Extracts from the records: 1633

Pages 14-19

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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9 February 1633.

New Kirk, guild court.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for tuentie pund for the candill to the New Kirk preceiding Candilmes last, and als xl schilling for ringing of the bell to the dean of gild court, and ten merk for skouring the lampis this last yeir bypast.

23 March 1633.

Laich foir chop.

Thair is licens and libertie grantit to Archibald Scott, merchand, to build ane laich foir chop under his heich foir stair in Saltmercat, and ordanis him to pay to the thesaurer for the said licens ten pundis money.

27 April 1633.


The prouest, bailyeis and counsell hes condiscendit that the proueist, or ane vther for him, go to Sanctandrois to sie the archiebischop of Glasgow ressauit thair.

11 May 1633.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for tua hundrethe and fiftie merk deburset be him to the proueist and his cumpanie for thair chairges to Sanctandrois to attend the bischop quhen he was ressavit.

18 May 1633.


[Elected the provost commissioner to the parliament to be held at Edinburgh on 18th June, to the particular convention of burghs to be held there on 10 June, and to the general convention this year.]

25 May 1633.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for thrie hundrethe and fourtie merk debursit be him for ane velvett fitmantill maid and haill harneising thairto.

4 June 1633.

Set of common good.

[Multures set for a year for 6280 merks, ladles 2010 merks, tron 660 merks, bridge 600 merks.]

6 July 1633.


Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of sevin scoir pundis money, debursit be him to Johne Baird for creillis to the water.

20 July 1633.

The King.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for tuentie sevin pund ten schilling for his charges quhen the King geid out of the northe to Edinburgh.

17 August 1633.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for [£296 6s. 10d.] deburset be him to the maister of work quhilk he gave out for mending the river.


[Ordained the treasurer to have warrants for (1) £437 7s. 7d., being the town's part of expenses disbursed in the affairs of the burghs; (2) £134, being charges of commissioners and their men and horses at the general convention at St. Andrews on 6th August; and (3) "ane hundrethe and tuentie pund and tua dolouris gevin be the proueist to the clerk of the register for the tounes ratificatioun, and tuentie merk to his man."]

24 August 1633.

Buikes, dreilling.

Ordanes the thesaurer to give to James Aitchisoun, dreilmaister, for allevin scoir buikes, ane les, send be him to this burghe, beiring the forme of dreilling, fourtie pund; and ordanes ilk young man of ane mid and guid qualitie that hapnis to be ressavit burgessis heirefter ressave ane of tham for four schilling to the thesaurer, and he to be comptabill thairfoir.

7 September 1633.

Communion wyne.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fiftie pund deburset be him to Henrie Glen for ane hoghead of wyne to serve the communioun this last Peasche quhilk the Bischopis executouris aucht to pay in to the toun.


Nota. The tua fitmantillis and the haill furneising of the velvet fitmantill delyverit to the maister of work laid in the coffer, and he to delyver the same and the kie of the coffer at the nixt electioun to his successour in office.

14 September 1633.

Dutchmen, piracie.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fyve dolouris gevin to Dutchmen rubit be piracie.

28 September 1633.

Legacy by Michaell Wilsone to University.

Gabriell Cunynghame, provest, haifing taking consideratioun that vmquhill maister Michaell Wilsone, ane burges sone of this burgh, quha duelt and deceissit in [Eastborne in the county of Sussex] within the kingdome of Ingland, left in legacie to the College of this brugh of Glasgow fyve hundrethe pund starling money, extending to nyne thousand markis money, to be imployit be the provest of this burgh and principall of the said college for the tyme for reedifeing of the decayit placis of the said College and intertenying of bursouris thairintill of his poor kine, if ony be fund, wtherwayis of poor burgessis sones of this brugh, as they twa sould sett doun and appoynt yeirlie and perpetuallie, quhilk was wpliftit be the principall and memberis of the said College for the tyme ane lang tyme bygane; and in respect that it is most meit and expedient that the bailleis and counsall thair advys and consent be takin yeirlie to the imployment thairof be the said provest and his successouris for thair part, seing the benefeit of the samynn redoundis to the weill of the said brugh, and swa left be the said testator, thairfoir the said provest, with advys and consent of the bailleis and counsall, statutis and ordanis and be the tennour heirof actis and oblissis him and his successouris in office that he and his foirsaid sall do nathing in tyme cuming conceryning the said legacie and imployment thairof without advys and consent of the bailleis and counsall of the said brugh for the tyme, quha sall be haldin and astrictit to concur with him and his successouris to compell the principall, present and to cum, to imploy the said legacie conforme to the said testatoris will abone specifeit, vpoun the touns chairgis, yeirlie and perpetuallie in all tyme cuming; as lykwayis the said provest obleisis him and his foirsaidis to prosequnt and persew for ane iust compt of the said legacie and excrescent proffeit thairof yeirlie sen his and his predicessouris intromission thairwith, and siklyk yeirlie and termlie in tyme cuming, and that vpoun the touns chairgis. Lykas it is statut and ordanit that the bailleis of this brugh and thair successouris in office quha ar appoyntit to be auditouris of the Collegis comptis, be vertew of the fundation thairof, sall yeirlie in tyme cuming, after they be wairnit be the yconimus to heir thair saidis comptis, convein with the provest and counsall of the said brugh for the tyme befoir they heir the saidis comptis, and tak thair informatioun and advys in giving thair consentis and approbatioun thairto, quhairby they may be the better informit to proceid dewlie and ordourlie thairintill for the weill of the said College, and that the rents thairof may be rychtlie imployit to lawfull vsis conforme to the said fundatioun. (fn. 1)

Bursar appointed under Wilsones legacy.

Gabriell Cunynghame, provest, with advys and consent of the bailleis and counsall of the said brugh, hes nominat and presentit, and be the tennour heirof nominatis and presentis Robert Govane, sone lawfull to Johne Govane, officer, burges of this burgh, to the principall and regentis of the College to be ressavit be thame as ane bursour within the said College and interteneit thairin be ane pairt and portioun of the excrescent proffeitis of vmquhill maister Michael Wilsonis legacie left thairto, conforme to the tennour thairof, seing thair is na scollar of his awin pur kin in sut thairof, and that as ane of the twa personis appointit for imployment of the samyn conforme to his will and testament.

1 October 1633.


[At request of the archbishop, the bailies and council elected Mr. William Stewart, merchant, to be provost.


From a leet of nine persons presented by the provost, bailies and council, the archbishop elected George Mure and Johne Maxwall, merchants, and William Howie, litster, to be bailies.]

4 October 1633.


[The old and new magistrates elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors.]

5 October 1633.


[Ordained the treasurer to have a warrant for £50 13s. 4d. disbursed "for help of the river, and vther the tounes effaires," from 28th September to this date.


Elected James Stewart commissioner to the particular convention of burghs to be held at Edinburgh on 8th October.]

9 October 1633.


[Elected Henry Glen, dean of guild; Niniane Andersone, deacon convener; Niniane Gilhage, visitor; Richard Allane, treasurer; James Padie, master of work.]

12 October 1633.

Tolbuithe stiple.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for ane hundrethe four scoir thrie pund gevin out be him to James Colquhoun for the leid and leid work of the stipill of the Tolbuithe.

26 October 1633.

Andro Dykes in distres.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for sevin dolouris gevin be him to Andro Dykes in distres to help him aff the contrie.

2 November 1633.


[Ordained that prices be no higher than the following:—ale, 1s. 4d. the pint; beer, 1s. 8d. the pint; the 12 oz. loaf, 8d.; the bun of 10 oz., 10d.; the tron stone of rough tallow, 40s.; the troy stone of candle, 48s.]

14 November 1633.


The provest, baillies, and counsall [granted commission to Gabriel Cunynghame and Patrik Bell] to treit, advyse and concluid vpoun ane reasonable compositioun to be takin af the haill inhabitantis of this brugh quha hes money lent for annualrent within the samynn, be ane noble marqueis James Marqueis of Hammiltoun, etc., collectour generall to our Souerane Lord for vplifting of the extraordinar taxatioun grantit to his Maiestie of twa of ten of all money lent out for annualrent or to be lent out for three yeiris tocum, beginand the first termes payment at Mertimes last, and for payment of the ordinar and the vther extraordinar taxatioun of sextein pennie of annualrent, grantit to his Maiestie in Junij last, for the space of sex yeirs to cum; and to compone, transact and agrie thairanent with him for the haill inhabitantis of the said brugh for the saidis three taxatiouns, and to do for the said brugh in that cais als ample as can be devysit for the weill thairof.

14 December 1633.

Doctours in Grammer Scool, preiching.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for four scoir markis gevin to maisteris Johne Hammiltoun and James Andersoun, doctouris in the Grammer Scooll, for the helping of the ministeris of this brugh to preiche at divers tymes quhen thay wer imployit. And ordanis thame not to be hard in the lyk heireftir.


  • 1. See further as to the bequest under date 28th February, 1640. Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow (Scottish Burgh Records Society), vol. i., p. 408.