Index of names: A-J

Pages 206-219

Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 4, 1594-1603. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1890.

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Abbott, 145, 153, 176, 180.

Abson, 20, 46, 136.

Accrigg, 143.

Accringley, 45.

Acie, 127, 159, 196.

Acklam, 130.

Ackroide, 48.

Aclam, 168.

Adam, 19, 44, 48, 77, 86, 94, 96, 128, 181.

Adams als. Plummer, 155.

Addison, 123.

Addye, 191.

Addyson, 111.

Adwicke, 78.

Agar, 43, 122.

Agarr, 128.

Aikeroid, 88.

Aikeroyd, 41, 125.

Aipthorpe, 91.

Aiscough, 86.

Aiscoughe, 45, 192.

Aiskewe, 192.

Aiton, 179.

Aldburgh, 93.

Aldersley, 105, 200.

Alderson, 59, 185.

Aldred, 146.

Alford, 163, 167, 175.

Alforde, 8, 9.

Allanbrigge, 199.

Allanson, 51.

Allatson, 58.

Allen, 9, 61, 121, 169.

Allenson, 41, 42.

Allerton, 174.

Alleyn, 41, 89.

Allott, 18, 25, 91, 175.

Allyn, 98.

Almond, 21.

Alport, 177.

Alred, 4, 16, 195.

Alsoppe, 164.

Alvye, 34.

Ambler, 23, 72.

Anderson, 26, 106, 114.

Anderton, 183.

Andrewe als. Michell, 118.

Aneley, 93.

Aneleye, 162.

Angeer als. Angell, 68.

Angell als. Angeer, 68.
-, — als. Angier, 117.

Angier als. Angell, 117.

Ann, 67.

Anne, 8, 10, 26, 50, 52, 66, 69, 138, 182.

Antrobus, 31.

Applebie, 188.

Appleton, 135.

Appleyard, 35.

Appleyarde, 149.

Appleyearde, 102.

Archer, 54.

Ardington, 190.

Arelushe, 176.

Arkesey, 7.

Arlushe, 85, 116.

Armfeild, 204.

Arminge, 195.

Armitage, 25, 51, 57, 71, 102, 103, 106, 114, 138, 160, 162, 169, 174, 189, 200.

Armitstead, 155.

Armyne, 108, 112.

Armytage, 2, 16, 19, 39, 51, 88, 124, 132, 190, 191, 196, 203.

Arnold, 135.

Arnotson, 75, 127.

Arrundell, 10.

Arthington, 51, 54, 56, 90, 148, 155, 166, 173, 174.

Ascoghe, 12.

Ascough, 135.

Ascoughe, 13.

Ashe, 49, 79, 93, 100, 134, 135.

Asheley, 143.

Asheton, 199.

Ashley, 26, 205.

Ashton, 70, 107, 131, 161.

Aske, 5, 27, 28, 29, 46, 57, 88, 100, 108, 178.

Askern, 25.

Askew, 113.

Askwith, 200.

Aspden, 99.

Asquith, 154.

Assheton, 73.

Asteley, 80.

Astley, 77, 79, 80.

Atherton, 10.

Atkingson, 167.

Atkinson, 20, 28, 39, 40, 55, 57, 62, 71, 77, 130, 136, 142, 145, 148, 187, 190, 196, 202, 205.

Atkynson, 4, 5, 11, 14, 28, 33, 42, 56, 68, 92, 97, 106, 108, 139, 141, 151.

Aunbie, 143.

Aunby, 138.

Aunbye, 178.

Aunebie, 24.

Austwick, 78.

Awchyn als. Horncliffe, 68.

Awdeley, 148.

Awderson, 42.

Awdesley, 186.

Awdisley, 173, 178.

Awsten, 65, 126.

Awstwicke, 6.

Aykensyde, 51.

Ayneley, 140.

Ayreton, 90.

Ayrton, 121.

Ayscoughe, 115, 154.


Babthorp, 165.

Babthorpe, 14, 19, 26, 29, 97, 112, 179, 185, 188, 194, 197.

Babthorpp, 205.

Backhous, 201.

Backhouse, 8.

Backus, 195.

Bacon, 113, 127, 185.

Baddy, 189.

Baildon, 7, 77, 109, 135.

Bainbrigg, 135.

Bainbrigge, 8.

Bairstowe, 64, 128, 165, 177, 203.

Baite, 46, 75.

Baitman, 76.

Baker, 155.

Balderston, 54.

Baldwyn, 155.

Baley, 71.

Balguy, 76.

Balie, 109.

Ball, 64.

Balmbroughe, 81.

Balme, 146.

Bamburghe, 9, 104.

Banaster, 5, 46, 148.

Banastre, 11.

Bancke, 15, 114, 121.

Banckes, 186.

Bancks, 49.

Bancrofte, 30.

Banes, 7.

Banester, 166.

Banister, 41, 186.

Banke, 11, 42.

Bankes, 57.

Banks, 11.

Bannester, 148.

Banyster, 181.

Baraclough, 87.

Baracloughe, 69, 71, 153.

Barber, 52.
-, — als. Sponer, 134.

Barcar als. Barker, 53.

Barckham, 64.

Bardge, 113.

Barghe, 136.

Barker, 43, 108, 132, 136, 156, 198, 200.
-, — als. Barcar, 53.

Barmbie, 53, 155, 188.

Barmby, 193.

Barmbye, 188.

Barnard, 178.

Barnbie, 98, 135, 173.

Barnby, 146, 196.

Barnbye, 45, 159, 177.

Barne, 197.

Barnebie, 24, 73.

Barneby, 78.

Barnebye, 42, 192.

Barnerd, 97.

Barnes, 11, 76, 103, 109, 127, 196.

Barney, 37.

Barmyngham, 177.

Barracloughe, 139.

Barrett, 53, 62, 151, 152.

Barrowe, 52.

Barrye, 74.

Bartell als. Lacye, 163.

Barten, 70.

Barthroppe, 88.

Bartlett, 155, 161.

Barton, 17, 43, 48, 121.

Barwghe, 46.

Barwick, 24, 104, 136.

Barwicke, 2, 5, 25, 145.

Basset, 13.

Bate, 46, 59.

Bates, 6, 24, 32, 160.

Bateson, 68, 106.

Batson, 52.

Batt, 4, 29, 204.

Battersbie, 136.

Battison als. Batty, 146.

Batty, 14, 64, 92, 122.
-, —als. Battison, 146.

Battye, 119.

Bawden, 155.

Bawdewyne, 139.

Bawdwayne, 15, 174.

Bawdwen, 53.

Bawmbroughe, 110.

Bawmeforthe, 130.

Bawne, 123.

Baxter, 28, 34, 78, 163, 164, 177, 183, 193.

Bayley, 108.

Baylie, 144, 157, 160, 199.

Baynbrige, 131.

Bayne, 14, 67, 121.

Baynes, 83.

Baynton, 113.

Bayte, 12.

Baytes, 200.

Baytson, 193.

Beale, 168, 187.

Beamont, 41.

Beamonte, 62.

Beamount, 53, 101, 119, 168, 173.

Beamounte, 17, 30, 140, 151.
-, — als. Ramesden, 151.

Beane, 40, 71, 77, 162.

Beanelandes, 98.

Beard, 39.

Becham, 204.

Becke, 15, 20, 199.

Beckett, 112, 136, 197.

Beckwith, 1, 42, 47, 63, 77, 92, 140, 189, 191.

Beckwithe, 27, 99.

Beckwythe, 23.

Beddall, 169.

Bedford, Earl of, 150.

Beeston, 46, 110, 153, 165.

Beete, 24.

Beilby, 128.

Beirdsell, 171.

Beiryman, 107.

Beiston, 21, 31, 51, 56, 59, 70, 77.

Belassis, 197, 201.

Belassys, 36.

Beleby, 108.

Belgrave, 184.

Belingham, 101.

Bell, 28, 39, 71, 82, 98, 103, 104, 128, 134, 163, 169.
-, — als. Corbett, 26.

Bellamy, 92.

Bellasses, 33, 145.

Bellassis, 62, 144.

Bellassys, 182.

Bellingham, 38, 47, 99, 122.

Bellwoode, 100.

Belt, 97.

Belton, 114.

Benbie, 170.

Bencks, 23.

Benington, 13.

Bennet, 129.

Bennington, 109.

Bennyngton, 13, 50, 51, 58, 111, 112, 175.

Bennyson, 14.

Benson, 18, 28, 41, 66, 67, 165, 166, 169, 202.

Bentley, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 54, 64, 72, 84, 99, 191.

Bentleye, 138.

Bernard, 90.

Berrie, 57.

Berryman, 45.

Besson, 66, 74, 139, 149.

Best, 89, 93, 111, 131, 156, 158, 161, 168, 171.

Beste, 8, 101.

Beswicke, 15, 26, 173.

Bethell, 1, 6, 27, 33, 52, 68, 88, 94, 97, 111, 125, 135, 154, 194.

Bevercoots, 162.

Beverley, 42, 92, 124, 161, 174.

Bewe, 91.

Biard, 77.

Bibb, 173.

Bibbe, 73.

Bickardike, 67.

Bickers, 24, 25.

Bielbie, 11.

Bigland, 172.

Biglesse, 186.

Bilbow, 75.

Bilbowe, 134.

Bilcliffe, 135.

Bileth, 46.

Billingley, 1.

Billop, 21.

Bilton, 146.

Bindlose, 46.

Bingley, 70, 84, 148.

Binkes, 35, 156.

Birckdell, 127.

Bird, 69, 112, 173.

Birde, 51, 89.

Birkbie, 1.

Birkby, 37.

Birkbye, 92, 133.

Birkeade, 26.

Birkeby, 170.

Birkehead, 192.

Birkenshawe, 110.

Birkhead, 75, 112.

Birley, 54.

Birlettson, 134.

Birtwisle, 33.

Blackaller, 75, 84, 167.

Blackborne, 33, 42, 188, 200.

Blackburne, 87.

Blacker, 27.

Blackeston, 80.

Bladworth, 27.

Blaicklocke, 112.

Blaides, 55, 56, 196.

Blaikelock, 140.

Blaikelocke, 155.

Blaiklocke, 37.

Blakeston, 156, 164.

Blanchard, 98, 99, 125.

Bland, 33, 102, 132, 156, 172, 174.

Blande, 38, 82, 85, 105, 187, 192.

Blaymires, 152.

Bleasbie, 163.

Blencowe, 10.

Blenkerne, 36, 117.

Bletsoe, 53.

Blitheman, 159.

Blome, 56, 146.

Blount, 9, 100, 170.

Blountt, 160.

Blunt, 91, 98.

Blyth, 64.

Bockinge, 199.

Boile, 19.

Boller, 144.

Bolles, 186.

Bollinge, 22, 97.

Bolton, 136, 137.

Bonde, 171.

Bonner, 25, 31, 109.

Booth, 51, 67, 68, 181, 190, 203.

Boothe, 6, 13, 22, 24, 36, 83, 123, 140.

Bordell, 201.

Borrett, 189.

Bosevile, 35, 42, 53.

Bossall, 31, 36, 58.

Bossevile, 8, 30, 45, 50, 51, 63, 84, 161, 171.

Bossvile, 94.

Bosvile, 37, 115.

Bosvill, 32.

Bosvyle, 115.

Boswell, 44.

Botheroyde, 119.

Bothomley als. Bottomley, 93.

Boulton, 204.

Bound, 143.

Bourchier, 192.

Bowcocke, 109, 113.

Bower, 19, 50, 79, 161, 200.

Bowes, 5, 9, 12, 35, 66, 74, 131, 151, 154, 192.

Bowlton, 177.

Bowman, 103.

Bowthe, 19.

Bowyer, 75.

Boyes, 52, 91, 94, 112, 159, 203.
-, — als. Cowper, 127, 150.

Boynton, 21, 51, 52, 89, 184, 194.

Boys, 160.

Boythe, 176.

Brabyn, 100.

Brackenburie, 159.

Brackenbury, 58.

Brackon, 49.

Bradford, 78, 178.

Bradley, 5, 9, 130, 147, 174.

Bradrick, 54, 55.

Bradshaw, 73.

Bradshawe, 11, 45, 46, 49, 116, 132, 186.

Bradyll, 164.

Brakenbury, 195.

Brakenburye, 144.

Bramhall, 58, 157.

Bramham, 100.

Bramlay als. Burton, 17.

Bramley, 99.

Brand, 97, 139.

Brandling, 174, 176.

Bransbie, 116.

Bransby, 140.

Branston, 34.

Branthwait, 28.

Brasse, 36, 88, 101, 179.

Brathwaite, 40.

Brathwat, 121.

Bray, 73.

Braye, 6, 20, 54, 56, 182.

Braylesforthe, 31.

Breare, 26, 58, 67.

Brearey, 23, 89, 195.

Brearley, 53, 116.

Breary, 172, 184.

Brereton, 161.

Bretland, 140.

Brewster, 31.

Brigg, 114.

Brigge, 160, 165, 203.

Brigges, 91, 126, 187.

Briggs, 156, 188.

Brigham, 205.

Brighouse, 79.

Brighowse, 164.

Bright, 45, 52, 88, 153, 182.

Brignell, 103.

Brindholme, 46.

Brisco, 174.

Brocklebancke, 163.

Brodburne, 3.

Brodeley, 90.

Brogden, 95.

Broke, 77, 161, 164.

Brokesbanke, 72.

Broksbancke, 174.

Brome, 109, 185.

Bromeflett, 6.

Bromflet, 64.

Bromheade, 95, 187.

Broodhead, 140.

Broodley, 90, 121, 188.

Brooke, 2, 8, 17, 22, 26, 42, 47, 57, 71, 89, 92, 93, 102, 117, 130, 137, 139, 142, 149, 166, 169, 173, 184, 185, 188, 193, 196, 202, 203, 204, 205.

Brookesbanke, 32.

Broughton, 92, 195.

Browen, 118.

Browlowe als. Foliambe, 99.

Brown, 100, 111.

Browne, 12, 17, 27, 48, 57, 60, 66, 70, 79, 84, 96, 98, 100, 102, 108, 111, 120, 129, 131, 141, 150, 152, 157, 158, 165, 172, 183, 198, 200.

Brownell, 146, 185.

Brownelowe als. Foliambe, 101.
-, — als. Folyambe, 36.

Brownlowe, 73.
-, — als. Foliambe, 38, 47.

Broxupp, 34.

Brunskell, 4, 56.

Bruse, 100.

Bubwyth, 127.

Buck, 133.

Bucke, 13, 37, 60, 67, 185, 197.

Buckhurst, Ld., 119.

Buckle, 135 n.

Buckley, 164.

Buckleye, 116.

Buclle, 135.

Bucock, 31.

Bulmer, 59, 140, 158, 198.

Bulye, 202.

Bunnye, 101.

Burdett, 18, 25, 136, 185.

Burdon, 133.

Burdsall, 159.

Burges, 44.

Burgon, 44, 83.

Burgoyne, 28.
-, — als. Hodgeson, 80.

Burley, 43.

Burnand, 58, 77, 91.

Burne, 81.

Burneley, 127, 132.

Burnell, 56.
-, — als. Burnett, 20.

Burnett, 47, 191.
-, — als. Burnell, 20.

Burnley, 204.

Burnsell, 75.

Burrell, 29, 119, 151, 165.

Burrow, 39.

Burrowes, 7, 77, 101.

Burtham, 116.

Burton, 19, 49, 66, 71, 79, 135, 140, 178.
-, — als. Bramlay, 17.

Burye, 143.

Bushell, 93, 107.

Buskell, 40.

Bussye, 34, 36.

Butler, 15, 20, 42, 46, 76, 79, 81, 85, 9, 161, 163, 175, 190.

Butterfeild, 34, 165.

Butterfeilde, 120.

Butterfeld, 141.

Butterfelde, 139.

Butterie, 97.

Byard, 32, 110.

Byerley, 182.

Byllyngley, 104.

Bynckes, 69, 90.

Byndlowse, 200.

Bynes, 17, 67.

Bynkes, 70.

Bynks, 33.

Bynnes, 79, 96.

Bynnye, 23.

Byns, 81.

Byrde, 37, 48, 76, 82, 83, 85, 86, 110, 112, 113.

Byrdsall, 177.

Byrkby, 199.

Byrkebie, 27.

Byrkes, 1.

Byrkyll, 18.

Byrnand, 170.

Byssit, 184.


Cade, 13.

Cage, 186.

Caire, 111.

Calbecke, 95.

Caluerley, 193.

Calverd, 49.

Calverley, 14, 150, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 189, 197.

Calvert als. Cawvert, 114.

Campan, 117.

Canbye, 33.

Candler, 6, 7.

Cannabie, 76.

Cannaby, 97.

Capleman, 16.

Cappleman, 198.

Car, 3, 32.

Carewe, 17.

Carington, 204.

Carlell, 74.

Carleton, 157.

Carliell, 119.

Carlill, 6, 145.

Carlyll, 136.

Carr, 6, 22, 26, 35, 48, 51, 74, 77, 78, 86, 95, 123, 141, 155, 159, 182.

Carre, 76, 79, 86, 114, 120.

Carrington, 43, 178.

Carryngton, 165.

Carsey, 2.

Carte, 79, 155.

Carter, 15, 46, 52, 53, 170, 175.

Cartwright, 165, 170.
-, — als. Vicars, 185.

Carus als. Charus als. Charies, 24, 25.

Carver, 31.
-, — als. Crofte, 109.

Carye, 86.

Casse, 19, 73, 102.

Casson, 51, 84, 98, 126, 178.

Castleforth, 83.

Caterall, 116.

Catherall, 106.

Cathericke, 143.

Catterall, 83, 85, 95, 114, 120.

Catton, 63, 87.

Caucefeild, 143.

Causfeild, 193.

Causfeilde, 14.

Cave, 13, 22, 74, 159, 180, 192.

Cavendish, 172.

Cavendishe, 10.

Cawdrey, 191.

Cawood, 36, 44, 93, 104.
-, — als. Cawverd, 70.

Cawstone, 166.

Cawthorne, 36.

Cawverd als. Cawood, 70.

Cawvert als. Calvert, 114.

Cecill, 2, 10, 40, 110.

Chadwick, 129.

Challoner, 205.

Chalnor, 26, 71.

Chaloner, 48.

Chamberlaine, 46.

Chamberlayne, 51.

Chamberlen, 145.

Chamberleyn, 31.

Chamberleyne, 89.

Chambers, 80, 105, 178.

Champion, 12.

Champleshone, 155.

Champney, 27.

Chapman, 8, 15, 28, 37, 57, 61, 76, 83, 108, 116, 142, 150, 163, 174, 180, 181.

Chappell, 78, 110, 191.

Charies als. Carus als. Charus, 24, 25.

Charnley, 71.

Charter, 149.

Charus als. Charies als. Carus, 24, 25.

Chater, 129.

Chauntrie, 80, 135.

Chaworth, 47.

Chaworthe, 80, 99, 144, 192.

Cheeke, 131, 181.

Chester, 83.

Chetham, 82.

Chetwynd, 168.

Chew, 86.

Childe, 53, 96, 122, 141.

Childers, 181.

Chilton, 52, 91, 94.

Cholmeley, 28, 29, 40, 47, 80, 102, 113, 129, 139, 141, 144, 156, 160, 169, 174.

Chowe, 164.

Claiton, 143.

Clapham, 48, 50, 62.

Clarionat, 74.
-, — als. Clerionet, 117.

Clarionett, 121.

Clark, 24, 117, 158.

Clarke, 8, 16, 39, 49, 52, 64, 66, 68, 76, 94, 102, 105, 117, 136, 181.
-, — als. Ripley, 45.

Clarkeson, 2, 73.

Claxton, 43.

Clay, 101.

Claye, 96.

Clayton, 6, 13, 19, 27, 32, 39, 53, 83, 85, 96, 111, 124, 142, 156, 183.

Cleburne, 159.

Clegge, 160.

Clemytt, 178.

Clerionet als. Clarionat, 117.

Clerk, 121.

Clerke, 69, 118, 121, 133.

Cley, 49.

Cleyton, 93.

Clifford, 21, 24, 30, 75, 194.

Clifforde, 139.

Clopton, 14.

Cloudesley, 9.

Clough, 117, 129.

Cloughe, 16, 191, 201.

Clubley, 196.

Clutterbuck, 180.

Clyfford, 28, 29, 70, 81, 178.

Clyfton, 112.

Coate, 152.

Coats, 46.

Cockell, 38, 197.

Cocken, 29.

Cocker, 42, 97.

Cockerell, 83, 115, 128.

Cockett, 36.

Cockin, 197.

Cocking, 180.

Cockrill, 113.

Cockshott, 53.

Cockson, 157.

Coe, 39.

Coets, 151.

Coke, 185.

Coldcole, 190.

Coldock, 180.

Coldocke, 184, 188.

Coldwell, 89, 188.

Cole, 36.

Collett, 199, 201.

Collier, 122.
-, — als. Haghe, 137.

Collinge, 62.

Collingwood, 36.

Collinson, 40, 87.
-, — als. Fussick, 87.

Collson, 153.

Collynge, 136.

Colson, 120.

Colstone, 109.

Coltehurst, 41.

Columbell, 36.

Colyer, 7.

Compton, 19, 139.
-, — Ld., 19, 139, 140.

Comyn, 2, 112.

Concett, 1, 131, 144.

Coniers, 26.

Consett, 119, 141.

Constable, 8, 13, 24, 29, 33, 44, 48, 49, 52, 59, 61, 62, 67, 68, 74, 78, 82, 90, 104, 119, 135, 137, 150, 157, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 195, 196.

Conyers, 12, 29, 68, 92, 100, 106, 107, 128, 131, 132, 134, 141, 143.
-, —, Ld., 26.

Conyston, 145.

Cook, 190.

Cooke, 6, 7, 24, 55, 80, 97, 124, 197.
-, — als. Gaile, 56.

Cooper, 119, 181.

Cootes, 15, 173.

Coots, 41, 42.
-, — als. Cotes, 63.

Copley, 2, 7, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 32, 33, 44, 63, 69, 70, 77, 84, 86, 88, 97, 102, 115, 122, 127, 131, 149, 161, 179, 182.
-, — als. Murgatroid, 131.

Coppyndalle, 50.

Corbett, 13, 39, 174.
-, — als. Bell, 26.

Corbridge als. Hewarde, 7.

Cordell, 30, 89.

Corneforth, 101.

Cornewell, 164.

Corney, 62.

Cornwallys, 10.

Cornwell, 35.

Costentyne, 122.

Cosyn, 91.

Cotes, 26, 50, 56, 99, 122, 167, 196.
-, — als. Coots, 63.

Cotterell, 185.

Cotton, 119.

Cottrell, 20.

Couke, 138.

Coundall, 165.

Courser, 13.

Coursey, 94.

Covell, 151, 155.

Coverdaile, 15.

Cowldwell, 58, 83.

Cowlinge, 139.

Cowlling, 32.

Cowlson, 137.

Cowper, 19, 25, 36, 71, 85, 90, 93, 101, 105, 113, 116, 127, 150, 166, 175.
-, — als. Boyes, 127, 150.

Cowplande, 55.

Cowton, 140.

Cowtus, 25, 69.

Crabtre, 105.

Crabtree, 17, 41, 61, 79, 156, 205.

Cragge, 63, 74.

Craister, 168.

Crake, 2.

Crathorne, 59.

Craven, 51, 58, 68, 79, 92, 97, 154, 164, 166, 174, 180.

Crawshawe, 81.

Crawshay, 55, 154.

Crawshaye, 5, 92.

Crayke, 49.

Creike, 98, 129, 181.

Creshawe, 110.

Cressey, 191.

Cressye, 73.

Creswell, 41, 96, 142, 143, 144.

Creswick, 34.

Creswicke, 32, 115.

Cripling, 20.

Criplinge, 98.

Criplyng, 40.

Criplynge, 3.

Crispin, 50, 183.

Cristerson, 116.

Croft, 85, 121.

Crofte, 70, 131, 134, 167, 174, 180, 189.
-, — als. Carver, 109.

Crompton, 47, 48, 66, 88, 89, 93, 145, 147, 171.

Crooke, 198.

Crosbye, 54, 135.

Crosland, 63, 70, 158.

Croslay, 200.

Crosley, 5, 80, 82.

Crosse, 96, 200.

Crosyer, 82.

Crowder, 5, 152.

Crowle, 199.

Crowther, 141.

Croyser als. Tailor, 94.

Cryer, 156.

Cudworth, 82.

Cuffolde, 147, 193.

Culverwell, 16, 146.

Culwen, 32.

Cumberland, 115.
-, —, Earl of, 24, 30, 48, 72, 73, 75, 89, 139, 166, 174.

Cundall, 88, 131, 144.

Cuninge, 193.

Cunnell, 29.

Cunyngworth, 48.

Currer, 153, 155, 166.

Curteis, 100.

Curtes, 29.

Curtis, 68.

Curtys, 149.

Curwhen, 100.

Cutler, 88, 147, 199.


Dacre, Lady, 64, 141.
-, —, Ld., 64, 141.

Dacres, Lady, 59, 143.
-, —, Ld., 59, 143.

Daggett, 166.

Daie, 80, 85.

Dain, 73.

Dainley, 100.

Dakens, 163.

Dakyn, 161.

Dakyns, 132.

Dalby, 26.

Dalbye, 22, 52.

Dale, 77, 94.

Dalston, 4.

Dalton, 1, 4, 9, 10, 17, 50, 86, 88, 90, 97, 99, 104, 106, 110, 111, 112, 127, 129, 137, 138, 140, 149, 167, 183, 185, 203.

Daltree, 12.

Dam, (? Dain), 73.

Danby, 2, 7, 19, 84, 149.

Danbye, 7, 11, 21, 32, 33, 36, 114, 140, 154, 192.

Daniell, 184.

Dannett, 168.

Danser, 129.

Danvers, 10.

Danyell, 202.

Darcy, 36, 47, 148, 197.

Darcye, 26.

Darell, 117, 119.

Darley, 36, 50, 102, 142, 153.

Darlinge, 9.

Darnebrooke, 92.

Darrell, 46, 129, 130.

Davell, 158.

Davie, 96, 101, 133.

Davill, 33.

Davye, 2, 152, 192.

Davyle, 129.

Davyll, 170.

Dawbeney, 145.

Dawnay, 29, 78, 80.

Dawney, 169.

Dawson, 6, 67, 70, 76, 111, 120, 132, 172, 174, 192.

Dawtree, 175.

Daye, 108, 178, 197.

Daye als. Wiglesworthe, 85.

Daykyns, 9.

Dayles, 184.

Dayvell, 28.

Deacon, 84.

Deane, 42, 43, 64, 90, 92, 95, 121, 134, 164, 188.

Delabere, 50.

Denby, 100, 159, 191.

Denham, 78.

Denton, 23, 31, 33, 62, 88, 95, 119, 121, 127, 152, 169, 191, 196, 199.

Denyson, 69, 192.

Derby, Countess of, 144.
-, —, Earl of, 40, 89, 144.

Dewell, 158.

Dewhurst, 4.

Dewhurste, 90, 164.

Dewseburye, 166.

Dey, 45, 80.

Deyne, 153.

Dibbe, 144.

Dicconson, 100.

Dickason, 121.

Dickenson, 8, 31, 151, 155.

Dickinson, 10, 19.

Dickonson, 28, 37, 85, 107, 187.
-, — als. Gargrave, 149.

Dickson, 3, 56, 108, 117.

Digby, 14.

Digbye, 137.

Dighton, 4, 191.

Dison, 21, 163.

Dixon, 7, 33, 44, 45, 179.

Dixson, 124.

Dobbye, 102, 165.

Dobson, 15, 182.
-, — als. Knowles, 71.

Dockrey, 108.

Doddesworth, 159.

Doddynge, 14.

Dodge, 72.

Dodson, 80, 118.

Dogeson, 154.

Dolman, 63, 137.

Dolphin als. Dowfyn, 51.

Done, 19.

Donn, 136.

Donne, 150.

Dorrington, 54.

Doughtie, 12, 19, 34, 92, 168, 187.

Doughtye, 95.

Dowe, 5, 41.

Dowfyn, als. Dolphin, 51.

Dowgill, 127.

Dowke, als. Duke, 74.

Dowlye, 117, 140, 172.

Dowminge, 63.

Downes, 52.

Downinge, 147.

Dowson, 35, 71, 108.

Drake, 6, 10, 25, 72, 105, 200.

Draper, 41, 84.

Drax, 165.

Draxe, 43, 64, 187.

Drewrye, 119.

Drye, 128.

Dryver, 164.

Duckesburie, 139.

Duckett, 38, 85, 86.

Duffan, 53.

Duffeild, 42, 66, 151, 192.

Duffeilde, 110.

Duffeld, 119.

Duffelde, 165.

Duke, 74.
-, — als. Dowke, 74.

Dun, 74.

Dunn, 93, 176.

Dunne, 39, 204.

Dunnynge, 36.

Dunynge, 151, 155.

Dutton, 29.

Duxburie, 56.

Dyke, 201.

Dymocke, 29.

Dyneley, 5, 26, 64, 109, 129, 189.

Dynsdell, 55.

Dyson, 3, 21, 22, 111, 125, 151, 158.


Ealand, 188.

Eales, 83.

Earesbye, 106.

Easebye, 6.

Eastburne, 11, 151, 152.

Eastewodd, 186.

Eastewoodd, 125, 191.

Eastoft, 138.

Eastofte, 113.

Eckisley, als. Exley, 127.

Eden, 52.

Edlestone, 48.

Edmondson, 100.

Edward, 52, 94.

Edwardes, 60, 80, 134.

Edwards, 107, 123, 149.

Eglefeild, 97.

Ekenfeild, 64.

Eland, 4.

Ellen, 175.

Ellerkar, 110.

Ellerker, 15, 82.

Ellerton, 18, 80, 82, 122, 166.

Elles, 69.

Ellestones, 23, 103, 147.

Ellesworthe, 121.

Ellis, 76, 88, 114, 157, 179, 201.

Ellison, 39, 40.

Ellissonne, 22.

Ellwoode, 98.

Ellyott, 69, 98.

Ellys, 7, 16, 18, 59, 68, 76, 104, 111, 170.

Elsley, 202.

Eltofts, 7, 100, 108, 114.

Elwes, 16, 18, 54, 107, 148.

Elwick, 170.

Elwicke, 8.

Elwyn, 64.

Emes, 64.

Emley, 71.

Emondson, 3.

Emotte, 54.

Empringham, 96.

Empson, 61, 76, 80, 86, 87, 180.

Emson, 61.

England, 85.

Erott, 122.

Eshe, 8.

Estoft, 31, 33, 60, 95, 134, 178.

Estofte, 30, 125.

Etherington, 76, 135, 147, 154, 155, 158, 167, 172, 178, 179, 184, 189, 193, 198.

Eure, 166, 191, 194.
-, —, Ld., 166, 194.

Euree, 91.
-, —, Ld., 91.

Eurie, 137.

Eurye, 70.

Evenwood, 158.

Everinge, 70.

Everingham, 3, 15, 34, 123.

Everyngham, 28.

Evre, 139.
-, —, Ld., 139.

Ewre, 169.

Ewrye, 150.
-, —, Ld., 150.

Exley als. Eckisley, 127.

Eynns, 172.

Eyre, 9, 83, 84, 116, 168.

Eyrie, 79.


Fairbancke, 121, 188.

Fairburne, 93.

Fairebancke, 133.

Fairefax, 104, 146.
-, — als. Roberts, 123.

Fairewether, 120.

Fairfax, 2, 33, 125, 159, 172, 184, 202, 205.

Fairfaxe, 65, 162.

Fairffax, 83.

Fang, 168.

Fange, 103, 104, 125, 157, 197.

Fanshawe, 34.

Farefax, 81.

Farer, 116.

Farley, 89, 122, 174, 176, 198.

Farnaby, 77.

Farneham, 156.

Farneworth, 160.

Farrand, 79.

Farrar, 64, 191.

Farrer, 17, 35, 57, 132, 166, 175.

Farthing, 90.

Faucett, 11.

Faull, 111.

Favell, 154.

Fawber, 88.

Fawcett, 27, 28, 77, 84, 185, 189, 199.

Fawconberdge, 153.

Fawconbridge, 118.

Fawconer, 95, 109.

Fawevell, 140.

Fawkes, 68, 195.

Fawkoner, 199.

Fawks, 26.

Fawle, 199.

Fayerfax, 185.

Fearneley, 120.

Fearnley, 195, 204.

Feild, 126, 148.

Feilde, 33, 185.

Feilden, 150.

Feildinge, 203.

Feldhowse, 103.

Fell, 53, 58, 98.

Fenay, 54, 67, 189.

Fenaye, 152.

Fenner, 119.

Fenton, 4, 6, 8, 26, 34, 50, 52, 56, 66, 67, 182, 203.

Feram, 56.

Ferne, 7, 45.

Ferrand, 75.

Ferror, 162.

Fetherstone, 153.

Fettiplace, 8.

Fewsdale, 24.

Fidling, 138.

Fidlinge, 77, 117, 130.

Fidlyn, 80.

Firbancke, 153.

Firth, 191.

Firthe, 95, 162, 166.

Fisher, 16, 118, 125, 147, 149.

Fisser, 33.

Fisshe, 14.

Fissher, 85.

Fitzwilliam, 183.

Fleminge, 89.

Flemynge, 171.

Flesher, 191.

Fletcher, 9, 25, 44, 45, 83, 91, 100, 132, 155, 170, 193.

Fletewood, 205.

Flower, 59, 168.

Flynton, 45, 63, 90, 160.

Foghell als. Fowle, 88.

Foliambe, 47, 70.
-, — als. Browlowe, 99.
-, — als. Brownelowe, 101.
-, — als. Brownlowe, 38, 47.

Folyambe, 36.
-, — als. Brownelowe, 36.

Foolle, 139.

Forman, 19, 70.

Forster, 29, 66, 80.

Fortun, 51.

Fossard, 179, 199.

Foster, 6, 18, 27, 36, 40, 49, 57, 59, 62, 65, 69, 81, 97, 120, 134, 137, 146, 166, 177, 178.

Fotherby, 29.

Fothergill, 40, 85, 138.

Fothergyll, 176.

Fouldes, 141, 143.

Fountance, 110, 150.

Fournes, 134, 163, 168, 199.

Fowgell, 167.

Fowkerie, 170.

Fowkes, 76.

Fowle als. Foghell, 88.

Fowler, 88.

Fowernes, 197.

Fox, 14.

Foxcrofte, 13, 14, 84, 93, 130, 172, 185, 197.

Foxe, 96, 103, 111, 150, 160.

Foxgill, 87.

Foxgyll, 149.

Foxton, 90.

Franche, 126.

Franck, 53, 57, 160.

Francke, 77, 79, 80, 100, 126, 127, 135, 138, 192.

Franckishe, 16.

Franckland, 96, 131.

Franke, 21, 32, 138, 169, 186.

Frankish, 11, 86.

Frankishe, 35, 83, 171.

Frankyshe, 84.

Frear, 69, 143, 158, 189, 191.

Freare, 134.

Fredericke, 63, 153.

Freman, 130, 143.

French, 160, 204.

Frenche, 48, 157, 168, 173.

Frere, 150.

Frestone, 73.

Fretwell, 37, 52, 69, 73, 79.

Frickley, 189.

Frier, 23.

Frobyser, 66.

Frobysher, 25.

Frodsham, 48.

Frost, 39.

Frothingham, 23, 28, 29.

Frothyngham, 35.

Frydbancke, 84.

Fuggell, 33.

Fugill, 184.

Fuller, 61.

Fullwood, 170.

Fulthrope, 171.

Fulwood, 32, 145, 181.

Furbanck, 170.

Furnes, 17, 105, 106.

Fussick als. Collinson, 87.

Fuyster, 195.

Fynes, 59.

Fyrth, 87.


Gaile als. Cooke, 56.

Gaithorne, 179.

Gales, 15.

Gamble, 56.

Gamley (? Gainley), 91.

Garbutt, 109.

Garfurth, 53, 118.

Gargrave, 149.
-, — als. Dickonson, 149.

Garlicke, 53.

Garnar, 146.

Garnet, 192.

Garnett, 110, 178.

Garside, 155.

Garthforth, 153.

Garton, 77.

Gascoigne, 4, 7, 32, 37, 67, 73, 76, 100, 128, 132, 142, 144, 147, 182, 202, 205.

Gate, 153, 198.

Gates, 161.

Gatonbye, 154.

Gaunt, 47, 162.

Gawkeroger, 183.

Gayle, 122.

Gaynes, 16.

Gee, 94, 130, 135, 158, 163, 167, 172, 173, 175, 180, 188, 192, 193.

Geig als. Giege, 110.

Genkyns, 48, 93, 118, 127, 138, 154.

Gervys, 23.

Gibbon, 57.

Gibson, 28, 32, 48, 57, 69, 73, 78, 84, 88, 96, 100, 104, 109, 112, 114, 115, 123, 148, 152, 180, 200.

Giege als. Geig, 110.

Gifford, 48, 60.

Gilberthorpe, 24.

Gill, 63, 68, 130, 196.

Gilling, 16.

Gillott, 60, 83, 181.

Gipsye, 2.

Girlington, 78, 121, 186, 196.

Gleadstone, 174.

Gleydhill, 81, 131.

Glossop, 12.

Godleye, 204.

Godyson, 69.

Gofer, 105.

Goffer, 108.

Goldsbrough, 15.

Goldsbroughe, 72, 145.

Goldsburghe, 132.

Golethorpe, 104, 126.

Gomersall, 71, 196.

Goodale, 161, 162, 168, 184.

Goodladd, 113.

Goodricke, 39, 52, 160.

Goodwyne, 175.
-, — als. Rixe, 73.

Goodyer, 135.

Goring, 24, 64, 119, 141, 143.

Goringe, 59, 117.

Goston, 137.

Gouldesbrough, 63.

Gouldthorp, 63, 72.

Gouldthorpe, 72.

Gower, 70, 134, 135, 185.

Grabarne, 193, 195.

Graive, 124, 188.

Grandage, 38, 200.

Grantham, 18, 20, 32, 163.

Grasswyth, 120.

Graunte, 154.

Grave, 92, 131, 148.

Graver, 51.

Graves, 30, 50, 102, 203.

Gravynor, 162.

Gray, 50.

Graye, 130, 148, 203.

Grayme, 87.

Grayson, 200.

Greathead, 44.

Greathed, 4.

Greave, 19, 109, 122, 190.

Greaves, 1, 52, 54, 111, 199.

Greene, 32, 105, 127, 134, 135, 174.

Greenewodd, 185, 197.

Gregorie, 64, 127.

Gregory, 145.

Gregorye, 40, 146, 168.

Grene, 2, 20, 26, 27, 33, 42, 51, 60, 64, 83, 85, 86, 96, 98, 107, 108, 110, 128, 134, 141, 148, 187, 191, 201, 203.

Greneacres, 14, 18.

Greneburie, 1.

Greneupp, 85.

Grenewodd, 81.

Grenewood, 24, 51, 54, 124, 129, 148, 160, 168, 175, 177.

Grenewoodde, 12.

Grenicarr, 79.

Grenwode, 48.

Grenwood, 15, 147.

Grescroft, 187.

Grescrofte, 180.

Gresham, 37, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 100.

Gresholme, 22.

Gressam, 66.

Gressome, 184.

Gretam, 133.

Gretham, 173.

Greves, 12.

Grey, 97, 167.

Grice, 18.

Griffith, 96.

Griffithe, 93.

Grifith, 173.

Grimeshay, 135.

Grimstone, 159.

Gristlethwaite, 145.

Grundall, 134.

Gryce, 22.

Gryffyth, 94.

Grymeshawe, 173.

Grymshawe, 22.

Grymston, 21, 50, 70, 78, 81, 94, 139, 181.

Grymstone, 5, 18, 202.

Grynacres, 74.

Gunson, 9, 115, 118.

Guy, 140.

Guybon, 36.

Guye, 2, 129, 178.

Gybson, 81, 115.

Gyfford, 54, 55, 60.

Gyfforde, 11.

Gyll, 62.

Gyllott, 58.


Haddlesey, 41, 201.

Hadfeld, 179, 202.

Hadlesey, 41.

Haggett, 175, 181.

Haghe, 101, 124, 138, 162, 191.
-, — als. Collier, 137.

Haiber, 173.

Haie, 128.

Haighe, 5, 18, 25, 85, 200.

Haighton als. Haughton, 43, 116.

Haile, 6.

Hake, 106.

Halam, 15.

Haldanby, 179.

Haldenby, 60.

Haldenbye, 60.

Haldesworth, 35, 160, 174.

Haldesworthe, 56, 162, 185.

Haldisworth, 67, 133, 158, 161.

Haldore, 19.

Haldour, 16, 41, 153.

Halestead, 204.

Halile, 53.

Halilie, 150.

Hall, 6, 16, 31, 45, 48, 51, 59, 66, 78, 83, 88, 99, 110, 122, 125, 130, 134, 154, 168, 172, 182, 197.

Halle, 16, 114.

Halleley, 11, 115.

Halleye, 75.

Hallom, 64.

Hallsall, 107.

Halsey, 75, 84, 145.

Halstead, 83, 176.

Halsteade, 176.

Hamand, 26.

Hamerton, 6, 46.

Hamlinge, 78, 82, 143.

Hamlynge, 142.

Hammerton, 205.

Hammond, 157.

Hamond, 6, 150, 190.

Handley, 8, 126.

Haneworth, 123.

Hansbie, 113, 157.

Hansby, 159.

Hansbye, 60.

Hanson, 3, 4, 17, 25, 44, 54, 60, 63, 71, 78, 93, 119, 121, 128, 140, 153, 156, 160, 162, 169, 173, 176, 194, 203.

Harbert, 2, 126, 135.

Harbone, 6.

Hardacre, 14.

Hardcastell, 99, 105.

Hardcastle, 22, 92, 113.

Hardestye, 158.

Hardie, 2, 3.

Hardinge, 71.

Hardye, 2, 25, 68, 123, 192.

Hare, 58.

Harebred, 43, 70.

Hargraves, 58, 105, 154, 160.

Harington, 171.

Harison, 41.

Harlinge, 84.

Harper, 29, 88, 115, 151.

Harpyn, 205.

Harrington, 8.

Harrison, 1, 7, 26, 32, 38, 52, 67, 75, 82, 128, 132, 188, 191.

Harryes, 110.

Harryson, 4, 9, 52, 63, 67, 68, 104, 114, 119, 129, 140, 142, 143, 150, 157, 169, 174, 177, 181, 190.

Hart, 201.

Hartas, 142.

Harte, 30, 46, 186, 197.

Harteley, 123.

Hartfourd, 67, 69, 174.

Harthroppe, 45.

Hartley, 3, 7, 23, 67, 83, 88, 100, 129, 143, 175, 181, 182, 202.
-, — als. Mitton, 42.

Hartus, 159.

Harvye, 39, 139.

Harwood, 32, 48, 92.

Haselwood, 198.

Haslam, 149, 163.

Haslast, 165.

Hassarde, 145.

Hastings, 108, 114.

Hatfeild, 156, 181.

Haton, 86.

Haughton als. Haighton, 43, 116.

Havkins, 177.

Haw, 97.

Hawdenbye, 149.

Hawkeshurst, 129.

Hawkesworth, 54, 100, 146, 156.

Hawkesworthe, 32, 82, 120.

Hawkshurst, 16.

Hawkshurste, 16.

Hawton, 93.

Haxbye, 199.

Hay, 10.

Hayber, 163.

Haydock, 201.

Hayforth, 68.

Hayton, 163.

Hayward, 190.

Hayworth, 69.

Hayworthe, 47.

Headley, 43, 105.

Headock, 150.

Headon, 133, 197.

Headworthe, 45.

Heape, 31, 47.

Hearon, 151.

Heaton, 81, 159, 176, 186.

Hebburne, 61.

Hebden, 68, 102, 156.

Heblethwaite, 17.

Heblethwayt, 55, 102.

Heblethwayte, 11, 120, 166, 187, 192.

Heighington, 196.

Helagh, 87, 186.

Helaghe, 78.

Hele, 23, 94, 198.

Heles, 5, 37, 194.

Hellywell, 159, 185, 201.

Helme, 49, 137.

Hembrughe, 48.

Hemsworth, 32, 176.

Hemynge, 185.

Hemyngway, 12, 14.

Hemyngwaye, 67.

Hemyngwey, 117.

Henden, 74.

Henlake, 65.

Heptonstall, 189.

Hepworth, 18, 39, 63, 83, 105, 181, 187.

Hepworthe, 112, 147, 202.

Herbert, 70, 75, 116.

Herland, 120.

Heron, 193.

Herrington, 152.

Hesketh, 172.

Heslerton, 95, 203.

Heslewoode, 75.

Hessey, 37.

Hesslewood, 192.

Heton, 73.

Hewarde, 7.
-, — als. Corbridge, 7.

Hewardyne, 166.

Hewett, 21, 84, 111, 123.
-, — als. Hewodd, 25.

Hewgill, 153.

Hewitt, 118.

Hewodd als. Hewett, 25.

Hey, 54, 125.

Heyber, 181, 205.

Heyford, 141.

Heyld, 120.

Hickeson, 70.

Hide, 61.

Higdon, 58, 85, 134.

Higgin, 7.

Higgins, 85.

Higson, 56, 61, 63.

Hildesley, 61, 152.

Hildesleye, 89.

Hildyard, 110, 125, 159, 194.

Hildyarde, 145.

Hill, 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 39, 66, 69, 104, 139.

Hillhowse, 41.

Hillingworth, 43, 60.

Hilton, 120, 123, 143, 194.

Hilylee, 165.

Hinchcliff, 124.

Hinchcliffe, 38.

Hincheclyffe, 109.

Hippon, 180.

Hird, 80.

Hirde, 16, 84, 112.

Hirst, 21, 137.

Hirste, 2, 67, 121, 139, 142.

Hobman, 97, 119, 142.

Hobson, 5, 15, 44, 54, 95, 103, 125, 142, 146, 153, 164, 167, 191.

Hobsonne, 60.

Hoby, 66, 161, 171.

Hochinson, 55, 84.

Hodgeson, 14, 68, 109, 153, 157, 170.
-, — als. Burgoyne, 80.

Hodgkinson, 204.

Hodgson, 47, 62, 74, 97, 149, 163, 196.

Hodgsonne, 71.

Hodshon, 106, 118.

Hogeson, 115.

Hogg, 86, 133.

Hoggarte, 78.

Hogge, 60, 76, 135.

Hogley, 148.

Hoile, 128, 132.

Holbeche, 3, 5.

Holdsworth, 200, 202.

Hole, 87, 93, 169.

Holgate, 20.

Holker, 132.

Hollingbrigge, 21.

Hollingrake, 77, 173.

Hollingworth, 140, 191.

Hollyns, 96, 109, 157.

Holme, 54.

Holmes, 7, 16, 21, 62, 76, 77, 81, 103, 108, 115, 124, 167, 187.

Holroide, 81, 107.

Holroyd, 158.

Holroyde, 162.

Holtbie, 6.

Holtbye, 105.

Holte, 56.

Homfraie, 66.

Homfray, 75.

Hompton, 129.

Hoole, 95.

Hoolme, 141.

Hootham, 16.

Hopkinson, 130, 171.

Hopkynson, 64, 96, 176.

Hopper, 33.

Hopperton, 21.

Hopton, 12, 18, 19, 77, 78, 112, 142.

Horncliffe, 68.
-, — als. Awchyn, 68.

Horne, 15, 33, 58, 106.

Hornebye, 42.

Hornecastle, 42.

Horner, 42, 70, 95, 122, 124, 154, 189.

Hornor, 68.

Horsell, 10, 102.

Horseman, 82.

Horsfall, 86, 93, 103, 106, 125, 137, 160.

Horsley, 189.

Horsman, 169.

Horton, 183.

Hosburne, 83.

Hotham, 13, 21, 125, 146, 193, 195.

Hothome, 203.

Houghton, 48, 201.

Houlden, 34.

Housley, 44.

Hovyngton, 96.

Howdell als. Pepertyne, 63.

Howden, 156, 157.

Howdon, 58.

Howe, 9, 15, 110, 165.

Howle, 50.

Howseman, 153.

Howson, 14.

Howytt, 156.

Hoyland, 41.

Hubbald, 16.

Hubbleday, 113.

Huchinson, 117.

Huchonson, 134.

Huddleston, 50.

Hudlestone, 56.

Hudson, 6, 7, 91, 103, 105, 107, 111, 113, 120, 151.

Hudspithe, 104.

Huganson, 115.

Humfrey als. Lademan, 136.

Hungaite, 43.

Hungate, 82, 104, 108, 110, 169, 174, 175.

Hungerford, 10.

Hunsley, 2.

Hunt, 50, 161, 189.

Hunter, 15, 105, 109, 112, 121, 150, 152, 161, 188, 193.

Huntingdon, Earl of, 21, 66.

Huntman, 197.

Hunton, 136.

Hurd, 70, 81.

Hurst, 11, 193, 201.

Hurste, 24, 140, 147, 201.

Husband, 36, 115.

Huscroft, 91, 103.

Huscrofte, 103, 156, 197.

Hustcrofte, 86.

Hustler, 18, 54, 120, 144, 152, 180, 199.

Hutchenson, 52, 83, 94, 150, 187.

Hutchensone, 178.

Hutchingson, 189.

Hutchinson, 27, 35, 77, 82, 85, 97, 111, 133, 137, 140, 146.

Huton, 97.

Hutton, 20, 34, 58, 74, 161, 174, 193.

Hyde, 43, 68, 110, 128, 175.

Hyldyard, 186, 195.

Hyleley, 133.

Hyley, 45.

Hyll, 24.

Hylyard, 21.

Hylylye, 203.

Hyncheclyff, 51.

Hynde, 82, 112, 192.

Hyrst, 71.

Hytchon, 24, 105.


Ibbottson, 125.

Ibotson, 79, 165.

Idle, 156.

Illingeworthe, 166.

Illingworth, 23, 54, 81, 94.

Ingall, 107.

Ingelby, 139.

Ingilby, 75, 123, 134, 138.

Ingilbye, 102, 107, 157.

Ingland, 60, 72.

Ingle, 68.

Inglebie, 1, 169.

Ingleby, 77.

Inglebye, 23, 41, 51, 60, 77, 89, 123, 146.

Ingledew, 13.

Ingram, 168.

Ingylbye, 137.

Inman, 67, 75.

Issott, 27, 87.

Ive, 7, 94.

Iveson, 49.


Jackeson, 41.

Jackesone, 42.

Jackman, 61.

Jackson, 7, 14, 20, 27, 28, 30, 35, 40, 53, 54, 78, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 116, 128, 133, 139, 144, 149, 151, 162, 163, 168, 179, 197, 200.
-, — als. Lassells, 2.

Jacksone, 90.

Janson, 17, 130.

Jaques, 148.

Jarden, 120.

Jarthen als. Jorden, 43.

Jarvysse, 7.

Jeffrason, 62.

Jeffrayson, 110.

Jeffreyson, 143.

Jefrason, 138.

Jempson als. Morritt, 97.

Jenison, 31, 35, 58.

Jenkeson als. Thomlinson, 73.

Jenkinson, 4, 162, 180.

Jenkyns, 135.

Jenkynson, 116, 174.

Jennynge, 90.

Jenyson, 35, 71.

Jeoffrayson, 139.

Jepsey, 142.

Jepson, 80, 112.

Jermy, 66, 73.

Jermye, 124.

Jerves, 8.

Jessoppe, 18.

Jewetson, 156, 198, 204.

Jewitson, 78, 82, 87.

Joanes, 30.

Jobson, 35, 82, 110.

Johnson, 5, 14, 19, 31, 35, 50, 72, 78, 104, 108, 111, 115, 116, 122, 135, 149, 150, 158, 167, 168, 182.

Johnsonne, 18.

Jon[..], 184.

Jones, 12.

Jopson, 46, 69, 70, 72, 128.

Jordaine, 48, 176.

Jordan, 112.

Jorden als. Jarthen, 43.

Jowett, 148, 174, 188.

Jowland, 186.

Jowlande, 120.

Jubb, 111.

Jubbe, 160.

Judde, 184.

Jurdan, 196, 198.