Extracts from the records: 1679

Pages 260-276

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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4 January 1679.

Report, Proveist.

The proveist made report of his last dilligence in Edinburgh about the tounes affaires, and producit the double of the interloquitour of the pley Glasgow against Grinok. (fn. 1)

18 January 1679.

Adame admittit precentour in the Hie Kirk.

Anent the petition given in be Mr. George Adame he [is] admittit and receavit as precentour in the Hie Kirk, and to teach and leare musick in the toune, in the place of umquhill William Inneis, and to have the same fie that the said William had, and to begine at Mertimes last and to conteinow during the tounes will and pleasour, and ordaines the clark to extract to him ane presentatioune conforme.


Remittis to the proveist to consider whither the twa suggaries should have their excyse frie or not for their malt, and he to doe therin as he thinkis fitt.

Jonet Hutchesoune.

Ordaines (blank) to pay to John Craig ten dukadounes, quhilk is threttie fyve pundis Scotis, quhilk he is to send to Holland to Jonet Hutchesoune, natural daughter to umquhill George Hutchesoune, for her supplie, and it is concluded that als much be sent her yearly during her lyftyme.

21 January 1679.

Gibsounes land and tyndis theirof.

Appoyntis the proveist, [and four others] to consider John and Walter Gibsounes petition anent the los they sustein in their land by the tounes kairters, and for [that] effect to give them quhat ease they think fitt in consideratioune therof, and quhat they rest of bygane tynds, and to setle with them quhat they sall pay of byrunes and in time coming.

31 January 1679.

Bulyard tables.

Complent being made be the principall and maisteris of the colledge that some persones keeps bulyard tables, to the prejudice of the young men their schoolars frequenting the same, neir the colledge, quhen they should be at their book, and particullarly be one (blank) who lives in Thomas Millers land, it is concluded that he be discharged to keep the same, and that no bulyard board be keeped betwixt the Wyndheid and the croce, and ordaines the deane of gild to sie this act tak effect and be put to executioune.

1 March 1679.

Gavill to be build, Saltmercat.

The proveist made report that for cleiring the difference betwixt Dowhill, elder, and Mathow Cumyng, concerning their landis in Saltmercat, he had agried with a measone to build wp the gavill betwixt their landis, on the tounes expenssis, quhilk was approvine, the toune alwayes keeping aff them als much of the monye they ar to get fra the toune for their incurradgment to build. (fn. 2)

Calsay of the new vennell to be laid.

Appoyntis the deane of gild, [and two others] to consider what way the calsay at the new vennell, at the land mercat, sall be most regularly laid, and to speik to theis who hes yairdis on both sydis therof if they will joyne with the toune for building stone dykis there.

Fewdewties of the new streit.

Anent the petitioune given in be the candlemakers and utheris in the new streit, quherby they complein of the greatnes of their fewdewties and of their inabilities to pay the same for their landis there, recommendis to the proveist, [and seven others] to consider the samyne, and to condeschend quhat they think they may pay for byrunes and in tyme comming and to report.

Key at Broomelaw and brig ther; dyk at Newark.

Appoyntis the deane of gild to caus repair the key at the Broomelaw, and brig at the foot of the Old Grein; and to try out some fitt persone for building wp a dyck aff the burne at Newark for convoying aff the current of the water aff the tounes harbeire there.

15 March 1679.

Bank, setting houssis, salmond fry.

Ordaines ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the toune discharging the inhabitantis to set any houssis to strangers without acquanting the magistratis; and that non kill any salmond fry within the boundis of the tounes libertie on Clyd, under such paines and mulctis as the magistratis sall please to inflict on the contraveiners.

22 March 1679.

Ordour fra the comittee of the secreit counsell.

There was ane ordour producit be the lordis of the committee of his Majesties privie counsell, ordaining the magistratis of this burgh to give wp a list of the names and designatiounes of the haill persones that ar or sall be ludged in the citie of Glasgow, each night, to the guard, that the same may be given wp be them to the lord Ros, or uther commanding officer under him, under the paine of ane thousand markis; as also commanding the magistratis to turne out the wyfes and families of all uted ministers, fugitive and vagrant preachers, inter comuned persones, from the citie of Glasgow and suburbs therof, betwixt and the tenth of Aprill nixt, under the paine of ane hundreth [pundis] starling for each of the said persones who sall be fund therein after the said day, as the said act of the dait the nyntine of March instant at mair lenth beires; quhilk being taken to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune they ordaine proclamatioune to be made throw the toune, be touck of drum, to the effect forsaid, that non pretend ignorance, and remittis to the magistratis to sie the said act putt to execution.

19 April 1679

Glen, first doctour in the grammer school.

The proveist made report that he, with the baillies and a considerable pairt of the counsell, had placed and installed Mr. George Glen to be doctour of the Grammer School, in place of Mr. Johne Andersoune, now deceast, lait doctour there, quhilk was approvine of be the haill counsell, and ordaines him to get his cellarie as umquhill Mr. John had.

Pairt of Crapnestok, New Grein.

It is concluded that the land betwixt Johne Loukis dyk and Cropnestok, so far east as the heid of the New Grein, by the way syd, be bought and added to the New Grein, and appoyntis the proveist and James Campbell, with quhom they think fitt to tak with them, to doe the samyne to the tounes best advantadge.

24 May 1679.

Fewdewties of the New or Candlerig Streit.

These who wer appoyntit to consider upon the fewdewties of the new streit, or Candlerig, made report that they had done the same, and that they had concluded that the fewers sall pay quhat they rest for bygaines preceiding Witsonday last, conforme to the rentall; and for their incurradgment to doe the samyne they have appoyntit that the fewdewties on the wast syd of the streit, for ilk elne of front of the houssis and yairdis at the bak theirof, sall be thrie shilling Scotis yearly, and these who have builded or sall build on the east syd of the said streit sall pay four shilling Scotis for ilk elne in foir front, with yairds at the bak therof, yearly; and recomendis to Frederik Hammiltoune to persew the heritouris for all byrunes with all diligence, conforme to their rightis, and grantis power to the magistratis to consider these of them that ar poor and grant them ane ease wpon their petitions.

Petition of some above the croce.

Appoyntis the proveist, baillies [and three others] to consider the petitioune given in be some persones above the croce, desyring the toune wold buy them some piece grund about the foot of the Old Vennell for a washing place, and to think on some fitt place for that effect and to report.

Some wellis to be repaired.

Recomends to the deane of gild to caus helpe and repair the Stockwell and well at the Gallowgait brig.

Warrand, drogs and mendicamentis.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundreth threttie ane pundis Scotis, for drogs and medicamentis furnished be himselfe to poor people in the toune, be ordour of the magistratis, sen the fourth day of October last, conforme to the compt therof red and allowed.

Decreit, Burnes and Bogle against Telpher.

Anent the complent first made be Robert Burnes and Robert Bogle, merchands, against Alexander Telpher, merchand, to the deane of gild and his bretherin, for that the compleiners having a bak tenement in the heid of the Saltmercat, on the wast syd therof, somtyme perteining to Hendrie Kelso, quher the said Alexander hes some bak houssis in the clos, he had at his awine hand, in a clandestine way, bigged wp a stair to the syd wall of his hous, quher there was never any befor, quherthrow the passage of the clos, being but narrow, is stopped, and the compleiners prejudged in their entrie to their landis; quhilk being called and red befor the said deane of gild and his bretherin, and they having recommended the same to the magistratis and counsell, the said magistratis and counsell, after their rysing out of the counsell hous, past to the said landis and ther sightit the same in relatioune to the said complent, and after heiring of both parties quhat they could say, and consideratioune takin anent the said complent, they fund that the said Alexander Telpher had done a wrong (he having no intrest to big ther) in building the said stair, and therfor ordaines him to tak the samyne doune againe with all dilligence, under the paine of fourtie pundis attour the doune taking therof.

Taksmen of the laidles.

Anent the petitioune given in be the taksmen of the laidles, makand mentioune that quheras they took the laidles the last year at a dear rate, quherby they ar great loosers for severall reasounes, and particularly that not only some noblemen and gentlemen about the toune, but also severall burgessis who hes fermes in the cuntrie, refussis to pay their laidles of their victuall brought into the toune, conforme to use and wont, it is concluded that all persounes who brings in their victuall to this burgh sall pay their laidles, except quhat burgessis hes growing on their awine landis and brings in for their awine use.

3 June 1679.

Common good set.

[Mills, 7,500 merks; ladles, 2,700 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 660 merks; tron, 850 merks; bridge and customs thereof, 1,200 merks; "grass of St. Ninians Kirk yaird set to Dowhill for a dollour," given to the officers.]

28 June 1679.

Compts of expenssis to the armie.

Appoyntis the proveist to receave in the whoill comptis of the provisiounes furnished be the toune to the Kings armie, and the furnishing of baggadge horssis, and uther expenssis the toune hes bein at this tyme bygaine, since Maij last, that payment may be ordored accordingly.

Washing place at foot of old vennell.

These who wer appoyntit to try out a washing place above the croce made report that they had agried with the proveist for buying in from [him] the dounmost pairt of his yaird, on the south syd of the Old Vennell, be north the haill yaird of (blank) Cauldwellis yaird, for payment of nyne hundreth markis Scotis, quhilk was approvin, and ordaines him to be payit therof wpon his subscryving a right to the toune.

Takitis little yaird.

It is concluded and agried that Arthour Takitis get ane hundreth markis for their taking in a entrie of his at the new port (fn. 3) above the croce, and a peice of a yaird of his there, he giving a right to them of the samyne.

Licence of door granted to Padie.

Anent the petitioune given in be Marie Padie, relict of umquhill Mr. Mathow Ramsay, lyfrentrix of that yaird nixt to the tounes new vennell above the croce, craving libertie of a door aff the yaird to the said vennell, in the stone dyk the toune is building there, the same is grantit to her, shoe paying to the toune what the deane of gild [and two others] sall think fitt for granting of the said libertie, they being appoyntit to agrie with her for that effect.

Warrands, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Coline Hammill [£15 8s.] Scotis, for furnishing of coall and candle to the guardis, the later end of Maij and beginning of Junij last, and for furnishing of some drink to sojouris who wer in the tolbuith, and to pay [£38 6s. 8d.] to umquhill Mr. John Andersounes daughter that was awand to her father, for a quarters cellarie as ane of the doctouris of the Grammer School before his deceas.

19 July 1679.

Ansuer to Grinokis letter anent the lether.

There was a letter producit direct from Sir John Shaw of Grinock, craving the toune to delyver bak some lether was takin fra (blank) Rankines, twa of his tennentis there, be baillie Johnstoune, the same being imported be them contrair to the law, they not being friemen in any royall burgh, the taking and apprehending of the quhilk lether was approvin be the counsell, and ordaines the proveist to wryt ane ansuer to the said Sir John and signifie so much to him, and that they resolve to consult the same with their lawers and proceid in that affair so far as law will allow them.

Yaird at old vennell.

[The procurator for John Bell, provost, resigned to the town "the eastmost pairt, or downmost pairt, of his yaird, at the old vennell, sold be him to the toune," and the treasurer was authorised to pay the price of 900 merks.] (fn. 4)

9 August 1679.

Ansuer of the candlemakers petition.

In ansuer to the petitioune given in be the fewers of the Candlerig, candlemakers and utheris, craving ane ease of their bygaine fewdewties, the counsell declares that they will have the haill bygaines payit and give ane ease in tyme coming, as they have condeschended alredie.

Warrandis, Goveane, souldiers.

Ordaines Johne Goveane to have ane warrand for the sowme of three thousand twa hundreth and alevine pundis Scotis, payit for the charges and expenssis bestowed be the toune on the souldiers at the barracadis, provisione to their horssis, and spent on intelligence and for provisioune sent be the toune to the Kings camp at Hammiltoun and Bothwell, and for interteaning the lord generall quhen he come to this burgh, and the rest of the noblemen and gentlemen with him, and for furnishing of baggadge horssis to Loudon Hill, Stirling, and to the camp at Bothwell, and utherwayes conforme to the particular compt therof (fn. 5)

23 August 1679.

Warrand, Goveane, wynes.

Ordaines Johne Goveane to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane thousand ane hundreth seavintie eight pundis for wynes payit be him, and furnished be the toune to the archbishop of Glasgow and uther persounes, on the tounes accompt, this last year, conforme to the comptis therof given in be the proveist, who was appoyntit to tak wp the same and ordour payment accordingly.

Young, bibleothecarius.

The magistratis and counsell on severall consideratiounes hes admittit and receavit, and heirby admittis and receaves Mr. James Young to be bibleothecarius in the colledge of Glasgow, in maner and conforme to the mortificatioune in all things, and ordaines the clark to extract ane presentatioune to him accordingly.

Landis joyned to new grein.

The proveist made report that he had bought John Louk, Robert M'Cuir and James Stewartis land, in this syd of Crapnestock, neir the Grein, quhilk was approvin, and ordaines him to buy in the rest to be joyned to the said grein.

Act anent the candlemakers their rynding of crackings.

Anent the petition given in be severall heritouris and fewers of sundrie tenementis in that streit callit the New Streit at the bak of the fleshmercat, cravand the haill candlemakers there to be discharged to melt or rynd any crakings there in tyme coming, conforme to the laudable actis and custome of Edinburgh and uther royall burrowes, but in such remott places fra houssis as the filthie, stinking and noysome smell therof may be avoyded, and the danger by fyre, as the said magistratis and counsell should think fitt; quhilk being red and considered be the said proveist, baillies and counsell, they have discharged and heirby discharges the haill candlemakers in the said new streit, or in any place within the toune, to melt or rynd any crakings there in tyme coming, and that under the penaltie of ane hundreth pundis toties quoties, to be exactit aff ilk contraveiner; and for their melting and rynding of the said crackings hes given and grantit, as they heirby give and grant licence to them to build litle houssis at the jebett brigg or theraboutis, in the commoune lone beyond Suans yett that goes towardis the Cowcaddens, (fn. 6) and appoyntis Frederick Hammiltoune and John Cauldwall, merchandis, to caus mak intimatioune theirof to them and sie this act tak effect and be put to executioune.

Warrand, losses at fair, etc.

Ordaines the maister of wark to pay to ilk ane of the toune officers twa rex dollouris, in respect of the los of the custoume at the fair of Glasgow last, and also to pay to the Gorball officer uther twa rex dollouris, and lykwayes to pay to Robert Hill twentie pundis Scotis for the los of a baggadge horse that was lost at Loudoun Hill, sent alongs with Clavers troup and dragounes, and to place the same to the tounes accompt.

Warrand, Goveane.

Ordaines John Goveane to have a warrand for ane hundreth markis payit to James Colhoune for his attendence and sieing the calsay at the new vennell regularly laid, and the wel at the Gallowgait brig repaired, and for mending the lead of the platform of the tolbuith.

13 September 1679.

Landis, New Grein.

The same persounes who wer formerly appoyntit to buy in the rest of the landis to be joyned to the New Grein ar yit appoyntit to doe the same, and to agrie for building a dyk there.

Lord Cochrans buriell.

Recommendis to the proveist to tak quhat persones he pleases with him to the buriell of the lord Cochrane, who is to be interred on the xxv of this instant, conforme to the letter direct be the earle of Dundonald for that effect.

Marschell, chyrurgians and fermacians.

The magistratis and counsell having considered Mr. Harie Marschellis petitioun, quherby he compleines of the chyrurgians and fermacians their refusall to admitt him frie with them, as they doe to utheris, they ordaine intimatioune to be made to them to produce their rightis, or quhat they have to say quhey he should not be admittit, against the nixt counsell, quherin, if they failyie to mak certificatioune, the toune will grant him licence to set wp.

Overtouris, maltmen for a beir mercat.

Appoyntis baillie Andersoune [and four others] to heire quhat overtouris the maltmen hes to mak, and in quhat conditiounes they desyre a beir mercat to be bought, and to consider what place is most convenient for that effect, and to report.

Few right, suggar work.

There was a few right subscrivit in favouris of Frederik Hammiltoune, John Cauldwall, Peiter Gemmill and Robert Cummyng, of their suggar work and yaird, in the new streit, for payment of four shilling Scotis for ilk elne in foirfront, and the samyne extending to fyftie fyve elnes amountis to alevine pundis yearly. (fn. 7)

23 September 1679.

Toune mylne.

It is concluded that Johne Scot get fyftie pundis Scotis to helpe to buy a wheill and axiltrie to the toune mylne, and appoyntis baillie Colhoune to sie the samyne sufficiently don, and Scot to enact himselfe to wphold the samyne a sufficient goeing mylne in tyme coming.

Warrand, stone lumheid.

Ordaines the maister of wark to pay to William Blak twentie pundis Scotis to helpe him to build ane stone lumheid in his hous.

George Andersoune, Clark.

The magistratis and counsell having considered the extraordinary wrytting and uther paines takin and done be George Andersoune, their clark, in the tounes affaires, these fyve yeares past or therby, and that he hes gottin nothing fra the toune for the samyne, as he or his predicessouris wer wont to get, the toune now having moir busines to doe in these yeares than formerly, therfor they concluded that he get fyftie pundis starling fra the toune for the said bygane paines, and ordaines him to deteane the samyne in the first end of the tyndis and utheris he is commissionat to receave in name of the toune, and appoyntis the proveist to give him a warrand for allowing the samyne accordingly.

Act in favouris of Marschell, chyrurgianis.

Anent the supplicatioune and petitioune given in befor them be Mr. Hendrie Marschell, chyrurgian, burges of this burgh, makand mentioune that quher the petitioner, at sundrie tymes, both desyred and petitioned the deacon and visitour of chyrurgians and his maisteris to admitt him, being burges and gildbrother, frieman in their trade, as chyrurgian and apothecarie, being the airtis he professis, and as they had admitted utheris, both burgessis and straingers, professing these airtis, he being fund qualified and paying the ordinary fies and dewes, quhilk after long tyme and dependance upon their ansuer they refused to doe; and therwpon the supplicant having meined himselfe to the deacon conveiner, deacones of craftis and their brethern of counsell, cravand them to consider the premissis and decerne therin as they should think fitt (the said calling being incorporat with them) the deacon conveiner, deacones of tradis, who for the most pairt wer present and their bretherin of counsell, be their act of the dait the twentie sex of August last, have concluded and declared, be pluralitie of votis, that it is their optioune that the said Mr. Harie should be admitted frieman with the said incorporatioune of chyrurgianes, and have power and libertie to exercise his imployment of chyrurgerie and pharmacie, als frielie as any within the said calling, he being fund qualified after tryell, and paying the dewes, unles the calling instruct ane sufficient grund whey the samyne should not be grantit, and therfor referred the same to the proveist, baillies and counsell of Glasgow, to be farder considered be them, and to determine theranent according to justice, as the said act beires. Quhilk act the supplicant hes presented to the visitour and maisteris of the said calling, and having over and over againe desyred them, after tryell, to admitt the supplicant frieman, quhilk they yit altogither refuis, and conforme to the said act, being a burges and gild brother, and craving no uther benefeit but quhat is ordinarly given to uthers of the lyk conditioune, therfor humblie beseiking their lordshippis to consider the haill premissis, and to act and doe therin, according to their lordshipis just authoritie and power, and wpon their said refuisall to grant to the supplicant such licence to sett wp as if he war reallie admitted with the said calling, and as their lordshipis should think fitt and expedient, wpon payment of the dewes, as the said supplicatioune mair fullie proportis. Quhilk being called and red, wpon the threttine day of September instant, with the extract of the forsaid act, made be the said deacon conveiner, deacones of craftis and their counsell, of the dait and tenour forsaid, producit, the forsaid magistratis and counsell, be their act of the same dait, did appoynt the desyre of the same supplicatioune to be intimat to the visitour of chyrurgians for himselfe and in name of the calling, ordaining him to be warned against this day, to the effect he might instruct ane sufficient caus quherfor the supplicant aught not to be admitted ane frieman in that calling, and the said visitour being warned accordingly, and the said act and supplicatioune of new againe this day red, and non compeirand to object in the contrair, the said proveist, baillies and counsell, after mature advyce and deliberatioune had anent the premissis, hes given and grantit and heirby gives and grantis to the said Mr. Hendrie Marschell, supplicant, full power, licence and libertie to sett wp and exerce his calling as chyrurgian and apothecary and pharmacian within this burgh, als amplie in all respectis as if he war admittit frieman with the said calling of chyrurgians, and ordaines their clark to give the supplicant out the extract of thir presentis.

30 September 1679.

Warrands, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for allowing, in his awine hand, seavintie nyne pundis ten shilling iiij d. for drogs furnished be him to the poor people in the toune since the fyftine of Maij last, at command of the magistratis, and to pay to James Robesoune, baxter, twentie pundis for helping him to build ane oven to baik plack pyes in, as also the sowme of twentie pundis Scotis to buy him ane laid of wheit to incurradge him to baik guid breid, and to pay to maister Thomas Findlay fyftie pundis Scotis to buy him clothes and bookis.


The quhilk day, being the first Tuesday after Michaelmas, and so the ordinary day for electing the magistratis of this burgh for the enshewing year, there was producit a letter direct be the Kings Majestie to the proveist, baillies and uther magistratis of the citie of Glasgow, quherof the tenour follows:—CHARLES R. Right trustie and weilbeloved, we great yow weill: Wheras we ar informed that the tyme of the election of the magistratis of our citie of Glasgow is neir, and seing by the translatioune of Alexander, lait lord archbishop of Glasgow to St. Androwes (in whom was the legall right of election) that archbishoprik is voyd, therfor we requyre yow that the magistratis who have served this year may be conteinowed in the enshewing year; so, expecting your reddie obedience, we bid yow fairweill. Given at our court, at Windsor Castle, the twelfe day of September, 1679, and of our righne the one and thretty year. By his Majesties command: Laudekdale. After reading quherof Johne Bell, proveist, Niniane Andersoune, George Johnstone and George Grahame, baillies, wer unanimously receaved and conteinowed magistratis of the said burgh for the enshewing year, who being present did accept and give their oathes de fideli administratioune, as use is.

3 October 1679.

Town council.

[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years, with four other persons to supply vacancies, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the town council for the ensuing year.]

8 October 1679.

Dean of gild, etc.

[Robert Campbell, dean of guild; James Farie, deacon convener; John Findlay, visitor of maltmen; James Corbet, treasurer; John Bradie, water bailie; John Wallace, bailie of Gorbals; George Campbell, master of work; John Gilespie, visitor of gardeners.]

18 October 1679.

Declaratioune subscrivit.

The declaratioune was subscrivit be the magistratis and most pairt of the counsell.

Breid, tallow, candle.

[The 12 d. loaf to weigh 11 oz. 12 drop; rough tallow to be sold for 50 s. the stone; candle, 58 s. the stone.]

8 December 1679.

Thesaurer, monye resting to the toune.

The baillies and counsell having considered what sowmes of monye the toune is indew, wpon sundrie accomptis, and particularly to these who sold the land to the toune to be joyned to the New Grein, and that there is monye awand to the toune be the pertiners of the soaparie, quhilk they borrowit out of the excyse and utherwayes, and be severall uther persones, therfor they ordaine the thesaurer with all dilligence to crave and uplift the said monye from these persones who ar awand in the samine, and if neid beis to persew them therfor, and appoyntis the clark to give him ane accompt by the counsell bookis of quhat is restand.

23 December 1679.

Report, proveist, anent Glasgow and Grinock.

The proveist made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and that Sir John Shaw had referred that busines betwixt the toune of Glasgow and Grinock (fn. 8) to the particular convention of burrowes, and had subscrivit ane submissioune under his hand for that effect, and that the particular convention had elected eight of their number to meit at Glasgow in March nixt to determine in the said affair, but that he had delayed to consent to any such submissioune till the said magistritis and counsell had their thoughtis theranent, quhilk he left to themselfes to doe as they thought fitt; as also that the pley betwixt the executoures of Doctor Stang and the toune was lykwayes submitted; quhilk twa submissiounes the magistratis and counsell were weill satisfeit with and approved theirof.

Landis for a new lean.

The magistratis and counsell having considered the petition given in be the most pairt of the burgessis and heritouris of the houssis in Saltmercat and Trongait, desyring them to buy in some fitt place, at least that land belonging to Edward Robesoune, for making a streit betwixt the Saltmercat and Trongait for better stopping of fyre, if the lyk accident should happin to fall againe, they did remitt the samyne to the proveist [and three others] to meit with these interested and try if they can buy the said landis for being a lean, and to report.

30 December 1679.


Ordaines threttie sex partizans to be made for the use of the toune, handsomlie, and to be gilded at the heid.


  • 1. Among the city's writs "anent the plea betwixt the town of Glasgow and Greinock" is a paper, dated 1675, headed "Information for the Magistrats of the Royall Burghes of Glasgow, Dumbartane, and Renfrew," and containing the following particulars:—"The towne of Greinock being a brwgh of barronie and lyeing wpon Clydesyde, in quhich Clyde the saids towns, and particularlie the towne of Glasgow, are infeft in the haill harbors, creickis, roads and ports therof, from Kelvine pott to the Clochstane, notwithstanding of the severall acts of parliament in favores of royall burrowes, and the prohibitiounes in them contained against unfriemen, traders that are not burgesses of royall burrowes hes at their own hand, to the great prejudice of the saids three royall brwghes, both exported and imported staple commoditie, quhich [be] the act of parliament friemen and inhabitants of brwghs of barronie are only allowed to retaill. And becaus the saids townes lay at considerable distance from the said towne of Greinock, the merchants and inhabitants therof took the advantage, quhen their ships came in they wold have repaired and entered in his Majesties custome bookis, at Glasgow, their wynes and their salt and wther commodities, and efter entering wold have disloadned their ships in their own privat sellaris and disposed therwpon befor ever the saids townes could be any wayes advertised, for in one nights time efter entry they wold have disloadned their whole vessells and put the goods out of the hazard of seazure be the saids royall burrowes and greatlie diminished his Majesties customs. And of late the lairds of Greinock, Bannatyne of Kellie and wthers, wpon the 20 of Julie instant having browght in a vessell loadened with salt, wyne and brandie, quhich is staple commodotie, and allowed only to brwghes royall, the magistrats of the saids three towns did send downe to the road foirgainst the hill of Ardmoir, quherin the said shipe wes, and finding none within her save some boyes, they did take the said shipe loadned with the saids commodities from the said road wnto their own harborie at New wark, and they wer so tender of all persounes interest in the said shipe, and particularlie of his Majesties interest as to the customes, that they called for thrie waiteris and cawsed lock and seall wp the hatches, and expecting noe invasion be the town of Greinock, seing they had done nothing bot that quhich be the act of parliament they wer allowed for making seasure wpon all shipes within the bounds of their brwghes and harbowries, roades, ports, and pendicles. In the night tyme, efter the said shipe and goods had bein in their possessioune for the space of 12 or 16 houres, the saids lairds of Greinock and James Bannatyne of Kellie, at the least the said James himself, with 100 or 150 armed men, efter they had made open a sellar within the said towne of Greinock, quherin the earle of Argyle had a number of fyrelocks for the use of the Argyle militia, to [arme] themselves therwith, and quhill the keepers of the said ship wer asleip, came with 6 or 7 boats loadned with the saids men armed, and ther commanded the persones that wer akeeping the said ship to render, and inrespect they wer refused, wpon the accompt that it wes in the night time and that it wes not knowne quhat they wer, and that they might be alseweill robbers as anie wther persones, and fearing that the goodis might be imbaicelled, and becaus wpon the accompt of the act of parliament, inrespect that the owners of the saids goods wer not freemen, they entered the said shipe with the number of 8, and the rest who did not enter shott and crwellie wounded a number of the persons that wer in the said ship, and had almost caried the ship away, till by providence the said 8 that first entered wer twrned owt of her and the ship caried to the towne of Dumbartane wnder the protectione of his Majesties castle For quhich ryot, betting, brwiseing, and bleading, convocating of his Majesties leidges with swords, dwrkis, gwns, and other weapons invasive, the magistratis of the saids townes hes commenced a complaint befor your lordshippis of the secreet of counsell, craving that the committers of the ryote, brwiseings, blood and batteries, and the convocatters of his Majesties leidges, in maner above represented, may be pwnished in their persones and goods, and that your lordshipis, wpon the accompt of the lawfulnes of the forsaid seasure, may find that the magistratis of the respective burrowes have done no wrong in seasing wpon the said ship, loadned with staple commoditie of unfriemen, wpon the forsaid road within their bounds quherin they stand infeft; and that your lordshipis may order ane to receive the other half of the goodis as fallen to his Majestie by escheit, seing be the very late act of parliament, viz., 5 act, 3 sess., 2 parl., Charles 2, all the brwghes of barronie, and inhabitants in them, hath of priviledge, is onlie to export the naturall product of their owne manufactories, and as a retwrne therof to import timber, tarr, dales, and other commodities, propper for their own tillage, bot no power to import the staple commodities, viz., wyne, wax, and salt, quhich is left only pecwliar to royall burrowes; and be the same act ther is a clear power given to the saides royall burrowes to make seasure wpon the shipe and goods imported be wnfriemen wtherwayes" (MS. Inv. of Writs, I., bundle 6, No. 4). An action having been raised by the burgh of Glasgow against several of the inhabitants of Greenock, the lords of session, on 7th December, 1676, issued a decreet, whereby they found that "the pursewars, and other burghs royall within this kingdom, have the onlie privilege of importing wine, brandy, and salt, but prejudice to the defenders to buy these commodities from the burgesses and frie men of any burgh royall within this kingdome; as also declares the penalty in caise of contravention to be the confiscatioune of the guids imported, or value therof, but not escheat of the importers whole moveables; and declares that the guids may be summarly seized and secured as escheat if the importer be fund to have the same in his possessione within burghs royall, or the subburbs or appendicles belonging to them, or within the ports or harbours; and that they may be arreisted if the importer be found to have the samine elsequher until they be declared to be escheat" (Ib., No. 1). This case and another of similar purport, decided on 20th December, 1678, are reported in Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions (pp. 1908–16).
  • 2. The property here referred to as belonging to "Dowhill" (i.e., John Anderson, of Dowhill) was the tenement, 14–22 Saltmarket, which formed the subject of the article "Dowhill's Land" in " The Regality Club," I., pp. 1–7. This tenement was acquired and removed by the corporation of Glasgow under the powers contained in their Improvements Act of 1866. In the titles it is described as a "great fore high tenement of land in Saltmarket Street, commonly called Dowhill's land, bounded betwixt the land lately of the Merchants' House of Glasgow upon the north, the land sometime of Matthew Cuming and others upon the south, the land of the heirs and successors of Alexander Carlisle upon the west, and the Saltmarket upon the east." The Merchants' House property, of which some particulars will be found in subsequent minutes, was situated at the corner of Trongate and Saltmarket. See p. 321.
  • 3. Bell's Wynd. The disposition of this property by Arthur Tackets to the town is dated 24th February, 1680. (MS. Inv. of Writs I., bundle 29.)
  • 4. In the disposition of the ground, which is dated 12th July, 1679, it is narrated that "John Bell of Hammiltoun Ferm, proveist of Glasgow," was owner of "ane meikle yaird, with frie ish and entrie therto, and all pertinentis therof, be the ordinarie passages to and from the same, lyand within the said burgh, on the east syd of the Hie Streit therof passand from the mercat cros to the Blakfrier Kirk; bounding betwixt the burne of Mollendinor on the east, the landis of William Boyd and David Cauldwall on the south, the vennell callit the Stincking Vennell on the north, and the lands now belonging to John Rankine and the successouris of umquhill Mathow Colhoune and utheris respective on the wast pairtis." The portion conveyed to the magistrates and council "for the use of ane commoune washing place there," is described as "that eastmost pairt of the said yaird, northward from the landis of the said umquhill David Cauldwall, quhilk was on ane pairt of the south syd of the same, conforme as it is stobbed, meithed, and marched northward therfra to the vennell forsaid; with frie ish and entrie therto be the said vennell and all pertinentis therof" (MS. Inv. I., bundle 26, No. 9).
  • 5. The covenanters bad attacked and defeated Claverhouse and his party at Drumclog, near Loudon-hill, on Sunday, 11th June, and next day they marched to Glasgow, but were repulsed by the royalists, acting in conjunction with the municipal authorities. To suppress the rising the duke of Monmouth ("the lord general" alluded to in the text) was placed in command of a large army which completely routed the covenanting forces at Bothwell bridge on 22nd June.
  • 6. The place fixed for the "cracking" or crackling house was at or near the junction of the modern Buchanan and Cathedral streets. See article on "The Crawford Mansion" in "Regality Club," vol. I., pp. 123–7, and relative plan showing the site of the cracklinghouse quarry. The "jebbet" or "gibbet" (infra p. 279) brig was probably a small bridge crossing Glasgow or St. Enoch's burn and so called from some peculiarity in its construction.
  • 7. This feu right was granted in favour of "Frederick Hammiltoune, John Caldwall, Peter Gemmill, and Robert Cumyng, merchants, burgesses of the burgh, equally among them, their heirs and assignees . . . conform to a contract of copartnery," and the property consisted of the southern portions of the five roods and acre of land mentioned in footnote, antea, pp. 256–7. The ground conveyed is described as "lying next to the lands of Robert Marschell, the tenement of the late Robert Broome, and the lands of the late William Dunlop, John Wallace, and Allan Dougall, on the east and south, the new street [Candlerigs] on the west, and the new vennel or wynd [Bell's Wynd] leading eastward from the said new street, through the said five roods and acre of land, on the north parts; upon which portions of land is now erected a great building for the making of sugar, commonly called 'a manufactory' or 'suggar work,' with yard at the back thereof, extending in the fore front from the south to the north to fifty-five ells in length, and in breadth from east to west to fifty-two ells of land, as now built and surrounded by a stone wall." For the sake of distinction this property was called the Wester Sugarhouse, an adjoining building in Bell Street, which was used for a similar purpose, being named the North Sugarhouse. In 1752 the owners of the Wester Sugarhouse sold to Robert Currie, merchant, a piece of their property, described as a yard or waste ground, with a frontage to Bell Street of 73 feet. The east half of this yard having come into the possessiou of William Horn, wright, in 1764, he built thereon the tenement entering by 67 Bell Street, which has been recently removed by the corporation under the powers contained in the Improvements Act of 1897. At present (1904) a new building is being erected by the corporation on the site of the old "yard" and adjoining ground.
  • 8. See 19 July, 1679, antea, p. 268.