CXIII: Act of Parliament ratifying the Act of General Assembly, no.CXII (1640)

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Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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CXIII. Act of Parliament ratifying and confirming the foregoing act of the General Assembly, and rescinding and annulling all acts made in prejudice thereof. Edinburgh, 6 June 1640.

The Estates of Parliament presentlie conveened by his Majesties speciall authoritie, Ratifies, Approuves, and perpetually Confirmes the act of the General Assembly holdine at Edinburghe in the moneth of August last by past, mad upon the seaventeenth day of the said moneth, and in the eight sessione of the said assembly, intituled anent the sex caussis of our bygone evillis, whereof the tennour falloues:—(Here follows act ut antea No. CXII.) Which act, with all and sindrie the particular headis, claussis, and articles thairin conteaned, the estates now conveened by his Majesties indictione, warrand, and authoritie foirsaid, Ratifies, Approuves, and Confirmes in all poyntes in maner as the same proportis, and gives thairunto the strenth of a lawe and act of Parliament, and ordeanes executione to pass thereupon as effeires, and rescindes, cassis, and anullis all actes and decrees of Parliament and counsell formerlie mad contrair and in prejudice of the said act or any pairt thereof.