Extracts from the accounts: 1641-49

Pages 505-516

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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In this section

From Michaelmas 1641 to Michaelmas 1642.

Item, to Mr. Gawine Forsythe for his serveice in preaching of Gods word fra Julij 1641 to Januar therefter, jc li.
Item, to Mr. Thomas Thomsone, for preaching and vther serveice, lx li.
Item, to sindrie travellours for ther horsis that went to the armie, lxx li.
Item, deburst to the maister of wark to be distribut be him to the poor comis from Irland, lx li. xvjs. xd.
Item, to Johne Andersone for his charges in going to Stirling for the grammer scholmaister, xv li. viijs.
Item, to Archibald Faullis for going ther, vij li.
Item, to ane blind man, liiijs.
Item, to travellours for ther horsses as is befor specifeit, lxxx li.
Item, gevin to the maister of the grammer scholl at his entrie, jc li.
Item, for the townes denner at the rowping of the commoune guids, lxxxj li. iiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Mr. Gawine Forsythes for preaching of Gods word, jc lxij li.
Item, deburst for calseying of Parthwick lone, lxxij li. viijd.
Item, to George Hutchesone in pairte payment of the repairing of the dame of the new mylne of Parthwick, xxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, debursit for the tounes writs, the ratificatioune of thair great chartour, and vther writs past at the last parliament, ijc xl li.
Item, to Johne Jaipe to helpe to cutt ane bairne of his, xiij li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wright, minister, viijc li.
Item, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, minister, ixc li.
Item, to vmquhill Mr. Williame Wallace, last master of the grammer scholl, xl li.
Item, to Mr. David Hill, present master thairof, for his fiall at Lambmaslast, jc xxxiij li. vjs. vijd.
Item, to George Andersone, prenter, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, for the dewtie of the trone to the college, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Gabriell Wilsone for furneising candle to the New Kirk the last winter, skouring of lamps and vthers, conforme to the discharge, xxviij li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, debursit to sindrie persones of annual rent fra Witsounday 1641 to Witsounday 1642 for the moneye barrowit fra them to pay the factouris of Campheir this brughis pairte of the gilders was awne them, vjc lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.

From Michaelmas 1642 till Michaelmas 1643.

Item, fra Thomas Justice for the teinds the crope 1642, jm iijc lxxxxij li.
Item, to Gawin Naismith for susteaning certan theifs in the tolbuithe, v li. xiijs. iijd.
Item, to William Lightbodie to help to mak ane wheill and assiltrie to the Subdeans mylnis, xxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to Mr. Gawin Forsythe, for his preaching within this burghe fra the first day of July 1642 to the first day of January 1643, jc li.
Item, to Mr. Thomas Thomsone for preaching, xxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, for transporting of Mr. Robert Baillie his houshold gear from Kilwinning to this burghe, lxvjc xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to John Sympsone for his pairte in collecting of the teinds, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, for the twa doosane of lather buckats, lij li. xijs.
Mair, for cariage of herring and other particulars war sent to London, vj li. vjd.
Mair, to James Selkrige for taking doune the sklait and timber of the fleshe mercat, xxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, for elements to the communioun, lxxxx li. xijs.
Item, for sklaiting the custom hous at the bridge, xxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to the maissouns for building the new flesche mercat, jm ijc xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to William Reid for his charging the burgesis to enter, viij li.
Item, to Johne Lyouns wyf in Greinock to help to cut ane bairne of the stone, viij li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wright in compleit payment to him of all bygaine stipends, and also for his hous maill till Witsounday nixt, and then the toune begins to pay fra that terme to Martinmas therefter, jc lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.

Fallowes the sowmes deburst vpon discharges:—

In the first, to Mr. Robert Ramsay for his stipend fra Witsounday 1642 to Witsounday 1643, ixc li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wright in compleit payment to him of all he can crave of the toune be vertew of the contract sett doun betuixt the toune and him at his entrie, for the terme of Witsounday 1643 and all termes preceiding, in regaird he hes sen syne taking himselff to his presentatioune to the personage, vijc li.
Item, to Mr. Robert Baillie in compleit payment to him of the thrie termes dewtie the toune was obleist to pay to him at his entrie to the college, conforme to the contract past betuixt the toune and moderatours of the college, by and besyd the transportatioune of his guids and hous maill, quhilks ar conteinit in the former warrand, except the last halff yeir, viijc xxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, for furneishing candle to the Laighe Kirk and skouring the lamps, xxviij li. xiijs. iiijd.

From Michaelmas 1643 to Michaelmas 1644.

Item, for the teiths the crop 1643, jm ijc lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Mr. James Bollek, minister, for his supplie, xvj li. iiijs.
Item, to Mr. Gawine Forsythe, minister, for preaching within this toune fra the first day of Julij 1641 to the first day of Januarij therefter, jc li.
Item, deburst to Capitane Porterfeild for fourtie muscats he bought for the vse of the companie went last with him to Ingland, and for new cullours to the said companie, and for his charges and hors hyer in Edinburgh, xiiij dayes, commissionar for the toune, iiijc xxviij li.
Item, deburst for outreiking of the sojours baggage, men and baggage hors, that war sent out last with Capitane Porterfeild, ijm iic lxxxxvj li.
Item, deburst, conforme to the same warrand, for the hors James Kinkaid raid on to Ingland with the last of Capitan Porterfeilds companie, xl li.
Item, deburst to Mr. William Wilkie for his charges and expensis in going to Air anent Mr. Georg Young, xvij li. xijs.
Item, deburst for interteanement of the Lord Sinclairs regiment the tyme they war quarterit in this toune, vijc lxxxij li. xvjs. iiijd.
Going to Ingland, by and attour the hors abovewrittin, and other monys, xx li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Coline Campbell for his charges and expenssis with these who went with him to Edinburgh convoying the Marqueis of Argyll and chancellars sons, xlix li. vjs. viijd.
Item, deburst for quartering of Lowthians regiment, iijm vic li.
Item, deburst to Johne Walkingshaw to buy armes for the townes vse, and for the said Johne his charges and hors hyer in buying therof, by and attour 936 lib. he gott out of the tounes chist, xlviij li.
Item, deburst for horsis for the vse of Georg Mitchelsone and his men, for furneising them out of Dumfreis and carieing of ther baggage, jc i li.
Item, to Mr. Gawine Forsythe for preaching Gods word, fra the first day of Januarij 1643 to the first of Julij therefter, jc li.
Item, for wyne to the communioune, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Mr. Gawine Hammiltoune for examinatioune of certaine of tounes people, xxx li.
Item, deburst to James Hammiltoune for his owne and John Wilsones charges at the last generall conventioune of burrows and for quhat he deburst to the agent then, conforme to the warrand daitit the 24 August 1644, ijc Ixxxj li. xs.

Fallowes the soumes deburst wpon dischargis:—

Item, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, ixc li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wright for the fyve chalder of victuall dew to him out of the drawn teinds the crop 1643, vjc xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair for his stipend fra Candelmas 1644 to Lambmas last, iijc l li.
Item, to Gawine Naismithe, xxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Gabriell Wilsone for furneising of candle to the Laigh Kirk and skouring the lamps, xxviij li. xiijs. iiijd.

Michaelmas 1644 to Michaelmas 1645.

Item, he chearges himself with that quhilk was payable be Williame Stewart and James Fergisoune, for the first termes dewtie of the teynds sett in anno 1645, extending to iiijc lxxxiij lib. vijs. viijd.
Item, debursit to Mr. George Young, minister, for transporting of his geire to this towne, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, for 8 tunnes of beire furneischit to the schip that Capitane Kers had chearge of, jc lxxxxij li.
Item, to Mr. Gavine Forsyth, minister, in compleit payment of all his bygaine service, liij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to the said Capitane Kers for outreiking of the said schip, iijc lxxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, debursit to the baxsteris for beiscat furneischit be thame to the foirsaid schip, iiijc xlviij li.
Item, debursit for beir to the said schip, iiijc viij li.
Mair, debursit be the thesaurer for mentinance of some trouperis convoyit in the Marqueis of Argyll, xxxvij li. iiijs.
Item, debursit for the chearges of thes trouperis that brought in old Colkittoche, xliij li. vjs.
Item, debursit to maisteris George Young and Hew Blair, ministeris, for help to their steippends, ijc li.
Item, to the said Coleine Campbell for his chearges in attending the parliament at St. Johnstoune, xl li.

Followes the soumes debursit be the compter wpon dischearges:—

In the first, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, for his steipand, ixc li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wricht for the fyve chalderis victualls dew to him out of the drawine teynds for the crop 1644, and for his hous maill, fra Whitsonday 1644 to Whitsounday 1645, vjc lib.
Item, to Mr. George Young, vijc lib.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blaire, vijc lib.
Item, to ane poor seik sojer, at command of the provest, xviijs.
Item, debursit to Peter Patoun, at command of the magistrats, for braid cloith to be ane stand of cloiths to ane of David Leslies quarter maisteris, xlviij li. iiijs.
Item, givin to the drumeris on the Grein, at the day the commoun guds was roipit, xxxs.

From Michaelmas 1645 to Michaelmas 1646.

Item, he is to be chargeit with the last termes dewtie of the teyndis sett to William Stewart and James Fergussoune, the cropp 1645, iiijc lxxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, he is to be chairgeit with the first termes payment of the drawin teyndis sett to William Stewart the crope 1646, iiijc xxxiij li. vjs. viijd.
In the first, to ane executionar that was sent for out of Iruein and for his charges, and for twentie merkis was geivin to Gideon Weir, for extract of the actis of the magistratis and counsell this last yeir, conforme to the warrand the first of November 1645, xl li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to Mr. George Young and Mr. Hew Blair, ministeris, conforme to the warrand daittit the 15 of December 1645, ijc li.
Item, to Gabriell Conynghame and Niniane Gilhagie, who war commissionaris to the parliament haldin at St. Androis, conform to the warrand [dated 28 February], ijc lxxij li. js. viijd.
Item, to Thomas Brome quhilk he debursit for fiftie four swordis, conform to the warrand [dated 18 April], jc viij. li.
Item, to Johne Boyd and Johne Hunter for bigging of portis, and for money farder debursit be the thesaurer (27 June), lxxxxiiij li.
Item, to the provest, conforme to the warrand daittit the 5 of September 1646, jc xxxij li. xviijs.
Item, for ane hundrethe pickis, ijc li.
Item, to Johne Neisbit for home bringing of pickis, conforme to the warrand daitit the 19 of September 1646, xij li.
Item, debursit to the cleanseris and supplie of the puire on the muir, liiij li. iijs. ijd.
Item, for certaine coallis, peittis and strae, furneischt to thes on the muir (3 October 1646), liiij li. iijs. ijd.
Item, for certane coallis, peittis and strae furneischit to thes on the muir, conforme to the warrand subscryvit be Robert Hammiltoune, bailyie, iiij li. xvs.
Item, debursit to the Earle of Lanerikis regiment of stalf money, conforme to the warrand subscryvit be Robert Hammiltoun, bailyie, lv li. xvijs.
Item, debursit for certane particulars to the cleanseris, conforme to the compt sub-scryvit be the thrie bailyies, xxx li. xvijs. iiijd.
Item, to William Reid, James Bisschop and Johne Roxbruch officeris, for serveice to the cleanseris on the muir, xij li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Johne Conyngham, ane old burges bot wrakit in Ireland, viij li. xiiijs.
Item, to Donald Clark, post, in compleit payment of his waiges, iiij li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to George Andirsoun, printer, for serveice, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to ane sojouris wyf callit Jonet M'Lurgie, lviijs.

Fallowes the compt of the sowmes of money debursit be the comptar vpone discharges.

Item, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, ixc li.
Item, to Mr. George Young, vijc li.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair, vijc li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wreicht, for the fyve chalders of victuall dew to him out of the drawin teyndis the croppe 1645, and for his hous maill fra Witsonday 1645 to Witsonday 1646, vjc li.
Item, to George Andirsoune, printer, of fiall, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Gabriell Wilsoune for furnesching of candle to the Laiche Kirk and scouring the lampis, xxviij li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Mr. Johne Gilmour for his herring and fiall, xxiij li. vjs. viijd.

From 30th January 1647 to Michaelmas 1647.

Item, the dewtie of the drawne teyndis sett to William Stewart and James Fergusoune the terme of Mertimes 1648, being 433 li. 6s. 8d., quhairof Johne Andersone receavit 200 li. for quhilk he hes comptit alreadie: the compter charges himself with the superplus therof, extending to ijc xxxiij li. vjs. 8d.
Item, he charges himselfe with the dewtie of the saidis teyndis the croppe 1647 receavit be him fra John Sympsoun and James Fergisoune, conform to the act daittit the 17 of August the said yeir, extending to jm ijc xiij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, debursit to the officers of the earle of Cassillis regiment for thair horses quarters, conforme to the warrand daitit the xx of February 1647, jm lxxx li.
Item, debursit to Mr. Georg Young and Mr. Hew Blair, ministeris, conforme to the warrand daitit the 6 of March the said yeir, ijc li.
Item, debursit to Georg Porterfeild, late provest, for his attendance in Edinburgh in the tounes effairis the tyme of the parliament, and for quhat he deburst to Doctour Rae for comeing to this citie, and for quhat he debursit for Mr. Robert Ramsayes presentatioune to the Hie Kirk, conforme to the warrand daittit the 17 of Apryll 1647, iiijc lxxij li.
Item, given to Margret Morresoun, in satisfactioun of hir losses susteinit in hir hous be the clengers (22 May), xl li.
Item, debursit to Gabrell Conynghame for his attendance in Edinburgh sax scor dayes in the townes effairis, and for his hors hyre home and afeild, conforme to the warrand daitit the 2 of June 1647, jc xxviij li.
Item, debursit to the clengeris conforme to the warrand daitit the fyft of June the said yeir, vijc ix li. xvs. 4d.
Item, debursit to Johne Boill for mending the casie at the Clay slap (14 Aug.), xiiij li. ijs.
Item, for ane new seall maid of silver, conforme to the warrand daitit the 28 of the said moneth, xlij li. js.

Fallowes the sowmes of money debursit be the comptar on dischairges.

In the first, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, minister, for his service frae Witsonday 1646 to Witsonday 1647, ixc li.
Item, to Mr. George Young, minister, vijc li.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair, minister, vijc li.
Item, to Mr. Edward Wreicht, iijc xxxiij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, to Johne Cant, xl li.
Item, to the maister of the Grammer Scoole, for his fiallis the termes of Candlemes and Lambes, 1647, ijc lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, debursit to the colledge collector for the deutie of the Tron the said yeir 1646, lxvj li. xiijs. 4d.

From Michelmas 1647 to Michelmas 1648.

Item, with the money fallowing he receavit in pairt payment of the drawin teynd, conforme to the act sett downe at the ropping therof, daitit the 5th of September 1648, vjc lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, receavit for swordis sold be the maister of work, conform to the act daitit the 19 of August the said yeir, jc xxxviij li.
In the first, deburst be the comptar to Mr. George Young, minister, for his charges, expensses, horse hyre and vther debursementis, anent the bringing heir of Mr. Patrik Gillespie, conforme to the warrand daitit the 16 of October 1647, liiij li. ijs.
Item, debursit to James Gilkersoune, talyour, to helpe to buy claithes to his sone, v li. xs.
Item, payit to Maisteris Hew Blair and George Young, ministers, for their service in the Blakfreir Kirk the tyme of the vacancie therof, conforme to the warrand daitit the 20 of November 1647, iijc 1 li.
Item, debursit to the fermourers of the mylnes, in consideratioune of thair losses, in respect of the visitatioun of the pestilence, conforme to the warrand (dated 27 November), vc li.
Item, geivine to the takismen of the ladillis, in consideratioune of their losses throw the pestilence, conforme to their warrand (dated 1 January), iijc xxxiij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, geivin to the takisman of the peckis in consideratioun of his lose throw the pestilence (2 February), lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, to Johne Grahame quhilk he debursit to the cleinsars and seik folkis, conforme to the warrand daitit the first of Apryle 1648, xij li. 12s. 8d.
Item, debursit to Mr. Hew Blair, quhilk he gave to the Lord Blantyre, for the towne, conforme to the warrand daitit the 16 of the said monath, lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Mair, to James Armour, quhilk he debursit to the proveist in Edinburgh be the same warrand, ijc li.
Item, to Johne Lawder for ane hors of his that was fellit on the foull muir, conforme to his warrand the penult of the said month, xxxvj li.
Mair, to James Hamiltoune for ane furneist sadle to the Lord Blantyre be the same warrand, xxxvj li. 16s.
Item, to the takisman of the bridge, in consideratioun of his losses by the pestilence, conforme to his warrand daitit the 6 of May 1648, jc li.
Item, to George Porterfeild, proveist, for ane horse he gave to the Lord Blantyre, conforme to the warrand daitit the 13 of the said moneth, jc li.
Item, to the takismen of the Tron, in consideratioun of thair losses throw the pestilence, conforme to his warrand of the same dait, ijc li.
Item, debursit for fyftein bollis j firlot meill bocht for the vse of the poore in the muir, conforme to the warrand daitit the 12 of August 1648, jc xlij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, debursit to Johne Hall, chirurgeoune, for his paines taken the tyme of the pestilence, conform to his warrand daitit the 26 of August 1648, lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, debursit to James Bell and Walter Neilsoune, for defraying of thair chairges at the last generall conventioun of burrowes, conforme to his warrand daitit the 9 of September the said yeir, jc lxxx li.
Item, debursit to Johne Hall in compleit payment of his service the tyme of the visitatioune of the pestilence, conforme to the warrand daitit the 2 of October 1648, xl li.
Item, debursit to Bessie Walker, cleinser, in satisfactioune to hir of all hir bygaine service, conforme to the warrand of the same dait, xiij li. vjs. viijd.

Fallowes the sowmes of money debursit be the comptar wpon discharges.

In the first, to Mr. Robert Ramsay, ixc xxxiij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, to Mr. Georg Young of stipend, viijc li.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair, of stipend, viijc li.
Item, to Mr. James Durhame of stipend fra Mertimes 1647 to Witsounday 1648, iiijc li.
Item, to the maister of the grammer scoole of fiall for the termes of Candilmes and Lambes 1648, ijc lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, debursit to the colledge collectour for the dewtie of the Tron the yeir 1647, lxvj li. 13s. 4d.
Item, to the printers relict of fiall, conforme to their twa discharges, lxvj li. 13s. 4d.

From Michaelmas 1648 to Michaelmas 1649.

Item, he chairges himselfe with ane pairt of the drawne teynds that was vnpayit at the setting therof, conforme to the act of the dait the fyft of September 1648, extending to vc lx li.
Item, he chairges himselfe with the dewtie of nyne salmond cobillis that gat libertie to fisch on the water, at ten markis the peice, extending to, lx li.
Item, he receavit fra the Marqueis of Argyle for the annualrent of 10,000 pundis fra Candilmas 1644 to Candilmas 1647, ijm jc lxxxij li.
Item, he chairges himselfe with the sowme fallowing, quhilk was gottine be him for the drawne teynd of the aikers about the said brugh, conforme to the act maid at the setting therof of the dait the 10 of August 1649, jm vijc xxxiij li. 6s. 8d.
Item, he chairges himselfe with that quhilk was gottine for the drawne teynd of the towne mylne lands the said yeir, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, he chairges himselfe with that quhich he receavit for the teynds of Kelvein-hauch the said yeir, 1649, ijc xx li.
Item, the comptar chairges himselfe with the sowmes of money fallowing, wplifted be him fra the persones efternamet, parochiners of the parochein of Drymen, for their bygane teynds the crope 1647 and preceiding; [ten persons—amounting in all to] £749
Item, to Johne M'Clae for his service in the Hie Kirk, conforme to the warrand, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, debursit to Robert Hammiltoun for pikis, conforme to the warrand of the [date 23 December], xxx li.
Item, to Johne Hall for cuiring of Robert Conynghame, post, conforme to the warrand of the [date 6 January], quhilk is lost, viij li. iijs.
Item, to the clerk, quhilk he debursit to advocattis in the townes effaires, and for his chairges and horse hyre to Edinburgh and home againe, to advyse anent the teynds, conforme to the warrand the 3 of Februar, fourtie pundis 9s.
Item, debursit to Johne Boyd, in pairt payment of the kirk work, ijc li.
Item, to James Hammiltoune for ane hogheid of wyne furneist be him to the townes vse, lxvj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Robert Hodge to helpe to buy ane horse, xx li.
Item, debursit to Mr. George Young, minister, and the clerk, for thair chairges in Edinburgh, horse hyre, and debursments to clerks for the towne, conforme to the warrand the 17 of the said monethe, lx li. viijs.
Item, to Hew Young for his service in reasing of the psalmes in the NewKirk, xl li.
Item, debursit to Niniane Andirsone, Piter Johnestoune, William Hoome, William Lychtbodie, the clerk, for thair chairges and horse hyre in the townes service, and for horse hyre to some of the ministers, conforme to the warrand the 10 of the said monethe, ijc xliiij li. ijs.
Item, debursit to the proveist, the commissar and the clerk, for thair chairges in goeing to Air to the Synod anent Mr. James Durhame, and horse hyre, and to Johne Grahame in goeing to Dalserfe xlvj li. 6s. 8d.
Item, debursit to James Hammiltoune for the vse of the drummer to buy cloathes, xx li.
Item, debursit to the maissones in compleit payment to thame of 800 merks for thebuilding the midwallis in the Hie Kirk, iijc xxxiij li. vjs. 8d.
Item, debursit to the relict of vmquhill John Scott for hir kyndnes of the old smiddihous hir husband buildit on the townes ground in Briggait, conform to ane warrand the 25 of September 1647 and hir dischairge granted therwpon the 2d of Apryle 1649, 1 li.
Item, to Robert Wilsoune, hemmerman, for making of ticketis, xxxv li. ijs.
Item, debursit be the comptar, quhilk was sent to Edinburgh to consigne anent Mr. Zacharias Boyds stipend, jm li.
Item, to Robert Mak for his attendance in Edinburgh and horse hyre anent Mr. James Durhames transportatioun, xxiiij li.
Item, to Robert Reid in pairt payment to him of the work of Drymen kirk, jc xxxiij li. vjs. 8d.
Item, to James Bell for wanscot, conforme to the warrand the 25 of the said monethe, jc xliiij li.
Item, debursit for elementis to the communion, jc xxxj li. xvjs.
Debursit to Mr. Robert Ramsay (blank).
Item, to Mr. James Durhame for his stipend frae Witsounday 1648 to Witsounday 1649, ixc 1 li.
Item, to Mr. Georg Young for his stipend the said yeir, ixc l li.
Item, to Mr. Patrik Gillespie, conforme to thrie dischairges, for the yeir 1648 and halfe yeir 1649, jm vc li.
Item, to Mr. Hew Blair, for his stipend fra Witsonday 1648 to Witsonday 1649, ixc l li.
Item, debursit to Mr. Zacharias Boyd for the annualrent of twa thowsand pundis that was awin him preceiding Witsonday 1648, ijc lxxxxij li. xs.
Item, debursit to James Bell for the materiallis boght fra him that was in the house of manufactorie, ijc xxvj li. 13s. 4d.