Extracts from the records: 1683

Pages 328-345

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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20 January 1683.

New Grein.

Appoynts the provest with John Bell, lait proveist, dean of gild, deacon conveener, and the clerk, to meet with James Stewart of Limloch and to settle and aggrie with him anent the pryce of his aiker of land joyned to the New Grein and the few duties he had out of umquhill James Bells landis above the cross, and to report.

New Grein.

It was concluded and aggried that William Charteris get twelve hundreth merkis for the pryce of his thrie aikers of land joyned to the New Grein.

Zymbathie, Hungarian.

Ordains baillie Fleyming to pay to Mr. John Zymbathie the sowm of twa hundreth and fifty merkis, partly for charity and for twa written broadis furnished to the toun, being ane Hungarian and left his countrey for his religion.

31 January 1683.

Kinneir, minister.

The magistratis and counsell, taking to their consideration that Mr. Alexander Kinneir was formerlie presented to serve the cure as a minister of the toun in place of the minister of the Blackfrier Kirk, and that his yeirly stipend was not fully aggreed and condescended on, it is therfor concluded and aggried that he get ane thowsand pound Scotis payed him yeirly, during the magistratis and counsell their will and pleasour, and his serving the cure as a minister of the toun, on this condition that his present allowance of ane thowsand pounds yeirly, during pleasour, shall not be binding on them nor their successeris in office for paying the same, bot that they may restrict him to the soum contained in his presentatioune, quhilk is the annualrent of ten thowsand pound dew by the lait Argyll, or the equivalent.

Proveist, expenssis.

The proveist declared that he had bein at great charges and expenssis in persewing the trades befor the lordis of his Majesties privy councell, for votteing and making lites and choysing their deacons at the last election, as also for the deacon conveener, and in getting ane ordour for making of new electiones, in respect they had not taken the test at their former electiones, to quhilk it was ansuered be proveist James Campbell that ther was no reason any such charges or expenssis showld be allowed him, in respect that what he did in that affair was without any act or warrand from the toun counsell, quhilk he owght to have had for that effect if he had expected any allowance from the toun of his expenssis, and quhilk is ordinar for any person imployed in the touns affairis to have; to quhilk it was replyed be the provest that he found no necessity for taking advyce or ordour from the toun counsell for that end, in respect that what he did was in persewing the Kings interest; to quhilk it was duplyed be the said James that it was not the Kings interest the provest was persewing, and swa the said James Campbell and Alexander Ross, baillie, declared that they wer against allowing him any charges or expenssis for the cawssis forsaid; bot the said baillie was content (as he declared) that the proveistis charges showld be allowed him be the toun, on these termes that the expenssis the trades had bein put to in that persuit showld lykwayes be payed them and no utherwayes; quherwpon the said proveist, James Campbell and Alexander Ross took instruments. Therafter the proveist did put it to a votte of counsell if they wold allow him his expenssis or no, and be plurality of vottes it was caried and aggried on that the same showld be allowed him and payed be the toun.

Crawfurd of Crawfurdsburne, fyne.

The magistratis and counsell, taking to consideration the supplication given in to them be Thomas Craufurd of Craufurdsburne, merchand, ordains his burges and gild brother ticket to be given wp to him, and his fyne of ane hundred pound delyvered back, which was taken fra him be the magistratis in anno [1678], (fn. 1) and that for taking away differences and animosities and keeping concord amongst freindis.

13 March 1683.


Ordains the thesaurer to pay to Johne Maxwell, wright, the soum of fyve poundis starling quhilk he payed to the montebank (fn. 2) for cutting off umquhill Archibald Bishops legg.

5 May 1683.

Dunbartans petition anent building their bridge.

In ansuer to the supplication given in be the magistratis of Dunbartan, for themselves and in name of the burgh, cravand a supply for helping to build a bridge over the water of Levin, whilk being taken to the saids magistratis and counsell their consideratioune, it is inacted and ordained that ane contribution be collected throw the toun towardis the helping to build the said bridge, be such persons as the proveist, baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener shall name and appoynt for that effect, on these termes that the haill burgessis and inhabitants of this burgh, and goodis belonging to them, shall be frie of any dutie in coming or going alongst the said bridge, and on such uther termes as the magistratis and counsell, with the toun of Dunbartan, shall aggrie wpon, and the toun of Dunbartan to obleidge themselves therto befor the said contribution be payed them.

Strangeris and vagabondis.

John Ritchie, elder, merchand, and Thomas Urie, wright, to take account throw the haill toun of what persons resetts and harbours strangers and vagaboundis, and of the strangeris and vagaboundis themselves, and to give nottice of the same weekly to the magistratis and counsell, and what fynes are gotten fra the transgressouris that the samen be given in and distribute to the poor, and appoynts the saidis John Ritchie and Thomas Urie, each of them, to have fourty shilling Scotis weekly for their pains.

Ansuer to petition of taksman of the peckis.

Baillie Fleyming, the dean of gild and deacon conveener, made report that they had considered the petition given in be Robert Fleyming, tacksman of the peckis, desyring the magistratis and counsell to give him allowance for the loss he sustained throw breaking the pecks and changing the measours, and declared that they had taken information fra severall honest men, knoun in that affair, quherby they find that the supplicant cowld not get so much this year as will make him wp the four hundred twenty fyve merkis he hes payed already for the half of the tack dewty, yet they think it not fitt he should have any thing of that payed him back, bot its their opinion the magistratis and counsell give him wp his band they have for the uther half, and to free him of any farder payment; quhilk report was allowed and approven be the saids magistratis and counsell, and ordains the clerk to delyver him wp his band, and heirby discharges him of the soum contained in the same.

Fishing society.

Ane minut of contract was produced, subscrivit be the memberis of the fishing society and the proveist, bearing that he had bowght, at the desyre of the merchandis and trades in the said burgh, the salt, cask, hoopes, knappell, wood and utheris, with the two store howssis and haill pertinentis therto belonging, quherby the said proveist as principall, and William and George Andersones as cautionouris for him, are obleidged to give responsall and sufficient security to the said fishing society for the soume of threttie thrie thowsand and thrie hundreth pundis Scotis, (fn. 3) payable at Martimes nixt, as being the pryce at quhilk the said store and storehowssis was rowped; quhilk bargain swa made be the provest was allowed and approven be the saidis magistratis and counsell, and heirby binds and obleissis them and their successouris in office to take the said bargain aff his hand, and to pay or caws the said soum obleist therfor be payed. . . . And to the effect the said salt, cask, hoopes and utheris abovewrittin, except the two storehoussis, quhilk the toun is to keep in their oun hand and to pay the pryce proportionally, as the samen was rowped with the rest, may be the easier payed against the term, and for freeing the town of any farder trowble, appoynts the dean of gild and deacon conveener to conveen their respective incorporationes of merchandis and crafts, and to sell the said salt, with the cask, hoopes, knappell, wood and utheris, amongst themselves, either by rowpe or utherwayes, at the best availl and pryces they can.

21 May 1683.

Act anent the bargain of salt, etc., belonging to fishing society.

The magistratis and toun counsell having taken to consideration the bargain of the salt, cask, hoopes, knappell, wood, with the rest of the store and storehowssis bowght be the provest fra the fishing company, lying in Greinock, and what way the samen shall be disposed of for paying the pryce therof, it is concluded that the merchandis and trades shall accept and take the salt, cask, hoopes, knappell, Holland wood and French wood, at [£28,243 11s. 5d.]; and to sell and dispose therwpon at the best availl they can, and give sufficient security amongst them for paying the said soum at Martimes nixt; and that the toun is to detain and keep the two storehowssis, with the sheddis, iron chist, and pertinentis belonging therto, for the use of the said burgh and commonality, and to give the toun security for [£5,109] Scotis payable at the said term; and recommendis to the dean of gild and deacon conveener to appoynt persons of their oun number to receive the said salt and utheris fra Patrick Murray, or any having warrand to delyver the same; and that the toun will appoynt some person to repair to Greinock for sighting of the twa storehowssis and shedds and having a care of the same.

Militia horssis, kilnes in the Craigs.

Appoynts the provest, baillies [and five others] to meet and name what persons they think most fitt for putting out of militia horssis for the toun; as also to consider of the loss and damnage sustained be Mary Rowand, John Cuming and Robert Tennent, by spoylling their kilnes in the Craigs, throw the touns winning of stanes ther, and to sight the samen, and to condescend what they think fitt to be given them for the said loss, and to report.

26 May 1683.

Anent the bargain of the fishing society.

The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveined, the proveist and dean of gild made report that they and the merchandis in the toun, having conveened in the merchandis hospitall on the twenty ane of this instant, they had sold the salt, cask, hoopes, knappell, wood and utheris, except the storehowssis, quhilk is reserved to the toun, bowght fra the fishing company, to Robert Campbell, lait dean of gild, by ane publict rowpe in the said hospitall, for the sowm of twenty seven thowsand poundis, for quhich he was to give security to the said fishing society for paying the said sowm at Martinmes nixt, and releiving the proveist and his cautioneris and all utheris concerned of any obleisment granted therfor; conform quherto the said Robert, the said day the forsaid bargain was rowped, did accept and receive ane ordour fra the proveist and William and George Andersones, his cautioners, direct to Patrick Murray, who was then at Greenock, to delyver him the salt and utheris sold to him, quhich accordingly he shew and produced to the said Patrick, who went alongst with the said Robert and shewed to him the said salt, kask, knappell and utheris, and offered and declared he was content to delyver the samen to him conform to the said ordour, quhilk after sighting the said Robert refused to accept of and receive, in respect the said salt was not conform to bargain, not being all Portugall salt, bot a considerable pairt therof Alicant salt, and therwpon the said Patrick Murray had taken instrumentis against the said Robert for not acceptance, and for coast, skaith and damnage; and this day the proveist, merchand baillies, dean of gild, and severall of the merchand rank, having conveened the merchand hows, the proveist, for himself and in name of the toun of Glasgow and these present, desyred and requyred the said Robert Campbell to receive the said salt and utheris sold to him at the rowpe, quherunto it was ansuered be the said Robert that he wold not accept of the same for the reasons aforesaid contained in Patrick Murrayes instrument, bot that he wold receive the said bargain in case the salt wer conforme as the samen was sold to the proveist, quhilk it was not; wpon quhilk refusall the proveist took instruments against the said Robert and protested for coast, skaith, damnage and remeid of law. All quhilkis being taken to the said proveist, baillies and counsell their consideration, it is concluded that the proveist, baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveener, with John Andersone, maister of wark, shall meet with the said Robert Campbell and try if they can perswade him yet to receive and accept of the said bargain of salt and utheris forsaid, and wpon his refusall to protest that he may be lyable for all coast, skaith, damnage, penalties or utheris quherin the toun are lyable by quhatsomever obleismentis or contractis granted be them in favouris of the fishing society, and all danger, interest or expenssis they shall happen to sustain therthrow, as also for the pryce for quhilk the samen was bowght. And in case he shall refuse to receive the same and give security, it is heirby inacted and aggreed on that the magistratis and toun counsell shall give band and security to the fishing society for the same for frieing the toun of any penalties that may be incurred throw delay therof.

20 June 1683.

Fishing society.

The magistratis and counsell having taken to their consideration ane charge of horning given to the provest and his cautioners, at the instance of the fishing society, for accepting and receiving the salt, cask and remanent store and storehowssis bowght fra them, and to give security for the same, it was concluded that Robert Campbell be sent for and tryed if he will accept of the said salt and utheris bowght be him in the merchandis hospitall, and that he shall be no loser by the bargain, sieing the salt is not all of that species, and as he declared not so vendible, the said Robert doing his owtmost indavour and diligence for disposing and making sale of the said salt and goodis, and giving no ease or abaittment in selling therof, as if the same wer sold on his oun account, and no abaittment to be given him; the said Robert allwayes giving security to the said fishing company for paying the pryce of the said salt and utheris, more or less, as they have to delyver to him conform to the aggreement, and releiving the provest and his cautioneris and the toun of Glasgow of the samen. At quhich tyme compeired the said Robert and declared that he was willing and content to accept and receive the said bargain of salt and utheris on the termes aforsaid, that they wold not suffer him to be any loser and make wp what loss he showld sustain therthrow, and wpon the rest of the termes and conditions above mentioned, quhilk was condescended to be baith pairties. And for that end appoynts the provest, and whom uthers he pleases to take with him, to repair to Greenock with the said Robert tomorrow, and put him in possession and receiving of the said salt and utheris, and to take nottice what of the same is not conform to the bargain.

John Scott to supply Ninian Johnston's place at Newport.

The magistratis and counsell, taking to their consideration severall complaints made this long tyme past against Ninian Johnston, who hes the keeping of the touns closs and sellaris at Newport and the measouring of the salt ther, they therfor discharge him fra that office and imployment, and all in ane voyce nominatis and appoynts John Scott, merchand in Glasgow, to have that place and haill caswalities belonging therto, as the said Ninian had, and appoynts the provest at his downgoing to put the said John in possession therof.

Anent anchorage within harbour of Newport.

Appoynts proveist, baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener to consider and appoynt what anchorage shall be exacted fra any vessells and boats that comes within the harbour of Newport, and what of the vessellis shall be lyable in, or free of the same, and to report.

Warrand, college of St. Andrews.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for twenty fyve pound starling payed to doctour Skene, proveist of the old colledge of St. Andrews, for helping to repair the said colledge.

Govean bell

[The treasurer to have a warrant for £13 4s. paid to "Thomas Young, schoolmaister in Govean, for the touns pairt of the Gorballis for helping the bell of Govean."]

4 August 1683.

Remitt anent Sir Adam Blairs affair.; Convention, stent roll.

The proveist made report that Sir Adam Blair was insisting against the toun, befor the exchequer, for the soum of fyve thowsand twa hundreth merks, as the touns proportion of eightie thowsand merks imposed on the borrows to be payed to his Majestie in anno 1650, (fn. 4) and that be the moyan he hes made he is lyke to get the toun decerned to pay the same, notwithstanding of all the defences proponed in the touns favouris, yet be the interposition of freinds the samen was last exchequer day delayed till my lord high thesaurer and the archbishop of Glasgow showld canvesce the said affair, to whom Sir Adam and his freinds were content to referr the same if the magistratis and counsell of Glasgow were satisfied; whilk being taken to the saids magistratis and counsell their consideration, for avoyding of pley and expenssis, they remitt the same to the determinatioune of the said high thesaurer and archbishop, with consent of the proveist, and to doe therin as they think fitt for the best advantage of the toun. The same day, the proveist also made report of his diligence at the last convention of burrows, and that the toun was highted in the stent roll thrie poundis Scotis more then what they payed formerly, (fn. 5) and produced ane extract of ane instrument taken against Sir James Rochheid for refusing to extract ane instrument taken in his hands against the convention for their illegall proceeding in that affair; and ordains the proveists expenssis to be payed for his being at Edinburgh by any person that hes money in their hand, as also that the clerk be payed for his expenssis and debursmentis for his being at Edinburgh anent the touns affairs in July last.

Horologes in Hutchesons hospitall.

Appoynts the proveist, baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener, with proveist Bell, to sight the horologe in Hutchesones hospitall put wp by James Colquhoun, and to settle and aggrie with him for what he is to have for his pains in doing of the same, and to report.

Allowance for damnage of kilnes in Westercraigs.

The proveist, baillies and dean of gild, with these who were appoynted, made report that they had considered the loss and abuse done to the kilnes of Westercraigs belonging to John Cuming, Robert Tennent and Mary Rowand, throw the touns winning of stanes ther, and that they find that the kilne belonging to the said John, quhilk had a well that furnished water to the steep, the same is altogether become dry and his kilne rendered useles, in respect the water quhich was in the well runs into his kilne pott, and the gavell therof also is spoyled by the redd laid therto; and that Robert Tennent hes lost the benefeit of a well he had there, and the gavell of his kilne and yaird dyck is spoyled; and finds Mary Rowandis kilne spoyled and abused in the gavell; for quhilk loss it was their opinion that John Cuming showld have ane hundreth poundis Scotis, and ilk ane of the uther two ane hundreth merkis the peice; quhilk was allowed and approvin be the said magistratis and counsell; and ordains the clerk to give a warrand wpon Frederick Hamilton to pay the same out of the ground anwellis, feu duties and utheris wplifted be him and belonging to the toun.

28 September 1683.

Report anent horologes in Hutchesons hospitall.

These who wer appoynted to aggree with James Colquhoun for putting wp the new horologes in the steeple of Hutchesouns hospitall made report that they had settled with him for four hundred and fifty merkis, which is allowed and approven be the saids magistratis and counsell.

Warrand, Bellis Wynd.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand . . . for fyve hundred merkis payed to Mr. John Bell, which was allowed to him be the toun more then what he gote formerly for building his land in a decent way and decoring Bellis Wynd.

Hoofe for coalls at Newport.

The proveist, baillies and toun counsell, being conveened anent the supplication given in to them be James Crawfurd of Gartnavill, merchand, burges of the said burgh, desyring liberty of als much ground at Newport Glasgow as to build ane hooff of stane wark for laying in and keeping of coalls at the back of the touns key and on the north syde of the passage and high way, betwixt the touns howssis and closs and the harbour towardis the sea, of the length of about fifty foot and thretty foot of breadth or therby, for which he shall pay to the toun what they shall think fitt in reason to exact. Whilk [being taken to their consideration] and finding the same not to be prejudiciall to the toun bot rather ane advantage to have ane hooffe for coalls there, both to them that dwellis on the touns ground and them that posseses the touns great lodging, they [granted the liberty James Crawfurd desired, he paying a reasonable feu-duty for the ground].

Act, vending drink at Newport.

Anent ane supplication given in to the saids magistrats and counsell be James Andersone at Newport Glasgow, making mention that at his entry to the touns hows ther, for his incowradgment it was promised that no persones showld vent ale, beir or wynes wpon the touns ground ther bot himself, except these who wer there befor his entrie and did the same, and that he is informed some persons doe designe to brew and vent drink ther, quhilk will be to his prejudice, therfor supplicating that they may be discharged to doe the same; whilk being taken to the saids magistratis and counsell their consideration [they declared] that no person shall brew or sell any drink either within the touns closs there or any of the touns ground except these who are tolerat to doe the same befor the said James his entry to the hows, and if any shall presume to doe the same in tyme coming that they be discharged excepting as said is.

29 September 1683.

Militia horses.

It was concluded that these who putts out the militia horssis for the toun shall be payed at Mertimes nixt at the rate that otheris gote formerly, which is thrie hundred merkis for horse, furniture and armes and a man to ryde, and a hundred merk by yeir for maintaining the horse and eightein shilling ilk day they ryde, the putteris out of the horse giving such security for doing duty and releiving the toun as these did befor who had the same.

John Alexander, postmaster, burges and gild brother.

Anent ane supplication given in be John Alexander, postmaster, humbly desyring that the toun wold allow him somthing as formerly for his extraordinar ryding in the tounes affairis, and the loss he hes sustained throw the deadnes of the tyme and want of the summer session, and to ingadge him the farder to be ane obedient and dutifull servant that they wold be pleased to admitt him burges and gild brother of this burgh, he being only burges gratis; quhilk being taken to the saids magistrats and counsell their consideration, it is inacted and ordained that the said John be made burges and gild brother for him and his posteritie, without paying any dewes, and to hold his fynes as payed for service done and to be done, and appoynts the dean of gild to admitt him accordingly; and farder ordains the thesaurer to pay to the said John Alexander ane hundred merkis for extraordinar ryding and service the last yeir.

Warrand, Fynnisone.

Ordains Robert Fynnisone to have ane warrand for fyve pound starling payed to John Alexander, quhilk he debursed to Robert Mein for furnishing newes letteris and gazetts to the toun this last yeir, with ten merkis farder paid for sending the saidis letteris extraordinar; and also for six poundis starling payed to James Muir and Richard Manuell, servantis in the clerkis chamber, for extraordinar wryting in the touns affairis the last yeir, and for attending above a quarter of a yeir in the chamber till ten aclock ilk night for taking wp a list of what strangeris came into the toun and giving wp the same to the guard.

Warrandis, thesaurer.

Ordains the thesaurer to pay to James Park, the dean of gildis officer, the sowm of (blank) and to pay to Robert Andersone the deacon conveeners officer eight poundis fourtein shilling, for their service done to the toun the last yeir; and to pay to James Duncan twenty four poundis for service done be him in furnishing of roses and floweris to the cownsellhows and kirkis, to the magistratis and counsell.

Act of privy councell, test.

The proveist produced ane act of his Majesties privy councell, daitted the 12th of September instant, ordaining and declaring that the dean of gild of burghs and their counsell, and the liters and electouris of them and their clerk, are obleidged and owght to take the test befor the magistratis of the severall burghs, befor their respective elections, and appoynts the same to be given to the dean of gild to be intimat to the merchandis at their meeting.

1 October 1683.

Protestatioune given in be James Campbell, lait provest.; Ansuer thereto.

James Campbell, lait provest, gave in ane protestation quherof the tennor followis:—Whereas ther was ane voluntar gift made by the merchandis and deacon conveeneris howses to the magistratis for the tyme of raising the excyse of the boll of malt from two merkis wpon each boll (conform to act of parliament) to three poundis Scotts, of purpose for defraying the charges and expenssis of the burgh, and for paying of the debtis and uther publict burdens affecting their toun and common good therof, and now finding that the same hes, conform to the said voluntar gift, bein exacted these twelve moneths bygane by yow the present magistratis and counsell without imploying the same for the ends and uses aforsaid, and without so much as making ane compt therof, contrair to the practise of former magistratis and counsellis, therfor I, James Campbell, lait provest, for myself and in name of the merchands and trades of the toun counsell, and of both the saidis howssis adhereing heirunto, doe heirby protest against my lord proveist, baillies and counsell, refuseris to adhere, that ye may be lyable for compt, reckoning and payment of what shall be made appear to be received by yow or any of yow of the said excyse since Michaelmes last, to the effect the same may be imployed for the endis and uses above rehearsed, and that befor the judge competent, and for what coast, skaith and damnage this burgh hath received by your misapplying the same; and wpon this my protestatioune, for myself and in name forsaid, I ask and take instrumentis in the handis of yow, George Andersone, toun clerk, and desyres the same to be insert and recorded in the councell bookis, and requyres each of yow present witnessis heirunto; and farder that no money be allowed in any compts except what ther is warrand for of the toun counsell, conform to the constitution of the toun. Quhilk protestatioune being given to the provest he made and gave in the following ansuer therto:—The proveist, baillies and counsell of Glasgow, and swa many as will adhere to them, asserts and mentains that the protestatiounes given in be James Campbell, lait provest, are in themselves most calumnious, groundles and unjust, and meere forgeries, in so far as the protester himself was provest of Glasgow for severall yeiris, and his accomptis ought and showld be canvasced alsweill as ever any proveists accomptis were (without reflection), as also his successour to that office and who was provest priour to him in the said burgh, his accomptis is in that same station with his; and the absurdities committed by both of them, not only by inverting the state of the counsell, sett of the burgh, and inhaunsing the excyse in their oun hands, is too palpable, especially sieing that John Bell, when he was provest of Glasgow, did by himself intromett with the excyse of the toun of Glasgow and disposed wpon the same at his pleasour, having no warrand therfor from the toun counsell of Glasgow. Yea, furder, many of his procedouris and actings when he was proveist was without any booked or registrat act of counsell, to the great hurt and prejudice of the common weill therof, as can be instructed; as, particularly, the said John Bell, being proveist of the said burgh did, in the year 1681, at his oun pleasour, without any act of counsell, provyde severall silver plate and rich furnishing for intertaining of great persons, wpon the toun of Glasgow its propper and great expenssis, and did appropriat the same for his oun behove by ane surreptitious or clandestine act of counsell, and his accomptis now given in to the magistratis and present counsell of Glasgow cannot be allowed by them to him, either in conscience or reason, being most exorbitant; bot it seems and may easily appear their refusall therof to him is the occasion and caws wherfor the said James Campbell and he is drawing ane factious and contentious pairtie with them, that was joyned with them the last yeir, which party hes occasioned great dispeace, trowble and expenssis to the toun of Glasgow in severall actions, and particularly befor the lordis of his Majesties most honorabill privy councell the last yeir, by whose lordshipis they wer found to be factious persons, conform to severall sentences. And farder the said proveist, baillies and counsell protestis that, as they are requyred to make compt and reckoning with the excyse of the burgh of Glasgow and other caswalities belonging therto (which they are willing to doe and in present action to performe), that also the said James Campbell and John Bell, and those who were baillies and counsell with them for the tyme, may also make compt and reckoning for their bygane intromissions, and be lyable for the excyse and common goodis belonging to the said toun during their imployments, for it is nottour and evident that the present magistrats of Glasgow have only intrometted with ane yeirs excyse and toun goodis, bot that the said James Campbell and John Bell have intrometted with therof above nyne or ten yeiris, and it is not known nor understood what compt they have made therof, or how they have applyed the samen. By all quhich it may appear the forsaid protestatiounes are of purpose to disturb the peace of the toun of Glasgow, and are in themselves meer janglings, proceeding from ane discomposed, unjust and fanaticall principle (and party whom they formerly connived and complyed with against his Majestie and lawes) who of purpose to reestablish themselves in that former imployment, for monopolizing the toun of Glasgow in their oun handis, makes so great clamour; and with all submission this ansuer is remitted to the judge competent, together with ane humble subjection of the accomptis of the provest, baillies and counsell of Glasgow, and their intromission with the excyse and publict goodis of the said city since their acceptatioune of their imployments; and therwpon they take instruments. And farder, as to the last addition that no money be allowed in any accomptis except what is warranded for of the toun counsell, conform to the constitution of the toun, it is ansuered that the protester and his adhereris have bein and are for the present the reall impederis of the allegance, becaus they wer about the same when the protestatioune was entered against them, and have notwithstanding gone on in diligence, conform as uther magistratis have done or wer in use to doe in any former tymes, in justing and closing their accompts.

2 October 1683.

Election of magistratis.

[The archbishop continued John Barnes as provost, and from leets presented to him chose Hugh Nisbit and John Andersone, merchants, and George Grahame, craftsman, as bailies for the ensuing year.]

5 October 1683.

Toun counsell.

[The magistrates of this and each of the two preceding years chose thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the town council for the ensuing year.]

10 October 1683.

Dean of gild, etc.

[John Fleyming, dean of guild; John Wallace, deacon convener; Robert Fynnisone, treasurer.]

13 October 1683.

Visitor of maltmen, etc.

[John Stirling, visitor of maltmen; James Robesone, bailie of Gorbals; Andrew Purdoun, water bailie; Robert Tennent, visitor of gardeners; John Grahame, procurator fiscal.]

Bread, tallow, and candle.

[The 12 d. loaf to weigh 11 oz. 13 drop; rough tallow to be sold for 40 s. the stone; candle, 48 s. the stone.]

Excyse, touns burdens.

The magistratis and counsell, taking to their consideratioune the great and considerable sowmes of money that are restand be the toun to severall persons be band, and for the lands joyned to the Green, and to these that are repairing the burnt lands, they have inacted and ordained and heirby inacts and ordains the present collector of the excyse, or any who shall be appoynted to receive the same fra the collectouris at the mylnes in tyme coming, to pay and delyver ane weekis excyse ilk moneth to the toun thesaurer, and ordains the thesaurer to give a recept of the same to the collectour, quhilk is to be payed every second week of the month, beginning at the second week of November nixt, with the quhilk soum swa to be received the thesaurer is to be charged at his compt making, and quhilk soumes are to be applyed for helping to pay the touns debtis and burdens.

Money or cures to the poor.

It is inacted and concluded that in tyme coming the maister of wark pay no money to any poor person or utheris by ordour of any of the magistratis, except the warrand be subscrivit under their handis, and that the touns chirurgian shall not cure or furnish any drogs to any poor persons without ane subscrivit warrand, utherwayes their comptis not to be allowed; and ordains them to produce the warrandis at the reading of their accomptis. And farder it is inacted that nane of the baillies give ordour for anything to be given to the poor except ane of them monethly per vices; and that baillie Nisbit shall have warrand therfor till the first of December, baillie Andersone the month therafter, and baillie Grahame for the nixt month therafter, and swa to continow monthlie, and that none of the baillies give any warrand in that month belonging to the uther.

Act discharging any person to ryde or spend without warrand.

It is inacted, statute and ordained that no person shall ryde in convoying any persons ather fra or to the toun, nor spend any money in taverns or otherwayes, without ane ordor fra the provest, or in his absence fra the eldest baillie present and the dean of gild, utherwayes the same is to be wpon their oun expenssis and the toun not to pay the samen.

Warrand, Fynnisone.

Ordains Robert Fynnisone to have ane warrand for the sowm of twenty pound sterling payed be him to the provest, quhilk he debursed for the portraiture of his royall highnes, quhich is put wp in the tolbooth in that rowme quher the toun counsell sitts.

Dean of gildis court.

The magistratis and counsell taking to their consideration that they had elected and choysen John Fleyming to be dean of gild of this burgh for the ensewing yeir, with his representatioune that he cannot conveniently keep dean of gildis courts wpon Thursday, in respect of his keeping the comissar courts that day, and desyring wpon that consideratioune that they will allow him to keep the dean of gildis cowrts wpon the Fryday afternoon, quhilk was allowed, and the dean of gildis cowrt swa to be keeped during his being dean of gild allanerly, bot that uther deans of gild in tyme coming shall keep their courts on the former ordinar day.

27 October 1683.

Doctor Wallace, touns physitian.

Doctor Michaell Wallace was elected and choysen to be the touns physitian in place of doctor Brisbane, and to have ane hundreth merkis of pension payed him, yeirly, as doctor Brisbain gote.

Master of wark.

John Andersone, called Machlin, was elected and choysen master of wark for the ensewing yeir.

Report, fishing society.

[The provost reported that he and his cautioners "were charged with horning to give security to the fishing societie for the salt and tree and haill store and storehowssis" for the sum for which they were purchased, payable at Martinmas following. The council, considering that the purchase had been made on the town's account, agreed to give bond for the amount if Robert Campbell, who bought the "salt and tree," did not give security.]

Scott, quartermaster.

John Scott, merchand, was elected and choysen to be the touns quartermaster for quartering the sojouris in the toun, and to have the pension conform as utheris gote formerly.

Brock, jaylour.

[Walter Brock, maltman, chosen "to be the touns jaylour and keeper of their tolbooth, in place of Colin Hammill, who is suspended therfra."]

21 November 1683.

Band subscrivit to the fishing society.

There was ane band subscrivit be the magistratis and toun counsell in favouris of Thomas Moncreiff of that Ilk, for himself and in name and to the behove of the fishing society, containing the sowm of threttie twa thowsand and thrie hundreth poundis Scots as the pryce of the salt, cask, store and store howssis formerly bowght be the provest fra them for the behove of the toun. . . . And appoynts the provest and George Andersone, clerk, to repair to Edinburgh and receive security fra the said fishing society for the haill store and storehoussis, with what papers they have relateing therto; and wpon recept therof to delyver wp to them the touns band for the pryce therof.

Warrand, Grahame.

Ordains John Grahame to pay to John Patersone, wright, the soum of ane thowsand merkis, in pairt payment of [£1,262 15 s. 8 d.] restand to him for trees, daills and knappell furnished for the use of the toun to the High Kirk, Stable Green port, and uther places, conform to the compt.

17 December 1683.

Report, provest and clerk fra Edinburgh.

The provest and clerk made report of their diligence at Edinburgh anent the touns affairs, and that they had settled with the fishing society and delyvered them the touns band for the soum of thretty twa thowsand thrie hundreth pounds for the pryce of the store and storehowssis at Greenock, bowght fra them, and that they had received ane assignation fra the said society to any right they had to both the new and old storehowssis and haill pertinents belonging therto, and to the haill salt, cask, knappell, and haill store, with their said right and interest of the samen, and had retired and taken out of the register the hornings and captions raised against the toun and utheris that wer concerned for giving security and making payment of the said pryce; quhilk assignation and paperis were produced, and the samen being subscrivit befor be the fishing society and the provestis name only insert therin, the same cowld not weell be gotten renewed and put in the magistratis and toun counsellis name without great trowble and difficulty, swa the provest heirby declares and obleidges himself to assigne and transferr the samen haill right he hes in their favouris, the samen being really for their behove, they having given security for payment therof. (fn. 6)

Dean and deacon to conveen their incorporatiouns.

Appoynts the dean of gild and deacon conveener to conveen their respective incorporatiounes and try if they can sell the salt and cask and knappell belonging to the fishing society, either by rowpe or to get them to take it amongst themselves for the touns best advantage.

Brock, jaylour, his band produced.

There was ane band produced, subscrivit be Walter Brock, maltman, as principall, Walter Gibsone, merchand [and four others], as cautioneris for him for keeping the toun skaithles, throw his default as being jaylour of the tolbooth; with the quhilk band and cautioneris the saids magistratis and counsell wer satisfied and did accept therof, and appoyntis the provest, dean of gild and deacon conveener to enter the said Walter to the possession of the said jaylouris place, and to delyver to him the keyes of the tolbooth, and to sie him give a recept to Colin Hamill of what prisoners are in the tolbooth, with ane obleisment to satisfie him of their bygane jaylour fie befor they goe out of prison.

Provest and utheris to Greenock.

Appoynts the provest and John Crauford, with Robert Campbell, lait dean of gild, to repair to Greenock and receive the keyes of the storehowssis with the salt, cask and utheris bowght fra the fishing society.


  • 1. See pp. 250–1. Thomas Crawford, second son of the laird of Jordanhill, purchased Cartsburn (latterly named Craufurdsburne) in 1669. Full particulars regarding him and his family and estate will be found in the late Mr. Williamson's "Old Cartsburn," published in 1894.
  • 2. Originally applied to one who mounted a bench or stage in the market or other public place and announced his skill in curing injuries or diseases.
  • 3. The actual price appears to have been not £33,300 but £32,300. See footnote, p. 328, and minutes dated 21 November and 17 December, 1683.
  • 4. Convention Rec., III., pp. 355–6.
  • 5. Increased from £12 (the proportion in 1670) to £15 for each £100 on the whole burghs. (Conv. Rec., IV., p. 40; Glasgow Water Supply, &c., p. 21.)
  • 6. See footnote, pp. 327–8.