Extracts from the records: 1626

Pages 351-357

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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21 January 1626.

Warrand, minister.

Ordanes Gawn Neisbit, thesaurer, to content and pay to maister John Bell, minister, the sowme of thrie hundrethe merkis for his supplie to the payment of Elizabethe Bell his dochteris tocher.

28 January 1626.

Warrand, tolbuithe.

[The treasurer directed to repay the sum of £120 disbursed to quarriers, carters, and masons, and also £640 for timber "bocht for vse of the Tolbuithe."]

11 February 1626.

Taking doun of the old tolbuithe.

The said day, it is concludit that the proueist and bailleis deill with John Boyid and Patrik Colquhoun anent the downtaking of the Tolbuithe, and to sie quhat can be gottin doun of thrie hundretht markis as thai haue alreddie offerit to tak doun the same for the said sowme, and als to deill with Johne Neill, knok maker, to mak ane new knok, and to try the pryce, and als to deill with the tennentis of the buithes vnder the Tolbuithe that thai may remove.

Ramsay, boursour.

[On the supplication of John Ramsay, messour, the council agreed to give to James Ramsay, his son, the next vacant bursary in the college of Glasgow, "he being fund apt and habill."]

18 February 1626.


It is appoyntit that the chartour kist and the haill buikes in the pres sall be putt in the dean of gildis hous, to be keipit quhill the Tolbuithe be buildit, and James Hammiltoun to keip the key of the kist that thai ar putt in.

4 March 1626.

Irone wark of the tolbuithe.

Gabriell Smythe, smythe, aggreit with the proueist, bailyeis and counsel to work the haill irne work of the Tolbuithe for xiij s. iiij d. betuix the stanes of irne.

William Neilsoun, elder, and William Andersoun is appoynttit to oversie the work of the Tolbuithe the nixt oulk and the quarreouris and cairteris.

15 March 1626.


The grund stane of the Tolbuithe of Glasgw was laid. The workmen ar thais:—Johne Boyid, maister of the work [and eleven others] maisteris of the maisones; servandis, James Johnsoun [and five others]; printeisses, John Stutt [and six others.]

18 March 1626.


Ordanes ane warrand to be gevin to the thesaurer to pay to the wrichtis and masounes tua hundrethe and fiftie merkis for the dountaking of the Tolbuithe as thai aggreit thairfoir.

1 April 1626.

Warrand, tolbuithe.

[A warrant to be given to the treasurer for £208 1s. 4d. debursit be him to the masounes, barrowmen, quarreouris, cairteris and vtheris at the work of the tolbuithe (fn. 1) from 15th to 26th March.]

8 April 1626.

Scherping maissoun yrones.

The same day Gabriell Smythe vndertuik to scharp the haill masoun irnes during the tyme of the building of the tolbuithe and stipill thairof quhill the work be endit for fourtie pundis money, viz.: xx li. in hand and xx li. quhen the work is endit; and in cais he be a loser he referis himselff in thair will thairfoir, and he to haue ane warrand to the thesaurer to pay the first xx li.

1 May 1626.

Wilkie, minister.

James Inglis, proueist, and Walter Douglas ar ordanet to ryde to Sanctandrois and deale with the archiebischop thairof about maister Robert Wilkein, minister, his releis fra Edinburghis sute to haue him.

8 May 1626.


James Inglis, proueist, and Walter Douglas reportit the archiebischop of Sanctandrois ansuer anent maister Robert Wilkein.

13 May 1626.

Townes coullouris.

Robert Bar and James Robieson, baxter, ar electit and nominat to beire the tounes cullouris at the nixt mustir day the fourtein day of Junij nixtocum.

30 May 1626.

Commoun goodis sett.

[Town mills set from 2 June to the next Friday after Whitsunday next for 6300 merks; for same period the ladle set for £900; the trone for 530 merks; the bridge custom for 200 merks; and the grass of the kirk yaird "callit litle Sanct Mungois kirk yaird" for £4.]

17 June 1626.


Ordanes ane warrand to be gevin to the thesaurer to gif fiftie merk for help and supplie of the building of the brig of Garvan.

15 July 1626.

Sanderis, music schoolmaster.

The said day the proueist bailyeis and counsell aggreit with James Sanderis to instruct the haill bairnes within this burghe that is putt to his schole musik for ten schillingis ilk quarter to him selff and fourtie penneis to his man, and thairfoir the saidis proueist and bailyeis dischairges all vthir scholaris within this burghe to teache musik in tyme cuming during thair will allanerlie.

Huchesoune, commissioner.

Maister John Hutchesoun, commoun clerk, is electit and nominat to be commissioner to Edinburgh for defens of sindrie actiounes depending aganis this burghe, and also to compone for the extraordiner taxatioun as of befoir.

19 July 1626.

Inglis, commissioner.

Ordanes ane commissioun to be drawin vp and send to James Inglis, proueist, quha is presentlie in Edinburgh, to gif to the lordis of his Majesteis privie counsell thair lettere direct to this burghe concerning the schiping and marineris.

2 August 1626.


The saidis persounes convenit in counsell, all in ane voice, hes aggreit and condiscendit that the ordiner and extraordiner taxatioun salbe advancet conforme to the burghe of Edinburgh to be payet befoir Mertimes nixt, as thair commissioner could aggrie, and electit and nominat maister Johne Hutchesoun, thair clerk, to go to Edinburgh with all diligence and aggrie with the collectour generall thairanent, and ordanes him to haue ane commissioun subscriuit be the proueist and bailyeis to that effect.

12 August 1626.


The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell electit and nominat James Hammiltoun, elder, [and fifteen others] stentmaisteris, ordaining tham to stent the haill burgessis and inhabitantis within the said burghe subject to tham thairintill, for the first and secund termes payment of his Majesteis taxatioune grantit be the estaitis in October last bypast.

19 August 1626.


[Gabriell Conynghame and maister John Hutchesoun, clerk, appointed commissioners to the convention to be held at Edinburgh on 21st August, "and als to ansuer to the counsellis lettere the xxj day thairof direct to this burghe anent schiping and furnitour thairof and furneising of armes."]

26 August 1626.

Wilkie, minister.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell, all in ane voice, condiscendit and aggreit that thai and thair successoures sall pay yeirlie to maister Robert Wilkein, ane of thair ordiner ministeris, his ordiner stipend of ane thowsand merk be yeir, at Witsounday and Mertimes, be equall portiounes, incais he be suspendit or deposet fra preiching the word of God for not serving the cure in the burghe of Edinburghe, quha hes electit him ane of thair ordineris, and that sua lang as he remaynes constant and serves in na vther place by thame his ordiner within this realme for his constancie and luiff he careis to the said burghe his flok.

2 September 1626.


Maister John Hutchesoun, clerk, producit his deligens anent his commissioun to the conventioun of burrowes the xxj day of August last bypast, and quhat was done befoir his Maiesteis counsell the xxij day thairof anent the furnitour of schiping of armes and vtheris contenit in the burghe of Edinburghis lettere first direct to this burghe, and in his Maiesteis counsellis lettere direct here sen syne, quhilk was approvin and allowit and he exonerit thairanent.

16 September 1626.


[The council having found that "James King, myller, has not bein resident this lang tyme bygane within this burghe, and hes not borne burding as ane frie burges within the same," ordained that it should not be lawful to give him a vote at the election of the deacon of the wrights.]


Ordanes the deane of gild and his brethering of counsell to ressaue doctour Archibald Lyndsay burges and gild brethir of this burghe, and the benefeit thairof to succeid to his bairnes als frelie as ony vther burges within the same, for his service done be him to this burghe and inhabitantis within the same in his calling and help of the pure, and to gif him the greater kair to continew thairintill.

3 October 1626.


[At the desire of the archbishop of Glasgow, the bailies and council received James Inglis provost for the ensuing year.]


[From a leet of nine persons, the archbishop nominated Patrick Bell, James Steuart, and William Neilson, bailies.]

Huchesone, clerk.

Maister John Hutchesoun continewit clerk of the said burghe for the yeir to cum, electit conforme to the first act of his electioun.

7 October 1626.


[The provost and new and old bailies "electit the persounes following to be on counsell, viz.," [follow names of thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen.]

11 October 1626.

Deane of gild.

[From a leet of three, Colein Campbell chosen dean of guild; from a leet of the same number, Ninian Andersoun elected deacon convener; from a leet of five, Ninian Gilhagie elected visitor; from a leet of three, Andro Fauldis elected treasurer; and from a leet of three, William Gibsoun elected master of work.]

14 October 1626.

Ale, beir, breid, &c.

[Ale not to be sold dearer than 1s. the pint, beer nor 1s. 4d. the pint; 12 oz. loaf of wheat bread to be sold for 8d.; "ruch tallow" not to be sold dearer than 40s. the trone stone; made candle to be sold for 3s. the pound troy.]


And that all the remanent auld actis and statutis sett doun for the weill of this burghe of befoir be proclemit and weill keipit, vnder the paines contenit thairintill; quhilkis haill auld actis and statutis maid of befoir the proueist bailyeis and counsell ratifeis, appruifes and admittis the samyn als sufficient als gif ilk act war heirin speciallie insert.

Water sergeand.

[John Young continued water sergeand for the year to come.]

21 October 1626.

Procuratour fiscall, etc.

[Gilbert Merschell continued procurator fiscal, and David Stark "admittit to brek the salmount" for the year to come.]

28 October 1626.


[A warrant to be given to the treasurer for ten pounds paid by him "for letteris of double trublance raiset at the instance of Edward Daveis, Dutchman, aganis Glasgw and Dunbartane be Glasgwis imployment.]

18 November 1626.

Regentis of the collegis, towne bairnes.

Ordanes the bailyeis to speik the principall and regentis of the Colledge of Glasgw anent the brek of the ordinance sett doun quhat the regentis sould haue yeirlie fra the burges sonnes for thair learning, and about the tounes brussouris quha ar urget to gif ane silver pund at thair entrie, aganis the auld forme, and tak sik ordour thairanent as appertenis, and als to speik thame anent maister [Michael] Wilsone testament, and about the moneyis he left to the Colledge, and in quhat maner the samyn is imployet.

25 November 1626.

Forsythe dischargit.

Maister Matho Forsyithe is ordanet to be discharget to procure for this burghe in tyme cuming as ane of thair ordiner procuratouris, for his misbehaviour and rasche speiches befoir his Majesteis secreit counsell aganis the magestratis of this burghe, notour to the counsell, and dischargis his pensioun in tym cuming.

16 December 1626.

Warrand, minister.

Ordanes the thesaurer to gif to maister Robert Wilkein, minister, four hundrethe merkis money for deffraying of his chairges in going vp to court, quhairintill he did gud service to the toun that he sould remayne thair minister and get his transportatioun to Edinburgh stayit.


  • 1. From 12 April, 1626, till 31 March, 1627, inclusive, while the "work of the tolbuithe" was in progress, the meetings of council, which, both before and after that period, are usually stated to have been held in the "counselhous," were held in the "New Kirk," otherwise called the Trongait Kirk; with the exception of those of 20 May and 27 December, which were held in the Merchant Hospital, and that of 3 January, held in the Tolbooth.