Item, he chairges himselfe with ane pairt of the drawne teynds that was vnpayit at the setting therof, conforme to the act of the dait the fyft of September 1648, extending to |
vc lx li. |
Item, he chairges himselfe with the dewtie of nyne salmond cobillis that gat libertie to fisch on the water, at ten markis the peice, extending to, |
lx li. |
Item, he receavit fra the Marqueis of Argyle for the annualrent of 10,000 pundis fra Candilmas 1644 to Candilmas 1647, |
ijm jc lxxxij li. |
Item, he chairges himselfe with the sowme fallowing, quhilk was gottine be him for the drawne teynd of the aikers about the said brugh, conforme to the act maid at the setting therof of the dait the 10 of August 1649, |
jm vijc xxxiij li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, he chairges himselfe with that quhilk was gottine for the drawne teynd of the towne mylne lands the said yeir, |
lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, he chairges himselfe with that quhich he receavit for the teynds of Kelvein-hauch the said yeir, 1649, |
ijc xx li. |
Item, the comptar chairges himselfe with the sowmes of money fallowing, wplifted be him fra the persones efternamet, parochiners of the parochein of Drymen, for their bygane teynds the crope 1647 and preceiding; [ten persons—amounting in all to] |
£749 |
Item, to Johne M'Clae for his service in the Hie Kirk, conforme to the warrand, |
xiij li. vjs. viijd. |
Item, debursit to Robert Hammiltoun for pikis, conforme to the warrand of the [date 23 December], |
xxx li. |
Item, to Johne Hall for cuiring of Robert Conynghame, post, conforme to the warrand of the [date 6 January], quhilk is lost, |
viij li. iijs. |
Item, to the clerk, quhilk he debursit to advocattis in the townes effaires, and for his chairges and horse hyre to Edinburgh and home againe, to advyse anent the teynds, conforme to the warrand the 3 of Februar, fourtie pundis 9s. |
Item, debursit to Johne Boyd, in pairt payment of the kirk work, |
ijc li. |
Item, to James Hammiltoune for ane hogheid of wyne furneist be him to the townes vse, |
lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to Robert Hodge to helpe to buy ane horse, |
xx li. |
Item, debursit to Mr. George Young, minister, and the clerk, for thair chairges in Edinburgh, horse hyre, and debursments to clerks for the towne, conforme to the warrand the 17 of the said monethe, |
lx li. viijs. |
Item, to Hew Young for his service in reasing of the psalmes in the NewKirk, |
xl li. |
Item, debursit to Niniane Andirsone, Piter Johnestoune, William Hoome, William Lychtbodie, the clerk, for thair chairges and horse hyre in the townes service, and for horse hyre to some of the ministers, conforme to the warrand the 10 of the said monethe, |
ijc xliiij li. ijs. |
Item, debursit to the proveist, the commissar and the clerk, for thair chairges in goeing to Air to the Synod anent Mr. James Durhame, and horse hyre, and to Johne Grahame in goeing to Dalserfe |
xlvj li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, debursit to James Hammiltoune for the vse of the drummer to buy cloathes, |
xx li. |
Item, debursit to the maissones in compleit payment to thame of 800 merks for thebuilding the midwallis in the Hie Kirk, |
iijc xxxiij li. vjs. 8d. |
Item, debursit to the relict of vmquhill John Scott for hir kyndnes of the old smiddihous hir husband buildit on the townes ground in Briggait, conform to ane warrand the 25 of September 1647 and hir dischairge granted therwpon the 2d of Apryle 1649, |
1 li. |
Item, to Robert Wilsoune, hemmerman, for making of ticketis, |
xxxv li. ijs. |
Item, debursit be the comptar, quhilk was sent to Edinburgh to consigne anent Mr. Zacharias Boyds stipend, |
jm li. |
Item, to Robert Mak for his attendance in Edinburgh and horse hyre anent Mr. James Durhames transportatioun, |
xxiiij li. |
Item, to Robert Reid in pairt payment to him of the work of Drymen kirk, |
jc xxxiij li. vjs. 8d. |
Item, to James Bell for wanscot, conforme to the warrand the 25 of the said monethe, |
jc xliiij li. |
Item, debursit for elementis to the communion, |
jc xxxj li. xvjs. |
Debursit to Mr. Robert Ramsay (blank). |
Item, to Mr. James Durhame for his stipend frae Witsounday 1648 to Witsounday 1649, |
ixc 1 li. |
Item, to Mr. Georg Young for his stipend the said yeir, |
ixc l li. |
Item, to Mr. Patrik Gillespie, conforme to thrie dischairges, for the yeir 1648 and halfe yeir 1649, |
jm vc li. |
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair, for his stipend fra Witsonday 1648 to Witsonday 1649, |
ixc l li. |
Item, debursit to Mr. Zacharias Boyd for the annualrent of twa thowsand pundis that was awin him preceiding Witsonday 1648, |
ijc lxxxxij li. xs. |
Item, debursit to James Bell for the materiallis boght fra him that was in the house of manufactorie, |
ijc xxvj li. 13s. 4d. |