Extracts from the records: 1628

Pages 363-368

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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5 January 1628.

Calsay, saltmercat.

It is fund expedient that the calsey fra the croce doun the Salt Markett be putt out and laid als neir as can be to the buithes on baithe the sydes of the gaitt to mak the hie streit braid.

28 January 1628.

Act aganes Wilsone.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell, vnderstanding of the great abuse done be Robert Wilsoun, younger, officer, at his away passing to the Kingis service, vnder the conduct of the Erle of Mortoun, to the magistrattis of this burghe, baithe be his evill speiches in thair face and in Edinburgh in thair absens, and that thairfoir it was condiscendit that incais of his returne to this burghe he sould not bruik office heireftir, thairfoir the said proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes ordanet this present act to be sett doun thairvpoun, declairing heirby for thame and thair successouris that the said Robert sall not be ressauit heirefter ane of the officeris of this burghe, nor to na vther office within the same during his lyftime.

Officers, Yuill waigis.

It is statute and ordanet in all tyme cuming that ony persoun or persounes quhatsumeuer [quha] hapinis heireftir to be ressauit officeris of this burghe, eftir the electioun of the magistratts at Michaelmes, quha war not in office the yeir preceiding, sall haue na pairt of the said officeris Yuile waigis to be electit be thame at Yule nixt eftir the saidis new officeris electioun yeirlie in all tym cuming.

Writtis takin out.

The said day, tane out of the chartour kist the richtis of the new mylne of Partik following, viz.: James Bischop of Glasgwes rentell grantit to him be vmquhile Archibald Lyoun of the said mylne; item, the contract betuix the toun and the said Archibald; ane rentall grantit to the toun be my Lord of Blantyre of the said mylne; item, ane seasing gevin be vertew of Blantyris chartour grantit to the toun thairof, maister Henrie Gibsoun notar thairto; and Johne Archebischop of Glasgwes ratificatioun of the infeftment grantit be his Majestie to the toun of the said mylne; to be send eist to Edinburgh in the defens of the actioun of contraventioun intentit be James Steuart aganis the toun.

2 February 1628.

Pley with Dumbartoun.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsall hes condiscendit and aggreit to prosequnt and follow out the decreit arbitrall betuix this toun and Dumbartane, and to decyde befoir the lordis all contraverseis resulting thairupoun be law, and to concur and assist Patrik Bell and his pertineris for redres of the wrangis done be Dunbartane to him.

9 February 1628.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of xxx li. vj s. viij d. gevin be him to John Steuart and James Rankein, masounes, for working ane ruid of pavement in the Trongait Kirk, by and attour xviij pavement stanes thai gatt to thame selff for thair work.

23 February 1628.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for nyne dolouris gevin be him to the proueist, quhilk he geve to maister Hew Gibsoune to delyuer to the toun the evidentis of the new mylne quhilk he haid besyde him.


Ordanes the dean of gild to aggrie with [blank] Dunlope, and to ressaue him burges and gildbrother, and gif his fyne to maister Robert Scott for releis of the Frainche ministeris sonnes debt.

5 April 1628.

Liberarie hous.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes condiscendit and aggreit that James Colquhoun, wricht, and John Boyid, masoun, build and repair the dekayet pairtis of the liberarie hous of the Hie Kirk, putt the ruiff thairon, geist and loft the samyn, and theik the samyn with leid, and do all thingis necessar thairto, for thrie thowsand and ane hundrethe merk to be payet be the toun to thame, conforme to ane contract to be sett doun betuix the toun and thame thairupoun.

Warrand, Park.

Ordanes the thesaurer to gif to William Park, myller, twentie pund for his supplie, becaus accidentlie he brak his leg quhen he haid the ladillis fra Witsounday 1626 to Witsounday 1627, and ducht not attend his service to his great lois.

10 May 1628.


Ordanes the present counselhous, nixt to the justice hous, to be repairit with bunkouris and saittis in the maist cumlie and civile forme for decoratioun of the hous.

Inschbellie brige.

Williame Neilsoun, bailyie, [and three others,] ar ordanet and nominat to sicht Inschbellie brig and appoynt the forme how it sould be buildit, and to report againe.

17 May 1628.


Robert Bogle, mercheant, and Manasse Lyill, skynner, ar electit and chosin to carie the collouris as anseinyeis of this burghe for ane yeir to cum.

3 June 1628.

Commoun goodisrowpit.

[The mills, with the multures, set for a year for 7200 marks; the duties of the ladle for 1725 marks; the custom of the tron for 500 marks; the custom of the bridge, "with the gers of the grene," for 452 marks; and "the gers of Litill Sanct Mungois kirkyaird" for ten marks.]

12 July 1628.

Warrand, minister.

The proueist bailyeis and counsell ordanis the thesaurer to gif to maister Robert Scott, minister, the sowme of ane hundrethe pundis to pay the chyrurgianes quha curit him of his diseas.

26 July 1628.

Warrand, horolog, etc.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of four scoir pundis deburset be him to Patrik and Mathow Colquhounes for forming, making, and vpputting of the horolog brodis, mones, bunkis and roweris, and als for xxiij s. quhilk the said Matho gave for doun bringing and vptaking of the . . . quheill and xlviij s. for tua anseinyie stalffis.

9 August 1628.

Herring mercat.

Be pluralitie of voittis, the hering mercat is appoynttit to be placet betuix the trone and the flesche marcatt, and thair the tapsteris to stand and sell thair hering in tyme cuming.

16 August 1628.

Warrand, metrapolitan kirk.

[The treasurer ordained to have a warrant for the balance of £178 15s., "deburset for poyntting the tua stipillis of the Metrapolitan Kirk."]

23 August 1628.

Knok, tolbuithe.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes condiscendit and aggreit to gif to Johne Neill thrie hundrethe merkes money, and that by and attour sax hundrethe merkes quhilk the toun was bund to pay to him for the great new knok of the Tolbuithe, maid be him to the toun vpoun his awin chairges, becaus they fand that he was ane great loser, and the said knok was worthe the foirsaid haill sowme.

30 August 1628.

Warrand, Knok, etc.

[The treasurer to have a warrant for 50 marks given to John Jaffray, "forder nor Johne Neill gave him for forging of the knok, becaus it was lang in working, and sindrie pairtis thairof wrocht over agane;" and also a warrant for 390 marks "to be gevin to Vallentyn Ginking, paintour, for gilting of the horologe brodis, palmes, mones, the Kingis armes and all paintrie and cullouring thairof and of the justice hous."]

Skellit bell, Rankein.

Gilbert Rankein is electit and nominat to keip the skellat bell, and to haue all feis and causualiteis belanging thairto, and he to serce and keip all dewteis the haiferis thairof of befoir was in vse and custome, quha being present, acceptit the said office in and vpoun him and gave his aithe de fideli administratione thairintill.

30 September 1628.


[At the desire of the archbishop, the bailies and council admitted James Hammiltoun provost for the ensuing year.]


[From a leet of nine persons, six merchants and three craftsmen, the archbishop elected Colein Campbell, George Barclay, and John Padie bailies.]


The said day, befoir the proueist was nominat, maister Johne Hutchesoun is continwit clerk for the yeir to cum, conform to the ordour of his electioun.

4 October 1628.


[The old and new provost and bailies elected fourteen merchants and thirteen craftsmen to be councillors.]

And becaus thair is tua persounes, ane mercheand and ane craftisman, putt on counsell this yeir ma nor wont to be the yeiris preceiding, thairfoir the proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes statute and ordanet that the nixt yeir quhen the counsell is electit that ane mercheant and ane craftisman salbe off the present number, and sua that the number of ordiner counsellouris to be nominat be the magistratis, auld and new, sall not exceid the number was the yeir preceiding this present electioun bot to be conforme thairto.

8 October 1628.

Dean of guild, etc.

[The provost, bailies, and council elected Patrik Bell dean of guild; William Neilsoun, deacon convener; Ninian Gilhagie, visitor; Thomas Young, treasurer; Gilbert Merschell, procurator fiscal; and William Andersoun, master of work.]

18 October 1628.

Warrand, kirk.

[The treasurer to have a warrant for forty merks disbursed for "beitting and repairing of the laich stipill of the Metrapolitan Kirk."]

1 November 1628.

Warrand, ministeris.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for sewin scoir merkis deburset be him for sevin mairtis to the ordiner ministeris, tua to ilk ane of the eldest thrie and ane to maister John Bell, younger.

8 November 1628.

Statutisanent the pryces.

[Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged, viz., ale, 1s. 8d. the pint; bear, 2s. the pint; the loaf of twelve ounces, 1s.; the trone stone of tallow, £2; and the troy stone of candle, £2 8s.]

12 November 1628.


Ordanes the haill mylnes belongis to the toun heritablie and in tak to be servit be ane myller and ane knave, tua persounes allanerlie, and ane of thame salbe he that takis vp the fermoreris deutie in all tyme cuming in ilk ane of the said mylnes, and the myller to sustein his knave vpoun his bonok to be vptakin be the saidis mylleris, and ilk ane of tham, with the measouris gevin to tham be the dean of gild vnder the tounes seale, ilk persoun vnder the paine of ten pund toties quoties.

13 December 1628.

Robertsoun, agent.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes aggreit and condiscendit to give yeirlie to maister James Robertoun, advocatt last chosin for tham, agent for the toun, ten pund of yeirlie feall, and tua half barrellis hering as the rest of the tounes principall advocattis gettis, during the tounes will and pleasour allanerlie.

20 December 1628.

Warrand, advocattis.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue a warrand for the sowme of ane hundrethe thrie pund xiiij s. vj d. deburset be him to the maister of work, quhilk he gave for xiiij half barrellis of hering, packing thairof, barellis and cariage to Edinburgh to the advocattis and vtheris thair lawearis and writteris as the yeir preceiding.