Pages 284-291
Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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XCIV. Charter by King James VI., whereby, on a recital of the expenses incurred by the magistrates, burgesses, and inhabitants of the Burgh and City of Glasgow in supporting the Metropolitan Church and upholding the Bridge of Glasgow, he granted to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and community, certain lands which had formerly belonged to the sub-deacons of Glasgow, to be called the Tenandry of Rattonraw. Edinburgh, 21 December 1613.
[Latin text]
Jacobus Dei gratia Magne Britannie, Francie et Hybernie Rex, fideique defensor, omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciatis quia nos perfecte intelligentes magnas impensas et sumptus per magistratus, burgenses et incolas burgi nostri et ciuitatis de Glasgow multipliciter depensos et erogatos in noua refectione, reparatione, et emendatione Ecclesie Metropolitane de Glasgow; ac in quotidiana sustentatione pontis ejusdem super fluvium de Clyde edificati et siti, ac conservatione dicti pontis a prefati fluuii violento impetu et excursu; dicta metropolitana ecclesia et ponte predicto duobus regni Scotie monumentis et decorationibus existentibus, que, absque summa dictorum magistratuum burgensium et incolarum dicti nostri burgi de Glasgow cura, prouisione, et sustentatione, multis abhine annis, collapsa fuissent et solo equata; quam rem, cum nobis maximum honorem, tum nostris omnibus subditis et liegis singulare emolumentum attulere: et nos eorum bonum gratumque seruicium nobis datum et prestitum, adhuc nunquam compensatum, remunerari volentes et intendentes; ac nos, matura deliberatione prehabita, nobiscum perpendentes quid potissimum in dictos magistratus, burgenses et incolas dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, suisque successoribus, minimo nostri proventus et patrimonii detrimento interueniente, conferre possumus, ipsis suisque successoribus dare et concedere terras, tenementa, aliaque subscripta, jacentes infra bondas et territorium dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, per ipsos hereditarie omni tempore futuro possidendas et gaudendas, statuimus et decreuimus. Igitur, pro bono fideli et pergrato seruicio nobis, nostrisque clarissimis progenitoribus, Scotie regibus, per magistratus, consules [et] burgenses dicti burgi nostri, tam pacis quam belli tempore, prestito et impenso; ac ut ipsis occasio offerature ejusmodi in honestis propositis imposterum perseuerandi dedimus concessimus assedauimus arrendauimus locauimus, et ad feudifirmam seu emphiteosim hereditarie disposuimus, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmauimus, tenoreque presentium damus, concedimus, assedamus, arrendamus, locamus, et ad feudifirmam seu emphiteosim hereditarie disponimus, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmamus preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, et eorum successoribus, imperpetuum, tota et integra tenementa, tam edificata quam vasta, horta, horrea, et horreorum horta, jacentia extra portam, lie Rattounraw Port ejusdem dicti burgi nostri; totas et integras octo acras terrarum, aut eo circa, jacentes in lie Deanesyde; tres acras terrarum in lie Crubbis; triginta acras terrarum, aut eo circa, in lie Provansyde; et tres acras terrarum jacentes a tergo dictorum horreorum, ex boreali parte vie nostre dicti burgi de Glasgow; cum omnibus et singulis earundem partibus, pendiculis, et pertinentiis quibuscunque: omnes jacentes infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Lanerk. Quequidem terre, horta, horrea et horreorum horta, ac alia prescripta, cum pertinentiis, ad subdiaconos Glasguenses pertinuerunt, et de ipsis perprius tente fuerunt, et nunc ad nos pertinentes, et in manus nostras et ad nostram dispositionem virtute Acti nostri Annexationis omnium Terrarum Ecclesiasticarum nostri regni ad coronam, deuenientes et incumbentes: Ac cum omni jure, titulo, interesse, jurisclameo, tam petitorio quam possessorio, que seu quas, nos, nostri predicessores, aut successores, in et ad easdem, seu ad aliquam earundem partem, habuimus, habemus, seu quouismodo habere, clamare, aut pretendere poterimus, aut poterint, aut ad firmas proficuos aut deuorias earundem de quibuscunque annis aut terminis preteritis, ratione nonintroitus, eschaete, forisfacture, recognitionis, purprusionis, disclamationis, bastardie, infeofamentorum, sasinarum aut retornatuum reductionis, vel ob quamcunque aliam causam, actionem, seu occasionem preteritam, diem date presentium precedentem: renunciando et exonerando easdem, cum omnibus actione et instantia earundem, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, prefatis proposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, eorumque successoribus, pro nunc et imperpetunm; cum pacto de non petendo; ac cum supplemento omnium defectuum, tam non nominatorum quam nominatorum, preteritorum quam futurorum, quos tanquam pro expressis in hac presenti carta nostra haberi volumus. Cum speciali et plena potestate preposito balliuos et consulibus dicti nostri burgi, ac eorum successoribus, easdem in eorumve quemlibet, in futurum, apud crucem foralem dicti nostri burgi capienda, stabit, et ipsis erit sufficiens sasina pro omnibus et singulis predictis terris, tenementis, horreis, hortis, horreorum hortis, aliisque particulariter et generaliter suprascriptis, cum eorum partibus, pendiculie, et pertinentiis, nunc dicto burgo nostro de Glasgow unitis et annexatis, vt predicitur; non obstante quod eedem non jacent insimul et contigue, sed in diuersis partibus ab aliis distantibus. Tenenda et Habenda tota et integra predicta tenementa, tam edificata quam vasta, horta, horrea, et horreorum horta, jacentia extra portam, lie Rattounraw Port, dicti nostri burgi; totas et integras octo acras terrarum, aut eo circa, jacentes in lie Deansyd; predictas tres acras terrarum jacentes a tergo dictorum horreorum, ex boreali parte dicte vie nostre predicti burgi; predictas tres acras terrarum in lie Crubbis; predictas triginta acras terrarum, aut eo circa, in lie Provansyde; cum omnibus et singulis eorum partibus, pendiculis, et pertinentiis quibuscunque; nunc in dictam tenandriam unita, ac cum dicto nostro burgo de Glasgow inseparabiliter annexata et incorporata, vt premissum est, prefatis preposito balliuis consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi, et eorum successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in feudifirma seu emphiteosi et hereditate imperpetuum, per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, in domibus, edificiis, boscis, planis, moris, marresiis, viis, semitis, aquis, stagnis, riuolis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris, et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petariis, turbariis, carbonibus carbonariis, cuniculis, cuniculariis, fabrilibus, brasinis, brueriis et genistis, syluis, memoribus, et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicidiis, lapide et calce; cum curiis et earum exitibus, herezeldis, bludeuitis, et mulierum marchetis; cum communi pastura, libero introitu et exitu; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis, ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictas terras, tenementa, horta, horrea, et horreorum horta, cum pertinentiis, spectantibus, seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum: libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene, et in pace, absque ulla reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo inde annuatim dicti prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas dicti nostri burgi de Glasgow, eorumque successores, nobis et successoribus nostris, summam triginta sex solidorum et octo denariorum vsualis monete regni nostri Scotie, tanquam antiquam feudifirmam subdecanis Glasguensibus perprius solui solitam et consuetam; et in augmentationem nostri rentalis summam trium solidorum et quatuor denariorum monete antedicte, ad duos anni terminos consuetos festa, viz., Pentecostes et Sancti Martini in hyeme, per equales portiones; et academie dicti nostri burgi, et hospitio lie Craftis Hospitall, redditus et deuorias debitos et consuetos, nomine feudifirme, tantum. In Cuius Rei testimonium huic presenti carte magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus, . . . Apud Edinburgum, vigesimo primo die mensis Decembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tredecimo, et annis regni nostri quadragesimo septimo et vndecimo.
James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye, that we fully understanding the great expenses and charges speat and disbursed in manifold wise by the magistrates, burgesses and inhabitants of our burgh and city of Glasgow, in restoring, repairing and renewing of the Metropolitan Church of Glasgow, and in daily upholding of the Bridge thereof built and situated upon the river Clyde, and preservation of the said bridge from the strong current and flooding of the foresaid river; the said Metropolitan Church and foresaid bridge being two monuments and ornaments of our kingdom of Scotland, which without the greatest care, forethought, and upholding of the said magistrates, burgesses and indwellers of our said burgh of Glasgow, would have fallen in ruins many years ago and been levelled with the ground: which conduct of theirs, as it has conferred the greatest honour on us, so has it conferred a special convenience on all our subjects and lieges: And we willing and meaning to reward their good and thankful service done and performed to us, never hitherto recompensed; and we after mature deliberation, considering what we could best bestow on the said magistrates, burgesses, and inhabitants of our said burgh of Glasgow, and their successors, with least detriment to our revenue and patrimony, have resolved and determined to give and grant to them and their successors the lands, tenements, and others underwritten, lying within the bounds and territory of our said burgh of Glasgow, to be possessed and enjoyed by them heritably in all time to come. Therefore, for the good, faithful and most thankful service done and rendered to us and our most noble progenitors Kings of Scotland, by the magistrates, councillors, and burgesses of our said burgh, both in time of peace and of war, and to give occasion to them to persevere in such honourable purposes in time to come, we have given, granted, set, let, leased, and in feufarm or emphyteosis heritably disponed, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof give, grant, set in tack, let, lease, and in feufarm or emphyteosis heritably dispone, and by this our present charter confirm, to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, and their successors for ever, All and whole the tenements, as well built as waste, yards, barns and barn-yards, lying outside the Rattoun Raw port of our said burgh; all and whole eight acres of land, or thereby, lying in Deanesyde; three acres of land in the Crubbis; thirty acres of land, or thereby, in Provansyde; and three acres of land lying at the back of the said barns, on the north side of our high way of our said burgh of Glasgow; with all and sundry their parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsoever; all lying within our sheriffdom of Lanark. Which lands, yards, barns and barnyards, and others before written, with the pertinents, belonged to the sub-deacons of Glasgow, and were formerly, held of them, and now belonging to us, and falling and devolving in our hands, and at our disposal by virtue of our Act of Annexation of all kirk lands of our realm to the Crown: and with all right, title, interest, claim of right, petitory as well as possessory, which we, our predecessors or successors had, have, or in any way can have, claim, or pretend in and to the same, or to any part thereof, or to the maills, profits or duties thereof for whatsoever years or terms bygone, by reason of non-entry, escheat, forfeiture, recognition, purprision, disclaimer, bastardy, reduction of infeftments, seisins or retours, or for whatsoever other cause, action or occasion bypast, preceding the day of date hereof: renouncing and discharging the same, with all action and instance thereof, for us and our successors, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, and their successors, for now and evermore; cum pacto de non petendo; and with supply of all defects, as well not named as named, past and to come, which we will to be held as expressed in this our present charter. With special and full power to the provost, bailies and councillors of our said burgh, and their successors, to dispone the same in feufarm heritably to any person feudifirma cuilibet persone, seu quibuscunque personis, hereditarie disponendi, ac feudifirmas et deuorias earundem intromittendi, leuandi, et vtendi, et easdem commodo et vtilitati dicti nostri [burgi] applicandi. Volumus etiam et ordinamus quod generalitas prescripta dictorum tenementorum, horreorum, hortorum, aliorumque predictorum, tam valida et sufficiens erit prefatis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi, et eorum successoribus, ad easdem tenendas gaudendas et possidendas omni tempore affuturo, ac si quaque particularis acra terre, tenementum, horreum, hortum, et horrei hortum, ad longum et particulariter, in hac presenti carta nostra specificata contenta fuisset: pro quo nos, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, dispensauimus, ac per presentes dispensamus imperpetuum. Preterea, vniuimus, annexauimus, incorporauimus, tenoreque presentium vnimus, annexamus, et incorporamus omnes et singulas predictas terras, tenementa, horta, horrei horta, et alia particulariter et generaliter supra recitata, cum pertinentiis, in vnam tenandriam, Tenandriam de Rattounraw nuncupandam, nunc dicto burgo, vt premissum est, incorporatam et annexatam, nunquam vnam partem et pendiculum ejusdem inseparabilem in futurum remanendam. Ac volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus, quod vnica sasina nunc per dictos prepositos aut balliuos, aut per eorum successores, or any persons, and to intromit with, uplift and use, the feufarms and duties thereof, and apply the same for the good and welfare of our said city. We will also and ordain that the fore-written generality of the said tenements, barns, yards and others foresaid, shall be as valid and sufficient to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, and their successors, for holding, enjoying and possessing the same in all time to come, as if every particular acre of land, tenement, barn, yard, and barnyard, had been contained and specified in this our present charter, at length, and particularly; whereanent we, for us and our successors, have dispensed, and by these presents dispense for ever. Moreover we have united, annexed, incorporated, and by the tenor hereof unite, annex, and incorporate all and sundry the foresaid lands, tenements, yards, barnyards, and others particularly and generally above recited, with the pertinents, in one tenandry, to be called the Tenandry of Rattounraw, now, as aforesaid, incorporated and annexed to the said burgh, to remain inseparable in every part and pendicle thereof in time to come. And we will and grant, and for us and our successors decern and ordain, that our single seisin now to be taken by the said provosts or bailies, or by their successors, or any of them, in time to come, at the market cross of our said burgh, shall stand, and be a sufficient seisin to them for all and sundry the foresaid lands, tenements, barns, yards, barnyards, and others particularly and generally above written, with their parts, pendicles and pertinents, now united and annexed, as aforesaid, to our said burgh of Glasgow, notwithstanding that the same do not lie together and contiguous, but in diverse parts distant from one another. To have and to hold all and whole the foresaid tenements, as well built as waste, yards, barns, and barnyards, lying outside the Rattounraw port of our said burgh; all and whole the eight acres of land, or thereby, lying in Deansyd; the foresaid three acres of land, lying at the backside of the said barns, on the north side of our said highway of the said burgh; the foresaid three acres of land in the Crubbis; the foresaid thirty acres of land, or thereby, in Provansyde; with all and sundry their parts, pendicles, and pertinents whatsoever, now united in the said tenandry, and inseparably annexed and incorporated with our said burgh of Glasgow, as aforesaid, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, and their successors, of us and our successors, in feufarm or emphyteosis and heritage for ever, by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, ponds, streams, meadows, grazings and pastures, mills, multures, and their sequels, fowlings, huntings, fishings, peat mosses, turf bogs, coals, coalheughs, coneys, coney warrens, smithies, brewhouses, heath and broom, woods, groves and thickets, wood, timber, quarries, stone and lime; with courts and their issues, hereyelds, bludeuitis, and marchets of women; with common pasture, free ish and entry; and with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging, or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come to the foresaid lands, tenements, yards, barns, and barnyards, with their pertinents; freely, quietly, fully, honourably, well, and in peace, without any revocation, gainsaying, hindrance, or obstacle whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, and their successors, to us and our successors, the sum of thirty six shillings and eight pence usual money of our kingdom of Scotland, as the ancient feufarm formerly used and wont to be paid to the subdeans of Glasgow, and the sum of three shillings and fourpence money foresaid, in augmentation of our rental, at the two usual terms in the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions, and to the university of our said burgh, and the Crafts' Hospitall, the rents and duties due and wont, in name of feufarm only. In Witness Whereof, we have commanded our great seal to be set to this present charter. Witnesses, . . . At Edinburgh, the twenty first day of the month of December, the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirteenth, and of our reign the forty seventh and eleventh years