
Page xvi

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1969.

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abp. archbishop
adm. admission, admit, admitted
ant. antiquities
archdcn. archdeacon
archdcnry archdeaconry
B.C.L. bachelor of civil law (Oxon.)
B.Cn.L. bachelor of canon law (until 1535)
B.D. bachelor of divinity
bp. bishop
c. circa
ch. church
co. county
coll. collated, collation
comm. commission
comp. compiled by
conf. confirmation, confirmed
cons. consecrated, consecration
d. death, died
d. and c. dean and chapter
D.C.L. doctor of civil law (Oxon.)
depriv. deprivation, deprived
ed. edited by, edition
el. elect, elected, election
exch. exchange, exchanged
f. folio
gr. grant, granted
hist. historical, history
instal. installation, installed
k. king
kt. knight
Lamb. Lambeth Palace Library
lic. licence
lic. alibi cons. licence alibi consecrari
lic. el. licence to elect
LL.B. bachelor of civil law (Cantab.)
LL.D. doctor of civil law (Cantab.)
M.A. master of arts
mand. mandate
mand. adm. mandate to admit
m.i. monumental inscription
n.d. no date
nomin. nominated, nomination
occ. occur, occurrence, occurs
P.R.O. Public Record Office, London
preb. prebend, prebendary
pres. presentation, presented
ratif. ratification, ratified
reg. register
res. resignation, resigned
s.d. same day
Som. House Somerset House
temps. temporalities
trans. translated, translation
vac. vacant, vacated