Pages 223-255
Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 2, 1571-83. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1888.
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INDEX OF PLACES TO YORKSHIRE FINES. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. W. Y.
Abberforth, 95.
Aberfurth, 41.
Acam, 63.
Acaster, 149.
-, —, Nether als. Acaster Selby, 13.
-, — Selby als. Nether Acaster, 13.
Ackworth, 108.
Ackworthe, 10, 15, 67, 133, 156.
Acom, 186.
Acton, 7, 44, 161, 176.
-, — als. Aughton, 46.
Addell, 84.
Addle, 96.
Addyll, 176.
Adlingflett, 193.
Adlyngfleete, 122, 123.
Adlyngflete, 60, 80, 94, 100, 112, 114, 138, 139, 161.
Adlyngflett, 75, 76, 77, 111.
Adwalton, 127, 136, 180.
Adwick, 91, 92, 97.
-, — on the Street, 55.
Adwicke, 56.
-, — als. Adwicke on the Street, als.
Adwicke by the Street, 54.
-, — upon Dearne, 188.
-, — upon Derne, 9, 65.
-, — upon the Strete, 34, 52.
Adwycke, 57, 94.
Aesonbye, 175.
Aghton, 72.
Agnes Burton, 51.
Aickton, 123.
als. Airingden Parke, 190.
-, — Parke als. Airingden, 190.
Airton, 16, 17.
Aistenbie, 32.
Akaster Selbie, 132.
Akeley, 19.
Aklham, 60, 62.
Alborowe, 87.
Albroughe als. Awbroughe, 46.
Alburgh, 142.
Aldburghe, 76, 77, 148, 190.
Aldeboroughe, 126.
Aldebroughe, 141, 144.
Aldermanhead, 161.
Aldewarke, 189, 195.
Aldfeild, 116, 117.
Aldwarke, 27, 31, 71.
Alkeley, 19, 55.
Allerthorpe, 45.
Allerton, 49, 51, 97, 118, 153, 154.
-, — als. North Allerton, 159.
-, —, Chappell, 96.
-, — in Bradforddale, 134.
-, — Gledo, 163.
-, — Mauleverer, 148, 154.
-, —, Priory of, 154.
Allertone in Bradfordedale, 29.
Allethorne als. Eyrethorne, 27, 71.
Allerthorpe, 57.
Almanbury, 61.
Almeholme, 54, 56, 59, 62, 89, 92, 94, 97.
Almonberye, 195.
Almonbury, 45.
Almonburye, 60.
Almondburye, 28, 111.
Alne, 31, 189, 195.
Altoftes, 101, 179.
Altofts, 7, 45, 154, 161.
Alverley, 14.
Alverthorpe, 161.
Amotherbye, 138.
-, — als. Emotherbye, 53, 59.
Ampleford, 153.
Amystede, 53.
Anderby, 142.
Anderbye Myre, 39.
-, — Steple, 74 (See Errata).
-, — Whernhowe, 129.
Andlabye, 112.
Angram, 167.
Angrome, 138.
Anlaby, 36, 178.
Anlabye, 63.
Anlebie, 68.
Anston, 153, 165.
Antaby, 36.
Aplegarth, 179.
Apleton, 52, 149.
-, —, Easte, 174.
Appleton, 178.
-, —, East, 81.
Aram, 158.
-, — als. Arom als. Erghum in Holderness, 158.
Arathorne, 175.
Arckesey, 138.
Arden, 177.
-, — als. None Arden, 80.
-, — als. Nunarden, 41.
Ardensyde, 119, 177.
Ardesley, 118, 161, 196.
-, —, West, 37.
Ardeslowe, 124, 171, 176.
-, —, West, 155.
Ardislawe, 38.
Ardslawe, 52.
Ardsley, 133.
Ardyngton, 155.
Ardyslay, 135.
Arham, 128.
Arkenden, 148.
Arkesay, 19, 55, 76, 103, 164.
Arkesey, 25, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 62, 66, 76, 89, 92, 94, 97, 129, 137, 167, 186.
Arksay, 8, 60, 63.
Arksey, 40, 81, 102, 170.
Arkilgarthdale, 164.
Arkylgarthdale, 151.
Arkynden, 51.
Armen, 66.
Armyn, Little, 33.
Arnclyffe, 13.
Arneclyff, 27.
Arneclyffe, 86, 121.
Arnold, 110, 112.
Arom als. Aram als. Erghum in Holderness, 158.
Arram, 178.
Arras, 42.
Arrathorn, 12.
Ascugh, 78.
Asenbye, 34.
Askam, 185.
Askame, 88.
Askarne, 72, 185.
Aske, 24.
Askearne, 52.
Askerne, 156.
Askrigg, 42.
Askwith, 18.
Aslaby, 27.
Aslabye, 14, 32, 41.
Asleby, 71.
Assilby, 152.
Astenbie, 31.
Aston, 46, 72, 158.
Atley Cowton, 184.
Aton, 14.
Atterclyffe, 92.
Attingwicke als. Atwicke, 71, 157.
Attyngwick als. Atwick, 75.
Attyngwicke als. Atwycke, 85.
Atwick als. Attyngwick, 75.
Atwicke, 51, 79.
-, — als. Attingwicke, 71, 157.
Atwyck, 96.
Atwycke, 183.
Atwycke als. Attyngwicke, 85.
Aughton, 4, 25, 37, 135.
-, — als. Acton, 46.
Austen, 39, 155.
Austeweke, 40, 147.
Austwek, 56.
Austwick, 67, 158.
Awborne, 27.
Awbrough, 122.
Awbroughe als. Albroughe, 46.
Awburne, 188.
Awdborow, 110.
Awkley, 37, 65.
Awmholme, 60.
Awmon, 57.
Awne, 171.
Awsterfeild, 178.
Awsterfeilde, 125.
Awsterfeld, 184.
Awsterfelde, 69.
Awsterfielde, 105.
Awstrope, 119.
Awstweke, 162.
Awstwick, 53.
Awstwicke, 135.
Awstwike, 156.
Ayckton, 75.
Aycome Graunge, 148.
Aykbroughe, 192.
als. Aynderbye in the Myers,
-, — in le Mire als. Aynderbie in
the Myer, 78.
Aynderby, 177.
-, — in the Myre, 51.
Ayre, The, 66.
Ayrton, 7, 185.
Aysmonderbye, 194.
Ayssynbye, 147.
Aystenbie, 31.
Aystenbye, 34.
Aystlebye, 17.
Ayton, 47, 122.
-, —, Greate, 153.
-, — in Pickeringlythe, 192.
Azarley, 41.
Baddesworth, 55.
Baddesworthe, 19, 81.
Baddsworth, 156.
Badesworthe, 15, 148.
Bagbie, 48, 136.
Bagby, 113, 138.
Bagbye, 37, 46, 71, 125, 139.
Bagley, 171.
Baildon, 20, 107.
Bainton, 103.
Baisdell, 120.
Balbie, 152, 190.
Balby, 97.
Balbye, 52, 72, 143.
Balderby, 79.
Baldersdale, 122.
Baledon als. Bayldon, 90.
Balke, 71.
Balkholme, 2, 137.
Balne, 39, 101, 129, 134, 155, 160, 169, 187.
Balne als. Bawne, 181.
Bamton, 179.
Bandgerhouses, 88.
Banke Newton, 179.
Bankroyde, 133.
Barden, 19, 38, 121, 172.
Bardesley, 176.
Barfeld, 104.
Barforth, 137.
Bargh, 11.
-, —, Little, 32.
Barghe, 152.
Bargraunge, 176.
Barkesland, 26, 181.
-, — als. Barseland, 188.
-, — als. Barsland, 21.
Barkeslande als. Barseland, 95.
Barkeston, 71, 134.
Barkisland, 38, 48, 118, 131, 175, 177.
-, — als. Barsland, 3, 48.
Barksland, 45.
Barkysland, 14.
-, — als. Barsland, 46, 192.
Barlebye, 122.
Barlebyeholme, 122.
Barley, 123.
Barmbrough, 47.
-, — als. Barmburgh als. Barnebrough als. Barnburgh als.
Barneburgh als. Baronburgh, 39.
Barmburghe als. Baronburghe, 72.
Barmby upon Donne, 28.
Barmbye upon Downe, 137.
Barmeby upon Doone, 13.
Barmebye, 30, 76.
Barnburgh als. Barneburgh als. Barne Brough als. Barmburgh als. Barmbrough als. Baronburgh, 39.
Barnby upon Donne, 39.
Barnbye, 133, 171.
Barnebroughe, 188.
Barneburghe, 56.
Barneby, 9, 152.
-, — upon Donne, 185.
-, — upon Dun, 28.
-, — upon Dunne, 88.
Barnebye, 121.
-, — upon Don, 84.
-, — upon Dun, 26.
Barnehill, 171.
Barneslay, 184.
Barnesley, 4, 37, 73, 134, 150, 187, 196.
Barnolthorpe, 188.
Barnston, 87.
Barnysley, 175.
Barobie, 5.
Barobye, 13.
Baronburgh, 95.
-, — als. Barmburgh als. Barmbrough als. Barnebrough
als. Barnburgh als. Barneburgh, 39.
Baronburghe, 66, 107.
-, — als. Barmburghe, 72.
Baronthorpe, 39.
Barronbrough, 129.
Barroughbie als. Overbarroughbie, 64, 66.
als. Barkesland, 188.
-, — als. Barkeslande, 95.
als, Barkesland, 21.
-, — als. Barkisland, 3, 48.
-, — als. Barkysland, 46, 192.
Barter, 99.
Barthorpp, 65.
Barton, 15, 142.
-, — als. Bartun, 162.
-, — in the Willos, 49.
-, — in the Willowes, 9, 128.
Bartone, 22.
Bartun als. Barton, 162.
Barwick, 6.
-, — in Elmet, 18.
Basedale, 120, 194.
Batley, 82, 117, 127, 180.
Battersbye, 22, 120.
Baulke, 46.
Baulkholme, 98.
Bawcombe, 135.
Bawcome, 32, 190.
Bawcoms, 127.
Bawcone, 72.
Bawkeholme, 171.
Bawne, 24, 41, 78, 152, 160, 174.
-, — als. Balne, 181.
Bawnhecke als. Hecke, 41.
Bawtre, 69.
Bawtree, 83.
Bawtrie, 178.
Bawtrye, 73, 105, 179, 184.
Baxbie, 163.
Baxbye, 161.
Bayldon, 81.
-, — als. Baledon, 90.
Baynton, 117.
Beafurthe, 190.
Beall, 38, 136.
-, — als. Begall, 106.
Beamesley, 40.
-, — als. Beamsley, 134.
Beckhawe, 95.
Beckwithshawe, 41.
Bedall, 78, 173.
-, — als. Bedell, 78.
Bedeforthe, 24.
Bedell als. Bedall, 78.
Bedforde, 154.
Beeforde als. Beeforth, 143.
Beeforth, 109.
-, — als. Beeforde, 143.
Beeforthe, 121.
Beforde, 112.
Befurth, 84, 161, 165.
-, — Moore, 165.
Befurthe, 12, 158.
Begall, 69.
-, — als. Beall, 106.
Beilby, 189.
Beiston, 127, 157, 170.
Belbe, 135.
Belbie, 137.
Belby, 175.
Belbye, 72.
Belebye, 23.
Belforthe, 68.
Bellacies, 163.
Bellassise, 13.
Bellassyee, 171.
Bellassys, 110, 118, 127.
Bellasys, 190.
Bellasyse, 71.
Bellerby, 7, 79, 146.
Bellerbye, 86.
Bellflaske, 143.
Belthorpe, 77.
Bempton, 163.
-, — als. Benton, 175.
Bendgate, 52.
Benetland, 135.
Bennitland, 179.
Bennyngholme, 178.
Bennyngton, 138.
-, — als. Bynyngton, 120.
Benteley, 57.
Bentham, 12, 55.
Bentlay, 60, 63.
Bentley, 8, 19, 33, 40, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
59, 62, 66, 69, 76, 81, 89, 91,
92, 94, 97, 103, 104, 129, 137,
138, 164, 167, 170, 179, 186.
-, — Yngs, 52.
Bentlye, 76.
Benton, 79.
-, — als. Bempton, 175.
Benyngburghe, 138.
Benyngham als. Benyngholme, 87.
Benyngholme, 87, 105.
Berchworth, 133.
Besenby, 156.
Besenbye als. Besyngby, 159.
Bessenbie, 130.
Bessenbye, 130.
Beswicke, 118.
Besyngby als. Besenbye, 159.
Betterby, 146.
Beuerley, 28, 75, 77, 179, 186, 190.
Beverlay, 41, 177.
Beverley, 1, 12, 31, 40, 43, 45, 48, 54,
64, 65, 66, 68, 76, 77, 79, 85,
86, 87, 91, 95, 98, 108, 110,
112, 113, 125, 126, 134, 136,
143, 144, 150, 153, 155, 159,
163, 165, 181, 184, 193.
-, — als. Bewerley, 99.
-, —, St. Mary's, 98.
Bewdlom, 131.
Bewerley als. Beverley, 99.
Bewholme, 105.
Beylbie, 1.
Beylby, 60.
Bierlawe, 126.
Bierle, North 40.
Bigginge, 48.
Biggyn, 150.
Biggyne als. Carrhagge als. Corifago, 175.
Bilbroughe, 178.
Bilbye, 174.
Billyngley, 142.
Bilton, 33, 178.
-, — Common, 174.
Bingley, 169, 170.
Birdale, 138.
Birkhouse, 71.
Birkyn, 183.
Birkynshae, 81.
Birkynshaie, 102.
Birkynshey, 34.
Birleyedge, 87.
Birstall, 9.
Birthwaite, 18.
Birton, 1.
Bishopton, 41.
Blaburye, 148.
Blackamore, 5.
Blackemore, 67.
Blacketofte, 45.
Blacktoft, 127, 163.
Blacktofte, 27, 121, 188, 189, 192.
Blakker, 196.
Bland, 44.
Blythe, 125.
Bodelome als. Budlom, 153.
Bolby, 123.
Bollershawe, 88.
Bollinghall, 35.
Bollynge, 102, 135.
Bolnewyk, 87.
Bolsterston, 134, 161.
Bolstraton, 7.
Boltby, 141.
Bolton, 5, 21, 33, 42, 81, 84, 94, 137,
148, 175, 192.
-, — als. Bolton upon Derne, 118.
-, — als. Chanons, 138.
-, — in Bradforddale, 151.
-, — in Craven, 63.
-, — near Bolland, 66, 75, 92.
-, — near Bradford, 182.
-, — par. Calverley, 182.
-, — Percie, 178.
-, — upon Dearne, 183.
-, — upon Derne, 39, 65, 96, 108,
115, 134, 149, 165.
-, — upon Swayle, 42.
Bondburstwick, 120.
Bonwicke, 47.
Borabye, 38.
Bordeley, 7.
Bordley, Nether, 92, 93, 94, 122.
-, —, Over, 92, 93, 94, 122.
Bornesall, 25.
Borowbie, 170.
Borrobye, 109.
Borrowyng, 53.
Bossall, 57.
Bothom, 72.
Bothome, 163.
Bothomhall, 45.
Bothomley, 14, 118, 181.
Bothomleye, 38.
Boulton, 82.
Bourne, 195.
Bournebye, 174.
Bowbanck, 13.
Bowes, 80, 95, 119.
Bowerthorp, 94.
Bowland, 19.
Bowling Hall, 17.
Bowlren, 51.
Bowlton, 24.
Bowthbye, 82.
Bowthorpe, 38, 39, 59, 97.
Bowthroppe, 3.
Bowtrey, 125.
Boythroppe, 51.
Brackenholme, 58.
Bracken upon the Wolde, 42.
Bradfeild, 20, 128.
Bradfeilde, 7.
Bradfeld, 29, 114, 134, 136, 161, 164.
Bradfelde, 185.
Bradford, 5, 32, 81, 95, 97, 108, 136, 153,
174, 180, 187.
-, —, East, 153.
Bradfordale, 81.
Bradfordalle, 21.
Bradforddale, 102.
Bradforddall, 20.
Bradforde, 42, 69, 102, 118, 133, 183, 189.
Bradfurthe, 64.
Bradley, 133, 169.
Brafferton, 80, 82.
Braithwayt, 62, 92.
Braithwayte, 39.
Braithwell als. Braywell, 59.
Braken, 74.
Brambie, 12.
Brame, 5, 14.
Bramham, 6, 10, 48, 50, 164.
Bramhope, 71.
Bramhopp, 58.
Bramley, 10, 16, 44, 137, 176, 177.
Brampton, 11, 12, 13, 28, 64, 142.
-, — als. Brampton Byerlawe, 167.
-, — Bierlawe, 64, 66.
-, — Byerley, 25, 118.
Bramptonbyerley, 11, 13.
Bramston, 7.
Bramwith, 30, 60, 62, 66, 84, 160, 185, 186, 187.
Bramwithe, 76, 143.
Bramwythe, 183.
Brandesburton, 109, 139, 140.
Brandysborton, 121.
Brandysburton cum Bristill als. Bransburton, 7.
Branham, 121.
Bransburton, 7.
-, — als. Brandysburton cum
Bristill, 7.
Brantingham, 21, 33.
Brantyngham, 148.
Brathwayte, 12.
Brathwell, 5.
-, — als. Braywell, 177.
Braton, 75, 96.
Brawith, 132.
Braythwayte, 160, 177.
Brayton, 123, 140, 153, 168.
Braywell, 25, 138, 173, 186.
-, — als. Braithwell 59.
-, — als. Brathwell, 177.
-, — als. Brethwell, 16.
Brearley, 46, 55.
Breerley, 36.
Brekesherth, 47.
Brekisherthe, 53.
Brekysherthe, 59.
Brerelay, 147.
Brereley, 91, 133, 137, 148.
Brethwell als. Braywell, 16.
als. Burton als. Monckbretton
als. Monckburton als. Burton
Monastery, 126.
-, —, Little, 73.
Bridlington, 27, 188.
Bridlyngton, 156, 159.
Brierley, 19.
Briggesdattes, 3.
Brigham Grene, 132.
Brighous, 45.
Brighouse, 7, 50, 184.
Brighowse, 81, 153.
Brightside, 103.
Brightsyde, 136.
Brikhowse, 27.
Briscowe, 104.
Bristall, 127.
Bristwicke als. Burstwicke, 60.
Brocksey, 172.
Broddesworthe, 165.
Brodesworth, 23, 27, 105.
Brompton, 1, 77, 116, 122, 130.
-, — in Pickeringlithe, 27, 188.
-, — upon Swale, 103.
Broskowe, Est, 113, 117.
Brotherton, 123, 161, 168, 180, 181.
-, — Mushe, 123.
Brotton, 27, 69, 71, 139, 172.
Broughton, 27, 71.
-, —, Great, 90, 155, 172, 173.
-, —, Little, 27, 51, 71.
Brumpton, 51.
Brustell, 139, 140.
Bryerley, 19.
Bryghtsyde, 47.
Brymbem als. Brymham, 83, 88, 99.
Brymben als. Brymham, 84.
als. Brymbem, 83, 88, 89.
-, — als. Brymben, 84.
Brynckclyff Edge, 58.
Brynsford, 167.
Bryrehaugh, 176.
Bubwith, 189.
Buckton, 175, 189.
Budlom, 141.
-, — als. Bodelome, 153.
Bugthorp, 136.
Bugthorpe, 20, 151.
Burdforth, 52.
Burdsall, 173.
Burell, 15.
Burgh, 84, 161.
Burghbrigge, 148.
Burghwalles, 13, 194.
Burghwallis, 49, 72.
Burghwallys, 39.
Burhughbrygge, 80.
Burlay, 28.
Burley, 18, 29.
Burne, 126.
-, — near Selbye, 140, 153.
Burneholme, 57.
-, — als. Nunburneholme, 8, 127.
Burnehowses, 10.
Burnesall, 90.
Burneston, 91.
Burnsall, 28, 195.
Burrell, 78.
Burstwicke, 126, 131.
-, — als. Bristwicke, 60.
Burthwaite, 130.
Burton, 14, 62, 102, 103, 118, 132, 144,
160, 166.
-, — als. Bretton als. Monckburton
als. Monckbretton als. Burton
Monastery, 126.
-, — als. Munke Burton als. Munke
Bretton als. Burton Monastery,
-, — Constable, 62, 192.
-, — Flemyng, 76.
-, — in Bysshopdaile, 42.
-, — in Londisdale, 16.
-, — in Londysdale, 80.
-, — in Lonesdale, 156.
-, — Lonsdale, 119, 196.
-, —, Northe, als. Chereburton, 7.
-, — Pidsey, 87.
Busby, Great, 27, 71.
Busbye, 51.
-, — Magna, 169.
Bussbye, Little, 181.
Busseby, Great, 187.
Busshopburton, 114.
Busterthorp, 124.
Buterwicke, 27.
Butterwicke, 27, 74, 188.
Butterwycke, 58.
Byckerton, 15, 30.
Byckley, 84, 161.
Byclyffe, 161.
Byereley, 175.
Byerlay, 103.
Byerle, 173.
Byerley, 45, 53.
Byggyn, 9, 135.
Bylham, 39, 95, 97.
Byllyngley, 76, 108, 115, 149.
Bylton, 104, 107, 124.
Byngeley, 81.
Bynglay, 45, 48.
Byngley, 18, 21, 35, 45, 47, 91, 177.
Byngley als. Bynley, 25.
Bynley als. Byngley, 25.
Bynly, 59.
Bynnyngton, 64.
Bynsco, 99.
Bynyngton als. Bennyngton, 120.
Byram, 139.
Byrkbye, 170.
Byrkyn, 2, 78, 136.
Byrlyngton, 107.
Byrom, 185.
Byrome, 174.
Byron, 123.
Byshope Burton, 68.
Byshopthorpe, 124.
Byshopton, 104.
Bysshopthorpe, 63, 70.
Bysshopton, 84.
Cadbye, 131.
Cadeby, 188.
Caidbie als. Kaytby, 47.
Caidby, 28.
Calcotts, Nether, 7.
Caldwell, 192.
Calffe Holme, 41.
Calsett, 62.
-, — Howse, 62.
Calthorn, 61.
Calthorne, 19.
Calton, 7, 172.
Calverley, 137.
Camberton, 188.
Camelsford, 125.
Camerton, 31, 58, 109, 114, 163.
Camesforth, 123.
Camlesford, 125.
Cammellesfurth, 35.
Campsall, 39, 49, 52, 62, 66, 68, 72, 79,
85, 88, 119, 125, 143, 170,
185, 186, 187, 193.
-, — als. Camsall, 110.
Camsall, 155.
-, — als. Campsall, 110.
Canonhall, 49.
Canonthorpe, 188.
Cantley, 29.
Cappesthorne, 176.
Carcrofte, 22, 30, 83, 134.
Carleton, 2, 15, 21, 33, 35, 42, 57, 71, 77,
87, 101, 106, 110, 117, 123,
140, 141, 152, 153, 154, 158,
-, — Baron als. Carleton in Lynrycke, 153.
-, — Kyngeston als. Kyngeston in
Carleton, 153.
-, — Mynyott, 143.
-, — near Snathe, 125.
-, —, North, 76.
Carlinghowe, 180.
Carlton, 168.
Carnaby, 66.
Carnabye, 38.
Carr, 57.
-, —, The, 31.
Carre, Little, 174.
Carrhagge als. Biggyne als. Corifago, 175.
Carthorp, 162.
Castellevynton, 3.
Castellforthe, 49.
Castleforde, 72.
Castlefurthe, 114.
Castleparke, 87.
Castleshawe, 175.
Castley, 64, 152.
Cattall, Little, 46.
Catton, 34, 59.
-, —, Nether, 82.
-, —, Upper, 82.
Cattwicke, 105, 170.
Catwick, 13, 158.
Catwicke, 156, 158, 159.
Catwyk, 87.
Catwyke, 113, 178.
Cave, 89, 93.
-, —, North, 4.
-, —, South, 133, 149, 188.
-, —, Sowth, 4, 13.
Cawdwell, 51.
Cawteley als. Cawtlay, 69.
Cawthorn, 49.
Cawthorne, 10, 82, 102, 114, 123, 133, 141.
Cawtlay als. Cawteley, 69.
Cawtley, 44, 60.
Cawton, 59, 139.
Cayton, 187.
-, —, Northe, 177.
Cettlewell (Kettlewell) Dale, 94.
Chappell Allerton, 96.
Chappelthorpp, 154.
Charlecotes, 100.
Charing Crosse, co. Middx., 4.
Chekynlay, 136.
als. Northburton, 131, 150.
-, — als. Northe Burton, 7.
Chete, 50.
Chidsell, 45.
Churchefenton, 135.
Churwell, 127, 131, 170.
Chyckynley, 125.
Clapdale, 24, 40.
Clapdalehall, 24.
Clapham, 21, 24, 31, 40, 67, 135, 156.
Clareton, 148, 154.
Claxton, 109.
-, —, Little, 118.
Clayton, 7, 21, 30, 43, 62, 73, 81, 136, 150, 153, 164, 184, 193.
Claytone, 44.
Clementhorpe, 163.
Cleveland, 14, 51, 73.
Cleyton, 2.
Clifforde, 102, 153.
Clifton, 5, 17, 50, 59, 63, 74, 102, 124, 146, 176, 177, 180, 186, 191.
Cliftonne, 165.
Clossehouse, 36.
Clotheram als. Clotherum, 14.
Clothern, 8.
Clotherom, 135.
Clotherum als. Clotheram, 14.
Clowbecke, 140.
Clyff, 79, 159.
Clyffe, 148.
Clyfton, 16, 81, 167, 173, 186.
Cockan, 164.
Cogden, 74.
Colborne, 66.
Coldhindley, 49.
Coldhyndley, 100.
Coldon, 87.
-, —, Great, 22, 168.
-, —, —, als.. North Coldon, 66.
Coley, 23.
Coleyhall, 23.
Colley, 19.
Collinge als. Cowlinge, 15.
Collingham, 10, 52.
Collinghead, 176.
Collinworth als. Collyngworth, 25.
Collyng, 28.
Collynge, 109, 176.
Collyngeheath, 78.
Collyngworth als. Collinworth, 25.
Colmandale als. Comondale, 117.
Colmendall, 37.
Colne, co. Kent, 100.
Colton, 178.
Colynge als. Cowlinghead, 188.
Comberworth, 73.
Comberworthe, Nether, 111.
-, —, Over, 111.
Comlesforthe, 104.
Comondale, 194.
-, — als. Colmandale, 117.
Compton, 20.
Conesburgh, 167.
Coniston, 39.
Conistroppe, 148.
Connisburghe, 56.
Connstable Burton, 40.
Connysburghe, 56.
Conondley, 42.
Consboroughe, 186.
Constable Burton, 27.
Conyston, 38, 41, 43, 112, 195.
-, —, Cold, 112.
Conystone, 2, 51.
Cootes, 117.
Cootgarthe, 164.
Copley, 43, 53, 165.
Corifago als. Carrhagge als. Biggyne, 175.
Cornborough, 77.
Cotcliffe, 170.
Coterellwoods, 19.
Cotes, 110.
Cotnes, 22.
Cottam, East, 142.
Cottingham, 58.
Cottingham, The Frith of, 116.
Cottingley, 170.
Cottinham, 181.
Cottyngham, 61, 102, 133, 134.
Cottyngwyth, 25.
-, —, West, 37.
Couckeridge, 96.
Coundale, 80.
Cowburne, 51.
Cowesyde als. the Forest of Knoppe, 11.
Cowgilhowses, 92, 93.
Cowhowse, 141.
Cowicke, 104, 147, 160.
Cowlinge als. Collinge, 15.
Cowlinghead als. Colynge, 188.
Cowlingheade, 35.
Cowlthorpe als. Cowthorpe, 17.
Cowlton, 115.
Cowlynge, 162.
Cowlynghead, 186.
Cowpercote, 147.
Cowthorpe als. Cowlthorpe, 17.
Cowthorppe, 26.
Cowton, 119.
-, —, Atley, 184.
-, —, East, 51.
-, —, Easte, als. Longe Cowton, 86.
-, —, Long, als. Est Cowton, 115.
-, —, North, 72, 98, 102.
-, —, South, 184.
Cowyck, 52, 73.
Cowycke, 123, 171.
Crackepotte, 57.
Cracoll Magna, 78.
Crakall, 15.
-, —, Little, 27.
Crake, 75, 78, 90.
Crakehall Magna, 80.
-, — Parva, 80.
Crakell, Little, 71.
Crambe, 128.
Crauholme als. Crawme , 20.
Craven, 11, 21, 65, 84, 85, 174.
Crawme als. Crauholme, 20.
Craycall, 31.
Creglesbie, 10.
Crendall, 58.
Creythorn, 71.
Creythorne, 27.
Crigelston, 154.
Crigleston, 12, 147.
Crofte, 141, 148.
Crofton, 49, 117.
Crokewell, 63.
Crokwell, 74.
Cromblebothome, 153.
Crome, 21, 23, 27, 108, 182, 188, 189.
Crosland, 10.
-, —, North, 195.
Croston, 133, 156.
Cryggelleston, 133.
Crygleston, 18.
Cryglestone, 61.
Cuckrigge, 176.
Cudworth, 2, 4, 133.
Cullingworth, 18, 170.
Cullyngworthe, 91.
Cumberworthe, 102, 103.
Cundall, 34.
Cunnyngley, 35, 186.
Cunsborough, 138.
Cunstable Burton, 71.
Cunysburgh, 56.
Cusheworth als. Cusworth , 185.
Cusworth, 2, 28, 53, 104, 158.
-, — als. Cusheworth, 185.
Cusworthe, 54.
Dacre, 83, 85, 88.
Dalbancke, 93.
Dalton, 8, 34, 37, 77, 98, 103, 120, 128,
137, 167.
-, — norys als. Daltone le norys, 24.
-, —, South, 78, 85.
-, —, Sowth, 134, 150.
-, — Travers als. Gailes, 96.
Daltone, 42.
-, — le norys als. Dalton norys, 24.
Damenis, 176.
Danby, 132, 142.
Danbye, 5, 49, 138.
-, — Forest, 138.
-, —, Little, 150, 171.
-, — upon Wiske, 193.
Danthropp, 67.
Darfeild, 115.
Darfeld, 32, 33, 37, 54, 72, 97, 101.
Darnall, 53, 92.
Darnbrock, 11.
Darnebrok, 147.
Darnebroke, 65.
Darton, 11, 18, 65, 73, 129, 130, 144, 184.
-, — als. Derton, 152.
Darwen, The, 33.
Darwent, The, 163.
Darwin, The, 189.
Darwyn, The, 20.
Daweton, 31.
Delfe, 175.
Dembye, 86.
Denbie, 30, 44.
Denby, 73, 82.
-, —, Nether, 139.
-, —, Over, 139.
Denbye, 30, 76, 193.
-, —, Nether, 76.
-, —, Over, 76.
Denehead, 84.
Denholme als. Denhom, 25.
Denhom als. Denholme, 25.
Dent, 7, 19, 55, 150, 158, 169.
Dente, 87, 89.
Depedale, 14, 158.
Depecarre, 87.
Derefeld, 196.
Dereynge, 88.
Derfeild, 39.
Derfeld, 115, 137, 142, 161.
Derne, The, 39, 152.
Derton als. Darton, 152.
Dewsburie, 102, 174.
Dewsburye, 20, 128, 175.
Deynehead, 44.
Deyneheade, 60.
Diffurth, 34.
Dighton, Northe, 144.
-, —, Southe, als. Kirke Dighton,
Dimslay, 156.
Dinsdell als. Dinsell als. Dynsdale als. Dinsdaile, 86.
Disforde als. Dysforth, 128.
Doddyngton als. Duddyngton als. Donyngton, 143.
Dodnes, 191.
Dodworth, 76, 104, 105, 111, 145.
Dodworthe, 45, 60.
Dodyngton, 87.
Dolton, Little, 50.
Doncaster, 11, 20, 28, 39, 41, 45, 48, 50, 52, 60, 61, 63, 66, 72, 81, 84, 95, 97, 105, 107, 118, 119, 143, 145, 146, 150, 152, 153, 155, 163, 167, 173, 178, 182, 185, 187, 190.
Doncastre, 134.
Donne, The, 39.
Donyngton als. Doddyngton als. Duddyngton, 143.
Dowbiggin, 44, 60.
Doweton, 31.
Downeholme, 42, 94.
Dowton, 146.
Drax, 2, 57, 71, 106, 176.
Draxe, 29, 50, 73, 96, 144, 165.
Drewton, 117.
Driffeld, 147.
-, — Magna, 100.
-, — Parva, 188.
Driffelde, 176.
Drighlington, 180.
Drighlyngton, 127.
Dringo, 47.
Dripole, 178.
Dripoole, 44.
Dromanby, 27, 71.
Dryffeild, Great, 50.
Dryfeld, Great, 85.
-, —, Little, 85.
Dryffeld, 27.
-, —, Little, 165.
Dryfyld Magna, 99, 189.
-, — Parva, 99, 189.
Dryghlington, 9.
Drynge, 38.
Dryngehowe, 53.
als. Drynglay, 161.
-, — als. Drynghowe, 166.
Drynghouses, 70.
Drynghowe als. Dryngho, 166.
Drynghowses, 63.
Drynglay, 84.
-, — als. Dryngho, 161.
Drypole, 51, 178.
Drypoole, 55.
Duddyngton als. Doddyngton als. Donyngton, 143.
Duffeild North, 171.
Duffeld North, 79.
-, —, South, 37, 133.
-, —, Sowth, 105.
Duffelde South, 29, 79.
-, —, Sowth, 3.
Dun, The, 72.
Dungworth, 155, 158.
Dunkeswicke, 34, 62.
Dunkeswycke, 15, 18.
Dunsforde, 148.
Dunsley, 38, 47.
Dunynglawe, 173.
Durham, 46, 57, 71.
Dyke, 88, 194.
-, — als. Gilbertdyke, 193, 194.
Dynnyngton, 142.
Dynsdale als. Dinsdaile als. Dinsdell als. Dinsell, 86.
Dynyngton, 175.
Dyrker, 73.
Dysforth als. Disforde, 128.
Dysfurthe, 42.
Easby, 27, 71.
Easbye, 51.
Easington, 46.
Eassington cum Bowlby, 27, 71.
Eastbarneby, 47.
Eastbie, 120.
Eastblacktofte, 97.
Eastbrompton, 71.
Eastburne, 17.
Eastbye, 135.
Eastcotham, 27, 71.
Eastehauxwell, 173.
Easthall of Southcave als. Southcave, 188.
Easthardwicke, 15.
Eastharlesay, 99.
Eastkeswycke, 31, 65.
Eastlinton, 27, 71.
Easton, 27, 71.
Eastrington, 179, 193, 194.
East Nesse, 80.
Eastwode, 43.
Easyngton, 82, 123, 156.
Easyngwold, 144.
Ebberston, 161.
Ebberstone, 95.
Ecclefeld, 10.
Ecclesall, 8, 12, 43, 58, 64, 97, 126, 130, 183.
Ecclesfeld, 19, 20, 44, 87, 136, 143, 190, 193.
Eclande, 145.
Ecopp, 176.
Edderthorpe, 137.
-, — als. Edirthorpe, 137.
Edderthorppe, 54, 72, 97, 108, 149.
Edderthorppe, als. Eddirthorppe, 115.
Eddlethorpe, 24.
Edelthorpe, 113.
Ederthorpe, 2, 11, 19, 32, 33.
Ederthorppe, 37, 115.
Edeston, 138.
Edlethorpe, 11, 50, 62, 161.
Edlethorpp, 188.
Edlethorppe, 84.
Edlington, 14, 18, 186.
Edlyngton, 25, 63, 138.
Edston als. Greatedston, 147.
Egbroughe, 106, 166, 169.
Egbrowgh, 38.
Egburgh, 39.
Egburghe, 136.
Eggleston, 151.
Eglestone, 164.
Egton, 27, 51, 71, 132.
Eilsternwicke, 105.
Eland, 11, 44, 45, 129, 133, 134, 143.
Elerbourne, 52.
Eley, 178.
Ellerby, 146.
Ellerbye, 7.
Ellerker, 1, 21, 150.
Ellerton, 4, 37, 62, 135.
-, — upon Swayle, 42.
Elley, 112.
-, —, West, 63, 68.
Ellingstringe, 7, 194.
Ellinthrope, 47.
Ellyngthorpe, 86.
Ellyngthorppe, 144.
Elmesall, 9, 15, 185.
Elmestringe, 146.
Elmeswell, 99, 189.
Elmsall, 30, 88.
Elmyer, 31.
Elrothe, 53, 156.
Elslack, 74.
Elslacke, 112.
Elstanwyck als. Tyndemham, 91.
Elwardby, 7, 146, 149.
Emotherbye als. Amotherbye, 53, 59.
Emley, 25, 45, 91, 102, 150.
Emleywodhous, 125.
Emley Woodhouse, 150.
Emsall, 62.
England, 58, 67, 84, 140, 141, 189.
Epilbie als. Epplebie, 182.
Eppilbye, als. Eppleby, 192.
Epplebie als. Epilbie, 182.
Eppleby, 189.
-, — als. Eppilbye, 192.
Epplebye, 51.
Erbie, 75.
Erghum als. Arom als. Aram in Holderness, 158.
Erneclyffe, 185.
Eshehold als. West Eshehold, 90.
Esheton als. Esseton, 185.
Esholt, 90.
Esington, 64.
Eske, 155, 159, 160.
Eske, The, 132.
Esseton als Esheton, 185.
Essheton, 169.
Essington, 7, 22.
Esske, The, 37.
Essyngton, 184.
Estanfelde, 140, 154.
Estapleton, 51.
Estbrompton, 27.
Estbye, 17.
Estcowton als. Longcowton, 59.
Estcrick, 25.
Estecotham, 51.
Esthatfelde, 178.
Estheslerton, 10.
Estkeswicke, 1, 30.
Estmarton, 1.
Estmershe, 178.
Estnewton, 87.
Eston, 51, 142.
Estrington, 9.
Estryngton, 117, 121.
Ethernewicke, 115.
Etherthorpe als. Everthorpe, 133.
Etherwicke, 77.
Ethurnwike als. Ethurwick, 87.
Ethurnwick als. Ethurnwike, 87.
Etton, 85.
Everston, 78.
Everstone, 181.
Everthorpe als. Etherthorpe, 133.
Ewes, 98.
Exilbye, 51, 193.
Exley, 5, 47, 176.
Exleymore, 29.
Exterop, 190.
Exthorpe, 143.
Exthorppe, 152.
Eyer, The, 123.
Eyre, The, 39.
Eyrethorne als. Allethorne, 27, 71.
Faceby, 27, 71.
Facebye, 51.
Faernlay, 104.
Fangfosse, 174.
Farbramwith, 12.
Farburne, 181, 183.
-, — als. Feriburne, 2.
Fareholme, 7.
Farmanby, 43, 44.
Farmanbye, 76.
Farneham, 169.
Farnehill, 169.
Farneley, 111, 137, 154, 187.
Farnley, 131.
Farseley, 171, 176.
Farsley, 137.
Fauxflete, 45.
-, — als. Thorntonhouses, 45.
Fawkeners, 72.
Fawlthwayte als. Fawthwayte, 45.
Fearebie, 113.
Felbeck, 83, 88, 89.
Felkirk, 55.
als. Great Fencott, 89.
-, —, Lytle, 89.
Fencotts, 42.
-, —, Great, 42.
Feneweke, 133.
Fenton, 71, 127.
-, —, Little, 14, 21.
-, —, South, 150.
Fenwick, 68, 185.
Fenwicke, 160.
Fenwycke, 66, 88.
Ferbecke als. Ferthbecke, 98.
Ferby, 78.
Ferby, 6.
Feriburne als. Farburne, 2.
Fermanby, 52.
Ferreby, 112.
Ferreybridge, 69.
Ferrey in Freiston, 69.
Ferribrigge, 189.
Ferribriggs als. Ferrifreston, 180.
Ferriby, 52.
Ferriffriston, 63.
Ferrifreston als. Ferribriggs, 180.
Ferrybrigge, 161.
Ferrybye, 6.
Ferryebye, 98.
Ferry Freston, 85, 161.
Ferryfriston als Ferybridge, 31.
Ferthbecke als. Ferbecke, 98.
Ferybridge als. Ferryfriston, 31.
Ferybrigg, 33.
Feryeffryston, 55.
Fetherston, 123, 161, 176.
Fetherstone, 55, 189.
Feryngesbye, 84.
Feysar, 40.
Feyserghe, 147.
Filay, 144.
-, — Dam, 144.
-, — Mershe, 144.
Filkirke, 133.
Fillyxchurche, 113.
Firbeck als. Furbeck, 89.
Firbye, 138.
Flamborough, 27.
Flambrough als. Flamburghe, 193.
Flambrugh als. Flamburgh, 189.
Flamburgh, 189.
-, — als. Flambrugh, 189.
Flamburghe als. Flambrough, 193.
Flamebrough, 130.
Flangfosse, 128.
Flansall, 60.
Flasbie, 169.
Flasbye, 148.
Flawith, 189.
Flaxton, 27, 51.
Flixton, 105, 138, 156, 159, 188.
Flockton, 73, 81, 90, 111, 139, 140.
-, —, Nether, 81, 90, 140.
-, —, Over, 81, 90.
-, —, Upper, 140.
Flynton, 7.
Fockkerthorpe, 122.
Fockkerthrope, 122.
Fokerby, 145.
Fokerthorpe, 89.
Folfford als. Fulfurth, 87.
Follyfait, 81.
Follyfaite, 5, 174.
Follyfate, 84.
Follyfatt, 30.
Follyfayt, 10.
Follyfayte, 136.
Forcet, 182.
Forcett, 189.
Forcette, 192.
Fosham als. Fossam, 114, 131.
Fossam, 169.
-, —als. Fosham, 114, 131.
Foston, 41, 59, 87, 132, 181.
Foulgill als. Fowgill, 86.
Fountaines Fell, 11.
Fountaynes Felles, 147.
Fowgill als. Foulgill, 86.
Fowgyll, 12.
Fowley, 189.
Foxeholes, 109.
Foxhole, 47.
Foxholes, 145.
Foxholles, 72.
Foxholls, 170, 173.
Foxton, 51.
Fraistrope, 79.
Fraystrope, 78.
Fremyngton, 62, 137, 177.
Freston, 180.
Frickley, 57.
Frodingham, South, 181.
Froscraye, 60.
Frostra, 44.
Frostwray, 109.
Fryston near the water, 154.
Fulforthe, 64.
Fulfurth als. Folfford, 87.
Fullam, 106, 169.
Fulsutton, 153.
Fulthroppe, 144.
Fulwood, 69.
Furbeck als. Firthbeck, 89.
Furby, 84.
Fymber als. Fymer, 21, 23, 108.
Fymer als. Fymber, 21, 23, 108.
Fynchdon, 127.
Fyngell, 51.
Fynnyngley, 65.
Fyrbeck, 161.
Fyrbecke, 139.
Fyrbye, 173.
Fyshelacke, 67.
Fyzer, 162.
Gacles, 37.
Gailes als. Dalton Travers, 96.
Gaisgill, 137.
Gales, 11.
Galtres, Forest of, 125, 145.
Ganstead, 31.
Gansteade, 31.
-, — Hall, 31.
Gansted, 24, 26, 39, 44.
Ganstede, 55.
Ganton als. Gawnton, 110.
Garfurth, 41.
Gargrave, 5, 17, 36, 37, 70, 134, 169, 179, 185.
Garreston, 94.
Garristonne, 192.
Garton, 15, 46, 51, 79, 87, 110.
-, — in Holdernes, 178.
-, — in the Woold, 88, 90.
-, — upon the Wold, 117.
-, — upon the Woulde, 65.
Gatill, 148.
Gaunstede, 43.
Gawkill, 139.
Gawnton als. Ganton, 110.
Geldayll, Great, als. Great Gevyndall,
-, —, Little, als. Little Gevyndall,
Gellestropp, 148.
Gemlyng, 42, 43.
Gemlynge, 113, 141.
Genedale als. Gevendale, 61.
Gericke, 71.
Gerrycke, 5.
Gersington, 42.
Geryck, 27.
Gethemsley, 49.
Gevendale als. Genedale, 61.
Gevindale, 15.
Gevyndale, 25.
Gevyndall, Great, als. Great Geldayll,
-, —, Little, als. Little Geldayll,
Gibthorpe, 189.
Gilberdyke, 173.
Gilbertdick, 135.
Gilbertdyke als. Dyke, 193, 194.
Gilberthorpehill, 10.
Gildersome, 157.
Gilderstofte, 78.
Gillinge, 59, 144.
Gilthwayte, 145.
Gisborne, 60, 103.
Gisburne, 25, 47.
Gisley, 90.
Glacedale, 138.
Glusburne, 17, 42, 112, 169.
Golcar, 45.
Goldall als. Goldayll als. Gouldall, 176.
Goldayll als. Goldall als. Gouldall, 176.
Goldesburgh, 14.
Goldethorpe, 134.
Goldthorpe, 39, 65.
Goldthorppe als. Golthorppe, 149.
Golkar, 180.
Golkare, 26.
Golker, 61, 115, 148.
Golldall, 43.
-, — Hall, 43.
Golthorpe, 115, 118.
Golthorppe als. Goldthorppe, 149.
Gomersall, 34, 57, 58, 108, 135, 179,
180, 189.
-, — Parva, 108.
Gotland, 95.
Goulcare, 116.
Gouldall als. Goldall als. Goldayll, 176.
Goulkarre, 195.
Gouxhill, 87.
Gowdall, 41.
Gowle, 69.
Gowlthorp, 24.
Gowlton, 147.
Gownnersett, 62.
-, — Mylne, 62.
-, — Parke, 62.
Gowsell als. Goxhill, 157.
Gowthorpe, 192.
Gowthrope, 77, 163.
Goxhill als. Gowsell, 157.
Grafton, 148, 154.
Grantley, 135, 187.
Grastock Hill, 55.
Grastongyll, 12.
Grastyngyll, 86.
Graunge, 175.
-, — Mere, 5.
-, — Meyre, 100.
Graynsmore, 39.
Graysmore, 43.
Greatedston als. Edston, 147.
Greatehorton, 20.
Greateland, 143.
Greathabton, 159.
Greathaughton, 115.
Greatland, 45.
Greetland, 11, 134.
Greisbroke, 151.
-, — Byerley, 151.
Grenacke, 110, 118.
Greneake, 121, 163, 166, 171.
Grenehamerton, 7, 138.
Grenehill, 81.
Gresbroke, 11, 25, 97, 101, 108, 119, 173, 182.
Gresbrook, 144.
Greston als. Gyrsington, 17.
Greteland, 43, 125.
Greyve, 91.
Gringlington, 19.
Grymlyng, 59.
Grymsthorpe, 133.
Grymston, 3, 32, 50, 156.
-, — Aclyn als. North Grymston,
-, — Marryshe, 32.
-, —, North, 179.
-, —, —, als. Grymston Aclyn,
Grymstone, 84.
-, —, North, 22.
Gryndalle, 107.
Grynton, 74.
-, — in Swawdale, 86.
-, —, West, 117.
Guernebye, 180.
Gumberthall, 188.
Gumberthorne als. Thorngumbald, 137.
Gumblethwayt, 119.
Gunbye, 148.
Gyesley, 96, 177.
Gygilswicke, 11.
Gyldenwellys, 19.
Gyldersome, 82, 127.
Gyldyngwelles, 142.
Gymlyng, 39.
Gyndallythe als. Kerkby in Kendayllyth, 136.
Gynedale als. Gyvendale, 103.
Gypton, 80.
Gyrsington als. Greston, 17.
Gysborne, 5, 98, 100, 194.
Gysborowgh, 117.
Gyseley Church, 165, 166.
Gysley, 90.
Gyvendale als. Gynedale, 103.
Habton, Little, 149.
Hacforthe, 177.
Hackeford, 126.
Hackforth, 80.
Hackforthe, 27, 71.
Hackyswyke, 13.
Haddisley, 140.
Haddlesey, 38, 136.
Haddysley, 153.
Hadleysey, 45.
Hagthorpp, 78.
Haigh, 184.
Haighe, 78.
Halbridge, 76.
Hallifax, 40, 106.
Hallowes, 25.
Hallyfax, 92, 128.
Hallywell, 114.
Halnaby, 99.
Halnabye Graunge, 99.
Halneby, 41.
Halnebye, 80.
Halome, 69.
Halton on the Hill, 17.
-, —, West, 156, 174.
Halykell, 73.
Hamleton, 84.
Hampall, 182.
-, — Stubbes als. Stubbes, 182.
-, — Stubbs, 24.
Handesworthe Woddehowse, 46.
Handsworthe Woodhouse, 72.
Haneworth, 53.
Hanginge Grimston 69.
Hanley, 9.
-, — als. Honley, 9, 10.
Hanlithe, 183.
Hannesworth, 48.
Hansworth, 159.
-, — Woodhouse, 159.
Hanthwaite, 55.
Hantwayte, 91.
Harden, 18, 30, 45, 47, 48, 97, 170, 192.
Hardinge, 35.
Hardwicke, 158.
-, —, West, 80.
Harkasyde in Swaldale, 3.
Harlethorpe, 25, 147.
Harlington, 66, 129, 188.
Harlyngton, 39, 47, 107.
Harnby, 163.
Harneby, 42, 58.
-, — als. Horneby, 14.
Harom, 141, 153.
Harpham, 74, 178.
Harthill, 61, 186, 190.
Harton on the Hill, 9.
Hartoune, 22.
Hartwith, 83, 85, 88, 105, 106, 107, 109, 135.
Hartwithe, 104.
Hartwyth, 89.
Harwodd, 91.
Harwood, 18, 84.
Harwoodde, 34, 62.
Hassell, 178.
Hatfeild, 122, 185.
Hatfeld, 158, 186.
-, — Magna, 122.
Haugh, 141.
Haughe, 167.
Haughton, Little, 39.
-, —, Magna, 115.
-, —, Parva, 115.
Haukesweeke, 134.
Hauxwell, 173.
Havercroft, 156.
Havercrofte, 40, 98.
Hawghton, Great, 54.
Hawkesweeke, 42.
Hawkesweke, 185.
Hawkesworth, 90.
Hawlothorpe, 50.
Hawneby, 119.
Haworth, 58.
Haworthe, 93, 101, 124, 127, 142.
Hayneworth, 165.
Haynworthe, 125.
Hayr Hylls, 93.
Hayshay, 85.
Hayshaye, 88.
Headen, 34.
Headon, 68, 94, 96, 112, 178.
Headyngley, 96.
-, —, West, 96.
Heath, 161.
Heaton, 52, 74, 176.
Heatoncarre, 52.
Heatonclacke, 45.
Heayholme, 21, 150.
Hebberston, 84.
Hebden, 17, 28, 29, 96.
Hebletwhaite, 3.
Hecke als. Bawnhecke, 41.
Heckmondwike, 73, 126.
Hederycke, 91.
Hedingley, 176.
Hedley, 48.
Hedon, 87, 178.
-, —, Balliwick of, 184.
-, —, Wapentack of, 184.
Helabie, 138.
Helabye, 25.
Helay in Swaldale, 116.
Heley, 70.
Helifeild, 172.
Hellabye, 186.
Helleby, 22, 23.
Hellyfeilde, 138.
Hellyfeld, 125.
Hellyfelde, 58, 133.
Helmesley, 141, 153.
-, — Castle, 141.
Helow, 104.
Helparby, 80.
Helton, 17.
Hemburgh als. Hemyngburgh, 58.
als. Hemphome als. Hemphowe als. Ootonholme,
-, — als. Hemphome als. Hemphawe als. Octonholme,
Hemyngbrowgh, 3.
Hemyngbrowghe, 26.
Hemyngburgh als. Hemburgh, 58.
Hemyngfeld, 3.
Hencrofte, 101.
Hendley, 11.
Hensall, 17, 37, 38, 41, 76, 106, 123, 152.
Heptonscall, 45.
Heptunstall, 191.
Hersthorpe, 178.
Hesell, 112.
Hesill, 36.
Hesketh, 141.
Heslerton, West, 78.
Heslyngton, 163.
Hessay, 162.
Hesselbecke als. Isselbecke, 2.
Hesseley, 19.
Hessell, 63, 68, 98.
Hessey, 149.
Hessill, 176.
Hessyll, 6.
Hestewad, 134.
Hetherycke, 34, 62.
Heton, 19, 117.
Hetton, 90, 92, 93, 94, 122.
Heworthe, 110.
Hewton, 6, 150.
-, — Cranswicke, 109, 121, 126.
-, — Parva, 137.
-, — under Heighe, 138, 186.
Hewyck, 74.
Heythroppe, 86.
Heyton, 36.
He—, 124.
Hickelton, 40.
Hickleton, 101, 148, 159.
Highe Howlande, 193.
Hilderthorpe, 66.
Hillom als. Hyllam als. Hillowme, 95.
Hilston, 87.
Hilton, 71.
Hinderwell, 71.
Hipperholme, 11, 18, 23, 40, 45.
-, — als. Hipperhom, 61, 81.
-, — als. Hipperhome, 151.
Hipperhom als. Hipperholme, 61, 81.
als. Hipperholme, 151.
-, — als. Hypperholme, 164.
Hippeswell, 51.
Hirst, 140.
Hodstroppe, 98.
Hoghton, Little, 32, 72.
Hoilandswayne, 152.
Holand, 14.
Holande, 73.
Holandswayne, 37.
Holden, 25, 108, 137.
-, — als. Hoveden, 165.
Holdenfeild, 71.
Holdenfeld, 27.
Holdernes, 7, 24, 26, 40, 44, 53, 58, 113, 146, 156, 168, 183.
Holdworth, 123.
Holland, 9.
-, —, Nether, 9.
-, — Swayne, 188.
Hollandswayne, 119.
Holme, 87, 129.
-, — in Spaldingmore, 25, 27, 32, 98,
108, 147, 189.
Holmeton als. Humpton, 114.
Holom, 70.
Holtbye, 96.
Honley, 31, 170.
-, — als. Hanley, 9, 10.
Honton, 162.
-, — als. Hunton, 146.
Hooland, 3.
-, —, Highe, 136.
Hooton, Pannell, 164, 165.
-, — Paynell, 95.
-, — Rudbye als. Hutton near Rudbye als. Huton, 191.
Hopperton, 148, 154.
Hopton, 74.
Horberrye, 126.
Horberye, 126.
Horburie, 101, 102.
Horbury, 4, 12, 73.
Horburye, 64, 154.
Horbyrye, 28.
Horden, 25.
Horneby, 27, 51, 71.
-, — als. Harneby, 14.
Hornebye, 130.
Hornesey, 27.
Hornsey, 188.
Horseforth, 176.
Horsfurth, 96.
Horton, 20, 44, 118, 120, 127, 146, 147,
185, 187, 191, 195.
-, —, Great, 153.
-, — in Bradforddale, 102, 174, 195.
-, — in Craven, 11.
-, — in Ribbillesdale, 170.
-, —, Little, 153.
Hotham, 81, 82.
Hothen Car, 167.
Hothom, 4.
Hothome, 116, 117.
Hoton Cranswicke, 178.
-, — Pannell, 43.
Hougandheyton, 45.
Houghton, 49, 72, 114.
Houmtun in Holdernes, 195.
Hoveden, 89, 195.
-, — als. Holden, 165.
-, — als. Howden, 32, 102.
Hovedon, 1, 2, 8, 32, 175.
Howdan, 121.
Howden, 72, 172.
-, — als. Hoveden, 32, 102.
Howeden, 108, 150, 152.
Howgill, 44.
Howk, 104.
Howke, 81, 93, 168.
-, — Pasture, 93.
Howley, 55, 127.
Howlyngton als. Humton, 97.
Howsome, 53.
-, — als. Owsham, 36, 39.
Howson als. Owsham, 20.
Howton, 16.
-, — Panell, 182.
-, — Pannell, 32.
-, — Undreheyghe, 25.
Howtoncraneswicke, 178.
Hoyland, 196.
Hoyton Panell, 57.
Hubie, 12, 181.
Huby, 134.
Hubye, 78, 90.
Huddersfeild, 53, 120.
Huddersfeld, 24, 45, 61, 84, 103, 195.
Huddeswell, 99.
Hudswell, 51.
Huggaite on the Wold, 180.
Huggett, 8, 27, 188.
Hughill, 155, 158.
Hull, 7, 140.
Humanby, 177.
Humanbye, 188.
Humber, The, 188.
Humpton als. Holmeton, 114.
Humton als. Howlyngton, 97.
Hunanbye, 27.
Hunburtone, 144.
Hundell, 15.
Hundesley als. Hunsley, 92.
Hundmanbie, 105.
Hunmanby, 165.
Hunscett, 123.
Hunshelf, 74, 127, 134.
Hunshelfe, 181.
Hunslett, 64.
Hunsley, 89.
-, — als. Hundesley, 92.
Hunsworth, 45.
Hunsynall, 157.
Huntewyke, 154.
Hunton, 51, 131, 158, 175.
-, — als. Honton, 146.
-, — als. Huntun, 147.
Huntun als. Hunton, 147.
Huntyngton, 13, 150, 158, 159.
Hustwayte, 161.
Huton, 171.
-, — als. Hutton near Rudbye als.
Hooton Rudbye, 191.
-, — Cranswicke, 145.
-, — on Darwent, 166.
-, — on the Hill, 166.
Hutton, 12, 146.
-, — Bushell, 120.
-, — Busshell, 122.
-, — near Rudbye als. Hooton Rudbye als. Huton, 191.
-, — upon Wiske, 145.
Hyckelton, 181.
Hyckleton, 95.
Hykkylton, 9.
Hyllam als. Hillom als. Hillowme, 95.
Hylston, 87.
Hylton, 27, 119.
Hymsworth, 2, 11, 19, 156.
Hynderswell, 123.
Hynderwell, 5, 27, 38.
Hyndley, 133, 156, 175.
Hypperholme, 182, 184.
-, — als. Hipperhome, 164.
Hyst, 153.
Ibornedale, 38.
Iburnedale, 47.
Idell, 124.
Idle, 17, 175, 176.
Ilgeley, 8.
Ilkeley, 116.
Ilkley, 64.
Ilkton, 175.
Illyngworthe, 65.
Ingbircheworthe, 145.
Ingburchworth, 30.
Ingerthorpe, 148, 174.
Ingleby, 71.
-, — near Arnecliffe, 71.
-, — near Grenehowe, 27, 71.
Inglebye, 27, 51, 120, 121.
Isselbecke als. Hesselbecke, 2.
Jolbye, 99.
Karlsmore, 143.
Kaysdale als. Kaysden, 40.
Kaysden als. Kaysdale, 40.
Kaytby als. Caidbie, 47.
Keelynge, 105.
Keighley, 5.
Keirby, 182.
Keisden, 16.
Kelfeld, 100, 104.
Kelk Magna, 87.
Kelke, Great, 27, 39, 41, 42, 43, 91, 114,
141, 182.
-, — Magna, 188.
Kellam, 173.
Kellington, 169.
Kellyngley, 136.
Kellyngton, 38, 39, 106, 136, 142.
Kellythorpe, 99, 189.
Kendayllyth, Kerkby in, als. Gyndallythe, 136.
Kenythorpe, 11.
Kepwick, 51.
Kergarforthe, 150.
Kerkby in Kendayllythe als. Gyndallythe, 136.
Kerkesfourthhill, 196.
Kerkfelde, 178.
Kesbroughe, 133.
Kesburghe, 65.
-, — als. Kesburght, 18.
Kesburght, als. Kesburghe, 18.
Kesden, 85.
Ketelthorp, 61.
Ketsmore, 143.
Kettlewell Dale (Cettlewell Dale), 94, 195.
Kexbie, 163.
Kexbrowghe, 184.
Kexburghe, 130, 144.
Kexfurthill, 73.
Keyrbie, 13, 64, 66.
Kigheley, 7, 13, 29.
Kighlay, 58.
Kighley, 20, 34, 35, 41, 45, 47, 48, 51, 173.
-, — Mores, 51.
Kighleye More, 51.
Kildale, 169.
Kildewicke, 169, 171.
-, — Grange, 169, 171.
Kildwicke, 102.
Killam, 66, 99, 138.
Killington, 55.
Killom, 16, 29, 84.
Killome, 114.
Killum als. Kyllome, 2.
Killyngton, 133.
Kilnewicke, 5.
Kilnsay, 11.
Kilpyn, 137.
Kilton, 71.
Kilwarbie, 187.
-, — als. Kilwarbie Hall, 187.
Kilwerbye, 20.
Kimberworthe, 57.
Kingeston upon Hull, 68.
Kingston upon Hull, 27, 33, 36, 53, 110, 122.
Kingston upon Hull, Holy Trinity in, 168.
Kirkburton, 159.
Kirkby Malsert, 104.
-, — Super Moram, 80.
Kirkbye, 156.
-, — in Cleveland, 169.
-, — Moreside, 51.
Kirkebie Overblows, 5.
Kirkebieunderdale, 69.
Kirkeby, 71.
-, — in Cleveland, 173.
-, — Overcarre, 51.
-, — Wiske, 166.
Kirkebye Malshearde, 175.
-, —, Sowth, 182.
Kirke Dighton
als. Southe Dighton, 144.
-, — Letham, 142.
-, — Smeaton, 132.
-, — als. Smeaton Kirke, 185.
Kirkeffenton, 21.
Kirkehamerton, 33.
Kirkelethom, 51.
Kirkethorpe, 161.
Kirkfenton, 166.
Kirkgarfurthe, 183.
Kirkham, 36, 39.
Kirkie Malsert, 97.
Kirkleathome, 49.
Kirklethom, 71.
Kirklinton, 71.
Kirksandall, 67, 102, 137.
Kirk Smeaton, 105.
Kirksmeton, 159.
Kirkstall als. Kyrkestall, 176.
Kirkundesdale als. Kirkebyunderdale als. Kirkebiesunderdale, 69.
Knaresboroughe, Forest of, 104, 191.
Knaresbrough, 91.
Knaresbroughe, 84.
Knedlington, 8.
Knedlyngton, 152.
Kneton, 34.
Knoppe, Forest of, als. Cowesyde, 11.
Knottingley, 33, 83, 161, 180.
Knottyngley, 45, 69, 136.
Knydlyngton, 102.
Knyght Stayneforthe, 117.
Knyght Staynesforthe, 193.
Knyght Staynfforth, 175.
Kyghelaye, 96.
Kyghley, 20, 45, 47, 158, 177, 185, 190.
Kyghleye, 35.
-, — more, 35.
Kyldewick, 188.
Kyldwick, 109, 162.
Kyllam, 38, 110.
Kyllom, 61, 161.
Kyllome als. Killum, 2.
Kylnehirst, 182.
Kylnesey, 195.
Kylniwicke, 118.
Kylpyn, 34, 111.
Kylpyne, 159.
Kylton, 27.
Kylvyngton, 73.
Kymberworth, 14, 18, 97, 132, 181.
Kymberworthe, 73, 119, 186, 190.
Kyngeston in Carleton
als. Carleton
Kyngeston, 153.
-, — upon Hull, 112, 116, 120,
149, 178.
Kyngston upon Hull, 6, 19, 49, 90, 137,
154, 155, 166,
-, —, Holy Trinity in, 90.
Kynthorpe als. Kynthorne, 99.
Kyplyn, 78.
Kypplyncotes, 68.
Kyrbye Malserde, 187.
Kyrk Bramwith, 39.
-, — Sandall, 39.
Kyrkbie Fletham, 42.
Kyrkburne, 3.
Kyrkby, 32.
-, — in Malhomedale, 7.
-, — Maladale, 11.
-, — Malham, 90.
-, — Malside, 143.
-, — My sperton als. Kyrkby Overcar,
-, — Overcar als. Kyrkby Mysperton,
-, — upon Wharff, 32.
-, — upon Wyske, 109, 118, 162.
Kyrkbye Hall, 148.
-, — Knowles, 46.
-, — Malhamdale, 65.
-, — Overblow, 110.
Kyrkbymysperton als. Kyrkbyovercarr, 33.
Kyrkbyoverblowes, 182.
Kyrkbyovercarr als. Kyrkbymysperton, 33.
Kyrkdayle, 18.
Kyrkebie Overblows, 5.
-, — Overblowes, 13.
Kyrke Burton, 92.
Kyrkeburne, 20.
Kyrkeby, 19, 27.
-, — Malserd, 12.
Kyrkebye, 120.
-, — Underdale, 20.
Kyrkebymore, 32.
Kyrkefenton, 135.
Kyrkegarfurth, 18.
Kyrkegarfurthe, 109.
Kyrkegate, 117.
Kyrkeham, 20.
Kyrkehamerton, 107, 138.
Kyrkeletham, 169.
Kyrkelethome, 47, 114.
Kyrke Levyngton, 138.
Kyrkelley, 63.
Kyrkelynton, 23.
Kyrkesmeton, 88.
als. Kirkstall, 176.
-, — als. Kyrkstall, 96.
Kyrketon, 19.
Kyrkfenton, 48, 127.
Kyrkheaton, 55.
Kyrkhousegreene, 39.
Kyrkleaventon, 57.
Kyrklethom, 27.
Kyrklinton, 27.
Kyrklyngton, 3.
Kyrkstall als. Kyrkestall, 96.
Kyrkthorp, 154.
Kyrthwayte, 89.
Laborne, 138.
-, — als. Layburne, 5.
Labron, 78.
Lackenbie als. Lakenbie als. Leckenbie, 87.
Lacocke, 176.
Ladythorpe, 160.
Laghton, 100.
-, — als. Laughton als. Latton in
the Mornynge, 142.
-, — in the Mornynge als. Laughton
in le Morthinge, 57.
Lairton, 88, 144.
Lakenbie als. Lackenbie als. Leckenbie, 87.
Lakenbye, 156.
Landricke, 68.
Lanerton als. Larton, 143.
Langacre, 55.
Langald, 19.
Langar, 19.
Langbarge, 17.
Langbergh, 27, 71.
Langclieff, 185.
Langefelde, 183.
Langerake, 71.
Langeside, 100.
Langfeild, 82.
Langfeld, 69.
Langfelde, 155, 183.
Langold, 34.
Langolde, 142.
Langsett, 30.
Langside, 24, 161.
Langsyde, 147.
Langthorne, 27, 80.
Langthorpe, 80.
-, — als. Lanthorp, 178.
Langthwayte cum Tylts, 39.
Langtoft, 59, 72, 79, 86, 138.
Langton, 51, 57, 132, 144, 189.
-, —, Great, 54, 91, 92.
-, —, Little, 48, 92.
-, — Magna upon Swale, 91, 95.
Lanshaye, 135.
Lanthorp als. Langthorpe, 178.
Lareton, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 99, 105, 106, 107, 109, 135.
Larton als. Lanerton, 143.
Lasynbye, 99.
Latheley, 110.
Lathome, 189.
Lathum, 4, 135.
Latton als. Laughton als. Laghton in the Mornynge, 142.
Laughton, 89.
-, — als. Latton als. Laghton in
the Mornynge, 142.
-, —, Great, 150.
-, — in the Morthynge als. Laughton in the Mornynge, 113.
-, —, Little, 51.
Lauton, 187.
Lawkeland, 53, 56.
Lawkelande, 162.
Lawrell, 27, 71.
Laxton, 33, 111, 165.
Laybourne, 58.
Layburne, 110.
-, — als. Laborne, 5.
Laycocke, 47.
Layton, East, 51.
-, — als. Est Layton, 12.
Lazenby, 27, 71.
Leake, Great, 190.
-, —, Little, 190.
Leamynge, 51.
Leathley, 64, 161.
Leaven, 21, 109, 121, 150.
Leaventhorpe, 153.
Leckenbie als. Lakenbie als. Lackenbie, 87.
Ledsham, 113.
Ledston, 113.
Ledys, 80.
Leedes, 42, 64, 74, 96, 112, 113, 133, 142.
Leeds, 191.
-, — Woodhous, 37, 191.
Lees, 165.
Leides, 95.
Leleholme, 138.
Lelley, 105, 178.
Lelleydike, 178.
Lemeyng, Great, 144.
Lemynge, Little, als. Lennynge, 173.
Lenerton, 71.
Lennynge als Little Lemynge, 173.
Leppington, 191.
Lepyngton, 162.
Letby, 34, 80.
Letwell, 19, 34, 89, 142.
Leventhrope, 35, 69.
Leversedge, 27.
Levershall, 138, 186.
Leverton, 5, 51.
Leveysham, 99.
-, — als. Leysham als. Lewsam,
Lewsam als. Leveysham als. Leysham, 99.
Leysam, 87.
Leysham als. Leveysham als. Lewsam, 99.
Lightecliff, 179.
Lightecliffe, 151.
Lightercliffe, 151.
Littell Thorpe als. Lyttell Thorpe Feilde, 55.
Lockington, 5.
Lockinton, 118.
Lockyngton, 114, 131.
Locton, 99.
Lodge, 167.
Loftehouse, 150.
Loftehowse, 111.
Lofthouse, 99, 111, 154.
Lofthowse, 85.
-, — Hill, 183.
Loftous, 51.
Loftus, 5.
London, 19, 61, 107, 119, 122, 168.
-, —, St. Paul's in, 67.
Loneheade, 156.
Longcowton als. Est Cowton, 59.
Longwodd, 148.
Longwood, 61, 84, 115.
Lookwood, 109.
Loppehowse, 62.
Lorde Marre, The, 87.
Lounde, 118.
Louton, 13.
Loversall, 14, 104.
Lowethorpe, 173.
Lownde, 68.
Lowthorpe, 129, 135.
Lowthroppe, 61.
Lumbye, 71.
Lungley, 187.
Lutteryngton, 105.
Lyghtclyff, 164.
Lylandes, 148.
Lymynge, 140, 154.
-, — Magna, 78.
-, — Parva, 78. (See Errata.)
Lyndley, 61, 84.
Lynthwate, 132, 174.
Lynton, 25, 28, 46, 121, 171.
-, — upon Wharffe, 84.
Lyntwathe, 42.
Lythe, 38.
Lyttell Thorpe Feilde als. Littell Thorpe, 55.
Lyttlefenton, 127.
Lytton, 17, 42, 86.
Lyuersage, 136.
Lyuersedge, 65, 67, 70, 73.
Lyuersege Parva, 81.
Lyversage, 174.
Lyversedge, 48, 82, 96.
Lyverton, 27.
Maddowehall, 57.
Maddowhall, 181.
Madley, 161.
Malham, 90, 92, 93, 94, 172.
Malhamdale, 172.
Malhame, 122.
Malholme, 147.
Malholmedale, 147.
Malhom, 33, 35.
-, — als. Westmalhom, 33, 35.
Malhome, 134.
Malhommore, 33, 35.
Maltby, 12, 100.
Maltbye, 5.
Malton, 84, 161, 162, 189.
-, —, New, 11, 46, 139, 182, 184.
-, —, Newe, 147.
Manfeild, 12.
Manfeld, 140.
Manfelde, 154, 192.
Mankynholes, 82.
Mannyngham, 42.
Manser, 128.
Manston, 121.
Manyngham, 108, 153.
Manywelles, 25.
Mapleton, 7, 75, 104, 110.
Maplewell, 73, 129.
Mappleton, 105, 129.
Mapplewell, 152.
Mapulton, 7, 87.
Marfleete, 178.
Markesbrough als. Marshebroughe, 22.
Markington, 174.
Markyngton, 168.
Markynton, 148.
Marlehall, 21.
Marley, 18, 21, 48, 91.
Marr, 40, 95, 145.
Marre, 104.
Marsbrough, 173.
Marsbroughe, 171.
Marsburghe, 18.
Marshborough als. Masbur, 97.
Marshe, East, 174.
Marsk, 27, 98.
Marske, 47, 71, 113, 142.
-, — als. Maske, 177.
Marston, 6, 33, 107, 124, 140.
Marstonne, 146.
Marten, 8, 114.
Marthwaite, 44.
Marton, 8, 27, 71, 120, 122, 129, 138,
151, 154, 178.
-, — in Brugheshier, 138, 148.
Masbur als. Marshborough, 97.
Maske als. Marske, 177.
Massam als. Massham, 194.
Massham als. Massam, 194.
Mawgrey, 145.
Mawtbie, 71.
Mawtby, 27.
Mayroad, 191.
Mear, 153.
Meare, The, 146.
-, — Inges, 146.
Meddopp, 147.
Medley, 69.
-, — als. Methley, 194.
Medop, 114.
Meixburgh, 39.
Mekeley, 97.
Mekilbrinke, 59.
Melsambye, 80.
Melsombye, 57.
Melsonbie, 162.
Melsonby, 78.
Meltenbye, 97.
Meltham, 10, 16, 145, 167, 174.
Melton, 13, 51, 95.
-, — on the Hill, 98, 101.
Meltonbye, 174.
Mensthorpe, 9, 55.
als. Mensyngton, 131.
-, — als. Mensynton, 29.
Menstroppe, 114.
Mensyngton, 90.
-, — als. Menston, 131.
Mensynton als. Menston, 29.
Menthorpe, 18, 37, 176.
Mere, 49.
Merley, 16.
Mesheis als. Messes, 1.
Messes als. Mesheis, 1.
Metheley, 38, 40, 72, 120.
Methlay, 152.
Methley, 105, 111, 116, 146, 189.
-, — als. Medley, 194.
Mexburgh, 9, 167.
Mexburghe, 101.
Meyre, 7.
Mickelbryng, 138.
Micklebringe, 177.
Mickledale near Aldebroughe, 141.
Micklethwayte Graunge, 52.
Middelstowne, 45.
Middelthorp, 33.
Middlesbroughe, 23.
Middleshitlington, 188.
Middleton, 14.
-, — Tyas, 34, 37.
Middop, 24.
Midelton, 68.
Midgeley, 176, 188.
Midgley, 164.
Midlethorpe, 63.
Midleton, 42.
-, — in the Myers als. Midleton
near Melmerbye als. Midleton Whernoe, 128.
-, — near Melmerbye als. Midleton
Whernoe als. Midleton in
the Myers, 128.
-, — Whernoe als. Midleton in the
Myers als. Midleton near
Melmerbye, 128.
Milkelbrudge, 25.
Millhouses, 64.
Milnethorpe, 183.
Mirfeild, 176.
Mirfeild, 45, 111.
Mishes als. Misses, 3, 4.
Molescroft als. Moscroft, 85.
Molescrofte, 144.
Mollescroft, 54, 164.
Molscrofte, 112.
-, — als. Moscrofte, 133.
Monckbretton als. Monckburton als. Burton Monastery als. Bretton als. Burton, 126.
Monckburton als. Monckbretton als. Bretton als. Burton als. Burton Monastery, 126.
Monkbretton, 188.
Moreby, 149.
Morehouse, 32, 43.
Morehoushall, 32.
Morehowse, 109, 164.
Moremunckton, 175.
Morespotts, 52.
Morethorpe, 55.
Moreton, 33.
Morley, 127, 129.
Morrell, 15.
Morton, 13, 27, 35, 41, 78, 91, 177.
-, — als. Westmorton, 63.
-, — Banks or Bankes, 44, 173, 177.
-, —, East, 16, 104.
-, — Grange, als. Murton Graynge,
-, — upon Swaell, 128.
-, — upon Swale, 38.
-, —, West, 173.
Mosbrouge, 55.
Moscroft, 68.
-, — als. Molescroft, 85.
-, — als. Molscrofte, 133.
Moseley, 186.
-, — als. Mossley, 68.
Mosscrofte, 54.
Mosse, 39, 49, 134, 160, 193.
Mosselay, 49, 62.
Mosseley, 39, 61, 79.
Mounkend, 99.
Mowgrave, 27, 71.
Mowsecroft, 136.
Mowthroppe, 12.
Multhorppe, 136.
Munke Burton 0. Munke Bretton als. Burton Monastery als. Burton, 161.
Murton, 194.
-, — Graynge als. Morton Grange,
Musfeild, 74.
Muston, 67, 135, 144, 160, 175.
Myckelbie, 38.
Myckelbryng, 16.
Myckeley, 138.
Myckelring, 186.
Mycklebrynge, 173.
Myckleton, 13.
Myddledalton, 177.
Myddlesmore, 167.
Myddlethorp, 124.
Myddlethorpe, 70.
Mydelton, 12.
Mydgeley, 46, 158, 160.
Mydhope, 102.
Mydlehowse, 147.
Mydleton, 32, 41.
Mydletontyes, 99.
Mygrave Parke, 27, 71.
Mykkiltowne, 38.
Mylhowse, 76.
Myllyngton, 64.
Mylnehouse, 137.
Mylnehowse, 142.
Mylnethorpe, 154.
-, — als. Mylnethorpefeld, 2.
Mylnethorpefeld als. Mylnethorpe, 2.
Mylnhowse, 54, 115.
Mynethorpe, 11.
Myrfeld, 111, 117, 151, 169.
Myton, 6, 24, 46.
-, —, Oxe Pasture in, 106.
-, — upon Swale, 45, 189.
Mytton, 194.
Myttondale, 110.
Myxenden, 35, 157.
Naborne, 25, 138.
Naburn, 145.
Naburne, 87, 145, 177.
Nafferton, 2, 25, 27, 61, 84, 123, 188.
Nappay, 185.
Narbramwith, 12.
Nayborne, 64, 193.
Neitherhaughe, 101.
Nesfeld, 17.
Nessemore, 68.
Nesweke, 117.
Neswick upon the Wold, 103.
Netherbordeley, 90.
Nethercudworth, 2, 4, 133.
Netherflockton, 103.
Netherhaubanke, 161.
Netherhaugh, 144.
Netherhawghe, 108.
Netherholand, 187.
Netherhooland, 125.
Netherhoyland, 196.
Netherhyndley, 133.
Netherlindley, 45.
Netherstanley, 45, 164.
Netherstratforth, 121.
Netherthorpe, 184.
Netherthorppe, 160.
Netherthwonge, 91, 145.
Netherton, 9, 10, 31, 61, 84, 170.
Netherwhiston, 145.
Netherwhitwell, 42.
Newall, 58.
-, — als. Newall-graunge, 100.
Neway als. Newhayghe, 46.
Newbie upon Swaile, 106.
Newby, 113, 132.
-, — upon Wyske, 109, 118, 162.
Newbye, 51, 61, 72, 137, 160.
-, — upon Swale, 76.
-, — upon Swayle, 101.
-, — upon Wiske, 51.
Newbygginhill, 61.
Newclose, 31.
New Closse, 32.
Newemalton, 33, 122.
Newesham, 133.
Neweye, 31.
Newhall, 12, 26, 188.
Newhay, 29.
-, — als. Newhaie Grange, 96.
Newhayghe, als. Neway, 46.
Newhey, 28, 79.
Newhouse, 88.
-, — in Netherdale, 167.
Newland, 2, 8, 33, 113, 133, 144, 154, 165, 172, 176, 179, 195.
Newlande Hawlle, 2.
Newmalton, 50.
Newparlby, 36.
Newsam, 51, 77, 79, 181.
Newsham, 27, 51, 173, 188.
Newsholme, 47.
Newsom, 75.
Newsome, 23, 169, 183.
Newton, 2, 8, 14, 15, 18, 22, 27, 28, 71,
99, 101, 104, 109, 131, 148,
169, 170, 192.
-, — Hall als. Skotthall, 154.
-, — in Bolland, 87.
-, — in Bollande, 180.
-, — in Cleveland, 100.
-, —, Long, 27, 71.
-, — Morcar, 78.
-, — Morkar, 27, 71.
-, — Morrell, 51, 142, 192.
-, — near Wharffe, 164.
-, — upon Darwent, 116.
-, — upon Owse, 138.
-, — upon Rockcliffe, 138.
Nidd, The, 138.
Nonckeelynge, 105.
Norland, 26, 51, 125, 194.
-, — als. Northland, 88, 142, 151,
189, 193.
Normanby, 8, 71, 147.
Normanbye, 27, 47, 119.
Normanton, 7, 61, 72, 75, 124, 154, 161, 176, 179.
Nortcliffe, 189.
North Allerton, 116, 194.
Northallertonne, 149.
Northalverton, 27, 71.
Northbierle, 111.
Northbierlee, 131.
Northburton als. Chereburton, 131, 150.
Northcarre, 165.
Northcave, 27, 117, 188.
Northcowton, 51, 78.
Northcroseland, 61.
Northcrosland, 26, 52, 109.
Northcroslande, 174.
Northduffielde, 159.
Northe Allerton, 160.
Northelmesall, 55, 77.
Northemsall, 3.
Northfrothyngham, 109, 121.
Northgrymston, 51.
Northland, 45, 99, 101.
-, — als. Norland, 88, 142, 151,
189, 193.
Northleys, 78.
Northloftus, 27, 71.
Northottrington, 27, 71.
Northottryngton, 131.
Northowrom, 11, 106.
Northowrome, 81.
Northowrum, 56.
North-pasture-house, 84.
Norton, 52, 68, 88, 105, 159, 182, 185.
-, — als. Norton in Luto, 128.
-, — Lees, 53.
-, — Magna, 114.
-, — Parva, 114.
Nostell, 156.
Nosterfeld, 99.
Nunarden als. Arden, 41.
Nunburneholme als. Burneholme, 8.
Nunburnholme als. Burneholme, 127.
Nunmunckton, 138.
Nunmuncton, 37.
Nunwicke, 138.
Nuttells, 178.
Nydd, The, 33, 107.
Octon, 129, 138.
Octonholme, 121.
-, — als. Hempholme als. Hemphome, als. Hemphawe, 121.
Oglethorpe, 164.
Okes, 158.
Okeworth, 8.
Okeworthe, 58.
Oldebarnesley, 37.
Oldelynley als. Overlynley, 184.
Oldfeld, 31, 170.
als. Ouerlindley, 170.
-, — als. Overlindley, 172.
Oldlynley, 63, 184.
Oldmalton, 122.
Ollerton, 16, 136.
Ootonholme als. Hempeholme als. Hemphome als. Hemphowe, 109.
Orgrave, 46.
Orlyaunce, 141.
Ormesby, 147.
Ormesbye, 194.
Ornesby, 27, 71.
Osgarthorphilles, 59.
Osset, 4.
Ossett, 102, 126, 141, 162.
Oston als. Ouston, 134.
Oswaldkirk, 67.
Otelay, 104.
Otley, 18, 107, 111, 131, 187.
Otteley, 58.
Otterburne, 10, 172.
Ottley, 84, 131, 150, 154, 194.
Ottringham, 19, 28, 70.
-, — Mershe, 28, 123.
Ottrington, 51.
-, —, Southe als. Great Ottryngton, 152.
Ottryngham, 123, 130, 137.
-, — Marshe, 130.
Ottryngton, Great, als. Southe Ottrington, 152.
Ottryngton als. North Ottryngton, 162.
Ouerlindley als. Oldlindley, 170.
Oulcotts als. Ulcotts, 185.
Ouse, The, 105, 195.
Ousten, 30.
Ouston, 54, 129.
-, — als. Oston, 134.
Oustwyke, 87.
Outwood als. Upsall Lowe Moor, 127.
Ovenden, 26, 32, 45, 46, 50, 61, 65, 92,
120, 121, 122, 123, 140, 143,
151, 157, 159, 163, 186.
-, — Wood, 26.
Overbarroughbie als. Barroughbie, 64, 66.
Overbentham, 86.
Overbordeley, 90.
Overcantley, 28.
Overcudworth, 2, 4, 133.
Overdynesdell, 99.
Overfflockton, 127.
Overhaubanke, 161.
Overholand, 187.
Overhooland, 125.
Overhoyland, 196.
Overhyndley, 133.
Overlindley, 45.
-, — als. Oldlindley, 172.
Overlynley als. Oldelynley, 184.
Overmyddoppe, 131.
Overpopleton, 99.
Overshitlington, 188.
Overstanley, 45, 164.
Overstratforth, 121.
Overthorpe, 35.
-, — als. Urethorpe als. Uthroppe,
Overwhiston, 145.
Overwhitwell, 42.
Ovston, 194.
Owchethorpe, 45.
Owldstocke Charitie, co. Southampton, 177.
Owlecotes, 176.
Owlerton, 155.
Owlston, 36.
Owrom, 40.
Owrome, North, 35.
Owsburn, 37.
als. Howsome, 36, 39.
-, —als. Howson, 20.
Owse, The, 66, 138, 145, 152, 164.
Owston, 78, 81, 83.
Owstroppe, 174.
Owstwick, 70.
Owtchthorpe, 164.
Owthethorp, 154.
Owthorne als. Thorpe, 87.
Owtnewton als. Tradipnewton, 184.
Oxhill, 121.
Oxenhoppe, 21, 127, 136, 183.
Oxeston, 178.
Paggleholme, 97.
Palsleit, 97.
Parham, 37.
Parkehowse, 103.
Pathenall, 47.
Pathenell, East, als. North Pathenell, 72.
Pathnall, Est, 77.
-, —, North, 77.
-, —, West, 77.
Pathorne, 103, 161.
-, — als. Paythorne, 130.
Pattericke Brumpton, 51.
Pattryngton, 149.
Paule, 87, 114.
Paull, 109.
-, — Holme, 137.
Pawlefleete in Holdernes, 178.
Pawlholme, 11.
Paynstorpe, 69.
Paynthorpe, 147.
Paythnall, 89.
Paythorne, 5.
-, — als. Pathorne, 130.
Peghe, Little, 51.
Pekeryng, 133.
Pennyston, 139.
Pensthorpe, 132.
Penstroppe, 114.
Penysall, 161.
Penyston, 19, 30, 73, 76, 133, 134.
Penystone, 55.
Perlyngton, 95.
Pickarsgill, 175.
Pickering Leth, 43.
Pickeringe, 138, 179.
Pickeryng, 45, 116.
Pickhall, 169.
Pickton, 71.
Pigborne, 105.
Pigbourne, 52.
Pigburne, 23, 27.
Piggeburne, 28.
Pillaye, 35.
Pinchinthorpe, 71.
Pitsey Burton, 70.
Plewland, 132.
Pockley, 141.
Pocklington, 174, 175, 190.
Pocklyngton, 39, 73, 76, 139, 148, 150, 151, 164.
Pockthorpe, 84.
Pockthroppe, 61.
Poclington, 187.
Pokethorp, 27.
Pokethorpe, 188.
Poklington, 3.
Polam, 125.
Pole, 174.
Pollington, 71, 88, 169, 181, 185.
Pollyngton, 43, 73, 145.
Pomfrett, 161, 196.
-, — als. Pontefrett, 90.
Pontefracke, 185.
Pontefract, 15, 80, 174, 189.
-, — als. Pontefrett, 2.
Pontefracte, 55.
Pontefraitt, 152.
als. Pontefract, 2.
-, — als. Pomfrett, 90.
Pontfrait, 103.
Pontfret, 174.
Pontfrett, 7, 144, 154.
Pontefracto, 17, 32.
Pontifract, 133.
Poole, 64, 181, 185.
Popleton, Over, 6.
Potter Newton, 74, 93, 154.
Potterton, 18, 95.
Potto, 73.
Pottowe, 177.
Pountefracto, 7.
Pountefrete, 63.
Pountefrett, 85, 103.
Pountfracte, 33.
Pountfrett, 41, 69, 103, 133, 143, 161, 180.
Powell, 86.
Powlard, 174.
Poyle, 139.
Preistley, 184.
Preston, 87, 120, 176, 178.
-, — als. Purston in Howldernes,
-, —in Holderness, 116, 181.
-, —Jackelyn, 75.
-, —Jackley, 7.
-, —Jacklyn, 55.
-, —Jacklyne, 152.
-, — Longe, 36, 138.
Priesthorpe, 157.
Pruston Jacklinge, 176.
-, —Jacklyn, 5, 80.
-, —Jacklynge, 189.
Pudsay, 137, 171.
Pudsey, 146, 176.
Pullerey, 178.
Purston, 156.
-, — als. Preston in Howldernes,
Pyckering, 93.
Pyckeringe, 175.
Pyckeryng Lyth, 75, 76, 77.
Pyckerynge, 14, 32, 186.
Pyckton, 27.
Pykhall, 129.
Pynchinthorpe, 27.
Quarmbye, 61.
-, — als. Quarnebye, 84.
Quarmebye, 195.
Quarneby, 24, 26, 61.
Quarnebye als. Quarmbye, 84.
Quermbye, 115.
Querneby, 148.
Quernebye, 44.
Quicke, 26.
Quycke, 37, 175.
Ragnell als. Thorpe Salvin, 139.
Ranethorppe als. Raventhorpe, 131.
Ranfelde als. Ravynfelde, 56.
Ratsey, 27.
Ravensthorp, 141.
Raventhorpe als. Ranethorppe, 131.
Ravynfelde als. Ranfelde, 56.
Rawcliff als. Rocliff, 186.
Rawden, 177, 182.
Rawdone, 135.
Rawe, 70.
Rawmarsh, 9.
Rawmarshe, 101, 136, 167, 182.
Rawmershe, 3, 76.
Rawthmell, 156.
Raynbarghe als. Raynburgh, 11.
Raynburgh als. Raynbarghe, 11.
Raynton, 31, 32, 34, 42, 128, 151.
-, —Carr, 32.
Raythmell, 17.
Redam als. Redholme, 193.
Redcar, 49.
Redcarr, 27, 71.
Redcarre, 177.
Redenes, 114, 140.
-, — cum Swynflete, 145.
Redholme als. Redam, 193.
Rednes, 21, 75, 82, 111, 128.
Redneshe als. Rednesse, 139.
Rednesse als. Redneshe, 139.
Redycar, 82.
Reednes, 145.
Rellyngton, 33, 138.
Relyngton, 1.
Remyngton, 137.
Rethe, 177.
Riall, 31.
Rible, The, 175.
Ribstone, 14.
-, —Parva, 5.
Ricall, 114, 177.
Richemond, 34, 85, 177.
Richmond, 44, 51, 102.
-, — als. Richmount, 158.
Richmount als. Richmond, 158.
Riddlesden, 41.
Righton, 27, 59, 156, 159, 188, 191.
Riley, 144.
Rillington, 10.
Ripley, 18.
Rippon, 104.
Risheworth, 45, 99, 142.
Risheworthe, 57, 88, 101, 151.
Rishworth, 26, 51, 141, 147.
Rishworthe, 93, 125.
Riston, 15.
Rithe, 62, 86.
Rochewell, 154.
Rockcliffe, 138.
Rockclyff, 155.
Rocliff als. Rawcliff, 186.
Rocliffe, 75.
Roclyf, 127.
Roclyff, 64, 160, 186.
Roclyffe, 164.
Rodderham als. Rotheram, 46.
Rodley, 137.
Roeclif, 51.
Roestone, 64.
Roiston, 137.
Rokesby, 27, 71.
Roll, 38.
Rolston, 79, 87, 109, 110.
Romaldkirk, 154.
Romald Kirke als. Rymalkyrke, 140.
Romerkyrke, 95.
Romlesmore, 84.
Ronckton, 27, 71.
Roods, 191.
Rosedale, 88, 102, 183.
Rotclyffe, 173.
Rotheram, 10, 20, 57, 136.
-, — als. Rodderham, 46.
-, — als. Rothram, 187.
Rotherham, 8, 9, 11, 20, 25, 72, 93, 97, 100, 103, 119, 132, 167, 171, 173, 181, 190, 191.
Rothewell, 72.
Rothram als. Rotheram, 187.
Rothwell, 130.
Rotonscall, 45.
Rotsey, 188.
-, — als. Rottissey, 126.
Rottsey als. Rottyssey, 109, 121.
Rottyssey als. Rottsey, 109, 121.
Rouston, 118.
Routhe, 87.
Rowleston, 2.
Rowley, 55, 82, 92.
Rowlston, 75, 85.
Rowston, 51.
Rowthorpe als. Thorpe in the Street, 106, 161.
Rowton, 1.
Royston, 20, 133, 161, 190.
Ruccrofte, 70.
Rudston, 110, 115, 137.
Ruffurth, 162.
Rughburcheworth, 130.
Rugthorpe, 31.
Rushom, 33.
Ruston, 27, 39, 43, 61, 77, 84, 103, 114, 122, 188.
Ruyston, 32.
Ryall, 126.
-, — als. Ryehill, 120.
-, — als. Ryhill, 109, 163.
Rychemond, 99.
Rychemonde, 85.
Rychmond, 22, 25.
Ryddelsden, 16.
Rydelsden, 13.
Rydmer, 162.
Rye, The, 41, 80.
Ryehill als. Ryall, 120.
Ryell, 156.
Ryes, 87.
Ryhill, 58, 134.
Ryhill als. Ryall, 109, 163.
Ryhyll, 55, 114.
-, — als. Ryle, 98.
Ryle, 27, 188.
-, — als. Ryhyll, 98.
Ryleston, 169.
Rylleston, 185.
Rymalkyrke als. Romald Kirk, 140.
Ryngburngarth, 87.
Ryppon, 14, 84, 138.
Rysheworthe, 122, 193, 194.
Rysome, 135.
Rysum, 195.
Rysun, 195.
Ryston, 109, 111, 112.
Rysworth, 191.
Rysworthe, 191.
Rythe in Swaldale, 2.
Ryton, 107, 121.
Saddlethorpe als. Stertilthorpe, 192.
Saddleworthe, 26.
Saddylsworth Fryth, 37.
Sadilworthfrith, 195.
Sadlethorpe, 163.
Sadleworthe, 175.
Saint Martin in the Fields, co. Middx., 4.
Saltmershe, 165.
Saltonstall, 35.
Sandall, 7, 18, 37, 38, 61, 62, 66, 73, 75,
76, 88, 104, 154, 161, 164,
186, 188, 193.
-, — Magna, 116, 163, 183.
Sandholme, 159, 173.
Sandhome, 135.
Sandhoton, 129.
Sandome, 117.
Sandwyth, 15.
Santone, 123.
Savilehall, 76.
Sawden, 122.
Sawdon, 18, 77.
Sawley, 98, 128, 173, 185.
Saxton, 123.
Sayncte Gyles, 184.
Saynt Johnes (Laughton), 89, 175.
Scabed Newton, 42.
Scadythorp, 117.
Scalbe, 97.
Scalbye, 45.
Scalethwayte als. Scaylthat, 37.
Scalthwayte als. Skelthwaite, 117.
Scalton, 141.
Scarbrowgh als. Scardeburgh, 32.
Scardboroughe als. Scardburghe, 194.
Scardburghe als. Scardboroughe, 194.
Scardeburgh als. Scarbrowgh, 32.
Scawbye, 72.
Scawsby, 8.
Scawsbye, 63.
Scawton, 76, 101, 106.
Scaylthat als. Scalethwayte, 37.
Scladburne, 156.
Scolles, 121.
Scorton, 7, 95.
Scostrope als. Scothorpe, 146.
Scothorpe als. Scostrope, 146.
Scotton, 175.
Scroby, 9.
Scrowton, 25.
Scruton, 57, 76, 145, 189.
Scryingham, 89.
Seacroft, 39, 121.
Seamar, 170.
Seamer, 132.
Seaton, 11, 74, 82.
Sedbargh, 69.
Sedbarghe, 55, 187.
-, — als. Sedbridge, 192, 193.
Sedbergh, 7, 22, 23, 109, 145, 190.
Sedberghe, 3, 19, 44, 87.
Sedbraughe, 176.
Sedbridge als. Sedbarghe, 192, 193.
Sedburgh, 60.
Selbie, 151.
Selby, 2, 70, 76, 98, 133, 160.
Selbye, 22, 92, 114, 116, 121, 123, 133,
140, 152, 195.
-, —, Micklegate in, 138.
Seleby, co. Durham, 153 n.
Selsden, 169.
Sennyngton, 138.
Sessay, 52.
Sessaye, 117.
Seton, 150, 152.
Settell, 17.
Settryngton, 51.
Settyll, 106.
Severby als. Sewersby, 189.
Sewerby, 159, 183.
Sewersby als. Severby, 189.
Sewersbye, 156.
Sexey, 3.
Seyton Rose, 68.
Shadwell, 170.
Shaftholme, 56, 92, 94, 97.
Shafthous, 57.
Shafton, 55, 91, 133.
Sharleston, 48, 154, 161.
Sharowe, 72, 77.
Shasteholme, 59.
Shastholme, 55, 62.
Shay, 7.
Shefelde, 28.
Sheffeilde, 69.
Sheffeld, 10, 18, 19, 20, 46, 47, 53, 58, 59,
64, 103, 126, 130, 133, 136,
162, 166.
-, — als. Shewfeld, 56.
Sheffelde, 69, 138, 183.
Sheiffeld, 83, 97.
Shelf, 140, 148.
Shelfe, 18, 119.
Shelff, 45.
Shelffe, 23.
Shelley, 102, 166, 170.
Shephowse, 161.
Sheplay, 14.
Sheplay als. Sheplay Hall, 14.
Shepley, 102.
Sherborne, 89, 134.
Shereburne, 18.
Shereclyff, 19.
Sherewood, 166.
Sherewoode, 106.
Sherifhutton, 36.
Sheringham, 20.
Sheryfhuton, 22.
Shewfeld als. Sheffeld, 56.
Shipden, 40, 69.
Shipley, 109, 183, 195.
Shippnis, 57.
Shippynge, 91.
Shippyns, 129.
Shipton, 189.
Shirborne, 105.
Shirclif, 10.
Shypley, 91.
Shypton, 117.
Shypsey, 195.
Shyrwood, 38.
Siggeston, 47.
Sigglesthorne, 24, 25.
Sigleston, 27, 188.
Sigston, 10, 132.
Silkesterne, 114.
Silkeston, 103, 134.
Silkestone, 30.
Silksterne, 131.
Silkstone, 133.
Silston, 60.
Silton, Nether, 190.
Skampston, 138.
Skamspton, 100.
Skarborow, 64.
Skarbroughe, 51.
Skargill, 196.
Skarhowse, 167.
Skawseby, 104.
Skebye, 51.
Skecklynge, 60.
Skeclyng, 109.
Skeffelyng, 7, 14.
Skefflynge, 156.
Skeflynge, 121.
Skeglynge, 114.
Skelbroke, 77, 104, 148.
Skellowe, 13, 22, 30, 54, 83, 134, 167.
Skelmanthorpe, 43, 45, 133, 193.
Skelmanthorppe, 30.
Skelthwaite als. Scalthwaite, 117.
Skelton, 5, 25, 27, 33, 71, 80, 82, 99, 111, 173, 186.
Skerne, 176.
Skewkirke als. Skokirke, 33.
Skewkyrke als. Skokyrke, 107.
Skipsey, 47, 53, 184.
-, — Brooke, 184.
-, — Dryngoet, 184.
Skipseyburgh, 84.
Skipton Bridge, 71.
-, — upon Swale, 34.
Skipwith, 17.
Skircot, 61.
Skircote, 7, 12, 43, 45, 106, 125, 140, 168, 193.
Skiringham, 36, 39.
Skirpenbecke, 136.
Skokirke als. Skewkirke, 33.
Skokyrke als. Skewkyrke, 107.
Skoles, 14.
Skotthall als. Newton Hall, 154.
Skrevynge, 84.
Skusterskelff, 71.
Skuterskelff, 27.
Skymgrave, 27, 71.
Skynnyngrave, 139.
Skynthorp, 192.
Skynthorpe, 28, 104, 131.
Skynthorppe, 2, 101.
Skypesburgh, 161.
Skypton, 79, 84, 85, 112, 116, 134.
-, — Brydge, 27.
-, — in Craven, 100.
Skyrcote, 118, 121, 190.
Skyrcott, 190.
Skyrley, North, 1.
Skyrlowe, 7.
Skyrlyngton, 96.
Sledmer, 182.
-, — als. Sledmore, 21, 108.
Sledmere, 4.
-, — als. Sledmore, 23.
Sledmore, 21, 23.
-, — als. Sledmer, 21, 108.
-, — als. Sledmere, 23.
Sliddereyford als. Slyddereford, 176.
Slyngesbye, 115.
Smawes, 100.
Smeaton, 52, 105, 125, 159.
-, — als. Smeaton Kirke, 185.
-, —, Great, 14.
-, — Kirke als. Kirke Smeaton, 185.
Smetheley, 97.
Smeton, 10, 114.
-, —, Little, 28.
Smythies, 184.
Snailesworthe, 68.
Snaith, 104, 121.
Snaithe, 81, 129.
Snape, 138, 148.
Snath, 88, 123.
Snathe, 123, 145, 160, 174, 185.
Snaynton, 75, 77, 84, 122, 161.
Snayth, 39, 66, 68, 73, 104, 120, 123.
Snaythe, 17, 22, 35, 95, 101, 106, 147, 155, 169, 171.
Sneathe, 152.
Snodenhill, 181.
Snydall, 7, 124, 176.
Snytall, 154.
Sodhowses, 127.
Solbarg als. Solberghe als. Sowber als. Sowberghe, 162.
Solber als. Solbergh, 27.
Solbergh als. Solber, 27.
Solberghe als. Solbarg als. Sowber als. Sowberghe, 162.
als. Sowbar als. Solberges, 118.
-, — als. Sowber als. Solberges, 109.
Somergauge, 178.
Somerskales, 134.
Sotall, 45.
Sourby, 128.
Southanston, 23.
Southbucton, 59.
Southcave, 179, 183, 185, 188.
-, — als. Easthall of Southcave,
Southcotes, 178.
Southdalton, 108.
Southduffeld, 26, 49.
Southefenton, 9.
Southegayte, 150.
Southendley, 19.
Southfenton, 135.
South-hendley, 7.
Southkirkley, 55.
Southkyrkbye, 183.
Southottrington, 23.
Southowrom, 96.
Southowrome, 109, 153.
Sowbar als. Solberghe als. Solberges, 118.
als. Sowberghe als. Solberges,
-, — als. Sowberghe als. Solberghe
als. Solbarg, 162.
Sowerby, 183.
Sowerbye, 43, 167, 170.
-, — als. the East side of Sowerbye Parke, 157.
Sowrby, 190.
Sowreby, 2.
Sowtha, 143.
Sowthburne, 3.
Sowthcowton, 41.
Sowthduffeld, 43.
Sowthduffelde, 43.
Sowthecotes, 7.
Sowthfrothingham, 23.
Sowthyndley, 98.
Sowthkerkebye, 60.
Sowthkirkbye, 55, 100.
Sowthkyrkbye, 91.
Sowthowrom, 69, 139.
Sowthowrome, 30, 45, 106, 118, 140.
Sowth Yngley, 55.
Soyland, 16, 128.
Spawnton, 102, 183.
Spen[..], 180.
Spenithorne, 79.
Spennes, 171.
Spodbourgh, 54.
Spofford, 14.
Spoforde, 5.
Sprodbourghe, 92, 97, 131.
Sprodbrough, 2, 53.
Sprodbroughe, 94.
Sprodbrugh, 59, 192.
Sprodburghe, 55, 60, 101, 104.
Sprotburgh, 62.
Sprotburghe, 103.
Sprotley, 10, 51, 72, 142.
Sproxton, 141.
Staddylthorpe, 97.
Staineland, 172.
Stainland, 44.
Stainton, 5, 22, 23, 36.
Stamburgh, 60.
Stanburye, 113.
Stancefeild, 55, 158.
Stancke, 188.
Standley, 66.
Staneland, 79, 170.
Staneley, 176, 177.
Stanesby, 27, 71.
Stanfeld, 45.
Stanghowe, 27, 71.
Stangrave, 67.
Stanke als. Wynton Stanke, 10.
Stanley, 60, 124, 134, 154, 184.
Stansall, 30, 57, 120, 130, 166.
Stansfeild, 35.
Stansfeld, 10, 125, 153, 164.
Stansfelde, 23, 104.
Stanton, 129.
Stanwickes als. Stanwigges, 192.
Stanwigges als. Stanwickes, 192.
Stanyngton, 21, 155, 158.
Stapilton, 169.
Staveley, 7, 183.
Staynburgh, 196.
Stayneburghe, 45.
Stayneforthe Underberghe, 141.
Stayneland, 45, 61, 84, 101, 184.
Stayneley, North, 143.
Staynfforth, 175.
Staynford, 112, 135.
Staynforth, 72.
Staynland, 30, 63, 129, 141.
Staynor, 168.
-, — Graunge, 168.
Staynton, 16, 25, 138, 177, 186, 191.
-, — in Craven, 135.
Steade, 18.
Stearesbye, 126.
Stene Pasture, 167.
Stenton, 27, 71.
Steresbye, 172.
Stertilthorpe als. Saddlethorpe, 192.
Steton, 17, 25, 175, 176, 178.
-, — als. Steveton, 124.
Steveton als. Steton, 124.
Steynford, 173.
Steynland, 143.
Stillyngflete, 100, 132, 146, 149, 164.
Stock in Craven, 44.
Stocke, 118.
Stockesley, 95.
Stockton super Moram, 18, 125.
Stocton on the Moor, 53.
Stodeley Roger, 8, 135.
Stodfold, 91, 129.
Stokesley, 120, 124, 186.
Stokesly, 27, 71.
Stoneferie, 51.
Stoneferrye, 55.
Stoneferye, 55.
Stocke, 159.
Stories als. Storthes, 134.
als. Stories, 134.
-, — Hall, 159, 180.
Storthwhate cum Melborne, 68.
Stothill, 78.
Stotnam 56.
Stourton als. Sturton, 41.
Stratford, 151, 164.
Strensall, 73.
Stubbes, 125.
-, — als. Hampall Stubbes, 182.
-, — Walden, 28.
-, —Waldeyn, 10.
-, — Waldynge, 52.
-, — Wallinge, 185.
Stubbynge, 62.
Studdowe, 62.
Studley, 17.
-, — Roger, 104.
-, — Roger als. Nether Studley, 41.
Stursthorppe, 186.
Sturthfurth Haule, 70. (See Errata).
Sturton als. Stourton, 41.
Styrton, 116.
Sudcootes als. Sutcoots, 44.
Sudcoots, 38.
Sudcotts, 55.
Sulbanck, 145.
Sulbank, 44, 60.
Sulbanke, 22.
Sunderlandewicke, 145.
Sunderland Wycke, 19.
Suneley Coote, 18.
Sutcoots als. Sudcootes, 44.
Sutcotys, 178.
Sutcoytys, 178.
Sutton, 15, 46, 51, 55, 62, 72, 123, 125,
134, 162, 168, 169, 170, 178,
-, — Holgraue, 42.
-, —Holgrave, 69.
-, — — als. Sutton Howgrave, 128.
-, — Ingis, 178.
-, — in the Forest of Galtres, 134.
Swainbye, 23.
Swaldale, 104.
Swale, 117.
Swale, The, 66.
Swanland, 6, 63, 68, 80, 98, 112.
Swawdell, 51.
Swaynbye, 169.
Swaythorpe, 138.
Swinton, 7.
Swetton, 143.
Swymflett, 75.
Swynden, 125, 134, 156, 160, 161.
Swyne, 7, 87.
-, — als. Swynestede, 146.
Swynehowton, 178.
Swynflete, 21, 22, 82.
Swynflett, 111, 128.
Swynsted, 7.
Swynton, 9, 18, 167, 188.
Sygeston, 188.
Syggeston, 48.
Sykehowse, 160.
Sykehowses, 67.
Sylkstone, 45.
Sylstorn, 87.
Synderby, 42, 142, 147.
Synderbye, 153, 168.
-, —als. Synderbe, 128.
Synderley, 154.
-, —als. Syndrely, 140.
Syndrely als. Synderley, 140.
Synnyngton, 147.
Tadcaster, 53, 68, 121.
Tampton, 27, 71.
Tanfyelde, West, 84.
Tankersley, 10, 133.
Tansheld, 15.
Tarnston, 87.
Tatham, 19.
Ternemore, 84.
Terryngton, 113, 130.
Tese, The, 23, 55, 73, 121.
Thekeston, 91.
Therne, 78.
Thirkelbye, 7, 48.
Thirleby, 141.
Thirske, 20, 113, 136, 157, 183.
Tholthorpe, 189.
Thonge, Neither, 62.
Thorganbye, 25.
Thorlebie, 169.
Thormonbye, 16.
Thornar, 185.
Thornbarghe, 154.
Thornburgh, 140.
Thorne, 11, 171.
Thornebargh, 42, 73.
Thornebarghe, 84, 138.
Thorneburgh, 148, 154.
Thornegumbold, 141.
-, —, Grenemershe in, 141.
-, —, Outmershe in, 141.
Thorneham, 79.
Thornehill, 35, 45, 73, 111.
Thorneholme, 27, 188.
Thorner, 6, 121.
Thornes, 45, 59, 66, 121, 136, 138, 161.
Thornescoo, 32.
Thorneton, 26, 27, 29, 43, 44, 50, 62, 68,
76, 112, 118, 132, 134, 138,
153, 192.
-, —in le more, 112.
-, —in the moor, 131.
-, —in the Streate, 187.
-, —Rust, 42.
-, —Ruste, 59.
-, —Stewarde, 27, 42, 74.
-, — Watloose, 78.
Thornetonbrigge, 80.
Thorngumbald als. Gumberthorne, 137.
Thornham, 51.
Thornton, 45, 52, 71, 93, 97, 172.
-, — als. Thornton le Strete, 41.
-, —in Bradforddale, 195.
-, —near Staynton, 69.
-, —Stewarde, 71.
-, —Watlous, 15.
Thorntonhouses als. Fauxflete, 45.
Thorp, 39, 98, 103.
Thorpaudlyn, 83.
Thorpbrantinham, 23.
Thorpe, 11, 72, 110, 134, 137, 141, 168,
175, 193, 194.
-, — als. Owthorne, 87.
-, —Awdeley, 105.
-, —Awdland, 52.
-, —Awdley, 159.
-, —Awdlyn, 158.
-, —Bassett, 138.
-, —Bassett als. Thorpe Ellys, 20.
-, —in Balma, 88.
-, — in Balne, 16, 171, 185.
-, —in the Street als. Rowthorpe,
106, 161.
-, —near Tease als. Thrope, 54.
-, —Salvin als. Ragnell, 139.
-, —Salvyn als. Thorppe Ragnell,
160, 184.
-, —Underwood, 138.
-, —upon Teese, 99.
-, —Willoughbye, 84.
-, —Wray, 17.
-, —Wrosse, 124.
Thorpearch, 30.
Thorppe in Balne, 54.
-, — Ragnell als. Thorpe Salvyn,
160, 184.
Thorppirrowe, 148.
Thorton, 75.
Thorprawe, 51.
Thorwalbye, 136.
Thrennescogh als. Turnesco als. Thurnyskow, 108.
Thrinsco als. Thrinscoughe Grange, 44.
Thrope als. Thorpe near Tease, 54.
Thropon, 142.
Thrownyscowe als. Thrunyscoghe, 56.
Thrunyscoghe als. Thrownyscowe, 56.
Thryske, 99.
Thurgarland, 74.
Thurgoland, 69, 82, 127, 129, 130, 191.
Thurgolande, 53, 133.
Thurleston, 45, 100, 134, 145, 191.
Thurlston, 30.
Thurne als. Thyrne, 7.
Thurneholme, 85.
Thurnesco als. Thurnyskow als. Thrennescogh, 108.
Thurnescowe, 86.
Thurnsco, 188.
Thurnyskow als. Thurnesco als. Thrennescogh, 108.
Thurscoland, 68.
Thurstonland, 74, 87, 88, 90, 92, 98, 102, 144, 159, 160, 180. (See Errata.)
Thwaite, 89.
Thwaite als. Twaite, 139.
Thwayt, 84.
Thwayte, 161.
Thwinge, 168.
-, — upon the Wolde, 27.
Thwonges, 91.
Thwyng, 129.
Thwynge, 138.
Thyrkelby, 2, 146, 149.
-, —, Great, 46.
Thyrne als. Thurne, 7.
Thyrske, 139.
Tibthorpe, 27.
Tickell als. Tickhill, 162.
Tickhill, 50, 95, 130, 153, 165, 166, 173,
185, 186.
-, — als. Tickell, 162.
Tickhyll, 34, 139.
Tidkinhowe, 71.
Tockwith, 6, 33, 124, 140, 146.
Todcaster, 100.
-, —als. Todcastre, 129.
Todwick, 157.
Tokett, 27.
Toketts, 71.
Tollerton, 108, 166, 189.
Tonge, 35, 78, 101, 104, 127, 166, 182.
Tookwith, 107.
Topcliff, 34.
Topclyffe, 77.
Towlesbie, 129.
Towthorpe, 21, 23, 108.
Traden, 101.
Tradipnewton als. Owtnewton, 184.
Tranbie, 68, 112.
Tranby, 178.
Tranbye, 63, 98.
Treton, 46.
Treyneham, 71.
Treynham, 27.
Tristrop, 102.
Tristrope, 67.
Trumfleete, 39.
Trumflete, 37, 61, 62, 72, 76, 79.
Trumflett, 193.
Tunstall, 27, 51, 54, 55, 71, 79, 151, 178.
Twaite als. Thwaite, 139.
Twinge upon the Walde, 188.
Tybthorpe, 188.
Tyckell, 19, 152.
Tyckhill, 25, 60, 120, 138, 139, 143, 167, 169, 184, 191.
Tyckhyll, 11, 75.
Tyckyll als. Tyckhyll, 57.
Tydkinhowe, 27.
Tykhill, 2, 12.
Tylse, 54.
-, —als. Tylts, 57.
Tylts, 39.
-, —als. Tylse, 57.
Tyndemham als. Elstanwyck, 91.
Tynglawe, 173.
Uckarby. 29.
Uggellwooddside als. Uggill, 185.
Uggill als. Uggellwooddside, 185.
Ughill, 108.
-, —Woodsyde, 108.
Ulcoots, 13.
Ulcotts als. Oulcotts, 185.
Ulram, 7, 39, 40.
Ulrom, 195.
-, —in Holdernes, 195.
Uncleby, 69.
Upesland, 4.
Uplethome, 27, 51, 71.
Upleythome, 177.
Upplett als. Uslett als. Willoughe Parke als. Wulf Parke, 105.
Uppall, 97.
Uppawle, 98.
Upsall, 73, 127.
-, —Castle, 127.
-, —Lowe Moor als. Outwood, 127.
Upton, 47, 53, 77, 96, 156, 166, 184.
Urebye, 142.
Urethorpe, 12.
-, —als. Overthorpe als. Uthroppe,
Urton, 14.
Usburne, Little, 148.
-, — Magna, 80.
-, —Parva, 179.
Use, The, 123, 146.
Usflete, 121, 139.
Uskelf, 86.
Uskelff, 86.
Uslett, 161.
-, —als. Upplett als. Willoughe Parke
als. Wulf Parke, 105.
Uthanke, 192.
Uthroppe als. Urethorpe als. Overthorpe, 192.
Waddermarshe, 7.
Waddesley, 20, 136, 155.
Waddesworth, 54, 55, 60, 143, 191.
Waddesworthe, 194.
Waddington, 31.
Waddisley, 36, 136.
Waddisworth, 12, 45, 69, 172.
Waddisworthe, 58, 81.
Waddworthe, 14.
Waddyngton, 119.
Waddysley, 48.
Waddysworth, 106.
Wadesworthe, 35, 150.
Wadlands, 171.
Wadworth, 130, 152, 187.
Wadworthe, 44, 60, 138, 166, 186.
Waghen, 105.
Wakefeild, 101, 124, 129, 154, 161, 189.
-, —, Kyrkegate in, 111.
Wakefeilde, 96, 102, 163.
Wakefeld, 4, 19, 22, 23, 24, 35, 38, 45,
57, 58, 60, 64, 66, 75, 88, 89,
116, 117, 121, 126, 133, 134,
136, 152, 161, 164, 166, 176,
178, 182, 184.
-, —, Kyrkegate in, 116, 168.
-, —, Kyrkgate in, 190.
-, —, Northgate in, 185.
-, —, Westgate in, 103, 144, 165.
Wakefelde, 13, 37, 50, 57, 156, 182, 183.
Waldcarr, 6.
Walden, 104.
-, —als. Wawden, 42.
Waldershelf, 7, 134, 161.
Waldershelfe, 2.
Waldinges, 6.
Wales, 46, 129, 184.
-, — Wood, 46.
Walkington, 14.
Walkley, 126.
Walkyngton, 43, 61.
Wallerthwaite, 174.
Wallerthwayte, 148.
Walsgrave, 64, 194.
Walshefurth, 157.
Walton, 30, 50, 61, 154.
Waltonheed, 110.
Walyngwellys, 19.
Wanesforth, 25.
Wanesforde, 176.
Wansforth, 27.
Wansforthe, 113, 135.
Waplington, 174.
Waplyngton, 148.
Wardesworth, 159.
Wardley, 91.
Wardleycar, 91.
Warlabye, 38, 74.
Warley, 91.
Warmefeild, 154, 161.
Warmesworth, 52, 179.
Warmesworthe, 186.
Warnesworth, 138.
Warsall, 99.
Warter, 68.
Warthill, 96.
Wassanddes, 87.
Wath, 9, 11, 12, 13.
Wathe, 25, 64, 66, 76, 125, 134, 165, 167, 193.
Wathell, 49.
Watloose, 78.
Wawden als. Walden, 42.
Wawne, 15.
Waxham, 178.
Waynsforde, 188.
Weddyngley, 120.
Wedeley, 89, 93.
Well, 138, 148.
Wellerby, 178.
Wellingley, 57.
Wellwicke, 114.
Wellyngley, 130, 166.
Welscowe, 113.
Welwicke, 114, 171.
Wensley, 58, 78.
Wentbrigge, 105, 159.
Wentworth, 8, 11, 14, 18, 91.
Wentworthe, 9, 13, 193.
Werdeley, 34, 62.
-, — als. Weverdley, 18.
Westall, 104.
Westanfeld, 99, 140.
Westanfelde, 154.
Westapleton, 27, 71.
Westardeslawe, 173.
Westbarneby, 47.
Westbrompton, 27, 71.
Westcarre, 165.
Westcotham, 47.
Westerdaill, 191.
Westerdale, 73, 120, 145, 172, 194.
Westerdayle, 116.
Westerdislawe, 89.
Westgarffurth, 183.
Westgarfurthe, 109.
Westgrynton, 158.
Westhaddilsay, 136.
Westhall, 173.
Westhardwick, 156.
Westhardwicke, 5.
Westhawkyswell, 80.
Westhedingley, 176.
Westheslerton, 4, 58, 109, 114, 172.
Westholme, 150.
Westhowe, 132.
Westhowses, 167.
Westlayfeld, 121.
Westmalhom als. Malhom, 33, 35.
Westmarton, 1.
Westmelton, 12, 173.
Westmore, 129.
Westmorton, 35, 44.
-, —als. Morton, 63.
-, —Bancks, 35.
-, —Banks, 63.
Westnewton, 87.
Westoke, 1.
Westpaythnall, 25.
Weston, 18.
Westow, 58.
Westowe, 24.
Westriddlesden, 177.
Wetheley, 188.
Wetherbye, 101, 145.
Wetherley, 148.
Wethernewick, 32.
Weton, 12, 135, 143.
-, —als. Wynton, 171.
-, —,Lyttle Mair in, 171.
Weuerthorpe, 188.
Weverdley als. Werdeley, 18.
Whalsey, 189.
Wharame Percy, 20.
Wharf, The, 155.
Wharfe, The, 84.
Wharff, The, 164.
Wharhem Percy, 34.
Wharmbye, 61.
Wharneby, 1, 52.
Wharram, 138.
Wharrame, 196.
-, —in the Strete, 196.
Wharrom, 173.
-, —in the Strete, 173.
Wharrome in the Streete, 117.
Whassheton, 50.
Wheatley, 41, 43, 61, 81.
Wheldrake, 153.
Whenby, 49.
Wherldale, 155.
Wheteley als. Whitley, 106.
Whitbie, 123.
Whitby, 39.
Whitbye, 138, 156.
-, —Stronde, 123.
Whitgift, 104, 105, 111, 128.
Whitgifte, 82, 114, 139, 192.
Whitlay, 169.
Whitley, 69, 74, 136.
-, —als. Wheteley, 106.
Whitleywod, 54.
Whitwodd, 153.
Whitwood, 146.
Whixley als. Wykesley, 107.
Whorleton, 27, 71.
Whytbye, 38.
Whyteshawe als. Wyteshawe, 25.
Whytley, 19, 38.
-, —, Nether, 89.
Whytwell, 7.
Whytwood, 49.
Wibsay, 168.
Wickersley, 86, 185, 194.
Wiell, 43, 70.
Wiggenton, 138.
Wigglesworth, 156.
Wighell, 100, 103.
Wike, 45, 174.
Wikeham, 103.
Wilberfosse, 8, 72.
Wilborefosse, 116.
Wilfelde, 151.
Willerbye, 110.
Willoughbye, 165.
Willoughe Parke als. Wulf Parke als. Upplett als. Uslett, 105.
Wilsden 49, 170.
Wilseck als. Wolseck, 57.
Wilsicke, 130.
Wilsike, 166.
Winterthorpe, 27.
Winton, 132.
Wistoo, 133.
Withington, 37.
Wodekirke, 37.
Wodhall, 23.
Wodhouse, 154.
Wodkirke, 155.
Wodmanse, 87.
Wodsom, 159.
Wodsome, 90, 98.
Wolferton, 36.
Wolley, 152.
Wolseck als. Wilseck, 57.
Wolston, 178.
Wombwell, 3, 9, 33, 39, 97, 130.
Womersley, 23, 38, 52.
Woodall, 31, 167, 186.
Woodehowse, 53.
Woodhall, 7, 37, 54, 79, 113, 136, 146, 149, 190.
Woodhaulle, 150.
Woodhouse, 15, 75, 169.
Woodhouses, 155.
Woodhowse, 2, 51, 61, 176.
Woodkirke, 124, 127, 173.
Woodsettes, 73.
Woodsetts, 19.
Woodsyde, 18.
Woodthorpe, 48.
Woolley, 65.
Woollhowse, 149.
Woosperdale, 4.
Wormersley als. Wymersley, 28.
Worrall, 36, 155, 164.
Worsall, Nether, 55.
Worsboroughe, 133.
Worsburghe, 65, 100, 101, 104, 195.
Worsell 27, 71.
Wortley, 188.
Wothersome, 121.
Wragbye, 117, 134.
Wrangbrok, 104.
Wrangbroke, 77.
Wrelton, 41.
Wrenthorp, 156.
Wrenthorpe, 184, 195.
Wressell, 100.
Wulf Parke als. Willoughe Parke als. Upplett als. Uslett, 105.
Wybsay, 111, 173.
Wybsey, 131, 135, 191.
Wyclyff 121.
Wyggyngton, 82, 137.
Wyghton, 189.
Wyghtwysill, 29.
Wyginton, 25.
Wygynton, 145.
Wykam, 122.
Wyke, 40, 61, 79, 117, 151.
Wykesley als. Whixley, 107.
Wykham, 77.
Wyksley, 175.
Wyldthorpe, 101.
Wylley, 7.
Wyllsycke, 60.
Wylmersley, 39.
Wylsden, 16, 95.
Wymersley als. Wormersley, 28.
Wymstide, 70.
Wyncobanke, 46.
Wyndhyll, 124.
Wynesley, 83, 86.
Wynnesley, 88, 106, 109, 144.
Wynnysley, 89.
Wyneholme, East, 184.
Wyntersett cum Stanyngley, 156.
Wynterthore, 189.
Wynteryngham, 138.
Wynton, 47, 188.
-, — als. Weton, 171.
-, — als. Wynton Stank, 136.
-, — als. Wyntonstank Closes, 48.
-, — Stanke als. Stanke, 10.
Wyntworthe, 108.
Wynwycke, 116.
Wyrkeley als. Wyrtley, 192.
Wyrtley als. Wyrkeley, 192.
Wystowe, 70.
Wyteshawe als. Whyteshawe, 25.
Wythorpe, 47.
Wyton, 70.
-, — in Holdernes, 193.
Yafforthe, 59, 150.
Yaites, 88.
Yapham, 193.
Yaphame, 97.
Yaram, 73.
Yarme, 27, 71.
Yates, 88.
Yeadon, 177.
Yeadyngham, 114.
Yeddingham, 58, 172.
Yeddyngham, 78, 190.
Yelthorpe, 174.
Yewkfflett, 190.
Yewkflett, 190.
Yokeflete, 127.
Yokeflett, 1.
Yookeflete, 24.
York and Yorke, 15, 36, 70, 80, 87, 90,
99, 107, 110, 122, 124, 132, 146,
149, 166, 169, 178, 184, 186, 192,
-, —, All Saints in, 36, 53.
-, —, — in North Streate als.
Bakerrawe in, 146.
-, —, — in Northstret in, 140.
-, —, — in Paiument in, 124.
-, —, — in Pavement in, 70.
-, —, Baggergate in, 192.
-, —, Belfraye, the, in Petergate in, 70.
-, —, Bishop Hill Junior in, 105.
-, —, Bothome in, 163.
-, —, Cargate in, 68, 116.
-, —, Castlegate in, 22, 107, 120, 178.
-, —, Cathedral of St Peter in, 34, 124.
-, —, Conistreat in, 175.
-, —, Coppergate in, 68.
-, —, County of, 74, 118.
-, —, Goodramgate, in par, of Holy
Trinity in, 162.
-, —, Gotheromgate in, 124.
York and Yorke.
-, —, Grey Freers als. Freers-Minor in,
-, —, Gyrdlegate in, 115.
-, —, Gyrdlergate, 124.
-, —, Holy Trinity in, 149.
-, —, — — in Godromegate in,
-, —, — — in Gotheromgate in,
-, —, — — in Gothramgaite in,
-, —, — — in King's Court in,
-, —, — — in Micklegate in,
-, —, Jubery in, 122.
-, —, Mickilgate, in par. St. John in, 124.
-, —, Mydwater lane in, 107.
-, —, Nesgate in, 116.
-, —, Nessegate in, 168.
-, —, North Strete, in par. St. John in,
-, —, Olde Conystrete in, 149.
-, —, Ouerowsegate in, 68.
-, —, Overousgate in, 116.
-, —, Owsegate in, 168.
-, —, Patrickepoole in, 124.
-, —, Pattrickpoole in, 115.
-, —, Petergate in, 15, 115, 124.
-, —, Peter lane lytle, in par. St. Peter
Parva in, 154.
-, —, St. Christ in, 26.
-, —, — Crux in, 6, 36, 115, 149, 167.
-, —, — —, in Colyergate in, 107.
-, —, — Dionis in, 99.
-, —, — Dionisius in, 45.
-, —, — in Walmegate in, 63,
-, —, — in Walmgate in, 140.
-, —, — Dionysius in, 36.
-, —, — Elena in, 168.
-, —, — Gregory near Deademan's
Lane in, 140.
-, —, — Helena in, 168.
-, —, — John, Owse Bridge, in, 149.
-, —, — Laurence in, 99, 115, 132.
-, —, — Margaret in Walmegate in, 160.
-, —, — Martin in, 36, 115, 124.
-, —, — in Coninge Strete in, 63.
-, —, —in Conystrete in, 132.
-, —, — Mary in Castilgate in, 49.
-, —, — in Castlegate in, 154.
-, —, — Maurice in, 52, 122.
-, —, — Michael in, 68, 162.
-, —, — de Belframes in, 154.
-, —, — in Conystrete in, 107.
-, —, — in Overousgate in, 116.
-, —, — Owsebridgende, in, 168.
-, —, — Peter in le Willowes in, 107.
-, —, — the Less in, 124.
-, —, — Sampson in, 30, 70.
-, —, — in Jubbergate in, 70.
-, —, — Saviour in, 132, 149.
York and Yorke:
-, —, St. Savyor in, 6.
-, —, — Wilfrid in, 36.
-, —, Skeldergate in, 26, 99.
-, —, — in par. St. Marie the
elder in, 149.
-, —, Stanegate in, 105.
-, —, — in par. St. Helene in, 1.
-, —, Swyngate in, 105.
-, —, Walmegate in par. St. George in,
-, —, — in par. St. Margarete
in, 146.
York and Yorke:
-, —, Walmgate barre in par. St. Laurence in, 153.
-, —, — in par. St. Dionisius in,
-, —, — in par. St. Margaret
in, 90.
Youckeflete, 71.
Youlton, 189.
Yowlton, 46.
Yrtonne, 170.