Pages 34-46
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.
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18 January 1574–5.
Heid court.
The heid court after Yule of the burght and citie of Glasgw, haldin in the tolbuytht of the samyn be [the provost and bailies.]
Lepir: Margaret Gardiner presentit in jugement and fund lepir; Robert Allansoun, lykws; Jonet Schelis, inlykmaner; Andro Browne, absent and decernit to be banist or ellis to pas to the hospitall.
Scab: Williame Michell hes twa scabbit hors; Johne Wilsoun hes ane; Williame Trumble hes ane.
And it is statute be the prouest, baillies, and counsale that nane hald scabbit or fairsy hors within the towne to resort amang wtheris, bot owther to hald thame within thair awin houssis or ellis put thame furtht of the towne in tyme cuming, vnder the pane of v lib. ilk falt.
28 January 1574–5.
Pettigrew, Steyne, burgessis.
Patrick Pettigrew, cordiner, is maid burges and freman . . . ; and siclik Johne Steyne, meleman, is maid burges, . . . quhais fynes wes gevin be the provest, baillies and counsale to the foure officiaris, be vertu of ane rolment subscriuit be the prouest and baillies.
1 February 1574–5.
Elphinstoun, factour.
[Decreet given against Johne Mwdy, maltman, for payment to George Elphinstoun, factor to Mr. Archibald Douglas, parson of Glasgow, of £12 3s. 4d. scots in Mwdy's hands, being a debt owing to John Boyd, who had been decerned by the lords of council a sum to the parson for "certane teyndis of Kowcaldanes."]
Dauid Landes is decernit and ordanit to content and paye to maister Henry Gibsone, as executour to umquhill Johne Gibsone, the sowme of five merks iiii s. viij d. money restand awand be him to the said vmquhill Johne for the annuel pertenyng to his almousbed, of the termes of Vitsondaye and Mertimes, in the yeir of God jm vc lxxiiij yeir, and xvi s. restand of ane compt maid betuix the saidis vmquhill Johne and Dauid in Katerine hous, and that becaus the said Dauid failyeit in prevyng of the samyn payit, it beyng referrit to his preif and diuers termes assignit thairto; and that within xv dayis next.
8 February 1574–5.
Swan, wrang.
Peter Symsoun, fleschour, is fund in the wrang and amerciament of court for trublance done be him to Niniane Swan in stryking of him witht ane Irland knyfe throw the cloik and in the thee, vpone the xxix of Januare last; and dwme gevine thairupone.
22 February 1574–5.
Douglas, archidene.
Anent the actione of removing persewit be maister Archibald Douglas, archidene of Glasgw, comperand be Michael Barde his procuratour, aganis Johne Moresone for non removing fra his yarde in Drygate as he that wesf lachfullie warnit to remove thairfra at Candilmes last, the said Johne comperand askit ane terme to gif in all his peremptouris vnico contextu quhilk wes grantit and assignit thairto the first daye of Merche nixt, parte and procuratour warnit be the act thairto.
4 March 1574–5.
Bog, wrang.
Jonet Fary, spous to James Andersoun, is fund in the wrang for the wrangus breking of the staple of ane hyngand lok pertenyng to Dauid Bog, being vpoun the multour kist in the towne mylne, and taking furtht thairof of v multouris and thre knaifschipis of malt, and dwme gevin thairon, and is ordanit to repair and mend the samyn to the said Dauid and satisfe him sa fer as pertenis him thairof.
Anent the supplicatione gevin in be Matho Flemyng, bering that he hes bene haldin in the hiecht tolbuytht in warde be the space of four wlkis bipast for nonfulfilling of ane rolment at the instans of Alexander Rynd, for ane hogheid hering, price xij merkis, and hes nathing to sustene him vpoun nor had bot the almous in the toun sen his inputting, and offerit to sueir him bair that he hes na kynd of guddis wortht v s. nor may get ony pay the dett, and thairfore desyrit releif, the baillies, eftir the hering of the said complaynt, causit the said desyre to be publist be John Watsone, officer, publicklie vpoun the mercat croce, warnand all and sindry haveand entres thairto; and becaus nane comperit to ganesay the samyn and that the said Matho instantlie gaif his aytht suerand him bayr as sayd is, and nane wald sustene him in ward, thai leit him stand in the tolbuytht.
15 March 1574–5.
Bar, burges.
Patrik Bar, maltman, is maid burges and freman of the burght and citie of Glasgw, and hes gevin his aytht of fidelitie to the toun; quhais fynes wes gevin to William Wilsoun, William Michell and Andro Gilleis, to support thame quha hes thair thre hors ane stollin and the rest deid, conforme to ane rolmont gevin to thame be the provest, baillies, and counsale.
25 March 1575.
Vniuersite of Glasgw.
[Decree given at the instance of "maisteris Andro Melvill and Petir Blakburn, regentis of the pedagog and vniuersite of Glasgw," against several persons, ordaining them to remove from certain lands and yards in Brwmelaw, Langcroft, Crubbis, Mutland croft, Dowhill, "the vicar of the queiris yardis," etc., "pertening to the said vniuersite be the gift gevin to thame be the toun."]
19 April 1575.
Curia capitalis post Pascha.
The heid court eftir Pasche of the burght and citie of Glasgw, halding [by the provost and bailies]. Counsale callit and present.
Lepir: Margaret Gardiner, dochter to Steyne Gardiner, Andro Browne, Patrik Tebir; all ordanit to be expellit the toun.
10 May 1575.
Giloristsoun, Inglis, wrangis.
Patrik Gilcristsoun is fund in the wrang for contrauenyng of the statutis of the town in non presenting his v sekfull of beir to the mercat sted, bot sellyng the samyn or the presentyng thairof; and als William Inglis, maltman, is lykwys fund in the wrang for huirding and ressait of beir in his kill diuers tymes this yeir last, abstractand the samyn fra the mercat; and incais ony beis fund heireftir in his kill, to be eschetit vpone the said Williamis charge onlie and nocht of thame quhom to it sall appertene, and dwme gevin thairupoun.
Bryse, Gilmour, Craufurd, wrangis.
Johne Gilmour, cordiner, is fund in the wrang for trublans done be him to Williame Brys, in stryking of him on the haffet with his neifis on the hie gait, vpone the viij of Maij instant; and the said Williame is decernit in the wrang for invadyng of the said Johne with ane drawin quhinger, vpon the brig of Glasgw, lang thaireftir, the said daye; and als Robert Craufurd is fund in the wrang for trublans done be the said Robert to the said Williame in taking of him be the thropill and wesand and castyng of him to the erd, trampyng and dumpyng him with his feit cruellie, the said daye; and dwme gevin thairvpon.
24 May 1575.
Ladill, brig.
[The casualties of the market, "callit the ladill," set to John Wilsoun, pewderer, for 170 merks; and the "new gift gevin to the brig and small casualiteis grantit thairto" set to John Snype for forty pounds.]
Thesaurer, maister of work, commone clerk.
[From a leet of seven, John Tempill, merchant, chosen "thesaurar for this present yeir;" from a leet of four, James Flemyng chosen "maister of work for this present yeir;" and from a leet of four, "maister Henry Gibsoun" chosen "commone clerk for this instant yeir."]
The menstrales continewit quhill the Symmerhill quhen the haill communite salbe present to geve thair votis thairanent.
27 May 1575.
Burges, gratis.
George Esdale, sclater, is maid burges and frieman, . . . quhais fynes wes amittit to him be the prouest baillies and counsale for his lauboris done be him to the Hie Kirk.
31 May 1575.
Skinneris, wrang.
Johne Grhame in Pollok, Patrik Grhame, Dauid Grhame and Andro Langlane thair, Dauid Huchinsoun in Carmyle and Johne Huchinsoun, his sone, ar all fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court for the beying of skynnis within the burro ruidis, thay beand vnfre, and ar decernit and ordanit, of thair awne confessiounes, to abstene from vsing of siclik in tymes cumyng, vnder the pane of escheting of the guddis bocht, and dwme gewin thairupone.
3 June 1575.
Wilsoun, ladle, wrang.
Williame Glen, baxtare, is fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court for the defrauding of the ladle in geving of the quheit furlott to mett, the custum thairof beyng vnpayit, and dwme gevin thairupone, and that becaus the said Williame refusit to sweir how money penneis he gat this daye and this daye viij dayis, and thairfore is decernit in nyne ladle full of quheit.
14 June 1575.
Wrang. Flemyng, commone procuratour.
Comperit James Flemyng, commone procuratoure, and accusit Cristiane Paull, relict of vmquhile Robert Craufurde in Westir Craigis, for the wrangus casting and awaye leding of turfis and peitis furtht of the commonitie of Glasgw and taking awaye thairof to the Craigis, beyng ane wther lordis ground, this instant lxxv yeiris, lik as hir husband did the yeiris befoir; the said Cristiane and Johne Craufurde hir sone grantit thai haid licience to cast and tak awaye the yeiris preceding this yeir and thairfore this instant lxxv yeir grantit thai socht na licience, and thairfore come in the prouest and baillies will for the wrang thairof.
15 July 1575.
Brokas, wrang.
Johne Wilsoun, tailyour, is fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court for trublens done be him to Elizabeth Brokas, in castyng of hir downe to the erd and dumping hir with his kneis and skailing of hir sybois, vpone the vi daye of Julij instant, at the mercatt croce within the tyme of proclamatioun; and dwme gevin thairupone.
19 July 1575.
Marione Flemyng is decernit, of hir awin confessioun, to deliuer to Jonet Lok ane aquavite pot, laid in wod of xliiij s., thre pewder platis and ane pan, in wod of xxx d., and twa ellis of Holand claytht and ane pair of lang slevis of worsett, vpone v s.; all within xv dayis 'nixt, scho deliuerand to hir the said sowmes of money.
22 September 1575.
Statutis. New commone well.
Item, the prouest, baillies and counsale ordanis the in the Gallogate to be oppinit daylie in the mornyng and lockit at ewin, and deputis Michael Pudyane, or sum wther, to attend thairto and keip the said well and key thairof, and to haif xl s. of feall thairfore, for the space of ane yeir nixtocum.
Item, thai have statute and ordanit that na huksteris, topparis of salt, fre or vnfre, nor yit strangeris duelland owtwitht the toun or vnfre folkis, by ony salt, nor nane be sauld to thame in the tyme of ladyning, quhill ix houris of the daye, and that the haill salt be presentit and brocht to the mercate sted and mett thair, vnder the pane of viij s. the first falt, xvi s. the secund, and escheting for the thrid falt.
Item, that the houre of selling hering at the brig contenit in auld statutes be kepit and the contravenaris punist conforme to the auld statutis.
Item, as anentis the supplicatioun of the burges sonnys desyring thair fynes to be mitigat and thai nocht handlit as strangeris, the prouest, baillies and counsal ordanis the practik of wthir townes, as Edinburght, Stirlyng, Perth, Air, or vtheris, be brocht in writt to se quhat fauouris is schawin thair, and thaireftir thai sall condiscend and decerne thairanent.
4 October 1575.
The court of the burght and citie of Glasgw for nemmyng of the lytis of the baillies for this yeir to cum, haldin be ane noble and potent lord Robert lord Boyde, George Elphinstoun, maister Adam Walles, and Archibald Lioun, baillies, in the tolbuyth thairof.
The quhilk daye, ane noble and potent lord Robert lord Boyde, be vertu of my lord archibischopis of Glasgwis nominatioun, registrat in thir buikis the last yeir, acceptit the office, and his commissioun ordanit to be maid and gevin to him for this yeir to cum.
Lytis, baillies.
Lytis lytit be the provest, baillies and auld counsale, to be presentit to my lord archibischop of Glasgw for nemmyng of twa or thre of thame in baillies for this yeir to cum, requeistand allwayis my lorde to nominat thre in respect of the multitude of the peple and trubles in office: George Elphinstoun, maister Adam Walles, Archibald Lioun, auld baillies; James Flemyng, William Conyghame, Andro Baillie, Johne Wilsoun, pewderar, James Braidwod cordiner.
10 October 1575.
Quhilkis lytis being presentit to my lord archibischop of Glasgw, vpoun the x day of October foirsaid, and the requeist maid to my lord he wald bot name twa persounes thairof [the following were elected], viz., baillies for this instant yeir, William Conyghame, Andro Baillie.
Provest, baillies.
And the said daye my lord prouest acceptit his commissioun, and lykwyse the said William Conyghame acceptit his commissioun and office, and gave thair aithis for lele and trew administratioun in thair offices respectiue during the tyme thairof.
Water bailye.
Watter bailye for this present yeir: Maister William Logane.
And thaireftir my lord prouest, new and auld baillies, electit and chesit the consale for this present yeir to cum, quhom thai namyt: Consilium pro presenti anno, George Elphinstoun [and fourteen others, including "James Flemyng maister of work" and "Johne Tempill, thesaurar"].
Lynaris for this present yeir: James Flemyng maister of work [and four others].
Officiaris for this present yeir: James Andersoun [and three others].
Commone procuratour.
Commone procuratour for this yeir: my lorde prouest.
Statute.; Statute counsale.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the provest, baillies and counsale, that gif ony persone of the counsale happinnis to revele ony thing spokin or tretit in counsale as counsale, salbe removit of the counsale and neuir in tymes cuming to be admittit vpon the counsale agane bot haldin [in] infame and thair fredomes callit doun.
Item, it is statute anentis the officiaris, conforme to the statutis maid of befoir, that incais thai be nocht serviable bot committis falt thairinto wordy depriuation, thai incontinent thaireftir be removit and wtheris putt in thair places be the prouest, baillies and counsale.
Keiparis of keyis.
The keiparis of the keyis for this present yeir: [Here follow the names of the keepers of two keys of "the litill kist," two of "the mekle schryne," one of "the hyngand lock," and one of "the littel box."]
Statuta pro presentianno.
[Acts passed in terms similar to those of October last year. Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged: ale, 7d. the pint; tallow, 18s. the stone; candle, 1s. 2d. the pound; the four pence loaf to weigh sixteen ounces. The following acts are entirely or partly new.]
Hydis, etc.
[It is statute and ordanit] that all the hydis and skynnis, haill and nocht diminisit nor tarleddirit, togiddir witht thair talloun, be brocht witht boukis togiddir to the mercatt, vnder the [pain of eight shillings] the first falt, the second falt escheting of the guddis and deling to the pure, and thrid discharging of vsing sick merchandise.
Talloune, hydis.
It is statute and ordanit . . . that na merchantis nor fleschouris by tallowne or hydis in preiudice of the towne, or by tallowne, hydis or skynnis witht strangeris money or penneworthis vnder colour, and nowther pak nor peill witht thame or vnfremen, vnder the pane of escheting of sick guddis respective.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that na mele salbe sauld nor seckis oppinnit thairto quhill ten houris of the daye, and that nane foirstall the mercatt in bying of mele cumand to the mercatt to sell and top agane, and ilk sellare and awner of the mele mett the samyn thame selfis according to the auld statutis, vnder the pane of aucht schillingis ilk falt, and that thair be na mele hid in houssis bot all presentit to the mercatt sted nor sauld outwitht the samyn, vnder the said pane.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that all crames witht wollin clayth stand abone the croce and crames witht linneyng clayth stand benetht the croce, vnder the pane of viij s. ilk falt, except sa mony fremen that hes buythis that may stand foirnent thair buithis thair awin geir.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that the baillies visie and sicht the mercatis of butter, cheis, mele, beir, and wtheris, be thair awne presens and thair officiaris that the haill statutis be obseruit.
11 October 1575.
Heid court.
The heid court eftir Michaelmes, haldin in the tolbuytht of Glasgw be ane honorable man Williame Conyghame, ane of the baillies thairof. The suttis callit; the court confermit; dempstare, Johne Andro. Counsale callit and present.
Lepir: Matho Sellare, Margaret Gardiner, Petir Tybir; all ordanit to be expellit the toun.
Rankene, wrang.
James Rankene is fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court for the taking downe at his awne hand of ane greit croce liand in Rattounraw pertenyng to the toun, and thairfore is becumin in the prouest and baillies will; and dwme gevin thairupone.
Foulare, vniuersite.
At the requeist of the maisteris of vniuersite, Johne Foulare is creat officiare to the vniuersite in all effaris concernyng tham and thair fundatioun for ingaddering of thair levyng quhill Michaelmes nixtocum, and hes gevin his aithe of fidelite to that effect.
Wilsone, Anderson, wrangis.
Johne Wilsoun, and James Andersoun, fleschouris, burgessis of Glasgw, ar fund in amerciamentis and vnlawis for absentyng thame fra the generall wapynschawing haldin on the Greyne, the x daye of October instant, thai being wthin the toun the said daye, and contemptuslie abydand thairfra; and dwme gevin thairupone.
21 October 1575.
Scott, wrang.
Johne Benyng, messinger, is fund in the wrang for trublans done be him to Marione Scott, spous to Archibald Hommil, in strkying of hir on the face and vther partis of hir body, vpoun the xvi daye of September last, and for amendis is ordanit to cum to the mercat croce on Monundaye nixt, and thair, vpone his kneis, ask God and hir forgevenes thairfore.
25 October 1575.
Symsone, Swan, wrangis.
Niniane Swan is fund in the wrang for trublans done be him to Marione Symsoun in stryking of hir witht ane tangis and castyng hir down to the erd, vpone the xxij daye of October instant, and siclik the said Marione decernit for spitting vpoun the said Ninianes face the said daye, and dwme gevin thairupoun.
11 November 1575.
Burges, Cumyng.
Johne Cummyng, meleman, maid burges and frieman, . . . . quhais fynes wes gewin to Thomas Craig, techear of the new kirk scule, for his panes, grantit be the baillies and counsale to the said Thomas.
29 November 1575.
Kyncaid, wrang.
Besse Flemyng, spous to Johne Thomsoun, is fund in ane wrang and amerciament of court for trublans done be hir to Eufame Kyncaid, spous to James Neilsoun, in schutyng of hir doun in hir awin fyre and casting of hir cursaye to the erd, vpoun the xxvi of this instant, and dwme gevin thairupoun.
Maklitstare, Syare.; Maklitstare, wrang.
The quhilk daye, in presens of Williame Conyghame, ane of the baillies of Glasgw, comperit the parteis vnderwrittin, witht thair cautionaris eftirspecifeit, and producit this contract vnderwrittin maid betuix thame subscriuit witht thair handis as followis, and desirit the samyn to be insert in the burro court buikis of Glasgw to haif the strentht of ane decreit of the prouest and baillies thairof, thair authoritie to be interponit thairinto, witht executoriales to pas thairupone in forme as efferis, quhilk desyre the baillie thocht ressonable and resauit the said contract and ordanit the samyn to be registrat in the said buikis and decernit the samyn to have the strentht of ane decreit of the said court, interponit his authoritie thairto, witht executoriales to pas thairupone in forme as efferis; off the quhilk contract the tenour followis: At Glasgw, the penult daye of November, the yeir of God jm vc lxxv yeiris, it is appoyntit, aggreit, and finalie endit betuix thir parties vndervrittin, thai ar to saye, Margaret Carnys, relict of vmquhile Niniane McLitster, burges of Glasgw, and William McLitster, his sone and aire, for thame selfis and takand the burding on thame for the remanent barneis, kyn, freyndis and allya of the said vmquhile Niniane McLitster, on that ane part, and Dauid Syare, sone and apperand aire to Niniane Syare, siclik burges of Glasgw, takand the burding on him for the said Niniane his father, on that wther parte, in maner, forme, and effect as eftir followis, that is to saye, forsamekle as the said Margaret Carnys and Williame McLitster, hir sone, for thameselfis, as nerrest of kyn to the said vmquhile Niniane, and takand the burding on thame for the said vmquhile Ninianes remanent barnes and wtheris, his kyn, freyndis, and allya, and partakerris quhatsumeuir, hes remittet and forgevin, as be the tenour heirof remittis and forgevis the said Niniane Syare the malice and hatrent of thair hartis for the slauchter of the said vmquhile Niniane McLitster, committit and done be the said Niniane Syare, with quhatsumeuir actioun criminale or wtherwys that thai had, hes, or maye have thairfor aganis the said Niniane Syare, or ony wther his kyn, freyndis, allya, assisteris, or partakaris, and sall hald thame as freyndis but rancour of myndis, siclik as thai wer befoir the committing of the said slauchter, likas the samyn had neuir bene done or committit, to be put furtht of thair myndis and memories in all tymes cumyng, and sall continew in freyndschip and amite witht the said Niniane Syare, Dauid his sone, thair kyn, freyndis, allya, assisteris and partakeris siclik in tyme cuming; and farther, the saidis Margaret and Williame to that effect and performance thairof, sall seill, subscriue, and deliuer to the said Niniane Syare ane sufficient Lettir of Slayanes, in dew and competent forme, for the said vmquhile Ninianes slauchter of his brancheis, conforme to vse in sick caissis betuix and the first daye of Februare nixt and immediatlie following the daye and dait heirof. For the quhilkis premissis to be done and done in maner foirsaid respectiue, the said Dauid, takand the burding on him for his father, sall caus the said Niniane his father to compere in the Hie Kirk of Glasgw the xi daye of December nixtocum, and thair mak the homage and repentance for the said slauchter, witht sick circumstances and cerymonies as salbe ordanit and devysit be Colene Campbell and Robert Steward, burgessis of Glasgw, chosin and admittit be baytht the parteis to that effect; and forther, the said Dauid, takand the burding as said is, as principall, and Johne Schakschaw, Dauid Hall and James Wilsoun, merchand burgessis of Glasgw, ilk ane of thre for the thrid part of the said sowme vnderwrittin, diuisim, oblissis thame, thair airis, executoris and assignayis, to content and paye to the said Margaret and Williame McLitster, for thameselfis and in thair name of the said vmquhile Niniane McLitsteris remanent barnes, the sowme of thre hundreth merkis money, in name of kynbute for the said slauchter, at the termes following, viz., the equall half thairof at Vitsondaye nixt eftir the dait heirof, and the rest and remanent of the said haill sowme at Vitsondaye thaireftir in the 1x sewintene yeiris: and George Elphistoun of Blythisuod, oblissis him, his airis and assignayis, to releve the said James Wilsoun and his foirsaidis of his part of the said sowme and cautioun foirsaid; and Johne Stewarde of Bowhous oblissis him, his airis and assignayis, to releve the said Johne Schakschaw and Dauid Hall and thair foirsaidis of thair partis of the said sowme and cautioun cumyng abonewrittin, at the said Margaret and Williameis handis; and the saidis Niniane and Dauid Syare his sone, oblissis thame, thair airis, executouris and assignayis, to releif and keip skaythles all the cautioneris afoir writtin of the said haill sowme, at the said Margaret and Williameis handis. And for fulfilling heirof, the saidis parteis foirsaidis ar content that this present contract be insert in the burro court buikis of Glasgw, to have the strentht of ane decreit of thair court of the prouest and baillies thairof, witht executoriales to pas thairupone in forme as efferis. In witnes heirof, etc.
Douglas, persone of Glasgw.
[By a letter of assignation, subscribed on 27 July and recorded in the court book of this date, "maister Archibald Douglas, persoun of Glasgw, for sure and sicker payment to be maid to my louittis, Robert Douglas and Niniane Douglas, brethir, of the sowme of fourty pundis money of pensioun furtht of my said personage of Glasgw, equalie betuix thame," assigned to "ilk ane of thame tuenty pundis money yeirlie to be vptane, ressauit, liftit and intromettit witht fra the baillies of the burght and cietie of Glasgw and thesaurare of the samyn present and for the tyme, of the reddiest payment of the said teynd schawes of the commone new mures of Glasgw, laitlie rewyn furtht amang thame, contenit and specifeit in ane contract maid betuix thame on that ane parte, and the baillies and thesaurare and communitie of Glasgw on that wther parte insert and registrat in the bukis of counsale."]
6 December 1575.
Huchinsoun, Moresoun.
Anent the mater movit be Thomas Hutchinsoun agains Dauid Moresoun in Stokuell, for non payment making to him of ane annuelrent of five merkis money yeirlie, to be vpliftit of the said Dauidis tenement in Stokuelgait wodsett be him to the said Thomas, and restand awand be the space of five yeiris last bipast, extending in the haill to tuenty-five merkis money, as at mair lentht is contenit in bill, baytht the parteis personalie present, comperit alsua Robert Lindsaye of Dunrod, as baillie to my lord Sanct Johne, of the haill tempillandis produceand his commissioun thairupone, and be ressoun the said actioun concernis his jurisdictioun, and craveand annuel of tempilland, and the said Dauid ane tennent of my lord Sanct Johneis, thairfore desyrit the said Dauid to be replegit to his court and baillierie of tempilland, and offerit cautioun of colraytht to that effect, the baillie foirsaid admittit the said Dauid to be replegit to the said baillie of tempilandis court, thair the sait and actioun to be decydit; and to that effect the said tempill baillie appoyntit the xx daye of December instant for ane court to be haldin in the said Dauidis hous in Stokuell, and Dauid Lindsaye, eldare, is becumin cautioun of colraytht for administration of justice thairinto.