Pages 282-303
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.
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7 January 1654.
Warrand, Inglisch.
The magistratis and counsell, takand to thair consideratioun that the saids magistrats was vrgit to send elevine poore mens horsses to Air with moneyis belonging to the Inglisch, and albeit full satisfactioune was promeist to be givine them, yet nothing was payed thairof bot auchteine schilling Scots for ilk horse, quhilk is knowne to be too litle, and thairfor ordaines the thesaurer to pay for ilk hors fourtie twa schillings farder; as also to pay to Thomas Dobbie, Johne Weir and Johne Stark, to ilk ane of them, threttie sax schilling Scotis, for thair horses was also sent to Lanerik be the magistratis, they being put thairto.
Single wemen.
Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to discharge all single or vnmaryed wemen to tak vpe any houssis, and to dischairge all maner of persones to set any houssis to sick, and gif any be set alreadie that the setters come to the magistratis within thrie dayes efter publicatioune thairof and schaw the same to the magistratis, and that wnder the payne of twentie punds to be exactit aff the contraveinaris and farder punisching of thair persones at the will of the magistratis.
28 January 1654.
Warrand, baggage.
Ordanis the thesaurer ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie sax pundis xviij s. debursit be him to thes travillouris wha sent out thair horsses for convoying the bagage of the thrie last companies went aff the town, quhairof some went to Kilsythe, Falkirk, Kirklistoun and Edinburgh.
31 January 1654.
Moresone, warrand, releif from slaverie.
In answer to the supplicatioun givin in be Mareon Young, craveing helpe for releving of James Moriesoune, hir sone, out of the slaverie he is now in at Barbadus, ordaines the thesaurer to deburse to James Pollok, balyie, for that effect, sax punds sterling, and quhilk the said balyie is to deburse so soone as the rest of the saxtein pund sterling is maid vpe be the rest of his freinds.
18 February 1654.
Toofall, Grait Kirk.
Ordaines materiallis to be provydit for repairing the rooffe of the southe toofall in the great Hie Kirk.
4 March 1654.
Pooris rollis.
The magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune the great outcry maid be sundrie of the inhabitantis for that thair is no notice taikine for rectifieing of the rollis for the poore now when the victuall is become so cheipe, they thairfor doe heirby appoynt ane new roll to be sett downe for this instant monethe of August and in tyme comeing quhill the samyne be againe rectifeit, and that for the sowme of twa hundrethe merkis monethlie.
Gorballis fear.
Appoyntis the feir of the Gorballis to be sett downe on Monday nixt, and the magistratis and suche of the counsell as they desyre to be thair present.
Warrand, Inglische.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to these wha furneist horses for the vse of the Inglische to Air, Pasley, Leithe, Stirling, and vther pairtis, twentie fyve pundis xj s. 4 d., conforme to the compt maid with them be Bailyies Andersoune and Pollock.
11 March 1654.
Writtis, Gorballis.
Compeirit Mr. Robert Govane, and in name of Sir Robert Douglas producet the wholl old wrytis of the lands of Gorballs contenit in the inventar subscryvit be the said Sir Robert thairvpone, except the particular wrytis fallowing, to wit, the dukes confirmatioun of the new chartour de novodamus, conteining ane precept of seesing granted in favours of Sir Robert Douglas and his ladie, with the seesing fallowing thairvpon, and the decreit of valuatioune; and farder, the said Mr. Robert, in name of the foirsaid Sir Robert Douglas, producet these particular wryts fallowing, quhilks wer not contenit in the said subscryvit inventar, viz., ane ratificatioun of the decreit arbitrall betwixt the Colledge and the lait Lord Belheavin, dated the twentie ane day of Februarij 1637; item, twa chartouris granted be vmquhill Sir George Elphingstoun to the said laite Lord Belheavin, and the seesing fallowing thairon; item, ane procuratourie of resignatioun subscrivit be the said Sir Robert Douglas for obteining himself infeft in the lands; item, ane old tack of the teynds sett be the Colledge to the said vmquhill Sir George, and his sones act of curatorie. Quhilks all wer delyverit to the dein of gild to be laid vpe.
Scottis scoollis.
Appoyntis ane visitatioune to be maid of the haill Scotis scooles, be the dein of gild, deikine conveiner, James Bell, Mr. Johne Dunlope, William Neilsoune, James Trane, Johne Andersoune, James Campbell, Patrik Park, and all vthers of the counsell whom the magistrates sall warne for that effect, and they to report what they ar who holdis scooles and be what warrand, and ordaines the ministers to be warnit to that effect.
25 March 1654.
Scottis scoollmaisteris.
Forasmuche as be ane former ordour of the counsell the magistratis and sundrie members thairof did visit the haill Scottis scoolles, and they finding efter tryell that sundrie persounes had takine vpe scoolles no wayes being authoreizit be the magistratis and counsell, quhilk is against all reasone or forme ever heirtofoir observit in the lyk, and the saidis Scottis scoolemasters haveing this day compeirit according to ane warning maid to them, and sundrie of them having givine in thair supplicatiounes most humblie requeisting warrand to continow in the keiping of thair scooles and vthers to tak vpe Scottis who never had (blank) of befoir; efter consideratioune thairanent takin be the saids magistrats and counsell, they did as they doe heirby warrand thir persounes, viz., Mr. Thomas Smeittoune, Mr. Thomas Muir, Mr. William Forrest, Johne M'Clae, James Clerk, younger, William Bogle, Johne Patersoune, and Mr. Gilbert Wilsoune to continow in holding and keiping of thair scooles as formerlie; and grants warrand to thir persones wha never had warrand to keipe scooles of befoir, to wit, Robert Forrest and James Selkrig, to tak vpe and hold scooles for instructioune of youthe. But the haill foirnamed persones ar admittit to the foirsaid charge wpon thir speciall conditions fallowing, and no otherwayes, to wit, that they carie themselfis religiouslie and honestlie as becomethe, without any kynd of open scandell, and that they keipe morning and evening prayers in thair respective scooles and vther disciplie thairin as becomethe, and that they tak no mor scolledge nor quarter payment fra towne bairnes bot ten schilling quarterlie and double fra straingers, except it be the will of the parentis and freinds to whom they belong to bestow the samyne wpon them, and that they teache and instruct all poore children whomsomevir wha or thair parentis or freinds shall requyre the samyne of them frilie without any kynd of payment or scolledge quhatsomevir; and that they subscryve thir presentis for the better keiping ordour thairanent. And becaus James Porter hes formerlie vsurpit the priviledge of holding and keiping of ane scoole, for the quhilk he could produce no warrand of the magistratis and counsell as aucht and sould be, and he being warnit to have givin in his petitioun in maner forsaid, according as the rest of the foirnamed persones wer, and seeing he hes slichted and neglectit the ingiveing thairof in the maner as the rest hes done, the forsaids magistratis and counsell hes discharget and does heirby discharge the said James Porter from keiping or holding of any scoole within this brugh quhill he first be warrantid and authoreizit be the magistratis and counsell thairof as he aucht to be.
The foirsaids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune how that James Porter is ewir craveing some stipend alledgit promittit to him out of the rentis belonging to the Merchand Hospitall, quhilkis ar only destinat for sustentatioune of the poore, and that for keiping of ane scoole within this brugh, quhilk is contrair to all reasoune and equitie, seeing all Scottis scoolemasters at thair first admissioune to that charge does vndertak to teache all poore childrein frilie without any scolledge or quarter payment; as also that the granting of the lyk stipend as he craives is contrairie altogither to the fundatioun of the said hospitall, seing all moneys or rentis belonging thairto ar destinat and appoynted for supplie of the poore allanerlie as said is, and so that the said James Porter, nor no vther scoolemaster or persone quhatsomever, aucht for that cause have any kynd of stipend granted to them out thairof; the foirsaids magistratis and counsell, therfor, does heirby, for the reasones and grounds above wryttine and for the great and many respectis they have to the said hospitall and guid thairof and to the commoune good of the towne also, does heirby not only ratifie, allow and approve the act sett downe be the deine of gild and his counsell of the merchand rank, anent the reshinding, casting and annulling, of all actis, statutes and ordinances, contractis or what ellis of that kynd, whilks wer formerlie maid be the late deane of gild and his brethrein of the merchand rank in favours of the said James Porter anent the payment making to him of the sowme of twa hundrethe merkis money cleamet be him out of the rentis of the said hospitall for the keiping of ane scoole, and specially they approve the act sett downe thairanent vpon the thrid day of November last bypast; as also the foirsaids magistratis and counsell, according to thair bund dewtie, for respect they have to the publict good of this citie, does heirby reshind, cast and annull, all actis of counsell or contractis anywayes past heirtofoir be the magistratis and counsell for the tyme in favours of the said James Porter, or ony vther persone or persones, for the stipend foirsaid cravit be the said James Porter, or ony vther of that kynd, swa that the samyne heirefter sall be null and of none availl as gif they had nevir beine granted.
28 March 1654.
Ruid of land fewed.
The contractis past betwixt the towne and Johne Craig anent his fewing to the towne of ane ruid of land, or thairby, to the towne was subscryved.
1 April 1654.
Patersone, scoole.
Appoynts Johne Miller and Johne Herbertsoun to visie Johne Patersounes scoole anent what number of poore he teaches and what they ar the towne hes interest in, and gif it be fund he hes too many that they caus them be put in vther scoolles.
8 April 1654.
Warrand, horses to Aire.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to these sax persons wha sent thair horses laitlie to Aire, four pundis for ilk ane of them.
Appoynts the baillees, James Bell, Gartinkirk and the deine of gild, to meit with Collonell Cowpar anent sundrie particularis.
15 April 1654.
Lipper hospitall.
Ordaines the water bailyie to subscryve dischairges to the lippermen in that hospitall, to the effect he may get vpe the small annuallis belonging thairto.
Ritchie, localitie.
The saids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioun the great paynes takine be Adame Ritchie anent the inbringing and receaving of the localitie, appoynts him to have for his paynes, out of the first and reddiest thairof, sex schillingis Scottis for ilk pund sterling receavit be him.
Warrand, castell.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for . . . the sowme of thrie scoir twelf pundis 13 s. 4 d. debursit for some work done in the Castell when the prissoners wer to be put thair; and it is to be rememberit that besyde that quhilk is alreadie debursit for the Castell the maister of work hes debursit farder ten punds 12 s. 4 d. quhilk is contenit in his former compt.
18 April 1654.
Goodis offerrit.
Compeirit Jeillis Lawsoune, ane strainger laitlie aryved in Clyde, and maid offer to the towne off the particular commodities vnderwryttine, of the pryces efter specifeit, to wit, certane iron, for twentie fyve schilling sterling the hundrethe; steill, for fourtie thrie schilling sterling the hundrethe; certane splitts, for aucht schilling sterling the bound, and ilk bound to conteine four scoir ten at leist; limondis, for aucht schilling sterling the 100; oringeris, for sax schilling sterling the 100; and appoyntis ane lettre to be direct to the brughe of Dumbarten thairanent.
6 May 1654.
New mylne.
Report being maid be the bailyeis and vthers wha war appoynted to setle with Johne Clerk and Alexander King anent the taking downe and re-edifieing againe of the townes mylne in Partik, that thair agreement was ratifeit and approvine be the counsell, [the treasurer was ordained to have a warrant for 600 merks paid to Clerk and King].
Hutchesones Hospitall.
The foirsaidis magistratis and counsell, considering that the present rent quhilk belongis to Hutchisouns Hospitall is not able to susteine the persones, old and young, placed thairintill, as formerlie they have bein payit; and seeing now, be the mercie of God, victuall is now at ane cheipe rate, they thairfor doe heirby appoynt and ordaine James Trane, present master of the said hospitall, to reteine aff ilk persoune foirsaid alreadie placed in the said hospitall, at this Beltane quarter, and heirefter till new ordours, ane thrid pairt of that quhilk they wont to gett of befoir for thair sustentatioune.
Scheirer, waterserjand.
The saids magistratis and counsell vnanimously admitis Robert Sheirer to be water serjand to serve in the place of the deceisit Johne Wilsoune, and he to get his injunctiouns.
Warrand, Inglisch.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Arthour Leis threttie pundis in consideratioun of the losse he sustenit throw ane horse quhilk the magistratis vrget him to send out in the service of the Inglisch to Falkirk and burst him, quhairby he is lost and deid efter he had keipit and waired vpone him about seivine moneths.
Warrand, prissoners.
Ordanis the thesaurer ane warrand for the sowme of threttie sax pundis viij s. for strae and leiding of it that was furneischt to the prissoners at severall tymes to ly on the tyme they wer in the tolboothe and castle.
13 May 1654.
Baggage horssis.
Ordaines Johne Miller, Patrik Park and George Broome, to joyne and concur with the magistratis to help to put out the townes pairt of the bagage horse and men cravit.
Hutchesones Hospitall.
The saids magistratis and counsell, with the maister of Hutchesouns Hospitall, takeing to thair consideratioune the present conditioun of that house, and how that as yett its proportionall pairt of the pryce of the landis of Gorballis is not yet payed, and that the annual rents dew be these wha ar awine to the hospitall cannot be gottine in fra these adebttit thairunto, as these adebttit be the Marqueis of Argylle and the laird of Lawmond, and that the rent of the said hospitall is not able to susteine these poore placed thairintill, it is thairfor heirby appointit, statute and ordanit, that nae maner of persone, young or old, be placed in the said hospitall whill ane mor sure and constant rent be provydit thairto.
15 [May] 1654.
Generall Monk.
Ordaines ane commissioune to be givine to Johne Andirsoune and Johne Miller for making thair addressis to Generall Monk.
29 May 1654.
The orderis givine of befoir be the baillies, for keiping of ane night watch within this burgh, wes this day allowit be the consell, and ordaines the samyne to be keepit heirefter.
Pollok and Millar.
The saidis magistratis and counsell doe heirby commissionat James Pollok, baillie, and John Miller, tua of thair number, to repaire to Generall Monk quhairever he be and to impart to him sundrie particulares committit to them relating to the toun, and appoynts thair clerk to subscryve the samyne for them.
3 June 1654.
Sojouris wyffis.
Ordaines the baillies to accomodat, the best way they can, the women and bairnes quhilk are left in the toune be thes of the garison that lay heir, for the bettir vsing of honest people on quhom they are quartered.
Hutchesones Hospitall.
Appoyntis the maister of Huchesoues Hospitall to cause lead the loft of the stepil of the said hospitall for the bettur preservatioune thairof and bell thairin.
Bogle, Blackfreir Kirk.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to John Bogill 20 lib. for his service in the Blackfreir Kirk quhen he hes compleitit ane yeir.
Warrand, fleschouris.
In ansuer to the supplicatioun givin in be the deacon of the fleschouris, in name of the craft, craving ease of the last half yeires maill of the fleshmercat in respect the samyne wes most ocupyit be the Inglish, the said magistratis and counsell apoyntis the thesaurer to quate them 50 li. quhilk is the half of the said half yeires maill.
6 June 1654.
Common good.
[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, £5000; ladles, 2100 merks; meal market, 800 merks; tron, 720 merks; bridge, 1100 merks; grass of Little St. Mungows Kirkyaird, "ane rex doller . . . givin to the officers to buy thair drinke."]
10 June 1654.
Baxteris, mylne dame.
Ordaines the baxteris to remove and away take the trie layd on be them on the head of thair mylne dame, and that betuixt and Monday nixt, and not to lay anie thairon heirefter wnder the payne of ane hundreth pundis money.
Anent maltmen in Gorballis.
Appoyntis Johne Bell, baillie of the Gorballis, to take noteice of thes wha makes mault thair and are not the tounes tennentis nor burgessis of this burgh, and yit presents not thair mault to the mercat as they sould doe, and to report.
19 June 1654.
Forsameikle as the tolbuith of this burgh is taken vp to be a garrisoun, and that the captane and commander thairof hes requyrit diverse bedis, blankets and coverings, to be given them for the vse of the said garison, quhilk is estimat to be ane hard thing to be gane about, and that reasoune wald that thes wha furnishes the samyne sould be honestlie satisfied thairfoir, they thairfoir have heirby statute and ordained that quhat bedis, bolstaris, blankettis and coverings, sall be borrowit or taken fra any persone, the samyne sall be valued to the worth be the persones efter specifeit, in the respective boundis, so that if they be anie wayis miscaried the owneris are to have the worth thairof or then satisfactioun for the loane of the samyne, and the toune to pay thairfoir; and for providing of the saidis bedis and vtheris abonewritine, the persones fallowing are electit for that effect, to witt, James Campbell and George Lyoun for the Brigait, with the quartermasteris thairof; Patricke Parke, George Broune, David Scott, Andro Moodie, for the Trongait and Stockwell, with the quartermasteris of the samyne; Manasses Lyll, James Trane, John Herbertsone, John Lowk, for the Saltmercat and Gallowgait, with thair quartermaisteris; John Hall, Arthour Taketis and Robert Wilsone for the quarter imediatlie abone the croce, with the quartermaisteris thairof; James Colquhoun, John Patersone, John Weir, for the Wynheid quarter, with the quarter maisteris thairof.
Forsameikle as the captane of the garisoun in the tolbuith demandis to be delyverit to him the haill keyis beneath the tolbuith, and of the clerkis chalmer among the rest, ordaines thairfoir the tounes haill wrytis and bookis to be transportit out of the said chalmer and put in the most convenient place the deane of gild sall think expedient.
24 June 1654.
Be pluralitie of votes, James Pollok, baillie, and John Anderson, callit Dowhill, is appoyntit to repair to the leaguer, for fitting of comptis with the officeris thair anent quhat hes bene furnishit thair heirtofoir, and for takeing the best course they can heirefter for releiving the toune of thes burdeins.
Appoyntis the dean of gild and Garnkirk to agrie with the carters and vtheris that send thair horses to the leaguer, at the baillies command, als cheap as they can, for the townes ease, and ordaines the maister of wark to pay them according to thair appoyntment.
8 July 1654.
In ansuer to the supplicatioun given in be Master (blank) Hutchesone, sone lawfull to vmquhile John Hutchesone, taylour, burges of this burgh, craveing libertie and licence to tak vp ane Scottish schoole for traineing vp of youth within this burgh, efter deliberatioune and advysment thairanent, they doe heirby grant him libertie to take vp ane schoole efter the said magistratis hes spoken eithir with Mr. George Young or Mr. Hew Blair and hes gottin thair approbatioun of the man.
Mr. Gramer scooll.
Appoyntis the maister of the Grammer Schoole to be spoken to to attend the bairnes on the Saboath day.
11 July 1654.
Ordinance by Lord Protector and council. (A.P.S., vol. vi., part ii., p. 755.)
On reading the humble peticioun of the inhabitantes of the city of Glasgow in Scotland, setting forth the sad condicioun of the people of that city, by reason of the late fire there, in respect whereof the commander in cheife of the forces in Scotland did heretofore abate the assessmentes imposed upon them for maynetenance of the army, Ordered, by his highness the Lord Protector and the councell, that the payment of the monethly assessment charged on the inhabitants of the city of Glasgow be suspended and forborne to be paid in to the thesaurers of the army in Scotland till further order, but that nevertheless the same be collected and paid in to the committee appoynted for releife of the distressed people of that city, who are to distribute the same among such of the said inhabitantes as have suffred by fire as aforesaid with respect to the losses by them sustayned respectively.
22 July 1654.
Gorballis hous.
Appoyntis the deane of gild and maister of wark to cause point the house of the Gorballis.
Court, Gorballis.
Appoyntis ane court to be keipit at Gorballis on Monday nixt at ten houres, and the haill counsell to be warnit for that effect, and the absentis ilk ane of them to be vnlawit in threttie s. Scottis.
Report, Bell.
James Bell, commissioner to the late generall convention of borrowis, made report of his diligence thair, quhairin he shew ane compt of certane debtis awand be the haill borrowes, and that Glasgow, with some vthir borrowis, were to meit at Edinburgh the 15 of August nixt; as also that Glasgow, Dumbartane, Rutherglen and Renfrew, are to meit for the agrieing of Aire and Irving at quhat tyme they lyke betuixt and the 11 of Julij nixt, and Glasgow to be conveaner.
Proclamatioun, parliament.
Appoyntis ane proclamatioun to be sent throw the toune, on Tuesday nixt, to warne all the inhabitantis capable to give voyce in the electioun of ane commissioner to the nixt ensueing parliament of England sould meit and conveane in Hutchesones Hospitall, on Friday nixt, at ten houres for that effect.
James Barnes made report that thair wes ane hundreth buckettis brought home, according to the tounes order, quhilkis are to be payit out of the moneyis collectit for that effect; and apoyntis the deane of gild to sie to the comodious placeing and hinging of them. As also to provide common leaddiris for the tounes vse with thes moneyis also that is appoyntit to be collectit for buying of the buckettis, according to what is to the foir of it, the buckettis being payit, and as that moneys sall happine to come in heirefter.
Reid, Lipper Hospitall.
Ordaines William Reid to collect the annuellis dew to the Lipperis Hospitall and to give out againe the samyne as he sall be directit.
Warrand, garrison.
Ordaines the thesaurer a warrand for the soume of twelve pund saxteine shilling aught pennies depursit be him to thes who furnishit coale and candle to the garrisoun in the tolbuith and sojouris in the castle this tua weekis bygane.
5 August 1654.
Reid, collectour, Lipper Hospitall.
The saidis magistratis and counsell, efter consideratioun, ordaines the rentall of the Lipper Almeshous beyond the brige to be heir insert and recordit; and ordaines William Reid to collect the same so much as is within the toune and Gorballis and to distribute againe the samyne be thair sightis.
Rentall, Lipper Hospitall.
Rentall of the haill particulares belonging to the Lipper Hospitall beyond the Bridge.
Bell, commissionar.
[James Bell, late provost, chosen commissioner to the particular convention of burghs Bell, to be held at Edinburgh on 15th inst.]
Warrand, Barnes Buccatis.
Ordaines James Barnes to pay out of the first and readiest of the money he receavit for providing of buckettis fra burgessis for the fyve scoir bukettis alreadie brocht home and the expenssis thairof.
Visitatioun wellis.
Appoyntis ane visitatioun to be made, on Monday nixt at ten houris, anent the well cravit to be made be the nightbouris at the Gray Frier port, and ane vther crawit to be made neir Cumlachie, be the nightbouris in Saltmercat, and to report thairanent the day aught dayis.
It is ordained that the haill bookis and writtis that were formerlie transported out of the clerkis chalmer be brought backe againe and put in thes pairtis that they wer in of befoir.
The foirsaids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune that for guid offices done be thair late proveist, both at home and abroad, they had condiscendit to grant and bestow to Williame Wallace, his sone, some helpe and supplie, be pluralitie of vottis it is condiscendit and aggreit that thair shall be payed for the vse of the said Williame fyve hundrethe pundis Scotis money for the helpe of his educatioun and otherwayes.
Rentall, Lipper Hospitall.
Rentall of the haill particulares belonging to the Lipper Hospitall beyond the Bridge.
Bell, commissionar.
[James Bell, late provost, chosen commissioner to the particular convention of burghs to be held at Edinburgh on 15th inst.]
Warrand, Barnes Buccatis.
Ordaines James Barnes to pay out of the first and readiest of the money he receavit for providing of buckettis fra burgessis for the fyve scoir bukettis alreadie brocht home and the expenssis thairof.
Visitatioun wellis.
Appoyntis ane visitatioun to be made, on Monday nixt at ten houris, anent the well cravit to be made be the nightbouris at the Gray Frier port, and ane vther crawit to be made neir Cumlachie, be the nightbouris in Saltmercat, and to report thairanent the day aught dayis.
It is ordained that the haill bookis and writtis that were formerlie transported out of the clerkis chalmer be brought backe againe and put in thes pairtis that they wer in of befoir.
The foirsaids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune that for guid offices done be thair late proveist, both at home and abroad, they had condiscendit to grant and bestow to Williame Wallace, his sone, some helpe and supplie, be pluralitie of vottis it is condiscendit and aggreit that thair shall be payed for the vse of the said Williame fyve hundrethe pundis Scotis money for the helpe of his educatioun and otherwayes.
11 August 1654.
Teynd fische sett.
Efter laufull ropping, the teynd fische, quhilk was formerlie vplifted be Michaell Blair, talyour, is set to Mathow Wilsone, younger, tanner, conform to old vse and wont, till Lambes nixttocome, for payment of the sowme of thrie scoir pundis.
12 August 1654.
In answer to the supplicatiouns givine in be the neichbouris and inhabitantis about the Gray Freir port, schawing thair skantnes of water, and that ane commodious well micht be had for supplieing of that pairt of the gait about the west end of Johne Trumbles yaird thair, and also in answer to the supplicatioun given in be the neichbours at the southend of the Saltmercat, on both sydes of the gait, anent the skantnes of water thair, and thair severall guid springs to serve for the supplie thairanent hard be the burnesyd, neir to the landis thair now belonging to Johne Smythe; the magistratis and counsell, haveing of befoir not onlie considerit the saids supplicatiounis bot also sichted and considerit the saidis boundis whair the saids wellis ar craved to be digged, it is tharfor heirby ordanit that the maister of work hyre and enter men to caus cast the saids bounds for the better downe setting of the saidis wellis and to provyd materiallis necessar thairto, and that charge and command be givine to the said Johne Smythe to remove and away tak his staines out of the burne.
Commissioun to Campbell and Andersone.
Appoyntis James Campbell and Dowhill to repair to Generall Monk and to declair to him the townes grevances, and that with the best conveniencie, and to petitioune for redrese thairof.
14 August 1654.
[After rouping, the teinds of the lands of Gorbals, for the present crop, set for 950 merks, and the teinds of the acres about the town for 1100 merks.]
26 August 1654.
Warrand, horsses.
Ordaines the maister of warke to pay out for the haill baggage horsses wes formerlie imployit be the magistratis, with the ryding horsses for the vse of the English, according as Mr. John Dunlop sall agrie thairanent.
The towne devydit in fyve quarteris.
The magistratis formerlie being verie much vexed anent the divisioun of the quarteris for quartering of sojouris and ease [of] the inhabitantis, and to the effect that ane pairt of the toune be not overburdenit mor nor ane vthir, the said magistratis and counsell hes dividet the toune in fyve quarteris as is heirefter exprest:—All about the Wyne Heid, Drygait, Ratounraw, Stable Green, and doune to the stinking vennell, on the eist syd of the gait and to the Gramer Schoole on the west syd of the gait to be for ane quarter. Item, from thes pairtis downeward, on both sydis of the gait, to the cross to be ane vther quarter. The haill Trongait, on both sydis, and outwart, and the west syd of the Saltmercat dounward to Edward Robisounes house, to be ane vther quarter. Item, the Gallowgait on both sydis to the port, and outward, the haill eist syd of the Saltmercat and west syd thairof vpward to Edward Robisounes house, including Edward Robisounes landis thairin, to be ane vthir quarter. And the baill Brigait, on both sydis, wyndis, and Stockwell to be the fyft quarter.
Spreule, clerk.
Compeired Mr. Johne Spreule, now ane of the ordinare clerkis of the Hie Court of Justice, in presence of the saidis magistratis and counsell, conveanit, and did declair and intimat to them that he had obteanit ane decreit against them befoir the commissiouneris of the said Hie Court, quhairby they were ordained to warrand the gift he had of the toun clerkshipe of this burgh, and to that effect to suffer and permitt him to entir thairto presentlie to exercise and discharge the said office, and to serve the same by himself or his deputis and servandis to be appointit by him, conforme to the tenour of the said decreit; and yit, altho he had in his awne hand and power the nominatioun of the said depute, yit he wes content that the saidis magistratis and counsell sould make choyse of him themselues, quhilk they acceptit aff the said Mr. Johne his handis. And the letteris and charge quhilk the said Mr. Johne had raised vpon the foirsaid decreit being red, the aboue magistratis and counsell resolved to give obedience thairto. And thairefter the said Mr. John having removed himself againe, the saidis magistratis and counsell, efter consideratioun had be them anent the making choyce of the said depute to serve the towne dureing the space of the gift abouewrittine, conforme to the said decreit, and haveing sett doune ane lytt of diverse persones for that effect, be pluralitie of vottes, William Yair, thair laite clark, wes electit and chosen be the saidis magistratis and counsell to be the depute wha sould serve the towne in place of the said Mr. John Spreule in the said office of clerkshippe dureing the yeires and tyme of the said gift yit to runne, he aggrieing with the said Mr. John anent the fees belonging thairto; wha being first removed and then returned againe acceptit of the said charge.
2 September 1654.
Brige, stones.
Ordaines the maister of work to gather togither the haill staines that is fallen aff the brigge, in one place.
Gibsone, house for Leiv.-Col. Cottrell.
The foirsaid magistratis and counsell, takeing to thair consideratioun that they can gett no house at all that can pleis Leivtennent-Collonell Cottrell to reside bot that now occupied be Andro Gibsone, they being most wnwilling and loath either to remove him or anie honest man out of thair houses, yet, sieing they can not get it na wayes eveitit or eshued, they ordaine thairfoir that the said Andro be turned out and removed, and the saidis magistratis and counsell vndertakis to pay the maill and releive the said Andro thairof, and does heirby obleiss them and thair successouris in office for that effect, and appoyntis the baillies to vse the meanis to get the said Andro als comodious a house as they can.
9 September 1654.
Gray, minister.
Ordaines Mr. Androw Gray to be payed of his stipend, Mr. Patrik Gillespie denuding himselfe formallie by writ in the book appoynted for the ministers discharges of his right to that stipend.
The counsell, taking to thair consideratioun Johne Nicoll, wryter, his bygane service off sundrie particulars he had wrytin laitlie, and in sending the weiklie divrnallis weiklie, these twa yeirs bygane, to the magistratis, and for ane renunciatioune he hes to wryt of the Lord Balcomie of his rycht and possessioun of the lands of Puckie and Puckie Myln, according to Scottistarvettis informatioun to be given to him thairanent, ordaines the thesaurer to pay him fourtie punds.
Gorball hous.
Appoynts the deine of gild and deikine conveiner to aggree with Robert Merschell, wryter, anent the setting to him of the house in Gorballis.
The saids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune how that the flesche mercat is takine vpe be keiping of the horse guards thairine, and that the fleschouris thairof ar greatlie prejudged in thair peciable possessioune of the samyn as they wont to be, they doe thairfor be thir presentis quitt and discharge them of the equall halfe of the maill thairof for ane yeir allanerlie.
Money, maister of wark, well.
[£15 sterling] delyverit to the maister of work, to the effect the samyn may be bestowed on the setting downe of ane well for the guid of the neichbours and inhabitantis in Saltmercat.
16 September 1654.
Baggage horssis.
Appoyntis James Bornes and Patrik Park to tak compt of these horses that wer sent to the Hilandis this last tyme the sojouris went to Inneraray, and to aggree with everie one of the awners thairof accordinglie, and ordains the master of work to pay them according as the said James Bornes and Patrik Park shall signifie be thair papers.
Dollouris rowpit.
The towne haveing lying by them nyne scoir ten ryellis, as being a pairt of the moneys that was some tyme in Patrik Parks handis, and ar of the moneys that was gottine fra the collectors of the mylnes befoir the downe crying of the ryellis, and they being pairtlie false and pairtlie light was no wayes passing, and so was publictlie at the table ropped, and the samyne weyand eleivin pund wecht was sold to Walter Neilsone at fiftie ane schilling the vnce, and all the money gottin thairfor quhilk was payed presentlie was debursit vpon some expences of the toune.
Bailleis, furneisching of governouris chalmer, etc.
It being considered that the magistratis wer necessitat to borrow certane particulars for furneisching the governouris chalmer fra dyvers persounes, to wit, fra James Bell, younger, ane fedder bed, bolster and twa coddis, ane pand, fyve courtings, ane covering of grein cloathe named with gallowne lace, thrie pair of blanketis, ane pair of lining sheitis, twa codwares, ane rownd table, four chyres, ane baisein, ane daink towell, ane chalmber stoole; and fra Mr. George Stirling, ane vther fedder bed, ane bolster and ane cod, ane blew ruge, ane pair of walkit blanketis, ane pair of new hardin sheitis, ane new codwair. And that also the saidis magistratis wer necessitat to borrow some vther bed cloathes for the vse of the garison the tyme it was keipit in the tolboothe; and for imploying severall bagage horses heirtofoir for serveing of the sojouris. And seing reason wald that the saids magistratis aucht to incur no danger thairby, thairfor the saids magistratis and counsell does heirby bind and obleiss them and thair successouris in office to warrand, freithe, releive, and skaithles keip the present thrie balyeis off all coast, scaith and domage they can incur throw borrowing the particulars above wrytin for furneishing the governours chalmer, and that the samyne shall all be delyverit bak againe with what is dew to be payit for them. As also to freithe them of all skaithe they can susteine throw borrowing of any of the saidis bagage horses or ony bed cloathes or others quhatsomever was borrowed for the vse of the said garisone the tyme they wer in the tolboothe.
23 September 1654.
Walkingschaw commissionat.
It is thocht expedient that some be sent to the generall for getting warrand for the localitie, enlargement of the quarters, and to get the towne maid frie of bagage horses, and libertie to bring home sklait from the Craig. And appoyntis Johne Walkinschaw and Mr. Robert Govane to ryde on Monday nixt for this effect; bot first appoyntis Balyie Pollok, James Bell, and the dein of gild, to meit with Cotterell this day thairanent. And ordaines the securitie that Scottistarvet gave to the towne to be sent eist to Johne Nicoll.
Appoyntis the maister of work to caus try farder the well appoyntit to be sett downe at Johne Trumbles yaird end.
Well in Trongait.
The foirsaidis magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune the great necessitie of ane commoune well in Trongait, they doe thairfor heirby commissionat Patrick Park and William Cumyng to try out the most commodious place for setting downe of ane well thair, and to put men to work for trying thairof.
Appoyntis that ane meitting be keipit on Teysday nixt, at ten houris, be the haill magistratis and counsell, it being the ordinar day of electioune of the magistratis, according to the wonted ordour.
30 September 1654.
Baggage horsses.
Ordains James Barnis and Patrick Park to tak tryell quhat is truelie awne to these wha went out with the bagage horses and kairts.
7 October 1654.
Statut, aill and beir.
[Ordained that no dearer ale be sold than 20d. the pint, and bear than 2s. the pint.]
Court, Gorballis.
Appoyntis ane court to be keipit in the Gorballis on Thuirsday nixt at ten houris.
Chartour send eist.
Ordaines the vther chartour granted be Scottistarvet, haldine of himselfe, to be sent eist to Johne Nicoll.
Warrand, Ritchie, Inglisch.
Ordaines Adame Ritchie to pay out of the localitie money £12 5s. 8d. sterling to pay for twa horses of the Inglisch that wer stolne out of the towne.
Appoyntis Patrick Park and William Cumyng to provyd men and materiallis for setting downe of ane well in Trongait, for the ease and commoditie of the inhabitantis thair, and Robert Hamiltoune and Walter Bryce to do the lyk for setting downe of ane well at the Gray Frier port, which is so muche desyred be the haill inhabitants thairabout.
Hous in Gorballis sett.
Report was maid be the deane of gild that the hous of the Gorballis is set to Whytsounday nixttocom for fiftie pundis, and Robert Marschell, wryter, is to be ansuerable for payment of the maill thairof; and ordanis William Colquhoune to deburse for repairing of the said hous. And ordaines the maister of work to repair the calsie about the well now sett downe at the Barresyett.
Compt, well, Mr. of wark.
James Govane, maister of work, producet ane compt of his debursements for setting downe of ane well at the Barresyet, extending to £121 6 s. 8 d., quhilk was allowed and approvine, and appoyntis him to repair the casie about the said well.
14 October 1654.
Warrand, Park, well.
Ordaines Patrik Park to pay out to these wha hes alreadie wroght for the trying out of the well at the Grayfreir port, fyve pundis 8 s., comforme to the compt givin in be these appoynted for that effect.
Statute prices.
[Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged:—the tron stone of rough tallow, 50s.; the troy stone of well made candle, 58s.]
21 October 1654.
Grahame and Campbell, commissionars.
It was thoght expedient that Johne Graham sould be direct eist to the commander in cheife anent the townes cess; and, be pluralitie of vottis, James Campbell is chosine to goe with him.
Warrand, Colquhoun.
Ordaines Williame Colquhoune, collectour of the Gorballis, to pay to James Elphingstoune fyfteine pundis 15 s. 8 d. for the mending and repairing of the windoes in the house of Gorballis.
Gorball men.
Appoyntis Balyie Neilsone and Coline Campbell to meit with the towns tennents of the Gorballis for removeing and taking vpe of all the differences betwixt the towne and them.
28 October 1654.
Barnes, commissionar.
[James Bornes elected commissioner to the particular convention of burghs, to be held at Edinburgh on 1st November.]
Puckie and Puckie Mylne.
There was producet Scottistarvets seesing of Puckie and Puckie Mylne, with ane ratificatioune subscryvit be Balcomje and him of the townes right thairof, quhilks were delyverit to James Bornes to be put vpe with the rest of the wrytis.
Money for Wilkie, commissionar.
James Bornes is appoynted to provyd in Edinburgh, at his goeing thither, thriescoir punds sterling and to send the samyn vpe to Mr. Johne Wilkie to helpe to defray his charges in lying thair as commissionar for the burrowes in Clyddisdaill, Ranfrew, Dumbarten and Buitt.
Ordaines the quartermasters to revise the haill quarters on Monday nixt and to tak vpe the number of sojouris in everie hous and the name of the capitane to whom they belong.
Treasurer, master of work.
[John Ker, tailor, elected treasurer, and David Scott, merchant, elected master of work, for the year to come.]
Ordanis the fleschours to produce thair lettre of deikinheid the nixtt meitting.
The forsaids magistratis and counsell, taking to thair consideration the great danger, hurt and skaithe, may come to this brugh and inhabitantis thairof be the occasione of the dwellings of the candilmakers thairine, and considering also the late miserable accident of fyre that fell in Edinbrugh throw occasione of ane candilhous, and the great desolatione falline out therby, for preveining of all fearis that may aryse theranent heirefter, it is heirby statute and ordanit be the saids magistrats and counsell that nae persoune within this brugh quhatsomever sall presume or tak vpone hand to mak any candill, ryne or melt tallow within the samyne heirefter, bot that everie candilmaker provyd themselfis in houssis for that end in outplaces, ane hundrethe yeards aff any dwelling houssis within towne, and that betwixt and Lambes nixttocome, wnder the payne of ane hundrethe pundis vnforgivin by and attour the lose of thair fredome within the samyne.
4 November 1654.
Lettre to Sir Robert Dowglas.
Appoynts the clerk to wryt and subscryve ane lettre in the townes name to Sir Robert Douglas to schaw that the towne is now straitit to pay all the moneys they can affoord to his creditors, and that the bargane was not so profitable to the towne as he sould mak so muche din for that quhilk is restand, and with all that the towne shall with the best conveniencie provyd for him.
Heritouris of the persone land.
Ordaines new rights to be granted to all the heretors of the persoune land wha shall requyre the samyne, according as the towne and they can best aggrie.
18 November 1654.
Report, Barnes.
James Bornes maid report of his dilligence quhat was done at the last meitting of the burrowes in Edinburgh and shew that it was concludit thair that ilk brugh sould pay thair awne pairtis of the commissionars charges conform to the burrowes stent roll.
Custome, Linlithgow.
Appoynts James Campbell and Johne Walkinschaw to speik with the proveist of Linlithgow anent the custome newlie exactit aff our townes at thair brige.
25 November 1654.
Ces.; Customes, Linlithgow.
Appoyntes Johne Andersoune to ryde to Dalkeithe anent the mater of the townes cesse, and ane lettre to be wrytin to the commander in cheife for that effect, and it is to be rememberit that this day thair is delyverit to the said Johne twa warrandis anent the abatementis of the cesse, ane subscrivit be Lilburne for abatement of twelf pund ten schilling sterling and ane vther subscrivit be Monck, in Apryle last. And ordaines the said Johne to speik with the magistrats of Linlithgow anent the mater of the customes.
Solitarie women.
Appoynts ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to discharge all solitarie weemen to keipe houssis, and that no man sett houssis to such persons, and recomends the samyne to the magistrats to see the samyne put to executioun.
Persone land.
Ordaines the haill heretores of the persounes land to be persewed for the few dewtie, in the fiscallis name.
2 December 1654.
Durbame, minister.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Mr. James Durhame, minister, four hundrethe punds restand of his last yeirs stipend for his service in the Hie Kirk preceiding Mertimes last, with four scoir punds for his house maill.
5 December 1654.
Lettre, Ranfrew.
Appoynts ane lettre to be wrytin and direct in the townes name to the agent of the borrowes, shewing the great wrong done to Ranfrew be the vnfriemen within thair boundis, quhilk wrongs also the haill borrowes in the west. And gif course be not takine with suche persouns wha dwellis in clachanes, as they doe within the boundis of Ranfrew, the borrowes in the haill natione may be greatlie prejudged and wrongit.
12 December 1654.
Appoyntis James Bell to speik with Mr. Patrik Gillespie, and to requeist him to goe eist anent the mater of the townes cesse.
Grant libertie to the haberdascher that Balyie Neilsoune spak to the counsell of, be informatioun of Capitane Quick, to exercise his calling heir.
16 December 1654.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Johne Bryssoune four dollouris for wryting of sundrie supplicatiounes, to the number of fourscor, relateing to the fyre shortlie efter the burneing, and for wryting, at the balyeis directioun, many lettres for inbringing of corne and strae.
Warrand anent ordouris gevine be Pirrie.
The saids magistrats and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune that Mr. Perrie, the collectour, had threatned to put sojouris wpone sundrie particular men, it is therfor heirby inactit, statute and ordanet that, seeing it is for the townes caus any sall suffer that way, that the towne shall beir the burdein thairof, and make vpe everie particular mans los the towne shall sustein therby.
23 December 1654.
Deane of gild.
Appoyntis James Bell to speik the deine of gild anent his entering againe to his charge, and if he refuis, appoyntis the said James Bell to conveine the brethrein of the merchand rank for setting doune ane new lyte to choyse ane new deane of gild.
Carstairs, minister.
Ordains the thesaurer to pay to Mr. John Carstairs ane hundrethe and fiftie pundis in satisfactioune to him of the retentioune of these teynds allocat to him in pairt payment of his stipend.
Warrand, bagage horses.
Ordaines the thesaurer ane warrand for the sowm of four punds 8 s. debursit for four horses that wer sent with bagage to Hammiltoun with the last companeis went thither, and for seivin punds debursit be him for twa horses that wer sent to Aire.
30 December 1654.
Appoynts maister Archibald Grahame, ypothecare, to be admitted burges and gild brother, without payment of any fynes, and the benefite thairof is to redound to his bairnes, with this provisioun that he visie the seik poore of the towne and helpe them in all things relateing to his calling, they paying for the medicaments.
Advocatis herringe.
Ordaines the townes herring to be provydit and sent to the advocatis, to wit, to Sir Johne and Mr. Andro Gilmouris, Mr. John Nisbit, Mr. Archibald Fleyming and John Nicoll.