Extracts from the records: 1594

Pages 157-159

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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5 October 1594. (fn. 1)


[Lord Blantyre, lord feuar of Glasgow, appointed Sir Mathow Steuarte of Mynto, knight, to be provost.]


[From a leet of eight persons named by the bailies and counsal, with a request that "thai may have only twa or thrie bailleis," "my lorde feware nominat and presenttit Robert Chirneside, Williame Conynghame, James Steuarte, Robert Rowatt, the four auld bailleis the last yeir to be bailleis this yeir to cum."]


Counsale be the prouest and baillies for this present yeir, 1594: Robert Steuarte [and twenty-seven others]. And ordanes to conveine on Weddinsdaye nixt efter the preiching, and the counsale to be warnit thairto to that effect.

9 October 1594.

Water serjeand, etc.

[From a leet of three, Williame Smyth chosen water serjeand; seven officers and ten keepers of keys appointed.]

Commoun Procuratour.

It is thocht nether expedient nor necessar that thair be na commoune procuratour for this yeir to cum, bot the bailleis and vtheris of the counsale aye to declair the faltis thai knaw.


[Nine liners, including Archibald Faulis, master of work, appointed.]

Annual Acts.

[Statutes passed in terms similar to those enacted at the head courts in October in previous years. Ale to be sold not dearer than 10d. the pint; the stone of candle to be sold for 37s. 4d.]

19 October 1594.

Towne delt in quarteris.

It is condiscendit be the bailleis and counsale that the towne salbe deltt in quarteris, viz., in four quarteris, and ilk baillie to exerce the statutes of the towne for thair awin partis of ilk ane of thair awin quarteris this yeir, and to that effect hes cassin loittis and hes fallin thir partis eftir specifeitt conforme to thair tikat as followis, viz., Williame Conynghame, the Greynheid with the eastsyde of the towne and southsyde of the Gallowgate quhill it cum beyond the Gallowgate burne to St. Mongois Kirk on the southesyde; Robert Chirnesyde, the haill southsyde of the Troynegate and west syde of the gate fra the Crois to the Stokwoll, with the Stokwoll, and haill wynds with the remanent to St. Tinewis Kirk; James Steuarte, the haill northsyde of the Gallowgate, with the north syde beyond the Gallowgate burne and east syde fra the croce to the Wyndheid, the haill Drygaite and without and west syde of the towne to the kirk abone the Wyndheid; Robert Rowatt, fra the Stabill Greyn, the haill west syde of the gaite Rattounraw quhill it cum to the new hous biggit be Johnne Loch outwithe the West Porte.


Lipper gevin wpe and present:—Alexander Walker present and ordanit to be putt of the towne; Jonet Grahame in the hospitall alreddy; Thomas Gylkasoune ordanit to keip his awin hous queytt; Johnne Browne, younger, and his brother, ordanes thame to keip the hous, vtherwyis to pas to the hospitell. [Other seven similar cases disposed of.]

25 October 1594.

Burges, drum.

Johne Brain, mariner, is maid burges and frie man of the burgh and citie of Glasgw, and hes gevin his ayth of fidelitie as efferit, quhais fynes is remittit to him gratis be the bailleis and counsale for the pryce of his drwm brocht hame be him and coft be the towne, the said Johnne bringand hame tua new heidis to the said drwm, quhilk he oblissis him to do in setisfactoune of his haill burges fynes, and dome gevin thairvpoun.

29 November 1594.


James Fyndlaye is decernit to enter in service with Johnne Cochreane as he quha conducit him in service, he payand him fyve merkis vj s. viij d. with ane pair of schonie and ane new sark incaice he serve him, and Patrik Walker souerty thairfore, with [blank] for expensis.

3 December 1594.


The bailleis and counsale hes ordanit and appointit James Bell, Thomas Glen, and William Symmer to be collectouris for ingaddering of the extent of the mercheantis to iiijc lib., and to be ingadderit with all diligence, and thairfor ordanes thame to be chargit for ingaddering and collecting thairof incontinent. And als ordanes the deakines to ingadder thair extent conforme to the stent rollis, and the quarter to be diminisit of the last roll, makand thame that wes xl s. to be xxx s., and he that wes xx s. to be xv s., and sua furth efferand to thair partis.

7 December 1594.

Statute, meilmercate.

In presens of the bailleis and counsale. The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit that na kaik baxteris tak wpone hand to be fund in the meill mercatt wpoun the mercatt dayes, quhilk is Maunundaye and Frydaye, quhill allevin houris of the daye be strwkin, and than to by na mair nor 1 firlot of meill ilk mercatt daye, and that onder the paine of xx s. the first falt, the secund falt xl s., and the third falt banising the towne; and als it is statute and ordanit that ane of the counsale and ane of the officeris ilk Maunundaye and Fryday, being mercatt dayes, to remane thair daye about in the meill mercatt as the bailleis sall gif thame informatioune befoir noine, and to begyn the nixt Maununday, and that onder the paine of fyve lib. ilk persoune that failyeis being chargit thairto, and to continew quhill farder occasioune, and first to enter Andro Baillie and William Stobo with him.


  • 1. The records from 31st July, 1590, to 5th October, 1594, are awanting.