayly, the Engeneare, who is lately fled, was indebted for their Labour be paid every of them 2s. as a free guifte from the Chamber and that they bee imployed in digging of the newe Cutt or worke two foot deeper. On f 132 (Nov. 23, 1699), it is ordered that noe more worke bee done upon the newe workes except it bee about the securing of the ware and Bay until further order from the Chamber.— On f 133b (Jan. 8, 1670) it is ordered that an Act of Parliament to raise money for perfecting the worke and making the river of Exe navigable from the high sea to this Citty bee endeavoured to be procured as soon as possible it may bee done."
In L. 451, Nov. 11, 1699, the Chamber pray the Duke of Ormonde [High Steward of Exeter, Izacke, 191] and Sir Edward Seymour [Recorder and M.P. for Exeter in 1698, 1701] to present a petition to the King for assistance in making the river navigable. This petition is contained in L. 452 (Nov. 12, 1699).
In L. 454, Dec. 16, 1699, William Simon [or Symons, in L. 465, where he asks Samuel Izacke, the Chamberlain, for payment of his account] sends information that the Duke of Ormond will present the petition to the King.
In L. 453 (undated) are two copies of a petition from the Chamber to the House of Commons for leave to bring in a bill to raise money to complete the Haven. [For contents see Oliver, p. 258, showing that the city had already spent 21,000l. on the work and will require 10,000l. more and that if the said works be not completed it will be the ruin of this city.]
D. 1811, March 25, 1706, shows that 10 acres of land in the manor of Alphington have been acquired by the Mayor &c. to enlarge the Haven.
D. 1816, March 24, 1709, has a settlement of certain controversies regarding the soil of the Haven and Canal near the Lower Sluice.
In L. 474, Aug. 25, 1715, James Rodd, Esquire, petitions Sir Littleton Powys and Sir Robert Eyre, Justices of Assize for the Western Circuit, praying for satisfaction from the Chamber for destroying his land in Round Marsh by digging of the Haven.
In D. 1824, Aug. 9, 1720, are agreements between the Mayor &c. and two grocers of Exeter for bringing lime-stone for burning into lime through the Haven free of rates and duties. Also in D. 1830 (March 21, 1727), where the lime kiln is on St. Leonard's Downe.
In D. 1858, Nov. 10, 1819, is a similar agreement for bringing lime stone and culm through the canal.
In Act Book 13, Dec. 22, 1724, and Jan. 5, 1725, (fn. 16) Lord Walpole, Chief Justice King and the Archbishop of York are to be invited to the "opening of the Port."
L. 518, circ. 1750 ?, contains suggested alterations in the rate of charges for the Haven as keyage, lighterage, &c.
Parliament of 7 Edward VI, 1553.
L. 31. March 1, 1553.—Remembrances for the Parliament [probably by Richard Prestwood].
I. To make suyte for the geyft of the plate as well for that is gevyn already to the havyn by the parishenners [see Inventories 3], as also for the resudye of the hole plate of the parisshes and Seynt Peter with all the belles withyn the countye of the cetie of Exeter [see L. 20].
Item to speke to Mr. Cicell (fn. 17) for the Blake roll which Griffyn [i.e. Griffith Ameredith, see page 22, L. 27] leyft in his custody, [Izacke, 95; Oliver, 87, 309].
Item to have with me the recordes for the havyn whereof was the cause first of the distruccion of the havyn [i.e. temp., Edward I, Archæologia, xxviii, 7; Oliver, 249].
Item to speke with Mr. Duke [? Duke of Somerset or Northumberland] for his tenants of Syon. (fn. 18)
Item to delyver to my Lord Prevy Seall [i.e. John Earl of Bedford from Aug. 21, 1547, to July 6, 1553] a Tonn of Gascon wyne.
Item to make request for Cokes towards the havyn in consideraunce that it shalbe best awerdes for the defens of the Kyngs lands ayenst Exmyster marshes.
Item for to sue for the pencon of 50s. for Exbridge to purchas the same to the use of the citie if answer shall s've attc with gersum.
Item to sett forth the Recognysance of Acton Burnell and Statute Merchant and the Courte of pipowders. [Side note: Mo for Chester, Ao iij, Edward VI.]
Item a Statute of Attaynt uppon false vdite as London is with lyke, re Indenture by the Aldermen of Exeter, as London is the Jure to worth in value in goods Ao above Ao regis Henry VII, 11 and 16.
Item that if any bill be putt yn the parliament for bells, plate or ornaments of the churches then to cause ffrends to be made to have all the plate, bells and ornaments within the countie of Exeter towards the reparacon and makyn the newe havyn or at least to have a proviso for that is gevyn by the parishes to the havyn.
Item to putt in remembrance the prisage wyne as London hath if it be convenyent to be hadd for the cetie.
Item to speke with the Burgs (? burgesses) of Powle, Hampton and Bristowe that they will not allow us free with them ffor Custome.
Item to make a letter to my Lord privy seale in the favor of the Citie anseryng his frendshipp to the havyn &c. [See L. 30, page 27.]
Item more that ther be no forryner to seyll any clothe withyn thys counte but only the vyssiters and awnagers of the same counte of Exeter, and to knowe how they use ther forfeyts of the cloyth nott made according to the Statute.
Item more to have a perffyt knowlyge what the &c. hath valew of the bells and platte of the counte of Exeter whereby to know the sertynte therof.
Item more to have in rememberance for a commen halle wheras all fforryners maye ressortt with ther marchandes to make stalles as it is in London in blackwyll hall and to conclude with Mr. Speke for his huse for that intent and to go therof for 87 yeres and 45s. att rent. (fn. 19)
Item to have the copie of the plate gevyn by the parishes to the havyn.
Item to send upp the platt of the havyn.
Also payments att the parliament the ij Februarii ano R.E. VI Septimo.
Imprimis for the allowances of the writt, iiijs.
Item to the Sergent for my parte, ijs.
Item for the cariage of the pels, xs.
Item for Mr. Ridgwaies is serch in the Chan'cy, ijs. viiid.
Item for the cariage of my clothes and Buckes, xviijd.
Item for Mr. Bucknam is supere with the allowances of ixs. iijd.
Item for John Huntes parte [unfinished].
Martin Barbaunce.
L. 32. London, Aug. 20, 1553.—The Earl of Bedford intercedes with the Mayor &c. for one Martyn Barbaunce, who had been put out of possession of a piece of ground called Culver Park or Culver Haye by the Chamber, and prays that he may be reinstated so that he may not be compelled to seek relief elsewhere, which "wold not a littell sounde unto your diswurships in using such extreame dealings."
The Prince of Piedmont.
L. 33. Grenewich, [May] 17, 1553.—The Earl of Bedford writes to the Mayor &c.: Whereas this gentilman the bearer herof servant unto the Prince of Pyemount, (fn. 20) one of the King's Majesties great friends hath bynne . . . about certeyn his maisters especiall aff . . . And having his full dispatches intendeth to . . . presently into the parties of Spayne by pl' [? Plymouth] . . . theis shalbe therefore moste hartely to desire youe and everie of youe that at his arr . . . at Exetter he maye be genteley enter[tained] and frendly used in all things whereof he shall have nede or any of his compan . . . and that you will see hym well lod . . . wherein I praye you use suche curteou . . . behaviour towards hym as your doings may . . . sounde to the King's Majesties honour the con . . . tion of the gentilman and the sat . . . of me in that good opynyon which I have conceaved of your freindships to be extend . . . in this behalfe the Rather at my desy . . d me for your gentilnes to be shewed herin you shall fynde me ready at all tymes to shewe you any pleaser I may . . . so I byd you fare well ffrom . . . Court at Grenewich the xvijth of . . . Anno 1553.—Your loving frend, J. Bedford.
Expected Arrival of Philip.
L. 34. Santiago di Compostella, June 26, 1554.—[John] Earl of Bedford desires the Mayor &c. to prepare to receive the Prince of Spain, who was shortly to sail for England. As the Prince (fn. 21) "can veary hardlye endure long travayle uppon the Sea" he may land at Falmouth or Plymouth, and they are to prepare to receive him "as maye be for the honor of the Quenes Majestie and the Realme and that he maye thinke hymself welcome into the countrey." The Bishop's house is to be made ready for him "to lie there yf he shall fortune to lande in the West parties" and "that you provyde some good thinges to present the Prince withall at his comyng. And that you provide all suche other thinges as lodginge, vytayles, horses for carriages and horses to convey the Prince's trayne, being about four or five hundreth besides two hundreth that cometh with me as you shall be best hable to the uttermost of your powers." [Printed in Cotton, Gleanings, 194; see also L. 4, supra.]
Masters of Defence.
L. 35. Aug. 15, 1555.—Printed copy of Letters Patent, 20 July, 32 Henry VIII [1540], granting to Peter Beste and 19 others (fn. 22) licence to practise their said arts and to apprehend all others who shall pretend to teach the same. The document, which is torn at the edge, begins: "Forasmuche as diverse . . . scolers of the sayde science nothinge or lytle regarding their othes made and receyved of theyr . . . at their first entringe to lerne their sayde science ne the daunger and perilles of dampnacion . . . oone soules for the wilfull breakinge of the sayde othe. For their owne singular lucre and ad . . . ge onely of their unsaciable covetouse mindes without any sufficient lycence or lawfull auctoritie . . . pteously contrary to their sayde othes made to the maisters or provostes of the sayde science . . . not onely have resorted and devided themselves into every contry and parties of this our Realme of England from towne to towne and place to place, but also have kepte open scoles and taken great sommes of money for their labours &c.
Loss of Calais.
L. 36. Jan. 2, 1558.—W[illiam Paulet, Marquis of] Winchester and W. [Lord] Howard [of Effingham, Lord Admiral] write to the Mayor of Exeter and the Customers, Controllers and Searchers of the Port: "After righte hartey commendacions the Quenes Majestie callinge to remembrance the great victory and f . . . hand the King's highenes hathe uppon his enemy the frenche Kinge mynding by the helpe of God the continoance of the same and increse hath by thadvice of the Lordes of her Councell commanded me to write unto you and all other that make adventure upon her Majesty's enemy the French King by the see that they shall goo togethers in good strenghe hable to annoye thenemy and defende themselves wherein consiste the great honour, welthe and surety for the which we be all most bound to her grace."— Signed, "Winchester," "W. Howard."
[In bad condition. Endorsed:: "Recd. of Mr. toker of Colhmpton, the xiijth of January."]
L. 37. Jan. 7, 1558.—The Marquis of Winchester to the same. "After my righte herte commendacons you shall understande that Risebanke and Newnam Bridge be taken (fn. 23) and Callice seaged which was never seane syns the first wynnyng and therefore may not be suffered for honour to the Prynce and Realme nor yet for comodyty that thereby growethe daly to the Realme for the Succors whereof there is appoynted a great bande of men to be sent fourthe with all speade besyde them that be allredy gon to defende the seage, prainge you hartely in the Quene's behalf to make reddy as many shippes as you can with speade doble manned and well appoynted and victelled and sende to my 1' Admyral [i.e. Lord Howard of Effingham] to the . . . w [? narrow] sees where you shall fynde hym with appoe . . . kepynge the passage which dilligent doinge shalbe more worthe to the Quenes Majestie and the Realme than any treasure you coulde gyve thank and the . . . as lovyng subjects showe yourselves, as I doute nott but you wold do for honor to the Kinge, Quene and Realme and defence of the same which had never suche an iniury offered unto them syns Edward the thirds tyme, thus fare you wel, wryten this viith of January, 1557—let your venturers be parte of your nomber.—Your lovinge frende, Winchester."
L. 38 is a copy of L. 37, both being badly injured in the latter portion.
L. 39. Jan. 8, 1558.—The same to the same. I comende me hertely to you and so advertise you that the Quenes Majestys pleasure is that all the shippes within your porte and commynge to your porte be stayed within the same with there masters and marryners unto such tyme as you shall know furder the Quene's pleasure whereof fayel you not I pray you as you wil aunswere the Quenes Majesti at your perilles thus fare you wel; written the viijth of January, 1557, and hast your shippes to daie as fast as you can possible your lovinge frend Winchester.
[Endorsed: Re. of Mr. toker, Colmhmpton, the xiij of Januarye, hast, hast, post hast.]
L. 40. Jan. 11, 1558.—John Peter, Mayor of Exeter, and John Petre, Customer, to "all maiors, Bayliffs, Constables and other the Kynges and Quenes Maiesties officers and mynysters to whome these shall appertayn." For as mych the Kynge and Quenez Majesties letters of great ymportance [L. 37, 38] are to be sent yn to the severall ports in this west parts for spedy delyveryng of the same wee have sent this Berer with all hast accordynge to the tenure therof Requyryng you and eny of you to whome these present shall come to assiste and ayde this seid berer therof as well with horses and other necessaries as you wil awnswere to the contrarye to your utmost perelle. Dated at Exet the xith day of January, 1557, John Peter, Mayor of Exon', John Petre, Custom'.
[Endorsed: "Hast, hast, post hast, for thi lyff, and for thi lyff post hast."]
L. 41. Jan. 13, 1558.—Mayor of Exeter &c. reply "to the Right honourable and our very good lord the Lord of Wynchester." May hit please your honour that wee have recevyd your letteres the xi of January dated the vijth of the same [L. 37, 38] and understand therby the great myshappe to the Kings and Quenes Majesties and to the hole Realme conserning the takyng of ther graes peec beyond the sees by the ffrenchemen, the which all good Englyshmen have good cause to lament and to syke a restitucon therof to the uttermost of their poure. Albehit yet every man and good subiect must do as of right they may do and justifie. And therefore wee have thought good to advertise your honour that wher your letteres do require to be put in redynes and sent forthe oute of hand as many shippes as wee can duble mannyd, vitiled and well appoynted and to send them to the Lord Admyrall beynge nowe yn the narrowe seas. ffor awnswere wherunto wee say that wee to oure possible pours be redy to do as good and ffaithfull subiects should do albehit ther is no man within this countie and cetie of Exeter that hath any shippes of his owen nor have any comysion to mell or take upp shipps, maryners, vyctuals, munycions or any other thynges appertaynyng to the shipps for the warris oute of oure owne countie and cetie, nor yet as wee thynke any marynners or any other person that hath vyctuall to be sold will give or delyver us any thing without speciall comyssion or my lord admyralls comyssion to take upp maryn's whereat wee have nothing to do within the countie of Devon. And besides this if wee should make request to have sum money lent to the ffurtherans of your hon'able requeste yet wee veryly suppose hit wilbe denyed bycause of very late and nowe it is yn hand that a great number of men as well within the Cetie of Exeter as yn the countie of Devon do disburse to the Quene's Majestie by way of lone (fn. 24) a great masse of tresure. By reason wherof every mans excuse wilbe that ther is almost as . . . leight amongst us. Wherfore wee besech your honor and as your wisedome shall thynke meyt to devise and write unto us what wee may and ought to do yn this behalf and ther uppon wee will oute of hand God willyng do as to oure duties and ffaithfulnys appertaynyth as oure lord knoweth whome we desyre to kepe your lordshipp in mych honor. Writen att' Exeter the xiijth of January, 1557. Your lordshipp to command, the Mayor and his brethern of Exeter and the customer of the port of Exeter.
Disordered Soldiers.
L. 42. Totnes, May 14 [s.a. ? 1558].—The Earl of Bedford (fn. 25) commands the Mayor etc. to search for and apprehend the "dysorderyd sowders that returned home agayne from Brystowe under my Levetenaunte" as they are commanded to do by the Lords of the Council.—Signed, Your lovynge ffrend, F. Bedford.
A Servant of Lord Howard of Effingham.
L. 43. Tawestock [i.e. Tavistock], June 25, 1558.—Francis Earl of Bedford requests the Mayor &c. to discharge the bearer, Mr. Morris, "servant to my very good lord the Lord William Howard," who "stands bound in a certaine sum for his apparaunce" before them.
Endorsed: "To Mr. Peter, Maior" [i.e. John Peter, Mayor 1557–1558], and "give this."
The Marquis of Sara.
L. 44. Tawestok [i.e. Tavistock], Aug. 4, 1558.—Francis Earl of Bedford thanks the Mayor &c. for their diligence in forwarding his letters and the Lord Admiral's (fn. 26) to the Lords of the Council; adding: "I am let tunderstande from my Lords of the coming unto Exceter of the Marques of Sara, (fn. 27) a nobleman of Spayne and in great favour both of the King's and Quene's Majesties, whome I praye you visyt in my name, having good respect both for the preparacion of his lodging and allso to geve hym intertainement by your oft visyting hym together with some of your bretherne."
Endorsed: "geve this" and "Mr. Peter, Maior."
L. 45. Tawestock, Aug. 5, 1558.—[Francis] Earl of Bedford has sent his servant James More to the Mayor to know when the Marquis of Sara [see L. 44] is coming to Exeter.
Endorsed: "geve this."
L. 46. From the Court, May 28, 1559.—[Francis] Earl of Bedford writes to the Mayor and John Charles, Esquire [Recorder of Exeter], informing them that the pardons for the condemned persons in Exeter gaol (fn. 28) are ready and sealed "and lacke nothing but money to dyscharge the ffees thereof." The pardons are 13 in number and the fees 13s. 4d. each, which are only half fees, he having made interest with "the Keper of the Seale" to have the other half remitted. He prays him therefore to send up 8l. 13s. 4d. "with as moche spede as may be that the poore men may enjoie therby ther lyffe and libertie that so good a deed be not slacked and so moche labour and travaille cast away as thereabout hath by dyvers bene bestowed."
L. 47. Lyme, Oct. 15, 1559.—John Juel [or Jewel] and Henry Parry (fn. 29) inform Mr. Gibbes [L. 19] and the Mayor and other the Commissioners that: "According to our order taken concernyng the recantation of the vicar of Bodmane we have hereinclosed sent the same commytting the due execution by hym to be done by your wisedomes" and praying them "to inform Sir John Chichester, (fn. 30) the Mayor of Bodmane and other the Commissioners at that towne how he hath behaved hymselfe in that behalfe requiringe them to see the like don by hym both in the Parishe Churche of Bodmane and other places." Signed: Your lovynge frends, Jo. Juel, Henry Parry.
In D. 1602, Oct. 9, 1581, Wm. Colton, of Milverton (Somerset), gentleman, Henry Sotheron, of Exeter, gentleman, and John Bruyssheford, of Exeter, gentleman, give a bond in 200l. that the said William Colton shall not depart this realm, but shall remain at the dwelling house of the said Bruyssheford at Exeter, unless he be licensed by the Lords of the Privy Council to go to some other house "untyll he have conformed and yelded hymselfe unto the orders of relygion and for comyng and resortyng to dyvyne servyce established by Acte of Parlyament," his conformity to be notified by the Ordinary to the Council. He is not to admit or have access to any Jesuyt, massynge priest or semenary priest," &c.
The Merchant Adventurers.
L. 48. Jan. 25, 1560.—The Oracion or Declaration which I, John Vowell alias Hoker, made by the apoyntement of Mr. Robert Mydwynter, Maior, unto the Commons of the Citie of Exon at the Guyldhall the xxvth of Januarie, 1559. [4 folios, begins: "My Masters the cause"—ends "unto us all." Printed in Cotton, Guild, pp. 99–107. It refers to an order received from the Lords of the Council "for the appeasing of the late controversy" (see Izacke, 129) in connection with the incorporation of the Society of Merchant Adventurers. For petition of the Mayor (John Buller) and others for its incorporation, Dec. 8, 1558, see Cal. Dom. (1547–1580), p. 116. The grant of incorporation was withheld for further consideration on May 12, 1559—Ibid, p. 128. The Charter was finally granted on June 17, 1560, for text of it see Cotton, Guild, pp. 1–10; also in Book 51, f. 64, and Hooker's List, No. 13. For details of the dispute with the Tailors, see Book 185; Merchant Adventurers' Papers, A.D. 1558 to 1559; Hooker's List, Nos. 14–22.]
In Act Book, II, f. 164b, June 26, 1558, the Chamber resolve that the Merchants of this City shall be incorporated and made a several company by the name of the Master and Wardens.
In D. 1600, June 22, 1581, they are styled "the Governor, Consulls and Society of Merchant Adventurers of the City of Exeter trafyquing to the realm of France and the domynion of the French King."
In D. 1687, Aug. 5, 1600, they contribute 10l. p.a. towards the salary (50l.) of Edmund Snape, D.D., appointed by the Chamber to be a preacher in Exeter (with the seal and arms of the Society). See also D. 1688 (Aug. 21, 1600), which contains the appointment of Edmund Snape by the Chamber and in which he is to preach twice on the Sabbath day, viz. at 6 a.m. and in the afternoon (with his seal and initials "E.S.") Also D. 1688a (Aug. 31, 1600) with seals and signatures of John Peryam and Thomas Walker, who enter into a bond in 100l. for payment of the salary.
In L. 126, Whitehall, April 7, 1609, the Earl of Salisbury (Robert Cecil, High Steward of Exeter) informs the Mayor that His Majesty's Grocer has complained that the merchants of Exeter bringing fruits and other grocery wares into the port and creeks therunto adjoining (see p. 29) do refuse to pay for these commodities that composition which is due to His Majesty for the provision and service of his household. He therefore desires the Mayor to enquire into the matter and report to him the names of those who persist in refusing.
In L. 129, Whitehall, April 28, 1609, the Earl of Salisbury requests the Mayor to cause it to be known that the King desires to establish a Company of Merchants trading with France for the better governance of the trade and the keeping of the treaty made respecting it. (fn. 31)
In D. 523, Oct. 20, 1616, John Peryam restricts his charity to "Merchants adventurers trafficking beyond the seas not being shopkeepers by Retail."
In L. 268, Westminster, April 24, 1624, John Prouse informs the Mayor that he has attended to instructions both for the City and the Company of Merchants and has "possessed the House of Parliament with such thinges as most touch the merchants in burthen of their trade."
In L. 373, Aug. 22, 1638, the Earl of Pembroke invites them to engage in the plantation of Tobago.
In L. 14, Whitehall, Dec. 23, 1673, is a copy of a writ from Charles II requiring the Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter to cease from molesting Thomas Savery, a Merchant Adventurer who had "received many Losses and particularly in the last Dutch wars and being thus Impoverisht endeavoured to relieve his familly by keepinge shopp but that haveinge thus changed his way of trade hee is now molested and his goods taken wrongly by order of the magistrates of that city."
In L. 439, 440, Jan, s.a. [1674], the Chamber write to the Speaker [Sir Edward Seymour], the Earl of Bath [John Grenville] and Mr. Secretary Coventry desiring to evade the above order as being against their customs, usages and privileges. [See Cotton, Guild, p. 7.]
In L. 438, Jan. 9, 1674, the Mayor &c. write to Sir James Smith (fn. 32) acknowledging receipt of his letter of Dec. 8th last and request him to deliver the above letters (L. 439, 440) to the Earl of Bath, Mr. Speaker and Mr. Secretary Coventry.
John Huntingdon.
L. 49. London, Feb. 14, 1560.—The Earl of Bedford recommends to the Mayor "this bearer my Chaplaine Mr. Huntingdon," (fn. 33) who is coming "into your parties to preache where he maye as I trust he shall do moche good with thes fewe lynes to testifie unto you his honestie, lerning and sufficiencie therunto. Trusting therefore that as the lacke is great of suche good workmen in God's harveste so ye will accordingly aide and assiste him in all things within your libertie and charge for the for the better setting forthe of God's truethe and the Quene's Majesties godly proceedings."
Instructions by Francis Earl of Bedford.
L. 50. —4, 1560 (the name of the month is lost, but it must be between April and November inclusive).—"Instructions and orders Anno 2 Elyzabethe by me Fraunces Erle of Bedford, her Majesties lieutenaunt generall of her counties of Devon, Cornewall and her citie of Exeter and the countye of the same and leafte with the Maior and other the Justices of Pease of the said citie and countie to be exercised and used for the more advauncement of her Majesties service and quiete governement of the said citie and countie accordingly."
They are to appoint "four, three or two honest and discrete persons of every paryshe over and beside the Constable to thende that they very diligently may enquire and most truly certifie what defaulte they finde touching misdemeanours of any persone within their paryshe," and report them to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace, who are to meet for this purpose every three weeks and "punyshe the offenders (duely examined) by imprysonement or otherwyse according to your discretion and wysdome."
Sixteen articles signed by the Earl; the edges have been eaten away. At foot: Exr. et concordat cum originali, W. Page. Endorsed: Copia. Instructions given to the Citie of Exeter.
L. 51. March 28, 1560. Marquis of Winchester [see L. 36] to the Mayor and Sheriff of Exeter:—"After my hartie comendacons ye shall understand that the Citie of Exeter hath made no returne of their books of subsidy and therefore I have sent you herewith the Quene's proces praieng you to see the same dilligentlie served and the Commissions called in for retorne and the Collectors for payment. Wherein your service shalbe very acceptable for the Quene." Thus fare ye well, your loving frind, Winchester.
[For further documents relating to subsidies see p. 10.]
Letters from the Earl of Bedford.
L. 52. Clyst, Sept. 14, 1560.—Francis Earl of Bedford to the Mayor &c.: After my very hartie comendacons unto you forasmuche as I understand that at your next election of Receivors for your Citie of Exceter you minde to appoynte upon Bridgman (fn. 34) to furnishe one of those roumes who in my opinion for his habilitie is not so mete as many within your citie and being also somewhat trobeled about my affayres for this yere can not so well attend abowte that charge as you for the profite of your citie wolde wishe and is requisite for a man placed in that office. I shall thefore for the presente make my hartie request as well to you Mr. Maior as to the rest of your bretherne that you will for this time spare him and devise upon some other for the furniture of that place wherein ye shall doe him a greate good turne and pleasure me also for the which I shall geve you my hartie thankes. Evenso I take my leave of you ffrom my house at Clyste the xiiijth of this presente September, 1560. Your lovinge frende, F. Bedford."
In L. 64, London, Nov. 30, 1562, the Earl of Bedford writes to the Mayor &c. that he has received an answer to his letter concerning the nomination of one of your burgesses, "and I thought I had for my goodwill towards you somewhat better deserved then in so triffeling a matter to have suche a repulse," adding "If Mr. Mallett do desire and obteyne the place I shalbe the better willing and so being lothe to trouble you I bid you farewell."
In L. 71, Barwicke, (fn. 35) July 18, 1564, the Earl makes a similar request on behalf of Edward Bridgman who thro' his gret charge of children and familie is not able to susteyn "any office without his utter undoing in consideracion whereof and that he is my servaunt and hath also served my ffather."
In L. 72, Cheynys, June 14, 1565, the Earl thanks the Mayor &c. for their compliance with his request and desires them to release the fine imposed upon Bridgman.
[Endorsed: Recd. 1 July, 1565.]
Abuses of Apparel.
L. 53. May 7, 1562.—Printed copy of a Proclamation (fn. 36) against the "monstrous abuses of apparell almost in all estates but principally in the meaner sort" and respecting the breeding and exporting of horses. "Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Rycharde Jugge and John Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Majestie."