Extracts from the records: 1635

Pages 25-38

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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3 January 1635.

Money for license to retail wine.

George Muir payit to the thesaurer twa hundrethe markis money for the licens grantit to him to sell and retaill wine inbroght be him to this brugh within the samynn quhilk belongit to strangeris, and the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall ordanit the said thesaurer to giv ane hundrethe pundis thairof to maister Robert Bell, sone laufull to maister Johne Bell, minister, to by buikis, and to giv to Mungow Crawfurd, reider, fyftie markis money for his help and supplie.

28 February 1635.

Salt Mercat.

The saidis provest, bailleis and counsall, having red and considderit ane act set doun vpoun the xxiiij day of May last bypast, anent the keiping and halding of the Salt Mercat abone the College in tyme cuming, quhair the hors mercat was haldin of befoir, for explanatioun of the quhilk act, the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall declairis that, nochtwithstanding thairof, yit that it sall be leasome to the burgessis of this brugh to top and sell salt in thair houssis, chopis, or buithis, the samynn being first bocht and ressavit be thame in the ordinar mercat place.

7 March 1635.

Money left by Michael Wilsoun.

The bailleis and counsall ordanis the provest to requyre and desyre of the principall and regentis of the College, and vther memberis thairof, that the bandis quhilkis ar grantit for the moneyis left to the said college be vmquhile maister Michaell Wilsoun may be renewit in the names of the provest of this brugh and principall of the said college, and that sik sowmes of money thairof as ar not yit lent out vpoun band may be gottin in and put in band of the nature foirsaid, conforme to the will of the said vmquhile Michaell Wilsoun.

21 March 1635.

Caus anent Dumbartoun.

[Ordained the treasurer to have warrants for £56 1s., "debursit in Edinburgh to the tounis advocatis, clerkis, and writteris, anent the touns caus anent Dumbartoun;" and £20 "debursit be him to the provest for ten dayis absence in Edinburgh; and for fyve pundis gevin be him to Claud Cleland for his hors waigis; extending to lxxxj li. j s."]

7 April 1635.

Blakfriar Kirk, stent.

Ordains so maney of the deacones quha ar not on the counsall and hes not yit payit thair moneyis to the vse of the Blakfriar Kirk to be wairnit to Saturday nixt, and als Gabriell Cochrane, last deacone of skynners, and the visitour of the chirurgianes, anent thair stent.

11 April 1635.

Multer of the mylnis.

The provest, bailleis and counsall, understanding that William Lawsone and James Robesone, fermarouris of the mylnis, hes not gottin the haill moulter of the malt browin in the Gorballis sen Mertimes last, in respect the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall renuncit the tak of the samynn at the said terme of Mertimes last, as also they vnderstanding that throw the grait extraordinar frost, quhilk hes bein this winter bygane, the mylnis belonging to this brugh war not hable to grind the malt of thes persones subject to grind thairat, so that maney went to vther mylnes, and the saidis fermarouris war thairby graitlie prejudgit, and now seing the saidis fermarouris and takismen of the saidis mylnes hes past fra all actioun they can intent aganes the inhabitantis of this brugh or vtheris quha war subject to grind thair malt at the tounes mylnes and grand the samynn at vther mylnes the tyme of the said frost, thairfoir the provest, bailleis, and counsall ordanis the thesaurer to pay to thame the sowme of ane hundrethe punds money.

19 May 1635.


The provest, bailleis and counsall, being convenit for the tyme, did concluid to mak choys of thair awin myllers, nochtwithstanding of any former act maid in the contrair.

Common good set.

[The mills set for a year for 7800 merks, duty of the ladles for 2120 merks, the tron for 760 merks, and the customs of the bridge for 500 merks.]

30 May 1635.

Zacharias Boyd's mortification.

The provest, bailleis and counsall afoirsaid, understanding that maister Zacharias Boyd, minister at the Baronie Kirk of Glasgow, out of ane pious and godlie mynd for advancing of Godis glorie, hes mortefeit three thousand markis money, adebtit to him be certane his creditouris, and is to assigne the samynn to the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, and thair successouris, to the effect that the annwall rent of the said sowme, efter the deceissis of him and Eizabeth Flemyng, his spous, may be bestowit for sustentatioun of twa studentis of theologie (being burges sones of this brugh) within the College of the samynn, conforme to the contract to be sett doun betuixt him and them thairanent; as also he is to assigne the deane of gild and his successouris in office to the sowme of fyve hundrethe markis money, to the effect that efter his deceis the annwall rent of the principall sowme may be bestowit for the help [of the puir within the merchand hospital of this burgh (fn. 1) ] of the sustentatioun of ane student of theologie within the College, conforme to the contract set doun thairanent. Thairfoir the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall hes concludit, all in ane voce, that when it sall happin at ony tyme heirefter the said maister Zacharias or his said spous (fn. 2)

St. Mungowis kirkyaird.

The gres of Lytle St. Mungowis kirkyaird is sett to Johne Barnes, deane of gild, for his crope 1635, for ten markis money.

Buiths, Trongait.

Efter the dissolving of the counsall, the laiche buith vnder the Belhous in Trongait is sett be the provest to Patrik Watsone for fourtie pundis, and the heiche buithe abone the samynn is sett to Johne Wilsoun, younger, cordoner, for ten pundis money, baith sett to Witsonday nixtt.

6 June 1635.

Blantyre, teind.

Ordanis the provest and vtheris, whom he sall mak choys of, to speik my Lord Blantyre anent the teynd of the commoun land.

10 June 1635.

Blakfriar Kirk.

The provest, baillie and counsall afoirsaid, wnderstanding that maister Johne Dinlope of Garnkirk, merchand, burges of this brugh, out of his pious mynd for advancing of Godis glorie within the samynn, hes gevin fyve hundrethe pundis money to the collectioun contribut for placeing of ane minister in that kirk callit the Blakfrear Kirk within this brugh, thairfoir they ordane thair maisteris of wark to build ane sait within the said kirk in ane convenient place whair he and his spous may heir and sie the minister, and na vther sait to be betuixt the samynn and the pulpit, and the samynn to serve for the vse of the said maister Johne and his spous, during thair lyftymes allanerlie; and if the said kirk be takin doun they ordane the said sait to be placit thairin efter the reedifeing of the samynn kirk in als convenient ane place.

17 June 1635.


[Gabriell Cunynghame elected commissioner to the general convention of burghs at Perth on 7th July.]

23 June 1635.


Patrik Bell, provest, is elect and choysin as commissionar for the bailleis and counsall to go to Edinburgh and meit with ane noble lord, Robert lord Belheavin, and the rest of the freindis of vmquhile Sir George Elphinstoun, and thair to commoun with them anent the bying of the sex pund land of Gorballis and Brigend, with all privilegis and commodities perteyning and belonging thairto other than the superioritie thairof, and quhat pryces man be gevin thairfoir, he alwayis, befoir conclusione of the bargane, cum bak to this place and mak report and tak thair advyssis thairto and sik vtheris as they desyre.

Mortification by Mr. Zacharias Boyd, 3000 merks.

At Glasgow the twentie thrie day of Junij, the yeir of God jm vjc threttie fyve yeiris. It is appoyntit and agreit betuixt the discreit persones, parteis following, viz. [the provost, bailies, dean of guild, treasurer, deacon convener, and councillors] of the said burgh, on the ane pairt, and Mr. Zacharias Boyd, minister at the Barronie Kirk therof, on the vther pairt, in maner, forme, and effect following, that is to say: Forsamikle as the saidis provest, bailleis, and counsell of the said brugh grantis thame to haif actuallie ressavit fra the said Mr. Zacharias Boyd the sowme of three thowsand markis money of this realme of Scotland [they bound themselves to pay to him and Elizabethe Flemyng, his spouse, the annual rent thereof during their lifetimes]. And becaus the said Mr. Zacharias hes (be the advys and counsell of ane reverend father in God, Patrik archbischope of Glasgow), mortefeit the foirsaid sowme of three thowsand markis money for the glorie of God, and that for the educatioun of twa studentis of theologie, suche as it sall pleas the saidis provest, bailleis, and counsell of the said burgh and their successouris in office to mak choyse of, thairfoir they bind and obleis them and their successouris in office, efter the deceissis of the saidis Mr. Zacharias Boyd and Elizabethe Flemyng, spoussis, to imploy the said sowme of three thowsand markis money vpoun landis, heritagis or annwallrentis, and to give and bestow the yeirlie annwalrent and proffeit thairof for the mantenence of the saidis twa studentis of theologie, of the most godlie and fitting for the place, so far as they sall be able to decerne, and that within the College of the said brugh, and the samynn annwal rent and proffeit to be equallie devydit yeirlie betuixt the saidis twa studentis. And the saidis studentis to be presentit be the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall of the said brugh and thair successouris in office, as patrones thairof, yeirlie and perpetuallie, furthe and fra the deceissis of the said Mr. Zacharias and his said spous, to the principall of the said College or to any vther professour of theologie quha sall happin to be admittit and haif place within the samyn to that effect. And the saidis twa studentis to remayne within the said College during the space of twa yeiris or langer, as the saidis patrones sall think meit and expedient, they not exceiding four yeiris. Lykas, it is agreit betuixt the saidis parteis that the foirsaidis studentis sall be burgessis sones of the said brugh, and if ony of the name of Boyd, being ane burges sone thairof, be readie and worthie to supplie the place, to be preferrit thairto befoir any vtheris, and if non of all thes sall be fund then sum vtheris whome the saidis patrouns sall mak choys of and fyndis most capable sall be preferrit to the saidis places, to the end that the foirsaid sowme mortefeid for that vse as said is be divertit to na vther vse. Lykas the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall of the said brugh bindis and obleissis thame and thair successouris in office to imploy the said principall sowme in maner abonespecifeit to the vse abonewrittin, perpetuallie in all tyme cuming, efter the deceissis of the said Mr. Zacharias Boyd and his said spous, and the samynn to be wairit and bestowit be the speciall sight and advys of the deane of gild and deacone convenar of the said brugh for the tyme quha sall be in that mater sine qua non. [Consent to registration and testing clause. Registered in Books of Council at Edinburgh, 17th March 1636.]

4 July 1635.

Metrapolitane Kirk.

For the reasouns contenit in ane act of counsall of the dait the xviij of October last, the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall hes agreit with Mathow Colquhoun, wrycht, in this maner: In the first, the said Mathow wndertakis to mend and haif ane cair of the haill leid vpoun the haill Metrapolitane Kirk and laich stiple thairof (except the leid on the north syd of the outter kirk, quhairvnto he will do all he can bot will not answer for it as for the rest) and to mend the samynn be putting to of latchitis quhair it wantis, and quhen the leid happinis to blaw af he wndertakis to mend the samynn so far as the leid blawn af will serve, and quhat requyris mair to be furnischit and maid new be them the toun thinkis meitest. Item, the said Mathow wndertakis to vphold the glas windows, both of outter kirk and quheir, except when haill windowis and quarteris blawis out with storme, and to put out the kaes out of baith. Item, the said Mathow vndertakis to sweip and keip clein the haill battilingis and spoutis, and to sweip and keep clein the haill turnpykis and pillar heidis of baith kirkis, and speciallie the pend heidis and pillar heidis abone the counsall sait, and all vther placis neidfull quhair the kirk officeris can not win to. Item, the said Mathow vndertakis to poynt, at all occasiouns neidfull, the toofallis and vther pairtis neidfull of the haill kirk and quheir, so far as concernis the keeping of the rowf thairof dry allanerlie, the toun furnishing materiallis thairto, as to all the rest of the wark. And, last, he vndertakis to haif ane speciall cair and diligent watchfulnes about the fabrik of the haill Metrapolitane Kirk, and to observe quhat is amis and most neidfull to be helpit, and to adverteis the counsall thairof, and to giv his best advys for remeid of the samynn. For the whilkis premissis and vtheris foirsaid to be done and performit be the said Mathow, the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall obleissis them and thair successouris in office to pay yeirlie to the said Mathow the sowme of sex scoir pundis money at twa termes in the yeir, Mertimes and Witsonday, be equall portiouns, beginand the first termes payment thairof at Mertimes nixt, and whilk is fra Witsonday last to the said terme. And this act to continu during the will of ather partie allanerlie, so that when the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall, and their successouris, is willing to abrogat the samynn the said Mathow is content thairwith, and when it sall pleis the said Mathow to giv over the said chairge they sall be content thairwith.

8 July 1635.


The saidis provest, bailleis and counsall hes agreit, all in ane voce, to by the landis of the Gorballis for ane hundrethe thousand markis, the sellaris thairof geving the toun, first, sufficient securitie of the samynn, competent dayis to pay the sowme, and to enter the toun with the superiour vpoun the sellaris proper chargis and expenssis, and to vse thair best endevoiris to sattill the toun and the college anent the tynd.

Blakfriar Kirk, buriall place.

Vnderstanding that forsamikle as the Blakfriar Kirk, sumtyme pertenyng to the College, is disponit be the governouris and maisteris of the said College to the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall and thair successouris in office, and that Doctor Johne Strang, principall of the said College, is in possessioun of ane buriall place within the said kirk quhair his wyf and childrine ar bureit, and they being willing nawayis to prejudge bot rather to fortefie the said doctor Johne Strang and his airis thairin, thairfoir they for them and thair successouris hes grantit and, be the tennour heirof, grantis full rycht and libertie to the said doctor Johne Strang and his airis of ane buriall place within the said kirk in and about the place quhair his wyf and childrine ar bureid, contening the bounds of half ane fall of grund.

18 July 1635.

Butter and cheis.

It is statut and ordanit that na tapsteris of butter and cheis presum nor tak vpon hand to wey any butter and cheis within thair buithis heirafter bot that whilk they sell in smallis within ane stone weght, but that they wey all they sell abone the said quantitie at the tron heirefter and pay the ordinar custome thairfoir, vnder the paine of fyve pundis money toties quoties.

21 July 1635.


The bailleis and counsall electis the provest to ryd to Edinburgh as commissionar for them to meit with my Lord Belheavin and vtheris, the freindis of vmquhile Sir George Elphinstoun, anent the bying to the tounes vse of the sex pound land of Gorballis and Brigend, he in all poyntis observing and not exceiding the act of counsall set doun thairanent vpoun the aucht of this instant, viz., vpoun safficient securitie, three termes of payment of the sowme, the toun enterit with the superiour vpoun the sellaris expenssis, and to do thair best endevoir to agrie them and the titular anent the teynd; and what he dois thairanent, observing the foirsaidis conditiouns, they obleis them to stand and abyd thairto firme and stable, but reclamatioun.

1 August 1635.

Gallowgait brige, Clay-sclope.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of four hundrethe threescoir fourtein pundis iij s. debursit be him to the maister of wark, and whilk he debursit in the tounes effairis and commoun wark fra the fourt day of Julij last to this day at nycht. Nota: Of this sowme abonewrittin thair is debursit for materiallis and warkmenis waigis to the Gallowgait brige twa hundrethe fourtie ane pundis iiij s. iiij d. and xxix li. for the calsay at the Claysclope.

22 August 1635.

Correctioun hous.

Ordanis the provest, bailleis, deane of gild, deacone convenar, and vtheris of whom they sall mak choys of, to put forward the correctioun hous and to agrie with ane man to haif ane cair thairof in the best and most commodious way.

19 September 1635.

Correctioun hous.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of fourscoir four markis debursit be him for ane mylne to the correctioun hous.

26 September 1635.

Taxatioun, Blakfriars Kirk.

[From the "compt of twa of ten, with the moneyis gottin in anent the Blakfriar Kirk, and the last yeiris stent," it is found that "the haill ressaitis of the taxatioun of twa of ten" preceding 15th September amounted to £13,595 4 8
"The haill money ressavit in contributioun anent the Blakfriar Kirk" to 6,899 0 0
The money received from John Ramsay of the last year's extent to 2,203 6 8
Disbursed by Richard Allane, late treasurer 4,666 13 4
Summa £27,464 3 8

Of the above there was disbursed to Orbestoun, commissioner for the Marquis, £22,723 6s. 8d.; gevin to John Yair for the first year's taxation granted to the lords, £250; lent on bonds, £2000; "thair is in the kist," and afterwards lent out on bond, £2426 13s. 4d. And the balance appears to have been "gevin back to divers persones who was over deir stentit in the taxatioun of twa of ten."

3 October 1635.

Correctioun hous.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundrethe markis money gevin be him at thair directioun to Johne Porter, maister of the correctioun hous, and whilk they giftit him to fie his servandis with, and als he to haif ane vther warrand for the sowme of three hundrethe markis debursit be him to the said Johne Porter to by woll and materiallis to the said correctioun hous, rebaiting thairof four scoir four markis whilk is payit alreddie for ane wheill conforme to ane prior warrand.

6 October 1635.


[At the desire of the archbishop, the bailies and council admitted Patrik Bell, former provost, to be provost for the ensuing year.


From a leet presented by the provost, bailies and council, the archbishop elected Colene Campbell and Henrie Glen, merchants, and Gawin Neisbit, craftsman, to be bailies for the ensuing year.]

9 October 1635.


[The old and present magistrates elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the ensuing year.]

10 October 1635.


[Elected the provost commissioner to the particular convention to be held at Edinburgh on 20th instant.]

14 October 1635.


[The following elections were made in usual form:—Johne Barnes, dean of guild; Niniane Gilhagie, deacon convener; William Wilsone, visitor of maltmen and mealmen; Johne Andersone, treasurer; Peter Gemmill, master of works.]

6 November 1635.

Infeftment producit.

The provest producit the touns last infeftment of the brugh, whilk was sent to Edinburgh, and to be put in the kist; as also he producit the haill wryttis anent Dumbartoun conforme to the inventar.

Stentmaisteris electit.

The persons following, viz., Walter Stirling [and fifteen others] ar appoyntit and electit to stent the haill inhabitantis of this brugh according to thair worthe.

11 November 1635.

Correctioun hous visitor.

Williame Neilsone is ordanit to attend and visie the correctioun hous till this day aught dayis.

Correctioun hous.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of xxvj li. xvj s. debursit be him to the maister of the correctioun [hous] for sustentatioun of the youngesonis and vtheris put thairin, conforme to the compt subscrivit be the deane of gild and this day is comptit with the rest; and als ordanis the thesaurer to pay to him xvj li. xij s. viij d. to by ma quheillis with, and whilk is by and attour the ijc li. he hes ressavit alreddie, for the whilk he is to mak compt.

18 November 1635.

Blakfriar Kirk.

Ordanis the haill rollis concerning the Blakfriar Kirk to be gevin to Johne Andersone, elder, and he to seik in fra thes wha hes promeist and not payit, and to seik fra thes wha hes not as yet promeist, and to report his diligence to the counsall.

Gallowgait bridge.

Ordanis the officeris of this brugh to tak and apprehend thes persones who hes promeist to leid red and sand to the Gallowgait brig and hes not performit the samynn according to their promeis, and to put them in ward.

21 November 1635.

Porterfeild, commissioner.

[Elected George Porterfeild to be commissioner to the particular convention of burghs to be held at Edinburgh on 26th inst.]

25 November 1635.

Act anent the water baillie.

The saidis proveist, bailyeis and counsell, haifeing takin to thair consideratioun the great contempt the place of watter bailyearie within this brugh is fallen in, be the admissioun thairto of divers decayed and depauperat persounes, quhilk tendis greatly to the prejudice of the haill inhabitants of this burgh and river, and thairfoir they being most willeing to redact the samein to the old worthie and laudable estait quhairin it once wes, they haif concluidet ane of the best sort and rank of the counsell to be electit and choysen for dischargeing of the said place, and his electioun, with the forme thairof and his jurisdictioun, to be set doun on Settirday nixt.


[Ordained that no higher prices than the following be taken:—ale, 20d. the pint; beer, 2s. the pint; wheat loaf, weighing ten ounces, 12d.; rough tallow, 48s. the stone; candle, 53s. 4d. the stone.]

28 November 1635.

Stirling, water baillie.

Walter Stirleing is elected watter bailyea quhill Michaelmes nixt, and continewes his acceptatioun and ayth and the setteing doun his jurisdictioun to this day aught dayes.

8 December 1635.

Mortification by Mr. Zacharias Boyd, £1000.

[An obligation granted by the principal, professors and regents of the College, on 2nd March 1655, proceeds on the following narrative:—] Forsameikle as be vertewe of ane contract, of the dait the eight day of December 1635 yearis, maid and endit betuixt the deceast Mr. Zacharie Boyd, minister at the Baronie Kirk of the said citie, and Johne Barnes, then dean of gild, and his bretherin of counsall, of the merchand rank therof, on the ane and other pairtes, the said dean of gild and his said counsall, for the sowme of ane thousande poundes Scotes monye gevin vnto them be the said deceast Mr. Zacharie, and which he had mortifeit for the educatioune of ane student of theologie, such as it should pleas the said dean of gild, his bretherin of counsall of the merchand rank, and ther successouris in office, to nominat and mak chois of, therfor they band and obleist them and ther successouris in office, after the said Mr. Zacharie his deceas, to imploye the said sowme vpon landis, heretages or annnalrentes, and to give the annualrent therof, so far as the samyne will extend, for the maintenance of ane student of theologie, of the most godlie and fitting for the place, swa far as they should be able to discerne, and that within the College of the said brughe; and the said dean of gild and his counsall and ther successouris in office, as patrounes therof, that they should present the said student yearlie and perpetuallie, furthe and fra the said Mr. Zacharie his deceas, to the principall of the said College, or to any other professour of theologie who shall happen to be admitit and hawe place within the samyne to that effect; which student is to remaine within the said College during the space of two yearis or longer, as the saids patrounes sall think fit and expedient, he not exceiding four yearis. And it was further aggried that the said student sould be ane burges sone of the said citie and of the said merchand rank, and if any of the name of Boyd, being ane burges sone, of the said merchand rank, within the said citie, being readie and worthie to supplie the place, to be prefered therto befor any vther; and if non of all these sall be fund then some whom the said patrones sall mak chois of and find most capable shall be prefered to the said place, to the end that the forsaid sowme abovementionat, for the vse aforsaid, be not divertit nor imployit to any other vse. Lykas it was aggried betuixt the saids pairteis that if it should happen the forsaid student of theologie to have his father or mother on lyf and dueling within the said citie, and would rather remaine in houshold with them then to board himselff within the said College, then and in that caice the said dean of gild and his counsall obleist them and ther successouris in office to mak payment to the said student, after the decease of the said Mr. Zacharie, of the full annualrent of the said sowme of ane thowsand poundes monye, at twa termes in the year, Whytsonday and Martinmas, for sustentatioune of him in houshold with his saidis parentes; as in the said contract of the dait forsaid, insert and registrat in the bookes of counsall [17 Marche 1636,] at mair lenthe is contenit.

12 December 1635.

Anent the water bailliarie.

The proveist, bailyeis and counsell, haifing takin to thair consideratioun the abuises done at the river of Clyde within thair boundis and libertie, not only be the inbringeris of herreing, fishes, and vther commodities, bot lykewayes be the watter serjand quha takis nae ordour thairwith, thairfoir it is statut and ordainet that yeirly in tyme cumeing thair be ane speciall honnest man of guid qualitie, burges of this brugh, choysen yeirly to be watter bailyea, and his electioun to be yeirly on that day quhairon the dean of gild and deacon conveiner ar electit; quha sall haif power and libertie to set doun pryces vpon the killeing, and take ordour and punish the cooperis and vther sellaris of herring and all vther fishes and vtheris persounes quhatsumevir, breckeris and violatteris of all good actes made and to be made annent the said river and does contrair the samein, and to tak cautioun of every ane of thame to compeir befoir the proveist, bailyeis and himself, vpon ane court day, to be judged be thame and him; and the vnlawes to be vptakin be the said watter bailyea to be converted ad pios vsus; and the water serjandis to be obedient and ansuerable to him, and to serve him in the said office at his command and directioun yeirly in tyme cumeing; lykeas the watter bailyea salbe ane ordinar counsellour of the said burgh, yeirly, dureing the tyme of his office, and his office to endure the space of tua yeiris at most, and sall haif libertie to depose the watter serjandis vpon tryet wrangis, as also to elect vtheris be advyse of the proveist, bailyeis and counsell, and sall not suffer his saidis serjandis to tak mair nor thair dewes, and that he caus thame collect and distribut treuly the dewties of the Lipper Hospitall beyond the brig.

19 December 1635.

Campbell, water baillie.

Be pluralitie of voittis, Colein Campbell, yonger, is elected watter bailyea for this yeir to cum, and his office to indure to the nixt day the dean of gild and deacon conveiner be elected.

Fiall, water baillie.

It is statut and ordainet that in all tyme cumeing the watter bailyea sall have of yeirly feall ten pundis money, to be payet ordinarly with the proveist and bailyeis feallis be the thesaurer of this burgh.


  • 1. The words within square brackets originally stood in the record. These have been deleted, and the words which follow, down to "thereanent," inclusive, substituted on the margin.
  • 2. The rest of the act is not inserted in the record. See further as to Boyd's mortifications under dates 23rd June and 8th December, 1635.