XC: Draft of Act of Parliament, granting liberty of election of magistrates (1606)

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Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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XC. Draft of an Act of Parliament, superscribed by King James VI., for granting free liberty to the City of Glasgow to elect its Magistrates. 7 July 1606.

James, R. Oure Souerane Lord and Estaites of Parliament, presentlye conveynit, considering that the citie of Glasgow at the beginning being ane very meane and simple town, without ather trafficke or nowmer of inhabitantis, in the electioun of thair magistrattis wer accustumat to demand the assent and approbatioun of thair Archbischope to the same; and now the estaite of that citye being sa far mendit as nocht only the same is becum weill peopled and hes ane greit traide and trafficque, bot also be thair commissioneris in parliamentis, generall conventiouns, and conventiounis of borrowes, thay haif had speciall plaice and voice as ane frie citye of the kingdome, and hes borne taxatiouns, subsidyes and vther burdeynis ansuerable in proportioun with many of the best townes of the realme (sum very few exceptit), it caryes no ressoun that the said citye suld acknawledge in the nominatioun of thair magistrattis any subiect quhatsoevir, seing as thay ar immediatlye in dewtye and alledgeance obleist to the prince and subiect to burdeynis as vthir cities and borroughis ar; sua in that quhilk is the kye of thair particular governament, thair suld be na restrictioun of thair fredome, bot suld haif frie libertye to elect and cheis sick persouns as salbe thocht most fitt bothe to serve the prince and to governe the citye it self; And thairfoir our Souerane Lord, with advyise of the saidis estaites, declaires that the said citye of Glasgow in all tyme cumming sall haif als frie libertye in the electioun and cheising of thair magistratis yeirlye at the accustumat tymes as anye vther citye or borrough within the kingdome of Scotland, and that the approbatioun ather of thair archbischope or ony vther subiect quhatsoevir sall nawayes be requisite or necessarye, bot the same to stand effectuall in all respectis without thair consent askit or demandit thairto.

7 July 1606. Remittis this mater to the nixt sessioun of Parliament.