Pages 89-92
Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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XL. Instrument setting forth the rights of the Chancellor of the Metropolitan Church of Glasgow to the patronage of the Grammar School of the City, and the care and government of the school and the master thereof. Glasgow, 13 September 1494.
[Latin text]
In Dei nomine, Amen: Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat evidenter et sit notum quod anno ab incarnatione Domini mc. cccc°. lxxxxiiij°. die xiij°. mensis Septembris, Indictione xiij° pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris ac domini nostri Domini Alexandri divina providentia pape sexti anno iij°, in nostrum notariorum et testium. infrascriptorum presentia reverendissimus in Christo pater ac dominus Robertus Dei et Apostolice sedis gratia Archiepiscopus Glasguensis pro tribunali sedens in ecclesia sua metropolitana Glasguensi loco capitulari ejusdem hora capituli consueta ante meridiem super querela sibi exposita per venerabilem et circumspectum virum Magistrum Martinum Wan cancellarium dicte ecclesie Glasguensis contra et adversum discretum virum Magistrum Dauid Dwne, presbiterum dicte dioceseos Glasguensis infra ciuitatem Glasguensem moram trahentem, videlicet: Quod non obstante quod ipse MagisterMartinus cancellarius prenominatus, et sui predccessores cancelarii prefate ecclesie Glasguensis pro tempore existentes, juxta statuta et consuetudinem memorate ecclesie Glasguensis, ac privilegia decani et capituli ejusdem autoritate apostolica confirmata, sunt et fuerunt inconcusse et vltra memoriam hominum in pacifica possessione instituendi et destituendi, magistrum Scole Grammaticalis civitatis Glasguensis, curamque et regimen dicte scole ac magisterium ejusdem habendi; sicque quod absque licentia illius Magistri Martini cancellarii prenominative cancellarii dicte ecclesie pro tempore existentis nulli liceat scolam grammaticalem tenere, scolaresque in grammatica aut juvenes in puerilibus, per se, clam aut palam, infra predictam civitatem seu Vniversitatem instruere et docere. Nihilominus tamen ipse Magister Dauid actualiter se posuit ad docendum et instruendum scolares in grammatica, et juvenes in puerilibus, infra dictam civitatem et Universitatem Glasguensem, per se ac separatim, palam et manifeste, absque ipsius Magistri Martini cancellarii licentia quacumque; imo ipso spreto et in vito ad hoc publice anelabat. Visis igitur et consideratis allegationibus et rationibus vtriusque partis, statutis ac privilegiis dictorum decani et capituli ac consuetudine hactenus observata testium depositionibus desuper productis intellectis et ad plenum descussis, de consilio sui capituli ac Rectoris dicte Vniversitatis et clericorum ejusdem, judicialiter et sententialiter, Robertus Archiepiscopus Glasguensis decrevit dictum Magistrum Dauid Dwn non debere scolam grammaticalem tenere, seu scolares in grammatica, aut juvenes in puerilibus, infra predictam civitatem aut Vniversitatem Glasguensem docere et instruere, per se separatim et palam qualitercumque, absque dicti Magistri Martini cancellarii Glasguensis seu cancellarii pro tempore existentis licentia speciali petita et obtenta; et sibi Magistro Dauid Dwn in premissis silentium in perpetuum judicialiter imposuit. Super quibus omnibus et singulis premissis prefatus Magister Martinus cancellarius a nobis notariis publicis subscriptis sibi fieri petiit instrumentum et instrumenta publicum et publica. Acta erant hec in loco capitulari dicte ecclesie Glasguensis hora capituli consueta sub anno die mense indictione et pontificatu prescripts: presentibus ibidem venerabilibus et egregiis viris Magistro Dauid Cunynghame preposito ecclesie collegiate de Hamilton et Rectore Alme Vniversitatis Glasguensis, Archibaldo Layng et Georgio Akynheid notariis publicis, Magistro Roberto Forster et Thoma Hislahop artium magistris, cum diversis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.
Et ego Johannes de Thornton Glasguensis dioceseos presbiter publicus auctoritatibus Imperiali et Regali notarius [etc.]
Et ego Archibaldus Layng artium magister clericus sancte Andree dioceseos et publicus auctoritate Apostolica notarius [etc.]
In the name of God, amen. By this present public instrument be it manifestly apparent to all, and be it known that in the year one thousand four hundred and ninety-four from the incarnation of the Lord, on the thirteenth day of the month of September, in the thirteenth indiction, and third year of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ, and our lord, the lord Alexander the sixth, by divine providence Pope, in presence of us notaries and the witnesses after written, the most reverend father in Christ and lord, Robert by the grace of God and the favour of the apostolic see, Archbishop of Glasgow, sitting in judgment in his metropolitan church of Glasgow, in the chapter-house of the same, at the usual hour of the chapter before noon; on the complaint made by the venerable and circumspect man, Master Martin Wan, then chancellor of the said church of Glasgow, against a discreet man, Master David Dwne, presbyter of the said diocese of Glasgow, residing within the city of Glasgow, that is to say, that notwithstanding that the said Master Martin, chancellor beforenamed, and his predecessors the chancellors of the foresaid church of Glasgow for the time being, according to the statutes and usage of the said church of Glasgow, and privileges of the dean and chapter of the same, confirmed by apostolic authority, are and have been, without interruption, and beyond the memory of man, in peaceable possession of the appointing and removing of the master of the Grammar School of the city of Glasgow; and of having the oversight and government of the said school, and full authority over the same; and that so, that to no one is it lawful, without permission of the said Master Martin, chancellor aforesaid, or the chancellor of the said church for the time being, to keep a grammar school, and instruct and teach scholars in grammar, or youths in the elements of knowledge, of himself, secretly or openly, within the foresaid city or university; Nevertheless the said Master David has in fact set himself to the teaching and instructing of scholars in grammar, and youths in the elements of learning, within the said city and university of Glasgow, of him self and independently, openly and publicly, without any license from the said master Martin, chancellor, nay, in his despite, and against his will, was publicly engaged in it. Having seen therefore and considered the allegations and reasons of both parties, the statutes and privileges of the said dean and chapter, and usage hitherto observed, the depositions of witnesses thereupon produced, being understood and fully discussed, with advice of his chapter, and of the rector of the said university and clerks thereof, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow, judicially decided and gave for sentence, that the said Master David Dwn ought not to keep a grammar school, or teach and instruct scholars in grammar, or youths in boyish studies, of himself, independently and publicly, in any manner of way, within the foresaid city or university of Glasgow, without the special license asked and obtained of the said master Martin, chancellor of Glasgow, or the chancellor for the time being: and judicially put the said Master David Dwn to silence in the premises for ever. Upon which all and sundry the premises, the said master Martin, chancellor, asked a public instrument or public instruments to be made to him by us notaries public subscribing. These things were done in the chapter house of the said church of Glasgow, at the accustomed hour of the chapter, in the year, day month, indiction and pontificate before written, there being present the venerable and honourable men, master David Cunynghame, provost of the Collegiate Church of Hamilton, and rector of the University of Glasgow, Archibald Layng and George Akynheid notaries public, master Robert Forster and Thomas Hislahop, masters of arts, with divers others, witnesses to the premises specially asked and required.
And I, John of Thornton, presbyter of the diocese of Glasgow, notary public by imperial and royal authority, etc.
And I, Archibald Laying, master of arts, clerk of the diocese of St Andrews, and notary public by apostolic authority, etc.