Pages 426-485
Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1887.
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A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Y. Z.
Abberforth, 382.
Abberforthe, 334.
Abberfurth, 377.
Abdon, 46.
Aberford, 195.
Aberforth, 93, 124, 126.
Abyrford, 2.
Acaster, 83, 366.
Acaster Selby, 121.
Acclam, 211, 282.
Acclame, 242.
Acclom, 122.
Acclome, 142, 143.
Ackeworthe, 178, 274, 353.
Ackworth, 61, 115, 150, 239, 285.
Ackworthe, 241, 269, 320.
Aclam, 305.
Aclom, 123.
Acom, 6.
-, — als. Akham Graunge, 251.
Acto[n], 224.
Acton, 112, 179.
Acworth, 48, 63, 169, 175, 258, 377.
Addyngflete, 110.
Addyngham, 365.
Adle, 296.
Adlingflete, 189.
Adlyngflete, 254.
Adlyngfflett, 214.
Adlyngflet, 37.
Adlyngflete, 6, 34, 46, 132, 179, 287, 306.
Adwalton, 18, 99, 261, 285.
Adwaulton, 227.
Adweke, 118.
Adwick, 62, 374.
-, — sup. Stratam, 292.
Adwicke on the Street, 301.
Adwolton, 47.
Adwyck, 216.
Adycke, 201, 323.
Adwyk super Stratam, 345.
-, — upon Derne, 223.
Adwyke, 11, 180.
-, — upon Derne, 148.
Aere, The, 103.
Aeyghton, 172.
Aghton, 8.
Agilthorpe, 115.
Aglethorpe, 278, 281, 309, 349.
Aglethorpp, 335.
Aglethorppe, 183.
Agnes Burton, 328, 371.
Agylthorke, 71.
Aiketon, 11.
Airingden, 234, 236.
-, — Park, 234, 236.
Airton, 99, 123, 220.
Aismotherby, 170.
Ake, 355.
-, — als. Lockynton, 215.
Akester, 238.
Akeworth, 266, 274.
Akham als. Acom Graunge, 251.
Aklam, 273.
Alborough, 226.
-, — als. Albrough, 217.
Alboroughe, 159.
Alborowe, 140, 166.
-, — als. Alborough, 231.
Alburgh, 25, 29, 68, 98, 285, 287, 289, 292, 296.
Aldam, 133.
Aldborowe, 231.
Aldbroughe, 220.
Aldburghe, 34, 223.
Aldbye, 384.
Aldeburgh, 10, 205.
Aldeburghe, 108, 198.
Aldebye, 97.
Aldecrofte, 114.
Alderston, 36.
Alderthorpe, 205.
Aldewarke, 300.
Aldewark, 62.
Aldwarke, 247, 254, 322.
Aldwicke, 322.
Allerston, 32, 135, 139, 155, 185, 342.
Allerstone, 145.
Allerthorp, 31.
Allerthorpe, 108, 368.
Allerton, 46, 52, 83, 99, 113, 115, 147,
199, 223, 263, 280, 281, 301,
314, 315, 326, 328, 330, 371.
-, — Bywatter, 148.
-, — Gledowe, 346, 358.
-, — Malyverer, 223.
-, — Mauliuerer, 292.
-, — near the water, 164.
Allne Holme, 374.
Allonley, 347.
Alluerthorpe, 12.
Allyngley als. Alwodley, 364.
Almanbury, 100, 117.
Almandbury, 100, 123, 141.
Almholme, 70.
Almonbury, 142, 171, 300, 334, 383.
Almondbery, 233.
Almondburie, 258.
Almondbury, 63, 65, 67, 71, 78, 84, 104, 120, 121, 164, 181, 194, 202, 214.
Almondburye, 148.
Alne, 27, 45, 259.
Altoftes, 104, 129.
Altofts, 198, 205, 325, 353.
Altoftys, 22.
Altostes, 107.
Aluerley, 83.
Aluerthorp, 40, 256.
Aluerthorpe, 38.
Alumburye, 137.
Aluthorpe, 235, 307.
Alverthorpe, 197, 308, 332, 338.
Alwodley, 239.
-, — als. Allyngley, 364.
Alwyke, 43.
Amoderby, 165.
Amonderbye, 289.
Amotherby, 136, 372.
Amotherley, 300.
Ampleford, 211, 263.
Anderby in le Myere, 277.
-, — Whernhowe, 52, 107.
-, — with the Stepyll, 211.
Anderbye, 314.
Angrame, 238.
Angrome, 157.
Angromhouse, 11, 30.
Anlaby, 34, 138, 224.
Anlabye, 109.
Anleybye, 263.
Annes Burton, 122.
Annston, 121.
Anston (? Auston), 31, 122, 155, 156,
163, 241.
-, —, Southe, 272.
Ansty, 96.
Anstye, 136.
Apilton, East, 371.
Apleton, 274, 316.
-, — als. Appoulton, 326.
Apletrewyk, 216.
Appelton, 280.
-, —, West, 322.
Appilgarth, 68.
Appilton, 314.
Appleday, 241.
Applegarth, 353.
Appleton, 231, 274, 308, 310, 340, 349.
-, —, Est, 328.
-, — Yngs, 340.
Appletreweke, 277.
Appletrewyke, 238, 241.
Appulton, 50.
-, — als. Nunappulton, 28.
-, — upon the Hill, 31.
Appultrewyke, 120.
Appylton, 297.
Apswell, 314.
Apulton, 47, 53, 273, 274.
Apultrewike, 30.
Apultrewyk, 11.
Aram, 299.
Arclegarth Dale, 274, 278.
Ardeslawe, 93.
-, —, West, 89.
Ardesley, 23, 74, 184.
Ardesleyew West, 149.
Ardeslowe, 71, 76, 78, 357.
Ardislaye, 218.
Ardislowe, 176.
Ardyngton, 156.
Ardyslawe, 122.
-, —, West, 215.
Ardyslew, 197.
Ardysley, 134.
-, — Hill, 240.
Ardyslow, 307.
Argam, 141, 209.
Argham, 282.
Arh[a]m, 253.
Arholme, 44.
Arkendale, 272.
Arkendall, 277.
Arkenden, 223, 292.
Arkesey, 3, 19, 89, 107, 109, 124, 136, 140, 163, 180, 374.
Arkley, 209.
Arksey, 51, 56, 70, 159, 248, 366, 375.
Arkylgarthedale, 324, 341.
Arkyllgarthedale, 324.
Arleythrop, 216.
Armeclyffe, 168.
Armeley, 126, 302.
Armen, 224, 339.
Armley, 90, 344.
Armyn, 339.
Armyne als. Armynge, 207.
Arncliff, 39, 304.
Arnclyff Coote, 232.
Arneclyff, 11, 30, 170, 176, 232, 369, 370.
Arneclyffe, 375.
Arneforde, 241.
Arnethorp, 269.
Arnoldbiggyng, 40.
Arnoldbyggynge, 103.
Arnolds Byggyng, 203.
Arnoldysbyggyng, 342.
Arothorne, 231.
Arows upon the Wold, 72.
Arras, 170, 374.
Arrese, 175.
Arrothorne als. Errethorne, 322.
Arslowe, 290.
Arsum, 282.
Arswell, 17.
Arthington, 287.
Arthyngton, 296.
Arynden, 232, 233.
Asarlaght als. Asarley, 101.
Asbye, 105.
Ascuhowse, 46.
Asheby co. Lincoln, 358.
Askam Brian, 273.
Askam Bryan, 206.
Askarn, 80, 131.
Askarne, 327.
Aske, 68, 379.
Askebecke, 379.
Askemore, 379.
Askerne, 69, 155, 194, 360, 371, 372.
Askernescales, 157.
Askewe, 31.
Askham Bryan, 238.
Askilbie, 367.
Askrigg, 257.
Askuyth, 134.
Askwith, 289.
Askwithe, 351.
Askwyth, 106.
Askwythe, 108.
Aslaby, 337.
Aslabye, 355.
Aslacby, 33.
Asselbie, 327.
Asselbye, 264.
Asshedenshay, 202.
Asshemore, 114.
Assheynhurst, 91.
Assylbye, 187, 264.
Assulby, 92.
Astenby, 77.
Astenbye, 114.
Astleye, 107.
Aston, 102, 107, 113, 171, 172, 193, 323.
Astone, 295.
Astylby, 370.
Asynby, 206.
Atheweeke sup. Stratum, 178.
Athewik, 35.
Athewyke sup. Stratu[m], 199, 200.
Atlaycowton, 252.
Atlowculton, 31.
Atlowe Cooton, 144.
Aton, 6, 32, 83, 92, 110, 238, 306.
-, —, Est, 242.
-, —, Great, 56.
-, —, Little, 56.
Atterbergh Feld als. Northstede, 147.
Attercliff, 268.
Attercliffe, 233.
Atterclyff, 65, 89, 98, 138, 210, 223, 232, 307.
Attlay, 97.
Atwick, 280.
Atwik, 60.
Atwyck, 371.
Atwycke, 328, 347.
Atwyk, 24, 48.
Aubrowgh, 316.
Aughton, 63, 323.
Aukeley, 199.
Aukeswell, 384.
Aulerton, 297.
Aulkley, 324.
Austbye, 148.
Austen als. Ouston, 361.
-, — als. Owsten, 204.
Austerfeld, 197.
Austhorp, 101.
Austhorpe, 52.
Auston (? Anston), 31, 122, 155, 156, 163.
Auverlay als. Averlay, 325.
Auverley als. Averley, 351.
Averlay als. Auverlay, 325.
Averley als. Auverley, 351.
Awborne, 212.
Awburne, 199.
Awdbye, 352.
Awdeby, 203.
Awghton, 100, 269, 270.
Awkley, 340.
Awmbery, 32.
Awne, 166, 256, 303.
Awsterfeld, 326, 373.
Awstewyke, 55, 87.
Awston, 86, 311.
Awstrope, 262.
Awstroppe, 261.
Awstwicke, 303.
Awstwyk, 83.
Awton, 193.
Axholme, 81.
Axilbye, 154.
Aycton, 269.
Ayer, 135.
Ayerton, 350.
Ayghton, 295.
Ayke, 84, 186.
-, — Carre, 186.
Ayketon, 148.
Aykton, 40, 117, 164, 384.
Aymonderby, 105, 137.
Aynderby, Steple, 92.
Aynderbye, 264, 280.
-, — in le Myre, 328, 371.
Aynelebie, 318.
Ayre, The, 224.
Ayresome, 242.
Ayreton, 225, 350.
Ayringden, 237.
-, — Park, 237.
Ayrton, 111, 128.
Ayscought, 165.
Ayselebye, 295.
Ayskarthe, 128.
Aysserlagh, 115.
Ayton, 60, 81, 97, 114, 141, 217, 222,
242, 244, 258, 270, 313, 323, 364,
-, —, Great, 165.
-, —, Little, 165.
Aytton, 284.
Ayzerley, 213, 330.
Babthorpe, 315, 320.
Baddesworth, 134, 384.
Baddysworth, 93, 105, 143, 320.
Bagby, 45, 159, 219, 273.
Bagbye, 266.
Bagden, 161, 233.
Bagehill, 227.
Bageley, 353.
Baghill, 343.
Bagley, 85, 246,
Baildon, 162, 251, 352.
Bakenesthorpe, 132.
Balby, 18, 26.
Balbye, 122, 217.
Balcome, 327.
Baldersby, 95.
-, — als. Bawderby, 189.
Baldersdale, 115.
Baldye, 146.
Baledon, 338, 365.
Balkeholme, 218.
Balkholme, 12, 197.
Balkhome, 70, 86.
Balme, 309.
Balncrofte, 216.
Balne, 52, 69, 91, 127, 174, 185, 205, 224, 269, 283, 326, 369.
Banby, 83.
Bancke Newton, 235.
Bangayt, 170.
Banke, 333, 334.
-, — Newton, 319.
Bankeholme, 195.
Banksrode, 198.
Baraby, 124.
Barbland, 114.
Barbot, 51.
Bardalgarth, 56.
Barden, 163, 309.
Bardsall als. Birdsaull als. Byrdyshall als. Byrdshall, 215.
Bargh, 40, 46, 49, 63, 66, 94, 149, 312,
-, —, Great, 46.
-, —, Little, 46.
-, — St Mary de Barton in, 49.
Barghe, 262, 344.
-, —, Little, 371.
Barght, 72.
Bargrange, 237.
Barkehouse, 35.
Barkeland, 214.
Barker Endes, 173.
Barkesland, 44, 54, 71, 150, 221, 232,
-, — als. Barseland, 249.
Barkeslande, 129, 362, 368.
Barkeston, 93, 114, 286.
Barkisland, 288.
Barkysland, 122, 133, 157, 233, 278, 333, 367, 368.
Barmebie, 327.
Barmebowe als. Barnebowe als. Barnebough, 364.
Barmeburgh, 10.
Barmeby, 151, 156.
-, — upon the Moor, 365.
Barmeston, 247, 253, 357.
Barmston, 358.
Barnard Wyke, 167.
Barnburgh, 62.
Barnby super Moram, 103.
-, — upon Don, 53, 80, 124.
-, — upon Done, 146, 155.
-, — upon Donn, 31.
-, — upon Donne, 185.
Barnebough als. Barmebowe als. Barnebowe, 364.
Barnebowe, 135.
-, — als. Barmebowe als. Barnebough, 364.
Barnebrough, 61.
Barneburghe, 137, 171.
Barneby, 97, 205, 279.
-, — Super Moram, 353.
-, — upon Don, 3, 102, 107, 144,
-, — upon Donne, 142, 204, 232,
309, 370.
-, — upon Dun, 342.
-, — upon Dunne, 327.
-, — upon the moor, 347.
Barnebye near Bossall, 384.
-, — upon Don, 162.
Barnell, 327.
Barneslay, 262.
Barnesley, 40, 52, 63, 66, 72, 86, 87, 98,
112, 113, 149, 164, 203,
261, 291, 321.
-, — Old, 77.
Barneston, 132.
Barnethorp, 61.
Barnhill, 9.
Barnoldwick, 322.
Barnolseweeke, 315.
Barnsley, 21, 49.
Barnston, 25, 140, 166.
Barnyngham, 71, 198, 283, 316.
Barnyngh[a]m, 189.
Barnyslay, 206, 265.
Baronsburton, 125.
Barowbrige, 223.
Barowby, 170.
-, — Graunge, 170.
Barowe, 318.
Barowgh Hall, 381.
-, —, Great, 381.
-, —, Little, 381.
Barroby, 117, 128, 334.
Barrowe, 29.
Barseland als. Barkesland, 249.
-, — als. Byrkesland, 240.
Barsland, 51, 79, 149, 196, 321.
Barslandis, 27.
Barston, 98, 136, 178, 204.
Barstow, 103.
Barstowe Heyse, 76.
Barthewayte, 309.
Barthorp, 43, 123.
Barthorpe, 84, 122.
Bartingdale, 141.
Barton, 54, 92, 157, 273, 281, 297, 314,
328, 359, 371.
-, — in the Willous, 97.
-, — in the Willowes, 353, 384.
Barugh, Great, 288.
Barwghe, Great, 272.
Barwick in Elmett, 320, 334, 364, 382.
Barwycke, 48.
Barwyk in Elmytt, 135.
Barwyke in Elmatt, 115.
-, — in Elmyt, 126.
Basedall, 293.
Bashall als. Baxall, 332.
Basshall, 263.
Baston, 164.
Bateley, 182.
Bathweyt, 102.
Batlay, 256.
Batley, 19, 94, 99, 134, 161, 162, 172,
178, 180, 235, 238, 241, 250,
251, 257, 305, 344, 375.
-, — als. Battely, 303.
Batleye, 383.
Batteley, 70, 182, 290.
Battersbye, 328, 362, 371.
Baurgh, 245.
Bawcome, 374.
Bawderby als. Baldersby, 189.
Bawetre, 6.
Bawkeholme, 148.
Bawkhome, 378.
Bawme, 316.
Bawncrofte, 232.
Bawne, 356, 360.
Bawthersbye, 198.
Bawton, 293.
Bawtre, 6, 159.
Bawtres, 30.
Bawtrie, 115.
Bawtrye, 115.
Baxall als. Bashall, 332.
Baxby, 20, 59, 242.
Baxbye, 365.
Baygh Holme, 79.
Bayldon, 131, 156, 157, 165, 167, 172, 173, 336.
Baynton, 6, 29, 40, 68, 124, 139, 145, 182, 183, 187, 195, 244, 280, 302, 353.
Baysdell, 371.
Beaconfeld, 189.
Beafurth, 346.
Beamesley, 232.
Beawsay, 33.
Bedale, 255.
Bedall, 115, 302.
Bedford, 108.
Bedforde als. Beforde, 115.
Beeford, 193.
Befford, 253.
Befforth, 109.
Beford, 25, 140.
Beforde, 115.
Beforth, 44, 377.
-, — als. Beforde, 325.
Beforthe, 102, 193, 367.
Befurth, 136.
Befurthe, 199.
Beghall, 257.
Beghton, 61, 82.
Begu[..]ng, 286.
Beighton, 185, 254.
Beilby, 306.
Bekhawe, 2, 28.
Belasyse, 12.
Belbie, 327, 367.
Belby, 97, 120, 132.
Belbye, 48, 105, 262, 264.
Beleby, 112, 243.
Belebye, 316, 319.
Bellarby, 78, 89.
Bellasice, 282.
Bellassie, 228.
Bellassise, 264.
Bellerby, 90, 279.
Bellerbye, 182, 200, 241, 252.
Bellisise, 137.
Bellosise, 337.
Belly, 346.
Bellysyse, 196.
Bellysysse, 150.
Belthorp, 56, 143.
-, — als. Thorppe in Balne, 41.
Belthorpe, 351.
-, — als. Thorpe in Balme, 73.
Bempton, 8, 9.
Bemyngham, 173.
Benetlande, 264.
Benetlonde, 137, 147.
Bennetland, 150.
Bennyngholme, 138.
Bennyngton, 135.
Benteley, 107, 180.
Bentham, 181, 296, 328, 334, 371.
Bentlay, 124.
Bentley, 27, 38, 51, 56, 60, 62, 70, 89, 105, 109, 111, 136, 140, 146, 163, 178, 183, 209, 216, 220, 226, 231, 242, 248, 249, 251, 290, 322, 325, 349, 362, 366, 369, 374, 375.
Bentleye, 247, 261.
Benton, 44, 56, 134, 182, 259, 270.
Benytlande, 228.
Benyngham, als. Benyngholme, 25.
Benyngholme, 134, 140, 166.
-, — als. Benynghame, 357.
Benyngley, 164.
Benyngton, 44, 150, 168, 310.
Benythorpe, 212.
Berden, 52.
Bereshend als. Sygston, 186.
Bergh, 47.
Berkeby, 111.
Berkesherthe, 79.
Berkeslond, 104.
Berkynshey, 295.
Bernesley, 47.
Berningham, 289.
Bernysley, 281.
Berrythorpe, 173.
Berwyk, 148.
Berythorpe, 190, 212.
Berythorpp, 173.
Besackle, 374.
Besinbie, 238.
Beston, 127, 240, 303.
Bestwick, 378.
Beswyck, 355.
Beswyk, 39.
Beswyke, 72, 372.
Besynbye, 298.
Beth, 328.
Beu[er]laco, 7, 13, 21, 26, 27.
Beu[er]lay, 211, 212, 214.
Beu[er]ley, 5, 22, 98, 122, 167, 234, 245, 264, 266, 288, 290, 336, 339, 376.
Beuerley, 12, 13, 35, 57, 59, 78, 79, 88, 106, 107, 112, 116, 117, 119, 170, 187, 262, 291, 339, 340.
Beuersley, 28.
Beurnebye, 271.
Beverley, 3, 25, 43, 44, 60, 84, 86, 97,
98, 99, 109, 111, 114, 118,
123, 140, 151, 156, 166, 190,
193, 216, 228, 239, 284, 286,
290, 300, 312, 313, 325, 330,
331, 332, 335, 336, 357, 360,
-, — als. Beverlacq, 322.
-, —, Monastery of, 333.
-, —, St John, 322.
-, —, St Marie, 322.
Beverston, 224.
Bewham, 23, 50, 209.
Bewh[a]m, 285.
Bewholme, 92, 134.
Bewhom, 52.
Bewhome, 47, 53.
-, — als. Bewham, 220.
Beylby, 81, 90, 108, 177, 296.
Beylbye, 325.
Beymysley, 148.
Bickerton, 334, 368.
Bierley, 256.
Bierll als. Byerley, 262.
Biggyng, 21, 25, 49.
Bilbrogh upon the Hill, 121.
Bilbroughe, 251.
Bilburgh, 51, 78, 101, 300.
Bilbye, 337.
Billam, 60.
Billeburgh, 7.
Billesdale, 276.
Billington, 258.
Billyngley, 10, 66, 248.
Billysdale, 152.
Bilton, 23, 27, 49, 52, 329.
-, — in the Ansty, 64, 96.
Bingley, 162.
Birdesalle, 300.
Birdsaull als. Byrdyshall als. Byrdshall als. Bardsall, 215.
Birkeby Carre, 111.
Birkinshay, 376.
Birkyn, 240.
Birkynshey, 302.
Birley Edge, 194.
Birn als. Burn als. Byrn, 63.
Birne, 157, 289.
Birtwisyll, 151.
Bischopsyde, 114.
Bishopdale, Burton in, 234.
Bishopmonckton, 323.
Bishops Burton als. Burton Fields, 322.
Bishopton, 323.
Bisshopp Burton, 275.
Bisshoppesthorp, 103.
Bisshopsthorp, 75.
Bisshopthorp, 17, 57.
Bisshopthorpe, 57.
Bisshopton, 317.
Bisstwyck, 265.
Blaberie Croft, 223.
Blabery Croft, 131.
Blabury Crofte, 292.
Blabury More, 114.
Blaby, co. Leycester, 6.
Blackamore, 160, 381.
Blackemore, 323.
Blacketoft, 370.
-, — upon Ows, 132.
Blacketofte, 228.
Blackman, 114.
Blacktoft, 137, 208, 245, 282, 292.
-, —, Est, 311.
-, —, West, 311.
Blackstone, 324.
Blactoft, 293.
Blakamore, 205.
Blakebanke, 170.
Blaketofte, 86, 196, 378.
Blakholme, 135.
Blaktoft, 79, 129.
Blaktofte, 150.
Blande, 243.
Blaton Carr als. Monkcarr, 335.
Bleynge, 114.
Bobancke als. Bowbancke, 252.
Boddyngton, 166.
Bodyngton, 140.
Boland, 129.
Boldram als. Bolron, 283.
Boldynge, 319.
Bolland, 123, 124, 128, 137, 151, 158, 167, 189, 203, 290, 293, 308, 333.
Bollershawe, 167, 170.
Bolling, 70, 202.
-, —, Little, 19.
Bollyng, 81, 104, 149, 191, 194, 280, 346.
-, —, Little, 199.
-, — als. Bollynghall, 282.
Bollynge, 275, 282, 319, 333, 341, 345.
Bollynghall, 280, 282.
Bolnewik, 25, 44.
Bolnewyk, 140, 357.
Bolnewyke, 166.
Bolron, 280, 321, 371.
-, — als Boldram, 283.
Bolsterstone, 152.
Boltby, 48.
Bolteby, 234.
Bolton, 19, 25, 26, 52, 55, 81, 93, 94, 99,
128, 129, 142, 274, 283, 290,
293, 333, 345, 360, 375.
-, — Pc[c]y, 200.
-, — Pearcie, 310.
-, — Peircy, 274.
-, — Percy, 264, 273.
-, — upon Dern, 10, 66.
-, — upon Derne, 80, 100, 106, 119,
147, 171, 173, 175, 180, 202,
207, 214, 223.
-, — upon Swayle, 245.
-, — Swayll, 190.
-, —, West, 128.
Boltonne Parcie, 308.
Bonevyle, 114.
Bonwick, 317.
Bonwicke, 258.
Bonwyk, 108.
Bordeley, 170.
Borehurst, 376.
Borne, 359.
Boroby, 66, 122, 361.
Boroughbrigge, 159, 292.
Borowallys, 96.
Borowby, 40.
Borowbye, 370.
Borowbryge, 175.
Borowthby, 41.
Borwalley, 311.
Boslyngthorpe, 149.
Bossall, 52, 97, 151, 245.
Bothamley, 380.
Bothebye, 150.
Bothes, 137.
Bothom, 341.
-, — hall, 333.
-, — Houses, 34.
-, — Howses, 37.
Bothomley, 66, 214.
Bothorpe, 371.
Bothumley, 40, 47, 49.
Botleburne, 328.
Boulron, 245.
Boulton, 19.
Bowbancke als. Bobancke, 252.
Bowes, 35, 71, 321, 360.
Bowforthe, 241.
Bowfurth, 182.
Bowland, 151.
Bowleron, 314.
Bowrehousehill, 164.
Bowthorpe, 288.
Boynton, 92, 135, 136, 150, 168, 177,
182, 258, 264, 288.
-, — on the Wold, 40.
Boyntone, 145.
Boythorpe, 234, 280, 312, 328.
Bracewell, 280.
Braddesworth, 229.
Bradfeld, 90, 98, 108, 141, 152, 153, 158, 164, 167, 169, 183, 208, 213, 215, 225, 230, 234, 240, 304, 349.
Bradfelde, 228.
Bradffurthe, 198.
Bradford, 26, 46, 55, 61, 64, 75, 76, 93,
94, 95, 99, 123, 135, 141, 145,
156, 157, 162, 166, 172, 175,
181, 182, 186, 203, 214, 233,
235, 240, 280, 292, 293, 304,
306, 317, 324, 337, 346, 349,
350, 366.
-, —, Ivegate in, 262.
Bradfordale, 19, 81, 83, 91, 93.
Bradfordayle, 208.
Bradforddale, 147, 235, 280, 315.
Bradforde, 170, 282.
-, — Dale, 202.
Bradfortdale, 7.
Bradforth, 7, 121, 131, 156, 168, 199,
262, 362, 383.
-, — Dayle, 115.
Bradforthe, 143, 169, 173, 191, 202.
Bradfourdale, 180.
Bradfurth, 167.
Bradfurthe, 169.
Bradley, 78, 141, 192, 230.
-, —, Nether, 306.
Bradleye, 214.
Brafferton, 141, 200.
Braithwell, 59.
Brakemore, 114.
Braken Barghe, 248.
Brakenbergh, 261.
Brakenholme, 75, 151, 190, 320.
Brakynthwayte, 148.
Bramam als. Bramam Byggyng, 327.
Bramamore, 377.
Brambley, 192.
Bramburgh, 335.
Brame, 116, 117, 128.
Brameton, 77.
Bramham, 82, 152, 380.
Bramham Byggyng, 184.
Bramh[a]m, 188.
Bramhope of the Hill, 112.
Bramley, 65, 194.
Brampton, 19, 22, 82, 116, 152, 155, 185,
218, 256, 265, 310, 313, 316,
318, 380, 383.
-, — Bierley, 380.
-, — Byerlawe, 265, 367.
-, — Byerlay, 248, 318.
-, — Byerley, 34, 78, 313, 352.
-, — Bierloo, 172.
-, — Byerlote, 337.
-, — Byrelawe, 185.
Brampton Vyerlaw, 170.
Bramton Byerley, 50, 316.
Bramweth, 35.
Bramwith, 72, 174, 178, 355.
Bramworthe, 155.
Bramwyth, 69, 73, 80, 102, 142, 161, 162, 174, 204, 313, 327, 371.
Bramwythe, 163.
Brancrofte, 16.
Brandon, 101, 185.
-, — near Wighton, 47.
Brandesburton, 279.
Brandesbye, 201, 348.
Brandsburton, 68.
Brandysbye, 141.
Braneton, 251.
Bran[..]g Howses, 167.
Branger Howses, 170.
Brantingam als. Brantineh[a]m, 245.
Brantingh[a]m, 281.
Branton, 348.
Brantyngham, 21.
Brastie Wodes, 170.
Brastie Woddez, 167.
Brathewell, 294.
Brathwayte, 80.
Brathwell, 273.
Braton, 190, 212, 289, 344.
Braunsdaile, 245.
Braverton, 146.
Brawath, 361.
Brawathe, 264.
Brawith, 305.
Brayncroft, 340.
Braythwayt, 278, 371.
Braythwell, 361, 381.
Brayton, 63, 78, 104, 206, 209, 302, 355, 377.
Braytonhall, 69.
Braywayth, 92.
Braywell, 74, 79.
Bredford, 341.
Breerley, 196, 350, 375.
Brekesherth, 65, 82.
Brekysherth, 83.
Brennesford, 190.
Brentley, 159.
Brerehaughe, 296.
Brereley, 141, 200, 201, 235, 241, 331.
Brerely, 169.
Brereton, 202.
Bresterd, 117.
Breton, Little, 111.
Bretton, 157, 180, 200.
-, —, West, 50.
Brettyngby, 25.
Bridlyngton, 39, 269.
Brigham, 136, 310, 327.
Brighlyngton, 227.
Brighouse, 40, 79.
Brighouses, 268.
Brighows, 351, 353.
Brighowse, 334, 375.
Brightlyngton, 19.
Brighton, 89, 190, 220.
Brignell, 190, 227.
-, — als. Brignall, 233.
Briksard, 37.
Brinceforth, 238.
Bringhton, 208.
Brinsforth, 233, 274.
Bristall, 18.
Bristhill, 23.
Bristwysill als. Brystwyll, 76.
Brockett Wood, 274.
Broddesworth, 68, 183.
Broddisworth, 370.
Brodesworthe, 158.
Brodmedowe in Herthill, 69.
Broghton, 324.
Broighton, 304.
Brokehole, 383.
Brokengton, 322.
Brokethall, 308.
Brokhowse, 116, 310.
Brome, 62.
Bromeflete, 160.
Bromeflett, 137.
Bromefleyte, 150.
Bromestubbynge, 114.
Bromley, 108, 182, 185.
Brompton, 258, 277, 301, 309, 362, 368,
-, — upon Swaille, 228.
Bronton, 165, 332.
Brotherton, 114, 122, 175, 281, 285, 286, 314, 379.
Brotton, 300, 322, 349.
Broughton, 3, 6, 11, 30, 78, 113, 122,
192, 304, 322, 353.
-, —, Great, 242, 299.
-, —, Little, 242, 299, 328, 371.
Broughwalleys, 156.
Broughwallys, 156.
Broughwalys, 131.
Browderton, 164.
Browghton, 263.
Brunton, 259, 281, 328, 369, 371.
-, — upon Swale, 286.
-, — upon Swayle, 297.
-, — upon Swhale, 314.
-, — West, 322.
Bryarley, 169.
Brydale, 14, 15.
Brydeforth, 117.
Brydforth, 117.
Brydlyngton, 181, 258.
Bryerley, 333.
Brygehouse, 108.
Bryggyng, 114.
Bryghham, 165.
Brygh[a]m, 115.
Bryghowse, 233.
Bryghton, 170, 344.
Brygshawe, 107.
Brymbem als. Brymh[m]m, 167, 170.
Brynceford, 301.
Brynde, 77, 370.
Brynfford, 55.
Brynfforth, 79.
Bryngo, 108, 189.
Brynnesford, 6.
Brynsford, 86, 116.
Brynsforde, 280.
Brynsforth, 38, 65, 265, 283, 326.
Brynsforthe, 8.
Brystall, 115.
Brystwyll als. Bristwysill, 76.
Brystwysell, 190.
Bubwith, 8, 62, 70, 92, 288, 320, 345, 355.
Bubwyth, 133, 344.
Bucketon, 135.
Buckton, 150, 319.
Budlome, 211.
Buerlaco, 8.
Bugthorp, 1, 122, 124.
Bugthorpe, 170, 174, 335.
Bugwithe als. Bubwithe, 355.
Bukton, 8, 44, 145, 168, 177, 182.
Bullathorpe, 107.
Bulron, 297, 328.
Burgh, 114.
Burghbryge, 108, 154.
Burghbrygg, 32.
Burghbrygge, 108.
Burgheman Tostes, 112.
Burghwales, 8, 156.
Burghwalles, 2, 143, 163.
Burgh Wallis, 301.
Burghwallyes, 368.
Burghwalys, 204.
Burgwales, 4.
Burhughbrygge, 146.
Burlande als. Byrlande, 241.
Burlay, 237.
Burley, 289, 294, 353.
Burn als. Birn als. Byrn, 63.
Burnby als. Burneby, 295.
Burne, 41, 243, 286, 377.
Burneby, 77, 258, 278, 302, 363.
Burnebye, 263, 346.
Burneholme, 115,
Burnelhowses, 274.
Burnellhouses, 61.
Burnesall, 147, 183, 189, 238, 241, 341.
Burnesell, 281.
Burneston, 271, 371.
Burney, 353.
Burneyston, 308.
Burnholme, 300.
Burnsall, 11, 216, 282, 336, 340.
Burnsalle, 30, 206.
Burnysshton, 147.
Burrell, 355.
Bursco, 117.
Bursey, 346.
Burstall, 304, 360.
Burstwick, 249, 352.
Burstwicke, 349.
Burstwyke, 265.
Burswycke, 169.
Burton, 47, 50, 53, 55, 76, 105, 114, 121, 139, 144, 149, 157, 181, 283, 286, 289, 302, 313.
Burton Agnes, 66, 338.
-, — als. Munckebretton, 269.
-, — als. Monkburton, 312.
-, — Constable, 38, 64, 68, 78, 89, 96,
117, 236, 254.
-, — Fields als. Bishops Burton, 322.
-, — Great 313.
-, — in Bishopdale, 234.
-, — in Elmett, 72.
-, — le Nether, 145.
-, — Leonard, 159.
-, — Little, 312.
-, — Pidsey, 147.
-, — Pydsey, 357.
-, —, South als. Busshopp Burton, 346.
Burtonlunde, 286.
Busbie, 377.
-, —, Little, 377.
Busby, 278.
-, —, Little, 277.
Busbye, 328, 371.
-, — Lytle, 228.
-, — parva, 280.
Busshopemonkton, 175.
Busshopthorp, 211.
Busshopton, 304.
Busshop Burton als. South Burton, 346.
Busterdthorp Flatt, 75.
Busterthorpe, 103, 105.
Butterbuske, 118.
Buttercram, 97, 162.
Buttercrame, 136, 384.
Buttercrampe, 352.
-, — als. Buttercram, 203.
Buttercraven, 182.
Buttercrawne, 330.
Butterthwayte, 244, 245.
Butterwayte, 176.
Butterwike, 300.
Butterwyke, 211.
Buttrecrambe, 16.
Byarle als. Byreleye, 239.
Byckerton, 368.
Bycrofte, 357.
Byelby, 271.
Byerle, North, 201.
-, — als. North Byerle, 321.
Byerley, 82, 83, 333.
-, — als. Bierll, 262.
-, — als. North Byerley, 342.
-, — als, North, 163, 319.
Byggyn, 317.
Byggyng, 25, 27, 59, 132, 377.
Byggynge, 136.
Bygley, 257.
Bygyn, 71.
Bygyng, 93.
Bykerton, 34, 71, 176, 238.
Byland Abbie, 4.
-, — als, Old, 143.
Bylbrough, 42.
Bylburghe, 135.
Bylby, 300.
Bylclyff, 111.
Byley, Great, 129.
Bylham, 110.
Byllam, 384.
Byllinglaye, 356.
Byllingley, 333.
Byllyngesley, 58.
Byllyngley, 4, 40, 55, 89, 100, 105, 115, 137, 164, 172, 223, 242, 299, 333, 357.
Bylton, 47, 50, 53, 75, 83, 85, 92, 138, 222, 238, 264, 272, 282, 334, 340, 351, 368.
Byngley, 106, 134, 173, 178, 196, 218, 269, 279, 331.
Bynnyngton, 189.
Byrcheworth, 141, 169.
Byrcheworthe, 167, 366.
Byrchworthe, 111.
Byrdale, 14, 15, 48.
Byrdall, 247.
Byrdford, 163.
Byrdfurthe als. Byrdforde, 252, 254, 257.
Byrdsall, 42, 132, 174, 175, 184.
Byrdsalle, 252.
Byrdshall als. Birdsaull als. Byrdyshall als. Bardsall, 215.
Byreleye als. Byarle, 239.
Byrh[a]m, 109.
Byrkbye, 157, 163.
Byrkeby, 108, 305.
Byrkesland als. Barseland, 240.
Byrkyn, 286.
Byrkynshawe, 115.
Byrkynshaye, 360.
Byrlande als. Burlande, 241.
Byrle, 97.
-, —, North, 92, 94, 99, 104.
-, — als. Northbyrle, 154, 177.
Byrley, 75.
-, — Egge, 67.
Byrlington, 177.
Byrll, North, 93.
Byrlyngton, 95, 120, 129.
Byrn als. Birn als. Burn, 63.
Byrom, 175, 281, 379.
Byrome, 67.
Byrsall, 166.
Byrstall, 146, 233, 249, 250.
Byrsthyll, 68.
Byrtby, 152, 260.
Byrtbye, 260.
Byrthwaytt, 125.
Byrton, 85.
Byshopton, 63.
Bysshop Burton, 34, 126.
Bysshope Mounckton als. Mounckton, 318.
Bysshopesholme, 114.
Bysshopmonckton, 359.
Bysshopmonkton, 115.
Bysshopplathes, 114.
Bysshoppys Burton als. South Burton, 115
Bysshopthorneton, 98.
Bysshopthorp, 7, 68, 105.
Bysshopthorpe, 8.
Bysshopton, 78, 115, 175, 218, 315.
Byston, 327.
Cacclyffe, 38.
Cadby, 142, 242.
Cadbye, 356.
Cadebeston, 325.
Cadebestone, 23.
Cadeby, 4, 61.
Cadebye, 96.
Cadeviston, 59.
Cafforthhyll, 111.
Caideby, 106.
Calais, 57.
Calbarge, 71.
Calcotts, 300, 337.
-, —, Nether, 279.
Caldbargh, 349.
Calder, 45.
-, —, The, 179, 334.
Caldwell, 190.
Calgarthouse, 30.
Calice, 188.
Calsett, 363, 378.
-, — Howse, 363, 378.
Calthorn, 101.
Calton, 14, 18, 24, 95, 99, 111, 124, 204,
272, 329, 330, 331, 358, 362.
-, —, Nether, 43.
-, —, Upper, 43.
Caltonsuduby, 2.
Calueton als. Calton, 212.
Calverey, 283.
Calverham, 281.
Calverley, 110, 142, 353.
Calv[v]ley, 26.
Calyngwolde, 114.
Camberton, 177.
Camelsfurth, 229.
Camerton, 38, 58, 75, 234, 243, 319.
Cammylsforth, 320.
Campsall, 69, 70, 72, 73, 121, 164, 173, 174, 192, 194, 204, 209, 269, 301, 327, 360, 371, 372, 374.
Camsall, 72, 155, 156, 272, 313.
Cam[er]ton, 155, 164, 208, 210.
Canonthorpe als. Fawkeners, 171, 172, 193.
Cantlaw, 256.
Cantley, 324, 335, 374, 383.
Capsall, 159.
Carbroke, 37, 88, 108.
Carcost, 164.
Carcote, 287.
Carcroft, 72, 96, 118, 131, 156, 163, 204, 313, 347.
Carcrofte, 39, 96, 155, 163, 361.
Carethorp, 66.
Carhouse, 60, 248.
Carhowse, 116, 212.
Carhowses, 22.
Carilcotts, 167.
Carkoston, Notts., 21.
Carkyn, 198.
Carlcotts, 211.
Carlecotes, 54, 181.
Carlecots, 183.
Carlecoutes, 141.
Carlecoyttes, 144.
Carlesmore, 130.
Carleton, 6, 25, 52, 68, 84, 108, 129, 131,
140, 144, 153, 166, 178, 179,
183, 186, 209, 210, 215, 220,
226, 229, 231, 236, 242, 250,
269, 270, 274, 278, 281, 285,
286, 289, 293, 299, 332, 335,
336, 340, 341, 345, 353, 359,
370, 375, 376, 377, 378.
-, —,East, 268.
-, — Myniote, 302.
-, — Mynyet, 115.
-, — Mynyon, 151.
-, —,North, 287, 296.
-, —,West, 270.
Carlton, 12, 25, 91, 92, 114, 150, 209, 246, 266.
Carlynghawe, 162.
Carlynghowe, 375.
Carnabie, 214.
Carnaby, 112.
Carnsidehawe, 338.
Carperbye, 315.
Carrehouse, 159.
Carres, The 93.
Carrhouse, 146.
Carvyll als. Carvell, 241.
Casteley, 36.
Castelford, 51.
Castelforth, 258, 291.
Castelforthe, 148, 179.
Castelfurth, 193.
(ref. 1) Castelleuenton, 80.
Castilford, 164.
Castilleventon als. Castill Linton, 188.
Castleleventon, 322.
Castlelevyngton, 273.
Castley, 29, 323.
Castyldyke, 114.
Castylleventon als. Castell Lynton, 206.
Catcliffe, 133.
Catclyff, 86, 232, 345.
Catericke, 367.
Caterton, 28, 60, 259.
Cateryk, 140.
Catewyke als. Catwike, 134.
-, — als. Catwyke, 134.
Catfos, 83, 186.
Catfosse, 261.
Catlande, 125.
Catlyff, 279.
Caton, 246.
Cattacliffe, 233.
Cattall, 105, 142, 272.
-, —,Great, 66, 152, 314, 332.
Catterton, 77.
Catthorn, 26.
Catton, 39, 77, 114, 115, 250, 302.
-, —,Nether, 377.
-, —,Over, 377.
Cattwycke, 209.
Catwik, 25.
Catwyk, 23 (ref. 2) , 92, 140, 357.
Catwyke, 50, 138, 166, 220, 236, 254.
Caudwell, 281.
Caue, 54.
Cave, North, 21, 183, 264, 267, 290, 296,
299, 320.
-, —, South, 160, 365.
-, —, Sowthe, 264.
Cawbarge, 309.
Cawdberghe, 278.
Cawdewell, 314.
Cawdwell, 297, 328, 371.
Caweton, 25.
Cawgarthhowse, 238, 241.
Cawlthorne, 243.
Cawlton, 235.
Cawod, 29.
Cawode, 26.
Cawood, 59, 89.
Cawthorne, 144, 193, 205.
Cawton, 351.
Caydbie, 248.
Caydby, 357.
Cayton, 319.
Caywood, 89.
Ceton, 43.
Chapelallerton, 346.
Chapell, 176, 183, 230.
Chapelthorp, 129.
Chapelthorpe, 157.
Chapeltowne, 152.
Chaplethorpe, 244.
Chappelhouse, 170.
Chappell Allerton, 126, 358.
-, — Anston, 230.
-, —, Saint Elynes, 269.
Chappelthorpe, 192, 241.
Charleston, 311.
Charlewell als. Churwell, 305.
Chekynley, 19.
Cherriburton als. North Burton, 269.
Cheryburton, 32.
Chesterfeld, 228.
Chete, 200.
Chett, 92.
Chevet, 67.
Chevett, 67.
Chidsell, 61.
Cholmeley, 72.
Chorlewett, 128.
Church Dighton als. Kirkedighton, 268.
Churwell, 240.
-, — als. Charlewell, 305.
Chydsell, 146, 249, 250, 344.
Chylston, 102.
Chythe, 170.
Clapdaile, 97.
Clapeham, 256.
Clapeh[a]m, 252.
Clapham, 83, 87, 97, 253.
Claph[a]m, 270.
Clareton, 223, 292.
Claton, 208.
Claxton, 240.
Clayflatt, 114.
-, — als. Wetwoode, 114.
Clayton, 91, 102, 110, 111, 144, 151, 153, 157, 167, 184, 185, 202, 234, 280, 282, 286, 303, 306, 314, 333, 347, 359, 384.
Clementhorp, 105.
Clementhorpe, 103.
Clemynthorp, 6.
Clesby, 273.
Cleseby, 33.
Cleveland, 46, 90, 152, 177, 185, 242, 277, 283, 297, 309, 312, 318, 328, 338, 362, 371, 377.
Clevelond, 53.
Cleving, 59.
Clewfeldhowse, 176.
Cleyton, 46, 57.
Cliff, 206.
-, —, North, 22.
Clifford, 152.
Clifton, 37, 45, 59, 64, 78, 79, 273.
Closehowse, 284.
Clothern als. Clotheram, 259.
Clothorom, 115.
Cloughton als. Cloffton, 360.
Clover, The, 281.
Clughhouse, 189.
Clyff, 4, 75, 85, 230, 231, 289, 299, 312,
-, —,South, 359.
Clyffe, 35.
Clyfford, 93, 105, 134, 148, 204, 206.
Clyfforthe, 188.
Clyfton, 38, 67, 68, 89, 93, 96, 101, 103, 150, 175, 292, 294.
Clyftonne, 176.
Clynt, 132.
Clynte, 67, 283.
Clyston, 117, 357.
Coattes, 210.
Cobham, 312.
Cockysforthe, 365.
Codbeck, 266.
Codworth, 92.
Coferdale, 96.
Coglicott, 170.
Cokewald, 69.
Cokewold, 119.
Cokkinge, 380.
Colborne, 358.
Colburn, 34.
Colburne, 257.
Colby, 97.
Coldeham, 217.
Coldehyndley, 59, 113.
Colden, 25, 357.
-, —,Great, 373.
Coldflatt, 114.
Coldhyndelley, 92.
Coldon, 140, 166, 175.
-, —, Great, 140, 378.
-, — Magna, 141.
-, — Parva, 356.
Coles Garth, 379.
Colesbye als Cowesbye, 228.
Coleton, 25.
Colleflatt, 114.
Collersley, 52, 65, 66, 181.
Colley, 176, 244.
Colling, 195.
Collinge, 222.
-, — als Cowlinge, 355.
Collinghill, 303.
Collom, 48.
Collum, 353.
Collyng, 96, 125, 154, 261.
Collynge, 81.
Collyngham, 276.
Collyngheade, 213.
Collynghed, 148.
Collyngh[a]m, 117, 128, 190.
Collyngworth, 148.
Collynworth, 341.
Colstakeshyll, 114.
Colthorp, 34.
Colton, 123, 146, 293, 310, 340.
Colyngworthe, 147.
Comberworth, 110.
-, — Hallffe, 180.
Comondale, 292.
Comondall, 293.
Comondayle, 371.
Compsall, 368.
Condor, 43.
Connesburgh, 22, 111.
Connygston als. Conestone, 183.
Connysburghe, 137.
Connysborow, 60.
Connysborowe, 18.
Conondley, 195.
Cononlay, 81.
Cononley, 291, 292.
Cononleye, 269.
Constable Burton, 140, 208, 210, 273, 300, 301, 322.
Conyers, 30.
Conysburgh, 54.
Conyshton, 232.
Conysthorpe, 85.
Conyston, 147, 170, 280, 281, 282, 328,
337, 341, 371.
-, — in Craven, 24, 170.
Conystone, 189, 206.
Conystrope, 292.
Conystropp, 223.
Cookwold, 116.
Coopmanthorpp, 113.
Coote, 232.
Cootes, 315.
-, —, North, 339.
Cooton, 144.
Copley, 114, 172, 268, 333, 334.
Copleys, 69, 118.
Coplycotes, 114.
Coplygarth, 114.
Copmanthorpe, 82.
Coppriddyng, 141.
Coppyd Hewyk, 78, 89.
Coppyndale Tower, 290.
Cornbrugh, 366.
Cornburgh, 244.
Corneburgh, 97.
Cornburghe, 97.
Corneburghe, 221.
Cornepasture, 88.
Corryngham, 351.
Cortworth, 29, 54, 352.
Costerdail, 119.
Costerdale, 64, 92, 110.
Costoo, 224.
Cote, 216.
Cotenable, 114.
Coterell Woods, 95.
Cotham, 216.
-, — Cote, 310.
-, —,Est, 371.
Cotnes, 120, 135, 196, 337, 370.
-, — als. Cotneys, 127, 144.
Cotnesse, 264, 327.
Cottingham, 318, 326, 356, 379.
Cottingh[a]m, 268, 290.
Cottingley, 303, 343.
Cottnes, 124.
Cottom, East, 278.
Cotton, East, 322.
-, —, West, 122.
Cottyngham, 123, 128, 346.
Cottyngham, 188, 245.
Cottyngley, 229, 294.
Cotyngham, 16, 19.
Cotyngley, 239.
Cotynwyth, 48.
Couldun, Great, 189.
-, —, Little, 189.
Coulton, 278.
Coundale, 146.
Cour, The, in Cou[er]ham, 309.
Cover, The, 278, 349.
Coverdale, 183, 335.
Coverham, 278.
Cowborne, 281, 371.
Cowburne, 297, 314, 328.
Cowden, 259, 276.
Cowdon, 144.
-, —, Great, 359.
Cowesbye als. Colesbye, 228.
Cowick, 344.
Cowicke, 178.
Cowlbye, 331.
Cowlinge als. Collinge, 355.
Cowlton, Atley, 177.
-, —, South, 177.
Cowlyng, 265, 266, 270.
Cowlynge, 281, 304, 315.
Cowpmanthorpe, 45.
Cowthorp, 71.
Cowthorpe als. Cowlethorpe, 230.
Cowton, 261, 263, 273, 351.
-, —, Atlay, 217, 273.
-, —,East, 383.
-, —,Long, 297, 371.
-, —,Longe, 137, 280, 314, 328.
-, —,North, 255, 273, 280, 297, 312,
314, 328, 383.
Cowton, South, 147.
-, —, Southe, 177.
-, —, Sowth, 297.
Cowyck, 232, 341.
Cowycke, 182, 236.
Cowyk, 68, 91, 158.
Cowyke, 106, 150, 151, 250, 251.
Crackhall, 114.
Crakall, 12.
-, —, Great, 322.
-, —, Little, 322.
Crakell, Little, 300.
Crampham, 36.
Craneswicke, 274.
Cranseweke, 250.
Cransmor, 66.
Cransweike, 369.
Cranswycke, 211.
Cranswyke, 264.
Crauncewyk, 6.
Craunsweke, 186, 187, 189.
Crauyn, 77.
Craven, 11, 24, 30, 40, 63, 86, 102, 103, 135, 143, 147, 150, 154, 158, 159, 165, 168, 170, 189, 191, 196, 199, 200, 208, 209, 214, 219, 220, 240, 258, 267, 280, 287, 290, 293, 299, 304, 307, 308, 309, 314, 315, 330, 331, 332, 334, 338, 339, 343, 384.
Craythorne, 322.
Credlingstubbes, 209.
Credlyng, 163.
Credlynge Stubbes, 359.
Cregilston, 27.
Creglyston als. Cregleston, 213.
Crendaillythe, 115.
Crigelston, 129.
Crigleston, 226, 232, 241, 244.
Crock, 176.
Croft, 158, 234, 378.
Crofte, Est, 333.
Crofthatt, 103.
Crofton, 224, 249, 251, 258.
Crokes, 185, 238.
Crokesmore, 228.
Crokys, 62.
Crome, 48, 134, 312, 319, 351.
Cromer, 3.
Croome, 305.
Cropton, 245.
Crosby Cote, 310.
Crosland, North, 49, 52, 181.
Crosley Hall, 199.
Croslond, 65, 70.
Crosseflatt, 354.
Crosseland, 106.
Crosteyland, 153.
Crosthwaite, 300.
Croston, 184, 192, 359.
Crowegate, le, 272.
Crume, 129.
Crux, 244, 245.
Crygellston, 291.
Crygelston, 192.
Crygleston, 92, 159.
Cuckerigge, 296.
Cuckold, 300.
Cudderstone, 330.
Cudworth, 230, 336, 350.
-, —, Nether, 104.
-, —, Over, 104, 198.
Cudworthe, 169, 196, 321.
Cullyngworthe, 280.
Cumberworth, 52, 295, 305.
Cumberworthe, 111.
Cundall, 47, 53, 249.
Cunsborough, 79.
Cunysburgh, 238.
Cusforde, 164.
Cusforth, 248, 301.
Cusheworthe, 327.
Cusworth, 136, 154, 155, 156, 158, 209, 248.
Cusworthe, 157, 220.
Dacer, 170.
Dagar, 167.
Dalby, 60.
Dale, 358.
Daletowne, 152, 358.
Dalton, 12, 56, 60, 61, 79, 114, 149, 171,
172, 183, 192, 202, 238, 242, 243,
244, 245, 255, 261, 267, 297, 341,
375, 378.
-, —, Est, 218, 220.
-, — in le Gayles, 247.
-, — in le Gayles als. Dalton Travse,
-, — Norres, 68.
-, —, Norrys, 257.
-, —, North, 40, 43, 85, 119, 142, 156,
314, 341.
-, —, North, on the Wolde, 263.
-, —, South, 186, 203, 375, 376.
-, — Travers als. Dalton Gales, 210,
Dame, The, 93.
Danbi, 223.
Danby, 122, 147.
-, — Forest, 212, 269, 358.
-, —, Little, 305.
-, —, Lyttell, 177.
-, — upon Wysk, 230.
Dancaster, 146.
Dancastr, 90.
Daneby, 14, 15.
Dannan— , 114.
Danthorp, 33, 69, 139.
Danthorpe, 38, 60.
Dapelyngholme, 114.
Darfeld, 55, 78, 92, 133, 137, 140, 172,
180, 297, 307, 310, 333, 341,
356, 362, 363, 369.
-, — als. Darfeilde, 382.
-, — als. Dorfeld, 126.
Darfelde, 266.
Darington als. Thorpe Darington, 195.
Darnalde, 223.
Darnall, 65, 233, 307.
Darnebroke, 338.
Darnell, 83, 98.
Darrington, 266.
-, — als. Darthington, 365.
Darryngton, 132, 146, 249, 250.
Dartfyld, 184.
Darton, 111, 125, 146, 200, 205, 241, 242, 249, 250, 281, 284, 312, 344, 350, 367.
Darwen, The, 295.
Darwent, The, 203.
Darwykhagh, 103.
Darwyn, 139.
Daryngton, 44, 124, 344.
Debdale, 286.
Dele, 303.
Denby, 105, 111, 115, 138, 144, 161, 206, 207, 233, 272.
Denbye, 125, 295, 347, 360.
-, —, Nether, 295.
Denebye, 161.
Denholme, 280.
-, — — Parke, 282.
Denneby, 105.
Dent, 128, 197, 210, 279.
Denton, 29, 65, 106, 115, 147, 300, 351.
Denybye, 161, 163.
Depdale, 246.
Depedale, 306.
Derfeld, 10, 21, 89, 90, 98, 101, 109, 115, 141, 161, 163, 164, 225, 240, 264, 327.
Dernall, 232.
Derne, The, 333.
Derryngton, 274.
Dersfeld, 35.
Dertffeld, 185.
Derton, 169, 230.
Derwent, The, 43, 75, 89, 258.
Derwyn, The, 288.
Devon, 24.
Dewesbure, 88.
Dewisbury, 316.
Dewsbury, 146, 250.
Dewsburye, 249.
Dewsebery, 61.
Dewsebury, 159.
Dewsbery, 307.
Dewysbury, 337.
Difford, 146.
Dighton, 94, 172, 202.
-, —,Church, als. Kirke dighton,
-, —, North, 26, 29.
Dirtcarre, 27, 81.
Dodeworth, 321, 340.
Dodeworthe, 149.
Dodsworth, 40, 49.
Dodworth, 21, 47, 52, 63, 66, 86, 206, 261, 262, 312.
Doddyngton als. Duddyngton als. Donnyngton, 367.
Dodyngton, 25, 193, 357.
-, — als. Donnyngton als.
Dudyngton, 325.
Dogett Lofthouse als. Dogylofthouse, 101.
Doggett Lofthowse, 226.
Doglebie, 253.
Dogleby, 124.
Doglebye, 279.
Dogylby, 75.
Dombleton, 153.
-, — als. Dymelton, 153.
Don, The, 18, 86.
Doncaster, 2, 4, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 38, 44, 54, 60, 61, 62, 81, 89, 104, 108, 109, 115, 118, 122, 138, 148, 151, 155, 163, 175, 189, 194, 198, 205, 212, 213, 217, 228, 247, 249, 265, 266, 272, 284, 290, 291, 292, 309, 319, 325, 326, 332, 335, 340, 342, 345, 351, 374, 377.
Doncastr, 51.
Doncastre, 38, 101, 136.
Dongleby, 220.
Dongworth, 76.
Donkesewyke, 227.
Donkeswycke, 383.
Donkeswyke, 152, 205.
Donne, The, 204, 233.
Donnyngton, 7, 134.
-, — als. Doddyngton als. Duddyngton, 367.
-, — als. Dodyngton als. Dudyngton, 325.
Donsethorpe, 205.
Donsthorpe, 378.
Donynglay, 159.
Donyngton, 79.
Dorfeld als. Darfeld, 126.
Dormor, 31.
Dounkesewyke, 148.
Dow, The, 298.
Dowisbery, 289.
Downeholme, 217.
Downeswall, 123.
Downholme, 190.
Downhum, 70.
Downsall, 21.
Dowsthrope, 254.
Dowthewaite, 315.
Dowthewayte Dale, 316.
Dowthorpe, 356.
Dowthwatdale, 231.
Dowthwayte Dale, 326.
Dragonhall, 95.
Drakes, 157, 289.
Drakys, 270.
Drax, 1, 110, 139, 196, 262, 345, 373, 378, 380.
Draxe, 229, 341.
Drawghton, 148, 259.
Draycote, 181.
Drayton, 93.
Dreffeld,Little, 107, 224.
Dreton, Chantry of St Marie, 63.
Drewton, 306.
Dreypole, 76.
Dreypooles, 96.
Driffeild, 186.
Driffeld, 64, 96.
-, —, Great, 27, 39, 50.
Driffyld, 35.
Drighlinton, 261.
Drighlynton, 285.
Drightlyngton, 47.
Dringo, 284.
Dringoo, 329.
Dripcole, 299.
Dromanbye, 309.
Dromondby als. Dromundby, 199.
Dryffeld, 73, 92, 288.
-, —, Great, 10, 99, 158, 193, 327,
336, 372.
-, —, Little, 158, 193, 372.
Dryffild als. Ruffulleshall als. Rowthehall, 382.
-, —, Great, 382.
-, —, Little, 382.
-, —, Muche, 382.
Dryffyld, Little, 356.
Dryffylde, Great, 129.
Dryghlyngton, 99.
Drynghous, 57.
Drynghowe, 300.
Drypole, 48, 68, 87, 138, 174, 215, 286.
Drypool, 286.
Drypoole, 280, 311, 328, 366, 371.
Drypooll, 279.
Dubholme, 114.
Duddyngton als. Doddyngton als. Donnyngton, 367.
Dudyngton als. Donnyngton als. Dodyngton, 325.
Duffeld, 16.
-, —, North, 17, 61, 90, 153, 159, 278.
-, —, South, 44, 54, 65.
Duggilbie, 377.
Duggylby, 92, 288.
Dugleyby, 115.
Dunclose, 358.
Duncottis, 97.
Dunkesewycke, 159.
Dunkeswike, 248.
Dunkeswyck, 197.
Dunkeswyke, 169, 185, 238, 367.
Dunksewyke, 183.
Dunnesforthe, 154.
Dunnynglaw, 225.
Dunsford, 348, 356.
-, —, Nether, 356.
-, —, Upper, 356.
Dunsforth, 223, 292.
-, —, Upp[er], 384.
Dunsforthe, 154.
Dunyngton, 57.
Durham, County of, 299.
Durtcar, 111.
Dychemarshe, 344.
Dyfforde, 114.
Dyghton, 40, 99.
-, — als. Dyton, 233.
-, —, North, 129.
-, —, South, als. Kirke Dyghton,
Dygton, 19.
Dyk, 228.
Dyke, 23, 237, 346.
Dyllyngton, 368.
Dymelton als. Dombleton, 153.
Dynfeld, 165.
Dynham, 14, 15.
Dynnyngton, 64, 96, 101, 313.
Dynyngton, 48.
Dyrcarr, 320.
Dyrkacre, 150.
Dyrker, 157, 291.
Ealonde, 116.
Eareby, 200.
Earlisheaton, 256.
Easby als. Esby, 278.
Easbye, 328, 371, 382.
-, — als. Esbye, 276.
Easeby, 322.
Easington, 341.
Eastbrompton, 300.
Easthardwycke, 353.
Eastcowton als. Longecowton, 254.
Easthesterton, 258.
Easthorpe, 235.
Eastmarton, 188.
Easton, 258, 300.
Eaststreton, 227.
Easyngton, 280, 342.
Eathorpe, 267.
-, — als. Everthorpe, 365.
Ebberston, 145, 185, 211, 255.
-, — Parva, 328.
Eberston, 365.
Eberstone, 328, 371.
Ecclesall, 17, 65, 147, 198, 203, 219, 221,
225, 228, 248, 253, 299, 353,
-, — Parke, 353.
Ecclesfeld, 62, 67, 152, 176, 183, 185, 194, 213, 225, 230, 244 (ref. 3) , 304, 349, 365.
Eccleshall, 62, 132.
Eccleshill, 60, 63, 226.
Eccleshyll, 160.
Ecclesley, 100, 137, 141.
Ecclessall, 194.
-, — als. Ekkylsall, 75.
-, — als. Ekkylssall, 74.
Ecclessehall, 327.
Eccleston, 161.
Ecclisley, 116, 343.
Ecclyshill, 244.
Ecclyshyll, 163.
-, — Parke, 163.
Ecclysley, 257.
Eckersall, 108.
Eckylsley, 149.
-, — Hall, 149.
Eclesley, 100.
Eclysley, 100, 117.
Ecton, 115.
Eddelthorpe, 382.
Edderthorp, 109.
Edderthorpe, 101.
Eddlethorpe, 382.
Edelthorpe, 283.
Ederthorp, 52, 98, 225, 240.
Ederthorpe, 172, 264, 269, 291, 297, 310, 327, 356, 369, 382.
Edgerton, 233.
Edlington, 301, 325, 351.
Edlyngflete, 132.
Edston, Great, 298.
-, —, Little, 272.
Edstone, Great, 380.
Edstonynges, 326.
Egbrough, 255.
Egburge, 257.
Egburgh, 36, 285, 295, 362.
Egburghe, 177.
Egerton, 172.
Eggleston, 274, 278.
Egleston, 324, 341.
Egton, 117, 129, 147, 298, 328, 345, 371.
-, — Woode, 117.
Egylthorpp, 273.
Ekensall, 98.
Ekkesley, 268.
Ekkylsall als. Ecclessall, 75.
Ekkylssall als. Ecclessall, 74.
Eklonges, 54.
Ekyslaye, 119.
Eland, 5, 27, 64, 66, 79, 80, 102, 103,
109, 116, 119, 125, 150, 151, 155,
194, 206, 214, 216, 233, 242, 258,
268, 333, 343, 345, 346, 367.
-, — parke, 334.
-, — Parke als. Sowth Orum, 233.
Elande, 31.
Eldercar, 264.
Elland, 94, 137.
Ellarton, 90, 108.
Ellay, Kyrke, 150.
-, —, West, 150.
Ellerbie, 298.
Ellerborne, 119, 138.
Ellerby, 126, 279.
Ellercar, 21.
Ellerd, Hie, 374.
Ellerker, 245, 365.
Ellers, Hygh, 335.
Ellerton, 84, 190, 320, 363, 378.
-, — upon Darwent, 21.
Elleslacke, 362.
Elley, 93, 138, 318, 357.
-, —, East, 263.
-, —, West, 119, 259, 263, 302, 357.
Elleykyrke, 357.
Ellingstringe, 279.
Ellingthorpp, 228.
Ellyngstring als. Elnestring, 246.
Ellyngstryng, 15.
Ellyngthorp, 89.
Ellyngthorpe, 78.
Ellyngton, 115, 343.
Ellyngton, Nether, 159, 324.
-, —, Over, 324.
Elmesall, 204.
Elmeshall, South, 46.
Elmett, 70, 133.
Elmsall, 327.
-, —, North, 185.
Elnestryng als. Ellyngstring, 246.
Eloughton, 114.
Elslacke, 366.
Elslakke, 353.
Elstanwyke, 123.
-, — als. Tudenham, 72.
Eltoft, 152.
Elveley, 348.
Elveslak, 99.
Elvington, 290, 353.
Elvyngton, 122, 276, 381.
Elwardby, 279.
Elynthorp, 65.
Emeley, 333.
Emeswell, 32.
Emistede, 139.
Emley, 44, 146, 233, 249, 250, 266, 290.
Enderby Steple, 64, 96.
Engleby, 375.
Eperston, 158, 309.
Eppilbye cum Cawdewell, 314.
Eppleby, 33.
Eppulby, 328.
Eppylbye, 371.
Erghus, 77.
Erhome, 76.
Erlerheton, 26.
Erlesheton, 152, 179.
Erneclyffe, 152.
Errethorne als. Arrothorne, 322.
Errhome, 78.
Erstewycke, 108.
Erstwyk, 157.
Erton, 110.
Erybroke, 51.
Eryngden, 79.
Esborne als. Estburne, 347.
Esburding, 189.
Esby, 321.
-, — als. Easby, 278.
Esbye als. Easbye, 276.
Escrike, 56.
Escryke, 80.
Esdyng, 114.
Eseby, 6.
Esham, New, 363.
Eshe Deleshide, 160.
Eshe Deleshyde, 205.
Eshehold, West, 338, 365.
Eske, 39, 84, 122, 123, 335, 383.
-, —, The, 160, 178, 205.
Eskeryk, 18.
Eskrigge, 282.
Eskrik, 84.
Eskrike, 90, 108.
Eskryk, 84.
Eskryke, 20, 90.
Essebye, 280.
Essheton, 62.
-, — Terne, 204.
Esholt, 47, 111.
Essholte, 47.
Essington, 303.
Essyngton, 153, 290.
-, — als. Esyngton, 153.
Estappleton, 139.
Estbolton, 190.
-, — Castell, 190.
Estborne, 176.
Estbrunton, 322.
-, — als. Patryck Brunton, 314.
Estburn, 227.
Estburne, 71, 335.
-, — als. Esborne, 347.
Estclayton, 347.
Estcotam, 285.
Estdalton, 224.
Esterkessewyke, 127.
Estfeld, 103.
Esthaddylsey, 240.
Esthaerlsey, 105.
Esthaersley, 137.
Esthaitfeld, 39.
Est-halsh[a]m, 247.
Esthatfeld, 44.
Esthardewyke, 16.
Estharlesey, 91, 271.
Esthawkeswell, 198.
Estheslerton, 73, 368.
Esthetton, 121.
Esthrope, 373.
Estkeswek, 156.
Estkeswick, als. Keswick, 369.
Estkeswycke, 364.
Estknapton, 162, 165.
Estlaiton, 313.
Estlutton, 75, 115.
Estmarche, 47.
Estmarton, 57, 99, 102, 111, 116.
Estmershe, 138.
Estnewton, 140.
Estoft, 254.
Estofte, 45, 283.
Eston, 165, 269, 322, 328, 371.
Estpathnall, 191.
Estrington, 242, 346.
Estrongton, 139.
Estroughton, 264.
Estrungton, 139.
Estrydyng, 139.
Estryngton, 86, 105, 183, 197, 213.
-, — als. Spen[n], 327, 338.
Estwhynham, 383.
Estwhynholme, 252.
Estwhynhome, 334.
Estwyck, 318.
Estwycke, 359.
Esyngton, 57, 58, 123, 124, 167, 190, 214, 221, 236, 282, 383.
Esyngwolde, 45.
Ethurwik, 25.
Ethurwyke, 140, 166.
Etton, 41, 129, 146, 166, 173, 215, 266, 275, 280, 281, 300, 326, 340, 377.
Euar, 143.
Eueryngham, 18.
Eu[er]yngham, 22.
Everston, 139, 155, 365.
Everthorp, 222.
Everthorpe, 296.
-, — als. Eathorpe, 365.
Everyngham, 84.
Everyngh[a]m, 141.
Exelby, 273.
Exhilbye, 302.
Exilby, 115, 250.
Exilbye, 294, 297, 314, 328, 342, 371.
Exley, 331, 333, 334, 352.
Eyland, 183.
Eylkyrke, 167.
Eyre, 345.
-, —, The, 330, 331, 339, 365.
Eyresomme, 102.
Eyton, 226, 251.
Faceby, 6, 46, 92, 273, 322.
Facebye, 242, 328, 371.
Fadmore, 245, 380.
Fairburn, 100.
Fallowes, 69.
Fallyflett, 373.
Faneham (? Farnham), 213.
Fangfosse, 23, 271.
Faram, 300.
Farborn, 195.
Farburne, 262, 354.
Farley, 353.
Farmanbye, 330.
Farmonby, 138.
Farmondby, 119.
Farneley, 11, 64.
-, — Tyas, 78, 100, 171.
Farnham, 101, 226.
Farnley, 160, 173.
Farranlay, 97.
Fatybye, 299.
Faulesgrave, 350.
Fawkeners als. Canonthorpe, 171, 172, 193.
Fayerby, 68.
Fayrehyll, 189.
Fearby, 78.
Fedderstone, 266.
Feiser, 83.
Feisser, 87.
Fekesbye, 380.
Fel— , 300.
Felbecke, 167.
Felchurche, 241.
Feldome, 356.
Feldhouse, 91.
Felkirk, 234.
Felkirke, 211.
Felkyrk, 141.
Felkyrke, 140, 143, 158, 164, 169, 184, 202.
Fellbecke, 170.
Felleskirke, 40.
Felliskirke, 41.
Fencote, 215.
Fenton, 25, 49, 114.
-, —,Great, 21, 25, 29.
-, —, Kyrke, 69, 132.
-, —,Little, 21, 25, 27, 29, 93, 203,
-, —, Lytell, 377.
-, —, North, 59.
-, —, South, 59, 132.
Fenwicke, 371, 372.
Fenwyck, 327.
Fenwycke, 374.
Fenwyk, 10.
Fenwyke, 174.
Ferborn, 286.
Ferburn, 95.
Ferby, 215.
Ferebie, North, 218.
Ferebridge, 103.
Fereby, 15, 45, 259, 324, 329, 334, 358.
-, — als. North Fereby, 181.
-, —, Priory of, 334.
Ferebye, 264.
-, —, North, 181.
Ferefryston als. Fryston, 103.
Ferehowse, 318.
Feresyngall, 115.
Ferieffriston, 159.
Fernedale, le Estsyde and Westsyde de, 245.
Ferneley, 125, 175.
Ferrybrigg, 127.
Ferrybrigge als. Ferrybrigg, 270, 278.
Ferrybrygge, 365.
Fersley, 19.
Ferybridge als. Feryfryston, 158.
Ferybrig, 20.
Ferybrydge, 108.
Ferybrygg, 154.
Ferybrygge, 115, 196.
Ferybrygges als. Feryffryston, 320.
Feryby, 87.
Ferycrofte, 114.
Ferye in Fryston, 327.
Feryffryston, 158.
-, — als. Ferybrygges, 320.
Fery Fryston, 375.
Fetherston, 40, 61, 98, 112, 164, 184, 267, 359, 384.
Fetherstone, 52, 269.
Fexley, 145.
Fexton, 115.
Feyrby, 38, 89.
Feyrbye, 194.
Feytherstone, 274.
Fingale, 78.
Firbeck, 23.
Firbek, 83, 151.
Fisshe Gartys, 37.
Fixby, 79.
Flacebie, 223.
Flamborugh, 36.
Flambrough, 181.
Flambroughe, 216.
Flambrowghe, 292.
Flamburgh, 259, 298, 309.
Flamburghe, 165.
Flaneburghe, 182.
Flansall (? Stansall) 48.
Flansawe, 266.
Flasby, 292.
Flawith, 27.
Flaworth, 45.
Flaxflete, 159, 160, 228, 230, 317.
Flaxflett, 137.
Flaxfleyte, 150.
Flaxton, 324, 371.
Flaxton on the Moor, 191.
Flaynburgh, 9.
Flixton, 44, 125.
Flockton, 290, 321.
-, —, Over, 373.
Flocton, 138, 190, 218.
Flokton, 76.
Flotmanby, 50.
Floxton, 72.
Flyngell, 297.
Flynton, 215.
Flyxton, 9, 113, 136, 142, 189, 228, 300.
Fokarby als. Focarby, 361.
Folby, 359.
Folbye, 169.
Folkerthorpe, 8.
Follyfate, 198, 365.
Follyfayte, 89, 117.
Follyfelds, 174.
Follyffete, 200.
Follyhalles, 174.
Folyfate, 173, 231.
Folyfatt, 82, 128, 199.
Folton, 300.
Fonteyns Fell, 338.
Foquerbye, 179.
Forcett, 266, 325, 358.
Formanby, 317.
Forset, 198.
Forsett, 33.
Forth, le, Kyngston upon Hull, 138.
Foston, 140, 187, 228, 305.
-, —, Great, 166.
Foulby, 184.
Foulforthe, 98.
Foulsnapp, 327.
Fountains Abbey, 3.
Fountance Fells, 334.
Fountancestall, 159.
Fountauncestall als . Fountensayle, 176.
Fowkerthorp, 118.
Fowlby, 258.
Fowthorpfyld, 115.
Foxhoilles, 132.
Foxhole, 197.
Foxholes, 280, 312, 371.
Foxholles, 341.
Foxhollys, 34.
Foxhope, 159.
Foxope, 176.
Foxton, 6, 246, 277, 280, 297, 328, 358, 371.
Foxtone, 362.
Fraistropp, 248.
Frangfosse, 300.
Frayrygarth, 114.
Fraystropp, 199.
Fredathorpe, 264.
Fremyngton, 265, 347, 363, 378.
Fressynghall, 302.
Freston, 365.
Fresynghawe, 7.
Freyston, 81.
Freyton, 248.
Frickley, 353.
Fridathoppe, 320.
Fridathorpe, 355.
Frieston near the water, 129.
Frikley, 48, 57.
Friston, 20.
Frithby, 84.
Frodyngh[a]m, South, 124.
Fryber, 288.
Frycklay, 347.
Fryckley, 185, 204.
Frydathorp, 383.
Frydathorpp, 289.
Frydayethorpe, 292.
Frykkeley, 67.
Frykley, 152.
Frykwell, 152.
Frysby, 19.
Frysmark, 114.
Fryssynghall, 360.
Fryston, 262.
-, — als. Ferefryston, 103.
Frysynghall, 331, 349.
Fryton, 261.
Fulforthe, 84, 154, 195.
Fulfurth, 95, 100.
Fullam, 158, 163, 359.
Fullamstede, 328.
Fullom, 57, 209, 296.
Fullwood, 203.
Fulwood, 219, 248.
Fyeley, 314.
Fylay, 336.
Fylingrawe, 247.
Fylleng, 311.
Fylling, 279, 328.
Fyllyng, 366.
Fyllyngdales, 307.
Fylyng, 160, 205.
Fymber, 283.
Fymbre, 143.
Fym[a]m, 134.
Fymmer, 3, 6.
Fymour, 42, 43.
Fymu[m?], 135.
Fynchden als . Fyncheden, 303.
Fyncheden, 19.
Fyndeley, 67.
Fyngale, 38, 62, 89.
Fyngall, 68, 77, 301.
Fyngell, 314, 328, 371.
Fyngyll, 281.
Fyningley, 340.
Fyrbek, 93.
Fyrby, 255, 257.
-, — als. Fyrthby, 324, 351.
Fyrbye, 271, 276, 291.
Fyrthbeke, 217.
Fyrthbye, 115.
Fyrthebeck, 170.
Fyshe Garth, 34.
Fyshelake, 254, 356.
Fysshelake, 109, 182, 225, 310, 378.
Fytlyng, 79.
Fyxby, 11.
Gaiteford, 157.
Gaiteforde, 157.
Galbard, 49.
Galbarre, 47.
Galbert Hall, 40.
Galcarr, 58.
Gales, 53, 68.
-, — als. Dalton Travers, 284.
-, —, Est, 52.
Galington als. Gawnton, 187.
Gallowynge, 114.
Galmethorpe, 126.
Galtres, Forest of, 7, 105, 237, 343.
Gamysthorp als . Ganysthorp, 107.
Gannton, 173, 235.
Ganthorpe, 260.
Gardwarby, 84.
Gareston, 38, 64, 96, 117, 294.
Garettynge, 152.
Garford, 2, 107.
-, —, East, 23.
-, —, West, 24.
Garforth, 126.
-, —, Church, 164.
-, —, Kirk, 41.
-, —, Morehous, 8.
-, —, Morehouse, 334.
-, — Morehouses, 41.
-, —, West, 8, 41.
Garfurth, West, 337.
Gargrave, 30, 124, 135, 167, 192, 330, 331, 332, 339.
Gargreve, 232.
Garowby, 112.
Garreston, 68, 78, 89, 296, 297.
Garriston, 375.
Garryby, 335.
Garsyngton, 101.
Garthom, 18.
Garton, 25, 32, 49, 79, 86, 136, 140, 166,
280, 312, 328, 371.
-, — als. Grymeston, 357.
-, — in Holderness, 23.
-, — on the Wold, 81, 229, 335.
-, — on the Wolde, 356.
Garu[..]e (? Gargrave) 78.
Garyston, 308, 310.
Gateford, 289.
Gateforth, 297.
Gatefourth, 302.
Gatefulforthe, 35.
Gatefurthe, 344.
Gatehall, 256.
Gatehemmysley, 43.
Gaterley, 134.
Gatesfeld, 117.
Gatfurth, 286.
Gatonby als . Gatyngby, 271.
Gattell, 223.
Gatyll, 292.
Gatynbye, 68, 294.
Gauerhall, 66.
Gaunthorpe, 300.
Gaunton, 33, 34.
Gautries, Forest of, 275.
Gawnton, 230.
-, — als. Galington, 187.
Gawberdhall, 149, 321.
Gawhthorpe, 149.
Gawkethorp, 95.
Gawkethorpe, 156.
-, — als. Gawthorpe, 364.
Gawkhill, 93.
Gawkthorp, 106.
Gawthorpe, 190.
-, — als. Gawkethorpe, 364.
Gawthorpp, 171.
Gawtresse, forest of, 366.
Gayles, 198.
Gaynsburgh, co. Lincoln, 108.
Gaytforth, 41.
Gaytfulforth, 140.
Gaytfulfurthe, 244.
Gaythyll, 175.
Gaytonby, 91.
Gelstrop, 270.
Gelstropp, 223.
Gemlyn, 336.
Gemlynge, 187.
Gesleby, 322.
Geuxhyll, 166.
Geveindaill, 360.
Gevendaile, Little, 300.
Gevendaill, 350, 360.
Gevendale als . Skelton, 114.
Gevydale, Great, 290.
-, —, Little, 290.
Gevyndale, 334.
Geyndell als . Gyuendale, 74.
Gigylswike, 183.
Gilber Dike, 264.
Gilberdyke, 150.
Gilbert Dyk, 282, 374.
-, — Dyke, 108.
Gilberthorpe, 309.
Gilberthorphill, 176.
Gilbthorpehill, 244.
Gildersom, 58, 99, 118, 165, 178, 251, 255, 261.
Gildersome, 70, 94, 99, 161, 227.
Gildersonne, 290.
Gilderston, 134.
Gilling, 379.
Gillymore, 245.
Gillyng, 4, 68, 98.
Gilthwayte, 319.
Girssington, 232.
Gisborne, 203, 206, 253, 293.
Gisbourne, 221, 368.
Giseley, 47.
Givton, 47.
Glassedale, 212.
Glasydale, 147.
Glaysdale, 358.
Gledeholt, 172.
Gledeles, 140.
Gledles, 244.
Gledhall, 152.
Gledholt, 94, 99, 233.
Gledhowe, 52.
Gledmer, 276.
Glisburne als . Glousburne, 304, 305.
Glusborne, 249.
Glusburne, 71, 154, 173, 214, 280, 364.
Godds Howse, 96.
Goderston, 6.
Godwycke, 182.
Golber, 266.
Golcar, 69, 71.
Golcarre, 78, 333.
Goldaill, 178.
-, — Intakys, 178.
Goldaille, 155.
-, — Intake, 155.
Goldake, 250.
Goldale, 102, 106, 127, 158, 181, 251,
-, — Intack, 181.
-, — Intak, 102.
Goldall, 369.
Goldayll, 158, 221.
-, — Intake, 158.
Goldaylle, 153.
Goldesborough, 226.
Goldethorp, 52.
Goldhall, 91.
Goldthorp, 55, 66, 80, 100, 106, 119, 171, 202.
Goldynge, 87.
Goldysburgh, 11, 205.
Golkar, 367.
Golker, 142, 287.
Golthoorp, 27.
Golton, 341.
-, — als. Gowton, 46.
Gomersall, 360.
Gomersalle, 333.
Gom[er]sall, 233, 302, 316, 376.
-, —, Great, 115.
-, —, Little, 115.
Goodmadam, 1.
Goodmah[a]m als. Goodmadame, 290.
Goodmandham, 99.
Goods Howse, 95.
Goole, 211, 288.
Gotaghes, 114.
Gouldale, 219.
Goule, 358.
Gouxhill, 357.
Gouxsill, 25.
Gowkewell, 315.
Gowle, 169, 210, 297, 354.
Gown[er]sett, 363, 378.
-, — Mylne, 363, 378.
-, — Parke, 363, 378.
Gowthorpe, 150.
Gowton, 92.
-, —, als. Golton, 46.
Gowtrye, 150.
Goxell, 294.
Goxhill, 165, 181, 252, 347.
Goxhyll, 178.
Grafton, 34, 116, 128, 205, 223, 292, 348.
Grandmonte als. Gromonte, 117.
Grangegers, 261.
Granndeligh, 182.
Gransmore (? Grausmore), 101.a
Grantham, 26.
Grantley, 115, 165.
Grasbroke, 80.
Grasilgrene, 328.
Grauntley, 273.
Grausemore (Gransemore), 338.
Graven, 62.
Greate Reddyng Clouse, 124.
Grenacre, 228.
Grenake, 264.
Grendall, 131, 177.
Grendesthorp, 148.
Greneak, 282, 370.
Greneake, 196.
Grenefeldcoshe, 176.
Grenehake, 137, 150.
Grenehamerton, 47, 74, 327.
Greneham[er]ton, 107, 340.
Grenehed, 233.
Grenehowe, 92.
Grenehyrst, 337.
Grenelacke, 135.
Grenewyke, 114.
Grenselcoshe, 159.
Grenyo, 299.
Gresbrocke, 170.
Gresbroke, 55, 65, 69, 81, 92, 99, 119,
248, 297, 307, 346, 380.
-, — Byerlawe, 99.
Gresebroke, 159, 238.
Greston als . Grissyngton, 230.
Greteland, 32, 79, 233, 285, 333, 343, 345.
Gretgom[er]sall, 236.
Gretland, 80, 119, 122, 214, 216, 220, 258.
Grett Intake, 155.
Greve Howse, 179.
Greves, le, 224.
Grewelthorp, 89.
Grewelthorpe, 38, 45, 68, 78.
Greyestones, 299.
Greylas, 39.
Greylees, Great, 55.
Greynehurst, 91.
Grey's Inn, 179.
Greystangyll, 181.
Greyttland, 94.
Gricethorpe, 115.
Grigleston, 157.
Grimston, 103, 256.
Grimstone, 220.
Grinton, 139.
Grisetrope, 270.
Grissyngton als . Greston, 230.
Gromonte als . Grandmonte, 117.
Groomont als . Grundemont, 185.
Grounton, 250.
Grouton, 250.
Groves, de les, in Scowscotts, 286.
Grunton, 27.
Grybthorpe, 77.
Gryethorne, 300.
Grymeston, 114, 118.
-, — als. Garton, 357.
Grymsthorpe, 213.
Grymston, 30, 44, 57, 65, 79, 118, 119,
130, 134, 139, 176, 178, 199,
274, 286, 300.
-, —, North, 203, 283, 284, 300.
-, —, North als. Grymston Aclyng,
Grymthorpe, 300.
Grymysthorp, 79.
Gryndall, 95.
-, —, chapel of the Blessed Marie,
Gryndalle, 120, 129.
Grynton, 207, 265, 277, 383.
Grysbroke, 79, 118.
Grysethorpp, 147.
Grysthwayte, 77, 114.
Grysyngton, 50.
Gumuldthwaite, 228.
Gunby, 170.
Gungerfeild, 379.
Gunh[a]me, 234.
Guxhyll, 140.
Gyesley, 111, 153, 293.
Gyevdoneland, 153.
Gyggelleswyke, 87.
Gygglyswyk, 128.
Gygliswyk, 370.
Gylbertdyk, 282.
Gylbrygynge, 114.
Gyldenwellys, 95.
Gyldersom, 19.
Gylderston als . Gyrdersh[a]m, 241.
Gyldersum, 285.
Gyldyngwellys, 110.
Gylgreve, 114.
Gylkircke, 322.
Gyllymore, 245.
Gyllyng, 35, 42, 202, 272, 358.
Gylsteade, 178.
Gylthwaite, 298.
Gymlyn, 28, 77.
Gypton, 146.
Gyrdersh[a]m als . Gylderston, 241.
Gyrsingtonne, 176.
Gyrsyngton, 71.
Gysborne, 77, 292.
Gysburne, 135, 178, 261.
Gyseley, 84.
Gysley, 234, 338, 365.
Gyuendale als . Geyndell, 74.
Gyvdoneland, 153.
Gyvton, 53.
Gyvyndale, 47.
Habton, 72, 148.
-, —, Little, 272.
Haburn, 129.
Hackfourth, 300.
Hackfurth, 322.
Haddelsay, 250.
Haddelsey, 146.
Haddlethorpe, 355.
Haddylsey, 240.
-, —, West, 146, 240.
Haddysley, 377.
-, —, Middell, 82.
-, —, West, 82.
Hadforde, 214.
Hadilsey, 41.
Hadisley, 44.
Hagh, 200.
Haghe, 367.
Hagneby, 94.
Hagney, 94.
Hagthorp, 151.
Hagthorpe, 75, 320, 375.
-, — Ferye, 75.
Haigh, 227, 262, 326.
Haighe, 332.
Hainesworth, 172.
-, — Woodhouse, 172.
Haistrope, 132.
Haitefeld, 109.
Haitfeld, 33, 34, 44, 52, 344.
Halam, 228.
Haldenbye, 45.
Haldernesse, 139.
Haldesworth, 319.
-, — Banke, 153.
Haldeworthe, 183.
Halfeld, 154.
Halgarth, 114, 115.
Hall Grange, 174.
-, — Place, The, 108.
-, — Rawe, 277.
Hallam, 287.
Hallclose, 224.
Halle Feildes, 363.
-, — Parke, 363.
-, — —, le, 227.
Hallefeld als. Hallefeld Pele, 249.
Halleyfeld als. Helleyfeld Peele, 243.
Halleywell, 193.
Hallhouse, 80.
Hallifax, 40.
Hallomshyre, 296.
Hallowes, 280.
Hallyfax, 150, 186, 188, 233, 354.
Hallyfeld, 236.
-, — Pile als. Hellyfeld, 251.
Hallykeld, 264, 318, 368.
Hallywell, 196.
Halom, 65.
Halparke, 154.
H alsham, 310.
Halsh[a]m, 247.
-, —, West, 247.
Halstede, 189.
Haltangill, 159.
Halton, 101.
Halyfax, 47, 69, 75, 79, 83, 86, 125, 195, 214, 219.
Halyfaxe, 121, 137, 333, 334.
Halyfaxbroke, 121.
Halyfeld als. Halyfelde Peele, 168.
Halyfelde, 200.
-, — Peyle, 200.
Halyffaxe, 121.
Halykeld, 92, 131.
Halykeldons (? Halykeldous), 114.
Halywell, 258.
-, — Hall, 258.
Hamanby, 145.
Hambleton, 126.
Hameleth, 11, 30.
Hamerton, 125.
Hamesthayte, 67.
Hamesworth, 117.
Hampall Stobes, 197.
Hamsworth Woodhouse, 61.
Hamylton, 126.
Handesworth, 308.
Handisworth Woodhowse, 264.
Handsworth, 38.
Hangyngheton, 344.
Hankyndam, 163.
Hanleth, 110, 204, 320.
Hanlett, 110.
Hannesworth, 193, 210, 312.
-, — Woodhouse, 193, 312.
-, — Woodhowse, 353, 354.
Hannesworthe, 145.
Hanseworth Wodhouse, 82.
Hanseworthe, 233.
Hansworth, 54, 82, 233, 254, 307, 312.
Hantheweyt, 180.
Hanthwayte, 366.
Hanthweyte, 374.
Hanwhayte, 107.
Hanworthe, 279.
Harden, 331.
Hardwyk, 107.
Hardwyke, 102, 192, 266, 274.
-, —, Blynde, 192.
Haresham, 273.
Harlay, 378.
Harlesey, 383.
-, —, East, 297.
-, —, West, 92.
Harlethropp, 70.
Harlington, 171.
Harlyngton, 10, 52, 335.
Harmeby, 254, 358.
Harmebye, 154.
Harnby, 34.
Harneby, 80, 187.
Harpeham, 349.
Harpham, 338.
Harrewclyff, 322.
Harsthorp, 47.
Harsthorpe, 53.
Hartford, 98.
Hartfordlythe, 123.
Hartforth, 272, 358.
Hartforthe, 272.
Harthill, 63, 127, 128, 195, 230, 342.
Harthyll, 224, 250, 279.
Hartishead, 256.
Hartlyngton, 30, 183, 216, 238, 241.
Hartsed, 175.
Harton, 78, 97, 151, 370.
Hartwyth, 167, 170.
Harwod, 101, 263.
Harwode, 47, 196, 197.
Harwodwell Sprynge, 118.
Harwood, 2, 147, 157, 190, 197, 238, 364, 372, 383.
Hasell, 124, 256, 356, 359.
Hassall, 138.
Hassell, 48, 380.
-, — als. Hessell, 377.
Hasselby, 120.
Hasshawe, 167, 170.
Hassyllhyll, 181.
Hassylwood, 365.
Hastethorp, 8.
Hastethorpe, 9.
Hasthrop, 123.
Hasylfurth, 224.
Hasyll, 245, 334.
Hatefeld, Easte, 384.
Hatfeld, 36.
Hatfelde, 327.
Hathewyke, 12.
Haton, 23, 313.
Hattefeld, 236.
Hatton als. Heton Closse, 181.
Hauercroft, 158.
Hauercrofte, 70.
Haughton, 115, 170.
-, —, Great, 63, 87, 115, 310, 327.
-, —, — als. Mykylhaghton,
-, —, Little, 40, 101, 105, 115, 310,
327, 369.
Haultongill, 176.
Haunloth, 267, 269.
Havercroft, 234, 258.
Havercrofte, 141, 164.
Havyngham, 263.
Hawdenby, 306.
Hawekeswik, 30.
Hawekeswyke, 11.
Hawghe, 367.
Hawghton, Great, 97.
Hawghton, Lytle, 264.
Hawkeswell, 283.
Hawkeswik, 232.
Hawkesworth, 177, 275, 286, 338.
-, — Hed, 90.
-, —, Little, 286.
Hawkisworthe, 365.
Hawkyswell, Est, 237.
-, —, West, 237.
Hawkysworth, 97.
Hawkysworthe, 152.
Hawkyswyke, 97.
Hawnby, 180.
Hawneby, 67.
Haworth, 215, 266.
Haworthe, 195, 298.
Hawskarche, 160.
Hawskarthe, 205.
Hawthorne, 170.
Hawton, 164.
Hawtwyke, 204.
Hayley, 343.
Haynesworth, 277.
Hayneworth, 341.
Hayneworthe, 235, 280.
Haynsworth, 140.
Haynworth, 98.
Haysselbye, 185.
Haytfeld, 19, 255.
-, — Woodhowse, 164.
Hayton, 27, 106, 159, 169, 260, 263, 341, 349, 372.
Headon, 302.
Healey, 251, 256, 257.
Heath, 184, 217, 269.
Heaton, 135, 194, 299.
Heatonclack, 256.
Hebbelthwat, 116.
Hebden, 189, 206, 282, 340, 341.
Hebdon, 147, 281.
Heberston, 36.
Hec, 250, 251.
Heck, 221, 235.
-, —, Great, 191.
-, —, Little, 191.
Hecke, 127, 205.
-, —, Great, 174.
-, —, Little, 174.
Heckmondwike, 302.
Hecmondwyke, 263, 302.
Hectfurthe, Lythe, 277.
Heddyngley, 237.
Hedericke, 364.
Hedon, 25, 33, 109, 140, 166, 196, 303, 357.
Hedley, 380.
Hedryck, 156.
Heeton, 381.
Hegate in Balne, 41.
Heightrees, 285.
Heildyngley, 305.
Heith, 311.
Heke, 91.
-, —, Great, 80.
-, —, Little, 80.
Hekmondwike, 360.
Hekmondwyke, 183, 216, 257.
Hekylton, 142.
Helagh, 77, 139.
-, — als. Helow, 207.
Helaugh, 94, 259, 328.
Helaughe, 60.
Helay, 98, 106, 277, 324.
Helbanke, 114.
Helderthrop, 212.
Heldyngley, 39, 73.
Heley, 28, 58, 115.
Hellefeld, 339.
Helleyfeld, 234, 239.
-, — Peele als. Halleyfeld, 243.
Hell Graunge, 124.
Hellowe, 27.
Helluby, 125.
Hellyby, 298.
Hellyfeld, 235, 305.
-, — als. Hallyfeld Pile, 251.
Helmesley, 69, 115, 276, 352.
-, — als. Holmesley, 53.
Helo, 75.
Heloo, 250.
Helparbie, 146.
Helperthorp, 50, 128.
Helperthorpe, 23, 303.
Helthewatehill, 148.
Helthewayte, 159.
Helthwaite, 36.
Helthwayte, 156, 183, 190, 205, 364.
Helthwaythyll, 197.
Heluby, 51.
Helughby, 2.
Hely, 280.
Hemblefeld, 108, 182, 185.
Hembrugh, 376.
Hemesworth, 377.
-, — als. Hymsworth, 301.
Hemmesworth, 46, 258.
Hemmyngbrowghe, 231.
Hemmyngeburghe, 190.
Hemmysworth, 76.
Hemswell, 126.
Hemsworth, 185, 190, 211, 341.
Hemyngbrough, 289.
Hemyngburgh, 34.
Hemynghburgh, 320.
Hendley, 279, 337.
-, —, Cold, 141.
-, —, South, 141.
Hensall, 91, 127, 174, 191, 219, 250, 251.
-, — Intak, 174.
Henson, 4.
Henssall, 230.
Heptonstall, 79, 86, 150.
Hepworth, 100.
Herbery, 161, 163.
Herdwyke, 141.
Herewod, 156.
Herneclyff, 303.
Hersthorp, 52.
Hersthorpe, 138.
Herteshead, 330.
Hertford, 4.
Hertford, co. of, 242.
Hertfordlyth, 8.
Hertforthlith, 9.
Herthill, 69, 79, 87, 109, 117, 126, 264.
Herthyll, 64, 96, 213.
Hertishead, 256.
Hertishede, 325.
Hertlyngton, 11, 16, 20, 30.
Hertsed, 37.
Hertyshed, 189.
Herwoodd, 216.
Heryngthorp, 171.
Heselwoode, 282.
Heselyngton, 139.
Hesill, 34, 54, 357.
Heskethe, 234.
Heslerton, 6.
Hesley, 9.
Heslington, 244.
Heslyngton, 26, 50, 95, 100, 195, 259.
Hesseley, 176, 244.
Hessell, 24, 334, 357.
-, — als. Hassell, 377.
Hessey, 294, 379.
Hessill, 59.
Hessyldon, Nether, 159.
-, —, Over, 159.
Hessylk, 119.
Hessyll, 137, 178, 180.
Hestondayles, 247.
Hesyll, 39, 67, 101, 104, 109, 176.
Heth, 64.
Hethensall, 235.
Hetherfeld, 27.
Hethericke, 216.
Heton, 7, 40, 45, 47, 54, 64, 80, 106, 117,
122, 149, 171, 178, 259, 273,
289, 302, 315, 360.
-, — als. Hatton Closse, 181.
-, — Clack, 257.
-, — Clake, 343.
Hetton, 180, 262.
Hetres, 216.
Hewbar, 170.
Hewbye, 364.
Hewglebarby, 372.
Hewick ad pontem, 337.
Hewkeals . Howke, 222.
Heworth, 308, 340.
Hewthayte, 92.
Hewton, 304, 316, 369.
-, — als. Huton, 326.
Hewtonbusshell, 361, 368.
Hewyk, 78, 89.
Hewyke, 89.
Hexthorp, 138.
Hexthorpe, 146, 217.
Heydon, 200.
Heygherles, 2.
Heyghrode, 276.
Heylow, 272.
Heyndeley, South, 97.
Heysyll, 63.
Heyth, 311.
Heythorp, 18, 26.
Heyton, 61, 69, 89, 115, 121, 219, 258,
-, — als. Heyton Roodes, 162.
-, — Clacke, 233, 333.
-, — Rodes, 170.
-, — Roodes, 336.
Highburton, 52.
-, —, Chantry of St Mary, 52.
Hiddeswell Pyle, 238.
Hiefelde, 367.
Higheholand, 151.
High Holand, 46.
Higholland, 153.
High Hoyland als. Hoyland on the Hill, 243.
Hikylton, 34.
Hilderthorpe, 219, 244.
Hill, 85.
Hillome, 124.
Hillwyke, 156.
Hilston, 25, 140, 166.
Hilton, 24, 90, 91, 322.
Hinderwell, 322.
Hiperholme, 343.
Hiperom, 81.
Hiperome, 16, 188.
Hip[..]ham, [Hipperholme?] 220.
Hip[..]hom, [Hipperholme?] 220.
Hipiswell, 371.
Hippereme, 214.
Hipperhom, 320, 351, 353.
Hipperholme, 334, 361.
Hipperom, 314.
Hippeswell, 254, 321.
Hippholme, 252.
Hipprom, 31.
Hipprum, 39.
Hipswell, 281, 328.
Hirst, 86.
Hithe, 374.
Hober, 367.
Hoddersfeld, 123.
Hodelstone, 114.
Hoggell, 356.
Hoghton, 204.
Hoghton als . Howghton on the Hill, 58.
Hognorton als . Oldenorton, 174.
Hoke, 125.
Holand, 98, 378.
Holbekk, 101.
Holden, 40, 41, 58, 79, 105, 256, 333,
345, 378.
-, — als. Hoveden, 346.
-, — Cloughe, 127.
Holdernes, 5, 16, 23, 24, 58, 60, 66, 69, 79, 83, 88, 96, 104, 121, 122, 123, 128, 130, 131, 139, 151, 174, 196, 200, 220, 234, 262, 279, 282, 284, 287, 299, 303, 316, 345, 346, 347, 352, 356, 359, 360, 376, 377, 378.
Holdeston Flatt, 114.
Holdthorpe, 263.
Holem, 71.
Holey, 79, 94, 99.
Holey als. Houghley, 127.
Holgat, 330.
Holgate Sutton, 37.
Holgayte Sutton, 352.
Holgrave, 32.
Holgyll, 103, 342.
Holinton, 24.
Holland, 111, 205, 273.
-, —, Great, 314.
Hollandsuayn, 142.
Hollandsweyn, 236.
Hollewike, 300.
Holleyhall, 236.
Hollynghall, 339.
Hollym, 35, 60, 65, 83.
Hollynghedge, 150.
Hollywell als. Howell, 258.
Holme, 25, 57, 122, 148, 209, 213, 300.
-, — als. Holmefurth, 380.
-, — church, 322.
-, — in Spaldingmore, 22, 337, 353.
-, — in Spaldyngmore, 141, 181.
-, — in Spaldyngway, 16.
-, — in Spawdyngmore, 276.
Holmedale, 380.
Holmefurthe, 287.
Holmegrene, 274.
Holmerton, 35, 355.
Holmes, le, 171.
Holmes, The, 82.
Holmeton, 36, 60, 130.
Holom, 39.
Holmton als. Humton, 329.
Holstwicke, 282.
Holt, 14, 15.
Holte Crofte, 146.
-, —, The, 114.
Holthroppe, 293.
Holwyck, 277.
Holwyk, 252.
Holym, 66.
Holyn, 96, 102.
Holynege, 9.
Homanby, 253.
Homanbye, 264.
Homandby, 108.
Home, 323.
Home in Spawdymore, 174.
Homonbye, 115.
Homondby, 81.
Hompton, 190, 341.
Hondmanbye, 276.
Hoobrygge, 182.
Hooke, 106, 358.
Hoolton Bardolfe, 225.
Hoomber, The, 153.
Hoothome, 290, 373.
Hooton, 46, 325.
Hooton Craneswick, 336.
-, — Underhagh, 18.
Hopkynshawes, 52.
Hopperton, 223, 292.
Hoppton, 268.
Hopton, 19, 58, 94, 99, 179, 253, 255, 256, 257, 286.
Horbery, 163.
Horberye, 234, 361.
Horburie, 357.
Horbury, 81, 110, 129, 149, 242, 266, 320, 356, 382.
Horburrye, 178.
Horburye, 65, 295, 301.
Horneby, 277, 297, 322, 328, 371.
Horneby in Richemondshire, 277.
Hornebye, 280, 300.
Hornethwaite, 230.
Hornethwayte, 169.
Hornethwytt, 167.
Horneton, 376.
Hornetweyt, 141.
Hornsey, 55.
Hornyngton, 47, 125, 167, 218, 274, 317,
-, — Ings, 139, 274.
-, — Inngs, 130, 134.
Horton, 83, 103, 128, 155, 176, 191, 202,
233, 275, 280, 292, 299, 303,
314, 341, 357, 362, 375, 384.
-, — als. Horton in Ryggysdale als.
Rybbelsdale als. Rybbesdale,
-, —, Great, 46, 126, 169, 243, 280,
282, 305, 314.
-, —, Little, 46, 61, 84, 168, 198, 257,
280, 282.
-, — Magna, 167, 224.
-, — Parva, 306.
Hosbrewyke, 222.
Hotham, 264.
Hotherfeld, 120, 258.
Hotherffeld, 106.
Hothom, 271.
Hothome, 54, 65, 188.
Hoton, 10, 24, 253.
Hoton Berdolff, 51.
-, — Bonvyle, 308.
-, — Bonvyle als. Hoton sup. Wyske,
101, 107, 197.
-, — Busshell, 108, 141.
-, — Cranswicke, 317.
-, — Colswane als. Hoton in Derwent,
-, — Garthe, 190.
-, — Halhouse, 253.
-, — Levett, 108.
-, — Livet, 65.
-, — Longvyllers, 225.
-, — Menshon, 51.
-, — near Rudby, 92.
-, — Panell als. Hutton Pannell, 202,
-, — Pannell, 24.
-, — Robert, 162.
-, — Slade, 183.
-, — Super Montem, 24.
-, — Sup. Wyske, 31.
-, — Sup. Wyske als. Hoton Bonvyle,
101, 107, 197.
Hotonleuet, 2.
Hotrode, 301.
Hotrood, 234.
Hotteryngham, 16.
Hotton, 110.
-, — near Rudbye, 347.
Houeden, 12, 14.
Houghley als. Holey, 127.
Houghton, 17, 42, 148, 164, 179, 193,
206, 258.
-, — Carre, 193.
-, —, Great, 333.
-, —, Little, 333.
-, —, Little als. Walbes Hall, 307.
-, — Magna, 359.
-, — Parva, 374.
Houghtoun, 321.
Houke, 6.
Houlthorpe, 278, 353.
Hounnanbye, 255.
Houton, 10, 52.
Hoveden, 154, 187, 336, 337, 366.
-, — als. Holden, 346.
Hovenden, 26, 135.
Hovidon, 327.
Hovingham, 293.
Hovyngham, 384.
Howbye, 156.
Howden, 86, 90, 97, 132, 135, 139, 182,
262, 264, 307, 345.
-, — Dyke, 358.
Howdenfeld, 245, 273.
Howdon, 120, 196.
Howe, 211.
Howeden, 15, 183, 367.
Howel, 184.
Howell, 333, 359.
-, — als. Hollywell, 258.
Howenden, 327, 338.
Howgate, 81, 300.
-, — on the Wold, 25, 81.
Howgete, 355.
Howghton Magna, 184.
-, — on the Hill als. Hoghton, 58.
Howgill, 308.
Howglebarby, 125.
Howgrave, 175.
Howgyll, 153.
Howke, 40, 41, 58, 136, 352, 353.
-, — als. Hewke, 222.
Howland, 108, 182, 185, 352, 362.
Howley, 19, 303.
Howlym, 143.
Howorth, 132.
Howse, The, 196.
Howseham, 143.
Howsey, 211.
Howsome, 222, 267.
Howton, 48, 116, 134.
-, —, Ouer, 39.
-, — Pannell, 240.
-, —, Slathe, 310.
-, — under Haghe, 310.
-, — vnde Hagh, 116.
Hoyland on the Hill als. High Hoyland, 243.
Hoyton, Robert, 137.
Hoytroyde, 141.
Huby, 36, 45, 367.
Hubye, 280.
Huddelsay, 249.
Huddelston, 84, 100.
Huddelston als. Huddleston als. Hundelston, 286.
Hudderffeld, 179.
Huddersfeld, 78, 94, 95, 99, 100, 102, 138, 166, 189, 194, 267, 300, 306, 333, 334, 338, 372, 378, 383.
Huddersfelde, 233, 240, 376.
Huddeswell, 34, 254, 281, 321, 328.
Huddiswell, 262.
-, — Pile, 315.
Huddleston, 93, 100, 195.
Huddyswell, 163, 220, 262.
Hudersfeld, 19, 137.
Hudersfelde, 137.
Hudeswell, 384.
Hudswell, 262, 263, 283, 297, 314.
Hudyswell, 371.
Hugaite, 274, 284.
Hugate, 43.
Hugatte, 83.
Hugayte upon the Wolde, 130.
Huggate, 211.
Hugthorpe, 378.
Huland, 176.
Hulbrige, 322.
Hulbryggett, 108.
Hulke, 25.
Hull, 23, 28, 86, 286, 299, 348.
-, — Bridge, 313.
-, —, The, 313, 322, 355.
Hulland, 50, 52, 244.
Hullbancke, 356.
Hullynghege, 333, 334.
Hulskelf, 30.
Hulton, 322.
Humanby, 89, 289.
Hu[n]manbye, 293.
Humandby, 91.
Humandly, 9.
Humberton, 73.
Hummer Water, 228.
Hummonby, 72.
Humpton, 55.
Humton als. Holmton, 329.
Hunbarton, 125.
Hunburton, 125.
Hunchelff, 142.
Hundburton, 65.
Hundell, 274, 353.
Hundelston als. Huddelston als. Huddleston, 286.
Hundemanby, 77.
Hundersfeld, 233.
Hundmanby, 28.
Hundyll, 266.
Hungarhowe, 153.
Hungate, 24.
Hunmanby, 35, 189.
-, — als. Hunnanby, 347.
Hunmanbye, 228, 255.
Hunmunby, 113.
Hunnanby, 368.
-, — als. Hunmanby, 347.
Hunnanbye, 368.
Hunshelf, 27, 225, 240, 269, 295, 350.
Hunshelfe, 147.
Hunshelff, 179, 230, 343, 366.
Hunsingor, 314.
Hunsingoure, 219.
Hunslet, 72.
Hunslett, 74, 113, 257.
Hunsley als. Hundesley, 377, 383.
-, — als. Hundesley Graunge, 377.
Hunsworth, 233, 256, 333.
Hunsyngoure, 112.
Hunthanke, 117.
Huntington, 371, 373.
Hunton, 34, 38, 64, 68, 78, 89, 96, 117,
281, 297, 314, 320, 328, 371.
-, —, Chantry to St Edmund's Altar,
Huntwick, 184.
Huntwyke, 129, 267, 359.
Huntyngton, 7, 11, 39, 108, 173.
-, — Hall, 39.
Hungtyngtone, 157.
Hurst, 155.
Hustwayte, 365.
Huthersfeld, 135.
Huton, 177, 180, 186, 187, 189, 211, 250,
-, — als. Hewton, 326.
-, — Bardolf, 305, 318.
-, — Cranswyck, 355.
-, — near Rudby, 91, 341.
-, — near Rypon, 165.
-, — on Darwent, 318.
-, — Sup. Darwent, 305.
-, — Sup. Montem, 305.
Hutonbushell, 258.
Hutonbusshell, 110.
Hutton, 110, 167, 186, 231, 241, 242, 246,
264, 266.
-, — Busshell, 145, 211, 230.
-, — Cranswike, 384.
-, — Cranswyke, 316.
-, — Levyett, 142.
-, — near Rudby als. Hutton Rudby,
-, — Pannell, 384.
-, — als. Hoton Panell, 202,
-, — Robert, 142.
-, — Slade, 142.
-, — Slath, 116.
-, — Swathe, 310.
-, — upon Darwen, 300.
-, — upon Wyske, 147.
Hyckylton, 134, 347.
Hydershelf als. Hylderskelf, 300.
Hygheholond, 157.
Hyghgatherley, 144.
Hykleton, 261.
Hykylton, 142.
-, — Carre, 142.
Hyley, 197.
Hyll, 144.
-, — als. Hyll Graunge, 95.
Hylleston, 174.
Hyllon, 364.
Hylls, 82.
Hylston, 140, 166, 231.
Hylton, 206.
Hymesworth, 66, 102.
Hymesworthe, 363.
Hymmesworth, 73, 121, 141, 265.
-, — als. Hymsworth, 291.
Hymmesworthe, 121, 143.
Hymmysworth, 72, 94, 265.
Hymsworth, 66, 113, 129, 169, 301, 353.
-, — als. Hemsworth, 301.
Hymsworthe, 140, 184, 329.
Hymysworth, 241.
Hymysworthe, 319.
Hyndeley, South, 76.
Hyndganfrayne, 114.
Hynderskelf, 85, 300.
Hynderwall, 279.
Hynderwell, 126, 298, 335.
Hyndley, 79, 169.
Hyperome, 183.
Hypperholme, 233, 375.
Hypperom, 172.
Hypperome, 179.
Hyppom[..], 215.
Hyprom, 79.
Hypswell, 297.
Hyrst, 377.
-, — Cortney, 169.
-, — Courtney, 82.
Hyrste, 284.
Hythe, 282.
Hythergrenewyke, 114.
Hyve, 264.
Iburndall, 273.
Icorneshey, 296, 298.
Idill, 360.
Idle, 71, 101, 130, 230.
Idyll, 77
Igmanthorp, 101.
Ilkeley, 133, 169, 280.
Ilkley, 29, 339.
Illyngworth, 188.
Implyng, 282.
Ingbircheworth, 265.
Ingburcheworthe, 332.
Ingburchwood, 161.
Ingbyrchworth, 71.
Ingbyrchworthe, 219.
Ingeburcheworth, 102.
Ingerthropp, 223.
Ingleby, 245, 322.
-, —, Cold, 273.
-, — Lawrend (? Lowerend), 322.
-, — near Grenehowe, 322.
-, — near Harrewclyff, 322.
Inglebye, 152, 371.
Ingleton, 308.
Ingmanthorp, 3, 9, 124.
Ingmanthorpe, 56, 202, 268.
Ingmyre, 247.
Inpasture, The, 108.
Ireby, 78, 313.
Iren Mylles, 164.
Iselbeck, 255.
Isyngton, 282.
Karlyscotys, 158.
Kayngham, 102, 308.
Kayton, 1, 244.
Kelbroke, 78, 200.
Keldare als. Kalder, The, 303.
Keldfeld, 22, 29.
Keldholme, 245.
Keldwycke, 195.
Kelfeld, 365, 381, 382.
Kelfelde, 282, 349.
Kelfild, 105.
Kelgate Lees in Buerley, 262.
Kelholme on the Wold, 122.
Kelhome, 324.
Kelk, 357.
-, —, Great, 36.
Kelke, 25, 166, 196, 259.
-, —, Great, 187.
-, —, Little, 111, 140.
-, — Magna, 140.
Kelkyngton, 82.
Kellam upon the Wold, 105.
Kellengthorpe als. Kellethorp, 107.
Kellenthroppe als. Kellethroppe, 356.
Kellethorpe als. Kyllyngthorpe, 126.
Kellingthorpe als. Kellethorpe, 224.
Kellington, 257.
Kellom, 27, 192.
-, — on the Wold, 79.
Kellyngthrop, 32.
Kellyngton, 83.
Kelyng, 186.
Kelyngton, 225.
Kemberworth, 61.
Kempsall, 131, 156.
Kenythorpe, 162, 165, 225, 283.
Keperwick, 280.
Kepwick, 277.
Kepwyck, 229, 370.
Kepwycke, 92.
Kepwyke, 115, 172, 207; 228, 371.
Kereby, 67.
Kerkby, 128.
Kerkeby, 46.
-, — over Blowes, 312.
Kerkfeld, 138.
Kerlynghows, 250.
Kesberd, 125.
Kesbrough, 312.
Kesburghe, 116.
Keswick als. Estkeswick, 369.
Keswike, 47.
Keswycke, 215.
Keswyke, 84, 263, 296.
Ketilweldale, 147.
Keton, 109.
-, — als. Keueton, 63.
Kettismore, 311.
Kettysmore, 226.
Kexbrowghe, 367.
Kexburgh, 205.
Kexby, 40, 41, 43, 55, 295.
Keyghley, 134.
Keyngham, 189.
Keypacke, 328.
Keyrbye, 312.
Keyrbyoverblawys, 117.
Keysdale, 97.
Kighley, 270, 352, 363.
Kildewicke Graunge, 225.
Kildewike, 296, 298.
Kildwike, 315.
Kildwyke, 291, 292.
Killam, 228, 323, 357, 358.
Killingall, 13.
Killom, 354.
Kilnesey, 35.
Kilpin, 327, 367.
Kilnewike, 40.
Kilnewycke Percye, 359.
Kilvyngton, South, 64, 96.
Kilwardeby, 1.
Kingeston upon Hull, 318.
Kingston upon Hull, 4, 24, 28, 31, 49, 60, 68, 77, 79, 89, 109, 150, 153, 158, 216, 224, 234, 286.
Kirby in Malholme Dale, 320.
Kircke Elley, 318.
Kirkay, 49.
Kirkbie, South, 246.
Kirkborne, 328, 342.
Kirkby Knowle, 247.
-, — M alsherd, 166.
-, — on the Hill, 68.
-, —, South, 45.
-, — upon Wharf, 44, 256.
-, — upon Wharff, 65.
Kirkbymoreshead, 245.
Kirkbymoreshed, 380.
Kirkeby, 229.
-, — Malhom, 11, 30.
-, — upon Wyske, 49.
-, —, South, 161.
Kirkebye Hall, 223.
-, — Grende Lyth, 375.
Kirkedighton als. Church Dighton, 268.
Kirke Elley, 311.
Kirkefenton, 256, 377.
Kirkeheaton, 40.
Kirkelethum, 13.
Kirkesmeaton 352.
Kirkethorpe, 311.
Kirkfenton, 244.
Kirkgarforth, 8, 52.
Kirkham, 276.
Kirkheaton, 242.
Kirkheton, 19.
Kirksandall, 3.
Kirkstanley, 99.
Kirtlyngton, 32.
Knapton, 87, 92, 115, 207, 220, 238, 279,
287, 303.
-, —, Est, 212.
-, —, West, 212.
Knaresburgh, 86.
-, —, Forest of, 67.
Knaresburghe, Seynt Robert, near, 198.
Knavysmyre, 103, 105.
Knayton, 370.
Knedlington, 327, 337.
Knedlyngton, 15, 154.
Knightstaynfurthe, 306.
Knight Steynfourth, 128.
Knolbank, 170.
Knollande, 114.
Knolthorpe, 260.
Knottingley, 332.
Knottyngley, 85, 86, 154, 311, 314, 375.
Knowesthorp, 126.
Knowsthrope, 257.
Knyght Stanforth, 370.
Knyght Staynforth, 358.
Kyerby, 134.
-, — Underbrowe, 134.
Kyerkby upon Wharff, 300.
Kyghley, 9, 84, 98, 99, 106, 145, 187, 196, 215, 216, 280, 331, 383.
Kyghleymore, 383.
Kylarby als. Kylwarbye, 140.
Kyldale, 77.
Kyldewyke, 125, 173.
Kyldwyck, 266.
Kyldwyk, 265.
Kyldwyke, 165, 225, 269, 270.
Kyleynton, South, 33.
Kylham, 365, 366, 377.
Kylhome, 106.
Kylineweke, 42, 43.
Kyllam, 362.
-, — on the Wold, 86.
Kyllarby, 287.
Kyllerby, 287.
Kyllerbye als. Kylwarby, 367.
Kyllingbeck, 247.
Kyllom, 30, 66, 126, 144, 251.
Kyllome, 70, 101, 230.
-, — on the Wold, 138.
Kyllon, 119, 259.
Kyllum, 73.
Kyllynbeck, 126.
Kyllynghall, 202.
Kyllyngley, 127, 155.
Kyllyngthorpe als. Kellethorpe, 126.
Kyllyngton, South, 92.
Kylnesey, 60, 170, 277, 290, 341, 384.
Kylnewicke, 165.
Kylnewyke, 107, 143.
Kylnewyke-parcy, 35.
Kylnhyrst, 220.
Kylnsey, 190.
Kylom, 372.
Kylpin, 369.
Kylpyn, 97, 105, 196, 218.
Kylton, 13, 107, 322, 381.
Kylvyngton, 41.
-, —, North, 40.
-, —, South, 90, 92.
Kylwarby als. Kyllerbye, 367.
Kylwarbye als. Kylarby, 140.
Kylwyke, 157.
-, — Percy, 118.
Kylwyngton, North, 340.
Kymberworth, 55, 65, 190, 283, 344.
Kymberworthe, 65, 271.
Kympston Rygg, 117.
Kynbertworth, 118.
Kyndysley, 76.
Kyng Garthys, 153.
Kynge Garthys, 153.
Kyngeslaye, 143.
Kyngeston upon Hull, 8, 65, 66, 87, 138, 176, 184, 195, 210, 218, 245.
Kyngeston upon Hull, 7, 9, 21, 87, 88, 95,
96, 138, 176, 179, 181, 311,
329, 336, 348.
-, —, Holy Trinity, 348.
Kynnesley, 73, 141, 169, 258.
Kynsby, 190.
Kynsley, 72, 301, 341.
Kynthorp, 36.
Kynthorpe, 185.
Kynwaldegraves, 115.
Kypax, 225.
Kyplyng Coote, 145.
Kyplyngcotes als. Kyplyncotes, 306.
Kyppax, 113.
-, — Hall, 113.
Kyrby, 119, 235.
-, — M alsart, 311.
-, — Morsarte, 226.
-, — Mysperton, 72.
-, — Oublowes, 214.
-, — Subt. Knoll, 92.
-, — upon Wharff, 119.
Kyrbymalesard, 167.
Kyrckbye Moresyde, 371.
-, — Overkar, 371.
Kyrckfenton, 317.
Kyrckletham, 371.
Kyreby, 148.
Kyrkay, 49, 50.
Kyrkbefletam, 273.
Kyrkborne, 328.
Kyrk Bramwith, 355.
Kyrkbramwyth, 18, 161.
Kyrkburne, 264.
Kyrk Burton, 305.
Kyrkby, 240, 242, 333, 342, 376.
-, — c[u]m Siggiston, 230.
-, — Fletham, 159.
-, — Hall, 206.
-, — in Crendaillythe, 115.
-, — in Gryndellyth, 346, 373.
-, — Knoll als. Kyrkby under Knoll,
-, — Malham, 204.
-, — M alsargh, 130.
-, — Mysperton, 313.
Kyrkby Mysp[er]ton, 174, 272.
-, — — als. Kyrkby Ou[er]ker, 268.
-, — near Fletham, 110.
-, — on the Hill, 47, 53, 239, 241.
-, — Ou[er]blowes, 197.
-, — Oublows, 128.
-, — Ouerblowes, 76, 85.
-, — Overblowes, 237, 342.
-, — Ravenswathe, 361.
-, —, South, 105, 297, 355, 363.
-, —, Sowth, 169.
-, —, Sowthe, 43.
-, — upon Wyske, 261.
-, — Usborne, 206.
-, — Wysk, 249.
Kyrkbyknoole, 213.
Kyrkbymalesard, 170.
Kyrkbymoresheade, 230.
Kyrkbymoreshede, 245.
Kyrkbyoverkarr, 328.
Kyrkbysotherdale, 112.
Kyrkbyunderdale, 112.
Kyrkbywise, 148.
Kyrkbywiske, 95.
Kyrkbye, 276, 318, 333, 339, 363.
-, — Kynderlyth, 363.
-, — in Cleveland, 309.
-, — Maladale, 168, 332, 334.
-, — Overblowes, 170.
-, —, South, 339.
-, —, Sowth, 291.
Kyrkdyghton, 101.
Kyrkeburn upon the Wolds, 5.
Kyrkeby, 67, 286, 322.
-, — Hall als. Kyrkeby Usburne,
-, — in Malhomdale, 320.
-, — on the Moor, 146.
-, — over carr, 313.
-, — Ravensworth, 229.
-, —, South, 161.
-, —, Southe, 143.
-, — upon Wharf, 274.
-, — upon Wiske, 248.
Kyrkebyhall, 292.
Kyrkebyknowle, 247.
Kyrkebye, 299, 353.
-, — Hall als. Kyrkebye Osborne,
-, — Hyll, 57.
-, — in Cleveland, 115.
-, — Over Blowes, 286.
-, —, South, 161.
Kyrkedale, 340.
Kyrkedyghton, 247.
Kyrkefeld, 68.
Kyrkefenton, 93, 136, 286, 377.
Kyrkegarforth, 361.
Kyrkegartheforthe, 361.
Kyrkeheaton, 257.
Kyrke Heton, 37.
Kyrkeheyton, 172, 243.
Kyrke Leavinton, 245.
Kyrkelethom, 328.
Kyrke Leuington, 77.
Kyrkeley, 182.
Kyrkelley, 39, 351.
Kyrke Sandall, 151.
-, — Smeaton, 195, 269.
Kyrkesmeton, 109, 124, 173, 327.
Kyrke Staynelay, 202.
Kyrkethome, 322.
Kyrkethorp, 129.
Kyrkethorpe, 311.
Kyrkethorppe, 269.
Kyrkey, 50.
Kyrkfenton, 71.
Kyrkham, 51.
Kyrkheaton, 243, 245.
Kyrk Heton, 99.
Kyrkledom, 273.
Kyrklethom, 278.
Kyrkleventon, 273, 322.
Kyrkleys, 137, 321.
Kyrk Sandall, 124, 159.
Kyrksmeaton, 296, 313.
Kyrksmeton, 318.
Kyrkstanley, 101.
Kyrkstayneley als. Northestayneley, 213.
Kyrksyke, 178.
Kyrkthorpe, 217, 309.
-, — als. Warnefeld, 356.
Kyrkywyske, 198.
Kyr Sandall, 31.
Kyrtlyngton, 112.
Labrone, 154.
Lacelhall, 149, 321.
Lacenby, 322.
Laghton, 26, 48, 116, 169, 376.
Laighton in le Morthynge, 183.
Lakenby, 13, 251.
Lakenbye, 318.
Lakynby, 273.
Lamhill, 308.
Lamouth, 273.
Lanchester, 299.
Landmoth, 85.
Langbar, 355.
Langbargh, 71, 300.
Langbarghe, Little, 322.
Langbarth, 36.
Langeley, 135.
Langerhouse, 170.
Langethorne, 322.
Langfeld, 79, 86, 90, 221, 256, 311, 354.
Langfelde, 203.
Langold, 20, 95, 102.
Langrake, 70.
Langrakefferye, 105.
Langsett, 88, 144.
Langsyde, 296, 346.
Langthorne, 300.
Langthorpe, 146.
Langtoft, 6, 29, 30, 365.
Langtofte, 141, 280, 328.
Langton, 32, 132, 281, 371.
Langton, Great, 85, 215, 348, 380.
-, —, Little, 314, 328, 371.
-, — upon Swayle, 297.
-, — upon the Wold, 309.
Langwath als. Lamwothe, 167.
Lanskar Lyng, 338.
Lanskarside, 338.
Lapton, 367.
Larepole, 160, 205.
Lascells Hall, 40.
Lassehall, 49, 66.
Lasthall, 47.
Lasthorp, 15, 20.
Lasthousehyll, 101.
Lastingham, 359.
Lastingh[a]m, 231.
Lastrope, 187.
Lastyngham, 316, 317.
Lasynby, 273.
Lasynbye, 217.
Lasyncroft, 100.
Lasyncrofte, 124.
Latham, 90.
Lathem, 87.
Lathum, 108.
Laton, Est, 60.
-, —, West, 9.
Latymer, 14.
Laughton, 340.
Lawroides, 149.
Lawroydes, 321.
Lawthorpe, 129.
Laxton, 105, 120, 135, 146, 154, 196, 249, 250, 264, 293, 310, 327, 344.
Layburn, 34.
Laycocke, 331.
Layd, 94.
Laytham, 269.
Laythom, 100.
Layton, 297, 328, 362, 371.
-, —, East, 371.
-, —, West, 228, 266.
Leade, 190.
Leake, 370.
-, —, Great, 305.
Leamyng, 297, 371.
Leamynge, 314, 328.
-, —, Little, 329.
Leathley, 323.
Leaventhorpe, 375.
Leberston, 221.
Lede, 19.
Ledenthrope, 242.
Ledes, 42, 47, 52, 53, 88, 115, 119, 151, 237, 296.
Leds, 257, 342.
Ledshill, 145.
Ledstone, 198.
Ledys, 23, 101, 325.
Leede, 243.
Leedes, 259, 291, 373.
Leeds, 59, 115, 194, 243, 247, 260, 275, 284, 302, 303, 353.
Leedys, 146.
Lees, 331.
Leeverseege, 193.
Legh, 34.
Leithley, 85, 360.
Leke, 66.
Lekkynfeld, 270.
Lekyngfeld, 77, 296.
Lekyngton, 32.
Lelinne, 147.
Lellay, 331.
Lellaydycke, 331.
Lelley, 23.
Lellinnehall, 147.
Leminge, Great, 361.
Lemyng, 85, 115, 250, 293, 294, 308.
Lemyng, Great, 342.
-, —, Little, 165.
Lemynge, Great, 31.
-, —, Little, 31.
-, —, Magna, 280.
Lenarton, 114, 152.
Lenerton, 232.
Lennarton, 104, 105, 223.
Lennerton, 106, 126, 157, 286, 304.
Lenn[..]ton, 185.
Leonard Burton, 108.
Leonarde Burton, 157.
Lepington, 43.
Lepton, 49, 62, 106, 149, 171, 178, 179,
210, 266, 284, 314, 321, 329.
-, —, Great, 52.
Leppyngton, 122, 123.
Lepyngton, 84.
Letby, 47, 53, 65, 73, 146, 249.
Letheley, 30, 36, 55, 175, 334.
Lettwell, 108.
Letwell, 20, 26, 95, 102, 110, 182, 185.
Leuenthorpe, 282.
Leuenthorphall, 121.
Leuerseige, 360.
Leu[er]sege, 302.
Leuseige, 221, 257.
Leventhorpe, 46, 273.
Levenyng, 143.
Levenynge, 211, 212.
Leversege, 216, 333.
Leverseghe, 180.
Leverseige, 197.
Leverseyge, 183.
Leverston, 270.
Leverton, 35, 328, 371.
Lewes, 79.
Lewethorp, 228.
Leycester, 6.
Leyd, 99.
Leyde, 365.
Leydes, 112, 126.
Leylands, 223.
Leythlaye, 77.
Leytheley, 213.
Leyton, 281.
Licet, 247.
Liethe, 164.
Lincoln, 82, 181.
Lindeley, 64.
Linton, 239.
Littelhorton, 372.
Littilheley, 54.
Littlefenton als. Southfenton, 317.
Littlesmeaton, 343.
Liu[er]sege, 235.
Liu[er]seige, Great, 263.
Liversedge, 360.
Lockton, 185, 245.
Lockington, 219, 351, 374, 384.
Lockwood, 214.
Lockwoodd, 377.
Lockyngton, 188, 264, 272.
-, — als. Ake, 215.
Lodeton, 93.
Loftehouse, 129.
Lofthouse, 156, 336.
Lofthovsehyll, 196.
Lofthows, 92, 273.
Lofthowse, 226.
Loftus, 371.
-, — als. Lofthouse, 364.
Lokelandhall, 55.
Lokewode, 49.
Lokewood, 116, 338
Lokkersley, 155.
Lokkynton, 79.
Lokton, 36, 105, 126.
Lokwod, 66.
Lokwode, 47.
Lokwood, 40, 52.
Lokyngton, 12, 40, 84, 86, 124, 126.
Lokynton, 78, 129, 378.
Lomby, 105, 106.
Londe, 282.
London, 21, 23, 39, 59, 64, 79, 84, 97, 124, 126, 142, 153, 162, 170, 180, 184, 186, 195, 196, 230, 246, 248, 250, 256, 276, 278, 290, 291.
Londysdale, 313.
Longacre, 128.
Longcowton, 273.
Longecowton als. Eastcowton, 254.
Long Home, 116.
Longley, 78, 100, 370.
Longmores, 321.
Longnewton, 322.
Long Rodbryg, 66.
Longwode, 100.
Longwood, 287.
Lonsdall, 181.
Loppeshouse, 363.
Loppsehowse, 378.
Losthouse, 328.
Losthowse, 378.
Lostushill als. Mathew Lostus, 260.
Lotherton, 279.
Louersale, 2.
Louersall, 18, 42, 53, 83.
Lounde, 87, 114, 145, 157, 289, 302.
Lounwith, 244.
Lou[er]sall, 49.
Loversall, 38, 146, 152, 248, 323.
Lowetherhyng, 6.
Lowgatherley, 144.
Lownd upon the Wolde, 206.
Lownde, 3, 195.
-, — upon the Wolde, 84.
Lowthe, 114.
Lowthorp, 66, 131.
Lowthorpe, 101, 143, 186, 259, 276, 279, 289, 323, 366.
Ludderton, 195.
Ludwall, 110.
Lund upon the Wold, 108.
Lunde, 41, 84, 215, 231, 289, 313.
Lune, 252.
Lupset, 256.
Lupsett, 117, 327, 344.
Lutterton als. Luttryngton, 339.
Lutteryngton, 161, 200.
Lutton, Est, 64, 84, 246, 295.
-, —, West, 64, 84, 246.
Luttryngton, 162.
Lyberston, 105, 147.
Lybston, 115.
Lydyatt, 170.
Lyeth, 97, 115.
Lyghtclyff, 137.
Lyghtlyffe, 179.
Lylands, 292.
Lyllyng, Est, 362.
-, —, West, 362.
Lyndby, co. Notts., 92.
Lyndeley, 64, 129, 141.
Lyndley, 136, 306.
Lyndtwhayte, 52.
Lyngbirchworth, 54.
Lyngerthorpe, 292.
Lynneley, 380.
Lynthwaite, 142.
Lynthwate, 295.
Lynton, 29, 77, 87, 105, 117, 128, 165,
247, 256, 309.
-, — on Ouse, 93.
-, — on Owse, 40, 143.
-, — on Wharffe, 62.
Lyntwhate, 66.
Lytelfenton, 71.
Lytleflythurst, 265.
Lyttelbowlyng, 201.
Lyttlegom[er]sall, 236.
Lyttlehaughton, 240.
Lytton, 159, 176, 304, 370.
Lyttondale, 176.
Lytyll Danby, 147.
Lyttyll Fenton als. Southfenton, 136.
Lytylmore, 114.
Lyu[er]sedge, Little, 295.
Lyversage, Little, 302.
Lyversege, Great, 302.
Mabarton, 259.
Madhall, 309.
Malham, 168, 338.
Malholme, 93, 95, 237.
Malhome, 99, 111.
Mallam, 320.
Malins, 231.
Mallhom, 320.
Mallhommore, 320.
Malneby, 249.
Maltbe, 169.
Maltby, 13, 46, 112, 170, 185, 273, 312, 326.
Maltbye, 122, 322, 338.
Malton, 8, 11, 92, 110, 115, 153, 163,
168, 173, 211, 307, 309.
-, —, New, 8, 36, 72, 112, 196, 209,
282, 283, 307, 318, 380.
-, —, Old, 196.
-, —, Olde, 380.
Manckenholes, 236.
Manfeild, 163.
Manfeld, 342.
Manfeyld, 270, 288.
Manfild, 33.
Mankenholes, 311.
Mankynhoylls, 203.
Mannfeld, 312.
Mannyngham, 55, 145, 199, 261, 349, 350.
Mansthorp, 10.
Manston, 52.
Many Greneryge, 114.
Manyngham, 47, 93.
Manyngh[a]m, 147.
Mapellwell, 111.
Mapelton, 98.
Mapilton, 9.
Mapleton, 144, 276, 294.
-, —, Great, 364.
Maplewell, 200, 344.
Mappelwell, 281, 312.
Mappleton, 378, 382.
Mapulton, 25, 140, 166, 279.
Mapylton, 32.
Marchland, 189.
Mareflatt, 114.
Marethwait, 133.
Marfflete, 60.
Marflete, 85.
Markengton, 292.
Markyngton, 98.
Marley, 196, 331.
Marr, le, 279, 328, 366.
Marre, 60, 183.
-, —, The, 139, 311.
Marsburgh, 344.
Marseborowe, 190.
Marsh, 58.
Marsheland, 132, 316.
Marsk, 278.
Marske, 39, 191, 283, 300, 322, 330.
Marston, 82, 102, 304, 325, 369.
Marton, 9, 57, 78, 99, 110, 111, 141, 192,
205, 259, 272, 273, 305, 331,
338, 339, 362.
-, —, East, 305.
-, —, Est, 57, 99.
-, — in Brughshire, 370.
-, — in Burghshier, 223.
-, — in Burghshire, 292.
-, —, West, 57, 99, 305.
Masburgh, 52.
Masham, 64, 96, 324.
Mash[a]m, 119.
Maske, 114, 349.
Massam, 110.
Massham, 15, 92, 93.
Massh[a]m, 115.
Massyngyll, 50.
Masyngyll, 50.
Mathew Lostus als. Lostushill, 260.
Matholme, 110.
Maulton, 245.
Mautholme, 16.
Mawgery, 196.
Mawgre, 135, 264.
Mawlham, 235.
Mawton, 275.
Maxburgh, 326.
Meare, 206.
Meatheley, 346.
Meaxbrugh, 379.
Meddop, 40.
Medehopp, 191.
Medley, 48, 113, 148.
Meixbrough, 177.
Meixbrugh, 323.
-, — als. Meixburgh, 353.
Mekilfeild, 164.
Mekylkelk, 5.
Mekyltowne, 148.
Mekysburge, 116.
Mekysburghe, 109, 125, 310.
Melborn, 206.
Melburn, 89.
Melfa als. Meux, 348.
Melford, 100, 195.
Mellyngby, 300.
Melmerby, 71, 115, 281, 349.
Melmorbye, 183, 335.
Melsambye, 188, 189.
Melsanby, 226.
Melsynby, 266, 273.
Meltham, 71, 78, 125.
Melth[a]m, 173.
Melton, 52, 128, 264.
-, — Leys, 379.
-, —, Little, 29.
-, — on the Hill, 120, 248.
-, — upon Wath als. West Melton,
-, —, West, 136, 172, 265, 380.
Meltonby, 271.
Meltonbye, 152, 153.
Meltynbie, 380.
Meltynby, 12, 57, 103.
Menskype, 108.
Menskypp, 159.
Mensthorp, 177.
Mensthorpe, 161, 243.
Mensyngton, 259, 275, 329.
-, — als. Menston, 353.
Menthorp, 54, 65, 185.
Mere, 51.
Merkynton, 223.
Mermonkton, 200.
Merewhytwood, 204.
Merishe, 313.
Merryck, 257.
Mershebarowe, 65.
Mersheland, 195.
Merston, 340.
Merstone, 184.
Merton, 102.
Meteham, 55, 135.
Metford, 95.
Metelesynge, 114.
Metheley, 37, 159, 213, 320, 341.
Methley, 22, 34, 318.
Meth[a]m, 298.
Meux als. Melfa, 348.
Mexbrowghe, 367.
Mexburgh, 54, 108, 161, 238, 356, 357.
Mexburghe, 148, 163.
Mexbury, 242.
Meynrode, le, 216.
Mickelfeilde, 286.
Mickkelton, 277.
Middelham, 281.
Middelsburgh, 282.
Middelthorp, 105.
Middelthorpe, 103.
Middelton, 1, 122, 148, 245.
Middilhadilsay, 82.
Middilton, 40, 306.
Middleham, 278.
Middleshitlington als. Middleston, 320.
Middle Temple, London, 250.
Middlethorp, 57.
Middleton, 27, 245, 277.
Middylscom, 99.
Midelthorpp, 107.
Midilthorp, 75.
Midgeley, 360.
Midleham, 309.
Midleshitlyngton als. Midlestowne, 190.
Midlethorpe, 244.
Midleton, 264.
Midylton, 33.
-, — sup. Leuen, 92.
Migeley, 83, 237, 383.
Miggeley, 119.
Mikelheley, 54.
Mikilburste, 157.
Mikilhirst, 289.
Mikylhirste, 78.
Mikylhorton, 141.
Mikilhusburne, 17.
Milby, 73.
Milford, North, 357.
-, —, Northe, 71.
-, —, Southe, 71.
Milnethorpe, 150.
Millyngton, 23, 254.
Milnhouse, 89.
Milton, 144.
Mirfeild, 43.
Mirfeld, 19, 38, 40, 58, 64, 80, 94, 99, 121, 146, 214, 337.
Mitton, 45, 221, 325.
Molescroft extra Beverley, 300.
Molescrofte, 333, 335, 360.
Mollescroft, 10.
Molsecroft, 118.
Molton, 347.
Monkburton als. Burton, 312.
Monkcarr als. Blaton Carr, 335.
Monketon, 114.
Monkholme, 114.
Montgrace, 117.
Mooreallertton, 152.
Morchall, 234.
Moreallerton, 346, 358.
Moreby, 6.
Morecarr, 133.
Morehouse, 361.
Morehouses, 240.
Morehowse, 241, 361.
Moreland, 114.
Moreley, 119.
More Moncketon, 46.
Morethorpe, 92, 246.
Moreton, 196, 300.
Morley, 19, 43, 58, 79, 89, 94, 99, 101, 118, 126, 127, 128, 134, 137, 144, 161, 163, 165, 181, 191, 199, 235, 240, 241, 244, 249, 252, 303, 305, 315.
Morleye, 375.
Morsom, 381.
Morthinge, 218.
Morthyng, 79, 116, 310.
Morthynge, 183.
Morton, 88, 91, 92, 108, 144, 157, 222,
257, 300, 331.
-, —, East, 357.
-, — Graunge, 264.
-, — in Swale, 155.
Moscrofte, 144.
Moseley, 327.
-, — als. Mosseley, 371, 372.
Moselwith, 114.
Mosley, 360.
Mosscrofte, 43.
Mosse, 10.
-, — in Balne, 313.
Mosseley, 80, 192.
-, — als. Moseley, 371, 372.
Mossley, 102.
Mounckton als. Bysshope Mounckton, 318.
Mountgrace, 91.
Mourton Graundge, 383.
-, — Graunge, 383.
Moustone, 97.
Mowsecrofte, 193.
Mowthorpe, 131, 182.
Mowton, 172.
Multhorpe, 115, 363.
Multon, 31.
Munckebretton als. Burton, 269.
Munkeffreston, 85.
Murten, 322.
Murton, 273.
Muscootes, 178.
Muskote, 25.
Mustham als. Spittel Mustham, 327.
Muston, 44, 67, 88, 136, 189, 200, 275, 289, 295, 315, 316.
Muyth, 181.
Mychelbringe, 361.
Myckelbrynge, 381.
Myckelfeld, 195.
Myckylbie, 298.
Mycleton als. Myckleton, 252.
Myddellshyttlyngton, 162.
Myddelrydynge, 114.
Myddelshytlyngton, 150.
Myddelthorpe, 154.
Myddelthwayte, 101.
Myddelton, 157, 316.
-, — Sup. Leven, 207.
-, — Tyas, 285.
-, — upon the Wold, 320.
Myddleton, 326.
-, — tyers als. Tyas, 273.
Myddylhaddylsey, 240.
Myddylshitlington, 99.
Myddylton, 145, 243.
-, — sup. leuen, 92.
-, — upon the Wold, 275.
Mydelton, 185.
Mydgeley, 192, 210, 247, 291, 313.
Mydlesburgh, 273.
Mydleton of Leven, 273.
Mydletontyers, 273.
Mydlewalton, 178.
Mygeley, 144, 165, 201, 383.
Mygesley, 126.
Myggeley, 118, 119, 132.
Mykelbrynk, 72.
Mykelby, 279.
Mykilcatall, 3.
Myklefield, 334.
Mykylbrynge, 294.
Mykylhaghton als. Great Haughton, 291.
Mylby, 45, 261, 358.
Mylford, 25.
Mylforde Hagge, 114.
Mylfurth, 185, 286.
-, — Hall, 253.
Mylkesmare, 114.
Myllyngton, 100.
Mylne Grene, 376.
Mylnehouse, 55, 78, 333.
Mylnehowse, 137, 297, 327.
Mylnethorp, 112, 117, 129, 185.
Mylnethorpe, 379.
Mylnholme, 114.
Mylnthorp, 46.
Mylthorpe, 347.
Mylton, 134.
Mylyn—, 300.
Mynskippe, 223.
Mynskyp, 34, 98.
Myrehouse, 116.
Myrfeld, 45, 99, 174, 179, 214, 228, 229, 230, 237, 242, 243, 249, 250, 253, 255, 256, 257, 286, 295, 298, 301, 334, 362, 369.
Myrfelde, 233.
Myrfeylde, 172.
Myrfyld, 375.
Mysterton, 130.
Mythome, 119.
Myton, 132, 202, 318.
-, — upon Swaill, 254, 256, 261.
-, — upon Swayl, 247.
Mytton, 96, 263, 318, 323, 332.
Myxsendon, 214.
Naborn, 90, 108.
Naborne, 83, 95, 98, 100, 123, 154, 195, 366.
Naburn, 5, 35.
Naburne, 66, 122, 244, 366.
Naby, 257.
Nafferton, 27, 28, 77, 119, 125, 129, 144, 226, 259, 298, 306, 336, 357.
Nappey, 20.
Nawton, 381.
-, — in Nawtondale, 32.
-, — als. Nawtondale, 381.
Nawtondaille, 241.
Nawtondayll, 182.
Ned, The, 200.
Nederdall, 170.
Nederschytlyngton als. Netherton, 54.
Neffyld, 36.
Nesfeld, 71, 230.
Nesse, 25.
-, — Howses, le, 196.
Neswyke, 345.
Netherbordeley, 170.
Nethercudworth, 307, 336.
Netherdale, 114, 277.
Netherdbufurth, 116.
Netherdonseford, 3.
Netherdonsford, 205.
Netherdunsforth, 384.
Netherhalgh, 112, 297.
Netherhaugh, 92.
Netherhesilden, 176.
Netherhulland, 41.
Netherkylburne, 289.
Netherscudeley, 115.
Nethershallington als. Netherton, 290.
Nethershirtlington als. Netherton, 315.
Nethershitlyngton, 99.
Nethershytlyngton, 161, 182.
-, — als. Netherton, 117.
Nethersylton, 64, 96.
Netherton als. Nederschytlyngton, 54.
-, — als. Nethershallington, 290.
-, — als. Nethershirtlington, 315.
-, — als. Nethershytlyngton, 117.
Netherwalton, 178.
Newall, 2, 11, 169, 376.
Neway, 373.
Newball, 373.
Newbe, 261.
Newby, 6, 47, 92, 114, 147, 156, 197, 207,
235, 236, 264, 328.
-, — sup. Wyske, 173, 371.
Newbye, 220, 280, 297, 314, 364, 371, 382.
Newbyggyn, 336.
Newbyggynge, 336.
Neweborough, 4.
Neweholme, 370.
Newesom, 6.
Newethorpeflatt, 114.
Newgate, 123.
Newhall, 44, 51, 66, 70, 99, 103, 125, 180, 333, 334.
Newham, 273.
Newhay, 97.
Newhouse, 167, 170.
Newhowse, 170.
Newke, The, 122.
Newland, 129, 196, 197, 264, 336, 341,
344, 345, 370.
-, — upon Ayer, 178.
Newlande, 177, 183.
Newlond, 135.
Newlonde, 147.
Newmalton, 260, 263, 272, 354.
Newmarche, 131, 156.
Newsam, 239, 241, 328, 371, 372.
-, — als. Newson, 101.
Newsham, 77, 310.
Newsom, 38, 46, 68, 106, 124, 134, 151, 191, 199, 203, 230, 268, 276, 281, 297, 313, 314, 381.
Newsome, 198, 206, 224.
Newson, 289.
-, — als. Newsam, 101.
Newstead, 19.
Newsted, 275.
Newstede, 19, 151, 184, 190, 243, 280,
281, 282, 365.
-, — als. Newstedrode, 76.
Newsum, 271.
Newthorp, 100.
Newthorpe, 95, 195.
Newthorppe als. Newthroppe als. Newethorpe, 286.
Newthrope als. Newthorpe, 367.
Newton, 18, 38, 40, 44, 50, 54, 57, 67,
92, 93, 103, 107, 123, 133, 136,
151, 152, 161, 166, 174, 185,
190, 203, 208, 209, 211, 214,
220, 237, 239, 242, 244, 247,
281, 284, 292, 297, 307, 308,
314, 322, 339, 351, 381, 383.
-, —, East, 25.
-, —, Est, 166.
-, — Hall, 133.
-, — in le Welys, 68.
-, — in le Willowes, 231.
-, — Kyme, 376.
-, — — als. Newton in the
Wyllowes, 125, 320, 322.
-, — — als. Newton in the
Wyllows, 167.
-, —, Little, 381.
-, —, Longe, 300.
-, — Morall, 115.
-, — Morcar, 215.
Newton Morell, 273, 312, 328, 371.
-, — Morkar, 322.
-, — Morker, 300.
-, — near Wyntryngham als. Place
Newton, 239, 257.
-, — near Wyntryngh[a]m, 305.
-, — upon Ayre, 50.
-, — upon Darwen, 236.
-, — upon Darwent, 292.
-, — upon Ouse, 123.
-, — Wales, 144.
-, — Walleis, 128.
-, — Walles, 186.
-, — Walleys, 145.
-, —, West, 25, 166.
-, — Wyllowes, 358.
Newyng, 114.
Neytherthorpe, 295.
Neytherwyke, 345.
Nid, The, 46.
Nonkelyng, 134.
Nonne Burnholme, 105.
Noonburneh[a]m, 177.
Norclyffe, 360.
Nordwykthornes, 3.
Norland, 1, 79, 168, 172, 220, 271, 286,
333, 373.
-, — als. Northland, 299.
Normanby, 108, 177, 307, 316, 328.
Normanbye, 132.
-, — als. Normabye, 326.
Normandby, 322.
Normanton, 22, 31, 76, 129, 198, 220,
224, 341, 357.
-, — Supra Soram, 141.
Normantonne, 176.
Norsted, 110.
Northalerton, 115.
Northall, 115, 237, 302.
Northallerton and North Allerton, 40,
92, 165, 216, 259, 269,
277, 300, 301, 310, 311,
340, 362, 374.
-, —, Holy Trinity, in, 92.
North Aluerton, 40, 41.
Northanston, 64, 96.
North Bar, 111.
Northbierle, 178.
Northbirill, 247.
Northbiryll, 278.
Northburton, 21, 193.
-, — als. Cherriburton, 269.
Northby, 14, 114.
Northbyerle als. Byerley, 321.
Northbyerley, 376.
Northbyrle, 75.
-, — als. Byrle, 154, 177.
Northcar, 219.
Northcaue, 271.
Northcave, 370.
Northcliff, 234.
Northclyff, 85.
Northclyffe, 15.
Northcowton, 134, 334, 369, 371.
Northcrosland, 47, 295, 367, 377.
Northcrossland, 40, 246.
Northe Allerton, 220, 322.
Northebyerley, 207.
Northebyrell, 148.
Northecote, 170.
Northelmesall, 127.
Northelmeshall, 143.
Northelmsall, 161, 128, 201.
Northeparke, 265.
Northestayneley als. Kyrkstayneley, 213.
Northeyghton, 88.
Northffeld, 97.
Northflatt, 114.
Northgraungefelde, 114.
Northgrymston, 294, 371.
Northhomes, 224.
Northland, 27, 71, 91, 233, 239, 256, 367, 370.
Northland als. Norland, 299.
Northlande, 80.
Northlathes, 114.
Northloftus, 297.
Northluftus, 322.
Northmylford, 119.
Northolme, 23.
Northooldon, 9.
Northorpe, 58, 243.
Northotterington, 322.
Northottrington, 300.
Northourom, 17.
Northourome, 187, 251.
Northouse, 123.
Northowrom, 79, 373.
Northowrome, 92, 214, 269.
Northowrum, 298.
Northparke, 265.
North pasture house, 167.
Northpasturehowse, 170.
Northstaynley, 115.
Northstede als. Atterburgh Feld, 147.
Northwood, 365.
Norton, 10, 50, 65, 70, 73, 115, 121, 159,
173, 194, 196, 209, 254, 269,
271, 272, 275, 276, 282, 283,
288, 296, 301, 318, 327, 352,
357, 371, 372, 374, 375.
-, —, Est, 196.
-, — in the Clay, 47, 53.
-, — near Darwen, 310.
Norwood, 81, 179, 185.
Nostell, St Oswald de, 359.
-, —, St Oswalde de, 184.
Nosterfeld, 38, 64, 68, 78, 89, 90, 96, 284.
Notton, 92, 104, 110, 142, 162, 200, 241.
Nowton Walles, 182.
Nuby, 286.
Nunappulton als. Appulton, 28.
Nune Monkton, 123.
Nunmokton, 143.
Nunnyngton, 25.
Nunthorp, 226.
Nunthorpe, 251.
Nunwyke, 114, 165.
Nunwykthornes, 56.
Nuttuls, 169.
Nydd, 300.
-, —, The, 329.
Nydde, The, 340.
Nyderdale, 167.
Ockeworth, 380.
Oclay (? Otley), 213.
Octon, 30, 244.
Oglesthorpe, 188.
Okenden, 214.
Okenlee, 129.
Okenshaw, 184, 378.
Okenshawe, 269, 299, 309.
Okenshaye, 377.
Okewell, 302, 360.
Okewell als. Okewell Hall, 316.
Okeworth, 132, 331, 358.
Okwell, 115.
Okynshay, 219.
Oldbyland, 267.
Oldefeld, Great, 198.
Oldelyndlaye, 367.
Olde Towne, 177.
Oldhall, 87, 175, 206.
Oldheton, 179.
Oldlynley, 157.
Oldmalton, 211.
Oldrydyng, 99.
Oldtowne, 207.
Olerton, 282.
Ollerton, 86, 206, 213, 267.
Olton, 12, 169.
Orgrave, 86, 171, 233.
Orgrayve, 193.
Orlyaunce, 234.
Ormesby, 6.
Ormesbye, 132, 198.
Orroo, 92.
Orryson, 322.
Orsflete als. Ursflete, 224.
Orsseflete als. Ursflete, 161, 162.
Orthecrosland, 142.
Orum, North, 233.
-, —, Sowth, als. Eland Parke, 233.
Osberwyke, 148.
Osborn, 47.
Osborne, Great, 74.
Osgarbye als. Osgodby, 355.
Osgarthorp, 82.
Osgodby, 3, 246.
-, — als. Osgarbye, 355.
Osgunby, 260.
Osmonde Thorpe, 284.
Osmonderley, 300.
Osmotherley, 121.
Osset, 19.
Ossett, 61, 88, 252, 261, 307.
Ostwyke, 79.
Oswaldkirke Church, 323.
Oswoldkirke, 323.
Oteley, 365.
Othryngham, 49.
Otley, 64, 111, 173, 175, 289, 338.
Otringham, 151.
Otteley, 11, 85, 152.
Otterburne, 73.
Otteryngham, 58.
Otteryngton, 67.
Ottley, 77, 160, 275.
Ottringham, 195, 219, 301, 361.
-, — Marshe, 195, 286, 347.
-, — M[ar]she, 301.
Ottringh[a]m, 285.
-, — Marshe, 285, 319.
Ottrington, 280, 297.
Ottryngham, 33, 35, 61, 159, 189, 332,
-, — Marshe, 332.
Ottrynghame, 174.
-, — Carre, 174.
-, — Marche, 174.
-, — Mershe, 234.
Ottryngh[a]m, 124.
Ottryngton, 15, 175, 328, 371.
-, —, South, 87.
Ott[r]yngham, 60.
Ott[r]yngton, 86.
Ott[r]yngton, 204.
Ouchthorpe, 205.
Ou[er]dbufurth, 116.
Ou[er]dunforth, 128.
Ou[er]dynsell, 137.
Ouerflokton, 104.
Ouerhalgh, 112.
Ouerhoton, 12.
Ouerhowton, 73.
Ouerstodley, 8.
Ouersylton, 64, 96.
Oughtybryge, 86.
Ou[er]halgh, 56.
Ou[er]hesilden, 176.
Ou[er]heton, 169.
Ou[er]heubye, 190.
Oulcotes, 11, 30.
Oulecotes, 23.
Ouse, The, 4, 26, 34, 37, 78, 171.
Ou[er]shyttlyngton, 110.
Ouston, 2, 8, 64, 96.
-, — als. Austen, 361.
Oustwyke, 69, 139, 140, 166.
Outnewton, 123.
Ou[er]ton, 143.
Ou[er] Woddall, 101.
Ovarland, 308.
Oveden, 346.
Ovenden, 27, 121, 140, 146, 157, 191, 196, 214, 233, 237, 248, 249, 250, 253, 326, 343, 349, 355, 370.
Ovendon, 334.
Overbland, 330.
Overbordeley, 170.
Overcudworth, 336.
Overfflokton, 219.
Overkylburne, 289.
Overlond, 144.
Overlounde, 181.
Overshitlyngton, 99.
Overswayle, 240.
Overswyke, 208.
Oversylton, 92, 370.
Overthorppe, 281.
Overwalton, 178.
Overwayle, 225.
Over Whystone, 214.
Over Whytwell, 144.
Overwoodhall, 369.
Ovsten near Adwick, 62.
Ovyden, 319.
Ovynden, 79, 183, 188, 195, 205, 219, 268, 326.
Ovyngham, 261.
Ovyngton als. Ulvyngton, 359.
Owathorne, 57.
Owchthorpe, 332.
Owes, The, 132, 222.
Owestwick, 25.
Owghtybryge, 206.
Owllerton, 304.
Owlesthorpe, 42, 43.
Owram, North, 343.
Owrome, South, 361.
Owsam, 310.
Owse, The, 40, 41, 46, 58, 93, 148, 149, 212, 224, 264, 318, 339, 352, 374.
Owstewyke, 236.
Owsthorpe, 143.
Owston, 39, 163, 174, 185, 284, 285.
-, — als. Austen, 204.
Owstroppe, 271.
Owstwyck, 357.
Owthethorp, 129.
Owthethorpe, 368.
Owthorn als. Thorn, 25.
-, — als. Thorpe, 140.
Owthorne, 81, 331, 357.
-, — als. Sothorne, 190.
Owthorpe als. Thorpe, 166.
Owt Newton, 139, 183.
-, — als. Tradripnewton, 303.
Oxbringe als. Osbringe, 230.
Oxbryng als. Oxspryng, 169.
Oxenhope, 221, 285, 297, 344.
Oxenhoppe, 321.
Oxespryng, 291.
Oxhill, 375.
Oxspring als. Oxbryng, 141, 167.
Oxspringe 350.
-, — als. Oxbring, 167.
Oxton, 101, 160, 167, 200, 259, 317, 357, 376.
Oxynhop, 150.
Oxynhope, 113, 116, 117.
Pacheley Brydge, 114.
Paderthorpe als. Padethorpe als. Padokthorp, 130, 134, 139, 376.
Palflete, 87.
Panell Manor, 234.
Pannall, 198.
Parham, 143.
Parkehouse, 170.
Parke, The, 202.
Parkhed, 147.
Parkyns, 164.
Parlington, 124.
Parlyngton, 334.
Parmaybroughton, 322.
Partefeldmore, 377.
Pashull, East, 129.
Pathnall, 280.
Pathorn, 166.
Pathorne, 117, 282.
Patrickbrunton, 280, 297, 328, 371.
Patrikbrompton, 215.
Patrington, 283.
Patryck Brunton als. Estbrunton, 314.
Patryke Brumpton, 133.
Patryngton, 5, 114, 140.
-, — Westland, 65.
Pattrington, 319, 357.
Pattryngton, 252.
Paule, 25, 140, 166, 169.
Pawle, 164, 193, 319, 333.
Pawlefleit, Somer Pasture in, 377.
Pawleholme, 135, 189.
Pawlle, 283.
Paynthorpe, 291.
Paythnall, West, 368.
Paythorne, 221, 280.
Pekeringlyth, 242.
Pekeringlythe, 258.
Pekeryngelithe, 368.
Pekerynglythe, 368.
Pekkyshale, 57.
Pekmylne, 127.
Pelwell, 260.
Penesthorp, 35, 60, 188.
Penestrope, 341.
Pennyston, 130, 236.
Pennystone, 164.
Penstrope, 130, 196.
Penthorpe, 196, 355.
Penycrofte, 114.
Penyston, 18, 85, 88, 116, 141, 153, 158, 161, 167, 169, 181, 183, 205, 219, 222, 225, 228, 230, 255, 272, 296, 307, 347, 350.
Perkehed, le, 194.
Perlyngton, 364.
Pety Rodes, 155.
Peynyston, 366.
Picardhill, 293.
Picaring, 239.
Pickeringlyth, 255.
Pickeryng, 290, 343.
-, — Lythe, 158.
Pickton, 325.
Pidsey, 147.
Pigborne, 370.
-, — als. Pyckburn, 183.
Pigburn, 48.
Pigburne, 330.
Pighill, 310.
Pikhall, 45, 52.
Pikeryng, 256.
Pikerynge, 244.
Pikerynglygh, 309.
Pikerynglyth, 14, 15.
Pitseburton, 58.
Pitsey Burton, 25.
P'kehedd, 225.
Place Newton, 115.
-, — als. Newton near Wyntryngham, 239, 257.
Pledewyk, 67.
Pledwyk, 101.
Plompton, 126.
Plowland, 188, 341.
Plughlande, 66, 83.
Pockelington, 282, 377.
Pockelyngton, 262.
Pocklington, 282, 383.
Pocklyngton, 173, 222, 271, 283, 288, 293, 347, 353.
Pockthorpp, 357.
Pokefeld, 114.
Pokelington, 284.
Pokelyngton, 377.
Pokethorp, 66, 226.
Pokethorpe, 101, 119.
Poklington, 243.
Poklyngton, 77, 81, 87, 103, 104, 118,
209, 210, 247, 288, 290, 358.
-, — in le West Grene, 293.
Pole, 84, 285.
Poll, 215.
Pollard, 104.
Pollere, 47.
Pollyngton, 127, 174, 232, 236, 327, 341, 344.
Polyngton, 91, 250.
-, — in Balne, 169.
Pomfrayte, 327.
Pomfret, 72, 229.
Pomfrett, 111, 113, 353, 375.
-, — als. Pountfrett, 270, 278.
Pontefract, 311.
Pontefracto, 365.
Pontefret, 266, 288.
Pontefrett, 353.
Pontfrett, 199, 274, 373.
Pontifract, 219, 268.
Poole, 259, 281, 323, 334.
Popelton, Nether, 82.
Popyllwell, 257.
Poterton, 327.
Potrecare, 146.
Potteleys, 114.
Potter Brompton, 33.
Potterbrumpton, 157.
Potter Carr, 152.
Potter Carre, 323.
Potter Clyff, 207.
Potternewton, 119, 126, 149, 151, 152, 346, 358.
Potterton, 48, 113, 126, 364.
Potthowe, 76.
Potto, 72, 75, 131, 318.
Pottow, 264, 273.
Pottowe, 46, 92.
Potts, 114.
Pound, 240, 343.
Pounfrett, 323.
Pounteffrete, 129.
Pountefract, 260.
Pountefracte, 154.
Pountefrat, 261.
Pountefret, 196, 296.
Pountefrete, 98, 150.
Pountefrett, 159, 260.
Pountefrette, 136.
Pountffret, 192.
Pountfret, 4, 8, 11, 20, 42, 56, 61, 70, 235, 257, 260.
Pountfrete, 52, 198.
Pountfrett, 61, 73, 77, 94, 158, 162, 196,
-, — als. Pomfrett, 270, 278.
Pountfreytt, 81.
Prebend of Monketon, 114.
-, — Nunwyke, 114.
-, — St Andrew, 114.
-, — St Katherine, 114.
-, — St James, 114.
-, — St Martin, 114.
-, — St Michael, 114.
-, — St Peter, 114.
-, — St Stephen, 114.
-, — Sharoo, 114.
-, — Skelton als. Gevendale, 114.
-, — Stanwyke, 114.
-, — Thorpe, 114.
Prest Carre, 76.
Presthorpe, 257, 331.
Preston, 25, 63, 69, 77, 93, 102, 104, 138,
140, 141, 166, 169, 190, 196,
200, 211, 219, 224, 231, 242,
265, 267, 285, 302, 346, 359.
-, —, Great, 107.
-, — Jacklyn, 313, 338, 354.
-, — Jaclyn, 269.
-, — Jakelyn, 11, 42, 52, 112, 141,
-, —, St John, in, 112.
-, — Jaklen, 260.
-, — Jaklyn, 61, 98, 107, 162, 197,
-, —, Little, 107.
-, —, Long, 102, 151, 168, 303.
Preysthorpe, 165.
Pristhorpe, 196.
Pristhropp, 353.
Priston Jacklyn, 274.
Pryston in Holdernes, 376.
-, — Undescar, 273.
Pudsay, 248, 353.
Pudsaye, 306, 375.
Pudsey, 12, 19, 191, 286, 290, 303, 305.
Pulhill, 140.
Pullerey, 138.
Pursesell Carr, 114.
Pycall, 149.
-, — als. Pyckhall, 346.
Pychall, 162, 274.
Pyckborn, 272.
Pyckburn als. Pigborne, 183.
Pyckeborne, 272.
Pyckering, 323.
Pyckeringe, 225, 337.
Pyckeringlythe, 323.
Pyckerynge, 323.
Pyckeryng Lythe, 217.
Pyckhale, 182.
Pyckhall, 223, 376.
-, — als. Pycall, 346.
Pyclen, 309.
Pydsey Burton, 140, 166.
Pygarsgyll, 115, 250.
Pygborne, 194.
Pygburne, 229, 236.
Pykeringe, 274.
Pykeringlyth, 32.
Pykersgyll, 91.
Pykeryng, 36, 154, 247, 253, 272.
Pykerynge, 185, 313.
Pykeryngleigh, 110.
Pykerynglyth, 5, 81, 83.
Pykerynglythe, 97, 277.
Pykhale, 248.
Pykhall, 89.
Pylley, 243.
Pynchenthorpe, 322.
Pynchynthorpe, 242, 261.
Pypyghell als. Spynkpygell, 149.
Pytse Burton, 87.
Quarmaby, 71.
Quarmbye als. Wharmbye, 246.
Quarnby, 138.
Quarnebye, 367.
Quarram in the Strete, 300.
Quarth, The, 200.
Queldale, 108.
-, — als. Wheldale, 262.
Querneby, 266, 287, 306, 338.
Quernebye, 194.
Quiexley als. Whyxley, 83.
Quyck, 267, 382.
Quycke, 287.
Qwhernby, 214.
Raffulleshall als. Rowthehall als. Dryffild, 382.
Ragnall als. Thorpe Salvyn, 11.
Ranfeld, 79, 217.
Raskell, 45, 119.
Rastrik, 79.
Rastrop, 240.
Rastryk, 11.
Rastryke, 125.
Ratclyffe, 107, 182.
Rathwell, 336.
Rauthmell, 12, 73.
Ravenfeld, 137.
Ravenswathe, 318.
Ravensworth, 229.
Raventhorpe, 234.
Ravynswath, 218.
Raw, 272.
Rawclif, 236.
Rawcliff, 55, 344.
Rawclyff, 259, 294.
Rawclyffe, 161, 182.
Rawdon, 106, 152, 231, 262, 353.
Rawe, 277.
-, — The, 328.
Rawedon, 19.
Rawholme, 177.
Rawmarshe, 208, 367.
-, — als. Rewmarshe, 112.
Rawmarssh, 56.
Rawm[er]che, 140, 177.
Rawmersh, 6.
Rawmershe, 170.
Rawmersshe, 73.
Rawroide, 177.
Rawthemell, 169.
Raymershe, 69.
Raynbargh, 316.
Raynclyff, 77.
Raynfold, 30, 49, 74.
Raynthorp, 35, 60.
Raynton, 175.
Raysthropp, 174.
Raystrop, 300.
Raystroppe, 283.
Readcarre, 242, 330.
Readkaryarmer, 322.
Redbank, 182.
Redcar, 300.
Redcarre Myll, 99.
Rede, 182, 185.
Redehouse, 48.
Redenes, 202.
Redham, 217.
Redhowse, 238.
Rednes, 95, 100, 111, 120, 135, 173, 195, 196, 203, 210, 235, 307, 311, 374.
Rednesse, 264, 306, 312.
Redones, 26.
Reednes, 316.
Reghowse, 273.
Relyngton, 195, 215, 300.
Remyngton, 40, 103, 216.
Renton, 114.
Reydnes, 74.
Reynold Thorpe, 37.
Riall, 243.
Ribbilesdale, 303.
Ribilesdale, 299.
Riblesdale, 370.
Ribston, Little, 225.
Ricall, 84, 383.
Richemond, 68, 208, 218, 220, 244, 257, 308, 312, 321, 323, 328.
Richemonde, 238.
Richemondshire, 277.
Richmond, 42, 53, 145, 148, 297.
Richmonde, 379.
Ricolf, 25.
Ridale, 49, 50, 163.
Rider, 190.
Riding als. Ridinge field, 322.
Riffowe, 36.
Righowe, 114.
Righton, 44, 85, 108, 125, 136, 145, 255, 275, 372.
Rigton, 36.
Rihyll, 92.
Riley, 52.
Rilliston, 314.
Rilston, 25.
Ripley, 202.
Ripon, 8, 9, 15, 115, 315, 317.
Rippon, 259, 270, 294.
Risheworth, 370.
Risheworthe, 220, 373.
Rishworth, 256.
Rissheworthe, 325.
Risshworth, 80.
Riston Meere, 158.
Riston Mier, 308.
Risworth, 256.
Rithe, 363, 378.
Riton, 49, 50, 72.
Roche, 135, 288, 335.
Roclif, 323.
Roclyfe, 284.
Roclyff, 13, 98, 260.
Roclyffe, 160, 213.
Rockbargh als. Rubarbe, 245.
Rode, 108.
Roderam als. Rodoram als. Rotherham, 326.
Roderham, 51, 55, 60.
Rodley, 353.
Rodoram als. Roderam als. Rotherham, 326.
Rodston, 165.
Rodys, 78.
Rodyshall, 75.
Rogerthorpe, 384.
Roiston, 307.
Rokeclyffe, 108.
Rokesby, 38, 45, 52, 73, 78, 89, 223, 322.
Rokesbye, 57, 59, 274.
Rokleyhall, 131, 156.
Roksy, 316.
Rokysby, 68, 92, 149.
Rolleston, 25, 294.
Rollston, 371.
Rolston, 44, 140, 166, 378.
Romondby, 98.
Ronghtone, Est, 202.
Ronkton, 322.
Roobuke, 119.
Roodes, 329.
Roodys, 206.
Ros, 54.
Rosdale, 231.
Rosedaille, 245.
Rosedale, 245, 316, 326.
Rosse, 79.
Roston, 110, 174.
Rotclyff, 244.
Rotenstall, 333.
Rother, The, 86.
Rotheram, 61, 65, 98, 116, 133, 159, 164, 176, 183, 190, 192, 210, 238, 244, 248, 271, 310, 337, 375.
Rotherame, 209.
Rotherham, 6, 33, 79, 80, 81, 171, 172,
202, 220, 233, 248, 249,
265, 279, 280, 283, 307,
326, 338, 341, 344, 346,
352, 371, 373, 374.
-, — als. Rodoram als. Roderam,
Rotherh[a]m, 292, 297, 318, 329.
Rothewell, 10, 48, 169, 318, 320, 341.
Rothwell, 12, 22, 72, 378.
Rouclyue als. Rouclyff, 154.
Roughe Banke, 181.
Roughfurth, 251.
Roungton, 74, 223.
Rouston, 280.
Routh, 169.
Routhe, 25, 140.
Rowall, 5.
Rowceby, 273.
Rowclyff, 34, 134, 175.
Rowcroft, Est, 328.
-, —, West, 328.
Rowcrofte, Est, 280.
-, —, West, 280.
Rowden, 177.
Rowesbye, 318.
Rowkes, 361.
Rowley, 115, 179, 210, 270, 361, 377, 383.
Rownton, 180.
Rowseby, 282.
Rowston, 48, 115, 276, 286, 328.
Rowstone, 299.
Rowthbirchworth, 230.
Rowthe, 119, 166, 264, 298, 304, 360.
Rowthehall als. Raffulleshall als. Dryffild, 382.
Rowthorpe als. Thorpe in the Strete, 159.
Rowton, 212.
Rowtonstall, 146, 249, 250, 333.
Rowtunstall, 233.
Roxall, 170.
Roxby, 346.
Roxbye, 264.
Royston, 206, 241.
Roystone, 179.
Rubarbe als. Rockbargh, 245.
Ruckroft, 272.
-, —, East, 277.
Rudby, 75, 110, 314, 341.
Rudby in Cleveland, 53.
Ruddestane, 8.
Ruddeston, 115.
Rudstane, 9.
Rudston, 136, 190, 241, 278, 346.
Rufferlyngton, 126.
Rufforth, 151, 209.
Rufforthe, 151.
Ruffurth, Prior Rydyng in, 379.
Ruffurthe, 238.
Rughebyrcheworth, 130.
Rumkton, 273.
Rusheton, 259.
Russam, Great, 380.
Russheton, 144.
Russheworth, 71, 79, 160, 233.
Russhewurth, 196.
Ruston, 5, 52, 141, 204, 226, 240, 258, 363, 368.
Ruyston, 86, 126, 285, 301.
Ryall, 38, 58, 75, 155, 164, 177, 234, 319.
Rybblesledale, 77.
Rybbysdall, 128.
Rybston, 76, 82, 200.
-, —, Lytyll, 66.
Rycall, 148, 204, 206, 284, 351.
Rychemond, 229, 272, 297, 306, 307, 317.
Rychemonde, 283, 371.
Rychmonde, 280.
Rydale, 15, 20, 187.
Rydall, 9, 45, 92, 157, 272.
Ryddelsden, 331.
Ryder, 275.
Ryddelysden, 157.
Rydnes, 166, 186.
Rye, 267.
Ryehyll, 208, 210.
Ryell, 323.
Ryes, 25, 140, 166, 357.
Ryggeston, 259.
Ryggysdale als. Rybbelsdale als. Rybbesdale, Horton in, als. Horton, 372.
Ryghton, 9, 79, 165, 213, 244, 282, 293.
Rygton, 95, 105, 152, 288.
Ryle, 59, 67, 70, 113, 141, 301.
Rylesden, 108.
Ryllyngton, 162, 165, 206.
Rylston, 140, 166.
Rylyngton, 212.
Rymeswell, 151.
Rymington, 235.
Rymmeswell, 127.
Rymmyngton, 39, 342.
Rymswell, 208.
Rymyngton, 206, 236.
Ryngburgarth, 25, 140.
Ryngr Burgarth, 166.
Ryplyngham, 16.
Rypon, 6, 70, 75, 78, 98, 114, 115, 134,
167, 170, 175, 218, 260, 304,
-, —, Hospital of St Mary Magdelene,
-, —, — — St John Baptist, 115.
Ryppon, 114, 152, 360.
-, — Parke, 92.
Rypponholme, 114.
Rysheworth, 172, 271.
Rysheworthe, 157, 367.
Ryshworth, 286, 305, 333.
Rysmere, 134.
Rysmyre, 144.
Rysom, 291, 292, 329.
Rysome, 24.
Ryssheton Grange, 293.
-, — Meyre, 293.
Ryssheworth, 91, 203.
Ryssheworthe, 299.
Rysshworth, 236.
Ryston, 83, 378.
Rythe, 383.
Ryther, 144, 241, 243.
Rytherhyll, 300.
Ryton, 64, 77, 120, 193, 307, 309, 313.
Ryvalx, 276.
Ryyll, 62.
Saddelworthe Frythe, 176, 207.
Saddleworth Frith, 382.
Saddylworth, 267.
Sadgeware, 114.
Sadleworth, 246.
Sadleworthe, 221.
Safrondale, 356.
St Albans (Herts.), 242.
-, — Elynes Chappell, 269.
-, — Leonard de Essholt, 47.
-, — Martin, 321.
-, — Mary, Barton, Chantry of, 40.
-, — Mary de Barton, 49.
-, — Nicholas, called Frayrygarth, Hospital of, 114.
-, — Oswalde de Nostell, 184, 359.
Sainton, 170.
Salden, 258.
Sallay, 260.
Salley, 8, 75, 273.
Saltemarshe, 120.
Saltemere, 114.
Saltmarsh, 135.
Saltm[er]che, 196.
Saltmershe, 264.
Saltm[er]she, 327.
Sandall, 29, 41, 46, 64, 73, 79, 81, 91, 94,
101, 112, 117, 129, 143, 146,
150, 151, 155, 159, 160, 161,
162, 163, 178, 198, 213, 247,
266, 278, 284, 309, 311, 351,
365, 379.
-, —, Great, 325.
-, — Magna, 232, 275, 299.
Sandbeck, 288.
Sandbecke, 135, 321.
Sandbeke, 59.
Sandebeck, 335.
Sandebecke, 142.
Sandeheton, 115.
Sandeholme, 25.
Sande Hoton, 105, 133.
-, — Carre, 133.
-, — Grange, 211.
Sandekes, 122.
Sandell, 204.
Sandhall, 343, 369.
Sandholme, 137, 140, 150, 213, 228, 264, 282, 313, 322.
Sandhooton, 250.
Sandhoton, 215, 302.
-, — Carr, 105.
Sandhotton, 84.
Sandhuton, 297.
Sandhutton, 384.
Sandie Hutton, 97.
Sandon, 185.
Sandwath, 51.
Sandwith, 160.
Sandwyth, 131.
Santon, 181.
Sarhowse, 310.
Saterforde, 167.
Sawden, 36.
Sawdon, 105, 332, 368, 369.
Sawerby, 38.
Sawersbye, 136.
Sawrby, 86.
Sawreby, 150.
Saxton, 19, 34, 94, 99, 103, 126, 129, 136,
162, 178, 204, 243, 275, 286,
300, 377.
-, — Woodhous, 129.
Saynton, 309.
Scabbed Newton, 64, 89, 96, 115, 312.
Scabbyd Newton, 38, 267, 308.
Scabed Newton, 250.
Scabid Newton, 68.
Scabton, 72.
Scabyd Newton, 78.
Scaggylthorpe als. Skaggilthorpe, 238.
Scakylden, 220.
Scalbe, 261.
Scalby, 110, 208, 228.
Scalbye, 150.
Scales, 68, 69, 108.
Scaling, 318.
Scalton, 234.
Scampton als. Scampston, 14, 15.
Scarbrough, 48.
Scarburgh, 54, 79, 86, 145, 147, 261, 298.
Scardbroughe, 262.
Scardebourgh, 110.
Scardeburgh, 1, 12.
Scargill, 221.
Scarthecote, 170.
Scawby, 108, 147.
Scawceby, 62, 183.
Scawcesby, 105.
Scaxton, 136.
Scayflyng, 57.
Scherleston, 76.
Schupton, 237.
Scidby, 322.
Scolcroft, 99.
Scolcrofte, 127.
Scoles, 176, 257, 331, 364.
Scolls, 196.
Scooles, 244, 352.
Scorburgh, 129.
Scorburghe, 264.
Scorby, 43.
Scorton, 31, 64, 96, 279, 380.
Scosthorpe, 204.
Scoterskelfe, 322.
Scothill, 288.
Scothorp, 124.
Scothorpe, 155, 360.
Scotton, 33, 67, 254, 283.
Scourthehall, 139.
Scowscotts, 286.
Scrafton, 335.
Scraston, 183.
Screvyn, 117.
Screyngham als. Skrayngham, 203.
Scrooton, 215.
Scrowton, 85, 340.
Scruton, 40, 41, 90, 92, 108, 109, 255, 256, 358, 380.
Scudfold, 128.
Scutterskelf, 228.
Seamer, 244, 264, 312, 364.
Seassay, 381.
Seaton, 262.
Sebbar, 24.
Secroft, 101, 154, 261.
Secrofte, 52, 95, 108, 133, 225, 247.
Sedall, 195.
Sedallfeld, 271.
Sedbarge, 193.
Sedbarr, 304.
Sedbarre, 153.
Sedbarrgh, 247.
Sedbergh, 128, 243, 279, 308, 330, 331, 354, 370.
Sedberghe, 197, 287.
Sedburgh, 319, 361, 362.
Sedbury, 35.
-, —, Nether, 273.
-, —, Over, 273.
Seddell, 74.
Sedebar, 116.
Selbie, 74.
Selby, 3, 34, 35, 37, 76, 89, 93, 127, 166,
194, 205, 206, 213, 320, 340,
346, 349, 359, 378.
-, —, Over, 290.
Selbye, 157, 190, 289, 297, 309, 319, 344, 355, 365, 377.
Seleby, 18.
Selesden, 142.
Semare, 28.
Semarre, 77.
Semer, 92, 110, 207, 273, 283.
Senyngthwayte, 259.
Senyngton, 272.
Sesay, 75.
Sesaye, 75.
Sessay, 125, 361.
Seteryngton, 81.
Setryngton, 75.
Settell, 87.
Settill, 39, 284.
Settrington, 298, 363, 371.
Settryngton, 72, 75, 84.
Settyl, 78.
Settyll, 73, 191, 203.
Sewarthorpe, 184.
Sewerby, 165, 176, 250, 259, 362, 376.
-, — als. Sowerbie, 315.
Sewerby als. Sowerby, 330.
Sewerbye als. Sowerby, 293.
Seweroy, 115.
Sexendall als. Thexendaille, 346.
Sexendayle als. Thexendayle, 252.
-, — on the Wolde als. Thixendale, 355.
Seycrofte, 157.
Seymar, 60.
Seymer, 270, 338.
Seynete, 322.
Seynt Oswold, 258.
Seysey, 180.
Seythorne, 166.
Seyton, 33.
-, — in Spaldyngmore, 70.
Shadewell, 108.
Shadwell, 152, 157, 256.
Shaftholme, 70, 374.
Shafton, 59, 97.
Sharelston, 169.
Sharleston, 64, 136, 356.
Sharlston, 103.
Sharoo, 114.
Sharowe, 89, 114, 175.
Sharrowe, 78.
Shathwell, 185.
Shayfeld, 302.
Sheffeild, 210.
Sheffeld, 32, 62, 65, 79, 82, 83, 97, 108,
117, 130, 138, 176, 183, 185,
198, 203, 215, 228, 232, 238,
248, 260, 264, 268, 280, 293,
304, 307, 351, 365, 381, 382.
-, — Lyttell, 381.
Sheffelde, 98, 225, 248, 253, 292.
Shefflyng, 190.
Shefilde, 363.
Sheirburne, 284.
Shelf, 3, 27, 79, 83, 84, 241, 334, 343.
Shelfe, 233, 306, 337.
Shelff, 31, 186, 202, 306.
Shelffe, 92.
Shelley, 40, 47, 49, 52, 62, 63, 66, 149, 183, 321, 377.
Shelly, 122.
Shepeden, 307.
Shepeley, 66, 149.
Shepley, 40, 49, 55, 100, 105, 131, 156,
162, 170, 305, 371.
-, — Hall, 105.
Shepons, 185.
Shepscars, 302.
Sherborne, 93, 100, 105, 126, 138, 139,
195, 382.
-, — als. Shubourne als. Shyrbourne, 286.
Sherbourn, 84.
Sherburn, 98.
Sherburne, 106, 114, 203, 334, 343.
-, — in Elmet, 379.
Shere, The, 167.
Shereborne, 200.
Shereburne, 157, 204, 253, 277.
Sherecliff, 244.
Shereclyff, 245.
Shereclyffe, 176.
Shereffhoton, 362.
Sherleston, 129.
Sheyfyld, Little, 152.
Shier Grene, 37.
Shipden, 41, 56, 136, 191.
Shipley, 170, 175, 215, 217, 225, 228.
Shipping, 374.
Shipton, 61, 170, 373.
Shirborne, 161.
Shirbourne, 25, 162.
Shirburn, 132.
Shirley, 156.
Shitlyngton, Middell, 81.
-, —, Nether, 60.
-, —, Over, 76.
Shopkar, 237.
Shore, 232.
Shubourne als. Sherborne als. Shyrbourne, 286.
Shupton, 142, 156, 263.
Shurborne, 71, 300.
Shurlehowse, 131, 156.
Shybdenbroke, 121.
Shypdene, 269.
Shypley, 191, 226, 274, 336, 346.
Shyppon, 124.
Shypton, 159.
Shyrborne; 123.
Shyrbourne als. Shubourne als. Sherborne, 286.
Shyrburn, 8, 9, 95.
Shyrburne, 367.
Shytlyngton, Middell, 76.
-, — Nether, 61.
Sigeston, 246.
Siggeston, 276.
Sigston, 302, 358.
Sikehowses, 310.
Silkeston, 366.
Silston, 25.
Sixindale als. Thixindale, 323.
Skabbydnewton, 293.
Skabenewton, 31.
Skacleden Grange, 275.
Skaggelthorpe, 299.
Skaggilthorpe als. Scaggylthorpe, 238.
Skakelden, 27.
Skales, 379.
-, — als. Sko als, 351.
Skamoden, 133.
Skampston, 300.
Skamston, 92.
Skarborghe, St Marie Magdalene in, 72.
Skarborough, 350.
Skarborowghe, 342, 371.
Skarbrough, 198, 328.
Skarbroughe, 168.
Skarbrowgh, 171.
Skarburgh, 258, 371.
Skarcrofte, 256.
Skardyngwell, 103, 136, 178.
Skargilthorpe, 300.
Skavd Newton, 296.
Skawby, 371.
Skebye, 314, 328.
Skeffelyng, 45, 160.
Skeffelynge, 345.
Skefflyng, 139, 183.
Skeflete, 135.
Skeftling, 131.
Skelbroke, 43, 154, 161, 197.
Skellall, 2.
Skellawe, 39.
Skelley, 311.
Skelloo, 155.
Skellowe, 8, 96, 118, 131, 156, 163, 164, 204, 342, 347, 361.
Skelmanthorpe, 153, 233, 333.
Skelshae, 167.
Skelton, 26, 53, 55, 92, 105, 137, 139,
146, 154, 164, 175, 196, 245,
260, 264, 267, 273, 294, 300,
322, 323, 327, 343, 369, 381.
-, — als. Gevendale Prebend, 114.
Skepsey, 162.
Skepton, 302.
Skercote, 195.
Skern, 357.
Skerne, 119, 186, 211.
Skerringham, 330.
Skeukirke, 184.
Skeumanthorp, 144.
Skeve— , 273.
Skewkyrke als. Skokyrke, 340.
Skewsby, 201.
Skewysby, 141.
Skewysbye, 201.
Skiplome, 276.
Skippen, 287.
Skipton, 30, 135, 240, 278, 304, 354.
-, — Bridge, 300.
-, — Brigge, 322.
-, — on Swale, 40.
Skipwith, 318.
Skipwyth, 97.
Skircoite, 257.
Skircote, 121, 189, 334, 343, 369.
Skirtonbeck, 378.
Skoales, 344.
Sko als als . Skales, 351.
Skokyrk, 327.
Skokyrke als . Skewkyrke, 340.
Skorborugh als . Skorboro, 348.
Skorbroughe, 384.
Skorburgh, 228.
-, — Water, 228.
Skorton, 163.
Skotton, 321.
Skrayngham als . Screyngham, 203.
Skrayngh[a]m, 115.
Skreingham, 352.
Skurygrave, 322.
Skyby, 281.
Skycote, 195.
Skydby, 348.
Skylton, 132.
Skynnathorp, 185.
Skynnerflatt, 202.
Skynthorpe, 124.
Skypesborough, 108.
Skypsay, 303.
-, — Broke, 303.
-, — Dringhoe, 303.
Skypton, 11, 99, 111, 114, 115, 116, 123,
165, 191, 194, 208, 209, 250,
280, 287, 299, 301, 307, 329,
343, 348.
-, — Inges, 348.
-, — upon Swale, 14, 95, 151.
-, — upon Swalle, 161.
Skypwyth, 179, 264, 278.
Skyrcote, 27, 32, 104, 118, 132, 219, 354.
Skyrcoote, 233.
Skyrcott, 118, 259.
Skyrcotte, 76.
Skyres als. Skyres Hall, 185.
-, — Hall, 108, 182.
-, —, Nether, 108, 182, 185.
-, —, Upper, 185.
Skyrlaugh, South, 356.
Skyrley, North, 178.
-, —, Northe, 212.
Skyrkynbeck, 124.
Skyrtenbeck, 174.
Skyrthyngbecke, 335.
Slack, 138.
Sladborne, 290.
Sladbourne, 293.
Sladbourne, 293.
Sladeborne, 137, 167.
Sladebourne, 221.
Sladmere, 351.
Slaights als. Sleights, 176.
Slaydborn, 124.
Slayghte, 159.
Sledemer, 84.
Sled[..], 312.
Sledmer, 103, 129, 130, 352.
Sledmere, 3, 42, 215.
Sledm[..]holme, 114.
Sledmore, 134.
Sledmyre, 27.
Sleight, 380.
Sleights als. Slaights, 176.
Slengsby, 138.
Sletherefeurd, 196.
Slingesby, 279, 300.
Slyngesby, 146, 173.
Slyngsby Castell, 263.
Slyngysby, 263.
Sm alshay, 222.
Smalves, 237.
Smawes, 40.
Smeaton, 195, 343.
-, — Great, 277.
Smedall, 380.
Smerlstye, 127.
Smetheley, 36, 111.
Smethley, 86.
Smeton, 10, 26, 31, 33, 57, 132, 158, 194,
205, 257, 276, 344, 350.
-, —, Great, 31, 379.
Smeton, Little, 19, 31, 98, 99, 209, 260,
-, — Magna, 280.
Smeyton, 163, 359.
Smythcarr, 176.
Snaboth, 195.
Snaith, 80, 87, 186, 250, 251, 286.
Snaithe, 196.
Snapeboyth, 177.
Snapethorpe, 54, 70.
Snapthorp, 67.
Snath, 127, 327.
Snathe, 144, 161, 182, 318.
Snaynton, 105, 139, 155, 258.
Snayth, 91, 102, 158, 209, 210, 224, 229, 230, 236, 269, 339, 341, 344.
Snaythe, 106, 150, 151, 168, 174, 178, 213, 216, 232, 236, 354, 369, 372.
Snayton, 32, 185, 368.
Sneith, 205.
Sneth, 339.
Sneton, 6, 239, 295, 297.
Sneyth, 181, 224.
Snoddenhill, 295.
Snodell, 366.
Snordhome, 108.
Snydall, 197, 220, 281, 357.
Snytall, 76, 129, 176.
-, — als. Snydall, 224.
Soanceby, 292.
Sobergne als. Solbergh, 322.
Soca de Snayth, 236.
Soddehouses als. Soddhowses, 303.
Sokenwood, 292.
Soland, 169.
Solbargh, 300.
Solbergh als. Soberghe, 322.
Som[er]brygge, 167.
Somerbryge, 170.
Somergranges, le, 87.
Sonderlandwicke, 274.
Sonnybanke, 119.
Soothill, 238.
Soothyll als . Suttyll als. Southill, 249, 250.
Sopewell, 242.
Sotell als . Sothyll, 344.
Sotehill, 19.
Sothcooton, 144.
Sothorne als . Owthorne, 190.
Sothyll, 96.
-, — als. Sotell, 344.
Soulland, 90.
Sourby, 211, 256, 370.
Sourbybryg, 118.
Soureby, 90.
Soutclyff, 85.
Southanston, 64, 96, 102, 126.
Southborne, 145, 209.
Southburne, 60.
Southcave, 194, 325, 327, 344.
Southclyff, 86, 153.
Southclyffe, 41.
Southcotts, 280.
Southcowton, 134, 252, 334.
Southdyghton, 126.
Southeborne, 182.
Southeculton, 31.
Southefrodyngham, 151.
Southekyrkbye, 293, 329.
Southellmstead, 246.
Southelmsall, 161.
Southemylforth, 105.
Southemylforthe, 106.
Southendley, 184, 273.
Southeparke, 249.
Southerby, 79.
Southestaynly, 213.
Southewrome, 136.
Southfenton als. Littlefenton, 317.
-, — als. Lyttyll Fenton, 136.
Southfrothingham, 313.
South-hendley, 202.
South-homes, 224.
South-hyndley, 331.
South-hynley, 239.
Southill als . Soothyll als. Suttyll, 249, 250.
Southkyrkby, 204.
South Kyrke, 169.
Southmore, 305, 334.
Southmylford, 157.
Southmylforth, 47.
Southmylfurth, 253.
Southolme, 9, 45, 48.
Southorp, 35, 139.
Southorpe, 341.
Southorpp, 60.
Southorum, 334.
Southotterington, 246, 277, 307, 325, 329.
Southottryngton, 198.
Southourom, 19, 56.
Southourome, 121, 191, 214.
Southourum, 242.
Southowram, 354.
Southowrom, 79, 110, 354, 373, 375.
Southowrome, 110, 155, 156, 258, 360.
Southuresby, 64, 96.
Southwood, 261.
Sowborne, 342.
Sowerbie als. Sewerby, 315.
Sowerby, 39, 220, 221.
-, — als. Sewerby, 330.
-, — als. Sewerbye, 293.
Sowerthorp, 185.
Sowode, 140.
Sowood, 295.
Sowrby under Cotclyff, 162.
Sowrebie, 221.
Sowreby, 142, 236, 246, 266.
-, — als. Sewerbye, 293.
Sowrebye, 221.
Sowremyre, 324.
Sowterhowse, 177.
Sowthall, 369.
Sowthcliff, 234.
Sowthcots, 328.
Sowtheclyff, 192.
Sowthe Oram, 255.
Sowtheowrome, 179.
Sowth-hanston, 61.
Sowthkyrkby, 380.
Sowthmore, 297, 383.
Sowthorom, 221.
Sowthorome, 149.
Sowthorum, 261.
Sowthottrington, 314.
Sowthowrome, 188, 191, 195, 254.
Sowthows, 252.
Spalding, 33.
Spaldingmore, 337.
Spaldington, 344.
Spaldyngmore, 209.
Spaldyngton, 344.
Spaldyngway, 16.
Sparkehouse, 160.
Spaunton, 231, 316.
Spen, 302.
Spen[n] als . Estryngton, 327, 338.
Spenaythorn, 163.
Spennythorne, 162, 163.
Spenythorn, 38, 68, 77, 78, 85, 89.
Spenythorne, 62, 69, 77, 85, 89, 168, 171,
216, 236, 267, 297.
-, —, St Mary in, 69.
-, —, Chantry of St Michael the
Archangel in, 89.
Speyton, 145.
Spittell Mustham als . Mustham, 327.
Spofforth, 116, 117, 128, 170.
Spoffurth, 77, 200.
Spoford, 72.
Spoforde, 294.
Spoforth, 87, 89.
Spradbroughe, 220.
Sprokston, 362.
Sprotburgh, 44, 136, 247.
Sproteley, 326.
Sprotley, 79, 81, 139, 328, 371, 377.
Sprotsburgh, 22.
Sprotteley, 123.
Sprottley, 183, 280.
Sproxton, 53, 211.
Spynkpygell als . Pypyghell, 149.
Sryngyll, 205.
Stable, 356.
Stabyloke, 151.
Staddylthorpe, 311.
Stadilthorpe, 228.
Stadyethorpe, 150.
Staineland, 333.
Stakett, West, 262.
Stakwodehill, 66.
Stamfordbrigge, 43.
Stamforthbrygg, 377.
Stamforth Briggys, 97.
Stamforthebrigges, 384.
Stanbury, 76.
Stancefelde, 354.
Stancefyld, 316.
Stanck, 368.
Stancke, 246.
Standley, 79.
Standwigges, 198.
Staneford, 109.
Staneforth, 87.
Stanefery, 280.
Staneland, 32, 51, 109, 144, 150, 291, 333.
Stanelay, 276.
Staneley, 80, 279.
-, —, North, 213.
Stanelond, 41.
Stanesby als . Staynesby, 242.
Stanesey Carre, 160.
Stanesfeld, 91.
Stanesley Carre, 205.
Stanfeld, 27.
Stanfery, 48.
Stangehawe, 322.
Stangrave, 25, 323.
Stanlay, 308.
Stanle, 22.
Stanley, 10, 12, 31, 38, 45, 48, 54, 76,
114, 129, 141, 175, 176, 194,
205, 215, 246, 256, 303, 332,
339, 357, 368, 369.
-, — als. Stanley Hall, 332.
Stannesfeld, 90, 91, 93, 99, 146, 249, 250.
Stannyngton, 108, 215.
Stansall, 9, 55, 62, 110, 159, 248, 301, 343.
Stansfeld, 79, 80, 91, 228, 232, 256, 263, 307, 323, 324, 334, 337, 343, 355, 356.
Stansfelde, 233.
Stansfild, 258.
Stanwyke, 114.
Stanyngton, 197.
Stapilton, 266.
Stapiltone, 195.
Stapleton, 132, 209, 242, 301.
Stapylton, 124.
Stareburghe, 175.
Starforth Hall, 272.
Startforde, 274.
Startforth, Nether, 264.
-, —, Over, 264.
-, — als. Stratford, 321.
Startforthe, Nether, 245.
-, —, Over, 245.
Starton, 115.
Staunton, 46, 331.
Staunton Northecotes, 331.
Staveley, 196.
Stawxston, 310.
Staxbye, 160, 205.
Staxton, 365.
Staynbrughe als . Staynburgh, 164.
Staynbrughe Lawe als . Staynburghe Lawe, 164.
Staynburgh, 206.
-, — als. Staynburghlawe, 188.
Staynburghclowe, 86.
Staynburghlawe, 206.
Staynburght, 88.
Staynburghtlawe, 88.
Staynburghtlowe, 86.
Staynburn, 36, 95.
Stayneland, 35, 79, 140, 142, 157, 183, 233, 235, 367.
Staynesby als . Stanesby, 242.
Staynfery, 286, 299.
Stayngrave, 329.
Staynland, 27, 122, 151, 212, 235, 268, 269, 286, 317.
Staynley, 34, 37, 192.
-, —, Southe, 213.
Staynlond, 11, 66.
Staynsby, 283.
Stayn Thorp, 93.
Staynton, 16, 70, 122, 125, 170, 185, 261,
270, 283, 301, 338, 339, 343,
-, — Dale, 203, 204, 205, 252, 253,
256, 257, 261, 270.
-, — Dayle, 217, 218, 219.
-, — Daylle, 218, 219.
Steadde, 292.
Steade, 338, 353.
Stearesby, 364.
Stearesbye, 356.
Stede, 289.
Steede, 294.
Stelegarth, 91.
Stephensonhowse, 177.
Steresbye, 201, 348.
Sterlingbowre, 223.
Sterysbye, 141.
Steton, 9, 50, 71, 101, 106, 225, 286.
-, — als. Steveton, 230.
-, —, Est, 335.
Stetonne, 176.
Stevton, 200.
Stewdley Rogers, 101, 130.
Steynfrey, 74.
Steynlond, 88.
Steynton, 7.
Steyton, 125.
Stillingfleit, 382.
Stircott, 79.
Stirton, 317, 343.
Stobhouse, 169.
Stockbridge, 374.
Stockden, 222.
Stocke, 280.
Stockton, 196, 197, 326.
-, — on the Moor, 288.
Stodderhall als . Stodderdhall, 176.
Stodderhaull, 159.
Stodfold, 61.
-, — als. Stotfold, 185.
Stodley, Great, 6.
-, — Magna, 165.
Stokbrig, 70.
Stokbrygge, 51.
Stokebryge, 109.
Stokebrygefeildhowse, 241.
Stokell, 148.
Stokeslay, 115.
Stokesley, 92, 198, 276, 278.
Stoketon Super Moram, 137.
Stokke, 78.
Stokton on the More, 105.
Stokwell, 340.
Stoneferry, 96, 279, 311.
Stoneferrye, 308, 371.
Stonefery, 286, 328, 337, 366.
Stoneferye, 174, 310.
Stonefferry, 215.
Stoneffery, 328.
Stoneton, 322.
Stonferry, 76.
Stonnefery, 358.
Stonyhyrst, 198.
Storck, 313.
-, — Carre, 313.
Storke, 108, 322.
Storres, 313.
Storreshill, 243.
Stortwhayte, 206.
Stotfold als . Stodfold, 185.
Stothill, 154.
Strafton, 115.
Stratford, 324, 341.
-, — als. Startforth, 321.
Stratforde, 274, 278.
Stratforth Hall, 277.
Strensall, 6, 371.
Stubbes, 19.
-, — Walden, 194.
-, — Waldyng, 174.
Stubbs Walden, 183.
Stubbyng, 378.
Stubbynge, 363.
Stubh[a]m, 148.
Stubley Roger, 304.
Stubswalden als . Vavasour Hall, 365.
Stubs Waldyng, 272.
Stubus als . Stubhus als. Stubhowse, 364.
Studeley, 71.
Studhowe, 254.
Studley, 114, 230.
-, — Roger, 115.
Sturton, 191, 334.
Stutton, 101, 365.
Styllington, 32.
Styllyngflete, 349.
Styllyngflett, 121.
Styllyngton, North, 273.
Substonynge, 114.
Sudcots als. Sutcots, 174.
Sudcotts als . Sutcotts, 279.
Sugworth, 90.
Sulland, 237.
Sunderlandwicke, 267.
Sunderlandwycke, 269.
Sunnyngwayt, 368.
Sunthorpe, 234.
Sunyngwhayt, 334.
Surby, 91.
Sureby, 372.
Sussacrer als . Sussackere, 101.
Sutcotes, 87, 96.
Sutcots als . Sudcots, 174.
Sutcottes, 76.
Sutcotts, 299, 311, 314, 328, 366.
-, — als. Sudcotts, 279.
Sutcottys, 48.
Sutcoytes, 88.
Sutcoytts, 215.
Sutcoytys, 138.
Suthcave, 202.
Suthcootes, 371.
Sutton, 8, 23, 32, 48, 55, 60, 67, 69, 76,
83, 96, 108, 110, 115, 121, 122,
128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 139,
152, 154, 156, 165, 174, 175,
196, 198, 199, 204, 214, 215,
254, 261, 271, 276, 279, 280,
281, 286, 288, 299, 301, 308,
310, 311, 314, 328, 330, 337,
342, 358, 360, 366, 368, 371,
375, 379.
-, — in Elmett, 70.
-, — Ingys, 138.
-, — upon Darwent, 306, 325, 343,
374, 381.
Suttyll, 146.
-, — als. Southill als. Soothyll, 249,
Swainbye, 301, 313.
Swaldale, 207, 250, 272, 328.
Swaldall, 139, 277, 371.
Swale, The, 95, 201, 250, 287.
-, — Dale, 81.
Swalewyts als . Swalowepytts, 114.
Swaneby, 162, 294.
Swaneland, 318, 334, 357.
Swanland, 39, 150, 153, 181, 259, 263, 264, 311, 350, 357.
Swathorp, 30, 66, 101.
Swathorpe, 115.
Swathroppe, 109.
Swawdale, 383.
Swawell, 200.
Swaynbie, 301.
Swaynby, 38, 45, 68, 69, 70, 78, 89, 92, 168, 248.
Swaynbye, 182, 194, 248, 272, 308, 376.
Swayneby, 162.
Swaynland, 329.
Swayth, 98.
Swayton, 145.
Swellcoute, 119.
Swenton, 116, 170.
Swetton, 130.
Swinton, 353.
Swyllyngton, 95, 107, 164, 334.
Swynden, 39, 103, 258, 274, 346.
Swyne, 134, 140, 166, 236, 252, 254, 282, 356, 357.
Swyneflete, 195.
Swynflet, 235.
Swynflete, 95, 100, 186, 210, 211, 297, 306, 316.
Swynflett, 196, 203, 307.
Swynthorpe, 290.
Swynton, 15, 21, 32, 39, 40, 73, 91, 93, 105, 107, 137, 176, 177, 187, 238, 261, 263, 273, 289, 310, 323, 367.
Sydalbroke, 131.
Sygbysthorn, 299.
Syggeston, 115.
Syglesthorne, 186.
Sygston, 368.
-, — als. Bereshend, 186.
Sykehouse, 216.
Sykelynghall, 365.
Sykes, 376.
Sykhowse, 182.
Sylesden, 236, 237.
Sylkeston, 130, 188, 223, 361.
Sylkestone, 164.
Sylksthorne, 83.
Sylkston, 142.
Sylscorne, 357.
Sylston, 140.
Sylstorne, 166.
Sylton, Nether, 241.
-, —, —, als. Sylton Pannell,
-, —, Ou[er], 123.
-, — Pannell, 246.
Synderby, 52, 149.
Synderbye, 256.
Synelyngton, 14, 45.
Synyngethewait als. Synyngtwhit, 238.
Syxyndall als. Thyxyndall, 228.
Tadcaster, 40, 77, 94, 101, 108, 152, 167, 215, 237, 252, 317, 357, 377.
Tadcastermore, 377.
Tadthorp, 29.
Tampton, 300, 322.
Tancarsley, 164.
Tanfeld, West, 332.
Tankersley, 27, 158, 240, 242, 243.
Tanshelff, 353.
Tarnston, 25, 140, 166, 231.
Tayderoupe, 57.
Taytefeld, 244.
Tease, The, 94.
Teise, The, 285.
Tekyll, 15.
Terington, 257, 269.
Teryngton, 35, 296, 300, 332, 336.
Terynton, 18.
Tese, The, 288.
Teyse, The, 137.
Thacker, 265.
Tharlethorpe, 114.
Thexendaille als. Sexendall, 346.
Thexendayle als. Sexendayle, 252.
Thickhill, 182.
Thirkelby, Little, 165, 345.
Thirkelbye als. Thurkelbye, 279.
Thirkilbie, 375.
Thirkleby, 279.
Thirleston, 242.
Thirliston, 167.
Thirne, 159.
Thirnetoft, 300.
Thirno[..]m, 6.
Thirnscoo, 98.
Thirske, 151.
Thiryske, 54.
Thixendale als. Sexendayle on the Wold, 355.
Thixindale, 326.
-, — als. Sixindale, 323.
Thoralby, 245.
Thorealby, 228.
Thoreby, 115.
Thorganby, 90, 108.
Thorgonby, 84.
Thorleby, 191, 331.
Thormanbie, 291.
Thormanby, 302, 307.
-, — als. Thornaby, 332.
Thormoby, 242.
Thormondby, 163, 250.
Thormondbye, 115, 312.
Thorn, 71.
-, — als. Owthorn, 25.
Thornaby als. Thormanby, 332.
Thornabye, 368.
Thornamby, 36.
Thornar, 82, 225.
Thornbargh, 92.
Thornborough, 223.
Thornburgh, 64, 96.
Thornbury, 131.
Thorne, 322, 357.
Thornebargh, 332.
Thornebrough, 292.
Thornecopark, 114.
Thornedale, 114.
Thornegumbolde, 135.
Thorneham, 328, 371.
Thornehell, 226.
Thornehill, 233, 291, 316, 334.
-, — Lees, 291.
Thornell, 69, 72, 373.
Thornell-leys, 226, 373.
Thorner, 152, 237, 273.
Thornes, 38, 45, 143, 158, 191, 242, 256, 306, 332, 356, 373.
Thorneton, 14, 15, 77, 78, 86, 119, 139,
143, 144, 155, 178, 180,
181, 196, 200, 204, 219,
223, 227, 245, 280, 282,
296, 314, 317, 322, 330,
341, 374.
-, — in le Beynes, 221.
-, — in the Strete, 102, 325.
-, — on the More, 300.
-, — Steward, 322.
-, — Stewarde, 300.
-, — sup. Montem, 182.
-, — Watlous, 355.
Thornetonbrygge, 146.
Thorneymore, 264, 384.
Thorngombald, 33, 38.
Thorngumbald, 5.
Thornh[a]m, 280.
Thornholme, 125.
Thornomby, 293.
Thornor, 19.
Thornsett, 208.
Thorntoft, 55.
Thornton, 16, 36, 46, 47, 50, 53, 114,
128, 138, 184, 185, 199, 206,
208, 215, 262, 306.
-, — Brigge, 47, 53.
-, — Brigges, 65, 73.
-, — in le More, 252.
-, — in the Strete, 175.
-, — on the Hill, 20, 59.
-, — Watlos, 31, 159.
Thornyll, 281, 284, 285.
Thornylleighes, 281, 285.
Thorp, 11, 12, 13, 21, 176.
-, — near Wentworth, 78.
-, — Wroys, 71.
Thorparch, 227.
Thorparche, 7, 108, 154, 184.
Thorpastrete, 16.
Thorpawdleyn, 336.
Thorpbassett, 270.
Thorpe, 30, 96, 97, 105, 108, 114, 124,
132, 135, 172, 182, 185, 189,
196, 206, 232, 244, 245, 246,
262, 264, 266, 281, 282, 287,
318, 327, 336, 341, 352.
-, — als. Owthorn, 140.
-, — als. Owthorpe, 166.
-, — Arch, 130, 363.
-, — Arche, 154.
-, — Bassett, 104, 151, 250.
-, — Brantingh[a]m, 281.
-, — Darington als. Darington, 195.
-, — Hamelton, 76.
-, — in Balme, 96.
-, — in Balme als. Belthorpe, 73.
-, — in Balne, 124, 155, 162, 163,
215, 327.
-, — in Baulne, 89.
-, — in Bawne, 146, 155, 351.
-, — in Bealne, 204.
-, — in the Street, 61.
-, — in the Strete als. Rowthorpe,
-, — near Rippon, 337.
-, — near Rypon, 75.
-, — near Wellwyke, 158, 159.
-, — Prestley near Halifax, 47.
-, — Rawe, 277, 280, 328, 335, 371.
-, — Redds als. Rauds, 232.
-, — Rowe, 276.
-, — Ryonyld, 63.
-, — Salvin, 119.
-, — Salvyn als. Ragnall, 119.
-, — — als. Thorpe Ryknell,
-, — Underwood, 354.
-, — upon Tease, 94.
-, — upon Teise, 285.
Thorpeaudlen, 384.
Thorpebassett, 155, 184.
-, — als. Thorpepassett, 300.
Thorperaw, 383.
Thorpesaluen, 127.
Thorpestonge, 114.
Thorpp, 136, 367.
-, — near Rypon, 98.
Thorppe in Balme, 37.
-, — in Balne als. Belthorp, 41.
Thorpunderwode, 3.
Thoulthropp, 256.
Thourne, 164.
Threpen als. Thropon, 48.
Threske, 345.
Threstenby, 110.
Threuscoo (? Threnscoo), 229.
Thropon, 285.
-, — als. Thropyn, 131.
Thrybergh, 32.
Thryngarth, 252.
Thrynescoo, 258.
Thrynsco, 260.
Thrynscoo, 185, 260.
Thryske, 92, 237.
Thurbyston, 169.
Thurcrofte, 310.
Thurgarland, 169, 230, 350.
Thurgoland als. Thurgerland, 365.
Thurguland, 366.
Thurgurland, 53, 130.
Thurkelbye als. Thirkelbye, 279.
Thurkylby, 92.
Thurkylby, 220.
Thurleby, 263.
Thurleston, 18, 85, 123, 124, 141, 158,
181, 192, 222, 233, 244,
252, 334.
-, — Mere, 222, 310.
Thurlestone, 350.
Thurliston, 230.
Thurlston, 63, 111, 161, 298.
Thurlyston, 141, 295, 307.
Thurnam, 241.
Thurne, 115, 279, 344.
Thurnefeilde, 97.
Thurnegumbold, 319.
Thurnesco, 265.
Thurnestowe, 137, 184.
Thurnham, 101.
Thurnscoo, 359.
Thurnskewe, 167.
Thurnsko, 210.
Thurnsto, 52.
Thurntofte, 249.
Thurscoo, 205.
-, — Grange, 205.
Thurstanby, 28, 77.
Thurstanlond, 78.
Thurstoland, 246.
Thurstonland, 52, 55, 192, 300.
Thurstonlande, 137, 149.
Thwaite, 329.
Thwaitehouse, 329.
Thwayte, 123.
Thwaytes, 134.
Thwayts, 218.
Thwaytys, 106.
Thweyng upon the Wold, 132.
Thwyng, 30.
Thwynge, 101, 244.
Thyhholyns, 78.
Thyrkelby, Great, 121.
Thyrkelby, Little, 121.
Thyrkeylbye, 259.
Thyrkylby, Great, 161.
-, —, Little, 161.
Thyrkylbye, 264.
-, —, Great, 255.
Tu[r]nholme, 42.
Tunstal, 300.
Tunstall, 65, 79, 92, 138, 272, 273, 277, 280, 315, 328, 347, 358, 371.
Turnamhall, 4, 299.
Turneham, 109.
-, — Hall, 143.
Twaite, 151.
Twisilton, 30.
Twyng, 66, 145.
Twynneslawe, 116.
Twyselton, 308.
Twyssindale, 145.
Tyas als. Myddelton tyers, 273.
Tybbethorpe, 143.
Tybthorp, 107.
Tybthorpe, 336, 377.
Tybthroppe, 302.
Tychell, 262.
Tychhill, 235.
Tychill, 250.
Tyckell, 95.
Tyckhill, 267, 273, 294, 343, 344, 349, 379.
Tyckhyll, 185, 248, 279, 295, 337, 354, 379.
Tykell, 4.
Tykhill, 55, 56, 60, 62, 65, 73, 79, 82, 122, 159, 166.
Tykhull, 108.
Tykhyll, 75, 78, 80, 85, 125, 130, 170, 194, 208, 209, 217.
Tykyll, 68.
Tylehowse, 267.
-, — gru[..]nge, 267.
Tylne, 135.
Tyls, 122.
Tylse, 309.
-, —, Great, als. Tylthall, 309.
Tylthall als. Great Tylse, 309.
Tymbyll, 154.
Tymslawe, 108, 182.
Tynglawe, 215, 218, 252, 262.
Tynglay, 159.
Tyngley, 144.
Tynneslawe, 116, 233.
-, —, St Laurence, 233.
Tynneslowe, 86, 89, 102.
-, —, St Laurence, 86.
Tynnyslowe, 363.
Tynslawe, 345.
Tynsley, 98.
Tynslowe, 185, 232.
Typlyngcote, 157.
Tyrnscue, 365.
Tyrryngton, 260.
Ufflete, 6, 158, 161, 162, 179, 341.
Ufflett, 87.
Uffleyte, 74.
Uffleyte Cowclose, 158.
Uggethorpe, 97, 164.
Ughill, 76.
Ughtebryge, 2.
Uglebarbye, 120, 121.
Ugylbby, 297.
Ukkerby, 273.
Ulcoots, 204.
Uleston, 294.
Ulley, 38.
Ulram, 318, 326, 358.
Ulrome, 247.
Ulskelf, 256.
Ulvyngton als. Ovyngton, 359.
Underwaye, 318.
Unthank, 64, 89, 96.
Upledeham, 280.
Upledom, 273, 371.
Upledome, 297.
Upletham, 328.
Uplethome, 114, 316, 322, 330.
Uplethum, 13.
Upperborobye, 361.
Upplethome, 300.
Uppislande, 198.
Upsall, 64, 92, 96.
Upton, 97, 143, 162, 169, 185, 189, 204, 303, 329.
Urethorp, 34.
Ursflete als. Orsflete, 224.
-, — als. Orsseflete, 161, 162.
Urton, 244.
Usborne, Great, 160.
Usborne, Little, 206.
Usburn, Great, 19.
Usburne, 251.
-, —, Great, 251.
-, —, Little, 223, 292.
Use, The, 121.
Usflete, 105, 221.
Uskelf, 44, 95, 244.
Uskelfe, 44.
Uskell, 103, 178, 286.
Ustwyke, 174.
Utley, 133.
Utthorne, 174.
Vavasour Hall als. Stubswalden, 365.
Waddeshelfe, 147.
Waddesley, 86, 87, 349, 373.
Waddesworth, 22, 27, 34, 60, 79, 90, 150, 195, 197, 334.
Waddesworthe, 161, 191, 207.
Waddington, 281, 341, 383.
Waddislay, 206.
Waddisworth, 93, 177, 234, 242, 284, 343.
Waddisworthe, 321.
Waddsworth, 22.
Waddworth, 217.
Waddyngton, 113, 253, 282.
Waddysley, 213, 267, 309.
Waddysworth, 99, 233, 258, 276, 374.
Waddysworthe, 360.
Wadesworth, 64, 96.
Wadisworth, 49, 256.
Wadsworth, 86.
Wadworth, 9, 38, 53, 55, 62, 91, 159, 208, 325, 351.
Wadworthe, 159.
Wadyngton, 185, 221.
Wadysworth, 302.
Waghan, 134.
Waghen, 134.
Waitwith, High, 321.
-, —, Law, 321.
Wakefeild, 134, 178, 191, 194, 215.
Wakefeld, 4, 7, 12, 19, 22, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 61, 65, 66, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 91, 99, 103, 108, 112, 117, 118, 129, 130, 138, 141, 143, 146, 152, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 178, 179, 181, 184, 188, 191, 192, 197, 205, 215, 224, 235, 238, 240, 245, 247, 252, 253, 256, 261, 266, 267, 276, 280, 287, 290, 299, 303, 307, 308, 310, 311, 318, 320, 332, 336, 338, 339, 344, 349, 355, 357, 358, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 373, 374, 380, 381.
Wakefelde, 70, 149, 169, 191, 194, 196, 197, 215, 218, 226, 235, 243, 246.
Wakefell, 181.
Wakefeyld, 176.
Wakefild, 191.
Wakefyld, 301.
Wakefylde, 180.
Wakfeld, 64.
Wakley, 97.
Walbes Hall als. Little Houghton, 307.
Walburn, 12.
Walburne, 309.
Walcryngham, 197.
Waldcarr, 348.
Walden, 90, 108, 234.
Walde Newton, 195.
Waldershelf, 225, 240.
Waldershelff, 183.
Waldnewton, 9.
Waldringstubbes, 359.
Waldyng, 348.
Waldyngstubbes, 209.
Wales, 98, 123, 230.
Waleswood, 123.
Waliswood, 63.
Walkamstoo, co. Essex, 30.
Walkeley, 176, 215, 280, 381, 382.
Walke Mylles, 111.
Walkergate, 98.
Walkingham Hyll, 67.
Walkyngton, 32, 101, 211.
Wallersgrave, 27.
Wallerthwayte, 223.
Wallertwhayte, 292.
Wallesgrave, 108, 110.
Wallie, 310.
Wallyngfen, 190, 220.
Wallyngton, 194.
Wallyngwellys, 95.
Wallys, 61.
W alsgrave, 48, 171.
W alsheford, 112.
-, — als. W alshfurth, 268.
Walshefurth, 126.
Walton, 29, 46, 64, 67, 101, 108, 112,
117, 129, 130, 143, 151, 154,
161, 163, 178, 184, 228, 238,
243, 249, 266, 309, 311, 363,
-, — als. Waltham, 227.
-, — Hede, 175.
-, —, Middle, 29.
-, —, Nether, 29, 243.
-, —, Ov., 243.
-, —, Upper, 29.
-, — Woodhouse, 178, 243.
Waltonhed, 72.
Wandeforth, 129.
Wandefurth, 77.
Wandesford, 336.
Wandesforth, 27, 75.
Wanfford, 186.
Wannyford, 28.
Wansfurth, 298, 306.
Waplyngton, 271, 300.
Wapplyngton, 77.
Wardeley, 238.
Wardermarsh, 15.
Wardermarshe, 324.
Warderm[er]ske, 377.
Wardley, 157.
Wardmarche, 93.
Waresworth, 79.
Warham, 283.
Warlabye, 363.
Warlaghby, 92, 211.
Warlaghbye, 264.
Warlegh, 79.
Warlely, 158.
Warlewythes, 81.
Warley, 302.
Warleybye, 378.
Warmefeld, 269, 311.
Warmeffelde, 243.
Warmeshafeld, 219.
Warmesworth, 118, 152, 162, 217, 323.
Warmfeld, 64.
Warmsworth, 161.
Warmysworth, 146.
Warneby, 150.
Warnefeld als. Kyrkthorpe, 356.
Warrome, 377.
Warshall, 167, 170.
Warter, 132, 136, 173, 199.
Warth, 313.
Warthorpe als. Werthorpe, 171.
Wartt, 165.
Warwyk, 12.
Warwyke, 79.
Wassand, 43, 66, 166, 357.
Wassandd, 140.
Wassandis, 25.
Waterfulforth, 140, 175.
Waterhall, 236.
Water Potterton, 113.
Waterton, 311.
Wath, 19, 29, 34, 54, 60, 61, 78, 129,
155, 170, 172, 185, 248, 265,
316, 323, 380.
-, — als. West Melton, 185.
Wathe, 136, 148, 172, 318, 337, 338, 362, 367.
Watlous, 92.
Watlows, 64, 96.
Watthe, 177.
Watton, 84, 136, 322.
Waulborne, 287.
Waxham, 25, 138, 140.
Waxsome, 139.
Waykefeld, 208.
Wayles, 230.
Wayleswoodehall, 230.
Waynefforde, 125.
Waythgatte, 210.
Waythowse, 162.
Websey, 219.
Wederby, 29.
Wederbye, 105.
Weeton, 156.
Weike, 322.
Welayton, 266.
Welborne, 16, 352.
Welbourne, 149.
Welbroke, 10.
Welburn, 161.
Welburne, 116.
Wellerby, 138.
Wellesden, 147.
Wellom, 110.
Wellowe, 113.
Wellwyke, 158.
Wellyngley, 9, 55, 62, 110.
Welweke, 169.
Welwick, 188.
Welwyke, 190, 196.
Wembersley, 57.
Wensladale, 299.
Wensley, 190.
Went, The, 169, 174, 216.
Wentbrig, 98, 132.
Wentbrigge, 195.
Wentbrydge, 105.
Wentbryge, 173.
Wentbrygge, 33, 365.
Wentworth, 19, 29, 49, 50, 78, 108, 182,
185, 232, 233, 238, 287,
292, 345, 359, 362, 374,
-, — Woodhouse, 232.
-, — als. Wintworth, 352.
Wentworthe, 216, 292, 318, 338, 344, 362, 363, 364.
Werderley, 156.
Werdley, 364.
Werethorp, 105.
Werthorpeals. Warthorpe, 171.
Wescoo, 183.
Wesname, als. Wysham, 195.
Westapleton, 300.
Westardislowe, 229, 302, 303, 326, 332.
Westardyslaw, 102.
Westardyslawe, 225, 252.
Westardysley, 144.
Westaukeswell, 226.
Westbolton, 190.
Westbretton, 46, 110, 219, 223, 367.
Westbrompton, 300.
Westclafeld, 152.
Westclose, 261.
Westcoiw, 268.
Westcotam, 285.
Westcowghill, 36.
Westcowton, 273.
Westelley, 39, 311.
Westelveley, 350.
Wester Aslawe, 159.
Westerdale, 361.
Westerdall, 293.
Westerdislawe, 246, 253.
Westerdislowe, 227, 311.
Westerdyslawe, 262.
Westerton, 76, 152, 159, 215.
Westgarforth, 52, 334, 361.
Westgartheforthe, 361.
Westgate in Wakefeld, 42.
Westhaghe, 116.
Westhall, 36, 71, 109, 230, 291, 318.
Westhalton, 258.
Westhardwyke, 301.
Westhaukeswell, 384.
Westhawkyswell, 163.
Westheslarton, 263.
Westheslerton, 34, 75.
Westhetton, 121.
Westhouse, 145, 181.
Westhowse, 144.
Westhroppe, 300.
Westhus, 313.
Westknampton, 165.
Westknapton, 162.
Westland, 319.
Westlands, 286.
West Leys, 255.
Westlutton, 75, 115, 288.
Westmanhaugh, 240.
Westmarton, 57, 99, 102, 111, 116.
Westmelton, 148, 155.
Westminster, St Peter, 22, 71.
Westmore, 335.
Westnesse, 25.
Westnewton, 140.
Westnunnyngton, 25.
Westo, 283.
Weston, 156.
Westoohill, 364.
Westow, 242.
Westowe, 51, 72, 81, 84, 366.
Westowhyll, 261.
Westpathnall, 191.
Westpaythnall, 261.
Westrongton, 139.
Westruckrofte, 277.
Westus, 313.
Westwang, 114.
Westweke, 2.
Westwhynham, 383.
Westwhynhome, 334.
Westwyke, 160.
Weteley, 29.
Wethernewyk als. Wetherwyk, 357.
Wethernwike, 58.
Wethernwycke, 259.
Wetherwicke, 124.
Wetherwyke, 144.
Wethorne, 190.
Wethurwik, 25.
Weton, 2, 119, 183, 190, 196, 261, 292, 310, 361, 364.
Wetonyng, 356.
Wetton, 347.
Wetwang, 6, 103, 180.
Wetwange, 312.
Wetwargrake, 114.
Wetwong, 188.
Wetwoode als. Clayflatt, 114.
Weuerthorp, 42.
Wexham, 102, 208.
Weyton, 36.
Weyt Yng, 80.
Whallesgrave, 1, 12, 258.
Whaplowe, 114.
Wharf, The, 26, 125, 144.
Wharfe, The, 118, 237.
Wharff, The, 62, 119, 130, 308, 320, 322, 363.
Wharffe, The, 365.
Wharham Percye, 381.
Wharlaby, 230.
Wharleton, 42, 92, 300.
Wharmby, 65, 136.
Wharmbye als. Quarmbye, 246.
Wharmeby, 155, 380.
Wharnby, 70.
Wharram Persey, 240.
Wharron, 310.
-, — le Strete, 310.
Wharrum in le Strete, 239.
Whassyngton, 68.
Whaston, 361.
Wheatley, 138, 146, 194, 290, 292, 325, 332.
Wheitley, 109.
Wheldale, 128.
-, — als. Queldale, 262.
Wheldrake, 272.
Whenby, 128.
Whermby, 100.
Whernby, 69.
Wheteley, 60, 212.
Whetley, 124.
Wheytley, 138.
Whidgiftals. Whytgifte, 224.
Whitby, 205, 317.
Whitbye, 160, 315.
Whitehill, 233.
Whiteley, 22.
Whitewode, 11.
Whitfeld, 122.
Whitgyft, 135.
Whitkirke, 247.
Whitley, 36, 69, 79, 91, 151, 209, 360.
-, —, Nether, 153.
Whitleythorpp, 91.
Whitwell, 87.
-, — Superiorem, 31.
Whitwode, 51, 55.
Whitwood, 291.
Whitwoode, 184.
Whixeley, 226.
Wholehouses, 363.
Whyetley, 206.
Whykesley, 109.
Whykke als. Wyke, 207.
Whylegrace, 114.
Whypley, 126, 272.
Whyston, 171, 283, 319.
-, —, Over, 284.
Whystone, Over, 214.
Whytby, 92, 239, 312, 317.
Whytbye, 205, 273, 295, 297.
-, — Lathes, 160, 205.
Whytclyff, 114.
Whytehall, 277.
Whyterodyng, 39.
Whytfeld, 123.
Whytgift, 374.
Whytgifte als. Whidgift, 224.
Whytgyft, 264, 316.
Whytley, 106, 163, 189, 269, 295, 359,
-, — Wood, 132, 203, 248.
Whytwell, 134.
Whytwod Mere, 148.
Whytwood, 240, 249, 251, 338.
Whytwoods, 206.
Whyxley, 289.
-, — als. Quiexley, 83.
Wibse, 75.
Wickham, 258.
Wickington, 275.
Widgiffe als. Witgiffe, 161, 162.
Wigdon als. Wygton, 326.
Wigesthorpe, 300.
Wighill, 82.
Wighton, 170.
-, — on the Woulde, 374.
-, — Subtus Olde als. under le Olde,
Wigton, 47.
Wike, 343.
Wikeham, 361.
Wikeh[a]m, 242.
Wikersley, 185.
Wikh[a]m, 204.
Wilberffosse, 103.
Wilberforse, 226.
Wilbury, 300.
Wildethorpe, 10.
Willarby, 310.
Willerby, 93, 165, 318, 365.
Willerbye, 135.
Willerley, 136.
Willesthorp, 3, 7.
Willesthropp, 46.
Willitofte, 344.
Willorby, 33.
Willowgh Parke, 221.
Willughby and Erysby, 22.
Willu[..] Rode, 119.
Willytoft, 320.
Wilsik, 9, 62.
Wilstrope, 238.
Wilsthroppe, 380.
Winladen, 192.
Wintworth als. Wentworth, 352.
Wirsburghe, 92.
Wiskemore, 374.
Wistowe, 35.
Witgiffe als. Widgiffe, 161, 162.
Withnis, 236.
Withornwyk, 9.
Witton, 16.
Wodapleton, 315.
Wodehall, 78.
Wodehouse, 129.
Wodekirk, 19.
Wodersom, 152.
Wodesom, 99.
Wodeson, 94.
Wodethorp, 150.
Wodhall, 64, 68, 87, 89, 96, 126.
Wodhouse, 93, 117.
Wodhowse, 54, 75, 280, 281, 307.
Wodkirk, 23.
Wodkirke, 302, 332.
Wodkyrk, 94.
Wodkyrke, 159.
Wodlathes, 111.
Wodlathis, 62.
Wodlathys, 62.
Wodmanse, 25, 140.
Wodmansey, 166.
Wodmansley, 322.
Wodosome, 257.
Wodsettys, 38.
Wodworth, 110.
Woferton, 119.
Wolferton, 264, 318, 351.
Wolfton, 62.
Wollerby, 318.
Wollerflatt, 114.
Wolleskeff, 114.
Wolley, 92, 94, 110, 142, 200, 244, 304, 344, 347.
Wolleye, 241.
Wolston, 200.
Wolthwayte, 170.
Wolstogpark als. Wormesclose, 114.
Wombell, 108.
Wombersley, 243.
Wombewell, 86, 111, 130, 133, 172, 180, 353, 367.
Wombleton, 343.
Wombwell, 36, 67, 78, 182, 185, 363.
Wombresley, 194.
Wombylton, 241.
Womersley, 158, 165, 192.
Wommersley, 359, 367.
Wommewell, 48.
Womm[er]sley, 163.
Womwell, 184.
Womylton, 182.
Wom[m]ylton, 56.
Woodall, 195, 262, 320, 353.
Woodapleton, 317.
Woodappleton, 359.
Woodehousse, 254.
Woodekyrk, 176.
Woodesettys, 121.
Woodfeildland, 356.
Woodhall, 38, 54, 63, 65, 117, 190, 193, 209, 279, 365, 376.
Woodhouse, 76, 120, 198.
Woodhouses, 378.
Woodhowse, 110, 266.
Woodhowsemore, 377.
Woodkirck, 357.
Woodkircke, 326.
Woodkyrk, 99, 102, 311.
Woodkyrke, 76, 172, 252, 290, 303.
Woodlathes, 85.
Woodlethes, 238.
Woodmansey, 357.
Woodrow, 148.
Woodsettys, 95.
Woodsome, 200, 241.
Woomersley, 209.
Woonbleton, 174.
Wordley, 216.
Workeley, 90.
Wormesclose als . Wolstogpark, 114.
Worrall, 206, 213, 309.
-, — als. Wyrrall, 266.
Worsall, 264, 322.
Worsborowe, 139.
Worsbrough, 240.
Worsburdayle, 206.
Worsburgh, 35, 52, 86, 206, 228, 319, 341, 362, 374.
Worsburghdale, 319, 341, 374.
Worsburghe, 90, 133, 195.
Worshall, 202.
Worsope, 107.
Wortley, 46, 78, 158, 172.
-, — als. Wrytley, 343.
Worysborughe, 266.
Worysboroughdale, 161, 266.
Worysburgh, 161, 163.
Worysburghdale, 163.
Wospur, 163.
Wothernwyke, 65.
Woton, 59.
Woudhaule, 236.
Woulwheite, 122.
Wragby, 66, 73, 160, 169, 180, 184, 258, 285, 327, 359.
Wragbye, 72, 178, 192, 205, 267, 377.
Wrangbroke, 161, 185, 204.
Wrangebroke, 178.
Wrathe, The, 93.
Wreleton, 272.
Wrelton, 33, 381.
Wrenthorpe, 31, 368.
Wresill, 190.
Wressyll, 220.
Wresyll, 77.
Wrielton, 46.
Wrose, 131.
Wrosse, 156.
Wrytley als . Wortley, 343.
Wulston, 276.
Wuluerton, 39.
Wurmfeld, 309.
Wursburgh, 87.
Wurseburghdale, 225.
Wursper, 164.
Wurtley, 101, 164.
Wybsey, 83, 91, 112, 346.
Wycke, 176.
Wyckersley, 309.
Wyckham, 363.
Wycome, 211.
Wydgeley, 79.
Wyggynton, 343.
Wyghton, 275.
Wyglesworth, 287.
Wygsall, 266.
Wygton als . Wigdon, 326.
Wygyngthorpe, 129.
Wygyngton, 90, 108.
Wykam, 368.
Wyke, 233, 334, 360, 364.
-, — als. Whykke, 207.
Wykeham, 110.
Wykham, 148.
Wykke, 176.
Wykersley, 65, 184, 309.
Wyk[a]m, 285.
Wylberfose, 290.
Wylberfosse, 165, 166, 269.
Wyldethorpe, 208.
Wyldthorpe, 248.
Wyllaloby, 189.
Wyllay, 219.
Wyllerby Carr, 351.
Wyllesden, 282.
Wylley Hall, 104.
Wyllsyck, 343.
Wyllyngley, 164.
Wyllytoft, 70.
Wylsden, 97, 134, 214, 280, 341.
Wylseden, 168.
Wylshome, 378.
Wylsycke, 208.
Wylsyk, 110.
Wylsyke, 108, 118.
Wylton, 24, 114, 231, 384.
-, — Bishop, 25.
-, — Bysshope, 114.
Wylytoste, 133.
Wymbersley, 19, 31, 296.
Wymondthorpe, 12.
Wyndesley, 167, 170.
Wyndhyll, 336.
Wynested, 35, 60.
Wynestede, 283.
Wyng, co. Bucks., 45.
Wyngflete, 135.
Wyngfley, 165.
Wynkesley, 335.
Wynmore, 364.
Wynsetts, 345.
Wynstow als . Wystow, 269.
Wynterset, 67.
Wyntersett, 359.
Wynteryngham, 103.
Wynthorpe, Great, 264, 384.
-, —, Little, 264, 384.
Wynton, 115, 368.
-, — als. Wynston, 186.
-, — Stanke, 115.
Wyntringh[a]m, 287.
Wyntryngh[a]m, 305.
Wynxley, 358.
Wyrkeley, 307.
Wyrklay, 56, 98.
Wyrrall, 87, 234.
-, — als. Worrall, 266.
Wyrteley als . Wyrkeley, 285, 304.
Wyrtley als . Wyrkeley, 275, 276, 299.
Wysard, 182.
Wysarde, 185.
Wyscard, 108.
Wyse, 351.
Wyshame als . Wesname, 195.
Wyske, The, 379.
Wyskemore, 301.
Wysted, 66, 199.
Wystow, 118.
-, — als. Wynstow, 269.
Wystowe, 89, 105, 324, 351, 378.
Wytherne Wycke, 364.
Wythernsey, 174.
Wytheruse (? Wythernse), 341.
Wytone, 220.
Wyttakers, 142.
Wytton, 109.
Wyuerthorpe, 97.
Yafforth, 15, 107.
Yapam, 103.
Yapeham, 377.
Yapeh[a]m, 152, 153.
Yapham, 57, 300, 380.
Yarfurthe, 177.
Yarh[a]m, 242.
Yarm, 299.
Yarme, 188, 206, 300.
Yarnwyke, 112.
Yarome, 349.
Yatehouse, 119.
Yeadon, 293.
Yearslay, 212.
Yearsley, 227, 233, 242.
-, — Peill, 242.
Yeddyngham, 75, 263.
Yedon, 231.
Yedyngham, 178.
Yelddyngham, 34.
Yeolthrop, 271.
Yerdesley, 63.
Yeresley als. Yowarslay, 227.
Yerom upon Tyes, 97.
Yewett, 379.
Yewkeflete, 267.
Yewkflete, 378.
Yngbircheworth, 123.
Yngburcheworthe, 144.
Yngburchworthe, 183.
Yngbyrcheworth, 123.
Yngbyrchworthe, 153.
Yngclose, 91.
Yngebirchwod, 85.
Yngebirchworth, 77.
Ynglebye, 328.
Yngleton, 56.
Yockflett, 196.
Yokclyffe, 137.
Yokefflete, 149.
Yokefleet, 7.
Yokeflete, 148, 150, 194.
Yokeflett, 264.
Yoldingham, 211.
Yookeflete, 370.
Yore, The, 313.
York and Yorke, 1, 2, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 32, 38, 39, 44, 45, 51, 57, 68, 77, 78, 80, 85, 89, 92, 96, 100, 105, 107, 118, 135, 136, 137, 150, 154, 158, 184, 190, 195, 211, 217, 227, 228, 273, 279, 308, 324, 357, 364, 367, 368, 369, 375, 379.
York and Yorke, All Hallowes sup. le
Pavement in, 150.
-, —, All Saints Payment in, 2.
-, —, Anstye of, 136.
-, —, Blackestreet in, 251.
-, —, Blackstrete in, 368.
-, —, Blake Strete in, 311.
-, —, Cathedral Church of, 38, 68, 77, 78, 85, 89.
-, —, Connystreete in, 251.
-, —, Conyestrete in, 311.
-, —, Conystrete in, 379.
-, —, County of, 59, 205.
-, —, Dauygate in, 18.
-, —, Davygate in, 251.
-, —, Fossgate in, 324.
-, —, Fysshergate in, 251.
-, —, Gothoromgate in, 251.
-, —, Gyllygate in, 364.
-, —, Hall Feldes in, 379.
-, —, Holy Trinity in, 100.
-, —, Jubery in the Suburbs of, 21.
-, —, Loplane in, 364.
-, —, Metropolitan Church of, 357.
-, —, Monkgate in the Suburbs of, 21.
-, —, Myckelgate in, 228.
-, —, Mykylgayt in, 92.
-, —, North Strete in, 251.
-, —, Old Coneystreete in, 22.
-, —, Petergate in, 367.
-, —, St Andrewe Gate in, 251.
-, —, — Crux in, 311.
-, —, — Helene in, 311.
-, —, — John the Evangelist (chantry
of) in, 100.
York and Yorke, St Katherine (chantry
of) in, 100.
-, —, — Margaret in, 294.
-, —, — Martin in, 64, 92, 96, 311, 379.
-, —, — Michael Archi. de Belfraie in,
-, —,— — in le Belfraye in, 367.
-, —,— — near Owsebrige in, 20.
-, —, — Nicholas the Bishop in, 21.
-, —, — Peter in, 321.
-, —, — Stephen in the Cathedral
Church of, 89.
-, —, — William's College, 357.
-, —, Skeldergate in, 228.
-, —, Thursdaye Markett in, 251.
-, —, Walmegate in, 324.
Youkeflete, 86.
Youkflete, 120.
Yowarslay als. Yeresley, 227.
Yowersley, 235.
Yowclyft, 55.
Yowkeflete, 228.
Yowkelete als. Yowkeflete, 283.
Yowkflete, 79.
Yowland, 88.
Yrton, 364.
Yukflete, 12.
Zapeham, 12.
-, — oulthorpe, 300.